Material Testing
Material Testing
Material Testing
The basic aim is to find out the water content required to produce a cement paste of
standard consistency as specified by the IS: 4031 (Part 4) - 1988. The principle is that
standard consistency of cement is that consistency at which the Vicat plunger penetrates
to a point 5-7mm from the bottom of Vicat mould.
Apparatus - Vicat apparatus conforming to IS: 5513 - 1976, Balance, whose permissible
variation at a load of 1000g should be +1.0g, Gauging trowel conforming to IS: 10086 1982.
Procedure to determine consistency of cement
i) Weigh approximately 400g of cement and mix it with a weighed quantity of water. The
time of gauging should be between 3 to 5 minutes.
ii) Fill the Vicat mould with paste and level it with a trowel.
iii) Lower the plunger gently till it touches the cement surface.
iv) Release the plunger allowing it to sink into the paste.
v) Note the reading on the gauge.
vi) Repeat the above procedure taking fresh samples of cement and different quantities of
water until the reading on the gauge is 5 to 7mm.
Reporting of Results
Express the amount of water as a percentage of the weight of dry cement to the first place
of decimal.
Soundness of cement is determined by Le-Chatelier method as per IS: 4031 (Part 3) 1988. Apparatus - The apparatus for conducting the Le-Chatelier test should conform to
IS: 5514 1969 Balance, whose permissible variation at a load of 1000g should be +1.0g
and Water bath.
iv) Submerge the mould again in water at the temperature prescribed above. Bring the
water to boiling point in 25 to 30 minutes and keep it boiling for 3hrs.
v) Remove the mould from the water, allow it to cool and measure the distance between
the indicator points (say d2 ).
vi) (d2 d1 ) represents the expansion of cement.
So we need to determine the fineness of cement by dry sieving as per IS: 4031 (Part 1) 1996.The principle of this is that we determine the proportion of cement whose grain size
is larger then specified mesh size.The apparatus used are 90m IS Sieve, Balance capable
of weighing 10g to the nearest 10mg, A nylon or pure bristle brush, preferably with 25 to
40mm, bristle, for cleaning the sieve.Sieve shown in pic below is not the actual 90m
seive.Its just for reference.
This test helps to determine the water absorption of coarse aggregates as per IS: 2386
(Part III) - 1963. For this test a sample not less than 2000g should be used. The apparatus
used for this test are :Wire basket - perforated, electroplated or plastic coated with wire hangers for suspending
it from the balance, Water-tight container for suspending the basket, Dry soft absorbent
cloth - 75cm x 45cm (2 nos.), Shallow tray of minimum 650 area, Air-tight
container of a capacity similar to the basket and Oven.
i) The sample should be thoroughly washed to remove finer particles and dust, drained
and then placed in the wire basket and immersed in distilled water at a temperature
between 22 and 32oC.
ii) After immersion, the entrapped air should be removed by lifting the basket and
allowing it to drop 25 times in 25 seconds. The basket and sample should remain
immersed for a period of 24 + hrs afterwards.
iii) The basket and aggregates should then be removed from the water, allowed to drain
for a few minutes, after which the aggregates should be gently emptied from the basket
on to one of the dry clothes and gently surface-dried with the cloth,transferring it to a
second dry cloth when the first would remove no further moisture.The aggregates should
be spread on the second cloth and exposed to the atmosphere away from direct sunlight
Sieve analysis helps to determine the particle size distribution of the coarse and fine
aggregates.This is done by sieving the aggregates as per IS: 2386 (Part I) - 1963. In this
we use different sieves as standardized by the IS code and then pass aggregates through
them and thus collect different sized particles left over different sieves.
Procedure to determine particle size distribution of Aggregates.
i) The test sample is dried to a constant weight at a temperature of 110 + 5oC and
ii) The sample is sieved by using a set of IS Sieves.
iii) On completion of sieving, the material on each sieve is weighed.
iv) Cumulative weight passing through each sieve is calculated as a percentage of the
total sample weight.
v) Fineness modulus is obtained by adding cumulative percentage of aggregates retained
on each sieve and dividing the sum by 100.
ii) the percentage by weight of the total sample passing through one sieve and retained on
the next smaller sieve, to the nearest 0.1 percent. The results of the sieve analysis may be
recorded graphically on a semi-log graph with particle size as abscissa (log scale) and the
percentage smaller than the specified diameter as ordinate.
Aggregate particles are said to be flakey when their thickness is less than
0.6 of their mean size.
Flakey aggregate has less strength than cubical aggregate, and does not
create the dense matrix that well graded cubicle aggregate is able to do,
and it will provide less texture when used in surface dressing.
E.g. Granular sub-base with a high proportion of flakey aggregate tends to
segregate and be difficult to compact, although performing a normal
aggregate grading test will show it conforms to specification.
Flakey chippings do not create the surface texture that a cubicle or angular
chipping is able to produce.
Well graded means that within a material that is well graded there is a good
distribution of all the aggregate sizes from largest to smallest, coarse
aggregate to dust.
With a well graded material all the different size aggregate particles will
position themselves within the total matrix in such a way to produce a
tightly knit layer of maximum possible density, when compacted correctly.
A well graded material is better able to carry and spread load imposed on it
than a poorly graded material.
A well graded material will possess good stability, with good distribution of
load / stress spreading out uniformly through the material to the road
pavement layer below