Radiation Therapy Toxicity To The Skin Derm Clin 2008
Radiation Therapy Toxicity To The Skin Derm Clin 2008
Radiation Therapy Toxicity To The Skin Derm Clin 2008
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
(T.J. FitzGerald).
0733-8635/08/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Radiation biology
There are many factors that inuence the
eects of radiation treatment on normal tissue
function. Normal tissues vary greatly in their
intrinsic sensitivity to radiation therapy. There
are certain tissues that can tolerate extremely high
doses of radiation therapy (bile duct), and others
that can tolerate relatively little radiation therapy
(bone marrow). The skin is a complex organ
composed of tissues with a relatively rapid selfrenewal potential, as well as support tissues with
limited self-renewal potential. The dermis is composed of cells with intermediate radiation sensitivity. Therefore tissues within the skin are
composed of cells that demonstrate both early
therapies. Repair can be inuenced by chemotherapy and genetic predisposition to less robust
repair of injury (ataxia-telangietasia). Repopulation of stem cells can be inuenced by previous or
concurrent therapies, or by therapies that treat the
majority of dermal stem cells, such as total skin
radiation therapy and total body radiation therapy. Regeneration is inuenced by previous therapies and perturbations in cell cycle kinetics.
Reoxygenation is inuenced by the integrity of
the dermal structures of the host. For example,
similar to surgery, radiation therapy to areas of
the body without redundant dermal tissue (anterior tibia, sole of the foot, eyelid, and so on) often
requires more protracted treatment courses because of the limited infrastructure associated with
skin surfaces in those areas. Patients who have
severe leg edema have compromise in dermal
integrity and treating the lower extremity in these
patients; hence treatment strategies, which promote a higher degree of daily injury, are often
dicult in this cohort of patients because they are
poorly oxygenated and thus heal poorly. Areas of
previous graft placement often require protracted
treatment strategies for similar reasons. One has
to balance radiation treatment strategy of daily
dose and treatment volume with the factors that
inuence response to injury in the management of
patients. The biologic principals identied have
clear inuence in patient management.
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injury from treatment. Intensity modulation permits rapid motion of multileaf collimators, which
can accommodate for multiple sloped surfaces of
skin surface. Unlike previous treatment strategies
that could not accommodate for multiple sloped
surfaces, intensity modulation can adjust for these
conditions and serve to decrease acute and presumably late dermal injury.
Fig. 1 is an example of the use of multileaf collimators for scalp epilation sparing for palliative
management of patients who have central nervous
system metastasis. Lateral eld radiation therapy
is used to treat the central nervous system. This
is a straightforward technique appropriate for palliative management; however, this technique creates a tangential treatment surface at the level of
the top of the skull. If one does not accommodate
for this sloped surface, the radiation dose to this
area is considerably higher both in daily and total
dose. A one-step eld within a eld modication
compensates for this surface, and facilitates the regrowth of hair to this region by creating a more
uniform radiation dose distribution to the scalp
surface. The evaluation of these late eects of
the skin and appendages is important for patient
outcome. Radiosurgery is altering the pattern of
failure for patients who have metastasis to the
central nervous system, and they may be living
longer. Therefore, patient alopecia outcome may
be improved with this technique.
Fig. 2 demonstrates improved radiation dose
distribution to the skin surface for a patient who
has head and neck cancer. These patients have
multiple sloped surfaces both in the neck and
jaw region. Oftentimes, skin demonstrates a moist
breakdown at multiple tangential surfaces, with
measurable dermal edema as a late eect at the
Fig. 1. A eld-in-eld technique (right) creating a more uniform dose distribution to scalp surface.
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Fig. 2. Transversal views of isodose lines on same patient planed with conversional lateral beams (left) and intensity
modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) technique (right).
level of the submental region. The degree of dermal skin reaction, including moist desquamation,
is exacerbated by neoadjuvant and concurrent
chemotherapy. Intensity modulation techniques
permit adjustment to all of these surfaces. In the
authors experience, intensity modulation techniques result in less acute and late injury of the
skin, with a near disappearance of submental dermal edema as a late eect of management. Although small segments of skin can actually
receive a higher dose than anticipated, the volume
of skin receiving this dose is minute in comparison
to historical two-dimensional techniques.
The breast, chest wall, and supraclavicular
regions likewise demonstrate improved outcome
with intensity modulation techniques. The authors
have demonstrated this improvement, especially
with adjusting the planning target volume for
intensity modulation [9,10]. The skin dose to the
breast is markedly improved with this technique.
The chest wall skin reaction for post-mastectomy
patients is also improved using this technique. The
slope of the supraclavicular fossa can create the
potential for skin erythema and breakdown most
often noted in areas of skin folds. Intensity modulation can also accommodate for this with bolus
application techniques.
Perhaps the best improvement in outcome for
patient care with intensity modulation is in the
anal and vulva cancer patient population. In these
patients the target volume includes multiple points
of interest, including inguinal lymph nodes.
Therefore the target volume includes areas of
interest in the anterior and pelvic midplane.
Two-dimensional and three dimensional techniques had to include multiple sloped surface
Fig. 3. Sagittal views of dose distributions from anteriorposterior pelvis plan (left), and IMRT plan (right).
Fig. 4. Transversal views of the same patient. Conventional three-dimensional plan (left) versus an IMRT plan (right).
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thought to be either autoimmune, a result of inadequate stem cell function, or idiosyncratic drug
sensitivity. Treatment is generally oral or topical
steroids, supportive care, or other anti-inammatory medication.
There have been anecdotal reports of bullous,
necrotic, generalized skin eruptions secondary to
radiation therapy [3134]. Patients who have autoimmune disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and scleroderma are reported to
have more acute and late complications from radiation management; however, these reports are
scattered and anecdotal. Matched-pair analysis
has not been able to validate this concern. Further
work in this area is important because it could
potentially aid oncologists in the treatment community when treating patients who have connective-tissue diseases such as scleroderma [31,34].
Radiation therapy remains an integral component of the care and management of the cancer
patient. Improvements in patient outcome and
survival create accelerated awareness of the eect
of therapy upon normal tissue. Cutaneous sequelae imposed by radiation therapy have undergone signicant change over past decades. As
process improvements have been made with both
radiation therapy equipment and planning, fewer
patients are experiencing acute or late changes to
epidermal and dermal surfaces from radiation
therapy. Optimal planning and treatment execution techniques have vastly improved the clinical
outcome for patients with respect to skin tolerance. These process improvements are important.
As advanced technology image platforms are
incorporated into radiation therapy treatment
plans, there exists signicant interest in moving
toward hypofractionation-based treatment strategies (fewer treatments at higher daily dose).
Through cranial radiosurgery treatment mechanisms, the patterns of relapse for patients who
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