Fire Safety Requirements For Ventilation / Air-Conditioning Control Systems For Licensed Premises

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This document is for reference only.

Detailed fire safety requirements will be

separately issued subject to the result of on-site assessment.


Fire Safety Requirements for Ventilation / Air-conditioning Control Systems

for Licensed Premises

The objective of this requirement is, in the event of fire, to reduce air movement
within the affected fire compartment, i.e. to allow smoke to rise and form a
layer at ceiling level which will not be disturbed by the introduction of air into
that smoke layer.



A ventilation / air-conditioning control system shall be provided to a

mechanical ventilating system having air handling capacity exceeding 1
cubic metre per second or serving more than one fire compartment, i.e.
all the air distribution ductwork systems are not contained within the
same compartment;


For the purpose of this requirement, a mechanical ventilating system

means any air moving system, with the exceptions as listed in para. 2.3,
utilizing both a fan and duct, to mechanically force air into, around, or
out of, any building or part thereof and includes systems which contain
devices for reducing or increasing the temperature and / or humidity of
the air inside any building, or part thereof, below or above the
temperature and / or humidity of the external air for the purpose of
environmental control.


The following mechanical ventilating systems shall be exempted from

these requirements:
(a) Any mechanical ventilating system forming part of the Fire Service
Installations and installed solely for fire protection or fire fighting
purposes, i.e. Staircase Pressurization System and Smoke
Extraction System.
(b) Individual, self-contained or split-type, direct expansion room
cooling units not connected to ductwork systems.

This document

is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be

separately issued subject to the result of on-site assessment.

This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be
separately issued subject to the result of on-site assessment.


(c) Mechanical ventilating systems solely for handling toxic gas,

flammable gas or grease / air mixtures, e.g. ventilating system for
fume cupboard, exhaust system for cooking range, etc.
(d) Mechanical ventilating systems where all air is supplied at low
level and / or extracted (not recirculated) at high level.
(e) Individual plant rooms, and individual toilets which are
mechanically ventilated directly (i.e. ventilating system not serving
other areas) to outside.

Control and Installation


Any one of the following methods of override control shall be used:(a) Method A If the fire compartment / unit is provided with a
smoke detector automatic fire alarm system, on activation of that
system all fans serving the fire compartment shall be shut down.
(b) Method B - Smoke detectors of a type suitable for use in air ducts
(duct type smoke detector), shall be installed in the exhaust and / or
recirculation ductwork serving the fire compartment / unit, which
on sensing smoke, will automatically shut down all fans in the
mechanical ventilating system serving the fire compartment / unit.
(c) Method C - The override control can be arranged to completely
shut down all the fans in the building instead of isolated
compartments/units. The actuation shall be provided by the
building fire alarm system.
(d) Method D Shut down all the fans in the affected compartment
by the actuation of smoke detector(s) installed in suitable position
under false ceiling at space of 250m2 of net floor area for each
detector. (Please refer to Part IV Clause 1.10 of FSD Circular Letter
No. 4/96 for details regarding the provision of smoke detectors)


For buildings where central mechanical fresh air supply and / or exhaust
systems are installed, either:
(a) the central fresh air supply and / or exhaust system shall be shut
down; or
(b) the central fresh air supply and / or exhaust system shall not require
to be shut down but the fresh air and / or exhaust to the affected
compartment / unit shall be closed off from the central system by
actuation of a local motorised smoke damper.

This document

is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be

separately issued subject to the result of on-site assessment.

This document is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be
separately issued subject to the result of on-site assessment.




Shut down of the mechanical ventilating systems by utilizing a multiplex

automatic fire alarm or Building Automation System shall be permitted
so long as the multiplex system is on the Fire Services Department list
for this type of equipment / system.


In addition to either one of the control methods mentioned in paragraph

3.1, manual override switch(es) shall be provided at the central fire
control panel to allow the engineering staff of the Building Operator, or
the Fire Services Department personnel, to switch off the fans for all the
mechanical ventilating systems serving the building in the event of an


If the mechanical ventilating system of a licensed premises is

connected to the central exhaust / supply systems of the building, it may
be accepted as an independent system provided that a fire and smoke
damper (F&SD) or a smoke damper (SD) as appropriate is installed at
the interconnection to the central exhaust / supply system(s). In the
event of a fire inside the licensed premises, the central exhaust /
supply fan(s) are not required to be shut down but the F&SD / SD shall
be closed by a fire signal from the licensed premises. Under such
circumstance, the provision of a separate manual override switch at a
location agreeable to the Director of Fire Services may be accepted as an
alternative to the manual override switch installed at the central fire
control panel for the licensed premises.


If the licensed premises have their own mechanical ventilating system,

the provision of a manual override switch at a location agreeable to the
Director of Fire Services may be accepted as an alternative to the one
installed at the central fire control panel of the building, provided that
there are specific reasons for such provision or difficulties to install a
manual override switch at the central fire control panel as accepted by
the Director of Fire Services.


The manual override control switch shall be affixed with an

identification plate engraved with English and Chinese characters VAC
Manual Override Control Switch ( / )
conspicuously of at least 10mm character height.

FSD Circular Letters Related to V/AC Systems

This copy of Fire Safety Requirements is to be read in conjunction with FSD
Circular Letter No. 2/2005 Ventilation/Air Conditioning (V/AC) Control

Hong Kong Fire Services Department

(Revised : February / 2010)
This document

is for reference only. Detailed fire safety requirements will be

separately issued subject to the result of on-site assessment.

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