Sherry Butcher-Younghans - Historic House Museums
Sherry Butcher-Younghans - Historic House Museums
Sherry Butcher-Younghans - Historic House Museums
H istoric
Sherry Butcher-Younghans
New York
3 5 7 9 8 6 4
Former director,
The American Association for
State and Local History
S. B.-Y.
1. Introduction, 3
2. Governing the Historic House Museum, 10
3. Where to Find the Help You Need, 24
4. Collections: The Essence of the Museum, 48
5. Storage and Preservation of the Museum's Collections, 68
6. Preservation and Care of the Historic House Interior, 103
7. Historic Housekeeping, 129
8. Architectural Preservation:
Maintaining the Historic House Exterior, 146
9. Museum Security: Protecting the Historic House, 168
10. Telling the Story: Interpreting the Historic House, 182
11. Volunteers in the Historic House Museum, 225
Historic House
Take the Art of Buildingthe strongestproudestmost orderlymost enduring of the arts of man; that of which the
produce is in the surest manner accumulative, and need not
perish, or be replaced; but if once well done, will stand more
strongly than the unbalanced rocksmore prevalently than the
crumbling hills. The art is associated with all civic pride and
sacred principle; with which men record their powersatisfy
their enthusiasmmake sure their defencedefine and make
dear their habitation.
John Ruskin, Selections from the Works of John Ruskin
Log homes are commonly restored and operated as house museums in the midwestern
United States. This cabin, built in the dovetail style, was constructed in the 1850s
by Swedish immigrants. (Photograph courtesy of V. S. Arrowsmith, Isanti County,
dons. Through the museum experience people's lives can be explored by learning what they thought and believed and how they
felt about their world.
The popularity of historic house museums sparks important
questions. Who tends these structures and how qualified are they
to manage them? How do they obtain the financial support that
keeps them in operation? What story are these museums telling the
public? Who comes to see them? What is the general quality of
historic houses in this country?
Some answers to these questions come from two recent surveys,
one on historic properties museums conducted by the National Trust
for Historic Preservation, and the other an independent survey of
historic house museums in the United States.3
Both surveys reveal that today most house museums are being
operated with a skeleton crew.4 Sixty-five percent of historic properties museums have no full-time paid staff, and 19 to 27 percent
employ only one full-time staff person.5 Clearly, volunteers for the
most part are running the typical house museum and keeping the
doors open to the public. These volunteershardworking, and enthusiasticperform their duties with great devotion and boundless
energy, but with no formal training.
Another crucial point revealed in the surveys is that while some
house museums have fairly large annual budgets, the majority operate on less than $50,000 annually. With so little moneybarely
enough to keep the roof repaired and the heat onmany museums are unable to hire the professional help to establish sound
exhibits and programs, to care for the furnishings and collections
properly, or even adequately to maintain the structure.
Once these museums are established, who visits them and what
does the public expect to find? While some museums, such as Mount
Vernon and Colonial Williamsburg are visited by over 1 million
people yearly, more than half receive fewer than 5,000 a year.6
Most visitors come to experience the story and learn something
about local history, but many come simply for the joy of "being in
the historic surroundings."7
Finally, what is the overall quality of historic house museums in
this country? The answer is that there is a great disparity between
the larger and more notable, well-managed and adequately funded
museumssuch as The Hermitage and Monticelloand their impoverished cousins, the struggling, volunteer-based, poorly funded
house museums found in communities everywhere. The former have
access to professional staff; evolving historical analyses (reinterpre-
The easily recognizable Governor's Palace, at Colonial Williamsburg in Williamsburg, Virginia. This eighteenth-century village is one of the best-known historic sites
in the United States. (Photograph courtesy of the Williamsburg Foundation)
tation); proper care of buildings, furnishings, and collections; professional living history programs; researchers; and support staff.
The latter have few, if any, professionally trained staff, survive on
shoestring budgets, and often can present only poorly researched
and narrowly presented exhibits and programs.
There are many fine examples of historic houses in this country; however, the typical house museum can be described as the
poor cousin. This curatorial manual was written with these museums in mind. It is intended for those managers, curators, and
directorsboth paid and unpaidwho undertake historic house
1. Laurence Vail Coleman, Historic House Museums (Washington, D.C.:
American Association of Museums, 1933), p. 18.
2. Gerald George, "Historic Property Museums: What Are They Preserving?" Preservation Forum 3 (Summer 1989): 5.
3. In response to the National Trust survey, George raised some troubling questions about how these properties are being cared for, funded,
and who is managing them (ibid., pp. 25).
Peggy Coats, while working as the historical resources supervisor and
director of Campbell Historical Museum, Campbell, California, polled house
museums about governance, programming, operating hours, tours, fees,
use policies, staff, budget, and revenues (Peggy Coats, "Survey of Historic
House Museums," History News 45, no. 1 (1990): 26-28).
4. Coats, "Survey of Historic House Museums," p. 28; George, "Historic Property Museums," p. 3.
5. Coats, "Survey of Historic House Museums," p. 28; George, "Historic Property Museums," p. 3.
6. Coats, "Survey of Historic House Museums," p. 27; George, "Historic Property Museums," p. 3.
7. Coats, "Survey of Historic House Museums," p. 28.
the Historic House Museum
To Govern is to make choices.
Due de Levis, Politique, XIX
The Lincoln Home in Springfield, Illinois, is one of many house museums dedicated
to documenting the lives of past presidents of the United States. The house is preserved as closely as possible to its original form and includes many furnishings once
used by Abraham Lincoln. (Photograph courtesy of the Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Lincoln Home National Historic Site)
the museum's board of trustees. This attorney will interpret all local, state, and federal laws that affect the organization. It may be
possible to find a member of the community who will provide legal
services voluntarily; if not, it is worth the money spent to hire a
competent lawyer.
essential to the governing body in the museum, the board of trustees, because it is responsible, morally as well as legally, for carrying
out the purposes of the museum and ensuring its well being. It will
determine the allocations of authority and responsibility. Successful
management will depend on how carefully the governing document is written and how well it is understood, followed, and respected both by staff and trustees.
The articles of incorporation, constitution, or charterthe term
used depends upon how the nonprofit status is fileddefine the
museum, explain its operations, and describe how authority is organized and limited. It is essential to obtain the services of an attorney when drafting this document. This document should include the following information:
The name and location of the museum (corporation).
The purposes for which the museum is organized.
The system for operating the museum.
The method of governing the museum.
A statement of its specific powers to receive gifts, hold property,
and enter into contracts.
The number of trustees, or governors.
The procedures for selecting the governing officers, the length
of their terms in office, and their titles (president, vice president,
general council, etc.).
Provisions for the dissolution of the corporation and disposal of
its assets.
Museums also require bylawsthe internal rules of the museum
that govern its regulation. Bylaws define the roles and responsibilities of the trustees, director, and the staff.6 The trustees and directorif a director is in placedraw up the bylaws in accordance
with state law. An attorney should be consulted when drafting this
document. Bylaws must be reviewed, modified, and amended from
time to time to reflect changes in the museum's operation. All trustees
and staff should be thoroughly familiar with the museum's bylaws,
and all new trustees should be given copies to ensure that they
clearly understand their roles.
Museum bylaws typically cover:
The role of the trustees and the director must be fully defined in
order to avoid the conflict that often occurs in small museums.
One of the board's primary roles is to secure funds for the museum to ensure its status as a nonprofit organization. Trustees must
be forward looking and strive to procure a solid financial future
for the museum. While the director plays some role in fund-raising
applying for grants and to some degree seeking public support, for
exampleit is not ordinarily the responsibility of the director to
secure capital from the community. All major fund-raising efforts
are the responsibility of the board with the assistance of the director.
In practical terms, the board guides the museum by setting policy and seeing that the director and the staff carry it out. In other
words, the board acts as the institutional manager or overseer, respectfully allowing the director and staff to conduct the day-to-day
operations.10 For example, if the board approves funding for an
educational program, it is the director's responsibility to see that
the project is developed and stays on budget, and that the museum's standards are maintained. If the board rejects a program, it
would be inappropriate for the director to develop it, just as it would
be improper for the trustees to tell the director how to implement
the program or the staff how to run it.
knowledge.15 This will protect staff from well-meaning, but potentially harmful interference by trustees. Trustees must be careful
about what they communicate to staff even in a chance meeting or
at a informal gathering. A trustee should never voice a personal
opinion to a staff member; such comments might be construed as
the view of the board overall. Generally, trustees should not act as
individuals; actions should be taken as an entire board.
Board of Trustees
and grounds for special events. Others will allow restricted usage,
depending on the request, and only when certain types of food and
beverages are served. (For example, food must not be gooey or
sticky, and beverages must be nonstaining.) Other directors, however, hold the view that the historic house museum is an improper
location for private engagements because of the potential hazards
to interiors and collections, and therefore should not be rented out.
The issue is emotionally charged and one that must be examined carefully. It takes only one hapless incident to mar an important historic structure permanently. A burning candle carelessly
placed, an umbrella pointed too close to an oil painting, red wine
accidentally spilled on a historic rug will devastate an interior that
has been scrupulously preserved and tended for decades.
It is prudent to set firm rules and regulations and to enforce
them if private groups and individuals are to use the museum. If
the house-use policy restricts the alteration of period rooms for
events, then under no circumstance should furniture be relocated,
plants rearranged, curtains removed, or other decorations added
to the room. No exceptions should be made, or the policy will weaken
and eventually be ignored. The rules must apply to everyone. A
trustee who asks that a museum room be rearranged to accommodate a photographic session for a son's wedding is overstepping the
Having a house-use policy in place will clarify the museum's
position to the public. A rental agreement should also be created.
Both should be drafted by the director and approved by the trustees. If groups or individuals are interested in renting museum space,
they should apply in writing, explaining the purpose for which they
intend to use the space. The rental form should list all restrictions
for use and state the responsibilities of those entering into the
A number of issues are important in the creation of a houseuse policy.
Who will be responsible for reviewing and assessing the requests?
Who will be responsible for scheduling and monitoring activities?
To whom will this person or department report if a problem arises?
Will the entire museum or only certain areas of the museum be
available for private use?
Will food and beverages be allowed in the museum? If so, what
types? Who will be responsible for serving and cleanup and what
are the procedures?
Who will be responsible for security at each event? What procedures will security staff employ?
What are emergency procedures? Are they accessible to the security staff?
What activities will take place during the event and what restrictions apply? What specific activities are not allowed in the museumsuch as smoking, dancing, amplified music, or photography?
Which staff member will monitor the specific event and maintain
What are the procedures if damage occurs? For example, an individual from a wedding party renting the house has broken a
ceramic planter, inadvertently pushing it over the edge of the
veranda. The staff member on duty should inform the renter of
the damage. The damage must be documented and fair replacement value established. If the party is unwilling to pay the damage, that amount should be deducted from the damage deposit
collected as part of the rental agreement.
After establishing a house-use policy, it should be kept current and
adhered to unconditionally.
The legal responsibilities of museums are complicated matters and
cannot be explored in detail in this book. The bibliography for
Chapter 2 in this book provides a basic listing of publications on
the topic. ALI/ABA, the American Law Institute/American Bar Association, Committee on Continuing Professional Education, annually offers a course on legal issues in museums. Resource materials prepared for the course are published in a handbook, and are
availablefor a feeby writing to
Where to Find the Help You Need
Help is all about you.
Gerald George and Cindy Sherrell-Leo, Starting Right:
A Basic Guide to Museum Planning
and addresses its needs. As both a professional and a trade association, AAM has more than 2,500 institutional and 8,000 individual
members, nearly 650 corporate affiliates, and 11 standing professional committees. Through AAM, members can also join the International Council of Museums (ICOM), which is dedicated to the
promotion of museums worldwide. Annual meetings, which draw
thousands of participants, are held in various locations around the
nation. Offerings consist of general sessions, panel discussions, and
AAM also has six regional conferences that also sponsor annual
meetings in their geographic locations: New England (established
in 1919); Midwest (1928); Western (1942); Northeast (1947);
Southeast (1951); and Mountain Plains (1954). Some publish newsletters and other periodicals.
AAM publishes a bimonthly periodical, Museum News, which
carries articles on current issues and topics in the held, and the
monthly newsletter Aviso, which contains information about recent
federal legislation, grant deadlines, job openings, and upcoming
workshops and seminars. The Museum Directory, a listing of most of
the museums in the nation, is also issued by AAM.
The Technical Information Service helps members with questions pertaining to career development, staff and board relations,
museum management, professional standards, ethics, and collections preservation. Questions can be posed in writing to this service, which will do limited research and supply appropriate referrals at no fee. (There is a fee for nonmembers.)
AAM also offers two important programs: the Accreditation
Program and the Museum Assessment Programs.
To promote high standards in museums, the AAM created the Museum Assessment Programs (MAP) in 1981. MAP is administered
by AAM and funded through the Institute of Museum Services
(IMS), a federal agency. The programs are designed for museums
of all sizes and types, but are particularly helpful for small museums. Grants are noncompetitive and are awarded on a first-come,
first-served basis. There are three programs.
MAP I, Overall Operations and Programs, focuses on an analysis
of the museum's entire operations.
MAP II, Collections Management, aids in establishing policies,
procedures, and practices relating to collections management,
particularly documentation and preservation.
MAP III, Public Dimension Assessment, reviews how the museum communicates with the public and assists in improving the
variety and quality of public activities.
Museums taking part in a program complete a self-study questionnaire and a grant application. If the museum is eligible, a grant
is awarded to cover the cost of a one-day on-site survey and a written report by a qualified professional. The report, which is confidential, defines problems and makes recommendations for immediate and long-range improvements. Using the report as a basis,
the museum can make long-range plans, build a network of museum contacts, prepare for accreditation, educate the staff and board,
and strengthen fund-raising efforts.
The Preservation Services Fund (PSF) provides small grants, usually $1,000 to $1,500, to nonprofit organizations and public agencies to support the initiation of preservation programs. The grants
must be matched dollar for dollar by institutions receiving the funds.
PSF funds may be used for professional consultant services, educational programs, and conferences.
The National Trust also runs the Center for Historic Houses. This
agency provides owners of historic houses with guidance on rehabilitating and caring for their properties. The center also provides
various educational programs, resource materials, and opportunities for networking with other homeowners.
Conferences, seminars, lectures, and hands-on workshops presented at locations across the country by well-known preservationists.
The Great American Home Awards, given annually to nominated individuals who have successfully rehabilitated their historic homes.
The Old-House Starter Kit, available for a small fee, with literature that answers questions about rehabilitating an old house.
An insurance program that offers replacement value on historic
National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property
The goals of the nonprofit National Institute for the Conservation
of Cultural Property (NIC), located in Washington, D.C., are to
preserve our nation's cultural heritage. NIC has initiated numerous programs and projects to fulfill their goals.
The Conservation Assessment Program (CAP), funded by the Institute of Museum Services, provides noncompetitive grants to museums for conservation assessments. CAP grants assist museums in
examining their collections, museum environment, and historic
structure, and all procedures and policies affecting the collections.
The grant supports a two-day on-site visit and written report of a
general conservation assessor. This grant is especially useful to historic house museums because it will also provide for an architectural assessor, where appropriate. The report helps to identify overall
conservation needs and recommends action both for care and management of collections. CAP is a one-time award granted on a firstcome, first-served basis.
The Collections Care Information Service (CCIS) provides bibliographic references on preventive conservation and collections care
to callers who use its toll-free number. The CCIS database contains
more than 1,600 entries and citations. Callers receive an overview
of the topic in which they are interested, bibliographic citations,
and information on how to obtain publications pertaining to the
subject. (Questions pertaining to treatments of individual objects
are not handled through this service.) Callers outside Washington,
D.C., can dial (800)421-1381. Those calling from the Washington
area should use (202)625-1495.
The Preservation Assistance Division (PAD), a branch of the National Park Service, develops technical materials on preservation
for federal agencies, state and local governments, and individuals.
Two PAD series are published: (1) Preservation Briefs, which deal
with such topics as energy conservation in historic buildings, roof-
founded the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities (SPNEA) in 1910. Today this regional membership society
holds true to the traditions that Appleton set forth: to preserve and
document New England's past through its art, artifacts, and historic properties.
As part of SPNEA's mission, twenty-three house museums and
eleven study properties are preserved and interpreted for public
use. Study properties, including ten seventeenth-century houses and
one eighteenth-century meetinghouse, are used for architectural
research by students and scholars. Visits to these properties are by
appointment only. (Nine other properties are owned by SPNEA,
but are not open to the public.)
SPNEA offers several important services.
SPNEA also maintains an archive of 1.5 million historic photographs, prints, architectural drawings, advertising materials and
manuscripts and illustrated publications that reflect New England
in former times. The archive staff members can answer inquiries
and assist in research. It is located in the Harrison Gray Otis House,
141 Cambridge Street, Boston, Massachusetts.
Conservation Organizations
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
Located in Washington, D.C., The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) is a nonprofit professional organization whose goal is to uphold standards of professional conduct and to advance knowledge and improve methods of
conservation in preserving cultural property. Through publications
and annual meetings, AIC conservation professionals are able to
exchange information on conservation practices and share knowledge on new materials and techniques for slowing the decay and
deterioration of historic and artistic works.
AIC publishes the Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
The Consultancy will also provide, free of charge, surveys conducted by conservation specialists on caring for historical collections. Five types of surveys are offered: a general survey, or overall assessment of the collection; an environment survey, which
focuses on the climatic conditions affecting collections; a storage
survey, in which storage conditions are assessed; an exhibit survey, which focuses on general exhibit practices or on the specific
needs of a collection on exhibit; and a treatment survey, in which
condition reports are made on specific collection or objects. After
a survey is completed, a written report and recommendations for
improvements are made. The Consultancy also offers professionallevel seminarsgiven in various locations in New York stateon
conservation relating to care of collections.
Many other regional conservation organizations can provide artifact treatment for a fee (see Appendix).
Conservation and Collections Care Center at Peebles Island
A staff of five conservators that treats objects belonging to New
York's historic park sites (of which there are thirty-four) works at
this facility near Albany, New York.
The Harpers Ferry Conservation Laboratory
Run by and for the National Park Service, this facility employs conservators who work with site managers who direct the 337 park
sites. Conservators not only treat objects, but also assist site managers in collections maintenance and management.
in keeping museum professionals abreast of current trends and issues and in finding solutions to common problems. In addition
AASLH offers a vast number of technical leaflets, reports, and audiovisual presentations on topics related to museum management, restoration, education, public relations, security, furnishings, insurance, housekeeping, building construction, house technology, and
other relevant topics.
The major journals in the American museum profession are Museum News, History News, Curator, and the Museologist. Also impor-
P.O. Box 800
Cooperstown, New York 13326
The Center for Historic Preservation at Middle Tennessee State
University in Murfreesboro offers both undergraduate- and
graduate-level programs for anyone interested in historic preservation studies. At the undergraduate level, the historic preservation program prepares students for careers in preservation, planning and administration, and historic site interpretation and
management, combining theory with practical experience. The
graduate program at MTSU offers the M.A. and D.A. degrees in
history with emphasis in historic preservation. For information write
Center for Historic Preservation
Box 80
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37132
Senior Museum Professionals
The Museum Management Institute (MMI), designed for senior
museum professionals, offers a four-week program every summer,
geared to critical management issues. Topics include negotiation,
conflict resolution, resource allocation, financial analysis, marketing, the politics of organizations, ethics, legal issues, intergroup dynamics, organizational change, and strategic vision. The MMI is
sponsored by the Getty Trust, the Art Museum Association of
America, and the University of California at Berkeley. MMI is taught
at the University of California, Berkeley. For information write to
Museum Management Institute
2510 Channing Way
Suite 4
Berkeley, California 94704
Collections: The Essence
of the Museum
In planning for the growth of its collections, we urge each museum to set, clear, rational and appropriate goals for the contribution it can make to the stewardship of our cultural and
natural heritage. It is important that every museum collect both
carefully and purposefully. Each museum must exercise care
by collecting within its capacity to house and preserve the objects, artifacts and specimens in its stewardship; each must collect purposefully by continuing its own traditions of quality and
diversity. A periodic review of the collections policy will ensure
that it is in keeping with current professional standards and the
purposes of the institution.
American Association of Museums, Museums for a New Century
sponsibility: collections must be maintained, preserved, documented, and secured. If the collection is not well managed, the
museum has failed to carry out a primary function.
Management of Collections
Historic house museums most commonly house utilitarian objectstools, household articles, furniture, china and glassware, and
other furnishings. Many have examples of period costumes and
archival materialsbooks, letters, diaries, and photographs. Some
own valuable paintings, prints, or tapestries. Much of this material
is organic and can deteriorate easily in uncontrolled environments.
Yet all too often staff and volunteers are inadequately trained in
managing collections or have little time to devote to their care
they may be struggling simply to keep the programs running and
the roof repaired. Nevertheless, museums must make a commitment to protect and preserve their holdings in order to assure the
museum's future.
Is it possible to collect significant objects of material culture and
to care for them appropriately? Can the museum afford a salary
for professionals and provide adequate training for volunteers? Does
the museum fully understand that, in accepting objects for its collection, it also commits to their preservation? Should the trustees,
in good conscience, accept objects that could deteriorate in a museum environment, despite the care given them?
These questions are not easy to answer. Lack of community
support, financial backing, or commitment to excellence may inhibit a museum from properly caring for its collection. If a museum cannot maintain basic preservation standards, its collection
should be placed in another institution where the proper care can
be provided. However, once a museum has made a commitment to
maintain the collection several fundamental steps must be followed. The most important is to write a collections management
policy. The most basic document used in administering collections,
the policy often is required for grant applications and may be requested by potential donors who wish to determine if the aims of
the museum are serious.
This document explains, in exacting detail, the purpose of the
museum, its collecting goals, and its procedures for acquiring and
disposing of objects, handling loans (both incoming and outgoing)
and insurance. It should be precise yet flexible enough to handle
the unexpected opportunities that may arise.1 While the policy should
be written by those who work most closely with the collections, it
should be accessible to, and respected by, all staff members and
A typical collections management policy covers the following
The museum's purpose and what it hopes to contribute to the
public through its collections. The type of collection and its geographical or chronological confines should be defined: are the
objects to represent the general time period of the historic house
or are they only to include original material, furnishings that once
belonged to the house?
exhibition are assured. The staff member responsible for monitoring the loans should also be identified in the policy.
Code of Ethics
All museums need to establish principles to guide directors, curators, staff, volunteers, and members of the governing body. In 1991,
the American Association of Museums revised the handbook on
museum ethics and added that all nonprofit museum members of
spective donors should hire and pay for an independent, professional appraiser who will prepare a written valuation.
What policies will the institution establish regarding gifts, discounts (on personal purchases from suppliers to the museum), and
dispensation of valuable items that are available because of a staff
member's association with the museum? The AAM Code of Ethics
strictly states that no employee may accept gifts unless they are of
"trifling value" or discounts unless they are regularly offered to the
general public.
What are the policies on outside employment and consulting?
How does the institution deal with sacred objects and other sensitive materials that the collection may include or may be offered
to the museum? How will it handle potential donation that have
been imported illegally, collected unscrupulously, or stolen?
What will be the director's responsibilities to the museum? What
principles will guide the board's relation to the director, and the
director's to the staff? How should the staff communicate with the
members of the museum?
In addition to the collections management policy and the code
of ethics, a personnel manual outlining specific policies of the museum is essential. Each employee should have a copy, as well as a
detailed, up-to-date job description of each position in the museum.
Registering Collections
Procuring information about objects is only the first step. Once data
about an object are collected, the object must be registeredthat
is, organized and stored in the museum's filing system.
Registration is a complex but absolutely necessary process. By
registering a porcelain tureen, a woven bed coverlet, or a flintlock
musket into a collection, one is, in essence, creating a written record of the object's existence, previous owners, physical description, condition, location in the museum, and what it means or has
meant to people.
All too often, small museums struggle with large backlogs of
unprocessed acquisitions, most of which have no accompanying
historical information. Unprocessed materials are a great weight on
museums and remain so until they have been cataloged or, if necessary and appropriate, deaccessioned. A museum cannot deaccession an object, before the curator verifies ownership.
Objects may be mismarked, marked impermanently with tape
or stickers that easily fall off, or are not fully cataloged. Donor
cards may be missing, or historical information may not have been
recorded. New curators frequently inherit incomplete and disorganized records because in the past no trained personnel were
available to register incoming gifts or well-meaning curators kept
mental records of acquisitions instead of in written documents, or
perhaps the task was simply ignored.
After an object has been accepted into the museum's collection,
the registration process begins. Each is carefully documented and
properly marked, and records are begun. Computerized or standard filing systems may be used. Many books have been written
about appropriate museum methods of registration. One of the most
widely used is Museum Registration Methods by Dorothy Dudley and
Irma Bezold Wilkinson.
Let's follow an object through the typical steps taken when an object comes to a museum for possible acquisition.
1. The staff issues a temporary deposit receipt form. This
form documents the object being left in the temporary care
of the museum. It should contain the owner's name, address, and telephone number, the date received, and a short
description of the object. The form should also note whether
the object is to be considered for purchase or as a gift. One
copy is given to the lender, and one is retained for the museum's files.
2. If the object is made from an organic material such
as wood, cloth, leather, or basket fiber, isolate it from the
collections until the curator has determined whether an insect infestation, a mold, or an inherent defect exists. Nonorganic materials, such as ceramics, metals and glass, ordinarily do not have to be isolated.
3. If the object is donated a deed of gift form or form
of acceptance is drawn up. This extremely important document, the legal form for transfer of ownership, must be
carefully completed for every museum accession. It contains
the accession number of the artifact and acknowledgment
that the museum has accepted the gift and is signed and
dated by the donor and countersigned by the curator. The
original document is kept in an accession file folder, which
is begun with each new accession, and a copy is given to the
donor. If preparation of the document is neglected, and
questions of ownership arise, the legal repercussions can be
4. If an object is purchased a bill of sale or deed must
be obtained. This proof of purchase document must be kept
in the accession file, along with any other documents about
the object's authenticity, value, and history. A record of who
sold the object, where it was sold, and the date of the transaction must also be kept.
5. The deed of gift is returned to the museum and the
object is recorded in the accessions register, usually a bound
ledger. Entries should be made in permanent ink and should
include the current date, the accession number, a brief description of the artifact, and the source and related data.
Origin and age. Where did it come from? Who used it? How old
is it?
Description. Detailed description of the color, shape, design, material, function, medium, and what is known about the artist or
Dimensions. Detailed measurements of the object in centimetersits length, width, and height or diameter and circumference, as appropriate.
Condition. Its overall state. Establish a guide for determining different stages of deterioration and be consistent in the descriptions.
Storage location. The location of the object.
Exhibition history. A record of when, where, and how long was
the object exhibited.
Comments. Any additional observations about the object.
References. List references to publications concerning the object
or like objects.
After the worksheet has been completed, the information should
be entered on a 4 X 6-inch catalog card. The card should be typed
in triplicate (for smaller museums), with one card filed numerically
by object number, one by subject (category), and a third (called the
curator's card) in a safe location, off the premises, such as a bank
vault. If a computer system is in place, information from the catalog worksheet can be entered into the program.
A 4 X 6-inch source card for donations, purchases, and exchanges should also be kept. Used to determine previous acquisitions from an individual or organization, the source card contains
the name, address, and telephone number of the source, accession
number or numbers, and is filed alphabetically by the last name of
the source. Additional objects from the same source are recorded
on the original card. If the museum is computerized and the program has a constituent function, donor information can be entered
directly into this file.
Inscribing numbers on museum objects legibly and with permanent ink ensures that they can be identified and matched with their
specific documentation. In the past, numbers often were affixed to
It is essential that the museum commit a part of its budget to photographing its collection. The benefits far outweigh the relatively
inexpensive costs of creating such an important visual record.
Storage and Preservation
of the Museum's Collections
Collections maintenance, collections management and conservation are among the most demanding functions for all museums; they are also the least visible to those outside the museum.
American Association of Museums, Caring for Collections
CURATORS OF HISTORIC houses often find themselves with more objects than places to store them, and finding storage space is one of
their most challenging responsibilities. It is important to use existing areas in the most efficient and economical manner possible,
while applying proper museum storage techniques. The main criteria for storage areas are that they must be clean, well organized,
safe from pests and thieves, and provide a stable environment.
Although the safety of objects is paramount, they must also be
stored so that they are easily accessible. Collections often are retrieved for examination, inventory, research, condition assessment,
and preparation for exhibition. When objects cannot be reached or
even seen, they will probably be neglected and could deteriorate.
Access should not be too easy, though. It is not uncommon to
find the collections used improperly because they are open to virtually anyone in need of an object for a museum function: ceramic
vases are used to hold flower arrangements, antique silver tea services for serving guests, period chairs for seating at events.
use, not to house a museum. It is necessary, therefore, to be resourceful, to rely on one's own imagination and creativity. Ingenious methods for storing collections can be found in the most unlikely locations. When considering storage areas, ask the following
Are the light levels appropriate? Can the area be darkened for
storage of light-sensitive objects? Can windows be modified by
applying ultraviolet inhibiting film or blocked to screen out all
natural light?
Is the area large enough to hold artifacts safely? Can they be
stored without stacking or overcrowding?
Can the areas with wood surfacesclosets, shelves, or drawers
be modified to prevent wood acids from damaging objects?
Can objects be easily found and retrieved?
Can the temperature and humidity be controlled in the space,
and can air circulate freely?
Can dehumidifiers and humidifiers be installed and accessed easily? Can relative humidity tests be taken in and around the storage area?
Is the area protected against fire? Are there smoke detectors and
heat sensor devices?
Can the area be monitored and cleaned frequently?
Have all chemicalssuch as alcohol, acetone, household cleaners
been removed from the storage area?
Can the area be locked? Can it be restricted from those who are
not trained in handling objects?
Storage Equipment
Museums usually store objects on open shelving units, in closeddoor cabinets, in flat storage (such as drawers), and in acid-free
boxes and bags of various sizes and shapes. Single-layer textiles are
commonly rolled on tubes that are suspended from the ceiling.
Paintings are often placed in padded slots or hung on panels.
Clothing is padded with acid-free paper and hung on padded
hangers or, if particularly delicate, stored in flat boxes.
Wood is the least desirable material for storage of artifacts; however, because it is inexpensive, readily available and can be easily
constructed into storage units, it is commonly used in historic house
museums. Historic houses often come equipped with antique, builtin wooden drawers and bookcasesin bedrooms, dressing areas,
kitchens, pantries, and workrooms. A word of warning about using
new wood: it will release acids, as well as alcohols, and if organic
materials such as textiles and clothing come in contact with new
wood, the fibers may weaken, discolor, or become brittle. The rate
at which acids are released depends on the type of wood, how it
was seasoned, and how much moisture it contains. (Hardwoods
contain more free acids than softwoods such as pine or even highgrade plywood.) Antique wooden drawers and bookcases will also
emit acidsespecially where temperatures are high and relative
A great deal of effort goes into preparing museum objects for storage. Costumes and accessories are stuffed with tissue paper to fill
out creases, textiles are padded at the folds, and documents are
boxed. But safe materials must be used; ordinary papers, boxes
and cardboard cartons contain dangerously high levels of acids and
lignin, a substance that occurs naturally in woods and will hasten
deterioration of organic materials. Objects stored in them or around
them become damaged by the "burning" effects of the chemicals.
Fortunately, safe supplies are available.
Acid-free, lignin-free paper can be used in many waysfor
padding costumes, wrapping organic materials, stuffing leather and
hide, interleaving documents, and covering cardboard tubes to
prevent acid migration when rolling textiles. Acid-free paper comes
in various thicknesses, from thin tissue to heavy sheets and even
corrugated cardboard. Interleaving paper is lightweight and can
safely be used to protect surfaces of prints, documents, manuscripts, and works of art on paper from grit, dust, and abrasion.
Acid-free paper may be purchased through the major conservation
Acid-free, lignin-free containers, boxes, and trays are used by
museums to store a wide variety of artifacts, from documents and
photographs to costumes and textiles. Archival-quality boxes protect objects from acids, dust, dirt, fingerprints, abrasion, and chemical deterioration. Boxes come in many shapes and sizes and are
readily available through most conservation supply companies.
Protective boxes or papers and packing materials must be lignin
free, as well as acid free. Lignin, which occurs naturally in wood,
will hasten deterioration of organic materials, such as paper, by
exuding acids and peroxides.
Storage boxes are essential conservation supplies, but they tend
to be expensive, especially for small museums with limited budgets.
Instead of buying them, curators can reduce costs by making boxes
by hand, using acid- and lignin-free boxboard and linen tape. Both
products are available through conservation companies. Boxboard
can be cut to the appropriate size and assembled into any shape
with linen tape. To construct smaller, more flexible boxes, a lightweight board or heavy paper can be used and folded to the desired
Custom-made costume and textile storage solves problems of overcrowding. With ingenuity and creativity, safe storage can be obtained at a relatively low cost. Shown
here is the textile storage room at Shadows-on-the-Teche, New Iberia, Louisiana.
(Photograph courtesy of the National Trust for Historic Preservation)
shape. Lids for the boxes can be made using the same folding process.
Polyethylene storage bags are indispensable for storing collections. Polyethylene is a safe, inert material and is strong, durable,
and transparent. Bags can be purchased through conservation supply companies or scientific product suppliers in a variety of sizes.
Some include a zipper-locking seam for easy closure and have a
white patch on the bag for labeling contents. A good standard weight
for museum objects is a 4-millimeter thickness. Bags purchased from
grocery or hardware stores are not suitable. They are made from
or are coated with materials that are unsuitable for museum storage.
Many materials are unsafe for use with museum collections. If you
are uncertain about a material do not use it until it has been tested
by a conservator. Sticky substancessuch as wax, silicone rubber
adhesives, and tapeshould never be used. The adhesive on all
types of tape, including masking tape and transparent tape, is dangerous, and attempts to remove it can scar and damage objects.
Other common items that should not be used are staples, safety
and straight pins, nails, tacks, and screws. They can rust or corrode
and stain objects. Even rustproof staples, pins, or nails can break
textile fibers or mar the surface of other materials such as wood,
ivory, or bone.
Often there is a storage area for glass and ceramics, one for wooden
objects, one for tools and larger artifacts, one for textiles and clothing, and specialized spaces for paintings, prints, and sculpture. Some
museums store all their collections in one area, such as the basement, carriage house, or attic. Others use closets and drawers, or
smaller rooms that once served as servants' quarters, or upper-story
Regardless of where storage areas are located, it is imperative
that each category of artifact receive special consideration with regard to its condition and composition.
Glass and Ceramics
Glass and ceramic materials are fragile and need special care in
storage. Open shelving, either metal or wood, can be used, preferably with a lip or rim along the edges for safety. Shelves can be
lined with felt (felt should be used only with glass) or with polyethylene foam, forming a soft foundation. A padded surface will prevent abrasion of etched glass surfaces that may contain information
about the maker. (Never slide glass across any surface.) Also, any
chips or fragments that may break loose from the glass and ceramic artifacts can be found easily and removed from a felt or foam
surface. Labels with catalog numbers placed on the edges of the
shelves will allow the effortless location and retrieval of artifacts
without unnecessary handling.
Drawers lined with polyethylene foam can also be used to store
glassware. Place a 1/2-inch layer of foam on the bottom of the drawer;
on top of this place another layer of foam with cut-out shapes of
the objects to be stored; they can then be nested into these shapes,
preventing jarring and breakage when the drawer is opened.6 Label the outside of the drawers with the contents to avoid having to
open the drawers unnecessarily.
Ceramics should not be stacked. If this is unavoidable, however,
use layers of polyethylene foam between each piece to avoid contact.
Most glass is stable and can tolerate higher relative humidities
than organic materials. However, some glass (especially that which
has been improperly made) is susceptible to moisture and will soak
it up, a condition known as crizzling. Crizzling can leave a fine
surface network of crazing (a surface of minute cracks) on the glass
vessel. Such glass should be stored in areas with a relative humidity
Even closets and cramped spaces can be converted to usable storage areas. Here,
banks of cabinets have been inexpensively constructed with the help of experienced
volunteers. Note that shelves have been lined with soft felt to prevent glass from
abrading, that they have a lip in front, and that they are labeled with each object's
accession number to provide for easy access and to prevent the needless handling of
these fragile objects. (Photograph courtesy of the American Swedish Institute)
General Concerns
Most costumes and textiles are very fragile and, if possible, should
be stored separately in a cool area with temperatures below 70 degrees Fahrenheit and a relative humidity between 45 and 55 percent. Too much moisture in the air will cause the growth of mold
Open dust covers can be easily made with the help of volunteers. (A) 5-centimeter
seam; (B) 2.5-centimeter opening for hook of hanger. (Reproduced with permission of
the Canadian Conservation Institute)
and mildew; too little will desiccate the fibers. Humidity control
may be difficult or impossible for museums having no environmental controls. Portable humidifiers or dehumidifiers will aid in a
problematic environment.
Storage areas should be as dust- and dirt-free as possibleairborne particles can damage fibers and the structure of fabrics. It
may be necessary to filter the incoming air in the museum to achieve
this. Prudent housekeeping will also greatly increase the life of fabrics. Drape textiles with washed muslin, polyethylene plastic or a
polyester, such as Mylar, and use protective dust covers for individual costumes.
Pests are the enemies of the more vulnerable textiles, such as
wool and the fur and feathers that often embellish costumes. Given
the opportunity, rodents will nest in any fabric, and insects will
thrive on wools, fur, and hides. Frequent monitoring of storage
areas and isolation of objects before they are integrated into the
collection are essential.
When working with garments, the staff should wear white cotton gloves to prevent soiling from natural oils in the skin. Pencils
are the only writing implements that should be used around fab-
Closed dust covers can protect garments from soiling. (A) 5-centimeter seam; (B) 2.5centimeter opening for hook of hanger. (Reproduced with permission of the Canadian
Conservation Institute)
Bare wood and wire hangers are not safe for holding costumes. Wood hangers must
be padded and covered with muslin before they can be safely used. (A) Polyester or
cotton quilt batting; (B) cotton muslin cover. (Reproduced with permission of the, Canadian Conservation Institute)
placed between threads, can cut the fabric, and pins that are not
rustproof can leave irreversible stains. Adhesives from tapes can
leave a sticky residue that scars a garment and breaks fibers when
it is removed.
If clothing is soiled, try to remove the surface dirt to prevent
further deterioration. This can be done by using a hand vacuum
with slow-action suction. A screen placed over the mouth of the
vacuum will prevent loose fibers from being sucked into the instrument. Do not apply the vacuum brush directly to the costume or
fabric and do not apply pressure.
Wet cleaning a costume is controversial and should only be done
by a conservator or under instructions of a trained professional.
Never wash garments in a washing machine! Even on a gentle cycle, costumes can be damaged by the agitation of a machine. Dry
cleaning should be avoided as well; the chemicals used in the process may damage fragile costumes or leave a residue that will deteriorate fibers.
A basic technique used by many museums in preparing costumes for storage is to pad them to help remove stress and strain
For additional support, tapes can be attached to the waistband of a garment and
placed around the hook of the hanger. (Reproduced with permission of the Canadian
Conservation Institute)
the house. Everyday textilessuch as bed coverlets, quilts, draperies, and woven floor coveringswere also saved. Today in many
historic houses, such antique fabrics are still in place. Whether in
storage or on display, all historic fabrics must be treated with special care.
Historic fabrics should be handled as little as possible. If it is necessary to handle them, it should be done carefully to prevent stress
on the fibers and breakage. The effects can be disastrous when
untrained staff handle fragile textiles carelessly. Fabrics with severe
dry rot may literally fall apart in one's hands.
Walking on historic rugs should be avoided. Direct all traffic to
special runners placed over the rugs. These "museum" runners can
be specially woven with an uncut loop wool pile with a cotton binding to prevent raveling. No backing should be applied. The runner
should be at least 40 inches wide to accommodate wheelchairs and
strollers. The Henry Francis du Pont Wintherthur Museum has
tested the museum runners for more than a decade and has found
them satisfactory in reducing abrasion caused by foot traffic. Special orders for runners can be placed at area carpet-weaving mills.
It is recommended that the museum staff who must walk on the
rugs from time to time wear low-heeled shoes or even just cotton
socks, which will not catch or tear fibers.
Special care must also be taken with historic draperies. If shades
cover the windows, pull them down gently; a forceful pull will abrade
the sides of the draperies. Apply the same rules to antique bedcovers and all other historic textiles; handle them with care and protect them from light, dust, and fluctuating humidity.
The first step in preparing textiles for storage is assessing and recording their condition. If they are soiled, they should be carefully
Since textiles are especially vulnerable to light degradation, it is
essential to store them in a dark environment. Improper light levels will cause fading and fiber breakdown.
Textiles are hygroscopic and will acclimatize to a wetter or drier
environment. Ideally, however, they should be kept in a cool areas
with temperatures below 70F and a relative humidity between 45
and 55 percent. In historic houses where it is not possible to maintain the desired level of humidity, it is important to try to maintain
a constant relative humidity.
Giving textiles adequate support is a paramount goal when storing, exhibiting, or handling them. Do not place undue stress on
fibers by allowing them to carry too much of an object's weight.
When moving a textile, be sure not to pull or stretch it, and use
acid-free ragboard or textile boxes to support the weight.
To increase the life of textiles, they should be stored unfolded.
When cloth is folded, especially aged and fragile cloth, the fibers
tend to break along the crease line. If folding is necessary, fold
along seams or in the stronger areas of the fabric and do not fold
along previous fold lines. Using acid-free, lignin-free paper, pad
out the fold lines to prevent sharp creases. Check the textiles periodically and refold them along different lines.
If space allows, small textiles should be stored flat, in drawers
or on shelves. If possible, they should not be stacked. The weight
of layers might crush those on the bottom or cause creases and
fiber breakage. Make certain the fabrics do not touch wooden surfaces, and place acid-free, lignin-free paper underneath and on top
of the stored items to protect them from dust.
Storing textiles in drawers with an inserted bracket with cut grooves. Grooves hold
the wooden dowel, allowing the textiles to hang in suspension. (Reproduced with permission of the Canadian Conservation Institute)
Rolling Textiles for Storage It is often impractical to store large textiles flat. An acceptable alternative is to roll the fabric, single-layer,
on a cardboard tube covered with acid-free, lignin-free paper or
polyester. The tube is hung on hooks and chains that are suspended from a ceiling or placed in a custom-made rack. Multilayer
textiles such as quilts, however, must be folded with acid-free, ligninfree tissue paper, padding each fold to remove stress from the folded
fibers and stored in an acid-free, lignin-free box. (Quilts must be
refolded periodically, too.)
Acid-free tubes can be purchased from conservation suppliers
around the country but often are too expensive for smaller museums. Rollers that are not acid free can be procured at little or no
cost at all and, when prepared properly, are suitable for rolling textiles. Mailing tubes, fabric rolls, carpet and linoleum rollers,
even paper towel tubes can be altered as follows to hold textiles
1. Select a tube with an appropriate diameter for the
textile to be rolled. Too small a diameter can place stress on
the fabric by crushing its interior. The aim is to bend the
fabric gently, placing a minimum of strain on the structure
of the weave and the threads.9 In order to enlarge the tube's
diameter, it is acceptable to cover it with plastic bubble cushioning materials (bubble wrap). 10
2. Cut the tube to fit the textile, allowing about an inch
on either side, and cover it with polyethylene sheeting or
polyester (Mylar). Tuck in the excess on either end, and roll
the tube in unbuffered (having no added buffer such as calcium carbonate), acid-free, lignin-free tissue paper, or in
washed cotton muslin. Tuck in these ends as well.
3. Lay the fabric flat on a table, removing all creases by
smoothing them out with a cotton-gloved hand. Use another
piece of acid-free tissue paper as interleaving for added protection. Roll the fabric with the right side inward, keeping
the warp perpendicular to the tube. Do not strain the object
by pulling on it or applying uneven tension while rolling.
Pile carpets or embroidered pieces should be rolled with the
right side out. Roll only one textile per tube.
4. After the roll is complete, cover it with clear polyethylene plastic to protect it from dust. Do not tuck this layer
into the tube ends; closing it prevents air from circulating
Cupboards and small closets can be modified for textile storage by inserting a bracket
system. (A) Mylar covering cardboard tubes; (B) acid-free tissue over Mylar;
(C) interleaving of neutral pH tissue; (D) textile with pile on outside; (E) unbleached
cotton muslin cover; (F) cotton tape; (G) identification tag. (Reproduced with permission of the Canadian Conservation Institute)
Suspended storage can be made with materials found at a local building supply store.
(A) Mylar covering cardboard tube; (B) acid-free tissue over Mylar; (C) interleaving
of neutral pH tissue; (D) textile with pile on outside; (E) unbleached cotton muslin
cover; (F) cotton tape; (G) identification tag. (Reproduced with permission of the Canadian Conservation Institute)
each other on each rod. Suggestions for constructing and using this
1. Make certain the ceiling can sustain the weight of the
system, especially if you plan to hang heavy rugs.
2. Garage-door tracks are inexpensive and can be installed easily. Install the two tracks on the ceiling, each running parallel and spaced as far apart as required (usually 8
or 12 feet apart). This distance corresponds to the standard
size of wood closet rods or steel tubes.
3. Insert steel trolleys (part of the garage-door system)
in the tracks and attach steel chains to them. (Chains can be
found at hardware stores or builder's supply companies.)
4. Attach large S-hooks or U-bolts with wing nuts to the
chains at various heights.
5. Place the rolled textile on the hooks or through
To retrieve a rolled textile, remove one side of the rod from the
hook or bolt and slip the tube off.
Archival Materials
Even if a museum has no formal library or archives, it probably
has some historic letters, personal notes, house blueprints, photographs, postcards, journals, or other archival material. Since much
of our information about historic houses and the families that lived
in them is drawn from such documents and photographs, it is essential to preserve them with great care.
The first step in preserving documents is to assess them for
their importance and relevance to the museum's collection. Documents that are not pertinent should be given to the state historical
society or a county society where they can be better used by the
public. Those that remain will need special stabilizing treatments
and customized storage. Some will require the skills of a paper conservator, but there are specific treatments that the staff can perform to arrest the decay and deterioration that is a natural part of
the aging of paper.
Acids are inherent in most papers and play a major role in their
destruction. The amount of acidity depends on the way the manufacturing process and composition of the paper. For example,
newspaper, meant to be short-lived, is made from an extremely
acidic low-quality wood-pulp core and is self-destructive. However,
most paper can be deacidified by using aqueous (wet) or nonaqueous (nonwetting) conservation techniques. A trained archivist must
be consulted before deacidification is attempted.
Commonly, papers are stored in, or come in contact with, other
acidic materials. Brown craft envelopes (often used for storing negatives), white commercial envelopes, manila folders, and often the
mount and matte board used to store papers and photographs are
highly acidic and damaging to paper. Documents and photographs
should be removed from their mounts, however, only if they are
loose and easily removed; efforts at removal may actually destroy
the object itself because with the passage of time a mount can actually meld onto a photograph or document.
Like other organic materials, documents and photographs must
be kept in dark areas and not exposed to ultraviolet light for extended periods. Like fabrics, paper will yellow and become brittle
with age, and inks will fade from prolonged exposure to light. By
following the environmental standards set for costume and textile
care (relative humidity levels of 45 to 55 percent and temperatures
at below 70F) and by filtering the air in archival storage areas, the
rate of decay will greatly decrease.
Documents should be stored flat and, if possible, not folded.
Photographs must never be folded because folding creates permanent cracks.
When working with documents, wear white cotton gloves or, if
gloves are not used, wash hands that come in contact with paper
items to prevent oils and grime from soiling documents. Do not
use pressure-sensitive tapes, commercial glues, pastes, or rubber
cement. These substances contain acids and will stain paper and
hasten its deterioration. Never fasten papers or photographs with
metal paper clips, staples, or pins; they will perforate and stain
paper. If mending is necessary, it is acceptable to use wheat-starch
To clean paper use Pink Pearl erasers or powdered eraser pads,
such as Opaline and Scum X. These cleaners must be used carefully and only in areas void of inks or designs. Clean surfaces carefully to remove eraser dust. Do not use these cleaners on the surfaces of photographs.
Documents being prepared for storage can be protected in a variety of ways from dust and dirt, acidic materials, and deterioration
caused by handling. One procedure, commonly used because of its
simplicity, is encapsulation, in which a document is placed between
sheets of transparent polyester film and sealed inside the film with
a special double-coated tape on three or four sides. Because the
enclosure is transparent, the document can easily be studied. Materials required for this method are easily obtained from conservation supply companies, and the work can be accomplished with
the help of volunteers.
Archival folders and envelopes that are lignin free, buffered
with calcium carbonate, and have a pH of 8.5 come in a variety of
sizes and are appropriate for preserving and storing documents.
Acid-free file boxes can also be used to store documents.
For the preservation and storage of photographs, acid- and ligninfree nonbuffered envelopes and boxes should be used. Many museums mat photographs with museum-quality matte board and store
them, between interleaving tissue, in acid-free portfolio boxes.
Photographs can also be encapsulated with polyester film or placed
in polyester sleeves (available at conservation supply companies).
Negatives must be kept in acid- and lignin-free envelopes with
no glue and no abrasive surfaces (to prevent scratching) or in polyethylene envelopes. Never use glassine envelopes, vinyl or PVC (polyvinyl chloride) plastic enclosures, acidic envelopes, or cardboard
boxes. (Many curators find the archival collections in historic house
museums stored in these materials.) Polyethylene sheets with pockets for storing negatives are also acceptable. After the negatives are
enclosed the sheets should be stored in acid-free file boxes.
To prolong the life of framed historic photographs, prevent
them from coming in direct contact with the surface of the glass by
wedging acid-free paper along the edges. Photographs coming in
contact with glass will eventually stick to the surface and be impossible to remove.
At many house museums original photographs of the family
who once lived there often are displayed. This is unfortunate because exposure to light and high temperature and humidity can
around the house, and instruct them to ask guests not to touch or
to take care not to bump against artwork (or other furnishings) in
the house. Guards must be outspoken when protecting the building and its collections; they are an important line of defense in
preventing innocent "touches" from causing serious damage.
Carefully calculate the possible hazards of a location before
hanging a painting or print. Never position one above warm-air
registers or radiators or too close to heat-producing light fixtures,
such as picture lights, spotlights, or incandescent bulbs. Avoid outside walls where temperatures fluctuate, and guard against areas
that are damp or where circulation is poor. These conditions cause
mold to grow on paintings and "foxing" on works on paper. Never
place paintings on a damp wall or one that has just been painted
and has not had time to dry thoroughly. Avoid areas that are too
dry as well. Either extreme is deleterious and can seriously damage
precious works of art. (A desirable temperature for painting and
prints is between 65 and 70F and a relative humidity of 45 to 55
Regularly inspect paintings while they are on exhibit or in storage, and document any signs of deterioration or damage. If a work
of art has become unstable (i.e., canvas is buckling or there is loss
of paint), contact a qualified conservator for instruction in handling it. Never attempt repair of paintings or prints; this is best left
in the conservator's trained hands.
Handling Paintings and Prints
Do not touch the front or back of a painting or print with bare
hands; the oils from fingers can cause damage. Instead, use clean
white cotton gloves. If no gloves are available, be certain to wash
hands thoroughly before, and several times during, the process of
handling paintings. (Ornate frames, with irregular surfaces readily
collect dust, and it is transferred to hands.) Do not allow tape, glue,
or any kind of clip, staple, or other fastener to contact prints.
Never carry more than one painting or print at a time. Regardless of size, every painting must be supported by two hands, one
on the bottom and the other along the side. This method more
evenly distributes the stress on the frame and the painting itself. If
carried by one side, the painting can easily pull away from the frame,
or the frame can bend from the pressure. Large paintings should
be carried by at least two people, each supporting each lower cor-
ner and side. Be careful to hold paintings at points where the frame
is strong, not on, for example, fragile gesso decoration.
It is permissible to clean the frames of works of art by dusting
with a soft, clean brush or vacuuming with a soft bristle attachment
and low suction. Move all objects located beneath the artwork before dust removal begins to avoid transferring the dust to an object
that may be even more difficult to clean. While working, make certain never to touch the frame or painting with the hard edges or
handle of the brush. Vacuum any dust that has resettled onto the
floor below.
When removing paintings from storage or when moving them
from place to place, never rest them on hard surfaces. Place them
on padded blocks, packing blankets, carpet scraps, or foam pads.
Vibrations caused by mishandling can result in paint loss and
Storage Conditions
Never store unframed and framed paintings or prints together.
Unframed works are susceptible to abrasions, scratches, perforations and loosened paint caused by vibrations. Protect artworks by
wrapping them in a covering of acid-free, lignin-free paper and
rigid cardboard (acid-free cardboard is preferred).
When storing paintings and prints, remove screw eyes and
hanging wire to prevent damaging surfaces and frames.
Always use corrugated cardboard dividers between paintings (if
the cardboard touches the surface of the paintings or prints, the
cardboard must be acid free, if only the frames touch regular cardboard can be used). Cut cardboard panels larger than the paintings
to afford maximum protection.
Prints are best stored in frames or matted and enclosed in specially designed, acid-free, lignin-free conservation boxes. Solander
boxes, available through conservation supply companies, are commonly used. Unframed, unmatted prints must be stored flat, between sheets of acid-free, lignin-free paper.
If antique cabinets or chest of drawers are used to store works
on paper, be careful to line drawers with acid-free, lignin-free paper, and change the paper every few years. Also, mark the outside
of each drawer with tags listing the contents.
Regularly monitor for pests that feed on paper and paint, such
as silverfish and cockroaches.
Storage rack for paintings, with vertical slots or bins. (Reproduced with permission of
the Canadian Conservation Institute)
Sophisticated, commercial systems for storing paintings can be purchased and installed directly in suitable spaces, but few historic house
museums can afford such systems or accommodate them because
of their size. However, relatively inexpensive homemade storage
racks can be constructed easily and fit into closets or small rooms
within the museum.
A simple method that works well for small collections of paintings is a rectangular wooden rack containing a number of vertical
slots or bins, some of which have been divided with shelves to hold
smaller pictures. Typical dimensions for this rack are 6 to 7 feet
high, 7 feet wide, and about 3 to 4 feet deep.13 The actual size of
the unit, of course, will depend on the space available. If a closet is
used, it is possible to add an upper level to the rack if ceiling height
and accessibility allow. Nonetheless, be cautious; it is difficult to
safely retrieve paintings located well above one's head, and small
spaces do not lend themselves to stepstools or ladders.
A high-grade, formaldehyde-free plywood can be used to make
the rack, but the wood should first be treated by covering it with
laminated film, paint with non-oil modified urethane or latex ure-
thane acrylic, or paint containing calcium-carbonate, mica, or aluminum flakes (refer to description of wood storage).
The sides and bottom of the bins must be covered with a protective padding to prevent frames from chipping and splintering
and to protect them from excessive vibration when moving paintings in and out of the slots. Carpet scraps, inexpensive and readily
available, are a good cushioning material.
It may be helpful to label each bin with its contents. This will
prevent the staff from having to remove and view each painting
when retrieving a specific one.
It is important to note that bin storage should be used only
when paintings are stable. Damaged or fragile pictures should be
stored flat.
Hanging Storage Screens An inexpensive and space-efficient method
of storing paintings is to hang them on large, vertical panels that
slide on ceiling tracks. The unit for this function consists of large
A track system can be easily installed for holding paintings of various sizes. (Reproduced with permission of the Canadian Conservation Institute)
S-hooks work well for hanging paintings from the mesh panels. Other types of hooks
also work well. (Reproduced with permission of the Canadian Conservation Institute)
panels, each a rectangular wood frame covered with rigid wire mesh.
(The dimensions of the unit and number of the panels used will
depend on the space available.) The panels are attached by interior
door hangers to tracks secured to the ceiling. Paintings are hung
from S-hooks positioned on the mesh and can be placed on both
sides of the panels. Screw eyes on the backs of the frames are slipped
onto the S-hooks, holding the paintings firmly in place.
The panels allow for easy access to the paintings because each
panel can be pulled away from the other panels as needed for retrieval. As the collection grows, more tracks can be added to accommodate more artworks.
All materials needed for this system are readily available. The
panels, mesh, and ceiling tracks, are available at most building-supply
Wood blocks, padded with carpet remnants, can be used to store paintings temporarily. Always insert cardboard dividers between paintings when stacking them in this
manner. (Reproduced with permission of the Canadian Conservation Institute)
Wooden objects in historic house museum collections range in size
and shape from small carved boxes to large elaborate furniture. It
is useful to separate the wooden objects found in house museums
into categories of large, medium, and small and to store them accordingly.
Large objects, such as furniture, can be stored by placing them
directly on floor. If the artifact is flat bottomed, it should be raised
on blocks or placed on a low platform to allow air to circulate around
it.14 Large pieces must not be stacked; stacking places stress on
them and also poses a hazard to those who must lift or move the
Medium-size objects are best stored on shallow metal shelving
lined with polyethylene foam padding. Wood shelving units are also
suitable after they have been painted with acid-inhibiting paints or
covered with laminated film. The bottom shelf must be raised off
the floor to protect objects from possible water damage, dust, and
dirt. A muslin dust flap that can be rolled up or down can be attached to shelving. Or the objects themselves can be loosely draped
with sheets of polyethylene. Store medium-size artifacts spaced so
that they do not touch one another and avoid stacking them.
Small wooden objects should be kept in drawers, either in existing units or in metal storage drawers. These should be lined with
polyethylene foam or unbleached, washed muslin. The lining will
act as a dust barrier and provide a background for easy detection
of insect activity. Tiny wooden artifacts can be stored in polyethylene bags or acid-free boxes to ensure that they do not roll into
cracks or the corners of drawers.
Because wood is hygroscopic, it adjusts to its environment, absorbing water vapor under humid conditions and releasing water
stored when the air is dry. This shrinking and swelling is known as
wood movement. When changes take place too quickly, wood will
often crack and warp, veneers may detach, and finishes may checker.
The preferred relative humidity for wood is between 40 and 55
percent. However, the actual relative humidity as it relates to wood
is not as important as the speed with which changes in humidity
occur. Wood does have a limited ability to adapt to either dry or
moist environments as long as the transition is slow. When moving
furniture or wooden artifacts from one area to another, check the
environmental conditions in each area and their possible effects on
the artifacts.
Air flow around wooden objects in storage is also paramount to
their safety. Objects stored in unventilated, damp areas can develop mold, mildew, and fungus growths, which eventually will destroy wood fibers. If wooden objects must be stored in basements
and other damp areas, monitor the area frequently and place fans
at intervals to keep air circulating.
It may be necessary to clean wooden objects before storing them.
Use a small bristle brush; a clean, dry, soft cloth; or a hand-held
vacuum with a nozzle attachment (be sure that wooden surfaces are
stable before using a vacuum). Highly finished surfaces can be
cleaned with a slightly damp, clean cloth.
Finished wood surfaces may require wax to protect them. A
thin coat of microcrystalline wax (which is translucent and moisture
resistant) should be carefully applied once or twice a year.15 This
type of wax is available through conservation supply companies.
Plain paste wax can also be used if applied lightly and thoroughly
Commercial furniture polishes should not be used because they
often contain silicones that can accumulate on wood and become
impossible to remove.16 Other products to avoid are linseed oil and
lemon oil. Linseed oil, with repeated application, can damage finishes and cause them to become tacky and attract dust, eventually
even darkening the wood.17 Lemon oil will also damage finishes by
becoming tacky with prolonged use.
When moving wooden objects for any reason, place them in a
padded carrying box or cart to avoid scratching and breaking. Pads
should be placed between objects for further protection. Wooden
objects can be fragilepieces can come unglued or, because of
shrinking, fall off. Lift wooden objects with two hands and always
support the bottoms of smaller objects.
A detailed description of cleaning and polishing techniques for metal
will be provided in Chapter 7, but the subject warrants comment
here. The types of metalwork found in historic houses are varied.
Some are gleaming and polished silvercandelabra, etched and
decorated serving platters, elaborate desk accessories, or toilette
services. Other metal artifacts have dull surfaces, such as utilitarian
copper and brass pots, cooking utensils, and lanterns. Not all metal
is intended to shine, and polishing would give an inaccurate interpretation of its original appearance.
Some metal objects will have a natural patinaa thin film, usually green, caused by oxidation. Metal may also be given an artificial patina by using acids instead of waiting for natural aging. Outdoor metal sculptures and statues sometimes painted to resemble
marble and stone are other examples of applied film. Any patina,
natural or applied, will preserve the metal with a protective cover
and should never be removed.
Before attempting to "clean" a metal object, try to determine
how it might have been used in its original setting. You may find
that it always looked "aged," not polished and bright.
Storing Metal Objects
Metal objects can be stored according to size, either on metal shelves
lined with thick felt or on wood shelves that have been covered
with laminated film or painted with non-oil modified urethane or
latex urethane acrylic. A thin padding of batting or polyester fill
can placed on the shelves and covered with muslin cloth.
Relative humidity in the storage and exhibit areas should be
kept below 60 percent to avoid corrosion of metals such as iron. If
possible, metals should be stored apart from wood objects and other
hygroscopic materials. Also, it is best to store metals on an inside
wall, where there is less chance of moisture seeping through and
causing rust or corrosion.
When placing metal artifacts in storage or moving them for any
reason, always wear clean, white cotton gloves. Never allow bare
skin to touch metal; oils from the hands will mark the surface and
cause it to tarnish. Never overcrowd metal objects on the shelves,
and never stack platters, plates, bowls, or similar artifacts. This
practice may seriously scratch the surfaces.
17. Ibid.
Preservation and Care
of the Historic House
The most difficult task is to maintain the right environment. It
is a matter of compromising, of finding levels of temperature
and humidity, for example which will suit the woodwork, although it would prefer to be more damp, and at the same time
keeping paper happy, even though it would like to be drier.
David Winfield, Foreword, The National Trust Manual of Housekeeping
Identifying Problems
Historic house museums are faced with many problems in protecting the structure and its collection. Often the environment is far
from ideal. The indoor climate may be too cold in the winter months
and far too hot in the summer. It is often difficult to control humidity, particularly when there is little ability to control temperature. Collections are stored in undesirable areasattics, basements,
or closets located on outside walls, where the temperature and humidity can vary greatly.
Sunlight streaming through windows and skylights damages rugs,
bleaches wood-paneled walls, and fades and embrittles fabrics. Excessive light will also increase room temperature and consequently
affect the relative humidity.
Unchecked, insects and rodents will devastate collections. Moths
feed on and live in fabrics, dermestid beetles thrive in areas where
dust has built up, and mice will happily create homes in and from
valuable museum materials.
Atmospheric pollutantssoot particles, dust, acid compounds
are present everywhere. Museums located in metropolitan or industrial areas are more at risk because of the detrimental compounds emitted by automobile exhaust fumes and factory smoke.
Unfortunately, most historic houses do not have air filtration systems to screen such harmful compounds from the air.
Objects are often irreversibly damaged as a result of handling
by untrained staff or volunteers. Even staff or workers who are
only indirectly involved with the museum's collection can wreak havoc
in a historic house.
There are several accurate and easy devices for measuring relative
humidity: psychrometers, hygrometers, thermohygrometers, and
The sling psychrometer can be purchased for $45 to $75 at
scientific instrument or supply companies. This device has two
thermometers, one for a dry-bulb reading, and one for a wet-bulb
reading. A cotton wick fitted to the wet bulb is saturated with distilled water and the device is whirled around. Readings are taken
from both thermometers, and the relative humidity is easily calculated on a psychometric table, included with the instrument.
To obtain accurate readings the procedure must be followed
carefully. Wicks must be clean and fit snugly. New wicks should be
soaked in at least three changes of distilled water each overnight.
The instrument must be whirled in a steady, even motion for 3 to
4 minutes for an accurate reading. (Care must be taken when
"slinging" an instrument in the proximity of collections.)
A more accurate and easy to read instrument is the aspirated
psychrometer. It operates with a small fan powered by a flashlight
battery. The fan draws cool air across wet- and dry-bulb thermometers; readings are calculated on a psychometric chart, often printed
directly on the instrument. (The wet bulb is snugly fitted with a
clean wick and kept wet in distilled water in the instrument's reservoir for several readings.) The psychrometer can be purchased
for around $130 through scientific instrument companies such as
A new product recently offered through instrument companies
is the hand-held relative humidity meter. These meters are lightweight and compact and can be brought into any area. The readings are digitally displayed and provide measurements from 10 to
100 percent relative humidity. This psychrometer costs around $130
and is preferred over the sling type because it is simple to use (there
is no need for making calibrations from a psychometric chart), and
it does not need to be whirled around collections.
Other affordable devices for the small museum are the
hygrometers and the thermohygrometer (the latter used to indicate both relative humidity and temperature). These instruments
base readings on either hair bundles or cellulose sensors that expand or contract as they absorb or release moisture. Both are accurate and easy to read and are available in several different models
and prices. The most common are the dial-face models that can be
easily mounted on a wall. These range in cost between $25 and
$85. The digital thermohygrometer, which displays simultaneous
readings of both relative humidity and temperature, is particularly
easy to use. It runs for a year on a AAA battery and costs around
The most inexpensive relative humidity indicator is the paper
hygrometer, which contains cobalt salts that change color as the
relative humidity rises or falls. The device works well in a closed
environment, such as an exhibit case, but should be avoided as the
only method of testing in larger spaces, where it can be inaccurate.
The paper hygrometer can be ordered through conservation supply companies.
The hygrothermograph, like some of the hygrometers, bases
As a general rule, the museum should have a number of humidifiers in use in the winter months and dehumidifiers in place in the
summer months, even with air-conditioning.
Dry Environments In dry environments water vapor can be added
to the air by using portable humidifiers. The number and the size
of the humidifying units will depend on the size of the historic
house. Experiment with the numbers and types and consult a retailer, such as Sears, where humidifiers are sold.
Two types of humidifiers are available. One is a spray humidifier; the other is an evaporative type. The latter is preferable because spray humidifiers may overcompensate, filling an area with
too much water vapor and, if distilled water is not used, coating
objects with a fine film of particulate matter. A common problem
with portable humidifiers is that they run out of water quickly, resulting in a rapid drop in the relative humidity. Or the controls
may be altered by visitors passing through or by staff who are not
aware of how the device functions. Too much humidity during the
winter months can be disastrous to the house's structure: vapor
condenses and freezes within walls, leading to deterioration of brick
In the winter months the thermostat should be kept no higher
than 70F. The higher the temperature, the easier it is for objects
to lose moisture. Some museums intentionally keep their indoor
temperatures just below 65F because it is believed to be better for
the life of the furnishings.
Damp Environments Use portable dehumidifiers to maintain relative humidity below 60 percent. The number and size of the units
used will depend on the house. Dehumidifiers will need daily regulation. The water collected in them must be emptied daily. It may
be possible to place them in areas near a sink or drain, where the
water can be channeled away with hoses; however, the units will
need to be monitored daily for leakage and overflows. Monitoring
can become problematic on week-ends or during holidays when the
staff rotates, so make accommodations for these changes.
The use of silica gel is another way to help reduce high humidity. It is a porous, granular, noncrystalline form of silica that acts
as a drying agent.5 Stable, noncorrosive, and chemically inert, silica
gel is especially useful as a desiccant in small areas such as exhibit
cases or small storage areas. Some grades are specially colored to
indicate when the gel is dry (blue) or when it has reached a level at
which it is no longer useful as a good desiccant (pink). Silica gel
can be purchased from chemical and laboratory suppliers, as well
as conservation supply companies. (To be effective, silica gel must
first be "conditioned" to the desired relative humidity. For instructions on this procedure, refer to the Canadian Conservation Institute publication Silica Gel.)
Controlling Light
Light is a primary adversary of organic historic materials and can
be difficult to control in historic house interiors. Too much sunlight, as well as artificial lighting, can cause textiles to dry out and
fade, wood-paneled walls to lose color, and fabrics and leather to
become brittle. Although some substancessuch as wool, linen, and
silkare more sensitive to light than others, inert objects such as
ceramics and glass may also be affected.
In general, three "types" of light are used in museums: sunlight, incandescent light, and fluorescent light. Sunlight is harmful
to historic objects because it generates heat and transmits ultraviolet rays as well. Incandescent light (tungsten lighting), too, is a
concentrated source of heat, but has little or no ultraviolet radiation (although some bulbs, such as tungsten-halogen [quartz-iodine],
may produce a significant amount of ultraviolet radiation). Fluorescent bulbs function with virtually no heat buildup, but the ballasts (the device used to start the voltage) do produce heat and can
overheat a display case or add heat to a room. The primary problem with using fluorescent lighting is the transmission of ultraviolet
Controlling the amount of ultraviolet light entering the historic
house museum is fundamental. But how do you know how much
ultraviolet light is present in the exhibit areas? How is this light
Light levels can be measured by using a light meter. Many types
are available; one that is highly recommended is the model that
gives a digital reading in both foot-candles and lux (a unit of illumination). This costs about $300 and is available through
Art Preservation Services
253 East 78th Street
New York, New York 10021
If the museum cannot afford a light meter, a public agency such
as the state historical society may be willing to lend one for a short
time. Light levels can also be estimated using a 35-mm single lens
reflex camera with a built-in light meter, and a sheet of white matte
board or boxboard. This procedure is outlined in the Canadian
Conservation Institute's pamphlet Using a Camera to Measure Light
A general rule is that light levels should not exceed 15 footcandles or 150 lux. The ideal is no more than 10 foot-candles of
light for organic materials. For particularly light-sensitive objects,
keep levels between 2.5 and 5 foot-candles, or around 25 to 50 lux.
If you find the levels in your museum are too high and cannot be
controlled, follow the measures outlined below to safeguard your
The table on page 113 shows the light sensitivity of various materials.
An object's rate of deterioration is directly related to the amount
and type of light to which it is exposed, and to the length of exposure.6 It is important to remember that the effects of light are
cumulative. A sensitive object left for an extended period even in
a "safely" lit environment will eventually show effects of light degradation. In the historic house, light damage is particularly noticeable in rooms that have been exposed to sunlight for long periods
of time.
Keep in mind that historic curtains and draperies will also be
strongly affected by sunlight. Historically, housekeepers closed
window coverings during the bright, hot times of the day. Although this kept the sun from objects within the room, as well as
lowering temperatures, it speeded the deterioration of the window
covering itself. In some museums where curtains have hung for
decades with no ultraviolet protection, dry rot has advanced so far
that they actually fall apart when touched. Printed or colored fabrics will lose their color almost completely, and white areas will become yellowish in color. If possible, replace original curtains with
reproductions and carefully store the originals to ensure their longevity.
Extremely sensitive
Dyed leather
Vegetable-dyed materials
Multimaterial construction
Moderately sensitive
Bone, ivory, horn
Cellulose materials, such as
wood, tapa, baskets, reeds,
grass, leather, parchment,
rawhide, skin
Least sensitive
Adapted from William Lull and Linda Merk, "Lighting for Storage of Museum
Collections: Developing a System for Safekeeping of Light-Sensitive Materials,"
Technology and Conservation 7, no. 1 (1982): 20.
By placing protective sleeves over fluorescent bulbs, sensitive museum objects can be
protected from harmful ultraviolet rays. (Photograph by Bernice Wenzel, courtesy of the
American Swedish institute)
Clothes moths are the insects most commonly found in the historic
house. Two frequently found species, the webbing clothes moth
and the casemaking clothes moth, infest woolens and animal fibers.
Both can be identified by their yellowish or buff-colored wings and
soft bodies. The cycle of the clothes moth begins when the adult
lays its soft white eggs, which hatch into white larvae. The larvae
spins a cocoon and then transforms into an adult moth. At maturity the larvae are the most destructive, feeding on the fabrics in
Collections must be protected from insects that can do extensive damage. Here feathers have been attacked by dermestids and moths. Larva of the Odd Beetle can be seen.
(Photograph by Tim Ready)
Silverfish and firebrats (much like silverfish, only they prefer warmer
climates) can cause great damage. Paper is their main food staple,
but they are attracted to starch in some types of fabric, such as silk,
cotton, linen, and rayon. In eating the starches, they abrade the
surface of textiles. Silverfish and firebrats are more damaging to
paper, such as documents, books, and works of art on paper. They
thrive on the paste or glue in paper, creating holes as they feed.
Watch carefully for these elliptically shaped insects. They dash
about with serpentine movements, running for cover when lights
are turned on. Silver or gray in color and covered with scales (hence
the name "silverfish"), they are easily recognized. They seem to
prefer humid areas, although they can be found throughout a
building, wherever they can procure a meal. Silverfish and firebrats
are very adroit; they can make their way inside framed watercolor
paintings to get at the paper.
The best protection against silverfish and firebrats is to keep
paper materials in metal cabinets with gasketed doors. Inspect books,
documents, works of art on paper, and textiles frequently for their
This persistent insect has been around for millions of years and
will probably outlive homo sapiens. Although roaches can be found
throughout North America, they are particularly ubiquitous in the
South. They can be identified by their broad, flat and oval shape
and their tan or brownish color. Because roaches feed at night, it
is often difficult to detect their presence. Cockroaches feed on any
number of materials, including glue, leather, bookbindings, envelopes. If you have these pests in your museum you will find that
eating it, while they continue to damage collections. They may die
in an inaccessible place and attract other pests, such as dermestids
(beetles) and moths, to feed on the body. Once trap stations are
set, check them regularly. Dispose of mice promptly.
Squirrels have been known to gain entrance to houses through
chimneys, open windows, roof openings, and vents. Usually they
enter the house accidentally and want to get out as much as you
want them out. But they will need to be trapped and removed because they will chew on anything to get out of the house. Once they
have been trapped (which may require the help of a local exterminator), close off or repair the places where they entered the
Bats can gain access to houses easily through very small openings. They, too, will need to be excluded, by closing off their entrances to the house. Bats are migratory and will leave a residence
for other destinations during the year. After they are gone, repair
any openings, plug holes, and caulk thoroughly.
made up of 90 percent water. During freezing, the water crystallizes into ice, rupturing cell walls and killing all stages of insect life,
from eggs to adults.10
To carry out this process, the museum will need to acquire a
freezer, either a chest or vertical type. Install it in an area where
objects are prepared for storage and make certain that it can attain
a temperature of -20C (4F) temperature that is effective for insect eradication. Then proceed with the following steps.
1. Check the object to be frozen for weaknesses. When
freezing painted wooden objects, exercise care. Wood will
contract at a different rate than the painted surface, damaging the paint. If any object appears unstable, do not freeze
At the Lincoln Home in Springfield, Illinois, special runners are used to prevent the
abrading of historic carpets caused by visitor traffic. (Photograph courtesy of the Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Lincoln Home National Historic Site)
edged with a cotton strip but, unlike regular carpet, has no backing. The runner can be special ordered to match the colors of existing carpets and in widths to accommodate wheelchairs and baby
strollers. Signs can be placed around the rooms requesting visitors
to stay on the runner. Or stanchions can be situated to guide visitors along the runner and away from unprotected carpets.13
Another agent that works to destroy historic objects is air polluted with particulates and gases. Air pollution is especially prevalent in urban areas, and museums located in industrial areas are
most at risk because of emissions from automobile exhausts and
factory smoke. Compounds such as sulfur dioxide (which combines
with water to form sulfuric acid), nitrogen dioxide, and ozone can
destroy organic and inorganic materials alike, corroding metal, affecting stone and plaster, concrete, paint, metals, cellulose materials, and dyes. These compounds can be even more destructive
when mixed with water molecules. In coastal areasand even inlandair contains highly corrosive chloride salts, which can have
devastating effects on historic materials.14
The most effective way to protect the historic house from airborne pollutants is by using an air-conditioning system with a filtering unit. If such a system is beyond the budget of the museum,
other methods can be implemented. Explore the possibility of using a portable filtration system just for the storage areas. This system, which will control particulate matter as well as contain gaseous
media, can be added to rooms targeted as high priority, at a cost
of $400 to $1000.15 If a filter system is used on the furnace, make
certain that the filter is changed frequently.
Muslin bags can be used to protect wood, glass and ceramics,
leather, clothing, and textiles from particulate pollution while in
storage. The bags can be made easily from unbleached, washed
muslin with a simple drawstring opening. Silver and other metal
artifacts can be wrapped in acid-free paper and placed in polyethylene bags. Be certain not to seal the bag completely, because it is
important for the air to circulate. A cloth covering (sometimes called
a drugget) placed over displayed historic carpets also offers some
protection against air pollution. (Coverings can be made from heavy
cotton muslin with the edges hemmed). Druggets or a sheet of clear
polyethylene can be placed over carpets when the museum is closed,
or kept in place at all times if the carpets are very fragile.
Another method of fighting particulate air pollution is to be
sure that the exhibit and storage areas are dusted and vacuumed
Collections in museums must be handled carefully. Here a volunteer wears white cotton gloves to handle properly historic photographs in the archives of the Hennepin
History Museum in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Photograph by Bernice Wenzel)
Before moving furniture, tie down with cotton cording all loose
parts, such as drawers and leaves. Remove marble or glass tops
before picking up furniture.
Never drag furniture or works of art, always lift them.
When lifting furniture or heavy objects, always have an adequate
number of people assisting; it is worse to have too few than too
many in the delicate process of moving large historic pieces. Always lift furniture from the bottom, never by the arms or back,
and keep the piece in its upright position, not on its side or upside down. Move only one piece at a time and never stack one
piece upon another.
When touching any historic object, wear white cotton gloves. If it
is not possible to wear them, wash hands frequently. Latex or
grip-type gloves should be worn when handling slick-surfaced artifacts in glass, porcelain, or polished stone because they can easily slide out of one's hands.
Historic Housekeeping
There are houses which have soul and spirit, inclined to joy or
sorrow; there are places of dignity and grandeur. There are
facades of brick and stone that hold images; there are little silent places where, in half-forgotten whispers in dusty corners,
the stories of ages find voice.
Margaret Meade-Fetherstonhaugh, Uppark and Its People
THERE ARE A wide range of concerns involved in cleaning the historic house, and before a cleaning routine can be established, a
great deal of research and analysis is required. The cleaning techniques used in the museum will depend on the object cleaned, what
it is made of and how it was made, and its condition. Cleaning
painted surfaces will require different techniques than cleaning wood.
There are different procedures for cleaning metal fixtures, historic
wallpaper, rugs, chandeliers, or decorative elements.
If you do not know how to clean properly the special materials
that make up the historic house and its furnishings, it is best to do
nothing at all until you have learned the appropriate methods. Much
irreparable damage is done at the hands of those who are eager
but untrained.
It may be necessary to consult with specialists before cleaning
sensitive materials. For example, if there is extensive woodwork in
the house, a specialist familiar with the wood species, millwork
methods, and historic techniques in staining and finishing should
advise on cleaning methods and the products best suited to use on
Historic Housekeeping
Who will be doing the housekeeping, a contracted cleaning service or the staff? Is the service or staff knowledgeable and wellinformed as to the proper cleaning techniques?
It is important for the cleaning staff to have a strong sense of the furnishings historical significance, fragility, and value. Exquisite furnishings in the Port Royal Parlor.
(Photograph, courtesy of the Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, Delaware)
Historic Housekeeping
materials used and how they were applied and notations of damage
or areas of concern, followed by the initials of the housekeeper in
charge. A copy of the cleaning schedule and dated photographs of
areas or artifacts showing signs of wear or damage should also be
included in the logbook. (The logbook can consist of a spiral notebook placed inside a three-ring binder. A copy of the cleaning
schedule can be kept in a pocket of the binder, and the photographs can be placed in polyester sheets that fit the rings.) The
housekeeper's logbook is an important document, serving as a
chronicle of the museum's changing condition.
As mentioned earlier, a detailed set of procedures should be kept
in the housekeeper's notebook and carefully followed. Whenever a
new person is installed as housekeeper, the procedures should be
carefully reviewed to ensure complete understanding of historic
house care. The following are specific procedures.
General Dusting
For dusting woodwork, moldings, mantels, picture frames, louvers,
and other horizontal surfaces, a clean, soft cotton cloth should be
used. It should be large enough to cover a substantial surface adequately, but small enough to be easily managed in the housekeeper's hands. The cloth can be either dry or slightly damp, allowing for the dirt and dust particles to be more easily picked up. A
good source for soft cloths is a diaper service, where clean diapers
may be purchased at little cost. They have a large cleaning surface
and can be washed and reused. Other suitable cloths are cotton
towels, either bath or dish size cut to an appropriate dimension,
pieces of flannel, or other soft and absorbent fabrics, such as white
T-shirt material.
It is important to remember that dust cloths should be washed
frequently in a mild soap solution and rinsed several times in clear
water. When a cloth's surface is soiled, fold the cloth to a clean side
and continue dusting until all sides are soiled. Then replace the
cloth with a clean one. The grit on a soiled cloth can cause damage
by abrading surfaces with the grit from the soil.
Dust cloths, as well as dust mops, should not be treated with oils
or sprays. Although a treated cloth tends to pick up dust more
easily, it leaves an emulsion on the surfaces that will attract dust.
Instead, it is far better to dampen a cloth with a small amount of
Historic Housekeeping
Cleaning delicate carved historic woodwork with a cotton swab. (Photograph by Bernice Wenzel, courtesy of the American Swedish Institute)
izontal strokes beginning at the top of the painting working downward (after it is certain that the painting is in stable condition).
Dusting porcelain can be precarious. Take precautions to stabilize
the piece or hold it with one hand, brushing the dust off with the
other. When dusting books take care not to touch the leather cover
with an ungloved hand; the hand's oils can discolor book covers.
Dust inlaid furniture carefully, checking the floor after dusting for
any fragments that may have come loose. Loose inlays should be
reported immediately to the curator and recorded in the housekeeper's logbook. Loosening is part of the aging process; the glue
used in attaching inlay pieces will eventually desiccate and the inlay
will loosen. A conservator or wood specialist should be called to
attend to this kind of deterioration.
Washing Windows
Washing windows is a job that is best done with two people. One
can clean the higher windows while the other works on the lower
panes. This buddy system can ensure safety if a ladder is used, with
one person steadying the ladder and assisting the other when stepping up and down.
Before washing is started, all coverings should be removed
and any furniture close to the windows should be moved aside.
Take care that the cleaner does not drip on wooden sills and
Historic Housekeeping
Vacuuming must be performed with special care. Select a vacuum
that is easy to manipulate, one that will not damage historic furniture if it is bumped against wooden legs, corners, or walls. Extra
padding might be added to the vacuum's base to prevent accidents.
The museum may need two vacuums: a large commercial machine
for cleaning synthetic carpet in public areas and a small, more
manageable type for carpeted steps, hanging textiles,and historic
rugs. Synthetic rugs in heavy traffic areas must be vacuumed daily
to remove the dirt and grit that visitors bring into the museum.
Also, hardwood floors can be vacuumed with special brush attachments.
Vacuuming Historic Rugs
Periodic cleaning will remove dust and grit that abrades fibers and
may seriously damage rugs. If rugs are walked on as part of a house
tour, they will need to be cleaned more frequently than those blocked
off from visitor traffic. (Runners are highly recommended on historic rugs). A delicate balance must be achieved in vacuuming rugs
often enough to keep them clean but not so often that they are
damaged by overcleaning.
Special care must be taken vacuuming historic rugs. Always be
certain that the historic rug is in stable condition before attempting
to clean it. A small, slow-action vacuum used with a monofilament
screen is best for removing dirt (at no time should a large, powerful machine be used on old rugs). The screening, which will prevent threads from being pulled from the rug into the vacuum, can
be purchased at any hardware store and in any size. To prepare
the screen, simply cut it into the desired size for the area to be
cleaned and sew cotton strips around the screen's edges to give it
support. Several different screen sizes might be kept on hand. For
smaller rugs, a 2 X 2-foot size is suggested; adjust the size of the
screen depending on the size of the rug. For very large rugs, you
may wish to make a more rigid frame for the screen, using wood
strips coated with polyurethane to prevent acids in wood from
reaching rug. Attach the screen to the frame with rustproof staples
and always work with the screen staple-side up. Monofilament
screening should also be used for vacuuming historic upholstery,
Historic Housekeeping
In house museums where historic wallpapers have survived, the best care given them
is preventive maintenance. This same care should be applied to rooms with reproduction wall coverings to ensure their longevity. (Photograph courtesy of the Department
of the Interior, National Park Service, Lincoln Home National Historic Site)
easily accumulates dust and dirt particles, which settle on depressions and protrusions of moldings and cornices.
Cleaning can be done (carefully) with a hand brush and a small
vacuum cleaner. Use the brush for cleaning the plasterwork and
the vacuum for removing the loosened dust. A good, small, but
powerful vacuum cleaner is the Data Vac. It is lightweight, and can
be held by a shoulder strap. The Data Vac comes with several feet
of hose and different nozzle attachments. It is available at computer stores or office-supply companies. Cover the areas beneath
the plasterwork where dust is likely to fall, with polyethylene sheets.
While cleaning, watch for signs of cracking or any other damage.
Historic Housekeeping
To clean crystal chandeliers, use a solution of one-quarter isopropanol alcohol (available in hardware or drug stores) to three-quarters
distilled water. This solution can be placed in a plastic spray bottle.
Spray just enough solution onto cotton diapers or lint-free cotton
flannel to dampen slightly. Care must be taken not to saturate the
Holding the wires or chain ropes of the crystal drops with one
hand (a dry cotton glove should be worn on this hand to protect
the wires from the solution), gently wipe crystal from top to the
bottom. It is advisable to spread moving pads or other soft padding
in a wide area beneath the fixture. If the crystal drops do happen
to fall off, they will land on a soft place. No drying should be necessary, if the correct proportion is used. The alcohol will evaporate.5 Often crystal ornaments are attached to the fixture with fine
wire, which can rust and begin to deteriorate. If this happens, the
wire eventually will not be capable of holding the glass crystal.
Historic Housekeeping
Cleaning metal chandeliers and candle holders made from materials such as silver, brass, copper, or pewter require special care.
When working with metals, always wear cotton gloves. Brush any
dust or grit from the fixture with a soft brush or cloth, being careful not to rub grit across the surface. Dirt is abrasive and can easily
scratch metal. This light dusting should be done regularly to prevent buildup. For a more thorough cleaning, use a solvent such as
denatured or ethyl alcohol (available at hardware stores), applying
it directly to the fixture with cotton swabs. The solvent will remove
oils and surface dirt and grime. Never touch metals directly with
hands because of the oils on them.
Historic Housekeeping
bers, Cyclical Maintenance for Historic Buildings (Washington, D.C.: National
Park Service, 1976). Hermione Sandwith and Sheila Stainton, The National
Trust Manual of Housekeeping (London: National Trust, 1984), is an invaluable resource in "keeping" the house.
2. American Association for State and Local History, Housekeeping
Techniques for the Historic House, Conservation Techniques for Historic
Houses Series, no. 8 (Nashville, Tenn.: American Association for State
and Local History, 1978).
3. Lewis, Manual for Museums, pp. 22531.
4. Ibid., pp. 224-25.
5. This method of cleaning chandeliers was developed by Susan Wood,
exhibit technician, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
Architectural Preservationh:
Maintaining the Historic
House Exterior
Preservation means stabilizing a structure in its existing form
by preventing further change or deterioration.
Orrin Bullock, The Restoration Manual
THIS CHAPTER CONCERNS the preservation of existing historic structures. The term preservation, as used here, describes the process of
continual maintenance of a property in a historically concerned and
sensitive manner to ensure its survival.
Preservation is different than restoration, which refers to the "recreating of the original architectural elements in a building so that
it closely resembles the appearance it had at some previous point
in time." 1 Issues of restoration will not be covered here, since this
book presupposes the historic house has been restored. However,
general references on the subject can be found at the end of the
In discussing principles of preservation, it is necessary to know
that there are established recommendations and guidelines. Most
historic house museums are listed on the National Register of Historic Places, which ethically commits them to follow standards and
guidelines set by the Secretary of the Interior for preserving and
retaining the historic character of a property while allowing for
efficient contemporary use.2 These standards and guidelines should
be used as the framework for establishing the historic house's
maintenance and repair plan. Copies of the Secretary of the Interior's
Architectural Preservation
"Maintenance Is Preservation"
Maintaining a historic building requires applying both logical principles and practical approaches. Dailyas well as weekly, monthly,
and yearly tasks, including inspection and repairare involved. The
work can be tedious, time consuming, and seemingly endless; when
Hamilton House in South Berwick, Maine, has been refurbished to reflect its earlytwentieth-century appearance. (Photograph by J. David Kohl, courtesy of the Society for
the Preservation of New England Antiquities)
Architectural Preservation
Exterior Maintenance
The perceptions and skills of the person who actually conducts the
exterior maintenance of a house will vary from museum to museum. At one historic house a resident caretaker may be expected
to maintain the property; at another, a custodial team will be in
charge; at a small historic house, a regularly scheduled volunteer.
However, it is the curator, site manager (primary on-site supervisor), or director who is responsible for seeing that the work is done
properly. The supervisor's duty is to train the caretaker or staff,
schedule the work, and follow-up to ensure that it has been well
done. He or she must be explicit in communicating what is expected from the museum's maintenance force. The supervisor is
not always an expert and should consult with professionals if problems arise. A written description of each task should be documented in a maintenance manual.
Maintenance Plan
Maintenance requires a plan, one that must be rigorously carried
out. The National Park Service (NPS) lists four components of a
good plan: inspections, work schedules, building records, and
reference support materials. NPS also recommends including a
means of evaluating maintenance activities to determine strengths
and weaknesses within a system.3
Architectural Preservation
and there is the possibility they will contaminate files because of leakage from the chemicals they contain.
4. Reference support materials. These materials include
the performance standards and treatment specifications for
performing work on a property and can be compiled by the
site manager, director, or curator. Performance standards
describe when maintenance work should be undertaken; for
example, when repainting is necessary. Treatment specifications are descriptions of appropriate cleaning and repair
methods: in other words, how to go about doing a maintenance job.7
Maintenance Manual
All reference information about the house should be kept in a
maintenance manual. For assistance, see Cyclical Maintenance for
Historic Buildings by J. Henry Chambers. This handbook, used with
guidelines from the National Park Service, will aid the maintenance
staff in hammering out a practical maintenance manual. The following categories, adapted from Chambers's handbook, should be
included in the manual:
History of the building. A concise history of the building to familiarize staff with the building's past.
Catalog of documents. Copies of known documents relating to
the building: historical, architectural, construction, and legal records should be included. Be sure that the documents are copies;
all originals should be kept safely in a vault off the premises.
Evaluation of the resource. A description of the current physical
condition of the building and its components.
Survey forms. Forms describing the exterior of the building and
including information on roofs, gutters, porches, windows, cellars, and outbuildings.
Treatment forms. Forms describing standards and methods for
specific treatments, such as the proper method of cleaning gutters and downspouts. Treatment forms indicate the frequency with
which maintenance should be completed on specific parts of the
building. Treatment leaflets such as those in the series Preservation Briefs, Tech Notes, and others are available from the state
historic preservation office or the National Park Service.
Roseland Cottage (The Bowen House) in Woodstock, Connecticut, was built by Henry
Chandler Bowen, businessman and well-known abolitionist. Roseland Cottage is an
important surviving example of a Gothic Revival summer estate. Gardens and grounds
reflect the landscaping principles of Andrew Jackson Downing, the famous nineteenth-century landscape architect whose concepts exerted a major influence on residential design. (Photograph by J. David Bohl, courtesy of the. Society for the Preservation
of New England Antiquities)
Architectural Preservation
A Commitment to Maintenance
A strong maintenance plan must be supported by the board of
trustees. To be carried out properly, it must be well funded. Proper
tools and adequate equipment and materials are crucial to good
maintenance standards. Make the acquisition of necessary supplies
part of annual budget. After all, preserving the historic building is
as important as preserving the collections within its walls.
Preventive Maintenance
Weatherwind, rain, snow, sleet, and suncontinually works to
deteriorate the structure of the historic house. Consequently, it is
paramount that the property be made as weatherproof as possible
to withstand the constant attack of the elements.
It is generally agreed that the element most destructive to a
house is water (or ice). Left standing, water will
Create an environment for rot to thrive.
Weaken roofs and penetrate the building's interior.
Cause masonry and brick to spall, fracture, and deteriorate.
Rust metals.
Cause paint to peel.
To protect a structure, the first rule is to keep it dry and as
watertight as possible. Conduct periodic and comprehensive checks
for signs of water damage, such as staining, growth of moss and
lichens, and softening of wood. Identify vulnerable areas and places
that have been damaged by water in the past.
Constant vigilance, perpetual weatherproofing, religious gutter
cleaning, and continual caulking and painting will help to keep water
Built in the 1880s, this three-story Victorian frame and brick mansion was designed
to suit the life-style of Theodore Roosevelt. It includes a large porch, gun room, library, and the North Room, a showcase for Roosevelt's personal relics. (National Park
Service, Sagamore Hill National Historic Site, Oyster Bay, New York)
problems under control. Never become complacent about the extent of waterproofing done on a structure. Water will penetrate the
smallest crack.
Architectural Preservation
Architectural Preservation
Architectural Preservation
Sagamore, the Adirondack mountain retreat at Raquette Lake, New York, was built
on the notion of self-sufficiency. Artisans working at the site created the buildings
and their furnishings from local materials. From this and other similar retreats the
"Great Camp" tradition endured. The main lodge, a mix of Swiss Chalet and rustic
log construction, was built in 1897 by railroad magnate William West Durant, and
later was owned by Alfred G. Vanderbilt. It is currently used as a conference center.
(Photograph by Barbara R. Lewis)
is started, record exactly what was in place before the replacementthe size, shape, color, and the pattern and design of materials to be removed. Carefully photograph the roof to document its
original appearance.
Wall Maintenance
The exterior walls of a house serve as the bastions of the house,
holding the great weight of the structure. In these walls are wood
Architectural Preservation
or masonry or a combination of the two. Whatever their composition, preventive maintenance plays an important role in their survival. Like the roof, walls should be prudently inspected twice yearly.
Examine them for cracks, gaps, signs of warping, and settling. Look
for open joints around door frames, window frames, and trim.
Search for areas on walls where water may enter. Since cracks
are likely to be found in areas where dissimilar materials meet, check
around such places for evidence of water damage, such as stains
and discoloration. Carefully search wood walls for signs of mildew
or mold growthindicators of prolonged moisture. Look for peeling or blistering on painted surfaces; either can indicate water
damage. Use a small pick or pen knife to test areas for rot. Monitor
places where caulking was previously used; it may be time to seal
these areas again.
Another potential problem is differential settling of the building, indicating weakness in the foundation. This is often indicated
by undulating siding and large cracks. Do the walls bulge? Are they
plumb? Examine exteriors carefully for such signs; if they are detected, consult an expert such as an architectural historian because
structural damage may have occurred.
There are several kinds of wood siding: among them horizontal
clapboards, vertical board-and-batten, and shingles in a variety of
patterns and textures. Prudence in inspecting for the enemies that
destroy wood and immediate action taken when a problem is found
will help to preserve wood and prolong its life.
Decay or rot is the primary foe of wood. Three types of fungus
feed on wood houses: mold fungi, stain fungi, and decay fungi.
Mold and stain fungi are more nuisances than destroyers, although they will cause discoloration of wood. Decay fungi are the
most destructive. The two most common types of decay fungi, brown
and white rot, feed on the cellulose of wood cells. Rot can extend
as much as 4 feet into the wood beyond the visible infected area
and eventually will destroy the structure of the wood.23 White rot
causes wood to lose its color and become "whitish." It consumes
lignin (an organic substance that, along with cellulose, forms the
"woody" component in wood), leaving the wood fibrous and stringy.24
Brown rot may be identified by the brown stain it leaves on wood,
by cracks and, eventually depressions. The fungi weakens wood by
Architectural Preservation
Dry wood termites, found primarily in the warmer and moister
climates typical of the southeastern states, do not build shelter tubes.
However, they can be identified by their fecal pellets, which often
appear spilling from cracks in wood. Another telltale sign is the
wings that fall from the insects during a period in their life cycle.29
Powder-post beetles are wood borers, and at the active larval
stage will tunnel inside wood, causing great damage. Watch for exit
holes made by the adults and for fine powdery dust beneath the
Other common problems are gaps, cracks, and splits. The larger
cracks can be repaired with wood filler and caulking. For smaller
cracks and splits, caulking alone will work. After repairing the surfaces seal them with paint.
the old mortar is carefully chipped out and replaced with new mortar to reestablish a firm bond, will restore the visual character of
masonry and help to preserve historic brick or stone. The work
must be done with care by a good tuck-pointer (a specialist from
the masonry trade) using hand tools, such as a hammer and chisel,
to remove old mortar. Improper cutting can widen joints and damage the brick "crust." The mortar, too, must be chosen carefully to
approximate the color, thickness, and proportions of the original.
If mortar is too rigid, there is risk of serious damage to stone and
brick during the expansion and contraction that takes place in climates with severe temperature changes. Cement mortars, such as
portland cement, are more likely to remain inflexible; consequently, cracks will develop in the wall and spalling will occur. Lime
mortars are softer and more likely to expand and contract with
freeze and thaw cycles.32
A good repointing job can last from 50 to 100 years. When
considering repointing a historic house, the curator or site manager should plan the work carefully. The planning and execution
of a tuck-pointing job takes time.
Architectural Preservation
elements and decorative materials. Unfortunately, many "modern
reproductions" are not historically accurate in terms of color, texture, and detail. Consequently, reproductions must be selected with
great care and with the advice of specialists.
Excellent resource books, cited in full in the References section
of this book, are available that discuss correct replacements for
originals include works such as Floor Coverings for Historic Buildings
by Helene Von Rosenstiel and Gail Caskey Winkler, Lighting for
Historic Buildings by Roger W. Moss, and Wallpapers for Historic
Buildings by Richard Nylander. An informative general discussion
of reproductions can be found in William Scale's Recreating the Historic House Interior.
Another indispensable resource is the Old-House Catalogue, where
one can find suppliers of everything from metal ceilings and roofing materials to interior and exterior light fixtures, furniture, fabrics, wallcoverings, and reproduction hardware. The catalog also
lists services that may be needed by owners or managers of historic
houses. This informative book is published annually and can be
found in most area libraries or can be purchased in bookstores.
Organizations can also assist in making correct choices about
reproductions in the historic house. The Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities and the National Trust for Historic Preservation can be consulted for products and services. Also,
consult with staff of state and local historical societies and the state
historic preservation office. Making visits to similar historic house
museums may serve as a source for comparison.
1. Patricia Poore and Clem Labine, eds., The Old-House Journal New
Compendium (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1983), p. 50.
2. If your museum is not yet listed, consider applying for registration.
Inclusion on the National Register recognizes the significance of the listed
property and that measures be taken to ensure its protection. House museums that are nonprofit organizations are also eligible for certain federal
preservation grants if they are listed on the National Register.
For more information on applying for National Register status and
assistance in evaluating a property contact the office of the state historic
preservation officer.
3. Kaye Ellen Simonson, Maintaining Historic Buildings: An Annotated
Bibliography (Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1990), p. 1.
4. Ibid., p. 1.
Architectural Preservation
trol, contact Wendy Jessup, 1814 N. Stafford Street, Arlington, Virginia
22207, or call (703) 528-4339.
30. Sherry Butcher-Younghans and Gretchen E. Anderson, A Holistic
Approach to Museum Pest Management, Technical Leaflet, no. 171 (Nashville, Tenn.: American Association for State and Local History, 1990), pp.
31. Charles Nelson, personal communication, January 1991.
32. Jonathan T. Schechtman, "Wet Basements," in Old-House Journal
New Compendium, ed. Poore and Labine, p. 110.
Museum Security:
Protecting the Historic House
Museums, by their very nature, must be security conscious.
G. Ellis Burcaw, Introduction to Museum Work
staff, and plans must be in place to deal with theft when it occurs.
By far the easiest way to control theft is to take steps to prevent it.
A primary method of securing the house museum is to employ
security guards, either paid or volunteer (many house museums
must rely on volunteer security staff because of the expense of hiring guards). Guards positioned around the house will not only watch
for acts of theft and vandalism, but also serve as troubleshooters
when emergencies arise, such as a medical accident or a fire. The
very presence of a security guard will deter individuals who may
have entertained thoughts of pilfering. It is suggested that guards
continually observe visitors, but in such a way that the visitor is
unaware of it.1 (Guards can observe visitors from upper floors or
go about room checks or invent tasks to do while surreptitiously
watching them.) The staff, too, should assist the guards in observing visitors: interpreters, tour guides, demonstrators, and receptionists as they go about their work must remain alert to the possibility dangers of vandalism and theft.
Museum Guards
Because of their importance to the museum, guards need special
training and regularly scheduled, continuing instruction. Professional security officers from police departments, larger museums,
and security companies can be brought in to share ideas and offer
suggestions to the museum's security force and to instill in them a
sense of their importance.
Museum guards should be uniformed and readily identifiable
to visitors. The dress standard might be a light-colored shirt, navy
pants or skirt, and navy blazer. A museum crest or badge will further aid in making the guard easily distinguishable when assistance
is needed.
Guards must also be well informed about the museum. As frontline staff, they are continually asked for directions and questioned
about the history of the house, current exhibits, and the museum's
policiessuch as use of strollers or whether photography is permitted. Visitors often draw conclusions about the museum from its
staff. An agreeable impression is made when guards are knowledgable, friendly, and helpful.
While guards are on duty, they will need to patrol the museum
and remain mobile. After closing, they must make thorough checks
of exhibit rooms, rest rooms, closets, and any other areas that may
Electronic Devices
Many security measures can be used. The devices chosen will depend on cost and necessity. No matter where the museum is located or how sophisticated the security seems, no museum is impenetrable. All efforts must be made to thwart would-be vandals
and thieves, because as stewards of important historical and cultural collections, no museum can afford to go without protection.
Consult with professional security companies to decide on the best
approach to take in securing the house museum.
Electronic sentries can be used to supplement the security force
and to protect the museum when guards are not present. A wide
range of devices is available. Motion and sonic detectors (available
from security-equipment companies) installed in special areas of
the museum, such as exhibit rooms, will alert staff to movement
and sound in areas when none should exist. Burglar alarms can be
placed on doors, windows, and other vulnerable openings of the
museum. These alarms, which emit highly audible sounds when
activated, may be connected to the central station of a security company whose staff will notify the police if a theft or break-in occurs
at night or when the museum is closed.
In exhibit areas, simple battery-operated devices that sound an
alarm if an object is moved may be used and, in a restricted area
such as a period room, a pressure sensitive pad placed just inside
the room (hidden discreetly under a rug) will activate an alarm if
someone steps on it.8 Closed-circuit television, which allows security
personnel to survey several areas of the house at once, is another
device often used in museums. Exterior lights that provide overlapping cones of illumination should be installed in parking lots,
driveways, and entryways. Lighted areas tend to deter burglars and
vandals, whereas dark zones encourage them.
Before installing any electronic equipment, careful thought must
be given to how it will appear in the setting. All equipment should
be placed in the least conspicuous spots so that the historical ambience of the site will remain as undisturbed as possible.
Common Deadbolt Lock
High-quality deadbolt locks on exterior doors and doors to collections areas and high security locks on windows and roof openings
will help to reduce the possibility of a break-in. Choose deadbolt
locks that are made of brass with a hardened steel bolt. The bolts
should be 1 inch in diameter with a solid, free-spinning collar (locks
with a fixed collar can be pried off by using a wrench or pliers;
once the collar is removed, a burglar can use a screwdriver to turn
back the bolt, unlocking the door). High-security locks for windows
(such as the double-hung windows commonly used in older homes)
are the pin tumbler sash type that lock on the inside with a key.
They can be purchased from and installed by a locksmith.
Keys for all locks must be carefully controlled and given only to
staff who regularly use locked areas. A current log of individuals
holding keys must be kept by the museum's security officer, and
extra keys must be kept in a secured box or safe.
sponsibilities when disaster strikes. Procedures, even the most obvious ones, need to be carefully spelled out in the plan. Panic
born from unexpected disasters can cause humans to think and
act irrationally. However, having a step-by-step set of procedures
will help.
Test the plan by conducting drills for various types of emergencies. Drills will help staff to understand the emergency program.
Rehearsals can include training in the use of fire extinguishers,
first-aid and lifesaving techniques, locating and closing down
building utilities, evacuation of personnel and visitors, and removal of collections to safe locations.
Work with other museums in the area to create a network of help
and resources in case of emergency. There is greater strength in
fighting the aftermath of a disaster if museums agree to combine
their expertise and to work together.
Know what to do after the disaster. Have a network of people
and services to contact to assist in cleanup and post-disaster conservation and restoration for both collections and buildings.
List emergency phone numbers.
Always keep a duplicate set of the museum's catalog off the site
in the event of fire. At the museum, store collections records in
a fireproof steel cabinet or vault.
Fire Detection
As public buildings, museums are required to have an early warning system that complies with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards and local fire codes, and they must be inspected regularly. Also, as institutions that preserve our cultural
and historical heritage, the buildings should be well equipped with
fire-protection equipment. The sophistication of the detection and
extinguishing systems will depend upon the museum's needs and
their cost. Automatic detectors trigger an alarm when smoke or
abnormally high temperatures are detected. Detectors should also
be wired to alert a monitoring stationthe local police or fire station or commercially operated centers.16
There are two basic types of smoke detectors: photoelectric and
ionization. Each works on a different principle. Photoelectric detectors have a lamp that shines a light beam just out of direct view of
a light-sensitive photoelectric cell. With the introduction of smoke
particles, the beam of light scatters and some of the reflected light
is detected by the photocell unit. As more particles enter, more
electricity is generated, and when the particles become dense enough
the alarm is activated. Photoelectric detectors work well in the presence of smoke and smoldering fires. These devices must be "hard
wired" to a permanent electrical supply and usually have a battery
backup to keep them operating in the event the power goes out. 17
The ionization detector uses a small amount of radioactive substance to create ionized air. When smoke particles enter the detector they disrupt the flow of electric current to the point that the
alarm sounds. Ionization detectors require little power and can run
easily on batteries; they will work even during a power failure. 18
Another automatic detector is the thermal, or heat detector,
which operates by detecting rising temperatures in a room. When
a preset temperature is reached, an alarm is triggered. Heat detectors are useful as a backup to smoke detectors, but they should not
be used alone; they do not detect smoldering fires that emit smoke
and little heat but may release poisonous gases. Heat detectors work
well in areas such as furnace or boiler rooms and attics.
Because they are activated by different conditions, smoke and
Fire Suppression
House museums, because of their nature, also require protection
from fire: a fire-suppression system. Museum staff may feel secure
after installing the proper number of smoke and heat detectors
throughout the historic structure. But if a fire-alarm sounds, someone must be present to hear it, report the fire, and attempt to extinguish it. If the alarm is tied to a monitoring station, time is lost
as the fire team is being dispatched. Meanwhile, the collections and
building burn. With a fire-suppression system in place, immediate
action may be taken to extinguish the fire.
The two most commonly used automatic fire-suppression systems are gas-suppression and water-sprinkling systems. Gas
suppression has been used successfully in collection areas for many
years. An advantage to the system is that no water is introduced
into the area, thus avoiding damage to historic rooms, collections,
or furnishings.
Unfortunately, the Halon gases used in suppression systems and
in hand-held extinguishers contain flourohalocarbons, substances
linked with depletion of the ozone layer of the earth's atmosphere.
For this reason Halon does not have a future as a fire suppressant;
in fact, production of the gas is now restricted. Therefore, museums are left with only one viable option for fire suppression: watersprinkling systems. Automatic sprinklers can work well in a variety
of areas since there are several types from which to choose.
Recommended for areas where people work and gather, the wetpipe sprinkler, activated by heat, is the most common and least
expensive system in use. The pipes, which are mounted on the ceiling, are constantly filled and automatically release water if a fire
breaks out. The system should not be used in areas where there is
danger of the pipes freezing or of mechanical damage to the pipes.
Telling the Story:
the Historic House
Tho' the pipes that supply the bathroom burst
And the lavat'ry makes you fear the worst
It was used by Charles the First
Quite informally
And later by George the Fourth
On a journey North.
Noel Coward, "The Stately Homes of England"
AFTER THE HISTORIC house has been saved and restored, its financial future secured, the collections organized and documented, it is
time to concentrate on interpreting the house. But what is "interpretation," and how can it be accomplished in a way that presents
historical information accurately, holds the visitor's interest, and
meets a sound educational objective?
Interpretation, the structure in which information about the
historic house is presented, is an attempt to stimulate the senses
and arouse the imagination. It can be an interchange with a costumed interpreter portraying a pioneer woman churning butter. It
is the realization that the butter that she is making looks, smells,
and tastes like the unsalted butter one buys in grocery stores today.
From the experience the visitor understands a number of historical
realitiesthat the methods of food preparation in the past may be
strikingly different from those used today, that butter making, a
labor-intensive task that was usually performed by women, that pi-
Good interpretation is a way of educating visitors in a stimulating and thoughtprovoking manner. At Old Salem Restoration, costumed interpreters demonstrate domestic skills as they hang out freshly scoured wool behind the Vierling House. (Photograph courtesy of Old Salem Restoration, Winston-Salem, North Carolina)
The American Swedish Institute is a Swedish ethnic museum and cultural center
housed in the Swan J. Turnblad mansion. Turnblad, a Swedish immigrant, built this
miniature castle in 1904 to display his newly achieved wealth and status. (Photograph
courtesy of the American Swedish Institute)
Public records are an excellent resource. They are most often located at the county courthouse and can contain a wealth of pertinent information.
Vital statistics, such as records of marriage and divorce, births
and deaths, and adoptions.
Probate records, including such documents as wills, deeds, estate
proceedings, and possibly inventories of household articles from
disposition proceedings.
Legal descriptions of property, abstracts of title, mortgages, plat
maps, and information related to real estate, including early
property tax records. (Tax records contain changes in ownership
and reveal the value of property over time because of improvements made to the property.)
Records of lawsuits.
In larger communities, building permits and building index cards,
which list all the permits issued for a structure, can be found at the
inspections department in city offices. These cards often include
details such as the architect, builder, owner(s), dimensions, and
original costs and may contain information on the original construction of a building and later additions and modifications.
County libraries and archives offer such resources as city directories, newspapers, written histories, obituary files, biographies of
prominent individuals, address files, and photographs.
City directories list alphabetically (although not always completely) inhabitants of a city. In larger communities, listings are updated annually. Individual listings may include race, occupation,
number and names of family members, and home addresses.
Newspapers offer valuable clues on the activities of prominent
people, the tastes prevalent at the time, and how people were furnishing their homes. Turn-of-the-century newspapers, for example, held descriptive advertisements of real estate, and society
pages often described new residential construction.
Photographs are a good resource for those conducting histori-
County and state historical societies often hold family histories and
written histories of the region, personal records on individuals, and
newspaper clippings pertaining to residents and events of the time.
Company records, documents and artifacts from regional clubs,
naturalization records, early state and federal census reports, and,
occasionally, architectural drawings may also be found in the collections of historical societies.
For a study of period house plans and interior design, refer to
such magazines as House Beautiful, House and Garden, and Better Homes
and Gardens, as well as mail-order catalogs, which can be found in
historical society archives and libraries. Some publishers, such as
Dover, reprint house plans and pattern books from earlier eras.
Period room settings take many forms, from modest to elaborate. This ornate dining
room at Lyndhurst in Tarrytown, New York, was designed by A. J. Davis (1864
1867). (Photograph courtesy of Lyndhurst, a property of the National Trust for Historic
Archaeological excavations at the Brush-Everard House, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia. (Photograph courtesy of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation)
Refuse left by past peoples, excavated from around a dwelling, can shed light on their
life-style, level of technology, habits of leisure and work, and building styles. Here
specialists analyze archeological materials found at Colonial Williamsburg. (Photograph courtesy of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation)
The grounds of historic houses may have included outlying buildings. It is expensive, but prudent, to hire historical archaeologists
to excavate in order to uncover locations of previous structures and
their floor plans. Archaeologists usually unearth household artifacts. Dishes, bottles of all sorts, pipe fragments, shells, nails, and
other everyday objects that were lost or cast aside can be dated by
their style and composition. These were days when refuse was
dumped into pits dug not too far from the back entrance or kitchen
door of a dwelling. Materials uncovered from excavating can fill
many gaps in the historical record.
to the public, they preserved everything that belonged to their forbearsoriginal furnishings, correspondence, even Governor Ramsey's diary, in which he recorded all the purchases for his home.
These documents provide insight into the family's daily life in the
days before Minnesota became a state.
The house itself is remarkably preserved. Most of the furnishings, from the largest pieces of furniture to the smallest accessories
belonging to the Ramseys, are in place and are a solid representation of the late Victorian period.
Another example is the home of James J. Hill, founder of the
The Alexander Ramsey House in St. Paul, Minnesota, is typical of the Second Empire
Victorian Period. (Photograph courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society)
Costumed interpreters at the Alexander Ramsey House in St. Paul, Minnesota, demonstrate the complexities of Victorian dressing to schoolchildren. (Photograph courtesy
of the Minnesota Historical Society)
The stories of the "common person" who worked and lived at a house are also important to its history. Pictured here are the stonemasons who built the James J. Hill
House, in St. Paul, Minnesota. Swan Pearson, standing with his arms akimbo, received $4.50 a day for his work as general foreman. (Photograph courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society)
present. The past has come to life, even though the rooms are
sparsely furnished or empty.
The second approach to historic interiors is one in which the
furnishings are representative of the originals or those that may
have been used. These can be reproductions or actual furnishings
typical of a particular time period or geographic region, but not
necessarily linked to a particular family. Such rooms are easier to
create because the furnishings can be collected from a wider range
of sources. Or rooms can be furnished with objects that represent
the most beautiful and finest, brought together with an emphasis
on high quality. Period rooms such as these are common to representative and aesthetic type of historic houses.
Take for example, Strawbery Banke in Portsmouth, New
Hampshire, a historic site with forty-two houses that range from
the seventeenth to the twentieth century. To furnish them, curators search the New England region for objects they have found
listed in deeds and other documents associated with the houses. In
At the James J. Hill House, in St. Paul, Minnesota, the lives of many former servants
have been researched and included in a thorough interpretation. Pictured here are
Lena Olson (left), the Hills' head cook, and Celia Tauer Forstner (right), the cook's
helper (1910-1911). (Photograph courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society)
This approach is taken at the Will Rogers Birthplace, near Oologah, Oklahoma. This ranch was the birthplace of the famous humorist, performer, and newspaper columnist. Until he was nineteen Rogers, born in 1879, lived in the two-story clapboard home
his father built and, although he traveled widely, remained connected to the property and purchased it after his parents' death.
Rogers was killed in a plane crash in 1935, leaving the ranch to his
wife and three children, who deeded the home to the state of Oklahoma in 1959. In 1932 most of the pieces belonging to Rogers
were destroyed in a fire.
It was the curator who decided that, instead of leaving the period rooms empty, the house would be more effective if it was filled
with furniture similar to the originals. Consequently, furnishings
An interior of an early-nineteenth-century home owned by Stephen Chase, a well-todo merchant from Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The room provides a glimpse into
the era, region, and social standing of the Chase family by revealing facts about
foodways, decorative preferences, level of technology, and personal interests. (Photograph courtesy of Strawbery Banke, Inc.)
The desk of Washington Irvinga gift from his publisher G. P. Putnamis significant because of its association with the famous man. (Sunnyside, Historic Hudson Valley, Tarrytown, New York)
from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries have been
collected. Friends and relatives were also generous in contributing
objects Rogers had given to them.
This house museum, although a documentary site, relies on objects representing the periodand not those originally usedin
order to create an atmosphere similar to that of Will Rogers' time.
In the restoration of an interior belonging to a specific individual or one created as the essence of an era, it is essential to interpret truthfully. If the owner of a house was a scholarly man who
The North Room of Theodore Roosevelt's mansion reflects his interests and personality through his books, hunting trophies, political gifts, artwork, and furniture. This
room was added to the home in 1905 to accommodate the many distinguished visitors
and heads of state while Roosevelt was president. (National Park Service, Sagamore
Hill National Historic Site, Oyster Bay, New York)
Toys carefully arranged to look strewn about, giving the impression of a room played
in by children. The John Vogler House "Boys' Room," where Vogler's sonsTimothy,
George, and Nathanaelslept. (Photograph courtesy of Old Salem Restoration, WinstonSalem, North Carolina)
occupants would have used it. If there were children, it is important to show their toys strewn about as if they had been playing. If
the children slept with their parents which they often did in the
eighteenth and nineteenth century, show this by placing the children's belongings in the bedchamber and explain to visitors why
this was the custom then and why it is different today.
Be truthful about the arrangements of objects in a room. Let
dust pile up in corners if it is deemed appropriate for the time
period and cultural views of the family. Today's sterilized interiors
are a fairly modern phenomenon. Stack pots, pans, and utensils on
the stove or tabletops if they were kept in this way. Hang coats and
Interpretive Techniques
There are many interpretive techniques available for historic house
museums, and many combinations of them can be used. The techniques selected will depend on the resources available such as money,
staff, and time. Some of the more common techniques and tools
are listed here.
Brochures and Pamphlets
The most basic interpretive tool is a written description of the historic site. Whether the museum is organized as self-guided, with
descriptive labels in each room, or is fully staffed by interpreters,
a general brochure that serves as introduction and souvenir is essential.
Site Orientation
Museums will often have guides stationed at the main entrance to
orient visitors before they are greeted by a tour guide or go off on
a self-guided tour. The overview can be a verbal recitation of the
house's history or an informative videotape or slide show.
Self-Guided Tours
Self-guided tours are usually assisted by a brochure that includes a
brief history of the house and its residents and a room-by-room
description. Visitors set their own pace, spending time in areas that
interest them and passing over those that do not.
Stationed Interpreters
In many museums, guides are stationed at strategic locations in the
house and grounds to inform visitors about that particular area.
They may, through vignettes, provide insights into the life of the
family and events that occurred at the place. For example, an interpreter stationed in an outbuilding, one that served as slave quarters, might describe some of the realities of slave life or the slaves'
The Interpreters
Interpreters involved in tours, demonstrations, or role playing should
be specially trained by the curator or an interpretation specialist.
They must learn all that they can about their subject so that they
can present a thorough tour and be prepared for the varied questions that will be asked. Visitors will respond to a guide's imaginative explanations during a room-to-room tour of a house, or a lively
exchange with a costumed interpreter demonstrating the day-today tasks of the household.
The museum should keep all the necessary resources on hand
and offer a quiet place for study. Information packets that the interpreter can take home should also be provided. Lectures, workshops, and classes presented by the historians, curators, and museum educators must be considered a staple of the training program.
Guides should be given a written description of the information
the museum wishes to convey to the public. While each interpreter
will have his or her own manner of delivering a tour, it is useful
for everyone to have the same starting point. Guides must also be
kept up to date on new developments at the site. For example, a
newly installed exhibit or a rearranged period room should not be
discovered in the midst of a tour. Such surprises can cause a guide
embarrassment, perhaps creating skepticism in the mind of the visitor. Does the guide really know what is going on?
Demonstrators and role players should be well trained in the
tasks they will be performing or the roles they will be playingin
housekeeping, beekeeping, gardening, sewing and quilting, and food
preserving. All tasks and roles should be practiced and rehearsed
(with performances evaluated) before the interpreter goes it alone.
It has been suggested that when interpreters are playing a role in
the first person, they should receive thorough training in period
speech patterns as well as theatrical techniques in order to portray
historical characters properly.9 As noted earlier, first-person interpretations, if not carefully prepared, risk losing their effectiveness,
actually coming across as hokey. The preparation for this type of
program requires considerable research, training, and administrative support. If time and funds cannot be committed, it is best not
to do it at all.
Interpreters should present their tours (or roles) to other interpreters for constructive evaluations. Occasional visitor question-
Girls, dressed in period costumes, are learning to sew, based on a sewing class taught
in early Salem. (Photograph courtesy of Old Salem Restoration, Winston-Salem, North
naires at the end of tours can shed light on how well the presentation was received. Self-evaluationusing a tape recorder or a
videotapeis also an effective means of assessment. Interpreters
must modify the tour for the age groups involved. Youngsters, of
course, will need a different presentation than that given to a group
of adults. Be prepared for a variety of ages and try different techniques for each group.
It is tedious for visitors to endure a haphazard, fragmented presentation or an expressionless recitation of historical facts. Illprepared, dull presentations will cause visitors to wander away from
the tour, either physically or mentally. Children, especially, will
Costumed interpreters demonstrate pie making in the kitchen of the Alexander Ramsey House, St. Paul, Minnesota. (Photograph courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society)
The gardens and grounds of house museums can provide lovely settings for picnics,
wedding ceremonies, and special events. (Lyndhurst, Tarrytown, New York, a property
of the National Trust for Historic Preservation)
they will be walking on the tour. If the full tour is too long for
some visitors, consider offering an abbreviated tour as well. Public
rest rooms and drinking fountains should be modified to accommodate wheelchair users. It is also useful for the museum to designate a staff person to assist disabled visitors in getting in and out
of their vehicles, and going up and down ramps.
Some changes to increase access to the visually impaired can be
made quite simply. Enlarging the type size on exhibit labels, making a second set of labels in braille, or offering hand-held magnifiers will assist visitors in reading standard labels. (Contact the nearest
agency for the visually impaired and its staff will be able to refer
you to braille sign-makers in the area.) Audio guides are a useful
aid. The equipment needed to prepare them is inexpensive and
readily available: a cassette tape recorder, headphones, blank tapes,
and an interpreter to record the tour through the house.
Tactile accessibility should also be explored. Can some objects
from collections be made available for disabled visitors to experience by touching? Obviously, a program of this sort should not be
implemented without supervision, but it is an option to consider. A
visually impaired visitor can greatly benefit from being able to touch
a heavy pewter stein or a crudely carved wooden bowl. 12
For the hearing impaired, the museum should provide closed
captioning on video productions, and sign-language interpreters
should be available when needed. It is helpful to get to know several interpreters and to teach them about the museum and its collections. Their expanded knowledge and understanding will enhance the tours for deaf visitors. Most states have an interpreter
referral service or center where interpreters can be located. For the
number in your state, call the National Registry of Interpreters for
the Deaf in Silver Springs, Maryland, (301) 608-0050. This organization will provide the number to the nearest referral center.
Specially designed tours should also be made available tor the
learning impaired. Teachers and advisors with specialties in learning disabilities can make suggestions in creating meaningful tours.
Disabled visitors need to feel welcome in the museum environment. Genuine friendliness and helpfulness are elements that all
historic house museums can incorporate into their programs.
side, if outdoor use is permitted. Make sure to have adequate accommodations, such as benches and chairs for people to pause and
absorb what they have learned as they rest. Remember, museum
fatigue affects both the feet and the psyche of those who join the
historic house tours. Also provide an adequate number of rest rooms,
drinking fountains, and trash receptacles for visitor convenience.
Maintenance staff should make regular checks to keep rest rooms
clean and well supplied. If the museum provides eating facilities,
such as lunchrooms or picnic areas, they must be kept clean and
free from food and debris. Trash receptacles must be monitored,
emptied, and cleaned frequently.
If vending machines are provided for visitors, make certain that
they operate properly and are well maintained, and that there is
change available for using the machines. Some museums sell snacks
such as cookies, rolls, coffee, fruit, and sandwiches. These must be
kept freshto prevent food poisoningand food handlers must
adhere to state health codes for preparing, handling, and selling
food to the public.
Outdoor Facilities
House museums offer a range of outdoor facilities, from elaborate
formal gardens restored to their historic appearance to simple
grounds. Many museums provide facilities such as picnic grounds,
rest areas, walkways through wooded areas, and even outdoor arenas where programs are held.
In most museums, visitors are left to enjoy the grounds at their
leisure, and tours are self guided. However, some do have staff
who specialize in horticulture or landscape architecture to guide
tours and answer questions. Other museums provide only prearranged tours or special tours during certain times of the year.
Whatever the arrangements, visitors should be informed in advance about what they can expect once outside the museum building. It is essential for visitors to know the museum's rules for using
the grounds; these should be listed on signs or relayed by a tour
guide. Do not expect visitors to read rules printed only in a brochure. If grounds are extensive, provide a map showing locations
of picnic areas, rest rooms, accessible walkways, and trash receptacles.
Consider assigning a guardeither paid or volunteerto patrol the grounds in order to answer questions, assist visitors, alert
the maintenance staff when supplies are low in rest rooms, and
reinforce the museum's rules.
It is imperative to keep grounds well maintained to lend to the
beauty of the surroundings, as well as to provide a safe environment for visitors. Grass should be kept well manicured, and bushes
and trees well trimmed. Low-hanging branches or overgrown walkways not only look bad, but pose a hazard. Always put away lawn
equipment and chemicals after use, and keep garden hoses, sprinklers, trowels, and rakes away from areas where visitors may
Renting Facilities
Some museums open their outdoor facilities to the public lor rental.
Weddings, receptions, conferences, business events, and parties are
popular events held on museum grounds. It is important to have a
written policy that outlines procedures, rules of use, responsibilities
and liabilities of renters, and a fee schedule. In addition, a contract
must be drawn up between the renter and the museum.
The museum may want to obtain a special insurance rider when
the grounds are being rented to cover damages that may be incurred. (The expense for this extra coverage should be paid by the
renters.) The museum's insurance company can provide specific
Gift Shops
Operating a museum is an expensive endeavor, and it is generally
agreed that starting a gift shop is a good way to earn capital to help
defray expenses. In fact, a well-managed gift shop is a means of
providing funds to add exhibits, make repairs to the structure, and
create programs. Frequently, small museums use profits earned from
gift shops, coupled with membership and entrance fees, to keep
the doors open and the museum running.
Most often, the museum will set up the store, establishing a location within the building or on the grounds, purchasing the stock,
and hiring or recruiting a manager to run it. However, gift shops
in museums occasionally are operated by independent nonprofit
organizations that raise money to support the museum. Because
they are independent, they have their own board of directors and
The type of merchandise sold in the shop should relate to the identity and personality of the museum house and its former inhabitants. Artifacts in the house can offer clues about what to stock.
Reproductions of teapots, glass and wooden bowls, quilts, and coffee grinders are products that are often available. Books relating
to architecture, life during the period, or activities in which the
family was involved, and even history books of the region or state
are related items that could be sold.
If children were an important component of the museum's story,
sell old-fashioned, handmade games, toys, and dolls, and childrens'
books, paper dolls, and patterns for doll clothes.
If gardening was an emphasis of the historic family or even of
the time period, sell seeds, books on gardening, and simple gardening tools. Offer objects that are associated with articles made
and discussed at programs or demonstrations at the sitehandmade baskets, silver jewelry, silk flowers, or wooden household
For ethnic museums, it is important to purchase merchandise
that reflects the heritage. A trip to the country being represented
may be necessary in order to stock authentic objects.
Ask visitors what they would be interested in buying. Offer a
range of prices and quality to make objects affordable to the diverse
people who will shop.
Volunteers in the
Historic House Museum
I have often admired the extreme skill they show in proposing
a common object for the exertions of very many and in inducing them voluntarily to pursue it.
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
WHEN FRENCH STATESMAN and writer Alexis de Tocqueville traveled in the United States in 1831 and 1832, he was amazed by the
generosity of Americans in lending their time and expertise voluntarily. Today that same spirit persists for the benefit of individuals, institutions, and communities. In this tradition, volunteers
continue to fill vital roles in American museums, with some 70,000
serving throughout the country. 1 Without volunteers the majority
of smaller museums, especially historic houses, would not be able
to open their doors.
A recent National Trust survey indicates that more than 65 percent of historic property museums are run solely by volunteers.
Frequently, they are residents of the town where the museum is
located or are members of local groups that strive to preserve and
administer the historic structure. Volunteers often undertake the
major tasks of establishing a board of trustees, appointing a director or curator, recruiting guides, and even finding local assistance
for the museum's cleaning and maintenance needs.
Volunteers come to the house museum because they are interested in the history of their community or region and they want to
offer their time and their knowledge. Because they often bring
Recruiting Volunteers
An understanding of what motivates people to volunteer will aid in
both recruiting and retaining volunteers. One or more of the following motives often prompts people to seek volunteer positions in
historic house museums.
Self-fulfillment and personal esteem through ties with organizations they value.
A personal commitment to better the community.
A desire to work for social change and reform by aiding in the
preservation of historic sites and properties.
A need to increase or sharpen marketable skills and to gain references for employment.
A desire to continue the use of special skills after retirement (as
computer programmer, draftsperson, writer, researcher, electrician).
A desire to meet people and make new friends.
A means to earn academic credit (as a student intern).
Regardless of the reasons volunteers choose to work at museums, once they are there, their roles and responsibilities must be
clearly defined. A systematic approach to structuring the individual's positions and roles will help to create order and will give volunteers a sense of direction and purpose within the organization.
and professional groups. Radio spots (public-service announcements) can also stimulate interest in potential volunteers.
A successful volunteer program is often the best way to recruit
volunteers. Word-of-mouth recruiting is frequently used by smaller
museums and fills their volunteer needs. And holding an open house
in which the existing volunteer staff members perform their jobs
and discuss their responsibilities is also a good way to entice potential volunteers. Other methods of finding volunteers include slideshow presentations before targeted audiences, such as retired
teachers or soon-to-retire employees from large companies in the
An example of an ad in a newsletter might be:
Use a wide variety of outside special-interest publications to announce positions. Keep local organizations in mindweavers' guilds,
lace-makers' associations, and woodworking and blacksmith guilds
are excellent sources. Not only can their members provide skills
needed by the museum, but they also have great enthusiasm for
their crafts. Reaching out into the community by contacting such
organizations can increase the visibility of the museum.
An example of an ad for the newsletter of a local weavers' guild
might be:
The historic house museum is looking for volunteers to help preserve its textile and costume collections. Due to a major reorganization of the storage areas, volunteer help is needed for rolling
large textiles on tubes, lining storage areas with muslin, padding
costumes with acid-free paper, and stabilizing textiles for exhibition. A three-session training course will be provided for all volunteers. Contact the curator for details.
Government Agencies
There are agencies whose sole purpose is recruiting and referring
volunteers, and they can also be valuable resources. For example,
Voluntary Action Centers (VAC), also known as Volunteer Bureaus, operates 387 volunteer clearinghouses throughout the United
States. VAC, an excellent source for locating potential volunteers,
offers its services to all museums. (Refer to your state office on
volunteer services for Voluntary Action Centers in your community or contact The National Volunteer Center [VOLUNTEER] in
Arlington, Virginia.)
The Management Assistant Project (MAP), is run through the
United Way. MAP fills requests for professional assistance for museum management problems, ranging from establishing personnel
policies to recruiting trustees. Although MAP charges a fee for its
service, it can be negotiated or waived altogether, depending on
the finances of the organization. To learn more about MAP, contact your local United Way office.
The Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (RSVP) matches qualified volunteers with positions in community organizations. RSVP
is found throughout the country listed under the state ACTION
office (the umbrella agency for federal government volunteer programs).
Many state governments have an office on volunteerism, check
the state office listings in your telephone directory.
Corporate Retiree Programs
Many corporations offer volunteer services through their corporate retirees' program, matching former employees with appropriate volunteer positions in the community.
Honeywell, Inc., a large corporation based in Minnesota, offers
one such program. This service, staffed by former Honeywell employees, taps a wide range of expertise, providing historic house
museums with retirees skilled in areas from photography and lighting to office work and management consulting. Requests for volunteers are recorded on a computer database that matches qualified retirees to position openings.
Internships in the Museum: Help from Colleges and Universities
Museum internship programs offer students a challenging environment in which to work and an opportunity to earn academic
credit while gaining experience. Internships can vary from a one-
or paid staff, are responsible for the care of the objects and buildings held in public trust.
Performance Evaluations
The museum should plan to evaluate the work of its volunteers
periodically. By taking the time to evaluate their views and attitudes, as well as their work, the relationship between unpaid and
paid staff can be strengthened. Include in the evaluation basic
questions on performance: Do the volunteers understand the museum's goals? Is their work commitment being fulfilled? Are they
satisfied with the kind of work in which they are involved? In the
process, consider if adequate training has been provided the volunteers and if they are serving in appropriate roles.
Volunteers should also be given the opportunity to reevaluate
their own positions and goals; this can help to promote their continued interest in the organization. Some museums use peer evaluation to assess the performance and function of volunteers. This
system works best where volunteers have received similar training,
allowing for balanced comparison of one another's performance
and exchange of constructive suggestions.
Regular Informational Meetings
Staff members must meet regularly with volunteers to acquaint them
with new procedures, current projects, new positions, and forthcoming exhibitions. These meetings can also serve as a forum for
volunteers to present problems and developments in the museum
about which the staff might be unaware. Informational meetings
should also promote cohesiveness among the volunteer staff and
reinforce the connection between the volunteer and the museum.
State Government
Advisory Council on Historic
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite
Washington, D.C. 20004
(202) 786-0503
American Arts Alliance
424 C Street NE
Washington, D.C. 20002
American Association for State
and Local History
530 Church Street,
Suite 600
Nashville, Tennessee 37219
(615) 255-2971
American Association of
Botanical Gardens and
Department of Horticulture
Box 3530
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003
American Association of
1225 Eye Street NW,
Suite 200
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 289-1818
American Association of Museum
Wadsworth Atheneum
600 Main Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06103
Association for Living History
Farms and Agricultural
National Museum of American
Smithsonian Institution,
Room 2235
Washington, D.C. 20560
(202) 357-2095
Association for Preservation
P.O. Box 8178
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22404
(703) 373-1621
Canadian Conservation Institute
1030 Innes Road
Ottawa, Ontario KIA OC8
(613) 998-3721
Canadian Museums Association
280 Metcalfe Street,
Suite 202
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1R7
Center on History-Making
in America
Indiana University
1503 E. Third Street,
Suite 201-202
Bloomington, Indiana 47405
(812) 855-8639
Institute for the Conservation of
Cultural Material (ICCM)
P.O. Box 1638
Canberra City
Canberra, A.C.T. 2601
International Centre for the
Study of the Preservation and
the Restoration of Cultural
Via San Michele 13
00153 Rome
International Council of
Maison de l'Unesco
1 rue Miollis
Paris XVe
International Institute for
Conservation of Historic and
Artistic Works
6 Buckingham Street
London WC2N 6BA
Museum Store Association
501 South Cherry,
Suite 460
Denver, Colorado 80222
(303) 329-6968
National Council on Public
301 Cavanaugh Hall
425 University
Indiana University
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
(317) 274-2716
National Institute for the
Conservation of Cultural
3299 K Street NW, Suite 403
Washington, D.C. 20007
(202) 357-2295
National Park Service (NPS)
U.S. Department of the Interior
P.O. Box 37127
Washington, B.C. 20013-7127
(202) 208-4747
National Register of Historic
1100 L Street, Suite 6209
Washington, B.C. 20005
(202) 343-9536
National Endowment for the Arts
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Suite 803
Washington, D.C. 20506
(202) 682-2000
National Endowment for the
Humanities (NEH)
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Suite 803
Washington, D.C. 20506
(202) 786-0438
Rocky Mountain Regional
Conservation Center
University of Denver
2420 S. University Boulevard
Denver, Colorado 80208
(303) 733-2712
Texas Conservation Center
Panhandle-Plains Historical
Box 967, W.T. Station
Canyon, Texas 79016
(806) 656-2238
Nonprofit Management
Association (NMA)
c/o United Way of Minneapolis
P.O. Box 2350
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
(612) 340-7591
Chapter 2
American Association of Museums. Museum Ethics. 2d ed. Washington,
D.C.: American Association of Museums, 1991.
. Museums for a New Century. Washington, D.C.: American Association of Museums, 1984.
Burcaw, G. Ellis. Introduction to Museum Work. 2d ed. Nashville, Tenn.:
American Association for State and Local History, 1983.
Conway, Mary Ellen. "A Made-for-Television Historic House Series: From
Opera to Sitcom." History News 43, no. 3 (1988): 18-25.
Diamond, Susan Z. Preparing Administrative Manuals. New York: AMACOM, 1981.
George, Gerald, and Cindy Sherrell-Leo. Starting Right: A Basic Guide to
Museum Planning. Nashville, Tenn.: American Association for State
and Local History, 1986.
McHugh, Alice. "Strategic Planning for Museums." Museum News 58, no.
6 (1980): 23-29.
Malaro, Marie C. A Legal Primer on Managing Museum Collections. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1985.
Miller, Ronald L. Personnel Policies for Museums: A Handbook for Management. Washington, D.C.: American Association of Museums, 1977.
Phelan, Marilyn. Museums and the Law. Nashville, Tenn.: American Association of State and Local History, 1982.
Ullberg, Alan, and Patricia Ullberg. Museum Trusteeship. Washington, D.C.:
American Association of Museums, 1981.
Weil, Stephen E. Beauty and the Beasts: On Museums, Art, the Law, and the
Market. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1983.
Yang, Meipu. "Manuals for Museum Policy and Procedures." Curator 32,
no. 4 (1989): 269-74.
Chapter 3
American Association of Museums. Museums for a New Century. Washington, D.C.: American Association of Museums, 1984.
Glickberg, Randi R. "Historic Sites Accreditation." Museum News 60, no. 2
(1981): 42-49.
Chapter 4
American Association of Museums. Caring for Collections: Strategies for Conservation, Maintenance and Documentation. Washington, D.C.: American Association of Museums, 1984.
. Museum Ethics. 2d ed. Washington, D.C.: American Association of
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Accessibility, 217-19
Accession file, 62
Accession number, 62
Accessions register, 61
Accreditation, 12, 25
Acid-free materials, 69, 72, 81, 85,
86, 91, 125
boxes, 72, 84, 85, 90
cardboard, 70, 91, 93, 97
envelopes, 90
paper, 69, 72, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86,
91, 125
trays, 72
tubes, 85
Acquisition, 29, 52
committee, 58
Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation, 31, 180
Aesthetic considerations, 18586,
189, 201
Alderson, William, 42, 223nn.2, 3
Alexander Ramsey House, 19699,
Alexander, Edward P.
American Association for State and
Local History (AASLH), 27, 4142, 45, 47, 66, 143
American Association of Museums
(AAM), 3, 24, 41-42, 45, 53-55,
American Association of Museum
Volunteers (AAMV), 232-33
American Institute for Conservation
of Historic and Artistic Works
(AIC), 38, 104
Department of the Interior, 32
Directors, 7, 10
bylaws, 13
as chief of security, 170
internships, agreements of, 229
manual of policies and procedures,
Museum Code of Ethics, 230
responsibilities of, 55
role of, 16-18
Documentary site, 184, 185-86, 196,
202, 204
Documentation, 59
of objects, 59-60
Documents, 72, 89-90
Dudley, Dorothy, 42, 60, 64
Durant, William West, 160
Enslaved people, 5, 184, 208, 217
Ethnic museum, 186-87, 222
Exhibits, 15, 26, 186, 211-12
as alternative to period rooms, 207
Facilities, 219
outdoor, 220-21
renting, 20-22, 221
Fire codes, 10
Fire extinguishers, 177
Flagler, Henry, 184
Fletcher, Kathleen Brown, 43
Floor coverings
care of, general, 83, 85, 88, 114
cleaning of, 122-24, 129, 137
handling of, 127
protecting, 168
Folklife, 212
Folkways, 184
Foodways, 203
Form of acceptance, 61
Foundation of the American Institute
for Conservation of Historic and
Artistic Works (FAIC), 39
Freedom of expression, 10
Furnishings, 67, 4951
care of, 105-6, 109-20, 122-25
cleaning of, 12944
handling of, 125-27
interpreting, 188-89, 196, 207
storage of, 74-101
Humidity (Continued)
humidifiers, 69, 78
relative, 69, 77, 100, 105, 109-10
Hygrometers, 108-9
Institute of Museum Services (IMS),
26, 30, 36, 104, 232
Internal Revenue Service, 10, 12
International Council of Museums
(ICOM), 25, 54
Interpretation, 182-224
approach, 194-207
brochures and pamphlets, 208, 212
classes, 211
conferences, 211, 213
costumed, 211-13, 215
demonstrations, 182-84, 209-11,
exhibits, 207, 212-13
guided tours, 209, 213, 216
for hearing impaired, 219
lectures, 211, 213
living-history performances, 21112
preparing program, 186-89
presentation, 21417
role playing, 209-13
self-guided tour, 208, 212
site orientation, 208
stationed interpreters, 208
training, 213-17
workshops, 211, 213
Irving, Washington, 204
J. Paul Getty Trust, 37, 46
James J. Hill House, 197, 199-201
Jefferson, Thomas, 184
John Vogler House, 206
Jones, Barclay G., 175
Keller, Helen, 185
Labine, Clem, 155, 165n.l, 166nn.8,
9, 25, 26, 27
Landscape architecture, 45
Leather and hide, 72, 113, 124-25
Liabilities, 10
Light, 69, 71, 83-84, 89-92, 103,
105, 110, 111-16
affect of, on sensitive objects, 69
exposure to, 90
fluorescent, 111, 114
foot-candles, 112-13
incandescent, 111, 114
lux, 112-13
meter, 112
photoflood, 114
sunlight, 105, 110, 114
ultraviolet, 69, 110, 115
Lignin-free materials. See Acid-free
Lincoln, Abraham, 11
home of, 11, 123, 139, 185
Living history, 7, 211-12
Loans, 52-53
long-term, 56
Log cabins, 5
Long-range plan, 15
Low, Shirley Payne, 42
Lyndhurst, 193, 216
MacLeish, A. Bruce, 43
Maintenance, of historic buildings,
146, 147, 149-65
exterior, 149
manual for, 149, 15153
notebook, 150
preventive, 153
roof, 153-59
roof inspection, 15960
wall, 160-64
Managers, site, 7, 10, 49, 215, 230
Martinez Hacienda, 51
Masonry, 153, 163-64
Membership, 1415, 54
Metal, 100, 106, 125, 129
Minnesota Historical Society, 196,
198-201, 215. See also Alexander
Ramsey House; James J. Hill
Mission statement, 14
Mold and mildew, 106
Monticello, 6
Mortar pointing, 33
Moss, Roger W., 165
Mount Vernon, 3, 6, 185
Muscology, 45, 229
Museum Assessment Program
(MAP), 26, 36, 104
Museum Management Institute
(MMI), 46
Museum Management Program, 47
Museum Store Association, 222,
National Endowment for the Arts
(NEA), 37
National Endowment for the
Humanities (NEH), 36-37
National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA), 178
National Historic Preservation Act,
22n.l, 31
National Institute for the
Conservation of Cultural
Property (NIC), 29-31
National Park Service, 32, 33, 41, 45,
123, 139, 149, 151, 154, 205
National Preservation Loan Fund
(NPLF), 29
National Register of Historic Places,
10, 31-33, 38, 217
National Registry of Interpreters for
the Deaf, 219
National Trust for Historic
Preservation, 73, 147, 193, 216
assistance from, 165
mission and services of, 2729, 44,
45, 47
survey by, 6, 9n.3, 225
Neal, Arminta, 43
Negligence, 10
New York State Conservation
Consultancy, 40
Nonprofit organizations, 1011, 29,
38, 53-54. See also Charitable
Nylander, Richard, 165
Object number, 62
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), 177
Old Salem Restoration, 183, 197,
206, 210, 214
Old Sturbridge Village, 185
Old World Wisconsin, 185
Oral histories, 59, 187, 191-92, 210
Organic materials, 72-73, 106, 111
Orvus, 76, 138, 141
damage to, 11215
insect and rodent damage to, 116
protecting, 12025
rolling, 85-88
storing, 83-88
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 225
Turnblad, Swan J., 18687
Vanderbilt, Alfred G., 160
Vierling House, 183
Visitors, 182, 184, 207, 212
communicating ideas to. 18789
conveniences for, 219-23
disabled, 217-19
evacuation of. 176
informing, 21617
protection and safety of, 173-74
responses, 21315
seeking experience, 49
shoe covers for, 12223
vandalism and theft by, 16869
view of museum, 144
Volunteers, 6. 14, 19, 45, 52, 82, 91,
105. 125. 217, 220, 223, 225-35
corporate services for, 228
government agencies, 22728