Red Fields News Letter01
Red Fields News Letter01
Red Fields News Letter01
Dear All,
We are very happy to enter the new Academic Year . One year of experience makes our vision broad and
nobel. The seed sprouted and the first leaf has come out. With the great determination of Smt.Prabhavathi garu,
blessings of Sri Shivaram garu and the great support of parents and educationists, today Redfields has been
formed its own shape. Still we have to achieve more things. We have just stepped. This year our strength is
increased from 14 to 20. We respect the belief of parents on our system.
This Academic year started with Chinnu Sirs Marriage.Our students are very happy and lucky because
Mrs.Chinnu has actively involved in Redfields Activities. This one and half month has passed with very happily.
Every week we are conducting seminors, Regular quiz programs, Field trips, Physical activities, Video sessions ,
and crafts.
Still the weather is very hot. One or two rain drops often touches the ground. Our kids are dancing like
peacocks when it clouds. We had two small rains. Our students drenched llike flowers in the garden. But our
welwishers always aware us not to neglect the academics. There is a big challenging task infront of us to balancing
both happy and academics. We assure the parents that we will take more care to educate their kids.
N e w s l e t t e r _J u n e & J u l y 1 4
N e w s l e t t e r _J u n e & J u l y 1 4
N e w s l e t t e r _J u n e & J u l y 1 4
He was a French mathematician who also worked
in the field of Light . He became famous in the field of
physics because of his principle of Least Time. The principle is now known as the Fermats principle. According
to his principle the path taken between two points by a ray
of light is the path that can be transversed in the least time.
Pierre De Fermat(1601-1665)
crocodiles are ancient animals they have been our
earth from dinosour period. They are the large aquatic reptiles. They have more jaw power than other animals.
The crocodiles are upto 8feets. Each crocodile weight
is upto 1200 kgs. Per day they can take 10kgs of food,
They can move 22 per one hour in water. Theyare
cold blood animals. To digest big bones they eat small
stones. Mosrt of their babies are killed by birds and
other animals. Otherwise the total world would be full
of crocodiles. The worlds biggest crocodile is in our
India at Bitarkanika National park in Odisa. Its length
is 25.3 ft.
N e w s l e t t e r _J u n e & J u l y 1 4
V. NItish Raj, 7th class
Map of Monaco
Subhas Chandra Bhose was born 1897 at Cuttock
in Orissa. After Completion of his studies In India He went
to England and passed in the Indian Civil Services examination. He resigned the Civil Services Because he did not
want to work under the British rule. He liked to join Indian
Freedom fight. He formed Azad Hind Fauz. Some people
said that he was died in a flight crash.
Sk.Afrid, 8th class
N e w s l e t t e r _J u n e & J u l y 1 4
Windows XP Interface
What is the meaning of Deforestation? Deforestaion
means cutting down the trees and make the land barren.
We are cutting the trees and making tables, chair, windows, firewood, etc.,.. If you cut the trees, it is so harmful
to us. So the government announced dont cut the trees.
But there is no use. Because of cutting trees we not getting pure and fresh oxygen. We want to get pure oxygen
and greenary means we have to plant more plants. If any
one cuts trees means we should tell them dont cut the trees.
If need green we need to plant more trees
K. Yoshitha,8th Class
First we take food in mouth and chew well. Salivary
glands help food to become soft. The food passes through
oesophagus to stomach. In stomach the food goes various
changes. 0.5% hydrochloric acid will be released and harmful bacteria will be killed. The digested food obsorbed by
villi present in walls of small intestine joins in blood. And
Digestive System
Flowers are useful to us in many. Rose and
Jasmine will give us smell and with the rose and
jasmine we can make perfume. Some flowers are
used to make holi colour and with rose water. We
can add in cooking food. Flowers are in different
shape, size and colour.
Colour - Flowers have different colour they are
white ,red, yellow and pink. Some flowers have multi
coloured. Mango and litchi have green flowers which
cant seen easily.
V. Viraj Reddy, 4th class
N e w s l e t t e r _J u n e & J u l y 1 4
N e w s l e t t e r _J u n e & J u l y 1 4
afrid sat, beside him I too sat. Suddenly Afrid saw a big
snake after I saw the snake and said to Syam Sir.After
we all people saw the snake, Sir said it was cobra.
Then it went to a hole. Then we saw a big snake skin.
it was look like paper. Afrid went and brought the skin.
There we sat for sometime. The snake didnt come after we enjoy the green field and saw the earlyman cave.
We took photos and came to school.
T.Sai Sreeram. 7th Class
At 4.15 P.M we started moving to fieldtrip from
school while we were going Gayatri came with me.
While we were going there was a dog. That dog teeth
iwas too long and very strong. It is coming with us. so
we all members got fear about the dog. Syam Sir took
one stone and threat the dog. Then that dog owner
said that dont throw the stones. then Sir said I am not
throwing i am just keeping to threat the dog. Aunty
said ok. After sometime it left us .We reached the adventurous spot. in that place only there is a small pond.
in that Sir and we saw a big snake and big frogs. In
other places there was no water in that area. after we
went to Vinayaka Statue spot and we took one photo
for children. After Sirs also joined with the children.
We all took photos. That statue was very high and old.
After that we climbed the rocks small children also came
with us. when we climb there is Anjaneya temple we all
went into that and some of us pray to the god. In that
place in spot we find another pond. In it we found a
thing floating like snake. we thought it was a snake but
Adventurous spot
N e w s l e t t e r _J u n e & J u l y 1 4
Reflections of happiness
N e w s l e t t e r _J u n e & J u l y 1 4
N e w s l e t t e r _J u n e & J u l y 1 4
Once upon a time there was a village. In that village
there was a man. He was very active person. He has two
friends they too active persons. After many days that two
friends become lazy. One day the man asked his friends
bring some vegetables. No, we wont bring they said. They
did many days like that lazy. That man found that they
were lazy. He said to them dont be lazy. They didnt listen.
After few days they got knee pains and back pains. From
that time they were not coming to his house. That man
went to their house. He saw that both his friends were
sleeping on their beds. They woke up, then that man said
that, I said dont be lazy but you didnt listen. They said
thank you for told this. From now on words we will be a
good active person. From that they were active persons.
V.Chaitanya, 7thclass
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At Swing
Hindi Class
PSLV models