Optimization of A Chem-E-Car
Optimization of A Chem-E-Car
Optimization of A Chem-E-Car
David Fan
[email protected]
Montgomery High School
Nina Lin
[email protected]
Lenape High School
Wendy Ide
[email protected]
High Technology HS
Marcus Loo
[email protected]
Park Ridge High School
2. Background
2.1 Basic Electrochemistry
Electrochemical processes employ both
oxidation and reduction, which are the loss
and gain of electrons, respectively. When
paired together in a redox reaction, electrons
flow from the reducing agent (substance that
is oxidizedloses electrons) to the oxidizing
agent (substance that is reducedgains
electrons), generating electrical potential
energy that can be harnessed to perform
work, i.e., on a motor.
Galvanic cells can harness this energy
by separating the oxidation and reduction
processes and diverting the electrons
produced through an external circuit.3 The
anode half-cell is the site of oxidation while
2.2 Circuits
Circuit configuration is essential to
maximizing voltage and current output as
differently designed circuits have various
electrical properties. Series circuits allow
electrons to flow in only one direction, while
parallel circuits allow electrons to flow in
multiple directions.6 Electron flow is
severed when one component of a series
circuit fails. Because the car photoreceptor,
Diagram 1
3OCl- + 2Al + 2OH- + H2O 3Cl- +
2Al(OH)4Eonet = 3.21
Overall reaction:
Al + 3H+ + O2
Al + / H2O E net = 2.91
When bleach is added to the cell, the
cell potential is higher because HOCl, which
the solution to change from clear to darkblue. Because iodine is the limiting reactant
that dictates when color change is induced,
iodine concentration can be manipulated to
change the reaction rate. All solutions were
kept at room temperature to ensure
consistency between results. The two
simultaneous reactions involved in the
iodine clock are shown below in equations 5
and 6.
I- = iodide ion
H2O2 = Hydrogen peroxide
I2(aq) or I3- = Iodine (aq.) or
triiodide ion
C6H8O6 = Ascorbic acid
C6H6O6 = Dehydroascorbic
2.5 Role of Iodine Clock in Stopping
The car circuit contains a motor,
photoreceptor and batteries. When the car
first starts, a flashlight shines through a glass
beaker containing the iodine clock onto the
photoreceptor, switching it on and keeping
the circuit closed. At this point, the beaker is
clear as the iodine clock reaction has not
reached completion. As the iodine clock
reaction progresses, the car continues to
move until the glass beaker suddenly turns
dark, preventing light from reaching the
photoreceptor and breaking the circuit.
Because reaction time is a function of iodine
concentration and can be easily measured,
the iodine clock can be effectively calibrated
to control the time and distance that the car
travels for.
See Diagram 2 on page 14.
Figure 3
(CD case of four cells in series)
Figure 1
(side view diagram of open cell)
Figure 4
(CD case of four cells in parallel)
Figure 2
(layered diagram of folded cell)
Clorox Bleach
Morphibians Rover
Duracell AA Battery
objectives despite
5. Conclusion
When four 20% saltwater and bleach
aluminum-air batteries were wired in series,
the maximum voltage obtained was 6.7 V
with insignificant current. When four cells
were wired in series, and four of these series
packs were wired in parallel, around 2.0
Volts were produced with 0.18 Amps of
current. None of these configurations could
produce enough current to run the motor,
despite having a high enough voltage. Even
four batteries in just parallel could only
produce 0.30 Amps at most.
It was found that increasing salinity
increased current but left voltage unaffected,
while both increasing and decreasing pH
increased current and voltage, with lower
pH experiencing the greatest increases. The
iodine clock reaction was successfully
calibrated to the nearest 0.1 ml and
implemented into the car stopping
mechanism. Reaction time was found to be
linearly dependent on iodine amount with a
high coefficient of determination of 93%,
corroborating its first order rate law and
indicating consistent data values. Although
none of the battery configurations succeeded
in running the car, load tests were performed
with AA batteries containing the same
voltage as our batteries, thus accurately
reflecting our cars kinematic properties.
5.1 Future Work
The research presented in this project
has raised some questions that can be
answered by future studies in this area.
Firstly, using half-reactions with higher
stability and reduction potential might
provide more voltage and current to power
the car, reducing the number of batteries
needed and potentially improving car speed.
First and foremost, we would like to
thank Dean Jean Patrick Antoine and Dean
Ilene Rosen for granting us an amazing
opportunity to gain firsthand experience in
130FieldLab/Lab8 (July 24, 2014).
"Electrochemistry." Electrochemical
#voltaic (July 19, 2014).
"Electrical4u." Electrical4u.
m-air-battery (July 19, 2014).
%20review.pdf (July 19, 2014).
Diagram 2
(Diagram of car setup)
Iodine clock is dark blue in diagram, light cannot hit the photoreceptor, the car is stopped
Figure 5 : Voltage drop per cell for different salinity and pH levels.
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14