Biag Ni Lam-Ang
Biag Ni Lam-Ang
Biag Ni Lam-Ang
At birth, Lam-Ang was already able to speak. He gave himself his own name,
chose his own godparents and also asked for his father. But Lam-angs
father, Don Juan, went away to fight an evil tribe of Igorots nine months
before Lam-angs birth. Don Juan died at the hands of the tribe and was
beheaded. His head was set as a prize at the villages center. Due to Don
Juans absence at the birth of his son, Lam-ang set out to find his father.
With the assistance of a different tribe of Igorots, Lam-ang was able to
avenge his fathers death. Using a single spear, he defeated every one of the
headhunters of the warring Igorot tribe.
When Lam-ang went to bathe in the Amburayan River on his way home, the
water was immediately dirtied by his blood-stained body. The water became
so muddied with blood that all its living creatures crawled out of it and died.
The day after his return, Lam-ang told his mother, Ina Namongan, that he
wished to take a wife. As Lam-ang was endowed with supernatural powers,
he was able to foretell that he would marry a woman called Ines Kannoyan
who lived in a place called Calanutian. And so Lam-ang set off on his journey
to win his wife. With him were his pet rooster and dog. On the way, Lam-ang
had to fight a large-eyed man called Sumarang, whom he defeated in the
Ines Kannoyan was very beautiful. When Lam-ang arrived, Ines Kannoyans
house was so crowded by her suitors that Lam-ang was able to enter her
house only by walking over the suitors heads and climbing through a
Ines Kannoyan was impressed by Lam-angs strength and abilities. By
flapping its wings, Lam-angs rooster was able to bring down Ines Kannoyans
long house. And with a bark, Lam-angs dog was able to raise the long house
Despite having won Ines Kannoyans favor, Lam-ang still could not marry her
because her parents wanted a dowry from the hero. At this, Lam-ang
promised to come back in a week with his mother and the dowry.
Lam-ang went home to prepare a rich dowry. He had a house adorned with
gold and filled it with gifts of fruit, jewels, and other riches. When Lam-ang
returned to Ines Kannoyans family to present the dowry, they were so
impressed that they had they held the wedding immediately.
After this, Lam-ang was asked to catch fish from the Aburayan River. Diving
into the water, the hero was swallowed by the great river monster, Berkakan.
Ines Kannoyan was in terrible grief over the death of her husband.
Lacay Marcos, an old diver from the village, was asked to retrieve Lam-angs
remains after Berkakan had expelled them. Lam-angs rooster and dog
performed magical rites over his remains, and Lam-ang was brought back to