Guideline Mine Closure

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Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Planning for mine closure is a critical component of environmental management
in the mining industry. Nationally and internationally, industry leading practice
requires that planning for mine closure should start before mining commences
and should continue throughout the life of the mine until final closure and
relinquishment. This approach enables better environmental outcomes. It is also
good business practice as it should avoid the need for costly remedial earthworks
late in the project lifecycle.
Recognising the importance of this issue, the Department of Mines and
Petroleum (DMP) and the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) have jointly
prepared these Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans. The joint
guidelines will improve the efficiency of the assessment and approvals process
by harmonising the requirements of DMP and the EPA.
The aim of the guidelines is to ensure that, for every mine in Western Australia, a
planning process is in place so the mine can be closed, decommissioned and
rehabilitated in an ecologically sustainable manner, consistent with agreed postmining outcomes and land uses, and without unacceptable liability to the State.
Mine closure planning should be an integral part of mine development and
operations planning and as such the level of information required will correspond
to the life span of the mine and reflect the various stages of the life cycle of the
There are a number of issues that continue to challenge effective mine closure
and DMP and the EPA support a risk based approach to manage these issues.
An overview of some specific mine closure issues is provided in Appendix H and
should be referred to in the preparation of mine closure plans. These issues
include acid and metalliferous drainage and closure considerations for mine pit
Although the guidelines focus on the ecological aspects of mine closure planning,
DMP and the EPA encourage proponents to consider socio-economic aspects of
closure planning, in particular, impacts of mine closure on local communities.
This is in line with the sustainable development principles defined by the
International Council on Mining and Metals and enshrined in the Minerals Council
of Australias Enduring Value the Australian Minerals Industry Framework for
Sustainable Development.
The guidelines have been approved by DMP and the EPA for publication. To
ensure continuous improvement, the guidelines will be reviewed within two years
after the publication date and thereafter as required.

Director General
Department of Mines and Petroleum

Environmental Protection Authority

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans


Purpose of the guidelines .............................................................................. 5

Regulatory and administrative context .......................................................... 5
Key regulators and regulatory framework ............................................ 5
New Mining Operations/Projects ......................................................... 6
Existing Mining Operations/ Projects ................................................... 7
Small Mining Operations ..................................................................... 8
Review of approved Mine Closure Plans ............................................. 8
Changes to approved Mining Proposals and/or Mine Closure Plans ... 8
Unexpected Closure and Temporary Closure ..................................... 9
Tenement Relinquishment ................................................................... 9
Submission of Mine Closure Plans .................................................... 10
Public Availability of Documents ........................................................ 10
3. Principles and approaches for mine closure................................................ 11
4. Structure and content of a Mine Closure Plan ............................................. 16
Cover Page ....................................................................................... 17
Checklist ............................................................................................ 17
Table of Contents .............................................................................. 17
Scope and Purpose ........................................................................... 18
Project Summary ............................................................................... 18
Identification of Closure Obligations and Commitments .................... 18
Collection and Analysis of Closure Data............................................ 19
Stakeholder Consultation .................................................................. 21
Post-mining Land Use(s) and Closure Objectives ............................. 22
Identification and Management of Closure Issues ............................. 23
Development of Completion Criteria .................................................. 25
Financial Provisioning for Closure ..................................................... 26
Closure Implementation..................................................................... 27
Closure Monitoring and Maintenance ................................................ 30
Management of Information and Data ............................................... 31
5. References .................................................................................................. 33
List of Appendices .............................................................................................. 37
Appendix A: Definitions .................................................................................. 38
Appendix B: Contact Details ........................................................................... 41
Appendix C: Mine Closure Plan Submission................................................... 42
Appendix D: DMP Mine Closure Plan Checklist.............................................. 43
Appendix E: Example of a Legal Obligations Register .................................... 46
Appendix F: Example of Stakeholder Consultation Table ............................... 48
Appendix G: Examples of Closure Objectives ................................................. 49
Appendix H: Specific mine closure issues ...................................................... 51
Appendix I: Domain Model ............................................................................ 70
Appendix J: Risk Assessment and Management ........................................... 72
Appendix K: Examples of Completion Criteria ................................................ 76

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans



The purpose of these guidelines is to provide guidance on the preparation of

Mine Closure Plans (or referred to as the Plans) to meet Western Australian
regulatory requirements.
Consistent with industry leading practice, the guidelines are based on the
principle that planning for mine closure should be an integral part of mine
development and operations planning and should start up front as part of mine
feasibility studies, before mining begins.
DMP and the EPA recognise that closure planning is a progressive process and
that mine closure plans are living documents which should undergo on-going
review, development and continuous improvement throughout the life of a mine.
The level of information required needs to recognise the life span of a mine (e.g.
a short term, medium term or long term project), and the detail should increase
with time to closure. However, at all stages, DMP and the EPA expect mine
closure plans to demonstrate, based on reliable science-based and appropriate
site-specific information, that ecologically sustainable closure can be achieved.
The following references have been used extensively in preparing these

Strategic Framework for Mine Closure; Australian and New Zealand

Minerals and Energy Council and the Minerals Council of Australia
(ANZMEC/MCA 2000);

Mine Closure and Completion, Leading Practice Sustainable Development

Program for the Mining Industry; Department of Industry, Tourism and
Resources (DITR 2006a);

Mine Rehabilitation, Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program

for the Mining Industry; Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources
(DITR 2006b); and

Planning for Integrated Mine Closure: Toolkit; International Council on

Mining and Metals (ICMM 2008).

A glossary of definitions and terms is provided in Appendix A.


This section provides an overview of the WA Governments regulation and

administration concerning mine closure.

Key regulators and regulatory framework

DMP is the lead regulator and decision-making authority for mining projects in
Western Australia (WA) under the Mining Act 1978. DMP has the role of
regulating the industry to ensure the closure conditions applied and commitments
made are implemented during the life of the mining project.

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

The 2010 amendments to the Mining Act 1978 require a Mine Closure Plan to be
submitted to DMP for approval as part of Mining Proposal applications received
after 30 June 2011. The Plan must be prepared in accordance with these
guidelines. The approved Plan must then be reviewed and submitted again for
approval by DMP three years after its initial approval, or at such other time as
required in writing by DMP.
DMP also has an advisory role in relation to the environmental management
aspects of mines which are regulated under the Environmental Protection Act
1986 and State Agreement Acts.
The EPA is a statutory authority established pursuant to the Environmental
Protection Act 1986 and one of its functions (section 16 of the Act) is to conduct
environmental impact assessment (EIA) of significant proposals in WA in
accordance with Part IV of this Act. Where the EPA assesses mine closure
planning as part of the EIA process (provided under section 40 of the Act), the
EPAs primary objective is to ensure that the mine is capable of being closed in
an ecological sustainable manner. Proponents will need to provide, as part of
their EIA documentation, a Mine Closure Plan with sufficient information to meet
that objective.
The Department of State Development administers State Agreement Act
projects. Although these projects are subject to the Environmental Protection Act
1986, some are not subject to the Mining Act 1978. For those where tenements
were not granted pursuant to the Mining Act 1978, a Mine Closure Plan in
accordance with the guidelines, if required, will be subject to the provisions of
Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and/or State Agreement Acts.
The approval processes for Mine Closure Plans often require advice or
endorsement from other environmental regulators including the Department of
Environment and Conservation (administering Part V of the Environmental
Protection Act 1986, the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950, the Conservation and
Land Management Act 1984, and the Contaminated Sites Act 2003) and the
Department of Water (administering the Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914,
Country Areas Water Supply Act 1947, Waterways Conservation Act 1976 and
Water Agencies Powers Act 1984 ).
For uranium mines and other types of mines where radioactivity may be an issue
(for example mineral sands mines), management of radioactivity will also be
regulated by DMP under Part 16 of the Mines Safety and Inspection Regulations
1995, and by the Radiological Council under the provisions of the Radiation
Safety Act 1975.

New Mining Operations/Projects

From 1 July 2011, DMP requires all new Mining Proposal applications to contain
a Mine Closure Plan prepared in accordance with these guidelines. This
requirement will be stipulated as tenement conditions under the relevant
provisions of the Mining Act 1978 (including section 84), as from 1 July 2011.
From the 1 July 2011, the EPA will generally not assess mine closure as part of
its EIA of mining proposals under the Environmental Protection Act 1986, where
they are subject to the Mining Act 1978. The EPA will only assess mine closure in
these circumstances if it considers there are particular issues which pose a high

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

environmental risk. The EPA would consult with DMP before making any such
For mining projects not subject to the Mining Act 1978 (such as Pre 1899 title or
minerals-to-owner tenure, Hampton locations or State Agreement Act projects)
the EPA will normally assess mine closure as part of its EIA process. As a
matter of course the EPA will consult with DMP on these assessments.
Where the EPA assesses mine closure, an approval condition will normally be
applied under the Environmental Protection Act 1986, requiring a Mine Closure
Plan to be prepared in accordance with the guidelines. Where it is considered
that regulatory efficiencies would be gained, compliance monitoring of these
conditions may be delegated to DMP. This would assist in achieving consistency
of application of the guidelines, and minimise the potential for any duplication.
Mine Closure Plans that fail to provide the necessary information or requirements
specified in these guidelines, particularly if critical closure issues have not been
adequately addressed, will not be accepted by DMP or the EPA, and this could
result in a delay in the assessment of a Mining Proposal or EIA.
In general, a Mine Closure Plan prepared in accordance with these guidelines
should meet both DMP and the EPA requirements, unless a period of twelve
months or more has elapsed between approval of the EIA and submission of a
Mining Proposal to the DMP. In this case, the Mine Closure Plan, as part of the
Mining Proposal, may need to be updated to incorporate current closure

Existing Mining Operations/ Projects

For mining operations that have a Mining Proposal and/or a Notice of Intent (NOI)
approved under the Mining Act 1978 prior to 1 July 2011, DMP will require
existing mine closure plans and rehabilitation plans to be reviewed in accordance
with the guidelines and submitted to DMP by 30 June 2014. DMP will use a
prioritisation system to specify in writing to tenement holders when the new Mine
Closure Plans must be submitted. This requirement will be stipulated as
tenement conditions after 1 July 2011, under the relevant provisions of the Mining
Act 1978 (including section 84).
Before preparing a Mine Closure Plan for existing sites or operations with
approved commitments and/or conditions that contain specific closure outcomes,
landform design parameters (e.g. waste dump heights, bench and berm
distances) or rehabilitation criteria, proponents/operators are strongly
encouraged to contact the relevant DMP environmental officers for advice on
application of the guidelines to these sites /operations that will achieve the best
practicable closure outcomes.
For existing operations that are not administered under the Mining Act 1978 and
mine closure is not regulated under the Environmental Protection Act 1986,
operators are expected to liaise with the relevant regulators (see Section 2.1)
about requirements for mine closure planning, and are encouraged to have in
place mine closure planning and implementation consistent with these guidelines.

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans


Small Mining Operations

For small-scale operations, the level of detail required to assess the

environmental impacts and closure requirements is much less than that required
for typically larger mining operations. To accommodate the reduced information
requirements of small operations, a Mine Closure Plan pro forma has been
developed for these operations and the forms are available from DMP. Small
mining operations are defined in the pro forma.
It is essential for proponents to contact the relevant DMP environmental officer
for the mineral field (Appendix B) in which the small scale mining operation is
proposed for advice on whether the pro forma form can be used to submit the
mining proposal and the associated closure plan.

Review of approved Mine Closure Plans

All Mine Closure Plans approved by DMP on or after 1 July 2011 must be
regularly reviewed over the life of a mine. The Mining Act 1978 requires these
Plans to be reviewed and submitted for approval by DMP every three (3) years or
such other time as specified in writing by DMP. This requirement will be
stipulated in a tenement condition.
The review of Mine Closure Plans does not necessarily require a large rework of
the original or previous Plans unless extensive changes have occurred, but it
does need to provide a confirmation of the current status of closure planning (e.g.
incorporating new data or closure related changes) and reflect the continual
nature of the closure work planning and progress.
For projects that are not regulated under the Mining Act 1978, the Mine Closure
Plan will be reviewed, as required, in accordance with conditions of approval
under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and/or the relevant State

Changes to approved Mining Proposals and/or Mine Closure Plans

Before making a formal submission on a change to an approved mining proposal

and/or a mine closure plan, proponents/operators are strongly encouraged to
contact the relevant environmental officer at DMP or the Office of the EPA
(OEPA) for advice on whether the intended change is substantial or nonsubstantial.
Substantial changes are major changes or addition to the approved mining
operations and/or major changes to post-mining land use(s) and closure
objective(s), which are determined by DMP to have a substantial increase in the
overall environmental impacts. Any substantial change to a Mining Proposal
and/or a Mine Closure Plan regulated under the Mining Act 1978 will require a
new Mining Proposal to be submitted to DMP for approval. The Mining Proposal
will be subject to the same approval requirements as those for a new mining
operation or project (as described in Section 2.2). If the new Mining Proposal
constitutes changes to a proposal approved under Part IV of the Environmental
Protection Act 1986, the changes must also be approved in accordance with
processes and procedures under that Act.
Non-substantial changes are minor changes that do not result in any significant
increase in the overall environmental impacts of the approved mining operation

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

or significant changes to post-mining land use(s) and closure objective(s), as
determined by DMP. All non-substantial changes must be submitted as an
Addendum to Mining Proposal document and/or documented in the reviewed
Mine Closure Plan (required in Section 2.3 or 2.5) for approval by DMP.

Unexpected Closure and Temporary Closure

Mining operations may be forced to close prematurely (referred to as unexpected

closure) or on care and maintenance (referred to as temporary closure). In
these circumstances, mine operators need to take into account the safety
obligations required under sections 42 and 88 of the Mines Safety and Inspection
Act 1994 relating to mine suspension or abandonment. One of those obligations
is to notify the relevant DMP District Inspector before a mining operation is
suspended or abandoned.
In the event of unexpected closure, the closure process should be accelerated
(ANZMEC/AMC 2000, page 13). Immediate review of the pre-existing Mine
Closure Plan to include a detailed Decommissioning Plan will be required by
DMP and/or the EPA, within three months of notification to DMP or at such other
time as specified in writing by DMP.
If a temporary closure is imminent, a detailed Care and Maintenance Plan must
be prepared, based on the pre-existing Mine Closure Plan, and submitted to
DMP within three months of its notification to DMP or at such other time as
specified in writing by DMP. The Care and Maintenance Plan (see Environmental
Notes on Care and Maintenance available on DMP website, must demonstrate that on-going
environmental obligations will be met during this period.
Operators are encouraged to contact the relevant environmental officers at DMP
as early as possible for advice on site-specific requirements in the event of these

Tenement Relinquishment

Relinquishment of a tenement requires formal acceptance from the relevant

regulators to certify that all obligations under the Mine Closure Plan associated
with the tenement, including achievement of closure criteria have been met, and
that arrangements for future management and maintenance of the tenement
have been agreed to by the subsequent owners or land managers (e.g.
pastoralist, aboriginal community or land-management agency).
Where relinquishment requires the transfer of ownership of infrastructure and/or
land to other parties, the tenement holder(s) will be required to demonstrate that
these parties have been involved in the process and understand their
responsibilities and liabilities associated with the transfer. Any transfer of residual
liability to the subsequent owners or land managers including management of
contaminates sites, must be clearly communicated, agreed to and documented,
to the satisfaction of the relevant regulators. There must be an explicit, written
legal agreement with the subsequent land managers to accept the mining legacy
obligations and any outstanding costs of remediation, monitoring and reporting.
For any transfer of responsibility for remediation to be recognised under the

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Contaminated Sites Act 2003, the written approval of the Chief Executive Officer
of DEC must be obtained in accordance with section 30 of that Act.
It is important to note that, under section114B of the Mining Act 1978, the
tenement holder may retain liability for environmental impacts caused by the
project after the tenement has been relinquished.
The Contaminated Sites Act 2003 requires that appropriate investigations be
carried out to identify, assess and manage any contamination issue. In
accordance with regulation 31 (1) (c) of the Contaminated Sites Regulations
2006, a mandatory auditors report is required to accompany every report
submitted to DEC relevant to the investigation, assessment, monitoring or
remediation of a site prepared for the purpose of complying with a condition or
requirement imposed under another written law (such as conditions of Ministerial
Statements). The Act also has enduring powers relating to the operator or
tenement holder causing contamination.
Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 regulates pollution on mine
sites. A Closure Notice may be issued to require monitoring, reporting and
active management of a decommissioned facility after a licence has ceased to
have effect. This would apply particularly to tailings storage facilities.
Mine operators also need to take into account the safety obligations required
under sections 42 and 88 of the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994, relating to
mine suspension or abandonment.

Submission of Mine Closure Plans

Directions on how to submit a Mine Closure Plan to DMP and/or the EPA are
provided in Appendix C.
The Mine Closure Plan will not be accepted for assessment by DMP if the
checklist provided in Appendix D is incomplete or is found to be incorrect.

Public Availability of Documents

Mine Closure Plans submitted as part of the Mining Proposal application, and the
reviewed Plans will be made available to the public after they have been
assessed and approved by DMP.
Proponents must identify information of a confidential nature, such as
commercially sensitive information or intellectual property that should not be in a
public document, and provide two separate electronic versions (one for
assessment by DMP and one which will be published).
DMP will not make publicly available any confidential information provided it is
clearly identified as such. Any request for such information must be subject to the
Freedom of Information legislation.
Mine Closure Plans submitted to the EPA as part of the EIA document, or in
accordance with the approval condition under Part IV of the Environmental
Protection Act 1986 will be publicly available.


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans



Proponents are expected to follow the principles and objectives identified in the
Strategic Framework for Mine Closure (ANZMEC/MCA 2000), and to refer to the
methodology and approaches described in relevant guidance including the
national Leading Practice Sustainable Development in Mining handbooks and the
Planning for Integrated Mine Closure: Toolkit (ICMM 2008).
Planning for mine closure should be treated as an integral component of
operations planning (ANZMEC/MCA 2000), since decisions made during the
operational planning process have the potential to significantly impact on
rehabilitation and mine closure outcomes. As such, mine closure planning needs
to be appropriately integrated into the different stages of the life of a mine (Figure
1), and flexible enough to allow for adaptive management. Adaptive
management is a systematic process for continually improving management
policies and practices by learning from the outcomes of the operational program
(DITR 2006a, ICMM 2006).
Consequently, closure planning should be also integrated into the environmental
management system for the operation or site as much as possible. An integrated
approach to mine closure planning is critical to achieve successful closure
outcomes (Bentel 2009).
The planning process should include strategies and contingency plans to identify
how unexpected or temporary closure of mining operations will be managed. This
will provide the mine operators with the ability for timely evaluation of the
knowledge gaps and risks associated with closure and to develop an appropriate
plan, such as a Care and Maintenance Plan.
Progressive development of a Mine Closure Plan through the mine lifecycle, as
shown in Figure 1, and progressive rehabilitation, are critical to the successful
implementation of mine closure planning (DITR 2006a). Progressive rehabilitation
has many benefits including:

A reduction in project costs by maximising the use of on-site resources

during mine life;
Allowing rehabilitation costs to be spread over the life of the mine;
The potential for better rehabilitation outcomes through the use of recently
disturbed topsoil;
Knowledge gained from past rehabilitation trials and efforts; and
Minimising the amount of time required for monitoring and maintenance
post mine life.


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Figure 1: Integrating Stages of Mining and Mine Closure Planning (adopted from
DITR 2006a, ICMM 2006)
DMP and the EPA endorse a risk-based approach to mine closure planning (EPA
2009a) since it reduces both cost and uncertainty in the closure process
(ANZMEC/MCA 2000). The benefits of a risk based mine closure process

Early identification of potential risks to successful closure;

Development of acceptable and realistic criteria to measure


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Orderly, timely and cost-effective closure outcomes;
Reduced uncertainty in closure costs; and
Continual improvement in industry rehabilitation standards (e.g. cover
design, and management of contaminated drainage, erosion and

Consistent with the risk-based approach, the level of detail required by DMP and
EPA increases with the level of risk associated with each key closure issue and
time to closure, as generally indicated in Table 1 below:
Table1: Indication of required level of closure detail

Life of Mine

Post-mining Management of
Land use

targets unless
agreed to by all
stakeholders as
being final
Medium term
(10 to 25 years)

High risk

Indicative except
for high risk


for high risk


Well advanced



Well advanced


Well advanced








Determined on
a case by
case basis
depending on
life and risk


Determined on
a case by
case basis
depending on
life and risk

Determined on
a case by
case basis
depending on
life and risk

Determined on
a case by
case basis
depending on
life and risk

Long term
(25+ years)

Short term
(Up to
10 years)


(not to be
submitted unless and Monitoring
requested by

Small Mining


The preparation of Mine Closure Plans should give specific consideration to the
following key principles and approaches (DITR 2006a):

At all stages, from the project approval stage onwards, the Mine Closure
Plan should demonstrate that ecologically sustainable mine closure can be


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

achieved consistent with agreed post-mining outcomes and land uses, and
without unacceptable liability to the State.

Planning for mine closure should be fully integrated in the life of mine
planning, and should start as early as possible and continue through to
final closure and relinquishment. For new projects, closure planning
should start in the project feasibility stage (before project approvals).

Mine closure plans must be site-specific. Generic off-the-shelf closure

plans will not be acceptable.

Closure planning should be risk-based taking into account results of

materials characterisation, data on the local environmental and climatic
conditions, and consideration of potential impacts through contaminant
pathways and environmental receptors.

Consultation should take place between proponents and stakeholders

which should include acknowledging and responding to stakeholders
concerns. Information from consultation is central to closure planning and
risk management.

Post-mining land uses should be identified and agreed upon through

consultation before approval of new projects. This should take into
account the operational life span of the project, and should include
consideration of opportunities to improve management outcomes of the
wider environmental setting and landscape, and possibilities for multiple
land uses. For existing mining projects, post-mining land uses should be
agreed as soon as practicable.

Characterisation of materials needs to be carried out prior to project

approval to a sufficient level of detail to develop a workable closure plan.
This is fundamental to effective closure planning. For existing operations,
this work should start as soon as possible. Characterisation of materials
should include the identification of materials with potential to produce acid,
metalliferous or saline drainage, dispersive materials, fibrous and
asbestiform materials, and radioactive materials, as well as benign
materials intended for use in mine rehabilitation activities.

Closure planning should be based on adaptive management. Closure

plans should identify relevant experience and research, and how lessons
learned from these are to be applied.

Closure plans should demonstrate that appropriate systems for closure

performance monitoring and maintenance, and for record keeping and
management are in place.

Figure 2 (adapted from ELAW 2010) provides a general guide to assist

proponents, DMP and the EPA assessors in evaluating the adequacy of the Mine
Closure Plan.


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Figure 2: General Guide for evaluating a Mine Closure Plan (adapted from ELAW


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans



A Mine Closure Plan is a dynamic document and will be regularly reviewed and
progressively developed and refined over time, to ensure that detail in the Plan
reflects current knowledge and relevant to the development status of the mine
(Figure 1 and DITR 2006a, Chapter 3).
DMP and the EPA accept that not all the necessary detail for final closure is
available in the early stages of the project, particularly in the project approval
stage. The Mine Closure Plan submitted at these stages must enable DMP and
the EPA to understand the issues that require management at closure, and have
confidence that all relevant issues have been identified and appropriately
managed (Figure 2). This is to ensure an accurate assessment and informed
decision by DMP and the EPA can be determined.
For short term projects (up to 10 years), due to the relatively short time before
closure, DMP and the EPA expect the Mine Closure Plan submitted at the project
approval stage provides more detailed level of information on final closure ,
including specific information on final landforms and rehabilitation, plant and
infrastructure decommissioning, and closure monitoring and maintenance. For
longer term projects (more than 10 years), due to the longer time before closure,
less detailed information on the final closure may be required at the project
approval stage (see Table 1, Section 3). However more detailed information may
be required for longer-term projects where there is a high level of environmental
A Mine Closure Plan submitted as part of a Mining Proposal document (Section
2.2), must relate to that particular mining proposal or, where practicable, can be
prepared for the whole site. A reviewed Mine Closure Plan (as required in
Section 2.5) must be prepared for the whole site.
Where a mining proposal is subject to assessment by the EPA, the mine closure
plan should cover the whole site.
To reduce duplication when the Mine Closure Plan is submitted as part of a
Mining Proposal or an EIA document, references should be made in the Mining
Proposal or in the EIA document to the relevant closure information provided in
the Mine Closure Plan. The Mining Proposal or the EIA document can describe
the key components of mine closure and rehabilitation, with closure details
provided in the Mine Closure Plan.
The Mine Closure Plan must be accompanied by site plans (surveyed), aerial
photographs, and appendices with detailed information supporting the plan,
where appropriate.
To ensure efficient assessment, DMP and the EPA require of the Mine Closure
Plan to be structured in the following format:

Cover Page


Checklist with corporate endorsement


Table of Contents


Scope and Purpose


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans


Project Overview


Identification of Closure Obligations and Commitments


Collection and Analysis of Closure Data


Stakeholder Consultation


Post-Mining Land Use and Closure Objectives

10. Identification and Management of Closure Issues

11. Development of Completion Criteria
12. Financial Provision for Closure
13. Closure Implementation
14. Closure Monitoring and Maintenance
15. Management of Information and Data
Written agreement must be obtained from the DMP and/or the OEPA for any
variation to the above required structure for Mine Closure Plans.

Cover Page

The cover page must include:

Title of project
Document title
Document ID number and version number
Date of submission
Mineral Field number(s)
Company name
Contact Details (including the name, address and contact of the
proponents, tenement holder(s) and/or operator)


DMP requires a checklist for a Mine Closure Plan, as provided in Appendix D, to

be completed with corporate endorsement and placed after the title page of the
Mine Closure Plan document.
The checklist is designed to assist the proponent to ensure that all required
information has been included, prior to submitting the document. This will reduce
or minimise the need for the DMP assessing officer to seek further information or


Table of Contents

The Table of Contents for a Mine Closure Plan must include a List of Figures,
Tables and Maps as appropriate.


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Scope and Purpose


This section outlines why the Mine Closure Plan is being submitted is it part of
approval documentation, ministerial condition requirement, tenement condition
requirement, requirement under the Mining Act or a combination of above, or a
reviewed Mine Closure Plan. This section should also provide the scope of the
Plan and other relevant introductory information.
Project Summary


This section provides background information on the history and status of the
project including proposed and existing mining operations. This information is
necessary where the Mine Closure Plan is a not submitted with a Mining
Proposal or an EIA document.
Required information includes:


Land ownership including occupancy, mining tenure, postal and site

address, and contact details.

Location of the operation, including a list of all relevant tenements, the

location of the mine in relation to the local and regional setting with maps
and a list of tenements.

An overview of the operations with a description of the major mine


A comprehensive site plan for identification of all disturbed areas,

tenement boundaries and proposed or existing disturbance types within
each tenement (coloured aerial photos with an overlay of tenement
boundaries and disturbance types are preferred).
Identification of Closure Obligations and Commitments

All legal obligations relevant to rehabilitation and closure at a given mine site
must be identified and provided in a suitable format, usually referred to as a
Legal Obligations Register. The Register should form part of the operators
overarching legal register for all operations on the site. An example of a tabulated
format for the Register is provided in Appendix E.
The Register must include all legally binding conditions and commitments and/or
legal obligations applicable under relevant State and Federal legislation. The
Register must also include references to individual tenement conditions, Mining
Proposals, Notices of Intent, Letters of Intent, Programmes of Work, Ministerial
Statements, Commitments, licence conditions and all other legally binding
The Register may also include the safety obligations (and non-legally binding
commitments) pertaining to closure.
The Register provides a valuable tool when setting closure criteria, as
environmental commitments can be cross referenced. Compliance with closure
conditions is an absolute requirement for the governments sign off before


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

relinquishment. At closure, this tool can be used as a checklist to demonstrate
that all conditions, commitments and obligations have been met.
Collection and Analysis of Closure Data


Where applicable, collection and analysis of closure data must be designed and
implemented to meet the following minimum requirements:

Use of recognised or acceptable methodologies and standards;

Incorporating appropriate quality management systems and procedures
(such as ISO 9000);
Consideration of the wider receiving environment, receptors and exposure
pathways; and
Providing a basis to develop criteria or indicators for closure monitoring
and performance (see Section 4.14).

Environmental Data
Information from baseline studies undertaken prior to the commencement of
mining operations, and from on-going studies including studies of suitable
reference sites is necessary to:

Establish achievable closure outcomes and goals in a local and regional

Establish baseline conditions for closure monitoring programs, including
the identification of reference sites.
Identify the issues to be managed through the mine closure process.

It is important that the collection of environmental data is continued and

expanded throughout the project life to include data from research, field trials and
investigations, and to identify the spatial and temporal variations in the
surrounding environments. The data will assist in the refinement of closure
objectives and completion criteria and the setting of indicators for management
intervention (DITR 2006b).
The Mine Closure Plan must provide a summary of the best available data on
aspects of the physical and biological environments that are critical for
successfully meeting mine closure outcomes, including the following information
(where relevant and as determined by the impact assessment):

Local climatic conditions and projected future climate change for the area.
Local physical conditions topography, geology, hydrogeology, hydrology,
seismicity and geotechnical data.
Local and regional environmental information on flora, fauna, ecology,
communities and habitats.
Local water resources details type, location, extent, hydrology, quality,
quantity and environmental values (ecological and beneficial uses).
Soil and waste materials characterisation soil structure and stability (e.g.
erodibility), growth medium type and block modelling of waste materials;


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

solubility, mobility and bioavailability of hazardous materials (e.g.
radioactive substances, heavy metals and materials with potential to
produce contaminated drainage).
Comprehensive characterisation of materials (including soils and wastes) is
critical to successful progressive rehabilitation and should start during the
exploration phase and continue throughout all stages of the mine. The
information from materials characterisation allows rigorous separation and
selective placement of materials to achieve a sustainable vegetative cover and a
stable/effective barrier that prevents long-term pollution (DITR 2006a).
Other Closure Related Data
Other available information should be collated with the objective of building a
base of information or knowledge important to the closure of a particular
landform or infrastructure. Information may include, but not be limited to:

Spatial datasets and databases.

Design and construction of landforms and voids.
Availability and volumes of key materials required for rehabilitation such as
competent waste rock, subsoil, topsoil and low permeability clays (i.e.
encapsulation material).
Relevant scheduling information with respect to material stockpiling and
deployment to ensure that rehabilitation materials mined early in the
process are appropriately segregated and preserved for later use.
Mathematical models to predict long term performance or environmental
Learnings from closure experience generated from other mines.
Seed mixes used in rehabilitation and any information gathered from trials.

All technical reports must be referenced in the Mine Closure Plan, with relevant
reports provided as appendices, as appropriate.
Analysis of Data
Analysis of the collected data is a critical element in understanding the issues
impacting mine closure and identifying knowledge gaps (Mackenzie et al. 2006,
ICMM 2008).
Once all the closure related information has been obtained, the next step is to
analyse the information and identify any information gaps, which may potentially
affect the rehabilitation and closure outcomes. The risk associated with not
having this information should also be investigated and documented. This will
enable the information gaps to be prioritised and acted upon appropriately.
Where appropriate, the data analysis should take into account the natural
background levels of particular elements (such as naturally occurring radioactive
materials or heavy metals) and possible environmental impacts from other
sources including nearby mining operations and other land uses, which may
affect the closure strategy or management of the site.


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Stakeholder Consultation


For the purpose of the guidelines, the term stakeholders include both internal
and external stakeholders who are likely to affect, to be affected or to have an
interest in mine closure planning and outcomes. The internal stakeholders should
include mine managers, mine planners, engineers and relevant staff involved in
mine planning and technical/operational decision making. The external
stakeholders typically include the government (such as regulatory agencies, local
authorities), post-mining land owners/managers (such as private land holders,
indigenous/traditional land owners, lease holders, Pastoral Lands Board, State
land managers), local community members or groups and interested NonGovernment Organisations (NGOs). The term key stakeholders refers to postmining land owners/managers and relevant regulators.
Stakeholder consultation is a key component of the mine closure planning
process. Early engagement with stakeholders enables operators to better
understand and manage their expectations and the potential risks associated
with closure. Where practicable, this process should be part of the consultation
process for project approvals. The consultation process should continue
throughout the different stages of mine closure planning (Figure 1). Failure to
undertake a consultation program may compromise the approval process and
mine closure outcomes.
The consultation process should follow the five principles (ANZMEC/MCA 2000):

Identification of stakeholders and interested parties is an important part of

the closure process.
Effective consultation is an inclusive process which encompasses all
parties and should occur throughout the life of the mine.
A targeted communication strategy should reflect the needs of the
stakeholder groups and interested parties.
Adequate resources should be allocated to ensure the effectiveness of the
consultation process.
Wherever practical, work with communities to manage the potential
impacts of mine closure.

It is important that all stakeholders have their interests and concerns considered
and where appropriate, addressed, and the key stakeholders have an opportunity
to provide feedback on the response or proposed action to address their interests
and concerns, particularly in the process to determine post-mining land use,
closure objectives and outcomes (Sections 4.9 and 4.11).
As an example, the establishment of a consultative closure committee, integrated
into an overall stakeholder engagement strategy, can provide a useful forum for
discussion and communication on closure issues (DITR 2006a).
The Mine Closure Plan must demonstrate that an effective communication
strategy has been developed or put in place to engage with stakeholders, and
that the interests and concerns of the key stakeholders (as defined above) have
been considered and if appropriate, captured in the development of the plan.


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

A summary of the consultation process must be provided in a suitable format,
such as a Stakeholder Consultation Register (Appendix F). Where necessary,
DMP or the EPA may require written evidence, including acknowledgement by
the key stakeholders that they have been consulted in the preparation of the
Mine Closure Plan being submitted.
Post-mining Land Use(s) and Closure Objectives


The Mine Closure Plan must identify post-mining land use(s) and set out sitespecific closure objectives consistent with those land use(s).
The post-mining land use(s) and closure objectives are necessary to provide the
basis for developing completion criteria and performance indicators (Section 4.
Post-mining land use(s)
The post-mining land use(s) must be:

Relevant to the environment in which the mine will operate or is operating;

Achievable in the context of post-mining land capability;

Acceptable to the key stakeholders (as defined in Section 4.8); and

Ecologically sustainable in the context of local and regional environment.

Where possible, proponents are encouraged to consider applying resources to

achieve improved land management and ecological outcomes on a wider
landscape scale, as well as the potential for multiple land uses.
The following land use hierarchy provides a guide to determine post-mining land
1. Reinstate natural ecosystems as similar as possible to the original
2. Develop an alternative land use with higher beneficial uses than the premining land use.
3. Reinstate the pre-mining land use.
4. Develop an alternative land use with other beneficial uses than the premining land use.
In the early stages of a mining project, it may be acceptable for provisional or
proposed post-mining land use(s) to be identified, provided that there has been
adequate consultation with the key stakeholders and that there is a clear process
and timeline to further identify or refine the agreed post-mining land use(s), as
part of the stakeholder consultation process.
Closure Objectives
Closure objectives must set out the long term goals for closure outcomes, and
should be outcome based (EPA 2009b). These objectives must be developed
based on the proposed post-mining land use(s) and, be as specific as possible to
provide a clear indication to government and the community on what the
proponent commits to achieve at closure. The ability to specify closure


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

objectives will depend on the amount and quality of the environmental data
collected at the time. Therefore it is essential that adequate baseline data, such
as materials characterisation, and/or the best available data are used for this
As a general guide, the Governments broad closure objectives are (physically)
safe to humans and animals, (geo-technically) stable, (geo-chemically) nonpolluting, and capable of sustaining an agreed post-mining land use. Any
residual liabilities relating to the agreed land use must be identified and agreed to
by the key stakeholders.
At the project approval stage, it may be acceptable for the closure objectives to
be more broadly identified and further refined in the stakeholder consultation
process, provided that they are based on the best available data at the time and
specific enough to guide closure development and design (ANZMEC/ MCA
Appendix G provides some examples of closure objectives.
The Mine Closure Plan should include a diagram or map showing the final
landform design concept based on the post-mining land use(s), to illustrate in
visual form (e.g. a 3D diagram/map or a cross-sectional diagram/map) what the
surrounding landscape and the final landforms will look like post-mining.
Once agreed to, the post-mining land use(s) and closure objectives will form the
basis on which DMP and the EPA approve a mining proposal or a mine closure
plan. Where variations to these objectives are proposed subsequent to the
environmental approvals of the project, the proponent must submit a request to
the EPA and/or DMP supported by suitable evidence to justify the proposed
changes. If these changes have the potential to significantly compromise the
intent and objectives of the mine closure outcomes, they may be considered by
DMP and/or the EPA to be a substantial change to the originally approved project
or mining proposal. Section 2.6 provides further information on the change


Identification and Management of Closure Issues

DMP and the EPA require that sufficient work is undertaken prior to the project
approval stage (for new proposals) or as early as possible (for existing
operations), to ensure that all key environmental issues and workable
management mechanisms relevant to mine closure are identified. This will allow
strategies, mitigation measures and closure designs to be developed, assessed
and reviewed in the years leading up to closure.
Some closure issues currently facing mining projects include, but are not limited
Hazardous materials;
Hazardous and unsafe facilities;
Contaminated sites;
Acid and metalliferous drainage or AMD;
Fibrous ( including asbestiform) minerals ;
Non-target metals and target metal residues in mine wastes;

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Management of mine pit lakes;

Adverse impacts on surface and groundwater quality;
Dispersive and sodic materials;
Design and maintenance of surface water management structures;
Dust emissions;
Flora and fauna diversity/threatened species;
Visual amenity;
Heritage issues.

Detailed guidance on how to identify and manage these issues is widely available
in references including the Leading Practice Sustainable Development in Mining
handbooks on mine rehabilitation (DITR 2006b) and on mine closure and
completion (DITR 2006a).
Appendix H provides information on some specific closure issues relating to
AMD, mine pit lakes, radioactivity, dispersive materials and rehabilitation.
Adequate characterisation of materials is critical to the identification and
management of closure issues, and should include potentially problematic
materials (such as AMD, radioactive and asbestiform materials). Characterisation
of materials should also be carried out for the benign materials intended for use
in mine rehabilitation activities such that the physical, chemical and nutrient
characteristics of the material is sufficiently well understood to ensure it will
perform according to planning expectations. The volumes of rehabilitation
materials required to fulfil closure plans should be reconciled against inventories.
When assessing closure issues, the potential for contamination over the life of a
mine needs to be considered so that the contamination can be removed, treated,
contained or managed to meet the purposes of the agreed post-mining land
use(s) and where practicable, to maximise the beneficial use(s) of the land after
mining. To ensure compliance with the Contaminated Sites Act 2003 and
Contaminated Sites Regulations 2006, closure strategies will need to be
designed to incorporate investigation and remediation of contamination (refer to
Section 2.8).
The Plan must demonstrate that all the key issues associated with closure are
identified early in the initial mine feasibility and planning stages for new proposals
or as early as possible for existing operations, and that these issues can be
effectively managed, with the level of detail evolving during the life of the mine
(Figure 1).
The Plan must provide adequate information on the processes and
methodologies undertaken to identify the closure issues, their potential
environmental impacts post-mining and workable mitigation/management
measures. This process needs to be integrated with the stakeholder consultation
process (see Section 4.8). Concerns from the key stakeholders and learnings
from experience must be incorporated into this process. The information can be
presented in a tabulated format and included as an appendix. Detailed
information on the key issues and mitigation/management measures should be
provided in the text, where applicable. Depending on the size and complexity of
the project, this may be done across the whole project/site or broken down into
domains (Appendix I).


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Consistent with a risk-based approach (Section 3), DMP and the EPA encourage
a structured risk management process to be undertaken to identify, assess and
manage the potential risks associated with closure issues, particularly those
identified in Appendix H. This approach allows a systematic review and analysis
of risk and cost benefit in both engineering and environmental terms, as well as
identification of opportunities associated with closure. The risk assessment can
be qualitative, semi quantitative or quantitative, and the outcomes can be
presented in the form of a risk register, which includes the likelihood and
consequence, risk ranking, mitigation measures and management of residual
A number of risk assessment and management frameworks already exist
(Appendix J) and many of which are utilised by the mining industry in closure
planning and implementation (G. Bentel et al. 2003, ICMM 2008).


Development of Completion Criteria

Completion criteria are necessary to provide the basis on which successful

rehabilitation and mine closure, and achievements of closure objectives are
determined. They must be developed in consultation with the key stakeholders
(as defined in Section 4.8).
Completion criteria should be appropriate to the developmental status of the
project and should be (ANZMEC/MCA 2000):

Specific enough to reflect a unique set of environmental, social and

economic circumstances;

Flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances without compromising


Include environmental indicators suitable for demonstrating that

rehabilitation trends are heading in the right direction;

Undergo periodic review resulting in modification if required due to

changed circumstances or improved knowledge; and

Based on targeted research which results in more informed decisions

(EPA, 2006).

Development of completion criteria and associated performance indicators must

commence up-front in the project approval stage for new projects or as early as
possible for existing operations, and be reviewed and refined throughout the
development and operation of the project to respond to monitoring, research and
trial information and any other information or change as appropriate.
Indicative completion criteria, based on a conservative estimate of closure
performance, may be acceptable at the project approval stage, provided that they
are capable of objective verification and based on the best available data at the
time. As more information becomes available, more comprehensive and detailed
completion criteria can be progressively determined.
In developing completion criteria the proponent/operator should identify criteria
that lead to the design and construction of final landforms, voids and ecosystems,
and upon being met, will demonstrate achievements of closure objectives of the


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

mine being closed. The final landforms, voids, and ecosystems must be designed
and constructed in the context of the agreed land use and closure objectives
(Section 4.9). The completion criteria should include performance indicators to
demonstrate that rehabilitation trends are following the predicted performance,
particularly where mathematical modelling is utilised to predict any long term
environmental impact (usually 300 years or longer). Where applicable, details on
the mathematical modelling including assumptions and limitations should be
provided as an appendix to the Mine Closure Plan.
The completion criteria and associated performance indicators must be sitespecific, scientifically supported and capable of objective measurement or
verification of closure performance or success (ANZMEC/MCA 2000), in order to
provide certainty for reporting and auditing to define rehabilitation endpoints
(EPA, 2006).
Appendix K illustrates the development of closure completion criteria.
Once established and agreed to by the regulators, the completion criteria (and
associated performance indicators) will form the basis on which mine closure
performance is measured and reported to government (and the community where
applicable). Further refinement or minor variations to the agreed completion
criteria/performance indicators must be documented, together with sufficient
explanation, in the reviewed Mine Closure Plan to be submitted subsequently
(Section 2.6).


Financial Provisioning for Closure

The objective of financial provisioning for closure is to ensure that adequate

funds are available at the time of closure and that the community is not left with
an unacceptable liability. To that end, it is essential that the cost of closure be
estimated as early as possible.
The financial provisioning must be based on the life of mine closure costs, and
the cost estimates must take into account all aspects of rehabilitation and closure
activities including:

Earthmoving and landscape forming;

Management of problematic materials where relevant;

Post Closure management of surface water drainage;

Research and trials;

Decommissioning and removal of infrastructure;

Remediation of contamination:
o Survey program
o Remediation program
o Maintenance and monitoring

Progressive and final rehabilitation;

Maintenance and monitoring programs including post closure phase (need

to allow for earthmoving machinery to be available on site after closure for

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

remedial earthworks or else provide funding for remobilisation of
equipment if required);

Ongoing stakeholder consultation process;

Closure project management costs:

o Administration
o Specialist and consultant fees
o Legal requirements

Provision for unexpected closure or temporary closure (on care and


Provision for installing additional infrastructure if required for the agreed

land uses; and

Provision for potential delays, extreme events or other external factors

relevant to closure.

Indicative closure cost estimates may be acceptable in the project approval stage
provided that the process and methodology are transparent and verifiable,
assumptions and uncertainties are clearly documented, and they are based on
reasonable site-specific information and data.
The closure cost estimates must be regularly reviewed to reflect changing
circumstances and to ensure that the accuracy of closure costs will be refined
and improved with time.
It should be noted that financial securities (or environmental bonds) required
under the Mining Act 1978, the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and/or State
Agreement Acts are separate from the internal accounting provisions for closure
and should not be offset against these provisions (ANZMEC/MCA 2000).
The Mine Closure Plan must contain a summary of the mine closure costing
methodology, assumptions and financial processes to demonstrate to DMP and
the EPA that the proponent has properly considered and fully understood the
costs of meeting closure outcomes identified in the plan, and made adequate
provisions in corporate accounts for these costs.
The process and methodology for calculating the cost estimates must be
transparent and verifiable.
Reference to the detailed closure costing report must be provided in the Plan.
Where necessary, DMP may require a fully detailed closure costing report to be
submitted for review, and/or an independent audit to be conducted on the report
to certify that the company has adequate provision to finance closure. Where
appropriate, the costing report should include a schedule for financial provision
for closure over the life of the operation (ANZMEC/MCA 2000).


Closure Implementation

DMP requires the Mine Closure Plan submitted as part of a Mining Proposal to
contain a summary of closure implementation strategies and key activities for the


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

proposed mining operation(s), and a description of the closure work programs for
each domain (Appendix I) and/or feature related to the proposed operations.
The reviewed Mine Closure Plans (as required in Sections 2.3 and 2.5) submitted
subsequently should contain a summary of consolidated closure implementation
strategies and key activities for the whole site, and a description of the closure
work programs for each closure domain or feature related to the site.
The description of the closure work programs, usually referred to as closure task
register, should include but not be limited to the following information:

Description of domain or feature - including area of disturbance, status,

estimated closure date;

Applicable land use objectives, landform designs, closure completion

criteria, and/or performance indicators for each domain or feature;

A schedule of work for research, investigation and trials tasks - showing

key tasks and key milestones and approximate timing required for each

A schedule of work for progressive rehabilitation tasks - showing key tasks

and key milestones and approximate timing required for each task;

Availability and management of closure material sources - including

topsoil, competent waste rock and subsoil;

Identification and management of information gaps, including review of

monitoring data and other data;

Key tasks for unexpected closure and temporary closure;

Decommissioning tasks - including management of contaminated sites;


A schedule of work for performance monitoring and maintenance tasks.

The closure work programs developed at the project approval stage may contain
broadly identified tasks and indicative timeframe, which will be refined or
expanded in the subsequent reviews of the Mine Closure Plan. However, the
level of information provided at any stage of the project must demonstrate that for
each feature, closure requirements and potential knowledge gaps have been
appropriately identified, with adequate lead time being allowed to investigate
these gaps and meet those requirements.
The closure work programs need to be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect
operational changes and/or new information.
Further explanation on some of the above requirements is provided below:
Research, investigation and trials:
The information obtained from these activities can be used to help close
information gaps and determine the most appropriate rehabilitation strategies to
proceed with. Research tasks may be a one off task such as undertaking a
waste characterisation program of a landform or they may be a series of tasks
leading to trials that take years before relevant information is known (for example
a trial to ascertain the best cover material for a tailings storage facility).


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Progressive rehabilitation:
Progressive rehabilitation involves the staged treatment of disturbed areas during
exploration, construction, development and mining operations, as soon as these
areas become available, rather than undertaking large scale rehabilitation works
at the end of planned exploration and/or mining activities (DERM 1995). This is a
key component of mine closure implementation and has many benefits (see
Section 3). Mine planning and engineering decision making processes should
optimise opportunities for progressive rehabilitation consistent with the postmining land use(s) and closure objectives.
Progressive rehabilitation activities should be fully integrated into the day to day
mining operations to ensure materials and resources are available to undertake
the work required, and should include:

Design of final landforms and drainage structures;

Estimating, reconciling and scheduling rehabilitation material inventories;

Staged construction and earthworks;

Landform surface treatments (ripping, selective application of topsoil,

placement of materials);

Revegetation research and trials;

Rehabilitation performance monitoring; and

On-going improvement and refinement of rehabilitation techniques.

Unexpected closure or temporary closure:

Although practical planning for unexpected closure or temporary closure (on care
and maintenance) may not be done in detail in the early stages of the project,
consideration must be given in the Mine Closure Plans for how a company plans
to deal with these closure scenarios which may arise from economic,
environmental, safety or other external pressures. In particular, this should
include confirmation that appropriate materials are available on site and
contingencies provided to make landforms such as tailings storage facilities and
waste dumps secure and non-polluting in the event of unexpected or temporary
In such an event, an accelerated closure process will need to be implemented
(Section 2.6). If a systematic closure plan is in place, and an unexpected or
temporary closure occurs, the operation will be well placed to respond (DEH,
Since the decommissioning phase usually takes place at the end of mine life
(Section 2.7), less detail on the strategy and activities on decommissioning of
plants and infrastructure may be acceptable in the early stages of the project. As
the implementation of mine closure progresses, the detail should be further
refined to include information on:

The demolition and decommissioning of plant and infrastructure;


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Construction of final landforms and drainage structures;

Completion of rehabilitation;

Compliance with the requirements of the Contaminated Sites Act 2003

including remediation of contaminated areas;

Commence monitoring and measurement against completion criteria;

Ongoing consultation with stakeholders;

Handover of infrastructure requested by other parties; and

Finalise the post closure monitoring and maintenance program.

At least two years prior to the planned end of a mine site, project and/ or an
operation, DMP or the EPA will require the Mine Closure Plan to contain more
specific detail on the planning and implementation of the decommissioning

Closure Monitoring and Maintenance

The Mine Closure Plan must include appropriate detail on closure performance
monitoring and maintenance framework during progressive rehabilitation and
post-closure, including the methodology, quality control system and remedial
The performance monitoring results will be reported to DMP or the EPA in an
Annual Environmental Report (AER) and/or a Triennial Environmental Report.
The report must document progress against the agreed completion criteria and
rehabilitation targets. Any remedial action taken where the results are outside the
agreed targets must also be reported. Where applicable, the results of
rehabilitation trials should also be reported in the AER, and the results should be
used to update the Mine Closure Plan. The Guidelines for preparation of an AER
are available on the DMP website
A preliminary plan for closure monitoring and maintenance may be acceptable in
the early stages of the project. As the operations approach closure, DMP will
require the Mine Closure Plan to contain a detailed Post-Closure Monitoring and
Maintenance Program.
It is important that provision should be made in closure planning for an adequate
period of post-closure monitoring and maintenance, including provision for
remedial work if monitoring shows closure criteria are not being met. Of particular
importance is the development of support mechanisms for the monitoring and
maintenance phase, when operational support (accounting, maintenance,
earthmoving equipment, personnel, etc) are no longer available from the
company (ANZMEC/MCA 2000).
The measurement techniques considered in the program must be able to
demonstrate that the site specific completion criteria and environmental
indicators have been met (ANZMEC/MCA 2000). Evidence that adequate
resources have been set aside to implement the program is required. This will
account for the expectation that the monitoring and maintenance period will
extend for many years after closure, until it can be demonstrated that closures


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

outcomes and completion criteria have been met. In the early stages of the
project or where detailed information on closure performance is not available, a
minimum monitoring period after closure should be provided for in the Mine
Closure Plans, usually in the order of 10 years.
The closure monitoring and maintenance programs must be designed and
implemented to meet the following minimum requirements:

Use of recognised or acceptable methodologies and standards;

Recognising the wider receiving environments, receptors and exposure


Incorporating appropriate quality control systems and procedures in the

sampling, analysis and reporting of results, such as the ISO 9000 quality
management system;

Showing trends against expected or predicted performance based on

statistically robust data; and

Providing intervention and contingency strategies if key environmental

indicators move outside agreed parameters.


Management of Information and Data

The Mine Closure Plan must include a description of management strategies,

including systems and processes for the retention of mine records and all
information and data relevant to mine closure. These records are valuable during
the operational phase as well as post-mining to provide:

A history of closure implementation at the site;

A history of past developments;

Information for incorporation into state and national natural resource data
bases; and

The potential for improved future land use planning and /or site

Where practicable, the closure information system should contain an information

database for each domain or feature, where all available information is collated
and reviewed with the objective of building a base of information for that
particular domain or feature. Information may include, but not be limited to, the
current status of the domain or feature, information from spatial datasets and
databases, design and construction information, operation and monitoring
information or other information that meets a specific purpose (e.g. maps, area
statistics, species lists or modelled environmental impacts). All technical reports
should be referenced and included in the database.
For example, for an existing waste dump domain or feature, an information
search should be carried out on all the information available on the waste
dump(s), such as the year of construction, angle of batter slopes, waste rock
mineralogy types, chemical and physical properties of the waste material, status


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

of rehabilitation, seed mixes used in rehabilitation and any information on trials
that have been carried out on the waste dump(s).
Since mine closure planning is a dynamic process which includes regular review
and updating, a system-based approach can facilitate management of
information, and provide the ability to update documentation, in addition to
integrating closure planning with day to day management activities (DEH, 2002).
Electronic systems which incorporate both mine closure planning and an
environmental management system functionality can provide an effective tool for
managing current closure planning activities, maintaining up to date closure
information and data. These systems can hold data in perpetuity, and provide
online or static output (information and data) as required.
The value of site knowledge should not be underestimated. It is essential to have
a system in place to capture all relevant closure knowledge in the event of key
personnel leaving the site. Electronic mine closure systems that can store large
amounts of data are suitable for this purpose.


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans



ANZMEC/MCA 2000 Strategic Framework for Mine Closure, Australian and New
Zealand Minerals and Energy Council and Minerals Council of Australia,
National Library of Australian Catalogue Data.
ARPANSA 2002, Recommendations for Limiting Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
(1995) and National Standard for Limiting Occupational Exposure to Ionizing
Radiation (1995), Radiation Protection Series No. 1, a publication produced by
the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, republished
March 2002 (
ARPANSA 2005, Code of Practice and Safety Guide for Radiation Protection and
Radioactive Waste Management in Mining and Mineral Processing, Radiation
Protection Series No. 9, a publication produced by the Australian Radiation
Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency , August 2005
ARPANSA 2010, Environment Protection: Development of an Australian
approach for assessing effects of ionising radiation on non-human species
Technical Report TR154, a publication produced by the Australian Radiation
Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, October 2010

AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 - Risk management Principles and guidelines, and

HB 203:2006: Environmental Risk management Principles and process,
Australian Standards and New Zealand Standards.
Bentel G M, Key Closure Planning Considerations, a paper in the proceedings of
the Fourth International Conference on Mine Closure, Perth, 9 -11 September
2009, published by the Australian Centre for Geomechanics.
Bentel G , Dwyer J and Williamson S, Risk Based Closure Engineering for
Sustainability, Mining Risk Management Conference, Sydney, 9 12 September
DEH 2002, Mine Decommissioning, Best Practice Environmental Management in
Mining, Commonwealth Department of Environment and Heritage, July 2002,
Canberra (available on
DERM 1995, Progressive Rehabilitation, Guideline published by the Queensland
Department of Environment and Resource Management, January 1995 (available
DITR 2006a Mine Closure and Completion, Leading Practice Sustainable
Development Program For The Mining Industry produced by the Department of


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Industry Tourism and Resources, Canberra, October 2006 (available on DMP
DITR 2006b, Mine Rehabilitation, Leading Practice Sustainable Development
Program for the Mining Industry Department of Industry Tourism and Resources,
Canberra, October 2006 (available on DMP website
DITR 2007, Managing Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Leading Practice
Sustainable Development Program for the Mining Industry produced by the
Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, Canberra (available on DMP
DITR 2008, Risk Assessment and Management, Leading Practice Sustainable
Development Program for the Mining Industry produced by the Department of
Industry, Tourism and Resources, Canberra.
DITR 2009, Community Engagement and Development, Leading Practice
Sustainable Development Program for the Mining Industry produced by the
Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, Canberra.
Dixon K W 2010, Minesite Rehabilitation/Restoration Guidelines, unpublished
paper by Kings Park and Botanical Garden, Western Australia,
DRET/GS/DEWHA 2010, Australias In Situ Recovery Uranium Mining Best
Practice Guide: Ground waters, Residues and Radiation Protection, Department
of Resources, Energy and Tourism, Geoscience Australia, Department of
Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra.
ELAW 2010, Guidebook for Evaluating Mining Project EIAs, Environmental Law
Alliance Worldwide, July 2010 (available on
EPA 2006, Guidance for the Assessment of Environmental Factors No. 6
Rehabilitation of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Environmental Protection Authority,
Western Australia.
EPA 2009a, Environmental Protection Bulletin No. 9 Risk Based Approach to
EIA - Update, Environmental Protection Authority, Western Australia.
EPA 2009b, Environmental Assessment Guidelines No. 4 Towards Outcome
Based Conditions, Environmental Protection Authority, Western Australia.
IAEA 2002, Monitoring and Surveillance of Residues from the Mining and Milling
of Uranium and Thorium, IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 27, a publication
produced by the International Atomic Energy Agency


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

IAEA 2009, Establishment of Uranium Mining and Processing Operations in the
Context of Sustainable Development, IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No.NF-T-1.1,
a publication produced by the International Atomic Energy Agency
IAEA 2010, Best Practice in Environmental Management of Uranium Mining,
IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No.NF-T-1.2, a publication produced by the
International Atomic Energy Agency
ICMM 2006, Good Practice Guidance for Mining and Biodiversity, International
Council on Mining & Metals, London, United Kingdom.
ICMM 2008, Planning for Integrated Mine Closure: Toolkit, International Council
on Mining & Metals, London, United Kingdom (available on DMP webpage
ICRP 2007, The 2007 Recommendations of the International Commission on
Radiological Protection. ICRP Publication 103, Ann. ICRP 37 (2-4), a publication
produced by the International Commission on Radiological Protection
ICRP 2008, Environmental Protection the Concept and Use of Reference
Animals and Plants, ICRP Publication 108, Ann. ICRP 38 (4-6), a publication
produced by the International Commission on Radiological Protection
INAP 2009, Global Acid Rock Drainage Guide (GARD Guide), International
Network for Acid Prevention (
Johnson S L and Wright A H 2003, Mine Void Water Resources Issues in
Western Australia, Report Number HG9, Water and Rivers Commission, Perth.
Jones D R, Humphrey C, van Dam R Harford A, Tuner K and Bollhofer A 2009,
Integrated chemical, radiological and biological monitoring for an Australian uranium
mine a best practice case study, International Mine Water Conference, Pretoria.

Lemley A D 2007, A Procedure for NEPA Assessment of Selenium Hazards

Associated with Mining, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 125:361-375.
Mackenzie S, Lacy H W B, Koontz D, Benefits of Planned Versus Unplanned
Mine Closure and Strategies for Both, a paper in the proceedings of the First
International Conference on Mine Closure, Perth, 13-15 September 2006,
published by the Australian Centre for Geomechanics.
MCA 2008, Risk Communication in the Australian Minerals Industry principles,
tools and opportunities, Minerals Council of Australia, March 2008


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Ryser A l and Strawn D G 2005, Micro-spectroscopic investigation of seleniumbearing minerals from the Western US Phosphate Resource Area,Geochemical
Transactions 6(1) 1-11.
US Geological Survey 2007, Selenium Concentrations in Middle Pennsylvanian
Coal-bearing Strata in the Central Appalachian Basin. US geological Survey
Open File Report 2007-1090.
van Dam RA, Hogan AC, McCullough CD, Houston MA, Humphrey CL and
Harford AJ 2010 Aquatic toxicity of magnesium sulfate, and the influence of
calcium, in very low ionic concentration water, Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry 29(2) 410-421.
WNA, World Nuclear Association Policy Document Sustaining Global Best
Practices in Uranium Mining and Processing Principles for Managing Radiation,
Health and Safety, Waster and the Environment (available on


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

List of Appendices
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J
Appendix K

Contact Details
Mine Closure Plan Submission
DMP Mine Closure Plan Checklist
Example of Legal Obligations Register
Example of Stakeholder Consultation Table
Example of Closure Objectives
Specific Closure Issues
Domain Model
Risk Assessment and Management
Closure Completion Criteria Development


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

APPENDIX A: Definitions
When preparing the Mine Closure Plan, it is suggested that the following
definitions are used. If you require further clarification please contact your
Regional Environmental Officer (see Appendix B).
Care and

Phase following temporary cessation of mining operations where

infrastructure remains intact and the site continues to be managed.
All mining operations suspended, site being maintained and


A whole-of-mine-life process, which typically culminates in tenement

relinquishment. It includes decommissioning and rehabilitation.


The goal of mine closure. A completed mine has reached a state

where mining lease ownership can be relinquished and
responsibility accepted by the next land user (DITR 2006a)


A process that permits and promotes the two-way flow of ideas and
information. Effective consultation is based on principles of
openness, transparency, integrity and mutual respect. Implicit in the
concept is a requirement that the party consulted will be (or will be
made) adequately informed so as to be able to make intelligent and
useful responses (


Department of Environment and Conservation.


A process that begins near, or at, the cessation of mineral

production and ends with removal of all unwanted infrastructure and


Department of Water.


Area where vegetation has been cleared and/or topsoil (surface

cover) removed.

Disturbance Type

A feature created during mining or exploration activity, e.g. waste

dumps, haul roads, access roads, ROM, plant site, tailings storage
facility, borrow pits, drill pads, stockpiles, office blocks,
accommodation village, etc.


Department of Mines and Petroleum Western Australia.


A group of landform(s) or infrastructure that has similar rehabilitation

and closure requirements and objectives.


Reshaping, capping, water/wind erosion control, rock armouring.


Meeting the goal and principles of the National Strategy for

Ecologically Sustainable Development, endorsed by all Australian


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

jurisdictions in 1992, to ensure that development improves the total
quality of life, both now and in the future, in a way that maintains the
ecological processes on which life depends.

Living things, their physical, biological and social surroundings and

interactions between all of these.


Environmental Protection Authority Western Australia.

Kinetic testing

A beneficial use and/or an ecosystem health condition.

Procedure used to measure the magnitude and/or effects of
dynamic processes, including reaction rates (such as sulphide
oxidation and acid generation), material alteration and drainage
chemistry and loadings that result from weathering. Unlike static
tests, kinetic tests measure the behaviour of a sample over time.

Legal Obligations

A register of legally binding conditions and commitments relevant to

rehabilitation and closure at a given mine site.

Life Of Mine

Expected duration of mining and processing operations.

Mineral Processing

Includes all processing facilities for ore treatment including crushing

plants, grinding, vat leach, heap leach, dump leach and tailings
disposal facilities.


All open excavations including active mineral rock, gravel, sand,

clay, bauxite and salt-pan extraction areas.

Post-mining land

Term used to describe a land use that occurs after the cessation of
mining operations.


Reshaping, capping, water/wind erosion control, rock armouring


The return of disturbed land to a stable, productive and/or selfsustaining condition, consistent with the post-mining land use.


A state when agreed closure criteria have been met, government

sign-off achieved, all obligations under the Mining Act removed
and bonds retired, and responsibility accepted by the next land user
or manager (DITR 2006a).


Establishment of self sustaining vegetation cover after earthworks

have been completed, consistent with the post-mining land use.


A condition where the risk of adverse effects to people, livestock,

other fauna and the environment in general has been reduced to a

The total integrated mining operations in which a number of sites

contribute to the overall operation to supply ore, processing facilities
and disposal of waste products.


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

level acceptable to all stakeholders.

A condition where the rates of change of specified parameters meet

agreed criteria.


A person, group or organisation who have an interest in a particular

decision, either as individuals or representative of a group, with the
potential to influence or be affected by the process of, or outcome
of, mine closure.

Static testing

Procedure for characterising the physical or chemical status of a

geological sample at one point in time. Static tests include
measurements of chemical and mineral composition and the
analyses required for Acid Base Accounts.

Tailings Storage

An area used to store and consolidate tailings, and may include one
or more tailings storage features.


Land tenure granted under the Mining Act 1978 e.g. Mining Lease,
Exploration Licence, Prospecting Licence, Miscellaneous Licence
and General Purpose Lease.


Waste Landforms
(or Dumps)

Closure should not lead to regulators or the community having to

take on responsibility for ongoing management, maintenance or
monitoring over and above that which applied before mining or that
which applied to managing land uses comparable to the agreed land
Includes all mullock and waste rock disposal areas (also called
Overburden Storage Area, Waste Rock Landform, or Waste Rock
Storage/or Area), low grade stockpiles and mineralised waste


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans


APPENDIX B: Contact Details

Contact details for the Department of Mines and Petroleum Minerals Branch
South West Team
Minerals Manager
Phone: +61 8 9222 3097
Mineral House
100 Plain Street

North West Team

Minerals Manager
Phone: +61 8 9222 3593
Mineral House
100 Plain Street

Kalgoorlie Team
Environmental Co-ordinator
Phone: +61 8 9021 9429
Corner of Hunter Street & Broadwood Street
Or Locked Bag 405 KALGOORLIE WA 6430
The contacts for environmental officers for particular mineral fields can be found
on the Environmental Regional Inspectorate Map at:
Contact details for other relevant regulatory agencies include:
Department of Environment and Conservation Online information provided at select Contact us

Office of the Environmental Protection Authority

Online information provided at select Contacts

Department of Water
Online information provided at select Contact us


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

APPENDIX C: Mine Closure Plan Submission
Mine Closure Plans required under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 must
be submitted to the EPA for assessment and approved by the Minister for
Mine Closure Plans required under the Mining Act 1978 must be lodged and
approved by DMP. Those submitted with a Mining Proposal can be submitted online as an attachment to the Mining Proposal application lodgement. For existing
operations, Mine Closure Plans can only be submitted in hard copy, with a copy
on a CD contained within. This is an interim arrangement until an on-line
lodgement system for submission of these plans has been developed (expected
to be available in early 2012).
For submission of Mine Closure Plans in hard copy to DMP:
Two (2) copies to:
Minerals Branch, Environment Division
Department of Mines & Petroleum
100 Plain Street
Or if your project is based in the Goldfields (see inspectorate map):
Three (3) copies to:
Minerals Branch, Environment Division
Department of Mines & Petroleum
Locked Bag 405
For further assistance, DMP contact details for each region in Western Australia
are given in Appendix B.


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

APPENDIX D: DMP Mine Closure Plan Checklist
Please cross reference page numbers from the Mine Closure Plan where
appropriate, and provide comments or reasons for No (N) or Not Applicable
(NA) answers.


Mine Closure Plan (MCP) checklist

Has the Checklist been endorsed by a senior
representative within the tenement
holder/operating company? (See bottom of
How many copies were submitted to DMP? (See
Appendix C for requirements)
Cover Page, Table of Contents
Does the cover page include;
Project Title
Company Name
Contact Details (including telephone
numbers and email addresses)
Document ID and version number
Date of submission (needs to match the
date of this checklist)
Has a Table of Contents been provided?
Scope and Project Summary
State why is the MCP is submitted (as part of a
Mining Proposal or a reviewed MCP or to fulfil
other legal requirements)
Does the project summary include;
Land ownership details;
Location of the project;
Comprehensive site plan(s);
Background information on the history
and status of the project.
Legal Obligations and Commitments
Has a consolidated summary or register of
closure obligations and commitments been
Data Collection and Analysis
Has information relevant to mine closure been
collected for each domain or feature (including
pre-mining baseline studies, environmental and
other data)?
Has a gap analysis been conducted to determine
if further information is required in relation to
closure of each domain or feature?
Stakeholder Consultation
Have all stakeholders involved in closure been
Has a summary or register of stakeholder




Hard copies =
Electronic =


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans


Mine Closure Plan (MCP) checklist

consultation been provided, with details as to who

has been consulted and the outcomes?
Final land use(s) and Closure Objectives
Does the MCP include agreed post-mining land
12 use(s), closure objectives and conceptual
landform design diagram?
Does the MCP identify all potential (or preexisting) environmental legacies, which may
restrict the post mining land use (including
contaminated sites)?
Identification and Management of Closure
Does the MCP identify all key issues impacting
mine closure objectives and outcomes?
Does the MCP include proposed management or
mitigation options to deal with these issues?
Have the process, methodology, and rationale
16 been provided to justify identification and
management of the issues?
Closure Criteria
Does the MCP include an appropriate set of
17 specific closure criteria and/ closure performance
Closure Financial Provisioning
Does the MCP include costing methodology,
18 assumptions and financial provision to resource
closure implementation and monitoring?
Does the MCP include a process for regular
review of the financial provision?
Closure Implementation
Does the reviewed MCP include a summary of
20 closure implementation strategies and activities
for the proposed operations or for the whole site?
Does the MCP include a closure work program
for each domain or feature?
Have site layout plans been provided to clearly
show each type of disturbance?
Does the MCP contain a schedule of research
and trial activities?
Does the MCP contain a schedule of progressive
rehabilitation activities?
Does the MCP include details of how unexpected
25 closure and care and maintenance) will be
Does the MCP contain a schedule of
decommissioning activities?
Does the MCP contain a schedule of closure
27 performance monitoring and maintenance
Closure Monitoring and Maintenance





Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans


Mine Closure Plan (MCP) checklist




Does the MCP contain a framework, including

methodology, quality control and remedial
28 strategy for closure performance monitoring
including post-closure monitoring and
Closure Information and Data Management
Does the mine closure plan contain a description
29 of management strategies including systems, and
processes for the retention of mine records?
30 Confidentiality

Corporate Endorsement:
I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information within this
Mine Closure Plan and checklist is true and correct and addresses all the
requirements of the Guidelines for the Preparation of a Mine Closure Plan
approved by the Director General of Mines.
Name: ________________________

Signed: _______________________

Position: ______________________

Date: _________________________

(NB: The corporate endorsement must be given by tenement holder(s) or a

senior representative authorised by the tenement holder(s), such as a
Registered Manager or Company Director)


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

APPENDIX E: Example of a Legal Obligations Register

MINE NAME Legal Compliance Register
Relevant DMP Tenement Conditions
Condition No.

Closure Conditions

Ministerial Statement (No and Date)

Condition No.


Closure Condition

Ministerial Statement (No and Date)


Closure Condition

Works Approval (No and Date)

Relates to Tenement No

Aspect related to Closure

Environmental Protection Act 1986 Licence No:

Condition No.


Aspect related to Closure


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

APPENDIX E: Example of a Legal Obligations Register (contd)
Licence to Take Water - GWL No



NOI /Mine Proposal

Document Name and Relevant Tenements
Page No.

Closure Commitment

(may be numerous sections related to each approval document)

Non Legally Binding Commitments and Promises (letters,

references, records and documents)
Document Name- No.
Closure Commitment


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

APPENDIX F: Example of Stakeholder Consultation Table
XYZ Mining - Stakeholder Consultation Register 2010

Description of



Proponent Response and/or



Identifying and securing lead

contaminated materials. Monitoring
quality and quantity of the spring
water. Remedial action as required.
Health testing and keep the traditional
owners informed


2010 ongoing



Concern that water in a

nearby spring may be
being contaminated with


Meeting to
potential postmining land


Concerns about any hole

or pit to be left behind
after mining

Will include in closure design and

provision practical measures to make
safe (to human and animal) any hole
or pit left after mining


2010 ongoing

meetings to
discuss postmining

Local Shire

Ongoing relationship with

regular communication to
explore potential uses of
rehabilitated mine feature
or infrastructure to be left
after mining that would
be of benefit to

Continued open dialogue



Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

APPENDIX G: Examples of Closure Objectives
The following examples are provided to illustrate the types of closure objectives
and should not be used as acceptable standard, or used as cut-and-paste
templates. Each operation will need to develop its own site-specific set of

The disturbed mining environment shall be made safe; and closure

requirements of the regulatory authorities are to be met.

All legally binding conditions and commitments relevant to rehabilitation

and closure will be met.

Constructed waste dumps will be stable and consistent with local
Constructed Tailings Storage Facilities will be non-polluting and toxic or
other deleterious materials will be permanently encapsulated to prevent
environmental impacts.

Surface water bodies shall not be left in mining voids unless operator
demonstrates there will be no significant environmental impact (such as
salinisation, reduction in water availability, toxicity, algal problems,
attraction to pest species or a local safety hazard).

Any boreholes, mine shafts, costeans, ventilation shafts or similar below

ground excavations filled in or sealed unless demonstrated as necessary
to support an end land use.


Vegetation in rehabilitated areas will have equivalent values as

surrounding natural ecosystems.

The rehabilitated ecosystem has equivalent functions and resilience as the

target ecosystem.

Soil properties will be appropriate to support the target ecosystem.


Rehabilitated areas provide appropriate habitat for fauna

Fauna utilisation, abundance and diversity appropriate to specified postmining land use.


Surface and groundwater hydrological patterns/flows not adversely



Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Surface and groundwater levels and quality reflect original levels and
water chemistry.

Any water runoff or leaching from tailings dams, overburden dumps and
residual infrastructure shall have quality compatible with maintenance of
local land and water values.

There shall be no long term reduction in the availability of water to meet

local environmental values.

Infrastructure and Waste

During decommissioning and through closure, wastes will be managed

consistent with the waste minimisation principles;

No infrastructure left on site unless agreed to by regulators and post

mining land managers/owners;

Disturbed surfaces rehabilitated to facilitate future specified land use.

The location and details of any buried hazards will be clearly defined and.
robust markers be installed and maintained.


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

APPENDIX H: Specific mine closure issues
This appendix provides a general overview of some specific mine closure issues.
The information provided here is by no means exhaustive. Further, not all issues
will be relevant for all mine sites and, at a particular mine site, there may be
additional challenges to mine closure not considered here. Technical advice
should be sought from appropriately qualified experts and/or regulators in relation
to identification and management of issues at any particular site.
As a guide, a generic decision framework for some of the specific closure issues
is provided in Figure H.1 below (adapted from ELAW 2010).


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Figure H.1: Decision path for some specific closure issues(adapted from ELAW

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Acid and metalliferous drainage1
Internationally and in Australia, acid and metalliferous drainage (AMD) is recognised
as one of the most serious environmental issues associated with mining. The
website of the International Network for Acid Prevention (an international research
initiative funded by the mining industry) notes that:
Acid drainage is one of the most serious and potentially enduring
environmental problems for the mining industry. Left unchecked, it can result
in such long-term water quality impacts that it could well be this industrys
most harmful legacy. Effectively dealing with acid drainage is a formidable
( accessed 2 March 2008).
The Australian national leading practice handbook on AMD (DITR 2007) states that:
At decommissioned and older operating mines sites where acid and
metalliferous drainage characterisation and management has been poor, high
remediation and treatment costs continue to impact on the profitability of
mining companies. The term treatment in perpetuity has entered the mining
vernacular as a result of intractable Acid and Metalliferous Drainage issues
that prevent the relinquishment of mining leases, despite the closure of
mining operations. Such situations are inconsistent with sustainable mining
and must be avoided.
Acid and metalliferous drainage from old mine sites can cause ongoing pollution
lasting for centuries or even millennia. For example Bronze Age mining of sulphide
deposits 5000 years ago is still causing pollution of the Rio Tinto River in Spain
(Davis et. al. 2000).
A recent detailed review of the reliability of water quality predictions in environmental
impact assessments for hard rock mine proposals in North America (Kuipers et al
2006) concluded that the actual impacts of mining on water quality are nearly
always significantly underestimated in the environmental assessment process.
The review concluded that:
Lack of adequate geochemical characterisation is the single most identifiable
root cause of water quality prediction failures. Improvements in geochemical
characterisation can provide the greatest contribution to ensuring accurate
water quality predictions at hardrock mine sites
and that:
... more extensive information on mineralogy and mineralisation should be
included in EISs, and more attention should be paid to uncertainties in
geochemical and hydrologic characterisation.

The term acid and metalliferous drainage or AMD is preferred instead of the older
term acid mine drainage in order to emphasise that contaminated mine drainage
may consist of acid drainage and/or metalliferous drainage.


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

It is also important to stress that, in assessing the potential for acid generation,
caution needs to be exercised in relying on limestone to neutralise acid drainage
because of the phenomenon of armouring (i.e. the limestone becoming coated with
non-reactive material) which results in rapid loss of neutralising capacity
(Hammarstrom et al 2003).
Metalliferous drainage
In addition to acid drainage, it is important to note that metalliferous drainage from
mine sites can have serious environmental impacts. Metalliferous drainage can
occur under circum-neutral or basic conditions. Trace metals such as zinc, cadmium
and copper which may occur in mine drainage are toxic at extremely low
concentrations and may act synergistically to suppress algal growth and affect fish
and other aquatic life (DITR 2009).
Cadmium is a substance of particular concern. Research in North America has
shown that cadmium can cause serious effects on wildlife populations by causing
bone necrosis, kidney disease and death (Larison et. al. 2000). Overseas,
particularly in Japan, there are well documented historical cases of cadmium
pollution from mine sites causing severe human health impacts (Jarup L 1998).
Other contaminated mine drainage
Selenium is another substance of particular concern which may occur in
contaminated mine drainage. Selenium rapidly bio-accumulates and causes
reproductive failure in fish (Lemley A D 1996 and 2004) and teratogenic effects (birth
deformities) in water birds (Lemley A D 1996 and 2004). The North American
guidelines for assessment of selenium risks associated with mining (Lemley A D
2007) describe the ecological effects of selenium as follows:
Once in the aquatic environment, it [selenium] can accumulate and reach
levels that are toxic to fish and wildlifeImpacts may be rapid and severe,
with teratogenic deformities and reproductive failure eliminating entire
communities of fish and causing total reproductive failure in local populations
of aquatic birdsFew environmental contaminants have the potential to
affect aquatic resources on such a broad scale, and even fewer exhibit the
complex aquatic cycling pathways and range of toxic effects that are
characteristic of selenium
Common misconceptions about AMD
A common misconception is that rock with total sulphur values less than 0.3 percent
does not pose a water quality risk. However a recent review by Rio Tinto (Richards
et al 2006) of AMD risk at its mines noted that:
at several Rio Tinto mines, acidification risks have been noted, and special
handling has been implemented, for materials at sulphur values as low as
0.05 percent, especially where there are special conditions in receiving


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Another common misconception is that metalliferous drainage and acid mine
drainage are one and the same thing and that, if there is no potential for acid
drainage, there will be no metalliferous drainage. However it is important to note that
metalliferous drainage, which may include elevated levels of substances such as
cadmium or selenium, may occur under alkaline or near-neutral conditions, that is, in
the absence of acid drainage (INAP 2009). For example a study by the US
Geological Survey (US Geological Survey 2007) documented near-neutral drainage
of selenium from coal mines in the Appalachian region. The study noted that
inorganic sulphur or pyrite levels were not an indicator of selenium leaching hazard
that is, standard acid-base accounting static tests would not provide an adequate
assessment of the selenium problem. Another study by the US EPA and the
University of Idaho (Ryser and Strawn 2005) looked at leaching of selenium from
shale and other rock types associated with phosphate deposits. This work showed
that selenium was associated with pyrite, organic matter and silicate materials in the
shale. The authors noted that selenium would leach most rapidly when pyrite was
present, but selenium leaching in the absence of pyrite could not be excluded.
Further, depending on the characteristics of the receiving environment, other forms
of non-acid drainage may cause harm to the environment. For example, research
by the Australian Commonwealth agency the Office of the Supervising Scientist
(Jones et. al. 2009, van Dam et al 2009) found that the leaching of magnesium from
waste rock could cause environmental harm to soft water wetlands which are
naturally low in calcium and magnesium. This issue was unexpected and would not
be detected by standard static testing and risk assessment.
Identification of AMD
The Australian national leading practice handbook on AMD (DITR 2007) states that,
for the purpose of approvals:
A mine closure plan must be developed and seen to be workable and
convincing. (DTIR 2007 page 18).
The leading practice handbook also stresses that it is critical that sampling for
geochemical testing be representative of geological materials at the project site
(including country and host rock) and provides further specific information on
sampling procedures (including sample sizes and maximum intervals between drill
Consistent with that approach, if the geology of the area is such that acid and/or
metalliferous drainage may be an issue, the results of appropriate geochemical
testing and risk assessment for both acid drainage and metalliferous drainage
(noting that metalliferous drainage can occur in the absence of acid drainage) must
be presented upfront at the approval stage. Current state-of-the-art methods of
geochemical testing and risk assessment are set out in the US AMD handbook
(Maest et al 2005), and the international AMD handbook known as the GARD
Guide (INAP 2009). State-of-the-art methods for assessing selenium risks
associated with mining proposals are set out in the US selenium hazard
assessment guidelines (Lemley A D 2007). It is essential to note that AMD risk
cannot be assessed based purely on potential to produce acid. As noted


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

above, metalliferous drainage can occur under near neutral or alkaline
Geochemical testing is time consuming, as noted in the Australian national leading
practice handbook:
Kinetic leach tests need to operate for at least 6 months and typically 12 to
24 months before sufficient data are available for effective interpretation of
the AMD characteristics of a material. Longer time frames may be involved for
evaluating the performance of specific treatments or soil/rock blends. (DITR
2007 page 36).
AMD characterisation work should begin to be carried out during the exploration
stage, and that a risk based approach is taken in the identification and detailed
assessment of AMD issues. To avoid the need to carry out extensive additional
drilling for AMD risk assessment and possible delay in environmental approval
processes, representative geochemical test work (geochemical characterisation,
static testing and, where warranted, kinetic testing) should be completed for all
materials to be mined prior to submitting the project for environmental approvals. .
If testing shows there is a significant risk of acid, metalliferous, seleniferous or saline
drainage, the proponent should demonstrate in the Closure Plan at the approval
stage that the proposed management strategy will provide a sustainable closure
solution. This includes sustainable closure of mine rock waste dumps, tailings
facilities and mine pit lake(s).
Mine dewatering
The risk of generating AMD through the mine dewatering process also needs to be
assessed and managed appropriately. AMD can be generated through dewatering
because, as the water table is lowered, chemical changes can occur as rock strata
dry out, resulting in acid and/or metalliferous drainage being generated.
Management of AMD
It is strongly recommended that proponents refer to the Global Rock Drainage Acid
Guide (INAP 2009) for detailed guidance on characterisation, prediction,
management and treatment for AMD.
Figure H.2 (adapted from ELAW 2010) provides a generic framework for managing
AMD, which also applies to other contaminated mine drainage including seleniferous


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Figure H.2: Decision path for managing AMD and other contaminated mine drainage
including seleniferous drainage (adapted from ELAW 2010).


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Mine pit lakes
Table H.1 (page 58) summarises some closure considerations for mine pit lakes.
Assessments of pit lake closure options should be risk-based, taking into account
the specific characteristics of the site (including hydrogeological and
environmental conditions) and potential for both negative impacts and beneficial
uses. It is expected that proponents will provide information necessary to allow
an objective assessment of the future chemistry of pit lakes.
In addition to the issues to be considered in Table H.1, human safety (public risk)
will be a key issue for consideration where a pit lake is to be retained.
The potential economic value of any remaining mineralisation should also be
considered before a decision is made to backfill open mine pits. A sterilisation
report should be submitted to DMP where any resources are likely to be sterilised
by infilling of a pit. A copy of the Sterilization report submission form for In-pit
waste/tailings disposal proposals is available on the DMP website
( The form is not
required for shallow deposits such as mineral sands, bauxite or nickel laterite
where resources are not likely to be sterilised.
More detailed information on mine pit management is provided in a document
titled Mine Void Water Resource Issues in Western Australia (Johnson & Wright
2003), and a copy is available on the DoW website
Further information on ecological risk assessment for mine pit lakes can be found
in the document Ecological Risk Assessment Procedures for Open Pit Mine
Lakes in Nevada (available at


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Table H.1: Some closure considerations for mine pit lakes

Pit lake scenario



Saline pit lake

surrounded by

Significant groundwater
impacts unlikely.

Potential biological impacts1

Closure options

In northern areas subject to

monsoon rains, a layer of fresh
water may form seasonally on
the lake surface. Depending on
the nature of the surrounding
environment, this may attract
grazing animals (stock,
kangaroos), which may lead to
overgrazing of vegetation,
erosion and/or loss of native
fauna habitat.

Assess on case-by-case basis

(Include consideration of any
potential beneficial uses).

In addition, goats may be

attracted even to saline water2,
also leading to overgrazing /
erosion/habitat degradation.

Pit lake will

become saline

Case 1: Groundwater sink

Rate of evaporation
exceeds groundwater
inflow (pit lake will be a
groundwater sink).
Significant groundwater
impacts unlikely.

Grazing animals (stock,

kangaroos) may be attracted to
the pit lake in the years before it
becomes saline. Depending on
the nature of the surrounding
environment, this may cause
overgrazing of vegetation,
erosion, and/or loss of native
fauna habitat.

Assess on case-by-case basis

(Include consideration of any
potential beneficial uses).

In addition, goats may be

attracted even to saline water2,
also leading to overgrazing /
erosion / habitat degradation.

Case 2: Flow-through cell

Ground water inflowexceeds evaporation. Pit
lake will act as a flowthrough cell forming
potential environmental
hazards with saline plumes
moving out of the void and
affecting other groundwater

Grazing animals (stock,

kangaroos) may be attracted to
the pit lake in the years before it
becomes saline. Depending on
the nature of the surrounding
environment, this may cause
overgrazing of vegetation,
erosion, and/or loss of native
fauna habitat.

Assess on case-by-case basis

(Include consideration of any
potential beneficial uses).

In addition, goats may be

attracted even to saline water2,
also leading to overgrazing /
erosion / habitat degradation.

Backfill pit to above final water

table; and/or
Collapse pit walls to cover bottom
of pit to above final water table.


If impacts on surrounding
groundwater resources assessed
to be significant and cannot be
otherwise mitigated effectively,
possible closure options are:

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Pit lake scenario

Potential groundwater

Potential biological impacts

Closure options

pit lake
(Acid, alkaline,
elevated metals
or metalloids)

Possible contamination of
surrounding groundwater.

Sickness or death of stock,

native animals or birds which
come in contact with the pit

Leaving a contaminated pit lake after

closure is not a sustainable practice.

Possible danger to humans who

come in contact with lake water.

Pit lake with

good quality
(evaporation rate
not sufficient to
cause lake to
become saline)

No impacts on groundwater

Potential for attracting grazing

animals (stock, kangaroos)
leading to overgrazing of
surrounding vegetation / fauna
habitat needs to be assessed.

Closure and remediation options will

need to be assessed on a case-bycase basis.

Retain for beneficial uses (water

supply, recreation, aquaculture)
provided that negative impacts from
attraction of grazing animals (if this is
a significant issue) can be managed
effectively on an ongoing basis


Consideration also needs to be given to the potential for pit lakes to act as breeding areas for
mosquitoes, including risk of spread of mosquito-borne diseases. If mosquitoes are likely to be a
significant issue, proponents will need to make arrangements for ongoing management.

Goats prefer saline water with up to 12,500 mg/l total dissolved solids compared with freshwater.
Goats adapted to saline water appear to be able to tolerate higher levels of salt than sheep and can
live on seawater (McGregor, BA 2004, Water quality and provision for goats, Rural Industries Research
and Development Corporation, Australian Government, Canberra.)

For uranium mines, as well as other types of mines where radioactivity may be
an issue (for example mineral sands mines), management of radioactivity will be
one of the key considerations for closure planning.
Radiation Management
During any stage of closure planning, radiation management should demonstrate
compliance with the two important guiding principles in radiation protection, the
as low as reasonably achievable or ALARA principle and the best practicable
technology principle. These principles have been defined by the International
Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), endorsed by the Australian
Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA 2005) and adopted
in WA radiation protection legislation:


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

The ALARA principle has the meaning stated in Clause 117 of ICRP
Publication 60 (ICRP 1991, p.29, Item 4.3.2). The broad aim is to ensure
that the magnitude of the individual doses, the number of people exposed,
and the likelihood of incurring exposures where these are not certain to be
received, are all kept as low as reasonably achievable, economic and
social factors being taken into account.
best practicable technology is that technology available from time to
time, and relevant to the project in question, which produces the minimum
occupational doses, member-of-public doses both now and in the future,
and environmental detriment that can be reasonably achieved, economic
and social factors taken into account.

It should be noted that the current system of radiation protection has been based
on human health considerations because it is generally believed that the
standard of environmental control required for protection of people will ensure
that other species are not put at risk (ARPANSA 2002 & 2005). Notwithstanding
this, the ICRP (ICRP 2007) recommended that "it is necessary to consider a
wider range of environmental situations, irrespective of any human connection
with them". ARPANSA is currently examining the recommendations of ICRP on
radiological protection of non-human species (ICRP 2008) and applicability to the
Australian uranium mining context (ARPANSA 2010).
In WA, the Radiation Safety Act 1975, administered by the Radiological Council,
regulates all aspects of radiation protection including the transport of radioactive
materials. In addition, there are radiation protection controls placed on the mining
industry, through Part 16 of the Mines Safety and Inspection Regulations 1995. A
Radiation Management Plan must be prepared and submitted for approval by the
State mining engineer (unless a written exemption is obtained). The Radiation
Management Plan must include a Radioactive Waste Management Plan (RWMP)
and an outline of the proposal for the eventual decommissioning and
rehabilitation of the mine (regulation 16.7).
The objective of a RWMP is to ensure that there is no unacceptable health risk
to people, both now and in the future, and no long-term unacceptable detriment
to the environment from the waste so managed, and without imposing undue
burdens on future generations (ARPANSA 2005). In designing and planning for
mine closure, the RWMP should be developed in conjunction with the overall
project environmental management plan and use a risk based approach
(DRET/GS/DEWHA 2010). The RWMP should also demonstrate the application
of the ALARA and best practicable technology principles (ARPANSA 2005).
Before mining operations commence, the results of an approved baseline
environmental radiation monitoring program must be submitted to the relevant
regulators. The establishment of the baseline conditions is an important part of
the development of a RWMP:


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

A monitoring program designed to evaluate baseline conditions should be
developed in conjunction with the relevant regulatory authority. It is important that
it be commenced early enough to allow seasonal variations in pre-existing
conditions to be evaluated prior to commencement of the project. These
baseline conditions should be established prior to any collection of significant
amounts of radioactive material through ground disturbance exercises
(ARPANSA 2005).
The development of an environmental radiation monitoring program, including the
baseline monitoring program, is essential to identify potential and critical
radionuclide (and chemical) pathways by which the environment and humans
may be affected during mining and post-mining (IAEA 2002). Such monitoring as
is needed to verify the effectiveness of engineering design, to validate models
and predictions, and to demonstrate compliance with discharge limits and
operational discharge procedures (ARPANSA 2005). The RWMP, which includes
appropriate radiation monitoring programs, must be referenced in the Mine
Closure Plan.
Before abandoning a mining operation, a plan for the final management of
radiation at the mine, including details of decommissioning and final rehabilitation
must be submitted to the relevant regulators. This plan must be referenced in the
Mine Closure Plan submitted prior to decommissioning.
It should be noted that after the mine is abandoned, rehabilitation sites are
inspected and monitored at such intervals and in such a way as is approved by
the relevant regulators. This requirement must be incorporated in the
development of the post- closure monitoring program and referenced in the Mine
Closure Plan as appropriate.
The post-mining environmental radiation level should not result in discernable
changes to the baseline conditions and should preserve any environmental value
or beneficial use that supports the agreed post-mining land use(s).
Detailed information on radiation management in mining is provided in the WA
Guidelines on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) in Mining and
Mineral Processing (or WA NORM Guidelines), available on DMP website
( The WA NORM Guidelines provide a
comprehensive set of guidelines for the management of NORM radiation,
including guidelines for preparation of a radiation management plan, guidelines
on radiation monitoring, radiation dose assessment and reporting, and guidelines
on management strategies for radioactive dust and waste.
Best Practice Uranium Mining:
The World Nuclear Association (WNA) provides the following principle for
decommissioning and site closure (principle 11):
In designing any installation, plan for future site decommissioning, remediation,
closure and land re-use as an integral and necessary part of original project
development. In such design and in facility operations, seek to maximize the use

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

of remedial actions concurrent with production. Ensure that the long-term plan
includes socio-economic considerations, including the welfare of workers and
host communities, and clear provisions for the accumulation of resources
adequate to implement the plan. Periodically review and update the plan in light
of new circumstances and in consultation with affected stakeholders. In
connection with the cessation of operations, establish a decommissioning
organisation to implement the plan and safely restore the site for re-use to the
fullest extent practicable. Engage in no activities or acts of omission that
could result in the abandonment of a site without plans and resources for full and
effective decommissioning or that would pose a burden or threat to future
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has also published guidelines on
sustainable development principles (IAEA 2009) and best practice principles
(IAEA 2010) specific to uranium mining, based on global experience. Designing
and planning for closure through an integrated and iterative process is a key to
sustainable development (IAEA 2009, Section 2). Guidance on best practice
application in environmental management and mine closure planning includes
baseline data collection, stakeholder involvement, impact assessment, risk
assessment, designing for closure and waste management (IAEA 2010, Section
The Commonwealth guide Australias In Situ Recovery Uranium Mining Best
Practice Guide: Ground waters, Residues and Radiation Protection
(DRET/GS/DEWHA 2010) outlines best practice principles and approaches to in
situ recovery (ISR) or in situ leach (ISL) uranium mining, including guidance on
best practice mine closure and site rehabilitation (Attachment 1, page 18-21).
The majority of these principles would be applicable to uranium mining by
traditional mining techniques (underground and open cut).
The best practice principles and approaches outlined in the above references are
consistent with the principles of the Strategic Framework for Mine Closure
(ANZMEC/MCA 2000), and should be incorporated in mine closure planning and
the preparation of Mine Closure Plans for uranium mining and processing
Dispersive Materials
The information in this section is based on a study report coordinated by the then
Australian Centre for Mining Environment Research (C.A Vacher et al, 2004).
Note that the information provided here focuses on soil properties and may not
be applicable to crushed rock materials. Specific advice should be sought from a
suitably qualified expert in relation to identification and management of dispersive
materials at any particular mine site.
Ensuring that constructed landforms have adequate resistance to erosion is a
major component of mine site rehabilitation works. The presence of soil
materials susceptible to tunnelling or piping has large impacts on landform


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

stability and rehabilitation. In general, the development of tunnel erosion has
been attributed to the presence of dispersive soils or mine wastes. Tunnel
erosion can lead to gully erosion being the dominant erosion mechanism, leading
to the failure of engineered structures aimed at controlling erosion. The presence
of tunnel erosion also typically means that site remediation and stabilisation are
extremely difficult, and that erosion problems are likely to be particularly
Dispersion occurs when the individual particles in a soil are separated from each
other when excess water is supplied. Soils containing high levels of
exchangeable sodium (Na+), known as sodic soils, are widely recognised to be
particularly susceptible to dispersion. Saline soils may initially be non-dispersive,
but continued leaching of the contained salts can result in the material becoming
dispersive over time. Application of saline water (e.g. for dust suppression) on
non-dispersive soils can also result in the material becoming dispersive over
Materials susceptible to tunnelling fall into three groups:

saline sodic;
non-saline sodic; and
fine, non-sodic materials of low cohesive strength.

Dispersion tests are the most useful laboratory tests for identifying the
susceptibility of a soil to tunnelling, though it should be noted that tunnel
formation is not entirely confined to dispersive materials.
There are strong interactions between the design of constructed landforms and
the development of tunnel erosion. Water ponded on saline sodic materials can
result in: the leaching of salt by the ponded water; reduced soluble salt;
increased dispersion, followed by development of tunnel erosion. For noncohesive materials, long durations of ponding are also a major factor in
developing tunnel erosion.
In order to predict the mid to longer term performance of landforms ('as mined'
materials can have properties that change after placement in landforms), it is
essential that the inevitable micro-structural, chemical and mineralogical
evolution of wastes can be predicted and the impact of these changes on erosion
hazard determined. Initial soil parameters that provide information on tunnel
erosion potential are:
i) Electrical Conductivity (EC) to assess potential salinity constraints on
ii) Exchangeable cations, with particular emphasis on exchangeable
sodium percentage (ESP) to assess dispersion potential;
iii) Potentials for slaking and dispersion (Emerson test);
iii) Particle size distribution (to provide an indication of soil cohesion and
liquefaction contributions to tunnel formation/failure); and
iv) Clay mineralogy (for swelling influence).

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Based on the data obtained, a judgment can be made on which subsequent tests
are most appropriate. Leaching column tests provide a good indication of the
hydraulic conductivity of a material and of its potential for sealing or blockage of
soil pores to occur. Erodibility measurements provide an indication of the
potential for continued development of tunnels (and tunnel gullies).
Characteristics contributing to high erodibility are also factors in the initiation
(dispersive and poor structural strength nature) and potential progression and
severity of tunnelling when it has occurred.
The best management option available to mine sites that excavate materials
susceptible to tunnelling is to avoid the problem, by ensuring that those materials
are not exposed to ponded runoff or through drainage. Therefore, the
importance of early diagnosis of potential tunnelling problems and adoption of
strategies to prevent such long-term instability is essential for successful mine
The Closure Plan should demonstrate that closure planning is being carried out
to optimise rehabilitation outcomes, consistent with the proposed post-mining
land use. This will include:

Demonstrating that suitable land forms, soil profiles and soil

characteristics will be reinstated consistent with the proposed final land
use; and
Demonstrating that any risk of uptake of toxic materials by vegetation or
pasture will be managed to avoid harm to native animals or stock which
may feed on the vegetation or pasture.

EPA guidance note No. 6 Rehabilitation of Terrestrial Ecosystems (EPA 2006)

sets out the EPAs general expectations about re-establishing biodiversity values
where a site is to be rehabilitated back to native vegetation. Guidance note No. 6
is particularly relevant to rehabilitation of mine sites in cases where the
requirement is to reinstate high quality native vegetation as close as possible to
that which existed prior to mining.
For more general information on mine rehabilitation, including environmentally
sustainable design of artificial landforms, proponents should refer to the leading
practice handbook (DITR 2006b).
The following information has been provided by Professor K W Dixon (Kings Park
and Botanic Garden in WA), as a guide towards leading practice in mine site
rehabilitation where the objective is to return land to native vegetation.
Approaches to successful rehabilitation are rapidly evolving in WA, and
companies are encouraged to keep abreast of current research and development
advances in this field.


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

A key to the successful creation of compliant post-mining rehabilitation is the
incorporation of rehabilitation considerations from the commencement of
exploration through to mine closure - the whole of mine life approach, and
maximising available resources particularly topsoil, seed and soil substrate
(growing medium).
The rehabilitation of sustainable native vegetation communities using local
species requires consideration of a number of key components including
identifying the communitys constituents and their attributes, and identifying
abiotic (soil, geology, hydrology, aspect, topography, micro-niche) conditions
necessary for the establishment and persistence of the community.
Biotic components in rehabilitation after mining include optimising use of
available plant (topsoil, seed and plants) and soil substrate (plant growth medium
and parent material).
Species and community identification vegetation surveys
Information that is necessary for benchmarking
species/community rehabilitation targets should include:



A full list of species for the impacted area and associated communities.
Clear delineation of communities, including species whose presence /
absence or variation in abundance defines each community.
The appropriate spatial scale at which to assess communities.
The range of variation for species richness and cover that can be
The relative abundance of the most important species in each community.
Post-rehabilitation monitoring to inform operators of the level of success in
re-establishing appropriate plant communities and to assist in the
refinement of rehabilitation procedures.

Soil seedbanks have many advantages as sources of material for rehabilitation,
they are species rich, genetically representative of original populations, and may
be relatively easy to manage if standards (see below) are adhered to. Topsoil is
therefore a vital and highly effective medium for restoring terrestrial ecosystems
in WA. Research has demonstrated that the following key standards are critical
for effective use of topsoil to maximise soil seedbank retention, seedling
germination and seedling establishment:

Stripping: seeds of native species mostly reside in the top 10cm. Thus
stripping should focus on retrieving this layer to a maximum depth of 20cm
(due to technical limitations).
Timing of stripping: always strip dry soil and ensure soil remains dry at all
times including transfer, storage and replacement phases.
Topsoil storage: dry topsoil piles can be maintained with effective
biodiverse capability in windrows or bins with height likely to be
substantially higher than 2m based based on emerging research. Covering
(tarping) topsoil to retain it in a dry state is critical otherwise wetting will

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

tripper germination and subsequent anaerobic conditions will substantially

decrease the effectiveness of the topsoil.
Topsoil spreading: replace topsoil at the depth appropriate to emergence
capability of seeds and no greater than 5cm as most native seeds
cannot emerge from depths greater than 5cm (optimum is 1-2cm).

Growth Medium
For most mine sites there will be a deficit in growing medium that will need to be
met by investigating the use of waste mine materials to support plant
establishment. Plant growth and function is therefore an appropriate indicator of
potential long-term sustainability of rehabilitation sites. The growing medium for
rehabilitated sites should reflect the functional nature of the pre-mined landscape
and provide:
Seasonal groundwater dynamics allowing for comparable plant water use
and acquisition strategies with pre-mined systems.
Comparable plant nutrition potential with pre-mined systems and include
chemical attributes that are: non-toxic; non-acid producing; non-saline;
non-sodic; and of suitable pH.
Comparable structural attributes with pre-mined systems ensuring
environmental stability and non-hostility for plant growth characterised by:
low erosion potential; suitable air filled porosity; suitable bulk density and
being non-dispersive.
Seed Collection and use standards
For areas where topsoil does not or is not capable of returning the stipulated
level of biodiversity, the reliance on seed to achieve targets is increased. The
seed supply chain (Figure H.3) provides the key steps that are critical for
considering how wild seed is sourced and utilized correctly. However, for most
regions, information on site and species-specific requirements is not available.
Procedures to optimize seed resources should focus on those below
(summarised also in Figures H.4):
Collection and Storage

Correct species identification (all seed must be represented by a

herbarium-quality voucher specimen).
Adequate genetic provenance is delineated (consult relevant provenance
specialists for advice).
Timing of seed harvest to maximise seed quality, viability, and storability.
Correct seed handling to ensure seed is not damaged during the collection
and cleaning phases.
Processing approaches that optimise seed quality and purity.

Developing seed production systems where seed supply or collection

capability does not or cannot meet seed demand.

Ensuring adequate and appropriate storage of seed in a purpose-designed

and managed seedbank facility preferably with seed equilibrated to 15%

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

relative humidity stored for short to medium-term (1-5y) at 5C; long-term
(>5y) at -18C.
Seed use
Understanding seed dormancy and germination limitations of target
Utilising seed-germination enhancement technologies including seed
priming, seed cueing, seed dormancy release and seed dormancy control,
seed coatings, delivery-to-site techniques, germination and establishment
optimization, stress control.
Understanding interactions of seed use technologies with post mined
landscapes (biotic and abiotic) to optimise plant regenerative capacity.

Figure H.3: The seed supply chain outlining the key steps that are critical for
considering how wild seed is sourced correctly, quality assured, cleaned and
stored in a suitable seedbank environment and exits the seedbank in a state
suitable for germination


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Figure H.4: A systematic approach to developing whole-of-mine rehabilitation

techniques. Integration of each research and development theme is necessary to
achieve efficient and effective use of biological resources.


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

APPENDIX I: Domain Model
A useful approach to mine closure planning and implementation is to divide up
the closure work to be carried out and segregate the facility into specific areas or
domains (ICMM 2008). Each domain is treated as a separate entity within an
overall plan and includes landforms or infrastructure that has similar
rehabilitation, decommissioning and closure requirements/objectives.
Examples of domains at a mine are:

Ore processing area

Tailings storage facilities
Waste dumps
Process and raw water facilities
Open voids and declines/shafts

Figure I.1 below shows the allocation of domains for a typical mine layout:

Figure I.1: An example of the allocation of domains


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

For accuracy, it is recommended that the operation should use Geographical
Information System (GIS) digital terrain models and aerial photos to illustrate the
domain features and boundaries; 3D models of waste dumps, voids, tailings
dams and other structures (ICMM 2008).
Each domain should have its own closure plan and the same factors outlined in
Section 4 of the Guidelines should be taken into account when developing a plan
for each domain (ICMM 2008).
The domain model provides a good focal point for developing strategy for closure
implementation, and helps to facilitate structured risk assessment and
management. However, closure planning and implementation should also
consider the whole of landscape scale to ensure effective integration of final land


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

APPENDIX J: Risk Assessment and Management
The Risk Management Standard Principles and guidelines developed by the
joint Australian and New Zealand standard (AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009) and the
Environmental risk management Principles and process (HB 203:2006) provide
key processes and principles to identify, assess, manage and review closure
risks. These standards require communication and consultation with internal and
external stakeholders as appropriate all the way through the risk assessment and
management process.
A structured risk assessment framework and a meaningful stakeholder
consultation process enable identification early in the planning process of mine
closure risks and opportunities associated with closure, and management
strategies to preserve, maintain or enhance environmental values or beneficial
uses (DITR 2007 Section 6.2, IAEA 2010 Section 3.4) after closure. On a case by
case basis, it may be necessary to assess the risk to a particular ecosystem.
Although methodology for ecological risk assessment has not been fully
developed, probabilistic ecological risk assessment (ERA) can provide a means
to evaluate the risk posed by an environmental hazard to the organisms living
within the receiving environment (DITR 2007 Section 6.3).
More detail on application of the risk standards to mining and mineral processing
operations is provided in the Leading Practice Sustainable Development in
Mining handbook on Risk Assessment and Management (DITR 2008).
The main elements of risk management are described below (DITR 2008):
(1) Communicate and consult
Communicate and consult with internal and external stakeholders as appropriate
at each stage of the risk management process and concerning the process as a
whole. AS4360 requires this all the way through the risk process.
(2) Establish the context
Establish the external, internal and risk management context in which the rest of
the process will take place. Criteria against which risk will be evaluated should be
established and the structure of the analysis defined.
(3) Identify risks
Identify where, when, why and how events could prevent, degrade, delay or
enhance the achievement of the objectives.
(4) Analyse risks
Identify and evaluate existing controls. Determine consequences and likelihood
and, therefore, the level of risk. This analysis should consider the range of
potential consequences and how these could occur.


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

(5) Evaluate risks
Compare estimated levels of risk against the pre-established criteria and
consider the balance between potential benefits and adverse outcomes. This
enables decisions to be made about the extent and nature of treatments
required, and about priorities.
(6) Treat risks
Develop and implement specific cost-effective strategies and action plans for
increasing potential benefits.
(7) Monitor and review
It is necessary to monitor the effectiveness of all steps of the risk management
process. This is important for continuous improvement. Risks and the
effectiveness of treatment measures need to be monitored to ensure changing
circumstances do not alter priorities.
The following diagram summarised the risk management process:

Figure G.1: Risk management process (DITR 2008)


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

The following flowchart provides a summary of an iterative risk based impact

assessment process that can be applied to management of potential impacts
associated with mine closure (DRET/GS/DEWHA 2010).

Figure G.2: An iterative risk based impact assessment process

(DRET/GS/DEWHA 2010, Attachment 1)
The International Council on Mining & Metals guideline on Planning for Integrated
Mine Closure: Toolkit (ICMM 2008) identifies a number of useful techniques for
undertaking a risk (and opportunity) assessment. The outcomes of the
risk/opportunity assessment conducted during the project approval stage can be
used to identify potential issues that could elevate closure risks, so strategies and
mitigation measures can be developed to control such risks.

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

The Guidelines for miners: preparation of a mining lease proposal or mining and
rehabilitation program (MARP) in South Australia (January 2011) produced by
the Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (PIRSA), provides one
methodology for qualitative risk assessment (Appendix 5A) and some closure
risks that should be considered, including:

sudden closure due to market changes
poor management of rehabilitation activities
experimental or novel rehabilitation techniques
ongoing maintenance requirements for protective structures
unexpected or unusual climatic conditions
changes in legislative requirements or community expectations (if the mine
has a long life)
changes to surrounding land use
inadequate understanding of the existing environment and the impacts of
the operations

Recognising that effective communication is a necessary ingredient for effective

risk management, the Minerals Council of Australia developed a set of
recommended principles and approaches to risk communication specifically for
the mining industry (MCA, 2008). Such a risk communication framework and
principles can be applied to the management of risks associated with mine


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

APPENDIX K: Examples of Completion Criteria

The following examples are provided to illustrate the development of completion
criteria and should not be used as acceptable standard, or used as cut-andpaste templates. Each operation will need to have its own site-specific set of
completion criteria and performance indicators. (See Appendix G for examples of
closure objectives).
For each closure objective, a set of completion criteria should be developed to
demonstrate the attainment of that objective. Closure criteria usually include
post-closure environmental outcomes together with measurement tools, and
where applicable, final landform designs and construction specifications.
Although completion criteria should be quantitative, indicative completion criteria
(used in the early stages of closure planning) may be qualitative or semiquantitative, provided that they can be objectively verified

All waste
dumps and
Facilities (TSF)
are stable and
to surrounding
land use
and surface
drainage are
consistent with,
to the overall

Indicative Completion
Concept level
engineering designs
and specifications for
final landforms that will
not be prone to
slumping, mass
movement or significant

Completion Criteria

Measurement Tools

Detailed final landform design

specifications including slopes, surface
water and drainage design parameters
and erosion rates

Audit of constructed
landforms for
compliance with design

Concept level
engineering designs
and specifications for
surface water and
drainage which are
compatible with the
surrounding landscape
and proposed land use.

Detailed engineering designs and

specifications / required Australian

Audit of construction for

compliance with design
Monitoring of surface

Meeting relevant
Australian Standards


Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

Vegetation in
areas will have
values as

Indicative Completion
Vegetation composition
on the rehabilitated site
is representative of the
target ecosystem in
diversity/diversity and
vegetation structure.

Completion Criteria

Measurement Tools

Reaching agreed species or

ecosystem diversity targets, such as
areas to have at least X of particular
species per m2.

Quantitative vegetation
monitoring using
recognised standard
techniques acceptable to
regulators. .

Species richness is greater than Y% of

the mean value recorded in all 20m x
20m reference plots in analogue sites
in the target ecosystem.

Audit of rehabilitation
records for sources of
plant materials used in

Foliar cover is within the range of

values from analogue sites in the
target ecosystem.

All plants used in

rehabilitation to be of
local provenance.
No weeds to be
introduced into the

All plant material used in rehabilitation

sourced from within 10km of the
project site.
No evidence of weed species,
including both declared agricultural
weeds and environmental weeds.

ecosystem has
functions and
resilience as
the target

The capacity to retain

water and nutrient
resources is equivalent
to target ecosystems.

Infiltration Index is within the range of

values from analogue sites in the
target ecosystem.

Soil properties
are appropriate
to support the

Soil physical, chemical

and biological
characteristics will be
consistent with those of
the target landscape.

Soil physical, chemical and biological


Soils to the depth of

reconstruction have
similar pH and salinity
as soils from the target

Soils to the depth of reconstruction

have: pH (H2O) >X; and
EC (1:5 H2O) <Y dS/m

Nutrient Cycling Index is within the

range of values from analogue sites in
the target ecosystem.


EFA Infiltration Index.

EFA Nutrient Cycling

Soil analysis using
accredited laboratory,
plus field measures

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans

All identified
AMD materials
are adequately
contained or
covered to
of surface and
ground water.

Indicative Completion
Concept level
engineering designs
and specifications for
waste rock dumps
(and/or TSFs) to ensure
suitable placement and
encapsulation of AMD
Concept level
engineering designs
and specifications for
landforms containing
AMD materials to limit
rainfall and, oxygen
Surface water and
groundwater quality
down-hydraulic gradient
of the contained AMD
materials will not
exceed baseline water
quality conditions, or
acceptable water
quality guidelines

Completion Criteria

Measurement Tools

Detailed landform designs and


Audit of constructed
landform showing
compliance with design
standards, and asconstructed report
showing where AMD
materials are located,
the amount of lime
added to base and/or
sides, depth of non-acid
or metalliferous forming
waste rock on top of and
surrounding cells)

Detailed surface water drainage

Seepage and water quality meeting
specific criteria levels for pH, salinity,
SO4, heavy metals and other
substances of concern (such as
Seepage from all TSFs will meet the
National Water Quality
Management Strategy guidelines
(available online at, papers 4, 6, 7 & 8).

Water and oxygen

infiltration rates, and
temperature profile
of encapsulated cells
Surface water and
groundwater analysis
using accredited
laboratory analysis and
field measurements
Visual assessment and
surveying (stained
seepage, iron
precipitates, vegetation


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