Ucf Acg 2071 Spring 2008 Syllabus
Ucf Acg 2071 Spring 2008 Syllabus
Ucf Acg 2071 Spring 2008 Syllabus
School of Accounting
Principles of Managerial Accounting, Spring 2008
ACG 2071 Fridays 1:30 – 4:20pm
Objectives: You will learn how to use accounting information to make management decisions for a
company. Special emphasis will be placed on measurement and behavior of product costs,
product pricing, capital investment decisions, and various budgeting issues. Additionally, you
will show competence in analytical and problem-solving skills related to accounting information.
Materials: Required: Managerial Accounting, 6th OR 7th Edition, Hilton, McGraw – Hill
Optional: Study Guide 6th OR 7th Edition to accompany text.
Method of Instruction: Class sessions will include lectures, problem solving, and class discussion. You should be
an active participant in the classroom. Even though this is a large class, you are encouraged to ask questions and
seek clarification of issues when necessary.
Attendance is critical to your success in the class. You should read the assigned chapters and attempt to complete
the assigned exercises and problems prior to each class meeting. If missing a class, you are responsible for
information covered, as well as any changes in assignments.
Tests: There will be 6 tests. No make-up tests will be given. I will count your 5 highest test scores toward your
grade (i.e – I will drop your lowest test score). If you miss a test, this will automatically count as your lowest test
score. If you miss a second test, your grade for that test will be a zero. Tests will consist of multiple choice
questions and will be administered in the College of Business Testing Lab located in BA-II, Room 104. The lab uses
a flexible testing environment which allows you to take the test in the testing lab anytime during a scheduled range
of day(s) for that particular test. You will be allowed 180 minutes to complete each test. Once the 180 minutes have
expired, no additional minutes will be allowed. You must bring your UCF picture ID. I encourage you to use a
calculator (the lab only allows a financial calculator or the calculator on the computer); if you need scratch paper,
the lab will provide it. You may also bring a 3 x 5 card with formulas and notes. The scratch paper and the 3 x 5
card must be turned in before you leave the lab.
Tutoring Services: Tutoring services are available to students through the Student Academic Resource Center
(SARC) in Phillips Hall. You will need to check with SARC for a specific time schedule.
Academic Honesty Policy: All students are expected to conduct themselves according to the academic behavior
standards published in the UCF student handbook. When a violation of the academic behavior standards becomes
known, the instructor will take appropriate measures which may include loss of credit for an assignment, removal of
the student from the course with a grade of F, or recommendation to the Dean of students that appropriate
disciplinary action be taken.
Disclaimer: Changes in the topics covered, assigned problems and dates may be made at any time during the
semester. Any changes will be announced in class. If you miss class, you are still responsible for the changes.
Tentative Assignment Schedule – Spring 2008
13 Investment Centers and Transfer Pricing E6: Ex 13-24, 26, 29, 32, 33, 34 Pr 13-40
E7: Ex 13-24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34 Pr 13-42