Baclays Bank Draft 250m Sell Proposal

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face value on 'SBP"

To make things easy for you and your customers/buyers of the Bank Draft, please advise
the best price your buyer can pay for this BANK DRAFT on "SBP"
Thank you in advance for advising if your client is interested and financially "RWA" to close
this deal with us rapidly on the offered 'SBP' basis only.
BANK DRAFTS by one of your rich clients, kindly find attached this verifiable
EUROCLEAR copy of a current available Barclays bank draft of Euro: 250,000,000.00 (two
hundred fifty Million Euros) face value to be sold/purchase on 'SBP" (Screen Block &
Pay) basis only as per the described procedure below.
Please find below the procedure to conclude the euro 250 M Barclays Bank draft:
SBP" (SCREEN BLOCK & PAY) on screen transmission and procedure as below:
1. both parties ' agree on the transaction window time
2. both parties banker: stand by on screen monitor in Euro clear or DTC/DTCC screen
3. Buyer banker(BB) : interact to seller`s banker by message system(MS) on screen
4. Seller banker(SB) ' Response by MS on screen monitor
5. BB : Bank Blocked on screen use for Blockage code
6. BB : official confirms Blocked by BB
7. SB : MT103 payment on same time after bank draft blocked on screen by BB
8. BB : can transmission copy down load from screen after Bank draft blocked by BB

can automatically Transmission to Buyer`s nominate account (will provide shortly) on

screen and verify by Buyer`s bank on screen
First come Be served, Enclosed EUROCLEAR COPY
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