Testing Elastomers For Hyperelastic Material Models
Testing Elastomers For Hyperelastic Material Models
Testing Elastomers For Hyperelastic Material Models
The objective of the testing described herein
Engineering Stress (MPa)
is to define and to satisfy the input require-
Planar Tension ments of mathematical material models that
Biaxial Extension exist in structural, non-linear finite element
1.0 analysis software
Most of these models are referred to as hyperelastic material models. It is beyond the scope of this article to discuss
the details of particular hyperelastic material models. However, most models share common test data input require-
ments. In general, stress and strain data sets developed by stretching the elastomer in several
modes of deformation are required and “fitted” to sufficiently define the variables in the
material models. A typical set of 3 stress strain curves appropriate for input into fitting
routines are shown are shown in Figure 1. Appropriate experimental loading sequences and
realistic strain levels are needed to capture the elastomer behavior that applies in the analysis.
The modes of deformation each put the material into a particular state of strain. One objec-
tive of testing is to achieve “pure” states of strain such that the stress strain curve represents
the elastomer behavior only in the desired state.
Figure 2, Analysis of a
Tension Specimen
This testing is not failure oriented. The intention is to model the behavior of the material in
the working range of strain and stress.
The length in this case refers to the specimen length between the instrument clamps. Specimen clamps create an
indeterminate state of stress and strain in the region surrounding the clamp in the process of gripping. Therefore,
the specimen straining must be measured on the specimen, but away from the clamp, where a pure tension strain
state is occurring. A non-contacting strain measuring device such as a video extensometer or laser extensometer is
required to achieve this (Figure 3).
Although the experiments are performed separately and the strain Figure 8, A Biaxial Extension Experiment using a
Laser Extensometer (Out of the Image)
states are different, data from all of the individual experiments is
used as a set. This means that the specimens used for each of the
experiments must be of the same material. This may seem obvi-
The structural properties of elastomers change significantly during the first several times that the material expe-
riences straining. This behavior is commonly referred to as the Mullin’s effect1. If an elastomer is loaded to a
particular strain level followed by complete unloading to zero stress several times, the change in structural prop-
erties from cycle to cycle as measured by the stress strain function will diminish. When the stress strain function
no longer changes significantly, the material may be considered to be stable for strain levels below that particular
strain maximum.
If the elastomer is then taken to a new higher strain maximum, the structural properties will again change
significantly. This behavior is documented throughout the literature.2 One example of this behavior is shown
in Figure 10 where a filled natural rubber is strained to 40% strain for 10 repetitions followed by straining to
100% for 10 repetitions. Another example is shown in Figures 11,12, and 13 where a thermoplastic elastomer
is strained to 20% strain for 10 repetitions followed by straining to 50% for 10 repetitions.
Several observations can be made regarding this behavior which are true to a varying degree for all elastomers.
1. The stress strain function for the 1st time an elastomer is strained is never again repeated. It is a unique
2. The stress strain function does stabilize after between 3 and 20 repetitions for most elastomers.
3. The stress strain function will again change significantly if the material experiences strains greater than the
previous stabilized level. In general, the stress strain function is sensitive to the maximum strain ever experi-
4. The stress strain function of the material while increasing strain is different than the stress strain function of
the material while decreasing strain.
5. After the initial straining, the material does not return to zero strain at zero stress. There is some degree
of permanent deformation.
tive loading. The material model does not 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Because the models use a simple reversible stress strain input, one must input a stress strain function that is relevant
to the to loading situation expected in the application. Naturally, this may be difficult because the very purpose of
the analysis is to learn about the stress strain condition in the part. However, there are a few guidelines that may be
1. If the focus of the analysis is to examine the first time straining of an elastomeric part, then use the first time
stress strain curves from material tests. This might be the case when examining the stresses experienced when install-
ing a part for the first time.
2. If the focus of the analysis is to understand the typical structural condition of a part in service, use stress strain
curves derived by cycling a material until it is stable and extracting the stabilized increasing strain curve.
3. If the focus of the analysis is to understand the unloading performance of a part in service by examining the
minimum stress conditions, extract a stabilized decreasing strain curve.
4. Perform experiments at strain levels that are reasonable for the application. Large strains that greatly exceed
those that the part will experience will alter the material properties such that they are unrealistic for the application
of interest.
Stabilize the material at 2 or more different levels to cover a broader range of performance and to measure just how
sensitive the structural properties are to maximum strain levels.
There are many other loading patterns used to develop stress strain curves for input into the fitting routines of
analysis software. Sets of relaxation curves may be used to create stabilized data sets, dynamic vibrations may be
superimposed on relaxation data8 and all of the loading patterns above can be performed across a broad range of
Data Reduction Considerations
The stress strain experimental data may
Engineering Stress (MPa)
Physical testing of elastomers for the purpose of fitting material models in finite element analysis requires experi-
ments in multiple states of strain under carefully considered loading conditions. The material models themselves
have limitations and these limitations must also be considered. Fortunately, the actual shapes of the test specimens
can be examined and verified using analysis.
6. Dalrymple, T., Experimental Elastomer Analysis Course Notes, Ann Arbor, Michigan, January, 1998.
7. Timoshenko, S.P. Theory of Elasticity (3rd Ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1970.
8. K N Morman, Jr., and J C Nagtegaal, Finite Element Analysis of Sinusoidal Small-Amplitude Vibrations in
Deformed Viscoelastic Solids. Part I. Theoretical Development, International Journal for Numerical Methods in
Engineering, Vol. 19, pp.1079-1103 (1983)