Adams Tutorial Forfour Bar and Slider Crank
Adams Tutorial Forfour Bar and Slider Crank
Adams Tutorial Forfour Bar and Slider Crank
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Right-click on the Rigid Body icon in the Main Toolbox and then left-click on the Construction
Geometry: Marker icon
in the pop-up menu. In the indicator panel select the pull-down
Add to Part. Left-click anywhere on the Crank to select it. Then position the cursor and leftclick to position themarker coordinate frame.
You may delete a marker by right-clicking on it and using Marker>Delete. You may not delete
Marker_1 from a part.
Add another marker to the Crank and then reposition the Crank with one of these new markers
near the workspace origin.
6) Create a revolute joint to ground
Right-click on the Joint icon in the Main Toolbox (middle of second row) and then left-click on
the Joint:Revolute iconin the pop-up menu. Left-click anywhere on the ground to select it as the
first body and then left-click anywhere on the Crank to select it as the second body. Finally
position the cursor and left-click to attach the revolute connection.A blue semi-circular arrow and
a ground symbol should appear.
7) Add a motor
Right-click on the Rotational Joint Motion icon in the Main Toolbox (middle of third row) and
then left-click on the Rotational Joint Motion icon in the pop-up menu. Select a speed of 360 in
the indicator panel for 360 degrees per second. Then left-click on the blue arrow for the revolute
joint to attach the motor. A larger blue arrow should appear.
8) Run a simulation
Select Simulate Interactive Controls. Set the End Time to 1 second and change the pull-down for
Step Size to 0.001 seconds. Press the Reset button and then press the Run button. The crank
should complete one full revolution.
9) Create a dyad
Create a new part named Coupler with two markers.
Right-click on the Joint icon in the Main Toolbox (middle of second row) and then left-click on
the Joint:Revolute icon in the pop-up menu.
However this time change the pull-down option to 2 Bod 2 Loc. Left-click anywhere on the
Crank to select it as the first body and then left-click on the Coupler to select it as the second
body. Position the cursor and left-click to attach the revolute connection to a marker on the
Crank. Finally position the cursor and left-click to attach the revolute connection to a marker on
the Coupler. A blue arrow semi-circular arrow should appear but the locations will be separate.
To join these locations use Simulate Interactive Controls and press the button for Perform Initial
Conditions Solution
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