FACE 2 Years Advanced Orthodontics Program
FACE 2 Years Advanced Orthodontics Program
FACE 2 Years Advanced Orthodontics Program
In parnership with
Functional And Cosmetic Excellence (FACE) Team is organising a new 2 years course in Bucharest starting
with September 2015. The course is a theoretical-practical and it is directed to dentists that had previously
taken a post-graduate degree in orthodontics in an official recognised institution.
The course will be given by Dr. Domingo Martin, Dr. Renato Cocconi and in most of the sessions they will
have collaborators with expertise in different areas (TMJ, imaging, periodontics, prosthodontics, technicians).
Sessions overview
2016, to be established
2016, To be established
Orthognatic surgery
2017,To be established
2017,To be established
* The organizers reserve the right to change the dates of the course but the participants will be notified with at least 1 month
in advance
Course program
FACE Treatment Philosophy I:
Diagnostic tools for a more comprehensive diagnosis
10 - 12 September 2015, Bucharest
Dr. Domingo Martin, Dr. Alberto Canabez
Introduction to the FACE Philosophy
Functional Occlusion Concepts
Introduction to the use of Articulators
Advantages in using a semi-adjustable articulator in orthodontics
Wax bites - centric occlusion and centric relation (power centric bite)
Clinical practice in taking wax bites - clinical demonstration
Clinical demonstration of the articulator and face bow
The importance of good impressions - presentation
FACE Treatment Philosophy II:
Cephalometrics and VTO
3-5 December 2015, Bucharest
Dr. Inigo Gomez, Dr. Alberto Canabez
Concept of craniofacial growth
Ricketts and Roth-Jarabak Cephalometric Analysis
Importance of natural head position in diagnosis and planning
Soft tissue analysis
VTO clinical application
Bracket placement theory and practical session
Conversion of OC to RC - Cephalometric implications
Theory and practice of CPI (condylar position indicator); Demonstration of CPI
Students do face bow and bite fork practice
Mounting of all students impressions with split cast
Diagnose of each student mounting
SWA (Straight Wire Appliance) and Treatment Mechanics
5-6 March 2016, Bucharest
Dr. Renato Cocconi
Straight wire appliance (SWA): Concept and development
Treatment mechanics in the permanent dentition: 1st, 2nd and 3rd phase
Closing mechanics with: DKL 0.19x0.25, 0.21x0.25 with and without reduction
Anchorage: concepts and management
The use of transpalatal bars: concept, theory and practice
Vertical control: concept
Treatment sequence and arch wire sequence
Diagnosis of students cases
Treatment of CII, CIII
Use of skeletal anchorage: mini-implants
Case demonstrations
TMJ, TMJ Imaging and Splints
2016, Bucharest
Dr. Domingo Martin, Dr. Guillermo Ochoa
Anatomy, histology and normal physiology of the TMJ
Dysfunction and pathology of the TMJ: evaluation, diagnosis and treatment clinical cases
Imaging of the TMJ: Tomographs, Cone Beam, MRIs
Importance of stable condylar position in relation with TMJ
Introduction to splint wear
Construction of the splint
Clinical application of the splint - neuro-muscular deprogramming
Diagnosis and planning of the TMJ patients
Interdisciplinary treatment - the importance of teamwork
2016, Bucharest
Dr. Domingo Martin, Dr. Inigo Sada
(Other periodontists, prosthodontist and general dentists are accepted to this session)
Introduction to interdisciplinary: importance of team work
The importance of periodontal report
Occlusal trauma: Concepts and Importance
Adult orthodontics
Orthodontics and Periodontics: Periodontal Orthodontics
Orthodontics and Prosthodontics
Implants and Orthodontics
Orthodontics and Esthetic Dentistry
Case presentations
Mixed dentition treatment
2016, Bucharest
Dr. Domingo Martin
Orthognatic surgery
2017, Bucharest
Dr. Renato Cocconi, Dr. Mirco Raffaini
Introduction to orthognatic surgery
VTO pre-orthodontics
Pre-surgical orthodontics
Surgical VTO - Theory and practice
Surgical techniques
Nasolabial unit
Post-surgical orthodontics
Management of post surgical patient
Cases presentation
2017, Bucharest
Dr. Domingo Martin, Dr. Maria Jesus Provedo
Introduction to Bioesthetics
Biological Model
The MAGO: Concepts
Introduction to Negative Coronaplasty
Introduction to Positive Coronaplasty
The Role of the Technician in Bioesthetics
The Importance of Waxing
The Importance of the Orthodontist in Bioesthetics - Clinical Implications
Presentation of Bioesthetic Cases
Course registration
Orthoprofile SRL
Phone: +40-264-430.810 / +40-737-020-505
email: [email protected], [email protected]
The number of participants accepted to the course is limited!
Registration fee
9500 EURO
Registration fee covers: session participation, lunch, coffee break
and consumables needed for clinical training. The fee does not
cover travel and accommodation costs and it does not cover
necessary course equipment.
Payment methods The total amount of 9500 EURO can be paid in 9 instalments:
1500 EURO at the registration date and then 8 equal payments of
1000 EURO one month before every session.
In the case the participant cannot attend a session the fee cannot be
refund but the participant can attend the similar session on the
next course group.