Gba 0809 QLD Roads

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Peter Rotolone1
B.Eng(Civil), M.Eng.Sc., RPEQ
Construction is well underway for a second Gateway
Bridge across the Brisbane River in Brisbane, Queensland.
The bridge approaches either side of the main river span
consist of precast concrete box segments constructed using
a match casting process to ensure a very closely tting joint.
The segments are jointed together with epoxy paste and
structurally joined by post-tensioning. The match casting
method was found to be more efcient and cost effective
than the cast-in-situ joints used on the previous bridge.

The existing Gateway Bridge was constructed by Transeld
(Qld) and was ofcially opened on 11 January 1986. Since
then, steady trafc growth has meant that the bridge has
progressively reached full capacity. The Gateway Upgrade
Project was announced in February 2005, which included
duplicating the Gateway Bridge and upgrading and
constructing a total of 18km of road works (1). Excluding
the new Gateway Bridge there are a total of 28 bridge
structures in the upgrade project.
After a six month tender evaluation process (2), the
successful tenderer, the Leighton Abigroup Joint Venture,
was announced on 18 September 2006.

The duplicate Gateway Bridge is positioned approximately

50m downstream from the existing structure. The external
side view proles of the duplicate bridge and columns are
similar to the existing bridge. When completed there will
be obvious differences in the plan view as the downstream
side of the new bridge has an additional 4.5m width lane
dedicated for use by pedestrian and bicycle trafc. At
strategic locations on the bridge structure, a number of
viewing platforms will be provided for pedestrians. There
are load capacity and construction detail differences, both in
the superstructure, substructure and foundations (3).
The similar side prole of the bridges belies the
differences in construction techniques and methods used
to accommodate thermal expansion. This article will
focus solely on the approach spans to the main span and
the match casting techniques used to cast the reinforced
concrete box segments. The construction of the main span
will be covered in a future article.
The approach spans each side of the main bridge comprise
approximately 730m on the northern bank and 375m on
the southern bank. These consist of typically 71m spans
with 60m end spans adjacent to the abutments. The
deck structure is constructed from post-tensioned precast
concrete segmental twin box girders, erected as balanced

Peter Rotolone is the Construction Manager (Structures), Gateway Upgrade Project, Queensland Motorways Limited.

QUEENSLAND ROADS Edition No 6 September 2008

Approach span design criteria

Existing Gateway Bridge
The design concept and construction methodology between
the old and new Gateway Bridge approach spans differ.
The precast segments for the rst Gateway Bridge were a
single, two cell box segment.
The previous design has piers with bearings tted at the
top and base of the columns, which creates a 'pin joint'
(Figure 1). A close examination of the top and bottom of
these piers will show the steel cover plates, which cover the
bearings. The expansion and contraction of the approach
spans are accommodated at two expansion joints located on
either side of the main river span adjacent to piers 5 and 8.

Construction joints 400mm wide

Pin joints top

and bottom

Figure 1. Design concept for old Gateway Bridge


During erection of the rst bridge, the individual segments

were suspended in place with the aid of an erection truss.
The 400mm wide reinforced wet joints between the
segments were cast followed by post-tensioning.
A span-by-span erection methodology was used.

New Gateway Bridge

As the new Gateway Bridge is wider to accommodate an
extra lane, the approaches are formed by joining together,
two individual single cell box segments. After the segments
on a span are in place, the longitudinal joint between the
two halves are stitch cast together.
The piers have 'built-in' ends at both the top and bottom
in lieu of 'pin joints' (Figure 3). The piers are relatively
slender which permit a limited amount of exure.
However, to limit deection of the piers the design
incorporates an expansion joint in every four to ve spans.
The segments at the halving joints are of special design
with additional reinforcing steel and stressing bars to
accommodate the transfer of vertical and horizontal forces.
At the expansion joint/halving joint, a short cantilever past
one pier provides a simple support for the longer remaining
span. Longitudinal movement at the expansion joints are
accommodated by bearings.
There are four bearings per expansion joint, with each
bearing capable of carrying a maximum vertical load of
1600t and horizontal movements up to 650mm (Figure 4).
Each bearing incorporates a pot bearing to cater for angular
misalignment and a sliding bearing element comprised of a
stainless steel sliding plate and PTFE2 slipper. Only one of
the four bearings provides lateral restraint at the expansion

Match cast joints

Wet cast joints

Halving expansion joint

Fixed joint

Figure 3. Design concept for new bridge approaches

Figure 2. Original Gateway
Bridge approaches under
construction by Transeld

2 PTFE is short for polytetrauoroethylene. It is also commonly known as TeonTM which is a trademark of DuPont. PTFE is known for its extemely
low coefcient of friction, however it has poor strength properties. The strength of PTFE is enhanced by adding various llers.

QUEENSLAND ROADS Edition No 6 September 2008

Figure 4. 1600t expansion joint bearing under test 2

The construction method utilised match casting of the

concrete segments at the on-site casting facility. Each
segment is match cast against its adjacent segment to
form a precision t. The joint width between the installed
segments is very small and any gaps are taken up with
epoxy paste.
A 150mm wide wet joint is used on either side of the piers
as it is not possible to match cast this joint as the pierhead is
cast in place atop of the pier. The closure pours at mid span
between the span cantilevers are 200mm wide cast in situ
unreinforced concrete stitches. A detailed description of the
construction methodology is outlined below.

Concrete segment construction using match

A match casting technique was employed for the bridge
approaches as it provided for faster more efcient erection
of the box segments as well as providing a more accurate
location method.
Manufacture of the balanced cantilever precast segments
are accomplished using the "short line" horizontal casting
method, where segments are produced in a step-by-step
procedure (production cycle) with the casting moulds
maintained in a xed position.

One of the benets of the short line casting method is the

ability to accurately survey and adjust each segment for
vertical and/or horizontal curves by building in rotation in
the horizontal and vertical planes.
The second benet of the short line casting method is the
ability to nd geometry errors immediately following
casting of a segment and then to make corrective geometry
adjustments in the casting of the next segment. The actual
values for the match cast segment geometry are compared
to the design values for the segment. Corrections for any
errors are calculated and if possible incorporated into the
set-up for the wet cast segment.
The "short line" casting method requires all typical
segments in a cantilever (casting run) to be cast in the same
mould, using stationary moulds and against the previously
cast segment (called the match cast segment) in order to
obtain a match cast joint. The initial segment within a
casting run is cast within the mould between a xed and
removable bulkhead.
The jointing face of the segments has a number of raised
keys in the shape of a rectangular prism with tapered sides
to provide a mechanical interlock for accurate location and
shear resistance. When casting a segment, the jointing face
is match cast against its previously cast mating segment so
that this segment acts as a former.

Bearings are manufactured by FIP Industriale, Italy

QUEENSLAND ROADS Edition No 6 September 2008

Figure 5. Match casting process

Figure 6. Recently cast segment slid longitudinally for the next match casting

QUEENSLAND ROADS Edition No 6 September 2008

The construction process is illustrated in Figure 5 and is

described a follows:
1. The reinforced concrete segments are individually cast
to the appropriate dimensions in accurate steel moulds.
Each segment is accurately surveyed before casting.
(Note: the segments are membrane cured not steam
2. After concrete strength reaches 12MPa and before full
release from the mould, the transverse tendons across
the top of segment "A" are stressed to 20% of their
target value. Segment "A" is resurveyed so that any
dimensional inaccuracy in casting can be corrected
during the casting of the next segment "B".
3. The segment "A" is then fully released from its mould
and slid longitudinally so that the vertical jointing
face or match cast face becomes the formwork for the
next segment concrete pour (Figure 6). The face on
segment "A" in contact with the next segment "B" to be
construced is treated with a release agent.

4. The reinforcing steel, conduit, transverse tensioning

strands and voids for scuppers, safety railing and
conical anchor voids are installed. The dead end of
the post-tensioning strand terminates by splaying the
individual wires of the stressing strand (termed onion
anchor) and casting directly into the concrete.
Figure 7 shows segment B prior to casting - note
segment A upper right, covered with wet carpet to be
match cast with segment B. The wet carpet provides
the initial curing at the top of the segments.
5. Segment A is moved clear of the casting process
and the top of the segment wet cured for 36 hours
and all other exposed surfaces sprayed with a curing
6. After segment B reaches a minimum of 12MPa
and before the release of support from the mould, the
transverse tendons across the top are stressed to 20% of
their target value. Segment B is resurveyed so that
any dimensional inaccuracy in casting can be corrected
during the casting of the next segment C.
7. Segment B is fully released from its mould and slid
longitudinally so that the jointing vertical face becomes
the formwork for the next segment C and the process
repeats itself (Figure 6).

Segment "B"

Segment "A"

Two conical voids on the

long wings for
tensioning during erection

stressing strand
and conduit
"Onion" anchor
on strand end

Grout vent tube

Scupper void
Figure 7. Concrete segment prior to casting


QUEENSLAND ROADS Edition No 6 September 2008

Figure 8. 150t straddle carrier moves a nished segment

Figure 9. Completed segments

QUEENSLAND ROADS Edition No 6 September 2008


8. After segment "C" is cast, segment "A" has sufcient

strength to be removed from its original casting
platform and placed on support beams so that
underneath the segment can be treated with curing
compound. Any release agent on both vertical-jointing
faces is removed and any concrete ash or surface
imperfections are removed/repaired. Particular
attention is paid to the vertical match-cast faces, as
minor protrusions will prevent the segments from
matching closely. After this operation the nished
segment is moved to the storage yard for air curing and
nal tensioning (Figures 8 & 9).
9. While in the storage yard and after concrete strength
reaches a minimum of 27MPa the transverse strands are
tensioned to 100%. The strands are then grouted and
the segments are then ready for erection.

Approach pier construction

1. The approach piers are of hollow two cell reinforced
concrete construction. The columns are constructed
using a lift form technique. The construction platform
is periodically raised by cranes.
2. The pier head is solid reinforced concrete with no cells
or voids. Two longitudinal openings are provided to
allow for the passage of personnel across the pier head
for post tensioning and maintenance activities. The
construction platform for the pier head construction
is supported by four large needle beams, which are
inserted into the square holes in the piers. The square
openings in the pier may be seen in the background
in Figures 8 & 9 - these holes are later covered by
stainless steel cover plates.
3. Once the pier head is cast, it is transversely post
tensioned through the solid segment section below the
deck wings. Figure 10 shows the post-tensioning of the
pier head. Each strand is initially tensioned to a small
nominal load and nally the entire tendon is tensioned
with a 1000t multi-strand tensioning jack.
4. The platform used to construct the pier head is also
used to support the rst segment section either side of
the pier. As the mating face of the pier was not match
cast with the segment sections, this joint is a 150mm
wide wet cast joint.


Figure 10 Multi-strand post-stressing of a headstock

5. Once the rst four segment sections are joined to the

pier head and tensioned the match casting technique
then comes into effect.

Deck construction using match cast segments

The bridge deck is comprised of a pair of balanced
cantilevers incrementally constructed on either side of the
pier and parallel to each other. The length of the segments
is nominally 2.8m and there are generally 12 segments
per cantilever spine on either side of a pier. Each span
is comprised of two parallel spines of 24 segments each
giving a total of 48 segments per completed span.
1. The segments are transferred from the storage yard
to the erection site by low loader. A crane lifts the
segment from the low loader and suspends it off the
ground while it is set to the correct angle of inclination
(Figure11). This procedure ensures that the segment
is aligned correctly with the previously installed
segment. A special lifting jig has a three-legged sling
attached - one leg is xed while the two other legs are
hydraulically adjustable. These adjustable legs may be
lengthened or shortened remotely using hydraulic rams
to align the segment at any angle.
During the later part of the project, it is planned to use
an erection truss to hoist and position the segments.
The truss is required to cater for the increased height of
piers and for poor ground conditions. Signicant costly
ground improvements would be required to cater for
very large capacity cranes.

QUEENSLAND ROADS Edition No 6 September 2008

Figure 11. Levelling of segment before erection using a

digital hand level

2. Epoxy paste is to be liberally applied (3mm thick)

by gloved hand ensuring that the whole face of the
segment is covered.

Figure 12. Application of epoxy paste

3. The segment is then lifted into position and aligned

with the segment against which it had been match
cast. Inside each segment are cast concrete blisters
(anchor blocks) for the specic purpose of temporarily
tying the segments together. Figure 9 shows a pair of
two bar blisters at ceiling level while at oor level is
a single three bar blister. Figure 7 shows the conical
voids in the upper large wing section of the segment,
which are used to accommodate shear cones for two
tensioning bars installed on top of the long segment
wing at roadway level. Hence a total of nine bars tie
the new segment to the previously erected segment.
Figure 14 shows the tensioning of two bars located on
top of the long segment wing. The bars are tensioned
with a hydraulic jack and the nuts are tightened
manually. The application of epoxy and tightening
must be performed within approximately 45 minutes.
Excess epoxy exuding from the joint on the inside and
top surface of the segment is trowelled smooth. The
remaining external jointed surfaces are dressed smooth
during the nal cleanup of the nished span.

Figure 13. Lifting segment into position

QUEENSLAND ROADS Edition No 6 September 2008


To facilitate the threading of stressing strand from one

duct to another, a tensioning platform with a threading
jig is mounted on each end of the cantilever tip. Four
blue coloured threading jigs may be seen in Figure 15.
The pushing and tensioning of the strand is performed
from only one cantilever end. The strand is threaded
through the bent tubes where it is manually directed
into the appropriate ducts. Once a strand is installed,
it is cut to length and the next strand pushed through.
The post-tensioning ducts are grouted within six weeks
of tendons being placed and tensioned.
5. Following this post tensioning operation, the temporary
tensioning bars in the upper part of the segment are
removed. The bars at oor level of the segments are
progressively removed as the cantilever develops.
Figure 14. Temporarily clamping the long wing

4. After a pair of segments are installed to form a

balanced cantilever, four conduits on top of the
segment are utilised for longitudinal post tensioning.
(As the cantilever advances the number of tensioned
conduits is reduced to three.) These incrementally
tensioned conduits are generally symmetrical about the
segment webs (Figure 9). At this stage of construction,
post tensioning is only required at the top of the
segments as the spans are acting as cantilevers.

6. During the erection process, the nished positions of

the erected segments are surveyed to ensure correct
alignment. If realignment is necessary, small shims are
placed in the match cast joint between the segments
to allow incremental ne tuning of the cantilever tips.
On continuous spans (no halving joint), the erection
process is continued until each balanced cantilever
meets at the mid-point.

Figure 15. Stressing strand threading jig


QUEENSLAND ROADS Edition No 6 September 2008

7. Every four to ve spans an expansion joint is installed.

The expansion joint span consists of two sections. The
longer section forms part of a continuous beam with a
simple support at the expansion joint; the other section
is a short cantilever with a concentrated end load at the
expansion joint. This supporting cantilever is relatively
short as it is located on the fourth segment from the
pier head.

Figure 16. Lifting last segment at centre span

Stitch beams on right

8. Once the centre span closure joint is cast, the

completed span is fully post-tensioned and grouted to
form a continuous beam. The majority of tensioning
in the top of the segments has already occurred during
construction to support the cantilever and nally to
provide bending strength over the piers. The tendons
in the bottom of the segments provide for the bending
stresses in the bottom ange after continuity is
9. The remaining major operation is to stitch the two
inner wing tips together to form one continuous deck.
This remaining 900mm longitudinal gap (Figure 18) is
formed and stitch cast together.
10. A preformed groove at each segment joint is lled
with epoxy paste to ensure a seal is formed to prevent
moisture entry from the deck.

Figure 18. Longitudinal gap between the two segments

before joining
Figure 17. Closure joint

QUEENSLAND ROADS Edition No 6 September 2008


11. The remaining operations are the installation of
parapets, railing, lighting and nally the deck wearing
surface is applied. A primary strip of high quality water
proof membrane is applied to each of the segments
epoxy joints and at the stitch joints. The total deck is
then covered with a standard waterproof membrane
prior to the laying of the nal deck wearing course.

1. Smith G H. Gateway Upgrade Project, Queensland

Roads, Edition 1. 2006
2. Wright D C. Tender Evaluation for Gateway Upgrade
Project, Queensland Roads, Edition 2. 2006
3. Rotolone P. Test Piles for Gateway Upgrade Project,
Queensland Roads, Edition 4. 2007

The match casting technique has proven to be an
efcient and effective technique. This process has aided
the Leighton Abigroup Joint Venture in meeting the
construction deadline for the Gateway Bridge duplication.

I wish to acknowledge the Leighton Abigroup Joint
Venture for permission to reproduce information about
the construction techniques used in the construction of the
Gateway Bridge approach spans.

Figure 19. Progressive construction


QUEENSLAND ROADS Edition No 6 September 2008

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