Chanon Adsanatham: Academic Appointments

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University of Maryland Department of English

2119 Tawes Hall College Park, MD 20742
720.480.5294 [email protected]

Assistant Professor of English (Language, Writing & Rhetoric), University of Maryland,
Teaching Associate, Department of English, Miami University, 20092014


Composition and Rhetoric, Miami University, 2014.

Dissertation: Civilized Manners and Bloody Splashing: Recovering Conduct Rhetoric in the
Thai Rhetorical Tradition (LuMing Mao, director)
Winner of the James Berlin Memorial Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2015
Digital Media and Composition Institute, The Ohio State University, 2010.


Rhetoric and the Teaching of Writing, University of Colorado Denver, 2008.

Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL),
University of Colorado Denver, 2005.


English Literature, University of Colorado Denver, 2003. Summa Cum Laude.

comparative rhetoric (rhetorical studies beyond the Euroamerican tradition), multimodality,
digital writing pedagogy, composition studies, Thai rhetoric

Journal Articles
Adsanatham, Chanon, Bre Garrett and Aurora Matzke. Re-Inventing Digital Delivery for
Multimodal Composing: A Theory and Heuristic for Composition Pedagogy. Computers
and Composition 30.4 (2013): 315-331.
Adsanatham, Chanon. Integrating Assessment and Instruction: Using Student-Generated
Grading Criteria to Evaluate Multimodal Digital Projects. Computers and Composition
29.2 (2012): 152-174.
Adsanatham, Chanon. Classical Rhetorical Thoughts: the Ancient Future of Writing
Apprehension Treatment. Thoughts (2007): 32-46. (A refereed bilingual English studies
journal published in Thailand.)
Book Chapter
Adsanatham, Chanon, et al. Going Multimodal: Programmatic, Curricular, and Classroom
Change. Multimodal Literacies and Emerging Genres. Ed. Tracey Bowen and Carl
Whithaus. Pittsburgh, PA: U of Pittsburgh P, 2013. 282-312.


Conference Proceedings
Adsanatham, Chanon. Using Digital Delivery Theory as a Heuristic for Multimodal Video
Composing. Kairos Praxis Wiki 16.2 (2012).
Interview and Reviews
Adsanatham, Chanon. An Interview with A/AAC Founder LuMing Mao. Building a
Community, Having a Home: A History of the Conference on College Composition and
Communication Asian/Asian American Caucus. Ed. Jennifer Lee Sano. Logan, UT: Utah State
UP. In press.
Adsanatham, Chanon. Rev. of Going North Thinking West, Irvin Peckham. Composition
Studies. 40.1 (2012): 124-7.
Adsanatham, Chanon. Rev. of Toward a Composition Made Whole, Jody Shipka. Computers
and Composition Online. (2011).
Adsanatham, Chanon. Rev. of A Taste for Language: Literacy, Class, and English Studies,
James Ray Watkins, Jr. TETYC. 38.3 (2011): 314-5.
Adsanatham, Chanon. Inside Look. Inside Higher Ed. 6 Feb. 2015. Web.
Under Review
Adsanatham, Chanon. Building a Digital Counterpublic: Hashtag Activism in Thailand.
Social Media: A Reader. Ed. Rachel E. Khan
Adsanatham, Chanon. Disciplining Nationalism: Thai National Anthem and the Molding of
Patriotic Consciousness in the 1930s. Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia.


Building a Digital Counterpublic: Hashtag Activism in the 2014 #AntiThaiCoup Protest.
Asian Congress for Media and Communication. Hong Kong. November 2014.
Engaging Critical New Media Literacy: A Heuristic from Digital Rhetorical Theory and
Composition Studies. Asian Congress for Media and Communication. Bangkok,
Thailand, October 2012.
Toward Epideictic 2.0: Microblogging and the Subversion of Military Dictatorship in
Contemporary Thailand. Computers and Writing. Stout, Wisconsin. May 2015.
Tweeting to Build Digital Counterpublics: Rethinking Epideictic Rhetoric through Thai
Hashtag Activism. Research Network Forum. Conference on College Composition and
Communication. Tampa, FL. March 2015.
Bloody Rhetoric, Deadly Display: Nonverbal Rhetorical Action in Contemporary Thai
Political Protest. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Las Vegas,
NV. March 2013.


Cultivating a Theory of Conduct Rhetoric: A Rhetorical Study of Human Blood

Splashing in Contemporary Thailand. Qualitative Research Network. Conference on
College Composition and Communication. Las Vegas, NV. March 2013.
From Fifth to First: Digital Delivery Recast as Invention and Composition Theory.
Conference on College Composition and Communication. St. Louis, MO, March 2012.
Diversifying Rhetorica: Re-Membering a Siamese Queens Rhetorical Practices and
Legacy. Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference. Mankato, MN, October 2011.
Recovering the Thai Royal Feminist Archives: Extrapolating the Private Letters of a 19th
Century Thai Queen. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Atlanta,
GA, April 2011.
Using Porters Theory of Digital Delivery as a Heuristic to Teach Digital Multimodal Video
Composing. Digital Pedagogy Poster Session. Conference on College Composition and
Communication. Atlanta, GA, April 2011.
The Global(ocal)ization of Westerners in the Multimodal Rhetorics of Thai Consumerism
and Nationalism. Thomas R. Watson Conference. Louisville, KY, October 2010.
Division, Aggression, and Essentialism in Alex Hings Call for an Asian American Front.
Rhetoric Society of America. Minneapolis, MN, May 2010.
A Heuristic for Digital Delivery: Embodied Theory, Classroom Practice. Computers and
Writing. West Lafayette, IN, May 2010. With Bre Garrett and Aurora Matzke.
Composing Behind/Beyond the Palace Wall: Letter Writing Practices of a 19th Century
Thai Queen. Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference. East Lansing, MI, October 2009.
Straightening Ex-Gay Therapy: A Social-Epistemic Analysis of the Rhetorics of a Sexual
Re-Orientation CD-ROM. Conference on College Composition and Communication.
San Francisco, CA, March 2009.
The Origin and Depictions of Male Homosexuality in Thailand: A Discursive Examination.
Conference on Intercultural Rhetoric and Discourse. Indianapolis, IN, June 2008.
Fostering Memorable Composing Experiences through Video Authoring and Public
Writing. Digital Expo. Oxford, OH, September 2011.
Ars Dictaminis Then and Now: Toward a Multimodal Approach. Miami English Graduate
and Adjunct Association Symposium. Oxford, OH, April 2011.
Male Homosexualities in Thailand: History and Implications for Activism. Womens
Studies Symposium. Oxford, OH, November 2009.
Financial and Academic Readiness for Gen 1.5: Preparing Successful University Students.
CoTESOL. Aurora, CO, October 2008. With Cheryl Kaas.
Rhetorics of Secrecy, Sexuality, and Queer Identity. Queer: A Symposium. Denver, CO,
October 2006. With Michelle Comstock.
Fun, Hands-on Ideas for the Multicultural Classroom. CoTESOL. Denver, CO, October
2006. With Rebecca Smith and Sharlie Graham.


Making Grammar Fun, Communicative, and Hands-On. CoTESOL. Aurora, CO,

November 2003.


James Berlin Memorial Outstanding Dissertation Award, Conference on College
Composition and Communication, 2015
(This award recognizes the best dissertation in the field of rhetoric and composition.)
Miami University
Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (full year), 2012-2013
Outstanding Teacher Award, 2012
Graduate School Dissertation Research Award, 2012
Graduate School Graduate Student Achievement Award, 2012
Pedagogical Innovation Grant, Center for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching &
Undergraduate Assessment, 2011
Summer Institute Award for Digital Media and Composition, 2010
Graduate Student Teaching Enhancement Fund, 2009-2010
College of Arts and Sciences Deans Scholarship, 2009-2010
University of Colorado Denver
Advantage Scholarship (covered the full cost of tuition and textbooks for graduate
studies), 2005-2008


A Preview of the Academic Job Search Process. Language, Writing and Rhetoric
Program. College Park, MD. April 2015.
Preparing a Successful Job Market Entrance. Graduate English Organization. College
Park, MD. November 2014.
Assessment of Digital Forum. The Academic Writing Program. College Park, MD,
October 2014.
Teaching Visual Rhetoric: Analysis and Design. Digital Writing Collaborative. Oxford,
OH, September 2011.
Inventing and Writing with Animation: the Affordances of Xtranormal. Digital Writing
Collaborative. Oxford, OH, March 2011.
Digital Multimodal Video Composing. Digital Writing Collaborative. Oxford, OH,
October 2010.
Collaboration: Designing and Evaluating New Media Projects. Digital Writing
Collaborative. Oxford, OH, February 2010.

University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Critical Methods in the Study of Literature (English 301)
2 Sections: fall 2015, spring 2015


An analytical writing course that introduces English majors to critical theory for analyzing
literature, film, and culture: New Criticism, Marxism, post-structuralism, gender and
feminisms, and postcolonialism.
Writing in the Wireless World (English 293)
1 Section: spring 2015
A multimedia production course that helps students acquire design, rhetorical and technical
competence for composing/communicating through a variety of media in digital
environment. Taught in hard-wired computer lab.
Foundations of Rhetoric (English 487)
2 Sections: fall 2105, fall 2014
A senior-level rhetorical theory course that covers canonical theoretical concepts from the
Euroamerican tradition alongside non-traditional perspectives from women, ethnic
minorities, and non-Western cultures to help students develop rhetorical consciousness to
critically analyze and produce effective discourses in a variety of genresprint and
Academic Writing (English 101)
1 Section: fall 2014
A rhetoric based first-year writing course that teaches academic argumentation, the art of
summarizing, reflection, the writing process, and digital composing. Taught in hardwired
computer classroom.
Miami University, Oxford, OH
Digital Writing and Rhetoric (Interactive Media Studies/English 224)
1 section: fall 2013
A multimedia course that teaches students to apply rhetorical theory to create effective
digital multimodal compositions, including visual graphics, audio essays, and videos. A
required class for students majoring or minoring in Professional Writing and Interactive
Media Studies. Taught in hardwired Mac lab.
Writing for Business Decision Making (Business 102)
1 section: fall 2011
An introductory class to the genres and conventions of business communication and
rhetorical principles in workplace writing for business majors.
Composition and Literature (English 112)
6 sections: spring 2014, 2012, 2011, 2010
An inquiry based composition course focusing on analysis of visual, cultural, and digital
texts; research; and multimedia projects. Taught in laptop classrooms. Individually
designed course themes: rhetoric and multiliteracies in the Facebook-YouTube era (2012,
2011), natures of humans (spring 2010).
Composition and Rhetoric (English 111)
5 sections: fall 2013, 2011, 2010, 2009
A rhetoric based first-year writing course that includes digital multimodal composing,
public writing, and academic argumentation. Taught in laptop classrooms.
Community College of Aurora, Aurora, CO
English Composition II (English 122)
2 sections: spring 2009, fall 2008
A research and argumentation course examining public rhetoric and informal logic.


English Composition I (English 121)

2 sections: spring 2009, fall 2008
A first-year writing course emphasizing the composing process, academic discourse, and
critical reading strategies. Taught as a hybrid (online & face-to-face) spring 2009.
Intermediate Composition (English as a Second Language 052)
1 section: summer 2008
An introduction to expository writing and composing strategies for international students.
Intermediate English as a Second Language (Aurora Language Center 005)
2 sections: fall 2005, 2004
A non-credit basic language skills course designed to help international learners sharpen
speaking, listening, reading, and writing competence.
Aurora Public Schools, Aurora, CO (Continuing Education Division)
High Beginning ESL
2 sections: summer 2003
A life skills course on oral communication, sentence-level composing, and grammar for
immigrant adults.
Low Intermediate ESL
2 sections: spring & summer 2003
An elementary language class on reading, speaking, and elementary grammar for


Miami University
Assistant Director, Portfolio Assessment, 2011-2012, 2010-2011
Coordinated the evaluation of writing samples from incoming students seeking to earn
credits for first-year writing.
Co-developed assessment procedures and standards used for evaluating 150-190
portfolios submitted annually.
Co-facilitated norming and evaluation training sessions for portfolio readers.
Selected outstanding portfolio essays for publication; edited the annually published
Best of Miamis Portfolios anthology.
Managed marketing materials (web and print) about the program.
Digital Pedagogy Consultant, 2011-2012
Mentored composition and literature faculty on how to integrate digital technology
and multimodal composing into their teaching; offered ongoing technological and
pedagogical consultation.
Conducted hands-on classroom and individual demonstrations on how to use audio,
video and web authoring software: Audacity, iMovie, Wordpress, Dreamweaver.
Developed instructional materials and activities for teaching and evaluating digital
multimodal assignments.
Teaching Mentor to Graduate Assistants, 2011-2012
Conducted classroom observations, reviewed end of semester teaching evaluation
results, and provided mentoring and pedagogical consultation for graduate assistants.
Composed teaching observation notes and evaluation memo for the department.


University of Colorado Denver

Academic Advisor, Academic Success and Advising Center, 6/10-8/10, 9/07-7/09
Interim Lead Advisor, Senior Financial Aid Advisor, Financial Aid Advisor,
Office of Financial Aid, 4/04-8/07
Community College of Aurora
ESL Coordinator, Aurora Language Center, 8/03-4/04
Opened and managed a non-credit ESL program consisting of over 1,000 from 50
Supervised 27 adjunct instructors, conducted classroom observations, led departmental
meetings, and coordinated professional development activities for faculty.
Gathered and analyzed student achievement data for grant reporting.
Designed and implemented office policies and procedures to aid efficiency in
program operations and student services.

Manuscript reviewer, Rhetoric Review, 2015-Present
Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Public Relations and Advertising, 2015-Present
Member, GLBTQ Awards Selection Committee, Conference on College Composition and
Communication, 2014-2015
Proposal reviewer, Computers and Writing Conference, 2015.
Workshop Facilitator, Research Network Forum, Conference on College Composition and
Communication, 2014-2015
Newcomers resource station, Conference on College Composition and Communication,
University of Maryland
Graduate Exam and Honors Committee
Member, Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Committee, Ruth Osorio, 2015
Reader, Senior Honors Project, Dean Delasalas, 2015
Departmental Committees
Member, Graduate Certificate in Professional Writing Committee, 2015-Present
Member, Writing Center 40th Anniversary Conference Planning Committee, 2015
Teaching Mentor, Academic Writing Program, 2015
Instructor, Glen Burnie High School College Visitation Day (outreach program), 2015
Member, Graduate Job Placement Committee, 2014-Present
Member, Writing Committee, 2014-Present
Member, Department of English Personnel Committee, 2014-Present
Member, Sub-Committee for Best Practices in Graduate Job Placement, 2014
Miami University
Member, Search Committee for Assistant Professor of English (Composition & Rhetoric),
Editor, the Best of Miamis First-Year Writing Portfolios, 2012-2013, 2011-2012
Founder and Co-Editor, Business Communication at Miami (an anthology of outstanding
business writing projects by students), 2012-2013
Advisory Team Member, Rhetorical Inquiry Reader (textbook for first-year composition),
Member, Miami English Graduate Student and Adjunct Faculty Association, 2009-2011
Member, College Composition Committee, 2011
Member, Department of English Graduate Studies Committee, 2009-2010



Analyzing Digital Writing in a Cross-Cultural Framework. ATTW. Tampa, FL, 2015
Academic Writing Program Reading Group. University of Maryland, 2015
Creating Significant Learning Experience for First-Year Students. Faculty Learning
Community. Miami University, 2011-2012
Graduate Student Teaching Enhancement Program (GSTEP). Center for the Enhancement
of Learning, Teaching and University Assessment. Miami University, 2009

International Society for the History of Rhetoric
Rhetoric Society of America
Asian/Asian American Caucus (CCCC)
College Composition and Communication
National Council for the Teachers of English
Asian Congress for Media and Communication

Thai (first language, fluent)

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