Bulletin For March 8, 2015

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Marys Catholic Church

March 08, 2015


P.O. Box 70
Malta, MT 59538
Email: [email protected]

Fr. Cory Sticha-Pastor

(406) 654-1446
RE Center : (406) 654-1311
(406) 654-1467

Mass Schedule:
M. Mar. 09: Malta- 5:30 PM:
T. Mar. 10: Malta- 8:30 AM:
W. Mar. 11: Malta 8:30 AM:
Th. Mar.12: Hi-Line10:00 AM:
F. Mar. 13: Malta- 8:30 AM:
S. Mar. 14: Malta- 5:30 PM:
Su. Mar.15: Dodson- 8:30 AM:
Malta10:00 AM:
Saco 12:15 PM:

For Bar b Viktor a & Family r /b The Ulr ichs

For the r epose of the soul of Madeline Itcaina r /b The Etchar ts
For the r epose of the soul of Madeline Itcaina r /b The Pages
For newbor n Gr ayon Er eaux r /b The KCs #2124
For newbor n Henley Gr ewing r /b KCs #2124
For Cor ky LaBr ie r /b The Ulr ichs
For the r epose of the soul of Wanda Dur ocher r /b Dodson PCCW
For all par ishioner s
For the r epose of the soul of Anne Hender son r /b Helen Depuydt

Lay Ministers please come early for greeters. Hospitality Ministers please hand out bulletins after mass.

Saturday, March 14- 5:30 PM

Sunday March 1510:00 AM

Lector: Ken Ulr ich

Music: Volunteer s
Altar Servers: Don Nevr ivy
Anne Boothe & Lana Ulr ich

Mary Brady
Volunteer s
Tur k Salsber y & Cody Schipman
Jim Brady, Darlene Froman & Margaret
Lynne Nevr ivy
Karen Salsbery
Volunteer s
The Salsbery Family
Gift Bearers: Volunteer s
The Salsbery Family

Sacred Heart Ministries

Lector: Terri
EHMCS: Wendy & Ken
Gift Bearers: Ken Wiedder icks
Church Cleaning: Connie Wilkes & Kathleen
Lay Ministers, please come early and greet.

Email Addresses at St. Marys

(just like the parish website):
Parish office: office@SaintMar ysMalta.or g
Fr. Cory: fr cor y@SaintMar ysMalta.or g
Lana: lana@SaintMar ysMalta.or g
Brenda: br enda@SaintMar ysMalta.or g

Lenten Announcements

Collection Totals For Last Week


Stations of the Cross: 7:00 PM Every

Friday during Lent



2, 312.40

$ 2, 721.58







Penance ServiceWednesday March

11th at 7:00 PM

Knights of ColumbusCouncil # 2124

All fish fry dinners are from 5-6PM

Adoration of the Blessed

Sacrament 9AM to 4 PM

March 13Fish Fry

Join us on 2nd Friday, April 10, 2015

March 20Fish Fry

Can you not spend one hour with me?

(Mt 26:40)

March1st Degree Initiation

April 10May be taking bus to Glendive to hear
April 23-25State Convention in Bozeman
April 25Mens Conference in Seattle
KC Meetings Every Second Tuesday Evening

Symbolon Classes
Adult Education
1st, 3rd, and 4th Tuesday Evenings
At 7:00 PM
Church Basement
Brenda Rummel301-0936 or
[email protected]

Safe and Sacred

Child Protection Program
Information For All Volunteers
As of Feb.1st, Safe & Sacred Program replaces Virtus. This education must be completed by June 29,
2015. Flyers are in the back of the church with
full directionsall facets may be done online in
about 1 hour.

Sacred Heart-Dodson -Lent 2015

We are having a Lenten Food Drive
Please leave your items on the back pew of the
church and thank you for your generosity!
Sacred Heart Parish will be serving soup & bread
on Mondays during lent.
3/9Bonnie W. & LeonaSoup & Myrna
3/16Patty & IrisSoup & SharonBread
3/23Tammy & SharonSoup & JessicaBread
3/30Kay & LauraSoup & LeonaBread
We will be offering a bible study. For further information please call:


Bonnie L.383-4339

New to the Parish?

Welcome! Were glad youll be joining us! If you
would like to register with the parish, please fill out
this form and drop it in the collection basket. You
can also bring it by the parish office or send it to us.


The next PCCW meeting will be Sunday,
March 8th following mass. Please join
us in fellowship, all ladies are invited.
KITCHEN PAINTING will continue on
Saturday, March 7th from 10AM to
2PM, br ing a sack lunch. We will be
painting the inside of cupboards, ceiling
tiles, wall paneling and more. Special
thanks to the first work crew of Colleen,
Mary L, Kathy K, Anne, Julie S, Art,
Dave and Deb S we really appreciated
those hardworking guys!!
Special Donations of new toiletr ies for
women, individuals snacks for youth and
teens and socks for all ages are being
accepted in the boxes located in the KC
room in the church basement. Donations will be made as items are collected
to the Womens Resource Center
(serving Phillips County), AltaCare and
others in need.
SAVE THE DATE of Sunday, April 26th
for the St. Marys Spring Fling! This
will be a potluck following Mass, we
will draw the raffle winner and there
will be fun and games for all ages. Proceeds from the raffle and free will offering will be given to Care and Share for
St. Marys.

Catholic Womens No Host Luncheon

Every second Friday of the month

Phone number:

1:00 PM at the Great Northern

Email address:

Dining Room.

Current parishioners: you can use this form to notify

us of any change of address or phone number.

Next Luncheon, Friday, March 13, 2015

All Catholic Women Welcome

Prayer for Priests

O Jesus, Eternal Priest, look down with love
upon Thy priests. Fill them with burning zeal
for the conversion of sinners. Keep them within
the shelter of Thy Sacred Heart. Keep unstained their anointed hands. which daily touch
Thy Sacred Body. Keep unsullied their lips purpled with Thy precious Blood. Keep pure and
unearthly their hearts sealed with the sublime
marks of Thy glorious Priesthood. Let Thy holy
love protect them from the world's contagion.
Bless their labors with abundant fruit, and may
the souls to whom they minister on earth be one
day their joy and consolation in heaven. Amen.

Care and Share 2015

Why do we need the ministries of the Diocese supported by Care and Share?
The Catholic Church serves the needs of many people in our diocese, country and the world. While
several of these services are offered at the parish level, it is often more effective when we join together in
ministries and service for all our diocese. Each diocesan ministry exists to support and further the work
of our local parishes.

April 10 12, 2015 - Sacred Heart

Catholic Church - Glendive Montana
Nationally well known speakers presenting :

Catholic Relief Services Collection

March 15, 2015
Feed Jesus hunger in suffering refugees through the
USCCB Dept. of Migration and Refugee Services.

Defending CatholicismRaising Catholic Children,

Nurturing our faithEucharistDivine Mercy &
Gods will in your life
For more information: Rev. Francis Schreiber
[email protected]

Give water to quench Jesus thirst in the people of

Bolivia and Ethiopia through the humanitarian work
of CRS.
Advocate on behalf of Jesus in the poor and abandoned through the public policy work of the
Send aid to Jesus in the victims of natural disasters
through the Holy Fathers Relief Fund.

Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of

the least of these, you did not do for me.'
Matthew 25:45

Register Online for Saint Thomas

Camp - Summer 2015
Is Now Available
See Camp Photos & Information, Register & Pay all
at the same place @diocesegfb.org and click on the
logo. Or call 800-332-9998

Year of Consecrated Life 2015

Scripture Readings
Mar. 092Kgs 5: 1-5, Ps 42: 2-3; 43: 3-4, Lk 4:
Mar. 10Dn 3: 25, 34-43, Ps 25: 4-5b, 7bc, 8-9,
Mt 18: 21-35

Consecrated life is prophecy. God asks us to fly the

nest and to be sent to the frontiers of the world,
avoiding the temptation to 'domesticate'
them. This is the most
concrete way of imitating the Lord.
Pope Francis

Mar. 11Dt 4: 5-9, Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20

Mt 5: 17-19
Mar. 12Jer 7: 23-28, Ps 95: 1-2, 6-9, Lk 11: 1423
Mar. 13Hos 14: 2-10, Ps 81: 6c-11b, 14, 17, Mk
12: 28-34

Mar. 14Hos 6: 1-6, Ps 51: 3-4, 18-21b, Lk 18: 9

Mar. 152 Chr 36: 14-16, 19-23, Ps 137: 1-6, Eph
2: 4-10, Jn 3:14-21

Please keep in your prayers:

Nancy LaBrie, Sue Kron, Barbara Viktora, Dick
McNamara, Jerry Depute, Sandy Lett, Cyndee
Kavanah, Corky LaBrie, Gloria Coombs, Karen
Boos, Bud & Wilma Mavencamp & Family, Celya
Salsbery, Mike Matthews, Eli Murray, Doug
Goodheart, Linda Berg, Terry McKeon, those from
our local area serving in the military, and the Poor
Souls in Purgatory.
Anyone who needs to have prayers said for someone
can call: Brenda Rummel at 301-0936; Jean Niebur
at 654-2822. Names will be listed in the bulletin for
one month unless specified.

Mass Intentions
As Catholics, we have a long tradition of having Masses celebrated for those we wish to offer up in prayer.
The Mass is the ultimate form of prayer, and each Mass is celebrated for an intention. We ask $10.00 per
mass intention.
Please consider having Masses celebrated for family and friends on special occasions and anniversaries, as
well as those who are in need of prayers. Masses are also encouraged in memory of those loved ones who
have died, especially on the anniversaries of their deaths. Contact Fr. Cory for more information!
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!


Twitter: @SaintMarysMalta

Operation Rice Bowl

Pope Francis Prayer Intentions
Universal: Scientists
That those involved in scientific research may serve
the well-being of the whole human person.
Evangelization: Contr ibution of women
That the unique contribution of women to the life of
the Church may be recognized always.

Lenten Prayer
Almighty and Everlasting God, You have given
the human race Christ our Savior as a
model of humility.
He fulfilled Your Will by becoming Man and giving His life on the Cross. Help us to bear witness
to You By following His example of suffering
And make us worthy to share in His Resurrection.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your

Confessions: Satur days 4 - 5 p.m., 1/2 hour before

daily Mass (Mon.- Fri.) or by appointment
Anointing of the Sick: Please contact Fr . Cor y as
soon as possible for anointing.

Prayer Intention3rd Sunday of Lent

For workers around the world, that they may find
productive employment and earn fair wages for their
labor. We pray to the Lord.
For our community of faith , that we may find work
that allows us to use those gifts and passions that
God has placed in our hearts. We pray to the Lord

Stewardship Thoughts
March 8, 2015 - 3rd Sunday of Lent
"You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the shape
of anything..." - Exodus 20:4

How many "gods" do you put before God? "Idols"

do not always take the shape of physical things,
things we can touch and feel. Those are easy to recognize. Many times they take the form of things we
cannot touch and are much harder to spot - pride,
power, ego, comfort or health.
[email protected]

Parental sessions are required.

Marriages: Six month couple pr epar ation per iod

required. Please contact Fr. Cory before scheduling
marriage date.

Baptism: Normally celebrated at Sunday Mass.

To reserve the Parish Basement or other St. Marys

facility, please contact Fr. Cory or Lana at the Parish
Office (email [email protected]).

Any announcements for next Sundays bulletin need

to be in by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday

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