A 2.4 GHZ Gaas-Hbt Class-E Mmic Amplifier With 65% Pae
A 2.4 GHZ Gaas-Hbt Class-E Mmic Amplifier With 65% Pae
A 2.4 GHZ Gaas-Hbt Class-E Mmic Amplifier With 65% Pae
I. Introduction
In most power amplifier (PA) applications, it is required to
obtain maximum efficiency without sacrificing output power
and linearity. This is true for base stations in wireless communications as well as for measurement systems and instrumentation. Most promising in this regard are amplifier concepts
based on switch-mode operation (such as class E) or harmonic
tuning (like class F), which allow for maximizing efficiency
without compromising power handling significantly. These
concepts are receiving high attention presently, since they can
be employed as building blocks in highly linear amplifier systems, e.g. relying on the Kahn envelope-elimination-andrestoration (EER) architecture.
Most recently published work aims at improved PAs for
third generation handsets, with target frequencies in the range
of 0.7 to 2.4 GHz and power levels up to 0.5 W. Commonly,
these circuits are fabricated in low-cost technologies [1], and
yet not fully integrated. One reason for realizing the output
network off-chip is the high loss inherent to the integrated
inductors and transmission lines required. To overcome these
losses problems and propose multi-band operation class-E,
some new techniques have been proposed [2]. Infrastructure
applications, on the other hand, demand for higher power levels that are so far only within reach if high-performance technologies are employed. Recently, Class-E MMIC amplifiers
were published achieving 38.7 dBm of output power with 50%
PAE at 1.9 GHz. These PAs are realized in GaN-HEMT technology [3,4].
In this work, we present design considerations and results
of a fully integrated class-E amplifier operating at 2.4 GHz,
which delivers 37 dBm of output power to a 50- load with
65% PAE, at a supply voltage of 12 V. The PA is realized in a
GaAs-HBT process and compares well with recent results
reported in the literature based on GaN HEMT technology.
ft (GHz)
Vce (V)
Fig. 1.
Transit frequency ft as a function of collector bias for
3x30m2 HBT, with VCE = 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 V; symbols: ft extracted
from S-parameter measurement; lines: extracted from simulation.
power. This yields the following relation for the two efficiencies:
According to the principle of class-E operation, the transistor is considered simply as a switch, directing power from
source to load or to the tank, which is realized partly by the
output network (see Fig. 2). The basic idea is simply to minimize the overlap area of the time functions for current and
voltage at the transistor's output that represent the power
losses. This is achieved with the output network presented
below in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.
1 pF
6 nH
60 nH
20 V
8 W 25
At 2.4 GHz, these values reach the theoretical PAE maximum for a resonator Q value of 5 and a load impedance of
25 . Under ideal conditions this is all one has to do. In reality, however, at GHz frequencies the transistors fall by far
short off an ideal switch behavior and one has to take into
account several other aspects that are absolutely not negligible.
B. Class-E operation using GaAs-HBT at 2 GHz
The first assumption that is not completely fulfilled in reality is that the switch does not need any power to be controlled.
This, of course, does not hold when using a transistor. Furthermore, our transistor shows an input impedance of a few
Ohms at 2 GHz, which can be approximated by a parallel input capacitance. Actually, this non-ideal input characteristic
has two consequences.
The first one directly affects PAE. In the case of the ideal
switch, no input RF power is needed, thus the PAE is simply
equal to the collector efficiency. In our case, PAE is smaller
than collector efficiency. If the transistor is perfectly impedance-matched at the input, the HBT has a power gain of about
10 dB, which means that the input power is 10% of the output
A. Small-signal measurements
In a first step, small-signal measurements were performed
in order to check the functionality of the amplifier and to
characterize the input and output matching. Fig. 4 presents the
S-parameter data. A gain of 14 dB is obtained around 2.4
GHz, with acceptable input and output match. S11 is 10 dB at
the target frequency while S22 is somewhat shifted but still
reaches -6 dB at 2.4 GHz. One has to bear in mind, however,
that this data refers to the small-signal regime and cannot be
directly used to characterize class-E operation, which is inherently non-linear.
When high PAE values are obtained, the ideal elements are
replaced by realistic elements and the circuit is optimized
again. Fig 3 presents the final circuit diagram, using an output
resonator consisting of a coplanar line in series with a 5 pF
capacitor. The choke at the collector is implemented as a line,
too. The advantage of using transmission lines instead of onchip lumped elements is that they exhibit lower losses. In order to further reduce the losses of these lines, coplanar lines
with 125 m center conductor width and 70 m gap width are
applied. The final length values for the resonator and the
choke line are 7 mm and 8 mm, respectively. Thus, the losses
of each line are reduced to about 2.5 .
S [dB]
Fig. 4:
Frequency [GHz]
B. Large-signal measurements
Large-signal measurements were performed at 2.4 GHz
within an on-wafer load-pull set-up with 50 input and output impedance. A collector voltage of 20 V gave the best PAE
and output power values. Input power was swept from 0 dBm
to 30 dBm.
Fig. 5 presents the measured data for output power, gain,
and PAE as well as collector efficiency. The curves differ
from the classical class-A/B ones and, therefore, will be discussed in detail in the following.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 5.
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2-GHz mobile applications,. in: RF Integrated Circ. Symp.
(RFIC) Dig., 2005, pp. 421 424.
[2] Seung Hun Ji, Gyu Seok Hwang , Choon Sik Cho, Jae W. Lee
and Jaeheung Kim, 836 MHz/1.95GHz Dual-Band Class-E
Power Amplifier Using Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Lines, in Proc. Europ. Microwave Conf., Manchester,
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[3] S. Gao, H. Xu, S. Heikman, U. Mishra, R.A. York, Microwave
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III. Conclusions
Design and realization of a class-E amplifier at 2.4 GHz is
presented providing detailed information on the design procedure and the limitations due to the transistor parasitics. This
enables one to quantify the differences between theoretically
expected output power and PAE and the values possible in
practice. This provides an immediate overview of the potential
of a given technology for switch-mode operation.
The design procedure was verified using a GaAs-HBT
process with increased breakdown voltage. The resulting coplanar class-E MMIC achieves a PAE of 65% and a collector
efficiency of 71% at 37 dBm output power. Gain in the
switch-mode region is 11 dB. We find that the large-signal
simulations correctly describe the switch-mode characteristics
and yield good quantitative agreement with measurements.
The high PAE and collector efficiency values in the 5 W
output power range prove usefulness of the GaAs-HBT technology as well as the design approach. They are record values
for GaAs-HBT microwave E-class amplifiers and very competitive to published GaN realizations.