Taboo Opinions 89

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By Richard E. Geis
[email protected]
Copyright 2007 by Richard E. Geis
For Adults Only!
Quoting in whole or in part is encouraged
With a credit line, please.

Meanwhile, back at the keyboard ....
Every year or so I get frustrated in my catch-22 writing "career"
and swear to Ghod I'm going to chuck it all and take up Art --amateur painting, sketching, etc. --- and never write fiction again!
Yeah! You tell 'em, Geis!
But, so far, after digging out the art books and the pens and
pencils and watercolors and that one box of acrylic paints, so far
when pencil comes to paper --- I find a way out.
This time I resorted to and Taboo Opinions. I'll
probably do this shtick for a year or so and then become discouraged
that the world doesnt LISTEN TO ME!, because I do have all the
But seriously ...
I have concluded that I have a talent for writing sex fiction, and
a talent for writing stuff like this, and an editing talent (PSYCHOTIC,
And there are virtually no pro outlets now for my type of sex fiction.
And Im mostly Tired of writing sex scenes, after having detailed
several hundred thousand of them.
Case in point: I recently discovered that there is at least one
sex-fiction publisher who might use my stuff and actually pay for it,
but it is devoted to sex fiction for women.
Could I write woman-centered sex scenes catering to women
readers? I dunno, really. I wrote a 13,000 word short story (their
description; Id call it a novelette, but wotthehell) and submitted it and
got it past the first reader, but am told itll likely be months before an
acquisitions editor will get to it.
The story [her POV] is about a sexually active young woman
who meets a handsome young man in a night club who shockingly
turns out to be an ectoplasmic sex-obsessed ghost (he can assume
a kind of solid human form) who wont leave her alone. He cannot
experience sex pleasure from his body but can by linking to her

brain, thus sharing her orgasms and sex pleasures in that way. He is
very skilled at giving her pleasure.
And so it goes.
She finally gets rid of him by using minor, self-inflicted pain as a
cancelling force when she detects his spirit link to her brain.
Well see if my style and slanting will appeal to women. There
is no No Men Allowed dictats in their Submissions data. [Unlike
another womens sex fiction site which is up front in discouraging
male writers as such.]
Of course all this is just a way of passing time until the Rim
Greaper arrives and hauls me away. Actually, work and play and
religion all through life are avoidance mechanisms to keep from the
one true fact of life---inevitable death. But once The Wall looms
ahead, and once you hear its slow, inevitable grinding approach, you
think about it and about life more and more often. Like now.
I used to ignore the Obituaries in the daily paper, but now I
usually glance through the listings... Aha! Ive lived longer than him!
And her! Since women usually live longer than men, outliving one of
them is a small, meaningless triumph. But, hey, take your pitiful joys
where and when you can.
I said above that Im mostly tired of writing detailed sex scenes.
True. But now I find fun in adding character and personality and
humor in dialogue in with the fuck & suck. Im actually writing better
than ever, but ironically my markets have disappeared. Ghod is a
woman and Shhe is mocking me.
But I still get fun and joy from writing sex fiction, and I'll still try
to get other people to read it ... and still do these Taboo Opinions as
long as this pleases me.
The Future Looms....this way?
There is a 'feeling' (phone calls, internet, TV talk shows, radio
talk shows) floating around the land that Bush is gradually preparing
this country for a National Emergency in which he would be "forced"
to rule by decree and executive order as a kind of dictator-for-life.
The 'feeling' notes his baiting, threatening and complaining about
Iran. He's moved two or more carrier strike forces into range of Iran
and I'm told he has changed military commanders in this country and
in the Iraq-Iran regions, presumably to get Bush loyalists in place and
is claiming dictatorial, unConstitutional search&arrest powers in this
country in order to better protect us in the open-ended "War on

An 'incident' with Iran which he could escalate into an excuse to
bomb would instantly create $200 (or more!) barrel oil and $5 gallon
(or more!) gasoline and an instant depression in the world's
economies. Crashing stock markets, frozen retail sales and the
collapse of the debt structure would wreak havoc overnight, followed
by riots galore. Excuses enough to take over and rule by martial law.
That's what the pessimists, cynics and paranoids think might be
in the cards. And why would Bush & Cheney do this? To avoid War
Crimes charges after 2008's election...when they'd be out of office,
naked and vulnerable.
I go now, soon to return.

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