Planning Minutes Dec 17, 2014

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Township of Chatsworth Land Division Committee Minutes

Township of Chatsworth
Wednesday December 17,2A14
9:20 A.M.
Members Present:
Chair Mayor Bob Pringle
Member Brian Gamble
Member Shawn Greig
Member Scott Mackey
Member Elizabeth Thompson

Staff Present:
Township Planner Ron Davidson
Secretary Treasurer Dianne Oldrieve


Call to Order
Chair Pringle called the meeting to order at 9:20 a.m.


Disclosure of Pecuniary lnterest and the General Nature Thereof.

Minutes of November l




Moved by Mackey
Seconded by Thompson
That the minutes of the Township of Chatsworth Land Division Committee of
November 19, 2O14 be approved as circulated.


Public Hearings:
Application for $everance Part Lot 51, Goncession 2 EGR, Geographic
Township of Holland: 81212A14 - Beirnes

Public in Attendance
Frank Beirnes, David Peck, Betty Peck, Howard Todd, Lloyd Kuhl, Catherine Kuhl
The Secreiary read the statutory requirements for the Public Meeting as well as the
comments received.

County of Grey Planning and Development Department commented in their letter

dated December 4,2014;
Provided that the lands proposed to be severed are merged with the adjacent lands as
described in the application, County planning staff have no further concerns with the
subject application.

$augeen Valley Conservation stated in their letter dated December 16,2414 that the
application for consent appears to conform to the relevant policies of the County of
Grey Official Plan, and the Provincial Policies referred to in the Agreement.

$eptic lnspector, Dan Swedlo: I am generally satisfied that soil and drainage
conditions are suitable to permit the proper siting of buildings and that conditions are
suitable for sewage system construction.
Fire Chief, Mike Givens: No issues.

Township Planner, Ron Davidson stated in his Planning Report dated November


2O14 that the proposed lot addition appears to conform with the County Official Plan. lt
also appears to be consistent with the PPS.
As a condition of severance, a Zoning By-law Amendment is required to reduce the
'minimum lot frontage' requirement of the retained parcel and, reduce the 'minimum lot
area' and 'minimum lot frontage' requirements of the lands owned by the Peck family,
including the severed parcel. Also as a condition of severance, the severed parcel
must merge on title with the abutting lands owned by David and Betty Peck. At the
same time, the two parcels currently owned by the Pecks must also be joined together.

Township Planner, Ron Davidson gave an overview of the application and his report.
Member Scott Mackey asked if the Septic lnspector visits each property before
making comments.
Ron Davidson responded that he doesn't visit every property. lt would be a good idea
to do so but there are time and money constraints. Perhaps Council could look at
additional fees to make this feasible.

Scott Mackey is concerned that making this statement, without visiting the property,
could open the Township up for liability.


Moved by Gamble
Seconded by Greig

That Consent Application 81212014 be granted as a lot addition subject to the

following conditions;


Payment of severance fee to the Township,


The applicant's solicitor provides an undertaking to merge the severed

parcel with the two adjacent parcels (42-04-360-004-11901 and 42-0446A-00411902) and to simultaneously merge the two aforementioned adjacent
parcels. Such merging will require the removal of a small parcel of land from
both properties receiving the lot addition in order for said lots to merge
under the Planning Act;


Enactment of a zoning By-law Amendment to:

(a) reduce the 'minimum lot frontage' requirement of the

parcel; and




reduce the 'minimum lot area' and 'minimum lot frontage' requirements
of the lands owned by the Peck family, including the severed parcel.

Application for Severance Part Lot 30, Concession 2, Geographic

Township <f Sullivan 810/2014 - Todd

Public in Attendance
Frank Beirnes, David Peck, Betty Peck, Howard Todd, Lloyd Kuhl, Catherine Kuhl
The Secretary read the statutory requirements for the Public Meeting as well as
comments received.

County of Grey Planning and Development Department stated in their letter dated
December 1Oth 2014 that provided the mitigation measures outlined in the EIS are
implemented, County planning staff have no further concerns with the subject

$augeen Valley Conservation commented in their letter dated December 1lth 2A14
that this application is acceptable provided development can occur in the eastern
portion of the lot and natural heritage is addressed as indicated in the ElS.
They recommended a condition of approval be applied to the decision which includes a
requirement that aZaning By-law amendment implement the findings of the EIS in
order to address natural heritage policies.
Hydro One replied by e-mail December 8th 2014 that they have no comments or
concerns at this time.

Septic lnspector, Dan Swedlo: A percolation test will determine sewage system type.
Fire Chief, Mike Givens: No issues.
Roads Foreman, Bev Girdler advised that an entrance permit would'be available at
this location and that a culvert would not be required.

Township Planner, Ron Davidson stated in his Planning Report dated October 22nd
2t14 that the proposed severance appears to conforrn with the County Official Plan
and is consistent with the PPS.

Township Planner, Ron Davidson gave an overview of the application and his report.
Applicant Howard Todd commented that it was a long proces$ to have his EIS
completed. He was gettlng very frustrated wlth Saugeen Valiey tonservation because
they were taking so long.


Moved by Mackey
$econded by Thompson

That Consent Application 81A12014 is granted subject to the following

1. Payment of severance fee to the Township,



Payment of Parkland Dedication fee to the Township,


Entrance permit obtained on the retained parcel,


The portion of the road in front of the property, identified as Part 2 on the
draft Reference Plan, is deeded to the Township of Chatsworth,


Enactment of a zoning By-law Amendment to:

(a) Reduce the lot area and lot frontage requirement for the severed parcel,
(b) Reduce the lot frontage requirement for the retained lot; and
(c) lmplement the recommendations of the Environmental lmpact Study.

Application for teverance Part Lots 5 & 6, Concession 9, Geographic

Township of Sullivan 81112O14 - Kuhl

Public in Attendance
Frank Beirnes, David Peck, Betty Peck, Howard Todd, Lloyd Kuhl, Catherine Kuhl,
Tony Clark.
The Secretary read the statutory requirements for the Public Meeting as well as
comments received.

County of Grey Planning and Development Department stated in their letter dated
December gth 2014 that comments had been received from Transportation $ervices
stating no objections. Permits will be required for future entrances or alterations to the
existing entrance.
Provided that it will be ensured thai the subject lands can accommodate private
services, County planning staff have no further concerns.

Grey Sauble Conservation Secretary Treasurer informed the Committee that

comments had not yet been received from Grey Sauble.

Chair Bob Pringle asked Planner, Ron Davidson if he knew of any concerns ihe
Authority may have.
Planner Ron Davidson answered that there should not be any conservation issues.

Septic lnspector, Dan Swedlo: is generally satisfied that soil and drainage conditions
are suitable to permit the proper siting of buildings and that conditions are suitable for
sewage system construction.

Fire Chief, Mike Givens: No issues.

Township Planner, Ron Davidson stated in his Planning Report dated November 19th
2A14 that the proposed severance appears to conform with the County Official Plan
and is consistent with the PPS.
Favourable consideration could be given to the proposed $everance.

Township Planner, Ron Davidson gave an overview of the application and his repori.
Applicant Lloyd Kuhl said that he had spoken to his neighbours and they were all fine
with his proposed severance.


Moved by Greig
$econded by Gamble

That Consent Application r_1112014 is granted subject to the following



Payment of severance fee to the Township,


Payment of Parkland Dedication fee to the Township,


Enactment of a zoning By-law Amendment to:

(a) Reduce the lot area and lot frontage requirement for the severed parcel,
(b) Reduce the lot frontage requirement for the retained lot.


Moved by Mackey
Seconded by Thompson

That the Township of Chatsworth Land Division Committee adjourn at 9:50 a.m.

Bob Pringle, Chair

Dianne Oldrieve, Secretary Treasurer

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