January 24, 2010 Bulletin
January 24, 2010 Bulletin
January 24, 2010 Bulletin
Monday ~ Friday
9:00am to 4:00pm
Monday ~ Thursday
9:00am, and 12:15pm
Friday 6:30am,
9:00am, 12:15 pm
Saturday: 9:00am, 5:00pm
Family Vigil
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am,
10:30am, 12:00pm,
5:00pm Life Teen
7:30am &7:00pm Spanish
Civil Holidays: 10:00am
Sunday 9:00am and
10:30am Masses
Monday ~ Friday
9:30am ~ 9:00pm
Mondays at 7:15pm
Saturdays 9:30am ~
10:30am & on request
Please keep us informed so
that we can be attentive to
those who are ill.
Mass Intentions for the Week ST. ANDREW YARD SALE
Donations needed!
Monday, January 25 Our annual yard sale benefiting our parish outreach ministries will be
9:00 a.m. †Nan Bernard held Saturday, February 20th.
12:15 p.m. Donations of items will be accepted on Thursday, February 18th
Tuesday, January 26 from 5:00-9:00 PM and on Friday, February 19th from 1:00-5:00 PM.
9:00 a.m. †Gene Vinson Items needed: Clothing (please bring on hangers), Household items -
12:15 p.m. dishes, lamps, cookware, etc, sporting goods, tools, towels and linens,
small appliances in working order, books, DVDs, CDs, video games,
Wednesday, January 27
Toys in excellent condition, luggage, jewelry, holiday items, furniture
9:00 a.m. †Rose Marie Latsha
will be accepted within reason as we will be limited in our transport
12:15 p.m.
Thursday, January 28
9:00 a.m. Thomas Odom (SI) HAITI EARTHQUAKE RELIEF: The Archbishop has requested
a second collection for the Earthquake victims of Haiti We will have a
12:15 p.m. For all those in the Armed Forces and their
second collection today, Sunday January 24th. If you are unable to
make a donation today the Archbishop has requested donations be
Friday, January 29 made to Catholic Relief Services, P.O. Box 17090, Baltimore Maryland
6:30 a.m. 21203-7090.
9:00 a.m. †Jack Kemp
12:15 p.m.
Saturday, January 30
9:00 a.m. †Patricia Weiman
5:00 p.m. People of the Parish
Our Preschool Program at St. Andrew provides a safe and
Sunday, January 31 nurturing environment for one year old through four year
7:30 a.m. Spanish Mass in the Family Center old preschoolers. The program allows your child to be part
7:30 a.m. †Ann Doyle of a Catholic based, social, yet structured setting, as well
9:00 a.m. †Robert Lochrie as getting our four year olds ready for kindergarten. Reg-
10:30 a.m. Gabriel Maloof (SI) istration for the fall began the week of January 5th for
12:00 p.m. †Mildred Granelli currently enrolled students and their siblings, January
5:00 p.m. Deceased Priests of the Archdiocese 28th for parishioners of St. Andrew not currently enrolled,
7:00 p.m. Spanish Mass and on January 29th all others are welcome.
The staff at St. Andrew are all very dedicated, quality teach-
Go out to all the world and tell the ers. Whether you are looking for a couple of free hours with-
out your one year old or a kindergarten readiness program,
Good News.
St. Andrew Preschool may just be your answer. For more
information, call the preschool office at 770-642-1636.
The harvest is abundant but the laborers are
few. Knights of Columbus, Council 10632
A sower went out to sow. Where: St. Andrew Family Center
When: Ash Wednesday and Fridays
A lamp is to be placed on a lampstand. The during Lent 5:30 – 8:00 PM
measure with which you measure will be measured out to you. Hunger meal served Good Friday
A Bring the family, great food at value prices
man scatters seed on the land and would sleep and the seed would 100% of fish dinner income supports the Council’s charitable activities
sprout and grow, he know not how. Personal checks and credit cards accepted
Who then is this whom even wind and sea WOMAN AND YOUTH OF THE YEAR: Congratulations to
obey? both Carol Davis who has been chosen “Women of the Year” and Zach
Demaso “Youth of the Year” for St. Andrew's church . We thank them
for their many contributions to our parish. A Mass and reception will be
held at Christ the King on Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 10 AM.
Like Elijah and Elisha, Jesus was not sent only to the Jews.
Club, La Societa’ Italiana, will be selling raffle tickets to benefit Our
Lady of Perpetual Cancer Home after Mass this weekend, Jan 23 and
January 17, 2009 $19,985.06 Jan 24. First Prize is 6 Business Class Domestic Round Trip Tickets
on Air Tran and Second Prize is for 4. Proceeds goes to OLPH.
Be prepared to...
We invite you to register and become ...walk 100 miles & hike 1,000 stairs
part of our St. Andrew parish family! ...climb a fundraising mountain
...suffer with joy and gratitude
Please fill out a registration form located on the information wall in ...receive the Sacraments
the narthex (main church entrance) or stop by the parish ...listen to the Word
office during the week. Welcome! ...experience a unique event
...encounter JESUS CHRIST with
Join our Q&A sessions about our our Holy Father Benedict XVI
Catholic Faith St. Andrew Catholic Youth are attending World Youth Day in August of
most Sundays from 9-10am in the RCIA room 2011 in Madrid Spain. Twenty teens ages 16 to 20 years, along with 8
(upstairs in Building B). Questions? Please call chaperones, will embark on a Pilgrimage to Madrid. We will be a part of
Deacon Tom Gotschall: 7/490-9436 the largest gathering of Catholic youth in the world.
If you are a youth ages 16 to 20 and are interested in attending WYD,
please join us for an informational meeting on February 10, 2010 in the
Parish Hall at 7:00 pm. Please bring your parents with you to the meet-
You must meet the following requirements:
1. You must be at least 16 years of age by June 1, 2011.
2. You and your family must be active, registered members of St. Andrew
Journey’s in Faith Formation is having a six week retreat pre- 3. You must be or have been actively involved in St. Andrew Lifeteen
sented by The Marian Servants of the Blessed Trinity for women program.
to grow in faith, hope and love. Through contemplation of scrip- 4. You must agree to participate in fundraising activities through the year
ture and prayer and the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Je- 2010.
5. Each participant must raise $2,600.00 during the year 2010.
sus speaks to our heart, calling us into a deeper personal rela-
tionship with Him. Come and hear what Jesus is speaking into
Please come to the meeting on February 10th to receive more informa-
your life.
tion on this fantastic journey to Spain!
Classes begin Tuesday mornings at 9:45am until 12:00 starting Call Eileen DeJulio at 770-641-9720 ext. 228 with questions
February 16th in Room #202. Contact Sally Kazin at 678-966-
0864 or Emily Berend at 770-623-9848. Sign-up sheets are
available on the table in the back of church.
Do you have a child in 4th-8th grade? If so, give your child a chance to get
involved with other Catholic youth in our parish! RSVP to any event your
child plans to attend at [email protected]. If you would like to
First Communion Important Dates
be added to my email list and notified of upcoming events (or last minute
First Communion Mandatory Parent Meeting is scheduled for Thurs- changes regarding event details), contact Christen Barrett at the email listed
day, February 11, 2010 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. above.
First Communion Parish Welcoming will take place on Saturday, Feb- February 19-21: EDGE Middle School Retreat. Cost $140 per
ruary 13, 2010 at the 5:00 Family Mass. youth, discounts available for families. This year's retreat will take place
First Communion Children’s Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April at Lake Lanier Islands (LLI). Friday: We'll meet at St. Andrews at
24, 2010 after the 5:00 Family Mass. 6:15pm to have dinner at the Fish Fry. (Dinner is optional, and cost for
First Communion Mandatory Rehearsal is scheduled for Friday, April dinner is separate from Retreat.) Leave for LLI at 7pm. We’ll need
30, 2010 at 6:30 pm. Children should be delivered to the Multi-purpose volunteer drivers for this event (Friday night/Sunday morning). Sun-
room and parents should continue on to the church. day: Pick up will be at St. Andrews on February 21st at 11:30am. Re-
First Communion Celebration – Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 10:30 treat packets are available via email or outside of Christen Barrett's
am. Individual portraits will be taken from 9:00 am to 10:00 am in the office, located by the Parish Hall. Please consider giving your child
Mary Garden a chance to experience our faith for a weekend with other Catholic
ATLANTA HUNGER WALK 2010: The Department of Religious Edu- youth.
cation has formed a St. Andrew Youth Hunger Walk Team 2010. This Monday, March 15: St. Patrick's Day party in room 202 from 6-
event will take place on March 14th, 2010. It is one of the most impor- 7:15. Learn to say the Our Father in Gaelic, enter the Limerick Writing
tant hunger relief efforts of the year for the Atlanta Community Food Contest, learn about St. Patrick, and eat "bangers and mash." Don't
Bank. The money we raise will go a long way in touching the lives forget to wear green!
of people in need. St. Andrew will be walking for the St. Vincent
DePaul Society. April 17-18: Cardboard Campout! We spend the night outdoors in
We need your support. You and your families are invited to join the cardboard boxes to raise awareness for the homeless. We'll collect
team. If you cannot join than we are also happy to receive your dona- canned goods and monetary donations. The event is suggested for
tions To register for the team please go to the following website: http:// youth in grades 6-8. This event will take place from 7pm on Saturday,
www.hungerwalkrun.org. April 17 until Sunday, April 18. Pick-up time is promptly after the 12
o’clock Mass on April 18.
Click on St. Vincent DePaul Society
Click Join a team or donate to a team Sunday, April 25: Catholic Youth Day at Six Flags! We'll attend Mass,
Search for – St. Andrew Catholic Youth have lunch, and ride as many rides as possible! Ticket prices and
Company Name - St. Andrew times to be announced
Team Captain – Eileen DeJulio
Blue Candle of Life REMINDER: The Breakfast with Santa pictures are ready and can
burns in the Chapel in the memory of be picked up at the Church Office.
unborn children in danger of abortion.
For your intentions sign-up in the Pro-Life book by the MONASTERY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: Next weekend of Janu-
Chapel door. ary 30-31 Archbishop Wilton Gregory is asking all parishes and Catho-
lics in the Atlanta Archdiocese to help support the Monastery of the
$10 donation to the Pro-Life Ministry.
Holy Spirit in Conyers. The monastery was founded in 1944 and is
home today for more than 40 Trappist Monks. They are embarking on
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION a capital campaign to restore their facilities, develop a public gathering
Monday-Friday 9:30am to 9pm space with improved visitor accommodations, increase revenues from
Please sign-up for Eucharistic Adoration for the month of monastic industries and protect the monastic enclosure. Please be
February. You can spend a quiet hour once a week with generous.
Our Lord, listening and praying before the Blessed Sacra-
ment. You can sign-up in the narthex on weekends and in St. Martin de Porres will once again feed the homeless at the
the chapel during the week. cold weather shelters at the Shrine of the Immaculate Con-
ception and Central Presbyterian on the following evenings
ST. MARTIN DE PORRES HOMELESS SHELTER: (all Mondays) February 1st, and March 1st.
St. Martin de Porres will be going downtown Sunday, There are three ways to help: 1) prepare food (we provide
January 31st. If you are able to donate any of the follow- recipes), 2) serve the food at the shelters (only requires about 3 hours,
ing, we would greatly appreciate it: Sandwiches -- peanut usually home between 8:30 & 9:00 pm), 3) stay overnight until 6:30 am
butter and jelly or bologna and cheese on white bread in (safe atmosphere with private sleeping quarters). We have the most
individual sandwich bags. We ask for 40 sandwiches (4 loaves of difficulty finding overnight volunteers, but it is really easy duty. We
bread) from each volunteer, but any amount would be appreciated. break the night up into watches, and since guests sleep between 9 pm
Fruit -- oranges and bananas are preferred Candy — big bags of and 5:30 am, there is plenty of quiet time to catch up on reading, paper-
small candy bars are perfect. Powdered lemonade mix - regular or work, etc. The more volunteers we have, the more sleep we
pink. Also, we need plastic grocery bags to place the meals in. get! Please e-mail StMartin@standrewcatholic for more information, or
Please bring your donations to the parish hall before 11:30am. If you call the parish office.
need to bring your sandwiches before Sunday, you can put them in the
parish hall kitchen refrigerator and we'll find them.
Volunteers are also needed to help pack the lunches following 10:30
Mass. APRIL 14-25, 2010
We do need someone to drive the lunches to the Union Mission. If Calling all doctors, nurses and lay volunteers to help us with another
you are interested in driving this Sunday or anytime in the future, successful Medical Mission with Msgr. Simon in Ghana, Africa.
please let them know. It's easy and rewarding and you are usually Please contact Bob Lyle at [email protected] or 404-661-4547 if
back by 2:00pm. you can join us on this mission April 14-25, 2010.
Thanks for your continued support of this very important
ministry! Any questions e-mail [email protected]. Anesthesiologist, Ophthalmologist, Optometrist, and Dentists are
especially needed.
All parents who wish to have their children baptized in the We are also in need of used prescription eye glasses and the fol-
month of March will need to attend a Baptism Class on Mon- lowing over the counter medicines: Prilosec, Tums, Zantac, Pepcid,
day, February 15th. Please call the office to register. Par- Claritin, Benadryl, ReNu Lubricant Eye Drops, Tylenol, Aspirin, Mo-
ents will need to be registered and active members of the parish for a trin. For questions about donating supplies contact Julie Clements
minimum of three months prior to taking the class. [email protected]. All supplies can be dropped off at
St. Andrew’s. Thank you.
The Elijah Cup is a chalice that is given to parishioners
and families to take home from Mass to use as a focal
point while praying for vocations. You may sign up for the VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: St. Joseph Hospital needs volunteers
Mass of your choice in the main church entrance or call to work in the Gift Shop floral department one day (4 hrs.) a week from
Liz Schantz: 7/518-6836. 9:30am to 1:30pm. You must have experience in floral arranging/
Sunday 1/24 10:30am The Regan Family design. Orientation and volunteer training will be provided. If interested
12:00pm Karen Diaz call Carol Glass at 678-843-7292.