Anoles of Honduras

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Materials and Methods
A Brief History of the Study of the Anole
Lizards in Honduras
Systematic Species Accounts
Family Dactyloidae
Genus Anolis
Genus Norops
Key to the Honduran Species of the Genera
Anolis and Norops
Clave para las Especies Hondurenas de los
Generos Anolis y Norops
Discussion of Honduran Anole Species Relationships
Distribution of Anoles in Honduras
Distribution within Departments
Distribution within Forest Formations and
by Elevation
Distribution within Physiographic Regions
Distribution within Ecophysiographic Areas
Broad Patterns of Geographic Distribution
Historical Units of Honduran Anole Genera
and Species
Honduras as a Distributional Endpoint
Conservation Status of Anoles of Honduras
Vulnerability Gauges
IUCN Red List Categories
Anole Species Occurring in Protected Areas
Literature Cited



























ABSTRACT. In this review, we provide thorough

descriptions of the 39 named species of the family
Dactyloidae (commonly referred to as anoles) we
recognize as occurring in Honduras. We follow two

10770 SW 164th Street, Miami, Florida 33157-2933.

Author for correspondence ([email protected]).
Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Sektion Herpetologie, Senckenberganlage 25,
D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

recent phylogenetic analyses suggesting eight genera of

anoles are recognizable, two of which occur in Honduras
(Anolis and Norops). Each species account contains a
synonymy, statements on its geographic distribution,
description, diagnosis/similar species statements, a list of
illustrations, a remarks section, natural history comments,
an etymology section, and a list of specimens examined;
for a few species, a list of other records is included. The
synonymy for each species includes the original description of the species with the original proposed combination, the type specimen(s), and direct quotes of the
species type locality. Each synonymy also includes the
first use of the currently used scientific name and all
known references to Honduran specimens and/or
localities. Distribution maps with the known Honduran
localities plotted are included for each species (with one
exception), and other records are included on a few of
those maps. Color photographs of an adult of each species
are included as well as color photographs of the male
dewlap of all species. Following the species accounts are
two dichotomous identification keys (English and Spanish
versions) to help the reader identify any specimen in
hand. Following the identification keys is a section on
species group relationships of each species known from
the country. A distribution section that contains the
distribution of each anole species in Honduras by
department, forest formation, elevation, physiographic
region, and ecophysiographic area; broad patterns of
geographic distribution; historical units; and a discussion
of Honduras as a distributional endpoint. A section on
conservation discusses vulnerability gauges, IUCN Red
List categories, and a section detailing each species
occurrence in Honduran protected areas.
Key words: Anoles, Dactyloidae, Anolis, Norops, Honduras, Taxonomy, Systematics, Distribution, Conservation

Some years agoI am unable to date the

event more accuratelyword seems to have
been passed among the herpetological
fraternity that I knew something about
anoles. How the rumor was started, I am

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., SPS(1): 1292, February, 2015

Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

unable to say, as at that time I had no

enemies who would have stooped so low in
retaliation for some imaginary ill-treatment
at my hands. Notwithstanding, the rumor
grew rapidly, with the result that since that
time a great majority of the anoles collected
in northern Central America and in much
of Mexico have passed through my hands.
From these I have learned something of
variation in the genus, but the more
specimens I have examined the more
convinced I have become that the rumor
as to my knowledge is without substantial
foundation. I take this opportunity, therefore, to present the few data that I have
collected over the years on Guatemalan
anoles, which should definitely silence it
(Laurence Cooper Stuart, 1955: 1).
The trouble with these anoles is that no
one sticks to the job long enough. If you
will make a real review of the Guatemalan
ones, I have the feeling that the rest of the
Central American ones will fall into line
without so much effort (Karl Patterson
Schmidt in Stuart, 1955: 1).
Identifying anoles, especially preserved
specimens, can be very challenging, as so
well expressed by Stuarts quote. Few
herpetologists up to Stuarts time were
willing to take the time to tackle systematic
studies of anoles (as expressed in Schmidts
quote) occurring in their geographical area
of expertise. Thus, our knowledge of the
systematics of anoles on the mainland has
lagged far behind those of other speciose
lizard groups (i.e., Sceloporus). Additionally,
fieldwork and examining living anole specimens is essential to gaining good knowledge of this lizard group. Recording color
notes in life and photographing living
specimens (especially that of the male
dewlap) to go along with color notes is
extremely valuable to improving ones
knowledge of some of the most important
characters of any given species. One cannot
overstress the importance of fieldwork and
that of recording exact locality data for anole

specimens. Some anole species are difficult

to distinguish from similar species on the
basis of preserved specimens alone (i.e.,
Norops limifrons from N. zeus, N. rodriguezii from N. yoroensis). McCranie has had
extensive fieldwork in Honduras for about
38 years and during that time has collected and
photographed all anole species recognized in
this work. Kohler also has undertaken fieldwork from Mexico to Panama over the last
18 years in an effort to study anole systematics.
The fieldwork studies by us are used as a
background to identify the anole species and
their distributions within Honduras. Finally,
tissues of 13 species collected by the first
author in Honduras were used in the recent
phylogenetic study of Nicholson et al. (2012),
and tissues of 20 other species collected in
Honduras by McCranie await study.
Anoles have a wide geographical distribution, occurring in the southeastern United States, throughout the Bahamas, the
Greater and Lesser Antilles, and from
northern Mexico into South America as far
as southeastern Peru, south-central Paraguay, and southeastern Brazil (and many
islands close to the mainland). Anoles also
have a wide elevational distribution occurring from sea level to about 3,750 m. It is
common to find several species occurring
syntopically. In those cases, ecological
segregation between species is usually
evident. Niche partitioning in anoles has
been documented with respect to perch
height, type of vegetation, body size, and
timing of foraging activities, particularly in
the West Indies (reviewed in Losos, 2009).
On the other hand, niche partitioning of
anole species occurring on the mainland has
been relatively poorly studied.
Despite their wide occurrence, and the
wishful thinking of Stuart and Schmidt as
quoted above, the systematics of anole
species remains poorly known from much
of their mainland range, including much of
Central America. In recent years, Savage
(2002) studied the anole species occurring
in Costa Rica and Kohler et al. (2005b)
studied those occurring in El Salvador.
Additionally, Kohler and Acevedo (2004)


studied those species occurring at low and

moderate elevations on the Pacific versant
of Guatemala.
Meyer and Wilson (1973) provided a
checklist of the lizard species known to
occur in Honduras that included 15 species
of anoles and 646 total anole specimens
listed in their locality records. The 40 years
since the Meyer and Wilson (1973) checklist
have seen much additional fieldwork in
Honduras, including numerous cloud forest
and mid-elevation broadleaf forest localities.
Meyer and Wilson almost entirely limited
their fieldwork to low elevation localities
with access by roads. Subsequent fieldwork,
especially that in isolated cloud forest
localities, has discovered several new species.
Additional fieldwork at low- and moderateelevation localities has documented several
range extensions of species into Honduras
from nearby countries. More recently, detailed studies of several wide-ranging species have demonstrated those species to
represent complexes composed of several
cryptic taxa (i.e., Kohler, 2010; Kohler and
Vesely, 2010), a few of which occur in
Honduras. This report presents a systematic
review of the 39 named anole species known
to occur in Honduras, including the Islas de
la Baha, Islas del Cisne, and the small islands
in the Golfo de Fonseca.
For this study we examined 5,150 specimens (plus 34 skeletons, four cleared and
stained [C&S] specimens, and four eggs)
of Honduran anoles, which represent the
vast majority of those in museums worldwide. A list of the specimens examined is
provided in the respective species accounts.
The numbers of specimens given for each
species by Meyer and Wilson (1973) are
included in brackets in our Specimens
Examined section following the number
we examined for this revision. We have
tried to examine all known Honduran
specimens housed in U.S. museums, and
those of the Senckenberg Museum in
Germany and the Natural History Museum

in England. We have also examined select

specimens in several other museums worldwide. Much variation exists in the number
of specimens available for each species, with
numbers varying from only two for Norops
carpenteri to 981 specimens for N. tropidonotus. Abbreviations for museum collections
follow those of Leviton et al. (1985) and
Leviton and Gibbs (1988). Terminology
for hemipenial morphology follows that
of Myers et al. (1993) and Savage (1997).
Characters used in the species descriptions
generally follow those used by Smith (1967),
Williams et al. (1995), and especially the
recent detailed methods of Kohler (2014).
Snout-vent length (in mm) was measured using
calipers for most species, except for larger
species in which a ruler was used. All other
measurements were made using calipers and
were rounded to the nearest 0.1 mm. Head
length was measured from the tip of the
snout to the anterior margin of the ear
opening. Tail height and width were measured at the point reached by the heel of the
extended hind leg. Dorsal and ventral scales
were counted along the midline of the body.
Methods for counting male dewlap scales
follow Fitch and Hillis (1984). Subdigital
lamellae were counted on phalanges iiiv
of the fourth toe of each hind limb.
Abbreviations used in the species descriptions are: HL (head length); SHL (shank
[tibia] length); SVL (snout-vent length); TAL
(tail length); TH (tail height); TW (tail
width), and TOL (total length). The capitalized colors and color codes (the latter in
parentheses) are those of Smithe (1975
1981), except in a few recent instances in
which Kohler (2012) was used. The latter is
noted when used.
Species synonymies contain the original
description of each species, including the
museum number(s) for the type specimen(s), the type locality as originally stated,
the first use of the name combination
recognized herein, and all known references
to Honduran specimens or localities. The
majority of Honduran localities listed herein
are included in the Gazetteer in McCranie

Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

(2011), and the newer ones will be published in McCranie (in preparation).
The dichotomous keys are meant to be
significantly detailed to allow the user to
identify any anole in hand to species.
However, in some cases it might be
necessary to consult the photographs, diagnosis/similar species sections, and/or the
descriptions of the species in question.
Figures are included with the keys to help
the user.
General geographical statements of the
overall known distributions of each genus
and species are included. The elevational
statements of Stuart (1963) are slightly
modified and used in those statements (low
elevations 5 sea level to 600 m; moderate
elevations 5 6011,500 m; and intermediate
elevations 5 1,5012,700 m). The natural
history comments contain information on
what is known about Honduran species in
the field, and for the nonendemic species,
general habitat information from outside the
country is also included based on the
literature. Notes from the literature are also
included on diet and reproduction when
available. Forest formations used are slightly
modified from those used by Holdridge
(1967). All information in the Natural
History Comments is based on Honduran
specimens unless otherwise noted.
Distribution maps are included for each
species. Closed symbols on all maps (except
that of Norops nelsoni) represent specimens
examined, whereas an open symbol represents a reliable record listed in the other
records section. A single symbol may
represent more than one nearby locality.
Shading to illustrate the general distribution
is not used on those maps because of the
complex topography of Honduras.
Color photographs in life are included for
all recognized species. Dewlap photographs
are also included for males of all species.
The specimen photographed in each case is
noted in the figure legend, as is the person
who took the photograph.
All literature cited in this work was
examined to verify the correct spelling of
scientific names, the correct citation of type

localities and type specimens, pagination,

and titles of the literature.
This publication includes results of fieldwork and examination of the known literature through 31 June 2013.
Justification for the Use of the Generic
Name Norops
Modern studies of the systematics of the
anole lizards had its beginnings with Etheridge (1959), who placed all anole species
known to him into two groups based on
condition of the caudal vertebrae. The beta
group is characterized by the presence of a
pair of long, bifurcate, forward-directed
processes on the autotomic caudal vertebrae (Etheridge, 1959: 132), with the alpha
section lacking those processes. The Etheridge study was confined to mostly skeletal
characteristics; thus, Etheridge (1959) did
not study scale characteristics.
Williams (1976a) studied the West Indian
anoles and placed those lizards into three
genera (Chamaeleolis Cocteau in Sagra,
1838; Chamaelinorops Schmidt, 1919; and
Anolis Daudin, 1802). Anolis was further
divided into two groups, the alpha and beta
sections, following the work of Etheridge
(1959). Williams (1976a) also relied almost
completely on skeletal features; no mention
was made of scale data. Williams (1976b)
summarized his concepts of the species
groups of South American anoles, again
relying heavily on the alpha and beta caudal
vertebrae division of Etheridge (1959). Scale
data were again almost completely ignored
because, in his opinion, There is unfortunately no external characters by which
the two sections [alpha-beta] can be separated (Williams, 1976b: 263). Williams et al.
(1995) developed a protocol they titled A
computer approach to the comparison and
identification of species in different taxonomic groups. Williams et al. (1995) did use
some scale data, but as the title suggests,
those data were not thought to be informative above the species level. As a result, few
scientists currently working on upper level
anole systematics use scale data in their work.


Poe (2004) used a few of the Williams et al.

(1995) scale characters in his phylogenetic
analysis of the anoles, but none that involved
counting of more than ca. 10 scales.
Guyer and Savage (1987) attempted a
cladistic analysis (again, external morphology was almost completely ignored) of Anolis
(sensu lato) and recognized five clades as
genera (Anolis; Ctenonotus Fitzinger, 1843;
Dactyloa Wagler, 1830; Norops Wagler,
1830; and Semiurus Fitzinger, 1843 [Savage
and Guyer, 1991 noted that Semiurus is a
junior synonym of Xiphosurus Fitzinger,
1826]). With that proposal, those authors
suggested that eight anole genera be recognized (those just listed plus Chamaeleolis;
Chamaelinorops; and Phenacosaurus Barbour, 1920; but see below). However, the
Guyer and Savage efforts were met with
strong opposition. Williams (1989) bluntly
criticized the databases of the Guyer and
Savage (1987) analysis and Cannatella and de
Queiroz (1989) criticized the Guyer and
Savage analytical procedures plus their
osteological categorizations. Guyer and Savage (1992) argued point by point to the
critiques by Cannatella and de Queiroz
(1989) and Williams (1989), added more
data (no scale data, however) to their
analysis, and generated a new phylogenetic
study that recovered essentially the same set
of relationships as they recovered in their
1987 publication (Crother, 1999: 292). Curiously, there were no published responses to
the new Guyer and Savage (1992) efforts and
data sets. Crother (1999: 291) pointed out
the 1992 work by Guyer and Savage is
almost never cited even by workers citing
and rejecting the Guyer and Savage (1987)
study. Even Poe (2013), in his rejection of
the Nicholson et al. (2012) proposed generic
scheme, referred to the Guyer and Savage
(1987; dated 1986) publication several times,
but did not cite Guyer and Savage (1992).
Based on these types of responses, Crother
(1999: 291) asked if the Guyer and Savage
studies and subsequent classification [have]
been given a fair scientific treatment? As a
result, few workers on anoles have followed
the Guyer and Savage taxonomy. Addition-

ally, both of us have submitted manuscripts

using Norops, one of the genera recognized
by Guyer and Savage for most of the beta
anoles of Etheridge (1959), but the name was
changed to Anolis by the editors of those
scientific journals.
Other authors (see Glor et al., 2001;
Nicholson, 2002; Poe, 2004; Nicholson et
al., 2005, 2012; Alfoldi et al., 2011) have
performed phylogenetic analyses that demonstrated Norops, the beta anoles of Etheridge (1959), to form a clade. However, some
of these workers question the monophyly of
at least some of the other proposed genera.
Recently, Nicholson et al. (2012) produced a new phylogenetic analysis of the
anoles, again almost completely ignoring
scale data. Those authors also recovered
eight clades (although not the exact same
eight clades as recovered by Guyer and
Savage, 1987, 1992) they recognized as
genera (Anolis; Audantia Cochran, 1934;
Chamaelinorops; Ctenonotus; Dactyloa;
Deiroptyx Fitzinger, 1843; Norops; and
Xiphosurus). Nicholson et al. (2012) combined previously published morphological
and molecular data, along with new molecular data from four anole species. Pyron et
al. (2013: 15) provided the next phylogenetic analysis, which was based entirely on
molecular data, with their results supporting
the monophyly of all the genera recognized by Nicholson et al. (2012). Losos
(2013, 2014) noted two exceptions, one of
which was the result of Nicholson et al.
(2012) having listed one species (christophei
Williams, 1960, of Haiti) in two genera in
their tables (Chamaelinorops and Xiphosurus). The most recent phylogenetic analysis of the anoles is that of Gamble et al.
(2014; again, without any scale data). Losos
(2014) reported that three of the 216
species used by Gamble et al. (2014; in
addition to the error made by Nicholson
with christophei noted above) fell in different clades than they did in the Nicholson
et al. (2012) study. As a result, those four
species make three of the Nicholson et al.
genera nonmonophyletic. The two genera of
Nicholson et al. (2012) occurring on the

Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Latin American mainland (Dactyloa and

Norops; Anolis allisoni Barbour, 1928, and
Ctenonotus cristatellus [Dumeril and Bibron, 1837] have been recently introduced
by man to at least one Central American
mainland locality each) remain monophyletic in the Pyron et al. (2013) and Gamble
et al. (2014) studies.
Poe (2013) responded to the Nicholson et
al. (2012) study and concluded that most
of their proposed genera are not monophyletic. The subsequent studies of Pyron et al.
(2013) and Gamble et al. (2014; also see
Losos, 2013, 2014) have shown that most
of the Nicholson et al. genera are, in fact,
monophyletic using only molecular data.
Thus, the most statement used several
times by Poe (2013) is not supported by the
literature. Poes (2013) concern about not
enough taxa and not enough characters used
in the Nicholson et al. (2012) study is
certainly correct. Simply put, more species
and more characters need to be added to
the databases of future phylogenetic analyses of the anoles. Despite those shortcomings, we recognize two genera (Anolis and
Norops) for the anoles occurring in Honduras. In doing so, we realize that opponents of recognizing more than a single
genus of anoles, with about 400 species, will
continue to argue that there is no compelling need to divide a monophyletic Anolis
into eight genera. However, we feel that this
conservative approach is misguided. As far
as is known, the anterolaterally directed
transverse process (see Etheridge, 1967,
fig. 3; Guyer and Savage, 1987, fig. 1) on
the autotomic caudal vertebrae of Norops is
unique in structure among all lizards
(emphasis ours; Guyer and Savage, 1992:
105). We argue that Norops is so distinct
that it warrants its own genus (other similar
examples probably also exist, i.e., Chamaelinorops barbouri Schmidt, 1919, for which
Schmidt proposed the new genus Chamaelinorops, in part because of unique osteological characters in that form). If the
consequence of our action renders Anolis
nonmonophyletic, then that stresses the
point that additional work does need to be

done. Our argument to recognize Norops as

a valid genus is supported by all phylogenetic analyses done to date that were based
entirely on, or nearly completely on, molecular data. The unique tail structure found in
Norops also helps to support a monophyletic
Norops. Those two independent types of
evidence strongly influenced our decision to
elevate Norops to a full genus despite the
concerns expressed by Poe (2013) and
One of our concerns with the Nicholson et
al. (2012), and all other phylogenetic analyses
of the anoles conducted to date, is that scale
data, including difficult and time-consuming
scale counts, have been presumed to be
uninformative above the species level and,
thus, ignored. Ignoring a type of data that is
presumed, but not proven, to be uninformative is not a sound scientific approach.
Unfortunately, only two of the eight genera
(clades) recovered by Nicholson et al. (2012)
are represented in Honduras (Anolis and
Norops), with Anolis having only one species
in the country. Thus, we are unable to apply
scale morphology to those Nicholson et al.
clades in this study. Adalsteinsson et al.
(2009), Hedges et al. (2009, 2014), Harvey
et al. (2012), and Hedges and Conn (2012)
have recently incorporated time-consuming
scale counts, in most cases in association with
molecular data, in their generic divisions of
several snake (Leptotyphlopidae, Typhlopidae, and Dipsadidae) and lizard (Scincidae
and Teiidae) taxa, so why are we ignoring
these types of data in anole phylogenetic
studies? We have given above several
examples of scale data having been largely
ignored in upper level anole systematic
studies because we believe we have been
ignoring potentially informative data. One of
the clades, along with Norops, that renders
the remaining Anolis paraphyletic is Dactyloa, the only other anole clade occurring
naturally on the Latin American mainland.
Individuals of that clade look so different
from the remaining anoles that it seems likely
that a suite of scale and other morphological
characters can be found to distinguish
Dactyloa from the remaining anoles, in


addition to the molecular studies that have

already accomplished that (Castaneda and de
Queiroz, 2011 [also see Castaneda and de
Queiroz, 2013, who added osteological and
some basic scale data to their molecular
analysis]; Nicholson et al., 2012; Pyron et al.,
2013; Gamble et al., 2014). We are in no way
suggesting that everyone is compelled to
follow our suggested recognition of Norops
as a genus. We are asking, however, that
workers involved in future taxonomic studies
of anoles add scale counts and configurations
and skeletal data sets to their molecular data
bases before performing additional phylogenetic studies. We are also hoping that with
time (the revision shock of Hedges, 2013),
the anole community will accept Norops and
other anole clades as valid genera in the
Linnaean taxonomic scheme. Also, any
worker who disagrees with our suggested
Linnaean taxonomy could apply the PhyloCode to our conclusions (see de Queiroz and
Cantino, 2001, for an introduction to that
nomenclatural system).
After the above was finished and sent to
copyediting, Nicholson et al. (2014) published a response to Poes (2013) critique of
their 2012 revision of anole classification.
Those authors concluded that Poe made
several errors and misrepresentations in his
critique. Nicholson et al. (2014) discussed
point-by-point each of Poes critiques and
stated that they had explained their positions
in their 2012 publication regarding the few
unstable species that Poe used to call the
Nicholson et al. (2012) work flawed. Nicholson et al. (2014: 109) also stated that Poe
(2013) missed the opportunity to present an
alternative comprehensive taxonomy to replace the one against which he argues so
strenuously. We completely agree with that
statement and with the Nicholson et al. (2014:
109) statement that commentary regarding
published taxonomic revisions should be
constructive, objective, and scientifically
accurate. Nicholson et al. (2014) concluded
that Poes (2013) report was lacking in those
points. Time will tell if the scientific community adopts or rejects the Nicholson et al.
(2012, 2014) reclassification of the anoles.

Ecomorphs, Ecomodes, or Just

Niche Partitioning
Niche partitioning in anoles, especially on
Caribbean Islands, has been documented
with respect to perch height, vegetation
types, body size, and timing of foraging
activities. The wide variety of behavioral
traits exhibited by anole species has been
demonstrated to have a strong correlation
with morphology among West Indian species regardless of phylogenetic relationships. Thus, West Indian species having
the same or similar ecological roles have
been characterized as ecomorphs (reviewed in Losos, 2009). On the other hand,
Schaad and Poe (2010; also see Irschick et
al., 1997) were able to assign only 15 of the
123 mainland species they analyzed to a
West Indian ecomorph. Nicholson et al.
(2012) introduced the term ecomode to
replace ecomorph for the mainland members of the Dactyloidae; however, those
authors did not adequately define their
intended meaning of that term. Based
largely on habitat statements in the literature, Nicholson et al. (2012) placed a large
number of mainland species of anoles into
one of their eight ecomodes (those authors
also recognized a polymodal category for
species they thought regularly occurred in
more than one of their eight categories).
Returning to the ecomorph category used so
successfully for West Indian anoles, Losos
(2012) noted that those ecomorph assignments are objective because the existing
quantitative data are testable statistically.
On the other hand, the Nicholson et al.
(2012) ecomode assignments are subjective
decisions based on literature statements
varying from short, limited summaries to
well-studied species. Most anole species
also use a variety of habitats. Thus, where
does one draw the line to distinguish one
ecomode from another (i.e., trunk anole
versus trunk-ground anole)?
Although we applaud the Nicholson et al.
(2012) efforts to classify mainland anole
species into habitat categories, we think the
data for the vast majority of the mainland

Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

species are inadequate at present. Also,

based on our own fieldwork, many anole
species show such extensive variation in
habitat preference and ecomode variation
that it is not possible to place many species
into one of the eight ecomodes recognized
by Nicholson et al. (2012). Therefore, we do
not try to force each anole species occurring
in Honduras into one of the Nicholson et al.
(2012) ecomode categories; rather, we just
give statements about where we have
observed individuals of each species relative
to their available habitats. Statements of
habitat use from the literature are also given
for most nonendemic species.
Environment of Honduras
McCranie (2011) recently discussed the
general description, physiography, climate,
and forest formations of Honduras. Interested readers are referred to that book for
information on those subjects (also see
distribution of anoles in Honduras herein
for reproductions of several pertinent maps
taken from McCranie [2011]).
For much of the 20th century, anoles and
their close relatives were placed in the
family Iguanidae Gray (1827: 56). However,
Frost and Etheridge (1989) performed a
phylogenetic analysis of iguanian lizards
based on morphology and divided the
former Iguanidae into several families. The
phylogeny recovered by Frost and Etheridge (1989) suggested that the anoloid
iguanid lizards of Etheridge and Williams
(1985: 1) formed a monophyletic lineage
that they placed in the family Polychridae
(5 Polychrotidae) Fitzinger (1843, type
genus Polychrus Cuvier, 1816). Frost et al.
(2001) performed a new phylogenetic analysis of the polychrotid lizards based on both
morphological and molecular data that
demonstrated the Polychrotidae recovered
in the Frost and Etheridge (1989) study was
not monophyletic. Thus, Frost et al. (2001)
restricted the family Polychrotidae to the

genera Polychrus and Anolis. Frost et al.

(2001) did not follow the suggested partitioning of Anolis into eight genera by Guyer
and Savage (1987). Subsequently, Townsend et al. (2011) performed a phylogenetic
analysis of iguanian lizards based on molecular data and recovered a polyphyletic
Polychrotidae. To rectify the polyphyletic
Polychrotidae, Townsend et al. (2011) restricted the family Polychrotidae to the genus
Polychrus and placed Anolis (sensu lato) in
the family Dactyloidae Fitzinger (1843; type
genus Dactyloa Wagler, 1830, family name
originally spelled Dactyloae by Fitzinger,
1843). Within the Dactyloidae, two of the
eight genera, Anolis and Norops, occur in
Honduras. The type species of the former
genus is A. carolinensis Voigt, 1832, a species
native to the southeastern United States, and
that of the latter genus is N. auratus
Bonnaterre, 1789, a species that occurs in
South America and lower Central America.
The year 1834 saw the first descriptions
of any anole species that occurs in Honduras. Wiegmann (1834) described Norops
biporcatus and N. laeviventris (both as
Dactyloa), with the former having its type
locality in Guatemala and the latter in
Mexico. Fifteen of the anole species occurring in Honduras were described during the
1800s (Table 1), none of which have their
type localities in Honduras. The first four
anole species with type localities occurring
in Honduras were described during the
early 1900s. Barbour (1914) described N.
nelsoni (as Anolis) from the Islas del Cisne,
Gracias a Dios; Barbour (1928) described A.
allisoni from Isla de Roatan, Islas de la
Baha; Dunn and Emlen (1932) described
N. sminthus (as Anolis) from what is now
part of Parque Nacional La Tigra, Francisco
Morazan; and Schmidt (1936) described N.
loveridgei (as Anolis) from Portillo Grande,
Yoro. Three other species of anoles occurring in Honduras were described during the
period from the late 1930s to the early
1970s. These are N. wellbornae Ahl (1939;
as Anolis ustus wellbornae, type locality in
El Salvador), N. heteropholidotus Mertens
(1952a; as Anolis, type locality in El









Original Name
Anolis allisoni
Norops amplisquamosus
Anolis beckeri
Norops bicaorum
Dactyloa biporcata
Anolis (Draconura) capito
Anolis carpenteri
Anolis crassulus
Anolis cupreus
Norops cusuco
Anolis heteropholidotus
Anolis johnmeyeri
Norops kreutzi
Dactyloa laeviventris
Anolis (Gastrotropis) lemurinus
Anolis (Dracontura) capito
Anolis loveridgei
Anolis morazani
Norops muralla
Anolis nelsoni
Norops ocelloscapularis
Anolis oxylophus
Anolis petersii
Norops pijolense
Norops purpurgularis
Anolis quaggulus
Norops roatanensis
Anolis rodriguezii
Norops rubribarbaris
Anolis sagrei
Anolis sminthus
Anolis tropidonotus
Anolis uniformis
Anolis unilobatus
Norops utilensis
Norops wampuensis
Anolis ustus wellbornae
Norops yoroensis
Norops zeus


Abbreviated Type Locality

Barbour, 1928
McCranie, Wilson, and Williams, 1992
Boulenger, 1882
Kohler, 1996b
Wiegmann, 1834
Peters, 1863
Echelle, Echelle, and Fitch, 1971
Cope, 1864
Hallowell, 1861
McCranie, Kohler, and Wilson, 2000
Mertens, 1952a
Wilson and McCranie, 1982
McCranie, Kohler, and Wilson, 2000
Wiegmann, 1834
Cope, 1861
Cope, 1862
K. Schmidt, 1936
J. Townsend and Wilson, 2009
Kohler, McCranie, and Wilson, 1999
Barbour, 1914
Kohler, McCranie, and Wilson, 2001
Cope, 1875
Bocourt, 1873, in A. H. A. Dumeril,
Bocourt, and Mocquard, 18701909
McCranie, Wilson, and Williams, 1993
McCranie, Cruz, and Holm, 1993
Cope, 1885
Kohler and McCranie, 2001
Bocourt, 1873
Kohler, McCranie, and Wilson, 1999
Cocteau, in A. M. C. Dumeril and
Bibron, 1837
Dunn and Emlen, 1932
W. Peters, 1863
Cope, 1885
Kohler and Vesely, 2010
Kohler, 1996a
McCranie and Kohler, 2001
Ahl, 1939
McCranie, Nicholson, and Kohler, 2002
Kohler and McCranie, 2001

Isla de Roatan, Honduras

El Cusuco, Honduras
Yucatan, Mexico
Isla de Utila, Honduras
Santa Rosa de Pansos, Guatemala
Costa Rica
near Turrialba, Costa Rica
Coban, Guatemala
El Cusuco, Honduras
Santa Ana, El Salvador
WSW of Buenos Aires, Honduras
near La Fortuna, Honduras
Veragua 5 Panama
Veragua 5 Panama
Portillo Grande, Honduras
Cataguana, Honduras
Cerro de Enmedio, Honduras
Swan Islands, Honduras
near Quebrada Grande, Honduras
eastern Costa Rica
Vera Paz, Guatemala

Salvador), and N. carpenteri Echelle,

Echelle, and Fitch (1971; as Anolis, type
locality in Costa Rica).
During 1979, McCranie made his first of
what was to become numerous trips to
isolated cloud forest and many broadleaf
forest localities throughout Honduras. That
first cloud forest trip, to El Cusuco, Cortes,
resulted in the discovery of three anole

Pico Pijol, Honduras

near La Fortuna, Honduras
San Juan River, Nicaragua
Isla de Roatan, Honduras
Pansos Guatemala
San Lus de los Planes, Honduras
San Juancito Mountains, Honduras
Huanusco, Mexico
Guatemala and Yucatan
Awasbila, Honduras
Isla de Utila, Honduras
Ros Aner-Wampu, Honduras
El Salvador
near La Fortuna, Honduras
Liberia, Honduras

species new to science (Norops amplisquamosus McCranie, Wilson, and Williams,

1992; N. cusuco McCranie, Kohler, and
Wilson, 2000; and N. johnmeyeri Wilson
and McCranie, 1982). Kohler began fieldwork in Honduras during 1993. The
combined fieldwork of McCranie and
Kohler, along with examination of Honduran anoles in museum collections, re-


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1



Dunn and Emlen, 1932



Current Taxonomy
Norops tropidonotus
Norops sminthus
Norops lemurinus
Norops unilobatus, N. wellbornae
Norops biporcatus, N. capito
Norops zeus

sulted in the descriptions of 13 additional

species of anoles from Honduras (Table 1).
The most recent anole species with a name
change from Honduras is N. unilobatus
Kohler and Vesely (2010; formerly considered N. sericeus Hallowell, 1857), a species
that occurs across northern and central
Honduras. However, the most recently
described Honduran endemic anole is N.
morazani (Townsend and Wilson, 2009), a
species known only from northern Francisco Morazan.
It now seems that fieldwork has been
sufficient enough that it is not likely that
populations of new species remain to be
discovered in Honduras. However, future
studies of hemipenial morphology and
molecular data from Honduran species
seem likely to discover cryptic species
among the 39 recognized species. Also, a

few species are poorly defined, and such

additional studies might result in their
placement in the synonymy of a closely
related species (i.e., N. wampuensis with N.
Aside from the species descriptions
outlined above and listed in Table 1, only
two summations of anole collections from
Honduras have appeared in the literature.
Dunn and Emlen (1932) in their review of
reptiles and amphibians from Honduras
(principally from the ANSP and MCZ
collections), listed six anole species (all
placed in the genus Anolis) from Honduras,
one of which they described as a new
species (Norops sminthus). The exact number of specimens they examined was not
given, but Table 2 gives the Dunn and
Emlen (1932) species identifications and
the taxonomy we use. Meyer and Wilson
(1973) provided a list of the anole species
from various museum collections known to
them. Those authors listed 646 specimens
that they placed in 15 species. Table 3 gives
the Meyer and Wilson taxonomy and the
current taxonomy. Because Meyer and
Wilson (1973) listed actual museum numbers, we are able to include the numbers of
specimens (in parentheses) listed by those
authors. We were also able to reidentify
some of their included material.


Meyer and Wilson, 1973



Current Taxonomy
Anolis allisoni (53), Norops roatanensis (1), Basiliscus vittatus (1)
Norops biporcatus (6)
Norops capito (3)
Norops crassulus (9), N. tropidonotus (1)
Norops cupreus (28)
Norops quaggulus (1)
Norops laeviventris (3)
Norops bicaorum (12), N. biporcatus (1), N. lemurinus (135), N. roatanensis (25)
Norops limifrons (2), N. rodriguezii (15), N. zeus (10)
Norops loveridgei (6)
Norops beckeri (5)
Norops roatanensis (2), N. sagrei (12)
Norops unilobatus (101), N. wellbornae (16)
Norops heteropholidotus (4), N. sminthus (20)
Norops lemurinus (1), N. tropidonotus (213)



Family Dactyloidae Fitzinger, 1843
Anoles are a family of lizards characterized
by having an extensible dewlap in males of
almost all species (and in females of some
species), widened lamellae on the undersurfaces of the digits (in almost all species,
including all Honduran species) with the
compressed terminal phalanx rising above
and slightly proximal to the end of the digit
(Savage, 2002), a completely or nearly
completely divided mental scale (personal
observation), and a reproductive mode of the
female depositing one egg at a time while at
the same time containing a developing egg in
the other ovary (Savage, 2002; Losos, 2009).
In addition, the male dewlap is often brightly
colored and is used in courtship and
territorial display (termed a classic example
of a complex signaling system by Nicholson
et al., 2007: 1). This group of New World
lizards contains about 400 named species
placed in eight genera (Nicholson et al.,
2012). Of these eight genera (Anolis Daudin,
1802; Audantia Cochran, 1934; Chamaelinorops Schmidt, 1919; Ctenonotus Fitzinger,
1843; Dactyloa Wagler, 1830; Deiroptyx
Fitzinger, 1843; Norops Wagler, 1830; and
Xiphosurus Fitzinger, 1826), only Anolis (1
species) and Norops (38 species) occur in
Honduras. Members of this family have a
wide geographical distribution including the
southeastern USA, much of Mexico southward into South America, the Greater and
Lesser Antilles, and numerous other Caribbean and eastern Pacific islands.
All anoles have circular pupils and are
diurnal (or in a few cases largely crepuscular), with many known to shift their behavior
by alternating between basking in the sun to
shifting to shaded or covered areas. However, some species apparently do not bask,
instead spending their active time in shaded
areas (Savage, 2002). Most anoles are primarily generalist feeders that consume a
wide variety of insects and other invertebrates. Carnivory, frugivory and molluscivory
have also been reported, but mostly in larger
species and larger individuals of moderate-


sized species (Losos, 2009). Herrel et al.

(2004) suggested that frugivory in anoles is
mediated by large body size. Anoles of many
species usually sight their prey from elevated
perches and then quickly grab the prey
before typically returning to their perch site
to finish their meal (Savage, 2002). However,
some species pursue their prey in leaf litter
and apparently do not frequently climb other
objects (Savage, 2002).
Genus Anolis Daudin
Anolis Daudin, 1802: 50 (type species: Anolis
carolinensis Voigt, 1832: 71, by fiat of the
International Commission on Zoological
Nomenclature [Anonymous, 1986: 125]).

Geographic Distribution and Content.

This genus occurs from extreme northeastern Mexico eastward to the southeastern
United States and southward through Florida, USA, and on the Islands of the Bahamas
and much of the Greater Antilles. The
genus also occurs on the Islas de la Baha,
Honduras, and islands off the coast of
Quintana Roo, Mexico, and Belize. It has
also been introduced on the Honduran
mainland at La Ceiba, Atlantida, and on
Isla de Utila, Islas de la Baha, Hawaii, and
Guam, with other more recent introductions
being occasionally reported. Forty-three
living species are recognized (Nicholson et
al., 2012), one of which occurs in Honduras.
Remarks. Nicholson et al. (2012) recognized five species groups in this genus.
Anolis allisoni, the single species of Anolis
occurring in Honduras, was placed in the A.
carolinensis species group. Anolis carolinensis is the type species of Anolis.
Etymology. The name Anolis is from the
French lanole, which is derived from anoli
(or anolis) or anaoli (or anoali); aboriginal
West Indian words meaning lizard (see
Nicholson et al., 2012, for more information
on the origin of Anolis).
Anolis allisoni Barbour
Anolis allisoni Barbour, 1928: 58 (holotype,
MCZ R-26725; type locality: Coxen Hole,


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Ruatan, Bay Islands, Honduras), 1930:

114; Flower, 1928: 49; Barbour and
Loveridge, 1929b: 216; Schmidt, 1941:
493; Peters, 1952: 25; Cochran, 1961: 85;
Ruibal and Williams, 1961: 184; Duellman
and Berg, 1962: 196; Ruibal, 1964: 486;
Smith et al., 1964: 39; Meyer, 1969: 213;
Williams, 1969: 357; Peters and DonosoBarros, 1970: 47; Meyer and Wilson,
1973: 15 (in part); Wilson and Hahn,
1973: 109; Schwartz and Thomas, 1975:
66; Gundy and Wurst, 1976: 116; MacLean et al., 1977: 4; Hudson, 1981: 377;
Kluge, 1984: 6; OShea, 1986: 67;
Schoener, 1988: 22; Schwartz and Henderson, 1988: 71, 1991: 210; Wilson and
Cruz Daz, 1993: 16; Kohler, 1994: 4,
1995: 102, 1998b: 377, 382, 2000: 65,
2003: 95, 2008: 99; Lee, 1996: 226; Cruz
Daz, 1998: 29, in Bermingham et al.,
1998; Monzel, 1998: 157, 2001: 27;
Rodrguez Schettino, 1999: 221; Stafford
and Meyer, 1999: 129; Grismer et al.,
2001: 135; Lundberg, 2001: 26, 2002a: 7,
2002b: 7; Wilson et al., 2001: 134; FloresVillela and Canseco-Marquez, 2004: 124;
Henderson and Powell, 2004: 301; Glor et
al., 2005: 2424; McCranie et al., 2005:
100; Wilson and Townsend, 2006: 105;
Diener, 2008: 10; McCranie and Gutsche,
2009: 112; Martinez and Clayson, 2013:
624; McCranie and Valde s Orellana,
2014: 44.

Geographic Distribution. Anolis allisoni

occurs on the Islas de la Baha, Honduras,
and cays and islands off the coast of Belize
and southern Quintana Roo, Mexico. It also
occurs at low elevations throughout much of
Cuba (exclusive of the western and eastern
ends). In Honduras, this species is found on
Islas de Barbareta, Guanaja, Morat, Roatan,
Utila, and the Cayos Cochinos in the Islas
de la Baha. It has also been introduced into
La Ceiba, Atlantida, on the north coast of
Honduras. Since the species was only recently found on Utila, it is likely that the one
specimen known from that island is a recent

introduction (the animal photographed by

Martinez and Clayson, 2013, likely represents
the same animal that was collected).
Description. The following is based on
14 males (SMF 7597879, 7831718, 80853;
USNM 56308489, 563093, 563097
98) and 10 females (KU 101379, 220120;
SMF 7831920, 7920506, 80854; USNM
563091, 563094, 565425). Anolis allisoni is a
moderately large anole (SVL 82 mm in
largest Honduran male [SMF 75978] and
female [KU 220120] measured for this
study; maximum reported SVL 91 mm
[Schoener, 1988]); dorsal head scales keeled
(mostly multicarinate, some unicarinate,
some smooth in large males) in internasal,
prefrontal, frontal, and parietal areas; deep
frontal depression present; shallow to deep
(especially in large males) parietal depression present; 37 (4.7 6 1.0) postrostrals;
anterior nasal divided, lower section contacting first supralabial; usually 2 (occasionally 3) scales between circumnasal and
rostral; 35 (4.1 6 0.4) internasals; canthal
ridge sharply defined, ridged in large males;
scales comprising supraorbital semicircles
keeled, ridged in large males, largest scale in
semicircles larger than largest supraocular
scale; supraorbital semicircles well defined;
supraorbital semicircles separated by 1 scale
row at narrowest point; 13 (1.7 6 0.5)
scales separating supraorbital semicircles
and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal well defined, distinctly enlarged
relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by
scales of moderate size, longer than wide,
about same size as ear opening; 23 rows of
about 38 (total number) enlarged, faintly
multicarinate supraocular scales; enlarged
supraoculars completely separated from
supraorbital semicircles by 1 row of small
scales; 1 large elongate superciliary; 35 (3.6
6 0.7) enlarged canthals; 48 (5.1 6 0.9)
scales between second canthals; 57 (5.3 6
0.6) scales between posterior canthals;
loreal region slightly to distinctly concave,
1527 (20.9 6 3.0) mostly smooth or rugose
(some weakly keeled) loreal scales in a
maximum of 45 (4.1 6 0.3) horizontal
rows; 79 (7.8 6 0.7) supralabials and 610


(8.2 6 0.9) infralabials to level below center

of eye; suboculars keeled, in broad contact
with supralabials; ear opening longitudinally
elongated; scales anterior to ear opening
granular, slightly larger than those posterior
to ear opening; 57 (6.0 6 0.5) postmentals,
outer pair several times larger than medial
ones; keeled granular scales present on chin
and throat; male dewlap relatively small,
extending to level of axilla; male dewlap
with keeled gorgetal-sternal scales, not
arranged in rows, about 5775 total scales
(n 5 8); 24 (modal number) anterior
marginal pairs in adult male dewlap; female
dewlap absent; a low nuchal crest and a low
dorsal ridge present; middorsal scale rows
not enlarged, dorsal scales mostly weakly
keeled, juxtaposed to subimbricate, those
lateral to middorsal series grading into
granular lateral scales; no enlarged scales
among laterals; 5673 (65.9 6 4.7) dorsal
scales along vertebral midline between
levels of axilla and groin in males, 5776
(65.6 6 6.6) in females; 4664 (53.4 6 6.1)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline contained in 1 head length in males, 4264
(51.8 6 7.0) in females; midventral scales on
midsection slightly larger than largest dorsal
scales; midventral body scales weakly keeled
with rounded posterior margins, subimbricate; 4666 (56.5 6 6.5) ventral scales along
midventral line between levels of axilla and
groin in males, 4357 (51.9 6 4.1) in
females; 3956 (47.1 6 5.9) ventral scales
contained in 1 head length in males, 3652
(42.4 6 4.9) in females; 96117 (101.8 6
5.6) scales around midbody in males, 94
110 (100.1 6 4.6) in females; tubelike
axillary pocket absent; precloacal scales
keeled; pair of slightly enlarged postcloacal scales in males; tail varying from nearly
rounded to slightly compressed, TH/TW
0.861.33 in 21; basal subcaudal scales
keeled; lateral caudal scales keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct division in
segments discernable; dorsal medial caudal
scale row slightly enlarged, keeled, not
forming crest; most scales on anterior
surface of antebrachium weakly keeled,
unicarinate; 3649 (42.4 6 3.3) subdigital


lamellae on Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of

hind limbs; 510 (7.1 6 1.3) subdigital
scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of hind limbs;
SVL 53.082.0 (70.2 6 8.8) mm in males,
48.082.0 (65.8 6 10.1) mm in females;
TAL/SVL 1.662.22 in 12 males, 2.072.21
in seven females; HL/SVL 0.300.37 in
males, 0.280.34 in females; SHL/SVL
0.200.24 in males, 0.190.24 in females;
SHL/HL 0.580.75 in males, 0.620.76 in
females; longest toe of adpressed hind
limb reaching between shoulder region
and ear.
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
563084): dorsal surfaces of body, tail, and
limbs Lime Green (159); dorsal surface of
head turquoise blue; belly pale green;
subcaudal surface Lime Green; darker
green cross-reticulations also present on
dorsum of limbs; eyelids pale brown; iris
brown with copper rim; dewlap Poppy Red
(108A) with turquoise blue scales. Color in
life of another adult male (KU 220121) was
described by Wilson and Cruz Daz (1993:
16): dorsum of body lime green with a pale
rust patina on the nuchal area; dorsum of
the head lime green with turquoise blue
cast; dark gray postorbital blotch present;
pale (white) lip stripe begins below eye and
continues to just behind ear opening; skin
around eye rust brown; limbs lime green
with gray crossbars; tail lime green; venter
pale olive green; dewlap magenta with pale
green scales.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head
and body brown, with or without patches of
gray or faded turquoise blue; lateral surface
of head brown, except suboculars white to
bluish white, pale pigment continuing posteriorly as a postlabial stripe extending to
anterior edge of ear opening; dorsal surfaces
of limbs same as for body, except darker
brown crossbars present in some; dorsal
surface of tail same as for body, except
turquoise blue pigment can form indistinct
crossbands; ventral surfaces of head, body,
and tail pale brown to cream, with or
without bluish tinge.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 78318 is a medium-sized,


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered

by well-developed sulcal lips, bifurcating at
base of apex, branches continuing to tips of
lobes; asulcate processus absent; lobes
strongly calyculate; truncus with transverse
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Anolis allisoni
is readily distinguished from all other Honduran anoles by its elongated snout (especially
pronounced in adult males) and its longitudinally elongated ear opening with the posterior
margin forming a longitudinal depression.
The only other solid green anole in life
in Honduras is Norops biporcatus, which
is restricted to the mainland.
Illustrations (Figs. 1, 2, 79). Ruibal and
Williams, 1961 (head, ear opening); Ruibal,
1964 (head, ear opening); Kohler, 1996d
(adult), 1998b (adult), 2000 (adult, head and
dewlap), 2003 (adult, head and dewlap),
2008 (adult, head and dewlap); Lee, 1996
(adult, ear opening), 2000 (adult, ear
opening); Stafford and Meyer, 1999 (adult,
ear opening); Lundberg, 2001 (adult), 2002b
(adult); Monzel, 2001 (adult); McCranie
et al., 2005 (adult, head and dewlap, ear
opening); Diener, 2008 (adult).
Remarks. Anolis allisoni is a member of
the A. carolinensis subgroup (Glor et al.,
2005) or the A. carolinensis species group
(Ruibal and Williams, 1961; Ruibal, 1964;
Williams, 1976a; Nicholson et al., 2012).
Ruibal and Williams (1961) suggested that
the Central American island populations of
A. allisoni might not be conspecific with
those on Cuba, but a phylogenetic analysis
based on mtDNA sequence data (Glor et al.,
2005) showed very little divergence between an animal trade specimen purported
to be from Isla de Guanaja and those from
Natural History Comments. Anolis allisoni is known from near sea level to 30 m
elevation in the Lowland Moist Forest
formation. This species is active during
sunny days on coconut palms, thorn palms,
other palms, various tree types, buildings,
wooden fences, and occasionally the
ground. However, coconut palms seem to
be the preferred habitat. It frequently

perches more than 1 m above the ground.

Anolis allisoni has been found during
February, from May to July, and from
September to December, so it is likely
active throughout the year. The species
sleeps at night on leaves and stems of low
vegetation and on tree branches. Henderson
and Powell (2009 and references cited
therein) listed similar habitats for this
species on Cuba. On Cuba, A. allisoni feeds
primarily on insects and other invertebrates,
but also feeds on nectar (Henderson and
Powell, 2009, and references cited therein).
On Cuba, this species lays eggs year round,
but with increased egg production during
the rainy season; communal egg laying has
also been reported (Henderson and Powell,
2009, and references cited therein).
Etymology. The name allisoni is a
patronym honoring Allison V. Armour,
who assisted Thomas Barbour, the describer
of the species, with transportation aboard
his yacht Utowana.
Specimens Examined (413 [53] + 1
skeleton; Map 1). ATLANTIDA: La Ceiba,
Cayo Cochino Grande, lighthouse near La
Ensenada, KU 220121; Cayo Cochino
Pequeno, KU 22011820; Isla de Barbareta,
CM 27610, USNM 520263, 563083; Isla de
Guanaja, El Bight, USNM 565425, ZMB
7362627; Isla de Guanaja, SE shore opposite Guanaja, LACM 4777576, LSUMZ
2143638, 22405, UF 2856672; Isla de
Guanaja, La Playa Hotel, LSUMZ 21439;
Isla de Guanaja, near Monumento a Cristobal Colon, SMF 75979; Isla de Guanaja,
North East Bight, SMF 75978; Isla de
Guanaja, between Savannah Bight and East
End, SMF 78320; Isla de Guanaja, between
Savannah Bight and Mangrove Bight, SMF
7831718; Isla de Guanaja, 1.5 km W of
Savannah Bight, SMF 78319; Isla de Guanaja, Savannah Bight, FMNH 283643,
LSUMZ 22412; Isla de Guanaja, near W
end of island, TCWC 21950, 26700; Isla de
Guanaja, CM 27612 (9), FMNH 5382227,
KU 10137988, LSUMZ 97039724, 10276
81; Isla de Roatan, near Corozal, SMF
80853; Isla de Roatan, Coxen Hole, AMNH



Figure 1. Anolis allisoni head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 78319, adult female from 1.5 km W of Savannah Bight,
Isla de Guanaja, Islas de la Baha. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 2. Anolis allisoni. (A) Adult male (FMNH 282565) from Palmetto Bay, Isla de Roatan, Islas de la Baha; (B) adult male
dewlap (FMNH 282565). Photographs by James R. McCranie.

80062 (formerly part of UMMZ 67694,

previously part of MCZ R-26755), ANSP
26112 (was in UMMZ collection), BMNH
1985.109599, CM 2899193, FMNH 34539
(66), KU 47167 (formerly MCZ R-26737),
MCZ R-2672531, 26732 (skeleton), 26733
36, 2673853, 26755, 17116970, MVZ
212076, UIMNH 41497 (formerly MCZ R26754), UMMZ 66825 (2; formerly part of
MCZ R-26755), 67694 (2; formerly part of
MCZ R-26755), USNM 75859; Isla de

Roatan, near Diamond Rock, USNM

563084; Isla de Roatan, Fort Key, MCZ R150946; Isla de Roatan, Flowers Bay, USNM
56308587; Isla de Roatan, between Flowers
Bay and West End Point, USNM 563089;
Isla de Roatan, near Flowers Bay, USNM
563088; Isla de Roatan, near French Harbor,
UF 28562; Isla de Roatan, French Harbor,
LSUMZ 22393; Isla de Roatan, Jobs Bight,
LSUMZ 3381316; Isla de Roatan, Key
Hole, USNM 563090; Isla de Roatan, Mudd



Map 1. Localities for Anolis allisoni. Solid symbols denote specimens examined. The solid symbol off the coast of north-central
Honduras represents the small Cayos Cochinos, and the open symbol just east of Isla de Roatan represents an accepted record
for Isla Morat.

Hole Bay, SMF 80854; Isla de Roatan, near

Oak Ridge, MCZ R-15094345, UTA R1068898, 31975, 5523335; Isla de Roatan,
Oak Ridge, CM 27600 (20), 26701 (18),
27604 (4), 27605 (6), FMNH 53807 (27),
5380821; Isla de Roatan, Palmetto Bay,
FMNH 28256566, MVZ 267187; Isla de
Roatan, Port Royal, USNM 578740; Isla de
Roatan, near Port Royal Harbor, TCWC
5241416; Isla de Roatan, about 1.6 km N of
Roatan, AMNH 149565, LSUMZ 52613; Isla
de Roatan, about 2.5 km N of Roatan,
LSUMZ 33809; Isla de Roatan, 0.5 km N of
Roatan, LACM 4777074, LSUMZ 21433
35, UF 2847284, 2849799; Isla de Roatan,
4.8 km W of Roatan, UF 2851416, 28535;
Isla de Roatan, about 3.2 km W of Roatan,
CM 64584, LSUMZ 5261012; Isla de
Roatan, Roatan, LSUMZ 2231213, 22328
32, TCWC 2194647, 2196870; Isla de
Roatan, Rocky Point, USNM 56309192;
Isla de Roatan, Sandy Bay, KU 20313435,
203145; Isla de Roatan, Santa Elena, BMNH
1938.10.4.2; Isla de Roatan, Turquoise Bay,

FMNH 283642; Isla de Roatan, 6.6 km E of

West End, MVZ 263854; Isla de Roatan,
West End, SMF 7920506, 8920506,
TCWC 21948, USNM 57873839; Isla de
Roatan, West End Point, USNM 563093;
Isla de Roatan, West End Town, USNM
56309498; Isla de Roatan, BMNH
1985.1099, MCZ R-191094103; Isla de
Utila, Utila Town, FMNH 283583.
Other Records (Map 1). ISLAS DE LA
BAHIA: Isla Morat, LSUHC 369698,
370305 (Grismer et al., 2001); Isla de Utila
(MPC Herp Photo P766).
Genus Norops Wagler
Norops Wagler, 1830: 149 (type species:
Anolis auratus Daudin, 1802: 89 [5
Lacerta aurata Bonnaterre, 1789: 52],
by monotypy).

Geographic Distribution and Content.

This genus occurs from Sonora and Tamaulipas, Mexico, southward to northwestern


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Peru west of the Andes and from southeastern Peru to southeastern Brazil east of
the Andes. It also occurs on the islands in
the Bahamas, Cuba (and nearby islands),
Jamaica (and nearby islands), the Islas del
Cisne, the Bay Islands, the Corn Islands,
San Andres, Providencia, Aruba, Curacao,
Margarita, and Trinidad and Tobago in the
Caribbean and on Isla del Cocos and Isla
Gorgona in the Pacific. The genus is
introduced and established in extralimital
populations on Hawaii and in the southeastern United States, in the Cayman
Islands, Bermuda, Grenada, St. Vincent,
Taiwan, and Singapore, with new introductions being regularly reported. Nicholson
et al. (2012) recognized 174 named living
species. We recognize an additional species
not included by Nicholson et al. (2012; N.
heteropholidotus) and consider one species
recognized by those authors (N. dariense)
not to represent a valid species. Thus, of the
174 named species of Norops presently
recognized, 38 are known to occur in
Remarks. Boulenger (1885: 73) reported
Norops ustus (Cope) as occurring in Honduras and Yucatan. However, that Honduras record is actually from Belize
(specimen not examined by us). Norops
ustus is a synonym of N. sericeus (Hallowell;
see Kohler and Vesely, 2010), which does
not occur in Honduras. Boulenger (1885:
90) also listed a specimen of N. chrysolepis
(Dumeril and Bibron) from Honduras,
but that is a South American species. Dunn
and Emlen (1932) opined that Boulengers
specimen in question represented N. copei
(see our Remarks for N. biporcatus). Dunn
and Emlen (1932) confused N. biporcatus
and N. capito in their concept of N. copei.
Nicholson et al. (2012) placed the 174
living species of Norops they recognized
into three species groups. Nicholson et al.
(2012) included N. nelsoni and N. sagrei in
the N. sagrei species group, and all other
Norops species occurring in Honduras were
placed in the N. auratus species group. That
latter group contains 150 species, 36 of
which occur in Honduras, thus containing

86.2% of the total Honduran species of

Norops. We place those 36 Honduran
species into 10 subgroups of the N. auratus
species group (five species are considered
incertae sedis in that species group).
Etymology. Norops is Greek and means
bright, flashing, gleaming, probably in
reference to either the blue dewlap found
in males of the type species of Norops or to
the pale vertebral or dorsolateral stripes
found in many specimens of the otherwise
drab type species of the genus (also see
Nicholson et al., 2012).
Norops amplisquamosus McCranie, Wilson, and Williams
Norops amplisquamosus McCranie, Wilson, and Williams, 1992: 209 (holotype,
KU 219924; type locality: El Cusuco
[15u319N, 88u129W], a finca located 5.6 km
WSW Buenos Aires, 1550 m elevation,
Sierra de Omoa, Departamento de Cortes,
Honduras); Anonymous, 1994: 116; Kohler, 2000: 59, 2003: 96, 2008: 102; Kohler
et al., 2001: 254; Wilson et al., 2001: 135;
Wilson and McCranie, 2003: 59, 2004b:
43, 2004c: 24.
Anolis amplisquamosus: Townsend, 2006:
35, 2009: 298; Townsend and Wilson,
2006: 245, 2008: 148, 2009: 68; Townsend et al., 2006: 31; Kohler et al., 2007:
390; Kohler, 2014: 210.

Geographic Distribution. Norops amplisquamosus occurs at intermediate elevations

in the Sierra de Omoa in northwestern
Cortes, Honduras. It is known only from the
vicinity of its type locality.
Description. The following is based on 11
males (KU 21992430; SMF 77748, 77750;
UF 149646; USNM 549357) and 13 females
(KU 219937, 219940, 21994345; SMF
77747, 79173; UF 14964143, 149645,
14964748). Norops amplisquamosus is a
small anole (SVL 46 mm in largest male
examined [KU 219929], 49 mm in largest
female examined [UF 149645]); dorsal head
scales smooth, rugose, or weakly keeled in
internasal, prefrontal, and frontal areas,


most scales smooth in parietal area; deep

frontal depression present; no parietal
depression; 36 (4.7 6 1.0) postrostrals;
anterior nasal usually divided, lower section
contacting rostral and first supralabial; 3
7 (5.2 6 1.1) internasals; canthal ridge
sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles ridged near outer edges,
largest scale in semicircles varies from
larger than, to smaller than, largest supraocular scale, other scales in supraocular
semicircles usually smaller than largest
supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles
well defined; 02 (0.7 6 0.6) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 12 (1.6 6 0.4) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal well defined, irregular in outline, longer
than wide, larger than, or equal to, size of
ear opening; 2 rows of about 25 (total
number) distinctly enlarged, smooth to
weakly keeled supraocular scales present;
enlarged supraoculars in inner row in broad
contact with supraorbital semicircles; 2
elongate superciliaries, posterior much
shorter than anterior; usually 3 enlarged
canthals; 47 (5.6 6 0.9) scales between
second canthals; 58 (6.9 6 0.8) scales
between posterior canthals; loreal region
slightly concave, 1226 (18.9 6 3.4) smooth
to weakly keeled loreal scales in maximum
of 35 (4.0 6 0.6) horizontal rows; 57 (6.1
6 0.5) supralabials and 57 (5.9 6 0.5)
infralabials to level below center of eye;
suboculars usually weakly keeled, in broad
contact with supralabials; ear opening vertically oval; scales anterior to ear opening
granular, similar in size to those posterior to
ear opening; 45 (4.1 6 0.3) postmentals,
outer pair largest; largest gular scales weakly
keeled, remaining gulars smooth to slightly
conical; male dewlap large, extending past
axilla onto chest; male dewlap with 78 (7.3
6 0.49) horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale
rows, about 7.5 mean number of scales per
row (n 5 7); 2 (modal number) anterior
marginal pairs in adult male dewlap; female
dewlap scarcely indicated; nuchal crest
usually present in adult males; dorsal ridge


absent; about 711 middorsal scale rows

distinctly and abruptly enlarged, distinctly
keeled, dorsal scales lateral to abruptly
enlarged middorsal series grading into
granular lateral scales; about 23 vertebral
rows slightly smaller than adjacent enlarged
middorsal scale rows; enlarged scales scattered among granular laterals; 3047 (40.7
6 5.4) dorsal scales along vertebral midline
between levels of axilla and groin in males,
3449 (41.7 6 4.2) in females; 2229 (24.9
6 2.3) dorsal scales along vertebral midline
contained in 1 head length in males, 1829
(22.8 6 2.9) in females; ventral scales on
midsection smaller than largest dorsal
scales; midventral body scales smooth to
weakly keeled, imbricate; 3451 (43.2 6
5.1) ventral scales along midventral line
between levels of axilla and groin in males,
3950 (44.8 6 3.4) in females; 2431 (27.8
6 1.8) ventral scales contained in 1 head
length in males, 2230 (25.1 6 2.1) in
females; 80102 (89.9 6 6.7) scales around
midbody in males, 8098 (91.5 6 5.1) in
females; tubelike axillary pocket absent;
precloacal scales not keeled; enlarged postcloacal scales present in males; tail nearly
rounded or oval, TH/TW 1.081.36 in 22;
basal subcaudal scales weakly to distinctly
keeled; lateral caudal scales distinctly
keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct
division in segments discernable; dorsal
medial caudal scale row not enlarged,
distinctly keeled, not forming crest; scales
on anterior surface of antebrachium unicarinate; 2025 (22.4 6 1.3) subdigital
lamellae on Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of
hind limbs; 58 (6.4 6 1.1) subdigital scales
on Phalanx I of Toe IV of hind limbs; SVL
37.945.7 (41.6 6 2.7) mm in males, 40.0
48.8 (43.0 6 2.7) mm in females; TAL/SVL
2.202.47 in seven males, 1.332.49 in 11
females; HL/SVL 0.270.29 in males, 0.25
0.28 in females; SHL/SVL 0.220.25 in
males, 0.220.26 in females; SHL/HL
0.790.93 in males, 0.840.97 in females;
longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
reaching between anterior to ear opening
and midlength of eye.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Color in life of the male holotype (KU

219924) was described by McCranie et al.
(1992: 209, 211): dorsum dirty yellowishtan laterally, gray-brown medially with
indistinct brown chevrons; venter pale
yellow; dewlap Chrome Orange (color 16)
with pale yellow and dirty yellow scales.
Two adult male paratypes (KU 219926,
219928) were similar to the holotype
except that KU 219928 was recorded as
having some suffusion of rust and rusty gray
colors dorsally and KU 219926 had a pale,
olive-brown interorbital bar (McCranie et
al., 1992: 213). Another adult male paratype
(KU 219930) had the dorsum heavily
suffused with rust color (McCranie et al.,
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head
and body brown to dark brown, lateral
surface of body brown; some males and
most females have a dark brown middorsal
stripe, dark stripe, when present, bordered
below by irregular pale brown area; indistinct dark brown middorsal chevrons present in some males; two females (KU 219939,
219949) have broad cream middorsal stripes
that are outlined by a thin dark brown stripe
on each side; lateral surface of head brown,
except most supralabials and suboculars
usually cream, forming a pale labial stripe;
dorsal surfaces of limbs brown with indistinct
darker brown crossbars; dorsal surface of tail
brown, frequently with dark brown stripe
anteriorly (a continuation of middorsal
stripe), otherwise without distinct markings;
ventral surfaces of head and body cream,
lightly flecked with brown; subcaudal surface
cream proximally, lightly flecked with brown
proximally, remainder of subcaudal surface
becoming more heavily flecked, until distal
two-thirds brown.
Hemipenis: the partially everted hemipenis of SMF 77748 is a small, bilobed organ;
apex calyculate; asulcate processus present.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops amplisquamosus is distinguished from all other
Honduran Norops, except N. heteropholidotus, N. muralla, and N. sminthus, by the
combination of distinctly and abruptly
enlarged middorsal scale rows, heteroge-

neous lateral scales, smooth to weakly

keeled and imbricate ventral scales, and a
pair of greatly enlarged postcloacal scales in
males. Norops amplisquamosus differs from
N. heteropholidotus, N. muralla, and N.
sminthus by having an orange-yellow dewlap in males (male dewlap red).
Illustrations (Figs. 3, 4, 9294). McCranie
et al., 1992 (head scales, body scales); Kohler,
2000 (head and dewlap), 2003 (adult, head
and dewlap), 2008 (adult, head and dewlap),
2014 (dorsal and ventral scales; as Anolis);
Townsend and Wilson, 2006 (adult; as
Anolis), 2008 (adult, dewlap; as Anolis).
Remarks. Norops amplisquamosus, along
with N. crassulus, N. heteropholidotus, N.
morazani, N. muralla, N. rubribarbaris, and
N. sminthus, make up the Honduran
segment of the N. crassulus species subgroup of the Nicholson et al. (2012) N.
auratus species group. We define this
subgroup as having heterogeneous lateral
body scales, at least six distinctly enlarged
middorsal scale rows, and the male dewlap
some shade of orange or red in life (also see
Remarks in N. crassulus account). Norops
amplisquamosus tissues were not included
in the phylogenetic analyses of Nicholson
et al. (2012).
Kohler and Obermeier (1998) and Kohler
et al. (1999) included N. laeviventris and N.
nebulosus in the N. crassulus group. However, phylogenetic analyses based on molecular data by Nicholson (2002) and
Nicholson et al. (2005, 2012) do not
demonstrate a close relationship between
N. laeviventrisN. intermedius (the latter
considered a synonym of N. laeviventris by
Kohler [see McCranie et al., 2000]) and two
N. crassulus sequenced by her (one reported as N. sminthus). The phylogenetic
analyses based on morphology in Poe
(2004) also did not recover a close relationship between N. laeviventrisN. intermedius
and N. crassulusN. sminthus.
Natural History Comments. Norops amplisquamosus is known from 1,530 to
1,990 m elevation in the Lower Montane
Wet Forest formation. McCranie et al.
(1992: 214) noted, Specimens were



Figure 3. Norops amplisquamosus head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 77750, adult male from Sendero El Danto,
Cortes. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 4. Norops amplisquamosus. (A) Adult female (USNM 549356); (B) adult male dewlap (USNM 549357), both from El
Cusuco, Cortes. Photographs by James R. McCranie.

collected while active on the ground or on

tree stumps during the day. At night,
specimens were found sleeping with the
head up on fern leaves or leaves of other
vegetation, up to 2 m above the ground.
Subsequently to writing the above, a few
active individuals were also seen on trunks
of tree ferns and low on the trunks of
broadleaf trees. This species was found
during April, May, July, August, and November and is probably active throughout
the year during suitable weather. Trips to
the area by McCranie during 2003 and 2005
did not result in finding the species along
the old road leading from the visitors center
of Parque Nacional Cusuco to the private
farm located above the visitors center,
where it was abundant during the 1980s
and 1990s. Townsend et al. (2006) also
suggested that populations of this species

have severely declined in the vicinity of its

type locality. Nothing has been reported on
diet or reproduction in N. amplisquamosus.
Etymology. The name amplisquamosus is
formed from the Latin amplus (large),
squama (scale), and -osus (full of or
augmented by) and alludes to the distinctive
large dorsal scales of this species.
Specimens Examined (44 [0]; Map 2).
CORTES: Bosque Enano, UF 149641;
Cantiles Camp, UF 149642; Cerro Jilinco,
UF 14964344; El Cusuco, KU 21992449,
SMF 79173, UF 14964546, USNM
54935658, 57874142; Quebrada de Cantiles, UF 14964748; Sendero El Danto,
SMF 7774750.
Norops beckeri (Boulenger)
Anolis beckeri Boulenger, 1882: 921 (syntypes: IRSNB 2010 [12] [Kohler, 2010:


Map 2.


Localities for Norops amplisquamosus. The solid symbol denotes specimens examined.

9]; type locality: Yucatan); Townsend

et al., 2012: 100.
Anolis pentaprion: Meyer, 1969: 228; Myers,
1971b: 37; Meyer and Wilson, 1973: 19;
OShea, 1986: 36, 1989: 16; Poe, 2004:
63; Townsend and Wilson, 2010b: 697.
Norops beckeri: Campbell, 1998: 132.
Norops pentaprion: Espinal et al., 2001:
106; Wilson et al., 2001: 136; McCranie
et al., 2006: 124; Wilson and Townsend,
2006: 105.

Geographic Distribution. Norops beckeri

occurs at low and moderate elevations on
the Atlantic versant from Tabasco and
southern Quintana Roo, Mexico, to northern Nicaragua. In Honduras, it occurs
across the northern portion of the country.
Description. The following is based on
five males (CM 64619; UMMZ 58394;
USNM 242056, 344805, 580300) and seven
females (MCZ R-38835; SMF 91288; UF
15662829; UMMZ 58392; USNM 570085,
578759). Norops beckeri is a medium-sized
anole (SVL 61 mm in largest Honduran

male examined [USNM 344805], 68 mm in

largest Honduran female [UF 156629]
examined); dorsal head scales rugose in
internasal, prefrontal, and frontal areas,
rugose to smooth in parietal area; shallow
frontal and parietal depressions present; 5
11 (6.3 6 1.6) postrostrals; anterior nasal
divided, lower scale contacting rostral and
first supralabial; 49 (6.1 6 1.4) internasals;
canthal ridge sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles ridged, especially anterior ones, largest scale in semicircles larger than largest supraocular scale;
supraorbital semicircles well defined; supraorbital semicircles usually broadly contacting
each other medially (rarely separated by 1
scale); 14 (2.1 6 0.9) scales separating
supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at
narrowest point; interparietal well defined,
irregular in outline, longer than wide, larger
than ear opening; 23 rows of about 36
(total number) enlarged, smooth to weakly
keeled supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars completely separated from supraorbital semicircles; 3 short superciliaries, pos-


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

teriormost shortest; 24 enlarged canthals;

614 (8.8 6 2.1) scales between second
canthals; 612 (8.3 6 1.9) scales between
posterior canthals; loreal region slightly
concave, 2066 (30.9 6 13.0) mostly smooth
or rugose (some keeled) loreal scales in
maximum of 310 (4.8 6 2.0) horizontal
rows; 710 (8.4 6 0.9) supralabials and 711
(8.6 6 1.1) infralabials to level below center
of eye; suboculars smooth to rugose, in broad
contact with supralabials; ear opening vertically oval; scales anterior to ear opening
slightly larger than those posterior to ear
opening; 57 (6.0 6 0.4) postmentals, outer
pair largest; gular scales not keeled; male
dewlap moderately large, extending to beyond level of axilla onto chest; male dewlap
with 6 horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale rows,
about 69 (n 5 2) scales per row; 3 (modal
number) anterior marginal pairs in male
dewlap; female dewlap well developed,
extending to level of axilla; female dewlap
with 46 horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale
rows, with about 914 scales per row (n 5
2); 34 (modal number) anterior marginal
pairs in female dewlap; low nuchal crest
present, but dorsal ridge absent; about 2
middorsal scale rows slightly enlarged, mostly smooth, dorsal scales lateral to middorsal
series grading into granular lateral scales; no
enlarged scales among laterals; 84101 (93.8
6 7.1) dorsal scales along vertebral midline
between levels of axilla and groin in four
males, 90125 (103.5 6 12.6) in six females;
5680 (68.0 6 10.3) dorsal scales along
vertebral midline contained in 1 head length
in males, 4870 (58.3 6 7.2) in females;
ventral scales on midsection slightly larger
than largest dorsal scales; ventral body scales
smooth, obliquely conical, juxtaposed; 7094
(83.5 6 10.1) ventral scales along midventral
line between levels of axilla and groin in four
males, 6592 (75.5 6 11.3) in six females; 51
69 (56.2 6 7.4) ventral scales contained in 1
head length in males, 3358 (44.7 6 8.8) in
females; 144178 (158.0 6 12.9) scales
around midbody in males, 146170 (154.9
6 7.8) in females; tubelike axillary pocket
absent; precloacal scales not keeled; enlarged
postcloacal scales absent; tail nearly rounded

to slightly oval; TH/TW 0.861.50; basal

subcaudal scales smooth to faintly keeled;
lateral caudal scales keeled, homogeneous,
although indistinct division in segments
discernable; 4 supracaudals present per
caudal segment; dorsal medial caudal scale
row enlarged, keeled, not forming crest; 2
median subcaudal scale rows distinctly enlarged, keeled; most scales on anterior
surface of antebrachium smooth; 1832
(26.5 6 4.9) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges
IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs, those proximal
ones only slightly widened; 719 (10.1 6 4.7)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 34.960.6 (49.8 6 9.5) mm
in males, 50.368.4 (58.5 6 7.7) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.411.57 in three males,
0.872.47 in females; HL/SVL 0.250.29 in
males, 0.160.27 in females; SHL/SVL 0.17
0.21 in males, 0.160.19 in females; SHL/HL
0.610.82 in males, 0.631.04 in females;
longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
reaching past shoulder region.
Color in life of an adult female (USNM
570085): dorsum mottled Clay Color (26)
and Brownish Olive (29) with series of
Opaline Green (162D) blotches coursing
down middorsum and crossing body transversely; limbs mottled Clay Color and
Brownish Olive; tail mottled Olive-Gray
(42) and Brownish Olive with series of
Olive-Brown (28) crossbands; head Brownish Olive with Turquoise Blue (65) spots;
venter Spectrum Yellow (55) with brown
mottling; chin mottled Brownish Olive and
Turquoise Blue; dewlap Carmine (8) with
pale blue scales; iris rust red.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surface of head
brown with paler brown mottling; dorsal
surface of body brown with pale brown
lichenlike pattern, pattern especially prominent laterally; dorsal surfaces of limbs
brown with pale brown lichenlike pattern;
dorsal surface of tail brown with pale brown
crossbands; ventral surface of head white
with brown mottling; ventral surface of body
white with brown mottling and lateral lines;
subcaudal surface white with brown mottling proximally, brown with dark brown


crossbands distally; throat lining grayish

Hemipenis: unknown.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops beckeri
is distinguished from all other Honduran
Norops, except N. utilensis, by having the
proximal subdigital scales of the hind toes
differentiated only as slightly broadened
lamellae, relatively short hind legs (longest
toe of adpressed hind limb usually reaching
only past shoulder region), and smooth,
obliquely conical, and juxtaposed ventral
scales. Norops utilensis has five supracaudal
scales per caudal segment (four supracaudals in N. beckeri).
Illustrations (Figs. 5, 6, 110). Lee, 1996
(head scales, caudal scales; as Anolis pentaprion), 2000 (head scales, caudal scales; as
N. pentaprion); Stafford and Meyer, 1999
(adult; as N. pentaprion); McCranie et al.,
2006 (adult; as N. pentaprion).
Remarks. Norops beckeri is in the N.
pentaprion species subgroup (Kohler, 2010)
of the N. auratus species group of Nicholson
et al. (2012). Myers (1971b) and Williams
(1976b) had recognized a N. pentaprion
species group that included N. beckeri as a
synonym of N. pentaprion (Cope). The only
other Honduran species in this subgroup is
N. utilensis (see Remarks for N. utilensis).
This subgroup is characterized by having
granular or only slightly widened proximal
subdigital scales on the fourth digit of the
hind limbs, relatively short hind limbs, a
well-developed female dewlap, and granular
or conical and nonoverlapping ventral
scales. Norops beckeri tissues were not
included in the Nicholson et al. (2012)
study, but the seemingly closely related N.
utilensis and N. pentaprion were included
but, surprisingly, without recovering a close
relationship between those two species.
Kohler (2010) recently provided evidence
that what has traditionally been considered
Norops pentaprion actually represents a
complex of three species. Norops pentaprion is restricted to the Caribbean lowlands of southern Nicaragua to northwestern Colombia (also on Pacific versant in
central and eastern Panama), N. beckeri was


revalidated for the northern populations

formerly referred to N. pentaprion, and N.
charlesmeyeri was described as a new
species for the western Costa Rican (mostly
Pacific versant) and northwestern Panamanian populations.
Natural History Comments. Norops beckeri is known from near sea level to about
1,400 m elevation in the Lowland Moist
Forest and Premontane Wet Forest formations and peripherally in the Lowland Dry
Forest. This species probably occurs in gallery
forest in the Lowland Dry Forest formation.
One specimen of this highly arboreal and
cryptic species was sleeping at night on
vegetation about 2 m above the ground, and
another was active on the trunk of an isolated
tree about 3 m above the ground in a pasture,
both during July. The two Los Pinos, Cortes,
specimens were collected during April, and
one of the USNM specimens from Atlantida
was collected during August. Townsend et al.
(2012) reported finding a specimen sleeping
on a fence post at night (month of collection
not given). The lichenlike color pattern of this
anole probably helps keep it camouflaged to
human observers. Villarreal Bentez (1997)
reported that individuals from Veracruz,
Mexico, are found in shady situations 35 m
above the ground in savannas, mangrove
forest, and evergreen forest. Perez-Higareda
et al. (1997) reported arthropods, hatchling N.
beckeri, and fruit of an introduced shrub in
stomach contents of a population of this
species from Veracruz, Mexico. Norops beckeri apparently is most reproductively active
during the rainy season (Lee, 1996, and
references cited therein).
Etymology. The name beckeri is a
patronym honoring the Belgian arachnologist Leon Becker.
Specimens Examined (15 [5]; Map 3).
ATLANTIDA: Guaymas District, UMMZ
5839295; Jilamito Nuevo, USNM 578759;
N: Cerro
Lancetilla, MCZ R-38835. COLO
Calentura, CM 64619; Salama , USNM
242056. CORTES: Los Pinos, UF 156628
29. GRACIAS A DIOS: Cano Awalwas,
USNM 570085; Palacios, BMNH 1985.
1121. OLANCHO: Montana del Ecuador,


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 5. Norops beckeri head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 91288, adult female from San Jose de Colinas, Santa
Barbara. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.



Figure 6. Norops beckeri. (A) Adult female (USNM 570085) from Cano Awalwas, Gracias a Dios; (B) adult male dewlap (museum
number not available) from S of Las Choapas, Veracruz, Mexico. Photographs by James R. McCranie (A) and Steven Poe (B).


Jose de Colinas, SMF 91288. YORO: Los
Guares, USNM 580300.
Norops bicaorum Kohler
Anolis lemurinus: Meyer and Wilson, 1973:
17 (in part); Wilson and Hahn, 1973: 110
(in part).

Norops lemurinus: Wilson and Cruz Daz,

1993: 17 (in part); Wilson et al., 2001:
136 (in part).
Norops bicaorum Kohler, 1996b: 21 (in part)
(holotype, SMF 77100; type locality:
Honduras, Islas de la Bahia, Isla de
Utila, on the trail to Rock Harbour, about
3 km north of the town of Utila


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 3. Localities for Norops beckeri. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

[16u6.349N; 86u53.949W]), 1998a: 47,

1998b: 374, 1999a: 49 (in part), 2000:
68, 2003: 96, 2008: 103; Monzel, 1998:
159 (in part), 2001: 25; Tiedemann and
Grillitsch, 1999: 153; Lundberg, 2000: 3;
Kohler and McCranie, 2001: 244; Kohler
et al., 2001: 254; van Beest and Hartman, 2003: 3; Powell, 2003: 37; Wilson
and McCranie, 2003: 59; McCranie et al.,
2005: 102; Wilson and Townsend, 2006:
105; Klutsch et al., 2007: 1125 (in part);
Diener, 2008: 12; Kramer, 2010: 7;
Nicholson et al., 2012: 12; McCranie
and Valdes Orellana, 2014: 45.
Anolis bicaorum: Nicholson et al., 2005:
933; Kohler et al., 2007: 390; Pyron et al.,
2013: fig. 19.

Geographic Distribution. Norops bicaorum is known to occur only at low

elevations on the eastern portion of Isla de
Utila, Islas de la Baha, Honduras.
Description. The following is based on
10 males (LSUMZ 22307; SMF 7710001,
77107, 77560, 77984, 79993, 79995, 81127;

USNM 565426) and 10 females (FMNH

283602, SMF 77104, 77559, 78362, 79260,
79992, 79994, 8080506; USNM 565427).
Norops bicaorum is a moderately large
anole (SVL 73 mm in largest male [USNM
565426] and 86 mm in largest female [SMF
77559]); dorsal head scales keeled in
internasal region, smooth or tuberculate in
prefrontal, frontal, and parietal areas; weak
to moderate frontal and parietal depressions
present; 59 (7.2 6 1.3) postrostrals;
anterior nasal divided, lower section contacting rostral and first supralabial; 610
(8.0 6 1.4) internasals; canthal ridge sharply
defined; scales comprising supraorbital
semicircles keeled, largest scale in semicircles about same size as, or larger than,
largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles well defined; 12 (1.4 6 0.5) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 25 (3.3 6 0.8) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal
well defined, greatly enlarged relative to
adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of


moderate size, longer than wide, usually

slightly smaller than ear opening; 23 rows
of about 58 (total number) enlarged,
keeled supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars completely separated from supraorbital semicircles by 12 rows of small scales;
2 elongate, overlapping superciliaries, posterior much shorter than anterior; 36 (4.2
6 1.2) enlarged canthals; 818 (11.3 6 2.9)
scales between second canthals; 815 (11.0
6 1.9) scales between posterior canthals;
loreal region slightly concave, 4279 (54.9 6
10.1) mostly strongly keeled (some smooth
or rugose) loreal scales in maximum of 69
(7.5 6 0.8) horizontal rows; 68 (7.3 6 0.7)
supralabials and 69 (7.5 6 0.8) infralabials
to level below center of eye; suboculars
strongly keeled, usually separated from
supralabials by 1 row of scales; ear opening
vertically oval; scales anterior to ear opening
granular, similar in size to those posterior to
ear opening; 68 (6.1 6 0.5) postmentals,
outer pair largest; keeled granular scales
present on chin and throat; male dewlap
large, extending to beyond level of chest;
male dewlap with 711 horizontal gorgetalsternal scale rows, about 911 scales per
row (n 5 6); 23 (modal number) anterior
marginal scales in male dewlap; female
dewlap small or absent; nuchal crest and
dorsal ridge present in males; about 2
middorsal scale rows slightly enlarged,
strongly keeled, dorsal scales grading into
smaller granular lateral scales; no enlarged
scales scattered among laterals; 6493 (80.0
6 11.2) dorsal scales along vertebral midline between levels of axilla and groin in
males, 72110 (92.2 6 11.1) in females; 36
66 (45.3 6 8.8) dorsal scales along vertebral
midline contained in 1 head length in males,
3864 (46.0 6 7.2) in females; ventral scales
on midsection much larger than largest
dorsal scales; ventral body scales keeled,
mucronate, imbricate; 4460 (54.8 6 6.1)
ventral scales along midventral line between
levels of axilla and groin in males, 4459
(50.7 6 5.1) in females; 2842 (36.1 6 5.4)
ventral scales contained in 1 head length in
males, 2336 (28.8 6 3.8) in females; 136
172 (149.6 6 10.1) scales around midbody


in males, 115172 (150.3 6 15.4) in females;

tubelike axillary pocket absent, although a
shallow, scaled axillary pocket present;
precloacal scales weakly to strongly keeled;
no enlarged postcloacal scales in males; tail
slightly compressed, TH/TW 1.171.50; all
subcaudal scales keeled; lateral caudal
scales keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct division in segments discernable;
dorsal medial caudal scale row enlarged,
keeled, not forming crest; scales on anterior
surface of antebrachium distinctly keeled,
unicarinate; 2331 (27.9 6 2.0) subdigital
lamellae on Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of
hind limbs; 710 (8.5 6 1.1) subdigital
scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of hind limbs;
SVL 47.073.0 (64.4 6 7.7) mm in males,
61.886.0 (66.2 6 7.1) mm in females; TAL/
SVL 1.662.27 in six males, 1.252.26 in
eight females; HL/SVL 0.220.27 in males,
0.210.25 in females; SHL/SVL 0.280.31 in
males, 0.230.31 in females; SHL/HL 1.11
1.31 in males, 1.061.46 in females; longest
toe of adpressed hind limb usually reaching
between posterior and anterior borders of
Color in life of an adult male (SMF
79364): dorsal surfaces of body and limbs
Clay Color (26) with Olive Brown (28) to
Sepia (119) blotches; dewlap Flame Scarlet
(15) with suffusion of black pigment centrally and white gorgetals. Color in life of
another adult male (USNM Herp Image
2722, specimen lost): dorsal surfaces of
body Smoke Gray (44) with dorsal crossbars
that are Dark Grayish Brown (20) centrally
and darker gray than ground color on outer
edges; dorsum of head Smoke Gray with
Dark Grayish Brown crossbars and markings and lines radiating outward from eyes;
lateral body stripe dark brown, but paler
than Smoke Gray ground color; dorsal
surfaces of limbs Smoke Gray with Dark
Grayish Brown crossbands; dewlap Brick
Red (132A).
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head,
body, and tail some shade of brown with a
variety of possible dorsal markings (e.g.,
broad dark brown transverse bands, diamonds, pale vertebral stripe) or patternless;


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

dorsal surfaces of hind limbs with oblique

dark crossbands; tail with faint to distinct
dark brown crossbands; distinct dark brown
lines radiate outward from eye; distinct dark
brown interorbital bar present; dark brown
lyriform nuchal mark frequently present.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 81127 is a medium-sized,
bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered
by well-developed sulcal lips, bifurcating at
base of apex; branches opening into broad
concave area distal to point of bifurcation on
each lobe; low asulcate ridge present; lobes
strongly calyculate; truncus with transverse
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops bicaorum is distinguished from all other
Honduran Norops, except N. lemurinus
and N. roatanensis, by the combination of
a dark brown lyriform mark in the nuchal
region (usually present, obscure or absent in
some specimens), long hind legs (longest toe
of adpressed hind limb usually reaching
between posterior and anterior borders of
eye), keeled, mucronate, imbricate ventral
scales, about two dorsal scale rows slightly
enlarged, a shallow and scaled axillary
pocket, and no enlarged postcloacals in
males. Norops bicaorum differs from N.
lemurinus by having an orange-red male
dewlap in life with suffusion of black
pigment centrally and white gorgetal scales,
the sulcal branches of the hemipenis
opening into broad concave area distal to
point of bifurcation on each lobe, and a low
asulcate ridge present (male dewlap red to
red-orange in life, without suffusion of black
pigment, often with black or dark brown
edged gorgetal scales, sulcal branches continuing to tips of lobes, and asulcate ridge
absent in N. lemurinus). Norops bicaorum
is most similar to N. roatanensis from which
it differs by male dewlap coloration (orangered in N. bicaorum versus pink-red in N.
roatanensis), body size (males average about
64 mm SVL, females about 66 mm SVL in
N. bicaorum versus males average about
56 mm SVL, females about 58 mm in N.
roatanensis), and having sulcal branches

opening into broad concave area and low

asulcate processus present (sulcate branches continuing to tip of each lobe and
asulcate processus absent in N. roatanensis).
Illustrations (Figs. 7, 8, 116). Kohler,
1996b (adult, head scales), 1998a (adult),
2000 (adult, head and dewlap), 2003 (adult,
head and dewlap), 2008 (adult, head and
dewlap); Kohler and McCranie, 2001 (head
and dewlap); Monzel, 2001 (adult, head and
dewlap); van Beest and Hartman, 2003
(adult, juvenile); Powell, 2003 (adult; as
Anolis); McCranie et al., 2005 (adult,
dewlap, chin scales); Diener, 2008 (adult,
dewlap); Kramer, 2010 (adult, juvenile,
male dewlap; as Anolis); Hallmen, 2011
(head and dewlap; as Anolis).
Remarks. Norops bicaorum is a member
of the N. lemurinus species subgroup
(Kohler, 1996b, Kohler and McCranie,
2001; also see Remarks for N. lemurinus)
of the N. auratus species group of Nicholson
et al. (2012). The other Honduran species in
this subgroup are N. lemurinus and N.
roatanensis. Members of this subgroup are
characterized by having distinct dark lines
radiating outward from the eye, a red male
dewlap in life, strongly keeled midventral
scales, a shallow and scaled axillary pocket
present, and usually having a distinct darkcolored lyriform nuchal mark. The recovered phylogenetic analyses in Nicholson et
al. (2005, 2012) showed N. bicaorum and N.
lemurinus to be sister to a clade containing
N. limifrons and N. zeus.
Natural History Comments. Norops bicaorum is known from near sea level to 20 m
elevation in the Lowland Moist Forest
formation. The type series was collected in
the months of March, April, August, and
September. Numerous other individuals
were active on overcast and sunny days
during October and September. Active
individuals are usually on tree trunks about
0.5 to 3 m above the ground, but it was also
seen on large limestone rocks or on the
ground in forested areas. Specimens on the
ground when first observed quickly run
to the nearest tree and climbed the trunk



Figure 7. Norops bicaorum head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 77101, adult male from trail to Rock Harbour, Isla de
Utila, Islas de la Baha. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Lara Czupalla.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 8. Norops bicaorum (not collected). (A) Adult male; (B) adult male dewlap, both from trail N of Utila Town, Isla de Utila,
Islas de la Baha. Photographs by James R. McCranie.

when pursued. It also sleeps on low

vegetation at night. This species was extremely abundant in forested areas during
the 1980s, and remains common in those
areas, but seemingly at lower levels than
before. A successful captive breeding of
wild caught individuals was reported by van
Beest and Hartman (2003). Those captives
were capable of reproduction year round
with females burying a single egg in the
terrarium substrate about every 15 days.
Captives were fed meadow plankton and

home bred insects (van Beest and Hartman, 2003: 9).

Etymology. The name bicaorum is derived from BICA (the initials of the Bay
Islands Conservation Association) and the
Latin suffix -orum (belonging to).
Specimens Examined (47 [12]; Map 4).
ISLAS DE LA BAHIA: Isla de Utila, Jakes
Bight, SMF 77559, 77984; Isla de Utila,
Jerico, USNM 565426; Isla de Utila, trail to
Rock Harbor, NMW 35502 (2), SMF
7710002, 7710405, 77107, 7755960,


Map 4.


Localities for Norops bicaorum. The solid symbol denotes specimens examined.

77562, 78362, 79260, UNAH (4 unnumbered), ZFMK 6355354; Isla de Utila, trail
to Rock Harbour 12 km N of Utila town,
SMF 7999195, 8080507, 81127, 82553,
83020; Isla de Utila, 2 km N of Utila,
USNM 565427; Isla de Utila, Utila, LSUMZ
22272, 22295, 2230508, UF 28396, 28404
05, 2844143; Isla de Utila, near Utila,
FMNH 283602.
Other Records. ISLAS DE LA BAHIA:
Isla de Utila, trail N of Utila (USNM Herp
Image 2722, but specimen lost by AFE
COHDEFOR employee).
Norops biporcatus (Wiegmann)
Dactyloa biporcata Wiegmann, 1834: 47
(neotype, MNHN 2426 [see Kohler and
Bauer, 2001: 124; Anonymous, 2002:
230, and Remarks]; type locality: Santa
Rosa de Pansos [Guatemala] by neotype selection).
Anolis biporcatus: Werner, 1896: 346;
Meyer, 1969: 213; Meyer and Wilson,
1973: 15; Lieb, 1981: 295; OShea, 1986:
36, 1989: 16; Franklin and Franklin,

1999a: 109; Poe, 2004: 62; Wilson and

Townsend, 2007: 145; Gutsche, 2012: 69.
Anolis copei: Dunn and Emlen, 1932: 27 (in
Anolis lemurinus: Meyer and Wilson, 1973:
15 (in part).
Norops biporcatus: Savage, 1973: 11;
Espinal et al., 2001: 106; Wilson et al.,
2001: 135; Castaneda, 2002: 41; McCranie et al., 2002a: 25, 2006: 118; Kohler
and Vesely, 2003: 231; McCranie, 2005:
20; McCranie and Castaneda, 2005: 14;
Castaneda and Marineros, 2006: 38;
Wilson and Townsend, 2006: 105;
McCranie and Sols, 2013: 242.
Anolis (Norops) biporcatus: McCranie,
2007a: 177.

Geographic Distribution. Norops biporcatus occurs at low and moderate elevations

on the Atlantic versant from southern
Veracruz, Mexico, to western Venezuela
and on the Pacific versant from northwestern Costa Rica to northwestern Ecuador,
including Isla Gorgona, Colombia. The


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

species also occurs marginally on the Pacific

versant in western Nicaragua (e.g., on
Volcan Mombacho). In Honduras, this
species occurs throughout much of the
northern half of the country, with some
isolated populations in the central and
south-central portions of the country.
Description. The following is based on 11
males (SMF 79208, 80896, 86995, 86998
99; USNM 563099100, 56310809,
563111, 563118) and 17 females (AMNH
46981; SMF 7914647, 79207, 8089597;
USNM 56310102, 563107, 56311215,
563117, 56311920). Norops biporcatus is
a large anole (SVL 95 mm in largest
Honduran male [SMF 86998] examined,
100 mm in largest Honduran female [SMF
79146] examined; maximum reported SVL
105 mm [Henderson, 1972]); dorsal head
scales strongly keeled in internasal and
prefrontal regions, rugose in frontal and
parietal areas; deep frontal depression
present; parietal depression well developed;
59 (6.6 6 1.1) postrostrals; anterior nasal
divided, lower scale usually contacting first
supralabial, but separated from rostral; 510
(7.1 6 1.2) internasals; canthal ridge sharply
defined; scales comprising supraorbital
semicircles rugose, largest scale in semicircles larger than largest supraocular scale;
supraorbital semicircles well defined; 25
(2.8 6 0.7) scales separating supraorbital
semicircles at narrowest point; 26 (3.8 6
0.8) scales separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point;
interparietal well defined, irregular in outline, longer than wide, smaller than ear
opening; 23 rows of about 28 (total
number) slightly enlarged, usually keeled
supraocular scales; slightly enlarged supraoculars usually completely separated from
supraorbital semicircles by small supraoculars; 34 elongate superciliaries, posteriormost shortest; 25 (3.1 6 0.7) enlarged
canthals; 714 (9.2 6 1.8) scales between
second canthals; 814 (9.7 6 1.4) scales
between posterior canthals; loreal region
slightly concave, 4262 (51.8 6 5.7) rugose
to mostly smooth loreal scales in maximum
of 69 (7.5 6 0.8) horizontal rows; 913

(10.8 6 1.0) supralabials and 913 (10.9 6

1.0) infralabials to level below center of eye;
suboculars distinctly keeled, usually separated from supralabials by 1 row of scales
(occasionally 1 subocular in contact with
supralabials); ear opening vertically oval;
scales anterior to ear opening about same
size as, to slightly larger than, those
posterior to ear opening; 68 (6.3 6 0.7)
postmentals, outer pair largest; gular scales
keeled; male dewlap small, extending to
about level of axilla; male dewlap with
about 7 horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale
rows, with about 713 scales per row (n 5
3); 34 (modal number) anterior marginal
pairs in male dewlap; female dewlap absent
or rudimentary; low nuchal crest present in
males, low dorsal ridge present, especially in
males; about 14 middorsal scale rows
slightly enlarged, faintly keeled, dorsal
scales lateral to middorsal series grading
into granular lateral scales; no enlarged
scales among laterals; 5490 (74.5 6 14.5)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline between levels of axilla and groin in males, 55
90 (77.1 6 9.9) in females; 3652 (45.5 6
4.8) dorsal scales along vertebral midline
contained in 1 head length in males, 3851
(43.1 6 4.0) in females; ventral scales on
midsection much larger than largest dorsal
scales; ventral body scales strongly keeled,
some mucronate, some imbricate; 3454
(45.7 6 7.0) ventral scales along midventral
line between levels of axilla and groin in
males, 3556 (47.0 6 5.4) in females; 2734
(30.2 6 2.7) ventral scales contained in 1
head length in males, 2436 (29.3 6 3.1) in
females; 76120 (99.6 6 14.4) scales around
midbody in males, 84118 (103.4 6 10.1) in
females; tubelike axillary pocket absent;
precloacal scales rugose to faintly keeled;
enlarged postcloacal scales absent in males;
tail slightly to distinctly compressed, TH/
TW 1.131.65 in 25; basal subcaudal scales
keeled; lateral caudal scales keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct division in
segments discernable; dorsal medial caudal
scale row enlarged anteriorly, keeled, forming low crest; most scales on anterior surface
of antebrachium unicarinate; 3038 (34.0 6


2.2) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV

of Toe IV of hind limbs; 912 (10.4 6 1.0)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 52.095.0 (85.4 6 11.8)
mm in males, 83.0100.0 (92.0 6 4.3) mm
in females; TAL/SVL 1.772.41 in ten
males, 1.762.33 in 16 females; HL/SVL
0.250.30 in males, 0.240.29 in females;
SHL/SVL 0.220.27 in males, 0.200.25 in
females; SHL/HL 0.771.05 in males, 0.80
1.05 in females; longest toe of adpressed
hind limb usually reaching about ear
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
563109): dorsal surfaces Parrot Green (60);
ventral surface of head pale green; belly
cream with green and brown mottling;
dewlap bluish gray centrally with reddish
brown outer edge; dewlap pinkish gray
between bluish gray and reddish brown
areas; dewlap also pinkish gray basally; iris
copper with gold rim. Color in life of an
adult female (USNM 563102): dorsum
Lime Green (159) with dark brown-edged
Sky Blue (66) spots along dorsal midline of
body and on lateral portion of body; limbs
Lime Green above; venter white with pale
brown streaking and spotting; dorsal and
lateral portions of head Lime Green with
scattered dark brown streaking and spotting;
chin pale yellowish green; dewlap white
with pale brown streaking; iris CinnamonRufous (40).
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head
and body dark brown, with pale brown
mottling on lateral surface of body; dorsal
surfaces of limbs dark brown with pale
brown cross-reticulations; dorsal surface of
tail dark brown with indistinct pale brown
crossbars; ventral surface of head cream to
pale brown, with varying amounts of dark
brown reticulations, dark streaks in throat
region sometimes present; ventral surface of
body cream with varying amounts of darker
brown flecking, mottling, and/or reticulations; subcaudal surface brown with darker
brown crossbars.
Hemipenis: the almost completely everted hemipenis of SMF 79208 is a mediumsized, bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus


bordered by well-developed sulcal lips,

bifurcating at base of apex, branches
continuing to tips of lobes; no asulcate
processus; asulcate surface of apex strongly
calyculate; truncus with distinct transverse
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops biporcatus is distinguished from all other Honduran Norops, except N. petersii, by the
combination of its large size (males to 95 mm
SVL, females to 100 mm SVL), short hind
legs (longest toe of adpressed hind limb
usually reaching to about ear opening), and
913 supralabials to level below center of
eye. Norops biporcatus differs from N.
petersii by having the anterior dorsal head
scales strongly keeled (rugose or weakly
keeled in N. petersii), the midventral scales
strongly keeled and mucronate (only weakly
keeled with rounded or truncated posterior
margins in N. petersii), green coloration in
life (brown or olive in N. petersii), 3456
midventrals between levels of axilla and
groin (6886 in N. petersii), and 76120
scales around midbody (116133 in N.
petersii). Norops biporcatus differs from N.
loveridgei, another large anole, by having a
green coloration in life (some shade of
brown in N. loveridgei), usually fewer than
60 loreal scales (more than 60 in N. loveridgei), fewer than 130 scales around midbody (usually more than 130 in N. loveridgei), and by having shorter legs with the
longest toe of the adpressed hind limb
usually reaching about ear opening (usually
reaching between posterior and anterior
borders of eye in N. loveridgei).
Illustrations (Figs. 9, 10, 79, 90). Williams, 1966 (head; as Anolis b. biporcatus),
1970 (nasal-rostral and superciliary regions;
as Anolis b. biporcatus); Myers, 1971a
(adult; as Anolis); Alvarez del Toro, 1983
(adult; as Anolis); Stafford, 1991 (adult; as
Anolis); Flaschendrager and Wijffels, 1996
(adult; as A. b. biporcatus); Lee, 1996 (adult,
juvenile; as Anolis), 2000 (adult); Campbell,
1998 (adult); Stafford and Meyer, 1999
(adult); Kohler, 2000 (adult, ventral scales,
head and male dewlap), 2001b (ventral
scales, head and dewlap), 2003 (adult,


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 9. Norops biporcatus head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 79208, adult male from Pataste, Olancho. Scale bar
5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.



Figure 10. Norops biporcatus. (A) Adult male (USNM 563111) from San San Hil Kiamp, Gracias a Dios; (B) adult male dewlap
(FMNH 282555) from San Isidro, Copan. Photographs by James R. McCranie.

ventral scales, head and dewlap), 2008

(adult, ventral scales, head and dewlap),
2014 (ventral, caudal, postmental, postrostral, internasal, and supraocular scales,
prefrontal and parietal depressions, cloacal
region, tail tip, terminal phalanx on fourth
toe; as Anolis); McCranie et al., 2002a
(adult), 2006 (adult); Savage, 2002 (adult,
male dewlap); Kohler and Vesely, 2003
(head scales); Guyer and Donnelly, 2005
(adult); McCranie, 2007a (adult; as Anolis);

Calderon-Mandujano et al., 2008 (adult; as

Remarks. Kohler and Bauer (2001) discovered that the holotype (ZMB 524) of
Dactyloa biporcata is conspecific with N.
petersii (Bocourt). Kohler and Bauer (2001)
also noted that the holotype of A. copei
Bocourt (1873, In Dumeril et al., 1870
1909) is conspecific with the species of large
green anole occurring from southeastern
Mexico to northwestern South America that


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

has been consistently called Anolis (or

Norops) biporcatus since the mid 1940s.
To conserve this usage, Kohler and Bauer
(2001: 124) petitioned The International
Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
to use its plenary power to set aside all
previous type fixations for Dactyloa biporcata Wiegmann, 1834, and to designate the
holotype of Anolis copei Bocourt, 1873
(MNHN 2426), as the neotype of Dactyloa
biporcata Wiegmann. The International
Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
(Anonymous, 2002) ruled in favor of this
Norops biporcatus is usually placed in the
N. biporcatus species group (Nicholson,
2002; one exception is that Williams,
1976b placed it in a N. petersi [sic] species
group). Other Honduran species sometimes placed in that group are N. capito,
N. loveridgei, and N. petersii. However,
phylogenetic analyses based on molecular
data, including that of N. capito, N.
biporcatus, and N. loveridgei (N. petersii
not included) do not support this group of
species as forming a monophyletic lineage
(Nicholson, 2002; Nicholson et al. 2005,
2012; also see Poe, 2004, for a mostly
morphological analysis). Norops biporcatus
appears to be morphologically most similar
to N. petersii. Poe et al. (2009) did recover a
sister group relationship for N. biporcatus
and N. petersii. Therefore, we include N.
biporcatus and N. petersii in a N. biporcatus
species subgroup within the N. auratus
species group of Nicholson et al. (2012).
Those two species share a large size,
relatively short hind limbs, and numerous
Franklin and Franklin (1999a) reported
N. biporcatus as a new record for the
department of Gracias a Dios. However,
OShea (1989) had earlier reported this
species from that department.
Natural History Comments. Norops biporcatus is known from near sea level to
1050 m elevation in the Lowland Moist
Forest and Premontane Wet Forest formations and peripherally in the Premontane
Moist Forest formation. This species is

active on tree trunks and limbs from near

the ground to the canopy level. It sleeps at
night on small tree branches and leaves of
vegetation overhanging streams and rivers.
Norops biporcatus has been found from
January to November, thus it is active
throughout the year, but seems to be more
visible during rainy weather. Specimens
occasionally emit a squeak or squeaks when
first captured. This species appears to have
excellent vision as it is sometimes seen from
a distance moving to the opposite side of a
tree trunk in an effort to avoid detection.
Individuals of N. biporcatus are deliberate
in their movements and are easily captured
when in reach of the collector. McCoy
(1975; Guatemala) documented that females lay one egg per clutch, with multiple
clutches per year. Villarreal Bentez (1997)
reported reproduction occurred during the
dry season in Veracruz, Mexico. Savage
(2002 and references cited therein) documented that Costa Rican individuals feed on
a wide variety of arthropods, with juveniles
feeding mostly on beetles and adults largely
on ants; there are also records of smaller
anoles in their diet. Villarreal Bentez (1997)
reported that a population in Veracruz,
Mexico, feeds on various invertebrates such
as arachnids and coleopterans and that
some stomachs contained small fruits.
Etymology. The name biporcatus is
formed from the Latin bi- (two, twice),
porca (ridge), and -atus (provided with,
having the nature of, pertaining to). Combined, the name means having two ridges,
probably referring to Rostri porcis duabus
(Wiegmann, 1834: 47) meaning snout with
two ridges, possibly in reference to the
canthal ridges extending onto the snout in
the type series.
Specimens Examined (67 [6] + 3 skeletons, 3 eggs; Map 5). ATLANTIDA: mountains S of Corozal, LSUMZ 2136768;
Estacion Forestal CURLA, USNM 563099
100; Lancetilla, AMNH 46981, MCZ R N: Queb32207, 34387, SMF 79207. COLO
rada Machn, USNM 563101; Ro Guaraska,
BMNH 1985.1100; Ro Paulaya, BMNH
1985.1101; 5 km SW of Trujillo, LACM


Map 5.


Localities for Norops biporcatus. Solid symbols denote specimens examined and the open symbol an accepted record.

47290. COPAN: Copan, FMNH 28534;

Laguna del Cerro, SMF 79147; Ro Amarillo,
SMF 86999, 91733; San Isidro, FMNH 282555.
CORTES: Los Pinos, USNM 573122; Quebrada Agua Buena, SMF 79146; W of San
Pedro Sula, LACM 135072, MCZ R-32205;
Santa Teresa, SMF 91246. EL PARAISO:
Las Manos, UTA R-41246. FRANCISCO
MORAZAN: El Chile, SMF 8089596.
GRACIAS A DIOS: Bodega de Ro Tapalwas, SMF 86997, UF 144614, USNM
56311214; Cano Awalwas, USNM 563102;
Cerro Wampu, USNM 563118; Hiltara
Kiamp, USNM 563103; Kasunta, SMF
86995; Kipla Tingni Kiamp, USNM 563104;
Krahkra, USNM 563105; about 15 km S of
Mocoron, UTA R-52145; Palacios, BMNH
1985.1102; Raudal Kiplatara, SMF 86011;
Rawa Kiamp, SMF 91247; Rus Rus, UF
144612, USNM 56310609, 563115; San San
Hil, SMF 86996; San San Hil Kiamp, USNM
56311011; Swabila, UF 144613; Urus
Tingni Kiamp, USNM 563116; Warunta,
SMF 91734; Warunta Tingni Kiamp, USNM
563117. OLANCHO: Cuaca, UTA R-53661,

53663; El Aguacatal, UTA R-53662; Pataste,

SMF 79208; Quebrada Las Cantinas, USNM
342273; confluence of Quebrada Siksatara
and Ro Wampu, USNM 563120; between
mouth of Ro Wampu and Yapuwas, USNM
563119; Talgua Arriba, SMF 91735. YORO:
La Libertad, SMF 86998. HONDURAS:
UF 53678 (skeleton, egg), 5546768 (both
skeletons, eggs), 9037677, 91259, 123366,
UMMZ 58379 (carries the unknown locality
Loma de Ro Palo).
Other Records (Map 5). GRACIAS A
DIOS: about 30 km S of Mocoron (Franklin
and Franklin, 1999a). HONDURAS:
(Werner, 1896).
Norops capito (Peters)
Anolis (Draconura) capito Peters, 1863: 142
(two syntypes, ZMB 4684, 36298 [see
Bauer et al., 1995: 58]; type locality:
Costa Rica).
Anolis capito: Werner, 1896: 346; Meyer,
1969: 216; Meyer and Wilson, 1973: 16;
Cruz Diaz, 1978: 25; OShea, 1986: 36,
1989: 16; Franklin and Franklin, 1999b:


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

109; Townsend, 2006: 35; Townsend et

al., 2006: 32; Townsend and Wilson, 2008:
150; Gutsche, 2012: 70; Kohler, 2014: 210.
Anolis copei: Dunn and Emlen, 1932: 27 (in
Norops capito: Savage, 1973: 11; Espinal,
1993: table 3; Kohler et al., 2000: 425,
2005a: 130; Nicholson et al., 2000: 30;
Espinal et al., 2001: 106; McCranie and
Kohler, 2001: 232; Wilson et al., 2001:
136; Castaneda, 2002: 15; McCranie
et al., 2002a: 27, 2006: 119; McCranie,
2005: 20; Castaneda, 2006: 29; Castaneda and Marineros, 2006: 38; Wilson
and Townsend, 2006: 105.

Geographic Distribution. Norops capito

occurs at low and moderate elevations on the
Atlantic versant from Tabasco, Mexico, to
eastern Panama and from southeastern Costa
Rica to central Panama on the Pacific versant.
It is also found marginally on the Pacific
versant in northwestern Costa Rica. In
Honduras, this species is known from across
most of the northern portion of the country.
Description. The following is based on 15
males (SMF 79094, 80822, 86969, 86972
73; UF 142454, 144616; USNM 563125,
56313032, 563146, 563152, 563155,
563167) and 13 females (SMF 79093,
86968, 86970; UF 14461719, USNM
563122, 563124, 563138, 563157, 563159,
563172, 563174). Norops capito is a moderately-large anole (SVL 83 mm in largest
Honduran male [UF 142454] examined,
100 mm in largest Honduran female examined [SMF 91248, not included in the
following description]); dorsal head scales
rugose to keeled in internasal, prefrontal,
frontal, and parietal areas; deep frontal
depression present; parietal depression
shallow; 59 (7.0 6 1.0) postrostrals;
anterior nasal divided, lower scale contacting rostral or separated from rostral by
single scale, lower scale usually separated
from first supralabial; 610 (8.4 6 1.1)
internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined;
scales comprising supraorbital semicircles
keeled, largest scale in semicircles larger
than largest supraocular scale; supraorbital

semicircles well defined; 23 (2.6 6 0.5)

scales separating supraorbital semicircles at
narrowest point; 14 (2.9 6 0.7) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal
well defined, irregular in outline, slightly
longer than wide, smaller than ear opening;
23 rows of about 59 (total number)
enlarged, keeled supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars varying from completely
separated from supraorbital semicircles by 1
row of small scales to 12 enlarged supraoculars in broad contact with supraorbital
semicircles; 23 elongate superciliaries,
posteriormost shortest; usually 2 (occasionally 3 or 4) enlarged canthals; 715 (10.3 6
1.6) scales between second canthals; 913
(10.7 6 1.2) scales between posterior
canthals; loreal region slightly concave, 27
54 (40.2 6 6.6) mostly keeled (some smooth
or rugose) loreal scales in a maximum of 49
(6.7 6 1.0) horizontal rows; 811 (9.6 6 0.9)
supralabials and 1013 (11.4 6 0.9) infralabials to level below center of eye; suboculars keeled, separated from supralabials
by 1 row of scales; ear opening vertically
oval; scales anterior to ear opening distinctly
larger than those posterior to ear opening;
46 (5.0 6 0.8) postmentals, outer pair
largest; gular scales not keeled; male dewlap
small, extending to about level of anterior
portion of forelimb insertion; male dewlap
with 710 horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale
rows, about 713 scales per row (n 5 7); 24
(modal number) anterior marginal pairs in
male dewlap; female dewlap absent or
rudimentary; no nuchal crest or dorsal ridge;
about 814 middorsal scale rows slightly
enlarged, smooth, juxtaposed, most pentagonal or hexagonal, dorsal scales lateral to
middorsal series grading into granular lateral
scales; no enlarged scales among laterals; 56
76 (66.9 6 6.2) dorsal scales along vertebral
midline between levels of axilla and groin in
males, 5774 (67.4 6 5.8) in females; 1645
(33.7 6 9.8) dorsal scales along vertebral
midline contained in 1 head length in males,
1740 (33.7 6 6.6) in females; ventral scales
on midsection much larger than largest
dorsal scales; ventral body scales keeled,


most imbricate; 4965 (56.5 6 4.0) ventral

scales along midventral line between levels of
axilla and groin in males, 4660 (53.5 6 4.0)
in females; 1436 (28.9 6 7.4) ventral scales
contained in 1 head length in males, 1635
(27.8 6 5.8) in females; 96120 (107.0 6 6.7)
scales around midbody in males, 100114
(107.6 6 4.9) in females; tubelike axillary
pocket absent; precloacal scales rugose to
faintly keeled; enlarged postcloacal scales
absent in males; tail oval to slightly compressed, TH/TW 1.051.44; basal subcaudal
scales keeled; lateral caudal scales keeled,
homogeneous; dorsal medial caudal scale
row not enlarged, keeled, not forming crest;
most scales on anterior surface of antebrachium rugose to unicarinate; 2334 (26.6 6
2.1) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV
of Toe IV of hind limbs; 814 (11.6 6 1.4)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 66.083.4 (77.7 6 4.5) mm
in males, 67.089.1 (81.5 6 6.5) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.792.08 in males, 1.58
1.84 in 12 females; HL/SVL 0.220.26 in
males, 0.230.27 in females; SHL/SVL 0.31
0.36 in males, 0.300.33 in females; SHL/HL
1.241.53 in males, 1.141.41 in females;
longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
reaching beyond tip of snout.
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
342275): dorsal surface of head Yellowish
Olive-Green (50) with dark brown markings
along lip; dorsal surface of body Yellowish
Olive-Green with lichenose dark brown
marbling in form of vague crossbands;
dorsal surfaces of limbs Yellowish OliveGreen with indistinct darker crossbars; belly
pale olive-yellow; dewlap Buff-Yellow (53)
with white scales; iris copper. An adult
female (USNM 563168) was as follows:
dorsum Dark Brownish Olive (129) laterally
with darker brown and yellowish tan stripes;
broad middorsal stripe dirty Robin Rufous
(340), outlined below by black anteriorly,
middorsal stripe extending onto tail; dorsal
surfaces of limbs Dark Brownish Olive with
darker brown and yellowish tan crossbars;
belly and subcaudal surface yellowish brown
with Dark Brownish Olive stripes; chin
yellowish brown with Dark Brownish Olive


blotches and mottling; dewlap Cinnamon

(39) with dark gray scales; iris Pratts Rufous
Color in alcohol: dorsal surface of head
brown to grayish brown, usually with
narrow, darker brown crosslines on snout
and V-shaped interorbital band; dorsal surface of body grayish brown to brown, with
darker brown reticulations or mottling, or
darker brown middorsal diamond-shaped
markings, some females with broad, pale
brown middorsal stripe; dorsal surfaces of
limbs grayish brown to brown, with darker
brown reticulations or crossbars; dorsal
surface of tail grayish brown to brown, with
darker brown reticulations; lateral surface
of head with dark brown reticulations or
supraorbital vertical lines, eyelids with darker brown vertical medial bar; ventral surface
of head cream to pale brown, with brown
cross-reticulations, usually pale cream to
white crossbar present at level anterior to
eye (crossbar more prominent in juveniles
to young adults); ventral surface of body pale
cream to pale brown, with or without brown
reticulations or scattered flecking; subcaudal
surface pale cream to pale brown, with or
without brown reticulations, brown crossbands sometimes present on distal half.
Hemipenis: the almost completely everted hemipenis (SMF 85969) is a large stout
bilobed organ, with well-developed lobes;
sulcus spermaticus bordered by welldeveloped lips, bifurcating at base of apex,
continuing to tips of lobes; flaplike processus present on asulcate side; slight
lateral ridge evident on lobes, ridge
increasing in size on each side of truncus;
lobes strongly calyculate; truncus with a
few transverse folds.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops capito
can be distinguished from all other Honduran Norops by the combination of its
large adult size (adults average about 80 mm
SVL), long hind legs (longest toe of
adpressed hind limb usually reaching to
beyond tip of snout), a conspicuously broad
and stout head with a rather blunt snout in
lateral aspect, and a pale crossband on the


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 11. Norops capito head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral

views. SMF 79894, adult male from Parque Nacional Saslaya,
Atlantico Norte, Nicaragua. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by
Gunther Kohler.

chin that is especially evident in juveniles

and subadults.
Illustrations (Figs. 11, 12, 85, 86). Dumeril et al., 18701909 (head scales; as
Anolis); Kohler, 1991 (adult), 1999c (adult),
1999d (adult), 2000 (adult, caudal scales,
head and dewlap), 2001b (adult), 2003
(adult, head and dewlap, caudal scales),
2008 (adult, head and dewlap, caudal
scales), 2014 (ventral and caudal scales, tail

tip, subdigital pad, terminal phalanx of

fourth toe, axillary region; as Anolis);
Schmidt and Henkel, 1995 (adult; as Anolis); Flaschendrager and Wijffels, 1996
(adult); Lee, 1996 (adult; as Anolis), 2000
(adult, head and dewlap); Campbell, 1998
(adult); Stafford and Meyer, 1999 (adult);
Savage, 2002 (adult, dewlap); DCruze, 2005
(adult); Guyer and Donnelly, 2005 (adult,
juvenile); Kohler et al., 2005a (adult, head
scales, hemipenis); McCranie et al., 2006
(adult); Townsend and Wilson, 2008 (adult,
chin: as Anolis).
Remarks. Norops capito is purported to
be a member of the N. biporcatus species
group (Nicholson, 2002, also see Remarks
for N. biporcatus). Based on external
morphology, N. capito does not appear to
us to be closely related to the other species
usually associated with the N. biporcatus
group. Also, phylogenetic analyses based on
molecular data by Nicholson (2002) and
Nicholson et al. (2005, 2012) do not support
a close relationship between N. capito and
N. biporcatus (also see Poe, 2004, for a
largely morphological analysis). The short
but extremely stout head of N. capito is
unique among the species of Norops occurring in Honduras. The phylogenetic analyses of Nicholson et al. (2005, 2012) placed
N. capito in a subclade with the morphologically much different N. tropidonotus,
whereas that of Nicholson (2002) placed it
in a sister clade to three small species of
southern Mexico and northern Central
America (N. isthmicus, N. rodriguezii, and
N. unilobatus [as N. sericeus]). Therefore,
we leave N. capito as incertae sedis within
the N. auratus species group of Nicholson et
al. (2012).
It seems strange that N. capito has not
been collected in the well-studied broadleaf
forests in Atlantida in northern Honduras.
Perhaps it occurs in low population densities in that area.
Natural History Comments. Norops capito is known from near sea level to 1,300 m
elevation in the Lowland Moist Forest and
Premontane Wet Forest formations. It is
active on lower portions of tree trunks,



Figure 12. Norops capito. (A) Adult male (FMNH 282577) from Bachi Kiamp, Gracias a Dios; (B) adult male dewlap (USNM
342275) from Quebrada El Pinol, Olancho. Photographs by James R. McCranie.

usually with the head facing downwards,

and frequently in the shade. We have seen
individuals jump to the ground after spotting a prey item but return to the tree perch
after grasping its prey. The species sleeps at
night on tree trunks and leaves of low
vegetation. This arboreal species was found
in every month of the year. Individuals
appear to rely on camouflage to escape
notice because they rarely move until
touched by the collector. Vitt and Zani
(2005: 36), in an ecological study in

southeastern Nicaragua, indicated that this

is a cryptic species that live[s] low on
trunks in shaded rainforest and [is] active
throughout the day but appear[s] to spend
most of their time in shade. Savage (2002
and references cited therein) also documented that this is a shade-tolerant species
in Costa Rica that perches on tree trunks at
usually 0.252.00 m above the ground. One
Honduran specimen (USNM 563157) was
collected with a frog (Craugastor lauraster
[Savage, McCranie, and Espinal]; USNM


Map 6.

Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Localities for Norops capito. Solid symbols denote specimens examined and the open symbol an accepted record.

563293) in its mouth. Norops capito feeds

on a variety of arthropods, with individuals
generally eating few and relatively large
prey items (Vitt and Zani, 2005). It is also
known to eat other lizards and slugs
(Savage, 2002; Vitt and Zani, 2005) and
small frogs (Pristimantis ridens [Cope],
Mora et al., 2012). Reproduction appears
to occur throughout the year (see references
in Savage, 2002) but is likely highest during
the wet season (Vitt and Zani, 2005). Vitt
and Zani (2005: 41) predicted that this
rainforest dependent species will likely
disappear with elimination of the rainforest
canopy. Our observations support that
Etymology. The name capito is Latin
meaning one with a large head and refers
to the relatively broad and stout head found
in this species.
Specimens Examined (144 [3] + 3 skele N: El Ocotillal, SMF
tons; Map 6). COLO
8597678; Quebrada Machn, USNM
536489 (skeleton), 56312133; Ro Guaraska, BMNH 1985.1103; Tulito, BMNH

1985.110407. COPAN: Laguna del Cerro,

UF 142454; Ro Amarillo, SMF 9173638;
San Isidro, FMNH 282574, 282576; SMF
91248, UF 14245557; Santa Rita, SMF
86968. CORTES: 6.0 km SE of Agua Azul,
UF 135772; El Paraso, UF 144723; Guanales Camp, UF 144745; Quebrada Agua
Buena, SMF 79136; W of San Pedro Sula,
Kiamp, USNM 563134; Awasbila, USNM
563140; Bachi Kiamp, FMNH 282577,
SMF 9284142; Bodega de Ro Tapalwas,
UF 14461920, USNM 559595 (skin and
skeleton), 56314759; Cabeceras de Ro Rus
Rus, SMF 86969; Cano Awalwas, UF
14461518, USNM 56313539; Cerro Wahatingni, UF 144621; Crique Unawas, SMF
85979; Dos Bocas, FMNH 282575; Hiltara
Kiamp, USNM 56314143; Kipla Tingni
Kiamp, USNM 563144, 57312324; Leimus
(Ro Warunta), USNM 565432; about 30 km
S of Mocoron, UTA R-42656; Pomokir,
SMF 8597275; Raudal Kiplatara, SMF
8596164, 8596667; Rawa Kiamp, SMF
91249; Ro Cuyamel, SMF 8596871; Ro


Sutuwala, USNM 563146; Sachin Tingni

Kiamp, USNM 563145, 563526; Sadyk
Kiamp, SMF 9125051, USNM 565433;
San San Hil Kiamp, SMF 8697172, USNM
56352728; Urus Tingni Kiamp, SMF
86970, 86973, USNM 56316064, 565430
31; Warunta Tingni Kiamp, SMF 86974,
USNM 56316567, 56542829. OLANCHO: Caobita, SMF 85524; about 40 km
E of Catacamas, TCWC 23629; Cuaca, UTA
R-53192; Piedra Blanca, SMF 91739; Planes
de San Esteban, SMF 91740; Quebrada de
Agua, SMF 91741; Quebrada de Las
Escaleras, SMF 79094; Quebrada de Las
Maras, USNM 563171; Quebrada El Guasimo, SMF 8082223, USNM 563169;
Quebrada El Pinol, USNM 34227478;
Quebrada Las Cantinas, SMF 79093; confluence of Ros Aner and Wampu, USNM
563168; Ro Kosmako, USNM 563170;
confluence of Ros Sausa and Wampu,
USNM 56317274; Ro Wampucito, LACM
45152; confluence of Ros Yanguay and
Wampu, USNM 563175. SANTA BARBARA: La Cafetalera, SMF 91252. HONDURAS: UF 60346 (skeleton).
N: Canon
Other Records (Map 6). COLO
del Chilmeca, UNAH 5450, Empalme Ro
Chilmeca, UNAH 5452, 5510 (Cruz Daz,
1978; specimens now lost).
Norops carpenteri (Echelle, Echelle, and
Anolis carpenteri Echelle, Echelle, and
Fitch, 1971: 355 (holotype, KU 132506;
type locality: from east bank of Ro
Reventazon, 500+ m elev, about 7 km
ESE Turrialba, where Highway 10 crosses the river, Cartago Province, Costa
Norops carpenteri: Savage, 1973: 11;
McCranie and Kohler, 2012: 103.

Geographic Distribution. Norops carpenteri occurs at low and moderate elevations

on the Atlantic versant from northeastern
Honduras to northwestern Panama. In
Honduras, this species is known only from
two nearby, low-elevation localities in the
northeastern portion of the country.


Description. The following is based on

two males (FMNH 282560; SMF 91746).
Norops carpenteri is a small anole (SVL
41 mm in largest Honduran male [SMF
91746]; maximum reported SVL 46 mm
[Myers, 1971a]); dorsal head scales weakly
keeled in internasal region, rugose in
prefrontal, frontal, and parietal areas; deep
frontal depression present; parietal depression absent; 57 (6.0) postrostrals; anterior
nasal entire, contacting rostral and first
supralabial on three sides, contacting only
rostral on one side; 46 (5.0) internasals;
canthal ridge sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles without keels, largest scale in semicircles about
same size as largest supraocular scale;
supraorbital semicircles well defined; 13
(2.0) scales separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 3 scales separating
supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at
narrowest point; interparietal well defined,
greatly enlarged relative to adjacent scales,
surrounded by scales of moderate size,
longer than wide, larger than ear opening;
2 rows of about 56 (total number) enlarged, keeled supraocular scales; no enlarged supraoculars in broad contact with
supraorbital semicircles; 2 elongate superciliaries, posterior about same length as
anterior; 3 enlarged canthals; 1012 (11.0)
scales between second canthals; 12 scales
between posterior canthals; loreal region
concave, 6167 (64.5 6 3.0) mostly keeled
(some smooth or rugose) loreal scales in
maximum of 810 (9.0 6 1.2) horizontal
rows; 89 (8.5 6 0.6) supralabials and 79
(8.0 6 0.6) infralabials to level below center
of eye; suboculars weakly keeled, 2 suboculars in broad contact with supralabials; ear
opening vertically oval; scales anterior to ear
opening granular, similar in size to those
posterior to ear opening; 57 (6.0) postmentals, outer pair largest; granular scales
present on chin and throat; male dewlap
small, extending to level anterior to axilla;
male dewlap with 8 horizontal gorgetalsternal scale rows, about 9597 total scales
(n 5 2); 2 (modal number) anterior
marginal pairs in male dewlap; no nuchal


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

crest or dorsal ridge; no middorsal scale

rows distinctly enlarged; dorsal scales
smooth to rugose, grading into smaller
granular lateral scales; no enlarged scales
scattered among laterals; 107120 (113.5)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline between levels of axilla and groin; 5880 (69.0)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline contained in 1 head length; ventral scales on
midsection about same size as middorsal
scales; most ventral body scales smooth (a
few midventral scales weakly keeled), subimbricate; 7196 (83.5) ventral scales along
midventral line between levels of axilla and
groin; 4649 (47.5) ventral scales contained
in 1 head length; 180 scales around midbody
in one; tubelike axillary pocket absent;
precloacal scales rugose; no enlarged postcloacal scales; tail slightly compressed, TH/
TW 1.201.25; basal subcaudal scales
smooth; lateral caudal scales rugose, homogeneous, although indistinct division in
segments discernable; dorsal medial caudal
scale row not enlarged, not keeled, not
forming crest; most scales on anterior
surface of antebrachium rugose; 2224
(22.5 6 1.0) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs; 69 (7.8
6 1.5) subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe
IV of hind limbs; SVL 31.941.3 (36.6) mm;
TAL/SVL 1.28 in one; HL/SVL 0.260.29;
SHL/SVL 0.210.22; SHL/HL 0.740.81;
longest toe of adpressed hind limb not
reaching ear opening.
Color in life of an adult male (FMNH
282560): dorsum greenish brown with
numerous paler greenish brown and pale
brown spots on lateral surfaces of body; tail
same except for dark brown crossbands;
chin and belly dirty white with dark brown
flecking; ventral surfaces of limbs brown
with dark brown mottling; subcaudal surface pale brown with dark brown crossbands; iris brown; dewlap Spectrum Orange
(17) with pale brown to cream scales. Color
in life of another adult male (SMF 91746):
dorsum greenish brown with paler green
spots middorsally and white spots laterally
on body.

Color in alcohol: all dorsal surfaces,

except supraoculars and parietal area, pale
brown with numerous dark brown scales;
supraocular scales dark brown; scales in
parietal area dark brown with some slightly
paler brown scales; all ventral surfaces pale
brown with many dark brown scales.
Hemipenis: the partially everted hemipenis of SMF 81821 (from Bartola, Ro San
Juan, Nicaragua) is a stout, bilobed organ;
sulcus spermaticus bordered by well-developed sulcal lips, bifurcating at base of apex;
low asulcate ridge present; lobes extensively
calyculate; truncus with transverse folds.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops carpenteri is distinguished from all other
Honduran Norops, except N. limifrons, N.
ocelloscapularis, N. rodriguezii, N. yoroensis, and N. zeus, by having a single elongated
prenasal scale, smooth and subimbricate
ventral scales, and slender habitus. Norops
carpenteri differs from N. limifrons and N.
zeus by having short hind legs (longest toe
of adpressed hind limb not reaching eye,
usually not reaching beyond ear opening
versus usually reaching between anterior
border of eye and tip of snout in N.
limifrons and N. zeus). Norops carpenteri
also differs from N. limifrons and N. zeus by
having an orange male dewlap in life and a
greenish brown dorsum with pale spots in
life (male dewlap dirty white, with or
without basal orange-yellow spot in life,
and dorsum brown without pale spots in
life in N. limifrons and N. zeus). Norops
carpenteri differs from N. rodriguezii, N.
ocelloscapularis, and N. yoroensis by having
a greenish brown dorsum with pale spots in
life and in lacking a pale lateral stripe
(dorsum brown without pale spots in life
and pale lateral stripe usually present in
those three species). Norops carpenteri also
differs from N. ocelloscapularis by lacking an
ocellated shoulder spot (ocellated shoulder
spot usually present in N. ocelloscapularis).
Illustrations (Figs. 13, 14). Echelle et al.,
1971 (head scales); Myers, 1971a (adult,
head scales; as Anolis procellaris); Savage,
2002 (adult); Kohler, 2003 (adult, head and



Figure 13. Norops carpenteri head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 91746, adult male from Bachi Kiamp, Gracias a
Dios. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 14. Norops carpenteri. (A) Adult male (FMNH 282560) from Leimus (Ro Warunta), Gracias a Dios; (B) adult male dewlap
(FMNH 282560). Photographs by James R. McCranie.

dewlap), 2008 (adult, head and dewlap);

Guyer and Donnelly, 2005 (adult, juvenile).
Remarks. Norops carpenteri is included
in the N. fuscoauratus species subgroup (see
Remarks for N. ocelloscapularis). Norops
carpenteri was recovered as a sister species
to N. ocelloscapularis in the molecular and
morphological study of Nicholson et al.
Natural History Comments. Norops carpenteri is known from 30 to 40 m elevation

in the Lowland Moist Forest formation.

One Honduran specimen was active in
disturbed vegetation on a riverbank during
July and another was sleeping at night on
leaves of a small tree about 2 m above the
ground in an abandoned crop field during
May. Both areas were originally covered
with broadleaf rainforest. Broadleaf rainforest still occurs in most places away from
the river in those areas. The type series of
this species was collected on lichen-covered


Map 7.


Localities for Norops carpenteri. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

rocks, shrubs, and tree trunks along a wellshaded riverbank in Costa Rica (Echelle et
al., 1971). The holotype of the synonym N.
procellaris was found in a dense-river
swamp forest that is dominated by an
understory of large palms (Myers, 1971a:
7). Guyer and Donnelly (2005) reported
that at La Selva, Costa Rica, this species
occurs in a wide variety of habitats. Savage
(2002), based on data in an unpublished
dissertation, stated that this species might
spend more time higher up on tree trunks
and might be a tree crown species in Costa
Rica. Although known only from two lowelevation localities in Honduras, Savage
(2002) reported the species has been
collected up to 1,100 m elevation in
Nicaragua. The diet of N. carpenteri in
Costa Rica consists of small arthropods,
dominated by homopterans, orthopterans,
and araneids, and reproduction occurs
throughout the year (see Guyer and Donnelly, 2005). Juveniles of this species are
said to feed on small snails (see Savage,

Etymology. The name carpenteri is a

patronym for Charles C. Carpenter, who
was a professor at the University of Oklahoma
at the time the type series was collected.
Specimens Examined (2 [0]; Map 7).
91746; Leimus (Ro Warunta), FMNH
Norops crassulus (Cope)
Anolis crassulus Cope, 1864: 173 (five
syntypes, ANSP 802327 [see Stuart,
1942: 2, who designated these as lectocotypes]; type locality restricted to
Central Guatemala by Stuart, 1942:
2); Meyer, 1969: 216; Hahn, 1971: 111
(in part); Meyer and Wilson, 1972: 108,
1973: 16 (in part); Wilson et al., 1991: 70;
Kohler et al., 2007: 391; Wilson and
Townsend, 2007: 145; Townsend and
Wilson, 2009: 63; Gutsche, 2012: 71;
Kohler, 2014: 210.
Norops crassulus: Villa et al., 1988: 48;
McCranie et al., 1992: 208; Cruz et al.,


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

1993: 28; Kohler et al., 1999: 297, 2001:

254; Wilson et al., 2001: 136; Kohler,
2003: 108, 2008: 116; Wilson and
McCranie, 2004b: 43.
Anolis sminthus: Wilson et al., 1991: 70;
Nicholson et al., 2005: 933.
Norops sp. (crassulus group): McCranie
et al., 1992: 208.
Norops cf. sminthus: Kohler and Obermeier, 1998: 136 (in part); Kohler et al.,
1999: 298 (in part).
Norops sminthus: Nicholson, 2002: 120;
Nicholson et al., 2012: 12.

Geographic Distribution. Norops crassulus occurs at moderate and intermediate

elevations from southeastern Chiapas, Mexico, to central Honduras on the Atlantic
versant and in southern Guatemala, western
El Salvador, and southwestern Honduras on
the Pacific versant (but see Remarks). In
Honduras, this species occurs in the mountainous southwestern region on both versants and in the Sierra de Agalta in the
central portion of the country.
Description. The following is based on
10 males (KU 219950, 21995558; SMF
7882930, 86963; UF 10341011) and 13
females (KU 21995154, 21995960; SMF
78092, 78799800, 8696467). Norops crassulus is a medium-sized anole (SVL 57 mm
in largest Honduran male [UF 103410]
examined, 54 mm in largest Honduran
female [KU 219954] examined); dorsal head
scales rugose to strongly keeled in internasal, prefrontal, frontal, and parietal areas;
deep frontal depression present; parietal
depression absent; 46 (5.1 6 0.5) postrostrals; anterior nasal usually divided,
occasionally entire, lower scale contacting
rostral and first supralabial; 57 (5.6 6 0.7)
internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined;
scales comprising supraorbital semicircles
smooth, rugose or weakly keeled, largest
scale in semicircles larger than largest
supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles
well defined; 02 (0.8 6 0.5) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 23 (2.5 6 0.5) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles and in-

terparietal at narrowest point; interparietal

well defined, slightly to distinctly enlarged
relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by
scales of moderate size, longer than wide,
smaller than ear opening; 23 rows of about
58 (total number) enlarged, smooth to
strongly keeled supraocular scales; 13
enlarged supraoculars in broad contact
with supraorbital semicircles; 23 elongate
superciliaries, posteriormost only slightly
shorter than anteriormost; usually 3 enlarged canthals; 57 (5.4 6 0.6) scales
between second canthals; 59 (6.6 6 1.1)
scales between posterior canthals; loreal
region slightly concave, 1429 (19.2 6 4.3)
mostly strongly keeled (some smooth or
rugose) loreal scales in 20, in maximum of
36 (4.3 6 0.8) horizontal rows; 57 (6.2 6
0.6) supralabials and 47 (6.1 6 0.7)
infralabials to level below center of eye;
suboculars weakly to strongly keeled, usually 23 suboculars in broad contact with
supralabials; ear opening vertically oval;
scales anterior to ear opening not granular,
slightly larger than those posterior to ear
opening; 37 (4.3 6 0.8) postmentals, outer
pair usually largest; weakly keeled granular
scales present on chin and throat; male
dewlap moderately large, extending to level
of axilla; male dewlap with 58 horizontal
gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about 58 scales
per row (n 5 4); 2 (modal number) anterior
marginal pairs in male dewlap; female
dewlap relatively well developed, but smaller than male dewlap; low nuchal crest and
low dorsal ridge present in males; about 14
18 middorsal scale rows distinctly enlarged,
keeled; dorsal scales lateral to middorsal
series grading into keeled, nongranular
lateral scales; flank scales heterogeneous,
solitary enlarged keeled or elevated scales
scattered among laterals; 3446 (41.5 6 4.6)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline between levels of axilla and groin in males, 34
57 (44.3 6 7.8) in females; 2233 (26.8 6
3.2) dorsal scales along vertebral midline
contained in 1 head length in males, 2133
(26.5 6 3.9) in females; ventral scales on
midsection slightly larger than largest dorsal
scales; ventral body scales strongly keeled,


mucronate, imbricate, 3137 (34.7 6 2.4)

ventral scales along midventral line between
levels of axilla and groin in males, 2536
(30.7 6 3.7) in females; 2027 (23.9 6 2.4)
ventral scales contained in 1 head length in
males, 1622 (18.9 6 2.2) in females; 54
114 (100.1 6 19.2) scales around midbody
in males, 70120 (99.7 6 12.6) in females;
tubelike axillary pocket absent; precloacal
scales strongly keeled; a pair of greatly
enlarged postcloacal scales in males; tail
slightly to distinctly compressed, TH/TW
1.092.00 in 20; all subcaudal scales keeled;
lateral caudal scales keeled, homogeneous,
although indistinct division in segments
discernable; dorsal medial caudal scale row
enlarged, keeled, not forming crest; scales
on anterior surface of antebrachium distinctly keeled, unicarinate; 2226 (24.5 6
1.0) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV
of Toe IV of hind limbs; 68 (6.9 6 0.5)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 34.556.5 (44.9 6 7.9) mm
in males, 36.054.2 (48.2 6 5.3) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.352.46 in four males,
1.202.60 in eight females; HL/SVL 0.27
0.31 in males, 0.250.29 in females; SHL/
SVL 0.220.28 in males, 0.220.26 in
females; SHL/HL 0.820.98 in males,
0.790.93 in females; longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually reaching between
ear opening and posterior margin of eye.
Color in life of an adult male (SMF
78829): dorsal surface of head Buff (24)
with Drab (27) interorbital crossbar; dorsal
surface of body Buff with Drab chevrons,
chevrons with Sepia (219) spots; dorsolateral surface of body Yellow Ocher (123C);
middorsal and dorsolateral coloration separated by pale yellowish-brown stripe; dorsal
surface of forelimbs Yellow Ocher; dorsal
surface of hind limbs Raw Umber (23) with
Sepia mottling and crossbands; dorsal surface of tail Buff with Sepia spots on
vertebral area; dewlap Flame Scarlet (15)
with yellowish brown scales; iris Buff with
dark brown reticulations. Dewlap color of
another adult male (SMF 86963): Chrome
Orange (16) with dirty white scales. Dewlap
color of a third adult male (FMNH 283625):


Chrome Orange (16) with pale brown

scales. Color in life of an adult female
(SMF 86964): middorsal pale stripe Pale
Horn Color (92); dorsolateral field below
middorsal stripe Sepia (119) above and
Mikado Brown (121C) below; lateral stripe
present, paler brown than middorsal stripe;
lateral field Drab-Gray (119D); dorsal
surface of head Drab (27); lateral surface
of head with continuation of pale lateral
stripe and similarly colored postorbital
stripe that connects with middorsal stripe;
iris coppery brown; venter pale brown;
dewlap Spectrum Orange (17). Color in life
of another adult female (SMF 78799):
dorsal surface of head Cinnamon (123A)
with dark brownish gray markings; dorsal
surface of body Cinnamon, infused with
dark brownish gray middorsally; dorsal
surfaces of limbs Mahogany Red (132B)
with paler crossbars; two Brick Red (132A)
spots at base of tail; dorsal surface of tail
otherwise brown with Mahogany Red chevrons; belly Flesh Ocher (132D); dewlap
Spectrum Orange (17) with Flesh Ocher
scales; iris bronze with darker smudging.
Color in life of another adult female (KU
219960): dorsal surface of head coppery
bronze, occipital region outlined below by
pale bronze temporal stripe; sides of body
gray-brown; dorsolateral stripe above graybrown sides cream anteriorly, grading to
brown-gray posteriorly, fading into color of
side just posterior to midbody, joining
anteriorly with creamy yellow lip stripe;
middorsum coppery gray-brown with middorsal stripe grading from pale bronze on
nape to gray on most of body, middorsal
stripe flanked by linear series of pale,
outlined crescents that are dark brown on
edges, coppery brown in center; dorsal
surface of forelimbs pale coppery brown
with darker brown band on forearm; dorsal
surface of hind limbs coppery brown with
silvery gray crossbands; tail coppery brown
with brown-gray middorsal stripe; chest pale
gold, grading to white with gray and orange
punctations on belly; chin white with some
pale gray smudging anteriorly; dewlap
orange-red with scales that are white at tip


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

and golden yellow at base; eyelids with

antique gold scales; iris gold.
Color in alcohol: dorsal and lateral
surfaces of head and body brown to grayish
brown; dark brown interorbital bar usually
present; sides of body usually with pale
brown longitudinal lateral stripe; ventral
surfaces of head and body pale grayish
brown or dirty white; females show a wide
degree of variation in dorsal pattern including narrow pale brown middorsal stripe that
is bordered by dark brown and scalloped or
triangular blotches in some specimens.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 78100 (from Departamento
Santa Ana, El Salvador) is a medium-sized,
stout, slightly bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered by well-developed sulcal lips,
opening into single broad concave area at
base of apex; lobes calyculate; truncus with
transverse folds; single, undivided asulcate
processus present.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops crassulus is distinguished from all other Honduran Norops, except N. morazani and N.
rubribarbaris, by the combination of having distinctly enlarged middorsal scale rows,
heterogeneous lateral scales, strongly
keeled, mucronate, imbricate ventral scales,
and a pair of greatly enlarged postcloacal
scales in males. Norops crassulus differs
from N. rubribarbaris by having about 14
18 rows of enlarged dorsal scales (811 in N.
rubribarbaris) and by having a well-developed female dewlap (no female dewlap to
female dewlap small in N. rubribarbaris).
Norops crassulus differs from N. morazani
by having a hemipenis with an undivided
asulcate processus (divided in N. morazani).
Illustrations (Figs. 15, 16, 95, 96, 98).
Mertens, 1952b (adult); Kohler, 2003 (adult,
head and dewlap), 2008 (adult, head and
dewlap), 2014 (dorsal and flank scales; as
Anolis); Leenders and Watkins-Colwell,
2004 (dewlap); Ko hler et al., 2005b
(adult, dewlap, head scales).
Remarks. Norops crassulus is a member
of the N. crassulus species subgroup (Kohler et al., 1999; Nicholson, 2002) of the
N. auratus species group of Nicholson et al.

(2012). The Honduran members of this

group are N. amplisquamosus, N. crassulus,
N. heteropholidotus, N. morazani, N. muralla, N. rubribarbaris, and N. sminthus (see
Remarks for N. amplisquamosus). It needs
to be noted that the N. sminthus sequenced
in Nicholson (2002) and Nicholson et al.
(2005, 2012) has strongly keeled ventral
scales and is thus more closely related to N.
crassulus (see N. sminthus account). Nicholson (2002, personal communication 8
March 2011), using nuclear DNA data,
recovered a 4% difference between N.
crassulus samples from Chiapas, Mexico,
and Olancho, Honduras. The Olancho
population of N. crassulus also lacks pale
lateral stripes, whereas those stripes are
distinct in the southwestern Honduran
populations (Intibuca and La Paz) of N.
crassulus. Thus, based on molecular and
morphological data, the Olancho population
of N. crassulus appears to represent an
undescribed species.
Norops haguei (Stuart) of Guatemala is
sometimes listed as a distinct species (Lieb,
1981; Savage and Guyer, 1989; Kohler and
Obermeier, 1998; Kohler et al., 1999; Kohler,
2000; Nicholson et al., 2012) or as a
subspecies of N. crassulus (Stuart, 1948,
1955; Smith et al., 1968). McCranie et al.
(1992: 214) opined that the Honduran
material of N. crassulus that they examined
indicated that N. haguei may not even be a
recognizable race of crassulus. Norops
anisolepis (Smith, Burley, and Fritts, 1968)
of Chiapas, Mexico, was listed as a member
of the N. crassulus species group by Savage
and Guyer (1989) but was not listed as a valid
species by Nicholson et al. (2012). As pointed
out by McCranie et al. (1992), a study of the
N. crassulus-like populations with strongly
keeled ventral scales from throughout their
range from western Chiapas, Mexico, to
northwestern El Salvador and southwestern
and central Honduras is needed.
Leenders and Watkins-Colwell (2004)
discussed sexual dimorphism in dewlap
color in this species from El Salvador.
Natural History Comments. Norops crassulus is known from 1,200 to 2,285 m



Figure 15. Norops crassulus head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 78800, adult female from Pico La Picucha, Olancho.
Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Lara Czupalla.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 16. Norops crassulus. (A) Adult male (FMNH 283625) from Santa Catarina, Intibuca; (B) adult male dewlap (FMNH
283625). Photographs by James R. McCranie.

elevation in the Premontane Moist Forest,

Lower Montane Wet Forest, and Lower
Montane Moist Forest formations. This
species is usually found in low vegetation,
brush piles, or on the ground, frequently in
the vicinity of streams, or in forest edge
situations such as along road banks. Individuals on the ground usually retreat to and
climb nearby tree trunks. Norops crassulus
individuals are usually seen in sunny areas
and disappear during cloudy periods, only

to reemerge when sunny conditions return.

Apparently, the areas where this species
occurs are too cold for it to remain exposed
when sunrays are not available. Its actions
are deliberate, and it is easily captured. It
has only been found during April, June, and
August but is probably active throughout
the year during sunny periods. Nothing has
been reported on its diet or reproduction.
Stuart (1942: 4) reported that females of the
closely related N. haguei (see Remarks


Map 8.


Localities for Norops crassulus. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

above) collected in Guatemala during May

contained several very large eggs.
Etymology. The name crassulus might be
derived from the Latin crassus meaning
thick, fat, stout. The name might allude to
the thick anterior head scales mentioned
by Cope (1864). The species also has a
rather thick, stout body.
Specimens Examined (91 [9]; Map 8).
COMAYAGUA: 9.8 km SW of Siguatepeque, KU 219977. INTIBUCA: Cerro El
Pelon, UF 166192; near El Rodeo, SMF
8696367; 18.1 km NW of La Esperanza,
KU 21995053; 11 km NW of La Esperanza, KU 194271; 17 km NE of La
Esperanza, UF 10341011; 2.4 km NE of
La Esperanza, LACM 4768385; 4.8 km
ENE of La Esperanza, LACM 4768690;
12.9 km ENE of La Esperanza, LACM
47691; about 10 km SE of La Esperanza,
UF 121773; La Esperanza, CM 5911819,
LSUMZ 3881624; San Pedro La Loma,
KU 219954; Santa Catarina, FMNH
28362427; Zacate Blanco, KU 19426870,
UF 16619091. LA PAZ: Canton Palo

Blanco, KU 18408487; Canton El Zancudo, KU 18407277; near Guajiquiro, UF

16618589; Opatoro, SMF 78092; mountains S of San Pedro de Tutule, KU 219955
56, 21997881; about 5 km S of Santa
Elena, KU 19430004. LEMPIRA: Naranjos, FMNH 236387, KU 20932326,
21995760. OLANCHO: Pico La Picucha,
SMF 78799800, 7882930, 9175253,
USNM 57876366.
Other Records. HONDURAS: (Werner, 1896).
Norops cupreus (Hallowell)
Anolis cupreus Hallowell, 1861: 481 (14
syntypes, MCZ R-1763132, UIMNH
40733, USNM 12211 (11) [see Barbour
and Loveridge, 1929b: 218; Cochran,
1961: 86; Smith et al., 1964: 38; also
see Remarks]; type locality: Nicaragua); Meyer, 1969: 219; Meyer and
Wilson, 1973: 16; Fitch and Seigel,
1984: 4; Poe, 2004: 62; Kohler et al.,
2007: 391; Lovich et al., 2010: 113;
Townsend and Wilson, 2010b: 697.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Norops cupreus: Savage, 1973: 11; Wilson

and McCranie, 1998: 16; Kohler and
Kreutz, 1999: 65; Kohler et al., 2000:
425, 2001: 254; Nicholson et al., 2000:
30; Espinal et al., 2001: 106; McCranie
and Kohler, 2001: 232; Wilson et al.,
2001: 136; Castaneda, 2002: 15; McCranie et al., 2002a: 27, 2002b: 472; Lovich
et al., 2006: 13.
Norops especie A: Espinal, 1993: table 3.
Norops dariense: McCranie et al., 2006:
120; Wilson and Townsend, 2006: 105;
McCranie 2011: 260, 493.
Anolis dariense: Wilson and Townsend,
2007: 145; Townsend and Wilson,
2010b: 697.

Geographic Distribution. Norops cupreus

occurs at low and moderate elevations on
the Atlantic versant from north-central
Honduras to south-central Costa Rica and
on the Pacific versant from southern Honduras to southwestern Costa Rica. Norops
cupreus is widespread in central, eastern,
and southern Honduras.
Description. The following is based on 26
males (SDSNH 7273139, 72741; SMF
8082021, 8088586, 80888, 8698081;
USNM 34227980, 34228384, 342286,
54103536, 541041, 563221) and 23 females
(SDSNH 7272930; 72749, 72754; SMF
77314, 80887, 86975, 8697779, 8698688,
86990; USNM 541031, 541033, 54103740,
541042, 563223, 563225). Norops cupreus is
a moderate-sized anole (SVL 53 mm in
largest Honduran male [SDSNH 72732]
and 52 mm SVL in largest Honduran female
[USNM 541042] examined; maximum reported SVL 57 mm [Fitch et al., 1972]);
dorsal head scales rugose to keeled in
internasal, prefrontal, and frontal areas,
rugose to smooth in parietal area; deep
frontal depression present; parietal depression absent; 49 (5.9 6 1.1) postrostrals;
anterior nasal divided, lower scale contacting rostral and usually first supralabial; 59
(6.4 6 0.9) internasals; canthal ridge sharply
defined; scales comprising supraorbital
semicircles usually keeled, largest scale in

semicircles usually larger than largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles

well defined; 13 (2.1 6 0.3) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 24 (2.9 6 0.5) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal
well defined, irregular in outline, longer
than wide, larger than, or equal to, size of
ear opening; 23 rows of about 39 (total
number) enlarged, keeled supraocular
scales; enlarged supraoculars varying from
completely separated from supraorbital
semicircles by 1 row of small scales to 12
enlarged supraoculars in broad contact
with supraorbital semicircles; 23 elongate
superciliaries, posteriormost shortest; usually 3 enlarged canthals; 712 (9.2 6 1.3)
scales between second canthals; 712 (9.2 6
1.2) scales between posterior canthals;
loreal region slightly concave, 2961 (44.0
6 6.7) mostly keeled to rugose loreal scales
in maximum of 48 (6.9 6 0.8) horizontal
rows; 511 (7.3 6 0.9) supralabials and 610
(7.7 6 0.8) infralabials to level below center
of eye; suboculars distinctly to weakly
keeled, separated from supralabials by 1
row of scales; ear opening vertically oval;
scales anterior to ear opening slightly larger
than those posterior to ear opening; 59 (6.4
6 0.8) postmentals, outer pair largest; gular
scales keeled; male dewlap large, extending
well onto venter nearly to level of elbows
when forelimbs extended alongside body;
male dewlap with 910 horizontal gorgetalsternal scale rows, 13.5 mean number of
scales per row (n 5 5); 45 (modal number)
anterior marginal pairs in male dewlap;
female dewlap absent; no nuchal crest or
dorsal ridge; about 02 middorsal scale rows
slightly enlarged, faintly keeled, dorsal
scales lateral to middorsal series grading
into granular lateral scales; no enlarged
scales among laterals; 5993 (77.3 6 8.8)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline between levels of axilla and groin in males, 64
98 (81.2 6 8.5) in females; 4067 (49.4 6
6.9) dorsal scales along vertebral midline
contained in 1 head length in males, 3476
(48.4 6 10.2) in females; ventral scales on


midsection about 23 times larger than

largest dorsal scales; ventral body scales
weakly to strongly keeled, subimbricate, or
imbricate; 3682 (60.1 6 9.1) ventral scales
along midventral line between levels of
axilla and groin in males, 4078 (60.2 6
10.6) in females; 3853 (42.8 6 4.0) ventral
scales contained in 1 head length in males,
2658 (37.2 6 7.6) in females; 124184
(162.2 6 13.8) scales around midbody in
males, 104186 (155.5 6 21.6) in females;
tubelike axillary pocket absent; precloacal
scales not keeled; enlarged postcloacal
scales absent in males; tail slightly to
distinctly compressed, TH/TW 1.081.60
in 41; basal subcaudal scales keeled; lateral
caudal scales keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct division in segments discernable; dorsal medial caudal scale row
slightly enlarged, keeled, not forming crest;
most scales on anterior surface of antebrachium rugose to strongly unicarinate; 2126
(24.0 6 1.2) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs; 611 (8.3
6 1.2) subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe
IV of hind limbs; SVL 29.053.3 (45.7 6
5.7) mm in males, 33.051.6 (46.5 6 4.6)
mm in females; TAL/SVL 1.792.00 in nine
males, 1.481.95 in 14 females; HL/SVL
0.240.30 in males, 0.240.29 in females;
SHL/SVL 0.260.33 in males, 0.270.32 in
females; SHL/HL 1.001.22 in males, 0.96
1.15 in females; longest toe of adpressed
hind limb usually reaching between anterior
border of eye and beyond tip of snout.
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
541036): dorsal surface of body with middorsal swath of Antique Brown (37) extending from occiput to end of dilated proximal
portion of tail, coursed by series of seven
Sepia (219) spots, bounded by Sepia dorsolateral stripe, in turn by Sulphur Yellow (57)
lateral stripe; lateral stripe bounded below
by Cinnamon-Brown (33) ventrolateral
stripe; dorsal surface of head pale brown
with darker brown interocular band; front
limbs dirty Straw Yellow (56); hind limbs
Straw Yellow with slightly darker crossbands; ventral surfaces of head and body
Straw Yellow; dewlap Deep Vinaceous (4)


with brown basal spot; distal portion of tail

coppery brown with slightly darker crossbands; iris pale copper. Color in life of
another adult male (USNM 541035): dorsal
surfaces of head and body chocolate brown
with slight bronze sheen, series of bronzebrown middorsal blotches separated by dark
chocolate brown crossbars; lateral stripe
pale gold anteriorly, grading to pale bronze
posteriorly; limbs pale olive-tan; head
brown with rust wash; tail pale olive brown
with rust wash and indistinct brown crossbands; ventral surface of body pale yellow;
chin red-orange; dewlap Maroon (31) with
brown basal spot. Color in life of a third
adult male (USNM 541032): dorsal surfaces
of head and body pale brown with darker
brown dorsolateral blotches; hind limbs pale
brown with pale orange crossbands; ventral
surfaces pale brown with paler brown
reticulations; dewlap Warm Sepia (221A)
with darker brown basal spot. Color in life
of another adult male (USNM 541033):
dorsal surfaces brown with dark brown
middorsal chevrons; yellowish tan middorsal
stripe extending onto tail; belly cream with
brown mottling; dewlap brown with darker
brown basal spot; dewlap scales white.
Another adult male (USNM 563221) had a
chocolate brown dewlap with a darker
brown basal spot. Color in life of an adult
female (USNM 541031): dorsal surface of
body yellowish brown with gold to reddish
orange middorsal stripe; dorsal surface of
head yellowish brown; front limbs pale
brown; hind limbs rust red with scattered
yellow flecking; middorsal stripe continuing
onto proximal half of tail, distal portion of
tail banded pale and dark brown; ventral
surface of body pale brown; chin and throat
white with scattered pale brown mottling;
iris bronze. Another adult female (USNM
563226): dorsal surfaces brown; chin pale
brown; belly pale brown with midventral
white area. Color in life of a juvenile
(USNM 563222): dorsal surface of body
olive with bronze cast; indistinct bronze
middorsal stripe present; dorsum crossed by
four dark brown X-shaped crossbands;
narrow gold lateral stripe present; upper


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

portion of head copper with brown interocular bar; ventral surface of body cream
with brown mottling; chin and throat white
with brown longitudinal lines.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head
and body pale brown to dark brown;
middorsal pattern variable, some specimens
lack pattern, some have dark brown spots or
chevrons (most prominent above groin
region and on base of tail), most females
have a thin vertebral pale line, occasional
females have a broad pale middorsal stripe
bordered by dark brown; pale lateral stripe
present in many individuals (stripes most
prominent above shoulder region, lateral
stripe reaching groin region and base of tail
in occasional specimens); lateral surface of
head pale brown; dorsal surfaces of limbs
brown, usually with indistinct paler brown
crossbands; dorsal surface of tail brown,
some have darker brown chevrons or crossbands, these markings more evident anteriorly; scales of ventral surfaces of head and
body white, flecked with brown, flecking
sparse in some, others moderately to heavily
flecked with brown; juveniles and some
females with brown streaks or spots on chin
and throat region; subcaudal surface lightly
to moderately flecked with brown proximally, brown flecking becoming heavier distally
until distal two-thirds mostly brown; male
dewlap brown.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of KU 112986 (from Departamento
Chontales, Nicaragua) is a medium-sized,
bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered
by well-developed sulcal lips, bifurcating at
base of apex, its branches continuing to tip
of lobes; lobes strongly calyculate; truncus
with transverse folds; asulcate processus
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops cupreus is distinguished from all other Honduran Norops, except N. bicaorum, N.
lemurinus, and N. roatanensis, by the
combination of having long hind legs
(longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
reaching between anterior border of eye
and beyond tip of snout), weakly to strongly
keeled ventral scales, about 02 dorsal scale

rows slightly enlarged, homogeneous lateral

scales, no tubelike axillary pocket, and no
enlarged postcloacals in males. Norops
cupreus differs from N. bicaorum, N.
lemurinus, and N. roatanensis by having
nonmucronate ventral scales (mucronate in
those three species), no dark brown lyriform
mark in nuchal region (such a mark usually
present in those three species), a brown
male dewlap in life (dewlap some shade of
red in those three species), and smaller
body size (average adult size about 45 mm
SVL in N. cupreus versus greater than
55 mm SVL in N. bicaorum, N. lemurinus,
and N. roatanensis).
Illustrations (Figs. 17, 18, 113). Fitch et
al., 1972 (dorsal color pattern variation; as
Anolis); Fitch, 1973 (adult; as Anolis), 1975
(adult; as Anolis); Schmidt and Henkel,
1995 (adult; as Anolis cupreus dariense);
Flaschendrager and Wijffels, 1996 (adult; as
Anolis cupreus dariense); Kohler, 1999c
(adult), 2000 (head and dewlap), 2001b
(head and dewlap), 2003 (adult; head and
dewlap), 2008 (adult; head and dewlap,
hemipenis), 2014 (male dewlap; as Anolis);
Kohler and Kreutz, 1999 (dewlap, hemipenis); Savage, 2002 (adult, dewlap);
McCranie et al., 2006 (adult; as N. dariense).
Remarks. Hallowell (1861) stated that 17
specimens were available to him for his
species description. We have been able to
account for only 14 syntypes in the literature (see species synonymy).
Savage (2002) suggested elevating N.
cupreus dariense (Fitch and Seigel) to a full
species, a suggestion followed by McCranie
et al. (2006). According to this classification,
N. cupreus would be restricted in Honduras
to the southern portion of the country,
whereas those populations from northcentral and eastern Honduras would be
referred to as N. dariense. An analysis of 27
morphometric and scalation characters from
N. cupreus from the southern portion of the
country (10 males, 5 females) with specimens from north-central and eastern Honduras (16 males, 18 females) did not reveal
any significant differences (see Table 4).



Figure 17. Norops cupreus head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 86988, adult female from San San Hil, Gracias a Dios.
Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 18. Norops cupreus. (A) Adult male (USNM 580699) from El Rodeo, El Paraso; (B) adult male dewlap (USNM 580699).
Photographs by James R. McCranie.

Although differences in mean values in

some characters were documented, there
was still large overlap between the two
nominal forms in all characters examined.
McCranie et al. (2006: 121) stated Norops
dariense has smaller scales, longer hind
limbs, and a different colored dewlap than
typical N. cupreus. At this point we cannot
sufficiently address the geographic variation
in male dewlap coloration in N. cupreus
(sensu lato). However, the postulated dif-

ferences in dorsal scale size are only weakly

supported by our data (dorsals in one HL
3476, x 5 50.2 6 9.4 in dariense versus
4249, x 5 45.4 6 1.9 in cupreus).
Although, on average, specimens referable
to N. dariense have slightly longer legs
relative to SVL length compared with true
N. cupreus (SHL/SVL 0.270.33 in male
and female dariense versus 0.260.30 in
male and 0.260.27 in female cupreus),
there is still slight overlap between the




Norops dariense
(16 males, 18 females)
Snout-vent length (SVL)
Both sexes combined



Norops cupreus
(10 males, 5 females)

29.052.0 (44.9 6 5.5)

29.052.0 (43.4 6 6.1)
33.051.6 (46.3 6 4.7)

45.053.3 (49.3 6 2.4)

45.853.3 (49.3 6 2.3)
45.051.2 (49.2 6 2.7)

Ventrals in 1 head length

Both sexes combined

2658 (40.1 6 7.2)

3853 (43.2 6 4.8)
2658 (37.3 6 8.0)

3546 (40.9 6 2.9)

4046 (42.3 6 2.0)
3540 (38.0 6 2.0)

Ventrals between axilla-groin

Both sexes combined

3682 (59.8 6 10.9)

3682 (59.5 6 11.0)
4078 (60.0 6 11.1)

5072 (61.4 6 5.7)

5067 (61.0 6 5.3)
5272 (62.2 6 7.4)

Dorsals in 1 head length

Both sexes combined

3476 (50.2 6 9.4)

4067 (51.7 6 7.8)
3476 (48.8 6 10.7)

4249 (45.4 6 1.9)

4249 (45.7 6 2.3)
4446 (44.8 6 0.8)

Dorsals between axilla-groin

Both sexes combined

5998 (78.1 6 9.0)

5992 (75.3 6 8.7)
6498 (80.6 6 8.7)

6093 (80.1 6 9.1)

6893 (80.7 6 8.2)
6091 (78.8 6 11.5)

Fourth toe lamellae

Both sexes combined

2126 (23.9 6 1.3)

2226 (24.3 6 1.1)
2126 (23.6 6 1.4)

2326 (24.0 6 0.9)

2426 (24.5 6 0.7)
2323 (23.0 6 0.0)

Fourth finger lamellae

Both sexes combined

611 (8.3 6 1.3)

610 (8.3 6 1.2)
611 (8.4 6 1.4)

79 (8.3 6 0.7)
79 (8.4 6 0.8)
89 (8.2 6 0.4)

Loreal rows
Both sexes combined

48 (6.9 6 0.9)
68 (7.2 6 0.6)
48 (6.6 6 1.0)

68 (6.7 6 0.7)
68 (6.8 6 0.8)
67 (6.6 6 0.5)

Total loreals
Both sexes combined

2961 (45.4 6 7.0)

3861 (46.8 6 6.1)
2957 (44.0 6 7.7)

3046 (40.8 6 4.3)

3646 (40.8 6 3.5)
3044 (40.8 6 6.1)

Supralabials to level below center of eye

Both sexes combined

58 (7.0 6 0.7)
68 (7.2 6 0.5)
58 (6.8 6 0.7)

711 (8.1 6 1.0)

711 (8.2 6 1.2)
78 (7.8 6 0.4)

Infralabials to level below center of eye

Both sexes combined

69 (7.4 6 0.8)
69 (7.7 6 0.7)
68 (7.2 6 0.7)

810 (8.4 6 0.6)

810 (8.5 6 0.7)
89 (8.2 6 0.4)

Scales separating supraorbital semicircles (SOS)

Both sexes combined

13 (2.1 6 0.4)
23 (2.2 6 0.4)
13 (2.0 6 0.3)

23 (2.1 6 0.3)
22 (2.0 6 0.0)
23 (2.2 6 0.4)



Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1


Norops dariense
(16 males, 18 females)
Scales between interparietal and SOS
Both sexes combined

Norops cupreus
(10 males, 5 females)

24 (2.8 6 0.5)
24 (2.8 6 0.5)
24 (2.8 6 0.5)

24 (3.0 6 0.4)
24 (2.9 6 0.3)
24 (3.3 6 0.6)

Scales between posterior canthals

Both sexes combined

712 (9.8 6 1.1)

912 (10.3 6 0.9)
711 (9.3 6 1.1)

912 (10.3 6 0.8)

912 (10.4 6 0.8)
911 (10.0 6 0.7)

Scales between second canthals

Both sexes combined

712 (9.3 6 1.3)

812 (9.7 6 1.4)
711 (8.9 6 1.2)

710 (8.9 6 0.9)

710 (8.9 6 1.0)
810 (8.8 6 0.8)

Both sexes combined

59 (6.5 6 0.9)
58 (6.3 6 0.8)
69 (6.7 6 1.0)

68 (6.1 6 0.5)
68 (6.2 6 0.6)
66 (6.0 6 0.0)

Both sexes combined

49 (5.9 6 1.3)
49 (5.6 6 1.4)
59 (6.1 6 1.1)

57 (6.0 6 0.4)
67 (6.1 6 0.3)
56 (5.8 6 0.4)

Both sexes combined

59 (6.6 6 1.0)
58 (6.3 6 1.1)
59 (6.8 6 0.9)

66 (6.0 6 0.0)
66 (6.0 6 0.0)
66 (6.0 6 0.0)

Scales around midbody

Both sexes combined

104186 (155.9 6 18.7)

124170 (158.0 6 14.1)
104186 (154.1 6 22.2)

148186 (168.3 6 11.7)

156184 (169.0 6 10.7)
148186 (167.0 6 14.7)

Tail length/SVL
Both sexes combined

1.482.00 (n 5 15)
1.792.00 (n 5 5)
1.481.95 (n 5 10)

1.461.95 (n 5 8)
1.801.95 (n 5 4)
1.461.63 (n 5 4)

Head length/SVL
Both sexes combined



Shank length/SVL
Both sexes combined



Head length/head width

Both sexes combined



Tail height/tail width

Both sexes combined

1.071.60 (n 5 32)
1.071.57 (n 5 15)
1.081.60 (n 5 17)

1.081.40 (n 5 12)
1.151.31 (n 5 7)
1.081.40 (n 5 5)




Norops dariense
(16 males, 18 females)

Norops cupreus
(10 males, 5 females)

Head width/SVL
Both sexes combined



Axilla-groin distance/SVL
Both sexes combined



Shank length/head length

Both sexes combined



ranges. Given the small sample size (only five

females in one group), we can expect a
greater range of variation and even more
overlap once additional specimens are added
to this analysis. We prefer to maintain N.
dariense in the synonymy of N. cupreus.
Norops cupreus is a member of the N.
cupreus species subgroup (Savage and
Guyer, 1989) of the N. auratus species
group of Nicholson et al. (2012). It is the
only member of that subgroup in Honduras.
However, a morphological analysis by Poe
(2004) did not recover a monophyletic N.
cupreus species group as recognized by
Savage and Guyer (1989). Norops cupreus
formed a clade with N. polylepis (Peters) of
Costa Rica and Panama in Nicholson et al.
(2005, 2012). Savage and Guyer (1989) had
placed N. polylepis in their N. fuscoauratus
species group.
Natural History Comments. Norops cupreus is known from near sea level to
1,300 m elevation in the Lowland Moist
Forest, Lowland Dry Forest, Lowland Arid
Forest, Premontane Wet Forest, and Premontane Moist Forest formations. This
species is both terrestrial and arboreal and
is unique among Honduran anoles in that it
occurs in areas varying from closed canopy
humid broadleaf rainforest to open subhumid sunny areas with little leafy vegetation
available. Individuals in closed canopy forest
are active in both sunny and shaded

situations, whereas those at the other

extreme in open subhumid areas are usually
active in shaded areas. Those active on the
ground frequently retreat to the nearest tree
or boulder and climb when pursued. Others
can be found in and near rock piles, where
they retreat when pursued. One was active
in a mixed shady-sunny spot in a banana
plant during late afternoon in an area
formerly of mixed dry forest and gallery
forest. The species also sleeps on low
vegetation at night. It has been collected
during every month of the year. A specimen
of N. cupreus from Honduras (UF 144636)
was removed from the stomach of the pit
viper Bothriechis schlegelii (UF 141057),
and another is in the stomach of a small
snake Coniophanes fissidens (USNM
561022). The ecology of N. cupreus has
been extensively studied in the hot and dry
lowlands of northwestern Costa Rica. The
following is taken from Savage (2002), who
summarized the literature resulting from
those studies. Individuals tend to hide
during the day, are active near sunset during
the hot times of the year, but bask in the sun
during less-hot periods. They spend much
of their active period foraging in leaf litter
but also forage on a wide variety of elevated
areas. They feed on a variety of arthropods,
but predominately on ants, lepidopteran
larvae, and spiders. Reproduction is essentially restricted to the height of the rainy


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 9.

Localities for Norops cupreus. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

season, with females laying a single egg

every 710 days.
Etymology. The name cupreus is Latin (of
copper, coppery) and alludes to the copper
dorsal coloration described for the type
series by Hallowell (1861).
Specimens Examined (221 [28]; Map 9).
CHOLUTECA: Cerro Guanacaure, SDSNH
72735; Finca El Rub, SDSNH 72733; La
Fortuna, SDSNH 7272932, 72734, 72737
41, 7274350; Quebrada de La Florida,
SDSNH 72754; San Marcos de Colon,
SMF 7731415; Tres Pilas, SDSNH 72736.
N: Cerro Calentura, LSUMZ 33675,
USNM 54103031; Quebrada Machn,
USNM 54104042; 1 km SSW of Trujillo,
KU 10139495; Trujillo, LSUMZ 22429. EL
PARAISO: Agua Fra, AMNH 70355; Arenales, LACM 16855 (listed as LACM 16856
by Meyer and Wilson, 1973); Boca Espanol,
SMF 86986; Danl, BYU 1819294; El
Rodeo, USNM 580699700; Las Manos,
UTA R-5214142; La Vina de San Marcos,
USNM 54103639; Mapachn, SMF 91758;
near Yuscaran, AMNH 70381. FRANCISCO

MORAZAN: El Chile, SMF 8088588.

563185; Bachi Kiamp, SMF 9125355,
91760, USNM 565441; Bodega de Ro
Tapalwas, UF 14463034, USNM 563204
12; Cabeceras de Ro Rus Rus, SMF 86978;
Cano Awalwas, UF 14462226, USNM
56317684; Cano Awawas, USNM 563186
90; Cerros de Saban, SMF 86979; Cerro
Wahatingni, UF 144636; Cerro Wisplini,
SMF 91766; Crique Wahatingni, SMF
86990, USNM 563213; near Cueva de
Leimus, SMF 91334; Hiltara Kiamp, SMF
86977, USNM 563191; SW end of Isla de
Venado, SMF 9125658; Kakamuklaya,
USNM 573125; Karasangkan, USNM
56319294; Kaska Tingni, USNM 563195;
Kasunta, USNM 56319697; Kipla Tingni
Kiamp, SMF 86976; Krahkra, SMF 91259,
USNM 563198; Leimus (Ro Warunta),
FMNH 28257880, USNM 565440; Rawa
Kiamp, SMF 91260; Rus Rus, USNM
563199200, 573126; Sadyk Kiamp, SMF
9126163, 92847; San San Hil, SMF 86987
89, USNM 56320103; San San Hil Kiamp,


SMF 86981; Sisinbila, SMF 91761; Swabila,

UF 14462729; Tikiraya, UF 144635; Warunta Tingni Kiamp, SMF 86980, USNM
56321418, 56543639. OLANCHO: 0.5
1.0 km WNW of Catacamas, LSUMZ 21371
72; 6 km NW of Catacamas, UF 90222; 5 km
E of Catacamas, LACM 4516064, 45227
31, 4766770, 4767475; about 9 km E of
Catacamas, LACM 45133; 13 km NW of
Catacamas, LACM 4767173; LSUMZ
2137375; 4.5 km SE of Catacamas, LSUMZ
2137679; between Catacamas and Dulce
Nombre de Culm, UTA R-5400305;
Cuaca, UTA R-53906, 53909, 53918,
5400102; between El Dctamo and Parque
Nacional La Muralla Centro de Visitantes,
USNM 342279, 563219; El Murmullo,
SMF 9175455; Montana de Liquidambar,
USNM 342282; Montana del Ecuador,
USNM 34228081; Piedra Blanca, SMF
91757, 91759; Quebrada de Agua, SMF
91763; Quebrada de Las Escaleras, USNM
34228384; between Quebrada de Las Escaleras and Quebrada Las Cantinas, USNM
34228687; Quebrada El Guasimo, SMF
8082021, 86975, USNM 563220; Quebrada
Las Cantinas, USNM 342285; Quebrada
Salitre Lajas, USNM 34228889; Qururia,
USNM 563225; Raudal La Caldera, USNM
541035; confluence of Ros Aner and
Wampu, USNM 54103233; Ro Cuaca,
SMF 91333; Ro Kosmako, USNM 563221
24; Ro Seco, USNM 563226; 4 km E of San
Jose del Ro Tinto, LACM 45146; Talgua,
SMF 91756; Terrero Blanco, USNM 342290;
Yapuwas, USNM 541034.
Norops cusuco McCranie, Kohler, and Wilson
Anolis laeviventris: Wilson et al., 1991: 70;
Kohler et al., 2007: 391 (in part).
Norops laeviventris: Anonymous, 1994:
116; McCranie et al., 2000: 223 (in part);
Kohler et al., 2001: 254 (in part); Wilson
et al., 2001: 136 (in part); McCranie,
2005: 20.
Norops cusuco McCranie, Ko hler, and
Wilson, 2000: 214 (holotype, SMF
78842; type locality: Parque Nacional El
Cusuco Centro de Visitantes [15u29.929N,


88u12.889W], 1550 m elevation, Departamento de Cortes, Honduras); Kohler,

2003: 98, 2008: 105; Wilson and McCranie, 2003: 59, 2004b: 43, 2004c: 24.
Anolis cusuco: Townsend, 2006: 35, 2009:
298; Townsend et al., 2006: 35; Kohler
et al., 2007: 391; Townsend and Wilson,
2008: 154 (in part).

Geographic Distribution. Norops cusuco

occurs at intermediate elevations in the
environs of Parque Nacional Cusuco in
Cortes and Santa Barbara, and in Parque
Nacional Cerro Azul in Copan, in northwestern Honduras.
Description. The following is based on
eight males (KU 19427879, 194285; SMF
78842, 79170, 79179, 93368; USNM
578744) and 12 females (KU 19427677,
19428082, 194284; SMF 79171, 79182;
USNM 53256768, 56543435). Norops
cusuco is a small anole (SVL 46 mm in
largest male [SMF 78842], 43 mm in largest
females [USNM 53256768]); dorsal head
scales keeled in internasal and prefrontal
areas, smooth in frontal area, most scales
smooth in parietal area; deep frontal depression present; parietal depression shallow; 37
(4.7 6 1.0) postrostrals in 15; anterior nasal
divided or single, lower edge contacting
rostral and first supralabial when single; 3
6 (5.1 6 0.9) internasals; canthal ridge
sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles smooth or faintly keeled,
largest scale in semicircles larger than largest
supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles
well defined; supraorbital semicircles usually
in broad contact medially, occasionally 1
scale preventing contact; 13 (1.8 6 0.6)
scales separating supraorbital semicircles
and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal well defined, irregular in outline, larger
than ear opening; 23 rows of about 37
(total number) enlarged, smooth, or faintly
keeled supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars completely separated from supraorbital semicircles by 1 row of small scales; 2
elongate superciliaries, posterior shortest;
usually 3 enlarged canthals; 710 (8.2 6
0.7) scales between second canthals; 811


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

(8.9 6 0.9) scales between posterior canthals;

loreal region slightly concave, 1743 (30.1 6
6.4) keeled loreal scales in maximum of 56
(5.4 6 0.5) horizontal rows; 58 (6.3 6 0.6)
supralabials and 47 (5.6 6 0.7) infralabials
to level below center of eye in 15; suboculars
distinctly keeled, 12 suboculars usually in
contact with supralabials (rarely 1 scale
separating suboculars from supralabials);
ear opening vertically oval; scales anterior
to ear opening not granular, slightly larger
than those posterior to ear opening; 46 (5.3
6 0.8) postmentals, outer pair usually
largest; gular scales faintly keeled; male
dewlap large, extending onto chest well
posterior to level of axilla; male dewlap with
about 1011 horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale
rows, about 8 mean number of scales per row
(n 5 2); 2 (modal number) anterior marginal
pairs in male dewlap; female dewlap absent;
no nuchal crest or dorsal ridge; about 04
middorsal scale rows slightly enlarged,
keeled, dorsal scales lateral to middorsal
series grading into lateral scales (lateral
scales slightly enlarged in some, granular in
others); a few or no enlarged scales scattered
among laterals; 6996 (80.4 6 9.4) dorsal
scales along vertebral midline between levels
of axilla and groin in seven males, 6999
(81.4 6 10.3) in eight females; 4261 (48.8 6
7.7) dorsal scales along vertebral midline
contained in 1 head length in males, 3654
(42.4 6 4.2) in females; ventral scales on
midsection larger than largest dorsal scales;
ventral body scales keeled, imbricate; about
4567 (56.0 6 7.9) ventral scales along
midventral line between levels of axilla and
groin in six males, 4357 (49.3 6 4.5) in eight
females; 2943 (35.4 6 5.0) ventral scales
contained in 1 head length in males, 2436
(28.6 6 3.3) in females; 130164 (141.1 6
13.4) scales around midbody in seven males,
120154 (134.8 6 10.5) in eight females;
tubelike axillary pocket absent; precloacal
scales not keeled; enlarged postcloacal scales
present in males; tail rounded to slightly
compressed, TH/TW 1.001.50 in 19; basal
subcaudal scales smooth to keeled; lateral
caudal scales keeled, homogeneous; dorsal
medial caudal scale row slightly enlarged,

keeled, not forming crest; most scales on

anterior surface of antebrachium unicarinate; 2228 (25.6 6 1.6) subdigital lamellae
on Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs;
59 (6.6 6 1.0) subdigital scales on Phalanx I
of Toe IV on 28 sides of hind limbs; SVL
37.046.2 (41.3 6 3.5) mm in males, 38.5
43.3 (41.2 6 1.7) mm in females; TAL/SVL
1.431.67 in three males, 1.291.74 in seven
females; HL/SVL 0.250.29 in males, 0.25
0.28 in females; SHL/SVL 0.200.23 in
males, 0.190.22 in females; SHL/HL 0.71
0.88 in males, 0.720.87 in females; longest
toe of adpressed hind limb usually reaching
ear opening.
Color in life of the male holotype (SMF
78842) was described by McCranie et al.
(2000: 217): dorsal and lateral surfaces of
head and body pale grayish brown with
some dark brown shadings; a dirty white
supralabial stripe and a dark brown interorbital bar present; venter dirty white with
some pale gray shadings; dewlap dirty
white. Color in life of a series from the
type locality: (KU 194278; adult male)
dorsum pale grayish tan with cream stripe
extending posteriorly from shoulder region;
belly dirty white; dewlap pale yellow; (KU
194279; adult male) same as that of KU
194278, except with yellowish tinge on
ventral surfaces of hind limbs and base of
tail; (KU 194280; adult female) dorsum pale
yellowish tan; middorsal stripe pale golden
rust with faintly defined brown borders; tail
colored as middorsal stripe; belly and
dewlap white with pale yellow tinge; (KU
194281; adult female) same as that for KU
194280, except middorsal stripe pale tan;
(KU 194282; adult female) same as that for
KU 194280, except lacking middorsal stripe.
Dewlap color of another adult male (SMF
93368) was Pale Horn Color (92) with
similarly colored scales. Color in life of
another adult male (SMF 79179): dorsal
surface of head rust gray with brown
interocular bar; dorsal surface of body
golden rust with darker markings on middorsal area; dorsal surfaces of limbs golden
yellow; supralabials and loreal region cream;
chin cream, heavily mottled with brown;


venter cream; tail tan above, rust orange

below, pale yellow at base; dewlap pale
yellow, some scales with small brown spots.
Color in life of an adult female (USNM
565450): dorsum Straw Yellow (56) with
middorsal series of Hair Brown (119A)
chevrons on Fawn Color (25) swath; top of
head Straw Yellow with brown interocular
bar; side of head Straw Yellow; forelimbs
Straw Yellow with slightly darker transverse
bars; hind limbs Straw Yellow with brownoutlined Spectrum Yellow (55) spots on
shanks; dorsal surface of tail with series of
diamond-shaped pale markings separated
along length of tail by brown interspaces on
Straw Yellow background; venter Cream
Color (54). Color in life of another adult
female (FMNH 236388): head pale rust red
with gray spots on cream-colored supraoculars and dark brown spotting on temporal
and interocular areas; dorsal surface of body
golden tan with golden brown middorsal
band narrowing anteriorly to golden stripe;
dark brown lateral stripe present, stripe
widening somewhat posteriorly, located
between axilla and groin; dorsal surfaces of
limbs tan with brown crossbars; chin cream
with brown punctations; belly cream.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head
and body grayish-brown with some brown
mottling along dorsal midline of body;
dorsal surfaces of limbs grayish brown with
indistinct brown crossbars; dorsal surface of
tail brown with indistinct darker brown
crossbands; ventral surfaces of head and
body grayish white with some brown
flecking; subcaudal surface brown.
Hemipenis: the fully everted hemipenis
of SMF 78842 is a rather stout organ with
only rudimentary lobes; sulcus spermaticus
bordered by well-developed sulcal lips,
bifurcating at base of apex; large asulcate
processus present; no particular surface
structure discernible on either truncus or
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops cusuco
is distinguished from all other Honduran
Norops, except N. laeviventris and N.
kreutzi, by the combination of having a
few to no slightly enlarged middorsal scale


rows, heterogeneous lateral scales in some,

keeled ventral scales, male dewlap dirty
white, pale yellow, or pale gray in life, and
a pair of enlarged postcloacal scales in
males. Norops cusuco differs from N.
laeviventris by having a larger male dewlap
(extending well onto chest posterior to level
of axilla in N. cusuco versus to about level of
axilla in N. laeviventris). Norops cusuco
differs from N. kreutzi by having a dirty
white, pale yellow, or pale gray male dewlap
in life, with gorgetal scales of same color
(dewlap pale yellow with purple gorgetal
scales in life in N. kreutzi). Those two
species also occur in isolated mountain
ranges with about 55 km of unsuitable
habitat separating each others closest
known localities.
Illustrations (Figs. 19, 20). McCranie
et al., 2000 (adult, head scales, head and
dewlap, hemipenis); Kohler, 2003 (adult),
2008 (adult); Townsend and Wilson, 2008
(adult; as Anolis).
Remarks. Norops cusuco is a member
of the N. laeviventris species subgroup
(McCranie et al., 2000) of the N. auratus
species group of Nicholson et al. (2012). The
other Honduran members of this subgroup
are N. kreutzi and N. laeviventris. Kohler and
Obermeier (1998) and Kohler et al. (1999)
believed N. laeviventris to be part of the N.
crassulus species group. However, molecular
and morphological data in Nicholson (2002),
Poe (2004), and Nicholson et al. (2005) do
not support that relationship. The Honduran
members of the N. laeviventris subgroup
are characterized by having white to pale
yellow male dewlaps, strongly keeled ventral
scales, and a small size. Norops cusuco
was not included in the phylogenetic analysis
of Nicholson et al. (2012).
Natural History Comments. Norops cusuco is known from 1,350 to 1,990 m
elevation in the Lower Montane Wet Forest
formation and peripherally in the Premontane Wet Forest formation. It is usually
active on tree branches and tree trunks
about 50150 cm above the ground, and one
was in a sunny spot on a small log at about
10:00 a.m. Townsend and Wilson (2008)


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 19. Norops cusuco head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 78842, adult male from El Cusuco, Cortes. Scale bar 5
1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.



Figure 20. Norops cusuco. (A) Adult male (SMF 93368) from Quebrada Las Piedras, Copan; (B) adult male dewlap (SMF
93368). Photographs by James R. McCranie.

reported finding it on vegetation up to 2.5 m

above the ground. This species sleeps on
leaves and stems of low vegetation at night.
Norops cusuco was collected from March to
September and during November and is
probably active throughout the year under
favorable conditions. Nothing has been
reported on its diet or reproduction.
Etymology. The name cusuco refers to
Parque Nacional Cusuco, where its type
locality is located.

Specimens Examined (36 [0]; Map 10).

COPAN: Quebrada Grande, FMNH
236388, SMF 79179, USNM 532569,
565450; Quebrada Las Piedras, SMF
93368. CORTES: El Cusuco, KU 194275
85, SMF 78842, 7917071, 79182, UF
142740, 144213, 14964950, 166193,
USNM 53256768, 56543435, 57874345;
Guanales Camp, UF 149651, 149653;
Quebrada de Cantiles, UF 149655. SANTA
BARBARA: La Fortuna Camp, UF 149652.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 10.

Localities for Norops cusuco. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

Norops heteropholidotus (Mertens)

Anolis heteropholidotus Mertens, 1952a: 89
(holotype, SMF 43041; type locality:
Oberhalb Hacienda Los Planes am
Miramundo, 2000 m H., Dept. Santa
Ana, El Salvador); Kohler et al., 2007:
391; Townsend and Wilson, 2009: 63;
Kohler, 2014: 210.
Anolis sminthus: Meyer, 1969: 232 (in part);
Meyer and Wilson, 1972: 108 (in part),
1973: 20 (in part); Wilson et al., 1979b: 62.
Norops heteropholidotus: Villa et al., 1988:
49; Kohler and McCranie, 1998: 12;
Kohler and Obermeier, 1998: 136; Kohler
et al., 1999: 298, 2001: 254; Kohler,
2003: 101, 2008: 107; Wilson and
McCranie, 2003: 59 (in part), 2004b: 43;
Cruz et al., 2006: 36.
Norops sminthus: McCranie et al., 1992: 208
(in part); Wilson et al., 2001: 136 (in part);
Wilson and McCranie, 2003: 59 (in part).
Norops cf. sminthus: Kohler and Obermeier, 1998: 136 (in part); Kohler et al.,
1999: 298 (in part).

Anolis cf. sminthus: Townsend and Wilson,

2009: 63 (in part).

Geographic Distribution. Norops heteropholidotus occurs at intermediate elevations

in northwestern El Salvador, southeastern
Guatemala, and southwestern Honduras on
the Pacific versant and in southwestern
Honduras on the Atlantic versant. In
Honduras, this species occurs along both
sides of the Continental Divide in the
mountains of the southwestern portion of
the country from western Ocotepeque to
eastern Intibuca.
Description. The following is based on 14
males (KU 21996971, 21997475; MVZ
39974; SMF 7801314, 78017, 7802021,
7802425, 78384) and 15 females (KU
21997273, 219976; SMF 77741, 78015
16, 7801819, 7802223, 7802630). Norops
heteropholidotus is a medium-sized anole
(SVL 50 mm in largest Honduran male
[SMF 78017] examined, 58 mm in largest
Honduran female [KU 219976] examined;
Townsend and Wilson [2009] reported a


maximum SVL 51 mm in males and 59 mm

in females); dorsal head scales rugose or
keeled in internasal, prefrontal, frontal, and
parietal regions; frontal depression present;
parietal depression absent; 37 (5.1 6 1.1)
postrostrals; anterior nasal divided, lower
section contacting rostral and first supralabial, or only rostral; 37 (5.4 6 1.0)
internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined;
scales comprising supraorbital semicircles
rugose or weakly keeled, largest scale in
semicircles larger than largest supraocular
scale; supraorbital semicircles well defined;
02 (1.0 6 0.6) scales separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point in 21; 2
4 (2.6 6 0.6) scales separating supraorbital
semicircles and interparietal at narrowest
point; interparietal well defined, slightly to
distinctly enlarged relative to adjacent
scales, surrounded by scales of moderate
size, longer than wide, smaller than ear
opening; 23 rows of about 58 (total
number) enlarged, smooth to faintly keeled
supraocular scales; 13 enlarged supraoculars in broad contact with supraorbital
semicircles; 2 elongate superciliaries, posterior only slightly shorter than anterior;
usually 3 enlarged canthals; 58 (5.9 6
0.8) scales between second canthals; 611
(7.8 6 1.2) scales between posterior
canthals; loreal region slightly concave, 16
30 (22.8 6 4.2) mostly strongly keeled loreal
scales in maximum of 36 (4.3 6 0.6)
horizontal rows; 68 (6.8 6 0.6) supralabials
and 69 (7.1 6 0.9) infralabials to level
below center of eye; suboculars weakly to
strongly keeled, usually 2 suboculars in
broad contact with supralabials; ear opening
vertically oval; scales anterior to ear opening
not granular, slightly larger than those
posterior to ear opening; 46 (4.2 6 0.5)
postmentals, outer pair usually largest;
keeled granular scales present on chin and
throat; male dewlap moderately large,
extending past level of axilla onto chest;
male dewlap with 58 horizontal gorgetalsternal scale rows, about 59 scales per row
(n 5 7); 12 (modal number) anterior
marginal pairs in male dewlap; female
dewlap relatively well developed, but small-


er than male dewlap; low nuchal crest and

low dorsal ridge present in males; about 8
10 middorsal scale rows distinctly enlarged,
keeled, without small scales irregularly
interspersed among the enlarged dorsal
scales; dorsal scales lateral to middorsal
series abruptly larger than granular lateral
scales; flank scales heterogeneous, solitary
enlarged keeled or elevated scales scattered
among laterals; 3246 (41.7 6 4.7) dorsal
scales along vertebral midline between
levels of axilla and groin in males, 3565
(49.2 6 8.2) in females; 2440 (29.9 6 5.3)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline contained in 1 head length in males, 2236
(29.2 6 4.3) in females; ventral scales on
midsection about same size as largest dorsal
scales; ventral body scales smooth, flat, 28
54 (40.6 6 7.6) ventral scales along
midventral line between levels of axilla and
groin in males, 2643 (36.0 6 4.8) in
females; 2242 (30.9 6 5.2) ventral scales
contained in 1 head length in males, 2028
(23.7 6 2.7) in females; 90138 (116.6 6
13.4) scales around midbody in males, 84
136 (119.1 6 12.4) in females; tubelike
axillary pocket absent; precloacal scales not
keeled; pair of greatly enlarged postcloacal
scales in males; tail rounded to distinctly
compressed, TH/TW 1.001.62 in 28; all
subcaudal scales keeled; lateral caudal
scales keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct division in segments discernable;
dorsal medial caudal scale row enlarged,
keeled, not forming crest; scales on anterior
surface of antebrachium distinctly keeled,
unicarinate; 2329 (24.4 6 1.3) subdigital
lamellae on Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of
hind limbs; 59 (6.7 6 0.9) subdigital scales
on Phalanx I of Toe IV of hind limbs; SVL
38.050.0 (44.4 6 3.7) mm in males, 44.0
58.0 (50.6 6 3.3) mm in females; TAL/SVL
2.232.44 in four males, 1.862.37 in six
females; HL/SVL 0.260.32 in males, 0.25
0.28 in females; SHL/SVL 0.230.27 in
males, 0.220.26 in females; SHL/HL
0.800.92 in males, 0.800.94 in females;
longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
reaching between ear opening and mideye.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Color in life of an adult male (KU

219975): dorsal surface of head brown with
dark brown interocular bar; dorsal surface
of body pale brown with brownish gray
middorsal line, on either side of this line is
series of three brown triangular blotches;
lateral surface of body mottled brown and
gray; dorsal surfaces of forelimbs brown
with gray crossbars; dorsal surfaces of hind
limbs rust brown with gray crossbars;
proximal third of tail gray middorsally,
mottled gray and brown laterally, the two
areas separated by rust brown line, remainder of tail rust brown with gray crossbars;
temporal region with thin brown lines
radiating posteriorly; chin white, heavily
mottled with gray; belly cream; dewlap
bright red-orange with white scales; iris
bronze. Color in life of an adult female
(SMF 91264): middorsum with Cinnamon
(39) stripe with darker brown mottling;
dorsolateral field Light Drab (119C); lateral
field darker brown than dorsolateral field;
dorsal and lateral surfaces of head Light
Drab with pale yellow subocular spot; iris
pale brown on anterior half, darker brown
on posterior half; chin and belly pale brown;
dewlap Chrome Orange (16) with cream
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head
and body some shade of brown; middorsal
pattern variable, some specimens lack pattern, some have dark brown chevrons; most
females have a thin vertebral pale line,
occasional females have a broad pale
middorsal stripe bordered by dark brown,
or a pattern of dark brown diamonds; lateral
surface of head pale grayish brown; dorsal
surfaces of limbs brown, usually with
indistinct dark brown crossbands; dorsal
surface of tail brown, some have darker
brown chevrons or crossbands, those markings more evident proximally.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 78024 is a medium-sized,
slightly bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus
bordered by well-developed sulcal lips,
opening into single broad concave area at
base of apex; lobes calyculate; truncus with

transverse folds; single asulcate processus

Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops heteropholidotus is distinguished from all other
Honduran Norops, except N. muralla and N.
sminthus, by the combination of having
about 810 distinctly enlarged middorsal
scale rows, heterogeneous lateral scales,
smooth, imbricate ventral scales, a red male
dewlap in life, and a pair of greatly enlarged
postcloacal scales in males. Norops heteropholidotus differs from N. muralla by having
the medial dorsal scales uniform in size,
without interspersed small scales (small
scales irregularly interspersed among enlarged medial dorsal scales in N. muralla).
Norops heteropholidotus differs from N.
sminthus by having smooth midventral
scales (weakly keeled in N. sminthus).
Norops amplisquamosus shares most of the
characters listed above with N. heteropholidotus, but differs most notably in having an
orange-yellow male dewlap in life (red
dewlap in N. heteropholidotus).
Illustrations (Figs. 21, 22, 91, 100, 101).
Kohler, 1996c (body scales), 2000 (head and
dewlap), 2003 (adult, head and dewlap),
2008 (adult, head and dewlap), 2014 (dorsal
and flank scales; as Anolis); Kohler and
McCranie, 1998 (head and dewlap); Kohler
and Obermeier, 1998 (hemipenis); Leenders and Watkins-Colwell, 2004 (adult,
dewlap); Kohler et al., 2005b (adult, head
Remarks. Meyer and Wilson (1972) placed
Norops heteropholidotus in the synonymy of
N. sminthus (as Anolis). Kohler (1996c)
demonstrated that N. heteropholidotus is a
species distinct from N. sminthus. This
species is a member of the N. crassulus
species subgroup (Kohler and Obermeier,
1998; Kohler et al., 1999, 2001; also see
Remarks for N. amplisquamosus) of the N.
auratus species group of Nicholson et al.
(2012). Nicholson et al. (2012) did not
include N. heteropholidotus as a valid species
of Norops, thus apparently considering it
synonymous with N. sminthus. Norops heteropholidotus, N. amplisquamosus, N. crassulus, N. muralla, and N. sminthus are also



Figure 22. Norops heteropholidotus. (A) Adult female (SMF

91264) from El Rodeo, Intibuca; (B) adult male dewlap (from
series SMF 7802030) from Quebrada La Quebradona,
Ocotepeque. Photographs by James R. McCranie (A) and
Gunther Kohler (B).

Figure 21. Norops heteropholidotus head in lateral, dorsal,

and ventral views. SMF 78015, adult female from Sumpul,
Ocotepeque. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.

similar to each other in being rather slow in

their efforts to escape human pursuit.
Leenders and Watkins-Colwell (2003,
2004) discussed sexual dimorphism in dewlap color in this species in El Salvador. The
specimen listed as N. sminthus from El
Salvador (MCZ R-57280) by Poe (2004)
actually represents N. heteropholidotus.
Natural History Comments. Norops heteropholidotus is known from 1,860 to
2,200 m elevation in the Lower Montane
Moist Forest formation. This species is
active on the ground, low on tree trunks,

on piles of lumber, and in low vegetation. It

appears to be most common in forest edge
situations that receive periods of direct
sunlight. At one site, (Sumpul, Ocotepeque)
it was particularly common in low vegetation along a dirt road. Norops heteropholidotus basks in the sun and is also active in
shady areas, and can remain active during
short cloudy periods during midday under
cooler conditions. Individuals of N. heteropholidotus are deliberate in their movements and are easily captured. The species
was found during January, February, May,
June, and September and is probably active
throughout the year under favorable conditions. Nothing has been reported on its diet
or reproduction.
Etymology. The name heteropholidotus is
formed from the Greek heteros (different)
and pholidotos (clad in scales), and refers to
the enlarged scales scattered among the
granular lateral scales in this species.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 11.

Localities for Norops heteropholidotus. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

Specimens Examined (82 [4]; Map 11).

INTIBUCA: El Rodeo, SMF 91264; 20 km
NNE of Jesus de Otoro, LSUMZ 33683;
2.4 km NE of La Esperanza, LACM 47682
(listed as LACM 47862 by Meyer and
Wilson, 1973); San Pedro La Loma, KU
219969, SMF 78384, UF 16627981,
16628388; Segua, SMF 91265; Zacate
Blanco, KU 194299, LSUMZ 38825. OCOTEPEQUE: Cerro El Pital, MVZ 39971,
39974; El Chaguiton, KU 21997073; El
Portillo de Cerro Negro, SMF 9126772;
3.6 km S of El Portillo de Ocotepeque, MVZ
263869; near El Portillo de Ocotepeque, UF
166194210; El Portillo de Ocotepeque, KU
21997476, LACM 4767981, SMF 77741;
Las Hojas, FMNH 283600; Quebrada El
Comatal, SMF 9127374; near Quebrada
La Quebradona, SMF 7802030, USNM
573127; Sumpul, SMF 7801319, 91266,
USNM 57312831; no other data, UTA

locality: El Cusuco [15u309N, 88u139W],

5.6 km WSW Buenos Aires [the latter
locality about 19 km N Cofrada], 1580 meters elevation, Sierra de Omoa, Depto.
Cortes, Honduras); McCranie et al., 1984:
337; Vanzolini, 1986: 4; Rossman and
Good, 1993: 9; Anonymous, 1994: 116;
Nieto-Montes de Oca, 1994a: 334, 1994b:
113, 1996: 26, 2001: 52; Townsend, 2006:
35, 2009: 298; Townsend and Wilson,
2006: 245, 2008: 156; Townsend et al.,
2006: 35; Kohler et al., 2007: 391; Kohler,
2014: 210.
Norops johnmeyeri: Villa et al., 1988: 49;
Campbell et al., 1989: 235; McCranie et
al., 1993a: 386, 1993b: 394; Kohler, 2000:
69, 2003: 100, 2008: 107; Kohler et al.,
2001: 255; Wilson et al., 2001: 136; Wilson
and McCranie, 2003: 59, 2004b: 43,
2004c: 24; McCranie, 2005: 20; Kohler
and Smith, 2008: 223; Snyder, 2011: 8.

Norops johnmeyeri (Wilson and McCranie)

Anolis johnmeyeri Wilson and McCranie,
1982: 133 (holotype, LSUMZ 37834; type

Geographic Distribution. Norops johnmeyeri occurs at moderate and intermediate

elevations and is known from the vicinity of


Quebrada Grande, Copan, and in Parque

Nacional Cusuco, Cortes, on the Atlantic
versant of northwestern Honduras.
Description. The following is based on 10
males (SMF 77757, 77761, 78824, 86983;
USNM 322903, 322905, 322908, 549363,
54936566) and 14 females (KU 192623;
LSUMZ 37834; SMF 7775556, 77758,
77760, 7882526, 86982, 86984; USNM
322902, 322904, 322907, 549364). Norops
johnmeyeri is a relatively large anole (SVL
73 mm in largest male [SMF 86983], 68 mm
in largest female [SMF 78825]); dorsal head
scales keeled in internasal, prefrontal, frontal, and parietal areas; moderate frontal and
parietal depressions present; 410 (6.2 6
1.6) postrostrals; anterior nasal divided,
lower section usually contacting rostral and
first supralabial or only first supralabial,
occasionally lower anterior nasal separated
from rostral and first supralabial by row of
scales; 58 (6.4 6 0.8) internasals; canthal
ridge sharply defined; scales comprising
supraorbital semicircles keeled, largest scale
in semicircles about same size as, or larger
than, largest supraocular scale; supraorbital
semicircles well defined; 15 (2.9 6 0.9)
scales separating supraorbital semicircles at
narrowest point; 37 (4.9 6 1.1) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal
well defined, moderately to greatly enlarged
relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by
scales of moderate size, longer than wide,
smaller than ear opening; 34 rows of about
38 (total number) enlarged, keeled supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars in broad
contact with supraorbital semicircles; 2
elongate superciliaries, posterior much
shorter than anterior; usually 3 enlarged
canthals; 710 (8.1 6 1.1) scales between
second canthals; 712 (9.7 6 1.2) scales
between posterior canthals; loreal region
slightly concave, 3666 (47.7 6 8.7) mostly
strongly keeled (some smooth or rugose)
loreal scales in maximum of 510 (6.8 6 1.3)
horizontal rows; 710 (8.6 6 0.9) supralabials and 710 (8.7 6 0.7) infralabials to
level below center of eye; suboculars
strongly keeled, usually separated from


supralabials by 1 row of scales, or 1

subocular narrowly in contact with 1 supralabial below eye; ear opening vertically oval;
scales anterior to ear opening not granular,
larger than those posterior to ear opening;
48 (6.1 6 0.7) postmentals, outer pair
usually largest; keeled granular scales present
on chin and throat; male dewlap moderately
large, extending posteriorly to level of axilla
onto chest; male dewlap with 68 horizontal
gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about 79 scales
per row (n 5 3); 3 (modal number) anterior
marginal pairs in male dewlap; female
dewlap moderately large, although slightly
smaller than male dewlap, extending to level
of axilla; nuchal crest and dorsal ridge
present in adult males; about 2 middorsal
scale rows slightly enlarged, keeled, subimbricate, dorsal scales lateral to middorsal
series gradually larger than granular lateral
scales; no enlarged scales scattered among
laterals; 4164 (51.7 6 6.9) dorsal scales
along vertebral midline between levels of
axilla and groin in males, 3859 (51.0 6 5.8)
in females; 3152 (38.4 6 6.3) dorsal scales
along vertebral midline contained in 1 head
length in males, 2944 (34.2 6 4.8) in
females; ventral scales on midsection larger
than largest dorsal scales; ventral body scales
smooth, flat, imbricate; 3858 (48.9 6 6.2)
ventral scales along midventral line between
levels of axilla and groin in males, 3456 (43.1
6 6.2) in females; 3347 (37.5 6 3.8) ventral
scales contained in 1 head length in males,
2638 (31.1 6 3.7) in females; 122154
(138.2 6 9.4) scales around midbody in
males, 108156 (134.1 6 13.2) in females;
tubelike axillary pocket absent; precloacal
scales conical, not keeled; a pair of slightly
enlarged postcloacal scales in males; tail
slightly to distinctly compressed, TH/TW
1.102.00; basal subcaudal scales smooth;
lateral caudal scales weakly keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct division in segments discernable; dorsal medial caudal
scale row not enlarged, keeled, not forming
crest; most scales on anterior surface of
antebrachium distinctly keeled, unicarinate;
2328 (25.1 6 1.5) subdigital lamellae on
Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs; 8


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

12 (10.4 6 1.4) subdigital scales on Phalanx I

of Toe IV of hind limbs; SVL 61.072.5 (67.2
6 3.8) mm in males, 39.068.0 (58.7 6 8.8)
mm in females; TAL/SVL 1.691.76 in three
males, 1.441.82 in 11 females; HL/SVL
0.280.30 in males, 0.260.32 in females;
SHL/SVL 0.260.28 in males, 0.250.27 in
females; SHL/HL 0.900.95 in males, 0.85
0.98 in females; longest toe of adpressed hind
limb usually reaching between posterior and
anterior borders of eye.
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
565442): dorsum closest to Grayish Olive
(43) with series of four brown lateral spots
edged narrowly posteriorly with Pale Horn
Color (92); limbs Grayish Olive with slightly
paler crossbands; top of head Grayish Olive;
top of tail Cinnamon (39); dewlap Chrome
Orange (16) peripherally, Cyanine Blue (74)
centrally, gorgetal scales Straw Yellow (56),
except on posterior half of central blue spot
where scales same color as surrounding
skin; belly Cream Color (54); underside
of tail pale cinnamon with pale yellow
crossbands; inner edge of eyelids Sulfur
Yellow (157); iris rust red. Color in life of
another adult male (KU 192624) was
described by McCranie et al. (1984: 337):
dorsum pale brown with cream-outlined
brown blotches along and on either side of
the dorsal midline; head and limbs yellowish
tan, latter with dark-outlined cream-colored
bands; tail yellowish tan with cream-outlined brown bands; venter pale yellowish
tan; iris rust red; dewlap red-orange with
large central royal blue spot, scales across
middle pale yellow, those of periphery
yellow. Color in life of a third adult male
(USNM 322903): dorsal surface of body
with olive green swath and olive brown
chevrons on middorsum; lateral surface of
body brown; dorsal and lateral surfaces of
head olive brown; dorsal surfaces of limbs
olive green with rust tinge and pale olive
crossbars; dorsal surface of tail olive green
with pale olive chevrons; chin olive yellow;
ventral surfaces of body, limbs, and tail olive
yellow; dewlap red-orange with cobalt blue
central spot and yellow scales (blue spot
occupies about half of area of dewlap);

perimeter of eyelid yellow; iris copper red.

Color in life of a fourth adult male (USNM
322905): dorsal surface of body pale olive;
lateral surface of body with alternating rust
red, olive gray, and dark olive green bars;
dorsal surfaces of limbs pale olive with pale
rust crossbars; chin yellow; belly yellow with
scattered pale rust orange spotting; dewlap
red-orange with cobalt blue central spot and
yellow scales (blue spot occupies about half
of area of dewlap). Color in life of the adult
female holotype (LSUMZ 37834) was described by Wilson and McCranie (1982:
135): dorsum pale olive-brown with small,
scattered irregular paler spots; a thin tan
line (dark-bordered below) extending posteromedially from behind the eye toward
the midline of the body where it joins with
the line on the other side of the body to
form a narrow pale line extending along the
dorsal midline, the latter of which broadens
somewhat on the base of the tail and
continues along the middorsal region of
the tail and grades into the ground color of
the tail; the pale middorsal stripe broken at
intervals by about ten narrow, short diffuse
dark brown marks; head pale olive brown
with a narrow, dark interocular line; limbs
pale olive-brown with narrow pale bands on
the upper and lower legs and feet; venter
pale yellowish cream; dewlap canary yellow
with a large central dark blue spot crossed
by oblique rows of white scales; iris red.
Color in life of another adult female
(USNM 322904): dorsal surface of head
rust red with olive tinge; dorsal surface of
body rust red with scant indication of darker
band on sides; forelimbs rust red dorsally,
grading to olive rust red ventrally; dorsal
surfaces of hind limbs rust red with paler
crossbars; dorsal surface of tail olive with
rust red tinge, grading to rust red towards
tip; lateral surface of head orange-rust; chin
olive yellow with orange-rust spots; dewlap
yellow with cobalt blue central spot and
yellow scales; belly yellow with rust spotting
and brown line down midventer; ventral
surfaces of limbs pale olive yellow. Color in
life of a third adult female (USNM 322907):
dorsal surfaces of head and body dark olive


green with scattered paler short narrow bars

irregularly arranged on sides; dorsal surfaces of limbs dark olive green with pale olive
gray crossbars; dorsal surface of tail dark
olive green with olive gray crossbars, tail
becoming increasingly rust colored distally;
belly pale gray with olive tinge; dewlap pale
yellow with blue central spot and scattered
orange flecks; iris red-orange. Color in life
of a fourth adult female (KU 192623):
dorsum olive brown, except middorsal
scales olive tan; dorsal surfaces of limbs
olive brown with tan crossbars; tail pale
brown with tan-outlined brown markings;
belly pale olive brown; dewlap golden
yellow with blue central spot. A juvenile
male (USNM 322906) had a red-orange
dewlap with a cobalt blue central spot and
yellow scales.
Color in alcohol: dorsal and lateral
surfaces of head and body pale brown to
dark brown; middorsal color can be uniform, or darker brown blotches or paler
brown stripe with zigzag edges can be
present; dorsal surfaces of limbs pale brown
to dark brown with indistinct to distinct
darker brown crossbars; dorsal surface of
tail similar basally to middorsal pattern,
becoming paler brown with darker brown
crossbands for about distal half; ventral
surfaces of head and body cream, lightly to
heavily flecked with brown; subcaudal
surface cream with brown flecking proximally, brown flecking increasing distal to
that point until subcaudal surface dark
brown with pale brown crossbands for about
distal half.
Hemipenis: unknown.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops johnmeyeri is distinguished from all other
Honduran Norops, except N. pijolense and
N. purpurgularis, by the combination of
smooth, flat, and distinctly imbricate ventral
scales, keeled supraocular scales, long hind
limbs (longest toe of adpressed hind limb
usually reaching between posterior and
anterior borders of eye), and a pair of
slightly enlarged postcloacal scales in males.
Norops johnmeyeri differs from N. pijolense
and N. purpurgularis by its larger body size


(SVL to 73 mm in males, 68 mm in females

of N. johnmeyeri versus to about 59 mm in
males, about 60 mm in females of N.
pijolense and N. purpurgularis), and a
orange-red male dewlap with a large central
blue blotch in life, female dewlap well
developed and yellow with a large central
blue blotch in life (male dewlap rose with
purple spot or uniformly purple with female
dewlaps small and usually same color as that
of male dewlap in N. pijolense and N.
Illustrations (Figs. 23, 24, 108). Wilson
and McCranie, 1982 (adult, female dewlap;
as Anolis), 2004c (adult); Nieto-Montes
de Oca, 1994b (head scales; as Anolis);
Kohler, 2000 (adult, head and dewlap), 2003
(adult, head and dewlap), 2008 (adult, head
and dewlap), 2014 (ventral scales; as Anolis);
Townsend and Wilson, 2006 (adult; as
Anolis), 2008 (adult, dewlap; as Anolis);
Snyder, 2011 (adult).
Remarks. Norops johnmeyeri, along with
two other Honduran species (N. pijolense
and N. purpurgularis), has been placed in
the N. schiedii species group (McCranie et
al., 1993b). For differing opinions on the
relationships of these three species, see
Campbell et al. (1989) and Nieto-Montes de
Oca (2001). The latter author considered
the three Honduran species of the schiedii
group of McCranie et al. (1993b) as an
uncertain group status within Norops. However, there seems little doubt that these
three Honduran species are closely related
to each other based on external morphology.
However, for the purpose of this study, we
keep N. johnmeyeri, N. pijolense, and N.
purpurgularis in the N. schiedii species
subgroup of the N. auratus species group of
Nicholson et al. (2012). We also add N.
loveridgei to this subgroup. Norops loveridgei
forms a clade with N. purpurgularis in both
molecular phylogenetic analyses done to date
(Nicholson et al., 2005, 2012). Norops loveridgei is also similar to the other Honduran
members of the N. schiedii subgroup in
having a well-developed female dewlap, long
hind limbs, and smooth ventral scales.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 23. Norops johnmeyeri head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 77757, adult male from Sendero El Danto, Cortes.
Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Lara Czupalla.



tane Wet Forest formation. It is active in

low vegetation, low on tree trunks, and on
the ground near tree trunks. It sleeps at
night on low tree branches and on trunks
and leaves of tree ferns. The species is
usually found in closed canopy forest well
away from streams and forest edge situations. Its escape behavior is rather deliberate and is easily captured. Norops johnmeyeri has been found during March and
April and from July to September and is
probably active throughout the year during
sunny conditions. Nothing has been reported on its diet or reproduction other than the
female holotype (collected during April)
contains two eggs one of which appears
ready for deposition; the other is less welldeveloped (Wilson and McCranie, 1982:
Etymology. The name johnmeyeri is a
patronym honoring John R. Meyer, who
began a review of the Honduran herpetofauna that culminated in his dissertation
(Meyer, 1969).
Specimens Examined (41 [0]; Map 12).
COPAN: Quebrada Grande, KU 192624
25, SMF 8698283, USNM 565442.
CORTES: Bosque Enano, UF 149551;
Cantiles Camp, UF 149552, 14955461; El
Cusuco, KU 192623, LSUMZ 37834, SMF
77755, 86984, USNM 32290208, 549363
66; Guanales Camp, UF 149553, 149592;
Montana San Ildefonso, SMF 78827; Quebrada de Cantiles, SMF 7882426; Sendero
de Cantiles, SMF 7776061; Sendero El
Danto, SMF 7775658.

Figure 24. Norops johnmeyeri. (A) Adult male (USNM

549363); (B) male dewlap (from series SMF 77755-61); (C)
adult female dewlap (from series SMF 7775561) from El
Cusuco, Cortes. Photographs by James R. McCranie (A) and
Gunther Kohler (B, C).

Natural History Comments. Norops johnmeyeri is known from 1,300 to 2,000 m

elevation in the Lower Montane Wet Forest
formation and peripherally in the Premon-

Norops kreutzi McCranie, Kohler, and Wilson

Norops kreutzi McCranie, Kohler, and Wilson, 2000: 218 (holotype, SMF 78844;
type locality: 2.5 airline km NNE La
Fortuna [15u269N, 87u189W], 1670
1690 m elevation, Departamento de
Yoro, Honduras); Kohler, 2003: 100,
2008: 108; Wilson and McCranie, 2003:
59, 2004b: 43.
Anolis kreutzi: Kohler et al., 2007: 391;
Townsend et al., 2010: 12, 2012: 100;
Wilson et al., 2013: 66.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 12. Localities for Norops johnmeyeri. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

Geographic Distribution. Norops kreutzi

occurs at moderate and intermediate elevations in the western portion of the Cordillera Nombre de Dios in Honduras.
Description. The following is based on
five males (SMF 78844; USNM 532565,
578747, 578819; UTA R-53998) and eight
females (SMF 79172; UF 16621112;
USNM 532571, 565443, 578746, 578748
49). Norops kreutzi is a small anole (SVL 48
in largest male [SMF 78844], 51 mm in
largest female [USNM 532571]); most
dorsal head scales in internasal and prefrontal areas rugose or faintly keeled, most
scales in frontal area smooth; most scales in
parietal area smooth; deep frontal depression present; parietal depression absent; 38
(5.2 6 1.6) postrostrals; anterior nasal
single, usually contacting rostral and first
supralabial; 48 (5.3 6 1.0) internasals;
canthal ridge sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles smooth or
faintly keeled, largest scale in semicircles
larger than largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles well defined, with 12

scales in broad contact medially with

semicircle on other side; 13 (1.9 6 0.8)
scales between supraorbital semicircles and
interparietal; interparietal well defined,
irregular in outline, longer than wide, larger
than ear opening; 23 rows of about 47
(total number) enlarged keeled supraocular
scales; enlarged supraoculars completely
separated from supraorbital semicircles by
1 row of small scales; 2 elongate superciliaries, posterior shortest; 3 enlarged
canthals; 610 (7.0 6 1.3) scales between
second canthals; 610 (8.0 6 1.3) scales
between posterior canthals; 1437 (25.2 6
5.8) mostly keeled loreal scales in maximum
of 46 (4.8 6 0.6) horizontal rows; 57 (6.1
6 0.6) supralabials and 57 (5.7 6 0.6)
infralabials to level below middle of eye;
suboculars keeled, 23 in contact with
supralabials; ear opening vertically oval;
scales anterior to ear opening not granular,
slightly larger than those posterior to ear
opening; 46 (4.7 6 0.9) postmentals, outer
pair largest; gular scales faintly keeled; male
dewlap large, extending onto chest well


posterior to level of axilla; male dewlap with

about 9 horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale
rows, about 6.7 mean number of scales per
row (n 5 1); 2 (modal number) anterior
marginal pairs in male dewlap; female
dewlap absent; no nuchal crest or dorsal
ridge; about 45 middorsal scale rows
slightly enlarged, keeled, dorsal scales
lateral to middorsal series grading into
granular lateral scales; a few or no enlarged
scales scattered among laterals; 64102
(83.6 6 16.5) dorsal scales along vertebral
midline between levels of axilla and groin in
males, 62104 (86.9 6 13.9) in females; 42
67 (54.4 6 11.3) dorsal scales along
vertebral midline contained in 1 head length
in males, 3660 (46.4 6 8.1) in females;
ventral scales on midsection larger than
largest dorsal scales; ventral body scales
keeled, imbricate; 4483 (66.8 6 17.5)
ventral scales along midventral line between
levels of axilla and groin in males, 4895
(68.1 6 16.7) in females; 2746 (40.2 6 7.7)
ventral scales contained in 1 head length in
males, 2953 (35.4 6 8.4) in females; 115
160 (138.2 6 21.1) scales around midbody
in males, 130162 (144.3 6 13.1) in females;
tubelike axillary pocket absent; precloacal scales not keeled; pair of enlarged
postcloacal scales present in males; tail
slightly to distinctly compressed, TH/TW
1.112.33; basal subcaudal scales smooth to
keeled; lateral caudal scales keeled, homogeneous; dorsal medial caudal scale row
slightly enlarged, keeled, not forming crest;
most scales on anterior surface of antebrachium unicarinate; 2328 (25.6 6 1.5)
subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV of
Toe IV of hind limbs; 59 (6.8 6 1.1)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 35.747.5 (41.2 6 5.4) mm
in males, 35.451.2 (43.0 6 5.2) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.481.81 in three males,
1.111.89 in five females; HL/SVL 0.27
0.29 in males, 0.180.27 in females; SHL/
SVL 0.210.25 in males, 0.180.24 in
females; SHL/HL 0.750.79 in males,
0.720.79 in females; longest toe of adpressed hind limb reaching about shoulder


Color in life of the adult male holotype

(SMF 78844) was described by McCranie et
al. (2000: 221222): dorsal surface of body
pale grayish brown with dark brown chevrons on middorsal line; head pale grayish
brown with brown interocular bar; dorsal
surface of forelimbs pale grayish brown with
dark brown crossbars; dorsal surfaces of
forefeet pale yellow with brown markings;
dorsal surface of hind limbs grayish brown
with rust-colored crossbars and darker
brown smudging; dorsal surface of hind feet
pale yellow with rust-colored and dark
brown markings; sacrum with rust-red
markings; tail pale brown with brown
crossbars; ventral surface of body yellow
medially, grading to pale yellow laterally;
chin mottled cream and brown; dewlap
pale yellow with purple gorgetal scales;
area around vent, including underside
of legs and base of tail, golden yellow;
iris dark brown. Color in life of an adult
female (SMF 79172): dorsal surface of head
Clay Color (26) with Cinnamon-Rufous (40)
markings; dorsal surface of body Clay Color
with scalloped Cinnamon (39) middorsal
markings; dorsal surface of forelimbs Clay
Color with Cinnamon-Rufous patch near
elbow and crossbar on forearms and hands;
dorsal surface of hind limbs Chestnut (32);
dorsal surface of tail Chestnut with Cinnamon middorsal line; chin white with Cinnamon-Rufous smudging; belly dirty white;
iris dark brown.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head
and body grayish brown, dark brown
chevrons usually present, one female with
broad pale brown, dark brownoutlined
middorsal stripe on body; dorsal surfaces
of limbs grayish brown to brown, with
indistinct, narrow pale brown crossbars;
dorsal surface of tail brown with dark
brown, narrow crossbands; ventral surfaces
of head and body white to grayish white,
with some brown flecking; subcaudal surface brown.
Hemipenis: unknown.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops kreutzi
is distinguished from all other Honduran
Norops, except N. cusuco and N. laeviven-


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

tris, by the combination of having about 45

slightly enlarged middorsal scale rows,
heterogeneous lateral scales in some, keeled
ventral scales, male dewlap pale yellow in
life, and a pair of enlarged postcloacal scales
in males. Norops kreutzi differs from N.
cusuco by having a pale yellow male dewlap
in life with purple gorgetal scales (dirty
white, pale yellow, or pale gray in life with
gorgetal scales of same color in N. cusuco).
Norops kreutzi differs from N. laeviventris
by having a larger male dewlap (extending
well onto chest posterior to level of axilla in
N. kreutzi versus to about level of axilla in N.
Illustrations (Figs. 25, 26). McCranie et
al., 2000 (adult, head scales, head and
dewlap); Wilson and McCranie, 2004a
Remarks. Norops kreutzi belongs to the
N. laeviventris species subgroup (McCranie
et al., 2000) of the N. auratus species group
of Nicholson et al. (2012, also see the
Remarks for N. cusuco). Norops kreutzi
was not included in the phylogenetic
analyses of Nicholson et al. (2005, 2012).
Natural History Comments. Norops
kreutzi is known from 980 to 1,690 m
elevation in the Premontane Wet Forest
and Lower Montane Wet Forest formations.
Specimens are active on tree trunks about
12 m above the ground. One slowly
crawled about 10 m down a tree trunk
where it stopped in a sunny spot about 2 m
above the ground. Most captured individuals were in forest edge situations such as
along an old dirt road and along a river. It
also sleeps on tree branches and leaves at
night. The species was collected during
April and from June to September and is
probably active throughout the year under
sunny conditions. Nothing has been reported on its diet or reproduction.
Etymology. The specific name is a
patronym honoring Joerg Kreutz, a German
biologist who has drawn several Norops
hemipenes for our work on anoles.
Specimens Examined (13 [0]; Map 13).
ATLANTIDA: La Liberacion, USNM
57874648, 578819. YORO: 2.5 airline km

NNE of La Fortuna, SMF 78844, 79172,

UF 16621112, USNM 53256566, 532571,
565443; near Yuquela, UTA R-53998.
Norops laeviventris (Wiegmann)
Dactyloa laeviventris Wiegmann, 1834: 47
(holotype, ZMB 525 [see Smith and Follett,
1960: 78]; type locality not stated, but
Mexico inferred from title of paper).
Anolis laeviventris: Meyer, 1969: 222;
Hahn, 1971: 111; Meyer and Wilson,
1972: 107, 1973: 17; Wilson et al., 1991:
69, 70; Poe, 2004: 63; Kohler et al., 2007:
391 (in part); Townsend et al., 2007: 10;
Wilson and Townsend, 2007: 145.
Norops laeviventris: Villa et al., 1988: 49;
McCranie et al., 2000: 223 (in part),
2006: 217; Kohler et al., 2001: 254 (in
part); Wilson et al., 2001: 136 (in part);
Kohler, 2003: 109, 2008: 117; Wilson and
McCranie, 2004b: 43; Wilson and Townsend, 2006: 105.
Norops especie B: Espinal, 1993: table 3.
Norops laeviventris: Espinal et al., 2001:

Geographic Distribution. Norops laeviventris occurs at moderate and intermediate

elevations on the Atlantic versant in disjunct
populations from eastern Hidalgo, northeastern Puebla, and central Veracruz, Mexico, southward to central Honduras (see
Remarks). In Honduras, this species is
known from widely scattered localities in
the western two-thirds of the country.
Description. The following is based on 10
males (KU 193099; MCZ R-191106, 19110,
19112, SMF 78119, 78843, 79174, 79181;
USNM 532570, 565448) and 13 females
(SMF 78118, 79139, 79143, 7917578,
79180; USNM 56544447, 565449). Norops
laeviventris is a small anole (SVL 42 mm in
largest Honduran male examined [USNM
565448], 45 mm in largest Honduran female
examined [SMF 79175]; maximum reported
SVL 49 mm [McCranie et al., 2000]); most
dorsal head scales rugose or faintly keeled in
internasal and prefrontal areas, most scales
smooth in frontal and parietal areas; deep



Figure 25. Norops kreutzi head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 78844, adult male from 2.5 airline km NNE of La
Fortuna, Yoro. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 26. Norops kreutzi. (A) Adult male (SMF 78844) from 2.5 airline km NNE of La Fortuna, Yoro; (B) adult male dewlap (SMF
78844). Photographs by James R. McCranie.

frontal depression present; parietal depression absent; 36 (4.0 6 0.8) postrostrals;

anterior nasal single, usually contacting
rostral and first supralabial; 36 (4.5 6
0.8) internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles smooth or faintly keeled, largest scale
in semicircles larger than largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles well defined, usually with 12 scales in broad
contact medially with semicircle on other
side (occasionally 1 scale separates supraor-

bital semicircles); 13 (1.9 6 0.7) scales

separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal
well defined, irregular in outline, longer
than wide, larger than ear opening; 23 rows
of about 36 (total number) enlarged keeled
supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars
completely separated from supraorbital
semicircles by 1 row of small scales; 2
elongate superciliaries, posterior much
shorter than anterior; usually 3 enlarged
canthals; 48 (6.3 6 1.1) scales between


Map 13.


Localities for Norops kreutzi. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

second canthals; 610 (7.7 6 1.5) scales

between posterior canthals; loreal region
slightly concave, 1730 (22.4 6 3.5) mostly
keeled (some smooth or rugose) loreal
scales in maximum of 45 (4.4 6 0.5)
horizontal rows; 68 (6.7 6 0.7) supralabials
and 67 (6.3 6 0.4) infralabials to level
below center of eye; suboculars weakly to
strongly keeled, in broad contact with
supralabial scales; ear opening vertically
oval; scales anterior to ear opening not
granular, slightly larger than those posterior
to ear opening; 56 (5.7 6 0.5) postmentals,
outer pair usually largest; gular scales faintly
keeled; male dewlap relatively small, extending to level of axilla; male dewlap with
about 67 horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale
rows, about 617 scales per row (n 5 4); 23
(modal number) anterior marginal pairs in
male dewlap; female dewlap absent; no
nuchal crest or dorsal ridge; about 611
middorsal scale rows slightly enlarged,
keeled, dorsal scales lateral to middorsal
series grading into slightly enlarged lateral
scales; a few or no enlarged scales scattered
among laterals; 4687 (65.5 6 11.1) dorsal

scales along vertebral midline between

levels of axilla and groin in males, 4879
(61.8 6 8.8) in females; 3452 (42.5 6 6.1)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline contained in 1 head length in males, 2847
(36.5 6 5.3) in females; ventral scales on
midsection larger than largest dorsal scales;
ventral body scales keeled, imbricate; 4359
(51.1 6 5.7) ventral scales along midventral
line between levels of axilla and groin in
males, 3756 (45.3 6 5.2) in females; 2941
(33.8 6 4.2) ventral scales contained in 1
head length in males, 2334 (28.1 6 2.8) in
females; 96140 (121.5 6 12.3) scales
around midbody in males, 117144 (126.6
6 7.3) in females; tubelike axillary pocket
absent; precloacal scales not keeled; enlarged postcloacal scales almost always
present in males; tail slightly to distinctly
compressed, TH/TW 1.071.58 in 21; basal
subcaudal scales smooth to keeled; lateral
caudal scales keeled, homogeneous; dorsal
medial caudal scale row slightly enlarged,
keeled, not forming crest; most scales on
anterior surface of antebrachium unicarinate; 1826 (23.1 6 1.9) subdigital lamellae


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

on Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs;

59 (6.2 6 1.0) subdigital scales on Phalanx
I of Toe IV of hind limbs; SVL 28.842.1
(37.2 6 3.5) mm in males, 36.045.0 (39.9
6 2.5) mm in females; TAL/SVL 1.711.98
in seven males, 1.511.76 in 10 females;
HL/SVL 0.240.29 in males, 0.240.27 in
females; SHL/SVL 0.190.23 in males,
0.180.23 in females; SHL/HL 0.680.82
in males, 0.680.92 in females; longest toe
of adpressed hind limb usually reaching ear
opening, or just anterior to ear opening.
Color in life of an adult male (SMF
79174): dorsal surface of head pale grayish
tan with dark grayish brown markings in
occipital region; dorsal surface of body
grayish tan, middorsal region dark pale
grayish brown; dorsal surfaces of forelimbs
pale grayish tan with dark brown spot at
elbow; dorsal surfaces of hind limbs pale
grayish tan with gray-brown markings;
dorsal surface of tail pale grayish tan with
some gray-brown spotting; belly pale cream;
dewlap cream; iris pale bronze.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head
and body grayish brown with small dark
brown linear shaped marks, or with brown,
dark brownoutlined broad, middorsal
stripe (latter present in females only); dorsal
surfaces of limbs grayish brown to brown,
with indistinct, narrow, pale brown crossbars; dorsal surface of tail brown with dark
brown, narrow crossbands; ventral surfaces
of head and body white or grayish brown,
with some brown flecking; subcaudal surface mostly brown.
Hemipenis: the fully everted hemipenis
of SMF 78843 is a stout and distinctly
bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered
by well-developed sulcal lips, bifurcating at
base of apex and continuing almost to tip of
lobes; small asulcate-side processus present;
no particular surface structure discernible
on most of truncus; apex extensively calyculate.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops laeviventris is distinguished from all other
Honduran Norops, except N. cusuco and
N. kreutzi, by the combination of having
several slightly enlarged middorsal scale

rows, heterogeneous lateral scales in some,

keeled ventral scales, a dirty white to cream
male dewlap in life, and usually a pair of
enlarged postcloacal scales in males. Norops
laeviventris differs from N. cusuco and N.
kreutzi by having a smaller male dewlap
(extending to about level of axilla in N.
laeviventris versus extending well onto chest
posterior to level of axilla in N cusuco and N.
kreutzi). Also, N. laeviventris differs from N.
kreutzi by having a dirty white to cream
male dewlap in life with gorgetal scales of
same color (male dewlap pale yellow in life
with purple gorgetal scales in N. kreutzi).
Illustrations (Figs. 27, 28). Dumeril et al.,
18701909 (head scales; as Anolis); Kohler,
2000 (head and dewlap; as N. cf. laeviventris), 2003 (adult, head and dewlap), 2008
(adult, head and dewlap).
Remarks. Kohler (2000) and McCranie
et al. (2000) considered N. laeviventris to
range from Mexico to western Panama.
Savage (2002) applied the name N. intermedius (Peters) to the Costa Rican and
Panamanian N. laeviventris complex populations. Savage (2002) considered the Nicaraguan populations to possibly represent N.
intermedius as well. We follow Savage
(2002) in considering N. intermedius a
species distinct from those of Honduras
northward. Norops laeviventris is a member
of the N. laeviventris species subgroup (see
Remarks for N. cusuco) of the N. auratus
species group of Nicholson et al. (2012).
Kohler and Obermeier (1998) and Kohler et
al. (1999) considered N. laeviventris a
member of the N. crassulus species group.
However, the analyses by Nicholson (2002),
Poe (2004), and Nicholson et al. (2005,
2012) do not support those relationships
(also see Remarks for N. crassulus).
Natural History Comments. Norops laeviventris is known from 1,000 to 2,000 m
elevation in the Premontane Wet Forest,
Premontane Moist Forest, Lower Montane
Wet Forest, and Lower Montane Moist
Forest formations. This species is usually
found in low vegetation, low on tree trunks,
on rock walls, on old buildings, and in
roofing tile and other debris on the ground,


Figure 27. Norops laeviventris head in lateral, dorsal, and

ventral views. UTA R-29481, adult female from Los Amates,
Sierra del Espiritu Santo, Izabal, Guatemala. Scale bar 5
1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.

frequently in forest edge situations (including along streams). It was found during
every month of the year except March,
October, and December; thus, it is likely
active throughout the year under suitable
conditions. Stuart (1948: 50, as Anolis
nannodes [Cope]) reported females collected in Guatemala during May contained
well-developed eggs. Nothing else has
been reported on reproduction in this
species, nor has anything been reported on
its diet.
Etymology. The name laeviventris is
formed from the Latin laevis (smooth,


polished, bald) and ventris (belly). The

name is a misnomer as the species has
keeled ventral scales (stated abdominalibus
sublaevibus by Wiegmann, 1834: 47, for
the holotype).
Specimens Examined (58 [3]; Map 14).
COMAYAGUA: Cerro El Volcan, UF
166265, 166278; near Ro Negro, UF
16628997; Ro Varsovia, UF 166179. EL
PARAISO: Montana del Volcan, MCZ R49951. FRANCISCO MORAZAN: Cerro
Uyuca, KU 103239; Los Planes, USNM
581193; Montana de la Sierra, UF 166214;
Parque Nacional La Tigra Centro de
Visitantes El Rosario, UF 150154; 7.2 km
SW of San Juancito, KU 193099. INTIBUCA: 2.4 km NE of La Esperanza, LACM
47291; La Esperanza, LACM 47292; San
Pedro La Loma, SMF 79181, UF 166282.
LA PAZ: Opatoro, SMF 7811819. LEMPIRA: Erandique, CM 64614; Ro Arcaqual
near Parque Nacional Celaque Centro de
Visitantes, SMF 78843, 79139, 79143,
7917478, USNM 532570. OLANCHO:
Babilonia, SMF 91751; near Cuaca, UTA
R-53694; El Dctamo, USNM 56544445;
Monte Escondido, MCZ R-19110612,
SMF 79180, USNM 56544648; Parque
Nacional La Muralla Centro de Visitantes,
USNM 565449; Quebrada El Pinol, USNM
344797801; between Ros Catacamas and
El Ocotillo, USNM 532573. YORO: Cerro
de Pajarillos, USNM 532572.
Norops lemurinus (Cope)
Anolis (Gastrotropis) lemurinus Cope,
1861: 213 (three syntypes originally in
ANSP, now lost [see Stuart, 1963: 63;
also not listed by Malnate, 1971]; type
locality: Veragua, New Grenada [5
Anolis palpebrosus: Dunn and Emlen,
1932: 27.
Anolis lemurinus: Barbour, 1934: 137;
Meyer, 1969: 222 (in part); Williams, 1969:
362; Meyer and Wilson, 1973: 17 (in part);
Cruz Daz, 1978: 26; OShea, 1986: 36;
Wilson et al., 1991: 70; Townsend, 2006:


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 28. Norops laeviventris. (A) Adult male (MCZ R-191106) from Monte Escondido Campground, Olancho; (B) adult male
dewlap (MCZ R-191106). Photographs by Leonardo Valdes Orellana.

35; Townsend and Wilson, 2010b: 697;

Logan et al., 2012: 215; Kohler, 2014: 210.
Anolis lemurinus lemurinus: Meyer, 1966:
Anolis tropidonotus: Meyer and Wilson,
1973: 20 (in part).
Norops lemurinus: Savage, 1973: 11; Wilson and Cruz Daz, 1993: 17 (in part);
Kohler, 1996b: 28, 1999a: 50; Cruz D.,
1998: 29 (in part), in Bermingham et al.,

1998; Monzel, 1998: 160; Wilson and

McCranie, 1998: 16; Kohler et al., 2000:
425; Nicholson et al., 2000: 30; Kohler
and McCranie, 2001: 244; Wilson et al.,
2001: 136 (in part); Lundberg, 2002a: 5;
McCranie and Castan eda, 2005: 14;
McCranie et al., 2005: 104, 2006: 121;
Wilson and Townsend, 2006: 105;
Klu tsch et al., 2007: 1125; Diener,
2008: 13; McCranie and Sols, 2013:


Map 14.


Localities for Norops laeviventris. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

242; McCranie and Valdes Orellana,

2014: 45.
Anolis bourgeaei: Fitch and Hillis, 1984:
Norops unilobatus: Ko hler and Vesely,
2010: 225 (in part).

Geographic Distribution. Norops lemurinus occurs at low and moderate elevations

on the Atlantic versant from central Veracruz,
Mexico, to central Panama and disjunctly
from northwestern Costa Rica to central
Panama on the Pacific versant. In Honduras,
this species occurs across the northern
portion of the country, in southeastern
Honduras, and on the Cayos Cochinos.
Description. The following is based on 24
males (KU 101392, 19483941, 19485152,
194874, 194877, 19488285; SMF 79196,
79199200, 79231, 79233, 80816, 81129,
86985; UMMZ 70320, 71290 [13]) and 19
females (SMF 79195, 7919798, 79201,
79204, 7921620, 7922530, 79232, 80815,
81128). Norops lemurinus is a moderately
large anole (SVL 64 mm in largest Hon-

duran male examined [KU 194882], 73 mm

in largest Honduran female examined [SMF
79220]; maximum reported SVL 77 mm
[Kohler, 1996b]); dorsal head scales keeled
in internasal region, smooth or tuberculate
in prefrontal, frontal, and parietal areas;
weak to moderate frontal and parietal
depressions present; 58 (5.6 6 1.0) postrostrals; anterior nasal divided, lower section contacting rostral and first supralabial;
611 (8.3 6 1.2) internasals; canthal ridge
sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles keeled, largest scale in
semicircles about same size as, or larger
than, largest supraocular scale; supraorbital
semicircles well defined; 02 (1.2 6 0.5)
scales separating supraorbital semicircles at
narrowest point; 15 (3.0 6 0.8) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal
well defined, greatly enlarged relative to
adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of
moderate size, longer than wide, about same
size as, or slightly larger than, ear opening;
23 rows of about 48 (total number)


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

enlarged, keeled supraocular scales; 12

enlarged supraoculars in broad contact with
supraorbital semicircles, or all enlarged
supraoculars completely separated from
supraorbital semicircles by 1 row of small
scales; 2 elongate, overlapping superciliaries, posterior much shorter than anterior;
usually 3 enlarged canthals; 711 (8.9 6 1.0)
scales between second canthals; 814 (10.3
6 1.5) scales between posterior canthals;
loreal region slightly concave, 3171 (47.0 6
10.7) mostly strongly keeled (some smooth
or rugose) loreal scales in maximum of 59
(6.9 6 0.8) horizontal rows; 69 (7.2 6 0.7)
supralabials and 69 (6.9 6 0.7) infralabials
to level below center of eye; suboculars
weakly to strongly keeled, in contact with
supralabials, or separated (most often) from
supralabials, by 1 row of scales; ear opening
vertically oval; scales anterior to ear opening
granular, similar in size to those posterior to
ear opening; 48 (6.1 6 0.7) postmentals,
outer pair largest; keeled granular scales
present on chin and throat; male dewlap
moderately large, extending to level of axilla,
or slightly beyond; male dewlap with 67
horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about
48 scales per row (n 5 4); 2 (modal
number) anterior marginal pairs in male
dewlap; female dewlap small; indistinct
nuchal crest and dorsal ridge present in
males; about 2 middorsal scale rows slightly
enlarged, strongly keeled, dorsal scales
grading into smaller granular lateral scales;
no enlarged scales scattered among laterals;
5183 (68.2 6 7.8) dorsal scales along
vertebral midline between levels of axilla
and groin in 13 males, 6285 (73.5 6 6.5) in
females; 3754 (44.3 6 3.5) dorsal scales
along vertebral midline contained in 1 head
length in males, 3652 (43.2 6 4.7) in
females; ventral scales on midsection slightly larger than largest dorsal scales; ventral
body scales keeled, mucronate, imbricate;
3860 (48.2 6 6.3) ventral scales along
midventral line between levels of axilla and
groin in 13 males, 3752 (43.1 6 4.5) in
females; 2840 (33.8 6 3.6) ventral scales
contained in 1 head length in males, 2242
(28.1 6 5.3) in females; 108154 (135.0 6

11.4) scales around midbody in 13 males,

108146 (132.2 6 10.6) in females; tubelike
axillary pocket absent, but shallow, scaled
axillary pocket present; precloacal scales
weakly keeled; no enlarged postcloacal
scales in males; tail rounded to slightly
compressed, TH/TW 1.001.56 in 28; all
subcaudal scales keeled; lateral caudal
scales keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct division in segments discernable;
dorsal medial caudal scale row enlarged,
keeled, not forming crest; scales on anterior
surface of antebrachium distinctly keeled,
unicarinate; 2429 (25.9 6 1.4) subdigital
lamellae on Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of
hind limbs; 610 (7.5 6 1.1) subdigital
scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of hind limbs;
SVL 46.064.0 (56.1 6 3.8) mm in males,
55.073.0 (61.3 6 4.6) mm in females; TAL/
SVL 1.842.30 in 15 males, 1.912.27 in 10
females; HL/SVL 0.250.28 in males, 0.24
0.28 in females; SHL/SVL 0.250.31 in
males, 0.230.32 in females; SHL/HL
0.991.20 in males, 0.971.22 in females;
longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
reaching between posterior and anterior
borders of eye.
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
565454): middorsum of body Drab-Gray
(119D) with dark brown transverse markings, middorsum bordered below by longitudinal dirty white stripe; Fuscous (21)
edged brown ventrolateral stripe present
below longitudinal dirty white stripe; another dirty white stripe borders lower edge of
Fuscous edged stripe; also narrow Fuscous
stripe borders second dirty white stripe;
dorsal surface of head pale brown with
Fuscous snout, Fuscous interorbital bar,
Fuscous mottling posterior to interorbital
bar, and Fuscous U-shaped line that extends
onto neck; Fuscous lines also radiate
outward from eye; dorsal surface of tail
with alternating pale and dark brown
crossbars; dorsal surfaces of limbs golden
brown with heavy dark brown mottling,
some mottling suggesting crossbars; belly
and anterior subcaudal surface brown,
remainder of subcaudal surface with
alternating pale brown and dark brown


crossbars; dewlap Kingfisher Rufous (240)

with white gorgetal scales, some gorgetal
scales dark brown edged. Color in life of
another adult male (KU 220105): dorsal
surface of head tan with brown markings
including lyriform mark on nuchal area;
dorsal surface of body pale brown with
dorsolateral and lateral tan stripes, stripes
suffused with pale brown; dorsal surfaces of
limbs mottled tan and brown; tail tan with
brown crossbars; venter cream with brown
punctations; dewlap pinkish orange with
white scales. Color in life of another adult
male (KU 220102) was described by Wilson
and Cruz Daz (1993: 17): dorsum pale
brown, dorsolateral and lateral stripes tan,
suffused with pale brown; limbs mottled tan
and brown; head tan with brown markings;
dewlap pinkish orange with white spots [5
scales]; tail tan with brown crossbars; venter
cream with brown punctations. Color in
life of an adult female (USNM 570004):
dorsal surface of head golden yellow with
dark brownoutlined bronze interocular
bar, dark brown U-shaped mark on parietal
at anterior edge of middorsal stripe; dorsal
surface of body golden yellow with middorsal stripe beginning on nape and extending
onto tail, stripe orange anteriorly, grading to
red-orange posteriorly; brown stripe outlined with golden yellow scalloping present
along either side of middorsal stripe; broad
dark brown lateral band extending from
axilla to groin; dorsal surfaces of forelimbs
with paler brown spot at elbow; dorsal
surfaces of hind limbs brown on thighs,
golden yellow with brown crossbars on
shanks; lateral surface of head golden yellow
with dark brown marks radiating outward
from eye; chin and belly pale yellow; dewlap
orange with pale yellow scales; iris rust red.
Logan et al. (2012) reported Cayos Cochinos males have white spots (5 gorgetal
scales) on their dewlaps (see quote above).
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head,
body, and tail some shade of brown with a
variety of possible dorsal markings (e.g.,
broad dark brown transverse bands, diamonds, a pale vertebral stripe) or patternless; dorsal surfaces of hind limbs with


oblique dark brown bands; tail with faint to

distinct dark brown bands; distinct dark
brown lines radiate outward from eye;
distinct dark brown interorbital bar present;
dark brown lyriform mark usually present in
nuchal area.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 77169 is a medium-sized
bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus bifurcating at base of apex, branches continuing to
tips of lobes; asulcate processus absent;
lobes strongly calyculate; truncus with
transverse folds.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops lemurinus is distinguished from all other Honduran Norops, except N. bicaorum and N.
roatanensis, by the combination of having a
dark brown lyriform mark in the nuchal
region (usually present, but obscure or
absent in some specimens), long hind legs
(longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
reaching to between posterior and anterior
borders of eye), keeled, mucronate, imbricate ventral scales, a shallow and scaled
axillary pocket, about two middorsal scale
rows slightly enlarged, and no enlarged
postcloacals in males. Norops lemurinus
differs from N. bicaorum and N. roatanensis
by having a red to red-orange male dewlap
in life without suffusion of black pigment,
frequently with black or dark brown-edged
gorgetal scales (pink-red or orange-red in
life, with suffusion of black pigment centrally, and white gorgetal scales in N. bicaorum
and N. roatanensis). Norops lemurinus differs further from N. bicaorum in having
hemipenial sulcal branches that continue to
the tips of each lobe, an average SVL of
about 56 mm in males and 61 mm in females,
and in lacking an asulcate processus (sulcal
branches opening into broad concave area
distal to point of bifurcation on each lobe, an
average SVL of about 64 mm in males and
about 66 mm in females, and a low asulcate
processus present in N. bicaorum).
Illustrations (Figs. 29, 30, 87, 105, 114,
115, 117). Stafford, 1994 (adult); Flaschendrager and Wijffels, 1996 (adult; as Anolis l.
lemurinus); Lee, 1996 (adult; as Anolis),
2000 (adult); Campbell, 1998 (adult, head


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 29. Norops lemurinus head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 85887, adult female from Raudal Kiplatara, Rio
Platano Biosphere Reserve, Gracias a Dios. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Linda Acker.



Figure 30. Norops lemurinus. (A) Adult male (in UNAH collection); (B) adult male dewlap (in UNAH collection), both from Los
Pinos, Cortes. Photographs by James R. McCranie (A) and Leonardo Valdes Orellana (B).

and dewlap; as N. bourgeaei); Kohler, 1999a

(head and dewlap, hemipenis), 2000 (adult,
head and dewlap), 2001b (head and dewlap), 2003 (adult, head and dewlap), 2008
(adult, head and dewlap), 2014 (dorsal,
ventral, postmental, and supraocular scales,
scales surrounding ear opening; as Anolis);
Stafford and Meyer, 1999 (adult); Lundberg, 2002a (adult); Savage, 2002 (adult);
DCruze, 2005 (adult, head and dewlap);
Guyer and Donnelly, 2005 (adult, female

dewlap); McCranie et al., 2005 (adult, head

and dewlap), 2006 (adult); Calderon-Mandujano et al., 2008 (adult; as Anolis);
Diener, 2008 (adult).
Remarks. Kohler (2001a) demonstrated
that A. bourgeaei Bocourt is a junior
synonym of Dactyloa laeviventris Wiegmann (5 Norops laeviventris). Numerous
authors have included the nominal form
bourgeaei as a subspecies of N. lemurinus
(see Kohler, 2001a).


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Norops lemurinus is a member of the N.

lemurinus species subgroup of the N.
auratus species group of Nicholson et al.
(2012). Williams (1976b) also recognized a
N. lemurinus species group. The three
Honduran species (N. bicaorum, N. lemurinus, and N. roatanensis) form a closely
related group based on their similar external
morphology. Members of this subgroup are
characterized by having distinct dark lines
radiating outward from the eye, a red male
dewlap in life, strongly keeled midventral
scales, a shallow and scaled axillary pocket,
and usually a distinct dark-colored lyriform
nuchal mark. The recovered phylogenetic
analyses in Nicholson et al. (2005, 2012)
showed N. bicaorum and N. lemurinus to be
sister to a clade containing N. limifrons and
N. zeus. The recent recognition of N.
bicaorum and N. roatanensis has likely
rendered the mainland populations of N.
lemurinus paraphyletic. Thus, more works
appears to be needed regarding N. lemurinus
from throughout its geographic distribution.
Fitch and Hillis (1984) examined 18
specimens of N. lemurinus (as Anolis
bourgeaei) from Santa Barbara, Honduras. However, we were unable to locate
such a large series from that town or
Natural History Comments. Norops lemurinus is known from near sea level to
960 m elevation in the Lowland Moist
Forest, Lowland Dry Forest, Lowland Arid
Forest, and Premontane Wet Forest formations. Most active specimens of this shadetolerant species are encountered in low
vegetation or low on tree trunks in forest
edge situations. It sleeps at night on leaves,
stems, and branches of low vegetation. The
species is sometimes active on the ground
near tree trunks, which they climb in an
effort to escape. It has been collected
during every month of the year except
September. Costa Rican individuals of this
species feed on a variety of arthropods.
Savage (2002: 464) stated adults prey
extensively on beetles, orthopterans, and
caterpillars, but juveniles favor smaller and
softer food items (e.g., flies and bark lice).

Its principal reproductive activity in Costa

Rica is during the rainy season (May
through December) with a definite decline
during the dry season (Savage, 2002).
Etymology. The name lemurinus is derived from the Latin lemur (shade, ghost of
the departed) and -inus (pertaining to). The
name probably refers to the lemurlike
immaculate belly (Cope, 1861: 213).
Individuals also appear a ghost white when
sleeping at night, but Cope would not have
had any field experience with the species.
Specimens Examined (435 [137] +10 skeletons; Map 15). ATLANTIDA: mountains
S of Corozal, LACM 4769697, 47699;
Corozal, LACM 47698, 47700; Estacion
Forestal CURLA, SMF 7716970, 77172
74, 7812122, USNM 539841, 57000102;
8 km SE of La Ceiba, KU 101392; 0.8 km S
of La Ceiba, USNM 53359; near La Ceiba,
SMF 79204, UTA R-41943; La Ceiba, MCZ
R-32210, USNM 55242, 55244, 63206; near
Lancetilla, SMF 79233; Lancetilla, AMNH
7040721, 7043334, MCZ R-2981215,
2982426, 2982729 (skeletons), 2983132,
3161315, 32206 (skeleton), 38822, 175281,
TCWC 30122, UMMZ 58390, 70320 (6),
71290 (7), 74039 (4), 172051, USNM
57875053; Las Mangas, SMF 79996
80000; near Los Planes, UTA R-41942;
Los Planes, UTA R-4194041; Mezapita,
USNM 58030103; Parque Nacional Cuero
y Salado, SMF 77171; mountains S of
Piedra Pintada, LACM 4771617; Punta
Sal, SMF 79195201; Quebrada de Oro,
SMF 7922021, USNM 539840, 570003
07; Ro Cangrejal, USNM 578816; Salado
Barra, MCZ R-19108687; San Alejo, MCZ
R-34386; San Marcos, USNM 57000813;
Santa Ana, SMF 91335; 32.2 km ESE of
Tela, LACM 47715; about 80 km ESE of
Tela, FMNH 1301012; Tela, MCZ R2757881, 27582 (skeleton), 2758391,
27592 (skeleton), 2759395, 2759697 (both
skeletons), 27598600, 17527880, 177866
(skeleton), UMMZ 67695 (10), 118061.
N: Amarillo, BMNH 1985.1110; BalCOLO
fate, AMNH 58611; Cerro Calentura, CM
64594, LSUMZ 2245960, 22489, 33674,
3367778; Laguna Guaimoreto, LSUMZ


Map 15.


Localities for Norops lemurinus. Solid symbols denote specimens examined and the open symbol an accepted record.

33676; Salama, USNM 24203455, 243279;

13 km W of Trujillo, KU 101393; 0.5 km S
of Trujillo, LACM 47701; 2 km E of
Trujillo, LACM 4770204; about 15 km E
of Trujillo, LSUMZ 2773739; Trujillo, CM
64617, 64622, LACM 47705. COMAYAGUA: Pito Solo, FMNH 527374. COPAN:
El Gobiado, USNM 57313233; La Playona,
FMNH 23639091, SMF 7921619, USNM
57001415. CORTES: 8.0 km N of Agua
Azul, USNM 243277; 6 km N of Agua Azul,
AMNH 14960710; 4.8 km S of Agua Azul,
LACM 47707; Agua Azul, AMNH 70402,
70501, 70504, SMF 78126; Amapa, AMNH
70502; Canon Santa Ana, SMF 79232;
4.9 km S of Chamelecon, KU 19486874;
between Cofrada and Buenos Aires, SMF
77742; near Cofrada, MCZ R-3252324;
1.6 km W of El Jaral, LACM 47706, 47708
09, LSUMZ 8807475; El Paraso, UF
14475355, 14966162; Finca Fe, LSUMZ
12004, SMF 7922527; Hacienda Santa
Ana, FMNH 526062; NE shore of Lago
de Yojoa, KU 194866, 19487589; Lago de
Yojoa, SMF 77175, 7812325, UMMZ

70321 (3); Laguna Ticamaya, FMNH

526572; La Lima, BYU 2255966; Los
Pinos, SMF 92848, UF 150153, 166184,
16621519, 16622224, 16622630, USNM
56545253, 573134; near Pena Blanca, UF
16622021, 166225; 16.1 km S of Potrerillos, USNM 128102; 27.2 km W of Puerto
Cortes, SMF 8112829; Puerto Cortes,
FMNH 5275; 10.9 km S of turnoff to
Pulhapanzak on highway 1, KU 194836
65; 3.2 km W of San Pedro Sula, LACM
4771819, TCWC 19188; W of San Pedro
Sula, FMNH 525456, 526364; near San
Pedro Sula, FMNH 525759; San Pedro
Sula, UF 147667, USNM 565454; Santa
Teresa, SMF 91275; about 0.5 km SSE
of Tegucigalpita, SMF 79141; about 1 km
SSE of Tegucigalpita, SMF 79105, 79107,
7923031; 4.7 km N of Tegucigalpita, SMF
7922829; 7.2 km ENE of Villanueva,
LACM 4771014. EL PARAISO: Boca
Espanol, SMF 86985. GRACIAS A DIOS:
Bachi Tingni, FMNH 282556; Barra Patuca,
USNM 20304; Krausirpe, LSUMZ 28485
87, 52490; Leimus (Ro Warunta), SMF


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

91338; Mocoron, UTA R-43563; Palacios,

BMNH 1985.110809; Raudal Kiplatara,
SMF 8588587; Ro Platano, CM 59120;
Rus Rus, UF 150336; Samil, SMF 91276;
Urus Tingni Kiamp, USNM 570016; near
Warunta, SMF 91337; Warunta Tingni
Kiamp, USNM 565451. ISLAS DE LA
BAHIA: Cayo Cochino Grande near La
Ensenada, KU 22010210; Cayo Cochino
Grande, La Ensenada, KU 220111; Cayo
Cochino Grande, SMF 78120, 8080004;
Cayo Cochino Pequeno, KU 22011217;
Cayo Cochinos, UTA R-53993. OLANCHO: Caobita, SMF 80816; Matamoros,
SMF 86985; Quebrada de la Chilantro,
SMF 91336; Quebrada El Mono, SMF
80815. SANTA BARBARA: mountains W
of Lago de Yojoa, KU 66937; tributary of
Ro Liston, SMF 91312; 1 km S of San Jose
de Colinas, SMF 91277; Santa Barbara,
TCWC 23626. YORO: 5 km E of Coyoles,
LACM 47692; Coyoles, LACM 4769395,
UTA R-38526; 24.1 km NNE of El Progreso, UF 20441; Los Indios, MCZ R38823. HONDURAS: AMNH 70500,
CM 29375, UF 8476061, 99315 (skeleton),
ZSM 73/1998.
Other Records (Map 15). GRACIAS A
DIOS: Baltiltuk, UNAH 5457, 5462, 5464,
5479, 5481, 5514 (Cruz Daz, 1978; specimens now lost).
Norops limifrons (Cope)
Anolis (Dracontura) limifrons Cope, 1862:
178 (two syntypes, ANSP 790001 [see
Malnate, 1971: 358]; type locality: Veragua [5 Panama]).
Anolis limifrons: Meyer, 1969: 225 (in part);
Meyer and Wilson, 1973: 18 (in part); Cruz
Daz, 1978: 26; OShea, 1986: 36; Poe,
2004: 63; Kohler and Sunyer, 2008: 97.
Norops limifrons: Savage, 1973: 11; Wilson
and McCranie, 1994: 418; Kohler, 2000:
57; Kohler et al., 2000: 425; Nicholson et
al., 2000: 30; Kohler and McCranie,
2001: 244; McCranie and Kohler, 2001:
232; Wilson et al., 2001: 136 (in part);
Castaneda, 2002: 15; McCranie et al.,
2002a: 27, 2006: 122; Wilson and Town-

send, 2006: 105; Diener, 2008: 13;

McCranie, 2011: 175.

Geographic Distribution. Norops limifrons occurs at low and moderate elevations

on the Atlantic versant from northeastern
Honduras to west-central Panama and from
west-central Costa Rica to central Panama
on the Pacific versant. In Honduras, this
species occurs in the northeastern portion
of the country southeast and east of the
Cordillera Nombre de Dios.
Description. The following is based on
10 males (SMF 80706, 8070809, 80712,
8071516, 86172, 86184, 86198, 86223) and
10 females (SMF 8070405, 8071011,
8071314, 86176, 86197, 86212, 86220).
Norops limifrons is a small anole (SVL
41 mm in largest Honduran males examined
[SMF 86172, 86198], 44 mm in largest
Honduran females examined [SMF 86197,
86212, 86220]); dorsal head scales weakly
keeled in internasal region, rugose to
tuberculate in prefrontal, frontal, and parietal areas; deep frontal depression present;
parietal depression absent; 58 (6.6 6 1.0)
postrostrals; anterior nasal entire, contacting
rostral and first supralabial, occasionally
contacting only rostral; 611 (8.8 6 1.4)
internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined;
scales comprising supraorbital semicircles
weakly keeled, largest scale in semicircles
about same size as largest supraocular scale;
supraorbital semicircles well defined; 13
(1.6 6 0.7) scales separating supraorbital
semicircles at narrowest point; 13 (2.2 6
0.6) scales separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point;
interparietal well defined, greatly enlarged
relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by
scales of moderate size, longer than wide,
usually larger than ear opening; 23 rows of
about 69 (total number) enlarged, keeled
supraocular scales; 12 enlarged supraoculars in broad contact with supraorbital
semicircles; 2 elongate superciliaries, posterior much shorter than anterior; usually 34
enlarged canthals; 816 (11.3 6 1.8) scales
between second canthals; 1218 (14.4 6
1.9) scales between posterior canthals;


loreal region slightly concave, 3669 (49.2 6

9.4) mostly keeled (some smooth or rugose)
loreal scales in maximum of 58 (6.3 6 0.8)
horizontal rows in 16; 68 (6.7 6 0.7)
supralabials and 58 (6.5 6 0.8) infralabials
to level below center of eye; suboculars
weakly keeled, 2 suboculars usually in broad
contact with supralabials; ear opening vertically oval; scales anterior to ear opening
granular, similar in size to those posterior to
ear opening; 68 (7.1 6 0.9) postmentals,
outer pair usually largest; keeled granular
scales present on chin and throat; male
dewlap small, extending to level of axilla;
male dewlap with 1014 horizontal gorgetalsternal scale rows, about 1619 scales per
row (n 5 2); 2 (modal number) anterior
marginal pairs in male dewlap; female
dewlap absent; no nuchal crest or dorsal
ridge; 2 middorsal scale rows slightly
enlarged, smooth to rugose, dorsal scales
lateral to middorsal series gradually larger
than granular lateral scales; no enlarged
scales scattered among laterals; 79105
(89.4 6 9.4) dorsal scales along vertebral
midline between levels of axilla and groin in
nine males, 90114 (100.3 6 12.0) in
females; 5072 (57.6 6 6.2) dorsal scales
along vertebral midline contained in 1 head
length in males, 4882 (57.8 6 10.7) in nine
females; ventral scales on midsection about
same size as largest dorsal scales; ventral
body scales smooth, subimbricate; 5767
(61.9 6 3.2) ventral scales along midventral
line between levels of axilla and groin in
nine males, 5278 (64.0 6 13.0) in females;
2648 (40.4 6 7.0) ventral scales contained
in 1 head length in males, 3248 (37.4 6
8.1) in females; 122155 (139.0 6 12.0)
scales around midbody in nine males, 119
188 (146.3 6 34.7) in females; tubelike
axillary pocket absent; precloacal scales not
keeled; usually pair of slightly enlarged
postcloacal scales in males; tail rounded to
slightly compressed, TH/TW 1.001.31;
basal subcaudal scales smooth; lateral caudal scales faintly keeled, homogeneous,
although indistinct division in segments
discernable; dorsal medial caudal scale row
not enlarged, keeled, not forming crest;


most scales on anterior surface of antebrachium weakly keeled, unicarinate; 2029

(23.7 6 2.2) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges
IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs; 610 (8.1 6
1.0) subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV
of hind limbs; SVL 35.041.0 (38.3 6 2.0)
mm in males, 33.044.0 (41.2 6 5.7) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.532.22 in eight males,
1.392.50 in females; HL/SVL 0.240.27 in
males, 0.240.29 in females; SHL/SVL 0.25
0.32 in males, 0.250.34 in females; SHL/HL
0.981.22 in males, 0.971.17 in females;
longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
reaching between anterior border of eye and
tip of snout.
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
570038): dorsum of body Brownish Olive
(29); dorsum of head Grayish Horn Color
(91) with radiating darker bars on supraocular scales; dorsal surfaces of limbs Citrine
(51) with paler banding; chin white with tan
bars along periphery; dorsal surface of tail
Citrine with darker bands; venter Straw
Yellow (56); dewlap white with basal Orange
Yellow (18) spot. Dewlap color of another
adult male (SMF 86897) was white with a
basal yellow spot; the belly was also yellow.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head
and body brown to grayish brown; middorsal pattern of small dark brown spots
or blotches present in some, some females
have a pale brown middorsal stripe that is
bounded on both sides by thin, dark brown
border, pale middorsal stripe extending
well onto tail; lateral surface of head pale
brown; dorsal surfaces of limbs brown with
paler brown crossbands; dorsal surface of
tail brown with indistinct darker brown
crossbars in those specimens in which pale
middorsal stripe not extending onto tail;
ventral surface of head white with brown
flecks on many scales; ventral surface of
body white with sparse to numerous brown
flecks on scales of chest region, brown
flecking on scales becoming more prominent posteriorly; subcaudal surface with
sparse to numerous brown flecks on scales
proximally, flecking becoming more prominent distally until subcaudal surface mostly
brown for distal half.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 31. Norops limifrons head in lateral, dorsal, and

ventral views. SMF 86900, adult female from confluence of
Ros Sausa and Wampu, Olancho. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm.
Drawing by Gunther Kohler.

Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 86913 is a small unilobed

organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered by welldeveloped sulcal lips, opening at base of
apex; no discernable surface structure on
truncus and lobe; asulcate processus absent.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops limifrons is distinguished from all other Honduran Norops, except N. carpenteri, N.
ocelloscapularis, N. rodriguezii, N. yoroensis, and N. zeus, by having a single elongated
prenasal scale, smooth, subimbricate ventral
scales, and slender habitus. Norops limifrons differs from N. carpenteri, N. ocelloscapularis, N. rodriguezii, and N. yoroensis
by having long hind legs (longest toe of
adpressed hind limb usually reaching between anterior border of eye and tip of

snout in N. limifrons versus not reaching

anterior border of eye in those four species).
Norops limifrons also differs from those four
species by having a dirty white dewlap with
a basal orange-yellow spot in life (male
dewlap orange in N. carpenteri, N. ocelloscapularis, N. rodriguezii, and N. yoroensis).
Norops limifrons differs further from N.
carpenteri in having a brown dorsum
without paler spots in life (dorsum greenish
brown with paler spots in life in N.
carpenteri). Norops limifrons differs from
N. zeus by having a dirty white dewlap with
a basal orange-yellow spot in life (uniformly
dirty white, usually without basal orangeyellow spot in life in N. zeus).
Illustrations (Figs. 31, 32). Flaschendrager and Wijffels, 1996 (adult; as Anolis);
Kohler, 1999d (adult), 2000 (adult, ventral
scales, head and dewlap), 2001b (adult,
ventral scales, head and dewlap), 2003
(adult, ventral scales, head and dewlap),
2008 (adult, ventral scales, head and dewlap; Nicaragua specimen only); Savage, 2002
(adult); Guyer and Donnelly, 2005 (adult,
dewlap); McCranie et al., 2006 (adult);
Diener, 2008 (adult); Kohler and Sunyer,
2008 (head scales, hemipenis, head and
dewlap; as Anolis).
Remarks. Kohler and Sunyer (2008)
described two new species for populations
from central and eastern Panama and from
northwestern Panama and extreme eastern
Costa Rica that had been previously identified as N. limifrons. Kohler and McCranie
(2001) had earlier described the Honduran
Cordillera Nombre de Dios populations of
this complex as a new species (N. zeus).
These nomenclatural changes were based
largely on hemipenial morphology and/or
differences in dewlap color.
The tissues identified as those of N.
limifrons used in the phylogenetic analyses
in Nicholson (2002) and Nicholson et al.
(2005, 2012) actually represent those of the
recently described and closely related N.
apletophallus (Kohler and Sunyer). Norops
limifrons is usually placed in the N.
fuscoauratus species group (Nicholson,
2002). However, phylogenetic analyses



Figure 32. Norops limifrons. (A) Adult male (FMNH 282550) from Leimus (Ro Warunta), Gracias a Dios; (B) adult male dewlap
(FMNH 282550). Photographs by James R. McCranie.

based on molecular data do not support the

monophyly of the N. fuscoauratus species
group (Nicholson, 2002; Nicholson et al.,
2005, 2012; also see Poe, 2004, based largely
on morphology) as recognized by Savage
and Guyer (1989). There seems little doubt
that the two Honduran species N. limifrons
and N. zeus are closely related based on
their similar external morphology (also see
Remarks for N. ocelloscapularis). However,
we take a conservative approach herein and

retain these two species in the N. fuscoauratus species subgroup of the N. auratus
species group of Nicholson et al. (2012).
Natural History Comments. Norops limifrons is known from near sea level to 900 m
elevation in the Lowland Moist Forest and
Premontane Wet Forest formations. It can
be extremely common in primary to secondary broadleaf forest and is active on the
ground, on logs, low on tree trunks, and on
leafy vegetation. Norops limifrons also


Map 16.

Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Localities for Norops limifrons. Solid symbols denote specimens examined and open symbols accepted records.

sleeps on leaves at night. It appears equally

common in forest and in gap or forest edge
situations such as along streams and trails.
The species has been found during every
month of the year. Its ecology has been
extensively studied in Costa Rica and Panama (studies cited by Savage, 2002, from
Atlantic central, west-central, and eastern
Panama represent newly described species
in the N. limifrons complex). Savage (2002)
summarized those studies and the following
is from that summary (see the literature cited
therein for more information). Those populations of N. limifrons were found to be a gap
inhabitant with their highest populations in
relatively open or disturbed places in humid
forests. They forage on the ground and head
downward from slightly elevated perch sites.
The species feeds on a variety of arthropods,
especially araneid spiders and beetles, but
avoids ants. Females lay a single egg every 7
10 days during the rainy season, but only
about every three weeks during the drier
season. One Honduran female (SMF 91283)

collected during July deposited an egg in the

collecting bag.
Etymology. The name limifrons is formed
from the Latin lima (file) and frons (brow,
forehead), and apparently refers to the
facial rugae [being] moderately developed
(Cope, 1862: 179).
Specimens Examined (230 [2] + 2 skele N: El Ocotillal,
tons, 1 egg; Map 16). COLO
SMF 8621518; Quebrada Machn, USNM
52649091 (skeletons), 54102629, 570017
21; Ro Guaraska, BMNH 1985.111213;
Ro Kinikisne, BMNH 1985.1118; Ro
Paulaya, BMNH 1985.111417; Tulito,
BMNH 1985.111920. GRACIAS A DIOS:
Awasbila, SMF 88689, USNM 57002226;
Bachi Kiamp, MVZ 26718890, SMF
91278, 9128081, 9134243, 9284445,
USNM 565458; Bachi Tingni, SMF 91282;
Bodega de Ro Tapalwas, UF 150339,
USNM 57002731; Cabeceras de Ro Rus
Rus, SMF 86888, USNM 57003234; Cano
Awalwas, UF 150333, 150340, USNM
57003540; Cerro Wahatingni, UF 150332,


150337; Crique Curamaira, USNM 570041

42; Crique Unawas, SMF 8622029; near
Cueva de Leimus, SMF 91341; Dos Bocas,
MVZ 267191; Hiltara Kiamp, USNM 570043,
573938; Kakamuklaya, USNM 57313536;
Kalila Plapan Tingni, USNM 570044; Karasangkan, USNM 570045; Kaska Tingni,
SMF 88709, USNM 57004648; Kipla Tingni
Kiamp, USNM 570049, 57313739; Krahkra,
USNM 570050; Krausirpe, LSUMZ 28497;
Kyras, LACM 16857; Laguna Baraya, ROM
19269; Leimus (Ro Warunta), FMNH
282550, USNM 565456; Mocoron, UTA R4617172; Pomokir, SMF 8620714; confluence of Quebrada Waskista and Ro Wampu,
SMF 8070809, 86887, USNM 33018384;
Raudal Kiplatara, SMF 8617287; Rawa
Kiamp, SMF 91283, 91284 (egg from SMF
91283); Ro Cuyamel, SMF 8618899,
8620305; Ro Sutawala, USNM 57005153;
confluence of Ros Wampu and Patuca,
USNM 33018182; Rus Rus, USNM
57005457; Sadyk Kiamp, SMF 91279,
92843, USNM 565457; San San Hil Kiamp,
USNM 57005859; Urus Tingni Kiamp,
USNM 57006065; Warunta Tingni Kiamp,
USNM 57006667. OLANCHO: Caobita,
SMF 80711; Cuaca, UTA R-5390102,
53917; Matamoros, SMF 80710, 80712,
8691014, USNM 57006870; Nueva Esperanza, USNM 570071; Quebrada de la Chilantro, SMF 91340; Quebrada de Las Maras,
SMF 86909, USNM 57007478; Quebrada
El Guasimo, SMF 8071316, 86916, USNM
570072; Quebrada El Mono, SMF 86915;
Quebrada El Robalo, USNM 570079; Quebrada Kuilma, USNM 570073; confluence of
Quebrada Siksatara and Ro Wampu, SMF
8688990, USNM 330180; Qururia, USNM
570080; confluence of Ros Aner and
Wampu, SMF 80704, 8689496, USNM
33017677; Ro Cuaca, SMF 91339; Ro
Kosmako, USNM 57008184; confluence of
Ros Sausa and Wampu, SMF 8070507,
86897903, USNM 33017879; along Ro
Wampu between Ros Aner and Sausa, SMF
8690708; confluence of Ros Yanguay and
Wampu, SMF 8689193, USNM 330175;
Yapuwas, SMF 8690406.


N: EmOther Records (Map 16). COLO

palme Ro Chilmeca, UNAH 5447 (Cruz
Daz, 1978; specimen now lost). OLANCHO: about 40 km E of Catacamas, TCWC
23627 (Meyer and Wilson, 1973; specimen
not found during February 2010).
Norops loveridgei (Schmidt)
Anolis loveridgei Schmidt, 1936: 47 (holotype, MCZ R-38700; type locality: Portillo Grande, 4100 feet altitude, Yoro,
Honduras); Smith, 1937: 42; Barbour
and Loveridge, 1946: 72; Peters, 1952:
28; Marx, 1958: 453; Etheridge, 1959:
215; Williams, 1963: 479; Meyer, 1969:
228; Peters and Donoso-Barros, 1970:
59; Meyer and Wilson, 1973: 18; Kluge,
1984: 11; Poe, 2004: 63; Nicholson et al.,
2005: 933, 2006: 452; Kohler et al., 2007:
391; DAngiolella et al., 2011: 38; Townsend et al., 2012: 100; Pyron et al., 2013:
fig. 19; Kohler, 2014: 210.
Norops loveridgei: Savage and Talbot,
1978: 480; McCranie and Cruz, 1992:
233; Kohler et al., 2001: 254; Wilson et
al., 2001: 136; Kohler, 2003: 102, 2008:
108; Wilson and McCranie, 2003: 59,
2004b: 43; McCranie and Castaneda,
2005: 14; McCranie et al., 2006: 217;
Wilson and Townsend, 2006: 105; Nicholson et al., 2012: 12; McCranie and
Sols, 2013: 242.

Geographic Distribution. Norops loveridgei occurs at moderate and intermediate

elevations and the upper limits of low
elevations in the Cordillera Nombre de
Dios of Atlantida and Yoro and in the
mountains of central Yoro in northwestern
and north-central Honduras.
Description. The following is based on
nine males (FMNH 21776; KU 219982;
MCZ R-38700, 38831; SMF 91730; UNAH
1896; USNM 344803, 578754, 578758) and
seven females (FMNH 21870; SMF 78793,
86951; UMMZ 90665; USNM 344802,
344804, 578756). Norops loveridgei is a
large anole (SVL 118 mm in largest males
[UNAH 1896; USNM 578758], 116 mm


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

in largest female [USNM 578756]); dorsal

head scales keeled in internasal region,
rugose or tuberculate in prefrontal area,
rugose to weakly keeled in frontal and
parietal areas; moderate frontal and parietal
depressions present; 58 (5.8 6 0.9) postrostrals; anterior nasal divided, lower section usually contacting rostral and first
supralabial, or only first supralabial, occasionally lower anterior nasal separated from
rostral and first supralabial by 1 scale row;
610 (8.0 6 1.2) internasals; canthal ridge
sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles rugose to weakly keeled,
largest scale in semicircles larger than
largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles well defined; 37 (4.6 6 1.2) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 510 (6.4 6 1.3) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal
well defined, only slightly enlarged relative
to adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of
moderate size, longer than wide, smaller
than ear opening; 56 rows of about 58
(total number) only slightly enlarged, weakly
keeled supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars in broad contact with supraorbital
semicircles; 3 elongate superciliaries, anteriormost longest; 36 enlarged canthals; 8
15 (10.4 6 1.8) scales between second
canthals; 1016 (12.0 6 1.9) scales between
posterior canthals; loreal region slightly
concave, 61100 (78.4 6 10.5) mostly
weakly keeled loreal scales in maximum of
812 (9.4 6 0.9) horizontal rows; 912 (10.5
6 0.9) supralabials and 512 (10.1 6 1.8)
infralabials to level below center of eye;
suboculars weakly keeled, usually separated
from supralabials by 1 row of scales
(occasionally 1 subocular contacts 1 supralabial scale); ear opening vertically oval;
scales anterior to ear opening not granular,
slightly larger than those posterior to ear
opening; 46 (5.6 6 0.6) postmentals, outer
pair usually largest; keeled granular scales
present on chin and throat; male dewlap
huge, extending well onto chest; male
dewlap with 711 horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about 2127 scales per row

(n 5 4); 45 (usually 4; modal number)

anterior marginal pairs in male dewlap;
female dewlap well developed, much smaller than male dewlap; low nuchal crest
present but no dorsal ridge; about 2
middorsal scale rows slightly enlarged,
weakly keeled, nonimbricate, dorsal scales
lateral to middorsal series abruptly larger
than granular lateral scales; no enlarged
scales scattered among laterals; 5992 (73.6
6 12.7) dorsal scales along vertebral midline between levels of axilla and groin in
males, 4995 (67.8 6 16.7) in females; 40
59 (46.1 6 6.9) dorsal scales along vertebral
midline contained in 1 head length in males,
3652 (41.0 6 5.7) in females; ventral scales
on midsection larger than largest dorsal
scales; ventral body scales smooth, bulging,
subimbricate; 6681 (70.1 6 4.8) ventral
scales along midventral line between levels
of axilla and groin in males, 3576 (55.0 6
14.6) in females; 3862 (49.7 6 7.0) ventral
scales contained in 1 head length in males,
3448 (41.9 6 4.6) in females; 126179
(162.9 6 17.0) scales around midbody in
males, 130174 (155.7 6 18.0) in females;
tubelike axillary pocket absent; precloacal
scales rugose; pair of enlarged postcloacal
scales present in males; tail slightly to
distinctly compressed, TH/TW 1.212.31
in 14; all subcaudal scales keeled; lateral
caudal scales smooth to weakly keeled,
homogeneous, although indistinct division
in segments discernable; dorsal medial
caudal scale row slightly enlarged, weakly
keeled, not forming crest; most scales on
anterior surface of antebrachium weakly
keeled, unicarinate; 3343 (37.7 6 3.2)
subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV of
Toe IV of hind limbs; 1115 (13.0 6 1.4)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 69118 (101.8 6 18.5) mm
in males, 60116 (92.3 6 20.6) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.681.97 in five males,
1.801.92 in five females; HL/SVL 0.26
0.29 in males, 0.250.30 in females; SHL/
SVL 0.250.29 in males, 0.250.28 in females; SHL/HL 0.881.06 in males, 0.88
1.00 in females; longest toe of adpressed hind


limb usually reaching between posterior and

anterior borders of eye.
Color in life of an adult female (USNM
344802): dorsum brown with darker brown
bands on body; middorsal stripe on body
and length of tail rust brown; belly pale
brown; dewlap dark dirty red with pale
brown scales; iris rust brown. Color in life of
a subadult male (KU 219982) was described
by McCranie and Cruz (1992: 234): dorsum of body Smoke Gray (color 44) with
four Olive-Gray (color 42) posteriorly directed crossbands; scales of vertebral ridge
slightly paler with about 12 brownish spots;
dorsal surfaces of limbs Smoke Gray with
obscure, slightly darker crossbands or
blotches; dorsal and lateral surfaces of head
Smoke Gray with darker smudging laterally
posterior to eye; a small, pale yellowish spot
below eye; dorsal surface of tail Smoke Gray
with dark brownish spots proximally on
caudal ridge, with Olive-Gray crossbands
medially, tail dark brownish distally; chin
cream with dark brownish smudging; venter
of body similar to Smoke Gray dorsal
surfaces, but slightly paler; dewlap Spectrum Orange (color 17) with two crescentshaped Magenta (color 2) streaks; dewlap
scales pale yellowish. Color in life of
another subadult male (USNM 344803):
dorsal surface of body Smoke Gray (45) with
dark brown crossbars; dewlap Spectrum
Orange (17) with two Scarlet (14) streaks
and basal spot; dewlap scales brown, except
those of basal two rows dirty white. Color in
life of a subadult female (USNM 344804)
was similar to that of USNM 344803, except
that the dorsal crossbars were bordered
anteriorly by dirty white and the dewlap was
Scarlet (14).
Color in alcohol: dorsal and lateral
surfaces of head and body grayish brown,
patternless or with posteriorly directed dark
brown crossbands that are expanded middorsally and becoming narrower laterally;
some females with cream-colored, brownbordered vertebral stripe; usually no dark
brown interorbital bar; dark brown lines
radiating outward from eye present; one
female (SMF 78793) has a pair of small pale


brown blotches on dorsal surface of base of

tail just above cloaca; dorsal surfaces of limbs
and tail with dark brown crossbands; ventral
surfaces of head and body grayish brown,
darker brown in throat region; supraocular
region grayish turquoise in some.
Hemipenis: unknown.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops loveridgei is distinguished from all other Honduran Norops, except N. biporcatus and N.
petersii, by the combination of its large size
(adult males average about 102 mm SVL,
females about 92 mm SVL) and 912
supralabials to level below center of eye.
Norops loveridgei differs from N. biporcatus
and N. petersii by having long hind legs
(longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
reaching between posterior and anterior
borders of eye in N. loveridgei versus
usually reaching about ear opening in those
two species). Norops loveridgei further
differs from N. biporcatus by having a
brown coloration in life (green coloration
in life in N. biporcatus), more than 60 loreal
scales (usually fewer than 60 in N. biporcatus), and usually more 130 scales around
midbody (fewer than 130 in N. biporcatus).
Norops loveridgei differs further from N.
petersii by having an orange male dewlap
with purple streaks in life, 37 scales
separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point, and 61100 loreals in a
maximum of 812 horizontal rows (male
dewlap pinkish brown with pale yellow
margin in life, 12 scales separating semicircles, and 4067 loreals in maximum of 6
9 horizontal rows in N. petersii).
Illustrations (Figs. 33, 34, 88). McCranie
and Cruz, 1992 (subadult, head and dewlap); Kohler, 2003 (adult), 2008 (adult),
2014 (cloacal region; as Anolis); Townsend
et al., 2012 (adult).
Remarks. Norops loveridgei is usually
placed in the N. biporcatus species group
in the earlier literature. However, phylogenetic analyses based on molecular data do
not support a close relationship between N.
biporcatus and N. loveridgei (Nicholson,
2002; Nicholson et al., 2005, 2012; also see
Poe, 2004, for an analysis based largely on


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 33. Norops loveridgei head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 86951, adult female from Quebrada de Oro,
Atlantida. Drawing by Lara Czupalla.


Figure 34. Norops loveridgei. (A) Adult male (SMF 91730)

from La Liberacion, Atlantida; (B) adult male dewlap (SMF
91730); (C) adult female dewlap (USNM 344802) from ridge
above Quebrada de Oro, Atlantida. Photographs by James
R. McCranie.

morphology). In both most recent phylogenetic analyses based on molecular data

(Nicholson et al., 2005, 2012) N. loveridgei
was recovered in a clade with N. purpurgularis. Norops purpurgularis, along with N.
johnmeyeri and N. pijolense, are usually
placed in the N. schiedii species group (see
Remarks for N. johnmeyeri). Norops loveridgei also resembles N. johnmeyeri, N.


pijolense, and N. purpurgularis in having a

well-developed female dewlap, long hind
limbs, smooth ventral scales, and deliberant
movements. Therefore, we place N. loveridgei in the N. schiedii species subgroup of
the N. auratus species group of Nicholson
et al. (2012).
Natural History Comments. Norops loveridgei is known from about 550 to 1,600 m
elevation in the Premontane Wet Forest
and Lower Montane Wet Forest formations
and peripherally in the Lowland Moist
Forest formation. This is a highly arboreal
species that is active during the day low on
tree trunks, in low vegetation, or on
boulders along stream edges. It sleeps at
night on tree trunks and branches, and on
leaves and stems of vegetation; a juvenile
was sleeping at night on top of a log. An
adult female that laid an egg in the
collecting bag was taken on a tree trunk
about 2 m above the ground during August.
That lizard was slowly descending the tree
trunk when first seen and was likely looking
to lay its egg in leaf litter. Individuals of N.
loveridgei are deliberate in their movements
and usually do not attempt to escape before
capture. Townsend et al. (2012: 101)
reported finding this species sleeping at
night on vegetation (including palm fronds
and woody lianas, 1.5 to 4 m above the
ground). Norops loveridgei has been found
during February, April to June, and during
August and is probably active throughout
the year during suitable weather. Nothing
has been published on diet in this species.
Etymology. The name loveridgei is a
patronym honoring Arthur Loveridge, who
at the time of the description of this species
was the curator of the herpetological
collections at the Museum of Comparative
Zoology, Harvard University.
Specimens Examined (20 [6]; Map 17).
ATLANTIDA: S slope of Cerro Bufalo,
USNM 34480204, 565459; about 1 km N
of Cerro Cabeza de Negro, UNAH 1896; La
Liberacion, SMF 91730, USNM 578754
58; Quebrada de Oro, KU 219982, SMF
78793, 86951. YORO: Mataderos Mountains, FMNH 21776, MCZ R-38831,


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 17.

Localities for Norops loveridgei. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

UMMZ 90665 (was MCZ R-38833); Portillo

Grande, FMNH 21870, MCZ R-38700,
Norops morazani (Townsend and Wilson)
Anolis sp.: Townsend et al., 2007: 10.
Anolis morazani Townsend and Wilson,
2009: 63 (holotype, SMF 87153; type
locality: Honduras, Departamento de
Francisco Morazan, Municipio de Marale,
Parque Nacional Montan a de Yoro,
Cataguana, 15u019N, 87u069W, 1910 m
elevation); Wilson et al., 2013: 66.
Norops morazani: McCranie, 2009: 10.

Geographic Distribution. Norops morazani is known to occur at moderate and

intermediate elevations in Parque Nacional
Montana de Yoro and environs in northern
Francisco Morazan, Honduras.
Description. The following is based on 10
males (UF 150000, 151759, 15177172,
151774, 151776, 151778, 151782, 151788,
151795) and 10 females (UF 151756,
151761, 15176667, 151780, 15178384,

151787, 151789, 151792). Norops morazani

is a medium-sized anole (SVL 52 mm in
largest male examined [UF 150000], 54 mm
in largest female examined [UF 151756];
maximum reported SVL 59 mm [Townsend
and Wilson, 2009]); dorsal head scales
rugose to strongly keeled in internasal,
prefrontal, frontal, and parietal areas; deep
frontal depression present; parietal depression shallow; 36 (4.0 6 1.1) postrostrals;
anterior nasal divided, contacting rostral
and first supralabial; 36 (4.6 6 0.8)
internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined;
scales comprising supraorbital semicircles
rugose, largest scale in semicircles larger
than largest supraocular scale; supraorbital
semicircles well defined; 02 (1.2 6 0.7)
scales separating supraorbital semicircles at
narrowest point; 24 (2.7 6 0.4) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal
well defined, slightly enlarged relative to
adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of
moderate size, longer than wide, about same
size as ear opening; 23 rows of about 57


(total number) enlarged, faintly to strongly

keeled supraocular scales; usually 1 enlarged supraocular in broad contact with
supraorbital semicircles; 23 elongate
superciliaries, posterior one or two only
slightly shorter than anteriormost; usually 3
enlarged canthals; 48 (5.6 6 0.9) scales
between second canthals; 610 (7.6 6 1.4)
scales between posterior canthals; loreal
region slightly concave, 1835 (24.1 6 4.8)
mostly strongly keeled (some smooth or
rugose) loreal scales in maximum of 46 (4.5
6 0.6) horizontal rows; 57 (6.5 6 0.6)
supralabials and 57 (6.0 6 0.7) infralabials
to level below center of eye; suboculars
weakly to strongly keeled, usually 2 suboculars in broad contact with supralabials; ear
opening vertically oval; scales anterior to ear
opening not granular, slightly larger than
those posterior to ear opening; 46 (4.3 6
0.6) postmentals, outer pair usually largest;
keeled granular scales present on chin and
throat; male dewlap small, extending to level
of axilla; male dewlap with 57 horizontal
gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about 57 scales
per row (n 5 7); 2 (modal number) anterior
marginal pairs in male dewlap; female
dewlap absent; low nuchal crest and low
dorsal ridge present in males; about 610
middorsal scale rows distinctly enlarged,
keeled; dorsal scales lateral to middorsal
series grading into keeled, nongranular
lateral scales; flank scales slightly heterogeneous, solitary, slightly enlarged keeled
scales scattered among laterals; 3448
(41.8 6 4.5) dorsal scales along vertebral
midline between levels of axilla and groin in
males, 3749 (43.7 6 3.5) in females; 2330
(26.2 6 2.4) dorsal scales along vertebral
midline contained in 1 head length in males,
2343 (28.4 6 6.1) in females; ventral scales
on midsection slightly larger than largest
dorsal scales; ventral body scales strongly
keeled, mucronate, imbricate, 3344 (38.7
6 3.3) ventral scales along midventral line
between levels of axilla and groin in males,
3443 (38.4 6 2.5) in females; 2126 (23.3
6 1.6) ventral scales contained in 1 head
length in males, 2124 (22.0 6 1.2) in
females; 97116 (103.3 6 5.6) scales around


midbody in males, 96126 (109.9 6 9.5) in

females; tubelike axillary pocket absent;
precloacal scales strongly keeled; pair of
greatly enlarged postcloacal scales in males;
tail slightly compressed, TH/TW 1.071.40;
all subcaudal scales keeled; lateral caudal
scales keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct division in segments discernable;
dorsal medial caudal scale row slightly
enlarged, keeled, not forming crest; scales
on anterior surface of antebrachium distinctly keeled, unicarinate; 2026 (23.0 6
1.6) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV
of Toe IV of hind limbs; 58 (6.8 6 0.7)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 37.851.7 (45.2 6 3.8) mm
in males, 48.053.9 (50.2 6 2.2) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.612.73 in seven
males, 1.932.62 in nine females; HL/SVL
0.260.28 in males and females; SHL/SVL
0.240.29 in males, 0.240.28 in females;
SHL/HL 0.871.06 in males, 0.871.02 in
females; longest toe of adpressed hind limb
usually reaching between posterior margin
of eye and mideye.
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
581187): dorsal and lateral surfaces of body
and tail Natal Brown (49 in Kohler, 2012)
with Clay Color (18) mottling; top of head
mottled Clay Color and Natal Brown, with
Natal Brown interorbital crossbar; top of
forelimbs mottled Clay Color and Natal
Brown, hind limbs Clay Color with Natal
Brown crossbars; ventral surfaces of head
and body Beige (254), that of limbs Pale
Cinnamon (55); subcaudal surface Pale
Cinnamon basally, mottled Pale Cinnamon
and Natal Brown medially, becoming Natal
Brown on posterior half; dewlap Pratts
Ruby (68). Color in life of an adult male
(UF 150000) was described by Townsend
and Wilson (2009: 67): middorsum pale
rust brown with a series of rust brown,
cream-outlined scallops bounded below by a
narrow cream lateral line that originates
above ear opening; lateral surfaces of body
pale rust brown; dorsal surface of head
pale rust brown with slightly darker interorbital bar; dorsal surface of limbs pale
rust brown with tan-outlined rust brown


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

crossbars; tail pale rust brown; venter

uniform cream; dewlap red with cream
gorgetal scales. Color in life of an adult
female (MCZ R-185612) was described by
those same authors (p. 67): the middorsum
was rust brown with a broad, boldly defined,
pale tan middorsal stripe bordered by rust
brown stripes, fading to yellowish brown on
lateral surfaces. The dorsal surface of head
rust brown, lateral surfaces were yellowish
brown with a dark brown edge, pale yellow
spot below the eye. The ventral surface was
pale yellow with pale orange smudging on
posterior portion of venter. The small
dewlap was orange with yellow and the
ventral side of the hind limbs was yellow
with an orange wash. The dorsal surface of
the tail was pale rust brown grading to dark
brown distally, and the ventral surface had
an orange wash.
Color in alcohol: dorsal and lateral surfaces of head and body with brown to grayish
brown ground color; dark brown interorbital
bar usually present; sides of body usually
with pale brown longitudinal lateral stripe;
ventral surfaces of head and body pale
grayish brown or dirty white; dorsum uniform in males, or with brown, creamoutlined scallops bounded below by narrow
cream lateral stripe that originates above ear
opening; some males with irregular dark
brown middorsal stripe; females show wide
degree of variation in dorsal pattern including narrow pale brown middorsal stripe,
middorsal stripe bordered by dark, scalloped
or triangular blotches in some; all ventral
surfaces pale brown, patternless, or with
numerous dark brown punctations.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 87153 is a stout, bulbous, bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered by
well-developed sulcal lips that open into
broad concave area at base of apex; lobes
calyculate; truncus with transverse folds;
asulcate processus divided, with medial flap.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops morazani is distinguished from all other Honduran Norops, except N. crassulus and N.
rubribarbaris, by the combination of having
about 610 distinctly enlarged middorsal

scale rows, slightly heterogeneous lateral

scales, strongly keeled, mucronate, imbricate ventral scales, and a pair of greatly
enlarged postcloacal scales in males. Norops
morazani differs from N. crassulus and N.
rubribarbaris by having a hemipenis with a
divided asulcate processus (undivided in N.
rubribarbaris and N. crassulus).
Illustrations (Figs. 35, 36, 97). Townsend
and Wilson, 2009 (adult, head scales,
Remarks. Townsend and Wilson (2009) in
their description of the species listed SMF
87513 as both the holotype and a paratype.
This species was placed in the N. crassulus
species group by its describers (see Remarks
for N. amplisquamosus). Norops morazani
tissues were not utilized in the phylogenetic
analysis of Nicholson et al. (2012).
Natural History Comments. Norops morazani is known from 1,275 to 2,150 m
elevation in the Premontane Wet Forest
and Lower Montane Wet Forest formations.
Townsend and Wilson (2009: 68) stated,
adults and juveniles were commonly found
along the edges of a fallow field overgrown
with blackberry (Rubus spp.) and bracken
fern (Pteridium sp.); individuals were also
common along streams and trails in heavily
to lightly disturbed cloud forest. McCranie
(June 2013), in addition to finding it in the
above-described situations, also found it
sleeping at night in low vegetation, including that growing on a fallen log, along the
Quebrada Cataguana and a small river near
Los Planes (most seen were not collected).
All adult females collected during June were
gravid (Townsend and Wilson, 2009: 68).
Other specimens were collected during
March and September. Nothing has been
published on its diet.
Etymology. The name morazani is a
patronym honoring Jose Francisco Morazan
Quesada, a postcolonial Honduran statesman and national hero, and for whom the
Honduran department Francisco Morazan
is named.
Specimens Examined (76 [0]; Map 18).
MVZ 25726064, 25726668, UF 150000,



Figure 35. Norops morazani head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 87153, adult male from Quebrada Cataguana,
Parque Nacional Montana de Yoro, Francisco Morazan. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 36. Norops morazani. (A) Adult male (USNM 581184) from Cataguana, Parque Nacional Montana de Yoro, Francisco
Morazan; (B) adult male dewlap (USNM 581184). Photographs by James R. McCranie.

151756, 15175878, 15178085, 15178789,

15179196, USNM 56503233, 565040,
58118485, 58118789; Los Planes, USNM
581186; Montana de La Sierra, UF 166239
45; Quebrada Cataguana, MVZ 257265,
SMF 8715255, UF 151757, 151779,
151790, USNM 56503439.
Norops muralla Ko hler, McCranie, and

Norops sminthus: Espinal, 1993: table 3;

Wilson et al., 2001: 136 (in part).
Norops cf. sminthus: Kohler and Obermeier, 1998: 136 (in part).
Norops muralla Ko hler, McCranie, and
Wilson, 1999: 285 (holotype, SMF
78093; type locality: Honduras, Departamento de Olancho, Parque Nacional La
Muralla, along trail to Cerro de Enmedio,
1500 m); Kohler, 2000: 63, 2003: 102,



Map 18. Localities for Norops morazani. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

2008: 108; Kohler et al., 2001: 254; Wilson

and McCranie, 2003: 59, 2004b: 43.
Norops sminthus: Espinal et al., 2001: 106.
Anolis muralla: Kohler et al., 2007: 391;
Townsend and Wilson, 2009: 63; Wilson
et al., 2013: 66; Kohler, 2014: 210.

Geographic Distribution. Norops muralla

occurs at moderate (upper level) and
intermediate elevations in Refugio de Vida
Silvestre Muralla in northwestern Olancho,
Description. The following is based on
nine males (SMF 78093, 7837576, 87000
01; USNM 521912, 52191618) and 19
females (SMF 7837274, 7837783; USNM
52191011, 521913, 52191516, 521920
23). Norops muralla is a medium-sized
anole (SVL 48 mm in largest male examined
[USNM 521912], 56 mm in largest female
examined [USNM 521911]; maximum reported SVL 57 mm [Townsend and Wilson,
2009]); dorsal head scales smooth or rugose
in internasal, prefrontal, and frontal regions,
most scales weakly keeled or conical in
parietal area; frontal depression present;

parietal depression absent; 25 (4.1 6 1.0)

postrostrals; anterior nasal divided, lower
section contacting rostral and first supralabial; 47 (4.6 6 0.8) internasals; canthal
ridge sharply defined; scales comprising
supraorbital semicircles keeled, largest scale
in semicircles larger than largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles well defined; 02 (1.0 6 0.4) scales separating
supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point;
24 (3.0 6 0.6) scales separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal well defined,
slightly to distinctly enlarged relative to
adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of
moderate size, longer than wide, smaller
than ear opening; 23 rows of about 58
(total number) enlarged, smooth to faintly
keeled supraocular scales; 12 enlarged
supraoculars in broad contact with supraorbital semicircles; 2 elongate superciliaries,
posterior only slightly shorter than anterior;
usually 3 enlarged canthals; 57 (5.7 6 0.8)
scales between second canthals; 69 (7.8 6
1.0) scales between posterior canthals;


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

loreal region slightly concave, 1628 (22.4 6

3.2) mostly strongly keeled loreal scales in
maximum of 46 (5.0 6 0.8) horizontal
rows; 58 (6.6 6 0.8) supralabials and 68
(7.2 6 0.6) infralabials to level below center
of eye; suboculars weakly to strongly keeled,
usually 2 suboculars in broad contact with
supralabials; ear opening vertically oval;
scales anterior to ear opening not granular,
slightly larger than those posterior to ear
opening; 47 (5.1 6 1.0) postmentals, outer
pair usually largest; keeled granular scales
present on chin and throat; male dewlap
small, extending to level of axilla; male
dewlap with 67 horizontal gorgetal-sternal
scale rows, about 34 scales per row (n 5 2);
2 (modal number) anterior marginal pairs in
male dewlap; female dewlap absent; low
nuchal crest present in males, no dorsal
ridge; about 68 middorsal scale rows
distinctly enlarged, keeled, small scales
irregularly interspersed among enlarged
dorsal scales; dorsal scales lateral to middorsal series abruptly larger than granular
lateral scales; flank scales heterogeneous,
solitary enlarged keeled or elevated scales
scattered among laterals; 3644 (38.6 6 2.4)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline between levels of axilla and groin in males, 37
52 (43.9 6 4.9) in females; 2332 (27.6 6
3.2) dorsal scales along vertebral midline
contained in 1 head length in males, 2140
(26.8 6 4.6) in females; ventral scales on
midsection about same size as largest dorsal
scales; ventral body scales smooth, flat,
imbricate; 3137 (33.6 6 2.0) ventral scales
along midventral line between levels of
axilla and groin in males, 2938 (33.7 6
2.5) in females; 2129 (25.1 6 2.4) ventral
scales contained in 1 head length in males,
1930 (23.6 6 2.8) in females; 104110
(107.8 6 2.8) scales around midbody in
males, 92108 (99.2 6 3.8) in females;
tubelike axillary pocket absent; precloacal
scales not keeled; pair of greatly enlarged
postcloacal scales in males; tail slightly to
distinctly compressed, TH/TW 1.061.68 in
25; all subcaudal scales keeled; lateral
caudal scales keeled, homogeneous, al-

though indistinct division in segments discernable; dorsal medial caudal scale row
enlarged, keeled, not forming crest; scales
on anterior surface of antebrachium distinctly keeled, unicarinate; 2127 (24.1 6
1.6) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV
of Toe IV of hind limbs; 58 (7.0 6 0.8)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV on
54 sides of hind limbs; SVL 42.047.5 (44.6
6 1.8) mm in males, 38.056.0 (49.1 6 4.9)
mm in females; TAL/SVL 2.212.69 in five
males, 2.162.49 in nine females; HL/SVL
0.260.32 in males, 0.250.30 in females;
SHL/SVL 0.210.27 in males, 0.210.25 in
females; SHL/HL 0.720.96 in males, 0.75
0.92 in females; longest toe of adpressed
hind limb usually reaching between ear
opening and posterior margin of eye.
Color in life of an adult male paratype
(USNM 521919) was described by Kohler
et al. (1999: 291, 294): dorsal and lateral
surfaces of head and body pale yellowish
gray; dorsal surfaces of limbs pale yellowish
gray with slightly darker crossbands; venter
dirty cream; dewlap Flame Scarlet (color 15),
with tan to dark brown gorgetal scales;
iris pale metallic green. Those authors
(p. 294) also described an adult female
paratype (SMF 78377) as having Raw
Umber (color 123) lateral surfaces, a dirty
white middorsal stripe, and Orange-Yellow
(color 18) dewlap.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head
and body some shade of brown; middorsal
pattern variable, some lack pattern, some
have dark brown chevrons; most females have
thin vertebral pale line, occasional females
have broad pale middorsal stripe bordered
by dark brown or pattern of dark brown
diamonds; lateral surface of head pale grayish
brown; dorsal surfaces of limbs brown,
usually with indistinct dark brown crossbands; dorsal surface of tail brown, some
with darker brown chevrons or crossbands,
those markings more evident proximally.
Hemipenis: the partially everted hemipenis of SMF 87153 is a medium-sized, bilobed
organ; asulcate processus divided, with
medial flap; sulcus spermaticus bordered by


Figure 37. Norops muralla head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral

views. SMF 78093, adult male from trail to Cerro de Enmedio,
Olancho. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.

well-developed sulcal lips, opening into

broad concave area at base of apex; lobes
calyculate; truncus with transverse folds.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops muralla is distinguished from all other Honduran Norops, except N. heteropholidotus
and N. sminthus, by the combination of
having about 68 distinctly enlarged middorsal scale rows, heterogeneous lateral
scales, smooth and imbricate ventral scales,
a red male dewlap in life, and a pair of
greatly enlarged postcloacal scales in males.
Norops muralla differs from N. heteropholidotus by having small scales irregularly


interspersed among the enlarged medial

dorsal scales (medial dorsal scales uniform
in size, without interspersed small scales in
N. heteropholidotus). Norops muralla differs
from N. sminthus by having completely
smooth ventral scales (midventrals weakly
keeled in N. sminthus). Norops amplisquamosus shares most of the characters listed
above with N. muralla, but differs most
notably in having an orange-yellow male
dewlap in life (male dewlap red in life in N.
Illustrations (Figs. 37, 38, 102). Kohler et
al., 1999 (adult, head scales, body scales);
Wilson and McCranie, 2004a (adult); Kohler, 2014 (dorsal scales; as Anolis).
Remarks. Norops muralla is in the N.
crassulus species subgroup of the N. auratus
species group of Nicholson et al. (2012; also
see Remarks for N. amplisquamosus). Norops
muralla tissues were not utilized in the
Nicholson et al. (2012) phylogenetic analyses.
Natural History Comments. Norops muralla is known from 1,440 to 1,740 m
elevation in the Lower Montane Wet Forest
formation and peripherally in the Premontane Wet Forest formation. Females sleep
at night on low vegetation, whereas males
were rarely encountered at night. Both
sexes are active on the ground, low on tree
trunks, and in low vegetation. Specimens
were collected during February, April, and
from July to September and is likely active
throughout the year. We have heard several
reports from biologists that N. muralla
could not be found during the last five
years in the areas where it was collected
during the 1990s. Nothing has been reported on its diet or reproduction.
Etymology. The specific name muralla
refers to Refugio de Vida Silvestre Muralla.
This species is currently known only from
the environs of that wildlife reserve.
Specimens Examined (29 [0]; Map 19).
OLANCHO: along trail to Cerro de Enmedio, SMF 78093, 7837375, USNM
521910, 52191317; Monte Escondido,
SMF 87001, USNM 521912; Monte Escondido Campground and along trail to Cerro
de Enmedio, SMF 7837883, 87000,


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 38. Norops muralla. (A) Adult male (USNM 521919) from Monte Escondido Campground, Olancho; (B) adult male dewlap
(USNM 521919). Photographs by James R. McCranie.

USNM 52191923; Parque Nacional La

Muralla Centro de Visitantes, SMF 78372,
USNM 521918; Quebrada del Monte Escondido, SMF 78376, USNM 521911;
Quebrada La Habana, SMF 78377.
Norops nelsoni (Barbour)
Anolis nelsoni Barbour, 1914: 287 (holotype, MCZ R-7892; type locality: Swan
Islands, Caribbean Sea), 1930: 134;
Regan, 1916: 16; Barbour and Loveridge, 1929b: 222; Peters, 1952: 28;

Cochran, 1961: 90; Duellman and Berg,

1962: 197; Powell and Henderson, 2012:
91, 92.
Anolis sagrei nelsoni: Etheridge, 1959: 209;
Ruibal, 1964: 490; Schwartz and Thomas, 1975: 101; MacLean et al., 1977: 4;
Kluge, 1984: 12; Morgan, 1985: 43;
Schwartz and Henderson, 1991: 335;
Losos and de Queiroz, 1997: 463.
Anolis sagrei: Williams, 1969: 363; Lister,
1976a: 662, 1976b: 678; Lee, 1992: 953;


Map 19.


Localities for Norops muralla. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

Rodrguez Schettino, 1999: 319; Henderson and Powell, 2009: 267.

Norops sagrei nelsoni: Schwartz and Henderson, 1988: 160.
Norops nelsoni: Savage and Guyer, 1989:
111; McCranie, 2011: 277.
Norops spp.: Ferrari, 2007: A14, in Anonymous, 2007.

Geographic Distribution. Norops nelsoni

is endemic to the Islas del Cisne (Swan
Islands), Honduras.
Description. The following is based on 10
males (USNM 494751, 494781, 494785,
494787, 494838, 494843, 494845, 494849,
49485657) and six females (SMF 90449;
USNM 494754, 494839, 494841, 494847,
494854). Norops nelsoni is a medium-sized
anole (SVL 76 mm in largest male examined
[MCZ R-192072, not used in description
below], 50 mm in largest female examined
[USNM 494847]); dorsal head scales keeled
in internasal, prefrontal, and frontal areas,
smooth to faintly keeled in parietal area;
shallow frontal depression present; parietal

depression absent; 36 (3.8 6 0.8) postrostrals; anterior nasal single, contacting

rostral, usually not in contact with first
supralabial; 47 (4.9 6 0.8) internasals;
canthal ridge sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles usually
keeled or strongly ridged, largest scale in
semicircles larger than largest supraocular
scale; supraorbital semicircles well defined;
02 (1.0 6 0.4) scales separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 23 (2.4
6 0.5) scales separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point;
interparietal well defined, greatly enlarged
relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by
scales of moderate size, longer than wide,
smaller than ear opening; 2 rows of about 5
7 (total number) enlarged, smooth to faintly
keeled supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars completely separated from supraorbital semicircles by 1 row of small scales; 2
3 elongate superciliaries, posteriormost
shortest; usually 3 enlarged canthals; 47
(5.4 6 0.8) scales between second canthals;
58 (6.9 6 0.9) scales between posterior


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

canthals; loreal region slightly concave, 17

35 (24.5 6 4.9) keeled or rugose loreal
scales in maximum of 46 (5.0 6 0.6)
horizontal rows; 57 (5.8 6 0.5) supralabials
and 56 (5.1 6 0.3) infralabials to level
below center of eye; suboculars distinctly
keeled, in broad contact with supralabials;
ear opening vertically oval; scales anterior to
ear opening distinctly larger than those
posterior to ear opening; 48 (5.8 6 0.9)
postmentals, outer pair much enlarged,
their lengths greater than greatest length
of mental scale, much larger than first
infralabial; gular scales not keeled; male
dewlap extending to level equal to middle of
forelimb insertion; male dewlap with about
6 horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale rows,
about 69 scales per row (n 5 2); 3 (modal
number) anterior marginal pairs in male
dewlap; female dewlap rudimentary; nuchal
crest and dorsal ridge present in breeding
males; about 89 middorsal scale rows
slightly enlarged, smooth to faintly keeled,
dorsal scales lateral to middorsal series
grading into granular lateral scales; no
enlarged scales among laterals; 6391 (81.7
6 8.3) dorsal scales along vertebral midline
between levels of axilla and groin in males,
67101 (80.5 6 11.7) in females; 4259
(50.6 6 6.4) dorsal scales along vertebral
midline contained in 1 head length in males,
4159 (48.7 6 6.8) in females; ventral scales
on midsection much larger than largest
dorsal scales; ventral body scales distinctly
keeled, imbricate; 5263 (55.9 6 3.2)
ventral scales along midventral line between
levels of axilla and groin in males, 4863
(53.3 6 5.6) in females; 2833 (30.5 6 1.6)
ventral scales contained in 1 head length in
males, 2841 (31.8 6 5.2) in females; 160
190 (175.7 6 10.4) scales around midbody
in males, 151170 (160.8 6 6.8) in females;
tubelike axillary pocket absent; precloacal
scales not keeled; enlarged to slightly
enlarged postcloacal scales usually present
in males; tail distinctly compressed, TH/TW
1.682.92 in males, 1.131.44 in females;
basal subcaudal scales keeled; lateral caudal
scales keeled, homogeneous; dorsal medial
caudal scale row enlarged, keeled, forming

crest, especially in males; most scales on

anterior surface of antebrachium unicarinate; 2936 (33.1 6 2.1) subdigital lamellae
on Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs;
710 (8.8 6 0.9) subdigital scales on
Phalanx I of Toe IV of hind limbs; SVL
51.061.0 (55.9 6 3.9) mm in males, 43.0
50.0 (46.7 6 2.8) mm in females; TAL/SVL
1.652.07 in males, 1.592.12 in females;
HL/SVL 0.260.27 in both males and
females; SHL/SVL 0.250.30 in males,
0.260.28 in females; SHL/HL 0.981.14
in males, 0.971.06 in females; longest toe
of adpressed hind limb usually reaching
between posterior and anterior borders of
Color in life of an adult male (MCZ R192113; Little Swan): top and side of head
Dark Yellow Buff (54 of Kohler, 2012) with
Dark Brownish Olive (127) stripes and
flecking; dorsal and lateral surfaces of body
Olive Clay Color (85) with Dark Brownish
Olive longitudinal stripes and flecking; tail
Olive Yellow (117) with Dark Brownish
Olive flecking suggesting banding on posterior third, some crest scales also Dark
Brownish Olive; ventral surfaces of head,
body, and limbs pale brown with olive-green
scales laterally on body; subdigital scales
Dark Brownish Olive; dewlap Buff (18)
along outer edge, Clay Color (20) centrally
and basally, gorgetal scales and skin between marginal scales Light Buff (2);
marginal scales on anterior and posterior
portions of dewlap pale yellow, those on
central portion of margin yellow with sparse
brown flecking. Color in life of another
adult male (MCZ R-192114; Big Swan):
dorsal and lateral surfaces of head and body
Smoke Gray (267 of Kohler, 2012) with
Dark Drab (45) flecking and lines; ventral
surfaces of head, body, and limbs pale
brown, except subdigital lamellae Antique
Brown (24); dewlap Burnt Umber (48) with
Orange Yellow (8) skin between anterior
and posterior marginal scales; central marginal scales white, remaining marginal scales
white with dark brown mottling; gorgetal
scales white with dark brown mottling.
Dewlap color in life of another adult male


(MCZ R-192108; Big Swan): skin Burnt

Umber (48 of Kohler, 2012); gorgetal scales
white with Burnt Umber flecking and
mottling; anterior and posterior marginal
scales white, separated by Light Yellow
Ocher (13) skin, skin separating central
marginal scales Light Yellow Ocher with
dark brown infusion.
Color in alcohol: dorsal and lateral
surfaces of head brown, usually without
distinct markings in those from Big Swan
Island and dorsal and lateral surfaces of
head yellowish brown in those from Little
Swan Island, especially those of juveniles
and subadults; dorsal surface of body
brown, usually with darker brown blotches
or chevrons, some females with paler brown
broad middorsal stripe; dorsal surfaces of
limbs brown, usually without darker brown
markings; dorsal surface of tail brown,
usually without distinct markings; ventral
surface of head brown with darker brown
flecking; ventral surface of body white to
cream, with varying amounts of brown
flecking; subcaudal surface brown with
traces of darker brown crossbands.
Hemipenis: unknown.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops nelsoni
is distinguished from all other Honduran
Norops, except N. sagrei, by having a
distinctly compressed tail with a dorsal crest
(especially in large males) and the outer
postmental scale on each side greatly enlarged with its length greater than that of the
mental scale. Norops nelsoni from Big Swan
Island differs from N. sagrei by having a dark
brown male dewlap in life, and usually five or
more postmentals (dewlap orange or orangered in life, and usually four postmentals in N.
sagrei). Norops nelsoni from Little Swan
Island differs from N. sagrei, in addition to
the five or more postmentals, in that adults
have considerable amounts of yellow pigment on the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the
head, with the juveniles and subadults having
even more dense yellow pigment on those
surfaces and males have a brownish-yellow
dewlap in life (head color same shade of
brown as body and male dewlap dark orange
in N. sagrei).


Illustrations (Figs. 39, 40). None previously published.

Remarks. Barbour (1914: 287), in describing Norops nelsoni, designated MCZ
7892 as the holotype and also stated that
there was a large series of paratypes in the
MCZ. Barbour (1914: 287) did not specify
on which of the two Swan Islands the
holotype was collected saying only that N.
nelsoni was excessively abundant in all
situations on both islands. Barbour and
Loveridge (1929b) also did not say from
which island the holotype was collected, nor
does the MCZ catalogue have such information. Ruibal (1964; as Anolis) opined that
N. nelsoni might be a full species, as
opposed to a subspecies of N. sagrei where
it is usually placed. A UPGMA cluster
analysis based on meristic and morphometric characters showed the Swan Island
population to be sister to the clade containing the Mexican and Central American
populations of N. sagrei (Lee, 1992). The
CAS specimens used by Lee (1992) are
apparently a mixture of specimens from
both Big and Little Swan, whereas those
MCZ specimens listed by Lee are apparently from Big Swan. Based on several
unique characters, we prefer to recognize
N. nelsoni as a species distinct from N.
sagrei (Powell and Henderson, 2012, listed
N. nelsoni as a full species based on the
suggestion of McCranie). However, recognizing N. nelsoni as a species might render
the remaining N. sagrei paraphyletic. A trip
to the Swan Islands by McCranie and
colleagues during December 2012, revealed
significant color differences of the head and
male dewlap between the N. nelsoni
populations on Big and Little Swan Islands.
Those color differences are so significant as
to suggest that two species might be
involved. A study involving both molecular
and morphological data of these two Norops
populations plus N. sagrei from the Central
American mainland is underway.
Norops nelsoni is a member of the N.
sagrei species group (Savage and Guyer,
1989, Nicholson et al., 2012). The Honduran


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 39. Norops nelsoni head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 90450, adult male from Isla Grande, Islas del Cisne,
Gracias a Dios. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.



Figure 40. Norops nelsoni. (A) Adult male (MCZ R-192108) from Isla Grande, Islas del Cisne, Gracias a Dios; (B) adult male
dewlap (MCZ R-192108). Photographs by James R. McCranie.

members of the N. sagrei species group (N.

nelsoni and N. sagrei) are defined by having a
distinctly compressed tail with a dorsal crest
(especially in adult males) and greatly
enlarged outer postmental scales. Norops
nelsoni tissues were not available to Nicholson et al. (2005, 2012).
Natural History Comments. Norops nelsoni is known from near sea level to 10 m
elevation in the Lowland Dry Forest (West
Indian Subregion) formation. This species
was said to be abundant in all situations

on both Isla Grande and Isla Pequena on

the Islas del Cisne (Barbour, 1914: 287). A
visit to those islands during December 2012
confirmed the species to be abundant on
both islands. Norops nelsoni is seen on tree
trunks and branches of shrubby vegetation
on all parts of those two islands visited. It is
also abundant on the big island on fence
posts, wooden beams of dilapidated buildings, on brush piles, on concrete walls of
abandoned buildings, on karsted limestone
rocks and associated grassy vegetation, and


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 20.

Map of the Islas del Cisne (Swan Islands) where Norops nelsoni occurs on both islands.

among leaf litter. It sleeps at night on

vegetation, wooden fence posts, and beams
and walls of dilapidated buildings. This
species is easily the most commonly observed
species of anole in all of Honduras. Lister
(1976a) reported that N. nelsoni on Isla
Grande feeds primarily on ants, but also
takes a wide variety of other food. Henderson
and Powell (2009: 271) summarized Listers
diet data as ants (51.2%), other hymenopterans, flies, beetles (adults and larvae),
termites (12.3%), hemipterans, lepidopterans (adults and larvae), earwigs, orthopterans, spiders, mites, isopods, gastropods, an
anole [N. nelsoni], and plant matter. Nothing has been reported on its reproduction.
Etymology. The name nelsoni is a patronym honoring George Nelson, formerly
the Chief Taxidermist at the Museum of
Comparative Zoology, Harvard University,
who also collected the type series.

Specimens Examined (260 [0] + 8 skeletons, 1 C&S; Map 20). GRACIAS A DIOS:
Islas del Cisne, Isla Grande, MCZ R-160889
922, 16092436, 19210812, 192114,
19203142, 19205978, SMF 9044855,
USNM 75957, 14227172, 49474998,
49486365; Islas del Cisne, Isla Grande or
Isla Pequena, AMNH 80066 (formerly part of
UMMZ 60225), ANSP 3191011, KU 47168
(formerly in MCZ collection), MCZ R-7892,
9958, 10013 (skeleton), 1001418, 10020
(skeleton), 10022 (skeleton), 1002324,
1002633, 10034 (skeleton), 10036, 10037
(skeleton), 1003841, 1004345, 10046 (skeleton), 1004755, 10057, 10058 (skeleton),
1005962, 171429 (skeleton), 17143043,
SMF 2298285 (formerly part of untagged
paratype series); Islas del Cisne, Isla Pequena, MCZ R-19204358, 19209192,
192113, USNM 7693944, 142270, 494862
(C&S), 49483457.


Other Records. GRACIAS A DIOS: Islas

del Cisne, Isla Grande, UMMZ S-560
(skeleton); Islas del Cisne, Isla Grande or
Isla Pequena, CAS 3941015 (Lee, 1992),
UMMZ 60225 (9; Peters, 1952).
Norops ocelloscapularis Kohler, McCranie,
and Wilson
Norops new species: Nicholson, 2001: 64.
Norops ocelloscapularis Kohler, McCranie,
and Wilson, 2001: 248 (holotype, SMF
78841; type locality: Honduras, Departamento de Copa n, near Quebrada
Grande off a trail to Laguna del Cerro,
15u04.829N, 88u55.459W, 1200 m elevation); Nicholson, 2002: 120; Kohler,
2003: 102, 2008: 108; Wilson and
McCranie, 2003: 59, 2004b: 43; McCranie, 2005: 20; McCranie et al., 2006: 217;
Wilson and Townsend, 2006: 105; Nicholson et al., 2012: 12.
Anolis ocelloscapularis: Nicholson et al.,
2005: 933; Townsend, 2006: 35; Townsend et al., 2006: 32; Kohler et al., 2007:
391; Townsend and Wilson, 2008: 160;
Pyron et al., 2013: fig. 19.
Anolis (Norops) ocelloscapularis: Townsend et al., 2005: 466.
Anolis cusuco: Townsend and Wilson,
2008: 313 (in part).

Geographic Distribution. Norops ocelloscapularis occurs at moderate and at the

lower edge of intermediate elevations in the
sierras Espritu Santo and Omoa in northwestern Honduras and adjacent northeastern Guatemala.
Description. The following is based on 10
males (FMNH 28258182, 282585; MVZ
267192; SMF 78841, 79078, 88710, 91285,
91324; UF 149679) and 19 females (SMF
79077, 7909092, 8699394, 88711, 91322
23, 91325, 9132728, 9133031; UF
14245859, 14966970, 149673). Norops
ocelloscapularis is a small anole (SVL
43 mm in largest Honduran male examined
[FMNH 282581], 49 mm in largest Honduran female examined [UF 149673]);
dorsal head scales weakly keeled in inter-


nasal region, weakly keeled, rugose, or

tuberculate in prefrontal, frontal, and parietal areas; deep frontal depression present;
parietal depression shallow or absent; 49
(6.3 6 1.1) postrostrals; anterior nasal
usually entire (occasionally divided), usually
contacting rostral and first supralabial,
occasionally only rostral; 69 (7.3 6 0.9)
internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined;
scales comprising supraorbital semicircles
weakly keeled, largest scale in semicircles
about same size as largest supraocular scale;
supraorbital semicircles well defined; 13
(2.0 6 0.7) scales separating supraorbital
semicircles at narrowest point; 14 (2.3 6
0.8) scales separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point;
interparietal well defined, greatly enlarged
relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by
scales of moderate size, longer than wide,
usually larger than ear opening; 23 rows of
about 310 (total number) enlarged, keeled
supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars
usually completely separated by 1 row of
small scales; 2 elongate superciliaries, posterior much shorter than anterior; usually 3
(occasionally 4) enlarged canthals; 313
(10.2 6 1.8) scales between second
canthals; 1015 (12.2 6 1.4) scales between
posterior canthals; loreal region slightly
concave, 2254 (40.0 6 7.6) mostly keeled
(some smooth or rugose) loreal scales in
maximum of 59 (7.1 6 1.3) horizontal
rows; 58 (6.6 6 0.8) supralabials and 59
(6.8 6 1.0) infralabials to level below center
of eye; suboculars weakly keeled, 2 suboculars usually in broad contact with supralabials; ear opening vertically oval; scales
anterior to ear opening granular, similar in
size to those posterior to ear opening; 69
(6.3 6 0.6) postmentals, outer pair usually
largest; keeled granular scales present on
chin and throat; male dewlap small, extending past level of axilla onto chest; male
dewlap with 912 horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about 1015 scales per row
(n 5 3); 2 (modal number) anterior
marginal pairs in male dewlap; female
dewlap absent; no nuchal crest or dorsal
ridge; 2 middorsal scale rows slightly


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

enlarged, weakly keeled, dorsal scales lateral

to middorsal series grading into granular
lateral scales; no enlarged scales scattered
among laterals; 7099 (84.5 6 9.2) dorsal
scales along vertebral midline between
levels of axilla and groin in males, 7094
(81.9 6 8.8) in females; 4264 (54.7 6 7.0)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline contained in 1 head length in males, 4271
(49.4 6 7.0) in females; ventral scales on
midsection larger than largest dorsal scales;
ventral body scales weakly keeled, subimbricate; 5072 (61.0 6 6.4) ventral scales
along midventral line between levels of
axilla and groin in males, 4263 (52.9 6
5.3) in females; 3244 (39.7 6 3.9) ventral
scales contained in 1 head length in males,
2644 (33.4 6 4.6) in females; 109149
(135.5 6 11.9) scales around midbody in
males, 110139 (128.2 6 8.4) in females;
tubelike axillary pocket absent; precloacal
scales weakly keeled; enlarged postcloacal
scales absent in males; tail rounded to
distinctly compressed, TH/TW 1.001.75;
basal subcaudal scales keeled; lateral caudal
scales keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct division in segments discernable;
dorsal medial caudal scale row not enlarged,
keeled, not forming crest; most scales
on anterior surface of antebrachium keeled, unicarinate; 2028 (24.3 6 2.0) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV of Toe
IV of hind limbs; 611 (8.0 6 1.3) subdigital
scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of hind limbs;
SVL 30.042.7 (39.6 6 3.6) mm in males,
40.049.1 (44.6 6 2.2) mm in females; TAL/
SVL 1.452.45 in five males, 1.772.23 in 16
females; HL/SVL 0.260.29 in males, 0.25
0.29 in females; SHL/SVL 0.250.30 in
males, 0.250.31 females; SHL/HL 0.94
1.14 in males, 0.911.16 in females; longest
toe of adpressed hind limb usually reaching
between posterior and anterior borders of
Color in life of an adult male (SMF
88710): dorsum of body Olive-Brown (28)
with series of widely separated, small Sepia
(119) round spots along middorsal line; neck
Straw Yellow (56) above, Dark Brownish
Olive (129) laterally, latter color passing

posteriorly over shoulders and enclosing

Cream Color (54) spot above forelimb
insertions and anteriorly onto temporal
region of head; dorsum of tail banded
Olive-Brown and Buff-Yellow (53); venter
Straw Yellow with scattered dark brown
flecking; dewlap Spectrum Orange (17) with
Straw Yellow gorgetal scales; iris rust brown.
Color in life of an adult female (SMF
86993): dorsum Yellowish Olive-Green
(50) with middorsal series of 5 rectangular
Olive-Brown (28) blotches, ground color
grading to Olive-Yellow (52) laterally with
small Olive-Brown edged pale yellow spot
above forelimb insertions; head olive bronze
above and on sides, with vague Olive-Brown
supraocular spots; limbs Olive-Yellow with
Olive-Brown transverse bars; chin cream
with pale brown smudging; belly Spectrum
Yellow (55). Color in life of the male
holotype (SMF 78841) was described by
Kohler et al. (2001: 251): Dorsal and lateral
surfaces of head and body Hair Brown
(119A), with three distinct Sepia (119)
chevrons; apex of chevrons extending posteriorly to form Sepia (119) vertical bars;
Sepia (119) suprascapular blotch with
Chamois (123D) center present; tail with
Raw Umber (223) vertical longitudinal bars;
dorsal surfaces of hind limbs Hair Brown
(119A) with Mars Brown (223A) blotches
(one each on thigh and shank), each hind
limb with oblique Sayal Brown (223C)
cross-stripe; ventral surface of body dirty
white with a few Hair Brown (119A) spots
and reticulations; ventral surfaces of limbs
Grayish Olive (43); subcaudal surface Tawny Olive (223D); dewlap Chrome Orange
(16), becoming Orange Yellow (18) along
upper edge; gorgetal scales Chamois
(123D); iris Orange Rufous (132C). Dewlap color of another male (FMNH 282581)
was Spectrum Orange (17) with dark brown
scales. Color in life of an adult female (SMF
79091): dorsal surface of head pale olive
green with paler irregular bar in front of
supraoculars and a dark-outlined bronze
interocular bar; dorsal surface of body olivegold with series of dark brown marks on
about anterior half of body; lateral surface of


head mottled pale olive green and brown;

white-centered black ocelli on shoulders;
dorsal surfaces of forelimbs pale olive green
with brown mottling; dorsal surfaces of hind
limbs olive gold with broad rust brown
crossbars; tail olive gold with brown crossbands; chin pinkish white with heavy brown
smudging; belly white with coppery sheen;
subcaudal surface pale olive with rust smudging; dewlap white. Color in life of another
adult female (USNM 529976): dorsal surface
of head dark olive green with dark brown
interocular bar and parietal markings; dorsal
surface of body dark olive green; large black
ocelli with small central white spot on
shoulders; dorsal surfaces of forelimbs dark
olive green with narrow, indistinct, white
crossbars; dorsal surfaces of hind limbs olive
rust with pale olive crossbars; chin brown
with white punctations; belly white with
pinkish sheen; subcaudal surface pale olive
green with rust red smudging; dewlap pale
pink-orange; iris coppery red.
Color in alcohol: dorsal and lateral
surfaces of head and body grayish brown,
usually with dark brown vertebral chevrons;
some specimens with dark brown interorbital bar, dark brown lines radiating out
from eye, and dark brown lyriform marking
in neck region; a dark brown ocellated
scapular blotch usually present, ocelli incomplete dorsally in some individuals; pale
brown lateral stripe visible or not on body;
dorsal surfaces of limbs and tail with
indistinct dark brown crossbands; ventral
surfaces of head and body dirty white to
cream color; ventral surface of head patternless, or with oblique narrow dark brown
lines, or mottled with dark brown pigment.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 78841 is a rather elongate
organ with only rudimentary lobes; sulcus
spermaticus bordered by weakly developed
sulcal lips, bifurcating at base of apex,
branches continuing to tips of lobes; small
asulcate-side crotch flap present; no particular surface structure discernible on most of
truncus; apex extensively calyculate.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops ocelloscapularis is distinguished from all other


Honduran Norops, except N. carpenteri, N.

limifrons, N. rodriguezii, N. yoroensis, and
N. zeus, by the combination of having a
single elongated prenasal scale, weakly
keeled ventral scales, and slender habitus.
Norops ocelloscapularis differs from all of
those species in usually having an ocellated
shoulder spot (no such spot present in those
species). Norops ocelloscapularis also differs
from N. carpenteri by usually having a pale
lateral stripe and in having a brown dorsum
without paler spots in life (no pale lateral
stripe and dorsum greenish brown with pale
spots in life in N. carpenteri). Norops
ocelloscapularis also differs from N. limifrons and N. zeus by having shorter hind
legs (longest toe of adpressed hind limb
usually reaching between posterior and
anterior borders of eye in N. ocelloscapularis versus between anterior border of eye
and tip of snout in N. limifrons and N. zeus),
weakly keeled ventral scales, and by having
a predominantly orange male dewlap in life
(smooth ventrals and dewlap dirty white
with or without a basal orange-yellow spot
in life in N. limifrons and N. zeus). Norops
ocelloscapularis also differs from N. rodriguezii in having weakly keeled, flat, imbricate (ventral scales smooth, nonimbricate,
slightly conical in N. rodriguezii).
Illustrations (Figs. 41, 42). Kohler et al.,
2001 (adult, head scales, hemipenis); Kohler, 2003 (adult), 2008 (adult); Wilson and
McCranie, 2004a (adult); Townsend and
Wilson, 2008 (adult, as Anolis).
Remarks. Kohler et al. (2001) were
unable to place N. ocelloscapularis in any
existing species group. Nicholson (2002)
included this species in the N. fuscoauratus
species group, with her nuclear DNA
sequence data estimating a sister species
relationship with N. carpenteri. In turn, her
results showed the carpenteri-ocelloscapularis clade forming a sister clade to N.
fuscoauratus (DOrbigny). Further molecular analyses by Nicholson et al. (2005, 2012)
presented a similar carpenteri-ocelloscapularis relationship, but failed to recover a
sister clade relationship with N. fuscoauratus. Despite the conflicting data and the still


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 41. Norops ocelloscapularis head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 78841, adult male from near Quebrada
Grande, Copan. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.



Figure 42. Norops ocelloscapularis. (A) Adult male (FMNH 282581) from Quebrada Las Piedras, Copan; (B) adult male dewlap
(FMNH 282581). Photographs by James R. McCranie.

very incompletely understood Norops species relationships, we consider N. ocelloscapularis to belong to the N. fuscoauratus
species subgroup of the N. auratus species
group of Nicholson et al. (2012). Other
Honduran species we include in the N.
fuscoauratus subgroup include N. carpenteri,
N. limifrons, N. rodriguezii, N. yoroensis, and
N. zeus. These are all small, slender species
that have smooth to weakly keeled ventral
scales and a single elongated prenasal scale.

Natural History Comments. Norops ocelloscapularis is known from 1,040 to 1,550 m

elevation in the Premontane Wet Forest
formation and peripherally in the Lower
Montane Wet Forest formation. It is active
in the shade on tree trunks, low leafy
vegetation, and on tree buttresses about
50150 cm above the ground. It sleeps at
night on stems and leaves of low vegetation.
All specimens from the vicinity of the type
locality found at night were adult females.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 21. Localities for Norops ocelloscapularis. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

Townsend and Wilson (2008: 160) reported

specimens of N. ocelloscapularis in Parque
Nacional Cusuco were usually encountered on low (,3 m) vegetation or on the
ground and that it can also be found at
night sleeping on ferns or palm fronds less
than 3 m above the ground (those authors
did not report the months of those observations). However, at least one of their
observations was during July (Townsend et
al., 2005). Others were collected during
April, May, July, October, and November
and is likely active throughout the year
under favorable conditions. Nothing has
been published on its diet or reproduction.
Etymology. The name ocelloscapularis is
formed from the Latin ocellatus (marked
with spots), scapula (shoulder-blade), and
-arius (pertaining to). The name alludes to
the distinctive ocellated shoulder spot in
most specimens of this species.
Specimens Examined (52 [0]; Map 21).
COPAN: between Laguna del Cerro and
Quebrada Grande, SMF 78841, 7907778,
UF 166246; Quebrada Canon Oscuro, SMF

79091, USNM 52997677; Quebrada

Grande SMF 79090, 79092, 86993, USNM
52997375; Quebrada Las Piedras, FMNH
28258186, MVZ 26719293; San Isidro,
SMF 86994, 8871011, 9128587, UF
14245859. CORTES: 0.5 km S of Buenos
Aires, UF 149675; El Cusuco, SMF 91329;
Guanales Camp, SMF 9132223, 9132728,
9133031, UF 144266, 149672, 149674,
14967677, 149680; between Guanales
Camp and El Cusuco, UF 14967879.
14967071; La Fortuna Camp, SMF
9132426, UF 149669, 149673.
Norops oxylophus (Cope)
Anolis oxylophus Cope, 1875: 123 (syntypes, USNM 3055657 [see Cochran,
1961: 90]; type locality not given [according to Savage, 2002: 473, the syntypes
were collected on the Atlantic versant in
eastern Costa Rica]); Poe, 2004: 63;
Kohler, 2014: 210.
Norops oxylophus: Savage and Villa, 1986:
118; McCranie, 1993: 255; Kohler et al.,


2000: 425; Nicholson et al., 2000: 30;

Wilson et al., 2001: 136.
Norops lionotus: McCranie et al., 2006:
123; Wilson and Townsend, 2006: 105.

Geographic Distribution. Norops oxylophus occurs at low elevations on the Atlantic

versant from northeastern Honduras to eastern Costa Rica. In Honduras, this species is
restricted to the eastern portion of the country.
Description. The following is based on 12
males (SMF 7880910, 8080810, 80812,
8867680, 88687) and 11 females (SMF
78811, 80811, 8081314, 88681, 8868386,
8868889). Norops oxylophus is a mediumlarge anole (SVL 74 mm in largest Honduran male examined [SMF 80808], 61 mm
in largest Honduran female examined [SMF
88688]; maximum reported SVL 85 mm
[Savage, 2002]); dorsal head scales rugose or
keeled in internasal region, smooth in
prefrontal and frontal areas, most scales
rugose in parietal area; deep frontal depression present; parietal depression shallow or
absent; 58 (6.8 6 1.2) postrostrals; anterior
nasal divided, lower section contacting
rostral and first supralabial, or only contacting first supralabial; 711 (9.1 6 1.3)
internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined;
scales comprising supraorbital semicircles
weakly keeled, largest scale in semicircles
about same size as, or slightly larger than,
largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles usually well defined; 12 (1.2 6 0.4)
scales separating supraorbital semicircles at
narrowest point; 13 (1.7 6 0.6) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal
well defined, moderately enlarged relative
to adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of
moderate size, longer than wide, smaller
than ear opening; 23 rows of about 57
(total number) enlarged, rugose or weakly
keeled supraocular scales; 23 enlarged
supraoculars in broad contact with supraorbital semicircles; single large elongate superciliary, followed posteriorly by short, less
elongate scale; 23 enlarged canthals; 711
(9.6 6 1.0) scales between second canthals;
712 (9.4 6 1.4) scales between posterior


canthals; loreal region slightly concave, 47

98 (72.3 6 13.6) mostly strongly keeled
loreal scales in maximum of 711 (9.2 6 1.2)
horizontal rows; 813 (9.4 6 1.2) supralabials and 812 (9.6 6 1.0) infralabials to
level below center of eye; suboculars weakly
keeled, separated from supralabials by 1
scale row; ear opening vertically oval; scales
anterior to ear opening granular, larger than
those posterior to ear opening; 69 (7.6 6
0.8) postmentals, two outer pairs usually
larger than median scales; keeled granular
scales present on chin and throat; male
dewlap moderately large, extending past
level of axilla onto chest; male dewlap with
1013 horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale rows,
about 1821 scales per row (n 5 3); 3
(modal number) anterior marginal pairs in
male dewlap; female dewlap absent; low
nuchal crest present, but no dorsal ridge in
adult males; about 1620 middorsal scale
rows distinctly enlarged, dorsal scales lateral
to middorsal series smooth (striated in some
individuals), flat, juxtaposed, hexagonalshaped, grading into granular lateral scales;
no enlarged scales scattered among laterals;
4871 (56.8 6 7.6) dorsal scales along
vertebral midline between levels of axilla
and groin in males, 5275 (61.5 6 6.6) in
females; 3244 (37.0 6 3.6) dorsal scales
along vertebral midline contained in 1 head
length in males, 3444 (38.0 6 3.0) in
females; ventral scales on midsection about
same size as largest dorsal scales; ventral
body scales faintly keeled, imbricate; 5068
(57.4 6 5.3) ventral scales along midventral
line between levels of axilla and groin in
males, 4966 (58.2 6 5.5) in females; 3446
(39.7 6 3.7) ventral scales contained in 1
head length in males, 3246 (36.6 6 4.3) in
females; 96120 (108.7 6 7.5) scales around
midbody in males, 98120 (108.7 6 6.8) in
females; tubelike axillary pocket absent;
precloacal scales weakly keeled; no enlarged
postcloacal scales in males; tail nearly
rounded to distinctly compressed, TH/TW
0.801.52; basal subcaudal scales keeled;
lateral caudal scales smooth, homogeneous
although indistinct division in segments
discernable; dorsal medial caudal scale row


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

not enlarged, weakly keeled, not forming

crest; most scales on anterior surface of
antebrachium weakly keeled, unicarinate;
1824 (20.2 6 1.6) subdigital lamellae on
Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs; 8
11 (9.4 6 0.9) subdigital scales on Phalanx I
of Toe IV of hind limbs; SVL 39.074.0
(60.3 6 11.3) mm in males, 35.560.5 (53.9
6 7.9) mm in females; TAL/SVL 1.561.85
in eight males, 1.491.83 in six females; HL/
SVL 0.220.27 in males, 0.230.26 in
females; SHL/SVL 0.250.31 in males,
0.260.27 in females; SHL/HL 1.081.19
in males, 1.011.14 in females; longest toe
of adpressed hind limb usually reaching
between ear opening and posterior border
of eye.
Color in life of an adult male (SMF
78810): dorsal surfaces of head and body
Vandyke Brown (121); lateral stripe Straw
Yellow (56); ventrolateral stripe dark brown,
narrow, irregular; dorsal surfaces of foreand hind limbs marbled brown and horn
color; lip stripe Straw Yellow with Vandyke
Brown spots; chin creamy white with brown
smudging; belly pale yellow; dewlap Orange
Yellow (18) with white scales; iris copper.
Dewlap color of another male (USNM
321733) was Orange Yellow (18) with cream
Color in alcohol: dorsal and lateral
surfaces of head and body uniformly grayish
brown with accumulation of dark brown
pigment in shoulder region, dark pigment
becoming indistinct posteriorly; dorsal surfaces of limbs and tail with indistinct dark
brown crossbands; well-demarcated white
longitudinal stripe present from subocular
region to groin; supra- and infralabials
usually with dark brown flecks; ventral
surfaces of head, body, and limbs immaculate dirty white or with brown mottling on
hind limbs; ventral surface of head immaculate white or with oblique brown lines;
several dark brown lines radiating out from
eye; dark brown interorbital bar absent;
male dewlap dirty white with pale gray
anterior portion.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 88676 is a medium-sized,

bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered

by well-developed sulcal lips, bifurcating at
base of apex, branches opening into broad
concave areas distal to point of bifurcation
on each lobe; low asulcate ridge present;
lobes strongly calyculate; truncus with
transverse folds.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops oxylophus is distinguished from all other Honduran Norops by the combination of having
flat, juxtaposed, hexagonal dorsal scales, a
distinct pale lateral longitudinal stripe, a
orange-yellow male dewlap in life, and
weakly keeled ventral scales. The only other
species of Honduran Norops with flattened,
smooth to weakly keeled, usually juxtaposed
dorsal scales is N. capito. Norops oxylophus
differs from the latter species by not having
a conspicuous short head (a conspicuous
short head in N. capito), not having a pale
crossband on the chin (pale chin crossband
present, especially in juveniles and subadults in N. capito), and by usually having a
distinct pale lateral longitudinal stripe (no
such stripe present in N. capito).
Illustrations (Figs. 43, 44, 103). Williams,
1984 (scales in frontal and middorsal areas;
as Anolis); Flaschendrager and Wijffels,
1996 (adult; as Anolis); Kohler, 1999c
(adult), 2000 (adult, head and male dewlap;
as N. lionotus), 2001b (head and dewlap; as
N. lionotus), 2003 (adult, head and dewlap;
as N. lionotus), 2008 (adult, head and
dewlap; as N. lionotus), 2014 (dorsal scales,
tail tip; as Anolis); Savage, 2002 (adult, male
dewlap); Guyer and Donnelly, 2005 (adult,
dewlap); McCranie et al., 2006 (adult; as N.
Remarks. Savage (2002: 473) stated The
presumed differences in scutellation between what may now be called Norops
lionotus and N. oxylophus are slight, and C.
Guyer and I suspect that the two nominal
forms represent a single species. However,
unpublished data of GK support the recognition of N. lionotus and N. oxylophus as
separate species. The two species differ
mostly in dorsal scalation (dorsal scales
large, much larger than ventral scales in N.
lionotus versus dorsal scales of moderate



Figure 43. Norops oxylophus head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 80809, adult male from Quebrada El Guasimo,
Olancho. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Lara Czupalla.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 44. Norops oxylophus. (A) Adult female (USNM 321732) from confluence of Quebrada Waskista with Ro Wampu,
Gracias a Dios; (B) adult male dewlap (USNM 321733) from confluence of Quebrada Siksatara with Ro Wampu, Olancho.
Photographs by James R. McCranie.

size and about the same size as largest

ventral scales in N. oxylophus) and body
pattern (a longitudinal lateral pale stripe
usually absent in N. lionotus versus lateral
pale stripe always present in N. oxylophus).
Until a comprehensive study of the geographic variation in this group of anoles has
been published we prefer to recognize N.
lionotus and N. oxylophus as separate
species. Nicholson et al. (2012) also recognized N. oxylophus as a valid species.

Norops oxylophus is in the N. lionotus

species subgroup of the N. auratus species
group of Nicholson et al. (2012) or the N.
lionotus species group of Williams (1976b).
However, a morphological analysis by Poe
(2004) did not recover a monophyletic N.
lionotus species group as envisioned by
Savage and Guyer (1989), but N. lionotus
and N. oxylophus are closely related as
shown by these two species forming a clade
in the molecular cladograms in Nicholson et


al. (2005, 2012; also see previous paragraph). The N. lionotus species subgroup is
characterized by having hexagonal and
juxtaposed dorsal scales and a semiaquatic
Natural History Comments. Norops oxylophus is known from 60 to 225 m elevation
in the Lowland Moist Forest formation.
Fitch and Seigel (1984: 8) postulated that
this species probably does not occur
farther north than Nicaragua. However,
N. oxylophus is a common species along
some streams in primary forest in eastern
Honduras, but appears to be absent from
many other similar streams in that region of
the country. It is active on boulders and low
tree trunks and is semiaquatic and will jump
into the water and swim underwater in an
attempt to escape. Honduran specimens
were also seen to jump to the ground near
the edge of a stream and then quickly run
across the stream surface to the other side.
Vitt in Pianka and Vitt (2003: 73) also noted
the surface-running escape behavior in the
species in southeastern Nicaragua, which he
attributed to predation by fish on specimens
that were dropped into the water and
submerged (also see Vitt et al., 1995). Why
some Honduran specimens of the same
populations will swim underwater and
others will cross the surface is unknown.
Predation by fish was not seen in the
Honduran populations. If allowed, specimens of N. oxylophus take refuge among
tree roots at stream edges or under debris
on the floor of the adjacent forest. It sleeps
at night on streamside vegetation. Norops
oxylophus has been found from July to
September and during November and is
probably active throughout the year. The
ecology of this species is well studied in
Costa Rica and southeastern Nicaragua.
Savage (2002) summarized those studies
and the following is taken largely from that
summation. Habitat of those populations
was similar to that noted in Honduras, but
Savage did not mention the escape tactic of
running across the surface of the stream
(but see Vitt et al., 1995; Vitt in Pianka and
Vitt, 2003). Food consists of a variety of


arthropods, mostly araneid spiders, beetles

(adults and larvae), homopterans, and dipterans (Guyer and Donnelly, 2005, also
mentioned ants in the diet). Reproduction
appears to occur year round with females
depositing a single egg under moss. Several
females are known to use the same nest site
(also see Guyer and Donnelly, 2005).
Montgomery et al. (2011) reported communal nesting in the closely related N. lionotus
in Panama.
Etymology. The specific name oxylophus
is formed from the Greek oxys (sharp,
acute) and lophos (crest), and apparently
alludes to the compressed tail of this
Specimens Examined (28 [0]; Map 22).
GRACIAS A DIOS: Awasbila, SMF 88689;
Kaska Tingni, SMF 88709; confluence of
Quebrada Waskista and Ro Wampu, SMF
7881011, USNM 321732. OLANCHO:
Cano El Cajon, SMF 78809; Caobita,
SMF 88680; Matamoros, SMF 8867677,
USNM 565455; Quebrada El Guasimo,
SMF 8080814, 88679, 88681, 8868588;
Quebrada El Mono, SMF 88678; confluence of Quebrada Siksatara and Ro
Wampu, USNM 321733; Qururia, SMF
88682; Ro Kosmako, SMF 8868384.
Norops petersii (Bocourt)
Anolis petersii Bocourt, 1873: 79, in Dumeril
et al., 18701909 (two syntypes, MNHN
2479, 2479A [see Brygoo, 1989: 78;
Ko hler and Bauer, 2001: 122]; type
locality: la haute Vera Paz [Guatemala]); Townsend, 2006: 35; Townsend
et al., 2006: 32; Townsend and Wilson,
2008: 162.
Norops petersi: Savage and Talbot, 1978:
480; McCranie and Wilson, 1985: 107;
Wilson et al., 2001: 136; Kohler, 2003:
109, 2008: 117; Snyder, 2011: 13.
Norops petersii: Wilson and McCranie,
2004b: 43; McCranie, 2005: 20.
Anolis (Norops) petersii: Townsend and
Plenderleith, 2005: 466.

Geographic Distribution. Norops petersii

occurs in disjunct populations at moderate


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 22.

Localities for Norops oxylophus. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

and intermediate elevations on the Atlantic

versant from southeastern San Luis Potos,
Mexico, to extreme western Honduras and
on the Pacific versant from Chiapas, Mexico, to Guatemala. In Honduras, this species
occurs in the northwestern portion of the
Description. The following is based on
one male (MVZ 263594) and four females
(KU 195463; UF 142395, 144333, 144744).
Norops petersii is a large anole (SVL 72 mm
in only Honduran male examined [MVZ
263594, a subadult], 125 mm in largest
Honduran female examined [UF 144333];
maximum reported SVL 135 mm [Smith
and Kerster, 1955]); dorsal head scales
rugose or weakly keeled in internasal region,
smooth, rugose, or weakly keeled in
prefrontal, frontal, and parietal areas; deep
frontal and parietal depressions present; 58
(6.6 6 1.1) postrostrals; anterior nasal
divided, lower section contacting rostral
and first supralabial, or only first supralabial; 610 (8.2 6 1.6) internasals; canthal
ridge sharply defined; scales comprising

supraorbital semicircles rugose, strongly

ridged in some, largest scale in semicircles
larger than largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles more or less well defined;
12 (1.6 6 0.5) scales separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 24 (2.8
6 0.6) scales separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point;
interparietal not well defined, only slightly
enlarged relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of moderate size, longer
than wide, about equal to, or smaller than,
ear opening; 23 rows of about 47 (total
number) slightly enlarged, keeled supraocular scales; slightly enlarged supraoculars
completely separated from supraorbital
semicircles by small scales; 45 relatively
short superciliaries, posteriormost shortest;
usually 34 enlarged canthals; 811 (9.8 6
1.3) scales between second canthals; 914
(11.2 6 2.2) scales between posterior
canthals; loreal region slightly concave,
4067 (48.8 6 10.7) rugose to faintly keeled
loreal scales in maximum of 69 (7.0 6
1.2) horizontal rows; 1013 (10.7 6 1.1)


supralabials and 912 (10.5 6 1.0) infralabials to level below center of eye; suboculars weakly to distinctly keeled, separated
from supralabials by 1 row of scales; ear
opening vertically oval; scales anterior to ear
opening granular, slightly larger than those
posterior to ear opening; 46 (4.6 6 0.9)
postmentals, outer pair largest; keeled
granular scales present on chin and throat;
male dewlap moderately large, extending
about 1 orbital length posterior to level of
axilla; male dewlap with 1315 horizontal
gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about 2326
scales per row (data from 2 males from
Chiapas, Mexico, and Guatemala); 3 (modal
number) anterior marginal pairs in male
dewlap; female dewlap well developed, but
smaller than male dewlap; no nuchal crest,
dorsal ridge weakly developed; about 2
middorsal scale rows slightly enlarged,
faintly keeled, dorsal scales grading into
granular lateral scales; no enlarged scales
scattered among laterals; 101 dorsal scales
along vertebral midline between levels of
axilla and groin in male, 83102 (93.5 6 7.9)
in females; 61 dorsal scales along vertebral
midline contained in 1 head length in male,
5257 (54.5 6 2.4) in females; ventral scales
on midsection much larger than largest
dorsal scales; ventral body scales weakly
keeled with rounded or truncate posterior
margins, most subimbricate, some imbricate; 75 ventral scales along midventral line
between levels of axilla and groin in male,
6886 (75.0 6 7.7) in females; 42 ventral
scales contained in 1 head length in male,
3949 (44.8 6 4.3) in females; 116 scales
around midbody in male, 121133 (126.5 6
5.0) in females; tubelike axillary pocket
absent; precloacal scales rugose; enlarged
postcloacal scales present in male; tail
slightly compressed, TH/TW 1.071.25; all
subcaudal scales keeled; lateral caudal
scales keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct division in segments discernable; 2
dorsal medial caudal scale rows slightly
enlarged, keeled, not forming crest; most
scales on anterior surface of antebrachium
keeled, unicarinate; 3943 (40.9 6 1.3)
subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV of


Toe IV of hind limbs; 1014 (11.9 6 1.3)

subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 72.0 mm in male, 75.0
125.0 (108.8 6 23.2) mm in females; TAL/
SVL 1.362.38 in females (male tail incomplete); HL/SVL 0.28 in male, 0.250.28 in
females; SHL/SVL 0.23 in male, 0.210.23
in females; SHL/HL 0.80 in male, 0.81
0.88 in females; longest toe of adpressed
hind limb usually reaching between shoulder and ear opening.
Color in life of an adult female (UF
142395): dorsal surface of head Citrine (51),
mottled with Olive-Brown (28); dorsal
surface of body mottled Olive-Yellow (52)
and Brownish Olive (29), with Olive-Brown
chevrons on body; dorsal surfaces of limbs
mottled Olive-Yellow and Brownish Olive;
dorsal surface of tail banded with darker
and paler Grayish Horn Color (91); ventral
surface of body Smoke Gray (44) with
Olive-Brown chevrons entering onto lateral
portions; dewlap pale olive-yellow; iris
copper with dark mottling. Color in life of
another adult female (KU 195463) was
described by McCranie and Wilson (1985:
107108): middorsum olive green, marbled
with black and pale olive green grading to
pale olive-green on the sides with black and
pale green marbling; head olive green above
with black marbling; side of head pale
yellowish green with black marbling; tail
with indistinct bands of olive gray marbled
with black, separated by pale greenish gray;
front limbs olive green, mottled with black;
hind limbs pale olive-green mottled with
black, separated by bands of pale olivegreen; venter very pale green mottled with
olive brown; dewlap pale greenish yellow
with black spots. Color in life of dewlap of
an adult male from Chiapas (kept at the zoo
in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico; not
preserved): Vinaceous Pink (221C) centrally
with Olive Yellow (52) margin and with rows
of Olive Yellow gorgetals.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head,
body, and limbs dark brown with paler
brown mottling; dorsal surface of body dark
brown with paler brown mottling, mottling
concentrated in places on body to suggest


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

about five brown crossbands, especially

laterally; dorsal surface of tail dark brown;
ventral surface of head pale brown with
darker brown mottling, except gular region
dirty white with black spots and streaks;
ventral surface of body pale brown with
darker brown and cream mottling; subcaudal surface dark brown with paler brown
mottling, especially proximally.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 86943 (from Departamento
Baja Verapaz, Guatemala) is a mediumsized, bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus
bordered by weakly developed sulcal lips,
bifurcating at base of apex, branches
continuing to tips of lobes; no asulcate
processus present; lobes with large calyces;
truncus with transverse folds.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops petersii is distinguished from all other Honduran
Norops, except N. biporcatus, by the
combination of its large size (to about
135 mm SVL), short hind legs (longest toe
of adpressed hind limb usually reaching
between shoulder and ear opening), and
1013 supralabials to level below center of
eye. Norops petersii differs from N. biporcatus by having a brown coloration in life, a
pinkish brown male dewlap with a pale
yellow margin in life, 6886 midventrals
between levels of axilla and groin, and 116
133 scales around midbody (green color in
life, male dewlap with large blue basal spot
and a pinkish gray to dark orange outer
border in life, 3456 midventrals, 76120
scales around midbody in N. biporcatus).
Norops petersii differs from N. loveridgei,
another large anole, by having a pinkish
brown male dewlap with a pale yellow
margin in life, shorter legs with longest toe
of adpressed hind limb usually reaching
between shoulder and ear opening, 12
scales separating supraorbital semicircles at
narrowest point, and 4067 loreal scales in
maximum of 69 horizontal rows (male
dewlap orange with purple streaks in life,
hind limb reaching between posterior and
anterior borders of eye, 37 scales separating supraorbital semicircles, and 61100
loreals in 812 rows in N. loveridgei).

Illustrations (Figs. 45, 46, 89). Dumeril

et al., 18701909 (adult, head scales; as
Anolis); Alvarez del Toro, 1983 (adult; as
Anolis); Kohler, 2000 (ventral scales), 2003
(adult, ventral scales, head and dewlap), 2008
(adult, ventral scales, head and dewlap), 2014
(ventral scales; as Anolis); Kohler and Vesely,
2003 (head scales); Townsend and Wilson,
2008 (adult; as Anolis); Snyder, 2011 (adult);
Lemos-Espinal and Dixon, 2013 (adult).
Remarks. Norops petersii is usually placed
in the N. biporcatus species group (Nicholson, 2002; one exception is that Williams
[1976b] recognized a N. petersi [sic] species
group that also included N. biporcatus).
Other Honduran species sometimes placed
in that group are N. capito and N. loveridgei. However, phylogenetic analyses
based on molecular data, including N.
biporcatus, N. capito, and N. loveridgei did
not support that group of species as forming
a clade (Nicholson, 2002; Nicholson et al.
2005, 2012). Norops petersii appears to be
most morphologically similar to N. biporcatus. Poe et al. (2009) recovered a sister group
relationship for N. biporcatus and N. petersii
based on morphological data. Therefore, we
include N. biporcatus and N. petersii in a N.
biporcatus species subgroup within the N.
auratus species group of Nicholson et al.
(2012). These two species share a large size,
relatively short hind limbs, and numerous
Kohler and Bauer (2001) discovered that
the holotype of Dactyloa biporcata Wiegmann represents a specimen of N. petersii.
Strict application of the Principle of
Priority would require replacement of the
name Anolis petersii Bocourt, 1873 by A.
biporcatus (Wiegmann, 1834) (Kohler and
Bauer, 2001: 123). Those authors petitioned
The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature to preserve the prevailing
usage of the name A. petersii by placing this
binomen, as defined by the syntypes MNHN
2479 and 2479A, on the Official List of
Specific Names in Zoology (also see Remarks
for N. biporcatus). The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature ruled in
favor of this action (Anonymous, 2002).



Figure 45. Norops petersii head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. UMMZ 120088, adult female from Barillas, Huehuetenango,
Guatemala. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 46. Norops petersii. (A) Adult female (UF 142395) from Quebrada Grande, Copan; (B) adult male dewlap (not preserved)
from Chiapas, Mexico. Photographs by James R. McCranie (A) and Gunther Kohler (B).

Natural History Comments. Norops petersii is known from 1,300 to 1,550 m

elevation in the Premontane Wet Forest
and Lower Montane Wet Forest formations.
All Honduran specimens of this highly
arboreal species were taken during July

and August, but it is likely active throughout

the year during suitable conditions. One was
on a tree trunk about 2 m above the ground
in an area of mixed pasture and forest and
another was collected on the edge of a corn
field carved from cloud forest just below


Map 23.


Localities for Norops petersii. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

undisturbed vegetation (McCranie and

Wilson, 1985: 107). Townsend and Plenderleith (2005: 467) reported one sleeping at
night during July in a tree 3.5 m above a
stream near an edge between an agricultural clearing and broadleaf forest. Villarreal Bentez (1997) reported specimens
from Veracruz, Mexico, as being crepuscular and found in slightly open areas in
arboreal situations in evergreen forest. That
same author reported it feeds on dipterans
and coleopterans and that stomachs of some
contained small fruits. Apparently nothing
has been published on reproduction in this
Etymology. The name petersii is a patronym honoring the German naturalist
Wilhelm C. H. Peters, who described several
new species of anoles during his career.
Specimens Examined (5 [0]; Map 23).
COPAN: Quebrada Grande, KU 195463,
UF 142395. CORTES: El Cusuco, MVZ
263594; Guanales Camp, UF 144744.
SANTA BARBARA: La Fortuna Camp,
UF 144333.

Norops pijolense McCranie, Wilson, and

Norops pijolense McCranie, Wilson, and
Williams, 1993: 393 (holotype, USNM
322871; type locality: east slope of Pico
Pijol [15u109N, 87u339W], Montana de
Pijol, northwest of Tegucigalpita, 2050 m
elevation, Departamento de Yoro, Honduras); Wilson et al., 2001: 136.
Anolis pijolense: Nieto-Montes de Oca,
1994b: 207, 1996: 26, 2001: 52.
Norops pijolensis: Kohler, 2000: 63, 2003:
102, 2008: 111; Kohler et al., 2001: 255;
Wilson and McCranie, 2003: 59, 2004b:
43; McCranie et al., 2006: 217; Wilson
and Townsend, 2006: 105; Kohler and
Smith, 2008: 223.
Anolis pijolensis: Kohler et al., 2007: 391.

Geographic Distribution. Norops pijolense occurs at moderate and intermediate

elevations in the Montana de Pijol in
southwestern Yoro, Honduras.
Description. The following is based on 12
males (SMF 7879697, 8695859, 86962;


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

USNM 322871, 32287576, 322878, 322880

81, 322884) and 10 females (SMF 78798,
8696061; UF 166254, 166261; USNM
32287374, 322877, 322879, 322882). Norops
pijolense is a medium-sized anole (SVL 59 mm
in largest male [SMF 78797], 60 mm in largest
female [USNM 322874]); dorsal head scales
keeled (unicarinate) in internasal, prefrontal,
and frontal regions, rugose or keeled in parietal
area; deep frontal and parietal depressions
present; 58 (6.2 6 0.9) postrostrals; anterior
nasal divided, lower section contacting rostral
and first supralabial, or only first supralabial,
occasionally lower anterior nasal separated
from rostral and first supralabial by row of
scales; 59 (7.0 6 1.0) internasals; canthal ridge
sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital
semicircles keeled, largest scale in semicircles
about same size as, or larger than, largest
supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles
usually not well defined; 24 (3.0 6 0.4) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 35 (4.0 6 0.4) scales separating
supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at
narrowest point; interparietal more or less well
defined, slightly to moderately enlarged relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of
moderate size, longer than wide, smaller than
ear opening; 34 rows of about 912 (total
number) enlarged, keeled supraocular scales;
enlarged supraoculars in broad contact with
supraorbital semicircles; 2 elongate, overlapping, subequal superciliaries, occasionally third
much shorter superciliary present; usually 3
enlarged canthals; 612 (8.6 6 1.6) scales
between second canthals; 715 (9.9 6 1.9)
scales between posterior canthals; loreal region
slightly concave, 3364 (48.9 6 8.3) keeled
(stronger keeled towards anterior portion of
loreal region) loreal scales in a maximum of 68
(6.7 6 0.6) horizontal rows; 79 (8.3 6 0.7)
supralabials and 610 (8.0 6 1.0) infralabials to
level below center of eye; suboculars strongly
keeled, usually separated from supralabials by
1 row of scales; ear opening vertically to
obliquely oval; scales anterior to ear opening
not granular, larger than those posterior to ear
opening; 47 (5.5 6 0.8) postmentals, outer
pair largest; keeled granular scales present on
chin and throat; male dewlap moderately large,

extending posterior to level of axilla onto chest;

male dewlap with 810 horizontal gorgetalsternal scale rows, about 1520 scales per row
(n 5 6); 23 (modal number) anterior marginal
pairs in male dewlap; female dewlap small; low
nuchal crest and dorsal ridge present in males;
about 2 middorsal scale rows slightly enlarged,
strongly keeled, dorsal scales grading into
smaller granular lateral scales; no enlarged
scales scattered among laterals; 4462 (49.6 6
6.5) dorsal scales along vertebral midline
between levels of axilla and groin in males,
4054 (46.1 6 4.7) in females; 1632 (25.7 6
6.3) dorsal scales along vertebral midline
contained in 1 head length in males, 1643
(30.0 6 8.5) in females; ventral scales on
midsection larger than largest dorsal scales;
ventral body scales smooth, flat, imbricate; 44
55 (49.4 6 3.9) ventral scales along midventral
line between levels of axilla and groin in males,
3846 (42.9 6 2.6) in females; 1642 (30.1 6
9.1) ventral scales contained in 1 head length
in males, 1534 (25.9 6 6.1) in females; 118
138 (127.6 6 5.7) scales around midbody in
males, 120143 (131.8 6 8.7) in females;
tubelike axillary pocket absent; precloacal
scales mostly smooth, some weakly keeled;
pair of greatly enlarged postcloacal scales in
males; tail nearly rounded to distinctly
compressed, TH/TW 0.832.25 in 19; basal
subcaudal scales smooth, all other subcaudal
scales keeled; lateral caudal scales keeled,
homogeneous, although indistinct division in
segments discernable; dorsal medial caudal
scale row slightly enlarged, keeled, not
forming crest; scales on anterior surface of
antebrachium distinctly keeled, unicarinate;
2127 (24.0 6 1.6) subdigital lamellae on
Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs; 8
11 (9.1 6 0.7) subdigital scales on Phalanx I
of Toe IV of hind limbs; SVL 47.959.0 (53.9
6 2.7) mm in males, 33.059.5 (46.7 6 10.9)
mm in females; TAL/SVL 1.471.95 in nine
males, 1.781.91 in four females; HL/SVL
0.260.30 in males, 0.240.32 in females;
SHL/SVL 0.270.30 in males, 0.240.33 in
females; SHL/HL 0.961.05 in males, 0.88
1.07 in females; longest toe of adpressed hind
limb usually reaching between anterior
border of eye and rostral.


Color in life of the adult male holotype

(USNM 322871) was described by McCranie et al. (1993b: 396): dorsal ground color
Olive-Yellow (color 52), with a series of
heart-shaped Grayish Horn Color (color 91)
blotches on middorsal line; a Raw Sienna
(color 136) anteriorly bifid blotch on
parietal region and nape; dorsum of head
Raw Sienna; lateral surface of head OliveYellow with Raw Sienna patina; dorsal
surfaces of limbs Olive-Yellow with Raw
Sienna crossbands; dorsal surface of tail
with Sepia (color 219) bordered Raw Sienna
bands separated by Olive-Yellow interspaces; iris Maroon (color 31) with copper ring
around pupil; venter mottled Olive-Yellow
and Light Neutral Gray (color 85); dewlap
Rose (color 9) with a Spectrum Violet (color
72) central spot; scales on dewlap Spectrum
Yellow (color 55). Color in life for a
subadult male paratype (USNM 322872)
was also presented by McCranie et al.
(1993b: 398): Olive-Yellow (color 52)
dorsum with small Sepia (color 219) spots
scattered down midline of back; dorsum of
head Olive-Yellow with a slight coppery
patina; a pair of Chestnut (color 32) spots
over sacrum; dorsal surfaces of limbs and
tail Olive-Yellow with Chestnut crossbars;
ventral surfaces Olive-Yellow; dewlap Rose
(color 9) with a Royal Purple (color 172A)
central spot; scales in dewlap Olive-Yellow.
An adult female paratype (USNM 322873)
was similar to USNM 322872, except that
the central dewlap spot was Cyanine Blue
(color 74) (McCranie et al., 1993b: 398).
Color in alcohol: dorsal and lateral
surfaces of head and body grayish brown,
uniform or with broad dark brown transverse blotches or bands, or with series of 3
4 narrow dark brown chevrons; some
females with pale brown vertebral stripe;
dark brown lyriform marking present in
neck region in some; usually dark brown
interorbital bar and dark brown lines
radiating outward from eye; dorsal surfaces
of limbs and tail with dark brown crossbands; ventral surfaces of head and body
pale grayish brown, slightly paler brown


than dorsal surfaces; male dewlap reddish

brown with dark brown central portion.
Hemipenis: unknown.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops pijolense is distinguished from all other Honduran Norops, except N. johnmeyeri and N.
purpurgularis, by the combination of having
smooth, flat and distinctly imbricate ventral
scales, keeled supraocular scales, long hind
limbs (longest toe of adpressed hind limb
usually reaching between anterior border of
eye and rostral), and a pair of greatly enlarged
postcloacal scales in males. Norops pijolense
differs from N. johnmeyeri by its smaller body
size (SVL to 59 mm in males, 60 mm in
females in N. pijolense versus SVL to 73 mm
in males, 68 mm in females of N. johnmeyeri),
and male dewlap rose with purple central
spot in life, female dewlap small and same
color as male dewlap (orange-red male
dewlap with large central blue blotch in life,
female dewlap well developed, yellow with
large central blue blotch in life in N.
johnmeyeri). Norops pijolense differs from
N. purpurgularis by having a rose male
dewlap in life with a purple central spot and
unicarinate snout scales (dewlap uniformly
purple in life and multicarinate snout scales
in N. purpurgularis).
Illustrations (Figs. 47, 48). McCranie et
al., 1993b (adult, head scales); Kohler, 2000
(ventral scales), 2003 (adult, ventral scales),
2008 (adult, ventral scales).
Remarks. Norops pijolense, along with
three other Honduran species (N. johnmeyeri, N. loveridgei, and N. purpurgularis),
are placed in the N. schiedii species subgroup
of the N. auratus species group of Nicholson
et al. (2012; see Remarks for N. johnmeyeri).
Norops pijolense tissues were not utilized in
the Nicholson (2002) and Nicholson et al.
(2005, 2012) phylogenetic analyses.
The unjustified emendation pijolensis has
sometimes been used for this species (see
species synonymy).
Natural History Comments. Norops pijolense is known from 1,180 to 2,050 m
elevation in the Premontane Wet Forest
and Lower Montane Wet Forest formations.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 47. Norops pijolense head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 78796, adult male from Cerro de Pajarillos, Yoro.
Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Lara Czupalla.



Figure 48. Norops pijolense. (A) Adult female (USNM 322873); (B) adult male dewlap (USNM 322871), both from E slope of Pico
Pijol, Yoro. Photographs by James R. McCranie.

This shade-tolerant species is active on the

ground, on fallen logs, or on tree trunks
deep within the forest. It sleeps at night on
leaves and stems of low vegetation. McCranie et al. (1993b) stated that the escape
behavior of this species was deliberate. We
have only visited the mountains where this
species is apparently isolated during August
and the UF series was collected during
January, February, April, and July, thus, is
likely active throughout the year under
favorable conditions. Nothing has been
published on its diet or reproduction.

Etymology. The name pijolense refers to

Montana de Pijol, the type locality, with the
Latin suffix ense (denoting place, locality)
added. The name is a noun in apposition.
Specimens Examined (38 [0]; Map 24).
YORO: Cerro de Pajarillos, SMF 7879698,
8695862; between El Porvenir de Morazan
and Quebrada La Paya, UF 16626062;
Montana Macuzal, UF 16624759; E slope
of Pico Pijol, USNM 32287184.
Norops purpurgularis McCranie, Cruz, and


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 24.

Localities for Norops pijolense. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

Norops purpurgularis McCranie, Cruz, and

Holm, 1993: 386 (holotype, USNM
322885; type locality: 2.5 airline km
NNE La Fortuna [15u269N, 87u189W],
1690 m elevation, Cordillera Nombre de
Dios, Departamento de Yoro, Honduras); McCranie et al., 1993b: 394;
McCranie, 1996: 32; Kohler, 2000: 63,
2003: 104, 2008: 111; Kohler et al., 2001:
255; Wilson et al., 2001: 136; Wilson and
McCranie, 2003: 59, 2004b: 43; McCranie and Castaneda, 2005: 14; Kohler and
Smith, 2008: 223; Nicholson et al., 2012:
12; McCranie and Sols, 2013: 242.
Norops sp.: Holm and Cruz D., 1994: 20.
Anolis purpurgularis: Nieto-Montes de Oca,
1994b: 212, 1996: 26, 2001: 52; Nicholson et al., 2005: 933; Kohler et al., 2007:
391; Townsend et al., 2010: 12, 2012:
109; Pyron et al., 2013: fig. 19.

Geographic Distribution. Norops purpurgularis is known from intermediate elevations in the central and western portions of

the Cordillera Nombre de Dios of northern

Description. The following is based on 20
males (SMF 78795, 86953, 86955; USNM
322885, 322887, 322889, 32289192,
32289596, 322899901, 344806, 344808
10, 344813, 344815, 344817) and 15 females
(SMF 78794, 86952, 86954, 8695657;
USNM 322890, 32289394, 32289798,
344807, 34481112, 344814, 344816). Norops purpurgularis is a medium-sized anole
(SVL 59 mm in largest male [USNM
322891], 58 mm in largest female [USNM
322898]); dorsal head scales keeled (multicarinate) in internasal, prefrontal, and
frontal regions, rugose or keeled in parietal
area; deep frontal and parietal depressions
present; 47 (5.7 6 0.9) postrostrals;
anterior nasal divided, lower section contacting rostral and first supralabial, or
contacting only first supralabial, occasionally
lower anterior nasal separated from rostral
and first supralabial by 1 row of scales; 57
(6.1 6 0.6) internasals; canthal ridge sharply
defined; scales comprising supraorbital


semicircles keeled, largest scale in semicircles about same size as, or larger than,
largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles usually not well defined; 14 (2.7 6
0.6) scales separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 24 (3.3 6 0.5)
scales separating supraorbital semicircles
and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal well defined, slightly to moderately
enlarged relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of moderate size, longer
than wide, subequal or smaller than ear
opening; 34 rows of about 48 (total
number) enlarged, keeled supraocular
scales; enlarged supraoculars in broad
contact with supraorbital semicircles; 2
elongate, overlapping, subequal superciliaries, usually third much shorter superciliary present; usually 3 enlarged canthals; 69
(7.7 6 0.8) scales between second canthals;
610 (8.5 6 1.1) scales between posterior
canthals; loreal region slightly concave, 40
74 (57.5 6 8.3) keeled (stronger keeled
towards anterior portion of loreal region)
loreal scales in maximum of 69 (7.8 6 0.6)
horizontal rows; 79 (7.8 6 0.7) supralabials
and 69 (7.6 6 0.7) infralabials to level
below center of eye; suboculars strongly
keeled, usually separated from supralabials
by 1 row of scales; ear opening vertically to
obliquely oval; scales anterior to ear opening
not granular, slightly larger than those
posterior to ear opening; 46 (5.1 6 0.8)
postmentals, outer pair usually largest;
keeled granular scales present on chin and
throat; male dewlap moderately large,
extending posterior to level of axilla onto
chest; male dewlap with 79 horizontal
gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about 1317
scales per row (n 5 10); 3 (modal number)
anterior marginal pairs in male dewlap;
female dewlap small; low nuchal crest and
dorsal ridge present in males; about 24
middorsal scale rows slightly enlarged,
strongly keeled, dorsal scales grading into
granular lateral scales; no enlarged scales
scattered among laterals; 4060 (53.8 6 5.3)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline between levels of axilla and groin in males, 37
60 (51.3 6 6.6) in females; 2948 (34.9 6


4.6) dorsal scales along vertebral midline

contained in 1 head length in males, 2836
(31.6 6 2.5) in females; ventral scales on
midsection larger than largest dorsal scales;
ventral body scales smooth, flat, imbricate;
4060 (49.5 6 5.1) ventral scales along
midventral line between levels of axilla and
groin in males, 3449 (43.9 6 3.8) in
females; 2540 (33.4 6 3.5) ventral scales
contained in 1 head length in males, 2434
(28.4 6 3.5) in females; 110140 (125.8 6
9.8) scales around midbody in males, 100
134 (119.6 6 11.7) in females; tubelike
axillary pocket absent; precloacal scales
mostly smooth, some weakly keeled; pair
of greatly enlarged postcloacal scales in
males; tail slightly compressed, TH/TW
1.071.50 in 34; basal subcaudal scales
smooth, all other subcaudal scales keeled;
lateral caudal scales keeled, homogeneous,
although indistinct division in segments
discernable; dorsal medial caudal scale row
slightly enlarged, keeled, not forming crest;
scales on anterior surface of antebrachium
distinctly keeled, unicarinate; 2028 (24.0 6
1.7) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV
of Toe IV of hind limbs; 710 (8.7 6 1.0)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 49.059.3 (54.4 6 2.7) mm
in males, 39.058.1 (52.5 6 5.2) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.962.22 in 11 males,
1.672.14 in five females; HL/SVL 0.27
0.31 in males, 0.250.31 in females; SHL/
SVL 0.250.30 in males, 0.250.33 in
females; SHL/HL 0.901.11 in males,
0.911.15 in females; longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually reaching between
anterior border of eye and rostral.
Color in life of the adult male holotype
(USNM 322885) was described by McCranie et al. (1993a: 389, 391): dorsum
Cinnamon-Brown (color 33) with faint
indication of slightly paler, elongate middorsal blotches; dorsal surface of head
Cinnamon-Brown with a metallic patina;
dorsal surfaces of limbs and tail Cinnamon
(color 39) with Buff-Yellow (color 53)
crossbands; iris reddish copper; venter
Salmon Color (color 6); chin dirty white;
dewlap Purple (color 1) with dirty white


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

scales. An adult male paratype (UNAH

2724), that was considerably paler than the
other specimens, was described by McCranie et al. (1993a: 391): dorsum pale brown
anteriorly, golden brown, suffused with red
posteriorly; a dark brown pinstripe extending posteriorly from each eye, converging on
each shoulder just posterior to the axilla;
middorsum with a slightly darker hourglass
pattern; chin yellowish, remainder of venter
with a reddish suffusion. Color in life of
another adult male (USNM 344806): dorsal
surface of head dark brown with indistinct
darker brown interorbital bar; dorsal and
lateral surfaces of body medium brown with
dark brown small spots; vertebral ridge dark
brown with pale brown chevrons; dorsal
surfaces of limbs dark brown with pale
brown crossbars; pale brown crossbands
present anteriorly on otherwise dark brown
dorsal surface of tail; dewlap Bluish Violet
(172B); iris dark brown with pale brown
outer border. Another adult male (USNM
344815) was similar to USNM 344806,
except that the dewlap was Royal Purple
(172A). An adult female (USNM 344816)
was similar to USNM 344806, except that
the dewlap was Smalt Blue (170) and the
dewlap scales were dirty white.
Color in alcohol: dorsal and lateral
surfaces of head and body grayish brown,
uniform or with broad dark brown transverse blotches or bands; dark brown vertebral stripe present in occasional females; no
interorbital bar or lines radiating outward
from eye; dorsal surfaces of limbs and tail
with indistinct dark brown crossbands;
ventral surfaces of head and body pale
grayish brown, slightly paler than dorsal
surfaces; male dewlap grayish brown with
dark brown anterior portion.
Hemipenis: the almost completely everted hemipenis of SMF 86955 is a stout
bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered
by well-developed sulcal lips, opening at
base of apex into broad concave area; lobes
strongly calyculate; truncus with transverse
folds; fingerlike asulcate processus present.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops purpurgularis is distinguished from all other

Honduran Norops, except N. johnmeyeri

and N. pijolense, by the combination of
having smooth, flat and distinctly imbricate
ventral scales, keeled supraocular scales,
long hind limbs (longest toe of adpressed
hind limb usually reaching between anterior
border of eye and rostral), and a pair of
greatly enlarged postcloacal scales in males.
Norops purpurgularis differs from N. johnmeyeri by its smaller body size (SVL to
59 mm in males, 58 mm in females in N.
purpurgularis versus SVL to 73 mm in
males, 68 mm in females of N. johnmeyeri),
in having a uniformly purple male dewlap in
life and a small female dewlap similar in
color to the male dewlap (orange-red male
dewlap with a large central blue blotch in
life, female dewlap well developed and
yellow with large central blue blotch in life
in N. johnmeyeri). Norops purpurgularis
differs from N. pijolense by having a
uniform purple male dewlap in life and
multicarinate snout scales (dewlap rose in
life with purple central spot and unicarinate
snout scales in N. pijolense).
Illustrations (Figs. 49, 50). McCranie et
al., 1993a (adult, head scales); Kohler, 2003
(adult), 2008 (adult).
Remarks. Norops purpurgularis, along
with three other Honduran species (N.
johnmeyeri, N. loveridgei, and N. pijolense),
are placed in the N. schiedii species
subgroup (McCranie et al., 1993b) of the
N. auratus species group of Nicholson et al.
(2012; see Remarks for N. johnmeyeri and
N. loveridgei). Norops purpurgularis tissues
were not utilized in the Nicholson et al.
(2012) phylogenetic analysis.
Natural History Comments. Norops purpurgularis is known from 1,550 to 2,040 m
elevation in the Lower Montane Wet Forest
formation. It is active on the forest floor, on
fallen logs or limbs, or low on tree trunks. Two
were also on walls of an abandoned wooden
house. McCranie et al. (1993a) described its
escape behavior as deliberate. It sleeps at
night on leaves and stems of low vegetation.
Norops purpurgularis has been found during
January and from June to August and is



Figure 49. Norops purpurgularis head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 78794, adult female from 2.5 airline km NNE of
La Fortuna, Yoro. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Lara Czupalla.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 50. Norops purpurgularis. (A) Adult male (USNM 322889); (B) adult male dewlap (USNM 322885), both from 2.5 airline
km NNE of La Fortuna, Yoro. Photographs by James R. McCranie.

probably active throughout the year under

favorable conditions. Nothing has been reported on its diet or reproduction.
Etymology. The name purpurgularis is
derived from the Latin purpureus (purple),
gula (throat), and -aris (pertaining to), and
refers to the purple dewlap of males of this
Specimens Examined (48 [0]; Map 25).
ATLANTIDA: S slope of Cerro Bufalo,
SMF 86952, USNM 34480617, 508433

36. YORO: 2.5 airline km NNE of La

Fortuna, SMF 7879495, 8695357, UF
166263, USNM 322885901. ATLANTIDA
or YORO: 0.41.0 km N and 0.1 km W
2.1 km E of Cerro San Francisco, UNAH
2684, 2687, 272426, 2907.
Norops quaggulus (Cope)
Anolis quaggulus Cope, 1885: 391 (holotype,
USNM 24979 [see Cochran, 1961: 90];
type locality: San Juan river, Nicaragua).


Map 25.


Localities for Norops purpurgularis. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

Anolis humilis: Meyer, 1969: 219; Meyer

and Wilson, 1972: 107, 1973: 17; Cruz
Daz, 1978: 25; Fitch and Seigel, 1984: 7.
Norops humilis: Wilson and McCranie,
1994: 418; Kohler et al., 2000: 425;
Nicholson et al., 2000: 30; Wilson et al.,
2001: 136; Castaneda, 2002: 15; McCranie et al., 2002a: 27.
Norops quaggulus: Kohler et al., 2003: 215,
2006: 243; McCranie et al., 2006: 124;
Wilson and Townsend, 2006: 105.

Geographic Distribution. Norops quaggulus occurs at low and moderate elevations

on the Atlantic versant from eastern Honduras to northern Costa Rica. In Honduras,
this species occurs only in the eastern
portion of the country.
Description. The following is based on 12
males (SMF 78803, 80817, 80819; UF 144608,
144610; USNM 54935960, 56305657,
563061, 56306667) and 12 females (SMF
79927, 80818; UF 144609; USNM 549361
62, 563055, 56305960, 563065, 563069
71). Norops quaggulus is a small anole (SVL

37 mm in largest Honduran male examined

[USNM 563067], 41 mm in largest Honduran female examined [USNM 563060];
maximum reported SVL 40 mm in males,
44 mm in females [Kohler et al., 2006]);
dorsal head scales strongly keeled in internasal, prefrontal, and frontal areas, most
scales keeled in parietal area; deep frontal
depression present; parietal depression absent; 49 (6.4 6 1.2) postrostrals; anterior
nasal divided, lower section contacting rostral and first supralabial; 59 (6.6 6 1.0)
internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined;
scales comprising supraorbital semicircles
keeled, largest scale in semicircles about
same size as largest supraocular scale;
supraorbital semicircles usually not well
defined; 13 (1.8 6 0.5) scales separating
supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point;
24 (2.6 6 0.5) scales separating supraorbital
semicircles and interparietal at narrowest
point; interparietal not well defined, only
slightly enlarged relative to adjacent scales,
surrounded by scales of moderate size,
longer than wide, smaller than ear opening;


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

23 rows of about 38 (total number)

enlarged, keeled supraocular scales; enlarged
supraoculars varying from completely separated from supraorbital semicircles by 1 row
of small scales to 12 enlarged supraoculars
in broad contact with supraorbital semicircles; 23 elongate superciliaries, posteriormost shortest; 3 enlarged canthals; 711 (8.5
6 1.3) scales between second canthals; 712
(9.8 6 1.4) scales between posterior canthals;
loreal region slightly concave, 2747 (35.6 6
4.6) mostly strongly keeled (some smooth or
rugose) loreal scales in maximum of 57 (6.1
6 0.6) horizontal rows; 68 (7.3 6 0.5)
supralabials and 79 (7.9 6 0.5) infralabials
to level below center of eye; suboculars
weakly to strongly keeled, separated from
supralabials by 1 row of scales; ear opening
vertically oval; scales anterior to ear opening
granular, similar in size to those posterior to
ear opening; 47 (5.3 6 0.7) postmentals,
outer pair usually largest; keeled granular
scales present on chin and throat; male
dewlap moderately large, extending to level
of axilla; male dewlap with 610 horizontal
gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about 1017
scales per row (n 5 6); 3 (modal number)
anterior marginal pairs in male dewlap;
female dewlap absent; no nuchal crest or
dorsal ridge; about 711 middorsal scale rows
distinctly enlarged, strongly keeled, dorsal
scales lateral to middorsal series abruptly
larger than granular lateral scales; no enlarged scales scattered among laterals; 3040
(36.0 6 3.5) dorsal scales along vertebral
midline between levels of axilla and groin in
males, 3244 (38.1 6 3.8) in females; 2032
(25.6 6 2.8) dorsal scales along vertebral
midline contained in 1 head length in males,
1932 (23.8 6 3.7) in females; ventral scales
on midsection about 34 times smaller than
largest dorsal scales; ventral body scales
keeled, imbricate; 3561 (51.3 6 7.1) ventral
scales along midventral line between levels of
axilla and groin in males, 4859 (50.9 6 3.5)
in females; 3044 (37.9 6 4.4) ventral scales
contained in 1 head length in males, 3140
(35.0 6 3.6) in females; 102115 (106.7 6
5.0) scales around midbody in males, 97121
(104.7 6 6.9) in females; tubelike, scaleless

axillary pocket present; precloacal scales not

keeled; no enlarged postcloacal scales in
males; tail slightly compressed, TH/TW
1.081.44; basal subcaudal scales keeled;
lateral caudal scales keeled, homogeneous,
although indistinct division in segments
discernable; dorsal medial caudal scale row
not enlarged, keeled, not forming crest; most
scales on anterior surface of antebrachium
distinctly keeled, unicarinate; 1722 (19.5 6
1.2) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV
of Toe IV of hind limbs; 510 (7.8 6 1.2)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 33.037.2 (35.0 6 1.3) mm
in males, 25.040.9 (37.1 6 4.2) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.081.55 in six males,
1.261.44 in seven females; HL/SVL 0.26
0.29 in males, 0.250.29 in females; SHL/
SVL 0.260.29 in males, 0.240.29 in females; SHL/HL 0.961.03 in males, 0.93
1.00 in females; longest toe of adpressed hind
limb usually reaching between posterior and
anterior borders of eye.
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
563057): region of enlarged middorsal scales
coppery brown with series of dark brown
chevrons, chevrons increasing in size posteriorly; sides of body Buff (24); dorsal
surfaces of front limbs Buff; dorsal surfaces
of hind limbs Buff on thigh with Antique
Brown (37) crossbars flanked by pale
grayish-brown crossbars; head brown with
dark brown shield-shaped mark between
eyes, dark brown spot posterior to eye, pale
bars extending below eye; tail with alternating Buff and Cinnamon-Rufous (40) crossbands; venter pale gray; dewlap Flame
Scarlet (15) with Orange Yellow (18)
marginal scales, gorgetal and sternal dewlap
scales pale gray.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surface of head
dark brown; dorsal surface of body brown to
dark brown; lateral surface of body brown;
some specimens have small darker brown
dorsal spots or chevrons on body; dorsal
surfaces of limbs dark brown without
distinct markings; dorsal surface of tail dark
brown with indistinct darker brown crossbands; ventral surface of head cream
centrally, cream with brown flecking or


Figure 51. Norops quaggulus head in lateral, dorsal, and

ventral views. SMF 77480, adult male from Selva Negra,
Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by
Gunther Kohler.

mottling along anterior and lateral edges;

ventral surface of body cream to pale
brown, with darker brown flecking or small
spots; subcaudal surface pale brown with
darker brown flecking proximally, becoming
mostly dark brown distally.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 78803 is a relatively small,
bilobed organ with short and stout lobes


(length of lobes less than half length of

truncus); sulcus spermaticus bifurcating at
base of apex, branches continuing to tips of
lobes; truncus and lobes not calyculate, but
tiny papillae present in many specimens,
these papillae frequently black; no asulcate
processus; truncus without transverse fold.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops quaggulus is distinguished from all other Honduran species of Norops, except N. tropidonotus, N. uniformis, and N. wampuensis, by
having a deep tubelike and scaleless axillary
pocket. Norops quaggulus differs from N.
tropidonotus and N. wampuensis in having
the scales anterior to the ear opening moreor-less subequal in size to those posterior to
the ear opening (scales anterior to ear
opening distinctly larger than those posterior
to ear opening in N. tropidonotus and N.
wampuensis). Norops quaggulus differs from
N. uniformis in lacking pale vertical lines in
the flank region (13 pale vertical lines
usually present in N. uniformis) and having
a reddish-orange male dewlap with a yellow
margin (rose-colored male dewlap with large
central purple spot in N. uniformis).
Illustrations (Figs. 51, 52). Kohler, 1999c
(adult, scales anterior and posterior to ear
opening; as N. humilis), 2000 (adult, head
and dewlap, scales anterior and posterior to
ear opening; as N. humilis), 2001b (adult,
head and dewlap, scales anterior and
posterior to ear opening; as N. humilis),
2003 (adult, head and dewlap), 2008 (adult,
head and dewlap, superciliary scales); Savage, 2002 (adult, dewlap; as N. humilis);
Kohler et al., 2003 (axillary pocket region,
hemipenis), 2006 (adult, head scales);
Guyer and Donnelly, 2005 (adult; as N.
humilis); McCranie et al., 2006 (adult);
Beckers, 2009 (adult; as Anolis).
Remarks. Kohler et al. (2003) resurrected
N. quaggulus from the synonymy of N.
humilis (Peters), based largely on hemipenial differences. The phylogenetic analysis
of molecular data by Nicholson (2002) and
Nicholson et al. (2005, 2012) rejected the
monophyly of the N. humilis species group
as envisioned by Savage and Guyer (1989).
The Honduran species of this subgroup


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 52. Norops quaggulus. (A) Adult male (USNM 563067) from Quebrada El Guasimo, Olancho; (B) adult male dewlap (in
UCR collection) from Heliconias Lodge, Volcan Tenorio, Alajuela, Costa Rica. Photographs by James R. McCranie (A) and
Gunther Kohler (B).

(Savage and Guyer, 1989) are N. quaggulus,

N. tropidonotus, N. uniformis, and N.
wampuensis (Williams, 1976b also placed
one South American species in the N.

humilis group), all of which have a deep

axillary pocket (an unique character among
the anoles), distinctly enlarged middorsal
scales, relatively poorly defined dorsal head


scales, and strongly keeled ventral scales.

However, because those species are not
recovered as a monophyletic group in those
phylogenetic analyses, we include all four
species as incertae sedis within the N.
auratus species group of Nicholson et al.
(2012). Tissues of N. quaggulus were not
included in the phylogenetic analyses of
Nicholson et al. (2005, 2012).
Natural History Comments. Norops quaggulus is known from 60 to 840 m elevation
in the Lowland Moist Forest and Premontane Wet Forest formations. This shadetolerant species is usually active in leaf litter.
The clearing of low vegetation and ground
debris to set up campsites in several heavily
forested areas revealed the species to be
abundant when otherwise not very noticeable. Unlike most anoles, it apparently does
not sleep on low vegetation at night, rather
it sleeps in leaf litter on the ground (JRM,
pers. observ). Norops quaggulus is a deep
forest species that has been found during
February, March, and from May to November and is likely active throughout the year.
Based on our experience, it does not survive
in deforested areas. Extensive ecological
studies of this species have been carried out
in northern Costa Rica, with those studies
summarized by Savage (2002, for more
information see the literature cited by
him). The following is taken from that
summation. Habitats in Costa Rica are
similar to those for Honduran populations.
This species is a trunk-litter forager that
perches head downward low on tree trunks,
tree stumps, and logs. It preys on a wide
variety of arthropods, principally araneid
spiders and isopods (see Savage, 2002, for a
list of other prey items). Females lay a single
egg in leaf litter as often as every seven days
with the greatest activity during the rainy
season (Guyer and Donnelly, 2005, apparently erroneously stated that reproductive
activity peaks during the dry season).
Paemelaere et al. (2011, 2013) studied
dorsal pattern morphology and microhabitat
selection in female N. quaggulus at La


Selva, Costa Rica, in relation to their

survival rates.
Etymology. The name quaggulus is likely
derived from quagga, a native name for an
extinct member of the zebra family found in
South Africa until the late 19th century,
which had stripes only on the area around
the head and shoulders, with the rest of its
body being a yellowish-brown color and the
Latin suffix ule (little). The name probably
alludes to the general yellowish-brown body
color of this small species.
Specimens Examined (62 [1]; Map 26).
N: El Ocotillal, SMF 85951, 85953
57. GRACIAS A DIOS: Bodega de Ro
Tapalwas, UF 14460810, USNM 549361
62, 56305563; vicinity of Crique Unawas,
SMF 8595860; Kakamuklaya, USNM
573140; Pomokir, SMF 8594950, 85952;
Raudal Kiplatara, SMF 8594245; vicinity of
Ro Cuyamel, SMF 8594648; Rus Rus,
USNM 563054; San San Hil, USNM 570087;
San San Hil Kiamp, USNM 570086; Urus
Tingni Kiamp, USNM 565460, 57008891,
573141; Warunta Tingni Kiamp, USNM
56306466. OLANCHO: about 40 km E of
Catacamas, TCWC 23628; Montana de
Malacate, KU 19427273; Quebrada El
Guasimo, SMF 80819, USNM 56306768;
Matamoros, SMF 8081718, USNM 549359
60; Quebrada de Las Maras, SMF 78803,
USNM 563070; near Quebrada El Mono,
USNM 56307172; Ro Kosmako, USNM
563069; Yapuwas, SMF 79927.
N: CanOther Records (Map 26). COLO
on del Chilmeca, UNAH 5465, 5468,
Empalme Ro Chilmeca, UNAH 5475 (Cruz
Daz, 1978, specimens now lost).
Norops roatanensis Kohler and McCranie
Anolis lemurinus: Meyer, 1969: 222 (in part);
Meyer and Wilson, 1973: 17 (in part);
Wilson and Hahn, 1973: 110 (in part);
Hudson, 1981: 377; OShea, 1986: 68.
Anolis allisoni: Meyer and Wilson, 1973: 15
(in part).
Anolis sagrei: Meyer and Wilson, 1973: 19
(in part); Wilson and Hahn, 1973: 111 (in


Map 26.

Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Localities for Norops quaggulus. Solid symbols denote specimens examined and open symbols accepted records.

Norops lemurinus: Wilson and Cruz Daz,

1993: 17 (in part); Wilson et al., 2001:
136 (in part).
Norops bicaorum Kohler, 1996b: 21 (in
part), 1999a: 49 (in part); Monzel, 1998:
159 (in part); Lundberg, 2001: 25;
Klutsch et al., 2007: 1125 (in part).
Norops sp.: Kohler, 1998b: 377.
Norops roatanensis Kohler and McCranie,
2001: 240 (holotype, SMF 79953; type
locality: between West End Point and
Flowers Bay [16u17.989N, 86u34.829W],
30 m elevation, Isla de Roatan, Departamento de Islas de la Baha, Honduras);
Kohler, 2003: 104, 2008: 113; Wilson and
McCranie, 2003: 60; McCranie et al.,
2005: 106; Wilson and Townsend, 2006:
105; McCranie and Valdes Orellana,
2014: 45.
Norops cf. bicaorum: Monzel, 2001: 32.

Geographic Distribution. Norops roatanensis occurs at low elevations on Isla de

Roatan, Islas de la Baha, Honduras.

Description. The following is based on 10

males (FMNH 282571; SMF 79222, 79224,
7997980, 7998485, 79988, 79990; USNM
541021) and 11 females (SMF 79223,
7997478, 79981, 79983, 7998687, 79989).
Norops roatanensis is a moderately large
anole (SVL 65 mm in largest male [FMNH
282571], 62 mm in largest female [SMF
79223]); dorsal head scales keeled in internasal and prefrontal regions, smooth or
tuberculate in frontal and parietal areas;
weak to moderate frontal and parietal
depressions present; 58 (5.4 6 0.8) postrostrals; anterior nasal usually divided, lower
section contacting rostral and first supralabial; 611 (8.0 6 1.0) internasals; canthal
ridge sharply defined; scales comprising
supraorbital semicircles keeled, largest scale
in semicircles about same size as, or larger
than, largest supraocular scale; supraorbital
semicircles well defined; 15 (1.9 6 1.0)
scales separating supraorbital semicircles at
narrowest point; 15 (3.3 6 1.0) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal


well defined, greatly enlarged relative to

adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of
moderate size, longer than wide, usually
slightly smaller than ear opening; 23 rows of
about 59 (total number) enlarged, keeled
supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars
completely separated from supraorbital
semicircles by 12 rows of small scales; 2
elongate, overlapping superciliaries, posterior much shorter than anterior; usually 3
enlarged canthals; 811 (9.8 6 0.9) scales
between second canthals; 813 (10.4 6 1.1)
scales between posterior canthals; loreal
region slightly concave, 5075 (62.9 6 7.7)
mostly keeled (some smooth or rugose) loreal
scales in maximum of 810 (8.7 6 0.8)
horizontal rows; 610 (8.1 6 1.1) supralabials
and 79 (7.9 6 0.7) infralabials to level below
center of eye; suboculars strongly keeled,
separated from supralabials by 1 row of
scales; ear opening vertically oval; scales
anterior to ear opening granular, similar in
size to those posterior to ear opening; 68
(7.7 6 0.7) postmentals, outer pair largest;
keeled granular scales present on chin and
throat; male dewlap moderately large, extending onto chest; male dewlap with 89
horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about
712 scales per row (n 5 5); 3 (modal
number) anterior marginal pairs in male
dewlap; female dewlap small or absent; low
nuchal crest and dorsal ridge present in
largest males; about 2 middorsal scale rows
slightly enlarged, strongly keeled, dorsal
scales grading into smaller granular lateral
scales; no enlarged scales scattered among
laterals; 52101 (72.6 6 17.4) dorsal scales
along vertebral midline between levels of
axilla and groin in males, 5885 (70.3 6 7.0)
in females; 4266 (49.8 6 7.4) dorsal scales
along vertebral midline contained in 1 head
length in males, 3648 (43.8 6 3.8) in
females; ventral scales on midsection much
larger than largest dorsal scales; ventral body
scales keeled, mucronate, imbricate; 3853
(47.5 6 4.7) ventral scales along midventral
line between levels of axilla and groin in
males, 3954 (43.5 6 4.4) in females; 3036
(32.8 6 2.7) ventral scales contained in 1


head length in males, 2138 (29.5 6 4.7) in

females; 122190 (148.5 6 18.4) scales
around midbody in males, 124160 (147.6
6 9.2) in females; tubelike axillary pocket
absent, but shallow and scaled axillary pocket
present; precloacal scales weakly to strongly
keeled; no enlarged postcloacal scales in
males; tail slightly to distinctly compressed,
TH/TW 1.101.71; all subcaudal scales
keeled; lateral caudal scales keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct division in
segments discernable; dorsal medial caudal
scale row enlarged, keeled, not forming crest;
scales on anterior surface of antebrachium
distinctly keeled, unicarinate; 2430 (27.2 6
1.8) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV
of Toe IV of hind limbs; 69 (8.2 6 1.0)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 44.065.2 (56.2 6 6.8) mm
in males, 56.062.0 (58.0 6 1.9) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.932.23 in four males,
1.912.24 in six females; HL/SVL 0.250.27
in males, 0.260.32 in females; SHL/SVL
0.250.29 in males, 0.260.28 in females;
SHL/HL 0.961.12 in males, 0.861.06 in
females; longest toe of adpressed hind limb
usually reaching between posterior and
anterior borders of eye.
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
565461): lateral surface of body with Dark
Brownish Olive (129) swath; middorsum pale
brown with dark brown blotches; area
between middorsum and lateral swath with
cream stripe; cream stripe also present
ventrolaterally below lateral swath; dorsal
surface of head pale brown with dark brown
lyriform mark, interorbital bar, and snout
area; dorsal surfaces of limbs pale brown with
dark brown crossbands; belly pale brown; iris
brown with copper rim; dewlap Scarlet (14)
with white scales. Color in life of the dewlap
of the adult male holotype (SMF 79953) was
Geranium Pink (color 13) with suffusion of
black pigment centrally and white gorgetal
scales (Kohler and McCranie, 2001: 243).
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head,
body, and tail some shade of brown with a
variety of possible dorsal markings (e.g.,
broad dark brown transverse bands, dia-


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 53. Norops roatanensis head in lateral, dorsal, and

ventral views. SMF 79953, adult male from Flowers Bay, Isla
de Roatan, Islas de la Baha. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by
Gunther Kohler.

monds, a pale vertebral stripe) or patternless; dorsal surfaces hind limbs with oblique
dark bands; tail with faint to distinct dark
brown bands; distinct dark brown lines
radiate outward from eye; distinct dark
brown interorbital bar present; dark brown
lyriform nuchal mark usually present.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 81124 is a medium-sized
bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus bifurcating at base of apex, branches continuing to
tips of lobes; asulcate processus absent;
lobes strongly calyculate; truncus with
transverse folds.

Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops roatanensis is distinguished from all other Honduran Norops, except N. lemurinus and N.
bicaorum, by the combination of having a
dark brown lyriform mark in the nuchal
region (usually present, obscure or absent in
some specimens), long hind legs (longest toe
of adpressed hind limb usually reaching
between posterior and anterior borders of
eye), keeled, mucronate, imbricate ventral
scales, about two dorsal scale rows slightly
enlarged, a shallow and scaled axillary
pocket, and no enlarged postcloacals in
males. Norops roatanensis differs from N.
lemurinus by having a pink-red male dewlap
in life, with suffusion of black pigment
centrally and white gorgetal scales (dewlap
red to red-orange in life, without suffusion
of black pigment, often with black or dark
brown-edged gorgetal scales in N. lemurinus). Norops roatanensis is most similar to
N. bicaorum from which it differs by male
dewlap coloration (dewlap pink-red in N.
roatanensis versus orange-red in N. bicaorum), and body size (males average
about 56 mm SVL, females about 58 mm
in N. roatanensis versus males average
about 64 mm SVL, females about 66 mm
in N. bicaorum), in having the sulcal
branches of the hemipenis continuing to
tips of lobes and an asulcate processus
absent (sulcal branches opening into broad
concave area distal to point of bifurcation on
each lobe, and asulcate processus present in
N. bicaorum).
Illustrations (Figs. 53, 54). Kohler and
McCranie, 2001 (adult, head scales, head
and dewlap); Lundberg, 2001 (adult; as N.
bicaorum); Monzel, 2001 (head and dewlap;
as N. cf. bicaorum); Kohler, 2003 (adult),
2008 (adult); McCranie et al., 2005 (adult).
Remarks. Norops roatanensis is a member
of the N. lemurinus species subgroup of the
N. auratus species group of Nicholson et al.
(2012). The three Honduran species of this
subgroup (N. bicaorum, N. lemurinus, and
N. roatanensis) form a closely related group
based on their similar external morphology.
Members of this subgroup are characterized
by having distinct dark lines radiating



Figure 54. Norops roatanensis. (A) Adult male (FMNH 282571) from Palmetto Bay, Isla de Roatan, Islas de la Baha; (B) adult
male dewlap (FMNH 282571). Photographs by James R. McCranie.

outward from the eye, a red or pink male

dewlap in life, strongly keeled midventral
scales, a shallow and scaled axillary pocket,
and by usually having a distinct dark-colored
lyriform nuchal mark. The recovered phylogenetic analyses in Nicholson et al. (2005,
2012) showed N. bicaorum and N. lemurinus to be sister to a clade containing N.
limifrons and N. zeus. Norops roatanensis
tissues were not included in those two
phylogenetic analyses. Klutsch et al. (2007)
found significant genetic differentiation

among N. bicaorum, N. lemurinus, and N.

roatanensis; however, those authors were
not aware that the population on Roatan
Island had been described as N. roatanensis
(Kohler and McCranie, 2001).
Natural History Comments. Norops roatanensis is known from near sea level to 30 m
elevation in the Lowland Moist Forest
formation. It is active on tree trunks near
the ground and on the ground near small
trees. Those on the ground attempt to
escape by running to and climbing the


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 27.

Localities for Norops roatanensis. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

nearest tree. It sleeps at night on leaves of

low vegetation, on rock walls of caves, and
on various elevated human trashed items.
The species is probably active throughout
the year, as specimens have been collected
during February, from May to September,
and during November and December,
during both the dry and wet seasons.
Etymology. The name roatanensis refers
to Isla de Roatan (where the species is
endemic), with the Latin suffix -ensis
(denoting place, locality) added.
Specimens Examined (96 [27]; Map 27).
ISLAS DE LA BAHIA: Isla de Roatan, N of
Coxen Hole, SMF 79223; Isla de Roatan, N
of Flowers Bay, SMF 79222, USNM
56546164; Isla de Roatan, Key Hole,
SMF 7998390; Isla de Roatan, near Oak
Ridge, TCWC 1070911; Isla de Roatan,
Oak Ridge, CM 27599, 27603, FMNH
5382829, MCZ R-150950; Isla de Roatan,
Palmetto Bay, FMNH 28257172, 283594;
Isla de Roatan, 1 km E of Pollytilly Bight,
FMNH 282573; Isla de Roatan, Port Royal,
USNM 578760; Isla de Roatan, Port Royal

Harbor, UTA R-1071415; Isla de Roatan,

about 1.5 km N of Roatan, KU 203136; Isla
de Roatan, about 0.52.0 km N of Roatan,
LSUMZ 2135359; Isla de Roatan, about
0.51.0 km N of Roatan, LSUMZ 2136066;
Isla de Roatan, near Roatan, BMNH
1985.1111, CM 64593, LSUMZ 2231415,
UF 2846370, 2850001; Isla de Roatan,
1.2 km E and 0.4 km S of Sandy Bay, KU
203137, 20314648; Isla de Roatan, Sandy
Bay, KU 20313843, LSUMZ 3381011;
Isla de Roatan, Tabyana Beach, SMF
7920203; Isla de Roatan, between West
End Point and Flowers Bay, SMF 79953,
7997482, 80764, 8112426, USNM
541021; Isla de Roatan, near West End
Town, USNM 520276; Isla de Roatan, West
End Town, SMF 79224, TCWC 21949;
Isla de Roatan, IRSNB 12.484 (2), MCZ
R-191104, UNAH 532223, 5325.
Norops rodriguezii (Bocourt)
Anolis rodriguezii Bocourt, 1873: 62, in
Dumeril et al., 18701909 (holotype,
MNHN 2411 [see Brygoo, 1989: 87];


type locality: a` Pansos sur le Polochic

[Amerique Centrale]); Townsend, 2006:
35; Wilson and Townsend, 2007: 145;
Kohler et al., 2007: 391; Townsend and
Wilson, 2010b: 697 (in part); Ko hler
2014: 210.
Anolis limifrons: Meyer, 1969: 225 (in part);
Meyer and Wilson, 1973: 18 (in part).
Norops rodriguezi: Villa et al., 1988: 51;
Wilson and McCranie, 1994: 417, 1998: 16;
Wilson et al., 2001: 136.
Norops rodriguezii: Kohler et al., 2001: 254;
Kohler, 2003: 105; McCranie, 2005: 20,
2011: 372; McCranie and Castaneda,
2005: 14; Castaneda and Marineros,
2006: 38; McCranie et al., 2006: 217;
Wilson and Townsend, 2006: 105.

Geographic Distribution. Norops rodriguezii occurs at low and moderate elevations on the Atlantic versant from Tabasco,
Mexico, to northwestern Honduras. In
Honduras, this species occurs in the northwestern portion of the country.
Description. The following is based on
seven males (SMF 79079, 79082, 79084,
79086, 88691, 88693; UF 142546) and 15
females (SMF 77746, 7908081, 79085,
79087, 88690, 88692, 8869495, 88702
07). Norops rodriguezii is a small anole
(SVL 44 mm in largest Honduran male [UF
142546] and female [SMF 88690] examined; maximum reported SVL 49 mm [Kohler, 2008]); dorsal head scales weakly keeled
in internasal region, rugose, weakly keeled,
or tuberculate in prefrontal, frontal, and
parietal areas; deep frontal depression
present; parietal depression shallow; 47
(5.3 6 1.2) postrostrals; anterior nasal
usually entire, usually contacting rostral
and first supralabial, occasionally only rostral; 49 (6.3 6 1.2) internasals; canthal
ridge sharply defined; scales comprising
supraorbital semicircles weakly keeled, largest scale in semicircles about same size as
largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles well defined; 13 (1.8 6 0.6) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 14 (2.7 6 0.8) scales


separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal

well defined, greatly enlarged relative to
adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of
moderate size, longer than wide, usually
larger than ear opening; 23 rows of about
510 (total number) enlarged, keeled supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars usually completely separated by 1 row of small
scales; 2 elongate superciliaries, posterior
much shorter than anterior; 23 enlarged
canthals; 813 (10.8 6 1.5) scales between
second canthals; 915 (12.0 6 1.6) scales
between posterior canthals; loreal region
slightly concave, 3051 (40.1 6 6.0) mostly
strongly keeled (some smooth or rugose)
loreal scales in maximum of 58 (6.1 6 0.9)
horizontal rows; 68 (7.1 6 0.7) supralabials
and 69 (7.5 6 0.9) infralabials to level
below center of eye; suboculars weakly
keeled, usually 14 suboculars in broad
contact with supralabials; ear opening vertically oval; scales anterior to ear opening
granular, similar in size to those posterior to
ear opening; 48 (5.8 6 0.8) postmentals,
outer pair usually largest; keeled granular
scales present on chin and throat; male
dewlap moderately small, extending posterior to level of axilla onto chest; male dewlap
with 1012 horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale
rows, about 1520 scales per row (n 5 4); 2
(modal number) anterior marginal pairs in
male dewlap; female dewlap absent; no
nuchal crest or dorsal ridge; 23 middorsal
scale rows slightly enlarged, weakly keeled,
dorsal scales lateral to middorsal series
grading into granular lateral scales; no
enlarged scales scattered among laterals;
5296 (73.6 6 17.6) dorsal scales along
vertebral midline between levels of axilla
and groin in males, 49103 (76.3 6 17.9) in
females; 2466 (48.3 6 16.5) dorsal scales
along vertebral midline contained in 1 head
length in males, 2356 (34.8 6 12.5) in
females; ventral scales on midsection larger
than largest dorsal scales; ventral body
scales smooth, nonimbricate, slightly conical; 4876 (57.7 6 9.9) ventral scales along
midventral line between levels of axilla and
groin in males, 5476 (63.7 6 7.5) in


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

females; 1958 (39.6 6 16.4) ventral scales

contained in 1 head length in males, 1646
(26.6 6 10.0) in females; 111158 (129.3 6
14.7) scales around midbody in males, 123
160 (138.2 6 12.3) in females; tubelike
axillary pocket absent; precloacal scales not
keeled; pair of only slightly enlarged postcloacal scales in most males; tail rounded to
slightly compressed, TH/TW 0.791.40 in
16; basal subcaudal scales keeled; lateral
caudal scales keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct division in segments discernable; dorsal medial caudal scale row
not, or only slightly enlarged, keeled, not
forming crest; most scales on anterior
surface of antebrachium keeled, unicarinate; 2327 (25.4 6 1.4) subdigital lamellae
on Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs;
610 (7.7 6 1.0) subdigital scales on
Phalanx I of Toe IV of hind limbs; SVL
30.043.8 (35.5 6 4.2) mm in males, 30.0
44.0 (39.5 6 4.1) mm in females; TAL/SVL
1.782.18 in five males, 1.692.03 in five
females; HL/SVL 0.250.28 in males, 0.23
0.29 in females; SHL/SVL 0.270.28 in
males, 0.250.31 in females; SHL/HL
0.991.07 in males, 0.921.29 in females;
longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
reaching between ear opening and center
of eye.
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
330172): dorsal surface of head pale olive
brown with some darker brown smudging
along supraorbital semicircles and parietal
region; dorsal surface of body pale olive
brown; dorsal surfaces of forelimbs pale
olive green with obscure darker crossbars;
dorsal surfaces of hind limbs pale olive
green with rust patina and rust brown spot
at knee; dorsal surface of tail pale olive
green with scattered brown spots; supralabials cream; pale color of supralabials
continues onto side of neck to end at
anterior point of insertion of forelimb; chin
and belly cream; dewlap pale orange with
dull white scales and darker orange central
blotch. Color in life of another adult male
(SMF 91289): dorsal ground color Brownish
Olive (29) with dark brown middorsal spots
along back; dorsal surface of head in front of

eyes rust brown, that posterior to eyes

Brownish Olive; dark brown interorbital
stripe and V-shaped mark posterior to eyes
present; dorsal surface of tail Brownish
Olive with Burnt Umber (22) crossbands;
dewlap Yellow Ocher (123C) with pinkish
brown tinge, also with slightly darker orange
central blotch.
Color in alcohol: dorsal and lateral
surfaces of head and body grayish brown
and patternless, or with dark brown vertebral chevrons; some females with pale
brown, dark brownbordered vertebral
stripe; dark brown interorbital bar occasionally present; dorsal surfaces of limbs and tail
with indistinct dark brown crossbands;
ventral surfaces of head and body usually
pale grayish brown, dark grayish brown at
midventer in some; chin region usually
mottled with dark brown.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 83230 (from Cayo District,
Belize) is a medium-sized, bilobed organ;
sulcus spermaticus bordered by well-developed sulcal lips, bifurcating at base of apex;
branches opening into broad concave areas
distal to point of bifurcation on each lobe;
low asulcate ridge present; lobes strongly
calyculate; truncus with transverse folds.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops rodriguezii is distinguished from all other Honduran Norops, except N. carpenteri, N.
limifrons, N. ocelloscapularis, N. yoroensis,
and N. zeus, by the combination of having a
single elongated prenasal scale, smooth to
slightly keeled ventral scales, and slender
habitus. Norops rodriguezii differs from N.
carpenteri by having brown dorsal surfaces
without paler spots in life (dorsum greenish
brown with paler spots in N. carpenteri).
Norops rodriguezii differs from N. limifrons
and N. zeus by having shorter hind legs
(longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
reaching between ear opening and center of
eye in N. rodriguezii versus between
anterior border of eye and tip of snout in
N. limifrons and N. zeus), and by having a
predominantly orange male dewlap in life
(dewlap dirty white and with or without a
basal orange-yellow spot in life in N.


limifrons and N. zeus). Norops rodriguezii

differs from N. ocelloscapularis and N.
yoroensis by lacking a pale lateral stripe
(pale lateral stripe usually present in N.
ocelloscapularis and N. yoroensis). Also, N.
rodriguezii differs from N. ocelloscapularis
in lacking an ocellated shoulder spot (such a
spot usually present in N. ocelloscapularis).
Illustrations (Figs. 55, 56, 83). Lee, 1996
(adult; as Anolis), 2000 (adult, head and
dewlap); Campbell, 1998 (adult); Stafford
and Meyer, 1999 (adult); Kohler, 2000
(head and dewlap), 2003 (adult, head and
dewlap), 2008 (adult, head and dewlap),
2014 (ventral scales; as Anolis); DCruze,
2005 (adult, head and dewlap); CalderonMandujano et al., 2008 (adult; as Anolis).
Remarks. The relationships of N. rodriguezii remain uncertain (Nicholson, 2002).
Savage and Guyer (1989) regarded the
species as of uncertain relationship status
in the N. laeviventris subseries. Kohler
(2008) regarded it as a member of the N.
fuscoauratus species group. The monophyly
of the N. fuscoauratus species group as
envisioned by Savage and Guyer (1989) was
rejected by both molecular (Nicholson,
2002) and morphological (Poe, 2004) analyses. Nicholson (2002) included this species
in her molecular analysis, but Nicholson et
al. (2005, 2012) did not include N. rodriguezii in their subsequent analyses. Herein,
we retain N. rodriguezii in a more restricted
N. fuscoauratus species subgroup than that
envisioned by Savage and Guyer (1989; also
see Remarks for N. ocelloscapularis).
Norops rodriguezii was not reported from
Honduras until 1994, although it was
collected in the country as early as 1923.
Meyer and Wilson (1973) did not distinguish N. rodriguezii from N. limifrons.
Natural History Comments. Norops rodriguezii is known from near sea level to
1,200 m elevation in the Lowland Moist
Forest, Lowland Dry Forest, and Premontane Wet Forest formations and peripherally in the Premontane Moist Forest formation. It is usually found in open situations
both on the ground and in vegetation to at
least 2 m above the ground, along streams


and other forest edge situations, and in

forested areas well away from streams. It
basks in the sun and is also active in shaded
areas. It sleeps at night on leaves and stems
of low vegetation. Norops rodriguezii was
found from April to August and during
October and November and is likely active
throughout the year. DCruze (2005) reported the species to be highly arboreal in
Belize, with an average perch height of
885.5 mm, and that it was most abundant in
dense vegetation. Villarreal Bentez (1997)
reported that in Veracruz, Mexico, the
species occurs in coniferous forest, oak
and pine-oak forests, dry forest, and evergreen forest. Lee (1996) said populations on
the Yucatan Peninsula occur in a wide
variety of forest situations, but are most
abundant in seasonally dry forests and forest
edges. Lee (1996) noted that this species
feeds on small invertebrates, especially
insects and spiders. Apparently nothing
has been published on its reproduction.
Etymology. The name rodriguezii is a
patronym honoring Juan J. Rodriguez, the
conservateur du Musee zoologique de la
Societe economique de Guatemala (Bocourt, 1873: 63, in Dumeril et al., 1870
Specimens Examined (74 [15]; Map 28).
COPAN: 1 km W of Copan, SMF 88702,
USNM 573142; Copan, FMNH 28522,
SMF 93362, UMMZ 83048 (1 of 3 under
that number is N. rodriguezii, the remaining
two are N. tropidonotus), 83049 (2 of 3
under that number are N. rodriguezii, the
remaining one is N. tropidonotus), 83050
(11), USNM 573143; 12.9 km ENE of
Copan, LACM 4726970; El Gobiado,
USNM 573145; La Playona, USNM
33016974; Laguna del Cerro, SMF
79086; near Quebrada Grande, SMF
79085; Ro Amarillo, SMF 91767, USNM
573144; San Isidro, SMF 8870304, 93363
67, UF 142546. CORTES: near Cofrada,
MCZ R-32522; El Paraso, UF 149663,
14966668; between La Fortuna and Buenos Aires, SMF 77746; Naranjito, SMF
88694; W of San Pedro Sula, FMNH
5253; Santa Teresa, SMF 9128993; 4.7 km


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 55. Norops rodriguezii head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 79086, adult male from Laguna del Cerro, Copan.
Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.



Figure 56. Norops rodriguezii. (A) Adult male (in UNAH collection); (B) adult male dewlap (SMF 93363), both from San Isidro,
Copan. Photographs by James R. McCranie.

N of Tegucigalpita, SMF 8869093; about

1 km SSE of Tegucigalpita, SMF 7907984,
79087, 88695. SANTA BARBARA: Cerro
Negro, SMF 8870507, USNM 565465,
57314647; La Cafetalera, SMF 9129496.
Norops rubribarbaris Kohler, McCranie, and
Norops rubribarbaris Kohler, McCranie, and
Wilson, 1999: 280 (holotype, UF 90206;
type locality: Honduras, Departamento

de Santa Barbara, N slope of Montana

de Santa Barbara, 4 km S of San Lus de
los Planes, elevation 1700 m); Kohler,
2000: 63, 2003: 104, 2008: 112; Kohler
et al., 2001: 254; Wilson and McCranie,
2003: 60, 2004b: 43.
Norops sp. 1: Wilson et al., 2001: 147.
Anolis rubribarbaris: Kohler et al., 2007: 391;
Townsend et al., 2008: 40; Townsend
and Wilson, 2009: 69; Wilson et al., 2013:


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 28.

Localities for Norops rodriguezii. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

Geographic Distribution. Norops rubribarbaris occurs at intermediate elevations

on Montana de Santa Barbara, Departamento de Santa Barbara, Honduras.
Description. The following is based on
four males (UF 90206, 152660; USNM
573148, 578762) and three females (SMF
92839; UF 15266162). Norops rubribarbaris is a medium-sized anole (SVL 52 mm
in largest male [USNM 578762] and female
[UF 152661]); dorsal head scales keeled in
internasal, prefrontal, frontal, and parietal
areas; deep frontal depression present,
parietal depression absent; 47 (5.0 6 1.3)
postrostrals; anterior nasal divided, lower
scale contacting rostral and first supralabial;
47 (5.9 6 0.9) internasals; canthal ridge
sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles smooth, rugose, or weakly
keeled, largest scale in semicircles larger
than largest supraocular scale; supraorbital
semicircles well defined; 02 (0.9 6 0.7)
scales separating supraorbital semicircles at
narrowest point; 13 (2.1 6 0.7) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles and in-

terparietal at narrowest point; interparietal

well defined, slightly to distinctly enlarged
relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by
scales of moderate size, longer than wide,
smaller than ear opening; 23 rows of about
35 (total number) enlarged, faintly to
strongly keeled supraocular scales; 12
enlarged supraoculars in broad contact with
supraorbital semicircles; 23 elongate
superciliaries, posteriormost only slightly
shorter than anteriormost; usually 3 enlarged canthals; 37 (5.7 6 1.5) scales
between second canthals; 69 (7.7 6 1.1)
scales between posterior canthals; loreal
region slightly concave, 1637 (23.9 6 6.3)
mostly strongly keeled (some smooth or
rugose) loreal scales in maximum of 45 (4.7
6 0.5) horizontal rows; 67 (6.7 6 0.5)
supralabials and 57 (6.1 6 0.7) infralabials
to level below center of eye; suboculars
weakly to strongly keeled, usually 23
suboculars in broad contact with supralabials; ear opening vertically oval; scales
anterior to ear opening not granular, slightly
larger than those posterior to ear opening;


47 (5.1 6 1.2) postmentals, outer pair

usually largest; weakly keeled granular
scales present on chin and throat; male
dewlap moderately small, extending to level
of axilla; male dewlap with 510 horizontal
gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about 58 scales
per row (n 5 1); 2 (modal number) anterior
marginal pairs in male dewlap; female
dewlap small to rudimentary; low nuchal
crest and low dorsal ridge present in males;
about 811 middorsal scale rows distinctly
enlarged, keeled; dorsal scales lateral to
middorsal series grading into keeled, nongranular lateral scales; flank scales heterogeneous, solitary enlarged keeled or elevated scales scattered among laterals; 3448
(40.3 6 6.1) dorsal scales along vertebral
midline between levels of axilla and groin in
males, 3065 (44.0 6 18.5) in females; 21
34 (27.8 6 5.4) dorsal scales along vertebral
midline contained in 1 head length in males,
2645 (33.7 6 10.0) in females; ventral
scales on midsection slightly larger than
largest dorsal scales; ventral body scales
strongly keeled, mucronate, imbricate, 36
43 (39.8 6 2.9) ventral scales along
midventral line between levels of axilla and
groin in males, 3052 (38.7 6 11.7) in
females; 2129 (25.5 6 3.7) ventral scales
contained in 1 head length in males, 2124
(22.7 6 1.5) in females; 99120 (110.3 6 9.0)
scales around midbody in males, 111115
(113.0 6 2.0) in females; tubelike axillary
pocket absent; precloacal scales strongly
keeled; pair of greatly enlarged postcloacal
scales in males; tail slightly to distinctly
compressed, TH/TW 1.081.67; all subcaudal scales keeled; lateral caudal scales keeled,
homogeneous, although indistinct division in
segments discernable; dorsal medial caudal
scale row enlarged, keeled, not forming crest;
scales on anterior surface of antebrachium
distinctly keeled, unicarinate; 2328 (25.6 6
1.7) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV
of Toe IV of hind limbs; 59 (7.4 6 1.3)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 36.751.9 (46.3 6 6.6) mm
in males, 40.151.5 (45.4 6 5.7) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 2.542.68 in two males,
2.242.25 in females; HL/SVL 0.250.28 in


males, 0.260.41 in females; SHL/SVL 0.22

0.25 in males, 0.190.26 in females; SHL/HL
0.890.90 in males, 0.640.81 in females;
longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
reaching between ear opening and posterior
margin of eye.
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
573148): dorsal surface of body Smoke Gray
(44) with Grayish Olive (43) lateral chevronshaped (with apex pointed dorsally) markings; body also with Grayish Olive lines
connecting lateral chevrons across back;
slightly paler gray than Smoke Gray indistinct lateral stripe present below bottom
edges of chevrons; dorsal surface of head
Smoke Gray with Sepia (119) line along
inner edge of upper eyelids and paired
Sepia lines on snout above nostrils that
extend posteriorly to about level of first
canthal; dorsal surface of tail Smoke Gray
with Grayish Olive crossbands anteriorly,
tail becoming darker brown distally with
indistinct darker brown crossbands; belly
pale gray; dewlap Chrome Orange (16) with
white gorgetal scales, although some central
gorgetal scales with slight brown edging.
Kohler et al. (1999: 285) described the
dewlap color of the male holotype (UF
90206) as red with rows of tan gorgetal
scales. Color in life of a young adult male
(UF 152660) was described by Townsend et
al. (2008: 41): dorsum rust brown on
enlarged middorsal scale rows, smudged
middorsally with dark gray; lateral region of
body yellow-brown; anterior limbs yellowbrown; posterior limbs yellow-brown with
narrow brown crossbars on lower limb;
dorsum of head rust brown mottled with
dark gray; tail yellow-brown with dark gray
crossbars; venter peach-cream; dewlap red
with slight orange tinge; iris rust brown.
Color in life of an adult female (UF 152661)
also described by Townsend et al. (2008:
42): dorsum uniform rust brown, lateral
regions same; anterior limbs yellow-tan;
posterior limbs rust brown; dorsum of head
rust brown with dark gray smudging; tail
rust brown; x-shaped dark brown mark at
base of tail; venter pale peach with scattered
black punctations; small dewlap orangish


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 57. Norops rubribarbaris head in lateral, dorsal, and

ventral views. UF 90206, adult male from 4 km S of San Lus
de Los Planes, Santa Barbara. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing
by Gunther Kohler.

red; iris rust brown. Color in life of another

adult female (UF 152662) also described by
Townsend et al. (2008: 42): enlarged
middorsal scale rows gray brown with four
dark brown chevrons; lateral regions yellowgray with scattered black punctations; anterior limbs yellow-tan; posterior limbs yellow-tan with brown crossbands on lower
limb; dorsum of head gray-brown; tail
brown with slightly dark crossbands; venter
yellowish cream; small dewlap orangish red;
iris rust brown.

Color in alcohol: dorsal and lateral

surfaces of head and body grayish brown,
with dark brown crossbands or chevrons
usually present on body; dark brown interorbital bar usually present; pale longitudinal
lateral stripes absent; dorsal surfaces of
limbs and tail with narrow dark brown
crossbands; ventral surfaces of head and
body pale grayish brown.
Hemipenis: according to Townsend et al.
(2008: 42), the everted hemipenis of UF
152660, a subadult male, is a somewhat
stout organ; asulcate processus undivided;
sulcus spermaticus bounded by moderately
well-developed sulcal lips, terminates at
the base of the apex; truncus bearing some
shallows [sic] folds, otherwise lacking surface structures; apical region appearing
relatively smooth, slightly calyculate.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops rubribarbaris is distinguished from all other
Honduran Norops, except N. crassulus and
N. morazani, by the combination of having
distinctly enlarged middorsal scale rows,
heterogeneous lateral scales, strongly
keeled, mucronate, imbricate ventral scales,
and a pair of greatly enlarged postcloacal
scales in males. Norops rubribarbaris differs
from N. crassulus by having about 811
rows of enlarged dorsal scales (about 1418
in N. crassulus), and by the absence of, or
having a relatively small female dewlap
(female dewlap well-developed in N. crassulus). Norops rubribarbaris differs from N.
morazani by having a hemipenis with an
undivided asulcate processus (processus
divided in N. morazani).
Illustrations (Figs. 57, 58). Kohler et al.,
1999 (adult, head scales, body scales);
Townsend et al., 2008 (adult, subadult,
dewlap; as Anolis).
Remarks. Norops rubribarbaris is in the
N. crassulus species subgroup (see Remarks
for N. amplisquamosus). Norops rubribarbaris tissues were not used in the phylogenetic analyses of Nicholson (2002) or
Nicholson et al. (2005, 2012).
Natural History Comments. Norops rubribarbaris is known from 1,600 to 1,800 m



Figure 58. Norops rubribarbaris. (A) Adult female (SMF 92839); (B) adult male dewlap (UF 152660), both from near El Cedral,
Santa Barbara. Photographs by James R. McCranie (A) and Josiah Townsend (B).

elevation in the Lower Montane Wet Forest

formation. The holotype was active during
March on a limestone boulder along a
stream, and another was active in leaf litter
in forest being converted to a coffee field
during August. Another was sleeping at
night on a vine about 2 m above the ground
on a coffee farm during October, and two
others were sleeping at night during November. The three specimens reported by
Townsend et al. (2008) were sleeping on

vegetation at night during January. The

species is likely active throughout the year
under favorable conditions. Nothing has
been reported on its diet or reproduction.
However, a female collected during October contained an unshelled egg.
Etymology. The name rubribarbaris is
formed from the Latin ruber (red), barba
(beard), and -arius (pertaining to). The
name refers to the red dewlap of the adult
male holotype.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 29.

Localities for Norops rubribarbaris. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

Specimens Examined (8 [0]; Map 29).

SANTA BARBARA: Canon del Cielo,
USNM 57876162; 1.2 W of El Cedral,
UF 15266062, USNM 573148; El Cedral,
SMF 92839; 4 km S of San Lus de Los
Planes, UF 90206.
Norops sagrei (Cocteau, in Dumeril and
Anolis sagrei Cocteau, in Dume ril and
Bibron, 1837: 149 (eight syntypes, MCZ
R-2172, MNHN 2430, 2430A, 2430B,
6795, 6795A, 6797, 6797A [see Barbour
and Loveridge, 1929b: 223, Brygoo,
1989: 90]; type locality: lle de Cuba
[see Remarks]); Fugler, 1968: 97; Meyer,
1969: 231; Meyer and Wilson, 1973: 19
(in part); Wilson and Hahn, 1973: 111 (in
part); Hudson, 1981: 377; Schoener,
1988: 22; Monzel, 1998: 157, 2001: 30;
Lundberg, 2001: 27; McCranie and Nunez, 2014: 91.
Anolis sagrei sagrei: MacLean et al., 1977:
4; Garrido and Jaume, 1984: 73.

Norops sagrei: Schwartz and Henderson,

1988: 159; Kohler, 1998b: 377; Kohler et
al., 2001: 255; McCranie et al., 2005:
108, 2006: 217; Wilson and Townsend,
2006: 105; McCranie and Valdes Orellana, 2014: 45.
Norops sagrai: Wilson et al., 2001: 136.

Geographic Distribution. The native

range of Norops sagrei includes low elevations on Cuba, the islands in the Bahamas,
Little Cayman Island, and Cayman Brac. It
has been introduced and established on
Bermuda, Jamaica (but see below), Grand
Cayman, the Grenada Bank, the Barbados
Bank, the St. Vincent Bank, Hawaii, California, and the southeastern USA, Taiwan,
Singapore, and many other places, with the
list of localities constantly growing. It is not
certain if the populations occurring along
the coast of the mainland of Middle
America from south-central Veracruz, Mexico, to north-central Honduras and those on
Roatan Island and many other islands off
the coast of Belize and Quintana Roo,


Mexico, and those on Jamaica are introduced or native. The population on Isla de
Utila, Islas de la Baha, Honduras, has
apparently been recently introduced, likely
from La Ceiba or Roatan. An introduced
and established population occurs in eastcentral Costa Rica. Another population has
been established in the central portion of
the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Many of
these introduced populations are expanding
their ranges. In Honduras, this species is
known to occur at Puerto Cortes and San
Pedro Sula, Cortes, and at La Ceiba and
Tela, Atlantida, on the northern mainland
and on islas de Roatan and Utila in the Islas
de la Baha.
Description. The following is based on 10
males (KU 203144; SMF 77743; UF 28547
49, 28551; UIMNH 66634, 66641; USNM
57315152) and eight females (CM 64598;
LSUMZ 21369, 2239496; SMF 77744; UF
28552; USNM 573150). Norops sagrei is a
medium-sized anole (SVL 70 mm in largest
Honduran male examined [MCZ R-192030;
not used in description], 53 mm in largest
Honduran female examined [LSUMZ
21369]); dorsal head scales keeled in
internasal, prefrontal, and frontal areas,
smooth to faintly keeled in parietal area;
shallow frontal depression present; parietal
depression absent; 46 (4.8 6 0.8) postrostrals; anterior nasal single, contacting
rostral, usually not in contact with first
supralabial; 46 (5.0 6 0.8) internasals;
canthal ridge sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles usually
keeled or strongly ridged, largest scale in
semicircles larger than largest supraocular
scale; supraorbital semicircles well defined;
02 (0.9 6 0.5) scales separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 14 (2.5
6 0.6) scales separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point;
interparietal well defined, greatly enlarged
relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by
scales of moderate size, longer than wide,
smaller than ear opening; 2 rows of about 4
8 (total number) enlarged, smooth to faintly
keeled supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars completely separated from supraor-


bital semicircles by 1 row of small scales; 2

3 elongate superciliaries, posteriormost
shortest; usually 3 enlarged canthals; 48
(5.9 6 1.1) scales between second canthals;
512 (6.8 6 1.6) scales between posterior
canthals; loreal region slightly concave, 16
30 (22.6 6 3.6) keeled or rugose loreal
scales in maximum of 46 (4.9 6 0.6)
horizontal rows; 48 (5.8 6 0.9) supralabials
and 46 (5.0 6 0.6) infralabials to level
below center of eye; suboculars distinctly
keeled, in broad contact with supralabials;
ear opening vertically oval; scales anterior to
ear opening distinctly larger than those
posterior to ear opening; 46 (4.3 6 0.6)
postmentals, outer pair much enlarged,
their lengths greater than greatest length
of mental scale, much larger than first
infralabial; gular scales not keeled; male
dewlap small, extending to level of forelimb
insertion; male dewlap with about 6 horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about 69
scales per row (n 5 3); 3 (modal number)
anterior marginal pairs in male dewlap;
female dewlap rudimentary; nuchal crest
and dorsal ridge present in breeding males;
about 23 middorsal scale rows slightly
enlarged, smooth to faintly keeled, dorsal
scales lateral to middorsal series grading
into granular lateral scales; no enlarged
scales among laterals; 6185 (69.1 6 7.7)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline between levels of axilla and groin in males, 67
84 (76.1 6 8.5) in females; 2451 (42.9 6
7.4) dorsal scales along vertebral midline
contained in 1 head length in males, 2850
(42.6 6 11.2) in females; ventral scales on
midsection much larger than largest dorsal
scales; ventral body scales distinctly keeled,
imbricate; 3951 (46.1 6 4.0) ventral scales
along midventral line between levels of
axilla and groin in males, 4154 (48.5 6
6.5) in females; 2934 (31.4 6 1.6) ventral
scales contained in 1 head length in males,
2239 (30.5 6 8.5) in females; 141164
(151.2 6 8.3) scales around midbody in
males, 134149 (143.0 6 7.5) in females;
tubelike axillary pocket absent; precloacal
scales not keeled; enlarged postcloacal
scales usually absent in males, sometimes


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

12 enlarged to slightly enlarged postcloacals present; tail strongly compressed, TH/

TW 1.382.40 in males, 1.182.31 in seven
females; basal subcaudal scales keeled;
lateral caudal scales keeled, homogeneous;
dorsal medial caudal scale row enlarged,
keeled, forming crest, especially in large
males; most scales on anterior surface of
antebrachium unicarinate; 2033 (30.2 6
2.9) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV
of Toe IV of hind limbs; 69 (7.6 6 0.7)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 47.062.3 (55.6 6 6.1) mm
in males, 42.553.3 (48.6 6 5.4) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.471.96 in six males,
1.531.74 in five females; HL/SVL 0.25
0.28 in males, 0.240.31 in females; SHL/
SVL 0.240.30 in males, 0.230.28 in
females; SHL/HL 0.961.06 in males,
0.901.00 in females; longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually reaching between
posterior and anterior borders of eye.
Color in life of an adult male (MCZ R192005): dorsal ground color Raw Umber
(22 of Kohler, 2012) with lateral Pale
Pinkish Buff (3) flecking, longitudinal lines,
and vertical lines; top of head Fawn Color
(258); tail Raw Umber with Pale Pinkish
Buff (3) on original portion; belly yellowish
brown; ventral surfaces of limbs brown;
subcaudal surface on original portion Tawny
Olive (17) with dark brown mottling; iris
dark brown; dewlap Dark Salmon Color
(59), except basal portion and skin along
outer portion (except margin) Dark Yellow
Buff (54); gorgetal scales white with varying
amounts of dark brown flecking; anterior
marginal scales pale yellow, posterior marginal scales white with dark brown flecking,
flecking becoming more dense on central
marginal scales; skin between marginal
scales on central portion Dark Yellowish
Buff. Color in life of another adult male
(USNM 573152): middorsum Clay Color
(26); slightly paler brown longitudinal stripe
present on dorsolateral surface of body;
dorsolateral and lateral areas mottled with
Sepia (119), Cream Color (54), and Army
Brown (219B); dorsal surfaces of limbs Dark
Drab (119B) with slightly paler crossbands;

dorsal surfaces of head and tail Clay Color;

venter of body Light Drab (119C); chin pale
gray with gray-brown lineate markings;
dewlap Ferruginous (41) with brown stippled white gorgetal scales; iris dark brown.
Dewlap color in another adult male (USNM
573151): dark orange with gray scales;
marginals yellowish white anteriorly, becoming orange-white posteriorly, central
marginals separated by dark orange skin.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surface of head
brown, usually without distinct markings;
dorsal surface of body brown, usually with
darker brown blotches or chevrons, some
females with paler brown broad middorsal
stripe; dorsal surfaces of limbs brown,
usually without darker brown markings;
dorsal surface of tail brown, usually without
distinct markings; ventral surface of head
brown with darker brown flecking; ventral
surface of body white to cream, with varying
amounts of brown flecking; subcaudal
surface brown with traces of darker brown
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 83344 (from Stann Creek
District, Belize) is a small, slightly bilobed
organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered by welldeveloped sulcal lips, opening into single
broad concave area at base of apex; lobes
calyculate; truncus with transverse folds;
asulcate processus absent.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops sagrei
is distinguished from all other Honduran
Norops, except N. nelsoni, by having a very
strongly compressed tail with a dorsal crest
(especially in large males) and the outer
postmental scale on each side greatly
enlarged with its length greater than that
of the mental scale. Norops sagrei differs
from N. nelsoni (but see Remarks for N.
nelsoni) by having an orange male dewlap in
life (dewlap dark brown in life in N. nelsoni
from Big Swan Island, dewlap brownishyellow in N. nelsoni from Little Swan
Island). Norops sagrei differs further from
N. nelsoni from Little Swan Island in having
the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the head
similar in color to that of the body (those
surfaces of head yellowish-brown in life in


N. nelsoni from Little Swan Island). Norops

sagrei differs further from N. nelsoni from
both Little and Big Swan islands in usually
having four postmentals (usually five or
more in N. nelsoni).
Illustrations (Figs. 59, 60, 81). Campbell,
1998 (adult); Stafford and Meyer, 1999
(adult, head and dewlap); Lee, 2000 (adult
[male only]); Monzel, 2001 (adult; as
Anolis); McCranie et al., 2005 (adult,);
Calderon-Mandujano et al., 2008 (adult
and male dewlap; as Anolis); Kohler, 2008
(adult, head and dewlap).
Remarks. Norops sagrei is a member of
the N. sagrei species group of Williams
(1976a) and Nicholson et al. (2012; also see
Remarks for N. nelsoni). Ruibal (1964: 490)
stated It appears reasonable to restrict the
type locality [of N. sagrei] to the city of La
Habana, Habana. The species was first
collected on the Honduran mainland during
1963 at Puerto Cortes (Fugler, 1968) and
was first collected on Roatan Island in 1940
(see Wilson and Hahn, 1973) and again in
1947. However, Meyer (1969) was the first
to report N. sagrei from Roatan. Thus,
Williams (1969) had called the N. sagrei
colonization of the Honduran Bay Islands a
Fugler (1968) showed that Boulengers
(1885) records of Norops sagrei from
Honduras are based on specimens from
British Honduras (5 Belize). We herein
consider Norops nelsoni of the Islas del
Cisne to be a full species, instead of a
subspecies of N. sagrei as proposed by some
workers (see synonymy in N. nelsoni account).
Norops sagrei is speculated to have
reached the Honduran Bay Island of Roatan
by recent overwater dispersal from Cuba
(see Schoener, 1988). On the other hand,
Kraus (2009: 364) considered it Unclear if
introduced by humans for the Central
American populations and also (p. 78) stated
that the population of N. sagrei on the
coast of northern Central America was
native. Molecular analyses of Honduran
populations of N. sagrei, as well as those
from other parts of Central America are


needed to test those scenarios. Such a study

using recently collected tissues from Honduras is underway. The phenetic analysis by
Lee (1992) resulted in N. sagrei from
Mexico and Central America forming a
separate clade within the N. sagrei populations studied by him.
Fieldwork during December 2012 resulted in the collection of long series of N.
sagrei from La Ceiba, Atlantida, and from
Isla de Utila, Islas de la Baha. Color pattern
of the body and male dewlap of these two
populations could be interpretable as that
they might not be conspecific with N. sagrei
populations from Cuba and south Florida,
USA. Smith and Burger (1949) described
Anolis sagrei mayensis (type locality in
Campeche, Mexico) for the form occurring
in the eastern coastal areas of southern
Mexico and Central America. One of the
distinctive characters given by those authors
for N. sagrei mayensis is the peculiarity
that the median line of the dewlap of males
is broken by grey mottling (p. 408). Apparently, Smith and Burger (1949) were
referring to the outer marginal scales not
being a continuous white or yellow as is the
case with some Cuban individuals (see
illustrations in Rodrguez Schettino, 1999,
2003) and Florida (see photograph in
Bartlett and Bartlett, 1999) specimens.
However, much variation does occur in
male dewlap color on Cuba (Rodrguez
Schettino, 1999) as well as on the Bahama
Islands (Vanhooydonck et al., 2008). Color
notes in life of an adult male from La Ceiba
indicated the anterior margin of the dewlap
had yellow scales, that of the posterior
margin were white with dark brown flecking, and those of the central margin scales
were white with dense dark brown flecking,
thus agreeing with N. s. mayensis in that
character. Unfortunately, so much variation
occurs in dewlap color on Cuba and in the
various introduced populations in Florida,
that using dewlap color as a diagnostic
character for any N. sagrei complex population (including isolated island populations)
might not be informative. However, it must
be remembered that the various Honduran


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 59. Norops sagrei head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 77743, adult male from San Pedro Sula, Cortes. Scale
bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Lara Czupalla.



Figure 60. Norops sagrei. (A) Adult male (MCZ R-192005) from La Ceiba, Atlantida; (B) adult male dewlap (MCZ R-192005).
Photographs by James R. McCranie.

populations we have seen in life all have

population specific (i.e., apparently nonvariable in each population) dewlap color and
Natural History Comments. Norops sagrei is known from near sea level to 100 m
elevation in the Lowland Moist Forest and
Lowland Dry Forest formations. This species is edificarian on the mainland and on
islas de Roatan and Utila, being found on
low vegetation, coconut palms, mangrove

trees, concrete walls, wooden fences, rock

piles, rock walls, and on the ground near
those objects. We have not searched for it at
night, but it probably sleeps at night on low
vegetation as close relatives in south Florida
are known to do (JRM pers. observ.) It has
been collected during February, July, November, and December and is likely active
throughout the year. West Indian populations were classified as cosmopolitan (see
Henderson and Powell, 2009). Norops


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 30.

Localities for Norops sagrei. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

sagrei from outside Honduras are reported

to primarily feed on insects, but it is a diet
generalist that will eat nearly anything that it
can overpower (including other anoles), and
also will occasionally take plant matter and
fruit (Henderson and Powell, 2009; Holbrook, 2012; and references cited in those
studies). A seasonal reproductive pattern
(peaking during the rainy season) has been
reported for populations in Belize (Lee,
1996; Stafford and Meyer, 1999).
Etymology. The name sagrei is a patronym honoring Ramon de la Sagra, who
collected part of the type series, and also
authored the extensive work Historia Fisca,
Politica y Natural de la Isla de Cuba during
the 1800s.
Specimens Examined (99 [12]; Map 30).
ATLANTIDA: La Ceiba, CM 29010, MCZ
R-19200230, USNM 573152; Tela, AMNH
124039. CORTES: Puerto Cortes, UIMNH
6663241; San Pedro Sula, SMF 7774344.
ISLAS DE LA BAHIA: Isla de Roatan,
Coxen Hole, LSUMZ 33812, USNM
57314951; Isla de Roatan, near French

Harbor, CM 64598, UF 2854752; Isla de

Roatan, French Harbor, KU 203144,
LSUMZ 2136970, 2239497; Isla de Roatan,
Oak Ridge, MCZ R-150951, UTA R-10712
13, 5523638; Isla de Roatan, UF 149697;
Isla de Utila, Utila Town, MCZ R-191093,
19207980, 192093107, UNAH 556768.
Norops sminthus (Dunn and Emlen)
Anolis sminthus Dunn and Emlen, 1932: 26
(holotype, ANSP 22946 [formerly ANSP
19878, see Malnate, 1971: 360, Kohler,
1996c: 33 erroneously listed MCZ R22946 as the holotype]); type locality:
San Juancito, Honduras, 6900 feet);
Smith, 1933: 35; Barbour, 1934: 150;
Barbour and Loveridge, 1946: 73; Etheridge, 1959: 216; Meyer, 1969: 232 (in
part); Peters and Donoso-Barros, 1970:
66; Echelle et al., 1971: 359; Malnate,
1971: 360; Meyer and Wilson, 1972: 108
(in part), 1973: 20 (in part); Fitch and
Hillis, 1984: 321; Fitch and Seigel, 1984:
9; Poe, 2004: 64; Wilson and Townsend,


2007: 145; Kohler et al., 2007: 391;

Townsend and Wilson, 2009: 63; Pyron
et al., 2013: fig. 19; Kohler, 2014: 210.
Norops sminthus: Villa et al., 1988: 51;
McCranie et al., 1992: 208 (in part);
Caceres, 1993: 116; Kohler, 1996c: 33,
2003: 104, 2008: 113; Kohler and Obermeier, 1998: 136; Kohler et al., 1999:
298, 2001: 254; Wilson et al., 2001: 136
(in part); Lundberg, 2003: 27; Wilson and
McCranie, 2003: 60 (in part), 2004b: 43;
Diener, 2008: 15.
Anolis cf. sminthus: Townsend and Wilson,
2009: 63 (in part).

Geographic Distribution. Norops sminthus

occurs at intermediate and the upper extreme
of moderate elevations on both versants in
Francisco Morazan and in southern Comayagua, in southern Honduras.
Description. The following is based on
11 males (KU 19310002, 193121, 219961,
219963, 21996566; SMF 77177, 78801;
USNM 573160) and 11 females (KU
19311112, 193114, 219962, 21996768;
SMF 77178, 77181, 78802; UF 8945657).
Norops sminthus is a moderate-sized anole
(SVL 49 mm in largest male [KU 193100],
56 mm in largest female [UF 89457]); dorsal
head scales smooth, rugose, or keeled in
internasal, prefrontal, frontal, and parietal
regions; frontal depression present; parietal
depression absent; 47 (5.4 6 0.7) postrostrals; anterior nasal usually divided,
occasionally entire, lower section contacting
rostral and first supralabial; 47 (5.1 6 1.0)
internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined;
scales comprising supraorbital semicircles
faintly keeled, largest scale in semicircles
larger than largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles well defined; 02 (1.0 6
0.5) scales separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 24 (3.0 6 0.5)
scales separating supraorbital semicircles
and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal well defined, slightly to distinctly
enlarged relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of moderate size, longer
than wide, smaller than ear opening; 23
rows of about 58 (total number) enlarged,


smooth to faintly keeled supraocular scales;

12 enlarged supraoculars in broad contact
with supraorbital semicircles; 2 elongate
superciliaries, posterior only slightly shorter
than anterior; usually 3 enlarged canthals;
47 (5.5 6 0.7) scales between second
canthals; 510 (6.6 6 0.8) scales between
posterior canthals; loreal region slightly
concave, 1223 (17.7 6 2.7) mostly strongly
keeled loreal scales in maximum of 45 (4.3
6 0.4) horizontal rows; 68 (6.6 6 0.6)
supralabials and 57 (6.3 6 0.5) infralabials
to level below center of eye; suboculars
weakly to strongly keeled, usually 2 suboculars in broad contact with supralabials; ear
opening vertically oval; scales anterior to ear
opening not granular, slightly larger than
those posterior to ear opening; 46 (5.7 6
0.7) postmentals, outer pair usually largest;
keeled granular scales present on chin and
throat; male dewlap small, extending to level
of axilla; male dewlap with 68 horizontal
gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about 58 scales
per row (n 5 8); 12 (modal number)
anterior marginal pairs in male dewlap;
female dewlap relatively well developed,
smaller than adult male dewlap; low nuchal
crest present in males, no dorsal ridge;
about 912 middorsal scale rows distinctly
enlarged, keeled, without small scales irregularly interspersed among enlarged dorsal
scales; dorsal scales lateral to middorsal
series abruptly larger than granular lateral
scales; flank scales heterogeneous, solitary
enlarged keeled or elevated scales scattered
among laterals; 3549 (42.8 6 4.2) dorsal
scales along vertebral midline between
levels of axilla and groin in males, 3853
(45.9 6 4.8) in females; 2130 (26.1 6 2.8)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline contained in 1 head length in males, 2341
(29.3 6 6.4) in females; ventral scales on
midsection about same size as largest dorsal
scales; midventral body scales weakly
keeled, flat, imbricate; 3148 (41.2 6 5.3)
ventral scales along midventral line between
levels of axilla and groin in males, 3754
(40.9 6 5.2) in females; 2128 (24.1 6 2.6)
ventral scales contained in 1 head length in
males, 1429 (22.1 6 4.2) in females; 98


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

118 (105.4 6 5.9) scales around midbody in

males, 92118 (104.7 6 8.7) in females;
tubelike axillary pocket absent; precloacal
scales faintly keeled; pair of greatly enlarged
postcloacal scales in males; tail rounded to
distinctly compressed, TH/TW 1.001.58 in
21; all subcaudal scales keeled; lateral
caudal scales keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct division in segments discernable; dorsal medial caudal scale row
enlarged, keeled, not forming crest; scales
on anterior surface of antebrachium distinctly keeled, unicarinate; 2329 (25.7 6
1.7) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV
of Toe IV of hind limbs; 510 (7.2 6 1.4)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 40.549.0 (44.4 6 3.3) mm
in males, 41.055.5 (48.5 6 4.2) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.432.27 in six males,
1.812.52 in 10 females; HL/SVL 0.250.29
in both males and females; SHL/SVL 0.23
0.27 in males, 0.220.27 in females; SHL/
HL 0.840.98 in males, 0.821.02 in females; longest toe of adpressed hind limb
usually reaching between ear opening and
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
573160): dorsum of body Olive-Brown (28)
with Drab (27) outlined rhomboid shaped
blotches, blotches with Olive-Brown centers; top of head Olive-Brown; venter of
head and body dirty white; dewlap Scarlet
(14) with white scales. Color in life of
another adult male (KU 219961): dorsal
surface of head brown with rust wash; dorsal
surface of body brown; dorsal surfaces of
limbs rust brown with vague crossbars; tail
alternately banded with pale rust brown and
pale gray-brown; belly cream; dewlap redorange. Color in life of a series: (KU
194288; adult male)-dorsum brown with
tan middorsal stripe; belly pale yellow;
dewlap orange with yellow scales; (KU
194289; subadult male)-dorsum brown with
paler chevron markings; dewlap bright redorange with pale yellow scales; (KU 194290;
adult female)-dorsum brown; dewlap
orange with yellow scales.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head
and body some shade of brown; middorsal

pattern variable, some lack pattern, some

have dark brown chevrons; most females
with thin vertebral pale line, occasional
females with broad pale middorsal stripe
bordered by dark brown, or pattern of dark
brown diamonds; lateral surface of head
pale grayish brown; dorsal surfaces of limbs
brown, usually with indistinct dark brown
crossbands; dorsal surface of tail brown,
some have darker brown chevrons or crossbands, those markings more evident proximally.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 77177 is a medium-sized,
slightly bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus
bordered by well-developed sulcal lips,
opening into single broad concave area at
base of apex; lobes calyculate; truncus with
transverse folds; single asulcate processus
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops sminthus is distinguished from all other Honduran Norops, by the combination of having
about 912 distinctly enlarged middorsal
scale rows, heterogeneous lateral scales,
weakly keeled and imbricate ventral scales,
a red male dewlap in life, and a pair of
greatly enlarged postcloacal scales in males.
Norops sminthus differs from its apparent
closest relatives, N. heteropholidotus and N.
muralla, by having weakly keeled ventral
scales (ventral scales perfectly smooth in N.
heteropholidotus and N. muralla).
Illustrations (Figs. 61, 62, 99). Kohler,
1996c (dorsal, lateral, and ventral scales),
2003 (adult), 2008 (adult), 2014 (ventral
scales; as Anolis); Kohler and Obermeier,
1998 (hemipenis); Lundberg, 2003 (adult);
Diener, 2008 (adult).
Remarks. Norops sminthus is a member
of the N. crassulus species subgroup (see
Remarks for N. amplisquamosus).
The specimen identified as N. sminthus
that was sequenced for the phylogenetic
analyses in Nicholson (2002) and Nicholson
et al. (2005, 2012) actually represents an
undescribed species that appears most
closely related to N. crassulus (see Remarks
for N. crassulus). We plan to describe that
population as a new species. Tissues of N.



Figure 61. Norops sminthus head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 77181, adult female from Cerro La Tigra NNE of El
Hatillo, Francisco Morazan. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Lara Czupalla.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 62. Norops sminthus. (A) Adult male (SMF 91299) from Parque Nacional La Tigra Centro de Visitantes, Jutiapa,
Francisco Morazan; (B) adult male dewlap (SMF 91299). Photographs by James R. McCranie.

sminthus were not utilized in the Nicholson

(2002) and Nicholson et al. (2005, 2012)
Natural History Comments. Norops
sminthus is known from about 1,450 to
1,900 m elevation in the Lower Montane
Moist Forest formation and peripherally in
the Premontane Moist Forest formation. It is
usually found in low vegetation or on the
ground in edge situations, such as along dirt
roads and streams. It is common in the
clearing at the visitors center of Parque

Nacional La Tigra at Jutiapa. The species

basks in the sun and is active for short periods
in shaded areas, but quickly disappears
during periods of cloudy conditions, even
relatively short ones. It has not been found to
sleep at night in exposed conditions, probably
because of the cold climate where it occurs.
Norops sminthus has been found from
January to March and during June and
September, but is probably active throughout
the year during sunny periods. Nothing has
been reported on its diet or reproduction.


Map 31.


Localities for Norops sminthus. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

Etymology. The name sminthus is formed

from the Greek word sminthos (mouse), and
refers to the hopping habits of this species
according to Dunn and Emlen (1932).
Specimens Examined (103 [20] + 1 C&S;
Map 31). COMAYAGUA: Cerro La Granadilla, UF 16626677. FRANCISCO MORAZAN: Cerro Cantagallo, KU 21996164,
SMF 7780102; Cerro La Tigra NNE of
El Hatillo, CM 64600, KU 19428898,
21996568, LSUMZ 2420001, 24212,
SMF 77176 (C&S), 7717781 (7717980
now in UNAH collection); El Rosario,
USNM 578768; La Caballeriza, SMF
91297; La Cascada, USNM 578767; Monte
Crudo, AMNH 70356, 7039293; Parque
Nacional La Tigra Centro de Visitantes,
Jutiapa, SMF 91298300, USNM 573160;
Parque Nacional La Tigra near San Juancito, KU 19231114, MCZ R-32348; Rancho Quemado, AMNH 7035758, 70390
91, 70394; 7.2 km SW of San Juancito, KU
19310021; 11.3 km SW of San Juancito,
LACM 4767678, LSUMZ 2141516; San
Juancito Mountains, AMNH 7039697,

ANSP 2294649, CM 34054, UF 89456

57, UMMZ 11233031; near Talanga, UTA
R-5399192 (imprecise and questionable
locality). HONDURAS: AMNH 70457.
Norops tropidonotus (Peters)
Anolis tropidonotus Peters, 1863: 135 (lectotype, ZMB 382 [designated by Stuart,
1955: 27]; type locality: aus Huanusco in
Mexico); Werner, 1896: 346; Dunn and
Emlen, 1932: 26; Smith, 1950: 55;
Campbell and Howell, 1965: 132; Meyer,
1969: 235; Wilson and Meyer, 1969: 146;
Hahn, 1971: 111; Jackson, 1973: 309;
Meyer and Wilson, 1973: 20 (in part);
Fitch and Hillis, 1984: 318; OShea,
1986: 36, 1989: 16; Poe, 2004: 64;
Nicholson et al., 2005: 933; Townsend,
2006: 35; Townsend et al., 2007: 10;
Wilson and Townsend, 2007: 145; Kohler
et al., 2007: 391; Townsend and Wilson,
2010b: 697; Kohler, 2014: 210.
Norops tropidonotus: OShaughnessy,
1875: 277; Espinal, 1993: table 3; Wilson


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

and McCranie, 1998: 16, 2004b: 43;

Kohler, 2000: 65; Espinal et al., 2001:
106; Kohler et al., 2001: 255, 2005b: 126;
McCranie and Kohler, 2001: 232; Nicholson, 2001: 64, 2002: 120; Wilson et al.,
2001: 136 (in part); McCranie and Castaneda, 2005: 14; Castaneda and Marineros, 2006: 38; McCranie et al., 2006:
126; Wilson and Townsend, 2006: 105;
Diener, 2008: 16; Nicholson et al., 2012:
12; McCranie and Sols, 2013: 242.
Anolis humilis: Brattstrom and Howell,
1954: 117.
Anolis tropidonotus tropidonotus: Meyer,
1966: 175.
Anolis crassulus: Hahn, 1971: 111 (in part);
Meyer and Wilson, 1973: 16 (in part).
Norops crassulus: Caceres, 1993: 117;
Lundberg, 2003: 27.

Geographic Distribution. Norops tropidonotus occurs at low, moderate, and

intermediate elevations on the Atlantic
versant from central Veracruz, Mexico, to
north-central Nicaragua. It also occurs on
the Pacific versant in extreme northern El
Salvador and southwestern to south-central
Honduras. In Honduras, this species is
found throughout much of the country.
Description. The following is based on
35 males (SMF 77505, 77729, 7773638,
7803940, 78396, 7870506, 7871012,
78831, 79059, 7909596, 79098100,
79102, 7924950, 79929, 79931, 79933,
79936, 80890, 80892; UMMZ 77855 [16])
and 35 females (SMF 43898, 78117, 77730
31, 77735, 7842728, 78704, 7870709,
78804, 78806, 7905558, 79097, 79101,
7910304, 79152, 79248, 7925155, 79928,
79932, 7993435, 79947, 80891; UMMZ
77855 [1]). Norops tropidonotus is a medium-sized anole (SVL 59 mm in largest
Honduran male examined [SMF 78040],
55 mm in largest Honduran female examined [SMF 79947]; maximum reported SVL
60 mm [McCranie and Kohler, 2001]);
dorsal head scales strongly keeled in internasal, prefrontal, frontal, and parietal areas;
frontal depression absent or weak; parietal

depression absent; 58 (7.1 6 0.6) postrostrals; anterior nasal divided, lower section contacting rostral and first supralabial;
69 (7.2 6 0.8) internasals; canthal ridge
sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles keeled, largest scale in
semicircles about same size as largest
supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles
usually not well defined; 02 (1.4 6 0.5)
scales separating supraorbital semicircles at
narrowest point; 13 (2.3 6 0.5) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal
not well defined, only slightly enlarged
relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by
scales of moderate size, longer than wide,
smaller than ear opening; 23 rows of about
510 (total number) enlarged, keeled supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars usually in broad contact with supraorbital
semicircles, occasionally completely separated from supraorbital semicircles by 1 row
of small scales; 23 elongate superciliaries,
posteriormost shortest; usually 3 enlarged
canthals; 611 (8.0 6 0.9) scales between
second canthals; 816 (11.1 6 2.0) scales
between posterior canthals; loreal region
slightly concave, 1637 (26.5 6 5.0) strongly
keeled loreal scales in maximum of 46 (5.0
6 0.7) horizontal rows; 47 (5.8 6 0.5)
supralabials and 47 (5.6 6 0.6) infralabials
to level below center of eye; suboculars
weakly to strongly keeled, separated from
supralabials by 1 row of scales; ear opening
vertically oval; scales anterior to ear opening
enlarged, keeled, much larger than those
posterior to ear opening; 48 (5.5 6 0.9)
postmentals, outer pair usually largest;
keeled granular scales present on chin and
throat; male dewlap moderately large,
extending to level of axilla; male dewlap
with 68 oblique gorgetal-sternal scale rows,
about 69 scales per row (n 5 3); 3 (modal
number) anterior marginal pairs in male
dewlap; female dewlap absent; no nuchal
crest or dorsal ridge; about 914 middorsal
scale rows greatly enlarged, strongly keeled,
paramedian scales larger than vertebral
scales, dorsal scales lateral to middorsal
series abruptly larger than granular lateral


scales; no enlarged scales scattered among

laterals; 1524 (19.5 6 2.1) dorsal scales
along vertebral midline between levels of
axilla and groin in 29 males, 1726 (20.7 6
2.1) in 34 females; 1218 (14.8 6 1.5) dorsal
scales along vertebral midline contained in 1
head length in males, 1116 (13.2 6 1.3) in
females; ventral scales on midsection smaller than largest dorsal scales; ventral body
scales keeled, mucronate, imbricate; 2230
(25.5 6 2.3) ventral scales along midventral
line between levels of axilla and groin in 29
males, 2032 (24.9 6 2.5) in 34 females; 17
22 (19.5 6 1.7) ventral scales contained in 1
head length in 34 males, 1422 (16.6 6 1.9)
in 34 females; 6696 (79.0 6 7.5) scales
around midbody in 31 males, 6688 (75.9 6
5.5) in females; tubelike, scaleless axillary
pocket present; precloacal scales not keeled;
no enlarged postcloacal scales in males; tail
slightly to distinctly compressed, TH/TW
1.141.68 in 61; all subcaudal scales keeled,
mucronate; lateral caudal scales keeled,
mucronate, homogeneous although indistinct division in segments discernable;
dorsal medial caudal scale row not enlarged,
keeled, not forming crest; most scales on
anterior surface of antebrachium strongly
keeled, unicarinate; 2231 (26.5 6 1.9)
subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV of
Toe IV of hind limbs; 69 (7.8 6 0.7)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 40.359.2 (50.8 6 4.5) mm
in males, 41.055.0 (50.2 6 2.9) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.341.84 in 17 males,
1.421.77 in 24 females; HL/SVL 0.250.28
in males, 0.240.30 in females; SHL/SVL
0.280.33 in males, 0.250.33 in females;
SHL/HL 1.011.27 in males, 1.001.18 in
females; longest toe of adpressed hind limb
usually reaching between anterior border of
eye and nostril.
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
565477): dorsal surface of body Brownish
Olive (29) with darker brown posteriorly
directed chevrons; dorsal surface of head
Brownish Olive; dorsal surface of tail brown
with pale brown crossbands; ventral and
subcaudal surfaces dirty white, mottled with
brown; dewlap Chrome Orange (16) with


Geranium (12) streak, dewlap scales yellow;

iris brown with pale brown rim. Color in life
of another adult male (KU 220123): dorsum
pale rust brown with tan stripe from axilla to
groin; dorsal surfaces of limbs and tail rust
brown with tan crossbars; venter white;
dewlap reddish orange with burnt orange
central streak and yellow scales, including
marginals. Color in life of a third adult male
(USNM 570095): dorsal surface of head
brown with obscure darker broad interorbital bar; lateral surface of head brown;
middorsal area of enlarged scales graybrown with middorsal series of about six
spots (tan with dark brown posterior edging)
from just posterior to level of axilla to above
vent, increasing in size posteriorly by
expansion of posterior edging, each connected to pair of obscure oblique lines
creating vague chevrons; lateral surface of
body brown with small scattered cream
spots, obscure narrow gray-brown band
between axilla and groin; dorsal surfaces of
forelimbs brown with rust patina; dorsal
surfaces of hind limbs brown with rust
patina and rust-tan crossbars on shanks; tail
pale brown with obscure narrow darker
brown crossbands; chin and belly cream
with vague brown smudging; dewlap reddish orange with burnt orange central streak
and pale yellow scales, including marginals;
iris copper red with gold ring around pupil.
Color in life of a fourth adult male (KU
194307): dorsum brown with darker brown
middorsal markings; dewlap reddish orange
with burnt orange central streak and pale
yellow scales, including marginals. Color in
life of an adult female (KU 194305): dorsum
pale bronze-brown with wide, dark brownbordered tan middorsal stripe; belly cream;
some scales of throat with reddish orange
bases. Color in life of another adult female
(KU 194306): middorsal pale area scalloped
and outlined by brown; dark brown interocular bar present.
Color in alcohol: dorsal and lateral
surfaces of body pale brown with dark
brown middorsal blotches or chevrons,
those markings especially prominent in
males, females usually with pale middorsal


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

longitudinal stripe dividing dorsal markings;

dorsal and lateral surfaces of head pale
brown with darker brown crossbars anterior
and posterior to eyes, those markings more
distinct in males; dorsal surfaces of limbs
pale brown with darker brown crossbands;
dorsal and lateral surfaces of tail pale brown
with darker brown crossbands; ventral
scales pale brown to pale gray, many with
dark brown flecks or small spots; scales of
chin and throat pale brown, a few to many
scales with darker brown flecking, flecking
more distinct in males; proximal subcaudal
surface pale brown, a few scales flecked
with darker brown; dark brown central spot
present in male dewlap.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 78039 is a large, bilobed
organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered by welldeveloped sulcal lips, bifurcating at base of
apex, branches continuing to tips of lobes;
lobes and truncus strongly calyculate; large
flaplike asulcate processus present; truncus
with transverse folds.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops tropidonotus is distinguished from all other
Honduran species of Norops, except N.
quaggulus, N. uniformis, and N. wampuensis, by having a deep tubelike, scaleless
axillary pocket. Norops tropidonotus differs
from N. quaggulus and N. uniformis in
having the scales anterior to ear opening
much larger than those posterior to ear
opening (scales anterior to ear opening
similar in size to those posterior to ear
opening in N. quaggulus and N. uniformis).
Norops tropidonotus differs from N. wampuensis in having a distinct dark streak
present in the male dewlap and a slightly
larger size reaching 59 mm SVL in males
and 55 mm SVL in females (distinct dark
central streak absent in male dewlap and
males and females reaching 51 mm SVL in
N. wampuensis).
Illustrations (Figs. 63, 64, 80). Dumeril et
al., 18701909 (head scales; as Anolis); de
Vosjoli, 1992 (adult; as Anolis); Flaschendrager and Wijffels, 1996 (adult; as Anolis t.
tropidonotus); Kohler, 1996d (adult), 1999c
(scales anterior and posterior to ear open-

ing), 2000 (adult, axillary pocket, head and

dewlap, scales anterior and posterior to ear
opening), 2001b (adult, axillary pocket, head
and dewlap, scales anterior and posterior to
ear opening), 2003 (adult, axillary pocket,
scales anterior and posterior to ear opening,
head and dewlap), 2008 (adult, axillary
pocket, scales anterior and posterior to ear
opening, head and dewlap), 2014 (superciliary scales, axillary pocket, scales surrounding ear opening; as Anolis); Lee, 1996
(adult; as Anolis), 2000 (adult); Campbell,
1998 (adult, head scales); Stafford and
Meyer, 1999 (adult); DCruze, 2005 (adult,
head and dewlap); Kohler et al., 2005b
(adult, head scales); McCranie et al., 2006
(adult, axillary pocket); Calderon-Mandujano et al., 2008 (adult; as Anolis); Diener,
2008 (adult).
Remarks. Norops tropidonotus is usually
placed in the N. humilis species group
(Savage and Guyer, 1989; Nicholson,
2002). However, phylogenetic analyses
based on molecular data rejected the
monophyly of that species group (Nicholson, 2002; Nicholson et al., 2005, 2012).
Also, the phylogenetic analysis in Poe
(2004), based largely on morphology, did
not support a close relationship between N.
tropidonotus and N. humilis. Thus, we treat
N. tropidonotus as incertae sedis within the
N. auratus species group of Nicholson et al.
(2012; also see Remarks for N. quaggulus).
Fitch and Hillis (1984) reported 19
specimens of N. tropidonotus from Santa
Barbara, Honduras. We have been unable
to locate such a large series of the species
from that town or department in any
Natural History Comments. Norops tropidonotus is known from near sea level to
1,900 m elevation in the Lowland Moist
Forest, Lowland Dry Forest, Lowland Arid
Forest, Premontane Wet Forest, Premontane Moist Forest, and Premontane Dry
Forest formations and peripherally in the
Lower Montane Wet Forest and Lower
Montane Moist Forest formations. It is
usually found on the ground, but can be
seen on fence posts and low tree trunks, and



Figure 63. Norops tropidonotus head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 78705, adult male from Estacion Forestal
CURLA, Atlantida. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Lara Czupalla.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 64. Norops tropidonotus. (A) Adult male (KU 194310) from Finca Naranjito, Cortes; (B) adult male dewlap (KU 194310).
Photographs by James R. McCranie.

is most common in open situations that have

scattered low shrubby vegetation where it
alternates between basking in the sun and
retreating to shaded areas. Unlike many
other species of Norops, N. tropidonotus
does not sleep on low vegetation during the
night, instead it sleeps on the ground in leaf
litter. This species has been found during
every month of the year. Jackson (1973)
studied a midelevation pine forest population in central Honduras, and noted that

densities were much higher in pine forest

with extensive leaf litter from various shrubs
than in pine forest that was regularly burned
or grazed where abundant shrubs were
absent. Males also perched higher on plant
stems and spent less time on the ground
than did females, with no individuals seen
higher than about 2 m above the ground.
Males also were seen to perch on pine tree
trunks. DCruze (2005) studied a population
in Belize and reported that individuals were


Map 32.


Localities for Norops tropidonotus. Solid symbols denote specimens examined and open symbols accepted records.

largely terrestrial and were seen only while

basking in the sun. Reproductive activity
began at the end of the dry season and
peaked during the rainy season. We are not
aware of any published information on diet
in Norops tropidonotus, other than the
general statement that the species feeds on
small insects (Villarreal Bentrez, 1997).
Telford (1977) reported saurian malaria in
some of the specimens collected by Jackson
Etymology. The name tropidonotus is
derived from the Greek tropos (turn) and
notos (back), and refers to the lateral
granular scales changing abruptly to the
enlarged dorsal scales in this species.
Specimens Examined (981 [213] + 3
skeletons; Map 32). ATLANTIDA: Carmelina, USNM 62970; mountains S of Corozal,
LACM 4764448, LSUMZ 2139096,
21399; 2 km S of El Naranjal, UF 90219
21; Estacion Forestal CURLA, SMF 78039
40, 7870409, 7905658, 7994346, 79948
50, USNM 56547677, 57009294; 7.4 km
SE of La Ceiba, SMF 7993133; 8 km SE of

La Ceiba, KU 10141120; 13 km E of La
Ceiba, LACM 47649, LSUMZ 21397; near
La Ceiba, SMF 7915254; La Ceiba, CM
29009, INHS 447884, MCZ R-32201;
Lancetilla, AMNH 70432, 7043537, ANSP
28129, FMNH 2290509, MCZ R-29808
10 (+ 4 untagged), 3162023, SMF 79098
102, UMMZ 70322 (3), 7784142; about
2 km S of Nueva Armenia, KU 220123; Pico
Bonito Lodge, SMF 9135051; Piedra
Pintada, LACM 47664; Quebrada de Oro,
SMF 79244, 79930, USNM 53983839,
570095; Tela, MCZ R-27577. COLO
Balfate, AMNH 5861215, 58627; Barranco, ANSP 28126, 3315054; Cerro Calentura, LSUMZ 22449, 22464, 22490; Paulaya,
BMNH 1985.112543; Ro Claura, UMMZ
58419; 2 km E of Trujillo, LACM 4765054,
LSUMZ 21398, 2140009; 1 km SSE of
Trujillo, KU 10142122; 1 km SSW of
Trujillo, KU 10142329, MCZ R-92985;
0.5 km SW of Trujillo, LSUMZ 21410;
Trujillo, CM 29367, 6461516, 64618,
6462021, 64623, LSUMZ 22430. COMAYAGUA: Cerro El Volcan, UF 166298;


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

near Ro Negro, SMF 79250, 7992829; Ro

Negro, UF 166306; 10 km SW of Siguatepeque, SMF 77740; 8 km N of Siguatepeque, KU 19341640, 19489394; Siguatepeque, UF 7211671, 72174; Taulabe,
LSUMZ 24210. COPAN: 19.3 km ENE of
Copan, LACM 47655; Copan, AMNH
63365, 70270, 124038, FMNH 2851620,
MCZ R-150314, TCWC 19191, UIMNH
5251719, UMMZ 83042 (6), 83043 (2),
83044 (6), 83045 (4), 83048 (two of these
under that number are N. tropidonotus, the
remaining one is N. rodriguezii), 83049 (one
of these under that number is N. tropidonotus, the remaining two are N. rodriguezii), USNM 570096; El Gobiado, USNM
573162; Quebrada Las Piedras, FMNH
28255152; Ro Amarillo, SMF 91742,
USNM 570097; Ro Bonito, USNM
578772; Ro Higuito, ANSP 28127, 33155;
San Andres, USNM 573161. CORTES: 6 km
N of Agua Azul, AMNH 14965657; Banaderos, UF 14410506; Buenos Aires, SMF
7772934, UF 144107, 149660; 3 km WSW
of Cofrada, KU 6714547; near Cofrada,
MCZ R-32202, 32525; between Cofrada
and Buenos Aires, SMF 77735; 1.6 km NW
of El Jaral, LSUMZ 12005, 88073; 1.6 km W
of El Jaral, LACM 4526166, 4765659;
1.6 km SE of El Jaral, LACM 4766061,
47666; El Jaral, FMNH 523135; El Zapotal, SMF 78117; Finca Naranjito, KU
19430515, LSUMZ 3659293, 3661415;
Hacienda Santa Ana, FMNH 522930;
Lago de Yojoa, AMNH 70289, MCZ R2980107, MSUM 464244, UF 72175,
UMMZ 70323 (6); Montana Santa Ana,
MCZ R-3220304; Naranjito, SMF 79248
49; Pena Blanca, USNM 243386; Potrerillos, MCZ R-29799800; 3.2 km W of San
Pedro Sula, LACM 47665; W of San Pedro
Sula, FMNH 522728; San Pedro Sula,
MCZ R-29798; near Santa Elena, LSUMZ
3883738; 4.0 km ENE of Villanueva,
LACM 47663. EL PARAISO: near Agua
Fra, AMNH 7026769; Las Manos, UTA
R-41443, 52143; Mapachn, SMF 91745;
Ro Guayambre, AMNH 70285; Valle de
Jamastran, AMNH 70286. FRANCISCO
MORAZAN: Cantarranas, KU 192319;

Cerro Uyuca, AMNH 7028788, 70389,

70395, CM 64602, KU 10323738, LSUMZ
24204, 3884244, MCZ R-4994243,
4998082, SMF 7842728, 79059, 79251,
UTA R-52144; El Chile, SMF 8089093;
3.2 km NE of El Hatillo, TCWC 61761; El
Hatillo, LSUMZ 2420506, 24211, TCWC
6175254; El Rosario, ANSP 28128; 21 km
NW of El Zamorano, LSUMZ 24601; near
El Zamorano, MCZ R-49978; El Zamorano,
MCZ R-4975861 (+ 1 untagged), 49979;
Hacienda San Diego, AMNH 69087; La
Esperanza, USNM 578771; La Montanita,
AMNH 70266; La Montanuela, AMNH
70265; Los Corralitos, SMF 91301; Los
Planes, USNM 58119091; Montana de
Guaimaca, AMNH 70271; Montana de la
Sierra, UF 16630708; Rancho Quemado,
USNM 578770; Ro Yeguare, AMNH
7027279, MCZ R-48675; San Francisco,
AMNH 7028084, 14245861; San Ignacio,
SMF 8272734; 7.2 km SW of San Juancito,
KU 19344145, 19489599; between San
Juan de Flores and Talanga, UF 90218; San
Marcos de Guaimaca, SMF 79055; 15 km
NW of Tegucigalpa, KU 19489192; 9.9 km
N of Tegucigalpa, LSUMZ 2418191; 6.4 km
N of Tegucigalpa, TNHC 32090; Tegucigalpa, AMNH 69088, CAS 152985, MCZ R4992226 (+ 2 untagged), 49933; Valle de
Angeles, UF 150155; near Zambrano, CM
59123; Zambrano, CM 59122, UTA R53898900. GRACIAS A DIOS: Krausirpe,
LSUMZ 5249495; Las Maras, UNAH
5436; Palacios, BMNH 1985.112324. INTIBUCA: near Jesus de Otoro, SMF 77736
39, 78396; 18.1 km NW of La Esperanza,
SMF 7993536; 15.0 km SE of La Esperanza, SMF 7993839, 7994142; La Rodadora, USNM 570099, 580701; Montana de
Mixcure, USNM 570098. LA PAZ: Bonilla,
FMNH 283592; El Chilador, USNM
570100; 8 km S of Marcala, UF 72172,
8946365; 13.7 km N of Marcala, SMF
79937, 79940; Marcala, CM 64603, IRSNB
12485. LEMPIRA: 4 km N and 3 km W of
Gracias, UF 89466; Gracias, FMNH 40868
69, UF 13578687; near Parque Nacional
Celaque Centro de Visitantes, SMF 78710
12, 79245, 79934, 91302. OCOTEPEQUE:


El Guisayote, FMNH 283591; El Mojanal,

SMF 91303; 10 km N of La Labor, UF
8946769; Quebrada El Comatal, SMF
88674; 15 km SSW of San Marcos de
Ocotepeque, UF 72173, 89470. OLANCHO: 1 km WNW of Catacamas, LACM
4762225, LSUMZ 2138183, 21411; 1.5
3.0 km NW of Catacamas, LACM 47626
32, 47635; 3 km N of Catacamas, LACM
4763334; 4.5 km SE of Catacamas, LACM
4522026, LSUMZ 2138485; near Catacamas, KU 192315; between Catacamas and
Dulce Nombre de Culm, UTA R-53994;
Cuaca, UTA R-5324142, 5390305,
5390708, 5391016; 12.1 km E of Dulce
Nombre de Culm, LACM 4515354; El
Aguacatal, UTA R-5324366; El Carbon,
SMF 9134849; between El Dctamo
and Parque Nacional La Muralla Centro
de Visitantes, SMF 7909697, USNM
342291306; El Dctamo, SMF 79104,
79947, USNM 570101; El Vallecito, SMF
91743, USNM 342307; Guata, KU 192318;
near Los Planes, USNM 34230812; Montana de Liquidambar, USNM 34231517;
Montana de Las Parras, SMF 79095,
USNM 34231827; Montana del Ecuador,
USNM 34231314; Parque Nacional La
Muralla Centro de Visitantes, USNM
342345, 56547375, 57010205; Piedra
Blanca, SMF 91744; near Piedras Negras,
USNM 342360; Quebrada de Las Maras,
SMF 7880408, 7883133; Quebrada de
Las Mesetas, USNM 34232834; Quebrada
El Pinol, SMF 7909697, 79103, USNM
34233537; Quebrada La Calentura, USNM
34233844; Ro Cuaca, SMF 9134447; Ro
de Enmedio, USNM 34235159; 10.6 km S
of San Esteban, SMF 79252; 4 km E of San
Jose del Ro Tinto, LACM 4514445;
Terrero Blanco, USNM 34234650. SANTA
BARBARA: Cerro Negro, USNM 565479
80, 570106; N slope of Cerro Santa Barbara,
USNM 570107; Compania Agrcola Paradise, USNM 578778; 8.8 km SW of El Jaral,
LACM 47662; El Nspero, KU 192320; El
Sauce, KU 6714850, SMF 43898; mountains W of Lago de Yojoa, KU 6715152;
Quebrada Las Cuevas, FMNH 28255354,
USNM 580304; Quimistan, USNM 128088


89; San Pedro Zacapa, TNHC 3261618.

YORO: 2 km S of Coyoles, KU 10143033;
5 km E of Coyoles, LACM 47636
38, LSUMZ 2138687; Coyoles, LACM
4764043, LSUMZ 21389; 4.8 km E of El
Negrito, MVZ 171384; El Progreso, UMMZ
5838789; 2.5 airline km NNE of La
Fortuna, SMF 7925355, UF 16630205,
USNM 565478, 570108; 2 km N of Los
Guares, USNM 580305; Montanas de Mataderos, MCZ R-38798801, UMMZ 77849
(6); Portillo Grande, FMNH 21871 (16),
MCZ R-3881215, 3881617 (both skeletons), 38818, 38820, 38821 (skeleton),
UMMZ 77847 (7); between San Francisco
and La Fortuna, UF 166299301; San
Francisco, MVZ 5240310; 38.6 km NE of
Santa Rita, MVZ 171382; Sopametepe,
LACM 47639, LSUMZ 21388; Subirana
Valley, FMNH 21849 (25), MCZ R-38797,
3880211, UMMZ 77855 (60); Sulaco Mountains, UMMZ 77845 (2); 10 km W of Yoro,
ANSP 3068990, 30693; 6.6 km S of Yoro,
MVZ 171377, USNM 217599; 32.0 km W of
Yoro, MVZ 171385, USNM 21759598.
HONDURAS: ANSP 28125, 3311120,
3068788, SMF 77505, UTA R-3852225.
Other Records (Map 32). EL PARAISO:
Arenales, LACM 1685054 (Meyer and
Wilson, 1973, now lost). YORO: Mojiman
Valley (Dunn and Emlen, 1932). HONDURAS: (Werner, 1896).
Norops uniformis (Cope)
Anolis uniformis Cope, 1885: 392 (24
syntypes, MCZ R-10933, USNM 6774
(6), 2473448, 24750, 24859 [see Barbour and Loveridge, 1929b: 224, Cochran, 1961: 92]; type locality: Guatemala
and Yucatan); Townsend, 2006: 35;
Kohler et al. 2007: 391.
Norops uniformis: Villa et al., 1988: 52;
Wilson and McCranie, 1994: 418, 2004b:
43; Kohler, 2000: 64; Kohler et al., 2001:
254, 2006: 247; Wilson et al., 2001: 136;
McCranie, 2005: 20; Castan eda and
Marineros, 2006: 38; McCranie et al.,
2006: 218; Wilson and Townsend,


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Geographic Distribution. Norops uniformis occurs at low and moderate elevations

on the Atlantic versant from southern
Tamaulipas, Mexico, to north-central Honduras. In Honduras, this species occurs in
the northwestern portion of the country,
with an isolated population near La Ceiba in
north-central Honduras tentatively assigned
to this species.
Description. The following is based on
10 males (SMF 7913031, 79134, 79148;
UF 142460; USNM 330186, 56307374,
563077, 565483) and 10 females (SMF
7913233; UF 14246162; USNM 330185,
33018788, 56307576, 573163). Norops
uniformis is a small anole (SVL 41 mm in
largest Honduran male examined [UF
142460], 40 mm in largest Honduran female
examined [USNM 563076]; maximum reported female size 41 mm SVL [Kohler et
al., 2006]); dorsal head scales keeled in
internasal, prefrontal, and frontal areas,
most scales keeled in parietal area; deep
frontal depression present; parietal depression absent; 48 (6.2 6 1.2) postrostrals;
anterior nasal usually single, usually contacting only first supralabial, occasionally
both rostral and first supralabial; 58 (6.4 6
0.9) internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles keeled, largest scale in semicircles
slightly larger than largest supraocular scale;
supraorbital semicircles usually not well
defined; 13 (2.2 6 0.6) scales separating
supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point;
25 (2.9 6 0.6) scales separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal usually well
defined, oval in outline, smaller than ear
opening; 2 rows of about 25 (total number)
enlarged, keeled supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars varying from completely
separated from supraorbital semicircles by 1
row of small scales to 1 enlarged supraocular in broad contact with supraorbital
semicircles; 23 elongate superciliaries,
posteriormost shortest; usually 3 enlarged
canthals; 611 (8.3 6 1.2) scales between
second canthals; 712 (9.1 6 1.2) scales
between posterior canthals; loreal region

slightly concave, 2649 (38.2 6 5.9) rugose

or keeled loreal scales in maximum of 58
(6.0 6 0.8) horizontal rows; 79 (8.0 6 0.8)
supralabials and 610 (7.9 6 0.9) infralabials to level below center of eye; suboculars
distinctly keeled, separated from supralabials by 1 row of scales; ear opening
vertically oval; scales anterior to ear opening
granular, similar in size to those posterior to
ear opening; 48 (5.9 6 0.9) postmentals,
outer pair usually largest; keeled granular
scales present on chin and throat; male
dewlap moderately large, extending to level
of axilla; male dewlap with 67 horizontal
gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about 712
scales per row (n 5 4); 34 (modal number)
anterior marginal pairs in male dewlap; no
dewlap in females; no nuchal crest or dorsal
ridge; about 811 middorsal scale rows
distinctly enlarged, strongly keeled, dorsal
scales lateral to distinctly enlarged middorsal series usually grading into granular
lateral scales; no enlarged scales scattered
among laterals; 2331 (27.1 6 2.5) dorsal
scales along vertebral midline between
levels of axilla and groin in males, 2637
(29.8 6 3.9) in females; 2026 (22.1 6 1.7)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline contained in 1 head length in males, 1723
(19.5 6 2.2) in females; ventral scales on
midsection much smaller than largest dorsal
scales; ventral body scales keeled, imbricate;
2752 (42.1 6 9.0) ventral scales along
midventral line between levels of axilla and
groin in males, 3449 (41.2 6 5.2) in
females; 3042 (37.2 6 4.6) ventral scales
contained in 1 head length in males, 2337
(29.9 6 3.8) in females; 80103 (93.1 6 6.0)
scales around midbody in males, 9095
(92.7 6 1.6) in females; deep tubelike,
scaleless axillary pocket present; precloacal
scales not keeled; no enlarged postcloacal
scales in males; tail slightly to distinctly
compressed, TH/TW 1.101.82 in 12; basal
subcaudal scales keeled; lateral caudal
scales keeled, homogeneous; dorsal medial
caudal scale row not enlarged, keeled, not
forming crest, although indistinct division in
segments discernable; most scales on anterior surface of antebrachium distinctly


keeled, unicarinate; 1825 (21.6 6 1.9)

subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV of
Toe IV of hind limbs; 69 (7.4 6 0.9)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 32.940.5 (36.9 6 2.5) mm
in males, 32.039.9 (37.4 6 2.2) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.211.52 in four males,
1.331.42 in four females; HL/SVL 0.28
0.33 in males, 0.260.30 in females; SHL/
SVL 0.280.32 in males, 0.250.28 in
females; SHL/HL 0.931.02 in males,
0.911.08 in females; longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually reaching between
posterior and anterior borders of eye.
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
565482): dorsum Hair Brown (119A) with
Drab-Gray (119D) narrow vertical line just
posterior to midbody extending from lower
body to edge of enlarged middorsal scales,
irregular pale spotting also present posterior
to that point; dorsum of tail Hair Brown
with widely separated pale brown crossbands; forelimbs Hair Brown above; hind
limbs Hair Brown above with faint slightly
paler crossbands; head Hair Brown, dorsally
and laterally; chin and belly Drab-Gray;
dewlap Magenta (2) with central Smalt Blue
(70) spot; iris rust red with thin gold line
around pupil. Color in life of another adult
male (USNM 330186): head olive green
dorsally and laterally, with red-orange spots
along lip line above and below mouth;
middorsum rust brown with dark brown
chevrons; lateral surface of body pale olive
with scattered olive green and rust red
flecks and pale yellow vertical lines posteriorly; dorsal surfaces of limbs olive green
with rust patina, hind limbs also with pale
rust spots; chin pale gray with scattered
small white spots; belly gray-tan; dewlap
Rose (9) with large, central deep purple
spot; iris copper.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surface of head
brown to dark brown, without distinct
markings; dorsal surface of body brown to
dark brown, with or without darker brown
irregular blotches; lateral surface of body
brown, usually with indistinct paler brown
vertical stripes; dorsal surface of tail brown
with indistinct darker brown crossbands;


dorsal surfaces of limbs brown with indistinct darker brown crossbars; ventral surface
of head white to cream, lightly to heavily
flecked or mottled with brown; ventral
surface of body white to cream, with brown
flecking, small brown spots also sometimes
present; subcaudal surface cream with dark
brown flecking proximally, becoming mostly
dark brown distally.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 79131 is a medium-sized
bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus bifurcating at base of apex, branches continuing to
tips of lobes; ridgelike asulcate processus
present; lobes strongly calyculate; truncus
with transverse folds.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops uniformis is distinguished from all other Honduran species of Norops, except N. quaggulus, N. tropidonotus, and N. wampuensis, by
having a deep tubelike, scaleless axillary
pocket. Norops uniformis differs from N.
tropidonotus and N. wampuensis in having
the scales anterior to the ear opening similar
in size to those posterior to the ear opening
(scales anterior to ear opening much larger
than those posterior to ear opening in N.
tropidonotus and N. wampuensis). Norops
uniformis differs from N. quaggulus in
having a male dewlap with a large central
purple spot (male dewlap without large
central purple spot in N. quaggulus) and
usually 13 pale vertical lines in the flank
region (pale vertical lines absent in flank
region in N. quaggulus).
Illustrations (Figs. 65, 66). Stafford, 1991
(adult; as Anolis humilis uniformis); Lee,
1996 (adult; as Anolis), 2000 (adult, head
and dewlap); Campbell, 1998 (adult, head
and dewlap); Stafford and Meyer, 1999
(adult); Kohler, 2000 (juvenile, head and
dewlap), 2003 (adult, head and dewlap),
2008 (adult, head and dewlap), 2014 (scales
surrounding ear opening; as Anolis);
DCruze, 2005 (head and dewlap); Kohler
et al., 2006 (adult, head scales).
Remarks. Norops uniformis is usually
considered to be a member of the N.
humilis species group (Savage and Guyer,
1989; Nicholson, 2002). However, phyloge-


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 65. Norops uniformis head in lateral, dorsal, and

ventral views. SMF 79131, adult male from 1 km SSE of
Tegucigalpita, Cortes. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by
Gunther Kohler.

netic analyses based on molecular data

rejected the monophyly of that group
(Nicholson, 2002; Nicholson et al., 2005,
2012) as envisioned by previous workers.
Thus, we place N. uniformis as incertae
sedis in the N. auratus species group of
Nicholson et al. (2012; also see Remarks for
N. quaggulus).
Natural History Comments. Norops uniformis is known from 30 to 1,370 m
elevation in the Lowland Moist Forest and
Premontane Wet Forest formations and
peripherally in the Lower Montane Wet
Forest formation. It is usually active on the
ground, but is sometimes seen perched low

on tree trunks or tree buttresses. The

species is usually found in deeply shaded
areas, but also can be found in edge
situations. Norops uniformis is particularly
common in cacao groves SE of Tegucigalpita, Cortes. We have not seen it basking in
the sun, nor have we seen it sleeping on
vegetation at night. Instead, we have found
it at night by disturbing leaf litter on the
ground (but see Cabrera-Guzman and
Reynoso, 2010 who reported it sleeping on
vegetation at night in Veracruz, Mexico).
This species has been found during April,
May, July, August, and October, and is
probably active throughout the year.
DCruze (2005) reported that individuals
in Belize usually perched on tree buttresses
or low on tree trunks. Norops uniformis
feeds primarily on arthropods, but there is a
single record of an adult feeding on a small
frog (Guzman and Reynoso, 2008, and
references cited therein; also see Eifler,
1995). Female N. uniformis lay multiple
clutches of a single egg with reproductive
activity peaking during the rainy season
(Lee, 1996 and references cited therein;
also see Villarreal Bentez and Heras Lara,
Etymology. The name uniformis is a Latin
adjective meaning having only one shape
or form, uniform. The name alludes to the
equality in size between all the scales of the
frontal region, so that the supraorbitals
cannot be distinguished in size (Cope,
1885: 392).
Specimens Examined (51 [0]; Map 33).
ATLANTIDA: Estacion Forestal CURLA,
USNM 57873637, 57877377. COPAN:
between Laguna del Cerro and Quebrada
Grande, USNM 330185; Laguna del Cerro,
SMF 7915051; Quebrada Grande, UF
14246061; Ro Amarillo, SMF 91747; San
Isidro, FMNH 28265356, MVZ 267194,
UF 142462, USNM 56548183; Santa Rita,
USNM 565484. CORTES: El Paraso, UF
14965659; Quebrada Agua Buena, SMF
79134; about 1 km SSE of Tegucigalpita,
SMF 7913034, 7914849, USNM 330186
88, 56307378. SANTA BARBARA: La
Cafetalera, SMF 91304, USNM 57316368.



Figure 66. Norops uniformis. (A) Adult male (FMNH 282653) from San Isidro, Copan; (B) adult male dewlap (FMNH 282653).
Photographs by James R. McCranie.

Norops unilobatus (Kohler and Vesely)

Anolis sallaei: Werner, 1896: 345; Dunn
and Emlen, 1932: 27 (in part); Lynn,
1944: 190.
Anolis sericeus sericeus: Meyer, 1966: 175
(in part).
Anolis sericeus: Meyer, 1969: 231 (in part);
Meyer and Wilson, 1973: 19 (in part);
Wilson and Hahn, 1973: 112; Lee, 1980:
311 (in part); Lee, 1983: 340.1 (in part);

OShea, 1986: 36; Poe, 2004: 64; Townsend, 2006: 35; Wilson and Townsend,
2007: 145 (in part); Townsend and
Wilson, 2010b: 697 (in part).
Norops sericeus: Kohler, 1996b: 25, 1998b:
374, 1999b: 214; Wilson and McCranie,
1998: 16 (in part); Lundberg, 2000: 3;
Wilson et al., 2001: 136 (in part); Castaneda, 2002: 15; McCranie et al., 2002a:
27, 2005: 110, 2006: 125; McCranie and


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 33.

Localities for Norops uniformis. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

Castaneda, 2005: 14; Wilson and Townsend, 2006: 105; Diener, 2008: 14;
Kramer, 2010: 5.
Norops (Anolis) sericeus: Monzel, 1998:
Norops sp.: Espinal et al., 2001: 106.
Anolis unilobatus Kohler and Vesely, 2010:
217 (holotype SMF 87133; type locality:
Awasbila, a village along Ro Coco,
14u479N, 84u459W, 60 m, Departamento
Gracias a Dios, Honduras).
Norops unilobatus: Ko hler and Vesely,
2010: 226 (in part); McCranie and Sols,
2013: 242; McCranie and Valdes Orellana, 2014: 45.

Geographic Distribution. Norops unilobatus occurs at low and moderate elevations

from Costa Rica across most of Nicaragua
(except the northwestern corner), Honduras, (except the Pacific Versant), along
the Caribbean versant of Guatemala and
Chiapas, Mexico, to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec where it crosses to the Pacific versant
and continues along the Pacific versant of

Chiapas, Mexico, to about Mazatenango,

Guatemala. In Honduras, the species occurs
in open habitats throughout the Atlantic
versant, including most interior valleys, and
on Isla de Utila.
Description. The following is based on 35
males (SMF 77114, 77116, 77197, 77201,
7726364, 7776364, 78142, 7913738,
79366, 8149596, 81498500, 87125,
87127, 87129, 87131, 8713336, 87138,
87140, 8714243, 87150; UF 28403,
28440, 9020405; USNM 565469) and 19
females (SMF 77112, 77115, 7719899,
77745, 79367, 80881, 81497, 87121, 87130,
87132, 87137, 87139, 87141, 87144, 87147
48, 87151; UF 150331). Norops unilobatus
is a small anole (SVL 46 mm in largest
Honduran male [SMF 87129] and female
[SMF 87147] examined; maximum reported
SVL 49 mm in males, 51 mm in females
[Kohler and Vesely, 2010]); most dorsal
head scales weakly to strongly keeled in
internasal area, smooth or rugose in prefrontal, frontal and parietal areas; deep
frontal depression present; parietal depres-


sion absent; 47 (5.8 6 0.6) postrostrals;

anterior nasal usually single, contacting
rostral and first supralabial; 58 (6.6 6
1.0) internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles smooth or weakly keeled, largest
scale in semicircles usually larger than
largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles well defined, 02 (0.7 6 0.6) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 13 (2.1 6 0.4) scales
separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal
well defined, irregular in outline, longer
than wide, much larger than ear opening; 2
3 rows of about 211 (total number)
enlarged keeled supraocular scales; 14
enlarged supraorbitals in contact with supraorbital semicircles; a single large elongated superciliary; usually 3 enlarged
canthals; 611 (8.3 6 1.0) scales between
second canthals; 712 (9.6 6 1.2) scales
between posterior canthals; loreal region
slightly concave, 1739 (26.8 6 5.0) mostly
keeled loreal scales in maximum of 47 (5.5
6 0.6) horizontal rows; 69 (7.1 6 0.7)
supralabials and 58 (6.9 6 0.6) infralabials
to level below center of eye; suboculars
keeled, 24 suboculars broadly in contact
with supralabials; ear opening very small,
vertically oval or round; scales anterior to
ear opening not granular, slightly larger
than those posterior to ear opening; 48 (5.9
6 0.7) postmentals, outer pair usually
largest; gular scales faintly keeled; male
dewlap moderately large, extending past
level of axilla onto chest; male dewlap with
about 710 horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale
rows, about 713 scales per row (n 5 4); 3
(modal number) anterior marginal pairs in
male dewlap; female dewlap absent; low
nuchal crest and dorsal ridge present in
adult males; about 820 middorsal scale
rows slightly enlarged, keeled, dorsal scales
lateral to middorsal series grading into
granular lateral scales; no enlarged scales
scattered among laterals; 4260 (52.4 6 5.8)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline between levels of axilla and groin in males, 48
60 (54.9 6 3.9) in females; 2734 (30.6 6


1.9) dorsal scales along vertebral midline

contained in 1 head length in males, 2640
(30.8 6 3.4) in females; ventral scales on
midsection larger than largest dorsal scales;
ventral body scales strongly keeled, mucronate, imbricate; 3041 (35.8 6 3.6) ventral
scales along midventral line between levels
of axilla and groin in males, 3143 (36.4 6
4.0) in females; 1930 (25.2 6 2.5) ventral
scales contained in 1 head length in males,
1630 (21.1 6 3.2) in females; 92123
(112.0 6 9.4) scales around midbody in 23
males, 93111 (104.1 6 4.9) in 14 females;
tubelike axillary pocket absent; precloacal
scales smooth or weakly keeled; no enlarged
postcloacal scales; tail rounded to distinctly
compressed, TH/TW 0.691.53 in 50; basal
subcaudal scales keeled; lateral caudal
scales keeled, homogeneous; dorsal medial
caudal scale row slightly enlarged, keeled,
not forming crest; most scales on anterior
surface of antebrachium keeled, unicarinate; 2026 (23.4 6 1.2) subdigital lamellae
on Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs;
57 (5.9 6 0.4) subdigital scales on Phalanx
I of Toe IV on 72 sides of hind limbs; SVL
35.046.0 (41.6 6 3.1) mm in males, 30.5
46.0 (41.9 6 3.9) mm in females; TAL/SVL
2.042.55 in 25 males, 1.462.50 in 13
females; HL/SVL 0.250.28 in males,
0.240.28 in females; SHL/SVL 0.200.25
in males, 0.200.23 in females; SHL/HL
0.770.94 in males, 0.780.91 in females;
longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
reaching between shoulder and ear opening,
rarely beyond ear opening.
Color in life of an adult male (SMF
87127): dorsal surface of body Cinnamon
(123A) with dark brown, small vertebral
spots; dorsal surface of head Cinnamon;
dorsal surfaces of limbs Cinnamon with
dark brown mottling; belly pale yellowish
brown; dewlap Trogon Yellow (153) with
Ultramarine (270) central spot; iris brown
with gold rim. Color in life of another adult
male (KU 220122): dorsum mustard yellow;
venter pale creamy yellow; lips pale creamy
yellow; dewlap pale orange with royal blue
spot and pale yellow scales.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head

and body brown to grayish brown, without
distinct pattern in males, many females with
pale brown middorsal stripe, pale middorsal
stripe extending well onto tail; lateral
surface of head pale brown; dorsal surfaces
of limbs brown with darker brown crossbands, at least on lower leg; dorsal surface
of tail brown, usually with indistinct darker
brown crossbars, at least anteriorly in those
specimens in which pale middorsal stripe
not extending onto tail; ventral surfaces of
head and anterior third of body white or
pale brown; ventral surface of midbody gray
in males, gray laterally and dirty white
medially in females; subcaudal surface with
sparse to numerous brown flecks on scales
at base, flecking becoming more prominent
distally until subcaudal surface mostly
brown for distal half; male dewlap with
dark brown or gray central spot.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 87133 is a small and unilobed
organ; there is a distinct ridgelike structure
emerging from point of bifurcation of sulcus
spermaticus and reaching across tip of apex
to asulcate side, this ridge with median
pocket on sulcate side; sulcus spermaticus
bordered by well-developed sulcal lips,
bifurcating at base of apex, branches open
into broad, slightly convex areas on sides of
medial ridge distal to point of bifurcation;
small calyculate area on asulcate surface of
lower portion of apex; base of truncus
without transverse folds; asulcate processus
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops unilobatus differs from all Honduran species of
the genus Norops, except N. wellbornae, in
the following combination of characters:
male dewlap yellowish orange with large
blue to purple blotch; short legged (longest
toe of adpressed hind limb usually reaches
to between shoulder and ear opening, rarely
beyond ear opening); ear opening very small
(less than one-quarter size of interparietal
scale); a single conspicuously large and
elongate superciliary; ventral scales strongly
keeled and mucronate. Norops unilobatus
differs from N. wellbornae by having uni-

lobed hemipenes (hemipenes bilobed in N.

Illustrations (Figs. 67, 68, 112). Fitch,
1973 (adult; as Anolis sericeus); Campbell,
1998 (adult, head and dewlap; as N.
sericeus); Kohler, 2000 (head and dewlap;
as N. sericeus), 2001b (head and dewlap; as
N. sericeus), 2003 (adult, head and dewlap;
as N. sericeus), 2008 (adult, head and
dewlap; as N. sericeus), 2014 (supraocular
scales; as Anolis); Savage, 2002 (adult,
dewlap; as N. sericeus); McCranie et al.,
2005 (adult, head and dewlap; as N.
sericeus), 2006 (adult; as N. sericeus);
Diener, 2008 (head and dewlap; as N.
sericeus); Kohler and Vesely, 2010 (head
and dewlap, hemipenis; as Anolis); Kramer,
2010 (adult, male dewlap; as Anolis sericeus).
Remarks. Kohler and Vesely (2010) provided evidence that what has traditionally
been considered N. sericeus (Hallowell)
actually represents a complex of three
species. Norops sericeus is restricted to the
Atlantic versant of Mexico (Tamaulipas,
Hidalgo, San Luis Potos, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche, Quintana Roo, and Yucatan
as well as the extreme northern portion of
Oaxaca, Mexico, and Belize). Norops wellbornae was revalidated for the populations
along the Pacific versant of Nuclear Central
America (northwestern Nicaragua, extreme
southern Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala to about Mazatenango) formerly
referred to N. sericeus. Finally, Kohler and
Vesely (2010) described the new species, N.
unilobatus, for the remaining populations
(see Geographic Distribution for N. unilobatus).
The single anterior nasal scale, strongly
keeled ventral scales, and the conspicuously
large and elongate superciliary scale along with
a male dewlap that is orange-yellow with a
central blue or purple blotch form a combination unique to the three named species in the
N. sericeus subgroup of the N. auratus species
group of Nicholson et al. (2012). Two of those
species occur in Honduras. The sequence data
for N. sericeus in Nicholson (2002) and



Figure 67. Norops unilobatus head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 87133, adult male from Awasbila, Gracias a Dios.
Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 68. Norops unilobatus. (A) Adult female (SMF 87151) from Rus Rus, Gracias a Dios; (B) adult male dewlap from San
Francisco, Yoro (not collected). Photographs by James R. McCranie (A) and Leonardo Valdes Orellana (B).

Nicholson et al. (2005, 2012) actually represents the species N. unilobatus.

Natural History Comments. Norops unilobatus is known from near sea level to
1,320 m elevation in the Lowland Moist
Forest, Lowland Dry Forest, Lowland Arid
Forest, Premontane Moist Forest, and
Premontane Dry Forest formations and
peripherally in the Premontane Wet Forest
formation. This species occurs in open areas
in the mesic forest formations. It is usually

arboreal, being found in low leafy vegetation, on tree trunks up to at least 5 m above
the ground, on fence posts, and rock walls
used as fencerows. One was seen crossing
barbed wire from one fence post to another.
Occasionally, it is seen on the ground.
Norops unilobatus sleeps at night on tree
branches or limbs up to at least 5 m above
the ground, and on stems, branches, and
leaves of low vegetation. It has been found
during every month of the year. The ecology



Map 34. Localities for Norops unilobatus. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

of this species has been well studied in

Costa Rica, with Savage (2002) summarizing
those studies. Individuals perch from about
0.3 to 3.0 m above the ground and will bask
in the sun. Reproductive activity appears to
be restricted to the rainy season. Apparently
nothing has been published on its diet.
Etymology. The name unilobatus is
formed from the Latin unus (one) and lobus
(lobe) and refers to the unilobed hemipenes
in this species, which distinguishes it from
Norops sericeus and N. wellbornae (both
with bilobed hemipenes) with which it has
been confused in the past.
Specimens Examined (704 [101] + 1
skeleton; Map 34). ATLANTIDA: Corozal,
LSUMZ 21432; Estacion Forestal CURLA,
SMF 87142; 8 km SSE of La Ceiba, KU
101406; La Ceiba, USNM 6805960, 71721,
117607; near Lancetilla, USNM 565466;
Lancetilla, AMNH 7042229, 70431,
15343639, MCZ R-2982021, 29830,
3161619, 32209, SMF 7719798, 77200
01, UMMZ 71935 (2), 74038 (6), 172050;
about 2 km S of Nueva Armenia, KU

220122; Punta Sal, SMF 81495500; Quebrada La Muralla, SMF 77198; Ramal del
Tigre, USNM 580307; Ro Viejo, UTA R4123436; 8 km W of Sambo Creek, UF
90204; San Marcos, SMF 87128, 87134,
87140; Santiago, SMF 77199; Tela, MCZ R2760103, 27604 (skeleton), 2760517,
N: Jerico,
UMMZ 67696 (13). COLO

LSUMZ 33684; Salama, USNM 242057

278, 242280443; 13 km W of Trujillo, KU
101407; 1 km SSW of Trujillo, KU 101408;
Trujillo, CM 59121, 64613, SMF 87135.
COMAYAGUA: 1.8 km SW of Comayagua,
LSUMZ 24174, 2419294; 3.7 km S of
Comayagua, LSUMZ 2419697; Las Limas,
MCZ R-38824; about 7 km ESE of Villa San
Antonio, LACM 7209495. COPAN: 1 km
W of Copan, SMF 87150; Copan, FMNH
28521, 28523, UMMZ 83046 (8), 83047 (3),
USNM 565467. CORTES: Agua Azul,
AMNH 7040001, 70503, USNM 243278
307; 3 km W of Cofrada, AMNH 149642
43, LSUMZ 24600; 1.6 km W of El Jaral,
LACM 47288; 1.6 km NW of El Jaral,
LSUMZ 1200607; El Paraso, UF 149664


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

65; Hacienda Santa Ana, FMNH 524648;

E side of Lago de Yojoa, KU 67155; Laguna
Ticamaya, FMNH 523645; near Pena
Blanca, UF 166264; Pena Blanca, USNM
24338285; Potrerillos, MCZ R-2981719;
27.2 km W of Puerto Cortes, SMF 79367;
Ro Santa Ana, FMNH 525052; 3.2 km W
of San Pedro Sula, LACM 47289; W of San
Pedro Sula, FMNH 5249; San Pedro Sula,
LSUMZ 71675, USNM 24374; Santa Ana
Mountains, MCZ R-32208; about 1 km SSE
of Tegucigalpita, SMF 7913738, 87139. EL
PARAISO: between El Paraso and Las
Manos, UTA R-41264. FRANCISCO
MORAZAN: El Chile, SMF 8088081;
1.6 km W of Talanga, TCWC 19189.
GRACIAS A DIOS: Awasbila, SMF 87133,
87136; Barra Patuca, USNM 20305; Karasangkan, SMF 8714748; Krausirpe,
LSUMZ 5249697; Mavita, SMF 91352,
91750, USNM 573155; Mocoron, UTA R4356465, 4616970, 46173, 5352730;
Palacios, BMNH 1985.1122; Puerto Lempira, USNM 565471; Ro Coco, USNM 24525
26; Rus Rus, SMF 8712527, 87129, 87131,
87137, 8714344, 87151, UF 150331,
150335, 150338, 15034142, USNM
56546869; Sadyk Kiamp, SMF 92846;
Samil, SMF 91305, 91354; Swabila, UF
150334; Tansin, LACM 4727781, USNM
57315659; Warunta, SMF 91762, USNM
565472, 57315354. INTIBUCA: Valle de
Isla de Utila, on trail to Iron Bound, SMF
7711417, 7776364; Isla de Utila, Jakes
Bight, SMF 77112; Isla de Utila, on trail to
Pumpkin Hill, SMF 77113; Isla de Utila,
3.2 km N of Utila, TCWC 19190; Isla de
Utila, Utila, LSUMZ 22273, SMF 78142,
79366, 79863, 87132, 87141, UF 28403,
28440. LA PAZ: La Paz, SMF 7726364.
OLANCHO: 1 km NW of Catacamas,
LACM 47276; Catacamas, KU 194286; El
Carbon, SMF 91353; San Esteban, UTA R41265; Talgua, SMF 9174849. SANTA
BARBARA: Quimistan, USNM 128090;
1 km S of San Jose de Colinas, SMF
9130607; San Pedro Zacapa, TNHC
3261415. YORO: 0.5 km N of Coyoles,
LACM 4728283; 2 km S of Coyoles, KU

101409; Coyoles, LACM 4728487, LSUMZ

2142131; San Jose de Texguat, USNM
580306; near San Lorenzo Abajo, USNM
565470; 4.7 km ESE of San Lorenzo Arriba,
SMF 87130, 87138; San Patricio, SMF
77192, 77197; Santa Marta, MCZ R-29833;
Subirana Valley, FMNH 21845 (2), MCZ R3882530, UMMZ 77846.
Other Records. HONDURAS: (Werner,
Norops utilensis Kohler
Anolis sp.: Kohler, 1994: 8, 1995: 97.
Norops utilensis Kohler, 1996a: 24 (holotype, SMF 77051; type locality: Honduras, Islas de la Bahia, Isla de Utila,
2 km NNE of the town Utila [5 Big Bight
Pond]), 1996b: 25, 1998a: 47, 1998b:
374, 2000: 64, 2003: 106, 2008: 115;
Monzel, 1998: 160, 2001: 30; Lundberg,
2000: 3; Kohler et al., 2001: 254; Wilson
and McCranie, 2003: 60; Gutsche et al.,
2004: 297; Gutsche, 2005: 240; McCranie et al., 2005: 112; Wilson and Townsend, 2006: 105; Kramer, 2010: 9;
Nicholson et al., 2012: 12; McCranie
and Valdes Orellana, 2014: 45.
Anolis utilensis: Powell, 2003: 38; Nicholson et al., 2005: 933, 2006: 452; Kohler
et al., 2007: 391; DAngiolella et al.,
2011: 38; Hallmen and Huy, 2012: 642;
Pyron et al., 2013: fig. 19; Wilson et al.,
2013: 66; Kohler, 2014: 210.

Geographic Distribution. Norops utilensis

is known to occur only at low elevations on
the eastern end of Isla de Utila, Islas de la
Baha, Honduras (see Remarks).
Description. The following is based on
five males (SMF 7705152, 77054, 79364
65) and four females (SMF 77053, 77055,
77983, 79866). Norops utilensis is a medium-sized anole (SVL 56 mm in largest male
[SMF 79364], 57 mm in largest female
[SMF 79866]); dorsal head scales rugose in
internasal, prefrontal, and frontal areas,
rugose to smooth in parietal area; shallow
frontal and parietal depressions present; 57
(6.8 6 0.7) postrostrals in eight; anterior


nasal divided, lower scale contacting rostral

and first supralabial; 58 (6.3 6 1.1)
internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined;
scales comprising supraorbital semicircles
ridged, especially anterior ones, largest scale
in semicircles larger than largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles well defined; 1 scale in each supraorbital semicircle
in contact medially; 13 (1.9 6 0.7) scales
between supraorbital semicircles and interparietal; interparietal well defined, irregular
in outline, longer than wide, larger than size
of ear opening; 2 rows of about 35 (total
number) enlarged, smooth to weakly keeled
supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars
completely separated from supraorbital
semicircles; 3 short superciliaries, posteriormost shortest; 3 enlarged canthals; 79
(7.7 6 0.7) scales between second canthals;
811 (9.4 6 0.9) scales between posterior
canthals; loreal region concave; 2232 (26.6
6 3.8) smooth loreal scales in maximum of
45 (4.1 6 0.3) horizontal rows; 810 (9.1 6
0.9) supralabials and 711 (9.4 6 1.7)
infralabials to level below middle of eye;
suboculars smooth to rugose, in broad
contact with supralabials; ear opening vertically oval; scales anterior to ear opening
slightly larger than, to about same size as,
those posterior to ear opening; 47 (5.8 6
0.8) postmentals, outer pair largest; gular
scales smooth; male dewlap large, extending
to level posterior to axilla onto body; male
dewlap with 67 horizontal gorgetal-sternal
scale rows, with about 612 scales per row
(n 5 3); 34 (modal number) anterior
marginal pairs in male dewlap; female
dewlap well developed, extending to level
of axilla; female dewlap with 47 horizontal
gorgetal-sternal scale rows, with about 715
scales per row (n 5 4); 34 (modal number)
anterior marginal pairs in female dewlap; no
nuchal crest or dorsal ridge; about 2
middorsal scale rows slightly enlarged,
dorsal scales mostly smooth, juxtaposed,
dorsal scales lateral to middorsal series
grading into granular lateral scales; no
enlarged scales among laterals; 7896 (90.0
6 7.2) dorsal scales along vertebral midline
between levels of axilla and groin in males,


98110 (102.3 6 5.7) in females; 6068

(64.8 6 3.0) dorsal scales along vertebral
midline contained in 1 head length in males,
5668 (61.0 6 5.3) in females; ventral scales
on midsection slightly larger than largest
dorsal scales; ventral body scales smooth,
obliquely conical, juxtaposed; 5680 (70.2 6
9.4) ventral scales along midventral line
between levels of axilla and groin in males,
6586 (75.5 6 9.3) in females; 4456 (50.4
6 4.3) ventral scales contained in 1 head
length in males, 4852 (49.5 6 1.9) in
females; 140188 (162.4 6 18.5) scales
around midbody in males, 146160 (151.5
6 6.0) in females; tubelike axillary pocket
absent; precloacal scales not keeled; enlarged postcloacal scales absent; tail oval to
distinctly compressed, TH/TW 0.901.83;
basal subcaudal scales smooth to faintly
keeled, except 2 median rows distinctly
enlarged, keeled; lateral caudal scales
keeled, homogeneous; dorsal medial caudal
scale row enlarged, keeled, forming low
crest anteriorly; 5 supracaudals present per
caudal segment; most scales on anterior
surface of antebrachium smooth; 1823
(20.6 6 1.4) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs (those
proximal ones in Phalanx IV small, in more
than one row); 68 (6.9 6 0.5) subdigital
scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of hind limbs;
SVL 51.056.0 (53.4 6 1.9) mm in males,
52.057.0 (54.3 6 2.2) mm in females; TAL/
SVL 1.441.69 in four males, 1.281.56 in
females; HL/SVL 0.230.28 in males, 0.24
0.28 in females; SHL/SVL 0.190.23 in
males, 0.190.22 in females; SHL/HL
0.770.91 in males, 0.770.82 in females;
longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
reaching shoulder region.
Color in life of an adult male (SMF
79364): dorsal surfaces of body and limbs
Light Drab (119C) with dirty white blotches
and longitudinal streaks, also with Hair
Brown (119A) to Sepia (119) blotches;
dorsal and lateral surfaces of tail Light Drab
with Sepia banding; venter Pale Horn Color
(92); dewlap Geranium Pink (13) with six
rows of white gorgetals, color between
gorgetals suffused with Maroon (31). Color


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

in life of an adult female (USNM Herp

Image 2723, specimen lost): dorsal surfaces
of head and body mottled Smoke Gray (44),
Drab (27), and whitish gray; dorsolateral
stripes whitish gray, outlined above and
below by Smoke Gray and Drab mottling;
ventral surfaces whitish gray; dewlap Gem
Ruby (110); iris pale brown with golden
brown ring around pupil.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surface of head
brown with paler brown mottling; dorsal
surface of body brown with pale brown
lichenose pattern, pattern especially prominent laterally, most males not as heavily
patterned as females; dorsal surfaces of
limbs brown with pale brown lichenose
pattern; dorsal surface of tail brown with
pale brown crossbands; ventral surfaces of
head and body white, without distinct
markings; dewlap retaining red pigment on
skin; subcaudal surface white with brown
mottling proximally, brown with dark brown
crossbands distally; throat lining grayish
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 79365 is a medium-sized,
bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered
by well-developed sulcal lips, bifurcating at
base of apex, branches continuing to tips of
lobes; lobes calyculate; truncus with transverse folds; asulcate ridge present.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops utilensis is distinguished from all other Honduran
Norops, except N. beckeri, by having the
proximal subdigital scales of the fourth toe
of the hind limbs only slightly larger than
granular, relatively short hind legs with the
longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
only reaching past shoulder region, and
smooth, obliquely conical, and juxtaposed
ventral scales. Norops beckeri has four
supracaudals present per caudal segment
(five supracaudals present per caudal segment in N. utilensis).
Illustrations (Figs. 69, 70, 82, 104,
107, 109). Kohler, 1996a (adult, head scales,
subdigital lamellae, dewlap), 2000 (adult,
ventral scales, subdigital lamellae, head and
dewlap), 2003 (adult, ventral scales, subdigital lamellae, head and dewlap), 2008

(adult, ventral scales, subdigital lamellae,

head and dewlap), 2014 (dorsal and ventral
scales; as Anolis); Monzel, 2001 (adult);
Powell, 2003 (adult; as Anolis); Gutsche et
al., 2004 (juvenile); Gutsche, 2005 (adult,
juvenile); McCranie et al., 2005 (adult, head
and dewlap, head scales, midventral scales);
Kramer, 2010 (adult; as Anolis).
Remarks. The central and western portions of Isla de Utila have not been surveyed
extensively for its herpetofauna. It seems
likely that such a survey will reveal N.
utilensis to occur on those portions of the
The phylogenetic analysis, based on
molecular data, of Nicholson et al. (2005)
recovered N. utilensis as a subclade nested
between a subclade consisting of N. loveridgei and N. purpurgularis and a subclade
of six mostly South American small to
moderate-sized species. The phylogenetic
analysis of Nicholson et al. (2012), also
based on molecular data, recovered N.
utilensis as part of a subclade of seemingly
unrelated species from South America and
Mexico. Norops utilensis is similar in
external morphology to the mainland N.
beckeri and N. pentaprion and we include it
in the N. pentaprion species subgroup (see
Remarks for N. beckeri). Poe et al. (2009),
using morphological and molecular data,
also did not recover a close relationship
between N. utilensis and N. pentaprion. The
unique characters among the Mexican and
Central American anoles of having granular
proximal subdigital scales and a lichenous
dorsal pattern in these three species questions the results of those phylogenetic
analyses. Therefore, we keep N. beckeri
and N. utilensis in the N. pentaprion species
group (Myers, 1971b) or N. pentaprion
subgroup of the N. auratus species group
(Nicholson et al., 2012).
Natural History Comments. Norops utilensis is known from near sea level to 8 m
elevation in the Lowland Moist Forest
formation. The type series was collected
during April in mangrove trees between
1.56.0 m above the ground (Kohler,
1996a). It was also active in mangrove trees



Figure 69. Norops utilensis head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 79364, adult male from 2 km NNE of Utila, Isla de
Utila, Islas de la Baha. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Lara Czupalla.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 70. Norops utilensis. (A) Adult female from Big Bight Pond, Isla de Utila, Islas de la Baha (not collected); (B) adult male
dewlap (from series SMF 7936465) from 2 km N of Utila town on trail to Rock Harbour, Isla de Utila, Islas de la Baha.
Photographs by James R. McCranie (A) and Gunther Kohler (B).

during May and October. One was hugging a mangrove limb about 4 m above the
water before it slipped to the opposite side
of where McCranie was standing. However,
after a 5 min wait, the animal reappeared in
the same general area. Hallmen and Huy
(2012) reported finding a N. utilensis sitting
on a fence post about 1.5 m above the ground
at the edge of a dirt road through broadleaf

forest about 250 m from the nearest

mangrove swamp. Gutsche et al. (2004)
presented information on an aggregate egglaying site in a hollow limb of a red mangrove
tree (Rhizophora mangle), first found in
October, with at least one female having
recently deposited an egg there. Those
authors reported on a successful incubation
of three of these eggs and considered N.


Map 35.


Localities for Norops utilensis. The solid symbol denotes specimens examined.

utilensis to be a critically endangered species.

Two fertile eggs were found at that site
during March two years later. Nothing has
been published on its diet.
Etymology. The name utilensis is formed
from Utila (the island to which the species
is restricted) and the Latin suffix -ensis
(denoting place, locality).
Specimens Examined (12 [0]; Map 35).
ISLAS DE LA BAHIA: Isla de Utila, 0.5 km
NNE of Utila, SMF 83427; Isla de Utila
2 km NNE of Utila, SMF 7705155, 77983,
7936465, 79866, UNAH (2 unnumbered).
Other Records. ISLAS DE LA BAHIA:
Isla de Utila, Big Bight Pond, (USNM Herp
Image 2723, but specimen lost by AFE
COHDEFOR employee); Isla de Utila, near
Pumpkin Hill (Hallmen and Huy, 2012).
Norops wampuensis McCranie and Kohler
Norops tropidonotus: Wilson et al., 2001:
136 (in part).
Norops wampuensis McCranie and Kohler,
2001: 228 (holotype, SMF 79902; type
locality: the confluence of Ros Aner and

Wampu, 15u039N, 85u079W, 110 m elevation, Departamento de Olancho, Honduras); Kohler, 2003: 106, 2008: 114;
Wilson and McCranie, 2003: 60; McCranie et al., 2006: 127; Wilson and Townsend, 2006: 105.

Geographic Distribution. Norops wampuensis occurs at low elevations near the

Ro Wampu in northeastern Olancho, Honduras.
Description. The following is based on
seven males (SMF 79246, 79902, 7992021;
USNM 539193, 539195, 539197) and 16
females (SMF 79247, 79903, 7990507,
7990911, 7991619, 79922, 79925; USMN
539194, 539196). Norops wampuensis is a
moderate-sized anole (SVL 51 mm in largest
male [SMF 79246] and largest female
[USNM 539196]); dorsal head scales strongly keeled in internasal, prefrontal, frontal,
and parietal areas; frontal depression absent
or weak; parietal depression absent; 67 (6.7
6 0.5) postrostrals; anterior nasal divided,
lower section contacting rostral and first


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

supralabial; 69 (6.9 6 0.8) internasals;

canthal ridge sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles keeled, largest scale in semicircles about same size as
largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles usually not well defined; 12 (1.6 6
0.5) scales separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 13 (2.0 6 0.4)
scales separating supraorbital semicircles
and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal not well defined, only slightly
enlarged relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of moderate size, longer
than wide, smaller than ear opening; 23
rows of about 28 (total number) enlarged,
keeled supraocular scales; enlarged supraoculars usually in broad contact with supraorbital semicircles, occasionally completely
separated from supraorbital semicircles by 1
row of small scales; 23 elongate superciliaries, posteriormost shortest; 34 enlarged canthals; 615 (10.0 6 2.6) scales
between second canthals; 712 (9.4 6 1.3)
scales between posterior canthals; loreal
region slightly concave, 1630 (24.4 6 4.1)
strongly keeled loreal scales in maximum of
46 (4.8 6 0.7) horizontal rows; 57 (6.3 6
0.7) supralabials and 57 (6.2 6 0.5)
infralabials to level below center of eye;
suboculars weakly to strongly keeled, separated from supralabials by 1 row of scales;
ear opening vertically oval; scales anterior to
ear opening broad, keeled, much larger than
those posterior to ear opening; 46 (4.6 6
0.8) postmentals, outer pair usually largest;
keeled granular scales present on chin and
throat; male dewlap moderately large,
extending to level of axilla; male dewlap
with 78 oblique gorgetal-sternal scale rows,
about 911 scales per row (n 5 1); 3 (modal
number) anterior marginal pairs in male
dewlap; female dewlap absent; no nuchal
crest or dorsal ridge; about 912 middorsal
scale rows greatly enlarged, strongly keeled,
paramedian scales larger than vertebral
scales, dorsal scales lateral to middorsal
series abruptly larger than granular lateral
scales; no enlarged scales scattered among
laterals; 1823 (21.1 6 1.8) dorsal scales
along vertebral midline between levels of

axilla and groin in males, 1425 (19.8 6 3.0)

in females; 1018 (14.9 6 2.6) dorsal scales
along vertebral midline contained in 1 head
length in males, 1218 (14.5 6 1.7) in
females; ventral scales on midsection smaller than largest dorsal scales; ventral body
scales keeled, mucronate, imbricate; 2229
(26.0 6 2.3) ventral scales along midventral
line between levels of axilla and groin in
males, 2130 (25.6 6 2.9) in females; 1926
(21.0 6 2.4) ventral scales contained in 1
head length in males, 1622 (19.4 6 2.3) in
females; 5868 (64.6 6 3.2) scales around
midbody in males, 5686 (70.8 6 7.9) in
females; deep tubelike, scaleless axillary
pocket present; precloacal scales not keeled;
no enlarged postcloacal scales in males; tail
nearly rounded to distinctly compressed,
TH/TW 0.801.50 in 17; all subcaudal scales
keeled, mucronate; lateral caudal scales
keeled, mucronate, homogeneous, although
indistinct division in segments discernable;
dorsal medial caudal scale row not enlarged,
keeled, not forming crest; most scales on
anterior surface of antebrachium strongly
keeled, unicarinate; 2430 (26.9 6 1.7)
subdigital lamellae on Phalanges IIIV of
Toe IV of hind limbs; 69 (7.6 6 0.8)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 25.051.0 (39.7 6 9.8) mm
in males, 25.051.3 (37.8 6 9.0) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.441.73 in six males,
1.421.64 in nine females; HL/SVL 0.24
0.29 in males, 0.230.28 in females; SHL/
SVL 0.300.32 in males, 0.280.32 in
females; SHL/HL 1.071.29 in males,
1.031.31 in females; longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually reaching between
anterior border of eye and nostril.
Color in life of an adult male paratype
(USNM 539197) was described by McCranie and Kohler (2001: 232): dorsal and
lateral surfaces of body rusty brown with
dark brown chevrons across middorsal area;
dorsal and lateral surfaces of head rusty
brown with dark brown crossbar extending
from anterior portion of supraorbital disc to
about level of first canthal, dark brown
pigment also present on posterior portion of
supraorbital disc and adjacent supraorbital


semicircles; dorsal and lateral surfaces of tail

rusty brown with dark brown crossbands;
dorsal surfaces of limbs brown with darker
brown crossbars; belly grayish white; subcaudal surface dirty white; dewlap Pratts
Rufous (color 140) with a yellow outer edge;
dewlap scales pale yellow, flecked with
brown. Those same authors (p. 232) also
stated Dewlap color of another adult male
(USNM 539195) was recorded as Scarlet
(color 14) with a pale yellow outer edge and
pale yellow dewlap scales.
Color in alcohol: dorsal and lateral surfaces of body pale brown with dark brown
middorsal blotches or chevrons, those markings especially prominent in males, females
with pale middorsal longitudinal stripe dividing dorsal markings; dorsal and lateral
surfaces of head pale brown with darker
brown crossbars anterior and posterior to
eyes, those markings more distinct in males;
dorsal surfaces of limbs pale brown with
darker brown crossbands; dorsal and lateral
surfaces of tail pale brown with darker brown
crossbands; ventral scales pale brown to pale
gray, many with dark brown flecks or small
spots; scales of chin and throat pale brown, a
few to many scales with darker brown
flecking, flecking more distinct in males;
proximal subcaudal surface pale brown, a few
scales flecked with darker brown.
Hemipenis: unknown.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops wampuensis is distinguished from all other
Honduran species of Norops, except N.
quaggulus, N. tropidonotus, and N. uniformis, by having a deep tubelike, scaleless
axillary pocket. Norops wampuensis differs
from N. quaggulus and N. uniformis in having
the scales anterior to the ear opening much
larger than those posterior to the ear opening
(scales anterior to ear opening similar in size
to those posterior to ear opening in N.
quaggulus and N. uniformis). Norops wampuensis differs from N. tropidonotus in
lacking a distinct dark central streak in the
male dewlap and being a smaller species with
males and females reaching 51 mm SVL
(distinct dark central streak present in male


dewlap and males reaching 59 mm SVL and

females 55 mm SVL in N. tropidonotus).
Illustrations (Figs. 71, 72). McCranie and
Kohler, 2001 (adult, head scales, head and
dewlap); Wilson and McCranie, 2004a
(adult); McCranie et al., 2006 (adult).
Remarks. Norops wampuensis is included
herein as incertae sedis in the N. auratus
species group of Nicholson et al. (2012; see
Remarks for N. quaggulus). Tissues of N.
wampuensis were not available for the
molecular studies of Nicholson et al.
(2012). The species is extremely close to
N. tropidonotus. Were it not for the extreme
differences in habitat between the two
nominal forms (see below), we would
consider them conspecific.
Natural History Comments. Norops wampuensis is known from 95 to 110 m elevation
in the Lowland Moist Forest formation. All
specimens were collected inside undisturbed
broadleaf rainforest in August and September 1992, with the exception of two collected
in July 1994 at the edge of a cornfield
recently carved from that primary forest.
Lizards were active on the forest floor and in
low leafy vegetation (to about 1.5 m above
the ground). However, most were sleeping at
night on leaves and stems of low vegetation
(to about 1.5 m above the ground; JRM, pers.
oberv.). On the other hand, we have never
found the closely related N. tropidonotus
sleeping on leaves or stems of vegetation at
night, but have only found it sleeping in leaf
litter on the ground. Norops tropidonotus has
also never been found in undisturbed
broadleaf rainforest in Honduras. Nothing
has been reported on diet or reproduction in
N. wampuensis.
Etymology. The specific name wampuensis is derived from the Ro Wampu and the
Latin suffix -ensis (denoting place or locality). This species is known only from a few
localities near the Ro Wampu, Olancho.
Specimens Examined (32 [0]; Map 36).
OLANCHO: confluence of Quebrada Siksatara and Ro Wampu, SMF 7924647,
79906, USNM 539197; confluence of Ros
Aner and Wampu, SMF 7990205, 79916
24, 79926, USNM 53919395; confluence of


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 71. Norops wampuensis head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 79902, adult male from confluence of Ros Aner
and Wampu, Gracias a Dios. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.



Figure 72. Norops wampuensis. (A) Adult male (USNM 539193) from confluence of Ros Aner and Wampu, Olancho; (B) adult
male dewlap (USNM 539197) from confluence of Quebrada Siksatara with Ro Wampu, Gracias a Dios. Photographs by James
R. McCranie.

Ros Sausa and Wampu, USNM 539196;

along Ro Wampu between Ros Aner and
Sausa, SMF 7990715, 79925.
Norops wellbornae (Ahl)
Anolis sallaei: Dunn and Emlen, 1932: 27
(in part).
Anolis ustus wellbornae Ahl, 1939: 246
(holotype ZMB 35710 [Stuart, 1955: 26;
Kohler and Vesely, 2010: 215]; type
locality: El Salvador).

Anolis sericeus sericeus: Meyer, 1966: 175

(in part).
Anolis sericeus: Meyer, 1969: 231 (in part);
Hahn, 1971: 111; Meyer and Wilson,
1973: 19 (in part); Lee, 1983: 340.1 (in
part); Wilson et al., 1991: 70; Wilson and
Townsend, 2007: 145 (in part); Townsend and Wilson, 2010b: 697 (in part).
Norops sericeus: Wilson and McCranie,
1998: 16 (in part); Wilson et al., 2001:
136 (in part); Lovich et al., 2006: 14.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 36. Localities for Norops wampuensis. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

Anolis wellbornae: Ko hler and Vesely,

2010: 215.
Norops unilobatus: Ko hler and Vesely,
2010: 226 (in part).
Norops wellbornae: Kohler and Vesely,
2010: 227.

Geographic Distribution. Norops wellbornae occurs at low and moderate elevations on the Pacific versant from about
Mazatenango, Guatemala, to northwestern
Description. The following is based on 10
males (KU 194287; SDSNH 72751, 72753;
SMF 78904; 87124; USNM 58029495,
58029899, 580705) and 10 females (CAS
152958; SDSNH 72752; SMF 79140, 87145,
9173132; USNM 58029697, 580723,
580730). Norops wellbornae is a moderately
small anole (SVL 54 mm in largest Honduran male examined [USNM 580298],
49 mm in largest Honduran female examined [USNM 580297]); most dorsal head
scales weakly to strongly keeled in internasal
area, smooth or rugose in prefrontal, frontal

and parietal areas; deep frontal depression

present; parietal depression absent; 36 (5.2
6 1.0) postrostrals; anterior nasal usually
single, contacting rostral and first supralabial; 47 (5.6 6 0.9) internasals; canthal
ridge sharply defined; scales comprising
supraorbital semicircles smooth or weakly
keeled, largest scale in semicircles usually
larger than largest supraocular scale; supraorbital semicircles well defined, 13 (1.4 6
0.6) scales separating supraorbital semicircles at narrowest point; 14 (2.5 6 0.5)
scales separating supraorbital semicircles
and interparietal at narrowest point; interparietal well defined, irregular in outline,
longer than wide, much larger than ear
opening; 23 rows of about 38 (total
number) enlarged keeled supraocular
scales; 14 enlarged supraorbitals in contact
with supraorbital semicircles; a single large
elongated superciliary; usually 3 enlarged
canthals; 710 (8.4 6 0.8) scales between
second canthals; 712 (8.9 6 1.4) scales
between posterior canthals; loreal region
slightly concave, 2741 (33.1 6 3.8) mostly


keeled loreal scales in maximum of 56 (5.2

6 0.5) horizontal rows; 69 (7.2 6 0.9)
supralabials and 69 (7.2 6 1.0) infralabials
to level below center of eye; suboculars
keeled, 24 suboculars broadly in contact
with supralabials; ear opening very small,
vertically oval or round; scales anterior to
ear opening not granular, slightly larger
than those posterior to ear opening; 6
postmentals, outer pair usually largest; gular
scales faintly keeled; male dewlap moderately large, extending past level of axilla onto
chest; male dewlap with about 59 horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about 510
scales per row (n 5 7); 3 (modal number)
anterior marginal pairs in male dewlap;
female dewlap absent; low nuchal crest
and dorsal ridge present in adult males;
about 621 middorsal scale rows slightly
enlarged, keeled, dorsal scales lateral to
middorsal series grading into granular
lateral scales; no enlarged scales scattered
among laterals; 5067 (58.2 6 5.6) dorsal
scales along vertebral midline between
levels of axilla and groin in males, 4670
(60.6 6 7.0) in females; 2837 (31.9 6 3.5)
dorsal scales along vertebral midline contained in 1 head length in males, 2841
(34.2 6 4.8) in females; ventral scales on
midsection larger than largest dorsal scales;
ventral body scales strongly keeled, mucronate, imbricate; 4351 (47.3 6 3.3) ventral
scales along midventral line between levels of
axilla and groin in males, 3449 (43.0 6 5.4)
in females; 2229 (25.9 6 2.3) ventral scales
contained in 1 head length in males, 1829
(23.1 6 3.2) in females; 109134 (120.6 6
7.8) scales around midbody in males, 98116
(106.5 6 6.3) in females; tubelike axillary
pocket absent; precloacal scales smooth or
weakly keeled; no enlarged postcloacal
scales; tail nearly rounded to distinctly
compressed, TH/TW 0.731.80 in 19; basal
subcaudal scales keeled; lateral caudal scales
keeled, homogeneous; dorsal medial caudal
scale row slightly enlarged, keeled, not
forming crest; most scales on anterior surface
of antebrachium keeled, unicarinate; 2028
(23.5 6 2.0) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges
IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs; 58 (6.2 6 0.8)


subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of

hind limbs; SVL 43.054.0 (46.9 6 4.4) mm
in males, 31.049.2 (43.2 6 5.1) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 1.542.28 in seven males,
1.152.23 in eight females; HL/SVL 0.25
0.27 in males, 0.220.28 in females; SHL/
SVL 0.200.24 in both males and females;
SHL/HL 0.810.91 in males, 0.801.00 in
females; longest toe of adpressed hind limb
usually reaching between shoulder and ear
opening, rarely beyond ear opening.
Color in life of an adult male (USNM
580294): dorsal surface of body Cinnamon
(123A) with indistinct darker brown, small
vertebral spots; dorsal surface of head
Cinnamon with indistinct darker brown
flecking; dorsal surfaces of limbs Cinnamon
with dark brown mottling; belly pale yellowish brown; dewlap Trogon Yellow (153)
with Ultramarine (270) central spot; iris
brown with gold rim.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head
and body brown to grayish brown, without
distinct pattern in males, many females with
pale brown middorsal stripe, pale middorsal
stripe extending well onto tail; lateral
surface of head pale brown; dorsal surfaces
of limbs brown with darker brown crossbands, at least on lower leg; dorsal surface
of tail brown, usually with indistinct darker
brown crossbars, at least proximally in those
specimens in which pale middorsal stripe
not extending onto tail; ventral surfaces of
head and anterior third of body white or
pale brown; ventral surface of midbody gray
in males, gray laterally and dirty white
medially in females; subcaudal surface with
sparse to numerous brown flecks on scales
at base, flecking becoming more prominent
distally until subcaudal surface mostly
brown for distal half; male dewlap with
dark brown or gray central spot.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 82667 (from Departamento
Suchitepequez, Guatemala) is a large bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered
by well-developed sulcal lips, bifurcating at
base of apex, branches opening into broad
concave area distal to point of bifurcation on
each lobe; truncus relatively long, longer


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

than, or equal to, length of each lobe;

asulcate surface of apex strongly calyculate,
base of truncus without transverse folds;
asulcate processus absent, although distinct
ridge present on asulcate side.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops wellbornae differs from all Honduran species of
this genus Norops, except N. unilobatus, in
the following combination of characters:
male dewlap yellowish orange with large
blue to purple blotch; short legged (longest
toe of adpressed hind limb usually reaches
to between shoulder and ear opening, rarely
beyond ear opening); ear opening very small
(less than one-quarter size of interparietal
plate); a single conspicuously large and
elongate superciliary; and ventral scales
strongly keeled and mucronate. Norops
wellbornae differs from its apparent nearest
relative N. unilobatus by having bilobed
hemipenes (hemipenes unilobed in N.
Illustrations (Figs. 73, 74, 106, 111). Stafford and Meyer, 1999 (head and dewlap
only; as N. sericeus); Kohler and Acevedo,
2004 (adult, dewlap, head scales, male
dewlap; as N. sericeus complex); Kohler et
al., 2005b (adult, head scales; as N. sericeus); Kohler and Vesely, 2010 (head and
dewlap, hemipenis; as Anolis); Kohler, 2014
(ventral scales; as Anolis).
Remarks. Mertens (1952b) placed Anolis
ustus wellbornae in the synonymy of Anolis
(5 Norops) sericeus (Hallowell). Kohler and
Vesely (2010) resurrected N. wellbornae
from that synonymy. Norops wellbornae is
a member of the N. sericeus subgroup of the
N. auratus species group of Nicholson et al.
(2012; see additional comments in the
Remarks for N. unilobatus). Tissues of N.
wellbornae were not utilized in the phylogenetic analyses of Nicholson et al. (2005,
Natural History Comments. Norops wellbornae occur from near sea level to 1,000 m
elevation in the Lowland Dry Forest,
Lowland Arid Forest, and Premontane Dry
Forest formations. This species is active on
the ground, on rock walls, in low leafy
vegetation, and on tree trunks and branches

up to at least 4 m above the ground. It

sleeps at night on leaves, stems, and tree
branches up to at least 4 m above the
ground. Norops wellbornae was collected
from March to July and during October and
November and is likely active throughout
the year. Nothing has been reported on its
diet or reproduction.
Etymology. The specific name is a
patronym for Margarete Vera Wellborn,
who was affiliated with the ZMB and Ernest
Ahl during the 1930s.
Specimens Examined (76 [16]; Map 37).
CHOLUTECA: 1 km N of Ceden o,
LSUMZ 33680, 36585; El Despoblado,
CAS 152958; El Faro, USNM 58072224;
El Madreal, SMF 87124, 8714546, 87149,
91731, USNM 580721; Finca Monterrey,
SMF 91764; La Fortuna, SDSNH 72752
53; between San Lorenzo and Choluteca,
AMNH 7040406. EL PARAISO: El Rodeo, USNM 580702, 58070608; near Mansaragua, AMNH 70909; 1 km S of Oreal,
USNM 58072530; Oreal, USNM 580703
05, 580709, 581192. FRANCISCO MORAZAN: Cantarranas, ANSP 2608081; El
Zamorano, AMNH 7035960, 7038284,
LACM 39769, MCZ R-48674, 49757,
49992; between San Juan de Flores and
Talanga, UF 90205; near Tegucigalpa,
LSUMZ 2414142; Tegucigalpa, BYU
1819596, LACM 39770, MCZ R-49932;
Valle de Angeles, TCWC 16192. INTIBUCA: Santa Luca, SMF 78904, 79140.
LEMPIRA: Erandique, CM 64604.
VALLE: El Pacar, USNM 58071017; Isla
del Tigre, near communications tower,
USNM 580294; Isla del Tigre, SDSNH
72751; Isla Garroba, USNM 58029698;
Isla Inglasera, USNM 580295; Isla Zacate
Grande, KU 194287; Playona Isla Exposicion, SMF 91732, USNM 580720; Punta El
Molino, USNM 580299, 58071819.
Norops yoroensis McCranie, Nicholson,
and Kohler
Norops yoroensis McCranie, Nicholson,
and Kohler, 2002: 466 (holotype, USNM
541012; type locality: 2.5 airline km



Figure 73. Norops wellbornae head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 82667, adult male from Finca San Julian,
Suchitepequez, Guatemala. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 74. Norops wellbornae. (A) Adult male dewlap (USNM 580294) from near communications tower, Isla del Tigre, Valle; (B)
adult male dewlap (USNM 580294). Photographs by James R. McCranie.

NNE La Fortuna, 15u269N, 87u189W,

1600 m elevation, Cordillera Nombre de
Dios, Departamento de Yoro, Honduras); Kohler, 2003: 106, 2008: 114;
Wilson and McCranie, 2003: 60, 2004b:
43; McCranie et al., 2006: 218; Wilson
and Townsend, 2006: 105; McCranie and
Sols, 2013: 242.
Anolis yoroensis: Kohler et al., 2007: 391;
Townsend et al., 2007: 10, 2010: 12,
2012: 101, 2013: 197; McCranie and

Valde s Orellana, 2012: 304; Ko hler,

2014: 210.

Geographic Distribution. Norops yoroensis occurs at moderate and intermediate

elevations on the Atlantic versant from
northwestern to north-central Honduras
(but see Remarks).
Description. The following is based on 19
males (SMF 80765, 80769, 8716367,
88675, 88696, 88698701; USNM 541012
13, 541015, 541019, 563079, 563081) and



Map 37. Localities for Norops wellbornae. Solid symbols denote specimens examined. This species also occurs on several of
the smaller islands in the Golfo de Fonseca in extreme southern Honduras.

11 females (SMF 8076668, 88697; USNM

541014, 54101618, 541020, 563080, 565485).
Norops yoroensis is a small anole (SVL 45 mm
in largest male [SMF 88675], 47 mm in
largest females [SMF 80766, 80768]); dorsal
head scales weakly keeled in internasal
region, rugose, weakly keeled, or tuberculate
in prefrontal, frontal, and parietal areas; deep
frontal depression present; parietal depression shallow; 49 (5.6 6 1.3) postrostrals;
anterior nasal usually entire, usually contacting rostral and first supralabial, occasionally
only rostral; 510 (7.1 6 1.3) internasals;
canthal ridge sharply defined; scales comprising supraorbital semicircles weakly
keeled, largest scale in semicircles about
same size as largest supraocular scale;
supraorbital semicircles well defined; 14
(2.7 6 0.7) scales separating supraorbital
semicircles at narrowest point; 24 (2.9 6
0.6) scales separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point;
interparietal well defined, greatly enlarged
relative to adjacent scales, surrounded by

scales of moderate size, longer than wide,

usually larger than ear opening; 23 rows of
about 29 (total number) enlarged, keeled
supraocular scales; 12 enlarged supraoculars in broad contact with supraorbital
semicircles or completely separated by 1
row of small scales; 2 elongate superciliaries,
posterior much shorter than anterior; usually
3 (occasionally 45) enlarged canthals; 514
(10.0 6 1.8) scales between second canthals;
915 (11.9 6 1.7) scales between posterior
canthals; loreal region slightly concave, 30
63 (40.2 6 7.5) mostly strongly keeled (some
smooth or rugose) loreal scales in maximum
of 58 (6.6 6 0.8) horizontal rows; 69 (7.1 6
0.8) supralabials and 59 (7.1 6 1.1) infralabials to level below center of eye; suboculars weakly keeled, 2 suboculars usually
separated from supralabials by 1 scale row
or 12 suboculars in narrow contact with
supralabials; ear opening vertically oval;
scales anterior to ear opening granular,
similar in size to those posterior to ear
opening; 48 (6.0 6 0.9) postmentals, outer


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

pair usually largest; keeled granular scales

present on chin and throat; male dewlap
moderately large, extending past level of
axilla onto chest; male dewlap with 812
horizontal gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about
1013 scales per row (n 5 2); 24 (modal
number) anterior marginal pairs in male
dewlap; female dewlap rudimentary; no
nuchal crest or dorsal ridge; 2 middorsal
scale rows slightly enlarged, weakly keeled,
dorsal scales lateral to middorsal series
grading into granular lateral scales; no
enlarged scales scattered among laterals;
5577 (66.9 6 6.7) dorsal scales along
vertebral midline between levels of axilla
and groin in males, 6186 (75.1 6 7.2) in
females; 3854 (46.4 6 4.9) dorsal scales
along vertebral midline contained in 1 head
length in males, 2856 (42.2 6 9.1) in
females; ventral scales on midsection larger
than largest dorsal scales; ventral body scales
weakly keeled, subimbricate; 4461 (51.4 6
5.2) ventral scales along midventral line
between levels of axilla and groin in males,
4660 (52.6 6 5.4) in females; 3044 (36.5 6
4.4) ventral scales contained in 1 head length
in males, 2235 (27.9 6 4.4) in females; 110
148 (123.8 6 11.0) scales around midbody in
males, 111134 (124.2 6 8.3) in females;
tubelike axillary pocket absent; precloacal
scales not keeled; no enlarged postcloacal
scales in males; tail nearly rounded to slightly
compressed, TH/TW 0.931.43 in 26; basal
subcaudal scales keeled; lateral caudal scales
keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct
division in segments discernable; dorsal
medial caudal scale row not enlarged, keeled,
not forming crest; most scales on anterior
surface of antebrachium keeled, unicarinate;
1926 (23.1 6 2.1) subdigital lamellae on
Phalanges IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs; 69
(7.3 6 0.8) subdigital scales on Phalanx I of
Toe IV of hind limbs; SVL 33.045.0 (39.5 6
3.0) mm in males, 33.047.0 (42.0 6 4.2) mm
in females; TAL/SVL 1.692.00 in nine
males, 1.491.88 in seven females; HL/SVL
0.250.29 in males, 0.220.27 in females;
SHL/SVL 0.260.32 in males, 0.250.29 in
females; SHL/HL 1.031.22 in males, 1.00
1.19 in females; longest toe of adpressed hind

limb usually reaching between posterior

border of eye and mideye.
Color in life of the male holotype (USNM
541012) was described by McCranie et al.
(2002b: 469): dorsum of head Dusky
Brown (19) with a few Raw Umber (23)
scales on snout; preocular bar Clay Color
(26); supraocular bars Cinnamon (39);
postocular stripe Clay Color (26), ground
color above and below lateral stripe Brick
Red (132A), mottled with dark brown;
lateral stripe Buff-Yellow (53); dorsolateral
stripe Light Drab (119C); middorsal area
Dusky Brown (19), mottled with BuffYellow (53) and Light Drab (119C); arms
Fuscous (21) with Buff-Yellow (53) bars and
spots, legs Brick Red (132A) with OrangeRufous (132C) crossbars; tail banded
brown, dark brown, and pale brown, underside with Mahogany Red (132B) scales;
upper lip, chin, and belly Buff-Yellow (53);
dewlap Orange-Rufous (132C) with grayflecked white scales. Color in life of
another adult male (SMF 88699): dorsal
surface of head brown with darker brown
interocular bar, bar preceded and followed
by orange-brown bar; dorsal surface of body
brown with darker brown row of middorsal
spots; dark brown stripe extending from ear
opening to above forelimb; dorsal surfaces
of shanks with pale, narrow cross stripes;
dorsal surface of tail banded pale brown and
dark brown; dewlap Spectrum Orange (17).
Color in life of a third adult male (SMF
88944): dorsal surface of head with dark
brown snout, pale olive yellow band anterior
to eyes, dark brown interocular bar, narrow
pale olive yellow band posterior to interocular bar, and dark brown blotch on
parietals; middorsal area olive yellow with
series of 34 dark brown middorsal spots
and dark brown smudging elsewhere in this
field; dark brown band beginning on snout,
passing around eye onto neck, thence onto
body where it begins to break up to
disappear at about midbody, this band
bordered below by narrow pale olive yellow
stripe beginning at axilla and fading out at
about midbody; dorsal surfaces of forelimbs
olive yellow with dark brown smudging;


dorsal surfaces of hind limbs olive yellow

with pale olive yellow and olive brown
crossbars; tail olive yellow with dark streaks
at base and darker crossbands distally;
supralabials pale olive yellow; chin pinkish
cream; belly olive cream; dewlap pale
chocolate brown with pale yellow scales;
iris copper with gold rim around pupil.
Color in life of a fourth adult male (SMF
88939): dorsal surface of head dark brown,
grading to olive brown on back; pair of pale
olive stripes extending posteriorly from
temporal region to point above shoulder;
series of posteriorly pointing chevrons
extending down back; lateral surfaces of
body olive brown with yellow stripe extending from axilla to about level of dewlap;
dorsal surfaces of limbs brown with tan
crossbars; tail tan with dark brown bands;
upper lip cream; chin cream with brown
spotting; dewlap pale dirty orange with
white scales and small brown spots on skin.
Color in life of dewlap of another adult male
(SMF 88698) was similar to that of SMF
88699 (described above), whereas another
adult male (SMF 88700) had a Cinnamon
Rufous (40) dewlap with dirty white scales
(those scales dark brown when specimen
first collected). Dewlap color of a subadult
male (SMF 88946) was Cinnamon (39).
Color in life of an adult female (SMF
88942): dorsal surface of head olive green
with rust patina; dorsal surface of body pale
olive yellow with tan middorsal band
outlined at intervals by short dark brown
streaks; dorsal surfaces of forelimbs pale
olive yellow with rust patina; dorsal surfaces
of hind limbs rust red with golden yellow
crossbars; tail pale olive yellow with rust
patina, faint evidence of middorsal band
continuing onto base, band gradually fading
posteriorly, distal portion of tail with rust
brown crossbands; belly cream with brown
smudging; chin cream with dark brown
punctations; dewlap white with dark brown
scales; iris rust red. Color in life of an adult
female paratype (USNM 541014) was also
described by McCranie et al. (2002b: 470
471): dorsum dull olive green, with coppery sheen on middorsum, and ca. 5 dark


brown H-shaped middorsal blotches; lateral

surface of body with similar dark olive green
markings; dorsal surface of head dull olive
green with dark brown to very dark brown
markings; front limbs olive green with
indistinct dark brown transverse banding;
hind limbs dull olive green with dark brown
and pale olive green transverse banding; iris
coppery red with thin bronze ring around
pupil; side of head same as ground color for
middorsum; tail olive green with dark brown
and cream bands; throat cream with brown
flecking; venter pale yellow with scattered
dusting of rust red; subcaudal surface rust
red. Color in life of another adult female
(SMF 80766): dorsal surface of head
Greenish Olive (49) with Citrine (51)
preocular bar; dorsal surface of body Citrine
with Dark Grayish Brown (20) middorsal
markings; dorsal surfaces of forelimbs Olive-Yellow (52) with Greenish-Olive crossbands; dorsal surfaces of hind limbs OliveYellow with rust-red patina; chin gray with
olive markings; ventral surface of body
Sulphur Yellow (57) with olive markings;
dewlap white with gray scales; iris copper.
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head
and body dark brown; lateral surface of
body brown, with small dark brown middorsal blotches present in some (both
sexes); occasional females have a pale brown
middorsal stripe that is outlined by a nearly
straight dark brown stripe on each side, also
occasional females have a dark brown
middorsum flanked by a thin, incomplete
slightly incurved pale brown line, areas
inside pale line filled with dark brown
pigment; lateral surface of head brown,
except suboculars, row of scales separating
suboculars from supralabials, lower row of
loreals, and supralabials usually mostly
white; dorsal surfaces of limbs brown with
indistinct paler brown crossbars; dorsal
surface of tail brown, without distinct
markings; scales of ventral surfaces of head
and body white, flecked with brown, lightly
to moderately flecked anteriorly, becoming
progressively more heavily flecked posteriorly; scales of subcaudal surface white,
flecked with brown, lightly flecked proxi-


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

mally, becoming heavily flecked for distal

Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 87167 is a medium-sized,
bilobed organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered
by well-developed sulcal lips, bifurcating at
base of apex, branches opening into broad
concave areas distal to point of bifurcation
on each lobe; no asulcate processus; lobes
strongly calyculate; truncus with transverse
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops yoroensis is distinguished from all other Honduran Norops, except N. carpenteri, N.
limifrons, N. ocelloscapularis, N. rodriguezii, and N. zeus, by the combination of
having a single elongated prenasal scale,
weakly keeled ventral scales, and slender
habitus. Norops yoroensis differs from N.
carpenteri by having a pale lateral stripe and
brown dorsal surfaces in life (no pale lateral
stripe and greenish brown dorsal surfaces
with pale spots in life in N. carpenteri).
Norops yoroensis differs from N. rodriguezii
by having weakly keeled, subimbricate
ventral scales (ventrals smooth, nonimbricate in N. rodriguezii). Norops yoroensis
differs from N. limifrons and N. zeus by
having weakly keeled, subimbricate ventral
scales, shorter hind legs with longest toe of
adpressed hind limb usually reaching between posterior border of eye and mideye,
and by having a predominantly orange male
dewlap in life (ventrals smooth, nonimbricate, adpressed hind limb reaching between
anterior border of eye and tip of snout,
dewlap dirty white with or without basal
orange-yellow spot in life in N. limifrons and
N. zeus). Norops yoroensis differs from N.
ocelloscapularis by lacking an ocellated
shoulder spot (such a spot usually present
in N. ocelloscapularis).
Illustrations (Figs. 75, 76, 84). McCranie
et al., 2002b (adult, head scales); Kohler,
2003 (head scales), 2008 (head scales), 2014
(ventral scales; as Anolis); Townsend et al.,
2012 (adult).
Remarks. McCranie et al. (2002b) considered N. yoroensis to be a member of the
N. cupreus species group. However, unlike

Figure 75. Norops yoroensis head in dorsal, lateral, and

ventral views. SMF 80769, adult male from Cerro de Pajarillos,
Yoro. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Drawing by Lara Czupalla.

N. cupreus, N. yoroensis usually has an

entire anterior nasal scale (divided in N.
cupreus). An entire anterior nasal scale and
smooth to weakly keeled ventral scales are
characteristic of the species assigned to the
N. fuscoauratus species group by Savage
and Guyer (1989). However, the monophyly
of that group was rejected by both molecular (Nicholson, 2002; Nicholson et al.,
2005, 2012) and morphological and molecular (Poe, 2004) data. In its external
morphology, N. yoroensis is very similar to
N. carpenteri, N. ocelloscapularis, and N.
rodriguezii. Therefore, we include N. yoroensis, along with the three just mentioned



Figure 76. Norops yoroensis. (A) Adult male (in UNAH collection); (B) adult male dewlap (in UNAH collection), both from
Quebrada Las Cuevas, Santa Barbara. Photographs by James R. McCranie.

species plus N. limifrons and N. zeus in the

N. fuscoauratus species subgroup of the N.
auratus species group of Nicholson et al.
(2012; also see Remarks for N. ocelloscapularis). Tissues of N. yoroensis were not
available for the phylogenetic analyses of
Nicholson et al. (2005, 2012).
Although not described until 2002, it was
recently discovered that N. yoroensis was
first collected in Honduras during 1923 by
Schmidt. Also, Meyer and Wilson collected

a few specimens of this species during 1967.

McCranie has an illustration of a specimen
of N. yoroensis that was drawn by Meyer,
who thought the specimen represented an
undescribed species. However, Meyer never prepared a manuscript describing this
species, nor did Meyer and Wilson (1973)
list those specimens in their review of the
lizards of Honduras.
Norops yoroensis has yet to be reported
from Guatemala, but likely occurs in the


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 38.

Localities for Norops yoroensis. Solid symbols denote specimens examined and the open symbol an accepted record.

eastern portion of that country near the

border with Honduras.
Natural History Comments. Norops yoroensis is known from 650 to 1,600 m
elevation in the Premontane Wet Forest
and Lower Montane Wet Forest formations
and peripherally in the Premontane Moist
Forest formation. It is most common inside
deeply shaded pristine broadleaf forest,
although it can be found in somewhat open
areas in disturbed broadleaf forest. Individuals are active on leafy vegetation and
tree trunks up to at least 3 m above the
ground. It is also active on the ground and
attempts to escape by climbing the nearest
tree trunk. Seven specimens of the Cerro
de Pajarillos, Yoro, series were collected
during a single hour on an afternoon
following a heavy midday rain. It sleeps at
night on stems and leaves about 12 m
above the ground. The species was collected during January, February, from
April to July, and during September and
November; thus, is active throughout the

year. Nothing has been published on its

diet or reproduction.
Etymology. The specific name yoroensis
is formed from Yoro (a Honduran department) and the Latin suffix -ensis (denoting
place, locality), in reference to the Honduran department in which the type specimens were collected.
Specimens Examined (274 [0] + 3 skeletons; Map 38). ATLANTIDA: S slope of
Cerro Bufalo, SMF 88948; Cerro El Chino,
USNM 578810; La Liberacion, USNM
578779809, 578820; near Los Planes, UTA
R-41232; Quebrada de Oro, SMF 88696
701, 8893947, 8894952, UTA R-41237.
COPAN: Quebrada las Piedras, SMF 93369;
San Isidro, SMF 91311. CORTES: Banaderos, SMF 8715657; 0.5 km N of Buenos
Aires, SMF 8715861; Buenas Aires, SMF
87162; Finca Naranjito, SMF 9130910;
mountains W of San Pedro Sula, FMNH
Planes, SMF 8716367. OLANCHO: Ro
de Enmedio, USNM 56307980. SANTA


BARBARA: Nuevo Joconales, SMF 93353;

Quebrada de las Minas, SMF 9335458;
Quebrada Las Cuevas, SMF 9335961,
USNM 58030819. YORO: Cerro de Pajarillos, SMF 8076569, USNM 54101520; El
Panal, UF 16630924; near El Porvenir de
Morazan, UF 16632532; 2.5 airline km
NNE La Fortuna, USNM 54101214,
563081, 565485; La Libertad, SMF 88675;
Montana La Ruidosa, USNM 563082; Pino
Alto, UF 16633335; Portillo Grande,
FMNH 21876 (25), MCZ R-48703 (skeleton), 4870409, 17528283 (both skeletons),
175284337, UMMZ 94043 (6), 131486 (2),
131487 (8); Subirana Valley, FMNH 21846
(5), MCZ R-4871014, UMMZ 94039 (5),
USNM 12112530; 10 km W of Yoro, ANSP
3069192; 32.0 km W of Yoro, USNM
217594; near Yuquela, UTA R-53987; Yuquela, UTA R-5398086.
Other Records (Map 38). YORO: 1.5 km
N of San Francisco, (photographs, UNAH).
Norops zeus Kohler and McCranie
Anolis rodriguezii: Barbour and Loveridge,
1929a: 140; Townsend and Wilson,
2010b: 697 (in part).
Anolis limifrons: Dunn and Emlen, 1932: 27;
Meyer, 1969: 225 (in part); Meyer and
Wilson, 1973: 18 (in part); Wilson et al.,
1979a: 25.
Norops limifrons: Wilson et al., 2001: 136
(in part).
Norops zeus Kohler and McCranie, 2001: 236
(holotype, SMF 77196; type locality: Liberia, Parque Nacional Pico Bonito, 90 m
elevation, Departamento de Atlantida, Honduras); Kohler, 2003: 106, 2008: 114;
Wilson and McCranie, 2003: 60; McCranie
and Castaneda, 2005: 14; McCranie et al.,
2006: 218; Wilson and Townsend, 2006:
105; Diener, 2008: 17; Nicholson et al.,
2012: 12; McCranie and Sols, 2013: 242
Anolis zeus: Nicholson et al., 2005: 933;
Kohler et al., 2007: 391; Townsend et al.,
2012: 102; Pyron et al., 2013: fig. 19.

Geographic Distribution. Norops zeus

occurs at low and moderate elevations of


the Atlantic versant from the northern

slopes and foothills of the Cordillera Nombre de Dios to the western slopes of Cerro
Azul Meambar and adjacent lowlands in
northern Honduras.
Description. The following is based on 10
males (SMF 77194, 77196, 8069899, 80702
03, 87002, 8700607; USNM 565488) and 12
females (SMF 77193, 77195, 8070001,
8070305, 8700809; USNM 54102224).
Norops zeus is a small anole (SVL 43 mm in
largest male [SMF 87007], 44 mm in largest
female [SMF 77193]); dorsal head scales
weakly keeled in internasal and prefrontal
regions, rugose to tuberculate in frontal and
parietal areas; deep frontal depression present; parietal depression absent; 48 (5.0 6
0.7) postrostrals; anterior nasal entire, usually
contacting rostral and first supralabial, occasionally only rostral; 510 (7.9 6 1.2)
internasals; canthal ridge sharply defined;
scales comprising supraorbital semicircles
weakly keeled, largest scale in semicircles
about same size as largest supraocular scale;
supraorbital semicircles well defined; 13
(2.1 6 0.7) scales separating supraorbital
semicircles at narrowest point; 24 (3.0 6
0.6) scales separating supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point;
interparietal well defined, greatly enlarged
relative to adjacent scales, irregular in
outline, longer than wide, surrounded by
scales of moderate size, about equal in size to
ear opening; 23 rows of about 48 (total
number) enlarged, keeled supraocular scales;
enlarged supraoculars varying from completely separated to almost separated from
supraorbital semicircles by 1 row of small
scales; 2 elongate superciliaries, posterior
much shorter than anterior; 3 enlarged
canthals; 713 (10.3 6 1.6) scales between
second canthals; 918 (12.3 6 2.0) scales
between posterior canthals; loreal region
slightly concave, 3065 (43.9 6 9.7) mostly
strongly keeled (some smooth or rugose)
loreal scales in maximum of 57 (6.0 6 0.8)
horizontal rows; 69 (7.3 6 0.8) supralabials
and 68 (7.4 6 0.6) infralabials to level
below center of eye; suboculars weakly
keeled, 13 suboculars in broad contact with


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

supralabials; scales anterior to ear opening

granular, similar in size to those posterior to
ear opening; 67 (6.1 6 0.3) postmentals,
outer pair usually largest; keeled granular
scales present on chin and throat; male
dewlap moderately large, extending to level
of axilla; male dewlap with 1014 horizontal
gorgetal-sternal scale rows, about 1619
scales per row (n 5 4); 2 (modal number)
anterior marginal pairs in male dewlap;
female dewlap absent; no nuchal crest or
dorsal ridge; 2 middorsal scale rows slightly
enlarged, smooth to rugose, dorsal scales
lateral to middorsal series grading into
granular lateral scales; no enlarged scales
scattered among laterals; 75114 (91.5 6
14.6) dorsal scales along vertebral midline
between levels of axilla and groin in males,
96118 (106.9 6 8.2) in females; 4772 (59.9
6 7.7) dorsal scales along vertebral midline
contained in 1 head length in males, 5268
(58.3 6 5.4) in females; ventral scales on
midsection about same size as largest dorsal
scales; ventral body scales smooth, slightly
swollen with rounded posterior edges, subimbricate; 5675 (64.7 6 6.7) ventral scales
along midventral line between levels of axilla
and groin in males, 5982 (71.2 6 7.9) in
females; 3859 (46.2 6 6.9) ventral scales
contained in 1 head length in males, 3856
(46.2 6 6.2) in females; 112152 (139.2 6
11.6) scales around midbody in males, 116
144 (134.0 6 10.3) in females; tubelike
axillary pocket absent; precloacal scales not
keeled; usually pair of slightly enlarged
postcloacal scales in males; tail nearly
rounded to distinctly compressed, TH/TW
1.071.50; basal subcaudal scales smooth;
lateral caudal scales faintly keeled, homogeneous, although indistinct division in segments discernable; dorsal medial caudal
scale row not enlarged, keeled, not forming
crest; most scales on anterior surface of
antebrachium rugose to unicarinate; 2225
(23.2 6 0.8) subdigital lamellae on Phalanges
IIIV of Toe IV of hind limbs; 68 (6.9 6 0.8)
subdigital scales on Phalanx I of Toe IV of
hind limbs; SVL 33.043.0 (38.8 6 2.7) mm
in males, 27.044.0 (38.7 6 5.1) mm in
females; TAL/SVL 2.112.32 in eight males,

1.692.26 in eight females; HL/SVL 0.24

0.28 in males, 0.250.31 in females; SHL/
SVL 0.260.32 in males, 0.250.33 in females; SHL/HL 1.051.20 in males, 1.01
1.13 in 10 females; longest toe of adpressed
hind limb usually reaching between anterior
border of eye and tip of snout.
Color in life of an adult male (SMF
87002): dorsal surface of head Olive-Brown
(28); dorsal surface of body Olive-Brown
with Burnt Umber (22) middorsal blotches;
dorsal surface of tail with alternating Burnt
Umber and pale brown crossbands; belly
pale brown; dewlap uniformly dirty white
with brown scales; iris Burnt Umber with
pale gold rim. Two other adult males (SMF
77196, 80703) had uniformly dirty white
dewlaps (including the gorgetal scales).
Color in alcohol: dorsal surfaces of head
and body brown to grayish brown; middorsal pattern of small dark brown spots or
blotches present in some, some females
have a pale brown middorsal stripe that is
bounded on both sides by thin, dark brown
border, pale middorsal stripe extending well
onto tail; lateral surface of head pale brown;
dorsal surfaces of limbs brown with paler
brown crossbands; dorsal surface of tail brown
with indistinct darker brown crossbars in
those specimens in which pale middorsal
stripe not extending onto tail; ventral surface
of head white with brown flecks on many
scales; ventral surface of body white with
sparse to numerous brown flecks on scales of
chest region, brown flecking on scales becoming more prominent posteriorly; subcaudal surface with sparse to numerous brown
flecks on scales proximally, flecking becoming
more prominent distally until subcaudal
surface mostly brown for distal half; male
dewlap colorless.
Hemipenis: the completely everted hemipenis of SMF 77194 is a small unilobed
organ; sulcus spermaticus bordered by welldeveloped sulcal lips, opening at base of
apex; no discernable surface structure on
truncus or lobe; no asulcate processus.
Diagnosis/Similar Species. Norops zeus is
distinguished from all other Honduran
Norops, except N. carpenteri, N. limifrons,


N. ocelloscapularis, N. rodriguezii, and N.

yoroensis, by the combination of having a
single elongated prenasal scale, smooth and
subimbricate ventral scales, and slender
habitus. Norops zeus differs from N. carpenteri, N. ocelloscapularis, N. rodriguezii, and
N. yoroensis by having long hind legs (longest
toe of adpressed hind limb usually reaching
between anterior border of eye and tip of
snout in Norops zeus versus not reaching
beyond anterior border of eye in N. carpenteri, N. ocelloscapularis, N. rodriguezii, and
N. yoroensis). Norops zeus also differs from
those four species in having an uniformly
dirty white male dewlap in life (dewlap
orange in life in N. carpenteri, N. ocelloscapularis, N. rodriguezii, and N. yoroensis).
Norops zeus differs further from N. carpenteri in having brown dorsal surfaces without
paler spots in life (dorsal surfaces greenish
brown with paler spots in life in N. carpenteri). Norops zeus differs from N. limifrons by
having a uniformly dirty white male dewlap,
without a basal orange-yellow spot in life
(basal orange-yellow spot present in life in
dewlap of N. limifrons).
Illustrations (Figs. 77, 78). Kohler, 2000
(head and dewlap; as N. cf. limifrons), 2003
(head and dewlap), 2008 (head and dewlap);
Kohler and McCranie, 2001 (adult, head
scales, head and dewlap); Diener, 2008
(adult); Townsend et al., 2012 (adult).
Remarks. Norops zeus appears to be most
closely related to N. limifrons based on their
similar external morphology. The latter
species was included in the N. fuscoauratus
species group by Kohler et al. (2001) and
that relationship is retained herein, but as
the N. fuscoauratus species subgroup (also
see Remarks for N. limifrons and N.
Norops zeus was not recognized as a
distinct species until 2001, despite museum
specimens existing sometime before 1929.
Townsend et al. (2012) stated that morphological and molecular data suggests that
two species are included in the presently
understood concept of N. zeus.
Natural History Comments. Norops zeus
is known from 5 to 900 m elevation in the


Lowland Moist Forest and Premontane Wet

Forest formations and peripherally in the
Lowland Dry Forest formation. Specimens
are active on stems of low vegetation and
low on tree trunks in primary and secondary
forest. It sleeps at night on leaves, stems,
and at the ends of branches in low
vegetation. Norops zeus has been collected
from January to August and during October
and December, thus is active throughout
the year. Nothing has been reported on its
diet or reproduction.
Etymology. The name zeus is derived
from Zeus, the chief of the Greek gods. The
name refers to the Cordillera Nombre de
Dios (5 in the name of God mountain
range), where the type locality of this
species is located.
Specimens Examined (83 [10] + 2 C&S;
Map 39). ATLANTIDA: Cascada de Ro
Corinto, SMF 91355; N slope of Cerro
Bufalo, SMF 80698, 80700; mountains S of
Corozal, LACM 47268, 47275; Estacion
Forestal CURLA, SMF 80699, 8070102,
8700207, 88712, USNM 54102325,
56548687; Guaymas District, MCZ R20635, UMMZ 5840407; 7.4 km SE of La
Ceiba, USNM 541022; 8 km E of La Ceiba,
KU 10140103; 12 km E of La Ceiba, KU
101404; 14.5 km E of La Ceiba, LACM
47274; La Ceiba, LSUMZ 21380 (C&S); La
Liberacion, USNM 578818; Lancetilla,
AMNH 70430, MCZ R-2982223, 32211
13, USNM 578817; Liberia, SMF 77193,
77196; Mezapita, USNM 580320; Quebrada
La Muralla, SMF 7719495; Salado Barra,
MCZ R-191085, 191088; San Marcos,
SMF 8700809; 32.2 km E Tela, LACM
4727273; Tela, UMMZ 5841213, 70319
N: Cerro Calentura, LSUMZ
(5). COLO
2251516, 27735 (C&S), SMF 80703.
CORTES: NE end of Lago de Yojoa, KU
194867, 194890; Los Pinos, SMF 91308,
92840, UF 16618083, 16623137, USNM
565488; near Pena Blanca, UF 166213,
166238; Potrerillos, MCZ R-29816; 7.2 km
ENE of Villanueva, LACM 47271. YORO:
San Jose de Texguat, USNM 580321;
Subirana Valley, MCZ R-38836; near Yuquela, UTA R-53989.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 77. Norops zeus head in lateral, dorsal, and ventral views. SMF 77196, adult male from Liberia, Atlantida. Scale bar 5
1.0 mm. Drawing by Gunther Kohler.



Figure 78. Norops zeus. (A) Adult male (in UNAH collection) from Estacion Forestal CURLA, Atlantida; (B) adult male dewlap
(from series SMF 7719396) from Liberia, Atlantida. Photographs by James R. McCranie (A) and Gunther Kohler (B).


1 A. All autotomic caudal vertebrae
without anterolaterally directed
transverse processes (Fig. 79);

ear opening horizontally elongate, with posterior margin

forming long depression
(Fig. 1); adult heads conspicuously long (Fig. 1); .35 lamellae under fourth toe .................
................... Anolis allisoni (p. 11)


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 39. Localities for Norops zeus. Solid symbols denote specimens examined.

Figure 79. (A) Automic caudal vertebrae without anterolaterally directed transverse processes (alpha anoles) in Anolis allisoni
(SMF 78320) from Isla de Guanaja, Islas de la Baha; (B) autotomic caudal vertebrae with anterolaterally directed transverse
processes (beta anoles) in Norops subocularis (Davis) (USNM 133731) from Guerrero, Mexico. Photographs by Linda Acker.



Figure 80. Scaleless tubelike axillary pocket in Norops tropidonotus (SMF 79058) from Cerro Uyuca, Francisco Morazan. Scale
bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

B. At least some autotomic caudal

vertebrae with anterolaterally directed transverse processes
(Fig. 79); ear opening vertically
oval (Fig. 3); adult heads not
conspicuously elongate (Fig. 3);
,30 lamellae under fourth toe ...
2 A. A deep, scaleless, tubelike axillary pocket present (Fig. 80) ....
B. No deep, tubelike axillary pocket
present, at most a shallow,
scaled axillary depression .......
3 A. Scales anterior to ear opening
flat, keeled, about twice as
large as scales posterior to ear
opening (the latter usually
granular; Fig. 63) ...................
B. Scales anterior to ear opening
about same size as scales


posterior to ear opening (all

granular; Fig. 51) ................... 5
4 A. Male dewlap orange-red in life,
with yellow margin and distinct
central dark streak (Fig. 64);
adult males to 59 mm snout
vent length (SVL), adult females to 55 mm SVL ...............
...... Norops tropidonotus (p. 177)
B. Male dewlap orange-red in life
with yellow margin, but without
central dark streak (Fig. 72);
adult males and adult females
to 51 mm SVL ..........................
....... Norops wampuensis (p. 201)
5 A. Flanks usually with 13 pale
vertical lines (lines occasionally
broken into vertical dashes);
male dewlap rose with large


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 81. Laterally compressed tail with middorsal crest of enlarged scales in a male Norops sagrei (SMF 77743) from San
Pedro Sula, Cortes. Scale bar 5 5.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

purple spot in life (Fig. 66); 23

32 (rarely up to 37; mean 28.5)
middorsal scales between levels
of axilla and groin.....................
........... Norops uniformis (p. 185)
B. Flanks without pale vertical lines
or dashes; male dewlap reddish orange with yellow margin
in life (Fig. 52); 3044 (mean
37.0) middorsal scales between
levels of axilla and groin ........
........ Norops quaggulus (p. 146)
6 A. Outer postmental scale on each
side greatly enlarged, length
greater than that of mental
scale (Fig. 59); tail of adult
males distinctly compressed,
with middorsal crest of enlarged scales (Fig. 81); maximum known SVL 76 mm ....... 7
B. Outer postmental scale on each
side not, or only moderately,
enlarged, length less than that

of mental scale (Fig. 75); tail of

adult males usually not, or only
slightly, compressed (Fig. 82),
or if noticeably compressed,
adults large (adult SVL .
76 mm); tail with or without
crest of enlarged scales .......... 8
7 A. Usually 4 (mean 4.3) postmental
scales; male dewlap orange or
orange red in life (Fig. 60);
occurs on islas de Roatan and
Utila and extreme northern
mainland .. Norops sagrei (p. 166)
B. Usually 5 or more (rarely 4;
mean 5.8) postmentals; male
dewlap dark brown to gray in
life (Fig. 40); occurs only on
Islas del Cisne (Swan Islands) .... Norops nelsoni (p. 114)
8 A. Usually single elongate prenasal
scale (Fig. 31); ventral scales
smooth (Fig. 83) to weakly keeled
(Fig. 84); habitus slender ............ 9



Figure 82. Rounded tail of Norops utilensis (SMF 79866) from Isla de Utila, Islas de la Baha. Scale bar 5 5.0 mm. Photograph
by Gunther Kohler.

Figure 83. Smooth, nonimbricate ventral scales of Norops rodriguezii (SMF 79087) from 1 km SSE of Tegucigalpita, Cortes.
Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 84. Weakly keeled and imbricate ventrals in Norops yoroensis (SMF 80768) from Cerro de Pajarillos, Yoro. Scale bar 5
1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

B. Usually two rounded prenasal

scales (Fig. 11); ventral scales
variable; habitus usually not
slender, if so, ventral scales
strongly keeled (Fig. 85) and/
or male dewlap yellowish
orange with large blue blotch
in life ................................... 14
9 A. Long-legged (fourth toe of adpressed hind limb reaches at
least posterior border of eye,
usually well beyond eye); male
dewlap dirty white, with or
without basal orange-yellow
spot in life ............................ 10
B. Shorter legged (fourth toe of
adpressed hind limb usually
not reaching past posterior
border of eye, reaching anterior margin of eye in one species
[N. ocelloscapularis]); male
dewlap orange or yellowish
orange in life ........................ 11

10 A. Male dewlap dirty white with basal

orange-yellow spot in life
(Fig. 32) ... Norops limifrons (p. 96)
B. Male dewlap uniformly dirty
white, no basal orange-yellow
spot in life (Fig. 78) ..............
................. Norops zeus (p. 217)
11 A. Usually ocellated shoulder spot
present (Fig. 42); longer legged
(fourth toe of adpressed hind
limb reaches at least between
posterior and anterior borders
of eye); pale lateral stripe usually present in life.....................
.. Norops ocelloscapularis (p. 121)
B. Ocellated shoulder spot absent;
shorter legged (fourth toe of
adpressed hind limb reaches
between ear opening and mideye); pale lateral stripe present
or absent in life .................... 12
12 A. Dorsum greenish brown with
pale spots in life (Fig. 14); no



Figure 85. Strongly keeled ventrals in Norops capito (SMF 91252) from La Cafetalera, Santa Barbara. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm.
Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

13 A.


14 A.

pale lateral stripe ..................

.......... Norops carpenteri (p. 45)
Dorsum brown without pale
spots in life; pale lateral stripe
present or absent .................. 13
Midventral scales smooth and
nonimbricate (Fig. 83); 14
suboculars in broad contact
with supralabials ...................
....... Norops rodriguezii (p. 156)
Ventral scales weakly keeled,
imbricate (Fig. 84); suboculars
usually separated from supralabials by 1 scale row, or 12
suboculars in narrow contact
with supralabials ...................
.......... Norops yoroensis (p. 208)
Head conspicuously broad and
stout, snout rather blunt in
lateral aspect (Fig. 11); SHL/
HL $ 1.1; usually with pale
chin crossband, band most
distinct in juveniles; ventral

scales strongly keeled (Fig.

85); dorsal scales smooth, juxtaposed, most pentagonal or
hexagonal (Fig. 86); adult SVL
66100 mm; male dewlap uniformly greenish yellow, brown,
or brownish yellow in life,
small (Fig. 12), not extending
posterior to level of axilla ......
................ Norops capito (p. 39)
B. Head not conspicuously broad
and stout (Fig. 7); SHL/HL
usually ,1.0, or if .1.0, dorsal
scales keeled (Fig. 87); no pale
chin crossband; combination of
other characters different from
above ................................... 15
15 A. Large adult size (adult SVL 70 to
slightly .100 mm); 913 supralabials to level below center
of eye; males with or without
enlarged postcloacal scales .... 16


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 86. Dorsal scales smooth, juxtaposed, most pentagonal or hexagonal in Norops capito (SMF 91252) from La Cafetalera,
Santa Barbara. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

B. Medium-small to medium-large
species (maximum SVL #
70 mm, except N. lemurinus,
which reaches 79 mm SVL [to
73 mm SVL in Honduran
specimens] and N. bicaorum,
which reaches 86 mm SVL);
combination of other characters different from above ...... 18
16 A. Total loreal scales .60; usually
.130 scales around midbody;
longest toe of adpressed hind
limb usually reaching between
posterior and anterior borders
of eye; tail compressed (Fig.
88); male dewlap orange with
purple streaks in life (Fig. 34)
......... Norops loveridgei (p. 101)
B. Total loreal scales ,62; usually
fewer than 130 scales around
midbody; longest toe of adpressed hind limb usually
reaching ear opening; tail

rounded to slightly compressed; male dewlap pinkish

brown or with large blue basal
spot in life ............................ 17
17 A. Anterior dorsal head scales rugose or weakly keeled (Fig.
45); midventral scales weakly
keeled (Fig. 89) with rounded
or truncated posterior margins,
6286 (6886 in Honduran
specimens) scales between levels of axilla and groin; 116140
(116133 in Honduran specimens) scales around midbody;
male dewlap pinkish brown
with pale yellow margin in life
(Fig. 46); dorsal ground color
mottled olive yellow and
brownish olive in life (Fig. 46)
............. Norops petersii (p. 131)
B. Anterior dorsal head scales
strongly keeled (Fig. 9); midventral scales strongly keeled,



Figure 87. Keeled dorsal scales in Norops lemurinus (SMF 85885) from Raudal Kiplatara, Gracias a Dios. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm.
Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

mucronate and/or imbricate

(Fig. 90), 3456 between levels
of axilla and groin; 76120
scales around midbody; male
dewlap with large blue basal
spot and pinkish to dark orange
outer border in life (Fig. 10);
dorsal ground color green in life
when not stressed (Fig. 10) .....
............ Norops biporcatus (p. 33)
18 A. Lateral body scales heterogeneous (at least in majority of
individuals; Fig. 91), solitary,
enlarged, keeled, or elevated
scales (sometimes slightly paler
color than other laterals) frequently scattered among laterals, or if lateral body scales
homogeneous, male dewlap
dirty white, pale yellow, or
pale gray in life and ventral
scales distinctly keeled; males
with enlarged postcloacal

19 A.


20 A.

scales (Fig. 92); usually at least

1 subocular in broad contact
with a supralabial (Fig. 3) ..... 19
Lateral body scales homogeneous;
combination of other characters
different from above ................. 28
Enlarged dorsal scales abruptly
different in size from much
smaller lateral body scales
(Fig. 93); midventral scales
smooth (Fig. 94); male dewlap
orange-yellow in life (Fig. 4) ......
..... Norops amplisquamosus (p. 18)
Enlarged dorsal scales usually
grading into smaller lateral
body scales (Fig. 95); midventral scales smooth to strongly
keeled; male dewlap not
orange-yellow in life ............. 20
Male dewlap dirty white, pale
yellow, or pale gray in life; 05
slightly enlarged middorsal
scale rows ............................. 21


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 88. Laterally compressed tail in a male Norops loveridgei (SMF 86951) from Quebrada de Oro, Atlantida. Scale bar 5
5.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

B. Male dewlap red, bright orange,

or orange-red in life; at least 6
distinctly enlarged middorsal
scale rows .............................
21 A. Male dewlap extending to about
level of axilla (Fig. 28)...........
........ Norops laeviventris (p.
B. Male dewlap extending well
onto chest posterior to level
of axilla (Fig. 26) ..................
22 A. Male dewlap pale yellow with
purple gorgetal scales in life
(Fig. 26); occurs in western
portion of Cordillera Nombre
de Dios in north-central Honduras ....... Norops kreutzi (p.
B. Male dewlap dirty white, pale
yellow, or pale gray, with
gorgetal scales of same color
(Fig. 20); occurs in Parque
Nacional Cusuco and Parque
Nacional Cerro Azul in north-


23 A.


24 A.


25 A.


western Honduras.................
............... Norops cusuco (p. 65)
Midventral scales strongly keeled
(Fig. 96) ................................... 24
Midventral scales smooth or
only weakly keeled ................ 26
Hemipenis with divided asulcate
processus (Fig. 97) ................
.......... Norops morazani (p. 106)
Hemipenis with undivided asulcate processus (Fig. 98) ........ 25
Usually about 811 rows of
enlarged dorsal scales; female
dewlap small, white or orangered in life; occurs on Montana
Santa Barbara .......................
... Norops rubribarbaris (p. 161)
Usually about 1418 rows of
enlarged dorsal scales; female
dewlap well-developed, but
smaller than male dewlap,
bright orange or orange red



Figure 89. Midventrals weakly keeled in Norops petersii (SMF 86943) from Baja Verapaz, Guatemala. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm.
Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

26 A.
27 A.


28 A.


in life; occurs in mountains of

SW and east-central Honduras ......... Norops crassulus (p. 49)
Midventral scales weakly keeled
(Fig. 99) ... Norops sminthus (p. 172)
Midventral scales smooth (Fig.
100) ..................................... 27
Medial dorsal scales uniform in
size, without interspersed
small scales (Fig. 101) ...........
. Norops heteropholidotus (p. 70)
Small scales irregularly interspersed among enlarged medial dorsal scales (Fig. 102) ......
............ Norops muralla (p. 110)
Dorsal scales flat, juxtaposed,
hexagonal (Fig. 103); male
dewlap orange-yellow in life
(Fig. 44); semiaquatic along
streams in NE Honduras.......
......... Norops oxylophus (p. 126)
Dorsal scales weakly keeled and
subimbricate (Fig. 104) to dis-

tinctly keeled and imbricate

(Fig. 105), not hexagonal; male
dewlap not orange-yellow in
life .......................................
29 A. Midventral scales weakly keeled
or smooth, not mucronate
(Figs. 99100) ......................
B. Midventral scales distinctly to
strongly keeled (Fig. 106), often mucronate, or if midventrals weakly keeled, male dewlap brown in life, usually with
large darker brown spot ........
30 A. Ventrals granular or conical, subimbricate or nonimbricate
(Fig. 107); short-legged (fourth
toe of adpressed hind limb
reaches not much further than
shoulder); usually 4 (rarely 3 or
5) rows of loreals; supraoculars
smooth to weakly keeled
(Fig. 5) .....................................





Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 90. Midventrals strongly keeled in Norops biporcatus (SMF 79147) from Laguna del Cerro, Copan. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm.
Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

B. Ventrals flat, distinctly imbricate

(Fig. 108); longer-legged
(fourth toe of adpressed hind
limb reaches beyond ear opening); 5 or more (rarely 4) rows
of loreals; supraoculars distinctly keeled (Fig. 23) .......... 32
31 A. Five supracaudal scales present
per caudal segment (Fig. 109);
occurs only on Isla de Utila ........ Norops utilensis (p. 196)
B. Four supracaudal scales present
per caudal segment (Fig. 110);
occurs across northern mainland ........ Norops beckeri (p. 22)
32 A. Male dewlap orange-red with
large central blue blotch in life
(Fig. 24); female dewlap well
developed, yellow with large
central blue blotch in life
(Fig. 24); SVL to 73 mm in

males, 68 mm in females.......
......... Norops johnmeyeri (p. 74)
B. Male dewlap rose with purple
spot or uniform purple in life;
female dewlap small, usually
similar color to that of male;
SVL to 59 mm in males, 60 mm
in females ............................. 33
33 A. Male dewlap purple in life
(Fig. 50); 69 (mean 7.7) scales
between second canthals; snout
scales multicarinate (Fig. 49);
610 (mean 8.5) scales between
posterior canthals .....................
.... Norops purpurgularis (p. 141)
B. Male dewlap rosewith purple
central spot in life (Fig. 48);
612 (mean 8.6) scales between second canthals; snout
scales unicarinate (Fig. 47); 7
15 (mean 9.9) scales between



Figure 91. Lateral heterogeneous body scales in Norops heteropholidotus (SMF 78027) from Quebrada La Quebradona,
Ocotepeque. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

posterior canthals..................
........... Norops pijolense (p. 137)
34 A. Male dewlap yellowish orange
with large blue blotch in life
(Fig. 74); short-legged (fourth
toe of adpressed hind limb
reaches between shoulder and
ear opening, rarely beyond ear
opening) ............................... 35
B. Male dewlap brown or some
shade of red in life; longlegged (fourth toe of adpressed
hind limb reaches between ear
opening and anterior margin of

eye, usually beyond posterior

margin of eye) ...................... 36
35 A. Hemipenis bilobed (Fig. 111);
occurs on Pacific versant in
southern Honduras ...............
....... Norops wellbornae (p. 205)
B. Hemipenis unilobed (Fig. 112);
occurs on Caribbean versant,
including several interior valleys in south-central Honduras
........ Norops unilobatus (p. 189)
36 A. Male dewlap brown in life,
usually with large darker
brown spot (Fig. 18); no con-


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 92. Enlarged male postcloacal scales in Norops amplisquamosus (SMF 77750) from Sendero El Danto, Cortes. Scale bar
5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

spicuous dark brown lines radiating outward from eye; maximum SVL about 53 mm; ventral scales not mucronate and
varying from subimbricate to
imbricate (Fig. 113) ..............
.............. Norops cupreus (p. 55)
B. Male dewlap some shade of red
in life; conspicuous dark brown
lines radiating outward from
eye (Fig. 114); maximum SVL
6286 mm; ventral scales mucronate and imbricate (Fig.
115) ..................................... 37
37 A. Male dewlap without suffusion
of black pigment centrally,
often with black to dark brown
edged gorgetal scales (Fig. 30);
males average about 56 mm
SVL; 58 (rarely 9) horizontal
loreal rows; occurs on main-

land and Cayos Cochinos ......

.......... Norops lemurinus (p. 87)
B. Male dewlap with suffusion of
black pigment centrally and
mostly white gorgetal scales
(Fig. 54); 810 (rarely 6 or 7)
horizontal loreal rows; occurs
on Isla de Roatan or on Isla de
Utila .................................... 38
38 A. Males average about 64 mm
SVL, females about 66 mm;
sulcal branches of hemipenis
opening into broad concave
area distal to point of bifurcation on each lobe (Fig. 116);
low asulcate processus present;
endemic to Isla de Utila ........
........... Norops bicaorum (p. 27)
B. Males average about 56 mm SVL,
females about 58 mm; sulcal
branches of hemipenis extending



Figure 93. Dorsal scales abruptly enlarged in Norops amplisquamosus (SMF 77747) from Sendero El Danto, Cortes. Scale bar
5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

to tip of each lobe (Fig. 117);

asulcate processus absent ..........
.......... Norops roatanensis (p. 151)


1 A. Todas de las vertebras caudales
autoto micas sin el proceso
transversal dirigido anterolateral (Fig. 79); abertura otica
horizontalmente elongada y
con el margen posterior formando una depresion alargada
(Fig. 1); cabeza en adultos

conspicuamente alargadas
(Fig. 1); .35 lamelas abajo
del cuarto dedo del pie ...........
.................. Anolis allisoni (p. 11)
B. Al menos algunas de las vertebras caudales autotomicas con
procesos transversales dirigidos
anterolateralmente (Fig. 79);
abertura otica verticalmente
oval (Fig. 3); cabeza en adultos
no conspicuamente alargadas
(Fig. 3); ,30 lamelas abajo del
cuarto dedo del pie .................. 2
2 A. Un bolso axilar en forma de tubo
y sin escamas presente (Fig.
80) ............................................. 3


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 94. Smooth midventral scales in Norops amplisquamosus (SMF 77747) from Sendero El Danto, Cortes. Scale bar 5
1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

B. No hay un bolso axilar en forma

de tubo y sin escamas, o no
existe mas que una pequena
depresion axilar con escamas ...
3 A. Las escamas anteriores al la
abertura otica planas y quilladas, aproximadamente del doble de tamano de las que estan
posteriormente a esta (estas
ultimas usualmentre granulares; Fig. 63) ........................
B. Las escamas anteriores al la abertura otica aproximadamente del
mismo tamano que las que estan
posteriormente a esta (todas
granulares; Fig. 51) ...................
4 A. El abanico gular en machos de
color naranja-rojo en vida con
margen amarillo y con una
banda central oscura (Fig. 64);
los machos adultos con una
longitud hocico-cloaca (LHC)
hasta de 59 mm, hembras adul-

tas hasta de 55 mm LHC .........

....... Norops tropidonotus (p. 177)
B. El abanico gular en machos de
color naranja-rojo en vida, con
margen amarillo, pero sin una
banda central oscura (Fig. 72);
machos y hembras con una
LHC hasta de 51 mm ...........
..... Norops wampuensis (p. 201)
5 A. Los flancos de cuerpo con 13
lneas verticales palidas (las
lneas pueden estar interrumpidas); abanico gular en machos de color rosa con un
punto grande de color purpura
en vida (Fig. 66); usualmente
entre 2332 (en promedio
28.5) escamas medio-dorsales
entre los bordes de la axila y la
ingle, raramente hasta 37 ......
......... Norops uniformis (p. 185)
B. Los flancos de cuerpo sin lneas
verticales palidas (completas o



Figure 95. Enlarged dorsal scales grading into smaller laterals in Norops crassulus (SMF 78799) from Pico La Picucha, Olancho.
Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

interrumpidas); abanico gular

en machos de color rojizo
anaranjado con margen amarillo en vida (Fig. 52); usualmente entre 3044 (en promedio 37.0) escamas mediodorsales entre los bordes de
la axila y la ingle ...................
........ Norops quaggulus (p. 146)
6 A. Las escamas postmentales mas
externas, en cada lado, muy
agrandada, su longitud mayor
a la de la escama mental
(Fig. 59); la cola de los machos
adultos distintivamente comprimida lateralmente, y con
una cresta medio-dorsal de
escamas alargadas (Fig. 81);
LHC ma xima en adultos
76 mm .................................. 7
B. Las escamas postmentales mas
externas, en cada lado, no muy
largo, su longitud menor que la

longitud de la escama mental

(Fig. 75); la cola de los machos
adultos no o ligeramente comprimida (Fig. 82), o si esta
notoriamente comprimida, los
adultos son de tamano grande
(LHC 76 mm); cola con o sin
una cresta medio-dorsal de
escamas alargadas .................. 8
7 A. Usualmente cuatro (en promedio 4.3) escamas postmentales;
abanico gular en machos de
color anaranjado o naranja-rojo
en vida (Fig. 60); se encuentran en las islas de Roatan y
Utila y el extremo norte de la
parte continental del pas ......
............... Norops sagrei (p. 166)
B. Usualmente cinco o mas (raramente 4; en promedio 5.8)
escamas postmentales; abanico
gular en machos de color cafe
oscuro a gris en vida (Fig. 40);


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 96. Midventral scales strongly keeled in Norops crassulus (SMF 78799) from Pico La Picucha, Olancho. Scale bar 5
1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

Figure 97. Hemipenis with divided asulcate processus (arrows) in Norops morazani (SMF 87153) from Quebrada Cataguana,
Francisco Morazan. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.



Figure 98. Hemipenis with undivided asulcate processus (arrows) in Norops crassulus (SMF 78104) from Sonsonate, El
Salvador. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

Figure 99. Weakly keeled midventral scales in Norops sminthus (SMF 77181) from Cerro La Tigra, Francisco Morazan. Scale
bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 100. Smooth midventral scales in Norops heteropholidotus (SMF 78030) from Quebrada La Quebradona, Ocotepeque.
Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

Figure 101. Median dorsal scales uniform in size in Norops heteropholidotus (SMF 78027) from Quebrada La Quebradona,
Ocotepeque. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.



Figure 102. Small scales irregularly interspersed among enlarged dorsal scales in Norops muralla (SMF 78378) from Monte
Escondido, Olancho. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

se encuentran en las Islas del

Cisne .... Norops nelsoni (p. 114)
8 A. Usualmente solo una escama
prenasal elongada (Fig. 31);
escamas ventrales lisas (Fig.
83) a ligeramente quilladas
(Fig. 84); forma corporal alargada ...................................... 9
B. Usualmente dos escamas prenasales redondeadas (Fig. 11);
escamas ventrales variables;
forma corporal usualmente no
alargada, o si lo esta , las
escamas ventrales son fuertemente quilladas (Fig. 85) y/o
abanico gular en machos de
color amarillo-naranja con una
mancha grande de color azul
en vida ................................. 14
9 A. Piernas largas (punta del cuatro
dedo del pie cuando las piernas se doblan hacia la parte
anterior del cuerpo, llega al

borde posterior del ojo, usualmente mas alla del ojo); abanico gular en machos de color
blancuzco, con o sin una mancha naranja-amarillenta en la
base, en vida ........................ 10
B. Piernas cortas (punta del cuatro
dedo del pie cuando las piernas se doblan hacia la parte
anterior del cuerpo, usualmente no rebasa mas alla del
borde posterior del ojo, usualmente mas alla del ojo, llegando al borde anterior del ojo
en una especie [N. ocelloscapularis]); abanico gular en
machos de color naranja o
amarillo-naranja en vida ........ 11
10 A. Abanico gular en machos de
color blancuzco, con una mancha naranja-amarillenta en la
base, en vida (Fig. 32)...........
............ Norops limifrons (p. 96)


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 103. Dorsal scales flat, juxtaposed, hexagonal in Norops oxylophus (SMF 88677) from Matamoros, Olancho. Scale bar 5
1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

B. Abanico gular en machos de

color blancuzco uniforme, sin
una mancha naranja-amarillenta en la base, en vida
(Fig. 78) .... Norops zeus (p. 217)
11 A. Usualmente con ocelo sobre el
hombro (Fig. 42); piernas relativamente largas (punta del
cuatro dedo del pie cuando las
piernas se doblan hacia la
parte anterior del cuerpo,
llega entre el borde posterior
y anterior del ojo); usualmente una banda lateral clara
sobre el cuerpo presente en
vida ....................................
... Norops ocelloscapularis (p. 121)
B. Sin ocelo sobre el hombro;
piernas relativamente cortas
(punta del cuatro dedo del
pie cuando las piernas se
doblan hacia la parte anterior
del cuerpo, llega entre la

12 A.


13 A.


abertura otica y la mitad del

ojo); con o sin una banda
lateral clara sobre el cuerpo
presente en vida ................... 12
Dorso de color cafe-verdoso con
puntas claros en vida (Fig. 14);
sin una banda lateral clara en
vida .... Norops carpenteri (p. 45)
Dorso de color cafe, sin puntas
claros en vida; con o sin una
banda lateral clara sobre el
cuerpo presente en vida ........ 13
Escamas medio-ventrales lisas y
no imbricadas (Fig. 83); 14
suboculares en amplio contacto con las supralabiales .....
....... Norops rodriguezii (p. 156)
Escamas medio-ventrales ligeramente quilladas e imbricadas
(Fig. 84); suboculares usualmente separadas de las supralabiales por una hilera de
escamas o 12 suboculares en



Figure 104. Dorsal scales weakly keeled, subimbricate in Norops utilensis (SMF 79866) from Isla de Utila, Islas de la Baha.
Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

ligero contacto con supralabiales ...... Norops yoroensis (p. 208)

14 A. La cabeza es conspicuamente
ancha y robusta, la punta del
hocico es roma en vista lateral
(Fig. 11);la proporcion longitud de la tibia/longitud de la
cabeza (LT/LC) $1.1; usualmente una banda clara cruzando la barbilla, banda mas
evidente en juveniles; escamas
ventrales fuertemente quilladas (Fig. 85); escamas dorsales
lisas, yuxtapuestas, la mayora
pentagonales o hexagonales
(Fig. 86); LHC en adultos
66100 mm; abanico gular en
machos uniformemente verdoso-amarillo, cafe o cafesosoamarillo en vida, pequen o
(Fig. 12), no se extiende mas
alla del nivel de la axila .........
................ Norops capito (p. 39)

B. La cabeza no es conspicuamente
ancha y robusta (Fig. 7); LT/
LC usualmente ,1.0, o si es
.1.0, escamas dorsales quilladas (Fig. 87); no hay una
banda clara cruzando la barbilla; combinacion de otros
caracteres no como lo descrito
en la opicion 14 A ................ 15
15 A. Adultos de taman o grande
(LHC 70 a ligeramente
mayores de 100 mm); 913
supralabiales a el nivel de la
parte medio del ojo; machos
con o sin escamas postcloacales alargadas ...................... 16
B. Especies de tamano medianopequeno hasta mediano largo
(LHC maxima #70 mm, excepto en N. lemurinus, el cual
puede llegar a 79 mm LHC
[hasta 73 mm LHC en especmenes Hondurenas] y N. bi-


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 105. Dorsal scales distinctly keeled, imbricate in Norops lemurinus (SMF 85885) from Raudal Kiplatara, Gracias a Dios.
Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

caorum, el cual puede llegar a

medir de LHC 86 mm); combinacion de otros caracteres no
como lo descrito en la opicion
15 A ..................................... 18
16 A. Escamas loreales .60; usualmente .130 escamas alrededor de la parte media del
cuerpo; punta del cuatro dedo
del pie cuando las piernas se
doblan hacia la parte anterior
del cuerpo, usualmente llega al
menos hasta el borde posterior
del ojo; cola lateralmente comprimida (Fig. 88); abanico gular en machos de color naranja
con lineas de purpura en vida
(Fig. 34) ...............................
......... Norops loveridgei (p. 101)
B. Escamas loreales ,62; usualmente menos de 130 escamas
alrededor de la parte media
del cuerpo; punta del cuatro

dedo del pie cuando las piernas se doblan hacia la parte

anterior del cuerpo, usualmente llega solamente hasta
el tmpano; cola redondeado
hasta ligeramente comprimida;
abanico gular en machos rosaceo cafe o con un punto azul
grande basal en vida ............. 17
17 A. Escamas dorsales anteriores de
la cabeza rugosas o ligeramente quilladas (Fig. 45); escamas medio-ventrales ligeramente quilladas (Fig. 89) con
margenes posteriores redondeados o truncados, de 6286 (68
86 en especmenes Hondurenas) entre la axila y la ingle; 116
140 (116133 en especmenes
Hondurenas) escamas alrededor
de la parte media del cuerpo;
abanico gular en machos rosaceo cafe con margen amarillo



Figure 106. Strongly keeled ventral scales in Norops wellbornae (SMF 82668) from Suchitepequez, Guatemala. Scale bar 5
1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

claro en vida (Fig. 46); color del

cuerpo moteado de olivo amarillo y cafesoso olivo en vida
(Fig. 46) .. Norops petersii (p. 131)
B. Escamas dorsales anteriores de
la cabeza fuertemente quilladas
(Fig. 9); escamas medio-ventrales fuertemente quilladas
(Fig. 90) y mucronadas y/o imbricadas, de 3456 entre la axila
y la ingle; 76120 escamas
alrededor de la parte media
del cuerpo; abanico gular en
machos con un punto basal de
color azul de gran tamano y
bordeado de rosaceo a naranja
oscuro en vida (Fig. 10); coloracion dorsal verde en vida, al
no estar estresados (Fig. 10)....
............ Norops biporcatus (p. 33)
18 A. Escamas laterales del cuerpo
heterogeneas (al menos en

algunos individuos; Fig. 91),

algunas escamas alargadas,
quilladas o elevadas (algunas
veces ligeramente de color mas
palido que otras escamas laterales) frecuentemente esparcidas entre otras escamas laterales, o si las escamas laterales
del cuerpo son homogeneas, el
color del abanico gular en
machos es blancuzco, amarillo
palido o gris palido en vida y
las escamas ventrales estan
distintivamente quilladas; los
machos poseen escamas postcloacales alargadas (Fig. 92);
usualmente por lo menos una
escama subocular en amplio
contacto con una supralabial
(Fig. 3) ................................. 19
B. Escamas laterales del cuerpo
homogeneas; combinacion de


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 107. Granular or conical ventral scales in Norops utilensis (SMF 79866) from Isla de Utila, Islas de la Baha. Scale bar 5
1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.



Figure 108. Flat and imbricate ventral scales in Norops johnmeyeri (SMF 77756) from Sendero El Danto, Cortes. Scale bar 5
1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

otros caracteres no como lo

descrito en la opicion 18 A .... 28
19 A. Escamas dorsales del cuerpo
abruptamente mas grandes en
tamano que las escamas laterales del cuerpo (Fig. 93); escamas medio-ventrales lisas
(Fig. 94); abanico gular en
machos de color naranja amarillento en vida (Fig. 4)...........
. Norops amplisquamosus (p. 18)
B. Escamas dorsales del cuerpo
usualmente disminoyendo gradualmente de tamano de las
pequen as escamas laterales
(Fig. 95); escamas medio-ventrales fuertemente quilladas;
abanico gular en machos no
es de color naranja amarillento
en vida ................................. 20
20 A. Abanico gular en machos blancuzco, amarillo palido o gris


21 A.


22 A.

palido en vida; de 05 escamas

medio-dorsales ligeramente
agrandadas ...........................
Abanico gular en machos color
rojo, anaranjado brillante o
rojo-naranja en vida; por los
menos 6 escamas medio-dorsales distintamente agrandadas
Abanico gular en machos extendiendose hasta el nivel de la
axila (Fig. 28)........................
........ Norops laeviventris (p.
Abanico gular en machos extendiendose hasta el nivel del
pecho mas alla del nivel de la
axila (Fig. 26) .......................
Abanico gular en machos amarillo
palido, con escamas gorgetales
purpura en vida (Fig. 26); se
encuentran en la porcion oeste
de la Cordillera Nombre de Dios,






Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 109. Five supracaudal scales per caudal segment in Norops utilensis (SMF 77055) from Isla de Utila, Islas de la Baha.
Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.


23 A.
24 A.
25 A.

en el centro-norte de Honduras .............. Norops kreutzi (p. 79)

Abanico gular en machos blancuzco, amarillo palido o gris
palido con escamas gorgetales
del mismo color (Fig. 20); se
encuentran en Parque Nacional
Cusuco and Parque Nacional
Cerro Azul en el noroeste de
Honduras ... Norops cusuco (p. 65)
Escamas medio-ventrales fuertemente quilladas (Fig. 96) ... 24
Escamas medio-ventrales lisas o
ligeramente quilladas ............ 26
Hemipenes con el proceso asulcado dividido (Fig. 97) ..........
.......... Norops morazani (p. 106)
Hemipenes con el proceso asulcado no dividido (Fig. 98) ..... 25
Usualmente entre 811 escamas
dorsales alargadas; abanico gular en hembras pequeno, de


26 A.
27 A.

color blanco o naranja-rojo en

vida; se encuentran en la
Montana Santa Barbara.........
... Norops rubribarbaris (p. 161)
Usualmente entre 1418 escamas dorsales alargadas; abanico gular en hembras bien
desarrollado, pero mas pequeno que el de los machos,
de color anaranjado brillante o
naranja-rojo en vida; se encuentran en las montanas del
suroeste y centro-este de Honduras .... Norops crassulus (p. 49)
Escamas medio-ventrales ligeramente quilladas (Fig. 99).......
.......... Norops sminthus (p. 172)
Escamas medio-ventrales lisas
(Fig. 100) ............................. 27
Escamas medio-dorsales de tamano uniforme, sin escamas
pequenas intercaladas (Fig.



Figure 110. Four supracaudal scales per caudal segment in Norops beckeri (SMF 91288) from San Jose de Colinas, Santa
Barbara. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

Figure 111. Hemipenis bilobed in Norops wellbornae (SMF 84473) from Suchitepequez, Guatemala. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm.
Photograph by Gunther Kohler.


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 112. Hemipenis unilobed in Norops unilobatus (SMF 79366) from Isla de Utila, Islas de la Baha. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm.
Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

101) ...........................................
.... Norops heteropholidotus (p. 70)
B. Pequen as escamas irregularmente intercaladas entre las
medio-dorsales que son mas
grandes (Fig. 102).................
............ Norops muralla (p. 110)
28 A. Escamas dorsales aplanadas,
yuxtapuestas, hexagonales
(Fig. 103); abanico gular en
machos naranja-amarillento en
vida (Fig. 44); especie semiacuatica, vive a lo largo de
arroyos en el noreste de Honduras ... Norops oxylophus (p. 126)
B. Escamas dorsales ligeramente
quilladas y subimbricadas
(Fig. 104) hasta distintivamente quilladas y imbricadas
(Fig. 105), no hexagonales;
abanico gular en machos no

de color naranja-amarillento
en vida ................................. 29
29 A. Escamas medio-ventrales ligeramente quilladas o lisas, no
mucronadas (Figs. 99100) .... 30
B. Escamas medio-ventrales de distintivamente a fuertemente
quilladas (Fig. 106), frecuentemente mucronadas, o si las
medio-ventrales estan ligeramente quilladas, el abanico
gular de los machos es cafe en
vida, usualmente con un punto
grande de color cafe oscuro .... 34
30 A. Ventrales granulares o conicas,
subimbricadas o no (Fig. 107);
piernas relativamente cortas
(punta del cuatro dedo del pie
cuando las piernas se doblan
hacia la parte anterior del
cuerpo, no llega mas alla del



Figure 113. Subimbricate to imbricate ventral scales in Norops cupreus (SMF 91254) from Bachi Kiamp, Gracias a Dios. Scale
bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

hombro); usualmente 4 (raramente 3 o 5) hileras de loreales;

supraoculares lisas o debilmente quilladas (Fig. 5) .......... 31
B. Ventrales planas y distintivamente imbricadas (Fig. 108);
piernas relativamente largas
(punta del cuatro dedo del
pie cuando las piernas se
doblan hacia la parte anterior
del cuerpo, no llega mas alla de
la abertura otica); 5 o mas
(raramente 4) hileras de loreales; supraoculares distintivamente quillidas (Fig. 23) ....... 32
31 A. Cinco escamas supracaudales
presente por cada segmento
caudal (Fig. 109); se encuentran solamente en la Isla de
Utila ... Norops utilensis (p. 196)
B. Cuatro escamas supracaudales
presente por cada segmento

caudal (Fig. 110); se encuentran en el norte de Honduras ............ Norops beckeri (p. 22)
32 A. Abanico gular en machos naranja-rojo con un punto grande
central de color azul en vida
(Fig. 24); abanico gular en
hembras bien desarrolado,
amarillo con un punto central
grande de la color azul en vida
(Fig. 24); LHC hasta 73 mm
en machos, 68 mm en hembras ... Norops johnmeyeri (p. 74)
B. Abanico gular en machos rosado
con un punto purpura o de
color uniformente purpura en
vida; abanico gular en hembras
bien dessarollado, pero mas
pequeno que el abanico gular
de machos, y usualmente de
color similar al del macho;
LHC hasta 59 mm en machos,
60 mm en hembras ............... 33


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 114. Conspicuous lines radiating outward from eye in Norops lemurinus (SMF 85887) from Raudal Kiplatara, Gracias a
Dios. Scale bar 5 5.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

Figure 115. Ventral scales mucronate and imbricate in Norops lemurinus (SMF 85885) from Raudal Kiplatara, Gracias a Dios.
Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.



Figure 116. Sulcal branches of hemipenis opening into broad concave area distal to bifurcation on each lobe in Norops bicaorum
(SMF 81127) from Isla de Utila, Islas de la Baha, Honduras. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

33 A. Abanico gular en machos purpura en vida (Fig. 50); 69 (en

promedio 7.7) escamas entre
las cantales secundarias; escamas de la hocico multicarinadas (Fig. 49); 610 (en promedio 8.5) escamas entre las
cantales posteriores ...............
... Norops purpurgularis (p. 141)
B. Abanico gular en machos rosa
con un punto central purpura
en vida (Fig. 48); 612 (en
promedio 8.6) escamas entre
las cantales secundarias; escamas de la hocico unicarinadas
(Fig. 47); 715 (en promedio
9.9) escamas entre las cantales
posteriores ............................
........... Norops pijolense (p. 137)
34 A. Abanico gular en machos amarillento naranja con un punto
grande de color azul en vida
(Fig. 74); piernas cortas (punta

del cuatro dedo del pie cuando

las piernas se doblan hacia la
parte anterior del cuerpo, llego
entre el hombro y la abertura
otica, raramente mas alla de la
apetura otica) ....................... 35
B. Abanico gular en machos cafe o
alguno color de rojo en vida;
piernas relativamente largas
(punta del cuatro dedo del
pie cuando las piernas se
doblan hacia la parte anterior
del cuerpo, llego entre la
abertura otica y el anterior
margen del ojo, usualmente
mas alla del margen posterior
del ojo) ................................ 36
35 A. Hemipenes bilobulados (Fig.
111); se encuentra en la vertiente del Pac fico en el
sur .. Norops wellbornae (p. 205)
B. Hemipenes unilobulados (Fig.
112); se encuentra en la ver-


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Figure 117. Sulcal branches of hemipenis extending to tip of each lobe in Norops lemurinus (SMF 80816) from Caobita,
Olancho, Honduras. Scale bar 5 1.0 mm. Photograph by Gunther Kohler.

tiente del Caribe, incluyendo

varios valles interiores en el
sur-central Honduras ............
........ Norops unilobatus (p. 189)
36 A. Abanico gular en machos cafe en
vida, usualmente con un punto
grande de color cafe oscuro
(Fig. 18); sin unas lneas conspicuas de color cafe oscuro
que radian hacia fuera del ojo;
LHC ma xima aproximadamente 53 mm; escamas ventrales no mucronadas y variando de subimbricadas a
imbricadas (Fig. 113) ............
.............. Norops cupreus (p. 55)
B. Abanico gular en machos alguno
color de rojo en vida; lneas
conspicuas de color cafe oscuro que radian hacia fuera del
ojo presente (Fig. 114); LHC

maxima 6286 mm; escamas

ventrales mucronadas e imbricadas (Fig. 115) .................... 37
37 A. Abanico gular en machos sin
influencia de pigmento negro
en la parte central, frecuentemente con escamas gorgetales
con un borde negro o cafe
oscuro (Fig. 30); 56 mm LHC
promedio en machos; 58 (raramente 9) hileras de escamas
loreales horizontales; se encuentran en los Cayos Cochinos y el continente................
.......... Norops lemurinus (p. 87)
B. Abanico gular en machos con
influencia de pigmento negro
en el centro y principalmente
con escamas gorgetales blancas
(Fig. 54); 810 (raramente 6 o
7) hileras de escamas loreales


horizontales; se encuentran en
la Isla de Roatan o en la Isla de
Utila .................................... 38
38 A. LHC promedio en machos
aproximadamente 64 mm,
hembras aproximadamente
66 mm; ramas sulcal de hemipenis abiertas a una zona amplia concava distal a punta de
bifurcacion en cada lobulo (Fig.
116); baja processus alsulcado
presente; endemicos a la Isla de
Utila ..... Norops bicaorum (p. 27)
B. LHC promedio en machos
aproximadamente 56 mm,
hembras aproximadamente
58 mm; ramas sulcal de hemipenis continuan para la punta
de cada lobulo (Fig. 117);
processus alsulcado ausente;
endemicos a la Isla de Roatan
....... Norops roatanensis (p. 151)
The systematic relationships of anoles
continue to be a fertile ground for future
studies performing phylogenetic analyses of
combined morphological and molecular
data. Guyer and Savage (1987, 1992) and
Savage and Guyer (1989) have been proponents of dividing the large genus Anolis
(sensu lato, with close to 400 recognized
species) into eight genera based on cladistic
analyses of morphological, karyological, and
biochemical data. Recently, Nicholson et al.
(2012; also see Pyron et al., 2013) again
proposed an eight-genera concept of the
anoles (see the section Justification for the
use of the generic name Norops in our
Although there are problems with the
Nicholson et al. (2012) generic study (i.e.,
the most obvious is the relatively few
number of species utilized in their molecular analyses), we think that those problems will be resolved by incorporating
molecular data with more detailed morphological study, including many addition-


al species. In this section, we are only

interested in species group relationships
based on combined morphological and
molecular data.
Of the 39 named species of anoles
(Dactyloidae) occurring in Honduras, one
is a member of the genus Anolis of
Nicholson et al. (2012), and the remaining
38 represent the beta group Norops. The
only nonbeta species in Honduras is A.
allisoni. Anolis allisoni belongs to the A.
carolinensis subgroup (Glor et al., 2005) or
A. carolinensis species group (Ruibal, 1964;
Williams, 1976a; Nicholson et al., 2012).
Anolis carolinensis is the type species of the
genus Anolis.
Nicholson et al. (2012) placed the 175
nominal species of Norops they recognized
(including one species known only as a
fossil) into three species groups, two of
which occur in Honduras (the N. auratus
and N. sagrei groups). Nicholson et al.
(2012) only had molecular data for 69 of the
150 species (46.0%) included in their N.
auratus species group. Also, only 18 of 36
(50.0%) species in their N. auratus group
occurring in Honduras were studied. The
numbers of recognized species of the N.
sagrei group were better represented; 13 of
the 18 (72.2%) species in their N. sagrei
group were subjected to a phylogenetic
analysis based on combined data sets.
The Norops sagrei group, is represented
in Honduras by only two species, N. nelsoni
and N. sagrei (populations of the latter in
Honduras are probably introduced). The 36
species of anoles of the N. auratus species
group occurring in Honduras are placed in
10 species subgroups (31 species), with five
species left as incertae sedis within the N.
auratus group (Table 5). For these results,
we used the data in Nicholson (2002
nuclear DNA data), Nicholson et al.
(2005combined nuclear and mtDNA data
sets; 2012combined data sets), Poe
(2004combined data sets), and our morphological data on Honduran species. In
total, we recognize one species group for
the lone Anolis species (A. carolinensis
group) and two species groups (N. auratus


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1




Anolis: 1
Anolis carolinensis species group


Nicholson et al., 2012; also see Ruibal and Williams, 1961;
Ruibal, 1964; Williams, 1976a

Norops: 38 species
Norops auratus species group
Norops biporcatus species subgroup
Norops crassulus species subgroup
Norops cupreus species subgroup
Norops fuscoauratus species subgroup
Norops laeviventris species subgroup
Norops lemurinus species subgroup
Norops lionotus species subgroup
Norops pentaprion species subgroup
Norops schiedii species subgroup
Norops sericeus species subgroup
Incertae sedis
Norops sagrei species group

Nicholson et al., 2012

Williams, 1976b

Williams, 1976b
Myers, 1971b; Williams, 1976b

Nicholson et al., 2012; also see Williams, 1976a



Map 40. Map of Honduras showing the boundaries of the 18 departments. The Islas del Cisne shown on Map 20 belong to
Gracias a Dios.

and N. sagrei) for the 38 Honduran species

of Norops. Our N. sagrei group includes two
species, whereas our N. auratus group
contains 36 species in 10 subgroups, with
five species left as incertae sedis (Table 5).
Brief discussions of these placements are
also made in the Results for each species
Distribution within Departments
The distribution by departments of the 39
anole species of Honduras is shown in
Table 6 (Map 40 shows the distributions of
the 18 departments). The total number of
species by departments ranges from a high
of 16 species in Cortes and 15 in Olancho to
a low of one species in Valle. Both Cortes
and Olancho are relatively large departments that contain terrain that extends from
low to intermediate elevations (from near
sea level to over 2,200 m). Both Cortes and

Olancho also have terrain that includes

various ecological regimes (Lowland Moist
Forest, Lowland Dry Forest, Premontane
Wet Forest, Premontane Moist Forest, and
Lower Montane Wet Forest). Other departments with high species numbers include
Atlantida and Santa Barbara (each with 13
species), Copan, Gracias a Dios, and Yoro
(each with 12 species), and Colon (with 10
species). Four of these high-species departments (Atlantida, Copan, Santa Barbara,
and Yoro) also contain terrain with extensive
elevation ranges and varied ecological regimes. On the other hand, Colon and
Gracias a Dios lie largely (Colon) or almost
entirely (Gracias a Dios) in the lowlands
(below 600 m elevation). All eight highspecies departments lie entirely on the
Atlantic versant. The three departments
with the lowest number of anole species
are Valle (one species), Choluteca (two
species), and Ocotepeque (two species).
Both Valle and Choluteca lie entirely on
the depauperate subhumid Pacific versant

Anolis allisoni
Norops amplisquamosus
Norops beckeri
Norops bicaorum

Norops biporcatus
Norops capito

Norops carpenteri

Norops crassulus

Norops cupreus

Norops cusuco

Norops heteropholidotus
Norops johnmeyeri

Norops kreutzi
Norops laeviventris

Norops lemurinus
Norops limifrons

Norops loveridgei
Norops morazani

Norops muralla

Norops nelsoni

Norops ocelloscapularis

Norops oxylophus

Norops petersii

Norops pijolense

Norops purpurgularis
Norops quaggulus

Norops roatanensis

Norops rodriguezii

Norops rubribarbaris

Norops sagrei
Norops sminthus

Norops tropidonotus
Norops uniformis
Norops unilobatus
Norops utilensis

Norops wampuensis











































Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1







Norops wellbornae
Norops yoroensis
Norops zeus

















and Ocotepeque also contains terrain on the

Pacific versant, but additionally contains
terrain extending to above 2,200 m elevation
on both the Pacific and Atlantic versants.
Thus, Ocotepeque appears to be understudied. As demonstrated for the amphibian
and snake faunas (McCranie, 2007b, 2011,
respectively), Valle also appears to be
understudied when compared with the
neighboring Choluteca (two species).
Distribution within Forest Formations and
by Elevation
The distribution of the 39 anole species
by nine forest formations is shown in
Table 7 and Map 41 shows the distributions
of these formations. The Montane Rainforest formation is not included because no
anole species are known from that formation. The following distributional categories
are used: widespread (occurs widely in a
particular formation in Honduras, as well as
in at least one other formation in Honduras); restricted (restricted to a single
formation in Honduras); and peripheral
(barely enters a particular forest formation
in Honduras). Tables 7 and 8 demonstrate
the following numbers of anole species from
each formation and their distributional
categories (from highest to lowest number
of species in each formation; forest formation abbreviations are as defined in Table 7): PWF23 total species (18 widespread, 5 peripheral); LMF21 total
species (13 widespread, 7 restricted, 1
peripheral); LMWF17 total species (11
widespread, 3 restricted, 3 peripheral);
LDF9 total species (7 widespread, 2
peripheral); PMF9 total species (5 widespread, 4 peripheral); LAF5 total species
(5 widespread); LMMF5 total species (3
widespread, 1 restricted, 1 peripheral);
PDF3 total species (3 widespread); and
LDF(WI)1 total species (1 restricted).
The three formations with the highest
numbers of species are mesic formations
on the Atlantic versant. The mean number
of formations inhabited by the 39 anole
species is 2.4. The highest total number of

Species (39)
Anolis allisoni
Norops amplisquamosus
Norops beckeri
Norops bicaorum
Norops biporcatus
Norops capito
Norops carpenteri
Norops crassulus
Norops cupreus
Norops cusuco
Norops heteropholidotus
Norops johnmeyeri
Norops kreutzi
Norops laeviventris
Norops lemurinus
Norops limifrons
Norops loveridgei
Norops morazani
Norops muralla
Norops nelsoni
Norops ocelloscapularis
Norops oxylophus
Norops petersii
Norops pijolense
Norops purpurgularis
Norops quaggulus
Norops roatanensis
Norops rodriguezii
Norops rubribarbaris
Norops sagrei
Norops sminthus
Norops tropidonotus
Norops uniformis
Norops unilobatus
Norops utilensis




























Range (m)
0ca. 1,400
ca. 5501,600




Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1







Species (39)
Norops wampuensis
Norops wellbornae
Norops yoroensis
Norops zeus








Range (m)



formations inhabited by an anole species is

eight (Norops tropidonotus).
Table 8 summarizes the absolute and
relative numbers for each of these distributional categories relative to the nine forest
formations under study. The following
conclusions are based on these data:
1. Widespread species are the most numerous in eight of the nine formations,
the exception being the LDF(WI), to
which a single anole species is restricted.
The percent representations of the
widespread species range from 0.0% in
the LDF(WI) to 100.0% in the LAF and
PDF formations, with an average value
of 69.9% for all nine formations.
2. The largest percentage of restricted
species is found in the LDF (WI)
formation (100.0%, but only one total
species). The next largest percentages for
restricted species are the LMF (33.3%),
LMMF (20.0), and LMWF (17.6). The
percentage representations for this group
range from 0.0% to 100.0%, with an
average value of only 12.9%. No anole
species are restricted to a single subhumid formation on the mainland of
Honduras, but N. wellbornae is restricted
in distribution to three subhumid forest
formations (LDF, LAF, and PMF formations). Restricted species are the least
commonly represented species.
3. Peripheral species are also poorly represented with an average of only 17.2%
per formation. They are absent in the
LAF, PDF, and LDF(WI) formations
and poorly represented in the LMF
(4.8%). Only the PMF (44.4%), LDF
(22.2%), PWF (21.7%), LMMF (20.0%),
and LMWF (17.6%) are relatively well
represented by peripheral species.
Anoles in Honduras range from sea level
to 2,285 m elevation (Table 7). Placing each
anole species into the elevational categories
of Stuart (1963) demonstrates the following:
(1) low elevations (0600 m), 21 species; (2)
moderate elevations (6011,500 m), 25
species; (3) intermediate elevations (1,501


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

2,700 m), 18 species. Mean elevation span

for anoles is 681.3 m.
The number of anole species found at
various elevations declines more or less
consistently with an increase in elevation
(Table 9). However, there are some slight
increases between elevations of 600 and
700 m (two species), 1,100 and 1,200 m (one
species), 1,200 and 1,300 m (two species),
and 1,500 and 1,600 m (two species).
Marked decreases in numbers of species
occur between 100 and 200 m (seven
species), 1,600 and 1,700 m (four species),
1,900 and 2,000 m (two species), and 2,000
and 2,100 m (five species).
Distribution within Physiographic Regions
The distribution of Honduran anole
species in 11 physiographic regions is shown
in Table 10 (Map 42 shows the distributions
of 10 of these physiographic regions; see
Map 20 for the Swan Islands physiographic
region). The physiographic regions and
number of anole species known for each
region are as follows (from highest to lowest
number of species; physiographic region
abbreviations as in Table 8): NC, 29 species;
MC, 11 species; SC, 11 species; NDP, 8
species; UCP, 7 species; ANP, 7 species; BI,
6 species; MP, 4 species; PLR, 2 species;
CC, 2 species; and SI, 1 species. The two
regions with the highest numbers of species
are also those having the greatest areas.
Contrariwise, the two with the smallest
areas harbor the lowest numbers of species.
The Northern Cordillera, in addition to
being the largest area, also contains the
most complex topography (ranges from near
sea level to 2,744 m) and vegetation
(containing six of the nine ecological formations), so it is not surprising that it contains
the largest number of species.
Each of the 39 anole species occurs in
from one to eight physiographic regions,
with the average being 2.3 areas.
Distribution within Ecophysiographic Areas
The distribution of the Honduran anole
species by 34 of the 39 Honduran ecophy-

siographic areas is indicated in Table 11

(Map 43 shows the distributions of 38 of the
39 ecophysiographic areas; see Map 20 for
the Swan Islands ecophysiographic area).
The five areas not utilized remain poorly
known. The ecophysiographic areas and
their known total number of anole species
are as follows (from highest to lowest; area
names for each number are shown in
Table 12): Area 16, 13 species; Area 21, 12
species; Area 15, 11 species; Area 30, 11
species; Area 26, 10 species; Area 22, 9
species; Area 27, 9 species; Area 31, 8
species; Area 9, 7 species; Area 29, 7
species; Area 32, 6 species; Area 13, 5
species; Area 17, 5 species; Area 35, 5
species; Area 8, 4 species; Area 11, 4
species; Area 14, 4 species; Area 10, 3
species; Area 19, 3 species; Area 24, 3
species; Area 28, 3 species; Area 36, 3
species; Area 1, 2 species; Area 3, 2 species;
Area 7, 2 species; Area 23, 2 species; Area
33, 2 species; Area 38, 2 species; Area 5, 1
species; Area 12, 1 species; Area 18, 1
species; Area 20, 1 species; Area 37, 1
species; Area 39, 1 species.
The eight areas with the greatest numbers
of anole species (813 species) are all
Atlantic versant mesic areas that lie at either
low or moderate elevations. Of two areas
with the ninth greatest number (7) of anole
species (Areas 9 and 29), one lies in both
versants, but four of the seven anole species
are known only from the Atlantic versant in
that area. The other (Area 29) lies on the
Atlantic versant and is a low elevation
subhumid forest, but does have several mesic
gallery forest corridors. The next four areas
with the greatest numbers of anole species
(56) are all on the Atlantic versant, two of
which are mesic (Areas 32 and 17), one of
which (Area 13) lies largely in subhumid
forest at moderate elevations (with three of
its five total species known only from mesic
enclaves within that area), and one (Area 35)
is an island off the northern coast. The mean
number of ecophysiographic areas inhabited
by the anole species is 4.2.



Map 41. Forest formations (modified from Holdridge, 1967) of Honduras. A color version of this map is included in
McCranie (2011).

B. northern terminus of the range in

Mexico north of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and southern terminus in
Central America south of the Nicaraguan Depression;
C. northern terminus of the range in
Mexico north of the Isthmus of Te-

Broad Patterns of Geographic Distribution

The broad areas of geographic distribution used herein are as follows:

A. northern terminus of the range in Mexico
north of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and
southern terminus in South America;


Distributional Categories













Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1




Elevational Segments






huantepec and southern terminus in

Nuclear Middle America;
northern terminus of range in Nuclear
Middle America and southern terminus
in Central America south of the Nicaraguan Depression;
restricted to Nuclear Middle America
(exclusive of Honduran endemics);
endemic to Honduras (including insular
insular species (not including endemics);
introduced species.

The allocation of anole species to these

categories is as follows:
A. Norops biporcatus;
B. Norops lemurinus;
C. Norops laeviventris, N. petersii, N.
tropidonotus, N. uniformis;
D. Norops capito, N. carpenteri, N. cupreus, N. limifrons, N. oxylophus, N.
quaggulus, N. unilobatus;
E. Norops beckeri, N. crassulus, N. heteropholidotus, N. ocelloscapularis, N. rodriguezii, N. wellbornae;

F. Norops amplisquamosus, N. bicaorum,

N. cusuco, N. johnmeyeri, N. kreutzi, N.
loveridgei, N. morazani, N. muralla, N.
nelsoni, N. pijolense, N. purpurgularis,
N. roatanensis, N. rubribarbaris, N.
sminthus, N. utilensis, N. wampuensis,
N. yoroensis, N. zeus;
G. Anolis allisoni;
H. Norops sagrei.
The number of anole species in each
category is as follows (highest to lowest): F,
18 species (46.2% of total anole fauna); D, 7
species (17.9%); E, 6 species (15.4%); C, 4
species (10.3%); A, 1 species (2.6%); B, 1
species (2.6%); G, 1 species (2.6%); H, 1
species (2.6%).
This summary indicates that the largest
category (F) contains those species endemic
to Honduras (18 species). Category E
(restricted to Nuclear Middle America),
with six species, contains the third highest
total. Anole species, as a whole, are more
restricted in distribution than are the snakes
(McCranie, 2011). The Honduran endemic
anoles (46.2% of the total) and those species
otherwise restricted to Nuclear Middle
America (17.9%) make up well over half
(61.5%) of the total Honduran anole fauna
(versus 14.7% and 12.5% for a total of only
27.2% of the entire snake fauna).
Savage (1966, 1982), in pioneering works
discussing historical units of amphibian and
reptilian genera, placed the beta anoles
(Norops) in his Middle American Historical
Unit, thus postulating that their ancestral
beginnings were on the mainland of what is
now Central America. Savage (1982: 511)
defined that historical unit as derivative
groups of a generalized tropical American
biota isolated in tropical North and Central
America during most of Cenozoic; developed in situ north of the Panamanian Portal
and restricted by mountain building and
climatic change in late Cenozoic to Middle
America. Savage (1966, 1982) also placed


Species (39)

Anolis allisoni
Norops amplisquamosus
Norops beckeri
Norops bicaorum
Norops biporcatus
Norops capito
Norops carpenteri
Norops crassulus
Norops cupreus
Norops cusuco
Norops heteropholidotus
Norops johnmeyeri
Norops kreutzi
Norops laeviventris
Norops lemurinus
Norops limifrons
Norops loveridgei
Norops morazani
Norops muralla
Norops nelsoni
Norops ocelloscapularis
Norops oxylophus
Norops petersii
Norops pijolense
Norops purpurgularis
Norops quaggulus
Norops roatanensis
Norops rodriguezii
Norops rubribarbaris
Norops sagrei
Norops sminthus
Norops tropidonotus
Norops uniformis
Norops unilobatus
Norops utilensis
Norops wampuensis
Norops wellbornae
Norops yoroensis
Norops zeus






































Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 42. Physiographic regions of Honduras. (1) Pacific lowland region; (2) Motagua Plain of Caribbean lowland region; (3) UluaChamelecon Plain of Caribbean lowland region; (4) Nombre de Dios Piedmont of Caribbean lowland region; (5) Aguan-Negro
Plain of Caribbean lowland region; (6) Mosquitia Coast of Caribbean lowland region; (7) Northern Cordillera of Serrana region; (8)
Southern Cordillera of Serrana region; (9) Bay Islands; (10) Cayos Cochinos. See Map 20 for the location of region 11 (Swan
Islands or Islas del Cisne).

the alpha anoles in his South American

Historical Unit, postulating that their ancestors were derivatives of a generalized
tropical American biota that evolved in situ
in isolation in South America during most of
Cenozoic (Savage, 1982: 511). The affinities of the South American Historical Unit
were thought to be Gondwanian. Studies of
fossil records of pleurodont iguanians by
Estes (1983a, 1983b) led him to postulate
that the earliest ancestors of anoles had a
South American origin with later dispersal
northward, thus agreeing in general with
Savages conclusions.
Nicholson et al. (2005) recovered evidence of a West Indian origin for the
ancestors of the mainland and Bay Island
beta anoles (Norops). Nicholson et al.
(2005) postulated that the Norops clade
ancestors colonized Central and South
America from the West Indies and the A.
carolinensis ancestor colonized the southeastern United States from the West Indies.

Nicholson et al. (2012) studied a larger

suite of anoles using both morphological
and molecular data, and in the process
returned to the Savage (1966, 1982) conclusion that the anoles (Dactyloidae) originated in South America about 130 Ma.
Nicholson et al. (2012: 4) further postulated,
The complicated divergence and accretion
events that generated the current conformation of the Antillean islands, and eventually closed the Panamanian Portal, transported six island genera to their current
center of diversity on the Caribbean
Islands and leaving two genera on the
mainland (Dactyloa and Norops). Nicholson et al. (2012: 4) went on to say, Our
historical reconstruction makes Norops a
much older radiation than previous reconstructions, allowing basal diversification of
this species-rich lineage to occur on mainland terrains that eventually separated from
the mainland to become parts of Cuba and
Jamaica. This early diversification extended

Species (39)
Anolis allisoni
Norops amplisquamosus
Norops beckeri
Norops bicaorum
Norops biporcatus
Norops capito
Norops carpenteri
Norops crassulus
Norops cupreus
Norops cusuco
Norops heteropholidotus
Norops johnmeyeri
Norops kreutzi
Norops laeviventris
Norops lemurinus
Norops limifrons
Norops loveridgei
Norops morazani
Norops muralla
Norops nelsoni
Norops ocelloscapularis
Norops oxylophus
Norops petersii
Norops pijolense
Norops purpurgularis
Norops quaggulus
Norops roatanensis
Norops rodriguezii
Norops rubribarbaris
Norops sagrei
Norops sminthus
Norops tropidonotus
Norops uniformis
Norops unilobatus
Norops utilensis
Norops wampuensis
Norops wellbornae
Norops yoroensis
Norops zeus






























































Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 43. Ecophysiographic areas of Honduras: 1 5 Pacific Lowlands; 2 5 Middle Choluteca Valley; 3 5 Upper Choluteca Valley; 4 5
Comayagua Valley Rim; 5 5 Comayagua Valley; 6 5 Otoro Valley Rim; 7 5 Otoro Valley; 8 5 Southwestern Uplands; 9 5
Southeastern Uplands; 10 5 Southeastern Highlands; 11 5 Southwestern Highlands; 12 5 Guayape-Guayambre Valley; 13 5
Northeastern Uplands; 14 5 Northwestern Uplands; 15 5 Eastern Caribbean Slope; 16 5 Central Caribbean Slope; 17 5 North-central
Highlands; 18 5 Yoro Highlands; 19 5 Ocote Highlands; 20 5 Agalta Highlands; 21 5 Eastern Caribbean Lowlands; 22 5 East-central
Caribbean Lowlands; 23 5 San Esteban Valley; 24 5 Aguan Valley; 25 5 Aguan Valley Rim; 26 5 West-central Caribbean Lowlands;
27 5 Western Caribbean Lowlands; 28 5 Lower Motagua Valley; 29 5 Sula Valley; 30 5 Western Caribbean Slope; 31 5 Yojoa
Uplands; 32 5 Northwestern Highlands; 33 5 Santa Barbara Highlands; 34 5 Santa Barbara Peak; 35 5 Utila Island; 36 5 Roatan
Island; 37 5 Guanaja Island; 38 5 Cayos Cochinos. See Map 20 for the location of area 39 (Swan Islands or Islas del Cisne).

into northern South America, where a basal

lineage of Norops coevolved with Dactyloa
prior to the mainland-island separation.
Subsequently, Castaneda et al. (2014) provided evidence that the 130 Ma origin for
the anoles (Savage, 1966, 1982; Nicholson et
al., 2012) was in error and returned to
somewhere in the range of 4070 Ma as
previously estimated (see references in
Castaneda et al., 2014). Thus, the vicariant
explanation for the current distribution of
anoles on Caribbean islands is invalidated in
favor of overwater dispersal accounting for
their [the anoles] occurrence on these
[Caribbean] islands today remains [remaining] as the most robust hypothesis (Castaneda et al., 2014).
In regard to the more recent history of
Honduran anoles, Glor et al. (2005; also see
Schoener, 1988) concluded that A. allisoni

originated on Cuba. Anolis allisoni currently

occurs on Cuba, but the possibility exists
that the Central American and Cuban
populations might not be conspecific. However, if the one species concept is correct,
then that species apparently reached the
Islas de la Baha and Belizean and Mexican
islands by overwater dispersal, probably
aided by early human boat traffic. The
recent discoveries of A. allisoni on Isla de
Utila and the Honduran mainland at La
Ceiba are certainly of recent human transport. A genetic study of the Central
American island and mainland populations
of A. allisoni should solve the questions of
its origin in the region.
Regarding the more recent history of
Honduran components of the N. sagrei
species group, most workers (i.e., Nicholson
et al., 2005, 2012) consider the Central




Area No.

Area Name
Pacific Lowlands
Middle Choluteca Valley
Upper Choluteca Valley
Comayagua Valley Rim
Comayagua Valley
Otoro Valley Rim
Otoro Valley
Southwestern Uplands
Southeastern Uplands
Southeastern Highlands
Southwestern Highlands
Guayape-Guayambre Valley
Northeastern Uplands
Northwestern Uplands
Eastern Caribbean Slope
Central Caribbean Slope
North-central Highlands
Yoro Highlands
Ocote Highlands
Agalta Highlands
Eastern Caribbean Lowlands
East-central Caribbean Lowlands
San Esteban Valley
Aguan Valley
Aguan Valley Rim
West-central Caribbean Lowlands
Western Caribbean Lowlands
Lower Motagua Valley
Sula Valley
Western Caribbean Slope
Yojoa Uplands
Northwestern Highlands
Santa Barbara Highlands
Santa Barbara Peak
Utila Island
Roatan Island
Guanaja Island
Cayos Cochinos
Swan Islands

Forest Formation




The northernmost portions of these areas are on the Atlantic versant.

American mainland and associated island

populations (i.e., Cozumel, Mexico; Islas de
la Baha, Honduras) of N. sagrei to be
human-caused introductions from the West
Indies. As 15 of the 18 species (the
exceptions being N. luteosignifer [Garman,
1888], N. nelsoni, and N. ordinatus [Cope,
1864]) of the N. sagrei group (Nicholson et
al., 2012) currently occur on Cuba (although
all at some point have been considered
subspecies of N. sagrei), that island was
likely the source of some of those introduc-

tions to the Central American mainland and

associated islands. Similar genetic studies for
the N. sagrei species group to those just
discussed for A. allisoni would test that
In addition to the 18 Honduran anole
species endemic to Honduras, analysis of
the overall geographic distribution of the 20
remaining anole species (the probably


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1




From west and north

Norops crassulus
Norops heteropholidotus
Norops laeviventris
Norops ocelloscapularis
Norops petersii
Norops rodriguezii
Norops uniformis
Total 7
From east and south
Norops carpenteri
Norops cupreus
Norops limifrons
Norops oxylophus
Norops quaggulus
Total 5

introduced species N. sagrei is not included)

occurring in the country shows that an
additional 12 species have their known
distributional ranges terminating somewhere in Honduras (Table 13). A total of
30 (including the Honduran endemics) of
the 38 nonintroduced anole species (78.9%)
occurring in Honduras have their ranges
terminating in the country. Further analysis
of the 12 nonendemic species with their
ranges terminating in Honduras provide the
following patterns:
Category 1. From west and/or north. Four
of these seven species have their distributional ranges terminating in northwestern
Honduras (Norops ocelloscapularis, N.
petersii, N. rodriguezii, and N. uniformis).
Two species (N. crassulus and N. laeviventris) occur in isolated montane habitats extending to central Honduras. One
species (N. heteropholidotus) occurs in
isolated montane habitats only in the
southwestern portion of the country.
Category 2. From east and south. Two of
these five species (N. carpenteri and N.
oxylophus) are restricted to the Mosquitia
region of northeastern Honduras, whereas
two others (N. limifrons and N. quaggulus)
barely occur outside the Mosquitia in

north-central Honduras. The fifth species

in this category (N. cupreus) extends
through the Honduran Mosquitia to
north-central and southern Honduras.
Vulnerability Gauges
We use a modified environmental vulnerability gauge for Honduran anole populations, based on those developed for amphibian and other reptilian populations (see
Wilson et al., 2010; McCranie, 2011). Those
gauges were designed for establishment of a
set of conservation priorities for the Honduran reptiles and amphibians. Each gauge
has three components, with those for the
anole gauge discussed as follows:

The first component deals with the extent

of the geographic distribution of each
species as follows: 1 5 widespread in and
outside of Honduras; 2 5 distribution
peripheral to Honduras, but widespread
elsewhere; 3 5 distribution restricted to
Nuclear Middle America (exclusive of
Honduran endemics); 4 5 distribution
restricted to Honduras; 5 5 known only
from the vicinity of the type locality.
The second component deals with the
extent of the ecological distribution of
each species, based on a slightly modified
version of the forest formations of
Holdridge (1967), using the following
scale (omitting the Montane Rainforest,
from which no reptile species are known): 1
5 occurs in eight formations; 2 5 occurs
in seven formations; 3 5 occurs in six
formations; 4 5 occurs in five formations; 5
5 occurs in four formations; 6 5 occurs in
three formations; 7 5 occurs in two
formations; 8 5 occurs in one formation.
The third component considers the degree of human persecution. Since humans
in Honduras generally ignore all anole
species, we deviate from the environmental
gauges used previously and place all anole
species in a single category with a score of 1.







Total Score

Low (13 species):

Norops beckeri
Norops biporcatus
Norops capito
Norops cupreus
Norops laeviventris
Norops lemurinus
Norops limifrons
Norops rodriguezii
Norops sagrei
Norops tropidonotus
Norops uniformis
Norops unilobatus
Norops wellbornae





Medium (16 species):

Anolis allisoni
Norops carpenteri
Norops crassulus
Norops cusuco
Norops heteropholidotus
Norops johnmeyeri
Norops kreutzi
Norops loveridgei
Norops morazani
Norops ocelloscapularis
Norops oxylophus
Norops petersii
Norops quaggulus
Norops sminthus
Norops yoroensis
Norops zeus





High (10 species):

Norops amplisquamosus
Norops bicaorum
Norops muralla
Norops nelsoni
Norops pijolense
Norops purpurgularis
Norops roatanensis
Norops rubribarbaris
Norops utilensis
Norops wampuensis






All Honduran anole species are placed in

one of three categories, as indicated in
Table 14, with 13 species of low vulnerability (33.3% of total anole species), 16 species
of medium vulnerability (41.0%), and 10
species of high vulnerability (25.6%).

Of the 18 Honduran endemics, eight

(Norops cusuco, N. johnmeyeri, N. kreutzi,
N. loveridgei, N. morazani, N. sminthus, N.
yoroensis, and N. zeus) are classified as
having medium vulnerability. Seven of these
eight species (only lacking N. kreutzi; see


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1




Honduran endemics (18 species)
Norops amplisquamosus
Norops bicaorum
Norops cusuco
Norops johnmeyeri
Norops kreutzi
Norops loveridgei
Norops morazani
Norops muralla
Norops nelsoni
Norops pijolense
Norops purpurgularis
Norops roatanensis
Norops rubribarbaris
Norops sminthus
Norops utilensis
Norops wampuensis
Norops yoroensis
Norops zeus
Honduran species otherwise
restricted to Nuclear Middle
America (6 species)
Norops beckeri
Norops crassulus
Norops heteropholidotus
Norops ocelloscapularis
Norops rodriguezii
Norops wellbornae





Table 15) are thought to have stable populations somewhere within their known
ranges. Norops kreutzi is thought to have
all populations declining despite having
some pristine forest remaining within its
range. The remaining 10 Honduran endemics (N. amplisquamosus, N. bicaorum, N.
muralla, N. nelsoni, N. pijolense, N. purpurgularis, N. roatanensis, N. rubribarbaris,
N. utilensis, and N. wampuensis; see Table 14) fall into the high-vulnerability category. However, eight of these 10 species
(only lacking N. amplisquamosus and N.
wampuensis) are thought to have some
remaining stable populations (see Table 15)
because of either having some forest remaining where they occur or having adapted to
alternative habitats. The remaining two
Honduran endemics in the high-vulnerabil-

ity category (N. amplisquamosus and N.

wampuensis) appear to have all populations
declining. Pristine forest or seemingly suitable habitat remains for N. amplisquamosus,
whereas the few known localities of the N.
wampuensis have had their forest habitat
completely destroyed. The reason(s) for the
decline(s) of N. amplisquamosus is(are) not
understood, but climate change might have
had an effect. Forest in the vicinity of the
road where individuals of N. amplisquamosus were extremely common during the
1980s are no longer as moss covered as in
the past (JRM, personal observation); a sign
of the drying out of those forests.
IUCN Red List Categories
Each of the 39 anole species known to
occur in Hondurans was placed into one of
five categories (Table 16) using the criteria
developed by the IUCN. Examination of
Table 16 shows that three species (Norops
amplisquamosus, N. utilensis, and N. wampuensis) are classified as Critically Endangered, two species (N. cusuco and N. kreutzi)
as Endangered, and five species (N. morazani, N. muralla, N. pijolense, N. purpurgularis, and N. rubribarbaris) as vulnerable. All
10 of those species are Honduran endemics.
Six other Honduran endemics (N. bicaorum,
N. johnmeyeri, N. loveridgei, N. nelsoni, N.
roatanensis, and N. yoroensis) are classified
as Near Threatened, whereas two Honduran
endemics (N. sminthus and N. zeus) are
classified as species of Least Concern.
Anole Species Occurring in Protected Areas
As stated by McCranie (2011: 572, 576),
At first glance, Honduras appears to have
in place a robust system of protected areas,
especially when compared to nearby countries. However, most of those areas exist on
paper only. Usually only when a nongovernmental organization (NGO), financed
largely by donations from people living
outside of Honduras, is founded with the
purpose of conservation of a given area,
does some sort of an infrastructure exists.
Also, the distributional limits of many of












Anolis allisoni
Norops amplisquamosus
Norops beckeri
Norops bicaorum
Norops biporcatus
Norops capito
Norops carpenteri
Norops crassulus
Norops cupreus
Norops cusuco
Norops heteropholidotus
Norops johnmeyeri
Norops kreutzi
Norops laeviventris
Norops lemurinus
Norops limifrons
Norops loveridgei
Norops morazani
Norops muralla
Norops nelsoni
Norops ocelloscapularis
Norops oxylophus
Norops petersii
Norops pijolense
Norops purpurgularis
Norops quaggulus
Norops roatanensis
Norops rodriguezii
Norops rubribarbaris
Norops sagrei
Norops sminthus
Norops tropidonotus
Norops uniformis
Norops unilobatus
Norops utilensis
Norops wampuensis
Norops wellbornae
Norops yoroensis
Norops zeus














those areas are poorly defined. Despite

those and other problems, there is still
some good forest remaining in many protected areas in Honduras. Some of the
problems alluded to by McCranie (2011)
was the continued deforestation occurring
in many, if not all, of those areas. Unfortunately, that deforestation seems to have
accelerated in the last five years. McCranie
(2011) compiled a list of 30 areas in which
some forest remains and herpetological

collections have been made. One of those

areas, Rus Rus (area 23 in McCranie, 2011),
is not included herein because it is no
longer being considered for proposal as a
protected area; in addition 11 other areas
not discussed in McCranie (2011) are
added. Table 17 includes a list of main
forest type(s), sizes, and comments on 40
areas and Table 18 shows the distribution of
each anole species in those areas. Map 44
shows the general location of 39 of those


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1


Area (ha)

Main Forest Type(s)

1-PN Capiro y Calentura (5,566)


2-PN Celaque (26,639)


3-PN Cerro Azul (15,574)


4-PN Cerro Azul Meambar (20,789)

5-PN Cusuco (17,908)


6-PN El Merendon (35,182)


7-PN La Muralla (14,941)


8-PN La Tigra (8,768)


9-PN Montana Botaderos (38,214)


10-PN Montana de Comayagua

11-PN Montana de Yoro (15,468)
12-PN Montecristo-Trifinio (1,534)
13-PN Patuca (37,6448)



14-PN Pico Bonito (56,473)


15-PN Pico Pijol (11,453)


*16-PN Punta Izopo (6,405)


*17-PN Punta Sal, also called PN

Jeannette Kawas (37,996)
18-PN Santa Barbara (13,236)


19-PN Sierra de Agalta (51,837)


20-R Biosfera Ro Platano (829,779)


21-RA Tawahka (252,079)


22-RB Cerro El Uyuca (817)

23-RB Cordillera de Montecillos (13,191) PMF, LMMF
*24-RB El Chile (6,280)

Locked gate across only road accessing this park offers
protection to existing forest.
Large tract of forest S of visitors center. Western
section in Ocotepeque badly deforested.
Best tract of forest remaining is along western side
above San Isidro. Much of eastern portion badly
deforested, except highest peak above about
1,600 m elevation near Quebrada Grande.
Large tracts of both forest types present.
Core zone around El Cusuco well protected until
recently, much of lower elevations around flanks of
core zone under heavy human pressure.
Some primary or old secondary forest remaining in
more interior areas.
LMWF above visitors center well protected; some of
harder-to-reach PWF still preserved.
LMMF well protected, but much of PMF damaged
and/or burned annually.
Largely deforested with primary or old secondary
forest remaining only in highest reaches.
Much of park highly disturbed; some pine forest
Large tracts of forest remaining in harder-to-reach areas.
Some of higher reaches still forested.
Areas along rivers and trails heavily deforested. Forest
remaining in more interior areas.
Northern and western slopes and upper reaches
retain much forest, but interior along Ro Viejo and
tributaries heavily impacted by humans and
Hurricane Mitch.
Forest still remaining in some upper reaches and in a
few pockets in lower elevations.
Little forest remaining. Lagoons and swamps make up
much of park.
Lagoons and swamps make up much of park.
Apparently some pockets of forest remain.
Tracts of forest remain only above about 2,100 m
Much forest remains in core zone; area around flanks
of core zone much disturbed.
Large core zone of broadleaf forest remains, but
becoming more impacted every year; all of buffer
zone badly impacted, including broadleaf forest,
pine savanna, and freshwater lagoons and swamps.
Forest remains in places, but forests along all rivers
and trails badly impacted.
Pine and broadleaf forest remains at highest elevations.
A little forest remaining in highest reaches.
Apparently much of reserve still forested.




Area (ha)
25-RB El Pital (1,799)

Main Forest Type(s)


26-RB Guajiquiro (7,368)

27-RB Guisayote (hectares not
given in Sanchez et al.)
28-RB Hierba Buena (3,522)


29-RB Monserrat (2,241)


30-RB Opalaca (14,953)

31-RB Ro Kruta (115,107)


32-RVS Cuero y Salado (7,948)


33-RVS Erapuca (7,317)


34-RVS Laguna de Caratasca (133,749) LMF

35-RVS Mixcure (7,766)

36-RVS Texguat (15,810)


*37-PNM Cayos Cochinos (hectares not LWF

given in Sanchez et al.)
38-PNM Islas del Cisne (hectares not
given in Sanchez et al.)


39-AUM Isla del Tigre (588)


40-JB Lancetilla (1,010)


areas (see Map 20 for the Islas del Cisne).

Average protected area occurrence for the
39 anole species in Honduras is 3.8.
Examination of Table 18 demonstrates
that from 0 (Area 16 [not visited by us];
see Table 17 for area names) to 11 (Area 21)
anole species are known from a given area.
Since most anole species are easily collected
where they occur, we consider many of
these areas to be well studied regarding
their anole fauna. However, there are 15
areas (Areas 11, 1517, 2225, 2730, 32,
33, and 35) that could use additional survey
work to get a more accurate assessment of

Almost entirely deforested for agriculture. Unusually
heavy pesticide use.
Limited patches of forest remaining.
Limited patches of forest remaining.
Heavily impacted for agriculture; primary or
secondary forest remaining on higher elevations of
Cerro Cantagallo.
Limited patches of forest remaining, except on top at
communications tower.
Almost entirely deforested for agriculture.
Area along Ro Kruta and Ro Coco denuded, but
more inland broadleaf swamp forest and
freshwater marshes of little use to humans. Rising
sea levels a threat.
Lagoons and swamps make up much of park. Little
original forest remaining.
Tracts of little disturbed forest remain above about
2,000 m elevation.
Reserve made up largely of pine savanna and
cocotales, although largely disturbed, still offers
habitat for several species otherwise occurring only
in denuded subhumid forest in south and interior
valleys of country.
Higher portions show little human impact.
Little primary forest remaining. Much of reserve now
crop fields. Heavy logging also present.
Marine park also protects two largest islands. Primary
or old second growth forest remaining on parts of
both main islands.
Marine park also includes these difficult-to-reach
islands. Isla Pequena lacks good landing beaches
and mostly covered by karsted limestone of little
use to humans. Much shrub forest remaining.
Much of slopes covered with second growth forest;
lagoon on naval base is restricted access.
Botanical gardens with many species of introduced
trees and some old secondary forest preserved.

the actual number of anole species in those

areas. It is expected that one or two
additional anole species will be shown to
occur in each of those 15 areas.
Five of the 39 anole species known from
Honduras have not been collected from any
of the 40 protected areas (Table 18). One of
these five species is the probably introduced
N. sagrei; thus, that species is of little
concern for conservation issues (in addition
N. sagrei thrives in edificarian situations, so
would be of no concern even if native).
Three of the four remaining species not
known from any of the 40 protected areas


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1








Species (39)
Anolis allisoni
Norops amplisquamosus
Norops beckeri
Norops bicaorum
Norops biporcatus
Norops capito
Norops carpenteri
Norops crassulus
Norops cupreus
Norops cusuco
Norops heteropholidotus
Norops johnmeyeri
Norops kreutzi
Norops laeviventris
Norops lemurinus
Norops limifrons
Norops loveridgei
Norops morazani
Norops muralla
Norops nelsoni
Norops ocelloscapularis
Norops oxylophus
Norops petersii
Norops pijolense
Norops purpurgularis
Norops quaggulus
Norops roatanensis
Norops rodriguezii
Norops rubribarbaris
Norops sagrei
Norops sminthus
Norops tropidonotus
Norops uniformis
Norops unilobatus
Norops utilensis
Norops wampuensis
Norops wellbornae
Norops yoroensis
Norops zeus








(N. bicaorum, N. roatanensis, and N.

utilensis) are Honduran endemics that are
restricted to either Isla de Roatan or Isla de
Utila in the Islas de la Baha. There are no
land areas on either Roatan or Utila
officially designated as protected, and the
NGO Bay Island Conservation Association has been unable to slow down the
increased development of these islands that
exploded during the 1990s and continues to
this day (Stonich, 2000; McCranie et al.,

















2005; JRM, personal observation). However, one of those Bay Island endemic species
(N. roatanensis) has adapted well to altered
habitats and will probably retain healthy
populations into at least the near future.
Norops bicaorum, a close relative of N.
roatanensis, on the other hand, appears to
be declining in its similarly altered habitat
on Isla de Utila (but still remains common,
but seemingly down from its former exceedingly abundant category). Norops uti-























lensis needs to have its remaining mangrove

habitat on Utila protected from human
destruction, or it might not survive for the
long term (N. utilensis has recently been
found several times outside of mangrove
habitat; hopefully that signifies an adaptation to other habitat types as its primary
habitat is altered). The remaining species
not known from any of the 40 protected
areas (N. carpenteri) is known from two
nearby localities in the Honduran Mosqui-















tia, where much primary forest remains, and

it likely occurs in at least one of the
protected areas in that region.
McCranie (2011) and Townsend and
Wilson (2010a) provided additional discussions of conservation issues affecting Honduras. The interested reader is referred to
those publications for more Honduran
conservation information. However, and
unfortunately, deforestation throughout
Honduras has accelerated in recent years,


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

Map 44. The general locations of some protected areas of Honduras with forest remaining: 1 5 Capiro and Calentura National
Park; 25 Celaque National Park; 3 5 Cerro Azul National Park; 4 5 Cerro Azul Meambar National Park; 5 5 Cusuco National
Park; 6 5 El Merendon National Park; 7 5 La Muralla National Park; 8 5 La Tigra National Park; 9 5 Montana Botaderos National
Park; 10 5 Montana de Comayagua National Park; 11 5 Montana de Yoro National Park; 12 5 Montecristo-Trifinio National Park;
13 5 Patuca National Park; 14 5 Pico Bonito National Park; 15 5 Pico Pijol National Park; 16 5 Punta Izopo National Park; 17 5
Punta Sal National Park; 18 5 Santa Barbara National Park; 19 5 Sierra de Agalta National Park; 20 5 Ro Platano Biosphere
Reserve; 21 5 Tawahka Anthropological Reserve; 22 5 Cerro El Uyuca Biological Reserve; 23 5 Cordillera de Montecillos
Biological Reserve; 24 5 El Chile Biological Reserve; 25 5 El Pital Biological Reserve; 26 5 Guajiquiro Biological Reserve; 27 5
Guisayote Biological Reserve; 28 5 Hierba Buena Biological Reserve; 29 5 Monserrat Biological Reserve; 30 5 Opalaca
Biological Reserve; 31 5 Ro Kruta Biological Reserve; 32 5 Cuero and Salado Wildlife Refuge; 33 5 Erapuca Wildlife Refuge; 34
5 Laguna de Caratasca Wildlife Refuge; 35 5 Mixcure Wildlife Refuge; 36 5 Texguat Wildlife Refuge; 37 5 Cayos Cochinos
Marine National Park; 39 5 Islas del Tigre Multiple Use Area; 40 5 Lancetilla Botanical Gardens. See Map 20 for the location of
area 38 (Swan Islands or Islas del Cisne).

including inside the 40 protected areas.

Despite the illegality of cutting down forests
inside protected areas and those along
water courses throughout the entire country, those laws are not enforced and are
completely ignored (from the campesinos to
those at the top of ICF). Thus, there is no
deterrent to stop those illegal activities and
with the increasing human population
growth, matters will only get worse.
Collecting and exportation permits have
been provided over the years by personnel
of the Direccion General de Recursos
Naturales Renovables, the Departamentos

de Areas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre de la

Corporacion Hondurena de Desarrollo Forestal (DAPVS/AFE-COHDEFOR), and the
Instituto Nacional de Conservacion y Desarrollo Forestal, Areas Protegidas y Vida
Silvestre (ICF). Lic. Iris Acosta, Lic. Carla
Carcamo de Martnez, Lic. Franklin E.
Castaneda, Lic. Sad Lanez, and especially
Leonardo Valdes Orellana have been helpful during the last 10 years.
Field assistance in our pursuit of Honduran anoles has been provided over the
years by the following individuals: Damian
Almendarez, Breck Bartholomew, Franklin
E. Castaneda, Juan R. Collart, Gustavo A.
Cruz, Gary Dodge, Mario R. Espinal,


Gerardo A. Flores, Steve W. Gotte, Dalmacia Green, the late Emiliano Green, the late
Mario Guiffaro, Alexander Gutsche, Alexis
Harrison, Eric Hedl, John Himes, Elke
Kohler, Jonathan Losos, Tomas Manzanares,
Emiliano Meraz, Kirsten E. Nicholson, Louis
Porras, John Rindfleish, Javier Rodriguez,
Jose M. Solis, Josiah H. Townsend, Leonardo
Valdes Orellana, Rony Valle Ocho, Kenneth
L. Williams, and Larry D. Wilson.
The following curators and other museum
personnel facilitated loans or provided
laboratory space for our examinations of
specimens: Margaret Arnold, David Dickey,
Darrel Frost, David Kizirian (AMNH); Ted
Daeschler, Ned S. Gilmore (ANSP); Jack
W. Sites (BYU); Jens Vindum (CAS); the
late Clarence J. McCoy, Stephen P. Rogers
(CM); Kathleen M. Kelly, Alan Resetar
(FMNH); Chris Mayer, John E. Petzing,
Chris A. Phillips (INHS); Andrew Campbell, William E. Duellman, Jamie Oaks,
John Simmons, Linda Trueb (KU); Rick
Feeney, Jeff Seigel (LACM); Christopher
Austin (LSUMZ); James Hanken, Jose
Rosado (MCZ); Carol Spencer, David B.
Wake (MVZ); Laura Abraczinskas (MSUM);
Ross MacCullogh, Robert W. Murphy
(ROM); Brad Hollingsworth, Robert E.
Lovich (SDSNH); Toby Hibbits (TCWC);
David C. Cannatella, Travis La Duc
(TNHC); Kenneth L. Krysko (UF); Chris
Phillips, Steven D. Sroka (UIMNH); Ronald
Nussbaum, Gregory Schneider (UMMZ);
Gustavo A. Cruz, Julio Merida (UNAH);
Steve W. Gotte, W. Ron Heyer, James
A. Poindexter (USNM); and Jonathan A.
Campbell, Carl J. Franklin, Eric N. Smith
(UTA). James A. Poindexter also helped
with some difficult-to-obtain literature, as
did Alexander Gutsche and Steven Poe.
The Marshall Field Fund (FMNH),
through the efforts of Alan Resetar, paid
part of McCranies expenses for fieldwork
during 20112012, and Jonathan Losos and
Melissa Woodley Aja were also helpful in
acquiring funds from the Barbour Fund
at the Museum of Comparative Zoology
(MCZ) for a trip to the Swan Islands during
December 2012. McCranie is extremely


grateful to those persons for their financial

Jay Savage reviewed an earlier draft of the
manuscript and Robert Lovich reexamined
the SDSNH series of Norops cupreus for us
to verify the presence of calyculate hemipenes in that series. Oscar Flores-Villela
translated the English version of the identification keys into Spanish, and Leonardo
Valdes Orellana made comments on the
Spanish version of those keys.
We are especial grateful to Kraig Ader,
Tim Perry, and the Society for the Study of
Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR) for permission to use several maps, including the
base map to plot the localities for the
species maps. Jonathan B. Losos and Steven
Poe thoroughly reviewed an earlier draft of
this manuscript and made many corrections
and helpful comments. Steven Poe, Josiah
H. Townsend, and Leonardo Valdes Orellana also provided one or more photographs
used herein.
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Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

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ESPINAL, M. R. 1993. Anfibios y reptiles del Parque
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einer VerwandtschaftsTafel und einem Verzeichnisse der ReptilienSammlung des K. K. Zoologischen Museums zu Wien. Vienna: Verlage von J.
G. Heubner (also reprinted by the Society for the
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FITZINGER, L. 1843. Systema Reptilium. Fasciculus

Primus. Amblyglossae. Vindobonae, Austria: Braumuller et Seidel Bibliopolas (also reprinted by the
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Anolis: Im Biotop und Terrarium. Munster,
Germany: Natur und TierVerlag.
Nuevas especies y cambios taxonomicos para la
herpetofauna de Mexico. Acta Zoologica Mexicana
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Record 65(14): 172.
FRANKLIN, C. J., AND J. FRANKLIN. 1999a. Geographic
distribution. Anolis biporcatus (giant green anole).
Herpetological Review 30: 109.
FRANKLIN, C. J., AND J. FRANKLIN. 1999b. Geographic
distribution. Anolis capito (big-headed anole).
Herpetological Review 30: 109.
FROST, D. R., AND R. ETHERIDGE. 1989. A phylogenetic
analysis and taxonomy of iguanian lizards (Reptilia:
Squamata). The University of Kansas Museum of
Natural History, Miscellaneous Publication 81: 1
2001. Total evidence, sequence alignment, evolution of polychrotid lizards, and a reclassification of
the Iguania (Squamata: Iguania). American Museum Novitates 3343: 138.
FUGLER, C. M. 1968. The distributional status of Anolis
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GLOR, R. E., J. B. LOSOS, AND A. LARSON. 2005. Out of
Cuba: overwater dispersal and speciation among
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GLOR, R. E., L. J. VITT, AND A. LARSON. 2001. A
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GUTSCHE, A. 2005. The worlds most endangered anole?
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2004. Field observations on a nesting site of Norops
utilensis Kohler, 1996 (Reptilia, Squamata) with
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GUYER, C., AND M. A. DONNELLY. 2005. Amphibians and
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GUYER, C., AND J. M. SAVAGE. 1992. Anole systematics
revisited. Systematic Biology 41: 89110.
GUZMAN, E. C., AND V. H. REYNOSO. 2008. Natural
history notes. Anolis uniformis (Lesser Scaly
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HAHN, D. E. 1971. Noteworthy herpetological records
from Honduras. Herpetological Review 3: 111112.
HALLMEN, M., AND A. HUY. 2012. Natural history notes.
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HALLMEN, S. 2011. Neues aus Utilareloaded. Iguana
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HALLOWELL, E. 1857 (dated 1856). Notes on the reptiles
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HEDGES, S. B. 2013. Revision shock in taxonomy.
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HEDGES, S. B., AND C. E. CONN. 2012. A new skink
fauna from Caribbean islands (Squamata, Mabuyidae, Mabuyinae). Zootaxa 3288: 1244.
Molecular phylogeny, classification, and biogeography of West Indian racer snakes of the tribe
Alsophiini (Squamata, Dipsadidae, Xenodontinae).
Zootaxa 2067: 128.
N. VIDAL. 2014. A taxonomic framework for
typhlopid snakes from the Caribbean and other


regions (Reptilia, Squamata). Caribbean Herpetology 49: 161.

HENDERSON, R. W. 1972. Notes on the reproduction of
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HENDERSON, R. W., AND R. POWEL. 2004. Thomas
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the West Indies. Bonner zoologische Beitrage 52:
HENDERSON, R. W., AND R. POWELL. 2009. Natural
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Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
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effects of body size. Oecology 140: 160168.
HOLBROOK, J. D. 2012. Natural history notes. Anolis
sagrei (Brown Anole). Prey. Herpetological Review
43: 641.
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HOLM, P. A., AND G. A. CRUZ D. 1994: A new species of
Rhadinaea (Colubridae) from a cloud forest in
northern Honduras. Herpetologica 50: 1523.
HUDSON, D. M. 1981. Blood parasitism incidence
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1997. A comparison of evolutionary radiations in
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forest. Journal of Herpetology 7: 309311.
KLUGE, A. G. 1984. Type-specimens of reptiles in the
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Miscellaneous Publications Museum of Zoology,
University of Michigan 167: iii, 185.
A. MORITZ. 2007. Genetic and morphometric
differentiation among island populations of two
Norops lizards (Reptilia: Sauria: Polychrotidae) on
independently colonized islands of the Islas de
Bahia (sic) (Honduras). Journal of Biogeography
34: 11241135.
KOHLER, G. 1991. Das Portrait. Norops capito (Peters).
Sauria 13: 12.
KOHLER, G. 1994. Sobre la Sistematica y Ecologia de
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la Baha, Honduras. Located at: Tegucigalpa,
Honduras: Report Submitted to Corporacion
Hondurena Desarrolo Forestal (AFE COHDEFOR).
KOHLER, G. 1995. Freilanduntersuchungen zur Mor kologie von Ctenosaura bakeri und
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C. oedirhina auf den Islas de la Bahia, Honduras,
mit Bemerkungen zur Schutzproblematik. Salamandra 31: 93106.
KOHLER, G. 1996a. A new species of anole of the Norops
pentaprion group from Isla de Utila, Honduras


Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

(Reptilia: Sauria: Iguanidae). Senckenbergiana

biologica 75: 2331.
KOHLER, G. 1996b. Additions to the known herpetofauna of Isla de Utila (Islas de la Bahia [sic],
Honduras) with the description of a new species of
the genus Norops (Reptilia: Sauria: Iguanidae).
Senckenbergiana biologica 76: 1928.
KOHLER, G. 1996c. Notes on a collection of reptiles
from El Salvador collected between 1951 and
1956. Senckenbergiana biologica 76: 2938.
KOHLER, G. 1996d. [Cover photographs]. Iguana
Rundschreiben 9(1): front and back covers.
KOHLER, G. 1998a. Das Schutz- und Forschungsprojekt
Utila-Schwarzleguan. Natur und Museum 128: 44
KOHLER, G. 1998b. Herpetologische Beobachtungen in
Honduras I. Die Islas de la Baha. Natur und
Museum 128: 372383.
KOHLER, G. 1999a. Eine neue Saumfingerart der
Gattung Norops von der Pazifikseite des nordlichen Mittelamerika. Salamandra 35: 3752.
KOHLER, G. 1999b. Herpetologische Beobachtungen in
Honduras II. Das ComayaguaBecken. Natur und
Museum 129: 212217.
KOHLER, G. 1999c. The amphibians and reptiles of
Nicaragua. A distributional checklist with keys.
Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 213: 1
KOHLER, G. 1999d. Amphibien und Reptilien im
Hochland von Nicaragua. Die Aquarien und
Terrarien Zeitschrift 52(4): 4854.
KOHLER, G. 2000. Reptilien und Amphibien Mittelamerikas. Band 1: Krokodile, Schildkroten, Echsen.
Offenbach, Germany: Herpeton, Verlag Elke
KOHLER, G. 2001a. Type material and use of the name
Anolis bourgeaei Bocourt (Sauria: Polychrotidae).
Copeia 2001: 274275.
KOHLER, G. 2001b. Anfibios y Reptiles de Nicaragua.
Offenbach, Germany: Herpeton, Verlag Elke
KOHLER, G. 2003. Reptiles of Central America. Offenbach: Herpeton, Germany: Verlag Elke Kohler.
KOHLER, G. 2008. Reptiles of Central America. 2nd ed.
Offenbach, Germany: Herpeton, Verlag Elke
KOHLER, G. 2010. A revision of the Central American
species related to Anolis pentaprion with the
resurrection of A. beckeri and the description of a
new species (Squamata: Polychrotidae). Zootaxa
2354: 118.
KOHLER, G. 2012. Color Catalogue for Field Biologists.
Offenbach, Germany: Herpeton, Verlag Elke
KOHLER, G. 2014. Characters of external morphology
used in Anolis taxonomydefinition of terms,
advice on usage, and illustrated examples. Zootaxa
3774: 201257.
KOHLER, G., AND M. ACEVEDO. 2004. The anoles (genus
Norops) of Guatemala. I. The species of the Pacific

versant below 1500 m elevation. Salamandra 40:

J. SUNYER. 2006. Morphological variation in Central
American leaf-litter anoles: Norops humilis, N.
quaggulus and N. uniformis. Salamandra 42: 239
KOHLER, G., AND A. M. BAUER. 2001. Dactyloa biporcata
Wiegmann, 1834 (currently Anolis biporcatus) and
Anolis petersii Bocourt, 1873 (Reptilia, Sauria):
proposed conservation of the specific names and
designation of a neotype for A. biporcatus. The
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 58: 122125.
KOHLER, G., AND J. KREUTZ. 1999. Norops macrophallus
(Werner, 1917), a valid species of anole from
Guatemala and El Salvador (Squamata: Sauria:
Iguanidae). Herpetozoa 12: 5765.
KOHLER, G., AND J. R. MCCRANIE. 1998. Zur Kenntnis
von Norops heteropholidotus (Mertens, 1952).
Herpetofauna 20(113): 1213.
KOHLER, G., AND J. R. MCCRANIE. 2001. Two new
species of anoles from northern Honduras (Reptilia, Squamata, Polychrotidae). Senckenbergiana
biologica 81: 235245.
2000. Eine herpetologische Expedition in den
Patuca-Nationalpark, Honduras. Natur und Museum 130: 421425.
KREUTZ. 2003. Geographic variation in hemipenial
morphology in Norops humilis (Peters 1863), and
the systematic status of Norops quaggulus (Cope
1885) (Reptilia, Squamata, Polychrotidae). Senckenbergiana biologica 82: 213222.
Two new species of anoles of the Norops crassulus
group from Honduras (Reptilia: Sauria: Polychrotidae). Amphibia-Reptilia 20: 279298.
A new species of anole from western Honduras
(Squamata: Polychrotidae). Herpetologica 57: 247
KOHLER, G., AND M. OBERMEIER. 1998. A new species of
anole of the Norops crassulus group from central
Nicaragua (Reptilia: Sauria: Iguanidae). Senckenbergiana biologica 77: 127137.
Four new species of anoles (Genus Anolis) from the
Serrana de Tabasara, west-central Panama (Squamata: Polychrotidae). Herpetologica 63: 375391.
Morphological variation in Norops capito (Peters,
1863), a wide-spread species in southeastern
Mexico and Central America. Salamandra 41:
KOHLER, G., AND E. N. SMITH. 2008. A new species of
anole of the Norops schiedei group from western
Guatemala (Squamata: Polychrotidae). Herpetologica 64: 216223.
KOHLER, G., AND J. SUNYER. 2008. Two new species of
anoles formerly referred to as Anolis limifrons


(Squamata: Polychrotidae). Herpetologica 64: 92

KOHLER, G., AND M. VESELY. 2003. A comparison of
Norops petersii (Bocourt) and Central American N.
biporcatus (Wiegmann), with notes on the holotype
of D[actyloa] biporcata Wiegmann (Reptilia, Squamata, Polychrotidae). Senckenbergiana biologica
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KOHLER, G., AND M. VESELY. 2010. A revision of the
Anolis sericeus complex with the resurrection of A.
wellbornae and the description of a new species
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Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

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amphibians from Ceiba, Honduras. Copeia 1944:
Island lists of West Indian amphibians and reptiles.
Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service
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Honduras. Caribbean Journal of Science 29: 254
MCCRANIE, J. R. 1996. Geographic distribution. Norops
purpurgularis (Middle American Anole). Herpetological Review 27: 32.
MCCRANIE, J. R. 2005 (dated 2004). The herpetofauna
of Parque Nacional Cerro Azul, Honduras (Amphibia, Reptilia). Herpetological Bulletin 90: 10
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lowland rainforests of northeastern Honduras:
pleasure or how quickly we forget? Iguana 14:
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Honduras. Phyllomedusa 4: 316.
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new species of cloud forest lizard of the Norops
schiedei group (Sauria: Polychrotidae) from northern Honduras. Journal of Herpetology 27: 386
MCCRANIE, J. R., AND A. GUTSCHE. 2009. Geographic
distribution. Anolis allisoni (Green Anole). Herpetological Review 40: 112.
MCCRANIE, J. R., AND G. KOHLER. 2001. A new species
of anole from eastern Honduras related to Norops
tropidonotus (Reptilia, Squamata, Polychrotidae).
Senckenbergiana biologica 81: 227233.
MCCRANIE, J. R., AND G. KOHLER. 2012. Geographic
distribution. Norops carpenteri. Herpetological
Review 43: 103.
Two new species of anoles from northwestern
Honduras related to Norops laeviventris (Wiegmann 1834) (Reptilia, Squamata, Polychrotidae).
Senckenbergiana biologica 80: 213223.
2002b (dated 2001). A new species of Norops
(Squamata: Polychrotidae) from northwestern
Honduras. Amphibia-Reptilia 22: 465473.
MCCRANIE, J. R., AND S. NUNEZ. 2014. Geographic
distribution. Anolis sagrei (Brown Anole; Abaniquillo Costero). Herpetological Review 45: 91.
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Bonito, Honduras, with an updated nomenclatural
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2006. The Amphibians and Reptiles of the Honduran Mosquitia. Malabar, Florida: Krieger Publishing Company.
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Honduras. Herpetology Notes 7: 4149.
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Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Special Publications Series, No. 1

WILSON, L. D., AND J. R. MEYER. 1969. A review of the

colubrid snake genus Amastridium. Bulletin of the
Southern California Academy of Sciences 68: 145159.
WILSON, L. D., AND J. H. TOWNSEND. 2006. The
herpetofauna of the rainforests of Honduras.
Caribbean Journal of Science 42: 88113.
WILSON, L. D., AND J. H. TOWNSEND. 2007. Biogeography and conservation of the herpetofauna of the
upland pine-oak forests of Honduras. Biota Neotropica 7: 137148.
(EDS.). 2010. Conservation of Mesoamerican Amphibians and Reptiles. Eagle Mountain, Utah:
Eagle Mountain Publishing LC.


While this manuscript was in press, we became aware
of a report of Norops wermuthi Kohler and Obermeier
in Honduras only some 3 m from the Nicaraguan
border (Sunyer et al., 2013). The locality is Cerro Jesus,
Cordillera de Dipilto, El Paraso, 1802 m elev.,
13u59904.30N, 86u11924.10W. That report brings the
total known Norops species from Honduras to 39 and
the total known species of anoles from the country to
40. Sunyer, J., R. Garca-Roa, and J. H. Townsend.
2013. First country record of Norops wermuthi Kohler
& Obermeier, 1998, for Honduras. Herpetozoa 26:

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