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Ravindra Kumar Singh

Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart1 (1907-92) is a gigantic champion of modern Anglo-English legal theory.
Legal positivism, of which Hart was the major proponent, has been variously evolved and significantly
refined in many respects and by many followers. But at the same time legal positivism demonstrates signs
of an excessive pluralism and a theoretical fragmentation of detailed analyses, so much that nothing we
can say about legal positivism in general can be agreed to by all positivists. Inclusive positivists differ with
the exclusives, and within each camp they differ with each other on the reasons why the opposite camp is
wrong2. However, Harts shadow hovers over these disagreements and his theory remains by far the most
interesting and internally consistent version of legal positivism. This is why we need to go back at Harts
writings and explore his insights about law, legal theory and the concept of justice. What follows is a
critical examination of Harts methodological premises in an attempt to bring to light the conceptions
underneath his concept of law and justice.

His most significant writings include Causation in the Law (1959, with A.M. Honor), The Concept of Law
(1961), Law, Liberty and Morality (1963), Of Laws in General (1970), and Essays on Bentham (1982). The
Concept of Law is one of the most noteworthy and original works of legal philosophy written in the
twentieth century. It is considered as the masterpiece of HLA Hart's mammoth contribution to the study of
jurisprudence and legal philosophy. Its elegant language and balanced arguments have sparkled wide
debate and unprecedented growth in the quantity and quality of the scholarship in the area of
philosophical examination of the basis for law. It has had far reaching effects, not only on the thought and
study of jurisprudence founded upon English common law, but also on political and moral theory. Thus,
this thought-provoking work is an essential reading for lawyers and philosophers throughout the world
who seek an understanding of the philosophical basis for law. The Concept of Law is, therefore, a
thorough-going examination of the philosophical foundations of law, and much of the work in the
succeeding forty seven years since its publication hold Hart's work implicit in discussions of philosophy of

In his book The Concept of Law, Hart has analyzed the relation between law, coercion, and morality, and
has also attempted to clarify the question of whether all laws may be properly conceptualized as coercive
orders or as moral commands. Hart says that there is no rationally necessary correlation between law and
coercion or between law and morality. According to him, classifying all laws as coercive orders or as moral
commands is oversimplifying the relation between law, coercion, and morality. He also explicates that to
conceptualize all laws as coercive orders or as moral commands is to impose a deceptive appearance of
uniformity on different kinds of laws and on different kinds of social functions which laws may perform.
Hence, it will be mischaracterization of the purpose, function, content, mode of origin, and range of
application of some laws.

Faculty of Law, Gujarat National Law University, Gujarat


HLA Hart was formerly Professor of Jurisprudence at Oxford University, Principal of Brasenose College, and Fellow of University

Proponents of the so-called soft or inclusive or incorporationist or positive positivism argue that morality could, but need not, be a
criterion of validity for the rule of recognition; there is, namely, no necessary connection between law and morality. To the contrary
proponents of hard or exclusive or negative positivism deny the possibility of morality being a criterion for identifying valid law. The
debate between the two currents is owed to different interpretations of the separability thesis.

Indeed, there are laws which forbid individuals to perform various kinds of actions and impose an
assortment of obligations on individuals. Sometimes, some laws impose punishment or penalties for
injuring other individuals or for not complying with various kinds of duties or obligations.

Hart disapproves of the concept of law which was formulated by John Austin in The Province of
Jurisprudence Determined (1832). Hart commences explaining his concept of law by first taking Austins
command theory to task. According to Austin, all laws are commands of a legally unlimited sovereign, and
he asserts that, all laws are coercive orders that impose duties or obligations on individuals. Hart, on the
other hand, says that laws may be at variance from the commands of a sovereign in as much as they may
apply to those individuals who enact them and not merely to other individuals. Secondly, laws may also be
different from coercive orders in as much as they may not necessarily impose duties or obligations but
may instead confer powers or privileges without imposing duties or obligations on individuals. Thirdly, the
continuance of pre-existing laws cannot be explained on the basis of command; as pointed out, he was
able to demolish completely the tacit command myth 3. Fourthly, Austins habit of obedience fails to
elucidate succession to sovereignty because it fails to take account of improvement difference between
habit and rule. Habits only require common behaviour, which is not sufficient for a rule. A rule has an
internal aspect, i.e. people use it as a standard by which to judge and condemn deviations; habits do not
function in this manner. Succession to sovereignty occurs by virtue of the acceptance of a rule entitling the
successor to succeed, not on account of a habit of obedience. Fifthly, Hart also uses rule to differentiate
between being obliged and having an obligation. Austins command-duty-sanction thesis fails to explain
why, if a gunman threatens X with Your money or your life, X may be obliged to hand over his purse, but
has no obligation to do so4. The reason is that people have an obligation only by virtue of a rule.

Rules of obligation are distinguishable from other rules in that they are supported by great social pressure
because they are felt to be necessary to maintain society 5. For Hart, law is equivalent to legal system.
According to him, legal system (law) is a system of rules comprising primary rules and secondary rules.
These rules are social in two senses: firstly, in as much as they regulate the conduct of the members of
the society, i.e. they are guides to human conduct and standards of criticism of social conduct; secondly,
in as much as they derive from human social practices. Apart from these rules, there are other social rules
also, for example, rules of morality. The union of these two rules is the essence of his concept of law. Hart
describes primary rules of obligation as rules that impose duties or obligations on individuals, such as the
rules of the criminal law or the law of tort. They are binding because of practices of acceptance which
people are required to do or to abstain from certain actions. On the other hand, secondary rules are those
which confer power, public or private, such as the law that facilitate the making of contracts, wills, trusts,
marriages, etc or which lay down rules governing the composition of powers of courts, legislatures and
other officials bodies. Primary rules are concerned with actions (that individuals must do or must not do)
involving physical movement or change whereas the secondary rules provide for operations which lead not
merely to physical movement or change, but to the creation or variation of duties or obligations. Thus, the
secondary rules are ancillary to and are concerned with the primary rules themselves. That is to say, the
secondary rules specify the way in which the primary rules may be conclusively ascertained, introduced,
eliminated, varied, and the fact of their violation conclusively determined. Secondary rules are chiefly
procedural and remedial, and embrace not only the rules governing sanctions but also go far beyond
them. Furthermore, these rules also extend to the rules of judicial procedure, evidence and the rules
governing the procedure for new legislation.

Societies with only primary rules without any legislature, courts or officials, are in a pre-legal state and
suffer from three drawbacks 6. Firstly, they suffer from the defect of uncertainty, i.e. what these rules are

Dias, RWM (1994) Jurisprudence New Delhi: Aditya Books Private Ltd, p352.
Hart, HLA (1961) Concept of Law Oxford: Clarendon Press, p84.
Ibid, pp 90-91.

and what is their scope. In such a society, there is no systematic procedure for resolving doubts or
questions as to what these rules are and what their scope is. For the effective functioning of a legal
system, the rules must be sufficiently clear and intelligible to be understood by those individuals to whom
they apply. These rules do not form any system, and are merely a set of different standards without any
identifying or common mark. But, this shortcoming can be met by having secondary rules of recognition
which stipulate how legal rules are to be identified, to be followed and enforced within the community. The
secondary rules of recognition authoritatively and in the proper way settle doubts as to what these rules
are and what their scope is. Secondly, the primary rules of recognition suffer from the defect of being
static in character. In such a society, there is no means of deliberately adapting the rules to changing
circumstances, either by abolishing old rules or by introducing new ones, and no way to alter the position
created by the primary rules. This shortcoming can be met by having secondary rules providing powers
to change the primary rules. These secondary rules of change empower certain individuals to introduce
new rules relating to the conduct of individuals of that community and to eliminate the old rules, hence
specify the mechanism for changing primary rules. It is in terms such a rule that the scheme/system of
legislative enactment and repeal are to be understood. Secondary rules of change may be either very
simple or very complex. Thirdly, the regime of primary rules suffers from the defect of inefficiency. In the
societies with only primary rules, the rules are maintained only by diffuse social pressure and there is no
agency for resolving disputes in relation to the rules, their incidence and their violations. But, this
shortcoming can be met by having secondary rules of adjudication which confer powers on certain
individuals to ascertain and to make authoritative pronouncements whether rules have been violated or
breached. Besides, they also define the procedure to be followed, and also characterize the legal
conception of judge, court, jurisdiction and judgment.

Harts thesis that a rule of recognition exists in every legal system is the central feature of his
positivistic theory of law, for it is that feature which distinguishes which things are law and which are not
and also provides a means for identifying the law in a morally neutral approach. It also affords an answer
to the question of when a legal system exists. The master rule of recognition is the ultimate source of a
legal system like the Austins sovereign7. According to Hart, a simplest version of the rule of recognition
in the English system is whatever the Queen in the Parliament enacts is law. Where there is an accepted
constitution, that accepted constitution is the rule of recognition. The question of the validity of law is to
be answered with reference to the rule of recognition. To say that a given rule is valid Hart states, is to
recognize it as passing all the tests provided by the rules of recognition. The rule of recognition is ultimate
in the sense that while the validity of other rules is determined by their conformity to the criteria specified
in the rule of recognition, there can be no question concerning the validity of the rule of recognition itself 8.
Its existence is a matter of fact and not a question of compliance with any other higher order rule. Just as
Austinian sovereign does not stand in relation of habitual obedience to any other persons, so is Harts
sovereign rule of recognition. That is to say, Harts sovereign rule of recognition also does not stand in
relation of the rule accordance to any other legal rule. Just as, the legal validity of the Austinian sovereign
is not questioned, so is the legal validity of the Harts rule of recognition not questioned. But, Austinian
sovereign may die, whereas Harts rule of recognition only fades away (into disuse). Unlike Kelsons basic
grundnorm, Harts rule of recognition is not an extra-legal juristic hypothesis. Rather, it is a rule of positive
law. It seems, he follows Kelsen in some aspects.
Hart describes the introduction of secondary rules as a step from the pre-legal to legal world 9. Hart says
that the primary rules of obligation are not in themselves adequate to establish a system of laws that can
be formally recognized, changed, or adjudicated. Thus, secondary rules are necessary in order to provide
an authoritative statement of all the primary rules; in order to allow legislators to make changes in the
primary rules if the primary rules are found to be defective or inadequate; in order to enable courts to
resolve disputes over the interpretation and application of the primary rules. The secondary rules of a
legal system, therefore, include (1) rules of recognition, (2) rules of change, and (3) rules of adjudication.
The primary rules, therefore, acquire the character of a legal system through their union with the
secondary rules.

Dhyani, SN (2004) Fundamental of Jurisprudence Allahabad: Central Law Agency, p207.

Ibid, pp207-8.
Hart op cit, p 91.

According to Hart, the primary rules must be combined with secondary rules so as to advance from the
pre-legal to the legal stage of determination. Hart says that the foundations of a legal system do not
consist, as Austin claims, of habits of obedience to a legally unlimited sovereign, but, instead, consist of
adherence to, or acceptance of, an ultimate rule of recognition by which the validity of any primary or
secondary rule may be assessed. If a primary or secondary rule satisfies the criteria which are provided by
the ultimate rule of recognition, then that rule is legally valid.

There are two fundamental essentials which must be satisfied in order for a legal system to exist: (i)
private citizens must generally obey the primary rules of obligation, i.e. those rules of behaviour are valid
according to the systems ultimate criteria of validity must be generally obeyed and (ii) public officials
must accept the secondary rules of recognition, change, and adjudication as standards of official conduct.
If both of these essentials are not satisfied, then primary rules may only be adequate to establish a prelegal form of government.

Hart says that there is no indispensable logical connection between the content of law and morality, and
that the existence of legal rights and duties may be devoid of any moral justification. Thus, his
interpretation of the relation between law and morality is different from that of Ronald Dworkin, who in
Laws Empire suggests that every legal action has a moral dimension. Dworkin discards the concept of law
as acceptance of conventional patterns of recognition, and describes law not merely as a descriptive
concept but as an interpretive concept which combines jurisprudence and adjudication.

Unlike Austin and Kelson who rejected and ridiculed natural law, Harts positivism contains within it a
minimum content of natural law. He has structured the concept of natural law explicitly with
positivism what he calls simple version of natural law. Morality is also couched in Harts concept of law.
This has made Hart a positivist as well as naturalist. There are some conjunctions in the Harts system of
law where law and morality overlap and coexist, and are even complimentary and supplementary in
nature. Further, his refutation of law as a gunman situation further implies the inseparable character of the
relationship between law and morality. Moral and legal rules may overlap, because moral and legal
obligation may be analogous in some situations. However, moral and legal obligation may also be different
in some situations. Moral and legal rules may be appropriate and valid in similar aspects of conduct, such
as the obligation to be honest and truthful or the obligation to respect the rights of other individuals.
However, moral rules cannot always be changed in the way in which the legal rules can be changed. Hart
does not say that there is necessary conceptual or definitional connection between the legal and the
moral, but he does, however, acknowledge that the ultimate basis for preferring the positive thesis, which
insists on a clear differentiation of law and morals, is itself a moral one.

But, Hart distinguishes law from morality, custom, etiquette, and other kinds of social rules. According to
Hart, four features of morality are necessary for a clear picture of his concept of law. They are(i)
importance, (ii) immunity from deliberate change, (iii) voluntary character of moral offence and (iv) forms
of moral pressure. An indispensable feature of a moral rule is that it is regarded as something of great
importance. Hence, individuals cannot omit it. It is an attribute of a legal system that new legal rules can
be introduced and the old ones can be changed or replaced by deliberate enactment. On the contrary,
moral rules cannot be brought into being or eliminated in this manner. Moral responsibility is a matter of
internal behaviour while law is generally concerned with external behaviour. If a person after committing
an offence establishes that he did that act involuntarily, then, he is excused from the moral responsibility,
and blaming him, in such a situation, would itself be considered morally wrong. Whereas, there are certain
exceptions in so far as fixing legal responsibility of a lawbreaker is concerned. Lastly, in case of law, the

typical form of legal pressure may consist in physical punishment or unpleasant consequences. Whereas,
the characteristic feature of morality, on the other hand, is the distinguishing form of moral pressure
(appeals to respect the rules and the appeals to conscience) which is wielded in its support.

Harts internal aspect of law constitutes a radical break with the thought of his positivist predecessors
Austin and Bentham, and also sharply differentiates his philosophy from his near-contemporary Kelson.
For Kelson, there is a separate category of human thought (the ought) which is drastically distinct from
is and, therefore, from human psychology. According to Hart, normativity hinges on human attitudes to
human action. Harts view is that law depends not only on the external social pressures which are brought
to bear on human beings, but also on the inner point of view that such beings take towards rules
conceived as imposing obligations. In pre-legal societies, it is obligatory for its members not only to obey
those rules but also consciously to view them as common standards of behaviour, violation of which are to
be criticized. Such criticisms being considered as legitimate both by the offender and other members. In
other words, in societies with only primary rules, an internal point of view on the part of its members is
necessary for the preservation of the group harmony, cohesion and solidarity. Whereas, in societies with
the both the rules (legal systems), however, it is not necessary for the members to possess an internal
point of view; it is enough if the officials of the legal system have this view. Nonetheless, it is desirable
that citizens, in such a society, also experience it. Harts explanation of social rules is, therefore,
dependent on a hermeneutic approach which is concerned with understanding the importance of human
actions to those who do them and with how they interpret the actions of others. Hart brings in the internal
aspect of law to distinguish rules from habits. In contrast with Austin who stresses on habit, Hart denies
the possibility of explaining rules solely by reference to external patterns of behaviour.

Hart describes International Law as problematic, for it may not have all of the elements of a fullydeveloped legal system. In some cases, International Law may be short of secondary rules of recognition,
change, and adjudication. Secondly, International legislatures may not always have the power to enforce
sanctions against nations who violate International law. Thirdly, International courts may not necessarily
have jurisdiction over each and every legal dispute between nations. Fourthly, International Law may be
disrespected by some nations who may not face any significant pressure to comply with.

In any legal system, there may be cases in which existing laws are vague or indeterminate and that
judicial discretion may be necessary in order to interpret and spell out existing laws in such cases. Hart
declares that by interpreting and expounding vague or indeterminate laws, judges may actually make new

Harts concept of law as a combination of primary and secondary rules , his exclusion of morals from law
as it is, and his model of positivism centered around the rule of recognition have been criticized by many
jurists. In Harts concept, the distinction between a legal and a pre-legal condition is not at all clear. Hart
says that in pre-legal societies we must wait and see whether a rule gets accepted as a rule or not -- this
further raises a question - When do we know the category of a given society, and when do we know that
there is a rule of recognition? This rule is not a hypothesis, but a rule of positive law and, consequently,
its own validity cannot relate to itself.

The rule of recognition is clustered under powers as a secondary rule, but it looks more like the
acceptance of a special kind of rule than a power. Moreover, there appear to be some rules of recognition
which are not powers, such as those which indicate the criteria to be applied , for example constitutive

rules of procedure. Raz has suggested that the rule of recognition is not a power, a duty addressed to
officials10. Hart articulates that acceptance of a rule of recognition rests on social facts, but he does not
concern himself with the reasons why, or the circumstances in which it comes to be accepted. Social and
moral considerations may well set limits on a rule of recognition at the time of acceptance so that it may
have built-in limitations that provide safeguards against certain abuses of power11.

Prof Ronald Dworkin,a renowned lawyer and political philosopher, was one of the chief Hart's critics who in
the 1970s and 80s mounted a series of challenges to Hart's Concept of Law. It appears, as if, Hart let
these challenges go unanswered until, after his death in 1992, his answer to Dworkin's criticism was
discovered among his papers. Criticizing Harts version of law as a set of rules, Dworkin poses a question
Is law merely a system of rules on which Hart has based his model of positivism? Dworkin argues that in a
legal system there are other things besides rules, for he says that a legal system cannot be conceived
merely as a code of rules. Thus, Dworkin makes a differentiation between a rule and a principle, and
articulates that a legal system has to be conceived as an institution based on certain standards, principles
and policies. According to Dworkin, the conception of law as a system of rules fails to take account of what
he calls principle. A question that naturally arises is: What is the difference between a rule and a
principle? Rules are thought as detailed while principles are general. Principles are broad reasons that lie
at the foundation of a rule of law; they are wide formulations of reason or generalizations which underlie
and comprehend particular rules. The principles are wider than rules and the rules are categorical precepts
attaching a definite, distinct and detailed legal effect; they are more specific and detailed than principles.
Dworkin says that the distinction between a principle and a rule is a logical one. Both points to particular
direction about legal obligation in particular circumstances, however, they differ in the character of the
discretion they give. Rules are applicable in all-or-no fashion, principles state a reason that argues in one
direction but do not necessitate a particular decision. Principles are a matter of more or less while rules
are a matter of yes or no. All that is meant, when it is said that a particular principle is a principle of law,
is that the principle is one which officials must take into account, if it is relevant, as a consideration
inclining in one direction or another. A principle has a dimension of weight or importance which a rule does
not have. Rules, by contrast, are functionally significant. Principles may conflict. If rules conflict, a further
rule will be needed to regulate the clash. The force of a principle may become attenuated over a period of
time; its strength may become eroded. This is not so with rules.

Harts view that the judges have the discretion to create new legal rules through extra legal standards
when the existing law is not ascertainable and provides no guidance to the judge to apply the law to
certain situation, has been criticized by Dworkin. Rejecting this view, Dworkin says that a judge has a duty
to appeal to certain principles and not to others on the appropriate occasions and hence involves
discretion in a weak sense.

Harts concept of law as a combination of primary and secondary rules can be criticized on the ground of
fluid and imprecise distinction between these rules, for the same rule may create a power plus a duty to
exercise it or a power plus a duty not to exercise it. Professor Lon L Fuller instances a situation where the


Raz The Concept of a Legal System, p99.

Dias op cit, p355.

same rule may confer power and duty, or power or duty according to the circumstances 12. A trust
instrument may give the beneficiary the power to transfer the estate to himself on some condition. The
trustee is, certainly, entitled to reimbursement out of the estate and has the power to reimburse himself,
correlative to the liability in the beneficiary to have the estate reduced in this way. If, however, the
beneficiary exercises his power on the occurrence of the condition but before the trustee has reimbursed
himself, the beneficiary comes under a duty to reimburse him 13. Fuller poses a question: Which is the rule
creating the power and which is the rule creating the duty? In fact, the distinction lies not in the rule, but
in the circumstances. Certain rules are neither power conferring nor duty imposing; for example, a rule
that abolishes ones duty on the occurrence of some event, say discharge of a contract by frustration or
novation. Further, there may be duty creating secondary rules, for example, a rule requiring a Government
to change a law on a referendum, or the duty of a judge to hear a case, etc.

Hart has spoken of the acceptable proposition that some shared morality is essential to the existence of
any society14. Existence of any society must connote continued existence, and he does admit that a
minimum morality is an essential part of every community. This minimum morality is rooted in five facts:
human vulnerability, approximate equality, limited altruism, limited resources and limited understanding
and strength of will15. As a positivist, he keeps out morality from his concept of law. His concept,
nonetheless, is of a legal system which is a continued phenomenon, and he does concede that some
morality is essential to the continued existence of a society. Dias poses a question: Is a distinction being
drawn between the continued existence of society, for which some morality at least is essential, and the
continued existence of a legal system? This cannot be, for while a community (a moral system) could exist
without a legal system, but a legal system presupposes a community. The relation between morals and a
legal system is that the latter only develops within and around the morality of a community. It is
suggested that underlying all these is a confusion of time-frames. There is no disagreement in saying that
an immoral precept is law here and now and also that its immoral quality is likely to prove fatal to its
continuity. When Hart thinks in a continuum, as he does with society, he has to bring in morality; but in
order to defend positivism, he shifts ground and takes refuge in the present time-frame, for only in this
way he can justify the exclusion of morality for the purpose of identifying laws here and now 16.


there appears to be a greater separation between his concept of Law and his positivism than ever he
alleges between law and morality.

In the second revised edition, Hart presents an Epilogue in which he answers Dworkin and some of his
other most influential critics including Fuller and Finnis. By this epilogue, which was discovered only after
his death, he defends his work against his critics and re-examines the foundations of his philosophy. With
the same clarity and candor, for which the first edition is famous, the Epilogue offers a sharper
interpretation of Hart's own views, rebuffs the arguments of critics like Dworkin, and strongly asserts that
they have based their criticisms on a faulty understanding of Hart's work. Hart demonstrates that
Dworkin's views are in fact noticeably analogous to his own. In a final analysis, Harts reply leaves
Dworkin's criticisms considerably weakened and his positions largely in question.

Fuller, Lon L (1969) The Morality of Law, Second Ed, Indian Reprint 2004, New Delhi: Universal Law Publishing Co Pvt Ltd, pp
Dias op cit, p 354.
Hart , HLA (1963) Law Liberty and Morally Stanford: Stanford University Press, p 51.
Hart, HLA Concept of Law, pp 190-95.
Dias op cit, p356.

The notion of justice is more ancient than that of law. The concept of justice is based upon and is
equated with moral rightness (ethics), rationality, law, natural law, fairness, righteousness, equality,
goodness, and equity. Nonetheless, views of what constitutes justice vary from society to society, person
to person, from time to time and from place to place. As a notion it has been subject to various
philosophical, legal, and theological reflections and debate throughout the history.
There are various forms and variations of the concept of justice: Utilitarianism is a form where punishment
is forward-looking; Retributive justice administers proportionate response to crime proven by lawful
evidence, so that punishment is justly imposed and considered as morally-correct and fully deserved; The
law of retaliation (lex talionis) is a military theory of retributive justice which states that reciprocity should
be equal to the wrong suffered -- "life for life, wound for wound, stripe for stripe"; Distributive justice is
directed at the appropriate allocation of things - wealth, power, reward, respect - between different
people, i.e. equal distribution among the equals; Corrective justice seeks to reinstate equality when this is
disturbed. Some philosophers, such as the classical Greeks, conceive of justice as a virtuea property of
people, and only derivatively of their actions and the institutions they create. Others accentuate actions or
institutions, and only derivatively the people who bring them about. The source of justice has diversely
been attributed to harmony, divine command, natural law, or human creation.

The quest for justice has been as challenging as for the law. The concept of justice is of imponderable
significance, and has been the watch word of all major social and political reform movements since time
immemorial. Justice is a conception that emerges in our mind in connection with law. Ancient Indians,
Greeks and Romans view of justice was very broad. It includes the whole of righteousness, i.e. the
morality. They postulated justice as an ideal standard derived from God or based on Dharma, truth,
equality, righteousness and similar high moral values of everlasting authority and validity. In very general
terms, justice signifies a cluster of ideals and principles for common good and welfare without the least
hope or opportunity of injustice, inequality or discrimination. It is the notion of justice which directs our
attention to the fairness and reasonableness of the rules, principles, and standards that are the
ingredients of the normative edifice.
However, contemporary philosophers think of justice as an important part of morality. Hart, in his book
The Concept of Law, prefaces his discussion of justice and morality with St Augustines rhetorical question:
What are states but robber- bands enlarged?17 If States are something more, however, than robberbands enlarged, and if law is to be analyzed otherwise than in terms of formal validity alone, what further
features are necessary and how are they to be described and measured? 18 Hart indicates the relativity of
the concept of justice, and the consequent difficulty of isolating material factors in legal validity, when he
says19: A tall child may be (of) the same height as a short height man, a warm winter (may be of) the
same temperature as a cold summer, and a fake diamond may be a genuine antique. But justice is far
more complicated than these notions because the shifting standard of relevant resemblance between
different cases incorporated in it not only varies with a type of subject to which it is applied, but may often
be open to challenge even in relation to a single type of subject.
Hart, by defining law as the combination of rules, makes morality or justice as a necessary component of
law through the rule of recognition. He seems to be aware that sometimes in any legal system, there may
be cases in which existing laws are vague or indeterminate, and hence, those (cases) are not fully covered
by any law. This is what he describes as the open texture of law, the penumbral areas in every rule of
law where it is not clear what the rule requires or whether it applied to all borderline cases. He asserts
that in such cases judicial discretion may be necessary in order to interpret and spell out existing laws or

Hart op cit, p 152.

Finch, John D (1974) Introduction to Legal Theory, (Second Ed - First Indian Reprint) New Delhi: Universal Law Publishing Co
Pvt Ltd, pp 64-65.
Hart op cit, p 156.

to look outside the law for standards to guide in supplementing old legal rules or creating new ones
according to the communitys ideal of morality or justice.
Hart analyzes the concept of justice into a general principle or definition with changeable criteria. He
considers that administrative justice, one aspect of justice, has an essential connection with law.
According to Hart, the general concept of justice is connected with fairness. Evaluations using justice and
injustice could use fair and unfair instead20. The concept of justice applies to two primary types of
circumstancesone is the distribution of benefits or burden upon individuals, and second is where
wrongdoers compensate to the victims for the injuries caused. For example, sales tax or VAT might be
condemned as unjust or unfair because they impose a proportionally heavier burden upon those who are
less capable to pay. Apart from these two situations, there are other areas also for the application of
justice. Trials, punishments, etc can also be spoken of as just or unjust and fair or unfair. In essence, Hart
adopts Aristotles analysis of justice by equality and embellishes it with the distinction between a definition
and criteria of application 21. The common notion of justice is that individuals are entitled in respect of each
other to a certain relative position of equality and inequality. So, the general precept of justice is that
Treat like cases alike and different cases differently. This principle provides a definition of justice. As
recognized by Aristotle, this precept has to be supplemented by an account of relevant criteria for deciding
whether the cases are similar or different. This problem of significance is a core issue in contemporary
discussions of justice. Unfortunately, Hart does not provide a general theory or set of principle for
determining which characteristics are relevant22.
Harts use of distinction between criteria and definitions to analyze justice has all general problems of this
distinction23. Especially, most of the moral significance of justice is left out of the definition and placed in
the criteria. With no specification of the criteria of relevance, the concept of justice is morally neutral. The
concept of justice is a formal and not a substantive one. Such a concept has the good quality of
accounting for, or at least being compatible with various normative outlooks. It is also subject to a
corresponding defect of offering little guidance for evaluating laws.
In applying a law or a rule, Hart asserts, the relevant characteristics for classifying cases as alike or
different do not cause much intricacy. Rules specify the just-making characteristics. Where a law declares
that a person who intentionally kills another will be guilty of murder, then, one generally knows which
characteristics are relevant and which are irrelevant. While deciding a case, the intention of a person is
relevant. That is to say, while deciding a case under a rule, if the person ignores characteristics specified in
it, he is said to have acted unjustly. In Harts analysis, administrative justice (justice in applying rules) has
a necessary connection with law. It results in deciding cases in accordance with rules; and according to
Hart, laws are rules. So, there is, in the very notion of law consisting of general rules, something which
prevents us from treating it as if morally it is utterly neutral, without any necessary contact with moral
principles.24 This relation, nonetheless, concerns only the administration of laws.
The theory of treating like cases alike is not very perspicuous for analyzing administrative justice. Hart
argues that it may cover the prerequisites of impartiality because if decisions are guided solely by the
criteria in rules there may not be room for prejudice and bias. However, this point is not fully convincing
because prejudice and bias often operate in the perception and classifying of facts rather than in the
application of rules to ascertained facts. Hart, perceptibly, is chiefly concerned with following rules.
Quite a few objections can be made to the theory of treating like cases alike as accounting for the justice
of following rules. Firstly, the precept does not always be relevant. In case of the first application of a rule,

Ibid pp 154-155
Bayles D Michael (1992 ) Harts Legal Philosophy- An Examination, London, Dordrecht, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, p
Ibid, pp 11-15.
Hart, HLA (1983) Essays in Jurisprudence and Philosophy p 81.

there is no prior case to which the current one (the case in hand) can be treated alike. Treating cases
alike is a relative notion and, therefore, requires at least two. Secondly, treating the cases alike possibly
creates a conflict with following rules. For example, if the first case is decided incorrectly by applying a
rule, then, in a second similar case, judges or other rule appliers are confronted with either correctly
following the rule or treating the case similar to the first. Hart might counter this objection by saying that
if rules are properly followed, then, like cases could be treated alike. Thirdly, treating like cases alike does
not, all the time, provide even a frima facie reason of justice. For example, a judge enforces a particular
rule against a vulnerable group, say, a group of children. And, what if, when a similar case comes in a
subsequent matter, another judge does not enforce that particular rule against another set of children. So
the mere fact that cases are not treated alike, does not necessarily provide a reason for thinking the
decision unjust. In favour of Hart, Bayles has countered the criticism in an impressive fashion25:
Two distinctions are necessary. First, one must distinguish between acts having an unjust aspect and their
being unjust everything considered. Second, one must distinguish between comparative and noncomparative
The precept of treating like cases alike is one of comparative justice. Sometimes, conduct is considered
unjust simply on the basis of the treatment accorded an individual. A law prohibiting blacks living in one
area is non-comparatively unjust. A form of comparative injustice is involved in the law being enforced
against some blacks but not others. Blacks against whom the law is enforced might reasonably contend
that if their cases are like the others, the law should not be enforced against them either. Nonetheless,
they might well agree that the non-comparative injustice greatly outweighs any comparative injustice.
Thus, everything considered, it is just not to enforce the law against a specific black even though there is
an aspect of comparative injustice.
In modern societies there is, Hart likes to think, general agreement that religious and colour differences
are irrelevant characteristics in formulating civil and criminal laws 26.
Further, sometimes the relevant
characteristics can be deprived from the purpose of a law 27. Further, within and between the societies,
there exist great differences in beliefs about what characteristics are relevant. Whatever relevances are
decided on, the precept of treating similar group similarly remains the key element in distributive justice.
Distributive justice is chiefly concerned with the allocation of rights, powers, duties, and burdens to the
members of a society or group. The range of problems falling within this category of justice is extremely
extensive. Hart sought to limit the conception of distributive justice to cases of arbitrary discrimination.
The general principle latent in the diverse application of the idea of justice he said, is that individuals are
entitled in respect to each other to a relative position of equality or inequality. 28 Looking from this angle, a
just law would be one which treats like situations alike, and an unjust law would be one that allocates
rights and duties unequally without a plausible ground. This view of justice is too narrowly confined. It is
right that the unequal treatment of persons or groups who should be treated in the same manner poses
noticeable and grave issues of justice. However, distributive justice does not exhaust its connotation and
importance in the postulate of non-discrimination.
In a democratic country, distributive justice is, by and large, dispensed by a legislative body elected by the
people. In non-democratic countries, this authority may be vested in an oligarchic council or in an
autocratic ruler. In some societies, the judiciary partakes in the prerogative to dispense distributive justice
to the extent that judges are granted discretion to lay down general rules29.
One of the most captivating modern attempts to defend principles of justice is found in John Rawlss A
Theory of Justice30, as now reformulated in Political Liberalism31. Here, the author wishes to present Rawls
conception of justice. His conception of justice demands:

Bayles op cit, p 113.

Hart Concept of Law, p157.
Ibid, p159.
Ibid pp 153-154.
Bodenheimer, Edgar (1974) Jurisprudence- The Philosophy and the Method of Law, New Delhi: Universal Law Publishing Co Pvt
Ltd, p 210.
First published in 1972.
Published in 1993.

1. The maximization of liberty, subject only to such constraints as are essential for the protection of
liberty itself;
2. Equality for all, both in the basic liberties of social life and also in distribution of all other forms of
social goods, subject only to the exception that inequalities may be permitted if they produce the
greatest possible benefit for those least well off in a given scheme of inequality (the difference
3. Fair and equal opportunity and the elimination of all inequalities of opportunity based on birth or
Criticizing Rawls theory of distributive justice, Hart says that the principle of common interests breaks
down in some important cases. He maintains that Rawls underestimates the difficulty of balancing
conflicting liberties. He also upholds that some criteria of the value of different liberties must be invoked in
the resolution of clash between them.
Corrective justice comes into play when a norm of distributive justice has been breached or infringed by
a member of a community. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to make amends for a wrong or
deprive a party of an unjustified gain. This type of justice is generally administered by the court or other
organ invested with judicial or quasi-judicial power. Its major areas of application are contracts, torts, and
According to Aristotle, the term unjust is held to apply both to the person who breaks the law and the
person who takes more than his due, the unfair man. Therefore, a person who abides by the law and the
person who is fair are just men. The expressions justice and injustice are not confined to the legislative
imposition, judicial interpretation, and contractual stipulation of norms. They are extended to the realm of
individual conduct and used to characterize unlawful and unfair acts of one person directed against a
fellow man. For instance, a person who callously disappoints an expectation which he, by words or
conduct, has raised in another person. The same appellation may be applied to a person who brutally
beats a child may be declared unjust according to this broad understanding of the word. Hart rejects this
expansion of the word unjust, but it would not seem to offend against natural linguistic usage 32.
In the history of jurisprudential thought, the notion of justice has often been linked with the concept of
natural law. Predominantly, the relation between natural law and justice has been the source of much
disagreement among philosophers and jurists. To Aristotle, a rule of justice was natural if it had the same
validity the world over. However, he did not take the stance that all the rules of justice were of this
character. In particular, those of distributive justice depended, in his opinion, on shifting criteria of human
equality and inequality. For example, he points out that the standards of equality are not the same in
democratic, oligarchic, and aristocratic societies. St Thomas Aquinas also followed an analogous approach.
He viewed natural law as a set of realistic barriers which the universal and ineradicable traits of human
beings, including their rational impulse of sociability, impose upon the powers of lawmakers 33. However,
his conception of justice was of much broader scope. Starting from different philosophical perspectives,
Hart arrived at similar conclusions. He recognizes natural law as a bundle of universally recognized
principles which have a basis in certain elementary truths concerning human beings 34. Reflections on
some very obvious generalizationsindeed truismsconcerning human nature and the world in which we
live, show that as long as these hold good, there are certain rules of conduct which any social organization
must contain if it is to be viable 35. In contrast, his conception of justice went farther by including criteria
of normative rightness which are responsive to varying conditions in the development of legal systems.
Advocating for a sharp distinction to be maintained between law and morality, Hart concludes that the law
must be held to embrace all rules which are valid by virtue of the constitutional or statutory tests
established by the positive legal system, regardless of the intrinsic justice of these rules. He maintains

Hart Concept of Law, p 153.

Bodenheimer op cit, p 214.
Ibid, p 215.
Hart Concept of Law, p188.

that nothing can be gained by adopting a narrower concept of law excluding offensive rules, even though
the degree of their immorality may have reached extreme proportions 36. However, he does not declare
that legal rules which are totally repugnant to justice or the moral sense of men unavoidably and under all
circumstances be observed. He suggests that, although such rules are law, there may be a moral right or
even duty to disobey them37. There may be situation in which this view will lead to undesirable
consequences. According to Hart, although a private individual may be justified on the ground of higher
justice in refusing compliance with an abhorrent enactment, the court must punish this man for
disobedience of the law. Thus, it would seem that, under Harts theory, a man who has incurred the death
penalty for refusing to execute a formally valid command of an insane despot to kill large number of
innocent people must be punished by a court even after the despot has been deposed, unless the
iniquitous law has been repealed with retroactive force or legislative amnesty has been granted 38.
According to Hart, in compensatory justice the relation to the precept is less direct. Two different types
of situations can engross injustice of this kind. Firstly, classes of people might be given privileges and
immunities which are denied to others. For instance, nobles may be given the right to sue for slander but
commoners not. This gives rise to a problem of distributive justice because one class is given benefits
denied to another on the basis of what may be thought to be irrelevant differences. Secondly,
compensation might not be permissible for certain types of harm and injuries. Hart claims that the vice
here is the refusal to all alike, of compensation for injuries which it was morally wrong to inflict upon
Although, prima-facie, it appears that these latter situations do not come under the general precept of
justice. But, Hart upholds that an indirect relation does obtain. Both sorts of cases are alike in as much as
someone has been morally wronged, but they are not treated alike. As regards wrongful injuries, morality
places all individuals on an equal footing. No one should have to endure injuries. Hence, if a person
wrongfully injures another, by providing for the restoration, after disturbance of the moral status quo in
which victim and wrong doer are on a footing of equality and so alike it is implicitly recognized that like
cases should be treated alike40.
Harts principle of treating like cases alike is not sufficient to account for compensatory justice. Firstly, if a
particular wrong doer is made to compensate his victim, the circumstance can be hardly described as one
treating like cases alike. None of them can reasonably say that they are treated alike when one is made to
compensate. Resorting to a moral balance is one thing and treating like cases alike is another; they are
not the same. Moreover, Hart requires one to say that a person who wrongfully causes injury to another
has profited even it is only by indulging his wish to injure him or not sacrifice his ease to the duty of
taking adequate precautions41. Thus a person at fault in an auto accident has profited at anothers expense
even though he might have the loss of his automobile as well as limb while the other party only suffered a
sprained ankle42.
Secondly, Hart requires slander, negligent automobile accidents, and injuries by unrestricted dangerous
animals should be treated on parity. They are alike in as much as in each case one person has wrongfully
harmed another. The law is unjust unless it treats the cases equally. The concept of wrongful is practically
devoid of content when applied to strict liability; it can mean little more than caused injury for which the
law holds one liable43.


Ibid, pp 100, 205.

Ibid, pp 203-207.
Bodenheimer op cit, p268.
Hart, HLA Concept of Law, p160.
Ibid, p161.
Hart, loc cit.
Bayles op cit, p 114.
Ibid, p 115.

Hart seems to have restricted himself to compensatory justice as traditionally applied to Law of Torts
where the question is normally: which of the two parties should bear the loss? In such a case, reasonably
the party at fault should do so, assuming one can extend fault to strict liability. However, at this juncture,
the question is one of comparative justice which of the two parties should justly bear the loss. Once this
fault principle is accepted, it can be applied to individuals without making any comparison with other
persons or cases. Consequently, if a person suffers some loss due to the negligence on the part of a
professional, the professional should pay. This is fundamentally a non-comparative claim. In these type of
cases, only the conduct of the professional needs to be examined, not that of the plaintiff to determine the
liability, and it is also not necessary to consider whether or not other professionals have been made to
pay. Since it is a non-comparative claim, it does not depend upon comparative principle of treating like
cases alike. In fact, it may go against that principle. For example, if the professional is a doctor or a
lawyer, and, assume that, doctors or lawyers have not previously been held liable for the conduct
(negligence, etc) in question.
One can also stay away from comparative considerations in developing a principle. One might hold a
principle that persons should be compensated for personal injuries that occurred due to their no fault. At
most, the principle is based on comparison of faultless and non-faultless victims. Further, comparative
aspects can arise if, for example, a distinction is made between injuries caused by accidents and those
owing to illness and diseases. How such a system of compensation should be paid for, will raise the issues
of distributive justice, but it does not involve or at least necessarily involve, comparisons between
wrongdoers and their victims44.
Harts precept of justice of treating like cases alike is also, thus, insufficient though it is relevant to
punishment. In justifying punishment, Hart does not use this principle to a great extent. In justifying
punishment, it seems, he relies on utilitarian-deterrence reasons. He analyses the issue of who should be
punished as a problem in distributive justice. In determining amount of punishment, he holds that similar
defendants should be punished similarly for similar crimes and that different offences should be punished
differently45. However, before applying this principle, one must determine as to what punishment is
appropriate for some specific crime. Here also the precept of treating like cases alike does not help a lot,
and Hart, therefore, mainly uses utilitarian-deterrence considerations to do so. His description of
administrative justice applies to punishing particular individuals. Individuals are to be punished according
to the relevant rules of law. As Harts formal concept does not say what characteristics are relevant, it
cannot be used to determine what laws there should be 46. Thus, Harts precept does not provide a
complete account of justice in punishment.
Although the relation is not always direct, Hart considers that all justice can be covered by the precept of
treating like cases alike. Administrative justice, one of the aspects of justice, is essentially related to the
concept of law as a system of rules. But, a legal system might still engross great distributive and
compensatory injustice. Further, it must be remembered that justice is only one of the elements of
morality and may be overridden by other elements. However, if one decides to override justice to the
common good, Hart believes that one may be required to consider impartially all the competing claims of
persons47. In short, even if some injustice is inflicted for the common good, all persons should be treated
alike by being given equal considerations.


Hart, HLA (1968) Punishment and Responsibility: Essays in the Philosophy of Law Oxford: Clarendon Press., pp 24-25.
Bayles op cit, p 116.
Hart, Concept of Law, p163.

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