March 2015 Newsletter

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Lewiston Elks Lodge #371

March 2015
Brother and Sister Elks

2014-15 Officers
Michael Aube
Exalted Ruler

As my year wraps up I would like to take the time in my final

newsletter article as ER to thank everyone who has supported
the Lodge and myself over the past two years.

Pieter Staples
Leading Knight

The Lodge has been very blessed with wonderful members who
have given their time and talents to pull this Lodge out of despair and keep it open

Claire Davis
Loyal Knight
Karen Staples
Lecturing Knight
Rick Tibbets
Adriane Kramer
Marge Carter
Martin Bailey
Inner Guard
Ed McClure
Belinda Ashworth
Bob Pinard
Liana Pinard

Lodge Wish List

The lodge is in need of several
items that you might have
available for donation.
We realize some are a little
priceybut you never know
until you ask.
No Parking Signs
Copy Paper
Dish Rags
Propane Tank
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Cleaning ProductsWindex,
Clorox Wipes, Dish Soap...

To the 2013-14 and 2014-15 Lodge Officers, thank you all for sticking it out through a difficult transition and it was an honor serving our Lodge with you. We would not be here today
if not for all of you.
To the volunteers who have done an incredible job in revitalizing the lobby and bathrooms,
mowed and weed wacked the lawn, donated much needed items, prepared Friday evening
dinners and desserts, decorated the Grill Room at holidays, repaired grill room and function
room chairs, shoveled out doorways, helped tear down and reset the function room when
needed, worked bingo, volunteered bartended, and of course put on the best Variety Show in
Elkdom .YOU ARE THE BEST!!!! No words could ever say how much your generosity
has helped maintain this lodge and kept it running over the past two years. THANK YOU.
TO the incoming 2015-16 Lodge Officers congratulations thank you for stepping up and I
wish you all the best of luck -- Have Fun and enjoy it, the benefits far outweigh the trials. I
look forward to your Officer Installation on April 10th.
To our members who have not yet paid your dues. I realize that many of you were waiting
to see if the Lodge would remain open before paying your dues, and now that we have a full
slate of officers I would appreciate it if you would send in your payment as soon as you can.
We could really use it and we do not want to drop your membership for non-payment.
We are no means in great financial shape but the threat of closing our doors is no longer
breathing down our backs. We still have a long way to go financially, but with all of your
help and support I know we can make it.
Thank You for your support,
Yours in Elkdom,
Mike Aube, Exalted Ruler
Lewiston Elks Function Hall discounts are available to Lewiston Elk members. Call today for your
wedding receptions, retirement party, anniversary celebration, luncheon, holiday
banquet, or any other gathering that you want to be memorable. Contact Marge
Carter at [email protected] or 784-4801.
Discounts, by contract approved by the membership, are available to those who
have been members of the Lewiston Elks Lodge for a period of at least one year.

2015-16 Officers

From the Secretary

Brother and Sister Elks,
It is with pleasure that I assume the duty as your Lodge Secretary. I am new to this job and I
appreciate your patience and understanding as I plow through and get my bearings.
I have begun to process the dues payments that are coming in and for those of you who have
made payments thank you and rest assured your cards will be available at the office by the
next Lodge meeting
For those of you have not yet paid you dues, please send them in we need your support.
I look forward to the year ahead meeting my fellow Elks and learning new things.
Lodge Secretary

Roger Paradis
Exalted Ruler
Jeff Caron
Leading Knight
Claire Davis
Loyal Knight
Adam Hart
Lecturing Knight
Vivian Matkivich
Adriane Kramer
Rita Ouellette

Adriane Kramer

From the Treasurer

Dear Members,
I am bidding you farewell as the Lodge Treasurer. I began my duties in September of 2012
and have learned much beginning with the guidance of Wayne Cotterly, who was Secretary
at the time. Many other folks have helped me throughout the last two and a half years including, Maureen Aube, Liana Pinard, Winnie Gray, Mike Aube, Belinda Ashworth, John
Wyman and so many more! I apologize if I havent mentioned your name. Being a Lodge
Officer can sometimes be difficult; Ive learned that it is a group effort. Thank you so much
for all your assistance! On April 1st, a new Treasurer will take my place. Shes much younger, has more energy and shes smart too! We are very lucky that she will be with us.
Sincerely, Marge Carter

Martin Bailey
Bob Cote
Inner Guard
Belinda Ashworth
Liana Pinard
Mike Aube

From the Function Coordinator

Hello! By the time you receive your newsletter, we will have had a couple of great bands play in our function hall. The
Moon Dawgs and the Rockin Recons have helped us to bring people together to have lots of fun! There will be more to
come! If there are any bands that you would like to see and hear, please make your suggestions. I would like to have different kinds of music, such as country rock, jazz, big band. I can dream, cant I? Hall rentals are increasing every day. Dont
forget, if you are a member of this Lodge for more than a year, you get special pricing! So whether you want to suggest a
band or rent the function room, please call 784-4801 or email me at [email protected]. Hope to hear from you!
Marge Carter, Function Coordinator

From the First Lady

Welcome Spring (at least on the calendar anyway),
Spring is a great time of year because everything starts looking brighter and better. The winter doldrums disappear and are
replaced with bright positive attitudes. It happens every year, and every year, at least for us Mainers, we are really ready for
Spring is also the time for change, and exciting changes are happening at the Lewiston Elks Lodge. You have elected excellent individuals to lead you through 2015-16 and I am sure the year ahead will be filled with wonderful events and experiences.
I wish incoming ER Roger Paradis and all of his Officers an amazing year and I welcome incoming First Lady Cecile Paradis
to the First Ladys Club.
I thank you for your support and encouragement over the last few years and I look forward to enjoying all the great things
that will be happening at Lewiston Elks Lodge #371 this coming year.


Calendar of Events
New events and dates will be added as they are scheduled and are subject to change

Board of Directors
Regular Meeting

Monday 3-9-15
Monday 3-9-15

6:00 PM
7:00 PM

Board of Directors
Step-Up Meeting

Monday 3-23-15
Monday 3-23-15

6:00 PM
7:00 PM

every Wednesday


New Officers will run the meeting


J Roger Paradis with Music and Karaoke---Beef Stew and Sweet Treat Bake-off
DJ Roger Paradis with Music and Karaoke----Pot Luck
DJ Roger Paradis with Music and Karaoke--Free Pizza Party-Volunteer Appreciation Night--everyone is welcome
DJ Roger Paradis with Music and Karaoke--Sirloin Steaks on the Grill


Check out our

Lewiston Elks
facebook page

You can never say Thank You enough to all of the wonderful volunteers and donors who have been able to lend a hand.
This Volunteer Corner is another way to show our appreciation. Without the help of these great volunteers we would
have never been able to have such successful events. Thank You Again
Friday Night Dinners & Desserts, BINGO, Wish List Donations...
Cecile Paradis
John Wyman
Bob Dubuc
Adriane Kramer
Dick Guerette

Tina Caron
Marge Carter
Paul Robinson
Rita Ouellette
Ray Bennett

Claire Pinette

Tony Pasalaqua

Tina Crowley
Scott Bussiere
Nancy Mahar
Meghan Skillins
Ron Leblanc

Adam Hart
Mike Michaud
Belinda Ashworth
Laurie Ouellette
Liana Pinard

Bob Crowley
Irene Morin
Dan Glidden
Louis Ouellette
Bob Pinard

Lewiston Elks Lodge #371

1675 Lisbon St
Lewiston ME 04240
Grill Room Hours:
Friday 3 to 11 pm
Saturday 11 to 4 pm

Lodge Newsletter Booster

Thank you to the boosters below for their support! Join the Boosters, for a donation of $10, you can have your name,
business name, in memory of namefor 1 year. Two lines of text are available. The fee defrays the cost of the newsletter publication. Please send you donation & text to: Lewiston Elks Lodge, 1675 Lisbon St Lewiston 04240. Please mark
your check in the memo "Booster". Thank you for your support.
Richard N. Lessard

Michael Aube
Exalted Ruler

Maureen Aub

Robert Pinard

In Memory of
Ray Pinette

Steve Obrin
Past Exalted Ruler

Jackie Ricker

Richard R Bilodeau

Gerald J. Kelley

In Memory of
Monique "Dionne" Berube

Marge Carter

Sandy Poulin

Lorraine Adams

Gail Charpentier

Nancy Mahar

Fred Bernard PER

In Memory of
Fred Lebel

Irene Beaulieu

Norm Hankins

Larry Campbell PER

Albert Jordan

Rita Cloutier

Karen Hood

Dick Guerette

Richard Breton

Robert Chabot

Marcel Moore

Robert Gauvin

Don Aube

Norris Ingersol

Richard Aub

Richard Potvin

In Memory of
Henry P. Dubuc

Bob Dubuc

Donald Marvin

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