Theory of Equations

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Theory of Equations



An expression of the form f(x)=a0xn+a1xn1+a2xn2+....
+an where nN and a0,a1,a2,....,an are complex
numbers (a00) is a polynomial in x of degree n. degf(x)=n
Zero degree polynomial:
If f(x)=a0,a00 then f(x) a constant polynomial, or zero
degree polynomial.
Polynomial of differential orders:
Polynomials of degree 1, 2, 3, 4 are respectively called as
a linear, quadratic, cubic, biquadratic polynomials.


Polynomial of different equations

An equation f(x)=a0xn+a1xn1+a2xn2+.....+an=0 is said to be

an equation with
Real coefficients, if a0,a1,a2, are real numbers.
Rational coefficients, if a0,a1,a2, are rational numbers.
Integer coefficients, if a0,a1,a2, are integers.


Fundamental theorem of algebra

Number Of Roots:
Every polynomial equation of degree n1 has atleast one root.
Every polynomial equation of degree 'n' has only 'n' roots and
no more.
Conjugate pairs:
In an equation with real coefficients, imaginary roots occur
in conjugate pairs.
Conjugate surds:
In an equation with rational coefficients, irrational roots occur in
pairs of conjugate surds.
Symmetric functions:
The functions of the roots of an equation which remains unaltered
in value when any two of the roots are interchanged is
called symmetric functions of the roots.

General theorems

Division algorithm:
If f(x),g(x) are two polynomials [g(x)0] then there
exists polynomials q(x),r(x)uniquely such that f(x)=q(x).g(x)
+r(x) , here r(x)=0 or deg r(x)<degg(x) , q(x) is called quotient
and r(x) is called remainder of f(x).
Remainder Theorem:
If a polynomial f(x) is divided by (xa) then the remainder is f(a).
Factor Theorem:
If f(x) is a polynomial and f(a)=0 then (xa) is a factor of f(x).
If f(x) is a polynomial of degree n then f(x)=0 is called a
polynomial equation of degree n. It is also called as Algebric

Relation between the roots and the coefficients

If 1,2,.....n are the roots of the

equation f(x)=a0xn+a1xn1+a2xn2+.....+an=0 then
sum of the roots 1=s1=a1a0
sum of the products of the roots taken three at a time
time =123=s3=a3a0
product of 'n' the roots =1.2.3.....n=sn=(1)nana0
In an equation, if all the coefficients are positive, then the
equation has no positive root.

Relation between coefficients and roots based on sign of coefficients

In an equation, if all the coefficients are positive, then the

equation has no positive root.
In an equation, if all the coefficients of the even powers of x are of
the same signs and the coefficients of odd powers of x are of
opposite signs, then the equation has no negative root.
In an equation, if all the powers of x are odd and all the
coefficients are of the same sign, then the equation has no real
root except '0'.
In an equation, if all the powers of x are even and all the
coefficients are of the same signs, then the equation has no real

Transformation of equations

If 1,2,.....,n are the roots of the equation

f(x)=0 then the equation whose roots
are 1,2,.....,n is f(x)=0.
If 1,2,.....,n are the roots of the equation
f(x)=0 and k0 then the equation whose roots
are k1,k2,.....,kn is f(xk)=0.
The equation whose roots are reciprocals of the roots of the
f(x)=0 is f(1x)=0.
The equation whose roots are exceed by k than those

of f(x)=0 is f(xk)=0.
The equation whose roots are diminished by k than those
of f(x)=0 is f(x+k)=0.
If 1,2,.....,n are the roots of f(x)=0 then the equation whose
roots are 21,22,.....,2n is f(x)=0.

Reciprocal equation

If an equation is unaltered by changing 'x' into 1x, then it is a
reciprocal equation. It is denoted by R.E.

Types of reciprocal equations - second type

f(x)=xn+a1xn1+a2xn2+.....+an=0 is a reciprocal equation of

the second type if an1=a1,an2=a2,....

Problems on multiple roots

A root of of f(x)=0 is said to be a multiple root of order m or

multiplicity m if it occurs m times.
A multiple root of order m of f(x)=0 is a multiple root of
order (m1) of f(x)=0

Problems on root of equation lying between a & b

f(a),f(b) are found to be of opposite signs:

If two real numbers a and b be substituted for
x in f(x) and f(a),f(b) are found to be of opposite signs then at
least one or an odd number of real roots of the
equation f(x)=0 lie between a and b.
f(a) and f(b) have the same sign:

In case f(a) and f(b) have the same sign, then either no real root
or an even number of roots of f(x)=0 lie between a and b

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