2011 SMO Solutions

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SMO 2011 solutions

1. After the eating of the legs there are 270 legs and 30 one-legged chickens so there
are nine times as many legs as one-legged chickens. So in the pen there are 54
one-legged chickens.
2. 2 and 2
3. By pythagorass theorem the zip line is 500 metres long. So Frederick will take
= 100 second on the zipline and 700
= 50 seconds on the ground. So he will take
150 seconds in total.
4. The last digits of the number 90 , 91 92 , 93 , . . . are 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, . . . hence the answer is 9.
Alternatively 99 (1)9 1 9 modulo 10.
5. The sequence is 1,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256 (with nth term equal to 2n2 for n > 1.)
Hence 256.
6. x3 7x + 6 = (x 1)(x 2)(x + 3) so the answer is 12 + 22 + (3)2 = 14
7. Han eats 61 of the cake each minute and Jiaying eats 12
of the cake each minute.
Together they eat 6 + 12 = 4 of teh cake each minute. hence the answer is 4

8. The possibilities for the number of $1, $2 and $5 things are: (11,0,0), (9,1,0), (7,2,0),
(5,3,0), (3,4,0), (1,5,0), (6,0,1), (4,1,1), (2,2,1), (0,3,1), (1,0,2). So the answer is 11.
9. 7
10. Let k, m, s be Kristians number, Mels number and Stephens number.
Then s +


= (k +


+ k1 ) = mk + 2 +


Clearly mk = 12 and hence s = 14.

11. Let Hc , Sc , Yc be the number of pieces of chicken pizza that Han, Sam and Yi have
respectively and let Hv , Sv , Yv be the number of pieces of vegetarian pizza that Han,
. Similarly Sv = Hv +Y
Sam and Yi have respectively. Sc = Hc +S3c +Yc so Sc = Hc +Y
Also Hc > Sc and Hv < Sv . So 0 < Hv < Sv < Yv = Yc < Sc < Hc . So the total
number of pieces is Hv + Sv + Yv + Yc + Sc + Hc 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 18. This
can be achieved if Hv = 1, Sv = 2, Yv = 3, Yc = 3, Sc = 4 and Hc = 5. So the answer
is 18.


= 1 n1 and none of 96,97,98,99 are the product of two primes. So n 95.

Therefore m
1 n1 1 95
= 94
which works. Hence the answer is


13. AP = AC cos 60 =
12 3 = 9.


= 6 and AQ = AP cos 60 =


= 3. So QC = AC AQ =

14. Let n be the number of ingredients in the dish. If the dish sells the net profit is
500 50n dollars. Therefore the expected profit is (500 50n) 10
= 5(10n n2 ) =
125 5(n 5)2 which is maximised when n=5.
15. The sequence is 100, 50, 25, 77, 104, 52, 26, 13, 41, 56, 28, 14, 7, 23, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2,
1, 5 and then the last five numbers repeat. Since a21 = 5, a2011 = 5. So the answer
is 5.
16. The clocks will next show the same time when they get 12 hours out of sync with
each other. It takes the clocks one hour to move apart by 5 seconds. It takes the
clocks 360 days = 8640 hours to move apart by 8640 5 = 43200 seconds =720
minutes =12 hours. Hence the answer is 360.
17. Let f (n) be the sum
of the digits P
of n. The forP0 n < 1000, f (n) + f (999
n) =
9+9+9 = 27. So 2 i=1 f (n) = 2 i=0 f (n) = i=0 (f (n)+f (999n)) = i=0 27 =
= 13500.
27000. So the answer is 27000
18. Let b be the number of boys and let g be the number of girls. The number of pairs
of a boy and girl who know each other is 4g = 5b. The number of pairs of a dog and
human who know each other is 3g + 2b = 46 5 = 230. So 1150 = 15g + 10b = 23g
so there are 50 girls at the party.
19. Let Heckyls age be the variable h and let Jeckyls age be the variable h + s (so s
is constant). h|h + s if and only if h|s. This will happen for the last time when
h = s. Let h0 be Heckyls current age. Then h0 + 8 = s. Also h0 |s = h0 + 8 so h0 |8
and nothing which is between h0 and s divides s. If h0 = 1 then s = 9 but 3|9 and
h0 = 1 < 3 < 9 = s. If h0 = 2 then s = 10 but 5|10 and h0 = 2 < 5 < 10 = s.
If h0 = 4 then s = 12 but 6|12 and h0 = 4 < 6 < 12 = s. So h0 = 8 so s = 16 so
Jeckyls initial age is h0 + s = 24.
20. Let the digits be a, b, c, d. Then a + b + c + d = 10c + d so a + b = 9c. Also
0 < a + b 18 So a + b = 18 or a + b = 9. If a + b = 18 then a = b = 9 so
81|abcd = 99 a contradiction. So a + b = 9 and c = 1. Also abcd = 10a + b. Therefore
a|10a + b so a|a + b = 9 so a =1,3 or 9 and b|10a + b so b|10a + 10b = 90. If a = 1
then 8 = b|90 a contradiction. If a = 9 then 0 = b|90 a contradiction. So a = 3 and
b = 6 so 36 = 3 6 1 d so d = 2. So n is 3612.
21. Let a be the expected time starting from the initial vertex. Let b be the expected
time starting from a vertex which is adjacent to the initial vertex. Let c be the
expected time starting from a vertex which is adjacent to the sugary vertex. Then
+ 1, c = 2b
+ 1. So 3b = a + 2c + 3 = b + 2c + 4 so b = c + 2. So
a = b + 1, b = a+2c
2b + 3 = 3c = 3b 6 so b = 9. Therefore a = 10.


If we look at the cube from a point on the line AG we get the diagram above, a regular
hexagon. So the angle between planes CAY GE and BAY GH is 60 . So the angle
between faces XAY and BAY is 60 and similarly the angle between faces XBY and
BAY is 60 . Clearly faces XAB, XAY and XBY are mutually perpendicular. Also
the angle between faces ABY and ABX is 45 . Therefore the sum of the angles
between the faces is 60 + 60 + 90 + 90 + 90 + 45 = 435
23. First place the emperor penguins. Paint one of the Emperor penguins pink. There
are 12 ways of placing the pink one. Now there are 9 seats to put the other two in
but they cant sit next to each other. We can make a bijection between this and
the ways of choosing any 2 of 8 seats by adding on empty seat between the two
from 8. So the number of ways of seating the last two emperor penguins is

 the number of ways of placing
 the emperor penguins, one of which is pink,
is 12 2 . So the actual number is 4 2 since they are actually
identical. The number

of ways of placing the macaroni
 penguins is now 3 and the number of ways of
 fairy penguins is 3 . So the number of ways of seating the penguins is
8 9 6
4 2 3 3 = 4 28 84 20 = 188160.


Label some of the vertices as shown. Using angle chasing all 6 of the triangles with
labelled vertices are isosceles. Let BC = 1 and let CD = x. By the isosceles triangles
AB = BE = EC = CD = x and ED = BD = x + 1. Since BEC is similar to BDE,
= BD
= BE
= x so x2 = x + 1 so x = . So ED = 2 . So the ratio in question

is = + = 2 + = 3 + 2 =

It is fairly easy to see that the vertices of the prism will be on the surface of the sphere.
Let the base of the prism be triangle ABC with circumcentre O1 and circumradius
R. Let the centre of the sphere be O and let the height
of the prism be h. Using

h 2
Pythagorass theorem 1 = OA = OO1 +O1 A = 2 +R . So 4 = h2 +2R2 +2R2

3 4h2 R4 by the AM-GM inequality. So 34 3 hR2 . It isnt too hard to prove that
the area of ABC will be maximised when ABC is equilateral. In this case the area

of O1 BC is 21 O1 B O1 C sin120 = 43 R2 . So the volume of the prism is

Equality holds when R = 23 and h = 23 . So the answer is 1.

3 3 2
R h


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