Cause and Effect of Bruxism

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Enrica Melissa Panjaitan

Academic English 1

6 November 2014

Many people are easy to be found grinding or clenching their teeth when they are
sleeping. They also can create sounds from their teeth that sometimes disturb others.
Medically, it is called bruxism. Bruxism is due to clenching of the teeth other than in
chewing and is associated with forceful lateral or protrusive jaw movements. (Kraft, 2014).
Bruxism occurs uncosciousnessly which can cause cracks of the teeth structure. Until now,
the causes of bruxism have not been identified. However, some researches link bruxism with
many factors such as general, psychological and medical problems which can affect health in
several ways.
One of the general causes of bruxism is bad lifestyle. It is one of the most significant
factors, since it is interpreted as the lifestyle where people are involved in activites which are
baneful to health. (What is an unhealthy lifestyle?, n.d.). Some examples of bad lifestyle are
smoking, the excessive consumption of caffein and drinking alcohol. Also, the side effect of
medication also become the cause of bruxism. The side effect of drugs such as ecstasy or
cocaine and other drug which stimulate the brain, results the stimulation of brain and is
trusted to be the grinding contribution.
Second, there are psyhcological problems which can cause bruxism which are stress,
anxiety, mental disorder, and other psychological problem which are significantly related to
the teeth grinding or clenching activity when people sleep. These problems are considered as
the basic cause of bruxism. Recent researches have found that stress and anxiety cause 70%
cases of bruxism. (Teeth grinding (bruxism) Causes, n.d.). Bruxism affects people with the
nervous tension such as irritable, pain, frustrate, or people who are aggressive, hasty, and
excessive competitive tendencies.
The third cause of bruxism is medical problems or health disorder. An example of
health disorder is sleep disorder(bad sleep pattern). Sleep disorders which often happen in
some cases are snoring, the pausing of breathing, and also Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).
Various mouth prodigy such as snoring, gasps, and tooth grinding often accompany the
termination of the apnea event. (Causes of Bruxism, n.d.). A study concludes that too little or
too much sleep can cause two years older brain while another study concludes that people
with sleep disorder, are more risky to suffer the other disorder than poeple who have no sleep
disorder.( Pola Tidur yang Buruk Dapat Mempercepat Penuaan Otak. n.d.).

Enrica Melissa Panjaitan

Academic English 1

6 November 2014

Lastly, relating to the medical cause, people who have dental disorder usually suffer
bruxism. The common dental disorder that usually occurs is the malocclusal, which the
events are classified according to teeth or jaws malforming, rear teeths interferences,
unusual bite or teeths crooking. (Bruxism, n.d.).
Besides, from all of the causes that occurs from bruxism, there are also effects that
can bring to humanbeings as they continue to bring this sickness with them.
Sooner or later, bruxism can affect health in negative ways. The effects of bruxism
can be divided in two section, short-period and long-period. Short-period effects of bruxism
are headache, ear ache, the shoulders tightness, mouth opening limitation, disturb other
people when sleep because of the noise of bruxism, the excessive of teeth mobility, and the
gums inflamed. If people have suffered bruxism in long-period, they will suffer
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or (TMJ) and the lossing and recessing of teeth. (Effects
of Bruxism, n.d.)
In conclusion, bruxism often occurs to people nowadays because of general,
psychological and medical problems. Bruxism becomes peoples habit which can affect
many problems, especially to their teeth. This habit is the hardest habit to be controlled
because it happens unconssiousnessly. To improve the situation, it is suggested that people
would do the exact treatment from the doctor or the dentist to solve their problem from

Enrica Melissa Panjaitan

Academic English 1

6 November 2014


Kraft, S. (2014, September 16). What is teeth grinding (bruxism)?What causes teeth
grinding?. Retrieved November 2, 2014, from
Teeth grinding(bruxism) Causes. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2014, from
What is an unhealthy lifestyle?. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2014, from
Kerot(bruxism). (n.d.). Retrieved November 5, 2014, from
Pola Tidur yang Buruk Dapat Mempercepat Penuaan Otak. (n.d.). Retrieved November 5,
2014, from
Causes of Bruxism. (n.d.). Retrieved November 5, 2014, from
Effects of Bruxism. (n.d.). Retrieved November 6, 2014, from
Bruxism. (n.d.). Retrieved November 6, 2014, from

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