Entrepreneurship Library Guide
Entrepreneurship Library Guide
Entrepreneurship Library Guide
2008 - 2014
Entrepreneurship is a term that has been used in dierent ways. One usage views
entrepreneur-ship as concerned with the processes leading to new venture crea on,
without regard to the type or poten al of the organiza ons created. Another view
sees entrepreneurship as primarily concerned with developing innova ve ventures,
whether these are independent or occur within already established organiza ons.
Entrepreneur-ship inside organiza ons has some mes been termed corporate
entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship. Both usages emphasize the role of the
entrepreneur as one who organizes a venture and bears some degree of risk in return
for rewards.
For many individuals, entrepreneur-ship has been the vehicle by which they pursue
personal goals and achieve independence. In countries which have been moving
from state-owned to private enterprise, entrepreneurship has been supported as
a means to transform these economies. In regard to corporate entrepreneurship,
managements of large organiza ons have recognized that one of their greatest
challenges is to become more innova ve and more responsive to changes in markets
and technology.
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management
Ed. Nigel Nicholson, Pino G. Audia, and Madan M. Pillutla. Vol.
11: Organiza onal Behavior. 2nd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005.
p106-109. COPYRIGHT 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Hiduke, Gail P.(2014). Small business: an entrepreneurs business plan. 9th ed.
Australia: South-Western /Cengage Learning. HD 62.7 E25 2014
Katz, Jerome A. (2014). Entrepreneurial small business. 4th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill. HD 62.7 K38 2014
Hisrich, Robert D. (2013). Interna onal entrepreneurship: star ng, developing, and managing a global venture. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publica ons. HB 615 H57 2013
Keohane, Georgia Levenson.(2013). Social entrepreneurship for the 21st century: innova on across the nonprofit, private, and public sector. HD 60 K482
10. Key, Stephen. (2013). One simple idea for startups and entrepreneurs: live
your dreams and create your own profitable company. New York: McGrawHill. HD 62.5 K49
11. Lawrence, Peter A. (2013). Enterprise in ac on: a guide to entrepreneurship.
Chichester: John Wiley and Sons. HB 615 L39
12. Mario , Steve. (2013). Entrepreneurship: star ng and opera ng a small
business. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Pren ce Hall. HD 62.5
M356 2013
13. Weihrich, Heinz. (2013). Management: a global, innova ve and entrepreneurial perspec ve. 14th ed. New Delhi: McGraw-Hill. HD 31 K6 2013
14. Auerswald, Philip E. (2012). The coming prosperity: how entrepreneurs are
transforming the global economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. HF 1359
15. Awe, Susan C. (2012). The entrepreneurs informa on sourcebook: charting the path to small business success. 2nd ed. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Libraries
Unlimited. HD 62.5 A96 2012
16. Bagley, Constance E. (2012). The entrepreneurs guide to business law. 4th ed.
Mason, Ohio: South-Western. KB 115 B84B33 2012
17. Barringer, Bruce R. (2012). Entrepreneurship: successfully launching new
ventures. 4th ed. Boston: Pearson/Pren ce Hall. HB 615 B37 2012
18. Barrington, Gail V. (2012). Consul ng start-up and management: a guide for
evaluators and applied researchers. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publica ons.
HD 69 C6B36
19. Broad, Eli, with Swa Pandey. (2012). The art of being unreasonable: lessons
in unconven onal thinking. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. HC 102.5 B69A3
20. Encyclopedia of new venture management. (2012). Ma hew R. Marvel, [editor]. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. HD 62.5 E53
21. Greene, Cynthia L. (2012). Entrepreneurship: ideas in ac on. 5th ed. Australia:
South-Western. HB 615 G73 2012
22. Harbour, Jeremy. (2012). Go do!: for people who have always wanted to start
a business. Chichester, West Sussex: Capstone/John Wiley Sons Ltd. HD 62.5
23. Hisrich, Robert D. and Claudine Kearney. (2012). Corporate entrepreneurship: how to create a thriving entrepreneurial spirit throughout your company. New York: McGraw-Hill. HB 615 H575
24. Kickul, Jill R. (2012). Understanding social entrepreneurship: the relentless
pursuit of mission in an ever changing world. New York: Routledge. HD 60
25. LaFasto, Frank, Carl Larson. (2012). The humanitarian leader in each of us:
7 choices that shape a socially responsible life. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage
Publica ons, Inc. HD 57.7 L34
26. LaPorte, Danielle. (2012). The fire starter sessions: a soulful + prac cal guide
to crea ng success on your own terms. New York: Crown Archetype. BF 637
27. Leach, J. Chris. (2012). Entrepreneurial finance. 4th ed. Mason, Ohio: SouthWestern Cengage Learning. HG 4751 L43 2012
28. Lee, William B. (2012). Crea ng entrepreneurial supply chains: a guide for
innova on and growth. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: J. Ross Pub. HD 38.5 L43
29. Managing small business: an entrepreneurial emphasis /J. William Pe y ...
[et al.](2013). 16th ed. Australia: South-Western/Cengage Learning. HD 62.7
L66 2012
30. Mason, Hugh, Mark Chong. (2012). Brainfruit: turning crea vity into cash
from East to West. Singapore: McGraw-Hill. HD 53 M38
31. Masterson, Michael. (2012). The reluctant entrepreneur: turning dreams into
profits. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. HB 615 M372
32. Mitra, Jay. (2012). Entrepreneurship, innova on and regional development:
an introduc on. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. HB 615 M58
33. Moules, Jonathan. (2012). The rebel entrepreneur: rewri ng the business
rulebook. London: Kogan Page. HB 615 M68
34. Niyogi, Shil. (2012). How some small businesses get their ducks in a row and
grow while others remain undis nguished. Thousand Oaks: Response Books.
HD 58.9 N59
35. Oakey, Ray. (2012). High-technology entrepreneurship. London: Routledge.
HC 79 H53O14
36. Poatsy, Mary Anne, Michael R. Solomon, Kendall Mar n. (2012). Be er business. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pren ce Hall. HD 31 P555 2012
37. Scarborough, Norman M.(2012). Eec ve small business management: an
entrepreneurial approach. 10th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Pren ce
Hall. HD 62.7 S27 2012
38. Schwartz, Beverly. (2012). Rippling: how social entrepreneurs spread innovaon throughout the world. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. HD 60 S38
39. Spinelli, Stephen. (2012). New venture crea on: entrepreneurship for the
21st century. 9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. HD 62.5 T55 2012
40. Timmons, Jerry A. (2012). New venture crea on: entrepreneurship for the
21st century. Singapore: McGraw-Hill. HD 62.5 T55 2012
41. Tjan, Anthony K., Richard J. Harrington, and Hsieh, Tsun-Yan. (2012). Heart,
smarts, guts, and luck: what it takes to be an entrepreneur and build a great
business. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business Review Press. HB 615 T53
42. Tobin, Lucy. (2012). Entrepreneur: how to start on online business. Chichester: Capstone. HF 5548.32 T63
43. Wenzel, Anne M. (2012). The entrepreneurs guide to market research. Santa
Barbara, Calif.: Praeger. HF 5415.2 W45
44. Abraham, Joe. (2011). Entrepreneurial DNA: tap into your unique strengths
to build a successful business. New York: McGraw-Hill. HF 5386 A42
45. Academic entrepreneurship and community engagement: Scholarship in
ac on and the Syracuse miracle. (2011). Edited by Bruce Kingma. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Pub. LB 2325 A24
46. Bamford, Charles E., Garry D. Bruton. (2011). Entrepreneurship: a small business approach. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. HD 62.5 B36
47. Beach, Jim, Chris Hanks, and David Beasley. (2011). School for startups: the
61. Fairbrothers, Gregg. (2011). From idea to success: the Dartmouth entrepreneurial networks guide for start-ups. New York: McGraw-Hill. HD 53 F35
62. Farrell, Larry C. (2011). The new entrepreneurial age, awakening the spirit of
enterprise in people, companies, and countries. New York: Brick Tower Press.
HB 615 F31 2011
63. Grandori, Anna and Laura Gaillard Giordani. (2011). Organizing entrepreneurship. New York, NY: Routledge. HB 615 G72
64. Greene, Cynthia L. (2011). Entrepreneurship. 2nd ed. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. HB 615 G75 2011
65. Handbook of research on entrepreneurship and regional development: naonal and regional perspec ves. (2011). Edited by Michael Fritsch. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Pub. HB 615 H2658
66. Handbook of research on entrepreneurship in agriculture and rural development. (2011). Edited by Gry Agnete Alsos ... [et al.]. Cheltenham, UK: Edward
Elgar. HD 1415 H31
67. Handbook of research on entrepreneurship policies in central and eastern
Europe. (2011). Edited by Friederike Welter and David Smallbone. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. HB 615 H26597
68. Handbook of research on innova on and entrepreneurship. (2011). Edited by
David B. Audretsch ... [et al.]. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. HB 615 H26598
69. Handbook of research on new venture crea on. (2011). Edited by Kevin Hindle and Kim Klyver. Cheltenham, Glos, UK: Edward Elgar. HD 62.5 H358
70. Hurwitz, Judith. (2011). Smart or lucky?: how technology leaders turn chance
into success. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. HB 615 H87
71. Kacou, Eric. (2011). Entrepreneurial solu ons for prosperity in BoP markets:
strategies for business and economic transforma on. Upper Saddle River,
N.J.: Wharton School Pub. HD 2346.5 K33
72. Kariv, Dafna. (2011). Entrepreneurship: an interna onal introduc on. London: Routledge. HB 615 K367
73. Katz, Jerome A., Richard P. Green. (2011). Entrepreneurial small business. 3rd
ed. Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill. HD 62.7 K38 2011
74. Key, Stephen. (2011). One simple idea: turn your dreams into a licensing
goldmine while le ng others do the work. New York: McGraw-Hill. T 339 K49
75. Khanna, Tarun. (2011). Billions of entrepreneurs: how China and India are
reshaping their futures--and yours. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School
Press. HF 3836.5 K593
76. Koester, Eric. (2011). Green entrepreneur handbook: the guide to building
and growing a green and clean business. Boca Raton, FL: CRC. HD 62.5 K64
77. Linsenmann, Ciree. (2011). Start your own lawn care or landscaping business: your step-by-step guide to success. 3rd ed. Calif.:Entrepreneur Press. SB
433.27 L56 2011
78. Lovins, L. Hunter and Boyd Cohen. (2011). Climate capitalism: capitalism in
the age of climate change. New York: Hill and Wang. HC 79 E5L67
79. McElroy, Ken. (2011). The sleeping giant: the awakening of the self-employed
entrepreneur. Sco sdale, AZ: Kylekade Press. HB 615 M34
80. Morris, Michael H., Donald F. Kuratko, Jerey G. Covin. (2011). Corporate
entrepreneurship and innova on:entrepreneurial development within organiza ons. 3rd ed. Australia: South-Western/Cengage Learning. HB 615 M67
81. Nothha , Henry R., with David Kline. (2011). Great again: revitalizing
Americas entrepreneurial leadership. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business Press.
HD 2346 U5N69
82. Prosek, Jennifer. (2011). Army of entrepreneurs: create an engaged and empowered workforce for excep onal business growth. New York: AMACOM.
HF 5549.5 M63P76
83. Reuer, Jerey J., Africa Arino, Paul M. Olk. (2011). Entrepreneurial alliances.
Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pren ce Hall. HD 69 S8R48
84. Ridley-Du, Rory, Mike Bull. (2011). Understanding social enterprise: theory
prac ce. London: SAGE. HD 60 R54
85. Roth, Carol. (2011). The entrepreneur equa on: evalua ng the reali es,
risks, and rewards of having your own business. Dallas, Tex.: BenBella
Books,Inc. HB 615 R68
86. Scarborough, Norman M., with Doug Wilson. (2011). Essen als of entrepreneurship and small business management. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.:
Pren ce Hall. HD 62.7 Z55 2011
87. Scofield, Rupert. (2011). The social entrepreneurs handbook: how to start,
build, and run a business that improves the world. New York: McGraw-Hill.
HD 60 S39
88. Shah, Amit. (2011). BusinessNow. 2nd ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. HB 615
S48 2011
89. Snow, Patrick. (2011). The auent entrepreneur: 20 proven principles for
achieving prosperity. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. HB 615 S66
90. Tan, Yinglan. (2011). Chinnova on: how Chinese innovators are changing the
world. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. HB 615 T35
91. Zacharakis, Andrew. (2011). Business plans that work: a guide for small business. 2nd ed. New York, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill. HD 30.28 T57 2011
92. World encyclopedia of entrepreneurship. (2011). Edited by Leo-Paul Dana.
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. HB 615 W68
93. Zacharakis, Andrew, Stephen Spinelli, and Jery A. Timmons. (2011). Business plans that work: a guide for small business. 2nd ed. New York, N.Y.:
McGraw-Hill. HD 30.28 T57 2011
94. Barclay, Liz. (2010). Business the Duncan Bannatyne way: 10 secrets of the
rags to riches dragon. HF 5386 B22
95. Bornstein, David and Susan Davis. (2010). Social entrepreneurship: what
everyone needs to know. Oxford: Oxford University Press. HD 60 B67
96. Dearlove, Des. (2010). Business the Bill Gates way: 10 secrets of the worlds
richest business leader. 3rd ed. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. HD 9696.2 U62G374
97. (De)mobilizing the entrepreneurship discourse: exploring entrepreneurial
thinking and ac on. (2010). Edited by Frederic Bill, Bjorn Bjerke, Anders W.
Johannsson. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. HB 615 D46
98. Development of university-based entrepreneurship ecosystems: global pracces. (2010). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. HD 62.5 D47
99. Down, Simon. (2010). Enterprise, entrepreneurship and small business. Los
Angeles: SAGE. HB 615 D69
100.Duening, Thomas N., Robert D. Hisrich, Michael A. Lechter. (2010). Technology entrepreneurship: crea ng, capturing, and protec ng value. Burlington,
MA: Academic Press. HC 79 T4D84
101.Ellis, Tania. (2010). The new pioneers: sustainable business success through
social innova on and social entrepreneurship. Cichester : Wiley. HD 60 E55
102.Entrepreneurial society: how to fill the gap between knowledge and innova-
on. (2010). Edited by Jean Bonnet, Domingo Garcia Perez De Lema, Howard
Van Auken. Cheltenham, Glos, UK: Edward Elgar. HB 615 E597
103.Entrepreneurship and regional development: local processes and global patterns. (2010). Edited by Charlie Karlsson, Borje Johansson, Roger R. Stough.
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. HB 615 E588
104.Entrepreneurship: theory, networks, history. (2010). Mark Casson ... [et al.].
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. HB 615 C37
105.Frederick, Howard H., Donald F. Kuratko. (2010). Entrepreneurship: theory,
process, prac ce. 2nd Asia-Pacific ed. Australia: Cengage. HB 615 K87 2010
Asia Pac.ed.
106.Gartner, William B., with Marlene G. Bellamy. (2010). Enterprise. Mason, OH:
South-Western Cengage Learning. HB 615 G3753
107.Gordon, Michael E. (2010). Trump University entrepreneurship 101: how
to turn your idea into a money machine. 2nd ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley
Sons. HB 615 G665 2010
108.Hisrich, Robert D., Michael P. Peters, Dean A. Shepherd. (2010). Entrepreneurship. 8th ed. Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. HD 62.5 H577 2010
109.Hisrich, Robert D. (2010). Interna onal entrepreneurship: star ng, developing, and managing a global venture. Los Angeles: SAGE. HB 615 H57
110.Historical founda ons of entrepreneurship research. (2010). Edited by Hans
Landstrom and Franz Lohrke. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. HB 615 H577
111.Hoy, Frank, Pramodita Sharma. (2010). Entrepreneurial family firms. Upper
Saddle River, N.J.: Pren ce Hall. HD 62.25 H69
112.Interna onal dierences in entrepreneurship. (2010). Edited by Josh Lerner
and Antoine e Schoar. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. HB 615 I575
113.Karatas-Ozkan, Mine, Elizabeth Chell. (2010). Nascent entrepreneurship and
learning. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. HB 615 K366
114.Kennedy, Dan S. (2010). No B.S. wealth a rac on in the new economy. [Irvine]: Entrepreneur Press. HF 5386 K27
115.Knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship and innova on systems: evidence
from Europe. (2010). Edited by Franco Malerba. London: Routledge. HB 615
116.Mario , Steve, Caroline Glackin. (2010). Entrepreneurship: star ng and
opera ng a small business. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Pren ce
Hall. HD 62.5 M356 2010
117.Miletsky, Jay. (2010). 201 ps to start and build your own business. Boston,
Mass.: Course Technology. HD 62.7 M55
118.Percy, Anthony G. (2010). Entrepreneurship in the Catholic tradi on. Lanham: Lexington Books. HF 5388 P47
119.Poatsy, Mary Anne, Kendall Mar n. (2010). Be er business. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pren ce Hall. HD 31 P555
120.Portable MBA in entrepreneurship. (2010). Edited by William D. Bygrave and
Andrew Zacharakis. 4th ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. HD 62.5 B94 2010
121.Rasul, Shaf. (2010). Secrets of a serial entrepreneur: a business dragons
guide to success. Chichester: Capstone Pub. HD 62.5 R38
122.Sandler, Michael R. (2010). Social entrepreneurship in educa on: private
ventures for the public good. Lanham: Rowman Li lefield Pub. LC 1085.2
123.Sebas an, Asuncion M. (2010). Blue way 2: case studies on social business
enterprises. [Pasig City]: Anvil. HD 62.5 S42
124.Schweikart, Larry, Lynne Pierson Do . (2010). American entrepreneur: the
fascina ng stories of the people who defined business in the United States.
New York: American Management Associa on. HB 615 S37
125.Stokes, David and Nicholas Wilson. (2010). Small business management and
entrepreneurship. 6th ed. Australia: South-Western. HD 62.7 S76 2010
126.Stokes, David, Nick Wilson, Martha Mador. (2010). Entrepreneurship. Australia ;United States: South-Western Cengage Learning. HB 615 S75
127.Storey, David J. and Francis J. Greene. (2010). Small business and entrepreneurship. New York, NY: Financial Times Pren ce Hall. HD 2341 S74
128.Theory and prac ce of entrepreneurship: fron ers in European entrepreneurship research. (2010). Edited by David Smallbone ... [et al.]. Cheltenham,
UK: Edward Elgar. HB 615 T44
129.Transgenera onal entrepreneurship: exploring growth and performance
in family firms across genera ons. (2010). Edited by Ma ais Nordqvist and
Thomas M. Zellweger. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. HD 62.25 T73
130.Uchino, Kenji. (2010). Entrepreneurship for engineers. Boca Raton: CRC
HB 615 L44
157.Management for social enterprise. (2009). Bob Doherty ... [et al.] Los Angeles: SAGE. HD 62.6 M266
158.Measuring social enterprise: a resource book on social enterprise performance measurement. (2009). Marie Lisa M. Dacanay, ed. Quezon City:
Ins tute for Social Entrepreneurship in Asia. HD 60 M42
159.Mullins, John, Randy Komisar. (2009). Ge ng to plan B: breaking through
to a be er business model. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business Press. HD 30.28
160.Nie, Winter and Katherine Xin with Lily Zhang. (2009). Made in China: secrets of Chinas dynamic entrepreneurs. Singapore: John Wiley Sons. HB 615
161.Reuvid ,Jonathan. (2009). Working for yourself: an entrepreneurs guide to
the basics. 26th ed. London: Kogan Page. HD 8037 G7R48 2009
162.Rogers, Steven with Roza Makonnen. (2009). Entrepreneurial finance:
finance and business strategies for the serious entrepreneur. New York:
McGraw-Hill. HG 4026 R729 2009
163.Strong, Michael. (2009). Be the solu on: how entrepreneurs and conscious
capitalists can solve all the worlds problems. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. HB 615
164.Sustaining entrepreneurship and economic growth: lessons in policy and
industry innova ons from Germany and India. (2009). Keilbach, Max, Jagannadha Pawan Tamvada, David B. Audretsch, editors. New York, NY: Springer.
HB 615 S98
165.Timmons, Jerry A., Stephen Spinelli. (2009). New venture crea on: entrepreneurship for the 21st century. 8th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill. HD 62.5 T55
166.Barringer ,Bruce R., R. Duane Ireland. (2008). Entrepreneurship: successfully
launching new ventures. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Pren ce
Hall. HB 615 B37 2008
167.Burns , Paul. (2008). Corporate entrepreneurship: building the entrepreneurial organiza on. 2nd ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. HB 615 B87 2008
168.Cases on informa on technology entrepreneurship. (2008). Medina-Garrido,
Jose Aurelio, Salus ano Mar nez-Fierro, Jose Ruiz-Navarro, [editors]. Hershey: IGI Pub. HC 79 I55C36
169.Chahal , Gurbaksh. (2008). The dream: how I learned the risks and rewards
of entrepreneurship and made millions. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. HF
5386 C46
170.Diversity in the knowledge economy and society: heterogeneity, innova on
and entrepreneurship. (2008). Edited by Elias G. Carayannis, Aris Kaloudis,
and Age Mariussen. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. HD 53 D58
171.Elkington, John., Pamela Har gan. (2008). The power of unreasonable
people: how social entrepreneurs create markets that change the world.
Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press. HD 60 E45
172.Entrepreneurial strategic decision-making: a cogni ve perspec ve. (2008).
Edited by Patrick A.M. Vermeulen and Petru L. Curseu. Cheltenham, UK:
Edward Elgar. HB 615 E57
173.Financing entrepreneurship (2008). Edited by Philip Auerswald and Ant Bozkaya. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. HB 615 F55
174.Gerber, Michael E. (2008). Awakening the entrepreneur within: how ordinary people can create extraordinary companies. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers. HB 615 G46
175.Heller, Steven and Lita Talarico. (2008). The design entrepreneur: turning
graphic design into goods that sell. Beverly, Mass. : Rockport Publishers. NC
1001 H44
176.Light , Paul C. (2008). The search for social entrepreneurship. Washington,
D.C.: Brookings Ins tu on Press. HD 60 L54
177.MacDonald, Robert W. (2008). Beat the system: 11 secrets to building an
entrepreneurial culture in a bureaucra c world. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley
Sons. HB 615 M31
178.Morato , Eduardo A. (2008). A trilogy on entrepreneurship. Quezon City: Rex
Prin ng Co. HB 615 M673
179.Morris, Michael H., Donald F. Kuratko, Jerey G. Covin. (2008). Corporate
entrepreneurship and innova on: entrepreneurial development within organiza ons. 2nd ed. Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western. HB 615 M67 2008
180.Moulden, Julia. (2008). We are the new radicals: a manifesto for reinven ng
yourself and saving the world. New York: McGraw-Hill. HN 18.3 M68
181.O nger , Randall J. (2008). Beyond success: building a personal, financial,
and philanthropic legacy. New York: McGraw-Hill. HV 40 O88
E-myth enterprise: how to turn a great idea into a thriving business [videorecording]. (2009). [New York]: Collins Pub. CD 069
Naturally successful: entrepreneurship that redefines the bo om line [videorecording](2008). 1 DVD-ROM. Lake Oswego, OR: Arnold Creek Produc ons.
DVD 190
Entrepreneurial Economy
Full Text:12/01/2005 to present
Descrip on: Discusses the inducement of entrepreneurship, crea vity &
innova veness of students & the development of an individualis c approach
to organisa on of society.
Entrepreneurial Execuve
Full Text:01/01/2007 to present
Descrip on: Presents prac cal manuscripts in entrepreneurship and small
works that can be of prac cal value to business persons, educators, students
and advocates.
15. Journal of Internaonal Entrepreneurship
Full Text:03/01/2003 to present (with a 12 Month delay)
Descrip on: Published for researchers of entrepreneurship & interna onal
16. Profit
Bibliographic Records:12/01/2000 to present
Full Text:12/01/2000 to present
17. Restaurant Business
Bibliographic Records:01/20/1993 to present
Full Text:01/01/1995 to present
18. Small Enterprise Research
Bibliographic Records:06/01/2006 to present
Full Text:06/01/2006 to present
D. ELECTRONIC BOOKS from Taylor and Francis Online Database
19. Allevia ng Poverty Through Profitable Partnerships: Globaliza on, Markets,
and Economic Well-Being. (2010). Patricia H. Werhane. Routledge
20. Interna onal Business: Themes and Issues in the Modern Global Economy.
(2010). 2nd ed. Debra Johnson, Colin Turner. Routledge
21. Management Consul ng Today and Tomorrow:Perspec ves and Advice from
27 Leading World Experts. Edited by Larry E. Greiner, Flemming Poulfelt.
22. Trademarks, Brands, and Compe
Lopes, Paul Duguid. Routledge
Entrepreneurs: Fergusons Careers in Focus. (2009). 3rd ed. New York: Ferguson Publishing.
The First 10 Yards: The 5 Dynamics of Entrepreneurship and How They Made
a Dierence at DHL and Other Successful Startups.(2009). Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.
Start Up & Run Your Own Business: The Essen al Guide to Planning, Funding
and Growing Your New Enterprise. (2009). 7th ed. London: Kogan Page
Family Wars: Classic Conflicts in Family Business and How to Deal With Them.
(2008). London: Kogan Page
Earnest &Young (EY) is a global leader in knowledge management.
EVCA research and data sec on for comprehensive industry reports from
trusted academic research.
Entrepreneur Philippines is the extensive resource for both aspiring and
exis ng entrepreneurs in star ng and expanding their businesses. It contains
expert business advice and know-how to help each entrepreneur succeed in
Go Negosyo is the advocacy of the Philippine Center for Entrepreneurship
(PCE), a non-stock, non-profit organiza on that advocates for a change. Provide links to partner entrepreneurs businesses, to business opportuni es, to
entrepreneurship-related training programs, and to funding sources.
Harvard Business School library website; A great star ng place for emerging
markets research