Management of Women Who Have A Genetic Predisposition For Breast Cancer
Management of Women Who Have A Genetic Predisposition For Breast Cancer
Management of Women Who Have A Genetic Predisposition For Breast Cancer
Management of Women
Who Have a Genetic Predisposition
for Breast Cancer
Ismail Jatoi, MD, PhDa,*,
William F. Anderson, MD, MPHb
Breast Care Center, National Naval Medical Center, Uniformed Services University,
8901 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20889, USA
Biostatistics Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer
Institute, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services,
Bethesda, MD 20852, USA
The views or opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and should not
be construed as representing the official views of the Departments of the Army, Navy, or
This research was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the National
Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Jatoi).
0039-6109/08/$ - see front matter. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Genetic testing
Many organizations, including the US Preventive Services Task Force
(USPTF) and the American Society of Clinical Oncology, recommend
against genetic testing in women who have a low risk for the BRCA mutation [25,26]. In low-risk individuals, the potential risks of genetic testing outweigh the benets. For instance, in a woman without a family history of
breast cancer, how might one interpret an alteration in the BRCA gene
that never has been strongly linked to cancer? Such an alteration might be
less pathogenic than other mutations or even phenotypically silent. Thus,
indiscriminate genetic testing may produce needless anxiety and lead to
unnecessary prophylactic surgery or other treatments. Women might be
labeled falsely as having a genetic predisposition to breast cancer, with
adverse ethical, legal, nancial, and social consequences.
Over the years, a number of empiric models were developed to estimate
a womans risk of developing breast cancer (eg, the Gail, Claus, TyrerCuzick, and BRCAPRO models) [6]. There now are models that specically
estimate the likelihood for deleterious BRCA mutations (eg, the Myriad
Genetic Laboratories, Couch, BRCAPRO, and Tyrer models) [6,13]. These
models incorporate information about personal or family history of breast
and ovarian cancer as well as Ashkenazi Jewish background [27]. If a woman
has a 10% or greater probability of carrying a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation, genetic testing should be considered [28]. Informed consent should be
obtained before genetic testing, and the potential risks and benets should
be discussed in detail. Women should understand that the BRCA test is
predictive rather than diagnostic [29]. Diagnostic tests conrm the diagnosis of a particular condition (eg, an extra chromosome 21 in an infant
conrms the diagnosis of Downs syndrome), whereas predictive tests reveal
the likelihood of developing a particular disease (in this case, breast cancer)
but do not conrm that an individual will develop the disease.
The rst person tested for the BRCA mutation should be a family member most likely to test positive, generally an individual who has developed
breast cancer at a young age or an individual who has ovarian cancer
[27]. If a mutation is found in that family member, other members of the
family should be tested for the same mutation. In a family in which
a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation has been identied, individuals who do
not carry the mutation are not at increased risk for breast or ovarian cancer.
At worst, their risk is similar to that of the overall population, but it might
be even less, because risk estimates of the overall population include women
who carry the BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations.
If a BRCA mutation is not found in a family member who has breast or
ovarian cancer, the test is not informative and does not provide useful information to other family members. In such instances, the cluster of breast cancer cases within a family might be attributable to mutations other than those
in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes or to environmental or lifestyle factors. If no
family members who have cancer are alive or available for testing, the
options for testing should be weighed and considered on an individual basis.
Management options for mutation carriers
To reduce cancer-related mortality, women who have BRCA1 or BRCA2
mutations may wish to consider screening, chemoprevention, or prophylactic surgery (Fig. 1). The impact of these interventions on cancer-related
mortality is not understood fully, however, because no randomized, prospective trials have addressed their impact specically in mutation carriers.
The results of clinical trials indicate that breast cancer screening is benecial
in the overall population and that chemoprevention is useful in high-risk
populations. Additionally, the results of retrospective and nonrandomized
prospective studies indicate that these risk-reducing strategies benet mutation carriers.
There always has been a widespread belief that the early detection of cancer is benecial. For individuals at high risk for developing cancer, intensive
cancer screening often is recommended, even if proper evidence to support
such a recommendation is lacking. For example, it long was assumed that
screening with sputum cytology and/or chest radiographs would reduce
lung cancer mortality among smokers. Eventually, the results of four randomized, controlled trials proved this assumption wrong [30]. This example
Breast Screening
Ovarian Screening
Transvaginal ultrasound
pelvic exam
Management options
for women who carry
BRCA1 and BRCA 2
Prophylactic Surgery
Fig. 1. Management options for women who carry the BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations.
St. Petersburg, Russia. The other was initiated between the years 1989 and
1991 in Shanghai, China. In the control and study arms of these trials,
breast cancer detection and mortality rates were nearly identical, but the
number of breast biopsies performed was nearly twofold higher in the
screened group. Thus, false-positive results are common with BSE screening
and may lead to unnecessary biopsies.
At least six prospective, nonrandomized studies have evaluated annual
MRI screening (in conjunction with mammography) in women at increased
risk for developing breast cancer (Fig. 2) [36]. These studies were conducted
in the United States, the Netherlands, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Italy, and participants either were documented BRCA1 or
BRCA2 mutation carriers or had a very strong family history of breast cancer. In some of these studies, ultrasound and/or CBE also were used as
screening modalities. The sensitivity of MRI ranged from 77% to 100%,
whereas the sensitivity of mammography or ultrasound was only 16% to
40%. There are, however, no data from randomized prospective trials to indicate whether the improved detection rates associated with MRI screening
translate to a reduction in breast cancer mortality. Although MRI is more
sensitive than mammography, its specicity is lower. Kriege and colleagues
[43] found that the specicity of MRI was 88%, compared with 95% for
mammography. The lower specicity of MRI leads to higher recall and
false-positive rates. The danger of false-positive screening results is unnecessary biopsies.
As mentioned earlier, evidence concerning the ecacy of breast cancer
screening is derived from trials undertaken in the general population. To
date, no randomized clinical trials have been designed to assess the benet
of these screening modalities in mutation carriers. Nonetheless, several organizations have published screening guidelines for women who have a hereditary predisposition for breast cancer. The National Comprehensive Cancer
Network recommends monthly BSE starting at age 18 years, CBE every
6 months starting at age 25 years, annual mammography starting at age
25 years, and annual breast MRI starting at age 25 years [6]. The American
Cancer Society recommends annual BSE and annual breast MRI [44], beginning at age 30 years and continuing for as long as a woman is in good
health. The USPTF, however, maintains that there is insucient evidence
at the present time to recommend for or against breast cancer screening
in mutation carriers [26]. Given the uncertainty surrounding the ecacy
of breast cancer screening among mutation carriers, it seems prudent to discuss its potential for benet and harm with each patient.
BRCA mutation carriers also are at considerable risk for developing
ovarian cancer. As yet, no data from randomized clinical trials (either in
the general population or in high-risk women) indicate whether ovarian cancer screening reduces cancer-related mortality. Furthermore, there are no
reliable methods for detecting ovarian cancer early. Nonetheless, a number
of screening tests have been investigated for potential use, particularly the
serum marker CA-125 and transvaginal ultrasound [45]. CA-125 is a protein
produced by more than 90% of advanced epithelial ovarian cancers. Transvaginal ultrasound is the most promising imaging method for the early
detection of ovarian cancer. Combining transvaginal ultrasound and CA125 results in a higher sensitivity for ovarian cancer detection than either
method alone but increases false-positive rates. Although BRCA mutation
carriers generally have been urged to undergo screening with transvaginal
ultrasound and CA-125, a recent study suggests that this screening may
not detect tumors at a suciently early stage to inuence prognosis [46].
Prophylactic surgery
To reduce cancer risk, BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers may wish
to consider prophylactic surgery. These patients are at increased risk both
for breast and ovarian tumors and for tumors arising from the fallopian
tubes [47]. Thus, BRCA mutation carriers should consider prophylactic
mastectomy and prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy (rather than
oophorectomy alone). Patients concerned about the potential impact of
prophylactic mastectomy on body image may elect to undergo salpingooophorectomy alone because it is a hidden procedure and may reduce
the risk of both ovarian and breast cancer risk. These patients generally
opt for continued surveillance of the breasts. Alternatively, nulliparous
women may consider prophylactic mastectomy initially and delay salpingo-oophorectomy until after childbearing. Again, no randomized, prospective trials have assessed the impact of these procedures, although the
results of several retrospective studies indicate that they dramatically reduce
cancer risk. Patients should be made aware that these procedures do not
eliminate cancer risk entirely.
Hartmann and colleagues [48] conducted a retrospective analysis of
women who had a family history of breast cancer and who underwent
prophylactic mastectomy at the Mayo Clinic between 1960 and 1993. To estimate the number of breast cancers expected in the absence of prophylactic
mastectomy, the authors applied the Gail model for women at moderate
risk. For women at high risk, the authors compared those who underwent
prophylactic mastectomy with their sisters who did not. In this study, prophylactic mastectomy reduced the incidence of breast cancer by 90%, and
other studies have shown similar results [4951].
Three procedures are used commonly for prophylactic mastectomy: total,
skin-sparing, and subcutaneous (nipple-sparing) mastectomy (Table 1) [47].
Total mastectomy involves removal of the breast tissue, nipple, areola, and
much of the skin overlying the breast. In contrast, skin-sparing mastectomy
involves removal of the breast tissue, nipple, and areola, but preserves skin
overlying the breast. Skin-sparing mastectomy facilitates breast reconstruction and results in a better cosmetic outcome than total mastectomy [52].
The reduction in breast cancer risk seems to be similar for total mastectomy
and skin-sparing mastectomy. Subcutaneous mastectomy, which involves
removal of the breast tissue but leaves the nipple and areola intact, seems
to be less eective [47].
Breast reconstruction usually is undertaken at the time of prophylactic
mastectomy. Reconstruction is feasible with either prostheses alone or autogenous tissue (with or without prostheses) [53]. If a patient opts for prosthesis alone, the prosthesis generally is placed below the pectoralis major
muscle at the time of mastectomy. Alternatively, an expander can be placed
and inated gradually over a period of several weeks by injecting solution
through a port. This process creates a ptosis, and the injectable port and
expander subsequently are removed and replaced with a permanent prosthesis. In some instances, the expander is left in place as the permanent prosthesis. If the patient chooses reconstruction with autogenous tissue, then either
a latissimus dorsi ap or the transverse rectus abdominis muscle (TRAM)
ap might be considered [54]. The latissimus dorsi ap does not provide sufcient tissue bulk, and a prosthesis usually is placed beneath the ap. The
Table 1
Types of prophylactic mastectomy
Description of procedure
Skin-sparing mastectomy
Total mastectomy
Subcutaneous mastectomy
Not recommended
after surgery for their rst breast cancer. In these mutation carriers the multivariate odds ratio for contralateral breast cancer associated with tamoxifen
use was 0.50 (95% CI, 0.280.89). Tamoxifen was associated with a lower
risk of contralateral breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers (odds ratio,
0.38; 95% CI, 0.190.74) than in BRCA2 mutation carriers (odds ratio, 0.63;
95% CI, 0.201.50), even though BRCA1 mutation carriers are more likely
to develop estrogen receptornegative tumors (83% of the breast cancers developing in BRCA1 mutation carriers and 14% of those in BRCA2 mutation
carriers are estrogen receptornegative).
The dierential response rates among BRCA mutation carriers in the
NSABP P-1 trial [59] and in the case-control study of Narod and colleagues
[64] might be related to the timing of chemoprevention. Sixty percent of the
P-1 participants were 50 years old or older, whereas nearly 90% of the casecontrol participants were younger than 50 years. Given that premenopausal
oophorectomy is eective in preventing BRCA1 tumors [65], tamoxifen also
possibly should be administered before menopause.
Tamoxifen increases the risk of endometrial cancer and thromboembolism by twofold or more [66]. Raloxifene is a selective estrogen modulator
that seems to have a better safety prole (lower risk of uterine cancer and
thromboembolism) than tamoxifen [67]. A large, randomized, prospective
trial compared the impact of tamoxifen and raloxifene in lowering the
risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women and found that the two
were equally ecacious [67]. Much less is known about the potential impact
of raloxifene in reducing breast cancer risk in BRCA mutation carriers,
Thus, women who carry the BRCA mutations have three major options
to consider, with signicant trade-os. Screening is the most commonly used
option but frequently is associated with false-positive results that produce
needless anxiety. Additionally, cancers missed on screening (false-negative
results) might aect outcome adversely. Although prophylactic surgery
may reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer by 90%, mastectomy
may aect a womans perception of her body image, and oophorectomy prevents childbearing. Even though chemoprevention may reduce the risk of
breast cancer by as much as 50%, it increases the risk of endometrial cancer
and venous thromboembolism by more than twofold. Clinicians should
discuss the potential risks and benets of these options with BRCA mutation
carriers. Finally, the timing of intervention may be important, but this issue
is not well dened and could dier for BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers [68].
Ultimately, the best choice is the one made by a fully informed patient.
Breast cancer treatment
If a BRCA mutation carrier develops breast cancer, options for local
therapy should be weighed carefully. Radiotherapy can be administered
safely after breast-conserving surgery in BRCA mutation carriers, although
these patients are at increased risk for developing second primary cancers
(particularly contralateral breast cancers) [69]. Pierce and colleagues [70] followed 160 mutation carriers and 445 matched controls diagnosed with
breast cancer following breast-conserving surgery. Mutation carriers who
had not undergone oophorectomy had an increased risk of ipsilateral breast
tumor recurrence; those who had undergone oophorectomy did not. Many
women who have BRCA mutations opt for bilateral mastectomy, however.
A recent study of women who had BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations who had
been diagnosed with unilateral breast cancer found that bilateral mastectomy was accepted more widely in North America than in Europe [71]. In
the United States, nearly half of all BRCA mutation carriers opted for bilateral mastectomy. At the time of mastectomy, a sentinel biopsy generally
should be performed in the axilla on the side aected by breast cancer. If
the sentinel node contains metastatic disease, a complete axillary dissection
is indicated. Patients who have signicant involvement of the axillary lymph
nodes (generally with four or more lymph nodes containing metastatic disease) should consider postmastectomy radiotherapy [72].
For BRCA mutation carriers who are diagnosed with breast cancer, the
choice of systemic therapy is determined by standard prognostic and predictive factors [69]. There are no treatments specically tailored for patients
who have BRCA mutations. Decisions concerning systemic therapy are
based both on nodal status and tumor size and, more importantly, on estrogen receptor status and HER-2 status of the tumor. Thus, BRCA mutation
carriers who are diagnosed with breast cancer should receive the same
systemic treatments as patients who have sporadic breast cancer, based on
standard prognostic and predictive factors.
Genetic testing now makes it possible to identify women who have
a greatly increased risk for developing breast cancer. Not all women who
have a family history of breast cancer are appropriate candidates for genetic
testing, however. Women must be informed about the potential risks and
benets of genetic testing, and those who are found to carry mutations in
the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes should be advised of all management options.
Three strategies commonly are employed to manage BRCA mutation
carriers: screening, prophylactic surgery, and chemoprevention. No randomized prospective trials have addressed the impact of these interventions
in mutation carriers, however, and their potential risks and benets should
be discussed with each patient. Ultimately, many patients may elect more
than one option (eg, screening initially and then prophylactic surgery after
completing childbearing). Thus, physicians who manage patients who
have BRCA mutations should be prepared to follow these patients over
a span of many years.
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