Medical Facilities and Doctors in Caracas

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Be Informed!
It is advised that you get to know your family doctor and the location of the recommended health
facilities in Caracas before you need them. This information will be helpful to you in the event of an
emergency. A list of local physicians as well as recommended health facilities is included in this
Handbook. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the services available!
Local Medical Facilities
Caracas has many excellent hospitals, physicians, laboratories, and diagnostic testing capabilities in the
private sector; however, the public sector has been in crisis for some time. Many public facilities lack
basic supplies and equipment so it is not advisable to use the public hospitals for any of your health care
needs. The term hospital is generally reserved for a public government-administered institution, which
provides free or inexpensive care to low-income persons. The term clinica is used for a private facility
which has both inpatient and outpatient services. All of the facilities recommended in this handbook are
private clinics.
Hospitalization in Venezuela
If overseas hospitalization should occur, it is reassuring to know that English-speaking physicians who
have done graduate studies in the U.S., Canada, or Europe offer excellent medical care in Caracas,
frequently. Hospitalization in Venezuela is very different from that obtained in the United States.
Despite the availability of high quality medical care, nursing care is often inadequate and of poor quality.
It is frequently expected that a family member will stay with the patient overnight to provide assistance
as hospitals are poorly staffed at night. In private hospitals, each room has an extra couch/bed for just
this purpose. Hospital staff will provide extra bedding for the family member (the acompaante), and
you will be billed for this service.
Ambulance Services Health
Rescarven and Ayuda 24 are the recommended private ambulance services. Medical personnel are on
board of each ambulance. In order to use their ambulance services, each member of your family must
be registered with Rescarven or Ayuda 24 in advance.
Local Pharmacies and Medications
Pharmacies (Farmacias) are widely available throughout Caracas. Each sector of town has at least one
pharmacy open 24 hours a day for emergencies. This is known as the farmacia de turno and is well
recognized by a brightly lit neon turno sign. This notice is posted on the doors of other neighborhood

Many medications available in Venezuela have the same name as in the U.S, including Benadryl,
Betadine, Caladryl, Chlortrimeton, Contac, Dramamine, Immodium, Kaopectate, Lomotil, Maalox,
Mylanta, Motrin, Pedialyte, Pepto-Bismol, Tums, and Tagamet.
Many drugs, which are available only by prescription in the U.S. are available over the counter in
Venezuela. Birth control pills can be purchased without a prescription. Antibiotics need a prescription.


Clinica El Avila, 276-1111 Master line.

Location: 6th transversal with Av. San Juan Bosco, Altamira Norte
Contact: Post Medical Advisor, Dr. Ronald Stern (Internal Med./Hematology/Oncology)
276-1984 or 264-7120; 0414-321-0989 cel; 263-9008 home; 264-7340 fax. busca 731-5111 clave
Emergency Room: 276-1013, 276-1014

Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad, 949-6411 Master line

Location: Carretera towards El Hatillo in La Trinidad (Av. Intercomunal La Trinidad)
Contact: Post Medical Advisor, Dr. Raul Isturiz (Internal Medicine)
949-6304/ 6339. (appts), 949-6292/6408. (direct), 0416-624.4674 (cel).
Emergency Room: 949-6291, 949-6244

Instituto Medico La Floresta, 209-6222, 209-6122 Master line.

Location: Av. Principal de la Floresta and Fco. Miranda.
Contact: Post Medical Advisor, Dr. Jean Desenne (Internal Medicine/Hematology)
284-2656; 986-5683 or 987-1770 home; 0414-920-2858 (Cell)
busca 731-0711 clave 7301
Emergency Room: 209-6368, 209Policlinica Metropolitana, 908-0100, 908-0229 Master line
Location: Calle A-1, Caurimare.
Contact: Post Medical Advisor, Dr. David Gentili (Internal Med./Critical Care Specialist)
908-0330 or 908-0590 or 908-0594 Intensive Care Unit; 0414-926-8188 (Cell)
Emergency Room: 908-0430, 908-0431, 908-4444

Clinica Urologico, 999-0111, 992-2222, 999.0102 Master lines.

Location: Urbanizacion Las Mercedes, Calle Chivacoa, Seccion San Roman
Contact: Dr. Julio Otaola (Urologist, Director of Clinic)
999-0101 (central); 991-9142 (direct),
Emergency Room: 999-0134, 999-0169

Hospital de Clinicas Caracas, 508-6111 Master line

Location: Avenida Panteon, San Bernardino

Emergency Room: 508-6085, 508-6449

Centro Medico de Caracas, 555-9111 Master lines.

Location: Plaza El Estanque, San Bernardino
551-5362 or 552-5019 or 552 5408; busca 731-5111 clave 1923;
Emergency Room: 552-9418/9419

Centro Clinico de Maternidad Leopoldo Aguerrevere, 907-2222 Master line .

Location: Final Avenida Rio Manapire, Urb. Parque Humboldt, Prados del Este


Dr. Pedro Dib, dentist

Location: Centro Profesional Del Este, Piso 3, Cons. 34, Av. Casanova, Calle Villaflor.
Sabana Grande
Phone: 762-4245 or 761-5370 clinic; 0416-610-8696 cel
Dr. Stephen Papp, oral surgeon
Location: Instituto de Odontologia, Quinta Araguaney, Cuarta Avenida, Los Palos Grandes.
Phone: 284-3413 (direct, Dr. Papp) or 285-2963 or 285-6818 or 285-3846 clinic;
0414-324-7259 cell


Auto Farmacia
Avenida Principal, Las Mercedes. 993-9251
Farmacia Las Rosas, CA.
Santa Rosa de Lima. Open 24hrs. 991-3435
La Farmacia.
In central Integral, Santa Rosa de Lima. Open 24hrs. 993-2674, 993-3286
Farmacia Gitutto.
Avenida Orinoco, Las Mercedes. 993-4161
Farmacia Hotel Tamanaco.
Las Mercedes. 991-4510
Farmacia Rescarven.
Las Mercedes 30 % discount for members 909-4032
Santa Fe 979-4231
Faramacia Locatel
Las Mercedes y Valle Arriba 993-3453 / 975-6601

Farmacia San German.

Las Mercedes 992-0589
Farmanutry SUC# 5
Calle Suapure CC Diana, Lomas de Bello Monte 753-9504
Farmacia Farmastad.
El Pinar, El Paraiso. Dra. Mendez (Emergencies). 461-2697


Dr. Cornelio W. Vuurman, Veterinarian

Location: Clnica Veterinaria Los Campitos, Ruta Central, Quinta Dona Aida, Los Campitos
Phone: 978-0292 or 977-1650 clinic; 0416-621-7486


The U.S. Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela assumes no responsibility or liability for the professional ability
or reputation of, or quality of services provided by the following persons or medical facilities. Inclusion
on this list is no way an endorsement or recommendation by the Department of State or the U.S.
List of Abbreviations
Following is an explanation of the abbreviations used in this section:
cons Consultorio (Office)
h Habitacion (Home)
cel Cellular Phone
bp Busca Persona (Beeper)
clave Code (for beeper)
Piso Floor
Edif Building


Dr. Fernan Caballero

Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
1ro Edif., Piso PB (Pediatrics Unit)
Centro Medico de Caracas (CMC)
Edif. Medicentro, Piso 2, Unidad de Alergia, San Bernardino
Phone: CMLT: 941-7576 (appts) or 949-6262/6363 (directo)
CMC: 551-9452 or 551-1864

Specialties: Allergies and Asthma in Children and Adults; Clinical Research

Hours: CMLT: M, T, Th 9 a.m. - 11:30a.m.
CMC: M-F- 3:p.m. - 6:30p.m.

Dr. Arnaldo Capriles (Pediatric)

Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
1ro Edif., Piso PB (Pediatrics Unit)
Centro Medico de Caracas (CMC) , Anexo B, Piso 1, Cons. D, San Bernardino
Phone: CMLT: 941-7576 or 949-6411 or 945-9957 fax.
CMC: 550-3297 or 550-3124 d
General: 730-1501 h; 731-0711, clave 2142
Specialties: Allergies in Children. Trained as both Allergist and Pediatrician
Hours: CMLT: T-TH- 1:30p.m. - 5:p.m.
CMC: M-W 2 p.m.- 5 p.m. F- 9 a.m. 12 p.m.

Dr. Carlos E. Mijares

Address: Centro Medico De Caracas (CMC)
Anexo A. Piso 3, Cons.379, San Bernardino
Phone: CMC: 555-9379 or 555-9522
Specialties: Allergies and Immunology and Pediatrician
Hours: CMC: M-F- 8a.m. - 6:00p.m.

Dr. Mario Sanchez Borges

Address: Clinica El Avila (EA)
Piso 8, Cons. 803, Altamira
Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
1ro Edif., Piso PB, control 5 Pediatrics
Phone: EA: 261-5284 c /276.1863/18.64c.
CMLT: 941-7576 c, 941-6347
Specialties: Allergies and Asthma in Children & Adults; Clinical Immunology; Immunodeficiencys
Hours: EA: M-F - 9:a.m.- 12:noon. / 3:p.m. - 7:p.m.
CMLT: M-Th 1 - 2:30 p.m.


Lic. Janina Muguarza

Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad
2do Edif., Piso PB, Unidad de Otorrino
Phone: 945-8035 c, 949-6203
Hours: M-Th 8:30 a.m. -12: noon/ M- Th 2:p.m. 4:30p.m.


Dr. Nusen Beer

Address: Hospital de Clinicas Caracas
Piso 4, Cons. 410, San Bernardino
Phone: 574-3202; 508-6410 c; 283-8884 h; 731-5111, clave 4774/0412.621.91.17-Cel.
Specialties: Non-invasive procedures with Adults
Hours: M-TH- 2 - 6 p.m.
Dr. Pablo Blanco
Address: Instituto Medico La Floresta, Cons. 115
Phone: 284 3390 c; 0416-630-2965 Cell
Specialties: General Cardiology Practice, Adults & Children
Hours: M Th 2 to 4 pm
Dr. Henry Brik
Address: Hospital de Clinicas Caracas
Piso 4, Cons. 433, San Bernardino
Phone: 574-7513 or 508-6433 c; 0414-307-1135 cell
Specialties: Non-invasive procedures
Hours: M-F 2:30 p.m. - 7:p.m.
Dr. Bruno Burger
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
1ro Edif., Piso PB control 8.
Centro Medico de Caracas (CMC)
Edif. Anexo A, Piso 3, Cons. 375, San Bernardino
Phone: CMLT: 943-0849; 949- 6288 (appts) or 943-4449 (directo) or fax.
CMC: 552-2484 or 551-7366 c
General: 283-4128 h; 0414-315-8902 cell; 731.51.11-clave-1776
Specialties: Adult & Pediatric Cardiology with Specialty in Invasive Procedures;
Former Visiting Professor at Harvard Medical School
Hours: CMLT: M-F 9 a.m. 1 pm
CMC: MWF 3 - 7 pm
Dr. Roberto Lopez
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
1ro Edif., Piso PB
Centro Medico de Caracas (CMC)
Anexo C, Piso 3, Cons. 3-B, San Bernardino
Phone: CMLT: 943-4449 c
CMC: 551-0371 fax or 551-5595 c
General: 0414-321-0909 cel
Specialties: Adult Cardiology

Hours: CMLT: T-Th 3:30 7:00 pm

CMC: M-F 7am 1pm
Dr. Tomas J. Sanabria B.
Address: Centro Medico de Caracas
Anexo B, Piso 5, Cons. 5, San Bernardino
Phone: 551-5362 or 552-5019 or 552-5408 c; bp 731-5111 clave 1923; 261-4114 h
Specialties: Cardiology and Internal Medicine
Member, American College of Physicians
Hours: T / F 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., MWTh 2 - 6 p.m.
Dr. Francisco Tortoledo R.
Address: Hospital de Clinicas Caracas
Piso 2 cons. 235 (office) By appointments.
Basement #2 (cath lab).
Instituto Medico La Floresta. Cath Lab.
Phone: 575-0809, 508-6235, 0414-327-3420
209-6322 /24 Cath Lab .


Dr. Daniel Roberts

Address: Instituto Roberts
Qta. Darling, Calle Chama, Colinas de Bello Monte
Phone: 751-4031 or 751-1999 or 753-8224 or 753-1095 c
Specialities: Orthopedic Work, The Spine, Headaches, Hernias
Hours: M-F 7 a.m. - 1 p.m.


Dr. Eli Abbo

Address: Edificio Bancaracas , Piso 6, Cons. 6-07, Entre Av. Principal de la Castellana, 2da Transv.
y San Felipe, La Castellana (Across from McDonalds)
Phone: 266-9070 or 266-0985 c; 266-7163 fax
Specialities: General Practice, Adults & Older Children (10+); Specializes in Periodontics (gum
problems) and Restorative Dentistry
Hours: M-F 8AM 5PM
Dr. Tomas Adrian
Address: Edif. Helena, Piso 2, Cons. 22 ,Avenida Luis Roche, Altamira Norte
Phone: 284-6712 c; 977-1229 h
Specialities: General Adult Practice; Special Interest in Dental Surgery, Bridge & Implant Repair
Hours: M-TH 9 a.m. 12:30 p.m., 3 - 6 p.m. F- 9 am 12 pm
Dra. Jacqueline Badler, pediatric dentist

Address: Instituto de Odontologia Integral, Qta. Araguaney , 4ta Av. Los Palos Grandes, Entre 5a
y 6ta Transversal
Phone: 283-4460 or 285-6818 or 285-2963c.731.17.43 h;
Specialities: General Pediatric Practice, including Orthodontics
Hours: MWThF 2 - 7 p.m., T 9:00 a.m. - 12: noon.
Dr. Jacobo Dib, pediatric dentist
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
2do Edif., Piso PB
Centro Profesional Sta. Paula (SP)
Torre A, Piso 9, Av. Circunvalacion del Sol
Phone: CMLT: 945-6090
SP: 986-8490
Specialities: General Pediatric Practice
Hours: CMLT: TF 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon, WF 2 - 6 p.m.
SP: MTTh 2 6:30p.m.
Dr. Pedro Dib ( Adult )
Address: Centro Profesional Del Este
3er piso- of. 34, calle villaflor, Ave.Casanova, Sabana Grande. (antes del Hotel Gran Melia)
Phone: 762-4245/761-5370 / 761- 6202- Fax: Cell 0416-610-8696
Specialities: General Adult practice and (crown and bridge repair).
Hours: 7:00 am to 4:00 pm
Dra. Joslyn Freisan de Dib.
Address: Centro Profesional Del Este
3er piso- of, 34 Calle Villaflor, Ave.Casanova, Sabana Grande.
Phone: 762-4245, 761-5370
Specialities: General Adult Practice.
Hours: T-W-TH 8:00 am to 12:00 pm by appointment.
Dr. German Reyna, periodontist
Address: Torre Maracaibo, Piso 10, Cons. D
Avenida Libertador
La Florida (1/2 block west of PDVSA)
Phone: 762-8502 or 762-9036 c
Specialities: Evaluation and Treatment (Surgery) of the Gums
Trained in U.S. (University of Pennsylvania).
Hours: M-F 9: a.m. - 11:30 a.m., 1:30p.m. - 4 p.m.
Dra. Lucy Keme, pediatric dentist
Address: Edificio Banco Lara, Piso 6, Cons. A-1
Av. Principal La Castellana con 1ra Transversal de Altamira , La Castellana
Phone: 261-3012 or 265-9795 or 263-4013 c; 263-4918 fax; 0414-320-4629 cel
Specialities: General Practice of Pediatric Dentistry
Hours: MW 9am 12 noon, 2 6 pm. Some Friday Appointments available
Dr. Ernesto Muller, periodontist

Address: Centro de Especialidades Odontologicas

Piso 4, Depto. de Periodoncia y Implantes, Av. Principal de Chuao
Phone: 991-9066 or 991-9157 c
Specialties: Evaluation and Treatment (Surgery) of the Gums; Dental Implants
Hours: MWTh 8:30 a.m. 4 pm
Dr. Nathan Nussembaum
Address: Torre Maracaibo, Piso 9, Cons. 9-C, La Florida
Phone: 762-4758 or 762-8860; Emergencies 731-5111, clave 1628; 0414-307-4634 cel.
Specialties: General Practice with Special Interest in Prosthetic Dentistry; Member ADA
Hours: MTW- 8 am 5:30 pm; TH- 8 am 12 noon, 2 - 5:30pm, F- 8 am- 2pm
Dr. Stephen Papp, oral surgeon
Address: Instituto de Odontologia Integral, Qta. Araguaney
4ta Av. Los Palos Grandes, Entre 5a y 6a Transversal
Phone: 284-3413 (direct) or 285-2963 or 285-6818 or 285-3846 c; 0414-324-7259 cell
Specialties: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Hours: MT 2 - 5 p.m. Initial Consultations (no appt necessary); WThF Surgery
Dr. Enrique Perez, endodontist, oral surgeon
Address: Centro Clinico Profesional Caracas (CCP)
Piso 3, Cons. 301, Av. Panteon, San Bernardino
Residencias Araguanei (RA)
Piso 3, Cons. 3-A, Av. Libertador (on corner of Av. Las Palmas), Los Caobos
Phone: CCP: 574-7742 or 574-7764 c
RA: 793-.6131/4721 or 793-7104 c
Specialties: Diagnosis, Treatment, Surgery of Root and Pulp of Tooth
Hours: CCP: T, Th 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Dr. David Singer
Address: CCCT, 2da Etapa, Torre B
Piso 6, Cons. B-604, Chuao
Phone: 959-2002 or 959-2931 or 959-4753 c;266-3394 h; 0414-304.18.24 cel
Specialties: General Family Practice. American Dental Association Board Certified.
(Large group practice with many in-house specialists. Laboratory on premises)
Hours: M-Th 7:00 a.m. 5 pm; F- 7 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Dr. Pedro Tenreiro (hijo), oral surgeon
Address: Centro de Especialidades Odontologicas
Piso 4, Depto. de Cirugia, Av. Principal, Chuao
Phone: 991-9666 or 991-9757 c; 0414-338-9666 cel
Specialties: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Hours: M-Th 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., F- 9 a.m. - 12 noon
Dra. Diana Toledano de Fincheltub, pediatric dentist
Address: Policlinica Metropolitana
1ro Piso, Consultorio 1-V, Caurimare
Phone: 908-0100 (central) c; 0414-320-3658 cel
Specialties: General Pediatric Practice

Hours: M-F 2 - 6 p.m.

Dra. Susana Urbaez de Requesens, prosthodontist
Address: Edificio Cayaurima, Piso 2, Apto. 40 -Intercom 08
3ra Avenida con 1ra Transversal, Los Palos Grandes
Phone: 284-7445 or 284-8079 c; 0412 738.21.57 cel; 235-2859 h
Specialties: Prosthodontics (restorative dentistry, crown & bridge); Spanish
Hours: M 3 8pm; T-F 8 am 12:30 pm
DENTAL SMILE Complete Dental practice
Address: C.C. Santa Fe,Nivel Alameda C2, Local 09
Phone: 976-3350 / 2375
Hours: M - F 0800 1800.


Dra. Lilian Eisner

Address: Clinica Urologico
Anexo A (Across the street from Main Bldg) piso 1 cons A, San Roman
Phone: 991-4661 (direct) or 999-0573 c
Specialties: General Dermatology Practice, Children & Adults; Special Interest in Skin Cancer
Hours: TThF 6.30 a.m. - 1 p.m., W 2 - 5 p.m.
Dr. Irma Medina
Address: Centro Medico Docente
2do Edif., Piso 2, Control 14, La Trinidad
Phone: 945-8335 (appts) or 949.62.92 or 949-6411 (master) c; 0414-322-1175 cel
Specialties: General Dermatology Practice
Hours: MTWF- 9am 12noon; M F 2 6 pm.
Dr. Ricardo Perez Alfonso
Address: Clinica El Avila
Piso 5, Cons. 514, Altamira
Phone: 276-1584 or 276-1585 or 261-4516 c; 276-1579 fax; 0414-327-1528 cel
Specialties: General & Surgical Dermatology; Children & Adults
Hours: MTThF 8:30 a.m. - 12: noon W 2 - 6 p.m.
Dr. Antonio Jose Rondon Lugo
Address: Clinica Santa Sofia, Cons. 107
Av. Raul Leoni con Av. Principal de Santa Sofia, El Cafetal
Phone: 985-0523 (directo) or 985-4122 c; 979-1768 fax; 0414-326-7213 cel
Specialties: Children & Adults; Conditions of the Skin, Hair, Nails
Hours: M-Th 3 -7 p.m.
Dra. Constanza Sanin

Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad

2nd Edif., Piso 2, Control 14, La Trinidad
Phone: CMLT: 949-6292/ 949-6366/ 945-8335
Specialties: Dermatology/Dermatology Surgery
Dr. Richardo Sayegh
Address; Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad
2nd Edif, Piso2, Control 14, La Trinidad
Phone CDLT: 949-6292 / 945-8335
Specialties: Dermatology >12yrs onwards


Dr. Edgar Chissone Lares

Address: Grupo Medico Otorrino.
Av. Principal de Chuao (2 blocks past Eurobuilding), Chuao, Calle Santa Cruz
Phone: 991-7144 or 991-7266 or 991-7310 c; 991-0587 fax
Specialties: General ENT Practice; Active international involvement in ENT; Honored by the
American Academy of Otoryngology
Hours: MTW 3 - 7 p.m.; Th-F 8 a.m. - 12 noon
Dr. Jose Gutierrez Longobardi
Address: Grupo Medico Otorrino. (GMO)
Av. Principal de Chuao (2 blocks past Eurobuilding), Chuao Calle Santa Cruz
Clinica Leopoldo Aguereverre (LA)
Phone: GMO: 991-7144 or 991-7266 or 991-7310 c LA: 979-5757 or 975-0919 c
General: 284-7117 h; 016-625-5895 cel; 976.02.75 Fax
Specialties: General ENT Practice, Children & Adults, Special Interest in Surgery of the Ear
Hours: GMO: M T - F 3 - 6 p.m. TH- - 4:00pm
Dr. Rhazes Hernandez Flores
Address: Instituto Medico La Floresta
Phone: 284-3734 (direct) or 209-6222 c; 263-8390 h; 0414-235-1239cel
Specialties: ENT Children & Adults, w/ Special Interest in Nasal Problems;
Hours: M F 2 - 6 p.m. (walk-in). Will make house visits, early a.m. & evening
Dr. Enrique Iturriaga
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
2do Edif., Piso PB
Centro Medico de Caracas (CMC)
Edif. Centro Galeno, Piso 2, San Bernardino
Phone: CMLT: 945-8035, 949-6203
CMC: 552-2215 or 550-1045, 550-0455.
General: 0416-623-8333 cel
Specialties: General ENT Practice, Children & Adults; Special Interest in Nose/Sinus Problems

Hours: CMLT: TWF 3- 6 p.m.

CMC: M-TH 2:pm. - 5 p.m.; TWF- 8:30a.m.-12:30noon
Dr. Francisco Perez Olivares
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
2do Edif., Piso PB control
Centro Medico de Caracas (CMC)
Anexo Medicentro (C), Piso 2. San Bernardino
Phone: CMLT: 949-6203 c
CMC: 551-1864 or 555-9452 c552-7339
General: 0412-320-0526 cel
Specialties: General Practice, Children & Adults:
Special Interest in Treatment/Surgery of Ears
Hours: CMLT: T 3 - 6 pm TH- 8am - 5pm
CMC: MW-8a.m. - 5 p.m. F- 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Dra. Nora Sabater, Ph.D. in Special Education

Address: Av. Alfredo Jahn, Calle Finca, Qta. Isabella, Los Palos Grandes
Phone: 286-7798 h/c/fax E-mail:[email protected]
Specialties: Assessment & Remediation of Learning Disabilities, Giftedness, Attention Deficit,
Language Impairment; Bilingualism/Acculturation; Academic & Career Counseling.
Hours: M-F 2-8 p.m., some Sat appts.


Dr. Jairo Fernandez

Address: Clinica El Avila
Piso 10, Cons. 1014, Altamira.
Phone: 276-1084 or 276-1089 or 261-4889 c; 267-9268 fax; bp 910 - 3520
Specialties: General Practice, Pediatric & Adult Endocrinology, Specialist in Thyroid
Hours: M-F 1:p.m. - 9 p.m.
Dr Armando Perez Monteverde.
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad.
Phone: 949-6411, 945-8235. 949-6296.949 - 6432 by appointment, 731.5111. clave 651 .
0414-327-9130 Cell.
Specialties: General Practice. Diabetes.
Hours: M-F-7:30 to 11:30 am
Centro Medico San Bernandino.
551-0373(Tardes.) Afternoons

Dra. Gisela Merino de Mendez (pediatric)

Address: Centro Medico Docente
1ro Edif., PB (Pediatrics), La Trinidad
Phone: 945-9957 c; 0414-328-0935 cel; 949-6262, 949-6363, 949-7576; 986-2938(directo)
Specialties: Pediatric Endocrinology
Hours: M-T-Th-F 3 - 6 p.m.
Dr. Anselmo Palacios
Address: Clinica El Avila, Pios 3, Cons. 312 (EA), Altamira
Centro Medico Docente (CMLT)
2do Edif., Piso 2, La Trinidad
Phone: EA: 261-4260 or 276-1382 c
CMLT 949 - 6424
Specialties: General Practice with Specialty in Endocrinology of Male Infertility
Hours: EA: F 9 am 12 noon, W 2 6pm
CMLT: MTTH 7am am


Dr. Moises Guelrud

Address:Policlinica Metropolitana
Piso 1, Cons. 1 K, Caurimare
Phone: 985 4720 or 985 4106 c; 908 0161 fax; bp 267 4533 or 267 4553
Specialties; Adukt Gastroenterology ( age 15 +) with Speciality In Endoscopy
Hours: M F 1 7 pm
Dr. Carlos Golindano Member Latinamerican Society of liver funtion.
Address: Clinica El Avila
Piso 9, Cons. 907, Altamira
Phone: 261-5395 or 262-0114 c; 963-4539 h
Specialties: Adult Gastroenterology with Specialty in Liver Disease
Hours: M-F 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Dr. Efrian Guirola
Address: Clinica El Avila
Piso 9, Cons. 907, Altamira
Phone: 261-5395, 262-0114, 276-1968 or 276-1978 c; 0412-333-4246 cel
Specialties: Adult Gastroenterology
Hours: M-F 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Dra. Rosanna Hernandez
Address: Clinica El Avila
Piso 9, Cons. 914, Altamira
Phone: 276-1984 c; 264 - 7120/ 264-7340-Fax
Specialties: Primarily Adult Practice, Will See Children

Hours: M-F 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Dr. Ramon Ruiz
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
1ro Edif., Piso1, Control 9 (GI Unit)
Hospital de Clinicas Caracas (HCC)
Piso 4, Cons. 427, San Bernardino
Phone: CMLT: 949 - 6275 (direct)
HCC: 574-8760 c 576-1636
Specialties: General Adult Gastroenterology Practice
Hours: CMLT: M-F 7:30 a.m. - 11:30a.m.
HCC: M-TH- 2 - 6 p.m.
Dr. Jose M. Velasquez Gautier
Address: Clinica Santa Sofia, Piso 2, Cons. 206
Av. Raul Leoni con Av. Principal de Santa Sofia, El Cafetal
Phone: 985-1932 c; 985-2710 c/fax; 0414-920-6752 cel; beeper 267-4533 clave 4625.
Specialties: Adult Gastroenterology
Hours: M-F 12:00noon - 8 p.m
See also SURGERY, Dr. Victor Sambrano Rincones



Dr. Manuel Guzman Blanco

Dr. Antonio Rios Fabra


Dr. Jean Desenne,

Address: Instituto Medico La Floresta
Piso 1, Cons 106, La Floresta
Phone: 284-2656 c; 986-5683, 987-1770 h; bp 731-0711, clave 7301
Specialties: Internal Medicine, Hematology; Adults (>12 years)
Hours: M-F 2:30-6:30 p.m.
Dr. David Gentili,
Address: Policlinica Metroplitana
Piso 3, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Critical Care Area, Caurimare
Phone: 908-0330 or 908-0590 or 908-0594 ICU; 908-0331 fax; 0414-325-6169 cel.
Specialties: Critical Care Specialist
Hours: In ICU M-F 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Dr. Joser Fefer Behar

Address: Instituto MedicoLa Floresta, Cons. 0004, sotano 2, in front of Rx Dept.

Phone: 284 2573; 284 8434; 0414- 243-2789; 731 5111 Clave: 828
Specialties: Internal Medicine, Infectology
F 2pm 4pm
Dr. Ronald Stern,
Address: Clinica El Avila (EA)
Piso 9, Cons. 914, Altamira Norte
Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
1ro Edif., Piso 1 , control 9
Phone: EA: 276-1984 or 264-7120 c
CMLT: 949-6411
General: 0414-321-0989 cel; 263-9008 h; bp 731-5111 clave 4481
Specialties: Internal Medicine, Hematology, Oncology
Hours: EA: M - F 3 - 7 p.m.
CMLT: MWTh mornings, by previous appt.
Dr. Raul Isturiz. Post Medical Advisor
Address: Centro Docente La Trinidad, Ed. 1, control 4
Centro Medico de Caracas anexo A, ofic. 37.
Phone: CDLT 949-6304/6339. 949-6292/6408. 0416-624-4674. CMC 552-2864.
Specialties: Internal Medicine.
Hours: CDLT: In the Mornings.
CMC: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Dr. Moises Narvaez
Address: Centro Docente La Trinidad, control 9
Chief of Internal Medicine. English Speaking
Phone: 976 2495 pers, 979 6573, cons 945 7053, 731 5111 clave 1690
0412 232 1434 cell
Specialties: Internal Medicine.
Hours: T TH 1 pm 6 pm
See also CARDIOLOGISTS, Dr. Tomas Sanabria.
See also RHEUMATOLOGISTS, Dr. Gary Sterba.


Dr. Mario De Bastos

Address: Clinica El Avila
Piso 3, Cons. 314, Altamira
Phone: 276-1384 or 273-1318c; 963-0114 h
Specialties: Adult Neurology
Hours: M-F 2-4 pm

Dr. Rafael Lander

Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
1ro Edif., Piso 1 Control 3
Centro Medico de Caracas (CMC)
Anexo B, Piso 4, Cons. 4-B, San Bernardino
Phone: CMLT: 949-6300 appts, 949-6339-949-6290c
CMC: 551-7058 c
General: 987-7752 h; bp 731-5111 clave 777
Specialties: General Adult Practice with 3 primary interests: Movement Disorders,
Demyelinization Disorders (such as Multiple Sclerosis), and Dementia (such as in Alzheimers)
Hours: CMLT: MTWF 8 a.m. - 11:a.m.
CMC: M-F 2 - 6 p.m.


Dr. Herman Scholtz

Address: Centro Medico La Trinidad
First building, First floor, Control 3:
Phone: 949-6304 apts; c 0412-225-0035
Specialties: Neurosurgery; Surgery of the Spinal Column
Dr. Pablo Bianchi Moise
Address: Clinica Urologico San Roman
Piso 1, Cons. 10, Las Mercedes
Phone: 993-2901 (directo) c; 0416- 622-1085cel
Specialties: Neurosurgery; Disorders and Surgery of the Nervous System and Vertebrae Column
Hours: MF 6 - 8 p.m.
Dr. Izaac Feuerberg
Address: Hospital de Clinicas Caracas
Piso 4, Cons. 424, San Bernardino
Phone: 574-2787 c; 014-321-2519 cel; 235-3458
Specialties: Microsurgery of the Brain and Spinal Cord
Hours: M-F 8:a.m. - 12: noon - 2:p.m. - 6:p.m.
Dr. Rafael Galera
Address: Instituto Medico La Floresta
Piso 1, Cons. 101
Phone: 284-6543 c; 0414-208-3322 cel
Specialties: Special Interest in Vascular Surgery, Tumors, The Spine
Hours: M-TH- 3:-6 p.m.
Dr. Mora Armando Subero
Address: Clinica Urologico San Roman
Piso 1, Cons. 14, Las Mercedes

Phone: 991-4620 or 999-0153 c; 014-926-3672 cel

Specialties: Neurosurgery (Adults & Children); Special Interest in Pediatric Neurosurgery
Hours: M-F 2- 5 p.m.


Dr. Eduardo Arias, OB/GYN

Address: Centro Clinico de Maternidad Leopoldo Aguerrevere
Mezzanina, Cons. 7, Av. Rio Manapire, Parque Humboldt, Prados del Este
Phone: 979-4608 c; 979-2622 clinica; 975-2789h; 0414-331-1215 cel;
Specialties: High-Risk Pregnancies
Hours: M 2 - 5 p.m., T-F 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Dr. Arpad Barani, OB/GYN
Address: Clinica El Avila
Piso 11, Cons. 1106, Altamira Norte
Phone: 276-1166 or 276-1176 c; 261-0068; 731-5111, clave 4017
Hours: MTWF 8 a.m. - 12 noon
Dr. Francisco Brandt, OB/GYN
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
Edif: Gonzalo Rincones, -1.
Centro Medico de Caracas (CMC)
Anexo A, Piso PB, Cons. 77, San Bernardino
Phone: CMLT: 949-6245 or 949-6243
CMC: 552-3304 or 552-3231 or 509-9167
General: 014-932-0132 cel, 731-5111 clave 8870
Specialties: General Practice with specialty in Pre-Natal Diagnosis, High-Risk Pregnancies,
Hours: CMLT: M 11 am 2pm; W 2 5 pm; TH 11am 2pm.
CMC: T 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., W 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Th 2 - 6 p.m., F 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Dr. Leopoldo Cardenas, OB/GYN
Address: Centro Medico de Caracas
Anexo B, P-H, Cons. 8-C and 8-D, San Bernardino
Phone: 551-6510 or 551-9777 or 555-9310; 552-2222 c; 0414-321-0502 cel; 731-5111, clave
Specialties: General OB/GYN Practice with special interest in High-risk Pregnancies,
Gynecological Surgery
Hours: MTTHF 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Dra. Ellsye Hulett, Gynecologist
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
Hospitilization Edif: Gonzalo Rincones , Piso -1- Av. Intercomunal La Trinidad

Centro Medico de Caracas (CMC)

Edif. Medicentro, Anexo C, Piso 3, Cons. 3-B, San Bernardino
Phone: CMLT: 949-6243 or 949-6245
General: 0414-911-7535 cel, 234-3475 h
Specialties: General Practice of Gynecology
Hours: CMLT: M 8 a.m. - 2 p.m- WF- 7:30- 11.:a.m.
CMC: F 3:30 - 6 p.m., TTh 8 a.m. - 2 p.m
Dr. Jose Cohen, OB/GYN
Address: Centro Docente La Trinidad
Edif; Gonzalo Rincones Piso:-1
Tel: 949-6243, 949-6245; 0416-613-1069 cell
Tues, Wed, 8-12:30; Thurs, 8 - 5
Dra. Belize de Pardo, Gynecologist
Address: Centro Clinico Profesional Caracas
Piso 12, Cons. 1201, Av. Panteon, San Bernardino
Phone: 574-4797 or 574-8312 c; 963-6360 h
Specialties: General Practice of Gynecology
Hours: M-Th 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Dr. Reinaldo Pazos Arreaza, OB/GYN
Address: Clinica El Avila
Piso 11, Cons. 1103, Altamira
Phone: 276-1163 c; 261-9747 directo/fax/ans.machine; 014-320-0411 cel; 731-0711 or 7315111, clave 4035
Specialties: General Practice with specialty in High-Risk Pregnancies. Not Infertility Issues.
Hours: M-F 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Dr. Israel Cesar Pesate, OB/GYN
Address: Hospital de Clinicas Caracas (Hospitalization)
Centro Clinico Profesional Caracas (Office Practice)
Piso 12, Cons. 1204, Av. Panteon con Av. Alameda, San Bernardino
Phone: 574-6091 or 576-4828 c; 014-321-5039 cel
Specialties: General OB/GYN practice, including Gynecological Surgery and Infertility
Hours: TThF 8 -11 a.m.
Dr. Juan Rivero Carrano (son), OB/GYN
Address: Instituto Medico La Floresta (LF)
Piso 2, Cons. 202
Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
Edif; Gonzalo Rincones, Piso -1
Phone: LF: 284-4609 or 284-8880 or 284-9147 c
CMLT: 949-6245 or 949-6243
General: 0414-328-4250 cel; 963-7191h
Specialties: General OB/GYN Practice with special interest in Vaginal and Gynecological Surgery;
Member American College of OB/GYN

Hours: LF: T.W.TH. 8:30- 12:noon-F-2:p.m.- 5:p.m.

CMLT: M 9:a.m.-12:noon-2:p.m-5:p.m./T.W.TH.2-6p.m./ F.9:a.m.- 12:noon
Dr. Juan Rivero Stoessel (father), OB/GYN
Address: Instituto Medico La Floresta
Piso 2, Cons. 202
Phone: 284-4609 or 284-8880 or 284-9147 c 985-4193, 987-5674, 0414-327-7225.
Specialties: General OB/GYN Practice with special interest in Vaginal and Gynecological Surgery;
Member American College of Surgeons
Hours: M 9:a.m-12: noon-2:p.m.-6:p.m.TWTh 2- 6 p.m., F 8:30 a.m. -12:30pm
Dr. Otto Rodriguez, gynecologist
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
2do Edif., Piso 3 control 15 .
Centro Medico de Caracas (CMC)
Edif. BancoCaracas, Anexo B, Piso 8 (PH), Cons. 8-A, San Bernardino
Phone: CMLT: 945-8086 or 945-7935 c
CMC: 552-5308 or 509-9397 (directo) c
General: 0416- 628-1733 cel; 991-1058 h
Specialties: OB/GYN with practice now focused in Gynecology. Specialties include Endometriosis,
Menopause, Laparoscopic Surgery (e.g. Hysterectomy).
Honorary Fellow of the American College of OB/GYN
Hours: CMLT: TWTH 8 a.m. 10pm
CMC: MF 2 - 6 p.m.,
Dra.Omeyra Wagner, OB/GYN
Address: Centro Clinico de Maternidad Leopoldo Aguerrevere
Piso 3, Cons. 301, Prados del Este
Phone: 979-9257 (directo) or 907-2222 or 907-2861or 977- 4561 c
Specialties: High-Risk Pregnancies. Primarily Spanish.
Hours: MWF from 3 p.m. on

ONCOLOGISTS (Cancer Specialists)

Dr. Carlos A. de Jongh

Address: Clinica El Avila
Piso 10, Cons. 1005, Altamira
Phone: 276-1065 or 261-0420 c; busca 731-5111 clave 1115
Specialties: Primarily Medical Oncology; Adults; Also Trained in Internal Med. & Hematology
Hours: M-F-2 7pm
Dr. Ivo Rodriguez, nuclear medicine
Address: Clinica El Avila
Sotano 2, Medicina Nuclear, Altamira
Phone: 276-1041 or 276-1042 c; 0414-235-9539 cel

Specialties: Radiation Oncology

Hours: M-W 2:00
See also SURGERY, Dr. Armando Marquez Reveron


Dra. Jacqueline Paneyko

Address: Policlinica Metropolitana
Piso 2, Cons. 2-4, Caurimare
Phone: 908-0565 or 986-1923 or 986-4778 c; bp 731-0711 clave 03099
Specialties: General Opthamology Practice, Children and Adults
Hours: M-F 2 - 6 p.m.
Dr. Noel Pereda O.
Address: Edif. Policlinica Americana, Cons. 5-A, El Rosal
Phone: 952-2595 or 952-863; 952-8637 c; 016-633-1296
Specialties: LASIK Refractive Surgery, Cataract Surgery, Glaucoma Surgery
Hours: MW-8:30am-12 noon;T-12:30pm-5pm; W 8:30 - 5pm;F-8:30am-12 noon;.
Dr. Adam Podlinski
Address: Unidad Oftamologica Gonzaez Sirit,
Av. Benahin Pinto (entre Av. Luis Roche y 11 Av.), Altamira
Phone: 286-8733 or 285-4387 or 285-5130 or 285-5067 c; 0414-335-8176 cel
Specialties: Laser Corrective Surgery
Member American Academy of Opthamology
Hours: M- W 9am 5pm; TH 9AM 1PM; -F-8am-5pm.
Laser Surgery Thur. afternoons
Dr. Enrique Suarez Cabrera
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad
2do Edif, Piso 1
Phone: 949-6329, 949- 6405, 949-6326 (appts, speak to Glinys) 949-6235, 949-6329
private secretary); 945-7042 fax
Specialties: Laser Corrective Surgery, Cataract Surgery
Director of Laser Eye Surgery Program
Hours: M-F 7 a.m. - 12 noon; surgery in afternoons
Dra. Nancy Martinez
Address: Urologico San Roman, piso 1 ofic. 13 - A.
Phone: 999-0159 / 999-0158.
Specialties: General Opthamology Practice, Adults and Children, Cataract and Retina Surgery
Hours: M - F 08:30 am to 1:00 pm.


Dr. Ralph Salazar

Centro Optometrico Ralph Salazar,
Address: Edif. East Park Consultorio, 3er av Los Palos Grandes y 4ta tranversal , 1ro Piso
Los Palos Grandes.
Phone: 283-8875 c; 0412-727-6016 cel.
Specialties: Eye Exams by a Doctor of Optometry; Lens Sales; Spanish only
Hours: M-F 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Optica Contac-O-Lentes
Address: Edif. Quinora, Local No. 3
1ra Av. Los Palos Grandes (entre Fransisco Miranda y 1ra Transversal), Los Palos Grandes.
Phone: 284-3387 or 286-2605 c; 284-1007 fax.286-1770.
Specialties: Computerized Eye Exams and Lens Sales; English and German speaking
hearing aid.
Hours: M-F 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 2 - 6 p.m. Exams in mornings
SAT - 9a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


Dr. Miguel Hirschhaut (hijo)

Address: Clinica Caura
San Bernardino ( between Clinicas Caracas and Centro Medico)
Phone: 552-1268, 552-2303 c; 261 3012; 263 5326
Specialties: Adult and Adoldescent Othodontics;
Trained at U. of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine;
Board Eligible, American Board of Orthodontics
Hours: M-F 9 a.m. 12:00pm and 2:00 6:00 p.m.
Dr. Federico Ortiz
Address: Edif. Cavendes
Piso 4, Cons. 410, Av. Fransisco de Miranda con 1ra Av. Los Palos Grandes, La Castellana
Phone: 286-7415 or 286-9731 or 286-8329 c; 286-7589 fax
Specialties: Adult and Adolescents Orthodontics;
Trained at Forsyth - Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Hours: M-F 9am - 12 noon, 2:00 - 6:30 p.m.


Dr. Antonio DeSantolo

Address: Instituto Medico La Floresta
Piso 2, Cons. 215
Phone: 283-1384 (directo) or 209-6215 c; 284-0569 fax; 014-924-6768 cel

Specialties: Surgery of the Hand; Constructive and Arthroscopic Surgery

Hours: MWF 3 - 6 p.m.
Dr. William Anes.
Address: Instituto Medico La Floresta. Certified in Uk.
Phone: 209-6222. 286-1996; 285-1131, 0412-201-1111.
Specialties: Surgery of Knees; Primarily Adult Practice.
See web page at: mailto: [email protected]
Hours: M-F 6:30 to 2:00 pm.
Dr. Ivan Hrgetic Sekulic
Address: Clinica Sanatrix
Urb. Campo Alegre- Cons. 108
Phone: Directo: 265-9595 261-4302 201-2108 -263-2771 Fax; 0416 622 - 6000 Cell.
Specialties Traumatology /Arthroscopic
Hours Previa Cita M-F 9:00 am to 1:00pm and 2:00 to 6:00 pm
Dr. Johnny Engler
Address: Hospital de Clinicas Caracas
Piso 5, Cons. 518, San Bernardino
Phone: 574-8835 or 574-4913 c; 235-8588 h
Specialties: Hip and Knee Surgery; Member American Board of Orthopedic Surgery
Hours: M-TH- 1:30 to 6pm /F 1:30 to 3 pm.
Dr. Alfredo Guariguarta
Address: Hospital de Clinicas Caracas
Piso 5, Cons. 518 & 520, San Bernardino
Phone: 574-4913 or 574-8835 c; 577-7601 fax
Specialties: Joint Replacement & Spine Surgery; Adults & Children
Hours: M-TH 1:30p.m. 4:30 p.m. F 10:30 - 1 p.m.
Dr. Fernando Noguera Cardoso
Address: Instituto Medico La Floresta
Sotano 2, Cons. 728
Phone: 285-9116 or 284-5834 c [email protected]
Specialties: General Practice of Orthopedic Surgery
Hours: M-F 8 a.m. - 11a.m.
Dr. Ruben Jaen Urrutia
Address: Centro Traumatologico Santa Fe
Level C-4 Cons I
Centro Medico Caracas, San Bernardino
Anexo A, 2nd Floor, Office 277
Phone: Santa Fe: 977-5464, 976-5448
San Bernardino: 552-0795, 575-2545, 555-9277
Specialties: Orthopedic Surgery, Trauma, Artroscopic Surgery.
Hours: S.F.: M-W 9:00am- 1:30pm, F- 9:00am- 5:00pm
S.B.: M,W,Th 3:00pm- 7:30pm


Dr. Jack W. Bandel

Address: Hospital de Clinicas Caracas
Piso 4, Cons. 409, San Bernardino
Phone: 574-8735 or 508-6429 c; 552-9104 h; bp 731-5111 clave 4917
Specialties: Neonatologist specializing in Neonatal Intensive Care and Pediatric Cardiology
American Board Certified in Pediatrics, Board Eligible in Neonatal Intensive Care and Pediatric
U.S. Certified for Neonatal/Pediatric Air Transport (to accompany for MEDEVAC)
Hours: M-F 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
Dr. Roberto Cardoso
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
1ro Edif., Piso PB, Pediatria
Phone: CMLT: 941-7576 or 949-6297 appts; 945-9957Fax or 949-6262 or 949-6364 c
General: 0414-321-3351 cel; bp 609-1822, clave 6216
Specialties: General Pediatrics Practice; American Board Certified in Pediatrics
Hours: CMLT: MTWTH-9AM -11:45 pm; MF 2 6 pm
Dr. Nicolas Cardenas Rivero (hijo)
Address: Instituto Medico La Floresta (LF)
PB, Cons. 702 (Direct access to office from street)
Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
1ro Edif., PB
Phone: LF: 284-8098 or 285-4515 or 284-7256 c; 285-3859 fax
CMLT: 941-7576 appts; 945-9957 c 949-6262 or 949-6363
General: 014-320-5459 cel
Specialties: Specialist in Neonatology; American Board Certified in Pediatrics and in Pediatric
Critical Care
Hours: LF: M-F 11:30am - 4pm
CMLT: TTH-7:30am -10:30am, 4:30pm-6:30pm
Dr. Tony Manrique Guzman
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
1ro Edif., Piso PB, Pediatria
Phone: CMLT: 941-7576 appts; 949-6363 or 949-6262 c
General: 0414-321-3328 cel
Specialties: General Pediatrics Practice;
Hours: CMLT: MWTHF 9:00a.m. - 12 p.m; T- 10a.m - 2 30:p.m
Dr. Carlos E. Mijares
Address: Centro Medico De Caracas (CMC)
Anexo A. Piso 3, Cons.379, San Bernardino

Phone: CMC: 555-9379 or 555-9522

Specialties: Allergies and Immunology and Pediatrician
Hours: CMC: M-F- 8a.m. - 6:00p.m.
Dr. Jose Levy Mizrahi
Address Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad
1ro Edif., Piso 1-PB-Control 5
Phone: 941-7576 (appts) or 941-6347 (directo) or 945-9957Fax or 949-6262 c; 0416-623-7467cel
Specialties: Current Chief of Unit; General Pediatrics Practice.
Hours: M F 7:30 am 6 pm
Dra. Clementina Landolfi
Address: Policlinica Metropolitana, cons. 1Q , Caurimare.
Phone: 908-0582; 908-0581;0416-627-6890.
Specialties: Pediatric Hematologist.
Hours: M-TH 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Dra. Iris Kaufmann
Address: Centro Profesional Santa Paula Torre B, piso 8 cons. 810 Santa Paula.
Phone: 987-3990;987-0290; 0414-314-9906.
Specialties: Pediatrician.
Hours: M-F 8:30am-12:30pm. She does House calls.
Dr. Alejandro A. Mondolfi
Address Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad
1ro Edif., PB control 5
Phone: 941-7576 (appts) or 945-9957; 0416-631-7019 cel
Specialties: Pediatrician specializing in Pediatric Emergency Medicine
U.S. Certified in Pediatric Life Support, Trauma Life Support, and Cardiac Life Support
Hours: MTTh 9 a.m. 6pm, MWF1pm-7pm
Dr. Luis Miguel Raga
Address: Centro Clinico de Maternidad Leopoldo Aguerrevere (LA)
Cons. 106, Prados del Este
Instituto Pediatrico La Florida (IP)
Avenida Las Acacias-Calle La Capilla, La Florida
Phone: LA: 979 - 9180 (directo) or 907-0836 (central) c
IP: 730 - 8034-c
General: 014-321-3113 cel
Specialties: General Pediatrics Practice
Hours: LA: M-F 8 - 10:00 a.m.
Dra. Lila Vega
Address: Clinica Urologico (U) San Roman
Piso 1, Cons. 11
Residencias La Hacienda (RLH)
Piso PB, Cons. 31-F, Calle Veracruz, Las Mercedes (beside Supermercado Veracruz)
Phone: U: 993-4525 c

RLH: 991-3797, 992-6453

General: 0416-608-9224 cel;
Specialties: General Pediatrics Practice
Hours: U: M-F 8 a.m. - 12 noon
RLH: M-F 2:30 5pm

Specialists in Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy

Dr. Samuel Abbo

Address Policlinica Metropolitana
Sotano 2 (reabilit. fisica), Caurimare.
Phone: 908-0474 or 908-0475 or 985-6843 c 908-0676; 0414-327-8319
Specialties: General Practice in Rehabilitation Medicine;
Specialist in Chronic Pain (Back, Neck) and EMG
Hours: M-F 3-8 p.m.
Dr. David Feldman
Address Centro Clinico Profesional Caracas
Piso 9, Cons. 913, San Bernardino
Phone: 575-2495 or 574-9512 c; 0414-321-7483 cel
Specialties: General Practice in Rehabilitation Medicine; Specialist in Sports Medicine, Back Pain,
Dance & Music Injuries
Hours: Consultation: M-Th-2pm-7pm; F-1pm-4pm
Physical Therapy: M-Th 7:30 a.m.-12 noon, 2 - 6:30 p.m.
Dr. Orlando Fernandez
Address Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad, chief of therapy Rehabilitation.
2do Edif., Piso PB
Phone: 949-6226 (directo) or 949-6416
Specialties: General Practice in Rehabilitation Medicine; Special Interest in Sports Injuries/
Hours: M-F 8:30 - 11:30 am, M - TH 3 - 6 p.m. F 7:30 am -12 noon & 1 4:30 pm
Dra. Carol Ichazo.
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad.
Phone: 949-6416.
Specialties: Physical Therapy.
Hours: T-F 8:30 am 12:30 pm & 2 4pm


Dr. Enrique Flicki

Address: Hospital de Clinicas Caracas
Piso 3, Cons. 315, San Bernardino

Phone: 574-5353 or 508-6315 c; 0416-623-9494 cel; bp 731-0711 clave 2868

Specialties: General Practice of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; Children and Adults
American Board Eligible
Hours: MTWTh 2 - 6 p.m., F 10 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.


Dr. Juan Carlos Angeli Landaeta, psychiatrist

Address: Av. Circunvalacion del Sol, entre calles Venus y Marte
Centro Profesional Sta. Paula, Torre B, piso 3, consultorio 304
Phone: 985-8427 or 985-1389 c; 014-331-1955 cel
Specialties: Adolescents, Young Adults, Couples
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., M-Th 2:30-7:30 p.m.
Lic. Maria Isabel Arnal, child psychologist
Address: Qta. Cristina, Calle Nirgua con Calle Las Vegas, Zone Ind. La Trinidad
Phone: 945-2361 c; 978-3179 h; 012-724-2943 cel
Specialties: Child Development (newborn through age 12); Early Intervention
Hours: MTh 7:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m., TF 2:30-7:00 p.m.
Dr. Harry Czechowicz, psychiatrist
Address: Policlinica Metropolitana
Piso 3, Cons. 3-0, Caurimare
Phone: 985-3061 or 985-2340 or 908-0364 c; 985-1780 fax
Specialties: General Adult Psychiatry including Marital and Sex Therapy;
Special Interest in Cancer and Chronic Illnesses
Hours: M-F 9 a.m. - 12 noon, 3 7:00 p.m./TTH-3:00am 8:00pm
Dr. Pedro Delgado, psychiatrist
Address: Av. Mariscal, Sucre, Instituto de Medicina Integral, piso 7, San Bernardino (behind
Centro Medico de Caracas)
Phone: 552-2962 or 550-1776 c;552-0551 h; 0414-328-7414 cel
Specialties: General Psychiatry (Adolescents, Adults, Individuals, Families, Couples); Specialist in
Addiction Problems, Organizational Psychology
Hours: MTH - 2:00pm- 8:00pm/TWF- 7:00am 2:00pm
Dr. Manuel Gomez, psychiatrist
Address: Centro Medico de Caracas, Torre Mayo, Cons. 7-B (Outpatient)
Avenida Eraso , San Bernardino (opposite Centro Medico)
Phone: 551-7655 or 552-5954 c; 978-3179 h; 0414-328-2488 cel; 731-5111 clave 4344
Specialties: Clinical Psychiatry (Children, Adults, Families, Couples); Specialist in Management of
Medication and Organic Problems, Differentiation of Physical versus Emotional Conditions
Hours: M TH 2:30pm - 5:30pm; MWF- 8:30am 11:30am
Dra. Anna Maria Rios, psychiatrist
Phone: 550-1410, 552-5453.

Dr. Fred Hoebel, PhD, clinical psychologist

Address: Qta. Maros, Av. 11, Entre 8a y 7a Transversals
Altamira Norte
Phone: 261-4376 or 261-0238 c; 263-6720 h
Specialties: Individual (Adults preferred), Couples, and Family Therapy; Brief Therapy; Hypnosis;
Medically-related Psychology; Crisis Intervention
Hours: M TH 2 7pm
Cesar Landaeta Hurtado, clinical psychologist, adolescents
Address: Qta. Maros, Av. 11, Entre 8a y 7a Transversals
Altamira Norte
Phone: 261-4376 or 261-0238 c; 0416-610-2015 cel
Specialties: Adolescents, Individuals and Families; Special Interest in AIDS
Hours: M -Th 2 - 7 p.m.
Lic. Isabel de Molero, psychologist, family therapist
Address: Centro Profesional Sta. Paula
Torre A, Piso 3, Cons. 311, Av. Circunvalacion del Sol
Phone: 985-6780 c; 0416-625-5829 cel
Specialties: Family Therapy
Hours: TWTh early a.m. through evening; some MF appts.
Dr. Herbert Stegemann, psychiatrist
Address: Calle 7 entre Ave 4 & 5 No 15
Los Palos Grandes
Phone: 285 8229; 284 8316; 0416-630-9165 cell; 283 4174h/fax; 609 1822, clave 4313
Specialties: Organic Psychiatry (children and Adults),
Aeronautical Medicine; Admits Inpatients to Private Clinics
Hours: M F Evenings only


Dr. Carlos Talamo

Address: Clinica El Avila
Piso 4- Consult. 402
Phone 276 - 1462/ 1472 261- 6291
Hours: Previous Appointment required
Dr. Douglas Olivares.
Address: Centro Docente La Trinidad, control 4 PB.
Hospital de Clinicas Caracas, piso 3 ofic. 311 San Bernandino.
Phone: CMDT : 949-6290; 0416-621-1346; 731-5111 Clave 1059. appointments: 949-6300; 9490104
HCC: 508-6111; 508-6311; 574-3387 .
Specialties: Pulmonologist.

Hours: CMDT: M-F 9:00 12:00 pm

HCC: M-F 2:00 6:00 pm
Dr. Gerardo Gonzalez Consalvi
Address: Clinica El Avila
Piso 11 (PH), Cons. 1115, Altamira
Phone: 276-1185 or 262-1949 c
Specialties: Adult (12 years and older) Pulmonology; Spanish Only
Hours: MW 5 - 7 p.m., TThF 2 - 5 p.m.
Dr. Lorenzo Herrera
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
1ro Edif., PB Control 2
Hospital de Clinicas Caracas (HCC)
Piso 3, Cons. 326, San Bernardino
Phone: CMLT: 949-6291 (directo) or 949-6244; 949-6229; 949-6233 (control 2) c
Specialties: Trained in Pulmonology & Internal Medicine; Specializes in Asthma & Chronic Lung
Hours: CMLT: MWTH 3 - 6 p.m.
HCC: M - F 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Dr. Jose Isea Dubuc
Address: Policlinica Metropolitana
Piso 2, Cons. 210, Caurimare
Phone: 985-1214 or 986-9354 c; bp 731-5111 clave 0259
Specialties: Adult Pulmonology: Asthma, Lung Problems
Hours: M - F 9 a.m. - 12: noon
Dr. Ali Gonzalez
Address: Instituto La Floresta
Piso 1-Cons. 105
Phone: 283.4477
Specialties: Neumologist
Hours: M/TH AM; T/F PM


Dr. Moises Attias

Address: Hospital de Clinicas Caracas
Piso 3, Cons. 300, San Bernardino
Phone: 574 - 0668 or 576 - 4956 c
Specialties: Adult and Child Rheumatology
Hours: M-F 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.; 2:30 6:30pm
Dr. Gary Sterba
Address: Hospital de Clinicas Caracas

Piso 3, Cons. 317, San Bernardino

Phone: 574-4824 c; 0414-321-2349 cel; 285-8152 h; bp 731-0711, clave 2559
Specialties: Rheumatology (Children & Adults); Internal Medicine (Adults)
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 2:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Dr. Carlos Zabala
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
1ro Edif., Piso 1 Control 9
Clinica Urologico (U), Piso 1, Cons. 18, Las Mercedes
Phone: CMLT: 945-7053 c
U: 993-9841 c
Specialties: Adult and Child Rheumatology
Hours: CMLT: M - F 4 - 6 p.m.
U: M - F 12 noon - 2 p.m.


Lic. Ana Posada

Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad
Edif. 1 -Sotano
Phone: 945-7142; 949-6230
Specialties: Therapist for full range of speech.
Hours: M - F 8:00 am - 12:30pm, 1pm 6:30pm


Dr. Alexis Bello, cardiovascular surgeon

Address: Hospital de Clinicas Caracas
Administration: Piso 1, Consultorio: Piso 3, Cons. 310, San Bernardino
Phone: 508-6136 admin; 574-4268 or 574-7432 c; 0414-327-9598 cel;
bp 731-5111 clave 1005.
Specialties: Cardiovascuolar Surgery;
Hours: M - F 2:00 pm 5:00 pm ( Consults)
Dr. Alfonso Benedetti,
Address: Clinica Urologico San Roman
PB- Consult. 2
Phone: 991 5072 / 999 - 0123
Specialties: Surgeon Cardiovascular
Hours: MTH- 9a.m. - 2p.m. 5p.m.
Dr. Rafael M. Belloso, colo-rectal surgeon
Address: Hospital de Clinicas Caracas
Piso 5, Cons. 515, San Bernardino

Phone: 508-6514, 508-6515, or 508-6516 c; 574-2809 fax; bp 731-5111 clave 9204

Specialties: Surgery of the Colon and Rectum; Proctology; Laproscopic Surgery
Hours: MWF 3:p.m- 7 p.m./F-10:30-a.m.-12:30:p.m.
Dr. Carlos Cogorno, general surgery
Address: Instituto Medico La Floresta
Piso 1, Cons. 104
Phone: 284-5401 c; 0416-624-2568 cel; 285-5716 fax
Specialties: General Surgeon with Specialty in Proctology
Hours: M - F 4 - 7 p.m.
Dr. Ricardo Fernandez, general surgeon
Address: Clinica El Avila
Piso 11 (PH), Cons. 1114, Altamira
Phone: 261-1572 or 276-1184 c; 283-2838 h; 0414-333 - 2568 cell; bp 731-5111 clave 1058
Specialties: General Surgery, Children & Adults; Focus on Gastrointestinal and Cancer Surgery
Hours: M -Th 2 - 8 p.m., F 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Dr. Henry Hopkins, cardiovascular & thoracic surgeon
Address: Centro Medico de Caracas (CMC)
Anexo B, Piso 5, Cons. 5-B, San Bernardino
Policlinica Metropolitana (PM)
Piso 2, Cons. 2-4, Caurimare
Phone: CMC: 552-5586 c/fax or 551-5362 c
PM: 986-1923 c
Specialties: Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery
American Board Certified in Surgery, Thoracic Surgery
Hours: CMC: MWF 8am 12 noon; TTH- 2:00 pm 6:00 pm
PM: TTh 8 a.m. - 12 noon
Dr. Josep Lanes, general surgery
Address: Hospital de Clinicas Caracas
Piso 4, Cons. 417, San Bernardino
Phone: 508-6417 or 508-6421 c; 574-9579 fax; 0416-621-9318 cel (for emergencies); 751-3769 h
Specialties: General and Vascular Surgery
Hours: MW 2 - 7 p.m., F 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Dr. Armando Marquez Reveron
Address: Centro Medico de Caracas
Anexo A, Piso 2, Cons. 278, San Bernardino
Phone: 552-5942 or 552-2404 c; 262-0126 or 263-9770 h /555-9278c
Specialties: Oncological Surgery (Cancer); Adults
Member American College of Surgeons
Hours: MW 3 - 8 p.m., F 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Dr. Victor Zambrano Rincones, gastrointestinal surgery
Address: Policlinica Metropolitana
Piso 2, Cons 2-B, Caurimare

Phone: 985-6003 or 985-6403 or 908-0251 c; 014-247-4933 cel; bp 731-5111 clave 1037

991- 8582 or 993-7202 h
Specialties: Gastrointestinal Surgery; Children & Adults
Hours: M- Th 2:00 - 6 p.m.
Dr. Carlos Torrealba, cardiovascular & thoracic surgeon
Address: Centro Medico de Caracas
Anexo B, Piso 5, Cons. 5-B, San Bernardino
Phone: 552-5586 c/fax or 552-5019 c; 014-327-3607 cel; bp 731-5111 clave 6060
Specialties: Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery (heart, lung & thorax)
Hours: TTh 2 - 6 p.m.
Dr. Jorge Szauer Troconis., Proctologist, Surgery of the Colon and Rectum.
Address: Hospital de Clinicas Caracas, cons 417-419.
Centro Docente La Trinidad , Cons. PB. Control 4
Phone: HCC : 0416-621-6317; 574-6532; 574-9768; 731-5111 clave 1448.
CDT: 945-8335- 949-6411
Specialties: General surgery, oncologist, proctologist.
Hours: HCC: M -W 2:00 - 7:00 / F-9:00 am 3:00 pm
CDT: M - 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
Dr. Odoardo Leon- Ponte. Special interest in breast tumors.
Dr. Luis Ayala. Special interest in thyroid tumors
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad, 1 bldg; control 22; 1st floor.
Phone: 949-6411; 949-6339; 949- 6373; 949-6374; 941-8187
Specialties: General surgeon. Hours: W - F 8:00am 11:00am


Dr. Leonardo Borregales

Address: Centro Medico de Caracas
Main Bldg, Piso 1, Cons. 100, San Bernardino
Phone: 555-9313 or 555-9111 c; 0416-638-2599 cell; 986-3241 h; bp 731-5111 clave 2511
Specialties: Cancer of the Prostate and Bladder; Urinary Incontinence in Women
Hours: M -TH 4 - 8 p.m.
Dr. Jacques Denis
Address: Instituto Medico La Floresta
Piso PB, Cons. 704, La Floresta
Phone: 284-5523 or 285-2169 (direct/fax) c; 977-2775 h-014.937- 3207
Specialties: General Urology Practice; Children & Adults
Hours: M - F 9 a.m. - 3 pm
Dr. Ariel Kaufman
Address: Hospital Clinicas De Caracas
S-1 Cons,111, Phone: 574-4476/ 508-6069

Hours: M - TH 0900 -1200, 2.00 - 5.00.

Dr. Julio Otaola
Address: Clinica Urologico
Piso PB, Cons. #1, San Roman
Phone: 999-0102 (central) or 991-9142 (direct) c; 991-0032 h; 992-5810 fax
Specialties: Urological Surgery;
Hours: M - TH- 2 6:00pm (consult)
Dr. Cesar Pru, nephrologist
Address: Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad (CMLT)
2do Edif., Piso 2, Dialysis Unit control 17
Centro Medico de Caracas (CMC)
Main Bldg, Piso 2, Dialysis Unit control 17, San Bernardino.
Phone: CMLT: 943-2041, 949-6287, 949-6223 fax c
CMC: 576-9587; directo 555-9485; 555-9593;bp 731-5111 clave 4760
Specialties: General Adult Practice specializing in Kidney Problems & Treatment, including
Dialysis. Inpatient work at CMC.
Hours: CMLT: M - W 10 a.m. - 12: noon
CMC: M -Th 3 - 6:00 p.m.


Dr. Lester Scott Vega

Address: Clinica Veterinaria Huellas
Qta. No. 5, Calle Mery, 10ma Transversal, Los Palos Grandes
Phone: 283-7081 or 285-1853 c; 0414-237-7383 cell
Hours: M - F 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. - 2 p.m (clinic) Dr. Vega is in MTWF.
Dr. Cornelio W. Vuurman
Address: Clinica Veterinaria Los Campitos
Ruta Central, Quinta Dona Aida, Los Campitos
Phone: 978-0292 or 977-1650 c; 0416-621-7486 cell (for emergencies)
Hours: M-F 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Sat 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

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