Lyricism Final
Lyricism Final
Lyricism Final
were, but they still have the power to inspire man. Before
finishing the poem he tells the west wind to take the following
message to the sleeping world
The trumpet of a poetry! O, Wind
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
Symbolism: Most of Shelleys poetry is symbolic. Shelley
makes use of symbolism by means of his normal use of images
including the personified force of nature and filled in it various
symbolic meanings to suit the purpose of the poem. The West
Wind appears to him as a symbol of change of the old
destroyer and the preserver of the new. The wind also
symbolizes Shelleys own personality. When he was a boy was
one like the wind tameless and swift, and proud. He still
possesses these qualities but they lie suppressed under a
heavy weight of hours. At this hour of distress the poet can
look upon the wind as a competent savior, a symbol of aid and
relief. Finally, the west wind is treated by the poet as
representing the forces that can help bring about the golden
millennium when the miseries and agonies of mankind will be
replaced by all round happiness.
Imagery: In the poem Ode to the West Wind the image of the
west wind, its appearance and action, has been shown through
three vivid images:
(i) Vapor rising from the Ocean to form clouds,
(ii) The stormy wind in the image of the dancing Maenad in
intoxication and
(iii)The image of the dome formed out of Clouds.
Myth-making: Shelley holds a unique place in English
Literature by virtue of his power of making myths out of the
objects and forces of Nature. Shelleys myth-making power as
revealed in the Ode to the West Wind.
Technical excellence: Technically this poem is one of the most
perfect of Shelleys lyrics. It is nearer to music than to painting,
Q: Write a critical appreciation of the poem To a Skylark
Answer: Percy Bysshe Shelley is the highly intellectual poet of
the Romantic Revival. He was a dreamer and visionary. He had
a great passion for reforming the world by the power of his
writing. His idealism is best reflected in his poem To a
Skylark. Shelleys To a Skylark is a remarkable masterpiece.
If Shelley had died composing it only, he might have been
regarded as a great poet in English Literature. Skylark is an
imagery bird, which is invisible in the sky. It is a source of poetic
inspiration. This poetry stands as a distinguished achievement
because of some particular characteristics such as spontaneity,
lyrical quality, audibility or music, series of imagery,
personification and idealism etc.
To a Skylark perhaps the most famous Shelleys poem was
written in July 1820 and published with Prometheus Unbound
in the same year. At the time of its composition
The Shelleys were staying in Grisbornes house who was on a
visit to England. The idea of the skylark singing in the sky to
represent a spiritual power that can spread its influence
through the world may have come from Plato. The skylark is
not a earthly bird, it is the embodied spirit of ecstasy of
absolute delight, joyous. Wordsworths poem on the same
describes the skylark as
Ethereal minstrel! pilgrim of the sky!