Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal
ROLL NO-15004
MUMBAI 4000080.
NO.15004 of Mulund College Of Commerce, S.N Road, Mulund (West),Mumbai-400080 of
M.Com Part-I (Business Management) has completed her project on PERFORMANCE
APPRAISAL IN WNS during the academic year 2014-2015.The information submitted is true
and original to the best of my knowledge.
I, Tehseen Hanif Ansari would like to express my sincere gratitude to the principal of Mulund
College of Commerce Dr Mrs. Parvathi Venkatesh, Course Co-ordinator and our project guide
Mrs Soni Hassani, for providing me an opportunity to do my project work on PERFORMANCE
APPRAISAL IN WNS Special thanks to library in charge, which provided the necessary books
and other data which acted as stepping stone in my project and also those who have directly or
indirectly helped me in project for their encouragement and timely help.
Last but not the least, I wish to avail myself of this opportunity, to express a sense of gratitude
and love to my friends and my beloved parents for their help and support.
Chap 1
Introduction to HRM
History of HRM
Scope of HRM
Chap 2
Chap 3
WNS Services
Chap 4
Chap 5
to globalization,
movement grew
of Elton
Mayo and
by Abraham
Maslow, Kurt
more productive
Lewin, Max
Weber (1864-
1920), Frederick Herzberg, and David McClelland (1917-1998) formed the basis for studies in
industrial and organizational psychology, organizational behavior and organizational theory,
giving room for an applied discipline.
During the latter half of the 20th century, union membership declined significantly, while
workforce management continued to expand its influence within organizations. "Industrial and
labor relations" began being used to refer specifically to issues concerning collective
representation, and many companies began referring to the profession as "personnel
administration". In 1948, what would later become the largest professional HR association
the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)was founded as the American Society
for Personnel Administration (ASPA).
Nearing the 21st century, advances in transportation and communications greatly facilitated
workforce mobility and collaboration. Corporations began viewing employees as assets rather
than as cogs in a machine. "Human resources management", consequently, became the dominant
term for the functionthe ASPA even changing its name to SHRM in 1998. "Human capital
management" is sometimes used synonymously with HR, although human capital typically refers
to a more narrow view of human resources; i.e., the knowledge the individuals embody and can
contribute to an organization. Likewise, other terms sometimes used to describe the field include
"organizational management", "manpower management", "talent management", "personnel
management", and simply "people management".
In popular media
HR has been depicted in several popular media. On the U.S. television series of The Office, HR
representative Toby Flenderson is sometimes seen as a nag because he constantly reminds
coworkers of company policies and government regulations. Long-running American comic
strip Dilbert also frequently portrays sadistic HR policies through character Catbert, the "evil
director of human resources". Additionally, an HR manager is the title character in the 2010
Israeli film The Human Resources Manager, while an HR intern is the protagonist in 1999
French film Ressources humaines. Additionally, the BBC sitcom dinnerladies main character
Philippa is an HR manager.
The scope of HRM is extensive and far-reaching. Therefore, it is very difficult to define it
concisely. However, we may classify the same under following heads:
HRM in Employee Welfare: This particular aspect of HRM deals with working
conditions and amenities at workplace. This includes a wide array of responsibilities and
services such as safety services, health services, welfare funds, social security and
medical services. It also covers appointment of safety officers, making the environment
worth working, eliminating workplace hazards, support by top management, job safety,
safeguarding machinery, cleanliness, proper ventilation and lighting, sanitation, medical
care, sickness benefits, employment injury benefits, personal injury benefits, maternity
benefits, unemployment benefits and family benefits.
It also relates to supervision, employee counseling, establishing harmonious relationships
with employees, education and training. Employee welfare is about determining
employees real needs and fulfilling them with active participation of both management
and employees. In addition to this, it also takes care of canteen facilities, crches, rest and
lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistance, education, health and safety,
recreation facilities, etc.
understanding human behavior and maintaining work relations, collective bargaining and
settlement of disputes.
The main aim is to safeguarding the interest of employees by securing the highest level of
understanding to the extent that does not leave a negative impact on organization. It is
about establishing, growing and promoting industrial democracy to safeguard the
interests of both employees and management.
The scope of HRM is extremely wide, thus, can not be written concisely. However, for the sake
of convenience and developing understanding about the subject, we divide it in three categories
mentioned above.
1. Performance feedback
Most employees are very interested in knowing how well they are doing at present and how they
can do better in a future. They want this information to improve their performance in order to get
promotions and merit pay. Proper performance feedback can improve the employee's future
performance. It also gives him satisfaction and motivation.
2. Employee Training and Development Decisions
Performance Appraisal information is used to find out whether an employee requires additional
training and development. Deficiencies in performance may be due to inadequate knowledge or
skills. For e.g. A professor may improve his efficiency by attending workshops or seminars about
his subject. Performance appraisal helps a manager to find out whether he needs additional
training for improving his current job performance. Similarly, if the performance appraisal
results show that he can perform well in a higher position, then he is given training for the higher
level position.
3. Validation of Selection Process
Performance appraisal is a means of validating both internal (promotions and transfers) and
external (hiring new employees from outside) sources. Organisations spend a lot of time and
money for recruiting and selecting employees. Various tools used in the selection process are
application blanks, interviews, psychological tests, etc. These tools are used to predict (guess) the
candidate's performance on the job. A proper performance appraisal finds out the validity of the
various selection tools and so the company can follow suitable steps for selecting employees in
4. Promotions
Performance appraisal is a way of finding out which employee should be given a promotion. Past
appraisals, together with other background data, will enable management to select proper persons
for promotion.
5. Transfers
Performance appraisal is also useful for taking transfer decisions. Transfers often involve
changes in job responsibilities, and it is important to find out the employees who can take these
responsibilities. Such identification of employees who can be transferred is possible through the
performance appraisal.
6. Layoff Decisions
Performance appraisal is a good way of taking layoff decisions. Employees may be asked to lay
off, if the need arises. The weakest performers are the first to be laid off. If there is no
performance appraisal, then there are chances that the best men in the department may be laid
7. Compensation Decision
Performance appraisal can be used to compensate the employees by increasing their pay and
other incentives. This is truer in the case of managerial jobs and also in the case of employees in
non-unionized organisations. The better performances are rewarded with merit pay.
8. Human Resource Planning (HRP)
The appraisal process helps in human resource planning (HRP). Accurate and current appraisal
data regarding certain employees helps the management in talking decisions for future
employment. Without the knowledge of who is capable of being promoted, demoted, transferred,
laid off or terminated, management cannot make employment plans for the future.
9. Career Development
Performance appraisal also enables managers to coach and counsel employees in their career
Establishing performance
commuicating the standards
measuring the performance
comparing with desired
discussing result
decision making
does not affect the outcome of the process and providing assistance rather than interfering in an
employees work.
4. Comparing the Actual with the Desired Performance
In this the actual performance is compared with the desired or the standard performance. The
comparison tells the deviations in the performance of the employees from the standards set. The
result can show the actual performance being more than the desired performance or, the actual
performance being less than the desired performance depicting a negative deviation in the
organizational performance. It includes recalling, evaluating and analysis of data related to the
employees' performance.
5. Discussing Results
The result of the appraisal is communicated and discussed with the employees on one-to-one
basis. The focus of this discussion is on communication and listening. The results, the problems
and the possible solutions are discussed with the aim of problem solving and reaching consensus.
The feedback should be given with a positive attitude as this can have an effect on the
employees' future performance. The purpose of the meeting should be to solve the problems
faced and motivate the employees to perform better.
6. Decision Making
The last step of the process is to take decisions which can be taken either to improve the
performance of the employees, take the required corrective actions, or the related HR decisions
like rewards, promotions, demotions, transfers etc.
Rating Scales: Rating scales consists of several numerical scales representing job related
performance criterions such as dependability, initiative, output, attendance, attitude etc. Each
scales ranges from excellent to poor. The total numerical scores are computed and final
conclusions are derived. Advantages Adaptability, easy to use, low cost, every type of job can
be evaluated, large number of employees covered, no formal training required. Disadvantages
Raters biases
Checklist: Under this method, checklist of statements of traits of employee in the form of
Yes or No based questions is prepared. Here the rater only does the reporting or checking and HR
department does the actual evaluation. Advantages economy, ease of administration, limited
training required, standardization. Disadvantages Raters biases, use of improper weighs by HR,
does not allow rater to give relative ratings
Forced Choice Method: The series of statements arranged in the blocks of two or more are
given and the rater indicates which statement is true or false. The rater is forced to make a
choice. HR department does actual assessment. Advantages Absence of personal biases
because of forced choice. Disadvantages Statements may be wrongly framed.
Forced Distribution Method: here employees are clustered around a high point on a rating
scale. Rater is compelled to distribute the employees on all points on the scale. It is assumed that
the performance is conformed to normal distribution. Advantages Eliminates Disadvantages
Assumption of normal distribution, unrealistic, errors of central tendency.
employee that makes all the difference in the performance. Supervisors as and when they occur
record such incidents. Advantages Evaluations are based on actual job behaviors, ratings are
supported by descriptions, feedback is easy, reduces recency biases, chances of subordinate
improvement are high. Disadvantages Negative incidents can be prioritized, forgetting
incidents, overly close supervision; feedback may be too much and may appear to be
determine the points. They are said to be behaviorally anchored. The rater is supposed to say,
which behavior describes the employee performance. Advantages helps overcome rating errors.
Disadvantages Suffers from distortions inherent in most rating techniques.
Field Review Method: This is an appraisal done by someone outside employees own
department usually from corporate or HR department. Advantages Useful for managerial level
promotions, when comparable information is needed, Disadvantages Outsider is generally not
familiar with employees work environment, Observation of actual behaviors not possible.
Performance Tests & Observations: This is based on the test of knowledge or skills. The
tests may be written or an actual presentation of skills. Tests must be reliable and validated to be
useful. Advantage Tests may be apt to measure potential more than actual performance.
Disadvantages Tests may suffer if costs of test development or administration are high.
industry is not ruled out. Here the report is given in the form of Annual Confidentiality Report
(ACR) and may record ratings with respect to following items; attendance, self expression, team
work, leadership, initiative, technical ability, reasoning ability, originality and resourcefulness
etc. The system is highly secretive and confidential. Feedback to the assessee is given only in
case of an adverse entry. Disadvantage is that it is highly subjective and ratings can be
manipulated because the evaluations are linked to HR actions like promotions etc.
10. Essay Method: In this method the rater writes down the employee description in detail
within a number of broad categories like, overall impression of performance, promoteability of
employee, existing capabilities and qualifications of performing jobs, strengths and weaknesses
and training needs of the employee. Advantage It is extremely useful in filing information gaps
about the employees that often occur in a better-structured checklist. Disadvantages It its
highly dependent upon the writing skills of rater and most of them are not good writers. They
may get confused success depends on the memory power of raters.
11. Cost Accounting Method: Here performance is evaluated from the monetary returns yields
to his or her organization. Cost to keep employee, and benefit the organization derives is
ascertained. Hence it is more dependent upon cost and benefit analysis.
12. Comparative Evaluation Method (Ranking & Paired Comparisons): These are
collection of different methods that compare performance with that of other co-workers. The
usual techniques used may be ranking methods and paired comparison method.
Ranking Methods: Superior ranks his worker based on merit, from best to worst.
However how best and why best are not elaborated in this method. It is easy to administer and
Paired Comparison Methods: In this method each employee is rated with another
employee in the form of pairs. The number of comparisons may be calculated with the help of a
formula as under.
N x (N-1) / 2
rated against the achievement of objectives stated by the management. MBO process goes as
Establish new goals and new strategies for goals not achieved in previous year.
Psychological Appraisals: These appraisals are more directed to assess employees potential
for future performance rather than the past one. It is done in the form of in-depth interviews,
psychological tests, and discussion with supervisors and review of other evaluations. It is more
focused on employees emotional, intellectual, and motivational and other personal characteristics
affecting his performance. This approach is slow and costly and may be useful for bright young
members who may have considerable potential. However quality of these appraisals largely
depends upon the skills of psychologists who perform the evaluation.
Assessment Centers: This technique was first developed in USA and UK in 1943. An
assessment center is a central location where managers may come together to have their
participation in job related exercises evaluated by trained observers. It is more focused on
observation of behaviors across a series of select exercises or work samples. Assessees are
requested to participate in in-basket exercises, work groups, computer simulations, role playing
and other similar activities which require same attributes for successful performance in actual
job. The characteristics assessed in assessment center can be assertiveness, persuasive ability,
communicating ability, planning and organizational ability, self confidence, resistance to stress,
energy level, decision making, sensitivity to feelings, administrative ability, creativity and mental
alertness etc. Disadvantages Costs of employees traveling and lodging, psychologists, ratings
strongly influenced by assessees inter-personal skills. Solid performers may feel suffocated in
simulated situations. Those who are not selected for this also may get affected.
on an individual group, derived from a number of stakeholders like immediate supervisors, team
members, customers, peers and self. In fact anyone who has useful information on how an
employee does a job may be one of the appraisers. This technique is highly useful in terms of
broader perspective, greater self-development and multi-source feedback is useful. 360-degree
appraisals are useful to measure inter-personal skills, customer satisfaction and team building
skills. However on the negative side, receiving feedback from multiple sources can be
intimidating, threatening etc. Multiple raters may be less adept at providing balanced and
objective feedback.
Potential benefits
There are a number of potential benefits of organizational performance management conducting
formal performance appraisals (PAs). There has been a general consensus in the belief that PAs
lead to positive implications of organizations. Furthermore, PAs can benefit an organizations
effectiveness. One way is PAs can often lead to giving individual workers feedback about their
job performance. From this may spawn several potential benefits such as the individual workers
becoming more productive.
Other potential benefits include:
employees perceptions of
uncertainty. Fundamentally,
Potential complications:
Despite all the potential advantages of formal performance appraisals (PAs), there are also
potential drawbacks. It has been noted that determining the relationship between individual job
performance and organizational performance can be a difficult task. Generally, there are two
overarching problems from which several complications spawn. One of the problems with
formal PAs is there can be detrimental effects to the organization(s) involved if the appraisals are
not used appropriately. The second problem with formal PAs is they can be ineffective if the PA
system does not correspond with the organizational culture and system.
Complications stemming from these issues are:
Detrimental to quality improvement: it has been proposed that the use of PA systems in
organizations adversely affect organizations pursuits of quality performance. It is believed
by some scholars and practitioners that the use of PAs is more than unnecessary if there is
total quality management.
Legal issues: when PAs are not carried out appropriately, legal issues could result that
place the organization at risk. PAs are used in organizational disciplinary programs as well as
for promotional decisions within the organization. The improper application and utilization
of PAs can affect employees negatively and lead to legal action against the organization.
Performance goals: performance goals and PA systems are often used in association.
Negative outcomes concerning the organizations can result when goals are overly
challenging or overemphasized to the extent of affecting ethics, legal requirements, or
quality. Moreover, challenging performance goals can impede employees abilities to acquire
necessary knowledge and skills. Especially in the early stages of training, it would be more
beneficial to instruct employees on outcome goals than on performance goals.
Derail merit pay or performance-based pay: some researchers contend that the deficit
in merit pay and performance-based pay is linked to the fundamental issues stemming from
PA systems
analytical and business transformation services. The Company transfers the business processes of
its clients its delivery centers, located in Costa Rica, India, the Philippines, Romania, Sri Lanka,
the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as to its subcontractors delivery center in
South Africa. The Company operates in two segments: WNS Global BPO and WNS Auto Claims
BPO. The Companys clients are primarily in the travel, banking, financial services, insurance,
healthcare and utilities, retail and consumer product industries. Its portfolio of services includes
vertical-specific processes that are tailored to address its clients business and industry practices.
In addition, it offers a set of shared services, including customer care, finance and accounting,
legal services, procurement, research and analytics and technology services. To support its
operations, WNS has launched its research and analytics platform, WADE. On November 1,
2011, the Company acquired 100% interest in WNS Philippines Inc. On April 6, 2011, WNS
Customer Solutions North America Inc. merged into WNS North America Inc. On June 29, 2011,
Business Applications Associations Inc. merged into WNS North America Inc.
In the Companys WNS Auto Claims BPO segment, WNS provides both fault and non fault
repairs. For fault repairs, it provides claims handling and repair management services, where it
arranges for automobile repairs through a network of third party repair centers. For its non fault
repairs business, the Company generally provides a suite of accident management services,
including credit hire and credit repair. The Companys insurance services are structured into
three lines of business offerings customized for property and casualty insurance, life and
annuities and healthcare. Its insurance business vertical includes its auto claims business,
consists of WNS Assistance and Accidents Happen Assistance Limited, which is consists of its
WNS Auto Claims BPO segment. The Company offers an onshore, nearshore and offshore
delivery model that enables us to handle the automobile insurance claims cycle.
WNS offers repair management services to its clients, where it arranges for the repair of
automobiles through a network of repair centers. WNS also offers claims management services.
In addition, it provides third party claims handling services, including the administration and
settlement of property and bodily injury claims. It delivers services to clients across the travel
and leisure industry value chain. The Company provides a range of solutions that support air, car,
hotel, marine and packaged travel and leisure services offered by our clients. WNS delivers BPO
services for the manufacturing, retail and consumer products, and telecom industries. Its
consulting and professional services (CPS) business caters to the consulting and professional
services industry. Its CPS business unit provides its clients with cross industry, services in
research and analytics, finance and accounting, customer care, legal services and transformation
The Company offers health information management (HIM) coding (including current
procedural technology (CPT) and international classification of diseases (ICD-9)), medicare and
medical claim processing, revenue management related processes and Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance. Its banking and financial sectors it
serves include consumer, retail and commercial banking and mortgage; wealth, investment
management and investment banking; research and analytics services; financial advisory firms,
and financial research and financial market intelligence companies. The Company delivers a
range of industry-specific business processes across the shipping and logistics industry, as well
as provides services in the areas of finance and accounting, customer care, business technology,
procurement and human resources administration. It also offers decision support services in the
form of research and analytics.
The Company competes with Genpact Limited, Firstsource Solutions Limited, EXL Service
Holdings, Inc, Infosys Technologies Limited, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Wipro
Technologies Limited, Accenture Limited., Affiliated Computer Services Inc, Hewlett-Packard
and International Business Machines Corporation.
WNS has developed technology-enabled platforms like WNS-Verifare, WNS-Jade, WNSDynamic Discount Manager and WNS-ProClaim.
WNS delivers business value by "extending your enterprise." Our business process outsourcing
services combine deep industry knowledge, operational excellence, a partnership approach to
client engagement and comprehensive service offerings.
In every enterprise, business processes are interconnected. Only when you link shared back
office and industry specific processes to decision support does business thrive. The value of
business process outsourcing is realized by optimizing and linking disparate processes
WNS changes the game for its clients by delivering the entire spectrum of business process
outsourcing services. WNS delivers shared back office processes such as finance and
accounting, customer care, legal, technology solutions and procurement to industry specific back
office and front office processes. We also support decision making by delivering complex
We help our clients leverage outsourcing services to improve their business performance so that
they can compete more effectively in the marketplace.
The appraisal model which is followed on annual basis starting from the month of April till
March has been extremely effective for the employees of WNS. Half yearly appraisal system,
was started a year ago. This activity was started keeping in mind the dynamic behavior of the
industry. With a half yearly appraisal system, the employee gets feedback twice a year, which
gives him/her a chance to re-look at his/her approach of working. Necessary steps are also
undertaken for employees who deviate from their goals. They have introduced a comprehensive
system of quarterly appraisals where an employee selects his/her own goals or Key Result Area
(KRAs) every quarter and him/her self assesses his/her own performance against these
parameters. At Spice jet while formally the process is annual, for several of the frontline
employees, there are performance related quarterly payouts designed to reward them with
incentives for their performance. This has resulted in quarterly assessments which are aligned
overall to annual KRAs.WNS have a midterm review for all those who have been performers,
thereby creating an expectation amongst the employees of an increase in salary twice a year if
they perform well. They used to have annual appraisals earlier, but then they felt that the
incentives are not enough to motivation the sales department, which generates major revenues or
the organization. They do give monetary increments and designation hikes, according to the
performance. If the employee deserves both, they give him/her both the advantages otherwise at
least one of them. Designation hikes are given annually. These are proportional to effort of the
individual, team and the department. Designation changes are given keeping in mind the
immense responsibility one has to shoulder in a high rank. Monetary increments are primarily
incentives that are given either in cash or kind for example they give them travel package within
India or outside. Also, they have an accumulating incentive scheme in which employees can
accumulate incentives and get them annually with interest. To meet the new demands of the
business and to motivate the employees for higher performance, they have started linking a part
of the salary increase to individual performance measures as variable pay. At present, between 6
to 8 percent of the compensation is variable pay, which they are planning to increase over a
period of time. Executives are categorized in levels based on their performances in a relative
ranking and based on outcome performance-linked pay is awarded.
Along with this there are many other technique used by company for performance appraisal from
time to time. For example Rating scale, 360 degree, Management by objectives etc.
According to the study there are some Clarity and problems of WNS appraisal process:
WNS appraisal process is not clear & also not perfect at all.
WNS project manager generally give good performance band/rating according to
personal relation.
Employee Performance Appraisal is Painful & does not motivate the WNS associates.
WNS appraisal process does not assess actual performance of team member.
WNS appraisal process is a non data based assessment.
WNS appraisal process actually demotivates the associates.
Cross-comparisons are not possible in WNS appraisal process.
No alert is given to WNS associates regarding their performance.
Performance appraisal can be conducted more effectively by using the right tools and properly
reviewing and updating the performance appraisal program. Suggestion from employees and
experienced personnel can further enhance and make the performance appraisal an ideal
evaluation system.