Kayfabe - The Inside Wrestling RPG
Kayfabe - The Inside Wrestling RPG
Kayfabe - The Inside Wrestling RPG
A Roleplaying Game
By Matthew Gwinn
Game Design: Matthew Gwinn
Layout and Typesetting: Matthew Gwinn
Artwork by: Jason Paulhamus
The Inside Wrestling RPG
kayfabe n. adj. of or related to inside information about the business, especially by fans. Origin is carny
jargon talk for "fake."
A Talent Pool
Wrestler Creation
Before you can play Kayfabe you need wrestlers. The Talent Pool is a collection of all the wrestlers that are
available to work for your promotion. You should only need to establish a Talent Pool once, but you may
add new wrestlers to the Talent Pool over time. After a wrestler has been created he should be made
available to be used in any Series you play - even if you are running a different promotion.
Starting Wrestlers
The majority of your talent Pool should consist of
relatively inexperienced wrestlers. When first establishing a Talent Pool, each player should create 4 to 10 starting wrestlers using Kayfabes Character Creation rules. The only restriction is that
each person must make an equal number of Faces
(good guys) and Heels (bad guys).
Experienced Wrestlers
Every company needs a few veteran wrestlers to
help out the younger guys. If this is your first
time playing Kayfabe, each player should create
2 experienced wrestlers. When creating these
wrestlers, players should follow the standard character creation rules with the following exceptions:
Experienced wrestlers begin the game with 18
points to distribute among their Traits (instead of
12) and begin the game with 20 to 70 Heat.
Step 2. Gimmick
Now give a brief description of your wrestlers
gimmick. A Gimmick is a wrestlers in-ring persona. Some ideas for Gimmicks include: former
airborne ranger, police officer, clown, or jungle
savage. It is possible to not have a gimmick at
all, but wrestlers with a gimmick tend to have an
easier time with Promos since they have a
backstory to work into it. Try to be creative, but
dont go overboard. You should also determine
whether your wrestler will be a Face (good guy)
or a Heel (bad guy).
Mic Work
Mic Work represents your wrestler's ability to
speak. In one sense it is your wrestlers ability to
act, but also represents his public speaking ability
and ability to communicate with others.
IN PLAY: During a Promo, Skit or Interview you
make Mic Work rolls to modify your Heat or the
Heat of your upcoming match. Additionally, your
Mic Work Trait is also used for any social interaction between your character and NPCs when
simple roleplaying does not provide a definite outcome.
Step 4. Traits
Wrestlers have a total of 4 primary Traits. They
are: Wrestling, Work Rate, Mic Skills and Clout.
You start the game with 12 points to split up between them. No Trait may be higher than 4 at this
stage, but can be zero.
Wrestling represents your wrestlers basic ability
to execute moves in the ring and make them look
good. It not only represents your wrestlers ability to wrestle, but also any other physical abilities
that may come into play throughout the game.
IN PLAY: During a match a wrestler uses this trait
to perform moves and advance the match. When
not in a match wrestlers use this trait to simulate
any sort of physical action
Work Rate
Work Rate represents your wrestlers ring psychology. It indicates not only how well your
wrestler works with other wrestlers, but his abil-
Injury represents how hurt your wrestler is. Many
wrestlers suffer numerous injuries throughout their
careers. Some continue to wrestle, while others
are forced to retire. Neck, back and knee injuries
are the most common, but wrestlers have been
known to go blind or even die.
As wrestlers become injured in the ring (see Risking Injury) they accumulate Points of Injury.
When a wrestler has gained a total of 10 points of
Temporary Injury those points are converted into
one point of Serious Injury.
Recovery: Wrestlers lose 1 point of
injury at the beginning of each Show.
Serious Injuries
For every point of Serious Injury a wrestler has
he must reduce his Wrestling rolls by 1 die.
Recovery: Points of Serious Injury can
only be recovered by having the wrestler
miss an entire Series (8 shows and 1
PPV) and are removed at a rate of 1 point
per Series missed.
Heat, represents how the crowd reacts to your
wrestler. The amount of Heat your wrestler has
determines whether the fans want to watch him
wrestle. Faces with a lot of Heat are revered by
the fans and cheered. Heels with a lot of Heat are
Booed by the fans. Regardless of whether the fans
love or hate your wrestler, the more Heat he has
the more the fans want to see him wrestle.
A wrestlers starting Heat is determined when he
is introduced to the promotion (see Introducing
Your Roster)
Sample Assets
Technical Wrestler
Your wrestler is skilled at mat wrestling. Performing wrestling maneuvers that involve your wrestler being on the ground are much easier for him
to make look good. If the majority of a Move Set
consists of such maneuvers you may add +2 die
to your Wrestling roll. (This Asset may be taken
more than once)
Your wrestler is a bad ass. He is very good at
using strength dependent moves like punching,
kicking, clothes lines and the like. If the majority
of a Move Set consists of such maneuvers you
may add +2 die to your Wrestling roll. (This Asset may be taken more than once)
Web Site
Your wrestler has his own web site where fans
can interact with him. Your wrestler gains an additional 5 Heat during character creation.
Submission Wrestler
Your wrestler is experienced at performing submission maneuvers. If the last move in a Move
Set is a submission move you may add +2 die to
your Wrestling roll. (This Asset may be taken more
than once)
Match Specialty
Your wrestler is skilled at performing in a specific type of match. Whenever a Wrestling roll
indicates that your wrestler is injured in a match
of the chosen type the amount of injury he suffers
is reduced by 1. (This Asset may be take once per
match type)
Good Looking
Your wrestler is handsome, sexy, alluring or otherwise attractive to members of the opposite sex.
Your wrestler gains an additional 5 Heat during
character creation.
Your wrestler is muscular and therefore better
suited to using strength dependent moves like
punches, kicks, clothes lines and the like. If the
majority of a Move Set consists of such maneuvers you may add +2 die to your Wrestling roll.
High Flyer
Your wrestler is experienced at performing maneuvers that involve him jumping or otherwise
throwing himself through the air. If the majority
of a Move Set consists of such maneuvers you
may add +2 die to your Wrestling roll. (This Asset may be taken more than once)
Married into the Business
Your spouse is well known in the wrestling business and can use his/her Clout to help you. When
taking this Asset write up a small blurb about your
spouse and how influential he/she is. Your spouse
is considered to have 2 points of Clout for each
time you take this asset. (This Asset may be taken
more than once)
Match Psychology
Your wrestler is very skilled at reading the crowd
and knows when to perform different maneuvers.
Your fellow wrestlers are aware of this and often
let you guide your match with them. Your wrestler gains an additional point or Workrate during
character creation. (This Asset may be taken more
than once)
Has a Manager
Your wrestler has a manager that does most of his
talking for him. A Manager is considered to have
2 points in Mic Skill for each time you take this
asset. (This Asset may be taken more than once)
Acting Experience
Before your wrestler joined the federation he was
either a stage or film actor. Your wrestler gains
an additional point of Mic Skills during character
creation. (This Asset may be taken more than once)
Creative Control
Wrestler's with Creative Control get final approval
of any on-air happenings they participate in. Creative Control is rarely given. Creative Control
can only be gained through contract negotiation.
(counts as 2 Assets).
Trained by a legend
Your wrestler was trained by a wrestling legend.
This legend has granted you exceptional skills and
a potion of his Heat. Your wrestler gains an additional point of Wrestling and 5 additional Heat
during character creation. (counts as 2 assets)
Your wrestler is versatile and is able to adjust his
wrestling style to conform to the style of his opponent. Your wrestler gains an additional point
of Workrate during character creation. (This Asset may be taken more than once)
Worked in Japan
Wrestling in Japan is a great way to gain experience in the ring. Japanese wrestlers have an intense dedication to their craft. Your wrestler has
worked a year or more in Japan. Your wrestler
gains an additional point of Wrestling during character creation. (This Asset may be taken more than
Your wrestler has great medical coverage and can
remove one point of injury after each PPV. (This
Asset may be taken more than once)
Your wrestler has special privileges that other
wrestlers do not receive such as: his own dressing
room, first class plane tickets, extra vacation time,
A Favor
The Booker owes you a favor for some reason.
By giving up this Asset you may choose to automatically succeed at one Clout roll. (This Asset
may be taken more than once)
Sample Flaws
Works Stiff
Your wrestler has a tendency of legitimately hurting his opponents. During each match your wrestler must Stretch or Shoot on his opponent at least
Bad Reputation
Other wrestlers dont like your wrestler for one
reason or another. They dont like being in
matches with him and they definitely dont like
losing to him.
Your wrestler has a very high opinion of himself.
He doesnt like losing or looking foolish and is
likely to complain when booked to do so.
Your Character is rather unattractive. Your
wrestlers starting Heat is reduced by 5 during
character creation. If taking this flaw would reduce your wrestlers Heat to less than zero he can
not take it. (This Asset may be taken more than
Friends with the Wrong People
Your wrestler has friends that are disliked by those
in power. Your relationship with these friends often hinders your Clout. Your wrestlers starting
Clout is reduced by 1 during character creation.
If taking this flaw would reduce your wrestlers
Clout to less than zero he can not take it. (This
Asset may be taken more than once)
Has Been
You were once a well known wrestler, but now
you are all washed up. Youre either too old or
too out of shape to keep up with the younger guys
and the fans know it. Your wrestlers starting Heat
is reduced by 5 during character creation. If taking this flaw would reduce your wrestlers Heat
to less than zero he can not take it.
Nagging Injury
Your wrestler has an old injury that continues to
bother him. Your wrestler starts with an injury of
2 and his injury rating can never go below that.
Injury Prone
Your wrestler has a tendency of getting injured
badly. Whenever your character gets injured in a
match add an additional point of injury. (This
Asset may be taken more than once)
There is another wrestler that tries to steal your
wrestlers Heat at every turn. Enemies are usually willing to risk losing their own Clout just to
make sure your wrestler doesnt succeed. (This
Asset may be taken more than once)
Not Good in Short Matches
Your wrestler needs time to get into a match. During the first 10 minutes of a match your wrestler
must reduce his Wrestling rolls by 1 die.
Untapped Resource
For some reason the Booker just doesnt seem to
recognize your wrestlers talent. Although he
doesnt necessarily get booked to lose every
match, he is never scheduled to wrestle anyone
with more Heat than himself.
Drug/Alcohol Problem
Your wrestler is either an alcoholic or is addicted
to drugs (usually painkillers). Whenever your
wrestler is under the influence of his substance of
choice reduce all of his Wrestling rolls by 2. (This
Asset may be taken more than once)
Limited Availability
Outside responsibilities often limit when and
where your wrestler can perform. During character creation determine what is limiting your wrestler. Some examples are: cant fly due to injury or
fear, another job, outstanding warrants in a state.
Flawed Psychology
Your wrestler doesnt understand the psychology
of how a match should progress, but thinks he
does. At least once in each match your wrestler
must try to steal control of the match from his
Your wrestler has a tendency to get tired quickly.
After a match has gone on for 10 minutes your
wrestler must reduce his Wrestling rolls by 2.
(This Asset may be taken up to 3 times. If taken
twice the die modifier is applied after 5 minutes
instead of 10. If taken 3 times the modifier is applied after 2 minutes.)
Your wrestler is overweight and his wrestling ability is hindered because of it. Your wrestlers starting Wrestling trait is reduce by 1. If taking this
flaw would reduce your wrestlers Wrestling Trait
to less than zero he can not take it. (This Asset
may be taken more than once)
Establish a Roster
Whats a wrestling promotion without wrestlers?
As a starting promotion you will need to aquire
talented wrestlers. A starting promotion will consist of 15 starting wrestlers plus 1 experienced
wrestler per player. First, each player should pick
1 experienced wrestler. Then, going in a Circle,
each player should pick 1 starting wrestler from
the Talent Pool to be a part of the federation. Continue in this fasion until a total of 15 starting wrestlers have been chosen.
Starting A Series
Each Series consists of nine game sessions of
about 3 to 5 hours. The first eight session represent individual television shows put on by your
promotion , while the last session is a Pay Per View
Choosing a Booker
Before you begin a Series you need to deside
which player will be the Booker. The role of the
Booker is very important because the Booker is
responsible for challenging the players. It is the
Bookers job to not only guide the game along,
but to also put a road block or two in front of the
players. Unlike may roleplaying games, Kayfabe
puts much of control into the hands of the players, but the game would be nothing more than a
storytelling session if there wasnt someone to
throw an obstacle or two in front of the players.
Planning A PPV
When playing any roleplaying game its always
good to set up a starting point and an ending point.
So far you should have arrived at your starting
point by designing a promotion and choosing a
Roster. Now its time to determine how you plan
to end your Series. In most games only the Game
Master knows how the Series will end, but
Kayfabe is not like most games. Since wrestling,
as we all know, is planned out ahead of time, it
makes sense that you should know ahead of time
where each of your wrestlers will be at the end of
the Series. Or at least where youd like them to
Each player is responsible for setting up (or Booking) one match for the Pay Per View. The player
should establish:
Who is in the match?
What titles (if any) will be on the line?
What stipulations will be involved?
Who will win the match?
As the Series progresses players will be responsible for making sure these matches happen as
planned. the more of these matches that occur at
the PPV the better your promotion will look to
others in the business.
The Booking
It is acceptable for players to go as far as writing
scripts for their Promo and Skit ideas, but dont
get too carried away because the Booker may
choose not to use your ideas and you will have
spent all that time for nothing. The best way to
script out Promos and Skits is to concentrate on a
few lines of dialog that sound cool and improvise
the rest during play.
Match Promos
Match Promos take place directly before a scheduled match. Match Promos usually start with one
wrestler in the ring cutting what appears to be a
standard promo. At some point he will call out
his opponent and they will exchange verba taunts
until their match begins.
Match Building Promos
Match Building Promos are designed to build up
anticipation for a future match. They begin much
like a Match promo, but instead of leading into a
match the wrestlers usually fight for a few minutes before being split up by referees or security.
The brawling that occurs during the Promo is
treated just like a match, but should be limited to
2 or 3 Move Sets after which the wrestlers will be
broken up.
Booking a Match
When Booking a match there are a few questions
that must be addressed. Though the answers to
these questions can be changed later through
roleplaying and the Wagering of Clout they must
each be initially set up during the Booking Session. When booking a match you need to keep in
mind the PPV match you envisioned during character creation. Its important that you try and build
up to that match while at the same time keeping it
a secret from the other players as long as possible.
Who is in the Match?
When deciding who will be in a match it is important to remember the PPV match you set up.
Try not to book the same wrestlers every time thats boring.
Who is in the Match?
When deciding who will be in a match it is important to remember the PPV match you set up.
Try not to book the same wrestlers every time thats boring.
What Titles Are on The Line?
When booking a match in which someone will
win a title, you must keep in mind that most belts
require a wrestler to have a specific amount of
Heat before the wrestler can posses the title. Failure to meet this Heat requirement causes your promotion to lose integrity and thus its Rating will
decrease by 1 every show until the title is given to
a suitable wrestler. Use the following chart to
determine if a wrestlers Heat warrants a title.
World Title
Tag Team Title
Intercontinental Title
Cruiserweight Title
U.S. Title
TV Title
Hardcore Title
(Heat = Rating x 2)
(Heat = Rating x 2)
(Heat = Rating)
(Heat = Rating)
(Heat = Rating/2)
(Heat = Any)
(Heat = Any)
Feuds (optional)
Feuds are an important part of professional wrestling. Feuds are the fuel that heats up the crowd.
Two wrestlers that despise one another can draw
the crowd into their conflict and thereby entertain
them. When trying to come up with ideas during
the Booking Committee you should consider different ways of starting a Feud. Feuds keep fans
interested in the show because they want to follow along to see who comes out on top.
Stable Feuds
Most Feuds involve only two wrestlers, one Heel
and one Face, but there are times when entire
groups of wrestlers (Stables) feud with each other.
Stable Feuds use only the statistics of the Stables
leader (usually the wrestler with the Most Heat or
Highest Mic Skill) when calculating starting Longevity, and Feud Progression and extension.
Effects of a Feud
As long as a wrestler is in a Feud his Heat can not
go below 5. If a wrestler's Heat is lower than 5
when a Feud begins it automatically rises to 5.
Starting a Feud
The decision to start a Feud is always made during the Booking Committee and must be approved
by the Booker. The first thing you have to do when
starting a Feud is, determine why the wrestlers
are Feuding. Simply disliking one another is not
enough to start a legitimate Feud. Be sure not to
confuse a Feud with an Angle. The difference lies
in the fact that Angles tend to be rather short lived
and are a result of a specific event. Feuds on the
other hand evolve over time and are usually the
result many angles involving the two wrestlers.
It should become pretty obvious to you when a
series of Angles evolves into a Feud - use your
Feud Progression
Every time two wrestlers involved in a Feud are
in a match the Longevity of their Feud is reduced
by the Time Limit of that match. Thus, if a Feud
has a Longevity of 60 and the wrestlers have a
match with a 10 Time Limit the Feud Longevity
is reduced to 50.
Extending a Feud
Every time a feuding wrestler gains Heat from a
Skit, Promo or Interview related to the Feud, increases the Feuds Longevity by an equal amount.
Ending a Feud
As time goes by all things must come to an end.
Fans can only tolerate watching the same wrestlers feud with each other for so long before things
get stagnant. There are a number of ways to end a
Feud's Longevity Reaches Zero
As soon as a Feud's Longevity reaches zero it is
done. Additionally, the feuding wrestlers can not
have a match against each other until AFTER the
upcoming PPV (meaning the rest of the current
Heel/Face Turn
One of the feuding wrestlers makes a Face or Heel
Turn. Since Feuds require at least one Face and
One Heel the Feud must stop. In cases of entire
stables of wrestlers feuding, the Feud does not end
unless an entire stable turns.
Sometimes the fans just forget about the Feud. If
a wrestler is forced to miss more than 6 shows in
a row due to Serious Injury the Feud is considered to be over. Ending a Feud in this way without rekindling the Feud when the wrestler returns
reduces your promotions rating by 1.
Sometimes a Feud isnt working out quite like you
had hoped. Maybe the wrestlers are having a hard
time maintaining their Heat and you dont want
to give them as much TV time. Regardless of your
reasons, you can prematurely end a Feud at any
time during the Booking Committee. Ending a
Feud in this way reduces your promotions rating
by 1.
If a Feud ends before its Longevity reaches zero
make a note of the remaining Longevity for future reference.
Rekindling a Feud
Sometimes Feuds end prematurely due to Face/
Heel turns, injury etc. If at any time this Feud is
restarted you must calculate a new Feud Longevity. The Rekindled Feud has a Longevity equal to
the remaining Longevity from the previous Feud
plus the combined Heat of the two wrestlers (or
two wrestlers with the most Heat for Stable Feuds).
Locker Room
Using Clout
Players can typically adjust matches and match
placement on the card through roleplay, but occasionally compromises can't be made. When this
happens players can attempt to use their wrestler's
Clout. Whenever a wrestler fails to come to terms
with the Booker or another wrestler he can use
Clout to see if he get's his way. To do this the player
roleplays his wrestler's argument and rolls a number of dice equal to his Clout Trait (+/- any modifiers for good narration). If the result of the roll
includes at least one 6 the wrestler get's his way.
If the roll resulted in no 6s he must abide by the
Bookers wishes. Another wrestler can choose to
support the Booker and oppose a change. If this
happens, the second wrestler can also make a Clout
roll. The wrestler who gets the most 6s gets his
way. If no 6s are rolled the die roll with the highest total wins out.
Losing Clout
Sometimes wrestlers try to get their way a little
too often. Each time a wrestlers uses his Clout to
alter a match or to Shoot he comes one step closer
to losing it. A wrestler can only use his Clout
once for each point of Clout he has before losing
a point of it. For example: If a wrestler has a
Clout of 5 he may use his Clout 5 times, after
which his Clout is reduced to 4. From there he
may use it more 4 times before his Clout is reduced to 3 and so on. Losing Clout is a result of
attempting to use it and has nothing to do with the
success or failure of the roll. Wrestlers with zero
Clout can not make Clout rolls to effect booking,
but can still shoot.
Shooting In A Match
Intentionally injuring an opponent is
equivalent to making a number of Clout
rolls equal to the amount of damage done.
Shoot Interviews
Shooting on another wrestler in an
Interview or Promo is considered to be
using Clout.
Gaining Clout
Just as there are ways to lose your Clout there are
also ways of gaining it. Building up your Clout is
almost as important as building up your Heat.
Many wrestlers bide their time and suffer through
rediculous gimmicks and matches in the hopes that
some day it will all pay off for them. Clout can be
gained in 3 ways.
Simply managing to stay in the business for an
extended period can gain you Clout. As time
passes your wrestle will learn the intricasies of
the business and the secret art of negotiation. After each Pay Per View your character will have
the opportunity to increase his Clout (see After
the PPV: Character Advancement).
Paying Your Dues
Every wrestler needs to pay his dues before he
advances to superstardom. Clout often represents
your characters respect behind the scenes as much
as his influence. Showing other wrestlers that
youre willing to do the job for them makes it
more likely that they will do the same for you.
Whenever a wrestler looses a number of matches
equal to twice his Clout he gains a point of Clout.
Doing Favors for the Booker
The other way to Gain Clout is to be awarded it
by the Booker. At any time during a Series the
Booker may choose to award a wrestler a point of
Clout. Wrestlers earn this award by accepting
matches that are OBVIOUSLY not in their best
interest. Simply losing a match to an inferior opponent is not enough to garner this award unless
the wrestler gains no opportunity to reasonably
avenge the loss. The Booker may only award 1
point of Clout per show.
The Show
There are a variety of differnt ways a Skit can be
performed. Some Skits involve behind the scenes
interaction between wrestlers who appear to be
unaware of the camera. These types of Skits can
nvolve a simple conversation or plotting between
the wrestlers. Some Skits take place in the ring
and can involve anything from clever comentary
to parodies of another wrestler.
Match Narration
Professional wrestling matches, as we all know,
are a sham. The end result is predetermined and
the wrestlers do their best to not hurt each other.
What many people dont know is that throughout
the match the wrestlers are in constant communication with each other. A typical match is filled
with instructions being secretly relayed back and
forth between the wrestlers. This communication
is performed through subtle gestures or discrete
conversation. This aspect of the match is not
roleplayed, but is instead simulated through narration. When one player is narrating it is assumed
that his wrestler is dictating the moves being performed by both wrestlers.
Starting a Match
In most cases, initial control of the match belongs
to the Heel, but this will vary from promotion to
promotion. Players may simply deside amongst
themselves who starts the match.
Once the starting narrator has been chosen he can
begin narrating the first exchange of moves. That
player will continue to narrate until one of the following occurs:
Opposing Player Seizes Control
Opponent Misreads the Narrator
Opponent Stretches
A Run-In Occurs
Narrator Chooses to Relinquish Control
Opposing Player Seizes Control.
A wrestler that does not like the way a match is
being narrated can choose to use his Work Rate
to seize control of the narration. Attempts to seize
control of narration often come as a result of one
wrestler shooting on another or refusing to sell a
move. When a wrestler tries to seize control of
the narration all of the narration since the last die
roll is disregarded and both players make a Work
Rate roll. Whoever rolls the most 6s gets control
of the narration. If no 6s are rolled the player
with the highest die total gains control of the narration. A player may only choose to seize control
BEFORE the narrator makes his Wrestling roll.
Opponent Misreads the Narrator
This occurs whenever the narrator fails to roll at
least one 6 when performing a Move Set. This
indicates that there was a miscommunication between the two wrestlers. Perhaps the crowd noise
made one of the wrestlers miss his cue, or something along those lines. Regardless of the cause,
some aspect of the moveset went wrong. The new
narrator must describe what went wrong before
begining his own narration.
Opponent Stretches
At any time a wrestler can try to forcefully take
control of a match by Stretching his opponent.
This means the wrestler attempts to dominate the
narrators wrestler through actual wrestling. Wrestlers that lack a high Work Rate often resort to
this kind of discouraged activity. Stretching on a
regular basis is sure to get a wrestler the bad reputation Flaw. When a wrestler chooses to Stretch
all of the narration since the last die roll is disregarded and both players roll dice equal to their
Wrestling Trait. Whoever rolls the most 6s gets
control of the narration. If no 6s are rolled the
wrestler with the highest die total gains control.
NOTE: this wrestling roll does not reduce a
matchs Time Limit. A player may only choose to
stretch BEFORE the narrator makes his Wrestling
A Run-In Occurs
If another wrestler enters the ring to interfere his
controller automatically gains control of the
matchs narration. Keep in mind when narrating
that unless the match was a no disqualification
match you should point out why the ref didnt
notice the interferance.
Narrator Chooses to Relinquish Control
The Narrator can always choose to relinquish control of the narration. This usually happens as a
result of a player running out of ideas. In some
cases wrestlers may have decided ahead of time
when they will relinquish control of the match.
Match Heat
Move Sets
A Move Set consists of any number of actions
taken in a match that takes apporimately 1 minute.
Players are encouraged to start each Move Set with
a number of smaller moves like punches, kicks,
irish whips and so on, and end the Move Set with
a more climatic move like a clothesline of suplex.
Remember, a Move Set should fill 60 seconds of
match time.The wrestler that had the MOST offense during the current Move Set gets to roll a
number of dice equal to his Wrestling Trait plus
any bonus dice the Booker awards as a result of
"exceptional" narration (usually 1 or 2). Keep in
mind that it is the controller of the wrestler, NOT
necessarily the narrator that rolls the dice. Every
time the dice are rolled in this fashion reduces the
match's Time Limit by 1 minute.
Rest Holds
A wrestler who gets Blown up (see Flaws) can
recover by using a hold that allows him or his
opponent to rest such as a headlock, or front face
lock. Doing this reduces the matchs Time Limit
by 1 and the Time Limit is considered to be 2 minutes further back than it actually is as far as the
Blown Up flaw is concerned. For example, if a
match has gone for 5 minutes it is consider to have
only gone 3 minutes in regards to being Blown
Up. Rest holds do NOT require a die roll and
reduce a matchs Heat by 5.
CLAIRIFIER: During a match you should only
have to roll the dice a number of times equal to
the Time Limit minus the number of Rest Holds
Move Sets
Each time a Wrestling roll results in 1 or more 6's
the Matchs Heat is increased by 1 point for each
6 rolled. Every time a Wrestling roll results in no
6s the Matchs Heat is reduced by 1 point of Heat
for each 1 rolled (minimum of 1).
After the first wrestler gets in the ring he can cut a
short Promo. Promos usually involve the wrestler
calling Out his opponent, or can simply involve
the wrestler talking until his opponent comes to
the ring. As with Interviews and Skits the players
involved MUST roleplay the Promo in addition
to rolling a number of dice equal to their wrestlers Mic Skills Trait (+/- any modifiers).
After the Promo has been completed the Booker
will add a amount of Match Heat to the match
equal to the number of 6s rolled plus 1 to 10 additional points based on the entertainment value of
the Promo and the reaction of the other players.
Crowd Heat
Sometimes wrestlers get lucky and the crowd is
really easy to please. Some crowds will have a
great time no matter what is happening in the ring.
Unfortunately, some crowds are just the opposite
and cant be pleased at all. Before each show the
Booker should asign the crowd a Heat rating between -10 and +10 and apply that amount to each
match. Location, crowd size, and weather all play
a role in determining Crowd Heat, but there can
be any number of factors involved.
When a wrestler Shoots he is intentionally trying
to hurt his opponent. Shooting on an opponent
works similar to Risking Injury. At any time during a match the narrating player may choose to
Shoot on his opponent. When a wrestler chooses
to Shoot he must deside how much Injury he intends to cause his opponent (max of 10). The narrator will then make his wrestling roll as usual. If
the wrestling roll garners at least one 6 the
opponent's Injury Trait is increased by the amount
of intended injuryand the Match's Heat is decreased by twice the amount of Injury Risked.
Failing to roll a six has the normal effect (but it is
obvious that the wrestler was trying to shoot.
Example: The Vindicator is angry with Magnus
because he messed up in a previous match and
now he wants to teach him a leason. He desides
he's going to break Magnus' nose (2 injury). If
his Wrestling roll garners no 6's the attempt fails
and the match continues as usual. If the roll succeeds, Magnus' nose is broken, his Injury Trait
goes up by 2 and the match gains 4 points of Heat.
NOTE: Shooting and Clout
Shooting in a match is considered to be bad form
and has adverse effects on the Shooter in the
Lockerroom. Most wrestlers will not want to
wrestle someone who is known for Shooting. Professional wrestling is about entertainment, not
proving how tough you are. Players are discouraged from having their wrestlers Shoot unless it
is an aspect of that specific wrestler. Intentionally causeing Injury to someone is illegal and wrestlers can take steps to prosecute or get a wrestler
fired for doing so. Shooting on an opponent is
equivalent to making a number of Clout rolls equal
to the amount of damage done in regards to Clout
reduction (and yes, you can still shoot if your Clout
is zero).
Fans love blood! If a wrestler bleeds in a match
the Match gains 5 points of Heat. This bonus Heat
can only be applied once per wrestler.
Getting Busted Open
Any time a wrestler receives 2 of more points
of injury to the face he gets busted open and
bleeds. Injuries to other areas of the body can
also bleed if its appropriate.
Fans may like blood, but most wrestlers dont
want to get busted open for the extra Heat. As
an alternative, it is common for wrestlers to
use a small razer to cut their forehead. Even a
tiny forehead cut can bleed quite a bit and once
the blood starts mixing in with the sweat it
can look really gruesome. Note that fans may
love blood, but TV censors dont. Unauthorized blading during a match is considered to
be using Clout.
No Selling
When a wrestler No Sells a Move Set he is intentionally making the move look ineffective. Some
gimmicks are built around No Selling moves.
Wrestlers with gimmicks that portray them as being tough or unhurtable no sell moves as part of
their character - and thats ok. However, when a
wrestler no sells a move that he should be selling
he risks causing the match to lose Heat. A player
can choose to No Sell at any time directly before
or after a Wrestling roll. Choosing to No Sell at
an inapropriate time causes the match to lose an
amount of Heat equal to the number of 6s rolled
instead of gaining that amount. NOTE: You can
not choose to no sell if the your opponent is Shooting on you (see below).
Match stipulations are guaranteed ways of increasing a matchs Heat. A match can have any number
of stipulations, but most matches only have 1 or
2, and almost never have more than 4. Each match
stipulation is described in the Appendix. Keep in
mind that some match stipulations do not work
well together.
+20 Match Heat
3 Tiered Cage Match, Death Match
+15 Match Heat:
Scaffold Match, Cell Match, Last Man Standing
+10 Match Heat:
Barbwire Match, Cage Match, Ladder Match,
Table Match, Flaming Match, World Title Match
+5 Match Heat:
Ironman Match, Hardcore Match, Handicap
Match, Lumberjack Match, Strap Match, Chain
Match, Submission Match, Pole Match, Title
There are many other stipulations that can come
into effect in a match, such as requiring a valet or
Awarding Dice
Throughout the game session players
will narrate their wrestlers actions. As
the Booker you can allo the player to
roll up to 2 additional dice if you feel
the narration was good. Simply stating
that you do a suplex and then a clothesline is not sufficient to get extra dice.
Us ethe following as a guidline:
My wrestler puts the other guy in a reverse headlock and then gives him a
DDT. - no extra dice.
The Vindicator crushes Magnus head
in a reverse headlock and then falls back
into a DDT smashing the top of Magnus
head into the mat. - 1 extra die.
Vindicator lets out a growl as he
squeezes magnus head in a devestating
reverse headlock. As the crowd roars,
cries of Get him Magnus! and
Magnus! Magnus! echo through the
arena. Magnus begins to stir and
struggle free until Vindicator crushes
Magnus skull into the mat with a DDT.
- 2 extra dice.
Time Management
Its imperative that you remember that each show
is only 2 hours long. 30 minutes for commercials,
50 minutes for matches, 35 minutes for Skits and
Promos and 5 minutes for interviews is a pretty
good breakdown, but dont feel obligated to stick
to that.
Giving the Players What They Want
Try to use as many of the players ideas as possible. The idea of the game is for everyone to
have fun and if a player cant do what he wants
how much fun is he going to have?
Dont Make it Easy
When going over the ideas from the Booking
Committee be sure to adjust a few things and add
your own style. Dont be afraid to completely
mess up the players ideas. Be sure to incorporate
wrestlers Flaws and Assets into the mix. If a
wrestler has the Friends with the wrong people
Flaw, make sure that friendship hinders the outcome of his match. Likewise, if a wrestler has the
Friends In High Places Flaw, make sure those
friends influence the show.
Plotting Out The Show
The placement of the match on the Card is determined by the Matchs Heat. The matches that fans
look forward to the most are typically at the end
of the card. The last match of the Card is called
the Main Event. The match with the lowest Heat
is first on the card and the match with the highest
Heat goes last. If there is a tie, the match that
involves the wrestler with the highest Heat usually occurs last. Wrestlers can always use their
Clout to alter a matchs location on the card, so
dont worry too much about it..
As the Booker it is your job to set up conflict and
obstacle s for the players to overcome. Most of
this will take place during the Locker Room session and will involve forces outside the individual
wrestlers controls.
Styles of Play
When playing Kayfabe there are two different
ways you can play: Realistic and Unrealistic.
Realistic Campaigns
In a realistic campaign wrestlers are just like you
or me; they have families, friends, pets, etc. They
live with the same problems we all face in our
lives. As the Booker, you should play up these
You may not think, after watching pro wrestling
on TV, that wrestlers have a tough life, but they
do. Starting wrestlers dont make much money think about it, a wrestler with 10 Heat only makes
$100 a night at best. take into account that some
independent wrestlers may only work once or
twice a week and that money doesnt go very far.
Family Issues
The home life of a professional wrestler is often a
difficult one. Being on the road all the time makes
having a family very difficult. Some wrestlers
may only see their families a few days out of the
week. And as wrestlers get more famous it only
gets worse. Wrestlers that work for big promotions may only be home once or twice a month.
This can instigate all kinds of roleplaying potential within the game.
A wrestlers children can also be a useful tool when
devising drama. imagine what goes through an 8
year olds head when he watches his father get
thrown through tables and hit with chairs all the
time. Its bound to take its toll.
Health Issues
Though most wrestlers are in great physical shape,
they are still human like everyone else and
susseptable to getting sick or injured. A wrestler
simply getting the flu can cause all kinds of problems in the game. The wrestler may simply call
in sick, or try and tough it out and wrestler through
it. What happens when the entire crew comes
down with it?
Injuries are also a factor. Remember, not all injuries are sustained in the ring. Wrestlers have the
same chances of getting hit by a car or slipping on
some ice as anyone else. A wrestler breaking his
leg in a car accident can ruin an entire series, especially if it happens right before a PPV.
The Moral Right
There are all kinds of political groups out there
that would just love to see professional wrestling
go away. Its too violent, Its a bad influence,
Its degrading to women. These extremest
groups usually limit their involvement to hurting
a promotions advertising potential through lobbying, but some groups may go as far as picketing outside an event, or outright sabotaugeing your
equipment. Things could get ugly.
The Censors
Some things are ok to air on TV and some things
are not ok. The censors make that desision and
there is no set standard to follow. One TV station
may allow blood while another may not. Here
are a few things that may get sensored from your
Male on Female Violence
Barb Wire
Harsh Language (of varrying degrees)
The posibilities primarily depend on the network
that carries your promotions show.
Unrealistic Campaigns
Unrealistic campaigns play out a lot like an action movie. Try and imagine that your promotion
exisst as part of a TV show and not real life. In an
unrealistic campaign all kinds of things can happen that may just seem odd or outright silly.
Fighting Crime
In many ways wrestlers are kind of like super heroes. In an unrealistic campaign its quite possible for your wrestlers to go out and solve crimes
just like on all those prime time TV shows we all
watch. Maybe they even have their own cool van
that they drive around in called the Muscle Machine.
Science Fiction
Set your campaign in outer space. Maybe your
wrestlers arent even human. Imagine the wrestling moves you could come up with if your wrestler had 12 arms!
+1 point
+2 points
+5 points
+10 points
-1 point
-2 points
-5 points
-10 points
Signing A Contract
Most independent promotions only require their
most valued wrestlers to sign a contract. When
you first create your promotion only the experienced wrestlers have a contract. Other wrestlers
may choose to sign a contract after their first PPV.
Contract Details
Exclusivity - Wrestlers that are under contract can
not wrestle for any other promotion without permission from the Booker.
Types of Matches
Tag-Team Match
A Tag-Team match is a match that has teams of 2
or more wrestlers. During a match of this kind
only one wrestler from each team is allowed in
the ring at the same time. Each team is assigned a
corner and participants who are not the legal
man wait outside the ring by their corner for their
partner to Tag them in. When a wrestler is
tagged in his creator takes over narration of the
match and the tagging wrestler must leave the
ring and wait to be tagged in. It is common for
both teammates to remain in the ring for the duration of a single Move Set before leaving. The
match is the same as a normal match in all other
Handicap Match
Handicap matches are just like regular matches
except the match is 2 on 1, or 3 on 2 etc.
Hardcore Match
A Hardcore match is a no holds barred match
where you can use anything as a weapon and
pinfalls count ANYWHERE.
Texas Tornado Match
A Texas Tornado Match is the same as a Tag Team
match except all the participants can be in the ring
at the same time (no tagging).
3-Way Dance
A 3-Way Dance is a match with more than 2 participants that wrestle against each other. There
are no teams but it is not uncommon for two
wrestlers to gang up on another. The first wrestler to pin either of his opponents wins the match.
4- and 5-Way dances are not unheard of.
Submission Matches
Submission Matches work like any standard match
except the only way to win is to make your opponent submit.
Elimination Match
An elimination match is a match with more than
2 participants in which whenever a wrestler is
pinned he is eliminated from the match and the
match continues with the rest of the participants.
This continues until only one wrestler remains.
Ironman Match
During an Ironman match the wrestlers wrestle
for an entire hour. At the end of the hour the wrestler with the most pinfalls or submissions wins.
In game terms such a match works the same as a
normal match, but has an excessive Time Limit.
Table Match
A Table match works similar to a normal match,
but with one exception. To win a Table Match
you must throw your opponent through a table
instead of pinning him. There have been variations on this match where the table is set on fire
before the person is thrown through it. Such Flaming Table Matches are more dangerous and therefore infrequent.
Ladder Matches
Ladder matches almost always involve a title belt.
In such a match the Belt (or similar match related
object) is suspended high above the ring. The first
wrestler to get to the item (by using a ladder) wins
the match. Ladder matches can be particularly
brutal because it is completely legal to use the ladder as a weapon and it is not uncommon for wrestlers to do high spots off of the ladder.
Barbwire Matches
In a barbwire match the ring ropes are replaces
with barbwire.
Flaming Matches
A Flaming Match involves the ring being surrounded by a ring of fire. The first wrestler to
catch on fire loses.
Cell Match
A Cell match is similar to a cage match except the
cage (always chain link) not only surrounds the
ring, but 5 to 10 feet of the surrounding floor. In
addition the cage has a top that is about 20 off the
arena floor. The winner of the match usually must
win by pinfall or submission. Climbing on top of
the cage is completely legal and usually expected
by the crowd.
3 Tiered Cage Match
This type of match is similar to a Cell match except there is a 10 high cage on top of the Cell and
an additional 10 high cage on top if that one. Each
cage is smaller than the one below it. The second
cage is about 10 smaller than the bottom cage on
each side and the top cage is about 5 smaller on
each side than the second cage.
Participants must use a ladder to climb, from the
ring, through a trapdoor into the second cage. The
second cage is filled with weapons such as steel
chairs and trash cans as well as a pair of bolt cutters which must be used to cut the chain locking
the door to the cage. Once the door has been
opened the wrestler goes out onto the top of the
bottom cage and must then climb up to the third
cage (the third cage usually has an additional
weapon in it, but it is not required to enter it. The
wrestler can then win the match by climbing to
the top of the structure to obtain an item hanging
above the top cage (usually a belt).
A wrestling "plot" which may involve only one
match or may continue over several matches for
some time; the reason behind a feud or a turn.
The practice of cutting oneself or being cut with a
part of a razor blade hidden in tights, hair or wrappings in order to produce juice.
Blow Up
To become fatigued or exhausted.
The individual responsible for angles, finishes,
hiring and firing in a promotion. In reference to
this game the Booker is the player who controls
all the characters not created by another player.
A fall or hit done as a spot (see spot) which takes
the wrestler (or other participant, i.e. referee, manager) out of the ring or out of action.
The process of deminishing a wrestlers Heat
through booking. Many wrestlers are punished
by having them lose repeatedly or by making them
look foolish.
Canned Heat
Crowd heat generated from the arenas speakers
system as opposed to the actual crowd. Done to
both encourage crowd enthusiasm and disguise a
dead crowd.
The series of matches in one location at one time.
This term refers to the act of a skilled wrestler
controlling the majority of a match with a less
skilled opponent to ensure the match gains Heat.
Also refered to as Carrying your opponent.
Dark Match
Match performed at Televised events that live audiences get to see, but TV audiences don't. These
usually happen before the intro fireworks to the
Used in refernce to crowds that lack enthusiasm.
To attract marks. n. the popularity of a wrestler,
the ability to bring in marks.
A particularly bad and totally uninteresting match.
Short for babyface. A good guy.
A group of wrestlers who have joined together.
Factions often have their own name.
Short for pinfall. A referee's count of three with
the loser's shoulders on the mat.
A series of matches between two wrestlers or two
tag teams, usually face vs. heel though
face feuds and heel feuds are not unknown.
The event or sequence of events which leads to
the ultimate outcome of a match.
Foreign (International) Object
Something not allowed in the ring.
A wrestlers in-ring persona. Something about a
wrestler that makes him different from other wrestlers.
Refers to wrestlers who are inexperience.
Hardway Juice
Real blood produced by means other than blading,
i.e. the hard way. One of the possible outcomes of
a shoot.
Enthusiasm, a positive response.
A bad guy, rule-breaker.
High Spot
A manuever executed from an elevated location
such as the top rope or the top of a ladder.
The wrestling audience in the building said to be
composed of marks.
A staged loss. A clean job is a staged loss by legal
pinfall or submission without resort to illegalities.
v.i. To do a job. Sometimes combined with a descriptive adjective (stretcher job, rope job, tights
An unpushed wrestler who does jobs for pushed
wrestlers. Sometimes known as fish, redshirts
PLs (professional losers,) or 'ham-and-eggers.'
Blood. v.i to bleed, usually as a result of blading.
Of or related to inside information about the business, especially by fans. Origin is carny jargon
talk for "fake."
To diminish or eliminate heat or drawing power.
There are a variety of ways to do this, but mostly
it is done by having a wrestler do too many jobs.
A house can be killed by too many screw-job endings.
A Mexican wrestler. Famous for highflying
adrenalin filled matches.
A term used todescribe someone who believes prowrestling is real, or seems to from over-enthusiasm. Can be used in conjunction with an
orginization orpersonality to describe an enthusiastic fan.
Complimentary tickets v.t. to give lots of complimentary tickets to make a house look good, particularly for a television taping.
A person planted in the audience, as though they
were a fan; promotions often use plants to hold
up signs praising a certain wrestler/orginization,
or to have them run-in during the course of the
event at some point.
Sudden heat from a house as a response to a
wrestler's entry or hot move.
To run or be run into the ringpost.
To injure a wrestler by hitting him on the head or
causing him to hit his head on something.
The practice of reading a crowd during a match
so as to know when to perform trademark moves,
false finishes, etc. to get Heat.
The process of building up a wrestlers Heat
through Booking. Wrestlers that are placed into
matches that gain them Heat on a regular basis
are considered to be being pushed.
Interference by a non-participant in a match.
A run-in to protect a wrestler from being beat up
after a match is over.
A match or ending which is not clean (definite)
due to factors outside the "rules" of wrestling.
To act hurt when a move has been applied. A nosell is when a wrestler gets up after another
wrestler's devastating move.
The real thing, i.e. a match where one participant
is really attempting to hurt an other. The opposite
of work or fake.
An event or sequence of events which makes a
particular match distinctive, a high-point of a
A totally passive job where one wrestler completely dominates another. v.t. to win a squash
A faction or group of wrestler's united to watch
each other's backs.
Chops, hits or moves which cause real injury
(though perhaps not more than a welting up of the
opponent.) Not a shoot, but almost.
A form of shoot where one wrestler dominates
rather than injures the other as a proof of personal
Change in orientation from heel to face or viceversa.
A deception or sham, the opposite of a shoot.
The approximate ratio of good wrestling to rest
holds in a match or in a wrestler's performance.
Also the ability of a wrestler to guide a match.
Wrestler Sheet
Real Name: ____________________
Work Rate
Mic Skills
Lost Matches
Heel / Face
Serious Injury: OOOOOOOOOO
Trademark Move: _________________
Trademark Move: _________________
Finisher: _________________________
Salary: __________________________
Sample Booking Sheet
Hour 1
9:00 -9:10
Hour 2
10:00 -10:02
- Mr. M
- Killer Cane
- The Overtaker
9:10 -9:15
9:15 -9:17
- Mr. M
- Killer Cane
9:17 -9:25
9:25 -9:30
9:30 -9:32
9:32 -9:33
9:33 -9:40
10:02 -10:03
10:03 -10:10
- Freedom
10:25 -10:25
- Crippler d. Gilgamesh
- U.S. Title
9:55 -10:00
- Warrior d. the Gimp
- Non-Title Match
- Flat Top
10:26 -10:35
- Flat Top d. Tornado
- Cruierweight Title Match
- Hardcore Match
- Mr. M
- Mrs. M
9:45 -9:55
- Justifiers d. Daryl & Daryl
- Tag Team Titles
10:10 -10:15
10:15 -10:25
- The Justifiers
- Larry
- El Diablo d. Freedom
9:40 -9:45
- Mr. M
- Killer Cane
- The Overtaker
- Dog Boy d. Venom
10:35 -10:40
10:40 -10:42
- The Overtaker
- Killer Cane
10:42 -10:45
10:45 -11:00
Main Event Match
- Overtaker d. Killer Cane
- World Title
- Strap Match