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Solid Works EMS Tutorials

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EMS 2012

Printed Documentation

All rights reserved 2012 ElectroMagneticWorks Inc.

8300 St-Patrick, Suite 300, Montreal, H8N 2H1, Qc, CANADA - www.emworks.com - [email protected] - Phone: (514) 634 9797

Table of Contents
Electrostatic ...................................................................................................................................................................2
Air Modeling ...................................................................................................................................................................3
Air truncation .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
What is far enough? ...................................................................................................................................................3
Air meshing.................................................................................................................................................................3
An exception ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Lesson EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors Structure ..................................................................................5
Description of the Problem .........................................................................................................................................5
Treating Solid Conductors in Electrostatic Analysis ....................................................................................................6
Method 1 ....................................................................................................................................................................7
Creating an Electrostatic Study ............................................................................................................................... 7
Assigning materials from the EMS Material Library ................................................................................................ 8
Load/Restraints ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Meshing ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Viewing the capacitance matrix ............................................................................................................................. 18
Method 2 .................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Creating the Electrostatic study ............................................................................................................................ 19
Assigning materials ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Load/Restraints ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
Meshing ................................................................................................................................................................ 26
Viewing the capacitance matrix ............................................................................................................................. 30
Generating a study report ......................................................................................................................................... 31
Lesson EL2: Electrostatic Analysis of a Dual-Layered Coaxial Cable .......................................................................... 33
Description of the Problem ....................................................................................................................................... 33
Creating an Electrostatic Study ................................................................................................................................ 34



Assigning Materials from the EMS Material Library .................................................................................................. 35

Assigning Boundary Conditions ................................................................................................................................ 36
Meshing .................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Setting Meshing Options ....................................................................................................................................... 38
Applying Mesh Control .......................................................................................................................................... 39
Meshing the Model and Running the Study .......................................................................................................... 40
Displaying Mesh Information ................................................................................................................................. 41
Visualization of Results ............................................................................................................................................ 42
Displaying the Electrostatic Results ...................................................................................................................... 42
Manipulating Results ............................................................................................................................................. 45
Generating a Study Report ....................................................................................................................................... 48
Lesson EL3: Electrostatic Analysis of a Strip conductor .............................................................................................. 49
Description of the Problem ....................................................................................................................................... 49
Creating an Electrostatic Study ................................................................................................................................ 50
Assigning Materials from the EMS Material Library .................................................................................................. 51
Assigning Restraints ................................................................................................................................................. 52
Meshing .................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Setting Meshing Options ....................................................................................................................................... 56
Applying Mesh Controls ........................................................................................................................................ 57
Meshing the Model and Running the Study .......................................................................................................... 58
Displaying Mesh Information ................................................................................................................................. 59
Visualization of Results ............................................................................................................................................ 60
Displaying the Electrostatic Results ...................................................................................................................... 60
Manipulating Results ............................................................................................................................................. 63
Generating a Study Report ....................................................................................................................................... 64
Lesson EL4: Electrostatic Analysis and Capacitance Matrix Calculation ..................................................................... 65
Description of the Problem ....................................................................................................................................... 65

Table of Contents

Creating an Electrostatic Study ................................................................................................................................ 67

Assigning Materials from the EMS Material Library .................................................................................................. 68
Assigning Restraints ................................................................................................................................................. 69
Meshing .................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Setting Meshing Options ....................................................................................................................................... 71
Applying Mesh Control .......................................................................................................................................... 72
Meshing the Model and Running the Study .......................................................................................................... 73
Visualization of Results ............................................................................................................................................ 74
Viewing the Capacitance Matrix ............................................................................................................................ 74
Generating a Study Report ....................................................................................................................................... 75
Lesson EL5: Insulators ................................................................................................................................................. 77
Description of the Problem ....................................................................................................................................... 77
Creating an Electrostatic Study ................................................................................................................................ 80
Assigning materials from the EMS Material Library .................................................................................................. 81
Load/Restraints ........................................................................................................................................................ 84
Applying Restraints ............................................................................................................................................... 84
Applying a grounded conductor ............................................................................................................................ 85
Applying a fixed voltage conductor ....................................................................................................................... 86
Meshing .................................................................................................................................................................... 87
Meshing the model and running the analysis ........................................................................................................ 87
Visualization of Results ............................................................................................................................................ 89
Visualizing the electrostatic results ....................................................................................................................... 89
Displaying the Electric Field .................................................................................................................................. 90
Graphing the Electric Field on a line segment....................................................................................................... 93
Generating a study report ......................................................................................................................................... 94
Lesson EL6: Analysis of a ZR Vacuum Insulator Stack ............................................................................................... 95
Description of the Problem ....................................................................................................................................... 95


Creating an Electrostatic Study ................................................................................................................................ 98

Assigning materials from the EMS Material Library .................................................................................................. 99
Load/Restraints ...................................................................................................................................................... 101
Applying a Grounded Conductor ......................................................................................................................... 101
Applying a Fixed Voltage Conductor ................................................................................................................... 103
Applying a Floating Conductor ............................................................................................................................ 105
Applying a Floating Conductor ............................................................................................................................ 106
Applying a Floating Conductor ............................................................................................................................ 107
Meshing .................................................................................................................................................................. 108
Meshing the model and running the analysis ...................................................................................................... 108
Visualization of Results .......................................................................................................................................... 109
Visualizing the electrostatic results ..................................................................................................................... 109
Graphing the Electric Field on a line segment..................................................................................................... 110
Displaying the Potential ...................................................................................................................................... 111
Generating a study report ....................................................................................................................................... 113
Lesson MA1: Magnetostatic Force in a Simple Magnetic Circuit................................................................................ 115
Description of the Problem ..................................................................................................................................... 115
Creating a Magnetostatic Study.............................................................................................................................. 117
Adding a new material library ................................................................................................................................. 118
Assigning materials ................................................................................................................................................ 119
Adding a coil ........................................................................................................................................................... 120
Defining a force set................................................................................................................................................. 121
Meshing the assembly ............................................................................................................................................ 122
Running the study................................................................................................................................................... 123
Visualization of Results .......................................................................................................................................... 124
Viewing the 3D magnetic flux density ................................................................................................................. 124
Line contouring of the magnetic field .................................................................................................................. 126

Table of Contents

Viewing the force results table ............................................................................................................................ 128

Verifying the force results.................................................................................................................................... 129
Generating a study report ....................................................................................................................................... 130
Lesson MA2: Nonlinear Magnetostatic Example ........................................................................................................ 131
Description of the problem ...................................................................................................................................... 131
Creating a Magnetostatic study .............................................................................................................................. 133
Meshing the assembly ............................................................................................................................................ 134
Adding a B-H function curve ................................................................................................................................... 135
Assigning materials ................................................................................................................................................ 137
Adding a coil ........................................................................................................................................................... 138
Computing the force on the central pole ................................................................................................................. 139
Running the study................................................................................................................................................... 140
Visualization of Results .......................................................................................................................................... 141
Verifying the flux density results .......................................................................................................................... 141
Verifying the force results.................................................................................................................................... 143
Generating a study report ....................................................................................................................................... 144
Lesson MA3: Torque Calculation of Axial Coupling Between Two Permanent Magnets............................................ 145
Description of the problem ...................................................................................................................................... 145
Creating a new study .............................................................................................................................................. 147
Mesh control and meshing ..................................................................................................................................... 148
Creating a Permanent Magnet................................................................................................................................ 149
Computing the torque of the upper magnet ............................................................................................................ 151
Visualization of Results .......................................................................................................................................... 152
Verifying the torque results ................................................................................................................................. 152
Generating a study report ....................................................................................................................................... 153
Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor ............................................................. 155
About Brushless DC Motors ................................................................................................................................... 155


Description of the Problem ..................................................................................................................................... 157

Motion Related Issues ............................................................................................................................................ 158
Creating a Motion Study ......................................................................................................................................... 163
Preparing the Motion study in the MotionManager ................................................................................................. 165
Creating a Motion Study in the EMS Manager........................................................................................................ 169
Assigning materials ................................................................................................................................................ 171
Adding coils ............................................................................................................................................................ 173
Defining a force/torque set ..................................................................................................................................... 175
Meshing the Assembly and running the analysis .................................................................................................... 176
Visualization of Motion Results ............................................................................................................................... 178
Visualization of Results ....................................................................................................................................... 178
View the field results on the mesh ...................................................................................................................... 179
Plotting the torque and Back Emf versus angle .................................................................................................. 181
Plotting Kinematic Results in the EMS Manager ................................................................................................. 183
Plotting Kinematic Results in the MotionManager ............................................................................................... 184
Generating a study report ....................................................................................................................................... 187
Lesson MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid .............................................................................................................. 189
About Solenoid ....................................................................................................................................................... 189
Description of the Problem ..................................................................................................................................... 191
Motion Related Issues ............................................................................................................................................ 192
Creating a Motion Study ......................................................................................................................................... 196
Preparing the Motion study in the MotionManager ................................................................................................. 198
Creating a Motion Study in the EMS Manager........................................................................................................ 203
Assigning materials ................................................................................................................................................ 205
Adding coils ............................................................................................................................................................ 206
Defining a force/torque set ..................................................................................................................................... 208
Meshing the Assembly and running the analysis .................................................................................................... 209

Table of Contents

Visualization of Motion Results ............................................................................................................................... 210

Visualization of Results ....................................................................................................................................... 210
View the field results on the mesh ...................................................................................................................... 211
Plotting the force and Back EMF ......................................................................................................................... 213
Plotting Kinematic Results in the EMS Manager ................................................................................................. 215
Generating a study report ....................................................................................................................................... 216
Lesson EC1 : Resistance Calculation of a Trimmed Resistor .................................................................................... 217
Description of the model ......................................................................................................................................... 217
Creating an Electric Conduction study .................................................................................................................... 218
Meshing the model ................................................................................................................................................. 219
Applying fixed voltage restraints ............................................................................................................................. 220
Assigning materials ................................................................................................................................................ 221
Defining a resistance set ........................................................................................................................................ 222
Running the study................................................................................................................................................... 224
Visualization of Results .......................................................................................................................................... 225
Viewing the vector plot of the current density...................................................................................................... 225
Graphing the current density on a line segment.................................................................................................. 227
Probing the potential ........................................................................................................................................... 228
Viewing the results table ..................................................................................................................................... 229
Generating a study report ....................................................................................................................................... 230
Lesson AC1: Asymmetrical Conductor Model with a Hole ......................................................................................... 231
Description of the problem ...................................................................................................................................... 231
Description of the problem ...................................................................................................................................... 233
Creating an AC Magnetic study .............................................................................................................................. 235
Assigning materials ................................................................................................................................................ 239
Adding a coil ........................................................................................................................................................... 241
Meshing the model and running the analysis ......................................................................................................... 243


Visualization of Results .......................................................................................................................................... 245

Viewing the 3D magnetic flux density in the modelplate ..................................................................................... 245
Viewing the vector plot of the current density...................................................................................................... 247
Verifying the flux density results .......................................................................................................................... 249
Generating a study report ....................................................................................................................................... 251
Lesson AC2: 3 Phases Power Transformer With Losses ........................................................................................... 253
Description of the problem ...................................................................................................................................... 253
Creating an AC Magnetic study .............................................................................................................................. 256
Assigning materials ................................................................................................................................................ 257
Adding Coils ........................................................................................................................................................... 259
Adding Coils ........................................................................................................................................................ 259
Adding the First Inner Coil................................................................................................................................... 260
Adding the Second Inner Coil ............................................................................................................................. 261
Adding the Third Inner Coil ................................................................................................................................. 262
Adding the First Outer Coil ...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Adding the Second Outer Coil............................................................................................................................. 264
Adding the Third Outer Coil................................................................................................................................. 265
Load/Restraints ...................................................................................................................................................... 266
Applying Convection as a Thermal restraint........................................................................................................ 266
Meshing the model and running the analysis ......................................................................................................... 267
Visualization of Results .......................................................................................................................................... 268
Visualizing the AC Magnetic Results .................................................................................................................. 268
Viewing 3D Magnetic flux results ........................................................................................................................ 269
Viewing Vector results ........................................................................................................................................ 271
Viewing 3D Loss Density results ......................................................................................................................... 273
Viewing 3D Temperature results ......................................................................................................................... 274
Viewing results table .......................................................................................................................................... 275

Table of Contents

Generating a study report ....................................................................................................................................... 277

Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor ..................................................................................................... 279
Description of the problem ...................................................................................................................................... 279
Creating a transient study ....................................................................................................................................... 280
Assigning materials ................................................................................................................................................ 281
Adding Coils ........................................................................................................................................................... 283
Adding Coils ........................................................................................................................................................ 283
Adding a coil to a transient study ........................................................................................................................ 284
Adding a coil to a transient study ........................................................................................................................ 287
Adding a coil to a transient study ........................................................................................................................ 290
Adding a coil to a transient study ........................................................................................................................ 294
Applying virtual work set ......................................................................................................................................... 298
Mesh ....................................................................................................................................................................... 299
Applying mesh control ......................................................................................................................................... 299
Meshing the model and running the study .......................................................................................................... 301
Visualization of Results .......................................................................................................................................... 302
View the magnetic flux density ............................................................................................................................ 302
Iso clipping of magnetic flux density .................................................................................................................... 304
Viewing the results table ..................................................................................................................................... 307
Generating a study report ....................................................................................................................................... 308
Index .......................................................................................................................................................................... 309


EMS is a 3D finite element field simulator for electromagnetic and electromechanical applications. It is fully
integrated in SolidWorks.

The following lessons provide step-by-step procedures on how to use the program efficiently. To learn about the
capabilities of EMS, please refer to the online help. EMS 2012 supports Electrostatic, Magnetostatic, Electric
Conduction, AC Magnetic and Transient Magnetic analyses.

You may start learning right away by clicking one of the tutorials below:




EL2: Electrostatic Analysis of
Two Layered Dielectric

EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors

EL5: Insulators
EL3: Electrostatic Analysis of


a Strip Transmission Line

EL6: Analysis of a ZR Vacuum Insulator Stack

EL4: Electrostatic Analysis

and Capacitance Calculation of
a Crossover Structure
MA1: Magnetostatic Force in a
Simple Magnetic Circuit
MA2: Nonlinear Magnetostatic


MA3: Torque Calculation of

MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent

Magnet DC Motor
MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid

Axial Coupling Between Two

Permanent Magnets


EC1: Resistance Calculation of a Trimmed



AC1: Asymmetrical Conductor

AC Magnetic

AC2: 3 Phases Power Transformer With Losses

Model with a Hole

TR1: Transient Analysis of a Stepper Motor


Air Modeling
Unlike structural analysis, electromagnetic analysis requires the modeling of the air regions between different
components, as well as the air surrounding the devices. Why? Because electromagnetic fields generated by the
device span and extend over such air regions. How far do they extend? It depends on the frequency, the materials
of the device, and the strength of the source.

Air truncation
The air region surrounding the device is in essence infinite. This does not mean that the finite element model
would need to include an infinite region. The infinite region must be truncated in order to limit the number of
unknowns to a manageable size that can fit in the computer memory. What is the shape such region? It does not
matter as long as it is far enough from the device.

What is far enough?

There is no exact rule! But if you take an imaginary box that covers your device, placing your air region away from
you device by about 1 to 2 times the longest side of your box shall be far enough. How do can you check if it is
indeed so? Run your study and examine the fields on the outer boundary of the air. If the fields have decayed to
very small value compared to the maximum, then the outer boundary is far enough. Otherwise, push the outer
boundary even further out. But won't that lead to a very large problem? Not if you follow the guidelines below.

Air meshing
You have to distinguish between the outer air that is surrounding the device and the inside air between the various
parts of the device such air gaps. The inside air shall be meshed moderately fine to capture the fields
variations. However, the outer air need not to be fine because the fields decay away from the device.

An exception
Air has to be modeled and meshed for all the analyses, expect for the Electric Conduction. Since air has an
almost zero conductivity, it needs not to be meshed. Nonetheless, if the air region has a nonzero electric
conductivity due some reasons, then such region must also modeled even in the case the Electric Conduction

Lesson EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors Structure

Description of the Problem
Consider the circuit board shown below:


The dimensions (in cm) in the X-Z plane are as shown in the figure.
Depth in the Y direction = 1.00 c m.
Relative permittivity of the substrate = r1 = 4.3 ( FR -4-ED).

The main purpose of this lesson is teach you how to compute the capacitance matrix of a multi-conductor
structure. In this lesson, you also learn the following:

Using multple configurations to analyze SolidWorks models

Assigning material to the various components using EMS Material Editor
Creating an Electrostatic analysis study
Applying grounded and floating conductor restraints
Treating solid conductors in Electrostatic analysis
Setting meshing options and meshing the assembly
Running the study
Viewing the basic results' table

You do not have to reconstruct the model in SolidWorks. Model is ready to use: Browse to <Current User> \
My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ EL1


Treating Solid Conductors in Electrostatic Analysis

In Electrostatic analysis the electric field inside solid conductors is zero. Therefore solid conductors can be treated
by either of the two different methods:

Method 1: The conductors are modeled as mesh voids, i.e. not meshed, and a conductor boundary
condition assigned to their boundary faces. This method has the advantage of reducing the mesh size
and thus the number of unknowns. However, it is impossible to compute the forces and torques on the
conductors which are left as mesh voids. Therefore, if the calculation of the forces and torques is desired,
the next method must be used.
Method 2: The solid conductors are modeled as components and actually meshed. In such case, the
boundary conditions are assigned directly to the components. This method enables the computation of
forces and torques on the conductors.

Each method is applied in a different SolidWorks configuration.


Lesson EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors Structure

Method 1
Creating an Electrostatic Study
In Method 1 the solid conductors are treated as holes where the restraints are applied to the outer surfaces of the
holes. Therefore, it is important to suppress Conductor 1 and Conductor 2. This method is implemented in the
configuration Method 1.
To create an Electrostatic study:

Browse to <Current User> \ My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ EL1\

Open the 2Conductors.SLDASM assembly file.


Click on the ConfigurationManager tab

Activate the configuration Method 1 by double-clicking.


Click the EMS Manager tab

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the 2Conductors icon and click Study.


Under Analysis Type, click

Check Compute capacitance box.


If you want to accept the input and exit the Property Manager, click OK

10. If you want to accept the input and remain in the Property Manager to create more studies, click Apply.
Each time you click Apply a new study is created.
EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click Ok and not Apply if only one study is desired.



Assigning materials from the EMS Material Library

To define material properties for the air part:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Air part icon in the Solids folder. A right-mouse menu opens.


Select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Air library icon.


Choose Air.


Click OK

A checkmark appears on the Air part icon, indicating that a material has been applied to it.

Show me the Material Tree

To define material properties for the substrate:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the substrate-1 icon in the Solids folder. A right-mouse menu opens.


Select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.

Lesson EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors Structure


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Substrates folder to expand its contents.


Click the (+) sign next to the Norplex/Oak folder to expand its contents.


Choose FR-4-ED130.


Click OK

Show me the Material Browser




Applying Restraints
The following restraints or boundary conditions are applied to the model:

Grounded conductor to the bottom face of the model.

Floating conductor restraint to the first solid conductor.

Floating conductor restraint to the second solid conductor.



Lesson EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors Structure

Applying a grounded conductor to the ground plane

To apply a grounded conductor to the ground plane:


Click Fixed Voltage

on the EMS toolbar.

The Fixed Voltage Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Faces for Voltage box


Type 0 in the Voltage box.

then select this face

To change the color of the restraint symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color palette
opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box and type a
value. To hide the symbols, un-check Show Preview.


Click OK

EMS applies a voltage on the selected face and creates an icon named Fixed Voltage-1 in the Load/Restraint
folder of the EMS Manager tree.
To edit or delete an existing restraint:


To edit a restraint, right-click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Edit Definition. Make the
desired changes and click OK.


To delete a restraint, right click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Delete.




Applying a Floating Conductor

Method 1 necessitates that the solid conductors be left as voids and floating restraints are applied to all four faces
of each conductor. Therefore the top surface of the substrate has to be split in such a way that the conductors are
projected on the substrate. After sketching 2 rectangles that represent such projection, use the SolidWorks
command Insert->Curve->Split Line to split the top surface of the substrate.
To apply a floating conductor to the first conducting solid


Click Floating Conductor

on the EMS toolbar.

The Floating Conductor Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Faces for Floating Conductor box


then select the four

of the first solid conductor.



Click OK


The voltage values of a floating conductor can be specified later when visualizing the results. This gives
you flexibility in visualizing the results based on different voltage values without having to rerun the problem.



Lesson EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors Structure

Applying a Second Floating Conductor

Method 1 necessitates that the solid conductors be left as voids and floating restraints are applied to all four faces
of each conductor. Therefore the top surface of the substrate has to be split in such a way that the conductors are
projected on the substrate. After sketching 2 rectangles that represent such projection, use the SolidWorks
command Insert->Curve->Split Line to split the top surface of the substrate.
To apply a floating conductor to the second conducting solid


Click Floating Conductor

on the EMS Loads toolbar.

The Floating Conductor Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Faces for Floating Conductor box



Click OK

then select the four

of the second solid conductor.


The voltage values of a floating conductor can be specified later when visualizing the results.
This gives you flexibility in visualizing the results based on different voltage values without having
to rerun the problem.





Setting meshing options

Meshing depends on the active meshing options.
To set meshing options:

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the 2Conductors icon at the top of the tree and select Options.

The Options dialog box appears.


Click the Default Options tab.

Click on the Mesh menu item.
Select 1.4 for Element Growth Rate.
Keep Accurate Curvature Representation unchecked.
Under Automatic looping, clear Enable automatic looping for solids.


Click OK



Lesson EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors Structure

Applying mesh control

Most of the electric field is concentrated in the substrate and around the conductors. Therefore, a mesh control
shall be used in these regions.
To apply the mesh control:

Click Apply Control

on the EMS Main toolbar

The Mesh Control Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components and Solid Bodies box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the Substrate icon. It will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.


Click inside Faces box

Select all 8 faces of the two floating conductors.


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK

box and type 2mm.

To change the color of the mesh control symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color palette
opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box and type a
value. To hide the symbols, un-check Show Preview.



Meshing the Model and Running the Analysis

EMS uses the active meshing options to create the mesh.
To mesh the model:

Click Mesh

on the EMS toolbar.

The Mesh Property Manager appears suggesting Global Size


Type 5.0mm in the Global Size


Click OK

and Tolerance

box and 0.1mm in the Tolerance



Meshing starts, and the Mesh Progress window appears. After meshing is completed, EMS displays the
meshed model.

Click Run Study

on the EMS toolbar.

The analysis runs and the default plots are created in the EMS Manager Tree.

The meshing Tolerance

shall be less than the smallest mesh control size in the model. It should also be
less than the smallest edge in the model; otherwise such edge would be collapsed.


Lesson EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors Structure

Displaying the mesh information

To display the mesh information:

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click Mesh and select Details.

EMS displays the mesh information.


Close the Mesh Details list box.

To hide or show the mesh:

Click Show/Hide Mesh

on the EMS toolbar.

EMS toggles the visibility of the mesh.




Viewing the capacitance matrix

Viewing the results table

To view the results table:

Click Results Table

on the toolbar.

The capacitance matrix appears.


To print the results, click Print.

To export the results, click Export.

The above capacitance matrix will be available only when the study properties Compute capacitance check
box is checked.



Lesson EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors Structure

Method 2
Creating the Electrostatic study
In Method 2 the solid conductors are meshed. Therefore, it is important to un-suppress Conductor 1 and
Conductor 2. This method is implemented in the configuration Method 2.
To create an Electrostatic study:

If the assembly is not already open, browse to <Current User> \ My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS
Examples\ EL1 \
Open the 2Conductors.SLDASM assembly file if it is not already open .


Click on the ConfigurationManager tab

Activate the configuration Method 2 by double-clicking.


Click the EMS Manager tab

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the 2Conductors icon and click Study.


Under Analysis Type, click

Check Compute capacitance box.


If you want to accept the input and exit the Property Manager, click OK

10. Click Apply if you want to accept the input and remain in the Property Manager to create more studies.
Each time you click Apply a study is created.
EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click Ok and not Apply if only one study is desired.




Assigning materials
To define material properties for the air part:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Air part icon in the Solids folder. A right-mouse menu opens.


Select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Air library icon.


Choose Air.


Click OK

A checkmark appears on the Air part icon, indicating that a material has been applied to it.

Show me the Material Tree

To define material properties for the substrate:



In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the substrate-1 icon in the Solids folder. A right-mouse menu opens.

Lesson EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors Structure


Select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Substrates folder to expand its contents.


Click the (+) sign next to the Norplex/Oak folder to expand its contents.


Choose FR-4-ED130.


Click OK

Show me the Material Browser

To define material properties for Conductor1:


In the EMS Manager tree, while holding the Control Key down, select Conductor-1 and Codncutor-2 icons
in the Solids folder.


Right-click on the selection. A right-mouse menu opens.


Select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Conductor material folder to expand its contents.


Choose Copper.


Click OK



To define material properties for Conductor2 by drag and drop:

The above method uses the multi-selection feature to apply Copper to both conductors. You can always apply the
Copper to only one conductor and use the drag and drop feature for the second conductor. That is, drag and drop
Body-1 under Conductor-1 to Body-1 under Conductor-2.



Lesson EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors Structure


Applying zero volt to the ground plane

To apply a grounded conductor to the ground plane:


Click Fixed Voltage

on the EMS Loads toolbar.

The Fixed Voltage Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Faces for Voltage box


Type 0 in the Voltage box.

then select the bottom face of the substrate.

To change the color of the restraint symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color palette
opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box and type a
value. To hide the symbols, un-check Show Preview.


Click OK

EMS applies a voltage on the selected face and creates an icon named Fixed Voltage-1 in the Load/Restraint
folder of the EMS Manager tree.
To edit or delete an existing restraint:


To edit a restraint, right-click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Edit Definition. Make the
desired changes and click OK.


To delete a restraint, right click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Delete.




Applying a Floating Conductor

To apply a floating conductor to the first conducting solid


Click Floating Conductor

on the EMS toolbar.

The Floating Conductor Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components or Bodies for Floating Conductor box


Click OK

then select Conductor-1.

The voltage values of a floating conductor can be specified later when visualizing the results. This gives you
flexibility in visualizing the results based on different voltage values without having to rerun the problem.



Lesson EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors Structure

Applying a Second Floating Conductor

To apply a floating conductor to the second conducting solid


Click Floating Conductor

on the EMS toolbar.

The Floating Conductor Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components or Bodies for Floating Conductor box


Click OK

then select Conductor-2.

The voltage values of a floating conductor can be specified later when visualizing the results. This gives you
flexibility in visualizing the results based on different voltage values without having to rerun the problem.





Setting meshing options

Meshing depends on the active meshing options.
To set meshing options:

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the 2Conductors icon at the top of the tree and select Options.

The Options dialog box appears.


Click the Default Options tab.

Click on the Mesh menu item.
Select 1.4 for Element Growth Rate.
Keep Accurate Curvature Representation unchecked.
Under Automatic looping, clear Enable automatic looping for solids.


Click OK



Lesson EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors Structure

Applying mesh control

Most of the electric field is concentrated in the substrate and around the conductors. Therefore, a mesh control
shall be used in these regions.
To apply the mesh control:

Click Apply Control

on the EMS Main toolbar

The Mesh Control Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components and Solid Bodies box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the Substrate, Conductor 1, and Conductor 2 icons. They will appear in the Components and
Solid Bodies list.


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK

box and type 2mm.

To change the color of the mesh control symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color palette
opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box and type a
value. To hide the symbols, un-check Show Preview.



Meshing the model

EMS uses the active meshing options to create the mesh.
To mesh the model:

Click Mesh

on the EMS toolbar.

The Mesh Property Manager appears suggesting Global Size


Type 5.0mm in the Global Size


Click OK

and Tolerance

box and 0.1mm in the Tolerance



Meshing starts, and the Mesh Progress window appears. After meshing is completed, EMS displays the
meshed model.

Click Run Study

on the EMS toolbar.

The analysis runs and the default plots are created in the EMS Manager Tree.

The meshing Tolerance

shall be less than the smallest mesh control size in the model. It should also be
less than the smallest edge in the model; otherwise such edge would be collapsed.


Lesson EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors Structure

Displaying the mesh information

To display the mesh information:

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click Mesh and select Details.

EMS displays the mesh information.


Close the Mesh Details list box.

To hide or show the mesh:

Click Show/Hide Mesh

on the EMS toolbar.

EMS toggles the visibility of the mesh.




Viewing the capacitance matrix

Viewing the capacitance matrix

To view the capacitance matrix:

Click Results Table

on the toolbar.

The capacitance matrix appears.


To print the results, click Print.

To export the results, click Export.

The above capacitance matrix will be available only when the study properties Compute capacitance check
box is checked.


Lesson EL1: Capacitance Matrix of a Two Conductors Structure

Generating a study report

The Report utility generates an internet-ready document convenient for reviews by colleagues and supervisors.
To generate a study report:

In the EMS manager tree right-click the Report

and select Define.

The Report dialog box appears.


In the Settings for list box, check the item that you want to include in the report and enter the information
related to that item in the Preview box.

You can include your company's logo on the cover page of your report.

Select the Show report inside SolidWorks check box.

Click OK.

To save the SolidWorks model and the analysis information in the part document:
Click File, Save.
Go back to the main page


Lesson EL2: Electrostatic Analysis of a Dual-Layered Coaxial Cable

Description of the Problem
In this example, two coaxial dielectric cylinders are presented, as seen from the X-Y plane in the figure below. The
cylinders have radii with the following dimensions:

a = 5mm
b = 10mm
The depth of the cylinders is z = 10cm (100mm) in the Z direction.

The outer dielectric has a relative permittivity r1 = 5, and the inner dielectric has a relative permittivity r2 = 2.

The combined assembly is placed within an air box of dimensions 100mm 100mm 100mm. An existing field E0
= 100 V/m is headed in the +X direction from the Y-Z face of the air box in the -X direction to the corresponding YZ face in the +X direction.
In this lesson, you learn the following:

Assigning material to the various components using the EMS material editor
Creating an Electrostatic analysis study
Applying grounded conductors and conductors with fixed non-zero voltages
Setting meshing options and meshing the assembly
Running a study
Viewing basic results of Electrostatic analysis
Manipulating the post-processing results
Generating an Html report

You do not have to reconstruct the model in SolidWorks. Model is ready to use: Browse to <Current User> \
My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ EL2



Creating an Electrostatic Study

To create an Electrostatic study:

Browse to <Current User> \ My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ EL2 \

Open the TwoLayerCylinder.SLDASM assembly file.


Click on the EMS manager tab

In the EMS manager tree, right-click on the TwoLayerCylinder icon and select Study.
You will see the choices of possible studies in the Property Manager tab.


Under Analysis Type, click



If you want to accept the input, and exit the Property Manager, click on OK
If you want to accept the input and remain in the Property Manager to create more studies, click Apply.


Each time you click Apply, a new study is created.

EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click OK and not Apply if only one study is desired.



Lesson EL2: Electrostatic Analysis of a Dual-Layered Coaxial Cable

Assigning Materials from the EMS Material Library

To define material properties for the air box:

In the EMS Manager tree, click on the (+) sign next to the Solids folder, then the (+) sign next to
CombinedAssembly folder.
Right Click on the body labelled AirBox. A right-mouse menu appears.
Select Apply Material. The Material Browser page opens.
From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.
Click on the (+) sign next to the Air library icon.
Select Air.


Click on OK

A checkmark appears on the Air Box icon, indicating that a material has been applied to it.

To define the material properties for the outer dielectric cylinder:


In the EMS Manager tree, click on the (+) sign next to the Solids folder, then the (+) sign next to
CombinedAssembly folder.
Right Click on the body labelled OuterCylinder. A right-mouse menu appears.
Select Apply Material. The Material Browser page opens.
From the Material Database pull-down menu, select Tutorials.
Click on the (+) sign next to the Main Folder to expand its contents.
Select OuterDielectric.


Click on OK

To define the material properties for the inner dielectric cylinder:


In the EMS Manager tree, click on the (+) sign next to the Solids folder, then the (+) sign next to
CombinedAssembly folder.
Right Click on the body labelled InnerCylinder. A right-mouse menu appears.
Select Apply Material. The Material Browser page opens.
From the Material Database pull-down menu, select Tutorials.
Click on the (+) sign next to the Main Folder to expand its contents.
Select InnerDielectric.


Click on OK

A checkmark appears on the Solids icon when materials have been applied to all parts in the assembly.




Assigning Boundary Conditions

In order to apply the electric field E0 = 100 V/m, a voltage difference of 10V should be applied between the the leftmost plane of the air box (the plane parallel to the Y-Z plane at X = -50mm) and the right-most plane (X = +50mm).
To apply a grounded conductor to the right-most plane:

In the EMS manager tree right-click on the Load/Restraint icon


Select Fixed Voltage


Click inside the Face Selection


Type 0 in the Voltage box.

To view the restraint symbols, click on Show Preview.

. The Fixed Voltage Property Manager appears.

box and then select this face.

To change the color of the restraint symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color palette
opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box and
type a value. To hide the symbols, un-check Show Preview.


Click OK

EMS applies a voltage on the selected face, and creates an icon named Fixed Voltage - 1 in the Load/Restraint
folder of the EMS Manager tree.
To apply a voltage to the left-most plane:


In the EMS manager tree right-click on the Load/Restraint


Lesson EL2: Electrostatic Analysis of a Dual-Layered Coaxial Cable


Select Fixed Voltage

. The Fixed Voltage Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Face Selection


Type 10 in the Voltage box.

To view the restraint symbols, click on Show Preview.


Click OK

box and then select this face.

EMS applies a voltage on the selected face, and creates an icon named Fixed Voltage - 2 in the Load/Restraint
folder of the EMS Manager tree.
To edit or delete an existing restraint:

To edit a restraint, right-click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Edit Definition.


Make the desired changes and click OK

To delete a restraint, right-click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Delete.




Setting Meshing Options
Meshing depends on the active meshing options.
To set meshing options:

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the TwoLayerCylinder icon at the top of the tree and select Options.

The Options dialog box appears.



Click the Default Options tab.

Click on the Mesh menu item.
Select 1.4 for Element Growth Rate.
Keep Accurate Curvature Representation unchecked.
Under Automatic looping, clear Enable automatic looping for solids.
Click OK.

Lesson EL2: Electrostatic Analysis of a Dual-Layered Coaxial Cable

Applying Mesh Control

The largest variation of the resulting electric field intensity occurs just outside and just inside the perimeter of the
outer cylinder. For this reason, it is best to add more elements per length on the entire surface of the outer cylinder.
To apply the mesh control:


In the EMS manager tree right-click on the Mesh


Select Apply Mesh Control


Click inside the Faces

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the (+) sign next to the CombinedAssembly icon.
Click on the (+) sign next to the Solid Bodies icon.
Right-click on the AirBox, and select Hide Solid Body.
Click on the surface of the outer cylinder. It will appear on the Faces list.


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size

10. Click OK


. The Mesh Control Property Manager appears.

box and type 1mm.

To change the color of the mesh control symbols, click Edit Color under Symbol Settings. A color palette
opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box and type a
value. To hide the symbols, un-check Show Preview.




Meshing the Model and Running the Study

EMS uses the active meshing options to create the mesh.
To mesh the model:


In the EMS manager tree right-click on the Mesh


Select Creat Mesh


The Mesh Property Manager appears suggesting Global Size

and Tolerance

box and 0.15mm in the Tolerance



Type 3.0mm in the Global Size



Click OK


Meshing starts, and the Mesh Progress window appears. After meshing is completed, EMS displays the
meshed model.
In the EMS manager tree right-click on Study 1.


Select Run Study

on the EMS toolbar.

The analysis runs and the default plots are created in the EMS Manager Tree.

The meshing Tolerance

shall be less than the smallest mesh control size in the model. It should also be
less than the smallest edge in the model; otherwise such edge would be collapsed.


Lesson EL2: Electrostatic Analysis of a Dual-Layered Coaxial Cable

Displaying Mesh Information

To display the mesh information:

1. In the EMS Manager tree, right-click Mesh

EMS displays the mesh information.

2. Close the Mesh Details pop-up window.

and select Details.

To hide or show the mesh:

1. In the EMS manager tree right-click on the Mesh

2. Select Show/Hide Mesh on the EMS toolbar.


EMS toggles the visibility of the mesh.




Visualization of Results
Displaying the Electrostatic Results
Plots are displayed in a window different from the model geometry. You can toggle between the model and the
results window by clicking on the corresponding tab at the lower left corner of the graphics area. To activate the
model geometry window click on the Model tab. To activate the results window click on the Plot Results tab.
To display the Electric Field profile:

In the EMS Manager tree, click the (+) sign beside the Electric Field folder. Electric Field - 1 appears.
Double-click on Electric Field - 1.
The electric field plot is displayed in the Plot Results window.

To manipulate the plot view, it is important to use the EMS view toolbar and not the SolidWorks view toolbar.
When you click on the Model tab, the above toolbar is deactivated in order to avoid confusion with the SolidWorks
view toolbar.
To create a new plot:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Electric Field folder and select 3D.
The Electric Field Property Manager appears.
In the Display box:
a. Select Er from the electric field components. Directions are based on the global coordinate
o Ex: Electric Field in the X direction
o Ey: Electric Field in the Y direction
o Ez: Electric Field in the Z direction
o Er: Resultant Electric Field


Set Units
to V/m.
Select Fringe from Plot Type.
Select Continuous from the Fringe Type.

Click on OK

Right click inside the plot window and select front view to get the same view below. The electric field plot is shown
below and compared to the result from [1].


Lesson EL2: Electrostatic Analysis of a Dual-Layered Coaxial Cable



[1] Peric, M.T.; Cvetkovic, Z.Z;, Aleksic, S.R., "Two Layers Dielectric Cylinder in Homogeneous Field," Proceedings
of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation: EuCAP (ESA SP-626). 6-10 November 2006, Nice,
France. Editors: H. Lacoste & L. Ouwehand. Published on CDROM., p.396.1


Lesson EL2: Electrostatic Analysis of a Dual-Layered Coaxial Cable

Manipulating Results
To view a section of the 3D plot:

Right-click on the Electric Field plot you created.

Select Section Clipping.
Select the Top Plane Section Clipping button.
In the Distance box enter 50mm.
Check Plot on Section Only.
Check Section 2 to add another section on the same plot.
Select the Right Plane Section Clipping button.
In the Distance box enter 0mm.
Check Section 3 to add a final section on the same plot.

It is possible to add a fourth section on the same plot, if desired.

10. Select the Front Plane Section Clipping button.
11. In the Distance box enter 0mm.
12. Click OK

The viewed sections are shown below.

To view a rectangular plot with the electric field intensities:




Right-click the Electric Field folder in the EMS Manager tree and select 2D Plot.
Select Er from the electric field components. Directions are based on the global coordinate system.
o Ex: Electric Field in the X direction
o Ey: Electric Field in the Y direction
o Ez: Electric Field in the Z direction
o Er: Resultant Electric Field


Set Units
to V/m.
From the SolidWorks Feature Manager tree in the upper left corner of the graphics area, select the end
points of the line segment Point1 and Point2.
Type 100 for the number of points on the segment.


Select OK

Below are some features of the 2D plot.

To see the listing of the electric field click on the Listing tab.
The distance D plotted on x-axis is from the first point selected in the segment.
To change the plot's properties, double click on the plot or click on the properties button

To turn the markers on, click on the marker button

To track the values on the curve, drag the pointer on the curve.
To save the plot click on File->Save As and choose the desired format.
To copy the plot make sure that the 2D Plot tab is active and click on Edit->Copy.
To export the data to a text file or an Excel sheet, activate the Listing tab and click on Edit->Copy.

The results of the 3D electric field plot and the magnitudes of the two points Point 1 (51.59 V/m) and Point 2
(29.93 V/m) as a ratio versus E0 (100 V/m) closely match the results obtained from [1]. Naturally, refining the mesh
further would yield more accurate results at the cost of time.


Lesson EL2: Electrostatic Analysis of a Dual-Layered Coaxial Cable

[1] Peric, M.T.; Cvetkovic, Z.Z;, Aleksic, S.R., "Two Layers Dielectric Cylinder in Homogeneous Field," Proceedings
of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation: EuCAP (ESA SP-626). 6-10 November 2006, Nice,
France. Editors: H. Lacoste & L. Ouwehand. Published on CDROM., p.396.1



Generating a Study Report

The Report utility generates an internet-ready document convenient for reviews by colleagues and supervisors.
To generate a study report:

In the EMS manager tree right-click on Reports

and select Define.

The Report dialog box appears.


In the Settings for list box, check the item that you want to include in the report and enter the information
related to that item in the Preview box.

You can include your company's logo on the cover page of your report.

Select the Show report inside SolidWorks check box.

Click OK.

You can navigate through different sections of your report by clicking on the links at the top.
To save the SolidWorks model and the analysis information in the part document:
Click File, Save.
Go back to the main page


Lesson EL3: Electrostatic Analysis of a Strip conductor

Description of the Problem
This problem deals with a strip transmission line embedded within a dielectric substrate of relative premittivity r2 =
12.85, as shown in the figure below, which depicts a cross section of the problem. The strip conductor is of
infinitesimal thickness, with width w = 5mm. A voltage of 1V is applied to the strip.

The substrate is confined to a conducting shield from each side of the cross section. The shielding box is, in fact,
grounded, and has width a = 20mm, and height b = 10mm
In this lesson, you learn the following:

Assigning material to the various components using the EMS material editor
Creating an Electrostatic analysis study
Applying grounded conductors and conductors with fixed non-zero voltages
Setting meshing options and meshing the assembly
Running a study
Viewing basic results of Electrostatic analysis
Manipulating the post-processing results
Generating an Html report

You do not have to reconstruct the model in SolidWorks. Model is ready to use: Browse to <Current User> \
My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ EL3\Stripline.SLDASM



Creating an Electrostatic Study

To create an Electrostatic study:

Browse to <Current User> \ My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ EL3 \

Open the Stripline.SLDASM assembly file.


Click on the EMS manager tab

In the EMS manager tree, right-click on the Stripline icon and click Study. You will see the choices of
possible studies in the Property Manager tab.
Under Analysis Type, click Electrostatic.


Click on OK
if you want to accept the input and exit the Property Manager.
Click Apply if you want to accept the input and remain in the Property Manager to create more studies.
Each time you click Apply, a new study is created.
EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click OK and not Apply if only one study is desired.



Lesson EL3: Electrostatic Analysis of a Strip conductor

Assigning Materials from the EMS Material Library

To define the material properties for the air box:

In the EMS Manager tree, Click on the (+) sign next to the Solids icon.
Right-click on the AirBox icon. A right-mouse menu appears.
Select Apply Material. The Material Browser page opens.
From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.
Click on the (+) sign next to the Air folder to expand its contents.
Select Air.


Click on OK

To define the material properties for the dielectric substrate:



In the EMS Manager tree, Click on the (+) sign next to the Solids icon.
Select the Substrate icons by holding the CTRL key and clicking on them. Then right-click on the
A right-mouse menu appears.
Select Apply Material. The Material Browser page opens.
From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.
Click the (+) sign next to the Substrates folder to expand its contents.


Click the (+) sign next to the Rogers Corp. folder to expand its contents.


Choose TMM-13.


Click on OK

A checkmark appears on the Solids icon when materials have been applied to all parts in the assembly.




Assigning Restraints
The stripline has an electric potential of 1V, while the shield conductor around the substrate is grounded. Two
restraints are to be applied.
To apply a grounded conductor around the substrate:



Hide the Air box component.


In the EMS manger tree, right-click the Load/Restraint

Voltage Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Face Selection

the top, bottom, left, and right..

icon and select Fixed Voltage

. The Fixed

box and then select these faces, which surround the dielectric from

Lesson EL3: Electrostatic Analysis of a Strip conductor


Type 0 in the Voltage box.

To view the restraint symbols, click on Show Preview.

To change the color of the restraint symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color palette
opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box and
type a value. To hide the symbols, un-check Show Preview.


Click OK

EMS applies a voltage on the selected face, and creates an icon named Fixed Voltage - 1 in the Load/Restraint
folder of the EMS Manager tree.
To apply a voltage to the strip conductor:


In the EMS manger tree, right-click the Load/Restraint

Voltage Property Manager appears.

icon and select Fixed Voltage

. The Fixed




Right-click on the top half of the substrate and select Hide.


Click inside the Face Selection


Type 1 in the Voltage box.

To view the restraint symbols, click on Show Preview.


Click OK

box and then select this face.

EMS applies a voltage on the selected face, and creates an icon named Fixed Voltage - 2 in the Load/Restraint
folder of the EMS Manager tree.


Lesson EL3: Electrostatic Analysis of a Strip conductor

To show the top half of the assembly after hiding it, click on the Feature Manager tab in SolidWorks and click on
Substrate. Then click on Show Component.

To edit or delete an existing restraint:


To edit a restraint, right-click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Edit Definition. Make the


desired changes and click OK

To delete a restraint, right-click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Delete.




Setting Meshing Options
Meshing depends on the active meshing options.
To set meshing options:

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Stripline icon at the top of the tree and select Options.

The Options dialog box appears.



Click the Default Options tab.

Click on the Mesh menu item.
Select 1.4 for Element Growth Rate.
Keep Accurate Curvature Representation unchecked.
Under Automatic looping, clear Enable automatic looping for solids.
Click OK.

Lesson EL3: Electrostatic Analysis of a Strip conductor

Applying Mesh Controls

To apply the mesh control:


In the EMS manager tree, right-click on the Mesh


icon and select Apply Control

on the EMS Main

The Mesh Control PropertyManager appears.


Click inside the Components and Solid Bodies box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the Substrate icons. They will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK

box and type 1.2mm.




Meshing the Model and Running the Study

EMS uses the active meshing options to create the mesh.
To mesh the model:


In the EMS manager tree, right-click on the Mesh


icon and select Create Mesh

The Mesh Property Manager appears suggesting Global Size


Type 3mm in the Global Size


Click OK

and Tolerance

box and 0.15mm in the Tolerance

on the EMS



Meshing starts, and the Mesh Progress window appears. After meshing is completed, EMS displays the
meshed model.

Int the EMS manager tree, right-click on Study 1 and select Run Study

The analysis runs and the default plots are created in the EMS Manager Tree.

The meshing Tolerance

shall be less than the smallest mesh control size in the model. It should also be
less than the smallest edge in the model; otherwise such edge would be collapsed.


Lesson EL3: Electrostatic Analysis of a Strip conductor

Displaying Mesh Information

To display the mesh information:

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click Mesh and select Details.

EMS displays the mesh information.

Close the Mesh Details pop up window.

To hide or show the mesh:

Click Show/Hide

Mesh on the EMS toolbar.

EMS toggles the visibility of the mesh.




Visualization of Results
Displaying the Electrostatic Results
Plots are displayed in a window different from the model geometry. You can toggle between the model and the
results window by clicking on the corresponding tab at the lower left corner of the graphics area. To activate the
model geometry window click on the Model tab. To activate the results window click on the Plot Results tab.
To display the Electric Potential profile:

In the EMS Manager tree, click the (+) sign beside the Potential folder. Potential - 1 appears.
Double-click on Potential - 1.
The electric potential plot is displayed in the Plot Results window. Right click inside the plot window and
select front view to get the same view below. This result is compared to the one from [1].


Lesson EL3: Electrostatic Analysis of a Strip conductor

To manipulate the plot view, it is important to use the EMS view tool bar and not the SolidWorks view toolbar.
When you click on the Model tab, the above toolbar is deactivated in order to avoid confusion with the SolidWorks
view toolbar.
To create a new Electric Field plot:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Electric Field folder and select 3D.
The Electric Field Property Manager appears.
In the Display box:
a. Select Er from the electric field components. Directions are based on the global coordinate
o Ex: Electric Field in the X direction
o Ey: Electric Field in the Y direction
o Ez: Electric Field in the Z direction
o Er: Resultant Electric Field


Set Units
to V/m.
Select Fringe from Plot Type.
Select Continuous from the Fringe Type.

Click on OK



[1] Chyuan, S.W.; Liao, Y.S., Chen, J.T.; "An Efficient Method for Solving Electrostatic Problems," Computing in
Science and Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, May-June 2003, pp. 52-58


Lesson EL3: Electrostatic Analysis of a Strip conductor

Manipulating Results
To view a rectangular plot with the electric potential:

Right-click the Electric Field folder in the EMS Manager tree and select 2D Plot.


Set Units
to V/cm.
From the SolidWorks Feature Manager tree in the upper left corner of the graphics area, select the end
points of the line segment Point1 and Point2.
Type 100 for the number of points on the segment.


Select OK

Try to do the same type of plot between Point2 and Point3.

Below are some features of the 2D plot.

To see the listing of the electric field click on the Listing tab.
The distance D plotted on x-axis is from the first point selected in the segment.
To change the plot's properties, double click on the plot or click on the properties button
To turn the markers on, click on the marker button

To track the values on the curve, click on the drag button

and drag the pointer on the curve.
To save the plot click on File->Save As and choose the desired format.
To copy the plot make sure that the 2D Plot tab is active and click on Edit->Copy.
To export the data to a text file or an Excel sheet, activate the Listing tab and click on Edit->Copy.

The results of the 3D electric potential plot and the magnitudes of the reference points Point 1 (0.7086 V), Point 2
(0.6821 V) and Point 3 (0.1866 V) as a ratio versus the maximum potential V0 = 1V on the stripline closely match
the results obtained from [1]. Naturally, refining the mesh further would yield more accurate results at the cost of
[1] Chyuan, S.W.; Liao, Y.S., Chen, J.T.; "An Efficient Method for Solving Electrostatic Problems," Computing in
Science and Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, May-June 2003, pp. 52-58



Generating a Study Report

The Report utility generates an internet-ready document convenient for reviews by colleagues and supervisors.
To generate a study report:

In the EMS manager tree right-click Report

and select Define.

The Report dialog box appears.


In the Settings for list box, check the item that you want to include in the report and enter the information
related to that item in the Preview box.

You can include your company's logo on the cover page of your report.

Select the Show report inside SolidWorks check box.

Click OK.

To save the SolidWorks model and the analysis information in the part document:
Click File, Save.
Go back to the main page


Lesson EL4: Electrostatic Analysis and Capacitance Matrix

Description of the Problem
The following example is a 3D model of six conductors embedded within a set of dielectric materials. Two
conductors cross over another pair. Two conductors are placed below the cross-over conductors, and are bent at
90 degrees.

Each straight conductor has a length of 13mm, and a cross-section of 1mm 1mm. The bent conductors have the
same cross-section, and their piecewise lengths are shown in the figure above. The electric permittivities of the


dielectric layers are, from the bottom, r1 = 2, r2 = 3, r3 = 3, r4 = 4, r5 = 4, r6 = 5, r7 = 5. The thickness of

each layer is 1mm, except for the thrid layer from the bottom. (In this layer, the thickness is 2mm. The total height
of the setup is 8mm.) The remaining dimensions, as seen from the figure, are a = b = 13mm, and S1 = 3.5mm, S2
= 3mm.
In this lesson, you learn the following:

Assigning material to the various components using the EMS material editor
Creating an Electrostatic analysis study
Applying grounded conductors and conductors with fixed non-zero voltages
Setting meshing options and meshing the assembly
Running a study
Computing the capacitance matrix
Viewing basic results of Electrostatic analysis
Manipulating the post-processing results
Generating an Html report

You do not have to reconstruct the model in SolidWorks. Model is ready to use: Browse to <Current User> \
My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ EL4


Lesson EL4: Electrostatic Analysis and Capacitance Matrix Calculation

Creating an Electrostatic Study

To create an Electrostatic study:

Browse to <Current User> \ My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ EL4 \

Open the Crossover.SLDASM assembly file.


Click on the EMS manager tab .

In the EMS manager tree, right-click on the Crossover icon and click Study. You will see the choices of
possible studies in the Property Manager tab.
In the ProperyManager, under Name:
Under Analysis Type, click Electrostatic.
Check Compute capacitance box.


Click on OK
if you want to accept the input and exit the Property Manager.
Click Apply if you want to accept the input and remain in the Property Manager to create more studies.
Each time you click Apply, a new study is created.
10. EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click OK and not Apply if only one study is desired.




Assigning Materials from the EMS Material Library

To define material properties for the air box:

In the EMS Manager tree, click on the (+) sign next to the Solids folder.
Right Click on the body labelled Air. A right-mouse menu appears.
Select Apply Material. The Material Browser page opens.
From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.
Click on the (+) sign next to the Air library icon.
Select Air.


Click on OK

A checkmark appears on the AirBox icon, indicating that a material has been applied to it.

To define the material properties for the conductors:


In the EMS Manager tree, click on the (+) sign next to the Solids folder.
Select all the conductors by holding the shift key and selecting Cond1 and Cond6.
Right Click and select Apply Material to All... The Material Browser page opens.
From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.
Click on the (+) sign next to the Conductor material folder to expand its contents.
Select Silver.


Click on OK

To define the material properties for the dielectric layers:


Right Click on the body labelled Dielectric1. A right-mouse menu appears.

Select Apply Material. The Material Browser page opens.
From the Material Database pull-down menu, select Tutorials.
Click on the (+) sign next to the Main Folder to expand its contents.
Select e2.


Click on OK

To apply the materials to the other dielectric, follow the same procedure, and apply the material that corresponds
to the desired layer: e3 to the second and third layers from the bottom, e4 to the fourth and fifth, e5 to the sixth and

A checkmark appears on the Solids icon when materials have been applied to all parts in the assembly.



Lesson EL4: Electrostatic Analysis and Capacitance Matrix Calculation

Assigning Restraints
The top and bottom faces of the assembly are grounded. Since the mutual effect of the conductors will be
evaluated to form the capacitance matrix, the conductors will be labeled as floating conductors.
To apply a grounded conductor on the top and bottom faces of the substrate:


In the EMS manager tree right-click on the Load/Restraint

Fixed Voltage Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Face Selection

perpendicular to the Y-axis.


Type 0 in the Voltage box.

To view the restraint symbols, click on Show Preview.

Icon and select Fixed Voltage

. The

box and then select these faces, the top and bottom faces

To change the color of the restraint symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color palette
opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box and
type a value. To hide the symbols, un-check Show Preview.


Click OK

EMS applies a ground on the selected face, and creates an icon named Fixed Voltage - 1 in the Load/Restraint
folder of the EMS Manager tree.
To apply a floating conductor to the first conducting solid




In the EMS manager tree right-click on the Load/Restraint

Icon and select Floating Conductor

The Floating Conductor PropertyManager appears.


Click inside the Components or Bodies for Floating Conductor box


Click OK

then select Cond1.

Repeat the same process for each of the remaining five conductors separately, in order to have six floating

The voltage values of a floating conductor can be specified later when visualizing the results. This gives you
flexibility in visualizing the results based on different voltage values without having to rerun the problem.

To edit or delete an existing restraint:


To edit a restraint, right-click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Edit Definition. Make the


desired changes and click OK

To delete a restraint, right-click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Delete.



Lesson EL4: Electrostatic Analysis and Capacitance Matrix Calculation

Setting Meshing Options
Meshing depends on the active meshing options.
To set meshing options:

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Crossover icon at the top of the tree and select Options.

The Options dialog box appears.


Click the Default Options tab.

Click on the Mesh menu item.
Select 1.4 for Element Growth Rate.
Keep Accurate Curvature Representation unchecked.
Under Automatic looping, clear Enable automatic looping for solids.


Click OK




Applying Mesh Control

The electric field will be at its highest intensity, should there be a voltage difference between the conductors,
around the contour of the conductors. This means that the mesh size in the dielectrics should be smaller than that
of the air box. Moreover, the conductors must have a fairly small mesh size compared to the air box.
To apply the mesh control on the conductors:


In the EMS manager tree, right-click on the Mesh

Control Property Manager appears.

icon and select Apply Mesh Control

. The Mesh


Click inside the Components and Solid Bodies box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the conductors: Cond1 through Cond6.


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK

box and type 0.5mm.

To change the color of the mesh control symbols, click Edit Color under Symbol Settings. A color palette
opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box and type a
value. To hide the symbols, un-check Show Preview.

To apply the mesh control on the substrates:


In the EMS manager tree, right-click on the Mesh

Control Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components and Solid Bodies box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the dielectric: Dielectric1 through Dielectric7.


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK



icon and select Apply Mesh Control

box and type 0.25mm.

. The Mesh

Lesson EL4: Electrostatic Analysis and Capacitance Matrix Calculation

Meshing the Model and Running the Study

EMS uses the active meshing options to create the mesh.
To mesh the model:


In the EMS manager tree, right-click on the Mesh

icon and select Create Mesh

The Mesh Property Manager appears suggesting Global Size


Type 2mm in the Global Size


Click OK

and Tolerance

box and 0.1mm in the Tolerance



Meshing starts, and the Mesh Progress window appears. After meshing is completed, EMS displays the
meshed model.

In the EMS manager tree right-click on Study 1 and select Run Study

The analysis runs and the default plots are created in the EMS Manager Tree.

The meshing Tolerance

shall be less than the smallest mesh control size in the model. It should also be
less than the smallest edge in the model; otherwise such edge would be collapsed.



Visualization of Results
Viewing the Capacitance Matrix
To view the results table:

In the EMS manager tree, double-click Results Table

The capacitance matrix appears.


To print the results, click Print.

To export the results, click Export.

[1] Zhenhai Zhu, Hao Ji, Wei Hong, "An Efficient Algorithm for the Parameter Exctraction of 3-D Interconnect
Structures in the VLSI Circuits: Domain-Decomposition Method," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
Techniques, vol. 45, no. 8, August 1997, pp. 1179-1184


Lesson EL4: Electrostatic Analysis and Capacitance Matrix Calculation

Generating a Study Report

The Report utility generates an internet-ready document convenient for reviews by colleagues and supervisors.
To generate a study report:

In the EMS manager tree right-click Report

then select Define.

The Report dialog box appears.


In the Settings for list box, check the item that you want to include in the report and enter the information
related to that item in the Preview box.

You can include your company's logo on the cover page of your report.

Select the Show report inside solidworks, check box.

Click OK.

To save the SolidWorks model and the analysis information in the part document:
Click File, Save.
Go back to the main page


Lesson EL5: Insulators

Description of the Problem
For power applications, the electrostatic analysis module of EMS can be used to analyze 3D models of electrode
devices and power-line insulators (Figure 1). The model of interest in this example is a power-line.
The phase line operates at a phase-to-ground voltage of 80kV rms. The field is calculated at the point of the AC
waveforms, when the center phase voltage is at its peak.
The model is composed of aluminum conductor lines and copper clamps (Figure 2). The clamps connect the
conductors to the silicon rubber and fibregalss insulators, which in turn connect to the tower. The electrostatic
module determines the electric field and the displacement field . These fields can be viewed in a full 3D plot, or in a
set segment (or multi segment) 2D plot showing the field at certain positions in the model. For instance, the electric
field is obtained along a segment that passes through the middle of the silicon rubber insulator.

Figure 1. Complete pole assembly.

Figure 2. Close-up view of the middle-phase insulator.



Figure 3. Section view of the middle-phase insulator with fiberglass and silicon rubber components.


Lesson EL5: Insulators

You do not have to reconstruct the model in SolidWorks. Model is ready to use: Browse to <Current User> \
My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ EL5



Creating an Electrostatic Study

To create an Electrostatic study:

Browse to <Current User> \ My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ EL5 \

Open the Insulator_Assm.SLDASM assembly file.


Click the EMS Manager tab

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Insulator_Assm icon and click Study.
In the Property Manager, under Name, take the default name or type the name of the study.


Under Analysis Type, click

Keep the Compute capacitance Box Unchecked.


Click OK
if you want to accept the input and exit the PropertyManager.
Click Apply if you want to accept the input and remain in the PropertyManager to create more
studies. Each time you click Apply a study is created.

EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click Ok and not Apply if only one study is desired.



Lesson EL5: Insulators

Assigning materials from the EMS Material Library

To define material properties for the air parts:


In the EMS Manager tree, click the (+) sign next to Solids folder icon. Using the Ctrl key select the
Inner_Air-1 and Outer Air-1 icons


Right-click and select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Air library icon.


Choose Air.


Click OK

A check mark appears on the Air part icon, indicating that a material has been applied to it.

Show me the Material Tree

To assign material properties for Conductor-1 and Hanger-1 :


Select the Conductor-1 and Hanger-1 icons




Right-click and select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.


Select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Conductor Material library icon.


Select Aluminium.


Click OK

To assign material properties for Contact-1, Contact_2-1 and Ground_Contact^Insulator_Assm-1 :


Select the Contact-1, Contact_2-1 and Ground_Contact^Insulator_Assm-1 icons


Right-click and select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.


Select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Conductor Material library icon.


Select Copper.


Click OK

To assign material properties for Fibre-1 :


Right-click Fiber-1 icon and select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.


Select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select Tutorials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Main Folder to expand its contents.


Select Fiberglass.


Click OK

To assign material properties for Insulator-1 :



Right-click Insulator-1 icon and select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.

Lesson EL5: Insulators


Select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select Tutorials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Main Folder to expand its contents.


Select Silicon Rubber.


Click OK




Applying Restraints
The following restraints or boundary conditions are applied to the model:

First Grounded conductor.

Second Grounded conductor.



Lesson EL5: Insulators

Applying a grounded conductor

To apply a grounded conductor to the ground plane:


In the EMS manager tree right-click on the Load/Restraint

Icon and select Fixed Voltage

The Fixed Voltage Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components or Bodies for Voltage box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Select Conductor-1 component.
Type 80000 in the Voltage box.

To change the color of the restraint symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color palette
opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box and type a
value. To hide the symbols, un-check Show Preview.


Click OK

EMS applies a voltage on the selected face and creates an icon named Fixed Voltage-1 in the Load/Restraint
folder of the EMS Manager tree.
To edit or delete an existing restraint:


To edit a restraint, right-click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Edit Definition. Make the
desired changes and click OK.
To delete a restraint, right click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Delete.




Applying a fixed voltage conductor

To apply a grounded conductor to the ground plane:


In the EMS manager tree right-click on the Load/Restraint

Icon and select Fixed Voltage

The Fixed Voltage Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components or Bodies for Voltage box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Select the following three components:
1. Ground_Contact^Insulator_Assm-1
2. Contact_2-1
Type 0 in the Voltage box.

To change the color of the restraint symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color palette
opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box and type a
value. To hide the symbols, un-check Show Preview.


Click OK

EMS applies a voltage on the selected face and creates an icon named Fixed Voltage-1 in the
Load/Restraint folder of the EMS Manager tree.
To edit or delete an existing restraint:


To edit a restraint, right-click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Edit Definition. Make the
desired changes and click OK.




To delete a restraint, right click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Delete.

Lesson EL5: Insulators

Meshing the model and running the analysis
Before creating the mesh, we will apply mesh controls to some parts creating a finer mesh on these parts. Finally,
we mesh the whole assembly using the active settings and the specified controls. To know how to perform each
procedure, click its link from below.

Applying first mesh control.

To apply first mesh control:


In the EMS manager tree, right-click on the Mesh

icon and select Apply Mesh Control

The Mesh Control Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components and Solid Bodies box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the following parts:

Conductor-1 icon.
Contact-1 icon.
Contact_2-1 icon.
Hanger-1 icon.

they will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK

box and type 7.0mm.

Applying second mesh control.

To apply the second mesh control:


In the EMS manager tree, right-click on the Mesh

icon and select Apply Mesh Control

The Mesh Control Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components and Solid Bodies box




Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the following parts:

Insulator-1 icon.
Fibre-1 icon.

they will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK

box and type 5.0mm.

Meshing the entire assembly

To mesh the assembly and run the analysis:


In the EMS manager tree, right-click on the Mesh

icon and select Create Mesh
Type 24 as average number of mesh element per diagonal for each solid body
Check Run analysis after meshing box.


Click OK

Meshing starts and the Mesh Progress window appears. After meshing is completed, EMS
automatically runs the analysis.

The meshing Tolerance

shall be less than the smallest mesh control size in the model. It should
also be less than the smallest edge in the model; otherwise such edge would be collapsed.


Lesson EL5: Insulators

Visualization of Results
Visualizing the electrostatic results
The next procedures show you how to visualize the results of electrostatic analysis.

Displaying the electric field

Graphing the electric field on a line segment




Displaying the Electric Field

Plots are displayed in a different window from the model geometry. You can toggle between the model and the
results window by clicking on the corresponding tab at the lower left corner of the graphics area. To activate the
model geometry window click on the Model tab. To activate the results window click on the Plot Results tab.
To display the Electric Field profile:


First, Hide all components than show the following two components only : Insulator-1 and Fiber-1 .
In the EMS Manager tree, click the plus sign (+) beside the Electric Field folder.

Electric Field-1 appears.


Double-click Electric Field-1 .

Right-click on the Electric Field-1 plot.
Select Section Clipping.
Select the Right Plane Section Clipping button.


Click OK

The electric field plot is displayed in the Plot Results window.


Lesson EL5: Insulators

To manipulate the results plot use the EMS view results toolbar:

To create a new plot:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Electric Field folder and select 3D.

The Electric Field Property Manager appears.


In the Display box, do the following:

a. Select Er from the electric field components. Directions are based on the global coordinate
o Ex: Electric Field in the X direction



Ey: Electric Field in the Y direction

Ez: Electric Field in the Z direction
Er: Resultant Electric Field

Set Units
to v/m.
Select Fringe from Plot Type.
Select Line from the Fringe Type

Select OK

To manipulate the plot view, it is important to use the EMS view tool bar and not the SolidWorks view toolbar.


Lesson EL5: Insulators

Graphing the Electric Field on a line segment

Probing results picks only mesh nodes. Graphing results on a line segment is more general because it allows for
picking any 2 points in the model. In addition, the line segment may be discretized to any number of points
between the endpoints of the line.
To graph the Electric field on a line segment:

Right-clicking the Electric Field Folder in the EMS Manager tree and select 2D.


Set Units
to V/m.
From the SolidWorks Feature Manager tree in the upper left corner of the graphics area, select already
defined Poin1 and Point2 going through the middle of insulator.
Enter 1000 for number of points on the segment.


Select OK

The 2D plot appears.




Generating a study report

The Report utility generates an internet-ready document convenient for reviews by colleagues and supervisors.
To generate a study report:

In the EMS manager tree right-click the Report

and select Define.

The Report dialog box appears.


In the Settings for list box, check the item that you want to include in the report and enter the information
related to that item in the Preview box.

You can include your company's logo on the cover page of your report.

Select the Show report inside SolidWorks check box.

Click OK.

To save the SolidWorks model and the analysis information in the part document:
Click File, Save.
Go back to the main page


Lesson EL6: Analysis of a ZR Vacuum Insulator Stack

Description of the Problem
In this tutorial, we demonstrate the use of the Floating Conductor concept. Generally,a floating conductor has
equipotential values on the surface, yet the potential is unknown. EMS treats the potential surface nodes, edges
and faces as unknown and thus solves for them.

Figure 1. Complete pole assembly.



Figure2. Section cut view of the model .


Lesson EL6: Analysis of a ZR Vacuum Insulator Stack

Figure3. Model dimensions are in inches.

You do not have to reconstruct the model in SolidWorks. Model is ready to use: Browse to <Current User> \
My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ EL6



Creating an Electrostatic Study

To create an Electrostatic study:

Browse to <Current User> \ My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ EL 6 \

Open the 09178300_072909.SLDASM assembly file.


Click the EMS Manager tab

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the 09178300_072909 icon and click Study.
In the PropertyManager, under Name, take the default name or type the name of the study.


Under Analysis Type, click

Keep the Compute capacitance Box Unchecked.


Click OK
if you want to accept the input and exit the Property Manager.
Click Apply if you want to accept the input and remain in the Property Manager to create more
studies. Each time you click Apply a study is created.

EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click Ok and not Apply if only one study is desired.



Lesson EL6: Analysis of a ZR Vacuum Insulator Stack

Assigning materials from the EMS Material Library

To define material properties for the air parts:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Solids folder icon. A right-mouse menu opens.


Select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Air library icon.


Choose Air.


Click OK

A checkmark appears on the Air part icon, indicating that a material has been applied to it.

Show me the Material Tree

To reassign PEEK material properties to specific parts:


In the EMS Manager tree, Click the (+) sign next to the Solids folder.



Hold the Ctrl key down and click the following parts icon in the Solids folder: "
09178302_072909.SLDASM-1", " 09178302_072909.SLDASM-2", "09178302_072909.SLDASM-3
", "09178306_072909.SLDASM-1 " and " bolt for simulation_072909.SLDASM-1 ".


Right-click on the selection. A right-mouse menu opens.


Select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material PM page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select Tutorials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Main Folder to expand its contents.


Choose PEEK.


Click OK



Lesson EL6: Analysis of a ZR Vacuum Insulator Stack

Applying a Grounded Conductor
To apply a grounded conductor to the ground plane:


In the EMS manager tree right-click on the Load/Restraint

Icon and select Fixed Voltage

The Fixed Voltage Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Faces for Voltage box

then select these


. They are the bottom
face of the Vacuum_072909.SLDASM-1 component and the bottom face of the
Type 0 in the Voltage box.

To change the color of the restraint symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color palette
opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box and type a
value. To hide the symbols, un-check Show Preview.


Click OK

EMS applies a voltage on the selected face and creates an icon named Fixed Voltage-1 in the
Load/Restraint folder of the EMS Manager tree.
To edit or delete an existing restraint:


To edit a restraint, right-click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Edit Definition. Make the
desired changes and click OK.





To delete a restraint, right click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Delete.

Lesson EL6: Analysis of a ZR Vacuum Insulator Stack

Applying a Fixed Voltage Conductor

To apply a fixed potential conductor to the ground plane:


In the EMS manager tree right-click on the Load/Restraint

Icon and select Fixed Voltage

The Fixed Voltage Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Faces for Voltage box

then select these


the top face of the Vacuum_072909.SLDASM-1 component and the top face of the
Type -500,000 in the Voltage box.

. They are

To change the color of the restraint symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color palette
opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box and type a
value. To hide the symbols, un-check Show Preview.


Click OK

EMS applies a voltage on the selected face and creates an icon named Fixed Voltage-1 in the
Load/Restraint folder of the EMS Manager tree.
To edit or delete an existing restraint:




To edit a restraint, right-click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Edit Definition. Make
the desired changes and click OK.




To delete a restraint, right click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Delete.

Lesson EL6: Analysis of a ZR Vacuum Insulator Stack

Applying a Floating Conductor

To apply a floating conductor to the part " 009178305_072909.SLDASM-1 "


In the EMS manager tree right-click on the Load/Restraint

Icon and select Floating Conductor

The Floating Conductor Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components or Bodies for Voltage box

Click on the + sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the (+) sign next to the Fabricated parts folder
Select the following component: 009178305_072909.SLDASM-1


Click OK

To edit or delete an existing restraint:


To edit a restraint, right-click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Edit Definition. Make
the desired changes and click OK.


To delete a restraint, right click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Delete.




Applying a Floating Conductor

To apply a floating conductor to the part " 009178304_072909.SLDASM-1 "


In the EMS manager tree right-click on the Load/Restraint

Icon and select Floating Conductor

The Floating Conductor Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components or Bodies for Voltage box

Click on the + sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the (+) sign next to the Fabricated parts folder
Select the following component: 009178304_072909.SLDASM-1


Click OK

To edit or delete an existing restraint:


To edit a restraint, right-click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Edit Definition. Make
the desired changes and click OK.




To delete a restraint, right click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Delete.

Lesson EL6: Analysis of a ZR Vacuum Insulator Stack

Applying a Floating Conductor

To apply a floating conductor to the part " 009178303_072909.SLDASM-1 "


In the EMS manager tree right-click on the Load/Restraint

Icon and select Floating Conductor

The Floating Conductor Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components or Bodies for Voltage box

Click on the + sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the (+) sign next to the Fabricated parts folder
Select the following component: 009178303_072909.SLDASM-1


Click OK

To edit or delete an existing restraint:


To edit a restraint, right-click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Edit Definition. Make
the desired changes and click OK.


To delete a restraint, right click its icon in the EMS Manager tree and select Delete.




Meshing the model and running the analysis
Before creating the mesh, we will apply mesh controls to some parts creating a finer mesh on these parts. Finally,
we mesh the whole assembly using the active settings and the specified controls. To know how to perform each
procedure, click its link from below.

Applying a mesh control.


In the EMS manager tree, right-click on the Mesh

icon and select Apply Mesh Control

The Mesh Control Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components and Solid Bodies box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the five conductors by following parts icon "09178307_072909.SLDASM-1",
"09178305_072909.SLDASM-1", "09178304_072909.SLDASM-1",
"09178303_072909.SLDASM-1" and "09178301_072909.SLDASM-1". It will appear in the
Components and Solid Bodies list.


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK

box and type 0.059 in.

Meshing the entire assembly

To mesh the assembly and run the analysis:


In the EMS manager tree, right-click on the Mesh

icon and select Create Mesh


The Mesh PropertyManager appears suggesting Global Size


Type 0.72140357 inches in the Global Size



Type 29 in the box for average number of mesh elements per diagonal for each solid body
Check Run analysis after meshing box.


Click OK

and Tolerance


box and 0.0007214 in for the Tolerance


Meshing starts and the Mesh Progress window appears. After meshing is completed, EMS automatically
runs the analysis.

The meshing Tolerance

shall be less than the smallest mesh control size in the model. It should
also be less than the smallest edge in the model; otherwise such edge would be collapsed..


Lesson EL6: Analysis of a ZR Vacuum Insulator Stack

Visualization of Results
Visualizing the electrostatic results
The next procedures show you how to visualize the results of electrostatic analysis.

Graphing the electric field on a line segment

Displaying the potential




Graphing the Electric Field on a line segment

Probing results picks only mesh nodes. Graphing results on a line segment is more general because it allows for
picking any 2 points in the model. In addition, the line segment may be discretized to any number of points
between the endpoints of the line.
To graph the Electric field on a line segment:

Right-clicking the Electric Field Folder in the EMS Manager tree and select 2D.


Set Units
to v/m.
From the SolidWorks Feature Manager tree in the upper left corner of the graphics area, select the end
points of the line segment Point11 and Point12.


Enter 1000 for number of points on the segment.


Select OK

The 2D plot appears.



Lesson EL6: Analysis of a ZR Vacuum Insulator Stack

Displaying the Potential

Plots are displayed in a different window from that of the model geometry. You can toggle between the model and
the results window by clicking on the corresponding tab at the lower left corner of the graphics area. To activate
the model geometry window click on the Model tab. To activate the results window click on the Plot Results tab.
To display the Potential profile:


First, Hide all components of the model, than right click the folder name Fabricated Parts and select
Show Components .
Also Show the following component: bolt for simulation_072909.SLDASM-1
In the EMS Manager tree, click the plus sign (+) beside the Potential folder.

Electric Field-1 appears.


Double-click Potential-1 .

The potential plot is displayed in the Plot Results window. The

To manipulate the results plot use the view results toolbar:



To create a new plot:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Potential folder and select 3D.

The Potential Property Manager appears.


In the Display box, do the following:



Set Units
to v/m.
Select Fringe from Plot Type.
Select Line from the Fringe Type

Select OK

To manipulate the plot view, it is important to use the EMS view tool bar and not the SolidWorks view toolbar.


Lesson EL6: Analysis of a ZR Vacuum Insulator Stack

Generating a study report

The Report utility generates an internet-ready document convenient for reviews by colleagues and supervisors.
To generate a study report:

In the EMS manager tree right-click the Report

and select Define.

The Report dialog box appears.


In the Settings for list box, check the item that you want to include in the report and enter the information
related to that item in the Preview box.

You can include your company's logo on the cover page of your report.

Select the Show report inside SolidWorks check box.

Click OK.

To save the SolidWorks model and the analysis information in the part document:
Click File, Save.
Go back to the main page


Lesson MA1: Magnetostatic Force in a Simple Magnetic Circuit

Description of the Problem
In this example we calculate the force exerted on a movable part of the magnetic circuit shown in the figure below.
The part of the magnetic circuit that contains the coil is fixed.

Note the following points:

Both the fixed body and the moving part are made of iron and have a cross section S = 4 cm .

The coil is made of copper and excited by 300A-turns, i.e. N = 300 turns with the current per turn being 1


The air gaps have different widths.

Due to the symmetry we model only half the structure.

All the dimensions of the structure are in cm.

The width of the air gaps are L1 and L2: L1=0.25 cm, L2 = 0.15 cm.



In this lesson, you learn the following:

Assigning material to the various components using EMS Material Editor

Creating a Magnetostatic analysis study
Applying normal flux restraints
Adding a coil to Magnetostatic study
Calculating the virtual work force
Computing the inductance
Applying mesh control and meshing the assembly
Viewing basic results of Magnetostatic analysis
Manipulating the post processing results.
Generating an Html report.

You do not have to reconstruct the model in SolidWorks. Model is ready to use: Browse to <Current User> \
My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ MA1 \ Force on a Magnetic Circuit.SLDASM


Lesson MA1: Magnetostatic Force in a Simple Magnetic Circuit

Creating a Magnetostatic Study

To create a Magnetostatic study:

Browse to <Current User> \ My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ MA1\

Open the Force on a Magnetic Circuit.SLDASM assembly file .


Click the EMS Manager tab

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Force on a Magnetic Circuit icon and click Study.
In the Property Manager, under Name:


Take the default name or type the name of study.

Take the default and the recommended type Direct matrix solver type.

Under Analysis Type, keep the default type which is

Keep the number of Increments to 1.
Check the Compute circuit parameters box.


9. Click OK
if you want to accept the input and exit the PropertyManager.
10. Click Apply if you want to accept the input and remain in the Property Manager to create more
studies. Each time you click Apply a study is created.
EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click Ok and not Apply if only one study is desired.




Adding a new material library

To add a new material library:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Body-1 icon in the Solids folder and select Apply Material to
All Bodies. The Material Property Manager page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select <New Material Library>.


Browse to the location where to save the new library file ( the file extension will be .emsmtr).


Type MyLib for the name. An empty material library with the MyLib is added to the Material Property


Click on Create/Edit Material.


Type MA1 for the folder's name.


Type Mur1400 for the material's name.


Keep the default MKS unit.


Type in 1400 for the Relative Permeability and take the default for the rest of the fields.

10. Click OK

The above commands:

Create a material library called MyLib.emsmtr in the default material libraries location.

Assign the defined Mur1400 to Body-1 component.

A checkmark appears on the Body-1 component indicating that a material has been applied to it.



Lesson MA1: Magnetostatic Force in a Simple Magnetic Circuit

Assigning materials
The material of Body-1 was assigned with the addition of the new material library MyLib.emsmtr defined in the
previous step. The material for the rest of the components are assigned as follows.

To assign material to the movable piece:

Since the Movable piece-1 has the same material as Body-1, just drag-and-drop the material of the later to the
former. A checkmark appears on the Movable piece-1 component indicating that a material has been applied to it.
To assign material to the coil :


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Coil_T-1 icon in the Solids folder and select Apply Material to
All Bodies. The Material Property Manager page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Conductor material folder to expand its contents.


Choose Copper.


Click OK

To assign material to the air parts :

Just follow the above steps after holding down the Control Key and selecting Air-1, Air Gap 1-1, and Air Gap 2-1.



Adding a coil
To add a coil to a Magnetostatic study:


In the EMS manger tree right-click on the Coils

icon and select Wound Coil
Keep default Coil Type as a Current driven coil
Keep the default General properties values

4. Click inside the Components or Bodies for Coils box

5. Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
6. Click on the Coil-1 icon. It will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.

Click inside the Faces for Entry Port box


Click inside the Faces for Exit Port box

then select the entry port face.

then select the exit port face.


Type 300 in the Turns box


Keep the default value of 1 the Current per Turn field


Click OK

. The units in Amp-Turns.




The arrow symbols for the Entry and Exit ports point into and out of the ports respectively.
To change the color of the Entry and Exit ports symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color
palette opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box
and type a value.
To hide or show the symbols, right click on the coil icon and choose the desired command.
To edit the coil properties, right-click the coil icon, select Edit Definition, make the desired changes and
click OK.
To remove a coil, right-click on it and select delete.

Lesson MA1: Magnetostatic Force in a Simple Magnetic Circuit

Defining a force set

EMS automatically computes the nodal force distribution without any user input. However, for a rigid body force
calculation the user must decide before hand, which parts constitute the rigid body on which the force or torque
shall be calculated. The following steps highlight the procedure for choosing a force that must be followed before
running the study.
To define a force set:


In the EMS manager tree right-click the Force/Torques

Forces/Torques Property Manager appears.

folder and select Virtual Work

. The


Click inside the Components and Bodies for Forces/Torques box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on Moveable piece-1 icon. It will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.


Click OK

In this case, the moving part has only one component. In general, it can be made of many components that
are connected and constitute a rigid body.




Meshing the assembly

Meshing depends on the active meshing options.
To apply the mesh control:


In the EMS manager tree, right-click the Mesh

icon and select Apply Control

The Mesh Control PropertyManager appears.


Click inside the Components and Solid Bodies box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphical area to open the components tree.
Click on the Air Gap 1, and Air Gap 2 icons. They will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK

box and type 0.5mm.

To mesh the model:


In the EMS manger tree right-click on the Mesh

icon and select Create Mesh

The Mesh Property Manager appears suggesting Global Size


Type 30.0mmin the Global Size


Click OK

and Tolerance

box and 0.1mm in the Tolerance



The meshing Tolerance

shall be less than the smallest mesh control size in the model. It should also be
less than the smallest edge in the model; otherwise such edge would be collapsed.


Lesson MA1: Magnetostatic Force in a Simple Magnetic Circuit

Running the study

You are now ready to run the study.
To run the study:
In the EMS Manager tree, right-click Study1 icon and select Run.

You can edit or delete the study by choosing Delete or Properties from the right-click menu.
When the analysis is done, the program creates five folders in the EMS manager tree. These folders are:
Report, Magnetic Flux density, Magnetic Field intensity, Current density, and Force Distribution.
These folders are used in post processing.
You can define as many studies as desired. To create another study, follow the same procedure described
in this lesson.




Visualization of Results
Viewing the 3D magnetic flux density
Plots are displayed in a different window from the model geometry. You can toggle between the model and the
results window by clicking on the corresponding tab at the lower left corner of the graphics area. To activate the
model geometry window click on the Model tab. To activate the results window click on the Plot Results tab.
It is a good habit to first view the magnetic flux density in the model, including the outer air. This action gives an
indication whether the outer air boundary is far enough.
To view a 3D Magnetic flux density profile:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Magnetic Flux Density folder and select 3D.

The Magnetic Flux Density Property Manager appears.


In the Display box, do the following:

a. Select Br from the magnetic flux density component . Directions are based on the global
coordinate system.
o Bx: Magnetic Flux Density in the X direction
o By: Magnetic Flux Density in the Y direction
o Bz: Magnetic Flux Density in the Z direction
o Br: Resultant Magnetic Flux Density



Set Units
to Tesla.
Select Fringe from Plot Type.
Select Continuous from Fringe Options.

Select OK
In EMS Manager Tree right click on the plot just created and select chart options from the menu.
Make sure Show Min/Max range on shown parts only is not checked.
To get the view bellow, right click inside the plot window and select Front View menu item.

Lesson MA1: Magnetostatic Force in a Simple Magnetic Circuit

By examining the plot it is clear the magnetic flux density is very small on the outer air boundary. Thus, the air box
is large enough. Had it been otherwise, it would have required an enlargement of the air box surrounding the
magnetic circuit.

To manipulate the plot view, it is important to use the EMS view tool bar and not the SolidWorks view toolbar.



Line contouring of the magnetic field

Plots are displayed in a different window from the model geometry. You can toggle between the model and the
results window by clicking on the corresponding tab at the lower left corner of the graphics area. To activate the
model geometry window click on the Model tab. To activate the results window click on the Plot Results tab.
To view a 3D Magnetic flux density profile:


Hide the Air and Coil components.

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Magnetic Flux Density folder and select 3D.

The Magnetic Flux Density Property Manager appears.


In the Display box, do the following:

a. Select Br from the magnetic flux density component . Directions are based on the global
coordinate system.
o Bx: Magnetic Flux Density in the X direction
o By: Magnetic Flux Density in the Y direction
o Bz: Magnetic Flux Density in the Z direction
o Br: Resultant Magnetic Flux Density


Set Units
to Gauss
Select Fringe from Plot Type.
Select Lines from Fringe Options.
Type in 50 for the number of lines to generate.

Select OK

To Section clip the above lines plot:


Right-click on the Magnetic Flux plot you just created above.

Select Section Clipping.

The Section Property Manager opens and the dialogues for Section 1.



In the Distance box type 0.13.

In the X-Orientation box type 0.
In the Y-Orientation box type 0.
In the Options box, do the following:
Check Plot on Section Only.
Check Show contour on the uncut portion
Move the Lines Density slider bar to the right.


Click OK

Lesson MA1: Magnetostatic Force in a Simple Magnetic Circuit

To manipulate the plot view, it is important to use the EMS view tool bar and not the SolidWorks view toolbar.



Viewing the force results table

To view the rigid force on the moveable piece:

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on Report folder.

Select Results Table.


To print the results, click Print.

To export the results, click Export.

Remember that, because of symmetry, only half of the problem is modeled. The plane of symmetry is
orthogonal to the Z-axis. Thus, Fx and Fy components have to be multiplied by a factor of 2 and the Fz component
cancels out. Since Fy is very small compared to Fx, the resultant force is purely in the X direction with a
magnitude = 2 x 1.508= 3.016



Lesson MA1: Magnetostatic Force in a Simple Magnetic Circuit

Verifying the force results

The EMS results are close to the analytical results reported in the reference below.

Analytical Solution
Force in N



Reference: Electromagnetics and calculation of fields, by Nathan Ida and Joao P. A. Bastos, 2nd Edition, page
183-184. Publisher: Springer-Verlag;

ISBN 0-387-94877-5.




Generating a study report

The Report utility generates an internet-ready document convenient for reviews by colleagues and supervisors.
To generate a study report:

In the EMS manager tree right-click Report

and select Define.

The Report dialog box appears.


In the Settings for list box, check the item that you want to include in the report and enter the information
related to that item in the Preview box.

You can include your company's logo on the cover page of your report.
3. Select the Show report inside SolidWorks check box.
4. Click OK.
To save the SolidWorks model and the analysis information in the part document:
Click File, Save.
Go back to the main page


Lesson MA2: Nonlinear Magnetostatic Example

Description of the problem
In the solenoid shown below the center pole and yoke are made of steel. The coil is made of copper and is excited
by a DC current of 3000 A-turns, i.e. N = 3000 turns and the current per turn is 1 A, which is sufficient to saturate
the steel. Therefore, this problem must be solved by the nonlinear Magnetostatic analysis. Again, to take
advantage of the symmetry, only half of the problem is modeled.

This problem is known as TEAM Workshop problem #20. It was proposed by Nakata et al [1]. First results and
measured data are listed in [2]. More measured results were presented in the TEAM-Workshop [3]. In the results
section, a comparison with the measured results will be given.

The following figure shows the model dimensions in mm.



In this lesson, you learn the following:

Creating a nonlinear Magnetostatic analysis study

Creating a B-H curve using the Function Curves feature.
Assigning the B-H curve to the steel parts.
Applying normal flux restraints
Adding a coil to Magnetostatic study
Calculating the virtual work force
Applying mesh control and meshing the assembly
Viewing basic results of Magnetostatic analysis
Manipulating the post processing results.

You do not have to reconstruct the model in SolidWorks. Model is ready to use: Browse to <Current User> \
My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ MA2 \ Half_TEAM20.SLDASM

Lesson MA2: Nonlinear Magnetostatic Example

Creating a Magnetostatic study

To create a Magnetostatic study:

Browse to <Current User> \ My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ MA2 \

Open the Half_TEAM20.SLDASM file.


Click the EMS Manager tab

Click New Study
on the EMS toolbar
In the Property Manager, under Name:


Take the default name or type the name of study.

Take the default and the recommended type Direct matrix solver type.

Under Analysis Type, keep the default type which is

Keep the default value of 1 for the number of Increments.
Keep the Compute circuit parameters box unchecked.

9. Click OK
if you want to accept the input and exit the PropertyManager.
10. Click Apply if you want to accept the input and remain in the PropertyManager to create more
studies. Each time you click Apply a study is created.
EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click Ok and not Apply if only one study is desired.




Meshing the assembly

The air region is split into two separate parts: an inner air and an outer air. This strategy is actually recommended
for most problems because it allows you to mesh densely around the inner air regions, where the field is
significant, and mesh coarsely in the outer air regions, where the field is usually small and decaying. Thus
capturing the field variation in the relevant areas without requiring a very large number of mesh elements.
To apply the mesh control:


In the EMS manager tree, right-click the Mesh

icon and select Apply Control

The Mesh Control PropertyManager appears.


Click inside the Components and Solid Bodies box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphical area to open the components tree.
Click on the Coil_T, and Yoke_T icons. They will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK
Repeat steps 1-6 for Center_pole-1 where the control size shall be 1mm.

box and type 4.0mm.

To mesh the model:


In the EMS manager tree, right-click the Mesh

icon and select Create Mesh

The Mesh PropertyManager appears suggesting Global Size


Type 50.0mm in the Global Size


Click OK

and Tolerance

box and 0.1mm in the Tolerance



The meshing Tolerance

shall be less than the smallest mesh control size in the model. It should also be
less than the smallest edge in the model; otherwise such edge would be collapsed.


Lesson MA2: Nonlinear Magnetostatic Example

Adding a B-H function curve

The Yoke and Center Pole are made of steel having the following B-H data:
H in A/m

B in Tesla

The above data is saved in a file called Typical Steel.dat residing in the MA2 folder.
Before assigning this nonlinear material to any component, a function curve must be added.
To define a function curve in a new curves library:




Click Function Curves

on the EMS toolbar

The Function Curves Property Manager appears.


In the Curve Library box, right-click B-H Curve and select Create Curve to define a B-H curve.
In the Name box, type Typical Steel.
Click on the Import button and browse for the Typical Steel.dat file. You will find it inside the MA2 folder
Click Save to save the curve to a curves library which has an .emscur extension.
Type the name of the function curve (e.g. MyFunctionCurves.emscur).
Click OK.

To add a function curve to an existing curves library:


Click Function Curves

on the EMS toolbar

The Function Curves Property Manager appears.



Click Open and open an existing .emscur curves library .

In the Curve Library box, right-click B-H Curve and select Create Curve to define a B-H curve.
In the Name box, type Typical Steel.
Click on the Import button and browse for the Typical Steel.dat file.
Click Save to save the curve to the open curves library.
Click OK.

Lesson MA2: Nonlinear Magnetostatic Example

Assigning materials
To assign material to the Yoke_T component :


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Yoke_T-1 icon in the Solids folder and select Apply Material to
All Bodies. The Material Property Manager page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select Tutorials.


Click on the Main folder menu item


Click on Create/Edit Material. The new material Property Manager page opens.


Type MA2-Steel for the material name and keep the MKS unit.


Under the Relative Permeability, select Non Linear Isotropic.


Click on

an browse for a curve database

The function curves PropertyManager opens.


Click Open to access the .emscur curves library defined in Adding a B-H function curve section .


Click the (+) sign next to B-H Curve under Curve Library box.

10. Select the Typical Steel curve.

11. click OK

Since the Center_pole-1 is made of the same steel as the Yoke_T-1 , just drag-and-drop the material of the Yoke
to the pole.

To assign material to the coil :


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Coil-T icon in the Solids folder and select Apply Material to All
Bodies. The Material dialog box opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Conductor material folder to expand its contents.


Choose Copper.


Click OK

To assign material to the air regions : just follow the above steps and select Air and Apply Air




Adding a coil
To add a coil to this study:


Click EMS Coils

then select Wound Coil

on the EMS toolbar.

2. Click inside the Components or Bodies for Coils box

3. Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
4. Click on the Coil_T-1 icon. It will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.

Click inside the Faces for Entry Port box


Click inside the Faces for Exit Port box

then select the Entry Port face.

then select the Exit Port face.


Type 3000 in the Turns box


Keep the default value of 1 the Current per Turn field


Click OK

. The units in Amp-Turns.


The arrow symbols for the Entry and Exit ports point into and out of the ports respectively.
To change the color of the Entry and Exit ports symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color
palette opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box
and type a value.
To hide or show the symbols, right click on the coil icon and choose the desired command.
To edit the coil properties, right-click the coil icon, select Edit Definition, make the desired

changes and click OK.



To remove a coil, right-click on it and select delete.

Lesson MA2: Nonlinear Magnetostatic Example

Computing the force on the central pole

EMS automatically computes the nodal force distribution without any user input. However, for a rigid body force
calculation the user must decide before hand which parts that constitute the rigid body on which the force/torque
shall be calculated. The following steps highlight the procedure for choosing a force that must be followed before
running the study.
To define a force set:


In the EMS manager tree right-click the Force/Torques

folder and select Virtual Work

The Forces/Torques PropertyManager appears.


Click inside the Components and Bodies for Forces/Torques box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on Center_pole-1 icon. It will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.


Click OK

In this case, the moving part has only one component. In general, it can be made of many components that
are connected and constitute a rigid body.




Running the study

You are now ready to run the study.
To run the study:
Click Run Study

on the toolbar.




You can edit or delete the study by choosing Delete or Properties from the right-menu.
When the analysis is done, the program creates five folders in the EMS manager tree. These folders are:
Report, Magnetic Flux density, Magnetic Field intensity, Current density, and Force
Distribution. These folders are used in post processing.
You can define as many studies as desired. To create another study, follow the same procedure described
in this lesson or copy the study and paste under a different name, then make the necessary changes.

Lesson MA2: Nonlinear Magnetostatic Example

Visualization of Results
Verifying the flux density results
Among the benchmark results required by TEAM 20 is the average magnetic flux density along the Z-axis (Bz) in
the middle of the center pole [1]. The measured data is reported in [3].
To graph the magnetic flux density on the line segment A-B

Insert two points using the SolidWorks command: Insert->Reference Geometry->Point.


Right-clicking the Magnetic Flux Density folder in the EMS Manager tree and select 2D.
Select Bz from the magnetic flux density component . Directions are based on the global coordinate
o Bx: Magnetic Flux Density in the X direction
o By: Magnetic Flux Density in the Y direction
o Bz: Magnetic Flux Density in the Z direction
o Br: Resultant Magnetic Flux Density


Set Units
to Tesla.
From the SolidWorks Feature Manager tree in the upper left corner of the graphics area, select the end
points of the line segment A and B.
Type 100 for the number of points on the segment.


Select OK

The 2D plot appears. Click on the Listing tab



The measured data in [3] gives the average Bz. In order to obtain the average of the above results:


While the listing window is open, click on Edit-Copy and save the data to an Excel file (.xls).
Open the file in Excel and take the average value of Bz. It is found to be equal to -1.71.
Compared to the measured value reported in [2] (-1.75), it is close.

Lesson MA2: Nonlinear Magnetostatic Example

Verifying the force results

To view the rigid force on the moveable piece:

Double-click Result Table

on EMS manager tree.


To print the results, click Print.

To export the results, click Export.

Remember that because of symmetry, only half of the problem is modeled. The plane of symmetry is
orthogonal to the X-axis. Thus, Fy and Fz components have to be multiplied by a factor of 2 and the Fx
component cancels out because of symmetry. Since Fy is very small compared to Fz, the resultant force is purely
in the Z direction with a magnitude = 2 x 26.18= 52.36 N.

Comparing the obtained force of 52.36 N to the measured force of 54.3 N [3], the results are within an acceptable
[1] T. Nakata, N. Takahashi, and H. Morishige, "Proposal of a model for verification of software for 3-d static force
calculation," in Verification of Software for 3-D Electromagnetic Field Analysis (Z. Cheng, K. Jiang, and N.
Takahashi eds.), pp. 139-147, 1992.
[2] T. Nakata, N. Takahashi, H. Morishige, J. L. Coulomb, and J. C. Sabonnadiere, "Analysis of 3-d static force
problem," in Proceedings of TEAM Workshop on Computation of Applied Electromagnetics in Materials, pp. 7379, 1993.
[3] T. Nakata, N. Takahashi, M. Nakano, H. Morishige, and K. Masubara, "Improvement of measurement of 3-d
static force problem (problem 20)," in Proceedings of TEAM Workshop , Miami, November 1993.



Generating a study report

The Report utility generates an internet-ready document convenient for reviews by colleagues and supervisors.
To generate a study report:

In the EMS manager tree right-click Report

and select Define.

The Report dialog box appears.


In the Settings for list box, check the item that you want to include in the report and enter the information
related to that item in the Preview box.

You can include your company's logo on the cover page of your report.
3. Select the Show report inside SolidWorks check box.
4. Click OK.
To save the SolidWorks model and the analysis information in the part document:
Click File, Save.
Go back to the main page


Lesson MA3: Torque Calculation of Axial Coupling Between Two

Permanent Magnets
Description of the problem
The figure below depicts two permanent magnets that are labeled upper and lower in accordance to their relative
positions. The two magnets have exactly the same dimension and each one of them is divided into 8 sectors. Each
sector has a North and South pole. The upper magnet has its bottom surface in the plane defined by z = h, and its
top surface in the plane defined by z = h + t. The lower magnet has its top face at z = 0 and its bottom face z = - t.
The relative angular displacement of the two magnets is the angle q. The condition = 0 is met when the poles of
opposite polarity on the two surfaces that directly face one another are completely aligned. The computation was
performed at an angular position = 10 degrees.

It is assumed that the coercivity is constant throughout the magnets. However, the direction vector of coercivity
has an alternating polarity between adjacent poles. The coercivity is defined as Hc = 275300 A/m, and the
Remanence, as Br = 0.345952 T.

In this lesson, you learn how to work with permanent magnets.



You do not have to reconstruct the model in SolidWorks. Model is ready to use: Browse to <Current User> \
My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ MA3 \ Axial_Coupling.SLDASM


Lesson MA3: Torque Calculation of Axial Coupling Between Two Permanent Magnets

Creating a new study

To create a Magnetostatic study:

Browse to <Current User> \ My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ MA3 \

Open the Axial_Coupling.SLDASM assembly file .


Click the EMS Manager tab

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Axial_Coupling icon and click Study.
In the Property Manager, under Name:


Take the default name or type the name of study.

Take the default and the recommended type Direct matrix solver type.

Under Analysis Type, keep the default type which is

Keep the number of Increments to 1.
Keep Compute circuit parameters unchecked..


9. Click OK
if you want to accept the input and exit the Property Manager.
10. Click Apply if you want to accept the input and remain in the Property Manager to create more
studies. Each time you click Apply a study is created.
EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click Ok and not Apply if only one study is desired.




Mesh control and meshing

To apply the mesh control:

Click EMS Mesh

and select Apply Control

on the EMS toolbar

The Mesh Control Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components and Solid Bodies box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on all the components icons, except the air. They will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK

box and type 3.0mm.

To mesh the model:


Click EMS Mesh

and select Mesh

on the EMS toolbar.

The Mesh Property Manager appears suggesting Global Size


Type 50.0mmin the Global Size


Click OK

and Tolerance

box and 0.25mm in the Tolerance



The meshing Tolerance

shall be less than the smallest mesh control size in the model. It should also be
less than the smallest edge in the model; otherwise such edge would be collapsed.


Lesson MA3: Torque Calculation of Axial Coupling Between Two Permanent Magnets

Creating a Permanent Magnet

To create a permanent magnet material:

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the root (Axial_Coupling).


Choose Material Browser. The Material page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select Tutorials.


Click on Create/Edit Material.


Keep the name Main Folder for the a folder's name.


Type PM1 for the material's name.


Choose the MKS units.


Take the default values for material properties.


Scroll down to the Magnetization box and select Permanent Magnetization for the pull-down menu.

10. Type the value of 275300 for the Coercivity and 0.345952 for the Remanence.
11. Click OK

To assign the permanent magnet material:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on all the components icons, except the air and select Apply
Material to All Bodies. The Material dialog box opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select Tutorials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Main Folder to expand its contents.


Choose PM1 created above.


Click OK

To fix the easy direction of the permanent magnet relative to a coordinate system:


Right-click on the Body-1 under the Sector-1 component and select Coercivity Direction . The click is on
the body and not on the component.
Take the default global coordinate system.
If you selected a local coordinate system, click inside the Local Coordinate System box, and choose an
existing local coordinate system. If such local system is not defined yet, exit the Direction of Coercivity
dialogue altogether and define a local coordinate system by using Insert->Reference Geometry->
Coordinate System and then repeat steps 1-3.
In the Direction Type box take the default, i.e. Cartesian.
In the Direction box, click on the Along Z-Axis direction and on the Reverse Direction. This command will
orient the magnetization in the -Z direction.






Click OK
Repeat steps 1-6 to all permanent magnet sectors but alternate the magnetization between +Z and -Z for
neighboring magnets.

Lesson MA3: Torque Calculation of Axial Coupling Between Two Permanent Magnets

Computing the torque of the upper magnet

The upper magnet is made up of 8 components. All of them must be included in the torque set because they all
together constitute a rigid body.
To compute the torque on the upper magnet


In the EMS manager tree right-click the Force/Torques

folder and select Virtual Work

The Forces/Torques Property Manager appears.



Click inside the Components and Bodies for Forces/Torques box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on Sector-1 to Sector-8 icons. The 8 components will appear in the Components and Solid
Bodies list.
Take the default Torque Center, i.e. at the origin.


Click OK
Than run the study to view results.


In this case, the rigid moving body, i.e. the upper magnet, has 8 components. It is very important to include all
of them in the torque set; otherwise the results will be wrong.




Visualization of Results
Verifying the torque results
To view the torque on the upper magnet:

In the EMS manager tree, double-click Results Table

Click on the Torque tab.


To print the results, click Print.

To export the results, click Export.

on toolbar.

Comparing the obtained z-component of the torque Tz -0.321 N.m to the analytical results of -0.35N.m [1], it is
clearly close.
[1] .E. P. Furlani, "Formulas for the force and torque of axial couplings," in IEEE Transactions on
magnetics, Vol.29, No.5, pp. 2295-2301, 1993.


Lesson MA3: Torque Calculation of Axial Coupling Between Two Permanent Magnets

Generating a study report

The Report utility generates an internet-ready document convenient for reviews by colleagues and supervisors.
To generate a study report:

In the EMS manager tree right-click Report

and select Define.

The Report dialog box appears.


In the Settings for list box, check the item that you want to include in the report and enter the information
related to that item in the Preview box.

You can include your company's logo on the cover page of your report.
3. Select the Show report inside SolidWorks check box.
4. Click OK.
To save the SolidWorks model and the analysis information in the part document:
Click File, Save.
Go back to the main page


Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC

About Brushless DC Motors
In a typical DC motor, there are permanent magnets on the outside and a spinning armature on the inside. The
permanent magnets are stationary, so they are called the stator. The armature rotates, so it is called
the rotor. The armature contains an electromagnet. When you run electricity into this electromagnet, it creates a
magnetic field in the armature that attracts and repels the magnets in the stator. So the armature spins through 180
degrees. To keep it spinning, you have to change the poles of the electromagnet. The brushes handle this change
in polarity. They make contact with two spinning electrodes attached to the armature and flip the magnetic polarity
of the electromagnet as it spins.
This setup works and is simple and cheap to manufacture, but it has a lot of problems:

The brushes eventually wear out.

Because the brushes are making/breaking connections, you get sparking and electrical noise.
The brushes limit the maximum speed of the motor.
Having the electromagnet in the center of the motor makes it harder to cool.
The use of brushes puts a limit on how many poles the armature can have.

With the advent of chip technology and power transistors, it became possible to "turn the motor inside out" and
eliminate the brushes. In a brushless DC motor (BLDC), you put the permanent magnets on the rotor and you
move the electromagnets to the stator. Then you use a computer (connected to high-power transistors) to charge
up the electromagnets as the shaft turns. This system has all sorts of advantages:

Because a computer controls the motor instead of mechanical brushes, it's more precise. The computer

There is no sparking and much less electrical noise.

can also factor the speed of the motor into the equation. This makes brushless motors more efficient.
There are no brushes to wear out.
With the electromagnets on the stator, they are very easy to cool.
You can have a lot of electromagnets on the stator for more precise control.

The only disadvantage of a brushless motor is its higher initial cost, but you can often recover that cost through the
greater efficiency over the life of the motor.





Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor

Description of the Problem

A brushless permanent magnet DC motor is shown below:

To examine the dimensions, materials, or other details about the model, open the SolidWorks assembly provided
with the distribution of the software: Browse to <Current User> \ My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS
Examples\ MT1\ BDCM.SLDASM



Motion Related Issues

The process of coupling an EMS study to SolidWorks Motion is straightforward and requires only a check mark
when creating an EMS study. However, there are several issues pertaining to motion that must be understood and
respected to obtain correct results, namely:

SolidWorks Premium is required in order to couple EMS to SolidWorks Motion.

Before creating an EMS study in SolidWorks, create a band component that completely encloses the
moving parts, and only contacts stationary bodies.

Select Motion Analysis at the top of the MotionManager, located below the FeatureManager design tree.

Apply the mass and inertia properties of the moving parts in the SolidWorks FeatureManager design tree
and not in the EMS FeatureManager. Needed only for Force-based motion.

Distinguish between Motor-based and Force-based motion.

Pre-select the force/torque sets in the EMS FeatureManager, the usual way, i.e. just like in the nonmotion analysis.

Assure that the moving parts are floating, i.e. not fixed, in SolidWorks, so they can move.

Group the moving parts in sub-assemblies or apply the necessary mates, e.g. lock, so they constitute
rigid bodies and hence move together.

Make sure to have no redundancy mates in the MotionManager. Otherwise, the motion results cannot be

Make sure that the model remains interference free as the parts move to various positions during the
motion simulation.

Make sure that the moving objects remain inside the band, especially in the case of a translational motion.

To activate SolidWorks Motion:


You must have SolidWorks Premium.

Select Tools, then click on Add-ins.

Choose the checkbox to the left of SolidWorks Motion.

You can also select the checkbox to the right if you want Motion to be active once SolidWorks starts.

Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor

What is a Band?
A Band is a region that encapsules completely the moving components, e.g. the rotor, the shaft, and the
permanent magnets in a permanent magnet brushless DC motor, and can not intersect any fixed
component. EMS supports both rotational and translational motions. Rotary motion is cyclic, thus the Band is
typically a cylinder that fills the air gap and encloses all rotating components. An example of a band for a
brushless DC motor is shown below:



The cross section of a brushless permanent magnet DC motor is shown. The yellow part is the Band. It encloses
the moving parts from all sides. It also includes the air gap and touches the stator.
In case of a translational motion, the Band must occupy the entire range of the motion, i.e. from minimum to
maximum. Thus, it tends to occupy a much larger volume compared to rotational motion. An example of band for
a linear reluctance motor is shown below:


Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor

It is the user's responsibility to make sure that the moving object remains inside the band. If the moving part,
e.g. the plunger is the above example, goes beyond the band, the results will be wrong.

Motor-based versus Force-based motion studies

It is important to distinguish between Motor and Force-based motion studies. SolidWorks Motion help includes a
complete explanation of both type of studies. A brief discussion about these types of motion is given below:
Motor-based motion
A Motor-based motion can be considered a "driven motion" as if it were applied by a motor without consideration of
mass or inertia. In this case, the cause and/or driving force of the motion is not important. A typical example for
this type of motion is a constant speed DC rotational motor with known speed. It is true that there are magnetic
forces and torques due to permanent magnets and/or windings. However, in Motor based situation, these forces
are not directly related to the motion. At each time step, thus at each position, EMS solves the electromagnetic
problem and computes the requested lumped quantities such as force, torque, inductance, impedance, back emf,
Force-based motion
A Forcer-based motion can be considered a "driving motion" where mass or inertia are taken into consideration. In
this case, The cause causing and/or driving force the motion must be taken into account. A typical example for this
type of motion is a generator. The applied external load, i.e. force or torque, is combined with the internal
magnetic forces and torques due to permanent magnets and/or windings to drive the motion. Hence, the kinematic
quantities such as the position, speed, and acceleration are not known a priori. At each time step, thus at each
position, EMS interacts with SolidWorks Motion to obtain the external load, combines it with the magnetic force and
torque, and then feeds back to SolidWorks Motion to solve the kinematics problem. Since EMS computes the
forces and torques to combine them with the external mechanical loads to drive the motion, it is important to
specify in EMS the force set on the moving rigid body ensemble before solving.



Consequently, for Force-based motion EMS yields not only the usual electromagnetic quantities such as force,
torque, impedance, back emf, but also the kinematics results such as speed and acceleration. This can be of great
use for calculating values such as cogging torque for motors, or motion of solenoids from rest.


Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor

Creating a Motion Study

Creating a New Motion Study
You can create the first motion study for an assembly by clicking the Motion Study tab to the right of the Model tab
toward the lower portion of the graphics area.

To start a new motion study for an assembly, open the assembly and do one of the following:

Right-click the Motion Study tab and click Create New Motion Study.

Click New Motion Study

(Assembly toolbar).

The new motion study appears with the MotionManager tree defined by components of the FeatureManager
design tree.
Selecting a Motion Type
The available motion studies types are:

Basic Motion
Motion Analysis

You can select the type of motion study from the Type of Study list at the top of the MotionManager, located
below the FeatureManager design tree. However, to couple your motion study to EMS Motion, you can only
choose Motion Analysis.



Pay attention to (0 Redundancies) . This must be respected in all motion studies.



Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor

Preparing the Motion study in the MotionManager

EMS Motion uses SolidWorks Motion. Hence, all the steps pertaining to the preparation and the setting of the
motion study are taken at the level of the SolidWorks MotionManager, as outlined below:

Eliminate all redundant mates, i.e. Mates (0 Redundancies)


Create a Motor-based or Force-based motion to drive the motion. Brushless Permanent Magnet DC
Motors (BPMDM) usually have a known constant speed. The designer of such machine is generally
concerned about the back emf and the output torque at each rotor position. Therefore, it is suitable to
drive the motion study with a Motor-based type. To create a Motor-based motion:

Click Motor
(MotionManager toolbar).
Under Motor Type, check Rotary Motor
Under Component/Direction, click inside the Motor Location dialogue box. Go to the graphic area and
click on the planar face of the rotor, as shown:



Upon this operation, the Motor Location and Motor Direction are automatically filled. You can always reverse
the sense of the motion by toggling Reverse Direction.

Under Motion, keep the default Constant Speed.

Type 25 RPM for Speed.


Fix the frames per second where the time increment = 1/frames per second.


Click Motion Study Properties (MotionManager toolbar).

Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor

Under Motion Analysis, type 10 in the Frames per second text area, i.e. time step = 1/10 = 0.1 sec.
Take the default for the rest of the dialogues in the Motion Study Properties,

In Timeline Area, specify the overall motion duration. In this case, drag the Key Properties to 2.4 sec.


The EMS Motion analysis is time consuming. Therefore, it is a good habit to validate the Motion setup
and make sure it produces the desired motion before moving to the EMS setup and analysis:



Next to Motion Analysis, click on the Calculate button. Watch the movement of the rotor. Does it
produce the correct motion? if yes, move the EMSManager. Otherwise, examine the motion items
such as the mates, the motor, the time, etc and then click on the Calculate button.
Once the desired motion is achieved, move to the EMS Manager. Right click the root of the
EMSManager, and define an EMS study the usual way.

Notice that the rotor, shaft, and the permanent magnets move together without applying any fixed mates
between them because they are grouped under one same sub-assembly. It is a good habit to do so.


Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor

Creating a Motion Study in the EMS Manager

Once the desired motion is achieved, move from MotionManager to the EMS Manager.

Click the EMS Manager tab

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the BDCM icon and click Study.
In the Property Manager, under Name:


Take the default name or type the name of study.

Take the default and the recommended type Direct matrix solver type.

Under Analysis Type, keep the default type which is

Keep the number of Increments to 1.
Check the Compute circuit parameters box.
Check the Motion Analysis and select Motion Study 1.


10. Click OK
if you want to accept the input and exit the PropertyManager.
11. Click Apply if you want to accept the input and remain in the Property Manager to create more
studies. Each time you click Apply a study is created.



EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click Ok and not Apply if only one study is desired.



Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor

Assigning materials
To assign material to the coils :


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Coil1-1 to Coil1-7 (6 coils) icons in the Solids folder and
select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material Property Manager page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Conductor material folder to expand its contents.


Choose Copper.


Click OK

To assign material to the air parts :

Just follow the above steps after holding down the Control Key and selecting air1-1, Outer air-1, and Band-1 and
apply the air material.
To assign material to the rotor, shaft, and stator:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Assem1-1/Rotor1-1, Assem1-1/Rotor1-2, Assem1-1/shaft-1,

Stator-1, and Stator-3 icons in the Solids folder and select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material
Property Manager page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the ferromagnetic folder to expand its contents.


Choose Mild Steel.


Click OK

To assign material to the permanent magnets:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Assem1-1/Permanent Magnet1-1, Assem1-1/Permanent

Magnet1-2, Assem1-1/Permanent Magnet2-1, Assem1-1/Permanent Magnet2-2 icons in the Solids
folder and select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material Property Manager page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Permanent Magnets folder to expand its contents.



Under NdFeB, Choose N4212.


Click OK

To fix the easy direction of the permanent magnet relative to a coordinate system:


Right-click on the Body-1 under the Assem1-1/Permanent Magnet1-1 component and select Coercivity
Direction . The click is on the body and not on the component.
Take the default global coordinate system.
If you selected a local coordinate system, click inside the Local Coordinate System box, and choose an
existing local coordinate system. If such local system is not defined yet, exit the Direction of Coercivity
dialogue altogether and define a local coordinate system by using Insert->Reference Geometry->
Coordinate System and then repeat steps 1-3.
In the Direction Type box choose Cylindrical.
In the Direction box, click on the Along rho direction. This command will orient the magnetization in the rho

6. Click OK
7. Repeat steps 1-6 to all permanent magnet sectors but alternate the magnetization between +rho and -rho for
neighboring magnets.


Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor

Adding coils
It is important to realize that the exciting coils in this example makes a closed loop. Therefore, it is multiplyconnected. Since the problem is asymmetric, the entire coils have to be included in the model. The current density
must flow orthogonal to the entry port. To make such a port accessible for picking, each coil is split into two
bodies. In addition, the entry and exit ports are the same. Thus, only the entry port must be specified.

To add a coil to the study:


Click EMS Coils

and select Wound Coil
on the EMS toolbar.
From Coil Type group select Current Driven Coil option.
From General Properties group enter 19 as the AWG value, or 0.91168568mm as coil wire diameter and
1 as a fraction ratio of the coil with respect to the actual coil.

4. Click inside the Components or Bodies for Coils box

5. Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
6. Click on the Coil1-1 icon. It will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.
7. Hide Split-1 so you can have access to an inner face where to apply an Entry Port condition.

Click inside the Faces for Entry Port box


Check Same as Entry Port under the Faces for Exit Port box.

10. Type 200 in the Turns box

then select the Entry Port face

11. Type 1 for the magnitude of the Current per Turn

12. Click OK

Repeat steps1-12 for the other 6 coils. Make sure to choose the same sense for the current in all the coils.






The arrow symbols for the Entry and Exit ports point into and out of the ports respectively.
To change the color of the Entry and Exit ports symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color
palette opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box
and type a value.
To hide or show the symbols, right click on the coil icon and choose the desired command.
To edit the coil properties, right-click the coil icon, select Edit Definition, make the desired changes and
click OK.
To remove a coil, right-click on it and select delete.

Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor

Defining a force/torque set

It is true that in the MotionManager we applied a Motor-based motion on the rotor. Since the rotor belongs to the
same sub-assembly as the shaft and the permanent magnets, they form one same rigid body and thus rotate
together. However, EMS has no way to know, a priori, which parts are meant to move, rotate in this case, until
they actually start moving, i.e. after at least one time step. Consequently, just like the case of non-motion
situations, we still need to specify the force/torque set on which the force/torque must be computed.
To define a force set:


In the EMS manager tree right-click the Forces/Torques

Forces/Torques property manager page appears.


Click inside the Components and Bodies for Forces/Torques

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the (+) sign next to the sub-assembly Assem1-1.
Click on Rotor1-1, shaft-1, Permanent Magnet1-1, and Permanent Magnet2-1 icons. They will appear in
the Components and Solid Bodies list.
Click on the (+) sign next to the MirrorComponent1icon
Click on Rotor1-2, Permanent Magnet1-2, and Permanent Magnet2-2 icons. They will appear in the
Components and Solid Bodies list.


Click OK

folder and select Virtual Work

. The

In this case, the motion is Motor-driven. Thus, the torque on the rotating set is just an output at each rotor
position. It does not drive the motion.




Meshing the Assembly and running the analysis

The air region is split into three separate parts: a Band, inner and outer air. The Band is compulsory for all motion
studies which is a buffer zone between the moving and stationary components. The splitting of the air into inner
and outer regions is optional but recommended. This strategy is actually recommended for most problems
because it allows you to mesh densely around the inner air regions, where the field is significant, and mesh
coarsely in the outer air regions, where the field is usually small and decaying. Thus capturing the field variation in
the relevant areas without requiring a very large number of mesh elements.
To apply first mesh control:

Click EMS Mesh

and select Apply Control

on the EMS toolbar

The Mesh Control PropertyManager appears.


Click inside the Components and Solid Bodies box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphical area to open the components tree.
Click on the (+) sign next to the sub-assembly Assem1-1.
Click on the Rotor1-1, shaft-1, Band, Permanent Magnet1-1, and Permanent Magnet2-1, icons. They
will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.
Click on the (+) sign next to the MirrorComponent1icon
Click on Rotor1-2, Permanent Magnet1-2, and Permanent Magnet2-2 icons. They will appear in the
Components and Solid Bodies list.


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK

box and type 1.5mm.

To apply second mesh control:


Click on the air1-1 icon. It will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK

box and type 6.0mm.

The rest of the parts where no mesh control is applied will use the global mesh size. The global mesh size is
actually linked to the number of mesh elements per diagonal of the largest solid body where no mesh control has
been applied, i.e. in most cases, it is the outer air region. Thus, it is recommended that you should fix the number
of mesh elements per diagonal for each solid body. The program will automatically compute the global mesh size
which again represents the mesh size to be used in the largest solid body where no mesh control has been
To mesh the model:


Click Mesh

on the EMS toolbar.

Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor


The Mesh PropertyManager appears suggesting Global Size



, and Tolerance

, Average number per


Type 25 as average number of mesh element per diagonal for each solid body

. The Global

will be adjusted automatically .


Type 0.1mm in the Tolerance


Do not touch the Global Size

also change.


Click OK

because if you do, the Average number per diagonal will

Meshing starts and the Mesh Progress window appears. After meshing is completed, EMS displays the
meshed model. This mesh corresponds to the initial position, i.e. time = 0s. The mesh of the subsequent
positions will be generated dynamically by transforming the initial mesh in all the regions, except the Band. The
mesh in the Band is actually regenerated for each time step.
Click Run

on the EMS toolbar.

The analysis runs and the default plots are created in the EMS Manager tree.

The overall mesh is different from one time step to another. Once the Run is completed, the mesh can be
visualized at each time step.



Visualization of Motion Results

Visualization of Results
The regular flux, field, current, etc. plots are available in motion studies at each position, i.e. time step. These
results can be viewed at each step separately or animated to examine the effect of the motion. Similarly, the
tabular results such as force/torque, inductance, flux linkage, etc. can now be visualized at each time step. They
can also be plotted versus time, position, speed, and acceleration, e.g. torque vs speed. Furthermore, the
kinematic results such as position versus time can also be visualized right in the tabular results. A more complete
motion and kinematics results are readily available in the SolidWorks MotionManager.



Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor

View the field results on the mesh

The field results on the mesh
The process of visualizing the field results is exactly the same as the non-motion studies. Below, is an example of
the magnetic flux density. Other quantities are processed the same way.
To view the magnitude of the flux density:


Hide all the air and coil components, including the Band.
In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Magnetic Flux Density folder and select 3D.

The Magnetic Flux Density Property Manager appears.


In the Display box, do the following:

a. Select Br from the magnetic flux density component . Directions are based on the global
coordinate system.
o Bx: Magnetic Flux Density in the X direction
o By: Magnetic Flux Density in the Y direction
o Bz: Magnetic Flux Density in the Z direction
o Br: Resultant Magnetic Flux Density


b. Set Units
to Tesla.
c. Select Fringe from Plot Type.
Enter 2 for the Time Step. It sets the step number at which the Magnetic Flux Density is to be plotted.


Select OK



To animate the flux density:


Right-click on the Magnetic Flux Density-1 plot.

Select Animate,
In the Animation dialogue, click Play. It may take up to 1 minute the buffer the data.
You may Pause or Stop the animation.


Select OK

All other field quantities are viewed and animated in a similar fashion.


Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor

Plotting the torque and Back Emf versus angle

To view the results table:

In the EMS Manager tree, double-click on Motion Results Table .

In the results table, click the Torque Tab.
Highlight the Tz-axis cell.
In the Parameters to plot field, click on Add parameter, the Tz-axis is added to the list of plots.
At this point, you may plot Tz-axis versus time, angle, velocity, or acceleration.


To plot torque versus angle, in the upper-left corner of the table, under Motion Parameter, choose Axis
In the lower-right corner, under X-Axis, click the Axis Angle button.
Now, click Plot parameters. The following plot appears:




Following, the same procedure, you may plot any tabular data. For example, after adding all six values for the
coils of the BACK EMF you will obtain the following plot::



Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor

Plotting Kinematic Results in the EMS Manager

Some limited kinematic results are accessible via the EMS manager. A more thorough and complete results are
available in the MotionManager.
To plot angular position versus time in the EMS Manager:

In the EMS Manager tree, double-click on Motion Results Table .

In the upper-left corner of the table, under Motion Parameter, choose Axis Angle.
Right below, the time-angle data, click on Plot.

Similarly, the velocity and the acceleration may readily be plotted versus time following the same procedure. In
this case, the plot of speed and acceleration are trivial since the motor has a constant speed. In other situations,
these speed and acceleration could of great design value.



Plotting Kinematic Results in the MotionManager

A plethora of kinematic and motion results are readily available via the MotionManager.
To plot angular position versus time in the MotionManager:

Activate the MotionManager by clicking on the Motion Study 1 tab.

In the MotionManager tool bar, click on Results and Plots tab,


In the Results dialogue:

a. in <select category>, choose Displacement/Velocity/Acceleration
b. in <select a sub-category>, choose Angular Displacement
c. in <select result component>, choose Magnitude
Click on the front face of the rotor,



Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor


Select OK

. You should obtain the following plot:

Oops, is it different from the same plot obtained via the EMS Manager? It may look, but it is exactly the
same. The range is different, In the EMS Manager, the angular quantity is always plotted from 0 to 360
degrees. In the MotionManager, it is plotted from -180 to 180 degrees.


You may know plot many other motion quantities using the same procedure. You can always refer to SolidWorks
Motion Help and Tutorials to learn more how to use the MotionManager and Motion Results Manager.



Lesson MT1: Motion Analysis of a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor

Generating a study report

The Report utility generates an internet-ready document convenient for reviews by colleagues and supervisors.
To generate a study report:

In the EMS manager tree right-click the Report

and select Define.

The Report dialog box appears.


In the Settings for list box, check the item that you want to include in the report and enter the information
related to that item in the Preview box.

You can include your company's logo on the cover page of your report.

Select the Show report inside SolidWorks check box.

Click OK.

To save the SolidWorks model and the analysis information in the part document:
Click File, Save.
Go back to the main page


Lesson MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid

About Solenoid
An electromechanical solenoid is basically a coil wound wrapped tightly around an armature (Sometimes called
plunger). the coil is wrapped in a way that allows for the armature to slide. The armature is usually made of steel or
iron. When current is applied through the coil, the magnetic field resulting from it, induces and electromotive force
that causes the armature to slide.
Figure 1 below shows a typical Solenoid set up with the magnetic field lines resulting from exciting the coils

Figure 1: A typical Solenoid with the magnetic fields

The magnetic flux density B is given by:

Where is the permeability of the armature, N is the number of turns in the coil, i is the current running through the
coil and L is the length of the solenoid. Figure 2 below shows a cross section of the solenoid showing the direction
of current and the corresponding fields.



Figure 2: A cross section of the solenoid



Lesson MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid

Description of the Problem

A typical Solenoid setup is shown below:

To examine the dimensions, materials, or other details about the model, open the SolidWorks assembly provided
with the distribution of the software: Browse to <Current User> \ My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS
Examples\ MT2\ Solenoid.SLDASM



Motion Related Issues

The process of coupling an EMS study to SolidWorks Motion is straightforward and requires only a check mark
when creating an EMS study. However, there are several issues pertaining to motion must be understood and
respected to obtain correct results, namely:

SolidWorks Premium is required in order to couple EMS to SolidWorks Motion.

Before creating an EMS study in SolidWorks, create a band component that completely encloses the
moving parts, and only contacts stationary bodies.

Select Motion Analysis at the top of the MotionManager, located below the FeatureManager design tree.

Apply the mass and inertia properties of the moving parts in the SolidWorks FeatureManager design tree
and not in the EMS FeatureManager. Needed only for Force-based motion.

Distinguish between Motor-based and Force-based motion.

Pre-select the force/torque sets in the EMS FeatureManager, the usual way, i.e. just like in the nonmotion analysis.

Assure that the moving parts are floating, i.e. not fixed, in SolidWorks, so they can move.

Group the moving parts in sub-assemblies or apply the necessary mates, e.g. lock, so they constitute
rigid bodies and hence move together.

Make sure to have no redundancy mates in the MotionManager. Otherwise, the motion results cannot be

Make sure that the model remains interference free as the parts move to various positions during the
motion simulation.

Make sure that the moving objects remain inside the band, especially in the case of a translational motion.

To activate SolidWorks Motion:


You must have SolidWorks Premium.

Select Tools, then click on Add-ins.

Choose the checkbox to the left of SolidWorks Motion.

You can also select the checkbox to the right if you want Motion to be active once SolidWorks starts.

Lesson MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid

What is a Band?
A Band is a region that encapsules completely the moving components, e.g. the plunger in a solenoid example ,
and can not intersect any fixed component. EMS supports both rotational and translational motions. Rotary
motion is cyclic, thus the Band is typically a cylinder that fills the air gap and encloses all rotating components. In
case of a translational motion, the Band must occupy the entire range of the motion, i.e. from minimum to
maximum. Thus, it tends to occupy a much larger volume compared to rotational motion. An example of band for
a solenoid is shown below:



It is the user's responsibility to make sure that the moving object remains inside the band. If the moving part,
e.g. the plunger is the above example, goes beyond the band, the results will be wrong.

Motor-based versus Force-based motion studies

It is important to distinguish between Motor and Force-based motion studies. SolidWorks Motion help includes a
complete explanation of both type of studies. A brief discussion about these types of motion is given below:
Motor-based motion
A Motor-based motion can be considered a "driven motion" as if it were applied by a motor without consideration of
mass or inertia. In this case, the cause and/or driving force of the motion is not important. A typical example for
this type of motion is a constant speed DC rotational motor with known speed. It is true that there are magnetic
forces and torques due to permanent magnets and/or windings. However, in Motor based situation, these forces
are not directly related to the motion. At each time step, thus at each position, EMS solves the electromagnetic
problem and computes the requested lumped quantities such as force, torque, inductance, impedance, back emf,
In this kind of motion the interaction between EMS and SolidWorks Motion is unidirectional. SW Motion is feeding
in the new position of the moving part at each time step. No information is acquired from EMS.
Force-based motion
A Forcer-based motion can be considered a "driving motion" where mass or inertia are taken into consideration. In
this case, EMS and SolidWorks Motion will feed information to each other back and forth at each time step. EMS
will feed in the computed electromotive force and based on that SolidWorks Motion will feed in the new position of
the moving part. In this kind of problems, we have a bidirectional interaction. A typical example for this type of
motion is a solenoid. The applied external load, i.e. force or torque, is combined with the internal magnetic forces
and torques due to permanent magnets and/or windings to drive the motion. Hence, the kinematic quantities such
as the position, speed, and acceleration are not known a priori. At each time step, thus at each position, EMS
interacts with SolidWorks Motion to obtain the external load, combines it with the magnetic force and torque, and

Lesson MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid

then feeds back to SolidWorks Motion to solve the kinematics problem. Since EMS computes the forces and
torques to combine them with the external mechanical loads to drive the motion, it is important to specify in EMS
the force set on the moving rigid body ensemble before solving.
Consequently, for Force-based motion EMS yields not only the usual electromagnetic quantities such as force,
torque, impedance, back emf, but also the kinematics results such as speed and acceleration. This can be of great
use for calculating values such as cogging torque for motors, or motion of solenoids from rest.



Creating a Motion Study

Creating a New Motion Study
You can create the first motion study for an assembly by clicking the Motion Study tab to the right of the Model tab
toward the lower portion of the graphics area.

To start a new motion study for an assembly, open the assembly and do one of the following:

Right-click the Motion Study tab and click Create New Motion Study.

Click New Motion Study

(Assembly toolbar).

The new motion study appears with the MotionManager tree defined by components of the FeatureManager
design tree.
Selecting a Motion Type
The available motion studies types are:

Basic Motion
Motion Analysis

You can select the type of motion study from the Type of Study list at the top of the MotionManager, located
below the FeatureManager design tree. However, to couple your motion study to EMS Motion, you can only
choose Motion Analysis.


Lesson MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid

Pay attention to (0 Redundancies) . This must be respected in all motion studies.




Preparing the Motion study in the MotionManager

EMS Motion uses SolidWorks Motion. Hence, all the steps pertaining to the preparation and the setting of the
motion study are taken at the level of the SolidWorks MotionManager, as outlined below:



Eliminate all redundant mates, i.e. Mates (0 Redundancies)


Create a Motor-based or Force-based motion to drive the motion. In a solenoid, the plunger moves in
response to an EMF force induced by an excite coil. At each time step SW Motion will acquire the force
value from EMS and use that to determine the new position of the plunger. Then the new position is fed
back to EMS and based on that the new force value will be calculated. The cycle is then repeated for all
the time steps. In this case the most suitable motion analysis is a Force-based motion.
To create a Force-based motion:

Click Force
(MotionManager toolbar).
Under Type, select Force
Under Component/Direction, click inside the Motor Location dialogue box. Go to the graphic area and
click on the top face of the plunger, as shown:

Lesson MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid

Upon this operation, the Action Part automatically filled. You can always reverse the sense of the motion by
toggling Reverse Direction.

Under Force Constant, keep the default Constant.

Type 0N for Force.





Fix the frames per second where the time increment = 1/frames per second.

Click Motion Study Properties (MotionManager toolbar).

Under Motion Analysis, type 10 in the Frames per second text area, i.e. time step = 1/10 = 0.1 sec.

Lesson MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid

Take the default for the rest of the dialogues in the Motion Study Properties,

In Timeline Area, specify the overall motion duration. In this case, drag the Key Properties to 1 sec.




The EMS Motion analysis is time consuming. Therefore, it is a good habit to validate the Motion setup
and make sure it produces the desired motion before moving to the EMS setup and analysis:


Next to Motion Analysis, click on the Calculate button.

Once the force is set up, move to the EMS Manager. Right click the root of the EMSManager, and
define an EMS study the usual way.

Notice that the rotor, shaft, and the permanent magnets move together without applying any fixed mates
between them because they are grouped under one same sub-assembly. It is a good habit to do so.


Lesson MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid

Creating a Motion Study in the EMS Manager

Once the desired motion is Setup, move from MotionManager to the EMS Manager.

Click the EMS Manager tab

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Solenoid icon and click Study.
In the Property Manager, under Name:


Take the default name or type the name of study.

Take the default and the recommended type Direct matrix solver type.

Under Analysis Type, keep the default type which is

Keep the number of Increments to 1.
Check the Compute circuit parameters box.
Check the Motion Analysis and select Motion Study 1.


10. Click OK
if you want to accept the input and exit the PropertyManager.
11. Click Apply if you want to accept the input and remain in the Property Manager to create more
studies. Each time you click Apply a study is created.



EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click Ok and not Apply if only one study is desired.



Lesson MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid

Assigning materials
To assign material to the coil :


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Coil-1 t icon in the Solids folder and select Apply Material to
All Bodies. The Material Property Manager page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Conductor material folder to expand its contents.


Choose Copper.


Click OK

To assign material to the air parts :

Just follow the above steps after holding down the Control Key and selecting air1^Solenoi-1, Band^Solenoid-1,
and Outer Air^Solenoid-1 and apply the air material.
To assign material to the Plunger, and stator:


In the EMS Manager tree, using the control key select Plunger-1, and Stator-1, right-click one of them in
the Solids folder and select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material Property Manager page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the ferromagnetic folder to expand its contents.


Choose Mild Steel.


Click OK




Adding coils
It is important to realize that the exciting coils in this example makes a closed loop. Therefore, it is multiplyconnected. The current density must flow orthogonal to the entry port. To make such a port accessible for picking,
the coil is split into two bodies. In addition, the entry and exit ports are the same. Thus, only the entry port must
be specified.

To add a coil to the study:


To facilitate access to the coil, go the SolidWorks manager window, right-click on Coil<1>, select Isolate


Go back to the EMS manager window, right-click on Coil Select Wound Coil
on the EMS toolbar.
From Coil Type group select Current Driven Coil option.
From General Properties group enter 19 as the AWG value, or 0.91168568mm as coil wire diameter and
1 as a fraction ratio of the coil with respect to the actual coil.

5. Click inside the Components or Bodies for Coils box

6. Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
7. Click on the Coil <1> icon. It will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.
8. Hide Split-1 so you can have access to an inner face where to apply an Entry .

Click inside the Faces for Entry Port box

then select the Entry Port face

10. Check Same as Entry Port under the Faces for Exit Port box.
11. Type 50 in the Turns box

Lesson MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid

12. Type 0.8 for the magnitude of the Current per Turn

13. Click OK
14. Click on Exit Isolate button to see the whole assembly

The arrow symbols for the Entry and Exit ports point into and out of the ports respectively.
To change the color of the Entry and Exit ports symbols Expand Symbol Setting click Edit color. A color
palette opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box
and type a value.
To hide or show the symbols, right click on the coil icon and choose the desired command.
To edit the coil properties, right-click the coil icon, select Edit Definition, make the desired changes and
click OK.
To remove a coil, right-click on it and select delete.




Defining a force/torque set

It is true that in the MotionManager we applied a Force-based motion on the Plunger. However, EMS has no way
of knowing, a priori, which parts are meant to move, unit they actually start moving, i.e. after at least one time
step. Consequently, just like the case of non-motion situations, we still need to specify the force/torque set on
which the force/torque must be computed.
To define a force set:

Right-click the Forces/Torques folder and select Virtual Work. The Forces/Torques property manager
page appears.
Click inside the Components and Bodies box.
Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the (+) sign next to the sub-assembly Solenoid.
Click on Plunger<1> icon. It will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.


Click OK

In this case, the motion is Motor-driven. Thus, the torque on the rotating set is just an output at each rotor
position. It does not drive the motion.



Lesson MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid

Meshing the Assembly and running the analysis

The air region is split into three separate parts: a Band, an inner and outer air. The Band is compulsory for all
motion studies which is a buffer zone between the moving and stationary components. The splitting of the air into
an inner and outer regions is optional but recommended. This strategy is actually recommended for most
problems because it allows you to mesh densely around the inner air regions, where the field is significant, and
mesh coarsely in the outer air regions, where the field is usually small and decaying. Thus capturing the field
variation in the relevant areas without requiring a very large number of mesh elements.
If no mesh control is applied, parts will use the global mesh size. The global mesh size is actually linked to the
number of mesh elements per diagonal of the largest solid body where no mesh control has been applied, i.e. in
most cases, it is the outer air region. Thus, it is recommended that you should fix the number of mesh elements
per diagonal for each solid body. The program will automatically compute the global mesh size which again
represents the mesh size to be used in the largest solid body where no mesh control has been applied.
To mesh the model:


Click Mesh


The Mesh PropertyManager appears suggesting Global Size



on the EMS toolbar.

, and Tolerance

, Average number per


Type 29 as average number of mesh element per diagonal for each solid body

. The Global

will be adjusted automatically .


Type 0.006mm in the Tolerance


Do not touch the Global Size

also change.


Click OK

because if you do, the Average number per diagonal will

Meshing starts and the Mesh Progress window appears. After meshing is completed, EMS displays the
meshed model. This mesh corresponds to the initial position, i.e. time = 0s. The mesh of the subsequent
positions will be generated dynamically by transforming the initial mesh in all the regions, except the Band. The
mesh in the Band is actually regenerated for each time step.
Click Run

on the EMS toolbar.

The analysis runs and the default plots are created in the EMS Manager tree.

The overall mesh is different from one time step to another. Once the Run is completed, the mesh can be
visualized at each time step.



Visualization of Motion Results

Visualization of Results
The regular flux, field, current, etc. plots are available in motion studies at each position, i.e. time step. These
results can be viewed at each step separately or animated to examine the effect of the motion. Similarly, the
tabular results such as force/torque, inductance, flux linkage, etc. can now be visualized at each time step. They
can also be plotted versus time, position, speed, and acceleration, e.g. torque vs speed. Furthermore, the
kinematic results such as position versus time can also be visualized right in the tabular results. A more complete
motion and kinematics results are readily available in the SolidWorks MotionManager.



Lesson MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid

View the field results on the mesh

The field results on the mesh
The process of visualizing the field results is exactly the same as the non-motion studies. Below, is an example of
the magnetic flux density. Other quantities are processed the same way.
To view the magnitude of the flux density:


Hide all the air and coil components, including the Band.
In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Magnetic Flux Density folder and select 3D.

The Magnetic Flux Density Property Manager appears.


In the Display box, do the following:

a. Select Br from the magnetic flux density component . Directions are based on the global
coordinate system.
o Bx: Magnetic Flux Density in the X direction
o By: Magnetic Flux Density in the Y direction
o Bz: Magnetic Flux Density in the Z direction
o Br: Resultant Magnetic Flux Density


b. Set Units
to Tesla.
c. Select Fringe from Plot Type.
Enter 1 for the Time Step. It sets the step number at which the Magnetic Flux Density is to be plotted.


Select OK



To animate the flux density:


Right-click on the plot tree icon and select Animate.

In the Animation dialogue, click Play. It may take up to 1 minute the buffer the data.
You may Pause or Stop the animation.


Select OK

All other field quantities are viewed and animated in a similar fashion.


Lesson MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid

Plotting the force and Back EMF

To view the results table:

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on Motion Results Table .

In the results table, click the Force Tab.
Highlight the Fy-axis cell.
In the Parameters to plot field, click on Add parameter, the Fy-axis is added to the list of plots.
At this point, you may plot Fy-axis versus time, angle, Linear velocity, Linear acceleration, or Center of


To plot Force versus Center of Mass, in the upper-left corner of the table, under Motion Parameter,
choose Center of Mass.
In the lower-right corner, under X-Axis, click the Center of Mass button.
Now, click Plot parameters. The following plot appears:




Following, the same procedure, you may plot any tabular data. For example, after adding the BACK EMF you will
obtain the following plot::



Lesson MT2: Motion Analysis of a Solenoid

Plotting Kinematic Results in the EMS Manager

Some limited kinematic results are accessible via the EMS manager. A more thorough and complete results are
available in the MotionManager.
To plot Linear velocity versus time in the EMS Manager:

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on Motion Results Table .

In the upper-left corner of the table, under Motion Parameter, choose Center of Mass.
Right below, the time-angle data, click on Plot.

Similarly, the velocity and the acceleration may readily be plotted versus time following the same procedure. In
this case, the plot of speed and acceleration are trivial. In other situations, these speed and acceleration could of
great design value.



Generating a study report

The Report utility generates an internet-ready document convenient for reviews by colleagues and supervisors.
To generate a study report:

In the EMS manager tree right-click the Report

and select Define.

The Report dialog box appears.


In the Settings for list box, check the item that you want to include in the report and enter the information
related to that item in the Preview box.

You can include your company's logo on the cover page of your report.

Select the Show report inside SolidWorks check box.

Click OK.

To save the SolidWorks model and the analysis information in the part document:
Click File, Save.
Go back to the main page


Lesson EC1 : Resistance Calculation of a Trimmed Resistor

Description of the model
Given a trimmed resistor made of copper and backed up by an aluminium slab subject to a voltage load of 10 volts
applied at the left and right extremities. The aim of this study is to compute the resistance as well as the electric
field, current density, and the potential distributions. Note that for the Electric Conduction analysis no air shall be

In this lesson, you learn the following:

Assigning material to the various components using EMS Material Editor

Creating an Electric Conduction analysis study
Applying voltage restraints
Calculating the resistance
Viewing basic results of Electric Conduction analysis
Manipulating the post processing results.
Generating an Html report.

You do not have to reconstruct the model in SolidWorks. Model is ready to use: Browse to <Current User> \
My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ EC1 \ TrimmedResistor.SLDASM



Creating an Electric Conduction study

To create an Electric Conduction study:

Browse to <Current User> \ My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ EC1 \

Open the TrimmedResistor.SLDASM assembly file.


Click the EMS Manager tab

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the TrimmedResistor icon and click Study.
In the Property Manager, under Name:

Take the default name or type the name of study.

Choose the matrix solver type. The default and the recommended type is Direct.


Select a Normal as a precision level. The higher the precision is the longer solving time will be.


Under Analysis Type, check


Click OK
if you want to accept the input and exit the Property Manager.
Click Apply if you want to accept the input and remain in the Property Manager to create more
studies. Each time you click Apply a study is created.

Electric Conduction

EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click Ok and not Apply if only one study is desired.



Lesson EC1 : Resistance Calculation of a Trimmed Resistor

Meshing the model

Meshing depends on the active meshing options.
To mesh the model:


Click EMS Mesh

on the EMS toolbar and select Mesh

The Mesh Property Manager appears suggesting Global Size

and Tolerance

box and 10mm in the Tolerance



Type 200.0mm in the Global Size


Type 58 as average number of mesh element per diagonal for each solid body



Click OK

The meshing Tolerance

shall be less than the smallest mesh control size in the model. It should also be
less than the smallest edge in the model; otherwise such edge would be collapsed.



Applying fixed voltage restraints

To apply a fixed voltage:


In the EMS manager tree right-click Load/Restraint

and select Fixed Voltage

The Fixed Voltage Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Faces for Voltage box


Type 0 in the Voltage box .


Click OK

then select the 2

Repeat the same steps above to apply 10 V to the 2



Lesson EC1 : Resistance Calculation of a Trimmed Resistor

Assigning materials
To assign material to the Trimmed part :


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Trimmed-1 icon in the Solids folder and select Apply Material
to All Bodies. The Material page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Conductor material folder to expand its contents.


Choose Aluminium.


Click OK

To assign material to Part2 :


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Part2-1 icon in the Solids folder and select Apply Material to
All Bodies. The Material page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Conductor material folder to expand its contents.


Choose Gold.


Click OK




Defining a resistance set

The Electric Conduction is the only module that may compute the resistance. The resistance is defined as the ratio
of voltage to current. The voltage is defined between two points. Therefore, the user has to specify the entry and
exit ports for the resistor set. The entry port is where the current flows into the resistor set and exit port is where
the current exits. EMS automatically computes the voltage difference between the entry and exit ports as well as
the current flowing through the resistor set. From the current and voltage, the resistance is deduced.
To define a resistance set:

In a study, right-click the Resistance Sets folder and select Define

. Or click on the toolbar.

The Resistance Sets Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Faces for Entry Port box

then select the Entry Port


Click inside the Faces for Exit Port box



Click OK

then select the Exit Port


Lesson EC1 : Resistance Calculation of a Trimmed Resistor

In this case, the Entry and Exit ports has only one face each. In general, they may have more than one face.




Running the study

You are now ready to run the study.
To run the study:
In the EMS Manager tree, right-click Study1 icon and select Run. Or click

on the toolbar.




You can edit or delete the study by choosing Delete or Properties from the right-menu.
When the analysis is done, the Electric Conduction module creates four folders in the EMS manager tree.
These folders are:Report, Electric Field , Current density and Potential.. These folders are used in post
You can define as many studies as desired. To create another study, follow the same procedure described
in this lesson.

Lesson EC1 : Resistance Calculation of a Trimmed Resistor

Visualization of Results
Viewing the vector plot of the current density
Plots are displayed in a different window from the model geometry. You can toggle between the model and the
results window by clicking on the corresponding tab at the lower left corner of the graphics area. To activate the
model geometry window click on the Model tab. To activate the results window click on the Plot Results tab.
To view the current density:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Current Density folder and select 3D.

The Current Density Property Manager appears.


In the Display box, do the following:

a. Select Jar from the current density component Directions are based on the global coordinate
o Jx: Current Density in the X direction
o Jy: Current Density in the Y direction
o Jz: Current Density in the Z direction
o Jr: Resultant Current Density

Set Units
to Amp/m .
Select Vector from Plot Type .


Select OK
Right-click the plot icon ( Current Density - 2).
Choose Vector Plot Options ...
Type 100 in size box.
Type 95 in density box.


Select OK



To manipulate the plot view, it is important to use the EMS view tool bar and not the SolidWorks view toolbar.



Lesson EC1 : Resistance Calculation of a Trimmed Resistor

Graphing the current density on a line segment

To graph the current density on a line segment:
You can insert points by using the SolidWorks command: Insert->Reference Geometry->Point.

Right-click the Current Density folder in the EMS Manager tree and select 2D.
Select Jar from the current density component Directions are based on the global coordinate system.
o Jx: Current Density in the X direction
o Jy: Current Density in the Y direction
o Jz: Current Density in the Z direction
o Jr: Resultant Current Density


Set Units
to Amp/m .
From the SolidWorks Feature Manager tree in the upper left corner of the graphics area, select the end
points of the line segment Point1 and Point2.
Type 100 for the number of points on the segment.


Select OK

Below are some features of the 2D plot.

To see the listing of the force click on the Listing tab.

The distance D plotted on x-axis is from the first point selected in the segment.
To change the plot's properties, double click on the plot or click on the properties button
To turn the markers on, click on the marker button

To track the values on the curve, click on the drag button

and drag the pointer on the curve.
To save the plot click on File->Save As and choose the desired format.
To copy the plot make sure that the 2D Plot tab is active and click on Edit->Copy.
To export the data to a text file or an Excel sheet, activate the Listing tab and click on Edit->Copy.



Probing the potential

To probe the potential plot:

In the EMS Manager tree, click the plus sign (+) beside the Potential folder.
Right-click on the desired plot and select Show if it is not active or double click.
Right-click on the desired plot and select Probe.

The Probe list box appears.


In the graphics area, click on the plot at different locations.

The list box lists the potential value and the coordinates of the point you clicked in the global coordinate

Click Plot.

The Probe Result graph window opens. The potential is plotted versus the location you probed (node number).
The graph does not depict the actual distance between the nodes.


Lesson EC1 : Resistance Calculation of a Trimmed Resistor

Viewing the results table

To view the results table:

In the EMS Manager tree, double-click on Results Table.


To see the resistance click on the Resistors tab.

To see the dissipated power click on Dissipated Power tab.
To print the results, click Print.
To export the results, click Export.




Generating a study report

The Report utility generates an internet-ready document convenient for reviews by colleagues and supervisors.
To generate a study report:

Click EMS Report

on the toolbar and select Define.

The Report dialog box appears.


In the Settings for list box, check the item that you want to include in the report and enter the information
related to that item in the Preview box.

You can include your company's logo on the cover page of your report.

Select the Show report on inside SolidWorks, and Print version check boxes.
Click OK.

The report displays in your default web browser. You can navigate through different sections of your report by
clicking on the links at the top.
To save the SolidWorks model and the analysis information in the part document:
Click File, Save.
Go back to the main page


Lesson AC1: Asymmetrical Conductor Model with a Hole

Description of the problem
The model shown below consists of a thick aluminum plate with an eccentric hole and an exciting coil. Since the
structure is asymmetrical, it is modeled in its entirety.

This problem is known as the TEAM Workshop problem #7. Measured data and problem description are included
in [1]. More measured results are presented in [2]. In the results section, a comparison with the measured results
will be given.

Skin Depth Calculation

The first step for AC Magnetic problems is always to calculate the skin depth () or the depth of penetration of the
field for the conducting regions. For the current problem, the skin depth must be calculated in the Aluminum plate
at a frequency f = 50 Hz, = o = 4 X10 H/m and = 3.526 X 10 S/m. Using the following equation,

we obtain = 11.98 mm. The height of the Aluminum plate H = 19mm. Thus H/ = 19/11.98 = 1.58. Hence the
current problem indeed requires the AC Magnetic analysis. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, for the AC magnetic
analysis, the mesh must have at least two elements per skin depth in the conducting regions where an eddy



current is expected to be induced. Given a ratio of H/ = 1.58, 3 to 4 mesh elements along the height of the
Aluminum plate are sufficient.

Since the coil is stranded, it does not support eddy currents. Thus, the calculation of the skin depth in the coil is not

In this lesson, you learn the following:

Creating an AC Magnetic analysis study

Applying normal flux restraints
Adding a coil to an AC Magnetic study
Specifying the ports of a closed coil
Calculating the Lorentz force
Computing the inductance
Applying mesh control and meshing the assembly
Viewing basic results of AC Magnetic analysis
Manipulating the post processing results of AC Magnetic analysis .

You do not have to reconstruct the model in SolidWorks. Model is ready to use: Browse to <Current User> \
My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ AC1 \ Team Problem 7.SLDASM


Lesson AC1: Asymmetrical Conductor Model with a Hole

Description of the problem

The model shown below consists of a thick aluminum plate with an eccentric hole and an exciting coil. Since the
structure is asymmetrical, it is modeled in its entirety.

This problem is known as the TEAM Workshop problem #7. Measured data and problem description are included
in [1]. More measured results are presented in [2]. In the results section, a comparison with the measured results
will be given.

Skin Depth Calculation

The first step for AC Magnetic problems is always to calculate the skin depth () or the depth of penetration of the
field for the conducting regions. For the current problem, the skin depth must be calculated in the Aluminum plate
at a frequency f = 50 Hz, = o = 4 X10 H/m and = 3.526 X 10 S/m. Using the following equation,

we obtain = 11.98 mm. The height of the Aluminum plate H = 19mm. Thus H/ = 19/11.98 = 1.58. Hence the
current problem indeed requires the AC Magnetic analysis. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, for the AC magnetic
analysis, the mesh must have at least two elements per skin depth in the conducting regions where an eddy
current is expected to be induced. Given a ratio of H/ = 1.58, 3 to 4 mesh elements along the height of the
Aluminum plate are sufficient.



Since the coil is stranded, it does not support eddy currents. Thus, the calculation of the skin depth in the coil is not

In this lesson, you learn the following:

Creating an AC Magnetic analysis study

Applying normal flux restraints
Adding a coil to an AC Magnetic study
Specifying the ports of a closed coil
Calculating the Lorentz force
Computing the inductance
Applying mesh control and meshing the assembly
Viewing basic results of AC Magnetic analysis
Manipulating the post processing results of AC Magnetic analysis .

You do not have to reconstruct the model in SolidWorks. Model is ready to use: Browse to <Current User> \
My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ AC1 \ Team Problem 7.SLDASM


Lesson AC1: Asymmetrical Conductor Model with a Hole

Creating an AC Magnetic study

To create a AC Magnetic study:


Open up the Team Problem 7 solid works sketch available at Documents/EMS Documents/EMS
Examples/ AC1 / Team Problem 7.SLDASM
In the Manager window of Solid Works select the EMS Manager tab.


Right Click on the Icon where it says Team Problem 7 and click on study.





The study set up wizard will show up. In the study name box you can type in the name you want to give to
your study.
For the Analysis type, choose AC Magnetic
For the Frequency, use 50 Hz
Make sure that the compute circuit parameters box is checked
The Split Core Losses and the steady state thermal and Motion Analysisboxes are unchecked.


Then click the green check mark



at the top left corner of the wizard window

Lesson AC1: Asymmetrical Conductor Model with a Hole



You should end up with a manager window that looks like this


Click Apply if you want to accept the input and remain in the Property Manager to create more studies. Each time
you click Apply a study is created.
EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click Ok and not Apply if only one study is desired.



Lesson AC1: Asymmetrical Conductor Model with a Hole

Assigning materials

In this section, we will show you how to assign materials to different parts of the assembly. Click the appropriate
link to view a detailed procedure.

Assigning material to the plate

To define material properties to the Aluminum part:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Plate-1 icon in the Solids folder and select Apply
Material to All Bodies. The Material PM page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select Tutorials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Main Folder to expand its contents.


Choose AluminiumForAC .


Click OK

Assigning material to the coils

To define material properties to the coil parts:


In the EMS Manager tree, hold the Ctrl key down and the click Half Coil1-1 Half Coil1-2 icons
in the Solids folder and select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material PM opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Conductor material folder to expand its contents.


Choose Copper.


Click OK

Assigning material to the air parts

To define material properties to the air parts:


In the EMS Manager tree, hold the Ctrl key down and click Airb-1 and Outer Air-1 icons in the
Solids folder and select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material PM opens.




From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Air folder to expand its contents.


Choose Air.


Click OK

Assigning material to the hole

To define material properties to the hole:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Hole1-1 icon in the Solids folder and select Apply
Material to All Bodies. The Material PM page opens.




From the Material Database pull-down menu, select Tutorials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Main Folder to expand its contents.


Choose Hole.


Click OK

Lesson AC1: Asymmetrical Conductor Model with a Hole

Adding a coil
It is important to realize that the exciting coil in this example makes a closed loop, i.e. multiply-connected. Since
the problem is asymmetric, the entire coil has to be included in the model. The current density must flow
orthogonal to the entry port. To make such port accessible for picking, the coil was divided to 2 parts Coil-1 and
Coil2-1. In addition, the entry and exit ports are the same. Thus, only the entry port must be specified.

To add a coil to the study:


Click EMS Coil

and select Wound Coil

on the EMS toolbar.

2. Click inside the Components or Bodies for Coils box

3. Click on the + sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
4. Click on the Half Coil1-1 and Half Coil1-2 icons. They will appear in the Components and Solid
Bodies list.
5. Hide Half Coil1-1 so you can have access to an inner face where to apply an Entry Port condition.

Click inside the Faces for Entry Port box


then select the Entry Port


Check Same as Entry Port under the Faces for Exit Port box


Type 100 in the Turns box


Type 27.42 for the magnitude of the Current per Turn

10. Click OK

and keep the default 0 deg for the phase




The arrow symbols for the Entry and Exit ports point into and out of the ports respectively.
To change the color of the Entry and Exit ports symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color
palette opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box
and type a value.
To hide or show the symbols, right click on the coil icon and choose the desired command.
To edit the coil properties, right-click the coil icon, select Edit Definition, make the desired

changes and click OK.



To remove a coil, right-click on it and select delete.

Lesson AC1: Asymmetrical Conductor Model with a Hole

Meshing the model and running the analysis

Before creating the mesh, we will set the meshing options. Then, we will apply mesh controls to the Aluminum
plate and the coils to create a finer mesh on these parts. Finally, we mesh the whole assembly using the active
settings and the specified controls. To know how to perform each procedure, click its link from below.

Applying mesh control to the plate

To apply mesh controls to the Aluminum plate:


Click EMS Mesh

on the EMS toolbar and select Apply Control

The Mesh Control PropertyManager appears.


Click inside the Components and Solid Bodies box

Click on the + sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the Plate-1 icon. It will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies list.


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK

box and type 5.0mm.

Applying mesh controls to the coil, Airb, and the hole.

To apply mesh controls to the coil, Air1, and hole:


Click EMS Mesh

on the EMS toolbar and select Apply Control

The Mesh Control PropertyManager appears.


Click inside the Components and Solid Bodies box

Click on the + sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on the Half Coil1-1, Half Coil1-2, Airb-1 and Hole-1 icons. It will appear in the
Components and Solid Bodies list.


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK

box and type 10.0mm.

Meshing the entire assembly

To mesh the assembly and run the analysis:




Click EMS Mesh

on the EMS toolbar and select Mesh


The Mesh PropertyManager appears suggesting Global Size


Type 100.0mm in the Global Size

box and 0.1mm in the Tolerance
Check Run analysis after meshing box.


Click OK

and Tolerance



Meshing starts and the Mesh Progress window appears. After meshing is completed, EMS
automatically runs the analysis.

The meshing Tolerance

shall be less than the smallest mesh control size in the model. It should
also be less than the smallest edge in the model; otherwise such edge would be collapsed.


Lesson AC1: Asymmetrical Conductor Model with a Hole

Visualization of Results
Viewing the 3D magnetic flux density in the modelplate
Plots are displayed in a different window from the model geometry. You can toggle between the model and the
results window by clicking on the corresponding tab at the lower left corner of the graphics area. To activate the
model geometry window click on the Model tab. To activate the results window click on the Plot Results tab.
To view the magnitude of the flux density at t=0:


Hide all the components except the Plate.

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Magnetic Flux Density folder and select 3D.

The Magnetic Flux Density PropertyManager appears.


In the Display box, do the following:

a. Select Br from the magnetic flux density component . Directions are based on the global
coordinate system.
o Bx: Magnetic Flux Density in the X direction
o By: Magnetic Flux Density in the Y direction
o Bz: Magnetic Flux Density in the Z direction
o Br: Resultant Magnetic Flux Density


b. Set Units
to Tesla.
c. Select Fringe from Plot Type.
d. Select Continuous from Fringe Options.
In the Part box check Magnitude.
In the Phase box keep the default 0.0deg.


Select OK



To manipulate the plot view, it is important to use the EMS view tool bar and not the SolidWorks view toolbar.


Lesson AC1: Asymmetrical Conductor Model with a Hole

Viewing the vector plot of the current density

Plots are displayed in a different window from the model geometry. You can toggle between the model and the
results window by clicking on the corresponding tab at the lower left corner of the graphics area. To activate the
model geometry window click on the Model tab. To activate the results window click on the Plot Results tab.
The conductive parts are Half Coil1-1, Half Coil1-2, Plate-1, and Hole1. However, the coil is of wound type
which does not support currents and only Plate-1 and Hole1 components do. It is a good idea to hide all other
components before viewing the current density.

To view the real part of the current density at t=90 :



In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Current Density folder and select 3D.

The Current Density PropertyManager appears.


In the Display box, do the following:

a. Select Jer from the current density component . Directions are based on the global coordinate
o Jex: Current Density in the X direction
o Jey: Current Density in the Y direction
o Jez: Current Density in the Z direction
o Jer: Resultant Current Density


b. Set Units
to Amp/m .
c. Select Vector from Plot Type.
In the Part box check Real.
In the Phase box type 95.0deg.


Select OK

The default settings of the vector plot may not be visible enough. To change the vector settings:

Right-click the plot icon.

Choose Vector Plot Options ...
Type 200 in size box.
Type 90 in density box.


Select OK



To manipulate the plot view, it is important to use the EMS view tool bar and not the SolidWorks view toolbar.


Lesson AC1: Asymmetrical Conductor Model with a Hole

Verifying the flux density results

Among the benchmark results required by TEAM 7 is the plot of magnetic flux density along the Z-axis (Bz)
through the line A1B1 described in the sketch below:

The measured data is reported in [1] and [2].

To graph the magnetic flux density on the line segment A1B1:
You can Insert points using the SolidWorks command: Insert->Reference Geometry->Point.

Right-clicking the Magnetic Flux Density folder in the EMS Manager tree and select 2D.
Select Bz from the magnetic flux density component . Directions are based on the global coordinate
o Bx: Magnetic Flux Density in the X direction
o By: Magnetic Flux Density in the Y direction
o Bz: Magnetic Flux Density in the Z direction
o Br: Resultant Magnetic Flux Density


Set Units
to Tesla.
From the SolidWorks Feature Manager tree in the upper left corner of the graphics area, select the end
points of the line segment A1 and B1.
Type 100 for the number of points on the segment.
In the Part box check Real.
In the Phase box type 0.0deg.





Select OK

The above results compare well to the measured data reported in [1] and [2].
[1] K. Fujiware and T. Nakata, "Results for benchmark Problem 7 (asymmetric conductor with a hole)," in Compel,
vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 137-154, 1990.
[2]. Oszkar Biro and Kurt Preis, "An edge finite element eddy current formulation using a reduced magnetic and a
current vector potential," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 3128-3130, September 2000.



Lesson AC1: Asymmetrical Conductor Model with a Hole

Generating a study report

The Report utility generates an internet-ready document convenient for reviews by colleagues and supervisors.
To generate a study report:

In the EMS manager tree right-click the Report

and select Define.

The Report dialog box appears.


In the Settings for list box, check the item that you want to include in the report and enter the information
related to that item in the Preview box.

You can include your company's logo on the cover page of your report.

Select the Show report inside SolidWorks check box.

Click OK.

To save the SolidWorks model and the analysis information in the part document:
Click File, Save.
Go back to the main page


Lesson AC2: 3 Phases Power Transformer With Losses

Description of the problem
The example presented here is a three-phase transformer (Figure 1, Figure 2). The primary coils for each phase
are characterized by (300 turns, 10 A/turn, 0 degrees), (300 turns, 10 A/turn, 120 degrees), and (300 turns, 10
A/turn, 10 A, 240 degrees), respectively. The secondary windings are short-circuited. The windings are made of
copper, and the core is composed of laminated steel with loss. In EMS, the core loss could be specified either by
importing a Steinmetz (P-B) curve or selecting the coefficients of a Steinmetz loss function. In this example, a
Steinmetz function is used, where k = 3.39, alpha = 1.979, and beta = 2.628.

An electromagnetic analysis of the transformer model is carried out, and the results are recorded in an EMS report.
The applied current density in each coil, the magnetic flux density, the magnetic field intensity, the resulting eddy
current distribution, and other electromagnetic parameters are presented in the report. A steady state thermal
analysis is also carried out. Using EMS, additional runs can be carried out using alternative geometric and/or
material configuration to reduce this temperature rise and thus increase the transformers reliability and life time.



Figure 1: General View of the 3-phase model.


Lesson AC2: 3 Phases Power Transformer With Losses

Figure 2: Section view of the 3-phase model.

In this lesson, you learn the following:

Creating an AC Magnetic analysis study

Applying normal flux restraints
Adding a coil to an AC Magnetic study
Specifying the ports of a closed coil
Calculating the Lorentz force
Computing the Circuit Parameters
Applying mesh control and meshing the assembly
Viewing basic results of AC Magnetic analysis
Manipulating the post processing results of AC Magnetic analysis .

You do not have to reconstruct the model in SolidWorks. Model is ready to use: Browse to <Current User> \
My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ AC2 \ 3phases.SLDASM



Creating an AC Magnetic study

To create a AC Magnetic study:

Browse to <Current User> \ My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ AC2 \

Open the 3phases.SLDASM assembly file .

3. Click the EMS Manager tab

4. Click on the Study icon
on the EMS tool bar.
5. In the Property Manager, under Name, take the default name or type the name of the study.

Under Analysis Type, click

AC Magnetic.
Enter 60 Hz for the Frequency.
Check the Compute circuit parameters box.
Keep Split Core Loss box checked.
Under Thermal Analysis, check the Steady state thermal box to enable thermal solution.

11. Click OK
if you want to accept the input and exit the Property Manager.
12. Click Apply if you want to accept the input and remain in the Property Manager to create more
studies. Each time you click Apply a study is created.
EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click Ok and not Apply if only one study is desired.



Lesson AC2: 3 Phases Power Transformer With Losses

Assigning materials
In this section, we will show you how to assign materials to different parts of the assembly. Click the appropriate
link to view a detailed procedure.

Assigning material to the coils parts

To define material properties to the coil parts:


In the EMS Manager tree, hold the Ctrl key down and click Inner_Coil1-1, Inner_Coil2-1 ,
Inner_Coil3-1, Outer_Coil1-1, Outer_Coil2-1 and Outer_Coil3-1 icons in the Solids folder and
select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material PM opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the With Core Loss folder to expand its contents.


Choose [email protected] mm (60Hz).


Click OK

Assigning material to the air parts

To define material properties to the air parts:


In the EMS Manager tree, hold the Ctrl key down and click Inner_Air-1 and Outer_Air-1
icons in the Solids folder and select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material PM opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Air folder to expand its contents.


Choose Air.


Click OK

Assigning material to the core part

To define material properties to the hole:


In the EMS Manager tree, right-click the Core^3phases icon in the Solids folder and select
Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material PM page opens.






From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the With Core Loss folder to expand its contents.


select the material name : [email protected] mm (60Hz).


Click OK

Lesson AC2: 3 Phases Power Transformer With Losses

Adding Coils
Adding Coils
Add the following coils to the study:

Adding the Inner_Coil1-1 Coil

Adding the Inner_Coil2-1 Coil

Adding the Inner_Coil3-1 Coil

Adding the Outer_Coil1-1 Coil

Adding the Outer_Coil2-1 Coil

Adding the Outer_Coil3-1 Coil




Adding the First Inner Coil

To add a coil to the study:

First go to SolidWorks Feature Manager Design Tree Tab, right click on part Inner_Coil1^3phases-1
from the pop-up menu select Isolate.


Click Wound Coil

on the EMS toolbar. The coil Property Manager opens
From Coil Type group select Current Driven Coil option.
From General Properties group enter 38.06150 as AWG value, 0.10001348 as coil wire diameter and 1
as a fraction ratio of the coil with respect to the actual coil.

5. Click inside the Selected Entities list box

6. Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
7. Select Inner_Coil1^3phases-1

Click inside the Faces for Entry Port box

, right click on shown coil model, from the pop-up menu
click on Select Other and from the pop-up faces list select Face<1>@Inner_Coil1^3phases-1 as Entry

Port face
9. Exit Isolate view option.
10. Check Same as Entry Port under the faces for the Exit Port box.
11. Type 30 in the Turns box

12. Type 1 for the RMS magnitude of the Current per Turn
13. Click OK

and keep the default 0 deg for the phase


The arrow symbols for the Entry and Exit ports point into and out of the ports respectively.
To change the color of the Entry and Exit ports symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color
palette opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box
and type a value.
To hide or show the symbols, right click on the coil icon and choose the desired command.
To edit the coil properties, right-click the coil icon, select Edit Definition, make the desired

changes and click OK.



To remove a coil, right-click on it and select delete.

Lesson AC2: 3 Phases Power Transformer With Losses

Adding the Second Inner Coil

To add a coil to the study:

First go to SolidWorks Feature Manager Design Tree Tab, right click on part Inner_Coil2^3phases-1
from the pop-up menu select Isolate.


Click Wound Coil

on the EMS toolbar. The coil PropertyManager opens
From Coil Type group select Current Driven Coil option.
From General Properties group enter 38.06150 as AWG value, 0.10001348 as coil wire diameter and 1
as a fraction ratio of the coil with respect to the actual coil.

5. Click inside the Selected Entities list box

6. Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
7. Select Inner_Coil2^3phases-1

Click inside the Faces for Entry Port box

, right click on shown coil model, from the pop-up menu
click on Select Other and from the pop-up faces list select Face<1>@Inner_Coil2^3phases-1 as Entry

Port face
9. Exit Isolate view option.
10. Check Same as Entry Port under the faces for the Exit Port box.
11. Type 30 in the Turns box

12. Type 1 for the RMS magnitude of the Current per Turn
13. Click OK

and enter 120.0 deg for the phase


The arrow symbols for the Entry and Exit ports point into and out of the ports respectively.
To change the color of the Entry and Exit ports symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color
palette opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box
and type a value.
To hide or show the symbols, right click on the coil icon and choose the desired command.
To edit the coil properties, right-click the coil icon, select Edit Definition, make the desired

changes and click OK.

To remove a coil, right-click on it and select delete.




Adding the Third Inner Coil

To add a coil to the study:

First go to SolidWorks Feature Manager Design Tree Tab, right click on part Inner_Coil3^3phases-1
from the pop-up menu select Isolate.


Click Wound Coil

on the EMS toolbar. The coil Property Manager opens
From Coil Type group select Current Driven Coil option.
From General Properties group enter 38.06150 as AWG value, 0.10001348 as coil wire diameter and 1
as a fraction ratio of the coil with respect to the actual coil.

5. Click inside the Selected Entities list box

6. Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
7. Select Inner_Coil3^3phases-1

Click inside the Faces for Entry Port box

, right click on shown coil model, from the pop-up menu
click on Select Other and from the pop-up faces list select Face<1>@Inner_Coil3^3phases-1 as Entry

Port face
9. Exit Isolate view option.
10. Check Same as Entry Port under the faces for the Exit Port box.
11. Type 30 in the Turns box

12. Type 1 for the RMS magnitude of the Current per Turn
13. Click OK

and enter 240.0 deg for the phase




The arrow symbols for the Entry and Exit ports point into and out of the ports respectively.
To change the color of the Entry and Exit ports symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color
palette opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box
and type a value.
To hide or show the symbols, right click on the coil icon and choose the desired command.
To edit the coil properties, right-click the coil icon, select Edit Definition, make the desired changes and
click OK.
To remove a coil, right-click on it and select delete.

Lesson AC2: 3 Phases Power Transformer With Losses

Adding the First Outer Coil

To add a coil to the study:

First go to SolidWorks Feature Manager Design Tree Tab, right click on part Outer_Coil1^3phases-1
from the pop-up menu select Isolate.


Click Wound Coil

on the EMS toolbar. The coil Property Manager opens
From Coil Type group select Current Driven Coil option.
From General Properties group enter 38.06150 as AWG value, 0.10001348 as coil wire diameter and 1
as a fraction ratio of the coil with respect to the actual coil.

5. Click inside the Selected Entities list box

6. Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
7. Select Outer_Coil1^3phases-1


Click inside the Faces for Entry Port box

, right click on shown coil model, from the pop-up menu
click on Select Other and from the pop-up faces list select Face<1>@Outer_Coil1^3phases-1 as Entry

Port face
Check Same as Entry Port under the faces for the Exit Port box.

10. Type 200 in the Turns box

11. Type 0 for the RMS magnitude of the Current per Turn

and keep the default 0.0 deg for the phase

12. Click OK


The arrow symbols for the Entry and Exit ports point into and out of the ports respectively.
To change the color of the Entry and Exit ports symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color
palette opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box
and type a value.
To hide or show the symbols, right click on the coil icon and choose the desired command.
To edit the coil properties, right-click the coil icon, select Edit Definition, make the desired

changes and click OK.

To remove a coil, right-click on it and select delete.




Adding the Second Outer Coil

To add a coil to the study:

First go to SolidWorks Feature Manager Design Tree Tab, right click on part Outer_Coil2^3phases-1
from the pop-up menu select Isolate.


Click Wound Coil

on the EMS toolbar. The coil Property Manager opens
From Coil Type group select Current Driven Coil option.
From General Properties group enter 38.06150 as AWG value, 0.10001348 as coil wire diameter and 1
as a fraction ratio of the coil with respect to the actual coil.

5. Click inside the Selected Entities list box

6. Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
7. Select Outer_Coil2^3phases-1


Click inside the Faces for Entry Port box

, right click on shown coil model, from the pop-up menu
click on Select Other and from the pop-up faces list select Face<1>@Outer_Coil2^3phases-1 as Entry

Port face
Check Same as Entry Port under the faces for the Exit Port box.

10. Type 200 in the Turns box

11. Type 0 for the RMS magnitude of the Current per Turn
12. Click OK

and enter 120.0 deg for the phase


The arrow symbols for the Entry and Exit ports point into and out of the ports respectively.
To change the color of the Entry and Exit ports symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color
palette opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box
and type a value.
To hide or show the symbols, right click on the coil icon and choose the desired command.
To edit the coil properties, right-click the coil icon, select Edit Definition, make the desired

changes and click OK.



To remove a coil, right-click on it and select delete.

Lesson AC2: 3 Phases Power Transformer With Losses

Adding the Third Outer Coil

To add a coil to the study:

First go to SolidWorks Feature Manager Design Tree Tab, right click on part Outer_Coil3^3phases-1
from the pop-up menu select Isolate.


Click Wound Coil

on the EMS toolbar. The coil Property Manager opens
From Coil Type group select Current Driven Coil option.
From General Properties group enter 38.06150 as AWG value, 0.10001348 as coil wire diameter and 1
as a fraction ratio of the coil with respect to the actual coil.

5. Click inside the Selected Entities list box

6. Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
7. Select Outer_Coil3^3phases-1


Click inside the Faces for Entry Port box

, right click on shown coil model, from the pop-up menu
click on Select Other and from the pop-up faces list select Face<1>@Outer_Coil3^3phases-1 as Entry

Port face
Check Same as Entry Port under the faces for the Exit Port box.

10. Type 200 in the Turns box

11. Type 0 for the RMS magnitude of the Current per Turn
12. Click OK

and enter 240.0 deg for the phase


The arrow symbols for the Entry and Exit ports point into and out of the ports respectively.
To change the color of the Entry and Exit ports symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color
palette opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box
and type a value.
To hide or show the symbols, right click on the coil icon and choose the desired command.
To edit the coil properties, right-click the coil icon, select Edit Definition, make the desired

changes and click OK.

To remove a coil, right-click on it and select delete.




Applying Convection as a Thermal restraint
To apply thermal convection:

In a study, right-click the Load/Restraint folder and select Thermal > Convection.
Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.


Click inside the Selected Entities list box

then select the Outer Air-1 and Inner Air 1 components.
keep 10 as Coefficient Convection value and 300 as Ambient bulk temperature in SI unit system.


Click OK



Lesson AC2: 3 Phases Power Transformer With Losses

Meshing the model and running the analysis

Before creating the mesh, we will set the meshing options. Then, we mesh the whole assembly using the active
settings and the specified controls. To know how to perform each procedure, click its link from below.

To mesh the assembly and run the analysis:


Click Mesh

on the EMS Main toolbar.


The Mesh Property Manager appears suggesting Global Size


Type 101.85480118 mm in the Global Size

box and 0.10185481 mm in the Tolerance
Type 24 as average number of mesh element per diagonal for each solid body.
Check Run analysis after meshing box.


Click OK

and Tolerance


Meshing starts and the Mesh Progress window appears. After meshing is completed, EMS automatically runs
the analysis.

The meshing Tolerance

shall be less than the smallest mesh control size in the model. It should also be
less than the smallest edge in the model; otherwise such edge would be collapsed.




Visualization of Results
Visualizing the AC Magnetic Results
The next procedures show you how to visualize the results of AC Magnetic analysis.

Viewing 3D Magnetic Flux Density results

Viewing 3D Magnetic Field Intensity results

Viewing the 3D Losses Density results

Viewing the Thermal results (Temperature)
Viewing results table



Lesson AC2: 3 Phases Power Transformer With Losses

Viewing 3D Magnetic flux results

Plots are displayed in a different window from the model geometry. You can toggle between the model and the
results window by clicking on the corresponding tab at the lower left corner of the graphics area. To activate the
model geometry window click on the Model tab. To activate the results window click on the Plot Results tab.
To view the magnitude of the flux density at t=0:


Hide the Outer Air 1 component.

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Magnetic Flux Density folder and select 3D.

The Magnetic Flux Density Property Manager appears.


In the Display box, do the following:

a. Select Br from the magnetic flux density component . Directions are based on the global
coordinate system.
o Bx: Magnetic Flux Density in the X direction
o By: Magnetic Flux Density in the Y direction
o Bz: Magnetic Flux Density in the Z direction
o Br: Resultant Magnetic Flux Density


b. Set Units
to Tesla.
c. Select Fringe from Plot Type.
d. Select Continuous from Fringe Options.
In the Part box check Real.
In the Phase box keep the default 0.0deg.


Select OK



To manipulate the results plot use the EMS view results toolbar:

To manipulate the plot view, it is important to use the EMS view tool bar and not the SolidWorks view toolbar.


Lesson AC2: 3 Phases Power Transformer With Losses

Viewing Vector results

Plots are displayed in a different window from the model geometry. You can toggle between the model and the
results window by clicking on the corresponding tab at the lower left corner of the graphics area. To activate the
model geometry window click on the Model tab. To activate the results window click on the Plot Results tab.
To view the vector plot of magnetic field intensity at t=240.0deg:


Hide the Outer Air 1 component.

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Magnetic Flux Density folder and select 3D.

The Magnetic Flux Density Property Manager appears.


In the Display box, do the following:

a. Select Br from the Magnetic Field Intensity component . Directions are based on the global
coordinate system.
o Hx: Magnetic Field Intensity in the X direction
o Hy: Magnetic Field Intensity in the Y direction
o Hz: Magnetic Field Intensity in the Z direction
o Hr: Resultant Magnetic Field Intensity


b. Set Units
to Tesla.
c. Select Vector from Plot Type.
In the Part box check Real.
In the Phase box enter 240.0deg.


Select OK



To manipulate the plot view, it is important to use the EMS view tool bar and not the SolidWorks view toolbar.



Lesson AC2: 3 Phases Power Transformer With Losses

Viewing 3D Loss Density results

Plots are displayed in a different window from the model geometry. You can toggle between the model and the
results window by clicking on the corresponding tab at the lower left corner of the graphics area. To activate the
model geometry window click on the Model tab. To activate the results window click on the Plot Results tab.
To view the losses density :


Hide the Outer Air 1, Inner Air 1 and all coils component.
In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Losses Density folder and select 3D.

The Losses Density Property Manager appears.


In the Display box, do the following:

a. Select the loss to plot from the Losses (Ohmic Loss) .
o Ohmic Loss
o Eddy Loss
o Hysteresis Loss
o Excess Loss
o Core Loss


Set Units
to W/m^3.
Select Continuous from Fringe Options.

Select OK

To manipulate the plot view, it is important to use the EMS view tool bar and not the SolidWorks view toolbar.


Viewing 3D Temperature results

Plots are displayed in a different window from the model geometry. You can toggle between the model and the
results window by clicking on the corresponding tab at the lower left corner of the graphics area. To activate the
model geometry window click on the Model tab. To activate the results window click on the Plot Results tab.
To view the Temperature results:


Hide the Outer Air 1 component.

In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Temperature folder and select 3D.

The Temperature Property Manager appears.


In the Display box, do the following:



Set Units
to Kelvin.
Select Continuous from Fringe Options.

Select OK

To manipulate the plot view, it is important to use the EMS view tool bar and not the SolidWorks view toolbar.


Lesson AC2: 3 Phases Power Transformer With Losses

Viewing results table

To view the results table:

In the EMS Manager tree, double-click on Results Table.

Figure 1: Coils Voltage Results



Figure 2: Parts Losses Results




To print the results, click Print.

To export the results, click Export.

Lesson AC2: 3 Phases Power Transformer With Losses

Generating a study report

The Report utility generates an internet-ready document convenient for reviews by colleagues and supervisors.
To generate a study report:

In the EMS manager tree right-click the Report

and select Define.

The Report dialog box appears.


In the Settings for list box, check the item that you want to include in the report and enter the information
related to that item in the Preview box.

You can include your company's logo on the cover page of your report.

Select the Show report inside SolidWorks check box.

Click OK.

To save the SolidWorks model and the analysis information in the part document:
Click File, Save.
Go back to the main page


Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor

Description of the problem
A stepper motor, with a cogged rotor (Figures 1 and 2), is analyzed using EMS Transient magnetic analysis type.

The stator consists of four spokes, each one is surrounded by a copper coil. The current applied on each coil is a
pulse signal with time delay. The electromagnetic force and torque exerted on the rotor by the coils are computed.
The magnetic flux density path through the rotor and the stator for all time steps is also obtained. Moreover, the
current density is given by EMS.

Figure 1. Model of the entire motor.

Figure 2. Section view of the model.

You do not have to reconstruct the model in SolidWorks. Model is ready to use: Browse to <Current User> \
My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ StepperMotor \ StepperMotor.SLDASM



Creating a transient study

To create a Transient Magnetic study:

Browse to <Current User> \ My Documents \ EMS Documents \ EMS Examples\ Stepper Motor \.
Open the StepperMotor.SLDASM assembly file .


Click the EMS Manager tab

Click on the Study icon in
EMS toolbar.
In the Property Manager, under Name, take the default name or type the name of the study.


Under Analysis Type, click

Transient Magnetic.
In the Time Duration dialogue box do the following:

Keep the default Start Time value of 0.0.

Type 0.012 in the End Time box.
Type 0.001 in the Time Increment box.
Type in the Max Bisection value of 1.


Click OK

if you want to accept the input and exit the Property Manager.


Click Apply if you want to accept the input and remain in the Property Manager to create more
studies. Each time you click Apply a study is created.

EMS creates the study in the EMS Manager tree.

It is important to click Ok and not Apply if only one study is desired.



Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor

Assigning materials
In this section, we will show you how to assign materials to different parts of the assembly. Click the appropriate
link to view a detailed procedure.

Assigning material to the steel parts

To define material properties to the Steel part:


In the EMS Manager tree, while holding the Ctrl key down select Rotot^Stepper Motor-1-Body
1 (Fillet1) and Stator^Stepper Motor-1-Body 1 (Fillet2) icons in the Solids folder and select
Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material page opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the ferromagnetic to expand its contents.


Choose Mild Steel.


Click OK

Assigning material to the coil

To define material properties to the coil parts:


In the EMS Manager tree, while holding the Ctrl key down select Coil^Stepper Motor-1,
Coil^Stepper Motor-2, Coil^Stepper Motor-3 and Coil^Stepper Motor-4 icons in the Solids
folder and select Apply Material to All Bodies. The Material opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Conductor material folder to expand its contents.


Choose Copper.


Click OK

Assigning material to the air parts

To define material properties to the air parts:




In the EMS Manager tree, while holding the Ctrl key down select Inner Air^Stepper Motor-1
and Outer Air^Stepper Motor-1 icons in the Solids folder and right-click on Apply Material to
All Bodies. The Material opens.


From the Material Database pull-down menu, select EMS Materials.


Click the (+) sign next to the Air folder to expand its contents.


Choose Air.


Click OK

You can also apply to only one part and then the use drag and drop feature.



Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor

Adding Coils
Adding Coils
Add the following coils to the study:

Adding a wound coil for Coil^Stepper Motor-1

Adding a wound coil for Coil^Stepper Motor-2

Adding a wound coil for Coil^Stepper Motor-3

Adding a wound coil for Coil^Stepper Motor-4




Adding a coil to a transient study

To add a coil to the study:

Click EMS Coil

and select Wound Coil
following coil information:


on the EMS toolbar. The coil Property Manager opens and enter the

Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor



Coil Orientation should look like the Coil-1 orientation shown in picture below:




The arrow symbols for the Entry and Exit ports point into and out of the ports respectively.
To change the color of the Entry and Exit ports symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color
palette opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box
and type a value.
To hide or show the symbols, right click on the coil icon and choose the desired command.
To edit the coil properties, right-click the coil icon, select Edit Definition, make the desired changes and
click OK.
To remove a coil, right-click on it and select delete.

Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor

Adding a coil to a transient study

To add a coil to the study:

Click EMS Coil

and select Wound Coil
following coil information:

on the EMS toolbar.. The coil Property Manager opens and enter the




Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor

Coil Orientation should look like the Coil-2 orientation shown in picture below:


The arrow symbols for the Entry and Exit ports point into and out of the ports respectively.
To change the color of the Entry and Exit ports symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color
palette opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box
and type a value.
To hide or show the symbols, right click on the coil icon and choose the desired command.
To edit the coil properties, right-click the coil icon, select Edit Definition, make the desired changes and
click OK.
To remove a coil, right-click on it and select delete.




Adding a coil to a transient study

To add a coil to the study:

Click EMS Coil

and select Wound Coil
following coil information:


on the EMS toolbar.. The coil Property Manager opens and enter the

Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor



Coil Orientation should look like the Coil-3 orientation shown in picture below:



The arrow symbols for the Entry and Exit ports point into and out of the ports respectively.
To change the color of the Entry and Exit ports symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color
palette opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box
and type a value.
To hide or show the symbols, right click on the coil icon and choose the desired command.

Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor

To edit the coil properties, right-click the coil icon, select Edit Definition, make the desired changes and
click OK.
To remove a coil, right-click on it and select delete.




Adding a coil to a transient study

To add a coil to the study:

Click EMS Coil

and select Wound Coil
following coil information:


on the EMS toolbar. The coil Property Manager opens and enter the

Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor



Coil Orientation should look like the Coil-4 orientation shown in picture below:



The arrow symbols for the Entry and Exit ports point into and out of the ports respectively.
To change the color of the Entry and Exit ports symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color
palette opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box
and type a value.
To hide or show the symbols, right click on the coil icon and choose the desired command.

Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor

To edit the coil properties, right-click the coil icon, select Edit Definition, make the desired changes and
click OK.
To remove a coil, right-click on it and select delete.




Applying virtual work set

To compute the torque on the upper magnet


In the EMS manager tree right-click the Forces/Torques

folder and select Virtual Work

. The Forces/Torques Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components and Bodies for Forces/Torques box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree.
Click on Rotot^Stepper Motor-1 icon. The component will appear in the Components and Solid Bodies
Take the default Torque Center, i.e. at the origin.


Click OK



Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor

Applying mesh control
To apply the mesh control:

Click EMS Mesh

on the EMS toolbar and select Apply Control

The Mesh Control Property Manager appears.


Click inside the Components and Solid Bodies box

Click on the (+) sign in the upper left corner of the graphics area to open the components tree. Select
Coil^Stepper Motor-1, Coil^Stepper Motor-2, Coil^Stepper Motor-3, Coil^Stepper Motor-4,
Rotor^Stepper Motor-1, Stator^Stepper Motor-1


Under Control Parameters click inside the Element Size


Click OK

box and type 2.0mm.

Repeat the same procedure to apply a second mesh control by entering the following data:



To change the color of the mesh control symbols click Edit color under Symbol settings. A color palette
opens. Select the desired color and click OK. To change the size, click inside the Symbol Size box and type a


Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor

Meshing the model and running the study

EMS uses the active meshing options to create the mesh.
To mesh the model:


Click EMS Mesh


The Mesh PropertyManager appears suggesting Global Size



on the EMS toolbar and select Mesh

, and Tolerance

, Average number per


Type 10 as average number of mesh element per diagonal for each solid body

. The Global

will be adjusted automatically .


Do not touch the Global Size



Click OK

because if you do, the Average number per diagonal will also

Meshing starts and the Mesh Progress window appears. After meshing is completed, EMS displays the meshed
Click Run

on the EMS toolbar.

The analysis runs and the default plots are created in the EMS Manager tree.

The meshing Tolerance

shall be less than the smallest mesh control size in the model. It should also be
less than the smallest edge in the model; otherwise such edge would be collapsed.



Visualization of Results
View the magnetic flux density
Plots are displayed in a different window from the model geometry. You can toggle between the model and the
results window by clicking on the corresponding tab at the lower left corner of the graphics area. To activate the
model geometry window click on the Model tab. To activate the results window click on the Plot Results tab.
To view the magnitude of the flux density:


Hide the Inner Air^Stepper Motor and the Outer Air^Stepper Motor components.
In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Magnetic Flux Density folder and select 3D.

The Magnetic Flux Density Property Manager appears.


In the Display box, do the following:

a. Select Br from the magnetic flux density component . Directions are based on the global
coordinate system.
o Bx: Magnetic Flux Density in the X direction
o By: Magnetic Flux Density in the Y direction
o Bz: Magnetic Flux Density in the Z direction
o Br: Resultant Magnetic Flux Density


b. Set Units
to Tesla.
c. Select Vector from Plot Type.
Enter 10 for the Time Step. It sets the step number at which the Magnetic Flux Density is to be plotted.


Select OK

The default settings of the vector plot may not be visible enough. To change the vector settings:



Right-click the plot icon.

Choose Vector Plot Options...
Type 250 in size box.
Type 90 in density box.


Select OK

Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor

To manipulate the plot view, it is important to use the EMS view tool bar and not the SolidWorks view toolbar.



Iso clipping of magnetic flux density

Plots are displayed in a different window from the model geometry. You can toggle between the model and the
results window by clicking on the corresponding tab at the lower left corner of the graphics area. To activate the
model geometry window click on the Model tab. To activate the results window click on the Plot Results tab.
To view a 3D Magnetic flux density profile:


Hide the Inner Air^Stepper Motor and the Outer Air^Stepper Motor components.
In the EMS Manager tree, right-click on the Magnetic Flux Density folder and select 3D.

The Magnetic Flux Density Property Manager appears.


In the Display box, do the following:

a. Select Br from the magnetic flux density component . Directions are based on the global
coordinate system.
o Bx: Magnetic Flux Density in the X direction
o By: Magnetic Flux Density in the Y direction
o Bz: Magnetic Flux Density in the Z direction
o Br: Resultant Magnetic Flux Density


b. Set Units
to Tesla
c. Select Fringe from Plot Type.
d. Select Continuous from Fringe Options.
Enter 10 for the Time Step . It sets the step number at which the Magnetic Flux Density is to be plotted.


Select OK

To Iso clip the flux density:


Under the Magnetic Flux Density folder, right-click on the Magnetic Flux Density-2 icon.
Select Iso Clipping.

The Iso PropertyManager opens and the dialogues for Iso 1.



Under the Iso 1 box check Plot on iso surface only box.
Move the Slider bar of Iso 1 to the shown value below (0.0713009354)

Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor


Click OK



To manipulate the plot view, it is important to use the EMS view tool bar and not the SolidWorks view toolbar.



Lesson TR1: Transient Analysis of Stepper Motor

Viewing the results table

To view the results table:

In the EMS Manager tree, double-click on Results Table.

The results table appears.


To print the results, click Print or the arrow next to it to select printing the results of current time step only
or printing all time steps results.
To export the results, click Export or the arrow next to it to select exporting the results of current time
step only or exporting all time steps results.




Generating a study report

The Report utility generates an internet-ready document convenient for reviews by colleagues and supervisors.
To generate a study report:

Click EMS Report

on the toolbar.

The Report dialog box appears.


In the Settings for list box, check the item that you want to include in the report and enter the information
related to that item in the Preview box.

You can include your company's logo on the cover page of your report.

In the Report file name, type Tutor1.

Click OK.

To save the SolidWorks model and the analysis information in the part document:
Click File, Save.
Go back to the main page



0s ................................................................... 176, 209


0.0deg .................................................... 245, 249, 269

0.15mm .................................................................... 58

0.15mm in ................................................................ 40

Body ..................................................................... 20

Tolerance ............................................................. 40

Coil1 ................................................................... 171

0.1mm .................................. 16, 28, 73, 122, 134, 243

Sector ................................................................. 151

0.25mm ............................................................ 72, 148

value ................................................... 120, 133, 138

0.35N ..................................................................... 152

1 Half Coil1 ............................................................ 239

0.5mm .............................................................. 72, 122

1 icon81, 118, 119, 120, 137, 138, 139, 173, 176, 221,
239, 243, 298

0.91168568mm .............................................. 173, 206

1 minute ......................................................... 179, 211
009178303_072909.SLDASM-1 ............................ 107
up ............................................................... 179, 211
009178304_072909.SLDASM-1 ............................ 106
1 under the Assem1 ............................................... 171
009178305_072909.SLDASM ............................... 105
1 under the Sector.................................................. 149
1.2mm ...................................................................... 57
face..................................................................... 103
1.5mm .................................................................... 176
09178301_072909.SLDASM-1 .............................. 108
1/frames ......................................................... 165, 198
09178302_072909.SLDASM-3 ................................ 99
09178303_072909.SLDASM-1 .............................. 108
load..................................................................... 217
09178304_072909.SLDASM-1 .............................. 108
10.0mm .................................................................. 243
09178305_072909.SLDASM-1 .............................. 108
100mm ..................................................................... 33
09178306_072909.SLDASM-1 ................................ 99
10cm ........................................................................ 33
10mm ......................................................... 33, 49, 219
face..................................................................... 101
10V........................................................................... 36
09178307_072909.SLDASM-1 .............................. 108
13mm ....................................................................... 65
0mm ................................................... 45, 87, 134, 148
19mm ............................................................. 231, 233


1mm ........................................................... 39, 65, 134

3D ... 1, 42, 45, 60, 63, 65, 77, 90, 111, 124, 126, 179,
211, 225, 245, 247, 269, 271, 273, 274, 302, 304

1V................................................................. 49, 52, 63

is 65
stripline ................................................................. 63
3D Loss Density results ......................................... 273
Viewing ............................................................... 273
3D Magnetic ........................................... 124, 126, 304
divided ................................................................ 241
view .................................................... 124, 126, 304
factor .......................................................... 128, 143
3D Magnetic flux results ......................................... 269
sketching ........................................................ 12, 13
Viewing ............................................................... 269
2.0mm .................................................................... 299
3D Temperature results ......................................... 274
20mm ....................................................................... 49
Viewing ............................................................... 274
240.0deg ................................................................ 271
3mm ......................................................................... 65
3phases ......... 253, 256, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265
value ................................................................... 149
3phases icon .......................................................... 257
2Conductors ......................................................... 7, 19

2Conductors icon ..................................... 7, 14, 19, 26

5.0mm .................................................................... 243
2D .......................... 45, 63, 77, 93, 110, 141, 227, 249
50mm ................................................................. 36, 45
2D Plot ....................................................... 45, 63, 227
2mm ............................................................. 15, 27, 65
force ................................................................... 143
2nd Edition ............................................................. 129
force ................................................................... 143
5mm ................................................................... 33, 49
Analysis .............................................................. 143

General View ...................................................... 253

6.0mm .................................................................... 176
view .................................................................... 253
60Hz....................................................................... 257
3 to 4 mesh .................................................... 231, 233
3.5mm ...................................................................... 65
7.0mm ...................................................................... 87
300A....................................................................... 115


A Magnetostatic study .................................... 117, 133

Creating ...................................................... 117, 133

up ....................................................................... 151

A Motion Study ............................................... 163, 196

80kV rms .................................................................. 77

Creating ...................................................... 163, 196

8mm ......................................................................... 65

A Motion Study in the EMS Manager ............. 169, 203

95.0deg .................................................................. 247

Creating ...................................................... 169, 203

A Motor .......................................................... 158, 192
A new material library............................................. 118

A B ......................................................................... 135

Adding ................................................................ 118

Adding ................................................................ 135

A new study ........................................................... 147

A Band ........................................................... 158, 192

Creating .............................................................. 147

A brushless ............................................................ 157

A Permanent Magnet ............................................. 149

A checkmark ................ 8, 20, 35, 51, 68, 99, 118, 119

Creating .............................................................. 149

A coil ...................... 120, 138, 241, 284, 287, 290, 294

A resistance set...................................................... 222

Adding ................ 120, 138, 241, 284, 287, 290, 294

Defining .............................................................. 222

A fixed voltage conductor ................................. 86, 103

A Second Floating Conductor ............................ 13, 25

Applying ........................................................ 86, 103

Applying .......................................................... 13, 25

A Floating Conductor ................. 12, 24, 105, 106, 107

A Study Report 31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 144, 153,
187, 216, 230, 251, 277, 308

Applying .................................. 12, 24, 105, 106, 107

A force............................................................ 175, 208

Generating ... 31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 144, 153,
187, 216, 230, 251, 277, 308

Defining ...................................................... 175, 208

A transient study .................... 280, 284, 287, 290, 294

A force set .............................................................. 121

Creating .............................................................. 280

Defining .............................................................. 121

A1........................................................................... 249

A Forcer ......................................................... 158, 192

A1B1 ...................................................................... 249

A grounded conductor ................................ 11, 85, 101

About Brushless DC Motors ................................... 155

Applying .................................................. 11, 85, 101

About Solenoid ....................................................... 189

A line segment ......................................... 93, 110, 227

AC ............................................................ 77, 231, 233



point...................................................................... 77

Agnetic Flux Density ..... 124, 126, 141, 179, 211, 245,
249, 269, 302, 304

AC Magnetic............... 1, 231, 233, 235, 253, 256, 268

create ......................................................... 235, 256

Air.... 8, 20, 35, 51, 52, 68, 81, 99, 119, 126, 137, 239,
257, 281

Creating .............................................. 231, 233, 253

Hide .............................................................. 52, 126

requires ...................................................... 231, 233

selecting ............................................................. 119

AC1 ........................................................ 231, 233, 235

Air Box ..................................................................... 35

AC2 ................................................................ 253, 256

Air Gap 1 ........................................................ 119, 122

Acceleration ........................................................... 184

Air Gap 2 ........................................................ 119, 122

Action Part ............................................................. 198

Air Modeling ............................................................... 3

Activate .............................................. 45, 63, 184, 227

Air1................................................. 171, 176, 205, 243

Listing ..................................................... 45, 63, 227

selecting ..................................................... 171, 205

MotionManager................................................... 184

Airb................................................................. 239, 243

Adding ... 118, 120, 135, 138, 158, 173, 181, 192, 206,
213, 241, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 283,
284, 287, 290, 294

AirBox .................................................... 35, 39, 51, 68

a B ...................................................................... 135

All ............................................................................. 68

a coil ................... 120, 138, 241, 284, 287, 290, 294

Apply Material ....................................................... 68

a new material library ......................................... 118

All Bodies 8, 20, 81, 99, 118, 119, 137, 149, 171, 205,
221, 239, 257, 281

Aleksic................................................................ 42, 45

BACK EMF ......................................................... 213

Coils ........................................... 173, 206, 259, 283

Apply Material ...... 81, 118, 119, 137, 149, 171, 205,
221, 239, 257, 281

Material ............................................................... 118

Select Apply Material ............................ 8, 20, 81, 99

the First Inner Coil .............................................. 260

Along .............................................................. 149, 171

the First Outer Coil ............................................. 263

Also Show .............................................................. 111

the Second Inner Coil ......................................... 261

Aluminum ....................................... 231, 233, 239, 243

the Second Outer Coil ................................ 263, 264

Ambient .................................................................. 266

the Third Inner Coil ............................................. 262

Amp........................................ 120, 138, 225, 227, 247

the Third Outer Coil ............................................ 265

Set Units ............................................. 225, 227, 247

Agnetic Field Intensity ............................................ 271

An........................................................................... 249



An AC Magnetic study.................................... 235, 256

Apply Material ... 68, 81, 118, 119, 137, 149, 171, 205,
221, 239, 257, 281

Creating ...................................................... 235, 256

All ......................................................................... 68
An Efficient Algorithm ............................................... 74
Parameter Exctraction .......................................... 74

All Bodies .... 81, 118, 119, 137, 149, 171, 205, 221,
239, 257, 281

An Efficient Method ............................................ 60, 63

Apply Material to All Bodies ................................... 171

Solving Electrostatic Problems ....................... 60, 63

Apply Mesh Control .................................... 72, 87, 108

An Electric Conduction study ................................. 218

Creating .............................................................. 218

Applying .. 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, 23, 24, 25, 27, 34,
39, 50, 57, 67, 72, 80, 84, 85, 86, 98, 101, 103, 105,
106, 107, 117, 133, 147, 169, 175, 203, 208, 218,
220, 235, 256, 266, 280, 298, 299

An electromagnetic ................................................ 253

a fixed voltage conductor .............................. 86, 103

An electromechanical ............................................. 189

a Floating Conductor .............. 12, 24, 105, 106, 107

An Electrostatic Study .................. 7, 34, 50, 67, 80, 98

a grounded conductor............................. 11, 85, 101

Creating .................................... 7, 34, 50, 67, 80, 98

a Second Floating Conductor ......................... 13, 25

Analysis .................................................................. 143

Convection as a Thermal restraint ...................... 266

3 143

fixed voltage restraints ........................................ 220

Analysis Type .............................................................1

Force .................................................................. 208

Analytical Solution .................................................. 129

mesh control ............................... 15, 27, 39, 72, 299

Angular Displacement ............................................ 184

Mesh Controls ...................................................... 57

Animate .................................................................. 211

Motor .................................................................. 175

Animation ....................................................... 179, 211

Restraints ....................................................... 10, 84

Antennas and Propagation ................................. 42, 45

virtual work set.................................................... 298

Applied by ...................................................... 158, 192

zero volt ................................................................ 23

Applied Electromagnetics ....................................... 143

As shown in the ........................................................ 49

Computation ....................................................... 143

Assem1 .................................................. 171, 175, 176

Apply Control............ 57, 122, 134, 148, 176, 243, 299

Assem1-1/Permanent Magnet1.............................. 171

EMS Main toolbar ................................................. 57

Assem1-1/Permanent Magnet2.............................. 171

EMS toolbar ................................................ 148, 176

Assem1-1/Rotor1-2 ................................................ 171

Assem1-1/shaft-1 ................................................... 171


Assembly toolbar............................................ 163, 196

Bastos .................................................................... 129

Assigning .... 8, 20, 35, 36, 51, 52, 68, 69, 81, 99, 119,
137, 171, 205, 221, 239, 257, 281

BDCM .................................................................... 157

BDCM icon ............................................................. 169

Boundary Conditions ............................................ 36

Because electromagnetic ...........................................3
materials20, 119, 137, 171, 205, 221, 239, 257, 281
Benchmark Problem 7............................................ 249
materials from the EMS Material Library ... 8, 35, 51,
68, 81, 99

Results ............................................................... 249

Restraints ....................................................... 52, 69

BLDC ..................................................................... 155

August 1997 ............................................................. 74

Bodies20, 24, 25, 69, 85, 86, 105, 106, 107, 118, 119,
120, 121, 138, 139, 149, 151, 171, 173, 175, 206,
208, 241, 298

Average .................................................. 176, 209, 301

AWG .............. 173, 206, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265

1 20

Axial_Coupling ............................................... 145, 149

Coils ................................... 120, 138, 173, 206, 241

Axial_Coupling icon................................................ 147

Floating Conductor ................................... 24, 25, 69

Axial_Coupling.SLDASM ....................................... 147

Forces ................................ 121, 139, 151, 175, 298

Axis ........................................................ 149, 181, 213

Mur1400 ............................................................. 118

Axis Angle ...................................................... 181, 183

Voltage ................................... 85, 86, 105, 106, 107

Body 1 .................................................................... 281

B1........................................................................... 249

Bolt ................................................................... 99, 111

Back ............................................... 158, 192, 198, 206

simulation_072909 ....................................... 99, 111

EMS ............................................................ 198, 206

Boundary Conditions ................................................ 36

SolidWorks Motion...................................... 158, 192

Assigning .............................................................. 36

BACK EMF ..................................................... 181, 213

Box Unchecked .................................................. 80, 98

adding ................................................................. 213

BPMDM .................................................................. 165

Band............... 158, 171, 176, 179, 192, 205, 209, 211

Br .. 124, 126, 141, 145, 179, 211, 245, 249, 269, 302,

brushless DC ...................................................... 158

Browse ................................................................... 135
including ..................................................... 179, 211
Typical Steel ....................................................... 135
is 158, 192
Brushless ....................................................... 155, 158
Basic Motion................................................... 163, 196


Brushless DC ................................................. 155, 158

Check Section 3 ....................................................... 45

band ................................................................... 158

Check Show ........................................................... 126

Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motors .............. 165

Checkbox ....................................................... 158, 192

Bx ... 124, 126, 141, 179, 211, 245, 249, 269, 302, 304

Choose ....................................................... 158, 192

Bz ... 124, 126, 141, 179, 211, 245, 249, 269, 302, 304

select .......................................................... 158, 192

value ................................................................... 141

Chen .................................................................. 60, 63

Cheng .................................................................... 143

Calculate button ............................................. 165, 198

Choose........................... 123, 140, 149, 158, 192, 224

Calculating ............................................. 231, 233, 253

checkbox .................................................... 158, 192

Lorentz ............................................... 231, 233, 253

Delete ................................................. 123, 140, 224

Cartesian ................................................................ 149

MKS .................................................................... 149


Choose Air ....................... 8, 20, 81, 99, 239, 257, 281

Electric Conduction.................................................3

Choose Aluminium ................................................. 221

CDROM ............................................................. 42, 45

Choose AluminiumForAC ....................................... 239

Center ............................................................ 213, 215

Choose Copper ........ 20, 119, 137, 171, 205, 239, 281

Mass ........................................................... 213, 215

Choose FR ........................................................... 8, 20

Center Pole ............................................................ 135

Choose Gold .......................................................... 221

Center_pole ........................................... 134, 137, 139

Choose M36 ........................................................... 257

Check ............................................. 117, 169, 203, 256

Choose Material Browser ....................................... 149

Compute ..................................... 117, 169, 203, 256

Choose Mild Steel .................................. 171, 205, 281

Motion Analysis .......................................... 169, 203

Choose N4212 ....................................................... 171

Check Compute ............................................. 7, 19, 67

Choose PEEK .......................................................... 99

Check Plot on Section Only ............................. 45, 126

Choose PM1 .......................................................... 149

Check Run ....................................... 87, 108, 243, 267

Choose TMM............................................................ 51

Check Same.. 173, 206, 241, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264,

Choose Vector Plot Options ................... 225, 247, 302

Chyuan ............................................................... 60, 63

Check Section 2 ....................................................... 45

Circuit Parameters ................................................. 253


Computing .......................................................... 253

Click Apply19, 50, 67, 80, 98, 117, 133, 147, 169, 203,
218, 235, 256, 280
Click Apply Control ............................................. 15, 27
EMS Main toolbar ........................................... 15, 27
Click Create New Motion Study...................... 163, 196
Click EMS Coil ....... 138, 173, 241, 284, 287, 290, 294

Click New Study ..................................................... 133

EMS toolbar ........................................................ 133
Click OK .. 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26,
27, 28, 31, 36, 38, 39, 40, 45, 48, 52, 56, 57, 58, 64,
69, 71, 72, 73, 75, 80, 81, 85, 86, 87, 90, 94, 98, 99,
101, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 113, 117, 118, 119,
120, 121, 122, 126, 130, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138,
139, 144, 147, 148, 149, 151, 153, 169, 171, 173,
175, 176, 187, 203, 205, 206, 209, 216, 218, 219,
220, 221, 222, 230, 239, 241, 243, 251, 256, 257,
260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 277, 280,
281, 298, 299, 301, 304, 308

Click EMS Mesh ............. 148, 176, 219, 243, 299, 301
Click Open ..................................................... 135, 137
EMS toolbar ................................ 219, 243, 299, 301
Click Plot ................................................................ 228
Click EMS Report ........................................... 230, 308
Click Results Table ............................................ 18, 30
toolbar ........................................................ 230, 308
toolbar ............................................................ 18, 30
Click File . 31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 144, 153, 187,
216, 230, 251, 277, 308

Click Run ................................................ 176, 209, 301

Click Fixed Voltage ............................................ 11, 23

EMS toolbar ........................................ 176, 209, 301

EMS Loads toolbar ............................................... 23

Click Run Study.......................................... 16, 28, 140

EMS toolbar .......................................................... 11

EMS toolbar .................................................... 16, 28

Click Floating Conductor ........................ 12, 13, 24, 25

toolbar ................................................................ 140

EMS Loads toolbar ............................................... 13

Click Save .............................................................. 135

EMS toolbar .............................................. 12, 24, 25

Click Show ................................................... 17, 29, 59

Click Force ............................................................. 198

Click Wound Coil ............ 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265

Click Function Curves ............................................ 135

EMS toolbar ................ 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265

EMS toolbar ........................................................ 135

Clicking ...................................... 51, 99, 163, 184, 196

Click Mesh ................................. 16, 28, 176, 209, 267

Motion Study............................................... 163, 196

EMS Main toolbar ............................................... 267

Motion Study 1.................................................... 184

EMS toolbar .................................... 16, 28, 176, 209

Close ...................................................... 17, 29, 41, 59

Click Motion Study Properties ........................ 165, 198

Mesh Details ....................................... 17, 29, 41, 59

Click Motor ............................................................. 165

Codncutor ................................................................ 20

Click New Motion Study ................................. 163, 196

Coefficient Convection ........................................... 266



Coercivity ....................................................... 149, 171

Check ......................................... 117, 169, 203, 256

Coercivity Direction ........................................ 149, 171

Circuit Parameters .............................................. 253

Coil 120, 126, 137, 138, 173, 205, 206, 241, 259, 281,
283, 284, 287, 290, 294, 299

Keep ....................................................... 80, 98, 133

the force ............................................................. 139

Adding ........................................ 173, 206, 259, 283

the torque of the upper magnet .......................... 151
Bodies ................................ 120, 138, 173, 206, 241
Computing in Science ........................................ 60, 63
like .............................................. 284, 287, 290, 294
Cond1 .......................................................... 68, 69, 72
Coil Orientation .............................. 284, 287, 290, 294
selecting ............................................................... 68
Coil Select Wound Coil .......................................... 206
Cond6 ................................................................ 68, 72
EMS toolbar ........................................................ 206
Coil Type ................................................................ 120

Conductor 20, 24, 25, 68, 81, 119, 137, 171, 205, 221,
239, 281

Coil_T..................................................... 119, 134, 138

Select ................................................................... 81

Coil1 ............................................................... 171, 173

Conductor 1 ................................................... 7, 19, 27

1 171

Conductor 2 ................................................... 7, 19, 27

Coil2 ....................................................................... 241

Conductor has .......................................................... 95

Coils icon ............................................................... 120

Conductor Material ................................................... 81

Coils Voltage Results ............................................. 275

Conductor1 .............................................................. 20

CombinedAssembly ........................................... 35, 39

Conductor-1 icon ...................................................... 87

Compared ...................................................... 128, 143

Conductor2 .............................................................. 20

Fx ....................................................................... 128

ConfigurationManager.......................................... 7, 19

Fz ....................................................................... 143

Constant ................................................................. 198

Compel ................................................................... 249

Constant Speed ..................................................... 165

Components ...... 15, 24, 25, 27, 57, 69, 72, 85, 86, 87,
105, 106, 107, 108, 120, 121, 122, 134, 138, 139,
148, 151, 173, 175, 176, 206, 208, 241, 243, 298,

Contact ..................................................................... 81

Computation ........................................................... 143

Applied Electromagnetics ................................... 143
Compute 18, 30, 80, 98, 117, 133, 139, 151, 169, 203,
253, 256

Select ................................................................... 81
Contact_2 ................................................................. 81
Contact_2-1 ............................................................. 86
Contact_2-1 icon ...................................................... 87



Contact-1 icon .......................................................... 87

an Electric Conduction study .............................. 218

Control Key ...................................... 20, 119, 171, 205

an Electrostatic Study ............... 7, 34, 50, 67, 80, 98

holding .................................................................. 20

Electric Conduction..................................... 217, 218

Convection ............................................................. 266

Electrostatic .. 5, 7, 19, 33, 34, 49, 50, 65, 67, 80, 98

Convection as a Thermal restraint ......................... 266

EMS ............................................................ 158, 192

Applying .............................................................. 266

Force .................................................................. 198

Coordinate System......................................... 149, 171

Magnetostatic ............................. 115, 117, 133, 147

Copper ..................................................................... 20

Motor .......................................................... 165, 198

Copy................................................... 45, 63, 141, 227

New Motion Study ...................................... 163, 196

Core ....................................................................... 257

the Electrostatic study .......................................... 19

Core Loss ............................................................... 273

Transient Magnetic ............................................. 280

Coupling ......................................................... 158, 192

Crossover ................................................................. 67

EMS ............................................................ 158, 192

Crossover icon ......................................................... 71

Create Curve .......................................................... 135

Ctrl key ................................. 51, 81, 99, 239, 257, 281

Create Mesh......................... 58, 73, 87, 108, 122, 134

hold....................................................... 99, 239, 257

EMS toolbar .......................................................... 58

holding .......................................................... 51, 281

Creating .. 5, 7, 19, 33, 34, 49, 50, 65, 67, 80, 98, 115,
117, 118, 133, 137, 147, 149, 158, 163, 165, 169,
192, 196, 198, 203, 217, 218, 231, 233, 235, 253,
256, 280

Using .................................................................... 81
Current .. 120, 123, 138, 140, 173, 206, 224, 260, 261,
262, 263, 264, 265

a Magnetostatic study................................. 117, 133

Current Density ...................................... 225, 227, 247

a Motion Study............................................ 163, 196

Current Driven Coil 173, 206, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264,

a Motion Study in the EMS Manager .......... 169, 203

Current per Turn..................................................... 241
a new study ........................................................ 147
a Permanent Magnet .......................................... 149

Current User.... 5, 7, 19, 33, 34, 49, 50, 65, 67, 77, 80,
95, 98, 115, 117, 131, 133, 145, 147, 157, 191, 217,
218, 231, 233, 253, 256, 279, 280

a transient study ................................................. 280

Curve ................................................. 12, 13, 135, 137
AC Magnetic ....................... 231, 233, 235, 253, 256
Curve Library.................................................. 135, 137
an AC Magnetic study ................................ 235, 256
Cvetkovic ........................................................... 42, 45



Cylindrical .............................................................. 171


Displacement ......................................................... 184

Dat ......................................................................... 135

Displaying ... 17, 29, 41, 42, 59, 60, 90, 111, 124, 126,
179, 211, 225, 245, 247, 269, 271, 273, 274, 302,

DC .......................................... 131, 155, 157, 158, 192

Electric Field ................................................... 42, 90

Default 0 deg .......................................................... 241

Electric Potential ................................................... 60

keep.................................................................... 241

Mesh Information ............................................ 41, 59

Default Options ................................ 14, 26, 38, 56, 71

Potential ............................................................. 111

Define...... 31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 121, 130, 144, 153,
165, 175, 187, 198, 208, 216, 222, 230, 251, 277

the Electric Field ................................................... 90

the Electrostatic Results ................................. 42, 60

a force ........................................................ 175, 208

the mesh information ...................................... 17, 29
a force set ........................................................... 121
the Potential........................................................ 111
a resistance set .................................................. 222
Dissipated Power ................................................... 229
EMS ............................................................ 165, 198
Distance ........................................................... 45, 126
Deg ................................ 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265
Divided ................................................................... 241
Delete.. 11, 23, 36, 52, 69, 85, 86, 101, 103, 105, 106,
107, 123, 140, 224

2 241

choosing ............................................. 123, 140, 224

Documents ............................................................. 235

Description of the model ........................................ 217

Domain-Decomposition Method ............................... 74

Description of the problem .. 5, 33, 49, 65, 77, 95, 115,

131, 145, 157, 191, 231, 233, 253, 279

Double-click Electric Field ........................................ 90

Double-click Potential............................................. 111

Details .................................................... 17, 29, 41, 59

Double-click Result Table on EMS ......................... 143
Dielectric1 .......................................................... 68, 72
Drag ............................................................... 165, 198
Dielectric7 ................................................................ 72
Key Properties ............................................ 165, 198
Direct.............................. 117, 133, 147, 169, 203, 218
Direction Type ................................................ 149, 171
E0................................................................. 33, 36, 45
Directions ....................... 149, 165, 171, 198, 225, 227
E3............................................................................. 68
exit .............................................................. 149, 171
E4............................................................................. 68
Discretized ....................................................... 93, 110
E5............................................................................. 68


EC1 ................................................................ 217, 218

Electric Field-1 ......................................................... 90

ED ..............................................................................5

Electric Potential ...................................................... 60

ED130 .................................................................. 8, 20

display .................................................................. 60

Eddy Loss .............................................................. 273

Electromagnetic ..................... 1, 3, 129, 158, 192, 253

Edit11, 15, 23, 27, 36, 45, 52, 63, 69, 85, 86, 101, 103,
120, 138, 141, 173, 206, 227, 241, 260, 261, 262,
263, 264, 265, 284, 287, 290, 294, 299

Electromagnetic Field Analysis .............................. 143

Edit Color ........................................................... 39, 72

Electrostatic . 1, 5, 7, 19, 33, 34, 49, 50, 65, 67, 80, 98

Edit Definition11, 23, 36, 52, 69, 85, 86, 101, 103, 105,
106, 107, 120, 138, 173, 206, 241, 260, 261, 262,
263, 264, 265, 284, 287, 290, 294
Edit Material ........................................... 118, 137, 149
EL 6.......................................................................... 98
EL1................................................................... 5, 7, 19
EL2..................................................................... 33, 34
EL3..................................................................... 49, 50
EL4..................................................................... 65, 67
EL5..................................................................... 77, 80

Electromechanical ...................................................... 1

create ........... 5, 7, 19, 33, 34, 49, 50, 65, 67, 80, 98
Element Growth Rate ....................... 14, 26, 38, 56, 71
Element Size ..... 15, 27, 39, 57, 72, 87, 108, 122, 134,
148, 176, 243, 299
EMF ....................................................................... 198
EMS1, 7, 11, 16, 17, 19, 23, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 36, 39,
40, 41, 42, 48, 49, 50, 52, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 67,
69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 80, 85, 86, 87, 90, 94, 95, 98,
101, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 111, 113, 117, 120,
121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 129, 130, 133, 134, 139,
140, 144, 147, 151, 152, 153, 158, 165, 169, 175,
176, 183, 187, 192, 198, 203, 206, 209, 215, 216,
218, 220, 222, 224, 225, 235, 243, 245, 247, 251,
253, 256, 267, 269, 271, 273, 274, 277, 279, 280,
298, 301, 302, 304

EL6........................................................................... 95
back ............................................................ 198, 206
Electric ............................................................. 93, 110
coupling ...................................................... 158, 192
Electric Conduction ........................ 1, 3, 217, 218, 224
creating ....................................................... 158, 192
case ........................................................................3
define .......................................................... 165, 198
create ................................................................. 218
Int ......................................................................... 58
Creating .............................................................. 217
moving ........................................................ 165, 198
expect .....................................................................3
SolidWorks Motion...................................... 158, 192
Electric Field................................... 42, 45, 60, 90, 111
display ............................................................ 42, 90

use... 42, 60, 90, 111, 124, 126, 225, 245, 247, 269,
271, 273, 274, 302, 304

Electric Field folder............................... 45, 63, 93, 110

using ......................................................... 33, 49, 65

Right-clicking ................................................ 93, 110

EMS 2012 ..................................................................1



EMS Documents ... 5, 7, 19, 33, 34, 49, 50, 65, 67, 77,
80, 95, 98, 115, 117, 131, 133, 145, 147, 157, 191,
217, 218, 231, 233, 235, 253, 256, 279, 280
EMS Examples 5, 7, 19, 33, 34, 49, 50, 65, 67, 77, 80,
95, 98, 115, 117, 131, 133, 145, 147, 157, 191, 217,
218, 231, 233, 235, 253, 256, 279, 280

EMS toolbar 11, 12, 16, 17, 24, 25, 28, 29, 40, 41, 58,
59, 133, 135, 138, 148, 173, 176, 206, 209, 219,
241, 243, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 280, 284,
287, 290, 294, 299, 301
Apply Control .............................................. 148, 176
Click EMS Mesh ......................... 219, 243, 299, 301

EMS FeatureManager .................................... 158, 192

Click Fixed Voltage ............................................... 11
EMS Loads toolbar............................................. 13, 23
Click Floating Conductor .......................... 12, 24, 25
Click Fixed Voltage ............................................... 23
Click Function Curves ......................................... 135
Click Floating Conductor ...................................... 13
Click Mesh ...................................... 16, 28, 176, 209
EMS Main toolbar................................. 15, 27, 57, 267
Click New Study ................................................. 133
Apply Control ........................................................ 57
Click Run ............................................ 176, 209, 301
Click Apply Control ......................................... 15, 27
Click Run Study .............................................. 16, 28
Click Mesh .......................................................... 267
Click Wound Coil ........ 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265
EMS Manager . 7, 8, 11, 14, 17, 19, 20, 23, 26, 29, 34,
35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 45, 50, 51, 52, 56, 59, 60, 63, 67,
68, 69, 71, 80, 81, 85, 86, 90, 93, 98, 99, 101, 103,
105, 106, 107, 110, 111, 117, 118, 119, 123, 124,
126, 128, 133, 137, 141, 147, 149, 165, 169, 171,
176, 179, 181, 183, 184, 198, 203, 205, 209, 211,
213, 215, 218, 221, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229, 235,
239, 245, 247, 249, 256, 257, 269, 271, 273, 274,
275, 280, 281, 301, 302, 304, 307

Coil Select Wound Coil ....................................... 206

Create Mesh ......................................................... 58
Hide Mesh .......................................... 17, 29, 41, 59
Mesh ................................................................... 148

In 184

Select Run Study .................................................. 40

MotionManager........................................... 169, 203

Wound Coil ......... 138, 173, 241, 284, 287, 290, 294

move ........................................................... 165, 198

EMS Transient ....................................................... 279

EMS Manager Tree .......................... 16, 28, 40, 58, 73

Emscur ........................................................... 135, 137

EMS Material Editor ................................... 5, 115, 217

EMSManager ................................................. 165, 198

EMS Materials8, 20, 35, 51, 68, 81, 99, 119, 137, 171,
205, 221, 239, 257, 281
EMS Motion ................................... 163, 165, 196, 198
study ........................................................... 163, 196
EMS tool bar .......................................................... 256
Study icon ........................................................... 256

move ................................................................... 165

root ............................................................. 165, 198
Emsmtr ........................................................... 118, 119
Enable .............................................. 14, 26, 38, 56, 71
End Time ................................................................ 280



Engineering, Vol ................................................. 60, 63

Expand Symbol Setting .......................................... 206

Enter 60 Hz ............................................................ 256

Expect ........................................................................3

Frequency........................................................... 256

Electric Conduction.................................................3

Entry...... 120, 138, 173, 206, 222, 241, 260, 261, 262,
263, 264, 265, 284, 287, 290, 294

Export ........... 18, 30, 74, 128, 143, 152, 229, 275, 307
Ey ........................................................... 42, 45, 60, 90

Entry Port120, 138, 173, 206, 222, 241, 260, 261, 262,
263, 264, 265
Faces . 120, 138, 173, 206, 222, 241, 260, 261, 262,
263, 264, 265
select .......................................... 138, 173, 206, 241
Er ........................................................... 42, 45, 60, 90
ESA SP .............................................................. 42, 45

Ez ........................................................... 42, 45, 60, 90

Fabricated .............................................. 105, 106, 107
Fabricated Parts ..................................................... 111
Face Selection ............................................. 36, 52, 69

EuCAP ............................................................... 42, 45

Faces 11, 12, 13, 15, 23, 39, 101, 103, 120, 138, 173,
206, 220, 222, 241, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265

European Conference ........................................ 42, 45

09178301_072909.............................................. 103

Proceedings.................................................... 42, 45

09178307_072909.............................................. 101

Excel .................................................. 45, 63, 141, 227

Entry Port... 120, 138, 173, 206, 222, 241, 260, 261,
262, 263, 264, 265

Excel file ................................................................. 141

Exit Port ...................... 120, 138, 173, 206, 222, 241
Excess Loss ........................................................... 273
Floating Conductor ......................................... 12, 13
Exit 7, 19, 34, 50, 67, 80, 98, 117, 120, 133, 138, 147,
149, 169, 171, 173, 203, 206, 218, 222, 241, 256,
260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 280, 284, 287, 290,
Direction ..................................................... 149, 171
Property Manager .... 7, 19, 34, 50, 67, 98, 147, 218,
256, 280

Vacuum_072909 ........................................ 101, 103

Voltage ................................... 11, 23, 101, 103, 220
Factor ............................................................. 128, 143
2 128, 143

PropertyManager .................. 80, 117, 133, 169, 203

Feature Manager...................................................... 52

Exit Isolate ..................................... 206, 260, 261, 262

FeatureManager............................. 158, 163, 192, 196

Exit Port 120, 138, 173, 206, 222, 241, 260, 261, 262,
263, 264, 265

Fiber ......................................................................... 90
Fibre ......................................................................... 81

Faces .......................... 120, 138, 173, 206, 222, 241

Fibre-1 icon .............................................................. 87
select .................................................................. 138
Fibregalss ................................................................ 77


Figure 1, Figure 2 ................................................... 253

Formulas ................................................................ 152

Figure2 ..................................................................... 95

Fr 5

Figure3 ..................................................................... 95

Frames ........................................................... 165, 198

File ............................................................. 45, 63, 227

France ................................................................ 42, 45

Fillet1 ..................................................................... 281

Frequency ...................................................... 235, 256

Fillet2 ..................................................................... 281

Enter 60 Hz......................................................... 256

First, Hide ......................................................... 90, 111

Fringe Options........ 124, 126, 245, 269, 273, 274, 304

Fixed Voltage11, 23, 36, 52, 69, 85, 86, 101, 103, 220

Fringe Type .......................................... 42, 60, 90, 111

Fixed voltage restraints .......................................... 220

From Coil Type...... 173, 206, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264,

Applying .............................................................. 220

Floating Conductor .... 12, 13, 24, 25, 69, 95, 105, 106,

From General Properties173, 206, 260, 261, 262, 263,

264, 265
Front Plane Section Clipping .................................... 45

Bodies ...................................................... 24, 25, 69

Select ................................................................... 45
Faces .............................................................. 12, 13
Front View .............................................................. 124
Force ..... 115, 117, 121, 139, 143, 151, 158, 165, 175,
192, 198, 208, 213, 298

Fujiware ................................................................. 249

52.36 .................................................................. 143

Function Curves ..................................................... 131

54.3 .................................................................... 143

using ................................................................... 131

applied ................................................................ 208

Furlani .................................................................... 152

Bodies ................................ 121, 139, 151, 175, 298

Fx ................................................................... 128, 143

create ................................................................. 198

compared ........................................................... 128

is 198

Fy ................................................................... 128, 213

Magnetic Circuit .......................................... 115, 117

Highlight ............................................................. 213

Magnetic Circuit icon .......................................... 117

Fz ................................................................... 128, 143

Type 0N .............................................................. 198

compared ........................................................... 143

Force Distribution ........................................... 123, 140

Force Tab ............................................................... 213

Gauss..................................................................... 126

Force-based ................................................... 158, 192

Set Units ............................................................. 126



General .................................................................. 120

Hanger-1 icon........................................................... 87

General View.......................................................... 253

Hao Ji ....................................................................... 74

3 253

Has......................................................................... 145

Generally,a ............................................................... 95

North ................................................................... 145

Generating .... 31, 33, 48, 49, 64, 65, 75, 94, 113, 115,
130, 144, 153, 187, 216, 217, 230, 251, 277, 308

Hc........................................................................... 145
Hide.................. 52, 126, 269, 271, 273, 274, 302, 304

a Study Report..... 31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 144,
153, 187, 216, 230, 251, 277, 308

Air ................................................................. 52, 126

Html .......................................... 33, 49, 65, 115, 217

Inner Air ...................................................... 302, 304

Global Size ...... 16, 28, 40, 58, 73, 108, 122, 134, 148,
176, 209, 219, 243, 267, 301

Outer Air 1 .................................. 269, 271, 273, 274

suggesting ... 16, 28, 40, 58, 73, 108, 122, 134, 148,
176, 209, 219, 243, 267, 301
touch ................................................... 176, 209, 301
Type 0.72140357 inches in ................................ 108
Type 30.0mmin ................................................... 122
Type 50.0mmin ................................................... 148
Go .......................... 206, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265
SolidWorks ......................................................... 206

Hide Half Coil1 ....................................................... 241

Hide Mesh .............................................. 17, 29, 41, 59
EMS toolbar ........................................ 17, 29, 41, 59
Hide Solid Body........................................................ 39
Hide Split ........................................................ 173, 206
Highlight ......................................................... 181, 213
Fy ....................................................................... 213
Tz ....................................................................... 181

SolidWorks Feature Manager Design Tree Tab 260,

261, 262, 263, 264, 265

Hold...................................... 20, 51, 99, 239, 257, 281

Graphing .................................................. 93, 110, 227

Control Key ........................................................... 20

the current density .............................................. 227

Ctrl key ................................... 51, 99, 239, 257, 281

the Electric Field ........................................... 93, 110

Hole........................................................................ 243

Ground_Contact ........................................... 81, 86, 87

Hole1.............................................................. 239, 247

Homogeneous Field ........................................... 42, 45

H function curve ..................................................... 135

However, EMS ............................................... 175, 208

Half Coil1 ....................................... 239, 241, 243, 247

Html.............................................. 33, 49, 65, 115, 217

Half_TEAM20 ................................................. 131, 133

Generating ................................ 33, 49, 65, 115, 217

Hanger ..................................................................... 81

Hx........................................................................... 271



Hysteresis Loss ...................................................... 273

Inner Air 1 ...................................................... 266, 273

Hz........................................................... 231, 233, 235

Inner_Air .......................................................... 81, 257

Inner_Coil1 ..................................................... 257, 260

Icon ........................................................ 206, 208, 235

Inner_Coil2 ..................................................... 257, 261

Right Click .......................................................... 235

Inner_Coil3 ..................................................... 257, 262

IEEE Transactions ................................................. 152

InnerCylinder ............................................................ 35

IEEE Transactions on Magnetics ........................... 249

Insert .......................................... 12, 13, 149, 171, 249

IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and

Techniques ........................................................... 74

Insert->Reference Geometry.................. 141, 227, 249

Insulator ................................................................... 81

Import button .......................................................... 135

Insulator_Assm ...................................... 80, 81, 86, 87
Importing ................................................................ 253
Insulator_Assm icon ................................................. 80
Steinmetz............................................................ 253
Insulator-1 ................................................................ 90
Improvement .......................................................... 143
Insulator-1 icon......................................................... 87
In 184
Int ............................................................................. 58
EMS Manager..................................................... 184
EMS ...................................................................... 58
In Electrostatic............................................................6
Interconnect Structures ............................................ 74
In EMS ................................................................... 253
Is 65, 158, 192, 198
In EMS Manager Tree ............................................ 124
3D ......................................................................... 65
In Method 1 ................................................................ 7
Band ........................................................... 158, 192
In Method 2 .............................................................. 19
Force .................................................................. 198
In Timeline Area ............................................. 165, 198
ISBN 0 .................................................................... 129
Including ......................................................... 179, 211
Iso .......................................................................... 304
Band ........................................................... 179, 211
Iso 1 ....................................................................... 304
Increments ............................. 117, 133, 147, 169, 203
Isolate .................... 206, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265
number ............................................................... 133
Inner Air ................................................. 281, 302, 304
Jer .......................................................................... 247
Hide ............................................................ 302, 304
Jex ......................................................................... 247


Jey ......................................................................... 247

Jez ......................................................................... 247

L1 ........................................................................... 115

Jiang ...................................................................... 143

L2 ........................................................................... 115

Joao ....................................................................... 129

Lacoste .............................................................. 42, 45

Jr 225, 227

Left ................................................................. 158, 192

June 2003 .......................................................... 60, 63

SolidWorks Motion...................................... 158, 192

Jx ................................................................... 225, 227

LESSON ....................................................................1

Jy ................................................................... 225, 227

Liao .................................................................... 60, 63

Jz ................................................................... 225, 227

Like ................................................ 284, 287, 290, 294

Coil ............................................. 284, 287, 290, 294

Keep........................................... 80, 98, 133, 137, 241

Linear ............................................................. 213, 215

Compute ................................................. 80, 98, 133

Lines ...................................................................... 126

default 0 deg ....................................................... 241

Lines Density.......................................................... 126

MKS .................................................................... 137

Move ................................................................... 126

Keep Accurate Curvature Representation ... 14, 26, 38,

56, 71

Listing.. 31, 45, 48, 63, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 141, 144,
153, 187, 216, 227, 230, 251, 277, 308

Keep Compute ....................................................... 147

activate ................................................... 45, 63, 227

Keep Split Core Loss ............................................. 256

Settings 31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 144, 153, 187,
216, 230, 251, 277, 308

Kelvin ..................................................................... 274

Set Units ............................................................. 274

Load .... 11, 23, 36, 52, 69, 85, 86, 101, 103, 105, 106,
107, 217, 220, 266

Key Properties................................................ 165, 198

10 ....................................................................... 217

drag ............................................................ 165, 198

Local Coordinate System ............................... 149, 171

Kinematic Results in the EMS Manager ......... 183, 215

Lorentz ................................................... 231, 233, 253

Plotting ....................................................... 183, 215

Calculating .......................................... 231, 233, 253

Kinematic Results in the MotionManager ............... 184

Losses Density ....................................................... 273

Plotting ............................................................... 184

Kurt Preis ............................................................... 249


[email protected] ............................................................. 257


MA1 ................................................................ 115, 117

Material name ........................................................ 137

MA2 ........................................................ 131, 133, 135

Steel ................................................................... 137

MA3 ................................................................ 145, 147

Materials . 20, 118, 119, 137, 143, 171, 205, 221, 239,
257, 281

Magnetic Circuit ............................................. 115, 117

added ................................................................. 118
Force .......................................................... 115, 117
Magnetic Circuit icon .............................................. 117
Force .................................................................. 117
Magnetic Field ................................................ 123, 140
Magnetic Flux ......................................................... 126

Assigning ..... 20, 119, 137, 171, 205, 221, 239, 257,
Materials from the EMS Material Library . 8, 35, 51, 68,
81, 99
Assigning .................................. 8, 35, 51, 68, 81, 99
Max ........................................................................ 124

Magnetic Flux Density ... 124, 126, 141, 179, 211, 245,
249, 269, 271, 302, 304

Max Bisection ......................................................... 280

Right-clicking .............................................. 141, 249

May .................................................................... 60, 63

Magnetization ......................................................... 149

Mesh control............................. 15, 27, 39, 57, 72, 299

Magnetostatic .... 1, 115, 117, 120, 131, 133, 147, 169,


Applying ................................ 15, 27, 39, 57, 72, 299

Mesh control and.................................................... 148

create ......................................... 115, 117, 133, 147

Mesh Details .......................................... 17, 29, 41, 59
Magnitude ...................................................... 184, 245
Close .................................................. 17, 29, 41, 59
Main ....................................................................... 137
Main Folder ............................ 35, 68, 81, 99, 149, 239

Mesh icon ...... 39, 40, 41, 57, 58, 72, 73, 87, 108, 122,

Manager window .................................................... 235

Mesh Information ............................................... 41, 59

Solid Works ........................................................ 235

Displaying ....................................................... 41, 59

Manipulating ....................................................... 45, 63

Mesh Progress ... 16, 28, 40, 58, 73, 87, 108, 243, 267

Results ........................................................... 45, 63

Mesh Progress window .......................... 176, 209, 301

Mass .............................................................. 213, 215

Meshing 14, 16, 17, 26, 28, 29, 38, 40, 41, 56, 58, 59,
71, 73, 87, 108, 122, 134, 148, 176, 209, 219, 243,
267, 301

Center......................................................... 213, 215

Masubara ............................................................... 143
Material Database . 8, 20, 35, 51, 68, 81, 99, 118, 119,
137, 149, 171, 205, 221, 239, 257, 281

EMS toolbar ........................................................ 148

the assembly .............................................. 122, 134
the Assembly and ....................................... 176, 209



the model ...................................................... 28, 219

Motion Study 1 ....................................... 169, 184, 203

the model and ....................... 87, 108, 243, 267, 301

clicking ................................................................ 184

the Model and Running the Analysis .................... 16

Motion Study Properties ................................. 165, 198

the Model and Running the Study ............ 40, 58, 73

Motion Study tab ............................................ 163, 196

Tolerance16, 28, 40, 58, 73, 87, 108, 122, 134, 148,
219, 243, 267, 301

Motion Type ................................................... 163, 196

Selecting ..................................................... 163, 196

Meshing Options .......................................... 38, 56, 71

Setting ...................................................... 38, 56, 71

MotionManager ..... 158, 163, 169, 175, 183, 184, 192,

196, 203, 208, 215

Method 1 ....................................................................7

Activate ............................................................... 184

Method 2 .................................................................. 19

EMS Manager............................................. 169, 203

Miami ..................................................................... 143

use...................................................................... 184

MirrorComponent1 ......................................... 175, 176

MotionManager tool bar ......................................... 184

MKS ....................................................... 118, 137, 149

MotionManager toolbar .................................. 165, 198

Choose ............................................................... 149

Motor .............................. 158, 165, 175, 192, 198, 208

keep.................................................................... 137

applied ................................................................ 175

Model .. 42, 60, 90, 111, 124, 126, 163, 196, 225, 245,
247, 269, 271, 273, 274, 302, 304

Create ......................................................... 165, 198

Motor Direction ....................................................... 165

Morishige ............................................................... 143

Motor Location ............................................... 165, 198
Motion ............................................ 158, 165, 192, 198
Movable ................................................................. 119
validate ....................................................... 165, 198
Move .............................................. 126, 165, 198, 304
Motion Analysis ...... 163, 165, 169, 196, 198, 203, 235
EMS ............................................................ 165, 198
Check ......................................................... 169, 203
EMS Manager............................................. 165, 198
Motion Parameter........................... 181, 183, 213, 215
EMSManager...................................................... 165
Motion Related Issues.................................... 158, 192
Lines Density ...................................................... 126
Motion Results Manager ........................................ 184
Slider bar ............................................................ 304
Motion Results Table ..................... 181, 183, 213, 215
Moveable ............................................................... 121
Motion Study .................................................. 163, 196
MS.......................................................................... 301
clicking ........................................................ 163, 196



MT1 ........................................................................ 157

November 2006.................................................. 42, 45

MT2 ........................................................................ 191

Number .................................................................. 133

Multiply-connected ................................................. 241

Increments .......................................................... 133

Mur1400 ................................................................. 118

Body ................................................................... 118

Of magnetic flux density ......................................... 304

My Documents 5, 7, 19, 33, 34, 49, 50, 65, 67, 77, 80,
95, 98, 115, 117, 131, 133, 145, 147, 157, 191, 217,
218, 231, 233, 253, 256, 279, 280

Of the ....................................................................... 49

MyFunctionCurves.emscur .................................... 135

Ohmic Loss ............................................................ 273

MyLib ............................................................. 118, 119

Nakano................................................................... 143

OK7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 34, 35, 36, 39, 42, 50, 51, 52,
60, 67, 68, 69, 72, 80, 85, 86, 98, 101, 103, 105,
106, 107, 117, 120, 133, 137, 138, 147, 169, 173,
203, 206, 208, 218, 235, 241, 256, 260, 261, 262,
263, 264, 265, 280, 284, 287, 290, 294, 299

Nakata.................................................... 131, 143, 249

Options ..................................... 14, 26, 38, 56, 71, 126

Name .. 67, 80, 98, 117, 133, 135, 147, 169, 203, 218,
256, 280

Orientation ............................................................. 126

Of the magnetic field .............................................. 126

Oszkar Biro ............................................................ 249

Nathan Ida ............................................................. 129
Outer ...................................................................... 171
New Material Library .............................................. 118
Outer Air ................... 81, 205, 239, 266, 281, 302, 304
New Motion Study .......................................... 163, 196
select .................................................................. 266
Creating ...................................................... 163, 196
Outer Air 1 ...................................... 269, 271, 273, 274
Nice .................................................................... 42, 45
Hide ............................................ 269, 271, 273, 274
No .............................................................. 60, 63, 152
Outer_Air ................................................................ 257
Non Linear Isotropic ............................................... 137
Outer_Coil1 .................................................... 257, 263
Normal ................................................................... 218
Outer_Coil2 ............................................ 257, 263, 264
Select ................................................................. 218
Outer_Coil3 .................................................... 257, 265
Norplex................................................................. 8, 20
OuterCylinder ........................................................... 35
North ...................................................................... 145
Ouwehand .......................................................... 42, 45
has...................................................................... 145
November 1993...................................................... 143
Parameter Exctraction.............................................. 74



An Efficient Algorithm ........................................... 74

the force and Back EMF ..................................... 213

Parameters .................................................... 181, 213

the torque and Back Emf versus angle ............... 181

Part ........................................ 245, 247, 249, 269, 271

Plunger........................................................... 205, 208

Part2 ...................................................................... 221

PM............................................................ 99, 239, 257

Parts Losses Results ............................................. 275

Poin1 ........................................................................ 93

Pause ............................................................. 179, 211

Point ................................................. 77, 141, 227, 249

P-B ......................................................................... 253

AC ........................................................................ 77

PEEK ....................................................................... 99

Point 1 ................................................................ 45, 63

Peric ................................................................... 42, 45

Point 2 ...................................................................... 45

Permanent Magnet1............................... 171, 175, 176

Point 3 ...................................................................... 63

Permanent Magnet2............................... 171, 175, 176

Point1 ......................................................... 45, 63, 227

Permanent Magnetization ...................................... 149

Point11 ................................................................... 110

Permanent Magnets ............................................... 171

Point12 ................................................................... 110

Permittivities ............................................................. 65

Point2 ................................................... 45, 63, 93, 227

Phase ..................................... 245, 247, 249, 269, 271

Point3 ....................................................................... 63

Phase insulator ........................................................ 77

Potential ........................................... 60, 111, 224, 228

Plane of .................................................................... 36

display ................................................................ 111

Plate ............................................... 239, 243, 245, 247

Potential is ............................................................... 95

Play ................................................................ 179, 211

Pp......................................... 60, 63, 74, 143, 152, 249

Plot on iso .............................................................. 304

Premittivity r2 .......................................................... 49

Plot Results . 42, 60, 90, 111, 124, 126, 225, 245, 247,
269, 271, 273, 274, 302, 304

Preparing ....................................................... 165, 198

the Motion study in the MotionManager ...... 165, 198

Plot Results window ................................................. 60

Pre-select the force ........................................ 158, 192
Plot Type ..... 42, 60, 90, 111, 124, 126, 179, 211, 225,
245, 247, 269, 271, 302, 304

Preview ... 31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 144, 153, 187,
216, 230, 251, 277, 308

Plotting ................................... 181, 183, 184, 213, 215

Print...... 18, 30, 74, 128, 143, 152, 229, 230, 275, 307
Kinematic Results in the EMS Manager ..... 183, 215
Probing................................................................... 228
Kinematic Results in the MotionManager ........... 184



the potential ........................................................ 228

Report, Magnetic Flux .................................... 123, 140

Proceedings ............................................... 42, 45, 143

Requires ......................................................... 231, 233

European Conference .................................... 42, 45

AC Magnetic ............................................... 231, 233

TEAM Workshop ................................................ 143

Resistance Sets ..................................................... 222

Properties ............................................... 123, 140, 224

Resistors ................................................................ 229

Property Manager 7, 13, 19, 34, 36, 39, 42, 50, 52, 60,
67, 69, 72, 80, 90, 98, 111, 117, 118, 119, 121, 124,
126, 133, 137, 147, 151, 169, 171, 179, 203, 205,
211, 218, 235, 256, 260, 262, 263, 264, 265, 269,
271, 273, 274, 280, 284, 287, 290, 294, 298, 302,

Responsibility to ............................................. 158, 192

exit ............ 7, 19, 34, 50, 67, 98, 147, 218, 256, 280
PropertyManager80, 98, 117, 133, 137, 169, 203, 245,
247, 261
exit ........................................ 80, 117, 133, 169, 203
ProperyManager ...................................................... 67
Proposal ................................................................. 143
R1 ..............................................................................5
Real................................................ 247, 249, 269, 271
Redundancies ................................ 163, 165, 196, 198
Refer ...................................................................... 184
SolidWorks Motion Help ..................................... 184
Reference Geometry ...................................... 149, 171
Relative Permeability ..................................... 118, 137
Remanence .................................................... 145, 149
Repeat steps1 ........................................................ 173

Restraint .. 10, 11, 23, 36, 52, 69, 84, 85, 86, 101, 103,
220, 266
Applying .......................................................... 10, 84
Assigning ........................................................ 52, 69
Restraint Icon .. 36, 52, 69, 85, 86, 101, 103, 105, 106,
Resultant Current Density ...................... 225, 227, 247
Resultant Electric Field .......................... 42, 45, 60, 90
Results ............................................... 45, 63, 184, 249
benchmark Problem 7 ........................................ 249
Manipulating ................................................... 45, 63
Results table .................................... 74, 229, 275, 307
Viewing ............................................................... 275
Results Table on toolbar ........................................ 152
Reverse Direction................................... 149, 165, 198
toggling ....................................................... 165, 198
Right Click .................................................. 35, 68, 235
Icon..................................................................... 235
Right Plane Section Clipping .............................. 45, 90

Report ..... 31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 128, 130, 144, 153,
187, 216, 251, 277

Select ............................................................. 45, 90

Report file ............................................................... 308

Right-click Fiber-1 icon............................................. 81

Report, Electric Field .............................................. 224

Right-click Insulator .................................................. 81



Right-clicking .................................... 93, 110, 141, 249

Electric Field Folder ...................................... 93, 110
Magnetic Flux Density ................................ 141, 249
RMS ............................... 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265
Rogers Corp ............................................................. 51
Root ............................................................... 165, 198
EMSManager.............................................. 165, 198
Rotary Motor .......................................................... 165
Rotor ...................................................................... 299
Rotor1 .................................................... 171, 175, 176
Rotor1-2 ......................................................... 175, 176
Rotot .............................................................. 281, 298
Run Study .......................................................... 58, 73
Running .................................. 123, 140, 176, 209, 224
the study ............................................. 123, 140, 224
S/m................................................................. 231, 233
S1............................................................................. 65
S2............................................................................. 65
Sabonnadiere ......................................................... 143
Save 31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 144, 153, 187, 216,
230, 251, 277, 308

Sector..................................................................... 151
1 151
Select 31, 45, 48, 51, 64, 68, 75, 81, 90, 94, 113, 119,
130, 137, 138, 144, 153, 158, 163, 171, 173, 187,
192, 196, 205, 206, 216, 218, 230, 241, 251, 266,
Air ....................................................................... 119
air1 ............................................................. 171, 205
checkbox .................................................... 158, 192
Cond1 ................................................................... 68
Conductor ............................................................. 81
Contact ................................................................. 81
Entry Port.................................... 138, 173, 206, 241
Exit Port .............................................................. 138
Front Plane Section Clipping ................................ 45
Motion Type ................................................ 163, 196
Normal ................................................................ 218
Outer Air ............................................................. 266
Right Plane Section Clipping .......................... 45, 90
Show ... 31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 144, 153, 187,
216, 230, 251, 277
Substrate .............................................................. 51
Top Plane Section Clipping .................................. 45
Typical Steel ....................................................... 137

SolidWorks .. 31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 144, 153,
187, 216, 230, 251, 277, 308

Select ....................................................................... 39

Save As ...................................................... 45, 63, 227

Select Air ...................................................... 35, 51, 68

Sec ................................................................. 165, 198

Select Aluminium ..................................................... 81

Section 1 ................................................................ 126

Select Animate ....................................................... 179

Section Property Manager ..................................... 126

Select Apply Material ............. 8, 20, 35, 51, 68, 81, 99



All Bodies ............................................. 8, 20, 81, 99

Select Outer_Coil2 ......................................... 263, 264

Select Br 124, 126, 179, 211, 245, 269, 271, 302, 304

Select Outer_Coil3 ................................................. 265

Select Bz ........................................................ 141, 249

Select OuterDielectric .............................................. 35

Select Coil .............................................................. 299

Select Results Table .............................................. 128

Select Conductor...................................................... 85

Select Run Study ..................................................... 40

Select Continuous ..... 42, 60, 124, 245, 269, 273, 274,

EMS toolbar .......................................................... 40

Select Section Clipping .............................. 45, 90, 126

Select Copper .......................................................... 81

Select Show ............................................................. 41
Select Creat Mesh.................................................... 40
Select Silicon Rubber ............................................... 81
Select e2 .................................................................. 68
Select Silver ............................................................. 68
Select Er ................................................ 42, 45, 60, 90
Select Tools ................................................... 158, 192
Select Fiberglass...................................................... 81
Select Vector .................................. 225, 247, 271, 302
Select Fixed Voltage ................................................ 36
Selected Entities list260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266
Select Fringe42, 60, 90, 111, 124, 126, 179, 211, 245,
269, 304
Select Inner_Coil1 .................................................. 260

September 2000..................................................... 249

Select Inner_Coil2 .................................................. 261

Set Units ... 42, 45, 60, 63, 90, 93, 110, 111, 124, 126,
141, 179, 211, 225, 227, 245, 247, 249, 269, 271,
273, 274, 302, 304

Select Inner_Coil3 .................................................. 262

Amp .................................................... 225, 227, 247

Select InnerDielectric ............................................... 35

Gauss ................................................................. 126

Select Iso Clipping ................................................. 304

Kelvin .................................................................. 274

Select Jar ....................................................... 225, 227

Tesla .. 124, 141, 179, 211, 245, 249, 269, 271, 302,

Select Jer ............................................................... 247

Setting .......................................................... 38, 56, 71
Select Line ............................................... 90, 111, 126
Meshing Options....................................... 38, 56, 71
Select Motion Analysis ................................... 158, 192
Select OK45, 63, 90, 93, 110, 111, 124, 126, 141, 179,
184, 211, 225, 227, 245, 247, 249, 269, 271, 273,
274, 302, 304

Settings ... 31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 144, 153, 187,
216, 230, 251, 277, 308
list 31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 144, 153, 187, 216,
230, 251, 277, 308

Select Other ................... 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265

Setup...................................................................... 203
Select Outer_Coil1 ................................................. 263
Shaft-1 ........................................................... 175, 176


Show31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 144, 153, 187, 216,
228, 230, 251, 277

Treating ..................................................................6
Solid Works ............................................................ 235

Select .. 31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 144, 153, 187,
216, 230, 251, 277
Show Component............................................. 52, 111

Manager window ................................................ 235

Solids .... 8, 20, 35, 51, 68, 81, 99, 118, 119, 137, 171,
205, 221, 239, 257, 281

Show Min ............................................................... 124

Show Preview ... 11, 15, 23, 27, 36, 39, 52, 69, 72, 85,
86, 101, 103
SI 266
Simulation_072909 .......................................... 99, 111
bolt................................................................ 99, 111
Since EMS ..................................................... 158, 192
Since Fy ......................................................... 128, 143
Sketching ........................................................... 12, 13
2 12, 13
Skin Depth Calculation ................................... 231, 233
SLDASM ... 7, 19, 34, 49, 50, 67, 80, 98, 99, 101, 103,
105, 106, 107, 111, 115, 117, 131, 133, 145, 157,
191, 217, 218, 231, 233, 235, 253, 256, 279, 280
Slider bar ................................................................ 304
Move ................................................................... 304
Software ................................................................. 143
Verification .......................................................... 143
Solenoi ................................................................... 205
Solenoid ......................................... 189, 191, 205, 208
Solenoid icon.......................................................... 203
Solid Bodies15, 27, 39, 57, 72, 87, 108, 120, 121, 122,
134, 138, 139, 148, 151, 173, 175, 176, 208, 241,
243, 298, 299

Solidworks ... 1, 5, 6, 12, 13, 31, 33, 42, 48, 49, 52, 60,
64, 65, 75, 77, 90, 94, 95, 111, 113, 115, 124, 126,
130, 131, 141, 144, 145, 153, 157, 158, 187, 191,
192, 206, 216, 217, 225, 227, 230, 231, 233, 245,
247, 249, 251, 253, 269, 271, 273, 274, 277, 279,
302, 304, 308
go ....................................................................... 206
save ..... 31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 144, 153, 187,
216, 230, 251, 277, 308
use.................................................................. 12, 13
using ................................................... 141, 227, 249
SolidWorks Feature Manager...... 45, 63, 93, 110, 141,
227, 249
SolidWorks Feature Manager Design Tree Tab ....260,
261, 262, 263, 264, 265
go ............................... 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265
SolidWorks FeatureManager ......................... 158, 192
SolidWorks Motion ......................... 158, 165, 192, 198
back ............................................................ 158, 192
EMS ............................................................ 158, 192
left............................................................... 158, 192
SolidWorks Motion Help ......................................... 184
refer .................................................................... 184
SolidWorks MotionManager ........... 165, 178, 198, 210
SolidWorks Premium...................................... 158, 192

Solid Bodies list ...................................................... 206

Solving Electrostatic Problems ........................... 60, 63

Solid Conductors in Electrostatic Analysis .................6

An Efficient Method ........................................ 60, 63



South...................................................................... 145

Type ........................................................... 163, 196

Speed..................................................................... 165

Study1 icon .................................................... 123, 224

Type 25 RPM...................................................... 165

Substrate icon .......................................................... 15

Split Line ............................................................ 12, 13

Substrates .................................... 8, 20, 27, 51, 52, 57

Springer-Verlag ...................................................... 129

Select ................................................................... 51

Start Time .............................................................. 280

Suggesting16, 28, 40, 58, 73, 108, 122, 134, 148, 176,
209, 219, 243, 267, 301

Stator ............................................. 171, 205, 281, 299

Stator-1 .................................................................. 171

Global Size .. 16, 28, 40, 58, 73, 108, 122, 134, 148,
176, 209, 219, 243, 267, 301

Steady .................................................................... 256

SW Motion ..................................................... 192, 198

Steel ............................................................... 137, 281

Symbol .... 11, 15, 23, 27, 36, 52, 69, 85, 86, 101, 103,
120, 138, 173, 241, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265,
284, 287, 290, 294, 299

material name ..................................................... 137

Steinmetz ............................................................... 253
importing ............................................................. 253

Symbol Settings ................................................. 39, 72

Symbol Size 11, 15, 23, 27, 36, 39, 52, 69, 72, 85, 86,
101, 103, 120, 138, 173, 206, 241, 260, 261, 262,
263, 264, 265, 284, 287, 290, 294, 299

Stepper Motor ................ 280, 281, 298, 299, 302, 304

StepperMotor ................................................. 279, 280
Takahashi .............................................................. 143
Stop................................................................ 179, 211
Takahashi eds ........................................................ 143
Straightforward ............................................... 158, 192
TEAM ..................................................................... 131
Stripline ........................................................ 49, 50, 63
TEAM 20 ................................................................ 141
1V ......................................................................... 63
TEAM 7 .................................................................. 249
Stripline icon....................................................... 50, 56
Team Problem 7..................................... 231, 233, 235
Study ..... 7, 19, 34, 50, 67, 80, 98, 117, 147, 163, 169,
196, 203, 218

TEAM Workshop ............................ 131, 143, 231, 233

EMS Motion ................................................ 163, 196

Proceedings........................................................ 143

Study 1 ......................................................... 40, 58, 73

Temperature........................................................... 274

Study icon ...................................................... 256, 280

view .................................................................... 274

EMS tool bar ....................................................... 256

Tesla ..... 124, 135, 141, 179, 211, 245, 249, 269, 271,
302, 304

Study list ........................................................ 163, 196



Set Units .... 124, 141, 179, 211, 245, 249, 269, 271,
302, 304

The electromagnetic............................................... 279

The electrostatic results ....................... 42, 60, 89, 109

The ................................................... 65, 158, 287, 290

Displaying ....................................................... 42, 60
The ......................................................................... 235
Visualizing .................................................... 89, 109
The 2D ..................................................... 93, 110, 141
The Electrostatic study ............................................. 19
The 3D magnetic flux density ................................. 124
Creating ................................................................ 19
Viewing ............................................................... 124
The EMS ................................................................ 129
The 3D magnetic flux density in the model ............ 245
The EMS FeatureManager ............................. 158, 192
Viewing ............................................................... 245
The EMS Motion ............................................ 165, 198
The AC Magnetic Results ...................................... 268
The First Inner Coil................................................. 260
Visualizing .......................................................... 268
Adding ................................................................ 260
The analysis ..................... 87, 108, 176, 209, 243, 267
The First Outer Coil ................................................ 263
The assembly ................................................. 122, 134
Adding ................................................................ 263
Meshing ...................................................... 122, 134
The Fixed Voltage ........................................ 36, 52, 69
The Assembly and ......................................... 176, 209
Meshing ...................................................... 176, 209

The Fixed Voltage Property Manager ... 11, 23, 85, 86,
101, 103, 220

The Band ....................................................... 176, 209

The Floating Conductor............................................ 13

The capacitance matrix ...................................... 30, 74

The Floating Conductor Property Manager . 12, 24, 25,

105, 106, 107

Viewing ........................................................... 30, 74

The Floating Conductor PropertyManager ............... 69
The central pole ..................................................... 139
The flux density results .................................. 141, 249
The current density ........................................ 227, 247
Verifying ..................................................... 141, 249
Graphing ............................................................. 227
The force and Back EMF ....................................... 213
The Current Density Property Manager ................. 225
Plotting ............................................................... 213
The Electric Conduction ......................................... 222
The force results .................................... 128, 129, 143
The Electric Field ........................... 42, 60, 90, 93, 110
Verifying ..................................................... 129, 143
Displaying ............................................................. 90
Viewing ............................................................... 128
Graphing ....................................................... 93, 110
The Forces ..................... 121, 139, 151, 175, 208, 298



Computing .......................................................... 139

Meshing .................................................... 40, 58, 73

The Function Curves Property Manager ................ 135

The Motion study in the MotionManager ........ 165, 198

The Global Size...................................... 176, 209, 301

Preparing .................................................... 165, 198

The ground plane ............................................... 11, 23

The Options ..................................... 14, 26, 38, 56, 71

The Iso PropertyManager ...................................... 304

The potential .................................................. 111, 228

The Losses Density................................................ 273

Displaying ........................................................... 111

The Magnetic Flux Density .... 124, 126, 179, 211, 245,
269, 271, 302, 304

Probing ............................................................... 228

The Probe .............................................................. 228

The Material .... 8, 20, 81, 99, 118, 119, 137, 149, 171,
205, 221, 239, 257, 281
The Material Browser ................................... 35, 51, 68

The Probe Result ................................................... 228

The Report31, 48, 64, 75, 94, 113, 130, 144, 153, 187,
216, 230, 251, 277, 308

The Material Property Manager.............................. 137

The Resistance Sets Property Manager ................ 222
The Mesh Control............................................... 39, 72
The results table....................................... 18, 229, 307
The Mesh Control Property Manager .. 15, 27, 87, 108,
148, 299
The Mesh Control PropertyManager57, 122, 134, 176,
The mesh information ........................................ 17, 29
Displaying ....................................................... 17, 29
The Mesh Property Manager .. 16, 28, 40, 58, 73, 122,
148, 219, 267

Viewing ................................................. 18, 229, 307

The Second Inner Coil ........................................... 261
Adding ................................................................ 261
The Second Outer Coil................................... 263, 264
Adding ........................................................ 263, 264
The stripline ............................................................. 52

The Mesh PropertyManager . 108, 134, 176, 209, 243,


The study ....................................... 123, 140, 224, 301

The model ........................................................ 28, 219

Running .............................................. 123, 140, 224

Meshing ........................................................ 28, 219

The Temperature ................................................... 274

The model and ......................... 87, 108, 243, 267, 301

The Third Inner Coil ............................................... 262

Meshing ................................ 87, 108, 243, 267, 301

Adding ................................................................ 262

The Model and Running the Analysis....................... 16

The Third Outer Coil............................................... 265

Meshing ................................................................ 16

Adding ................................................................ 265

The Model and Running the Study ............... 40, 58, 73

The torque and Back Emf versus angle ................. 181



Plotting ............................................................... 181

Click EMS Report ....................................... 230, 308

The torque of the upper magnet ............................. 151

Click Results Table ......................................... 18, 30

Computing .......................................................... 151

Click Run Study .................................................. 140

The torque results .................................................. 152

Top Plane Section Clipping ...................................... 45

Verifying ............................................................. 152

Select ................................................................... 45

The usual ....................................................... 158, 192

Torque .................... 121, 139, 151, 152, 175, 208, 298

The vector plot of the current density ............. 225, 247

Torque Center ................................................ 151, 298

Viewing ....................................................... 225, 247

Torque set ...................................................... 175, 208

The Yoke ................................................................ 135

Torque Tab ............................................................ 181

Thermal .................................................................. 266

Torques PropertyManager ..................................... 139

Thrid ......................................................................... 65

Touch ..................................................... 176, 209, 301

Thus, Fx ................................................................. 128

Global Size ......................................... 176, 209, 301

Thus, Fy ................................................................. 143

Transient Magnetic............................................. 1, 280

Time Duration......................................................... 280

create ................................................................. 280

Time Increment ...................................................... 280

Treating ......................................................................6

Time Step ....................................... 179, 211, 302, 304

Solid Conductors in Electrostatic Analysis ..............6

To Iso ..................................................................... 304

Trimmed ................................................................. 221

To Section .............................................................. 126

TrimmedResistor ............................................ 217, 218

Toggling ......................................................... 165, 198

TrimmedResistor icon ............................................ 218

Reverse Direction ....................................... 165, 198

Turns ..... 120, 138, 173, 206, 241, 260, 261, 262, 263,
264, 265

Tolerance .. 16, 28, 40, 58, 73, 87, 108, 122, 134, 148,
176, 209, 219, 243, 267, 301

Tutor1 ..................................................................... 308

0.15mm in ............................................................. 40

Tutorials ....................... 35, 68, 99, 137, 149, 184, 239

meshing . 16, 28, 40, 58, 73, 87, 108, 122, 134, 148,
219, 243, 267, 301

Two Layers Dielectric Cylinder ........................... 42, 45

TwoLayerCylinder .................................................... 34

Type 0.006mm in ................................................ 209

TwoLayerCylinder icon....................................... 34, 38
Toolbar .... 18, 30, 42, 60, 90, 111, 124, 126, 140, 222,
224, 225, 230, 245, 247, 269, 271, 273, 274, 302,
304, 308


Type ............................................................... 163, 196


Study list ..................................................... 163, 196

browse ................................................................ 135

Type 0.006mm in ................................................... 209

Select ................................................................. 137

Tolerance ........................................................... 209

Tz ................................................................... 152, 181

Type 0.1mm ........................................................... 176

Highlight ............................................................. 181

Type 0.72140357 inches in .................................... 108

Global Size ......................................................... 108

Un . 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 36, 39, 52, 69, 72, 85, 86, 101,

Type 0N ................................................................. 198

Force .................................................................. 198

Under Analysis Type ..... 7, 19, 34, 50, 67, 80, 98, 117,
133, 147, 169, 203, 218, 256, 280

Type 100.0mm ....................................................... 243

Under Automatic .............................. 14, 26, 38, 56, 71

Type 200.0mm ....................................................... 219

Under Component .......................................... 165, 198

Type 25 RPM ......................................................... 165

Under Control Parameters 15, 27, 39, 57, 72, 87, 108,
122, 134, 148, 176, 243, 299

Speed ................................................................. 165

Type 2mm ................................................................ 73
Type 3.0mm ............................................................. 40
Type 30.0mmin ...................................................... 122
Global Size ......................................................... 122
Type 3mm ................................................................ 58
Type 5.0mm ....................................................... 16, 28
Type 50.0mm ......................................................... 134
Type 50.0mmin ...................................................... 148
Global Size ......................................................... 148
Type MA1 ............................................................... 118
Type MA2 ............................................................... 137

Under Force Constant ............................................ 198

Under Motion.......................................................... 165
Under Motion Analysis ................................... 165, 198
Under Motor Type .................................................. 165
Under NdFeB ......................................................... 171
Under Thermal Analysis ......................................... 256
Under Type ............................................................ 198
Up .......................................................... 151, 179, 211
1 minute ...................................................... 179, 211
8 151
Use.. 12, 13, 42, 60, 90, 111, 124, 126, 184, 225, 245,
247, 269, 271, 273, 274, 302, 304

Type Mur1400 ........................................................ 118

EMS . 42, 60, 90, 111, 124, 126, 225, 245, 247, 269,
271, 273, 274, 302, 304

Type MyLib ............................................................ 118

MotionManager................................................... 184

Type PM1 ............................................................... 149

SolidWorks ..................................................... 12, 13

Typical Steel................................................... 135, 137

Using ...................... 33, 49, 65, 81, 131, 141, 227, 249


Ctrl key ................................................................. 81

View the field results on the mesh.................. 179, 211

EMS .......................................................... 33, 49, 65

View the magnetic flux density ............................... 302

Function Curves ................................................. 131

Viewing 18, 30, 74, 124, 126, 128, 225, 229, 245, 247,
253, 269, 271, 273, 274, 275, 304, 307

SolidWorks ......................................... 141, 227, 249

3 253
Using EMS ............................................................. 253
3D Loss Density results ...................................... 273
Using multple .............................................................5
3D Magnetic ....................................... 124, 126, 304
3D Magnetic flux results ..................................... 269
V0............................................................................. 63
3D Temperature results ...................................... 274
Vacuum_072909 ............................................ 101, 103
results table ........................................................ 275
face............................................................. 101, 103
Temperature ....................................................... 274
Validate .......................................................... 165, 198
the 3D magnetic flux density............................... 124
Motion ......................................................... 165, 198
the 3D magnetic flux density in the model .......... 245
ValIDATION ............................................................... 1
the capacitance matrix.................................... 30, 74
Value ...................................... 120, 133, 138, 141, 149
the force results .................................................. 128
1 120, 133, 138
the results table .................................... 18, 229, 307
275300 ............................................................... 149
the vector plot of the current density ........... 225, 247
Bz ....................................................................... 141
Vector results...................................................... 271
Vector results ......................................................... 271
Virtual Work.................... 121, 139, 151, 175, 208, 298
Viewing ............................................................... 271
Virtual work set....................................................... 298
Velocity .................................................................. 184
Applying .............................................................. 298
Verage ................................................... 176, 209, 301
Visualization of Results .................................. 178, 210
Verification ............................................................. 143
Visualizing ................................................ 89, 109, 268
Software ............................................................. 143
the AC Magnetic Results .................................... 268
Verifying ................................. 129, 141, 143, 152, 249
the electrostatic results ................................. 89, 109
the flux density results ................................ 141, 249
VLSI Circuits ............................................................ 74
the force results .......................................... 129, 143
Vol ............................................................ 74, 152, 249
the torque results ................................................ 152


Voltage 11, 23, 36, 52, 69, 85, 86, 101, 103, 105, 106,
107, 220

Yoke ....................................................................... 137

Bodies .................................... 85, 86, 105, 106, 107

Yoke_T ........................................................... 134, 137
Faces ...................................... 11, 23, 101, 103, 220
Vs ................................................................... 178, 210

Zero volt ................................................................... 23

Applying ................................................................ 23

Wei Hong ................................................................. 74

Zhenhai Zhu ............................................................. 74
With Core Loss....................................................... 257

Without consideration..................................... 158, 192

r1 ..................................................................... 33, 65
Workshop ............................................................... 131
r2 ..................................................................... 33, 65
Wound Coil .... 120, 138, 173, 241, 284, 287, 290, 294
r3 ........................................................................... 65
EMS toolbar ........ 138, 173, 241, 284, 287, 290, 294

r4 ........................................................................... 65
r5 ........................................................................... 65

X 10 ................................................................ 231, 233

r6 ........................................................................... 65
X10 ................................................................. 231, 233
r7 ........................................................................... 65
Xls .......................................................................... 141


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