Organizing Is The Function of Management Which Follows Planning. It Is A Function in Which The
Organizing Is The Function of Management Which Follows Planning. It Is A Function in Which The
Organizing Is The Function of Management Which Follows Planning. It Is A Function in Which The
which can be done by selecting people for various departments according to their
qualifications, skill and experience. This is helping in defining the jobs properly which
clarifies the role of every person.
3. Clarifies authority - Organizational structure helps in clarifying the role positions to
every manager (status quo). This can be done by clarifying the powers to every manager
and the way he has to exercise those powers should be clarified so that misuse of powers
do not take place. Well defined jobs and responsibilities attached helps in bringing
efficiency into managers working. This helps in increasing productivity.
4. Co-ordination - Organization is a means of creating co-ordination among different
departments of the enterprise. It creates clear cut relationships among positions and
ensure mutual co-operation among individuals. Harmony of work is brought by higher
level managers exercising their authority over interconnected activities of lower level
Authority responsibility relationships can be fruitful only when there is a formal
relationship between the two. For smooth running of an organization, the co-ordination
between authority- responsibility is very important. There should be co-ordination
between different relationships. Clarity should be made for having an ultimate
responsibility attached to every authority. There is a saying, Authority without
responsibility leads to ineffective behaviour and responsibility without authority makes
person ineffective. Therefore, co-ordination of authority- responsibility is very
5. Effective administration - The organization structure is helpful in defining the jobs
positions. The roles to be performed by different managers are clarified. Specialization is
achieved through division of work. This all leads to efficient and effective administration.
6. Growth and diversification - A companys growth is totally dependant on how
efficiently and smoothly a concern works. Efficiency can be brought about by clarifying
the role positions to the managers, co-ordination between authority and responsibility and
concentrating on specialization. In addition to this, a company can diversify if its
potential grow. This is possible only when the organization structure is well- defined.
This is possible through a set of formal structure.
7. Sense of security - Organizational structure clarifies the job positions. The roles assigned
to every manager is clear. Co-ordination is possible. Therefore, clarity of powers helps
automatically in increasing mental satisfaction and thereby a sense of security in a
concern. This is very important for job- satisfaction.
8. Scope for new changes - Where the roles and activities to be performed are clear and
every person gets independence in his working, this provides enough space to a manager
to develop his talents and flourish his knowledge. A manager gets ready for taking
Better communication
Better supervision
Better co-ordination
According to this span, one manager can effectively and efficiently handle a large
number of subordinates at one time.
b. Narrow span of control- According to this span, the work and authority is
divided amongst many subordinates and a manager doesn't supervises and control
a very big group of people under him. The manager according to a narrow span
supervises a selected number of employees at one time. The features are:i.
Marketing Manager
According to the above diagram, the Managing Director has got the highest level of
authority. This authority is shared by the Marketing Manager who shares his authority
with the Sales Manager. From this chain of hierarchy, the official chain of communication
becomes clear which is helpful in achievement of results and which provides stability to a
concern. This scalar chain of command always flow from top to bottom and it defines the
authority positions of different managers at different levels.
Organizations are basically clasified on the basis of relationships. There are two types of
organizations formed on the basis of relationships in an organization
1. Formal Organization - This is one which refers to a structure of well defined jobs each
bearing a measure of authority and responsibility. It is a conscious determination by
which people accomplish goals by adhering to the norms laid down by the structure. This
kind of organization is an arbitrary set up in which each person is responsible for his
performance. Formal organization has a formal set up to achieve pre- determined goals.
2. Informal Organization - It refers to a network of personal and social relationships
which spontaneously originates within the formal set up. Informal organizations develop
relationships which are built on likes, dislikes, feelings and emotions. Therefore, the
network of social groups based on friendships can be called as informal organizations.
There is no conscious effort made to have informal organization. It emerges from the
formal organization and it is not based on any rules and regulations as in case of formal
Relationship between Formal and Informal Organizations
For a concerns working both formal and informal organization are important. Formal
organization originates from the set organizational structure and informal organization originates
from formal organization. For an efficient organization, both formal and informal organizations
are required. They are the two phase of a same concern. Formal organization can work
independently. But informal organization depends totally upon the formal organization. Formal
and informal organization helps in bringing efficient working organization and smoothness in a
concern. Within the formal organization, the members undertake the assigned duties in cooperation with each other. They interact and communicate amongst themselves. Therefore, both
formal and informal organizations are important. When several people work together for
achievement of organizational goals, social tie ups tends to built and therefore informal
organization helps to secure co-operation by which goals can be achieved smooth. Therefore, we
can say that informal organization emerges from formal organization.
Line organization is the most oldest and simplest method of administrative organization.
According to this type of organization, the authority flows from top to bottom in a concern. The
line of command is carried out from top to bottom. This is the reason for calling this organization
as scalar organization which means scalar chain of command is a part and parcel of this type of
administrative organization. In this type of organization, the line of command flows on an even
basis without any gaps in communication and co-ordination taking place.
Features of Line Organization
1. It is the most simplest form of organization.
4. Lack of Co-ordination- Whatever decisions are taken by the line officials, in certain
situations wrong decisions, are carried down and implemented in the same way.
Therefore, the degree of effective co-ordination is less.
5. Authority leadership- The line officials have tendency to misuse their authority
positions. This leads to autocratic leadership and monopoly in the concern.
What is Controlling?
Controlling consists of verifying whether everything occurs in confirmities with the plans
adopted, instructions issued and principles established. Controlling ensures that there is effective
and efficient utilization of organizational resources so as to achieve the planned goals.
Controlling measures the deviation of actual performance from the standard performance,
discovers the causes of such deviations and helps in taking corrective actions
According to Brech, Controlling is a systematic exercise which is called as a process of
checking actual performance against the standards or plans with a view to ensure adequate
progress and also recording such experience as is gained as a contribution to possible future
According to Donnell, Just as a navigator continually takes reading to ensure whether he is
relative to a planned action, so should a business manager continually take reading to assure
himself that his enterprise is on right course.
Controlling has got two basic purposes
1. It facilitates co-ordination
2. It helps in planning
Features of Controlling Function
Following are the characteristics of controlling function of management1. Controlling is an end function- A function which comes once the performances are
made in confirmities with plans.
2. Controlling is a pervasive function- which means it is performed by managers at all
levels and in all type of concerns.
3. Controlling is forward looking- because effective control is not possible without past
being controlled. Controlling always look to future so that follow-up can be made
whenever required.
4. Taking remedial actions- Once the causes and extent of deviations are known, the
manager has to detect those errors and take remedial measures for it. There are two
alternatives herea. Taking corrective measures for deviations which have occurred; and
b. After taking the corrective measures, if the actual performance is not in
conformity with plans, the manager can revise the targets. It is here the controlling
process comes to an end. Follow up is an important step because it is only through
taking corrective measures, a manager can exercise controlling.
Planning and controlling are two separate fuctions of management, yet they are closely related.
The scope of activities if both are overlapping to each other. Without the basis of planning,
controlling activities becomes baseless and without controlling, planning becomes a
meaningless exercise. In absense of controlling, no purpose can be served by. Therefore,
planning and controlling reinforce each other. According to Billy Goetz, " Relationship between
the two can be summarized in the following points
Corrective Action
Planning and controlling are integral parts of an organization as both are important for
smooth running of an enterprise.
5. Planning and controlling reinforce each other. Each drives the other function of
In the present dynamic environment which affects the organization, the strong relationship
between the two is very critical and important. In the present day environment, it is quite likely
that planning fails due to some unforeseen events. There controlling comes to the rescue. Once
controlling is done effectively, it give us stimulus to make better plans. Therfore, planning and
controlling are inseperate functions of a business enterprise.
A managers primary challenge is to solve problems creatively. While drawing from a variety of
academic disciplines, and to help managers respond to the challenge of creative problem solving,
principles of management have long been categorized into the four major functions of planning,
organizing, leading, and controlling (the P-O-L-C framework). The four functions, summarized
in the P-O-L-C figure, are actually highly integrated when carried out in the day-to-day realities
of running an organization. Therefore, you should not get caught up in trying to analyze and
understand a complete, clear rationale for categorizing skills and practices that compose the
whole of the P-O-L-C framework.
It is important to note that this framework is not without criticism. Specifically, these criticisms
stem from the observation that the P-O-L-C functions might be ideal but that they do not
accurately depict the day-to-day actions of actual managers. [1] The typical day in the life of a
manager at any level can be fragmented and hectic, with the constant threat of having priorities
dictated by the law of the trivial many and important few (i.e., the 80/20 rule). However, the
general conclusion seems to be that the P-O-L-C functions of management still provide a very
useful way of classifying the activities managers engage in as they attempt to achieve
organizational goals. [2]
Figure 1.7 The P-O-L-C Framework
Planning is the function of management that involves setting objectives and determining a course
of action for achieving those objectives. Planning requires that managers be aware of
environmental conditions facing their organization and forecast future conditions. It also requires
that managers be good decision makers.
Planning is a process consisting of several steps. The process begins with environmental
scanning which simply means that planners must be aware of the critical contingencies facing
their organization in terms of economic conditions, their competitors, and their customers.
Planners must then attempt to forecast future conditions. These forecasts form the basis for
Planners must establish objectives, which are statements of what needs to be achieved and when.
Planners must then identify alternative courses of action for achieving objectives. After
evaluating the various alternatives, planners must make decisions about the best courses of action
for achieving objectives. They must then formulate necessary steps and ensure effective
implementation of plans. Finally, planners must constantly evaluate the success of their plans and
take corrective action when necessary.
There are many different types of plans and planning.
Strategic planning involves analyzing competitive opportunities and threats, as well as the
strengths and weaknesses of the organization, and then determining how to position the
organization to compete effectively in their environment. Strategic planning has a long time
frame, often three years or more. Strategic planning generally includes the entire organization
and includes formulation of objectives. Strategic planning is often based on the organizations
mission, which is its fundamental reason for existence. An organizations top management most
often conducts strategic planning.
Tactical planning is intermediate-range (one to three years) planning that is designed to develop
relatively concrete and specific means to implement the strategic plan. Middle-level managers
often engage in tactical planning.
Operational planning generally assumes the existence of organization-wide or subunit goals and
objectives and specifies ways to achieve them. Operational planning is short-range (less than a
year) planning that is designed to develop specific action steps that support the strategic and
tactical plans.
Organizing is the function of management that involves developing an organizational structure
and allocating human resources to ensure the accomplishment of objectives. The structure of the
organization is the framework within which effort is coordinated. The structure is usually
meetings to team huddles, HUI employees know and understand their customers and how HUI
might service them best. [3]
Leading involves the social and informal sources of influence that you use to inspire action taken
by others. If managers are effective leaders, their subordinates will be enthusiastic about exerting
effort to attain organizational objectives.
The behavioral sciences have made many contributions to understanding this function of
management. Personality research and studies of job attitudes provide important information as
to how managers can most effectively lead subordinates. For example, this research tells us that
to become effective at leading, managers must first understand their subordinates personalities,
values, attitudes, and emotions.
Studies of motivation and motivation theory provide important information about the ways in
which workers can be energized to put forth productive effort. Studies of communication provide
direction as to how managers can effectively and persuasively communicate. Studies of
leadership and leadership style provide information regarding questions, such as, What makes a
manager a good leader? and In what situations are certain leadership styles most appropriate
and effective?
Controlling involves ensuring that performance does not deviate from standards. Controlling
consists of three steps, which include (1) establishing performance standards, (2) comparing
actual performance against standards, and (3) taking corrective action when necessary.
Performance standards are often stated in monetary terms such as revenue, costs, or profits but
may also be stated in other terms, such as units produced, number of defective products, or levels
of quality or customer service.
The measurement of performance can be done in several ways, depending on the performance
standards, including financial statements, sales reports, production results, customer satisfaction,
and formal performance appraisals. Managers at all levels engage in the managerial function of
controlling to some degree.
The managerial function of controlling should not be confused with control in the behavioral or
manipulative sense. This function does not imply that managers should attempt to control or to
manipulate the personalities, values, attitudes, or emotions of their subordinates. Instead, this
function of management concerns the managers role in taking necessary actions to ensure that
the work-related activities of subordinates are consistent with and contributing toward the
accomplishment of organizational and departmental objectives.
Effective controlling requires the existence of plans, since planning provides the necessary
performance standards or objectives. Controlling also requires a clear understanding of where
responsibility for deviations from standards lies. Two traditional control techniques are budget
and performance audits. An audit involves an examination and verification of records and
supporting documents. A budget audit provides information about where the organization is with
respect to what was planned or budgeted for, whereas a performance audit might try to determine
whether the figures reported are a reflection of actual performance. Although controlling is often
thought of in terms of financial criteria, managers must also control production and operations
processes, procedures for delivery of services, compliance with company policies, and many
other activities within the organization.
The management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are widely
considered to be the best means of describing the managers job, as well as the best way to
classify accumulated knowledge about the study of management. Although there have been
tremendous changes in the environment faced by managers and the tools used by managers to
perform their roles, managers still perform these essential functions.
The principles of management can be distilled down to four critical functions. These
functions are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. This P-O-L-C framework
provides useful guidance into what the ideal job of a manager should look like.
What are the management functions that comprise the P-O-L-C framework?
Are there any criticisms of this framework?
What function does planning serve?
What function does organizing serve?
What function does leading serve?
What function does controlling serve?