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(For PGP & FPM)

Office of the
Hostel & Student Affairs
Prabandh Shikhar, RauPithampur Road, Indore 453331
Phone: +91-731- 2439666 Fax: +91-731-2439800






Residential facilities
Leave of Absence
Personal Belongings
Use & Maintenance
Hostel Facilities during Summer Vacation
Guest Room
Visiting Hours
Complaints and Suggestions
Sick Diet
Night Canteen
Mess Committee
Mess Bills and Hostel Fees
Medical Facilities
Medical Emergency
Medical Insurance
Prevention is better than Cure
Other Facilities
Washing and Ironing facilities
Bank and Post Office
Storage of Valuables
Telephone facility
General Conduct
Violation of Hostel Norms
Change of Norms

Annex (i)
Annex (ii)

Format Permission for night out / leaving hostel

Format Permission for guest accommodation


The Post-Graduate Programme of IIMI is fully residential and all the PGP participants are required
to stay in the Hostel unless exempted from this condition in special cases by the PGP
(Chairperson). Only the PGP & FPM participants, currently registered for our full-time programme,
are eligible to stay in the Hostel. Single-occupancy rooms in boys and girls blocks are available.
However, in certain circumstances participants could be asked to stay in twin-sharing
accommodation. Limited married accommodation is also available for the participants and their
spouses. All the rooms in the Hostel have direct computer connectivity to the main LAN. Dedicated
mess facilities and basic medical and entertainment facilities are also available. Only academic and
co-curricular activities are permitted in the Hostel. The entire Hostel and mess facilities are under
the general supervision of the Hostel & Students Affairs Office.
The broad objectives of hostel life are:
(a) to ensure that the participants are able to devote adequate time to their studies and
(b) to ensure that the participants coming from different parts of the country learn to live
together and strengthen their relations with mutual co-operation and goodwill; and
(c) to develop climate congenial for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of participants.
A brief description of all the facilities and corresponding hostel rules & regulations are given in the
following sections.
1. Residential Facilities
The IIMIs Hostel is primarily meant for the accommodation of its PGP/FPM participants. Details are
given below:
Rooms are allotted at the discretion of the Institute. Mutual exchange of rooms is not permitted.
Participants are not allowed to shift rooms without prior permission of Hostel Office. In exceptional
cases/circumstances, the Chairperson (H&SA) may consider written request for change of rooms
and decide on the same. For effective utilization of the hostel facilities, participants may be required
to change their rooms at any time during the academic year if so required and recommended by the
Chairperson (H& SA). Participants may be asked to vacate their rooms during Term breaks for
undertaking maintenance work. Should the need arise, storage facilities can be provided by the
Hostel office.
PGP participants of first year can occupy rooms allotted to them until the day following their last
final examination. PGP participants of second year can occupy rooms until the day after the
convocation. In case they do not handover the keys, a charge of Rs.350/- per day will be levied.
Participants are required to look at the inventory carefully and check the items of furniture, fixture,
and other articles in their rooms at the time of occupying the rooms. Having checked the items they
should sign the inventory form and hand it over to the Hostel & Students Affairs Office. When they
vacate rooms they are required to hand over the rooms, relevant fixtures, items of furniture, and all
other articles received by them earlier in good condition.
Every participant is responsible for the care of the hostel property. Participants are not allowed to
remove any article. Participants, staying in the Hostel, are responsible for any loss or damage
caused to the property of the Institute, whether movable or immovable, by themselves or by their

spouses, relatives, or visitors. Participants shall be charged individually or collectively for damages
to the hostel property, including chair, table, furniture, cupboard, etc. provided in the room. If the
person(s) is/are not traced, the participants in that floor or block will be held responsible and
collectively charged. In certain cases, all the participants of a particular block may be held
responsible. In case of wanton damage, in addition to recovery of the cost of repair, the Institute
may impose a fine and also treat this as a violation of hostel rules.
A participant vacating the hostel accommodation must clear all outstanding payments and get a
clearance certificate from Hostel & Students Affairs Office before leaving the Hostel.
1.1 Leave of Absence
Participants are expected to be on the campus on all days within 11.30 p.m. (unless valid reason is
given, participants will not be allowed entry into the campus after 11.30 pm). Participants are not
supposed to remain absent from the Hostel for any night without prior permission of the
Chairperson (PGP)/FPM/HS-A. If in an emergency a participant finds it necessary to stay overnight
outside the campus and is unable to meet the Chairperson (PGP)/FPM/H&SA, he/she must
report/explain (in writing) the reasons for his/her overnight absence from the hostel. Participants
entering the campus after 11.30 p.m. without prior permission will be subject to fine or disciplinary
Participants leaving the station temporarily, when the academic term is going on must get his/her
station leaving application approved (prescribed format is enclosed with this manual and copies are
available in the Guard Room at Block SR-3 Room No. B-113) by the Chairperson
(PGP)/FPM/H&SA. Before leaving the campus/station participants are required to intimate Hostel &
Students Affairs Office through the Hostel Movement Register kept at the Guard Room at (SR-3) B113 in which departure and arrival time are recorded. Participants are required to leave their
outstation address with Hostel & Students Affairs Office. If a participant has to go out of station on
an emergency after office hours, he/she must contact the Students Affairs Office/Chairperson
(PGP)/FPM/(H&SA)/(PGP) or any of the faculty members at their residence and obtain the
necessary permission. Under all circumstances, the participants shall inform in writing their program
office / program chair / any faculty member about their leaving the campus. Leaving the station
without prior permission or intimation to any faculty member is considered as an act of indiscipline.
1.2. Personal Belongings
Security services have been provided by the Institute to look after the Institute building and
property. But participants must take sufficient care of their own personal belongings. All items
including clothing must be kept in the rooms before going out. The Institute will not be responsible
for the loss of participants belongings which means the participants themselves are responsible
for their personal belongings. However, theft cases, if any, should be brought to the notice of Hostel
& Students Affairs Office. Security staff cannot be detailed to run personal errands. Participants are
advised not to hand over any keys to housekeeping staff.
The participants should take care of their personal belongings and use the locks provided by
Institute. However, keys of built-in cupboards are to be kept in possession by the participants
carefully. In case of misplacement or loss, the fact should immediately be reported to the Hostel
Administration. In case of loss of key to furniture/fixture or to a room, a sum of Rs.50/- per cupboard
key and Rs.350/- per room key shall be charged for replacement.
Participants are advised not to keep large sums of cash with them in their rooms. Each room is
furnished with a cupboard. Participants are advised to keep their valuables, e.g. calculator,
wristwatch, etc., in the cupboard when they go out of the room. Proper care of the cupboard should

also be ensured. Any damage to the cupboard or other furniture items will have to be made good by
the concerned participant.
No stranger(s) is/are allowed in the Hostel premises for carrying on any kind of direct sales,
exhibition, display of articles, or road show without the permission from the hostel authorities. Only
authorized washmen (dhobi) are allowed into the laundry room for ironing purposes. Similarly, only
authorized newspaper boy(s) is/are allowed for distribution of newspapers/magazines inside the
hostel blocks. Participants are requested not to have any dealing with strangers or entertain any
kind of trading/selling/vending activities on the campus.
1.3 Housekeeping
Participants are not supposed to shift any items/materials/inventory/furniture kept in any
room/common room/block of the Hostel without obtaining prior approval from Hostel & Students
Affairs Office. Participants must allow the Institutes Hostel Office / Estate departments
staff/workers and authorized contractors access to their room at all reasonable hours to inspect the
buildings, electrical installations, fixtures and furniture, and to carry out repairs as may be
considered necessary for the proper maintenance of the buildings. Participants are expected to
behave politely with hostel staff.
Sweepers appointed for the Hostel are meant to keep the hostel premises clean and hygienic.
Participants can get their rooms cleaned periodically in their presence. Participants should help
keep their rooms, its surrounding, and hostel premises clean.
1.4. Use & Maintenance
The Hostel community as a family cherishes its belongings and expects all to treat them with care.
Therefore, participants are requested to be careful while opening/closing doors and windows.
Participants should not write/paste any materials, which may disfigure or leave permanent mark on
the walls, windows, or doors. If any damage is done, the participant concerned shall have to pay
the cost of repairs as decided by the Institute. For any message/notice (official/informal) notice
boards may be used.
Participants should also take all care to safeguard common facilities provided in the Hostel. In case
of any damage to such facilities cost will be recovered from the person causing damage and if the
person is not identified the participants, as a whole will be charged the cost of the damage. Please
avoid littering and help the maintenance staff to keep the Hostel and the campus clean, beautiful
and pleasing.
Participants are not supposed to celebrate any community festival inside the rooms or on the
corridors of the Hostel blocks. Open spaces outside the hostel premises may be used for such
purposes with prior approval.
Participants are requested to see that no water is wasted by leakage in the water supply fittings or
by careless/extravagant use. If any damage or defect in the building, fixtures & fittings, electrical
installations, etc. is noticed it should be reported to Hostel & Students Affairs Office for necessary
action. In order to conserve energy & water and avoid waste, the participants are expected to
switch off the lights, fan, geyser etc. and turn off the bathroom and washbasin taps after use. Main
switch should be switched off while leaving the room.
When not in rooms, participants are requested to switch off the lights and fans and bolt/lock the
windows, cupboards and doors properly to avoid pilferage/theft.
Hostel authorities reserve the right to inspect the hostel rooms at any time with the written
permission from the Chair, Hostel and Student Affairs.

1.5. Hostel Facilities during Summer Vacation

Participants should vacate the rooms when they leave for summer vacation/break. The Hostel
office, if required, may provide storage facilities. It will be the responsibility of the participants to
hand over the luggage, duly packed and locked with necessary identification, to the Student Hostel
Committee and get a receipt thereof.
Under special circumstances, with the written permission of Chairperson (H&SA), personal
belonging of participants proceeding on summer assignment may be left behind in the hostel till
they return. All such articles must be packed and kept in the cupboard and the room keys be
handed over to the Hostel & Students Affairs Office. While every effort is made to see that the
articles are kept safely, the Hostel authorities are not responsible for any loss or damage caused.
Participants are, therefore, advised not to leave behind any costly item in the Hostel when they
leave for their summer jobs. In all such special cases extra charges will be levied.
If any room is found locked and the key is not handed over, the Hostel authorities have the right to
break open the same and the cost of the damage has to be borne by the respective participant.
Further, penal charges for the entire period of vacation will be charged.
Participants who need to stay in the Hostel during the summer vacation have to seek the written
approval of the Chairperson (H&SA) and make the entire payment in advance. Participants, staying
in the hostel only for a few days during summer vacation, are charged Rs. 200/- per day per room.
However, a participant staying in the Hostel for more than a month during the summer vacation is
expected to pay at the rate of Rs. 5000/- per month. These rates are subject to change without prior
notice. Participants who have graduated are not automatically eligible for these facilities in summer
vacation. Participants, who have graduated and wish to stay in the Hostel for a limited period, are
charged Rs. 200/- per day per room. These rates are subject to change without prior notice. The
charges for AC accommodation in MR-1 will be charged @ Rs.750/- per day.
All the rules, mentioned in this manual are also applicable during summer vacation.
1.6. Guest Room
Limited accommodation is provided to the outstation guests of the participants on prior written
request at least two working days in advance, only for a short duration, depending on availability of
rooms. Besides the guests of participants, the students of other institutes/universities/colleges are
also provided guest room facility if they are visiting the city or IIMI for some academic work. Bona
fide students of such academic institutions must write to Chairperson (H&SA) and produce a
certificate from the institution he/she is coming from, clearly stating the purpose of visit/stay.
Participants may please note that the permission is subject to availability of rooms. To avoid mutual
embarrassment, they should ascertain the position and seek prior permission, before planning to
invite their guests. Out-station guests have to stay only in the guestrooms allotted to them by Hostel
Office. Participants are not permitted to have unauthorized guests in their rooms.
The Chairperson (H&SA) has the power to refuse permission to any particular person to enter into
the Hostel as a guest, without assigning any reason.
However, the guests of IIMIs participants are given preference in terms of allotment of rooms over
guests from other academic institutions. As per the practice the order of preference is as follows:
1) Participants parents/grandparents/spouse
2) Participants brother/sister
3) Participants cousins/relatives/friends
4) Students from other academic institutions.

An amount of Rs.200/-/-per day for single room and Rs. 500/- per day for family room will be
charged as rent. The charges for AC accommodation in MR-1 will be charged @ Rs.750/- per day.
This room rent amount does not include mess charges. The Hostel maintains a register of guests
and no guest is admitted unless the name and other particulars are entered in the register. The
guests are expected to carry photo identity card for verification purpose. The participant who brings
the guest is responsible for the proper filling up of the particulars required therein. The participant
introducing the guest is also responsible for all charges incurred by the guest. The Institute will
notify the guest charges from time to time.
The guest will report at Guard Room situated at SR-3 (B Block) room no. B-113 to collect the key
of allotted guest room with photo identity card for verification purpose.
All the guests staying in Hostel guest rooms are subject to the existing rules and regulations of the
1.7. Visiting Hours
Visiting hours for non-participants are from 7.00 am to 11.30 p.m. Visitors to the Hostel are not
permitted after 11.30 p.m. Participants are requested to meet their visitors in the waiting room. Male
visitors are not permitted to visit the girls block of the Hostel. Female participants are requested to
meet such visitors at the Visitors room of the Hostel. IIM Indore reserves the right of admission to
the Hostel.
Male participants are not permitted to the girls block of the Hostel. Female participants may visit
boys blocks for academic work. But, overstaying in the boys block beyond reasonable limit/hours
is tantamount to violation of hostel rules. During their visit to the boys blocks, participants are
expected to maintain desired level of decency and decorum.
1.8. General
No participant is permitted to engage any person for service of any kind, personal or otherwise,
without the prior approval of Hostel & Students Affairs Office. The participants are not allowed to
assign any personal work to any employee of the hostel administration. Participants are advised not
to have any financial dealings of personal nature i.e. lending money, with any employee / support
staff of the Institute.
Participants are not permitted to install electrical appliances, such as private TV, AC, immersion
heaters/rods, electric heater or cooler, electric press, electric kettle, refrigerator, etc., in the rooms
without prior approval of the Hostel authorities.
No pets (animals, birds, etc,) are allowed in the hostel.
The use of two-wheelers (motorised) is banned on the campus. All those who own bicycles /
four wheelers are required to give details of their vehicles, such as make, registration
number, etc. In case of four wheelers a copy of the driving licence and vehicle registration
document are required to obtain vehicle pass. Vehicle pass is mandatory for parking the
vehicle in the hostel premises. Any vehicle parked without vehicle pass will be taken out by
the security personnel.
The main building of the Institute is a No smoking zone. Similarly, participants are also expected
to refrain from smoking in the corridors, common room, toilets and other public zones of the hostel.
Your smoking is injurious to others health. Participants found smoking in the public areas will be
fined @ Rs. 200/- each time and if they repeatedly violate the rule, they will be referred to the
disciplinary committee.

Participants are informed that consumption or storage of narcotic drugs and/or alcohol within the
campus including Hostel premises is strictly prohibited. If anybody is found under the influence of
such substances in the campus, disciplinary action will be initiated. It must be noted that
possession of narcotics and/or drugs is severely punishable by law. Appropriate action will be taken
against participants found to have indulged in these acts. Violation of this code will attract a stiff
penalty, such as debarment from campus placement, expulsion from the Institute, etc. In this regard
participants are expected to take cognizance of the General Conduct section of this manual
Keeping any firearms, licensed or unlicensed; any ammunition; explosives; any sharp-edged
weapon, retention of which is illegal and unlawful, in the Hostel is not permitted.
While participants are encouraged to have get-togethers/parties at reasonable hours that are not
disturbing others, they are expected to refrain from noisy parties. Every participant should take care
to ensure that other participants are not inconvenienced and disturbed by his/her activities in any
manner. Participants are expected to respect the right to peace and privacy of others. In case of
any complaint, participants may be liable for appropriate disciplinary action. No outside
musician/DJs/Personnel will be permitted to enter the campus without the prior written approval of
Chairperson (H&SA). In case they are not available, permission may be obtained from Chairperson
(PGP) or any member of Hostel & Students Affairs Committee. Request for permission should be
sought at least 3 days in advance.
All the participants are required to carry their identity card issued by the Institute at all the times
they go out of the campus. This is for security reasons and to prevent entry of unwanted external
elements into the campus.
1.9. Complaints and Suggestions
The Hostel is under the overall supervision and control of Hostel & Students Affairs Office. Hostel
problems arising from time to time should be reported to the Hostel Office for timely and appropriate
action. Complaints on minor repairs/maintenance may be made to centralized help line number #
617 operated by the Estate Department. The Estate Department of the Institute takes necessary
action and the complaints are attended to as expeditiously as possible. Any general problem
regarding residential facilities may be addressed to [email protected] and Problems/issues,
remaining unresolved for an unreasonably long period of time, may be brought to the notice of the
Chairperson (H&SA).
Participants are encouraged to make suggestions for improvement of residential facilities with
Hostel & Students Affairs Office at [email protected]
2. Catering
The Institute provides mess facilities for the participants. The contractor and his staff employed to
look after the catering arrangements of the Hostel provide the catering services.
The dining hall has a self-service system and it is open during the following hours for service.
Diners are expected to pick up their meals from service counters and leave the used plates, etc. at
the place specified.

7.45 10.00 am
12.15 02.30 pm
04.30 06.00 pm
08.00 10.00 pm

Sundays & Other Institute Holidays

7.45 10.30 am
12.55 02.30 pm
04.30 06.00 pm
08.00 10.00 pm

The participants are required to avail of the mess facilities in the dining hall itself. Eatables are not
served in rooms. Food and other items are not to be taken out of the dining hall except for sick
Participants are not allowed to take utensils, items of crockery and cutlery (cups, saucers, tumblers
and other utensils) from the dining hall to the rooms. They are advised to purchase any of these
items they may need for their personal use in their rooms. Anyone found taking these items to the
room is liable to be fined apart from paying for the cost of the said items.
Non-vegetarian dishes are served occasionally. Participants who prefer non-vegetarian food should
inform in writing in advance. The charges for the non-vegetarian dishes are to be paid over and
above the regular monthly mess bill. Those desirous of having non-vegetarian dishes must inform
in writing in advance and also continue for a full month (first of the month to the end of the month.)
Participants are expected to maintain perfect discipline and order in the dining halls during the
hours when meals are served. Participants must be suitably attired in the dining hall. No participant,
except the mess committee representative(s), is permitted to enter the kitchen. The participants
must respect the timing of the breakfast, lunch and dinner. Besides this, the participants must also
conform to the terms and conditions for catering services, including prompt payment of the mess
bills and allied hostel dues, as intimated and amended by the Institute from time to time.
2.1. Sick Diet
Sick diet is provided for a day if a request is made to Caterer. If the sick diet is to be continued,
the advice of the Institute's Doctor or Hostel & Students Affairs Office is necessary. Sick diet is
normally served in the room only if the participant is unable to move out of the room because of
sickness. The utensils used for serving sick diet should be returned to the student mess the next
day through the sick diet waiter. The participants may call telephone number 0731-2439783 or Ext.
783 to request sick diet.
2.2. Night Canteen
The participants can avail night canteen facility from 10.00 pm onwards. Snacks and other eatables
are normally available up to 4.00 a.m. The availability of the night canteen might be restricted for
cleaning and other maintenance requirements.
2.3. Mess Committee
There is a mess committee consisting of participants, which is responsible for deciding the menu for
normal and special occasions and for arranging tasty and healthy food. The Mess committee
ensures smooth running of the mess and hygienic conditions in and around the mess. The mess
committee will prepare periodic inspection report on mess kitchen, products and vegetables being
used in the canteen, overall hygiene in the canteen etc. They can also conduct surprise inspection
of mess kitchen and dining at reasonable hours.
2.4. Mess Bills and Hostel Fees
The participants must pay their room rent, mess bills and other charges during the academic year
as per the schedule of payment and terms and conditions stipulated by the institute. No refund is
allowed on room rent paid for the term for which the participant is registered.
Mess charges are billed on actual expenses incurred on the foods consumed. Special
dinners/lunches are charged extra. Advance for mess bills of every term is to be paid at the
beginning of each term. After the actual charges are determined, the Accounts Department makes
necessary adjustments and the bills are to be cleared within the stipulated time.
While in campus, every participant is expected to use the mess facility. If a participant goes out of

station for more than three consecutive days, he/she is allowed a mess rebate (as applicable)
provided the absence from the campus is officially permitted by the Chairperson (PGP) and the
Mess Supervisor is informed about the absence well in advance by writing in the mess register kept
in the hostel mess. To avail the mess rebate participants should ensure that they give at least 24
hours prior notice in writing to the Mess Supervisor. Exemption from mess charges is allowed only
for full days. Exemption for part of a day is not entertained. No other refund is admissible on mess
3. Medical Facilities
Medical aid is available on the campus. Participants may avail of the services of the Institute's
doctor at appointed days/timings as notified by the Institute. Diagnosis, prescription, and
emergency treatments are given, if required. Only emergency medicines are provided at the
Institute dispensary. Participants have to buy the drugs prescribed by the doctor. In the event of
doctor not being around, first aid box, available in the Medical Centre can be used to treat minor
PGP participants, who have not produced the medical fitness certificate at the time of registration
for the programme, are required to get themselves examined by the Institute doctor and get the
fitness certificate. Participants must have taken i) Typhoid ii) Hepatitis A, iii) Hepatitis B and iv)
Chicken Pox vaccines either before arriving or get vaccinated immediately after arriving at the
Institute. Doctors certificate needs to be produced to that effect. Unless this certificate is shown,
hostel room will not be allotted to the concerned participants. The telephone numbers of medical
centre are 0731-2439782 & 784.
3.1. Medical Emergency
In an emergency, participant(s) may contact Hostel & Students Affairs Office or Chairperson
(H&SA) who will make necessary arrangements to provide medical services. The doctor may refer
the participant, if necessary, to an outside specialist for opinion. If the doctor feels that the
participant needs to be hospitalized he/she may be hospitalized at a recognized hospital as
recommended by the doctor. All expenses, in connection with his/her medical treatment, have to be
borne by the participant. During night hours a nurse is available in the campus. He/She may
consult/call the doctor if such a need arises. Parents will be informed about the hospitalization at
the earliest and participants are requested to provide contact numbers and update the same in
case of change. In case of any medico-legal problem, the primary responsibility for dealing with the
authorities will be with the participant.
Participants are obligated to have health/medical insurance. This is also facilitated by the Student
Activity Council. Participants are advised to carry Medical Card with them for availing cashless
medical emergencies/facilities. In case they do not avail cashless facility or are admitted to any
other hospital where cashless medical facility is not available, they will have to settle the bills
directly with the hospital, in no case Institute will be responsible to settle their bills.
3.2. Medical Insurance
It is the responsibility of the participants to be covered under the health/mediclaim insurance.
Participants are also advised to carry Medical Card with them for availing cashless medical
emergencies/facilities. In case they do not avail cashless facility or are admitted to any other
hospital where cashless medical facility is not available, they will have to settle the bills directly with
the hospital.
The Student Activity Council assists the participants in availing health/mediclaim insurance. Only
terms and conditions as mentioned in the insurance policy are applicable. Reimbursement of
hospitalization expenses is possible to the extent of the claim allowed by the insurance company.

Medical expenses incurred during vacation and outside Indore may be claimed through the medical
insurance as per their norms. Participants are advised to carefully go through the terms and
conditions as applicable in the Mediclaim policy.
3.3. Prevention is better than Cure
Any incidence of infectious disease (e.g. chicken pox and jaundice) must be reported immediately
to Hostel & Students Affairs Office and all precautions should be taken to prevent the spreading of
the infection.
Participants are advised to refrain from consuming eatables outside the campus to avoid chances
of food poisoning or any other water-borne diseases. If a participant is sick continuously for more
than a day, he/she should keep Medical Centre, Hostel & Students Affairs Office and PGP Office
informed of his/her condition.

4. Other Facilities
4.1. Washing and Ironing Facilities
Participants are informed that they can make use of the laundry facilities available at the Institute
and charges for use of the facilities may be payable as notified.
4.2. Bank, ATM & post office
A branch of the State Bank of India and a Post Office are located in the Institute premises. Both
bank and the post office are within walking distance from the hostel. The bank has locker facilities,
which can be used by the participants on chargeable basis. An ATM of State Bank of India is
located at the hostel block SR-7.
4.3. Storage of Valuables
Participants are advised not to keep large sums of cash in their rooms. Each room is furnished with
a cupboard. Participants are advised to keep their valuables, such as calculators and wristwatches,
in the cupboard and lock it while they go out. The locker facility provided by the bank may be
utilized for the purpose of storing valuable articles.
4.4. Telephone Facility
The telephone number of the Institute is 0731-2439400/2439666. Participants can receive calls at
any of these telephone extension numbers.
Hostel & Students Affairs Office

780, 770, 789

Security Guard room Block B-113

764, 785

Security Guard room Block A


Hostel Mess

783, 790

4.5. Parking
The Institute has provided ample parking space for four-wheelers. Participants must park their
vehicles only in the parking area and not inside or outside their rooms or in front of the Hostel or
dining hall or elsewhere. Though a strict vigil is kept and monitoring of movement of vehicles in the
parking area is done periodically, the Institute will in no way be responsible for any loss / damage,
theft of vehicle.
5. General Conduct
Apart from strict integrity and sincerity, the Institute attaches utmost importance to general conduct
of the PGP participants. Various codes of conduct have been prescribed so that the Hostel can

provide a hospitable academic environment and give a great living experience. Hence, participants
are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the existing norms and behave with
restraint and decorum during their stay in the hostel.
Cases involving moral turpitude will entail severest of punishments resulting in expulsion. All the
participants are legally bound to obey the laws as stipulated time to time by the government. Any
participant engaged in violation of any law of the government shall be subjected to suitable action
from the institute authorities. Participants must take all care to ensure the correctness of information
while making declaration at any point of time in the Institute. Wrong declaration may lead to the
participants termination from the Programme.
Ragging is banned in the Institute and anyone indulging in ragging will be punished, which may
include fine with a public apology, suspension from the Institute or class for a limited period, or even
expulsion from the Institute. Broadly speaking, ragging is: any disorderly conduct whether by words
spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness
any other participant, indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause
annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or
a junior student or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will
not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or
embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.
Any participant who is subject to ragging or is aware of any such incident should report the same to
Chairperson (PGP) / (FPM) / (H&SA). If it is an incident of a sensitive nature they can approach
their mentor.
5.1. Violation of Hostel Norms
A participant who violates the hostel norms and discipline is liable for disciplinary action. Cases of
misconduct or violation of hostel rules may even lead to expulsion from the Institute. A participant
who is asked to leave the Institute must immediately vacate his/her accommodation and clear all
his/her dues from all sections/departments of the Institute.
Hostel and Students Affairs Committee is the disciplinary authority on all hostel-related matters and
its decision is final so far as disciplinary measures and disciplinary actions are concerned. The
Director of the Institute is the appellate authority.
5.2. Change of Norms
The Institute reserves the right to change/modify partially or fully any or all the above information,
rules, regulations, procedures and norms in this manual without prior notice as per exigency of
circumstances and as per its discretion. The Institute's decision shall be final in the interpretation of
the rules and in all matters connected with Hostel. The Chairperson (H&SA) retains authority to
issue standing orders to regulate all internal matters and other details, not explicitly covered by
these rules.



Name ________________________________________________
PGP I / II / FPM Roll No.__________________ Section: ________


Number of days : ______ from ____________ to _______________


Reason for absence



Address for correspondence during absence __________________



Contact Number (with STD Code) __________


Has the program office been informed?

Date: ___________

Signature of the participant

The Hostel & Student Affairs Office
Indian Institute of Management
Mr. / Ms. (name and relationship) ____________________________________________
from _______________________________________ (Address) is coming to visit me on _____________.
I, request you to kindly allot a guest room in my name for a period as stated below for his/her






Personal / Official

I, hereby, undertake that:

1. I will pay accommodation charges in advance at least 24-hours prior to the visit of the guest.
2. Failing in making the advance payment within due time may result in cancellation of my request.
3. Refund in cases of change of date or cancellation will be governed by the Institute policy in the
4. I will settle all the bills, service charges, and mess charges within 7 working days from the date of
departure of the guest.
5. My guest will scrupulously abide by the institute rules. In case of any violations by my guest, I will be
personally liable for the consequences.
6. I am aware that this allotment can be cancelled by the hostel administration, if required for any
institute purposes or under any extraordinary circumstances.

Name: _______________________________

Roll No: __________________ Programme: ____________

Room No: ____________________________

Contact Phone:____________________

Signature of Applicant ____________________ Date: ___________________

(For Office Use Only)

Allotted room No. __________ from _________________ am/pm to _________________ am/pm.
Amount of Rs. ____________ recovered towards guest room charges.
(Hostel & Student Affairs Dept.)

Name of receiver

Date : _________

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