Authoring Tools
Authoring Tools
Authoring Tools
The integration of audio, video, graphics and text on the desktop promises to
fundamentally challenge the centuries-old model of the printed document as the basis for
information exchange. Before this potential can be realized, however, systems must be
devised that enable the production and presentation of complex, inter-related media
objects. These systems are generically called multimedia authoring tools.
In this article, we consider the development of multimedia authoring tools,
examine the current state of the art, and then discuss a set of research challenges that
need to be addressed before the full potential of multimedia output technology can be
effectively utilized to share information.
Time-based tools
1. Elements and events are organized along a timeline with resolutions as high as or higher
than 1/30 second.
2. Time-based tools
3. best to use when you have a message with a beginning and an end.
4. played back at a speed that you can set
5. Other elements (such as audio events) are triggered at a given time or location in the
sequence of events.
6. Jumps to any location in a sequence
1. Editing tools create, edit, and convert multimedia elements such as animation and video
2. The organization, design, and production process for multimedia involves storyboarding
and flowcharting.
1. Visual flowcharting or overview facility illustrates project structure at a macro
Programming Features
1. Visual programming with icons or objects
1. the simplest and easiest authoring process.
1. Interactivity
1. the end user control over the content and flow of information
2. Simple branching
1. go to
3. Conditional branching
1. IF-THEN decisions or events.
2. Structured language
1. complex programming logic, subroutines, event tracking, and message passing
among objects and elements.
Performance Tuning and Playback Features
1. Synchronization is difficult
2. Authoring system should facilitate precise timing of events.
3. It should enable developers to build a part of a project and then test it immediately.