Department of Electronic and Information Engineering Communication Laboratory Phase Shift Keying (PSK) & Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK)
Department of Electronic and Information Engineering Communication Laboratory Phase Shift Keying (PSK) & Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK)
Department of Electronic and Information Engineering Communication Laboratory Phase Shift Keying (PSK) & Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK)
Phase-Locked Loop
Reference signal
Demodulated signal
From Figure 3, the reference signal for the receiver is derived from the incoming PSK
signal by the Phase Locked Loop (PLL) detector, which controls an oscillator so that it
maintains a constant phase angle relative to a reference signal. With BPSK, the phase
shift will change with each data bit. The PLL is designed so that its response is relatively
slow and it is held at the mean of the two signalling phases. The reference signal will then
be in quadrature with the mean phase of the received signal and will be of the same
frequency. The lower modulator in Figure 3 multiplies the received PSK signal with the
reference signal.
Two output components will be given as the result of the multiplication mentioned:
a dc term proportional to the phase shift of the incoming signal and
a term at twice the frequency of the carrier.
The double frequency term is unwanted and is filtered out by the low pass filter, while
the dc term is the wanted demodulated PSK output signal. Because the dc term is
proportional to the phase shift of the incoming signal, the higher the difference in phase
between the two states, the higher will be the difference between the two output voltage
levels from the demodulator. However, there is a problem if the phase shift for the PSK is
increased to +/-90 degrees, there is ambiguity between plus and minus 90 degrees
(Q+cos/2 = -cos/2) in the multiplying process. Hence, with PSK of +/-90 degrees, the
demodulator described will not be able to determine which of the two phases is which
and the output will be in error.
(3) Demodulation 90 Degrees
When a PSK signal either leads, or lags the phase of a reference carrier by 90 degrees, the
total change from one phase to the other is 180 degrees. This is equivalent to inverting
the signal as it changes from one state to the other.
(4) Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK)
Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) is an extension of the simple PSK method of
keying. In QPSK, the signal can take up one of four possible phase angles, mutually in
quadrature, each corresponding to a particular data input condition. Consider NRZ
formatted data in which each word is divided into bit pairs (or dibits) instead of
individual bits.
QPSK offers twice as many data bits per carrier phase change than Binary Phase Shift
Keying (BPSK), hence it finds wide application in high-speed carrier-modulated data
transmission systems. This means that the bandwidth
required for any given data transfer rate will be
approximatly halved for QPSK as compared with
BPSK. The typical possible phase angles are +/-45
degrees and +/-135 degrees; each phase shift can
represent two signal elements.
The simplest method of generation of the bit pairs is
to store two bits, read off the combinationand generate
the required carrier phase shift and then store the next Figure 4: QPSK Constellation with
0as the reference signal.
two bits, etc.
In normal operation, the frequency of the VCO is synchronised with that of the incoming
signal and it produces two square wave outputs, mutually in quadrature, at the carrier
frequency. When a sine wave signal is multiplied with a square wave of the same
frequency, the output will contain a dc component proportional to the phase difference
between the two waveforms. Therefore, multipliers 1 and 2 act as phase detectors which
extract the in-phase and quadrature components from the incoming signal and produce
two data waveforms corresponding to the two signals originally generated at the
transmitter. As we know, the phase angle of the incoming signal can be +/-45 degrees, or
+/-135 degrees with respect to the carrier reference. In the receiver, the VCO provides the
reference signal, and the outputs from multipliers 1 and 2 will produce different
combinations of polarity for each phase angle, such as mentioned in 4. One of the outputs
will give a waveform corresponding to the MS bits pattern, the other will give the LS bits
pattern. The loop must remain in lock as the input signal changes between these four
phases. This means that system must be able to lock on to these four phases without the
VCO changing frequency or phase.
Multipliers 3 and 4 are arranged that one input to each of these multipliers is made so
large that each multiplier effectively switches the polarity of its other input. Then the
combined output is applied to the control terminal of the VCO.
Remembering that the VCO is frequency synchronised tot he incoming signal and that a
particular voltage is required to maintain this synchronism. This gives the circuit the
ability to maintain a steady reference phase as the input changes between its four possible
phase values.
In BPSK, there was a two-fold ambiguity in defining the reference phase, while there is a
four-fold ambiguity with QPSK. To resolve this ambiguity, a recognition word is
periodically transmitted and has a distinctive combination of 1s and 0s. It can be used to
recognise if any bits have been inverted as a result of locking onto an ambiguous phase.
The bits in error can be corrected lastly.
1. Ferrel G. Stremler, Introduction to Communication Systems 3rd, Addison Wesley
2. Using Mixers in Radio Communications
3. Digital Data, Analogue Signal
1. PC Interface Box (RAT 53-100)
2. Interface Card (serial No. 53-101/1/72)
3. Modulation & Keying Workboard 53-160
4. Feedback Power Supply 01-100
5. PC with Discovery Software
Brief Control Description
There are 8 potentiometers and 2 switches on the 53-160 Wordboard. Their functions are
briefly described below.
1. The Frequency control <1> sets the frequency of the Voltage Controlled Oscillator
2. The Offset control <2> sets a frequency offset about which control <1> operates.
3. The Range control <3> sets the magnitude of the variation achieved by control <1>.
4. The Phase control <4> is used to vary the phase of the modulation in some
experiments using Phase Shift Keying (PSK).
5. The Carrier Level control <5> controls the amplitude of the sinusoidal carrier that is
modulated in various ways dependent on the Assignments being carried out.
6. The PLL Filter control <6> sets the cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter used in
the VCO control voltage path when a Phase-Locked Loop is being used.
7. The MS bits switch <7> sets the four most significant data bits.
8. The LS bits switch <8> sets the least significant four bits.
9. The PDF control <9> controls the cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter used as a
post detection filter in the Assignments that use PLL techniques for demodulation.
The Balance control <10> is used to balance the double-balanced multiplier (modulator)
circuit used in some Assignments.
Preliminary Preparation
1. Connect the equipment as the following diagram and DO NOT turn on any power at
this moment.
RAT 53-100
Interface Card
Modulation & Keying
Board 53-160
Figure 6: Setting.
2. Turn on the Computer first and connect Modulation & Keying Board to the Interface
before switching on the FEEDBACK Power Supply 01-100.
Note: Connect the voltages of the Board to that of the Interface carefully, otherwise,
the Board will be burnt!
3. In DOS Prompt mode, type <CD\FBTP> and then <START>.
4. Turn on the power.
5. Use the Mouse to click at the <System> in the Menu Bar and then select <Index>.
6. Click <25> in the list for Assignment 25 and then select <Yes> for this experiment.
7. Click at the <Practicals> in the Menu Bar, and select <Practical 1> for Part 1
Experimental Procedures & Questions
Part 1: PSK Modulation
You will investigate the concept of Phase Modulation by changing the phase of a carrier
in response to a modulating waveform.
Question 1: Draw the waveform displayed and mark the times of the edges of the data
5. Change to monitor point <2> with the large oscilloscope.
Question 2: Draw the phase modulated waveform displayed and mark the points on it
where the phase is switched.
Question 3: Do you get the same results from question 1 and 2?
6. Change the <LS bits switch> to 1 and repeat the measurements to confirm your
7. Vary the <Phase control> from minimum to maximum, and vice versa, and carefully
observe the waveform at point <2>, especially around the switching points.
Question 4: Can you see the shift in phase between the two states vary as the control is
8. Set the <MS bits switch> to 0 and the <LS bits switch> to 2.
9. Look at monitor point <2> with the large spectrum analyser display.
10. Increase the data word by adjusting the <MS bits switch> and <LS bits switch>.
11. Observe the spectrum of the PSK waveform.
Question 5: Does the shape of the spectrum change with data word setting?
Question 6: Is the amplitude of the carrier frequency component constant with switch
Question 7: Are the number and magnitude of the side frequency components constant
with switch setting?
12. Set both bits switches to 0 and then 1. Observe the changes in the spectrum.
Question 8: What frequency components are presented when both of the switches are set
to 0 and 1 respectively? Explain the reason for your answer briefly.
13. Set both of the data word switches to A.
Question 9: What data waveform does A represent in binary?
14. Vary the <Phase control> to vary the phase angle switched by the PSK.
Question 10: What happens to the spectrum of the PSK waveform?
Part 2: Demodulation <90 Degrees
You will investigate the demodulation of PSK signals which have phase shifts less than
+/-90 degrees. The carrier is being phase modulated by the data waveform, for which
NRZ (nonreturn-to-zero) or Split Phase format may be chosen. The phase shift of the
PSK can be varied.
Question 22: Is there a recognisable demodulator output present? Try to prove your
answer by changing the data word.
6. Select the <Split Phase> format and set the data word to AA.
Question 23: Is there a recognisable demodulator output present now? Try to prove your
answer by changing the data word.
7. Select the <Var. Phase>.
8. Adjust the <Phase control> for a phase shift away from +/-90 degrees.
Question 24: Do you get a demodulator output now?
Question 25: Conclude the performance of a PLL demodulator for PSK applications.
Part 4: Generation of QPSK
Here, the carrier is being QPSK modulated by the data waveform. The data bits are set by
the MS and LS switches. The bits associated with these switches are:
MS bits switch
LS bits switch
bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4
bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4
The grouping of the bits into dibits is: