DR16 Digital Education 2.0
DR16 Digital Education 2.0
DR16 Digital Education 2.0
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Leveraging the learning centers adaptive learning system and the learning
plan designed by the EC, Annas teacher reconfigures her performance
dashboard on the wizard to reflect her progress.
Anna can change her learning objectives anytime, and her wizards dashboard will dynamically account for all prior work done and align with her
new learning objectives. Anna can also share her learning progress with her
friends and family via several social media interfaces. The wizard maps her
progress and will continue to evolve throughout her journey from primary
to secondary school to corporate learning.
cluding online courses, digital libraries, games, and apps. Digitizing educational
content, bringing devices to school, and one-off stand-alone learning apps were
basic steps in the drive toward bringing technology into classrooms.2 Despite the
initial efforts to digitalize education, K-12 (elementary schools), higher education,
and beyond still face three key issues: skills gaps; low return on investment (ROI);
and the need for innovation, entrepreneurship, and job creation.
1. Enhancing student job readiness and addressing skill shortages:
Graduating students increasingly find themselves underprepared to take on
corporate positions. Emphasis on conventional methods of book learning
and didactic lectures has resulted in a lack of practical and applied knowledge.3 The needs and requirements of employers are ever changing, further
shortening the half-life of skillsacquired through primary, secondary, and
graduate educationto five years, and schools and colleges find it challenging to keep pace.4, 5 One solution developed has been the Common Core State
Standards in the United States, expected to help raise student skill levels in
foundational subjects such as basic math and English language.6 Though
some schools have adopted Common Core standards, there is less certainty
about the actual implementation across all schools by the end of 2015.7
2. Increasing ROI from K-12 and higher education:
Though the United States spends a greater proportion of its GDP on education than other OECD countries, it does not rank among the top 10 in terms
of reaping the rewards of that investment.8 Research also shows that 80 percent of adults in the United States consider college education to have poor
ROI.9 Rising education fees and the resulting student debt, coupled with
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s technology the answer, or at least part of the answer, to these problems? Many
certainly seem to think it is, judging by the investment in educational technolo-
gies (ed-tech). US education spending doubled over the past 20 years to $1.17
trillion in 2013, and the fastest-growing segment of spending is digital education
technologies, which is expected to rise from $23.6 billion in 2014 to $26.8 billion in
2018.15, 16, 17 Since the advent of the computer 35 years ago, learning across schools,
colleges, and universities has systematically incorporated technology into the classroom. Businesses, especially, have embraced technology for employee training and
Ubiquitous access to learning content has only intensified the need for effective,
efficient methods of delivery and utilization.18 Thanks to advanced technologies
available today, it is possible to personalize and securely deliver instructional content. As a case in point, Khan Academys anytime, anywhere educational model
delivers personalized learning to students worldwide and even provides diagnostics and dashboards to teachers.19 Some technologies can design adaptive learning
methods to offer differentiated learning experiences.20 Nonetheless, merely adding
technology to the classroomwhich we saw in the first wave of digital education
is not enough to address the impetus for change.
With government, schools, and businesses now demanding connected learning,
there will likely be a second wave of digital education.21 Participants in the education
ecosystemschool administrations, teachers, students, parents, ed-tech solution
providers, and government educational agencieswill need to build stronger relationships to create learning environments like Annas. Integrated next-generation
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technologies will likely make it easier for students of all ages and backgrounds to
continue their education their entire lives, both inside and outside the classroom.
These technologies can address the three drivers of change: fortifying student
skills, increasing educations ROI, and enabling students to be more innovative and
entrepreneurial. To address these challenges, ed-tech solution providers will likely
need to shift focus from content to connections.
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Source of skills
Buyer of skills
Point of origin of
the potential
Digital/tech solutions
For-profits and
experts and mentors
Parents and
Corporate and
business community
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Connected learning bolsters classroom learning with outside experience for
school-to-career transitions
Big Picture Learning (BPL) envisions redesigning K-12 to adult education in the United States
through the innovative use of personalized learning. The Metropolitan Regional Career and
Technical Center (MET), the first BPL school, opened in 1996 in Rhode Island under the guidance of experienced educators Dennis Littky and Elliot Washor. They were given a mandate
to design a school for the 21st century that would impact the community by producing
skilled graduates, lifelong learners, and responsible citizens.
Since its inception, the MET school has adopted Learning Through Interest (LTI) in which
students spend two days per week engaged in learning outside of the classroom with a
mentor, who is an expert in the students field of interest. Advisors meet with students and
mentors at the LTI site, to help students develop real-world projects and build long-term personal relationships with their mentorspaving the way for lifelong learning. The students
dont get credit necessarily for being in an internship, but they get credit for what they create while at an internship and how they present, says David Berg, vice principal at the MET
Sacramento High School in Sacramento, CA.28 With LTI, the MET gives academic credit for
technology use, both inside and outside the classroom. Students can develop deeper understanding by actually doing and making things and applying their knowledge rather than
just gathering information online, says Elliot Washor, codirector of Big Picture Learning.29
The LTI-driven personalized and connected learning approach has equipped METs students
to transition from school to a career. The school has maintained a 98 percent college acceptance rate.30 As Elliot Washor highlights, a Big Picture alumni survey31 revealed that for
over two-thirds of MET graduates, work-based learning and the opportunity to work with
advisors at internship sites were important aspects that contributed to success in life after
high school.32
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Source: Based on our analysis of 18 ed-tech solution providers. We studied the number of partnerships and alliances
formed by those 18 companies during two different time periods: September 1, 2010, to August 31, 2011, (noted as
201011) and September 1, 2013, to August 31, 2014, (noted as 201314). We primarily looked at company press
releases and third-party data sources to gather data around partnership/alliance announcements.
Graphic: Deloitte University Press | DUPress.com
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interactive tools as part of their offerings.35 Some partnerships aim to improve the
integrity, security, and flow of data between products.36 Others bundle hardware
and software designed to help manage a classroom of devices.37 Many partnerships offer personalized learning experiences for students and assist in managing
their learning goals.38 In addition, infrastructure providers play an important role
in facilitating connections among core education ecosystem participants: students,
teachers, administrators, and parents. For example, partnerships between cloud
companies and learning management system (LMS) providers are helping students
and teachers access and supervise learning content virtually anytime, anywhere, on
any platform.39
As our case studies have shown, the three connectors address the impetus for
change: bridging the skills gaps, increasing ROI from education, and enabling students to be innovative and entrepreneurial. By adopting unique strategic positions
with varying depth and breadth across the three connectors, ed-tech solution providers can become catalysts of change for students.
any educational institutions that benefit most from digital learning solutions are starting to move toward the cloud, upgrading their LMS, investing
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Foundation builder
The foundation builder provides core technology infrastructure and services
the building blocks of next-generation education solutions. The role involves developing next-generation LMS and cloud-based services for efficient data storage,
information retrieval, accessibility, and security, by integrating discrete elements
such as core technology infrastructure, student information, instructional content,
and learning technologies. Cloud technologies can be used dually: to create the
base infrastructure and to enable connections. Foundation builders can also use
virtual learning spaces, which facilitate the shift from a unidirectional education
value chain to an integrated education ecosystem.
As you consider a strategic position within the foundation builder category,
here are a few questions to consider:
What can foundation builders do to provide anytime, anywhere courses to
students? For example, they may consider creating select connectivity solutions in partnership with learning analytics or content solution providers.
How can virtual learning spaces be used to provide a connected learning
experience for students? Examples of infrastructure for such spaces include
existing business incubators, innovation hubs, and maker spaces.
Content specialist
The content specialist delivers a combination of content creation, content aggregation, and customized delivery solutions on learning devices to ecosystem participants. Traditional content can be transformed into interactive, visualization-rich
content to enable learning through experience, discovery, and exploration. Wearable devices can capture eye and body movement to facilitate cognitive learning.
Cloud technologies can be used to pull content from diverse sources, curate it, and
present it to students in a real-time and engaging way.
As you consider a strategic position within the content specialist category, here
are a few questions to consider:
What are the opportunities for integrating wearables with health applications into classroom learning? For example, digital health data such as
circadian rhythms can be used to determine learning blocks, or focused
learning times when an individual is at his or her most productive both
physically and mentally.
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Foundation builder:
As a provider of core tech
offerings in infrastructure and
Strategic position
Content specialist:
As a provider of content
creation, aggregation, delivery,
and access product/solution
l Connector 1:
A (mainly), followed by
S and T
l Connector 1:
l Connector 2:
l Connector 2:
experts and mentors
l Connector 3:
Infrastructure solutions
l Connector 3:
Combination of content
delivery/devices, content
creation, and infrastructure
Strategic position
Parents and
Learning customization
As a solution provider to help
detect and sense student
behaviors and adapt to
teaching styles
Corporate and
business community
l Connector 1:
S (primarily) and T
l Connector 2:
l Connector 3:
How can content weave practical and creative problem-solving aspects with
existing learning solutions such as educational devices and digital classrooms to better cater to the individual needs of students and teachers? For
example, in the Faulkes Telescope Project, students use real science data and
reach out to astronomers, other scientists, and fellow students for advice
when carrying out an experiment to solve real-world problems.40
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The authors would like to thank Karthik Ramachandran and Shashank Srivastava of Deloitte
Services LP for their contributions. Additional research support was provided by Prathima Shetty
and Negina Rood of Deloitte Services LP.
For their contributions to the development and review of this article, the authors extend their thanks
to Deepa Purushothaman, Mic Locker, Sara Schulman, Jeff Schwartz, Beth Rae Rosenstein, Ajit
Prabhu, Robert Bavis, and Greg (Richard) Merchant, all from Deloitte Consulting LLP.
Mizuko Ito (professor in residence, University of California, Irvine), interview with the authors, September 23,
Kirsten Edwards and Ryan Mahoney, New rules, new schools, new market, ThinkEquity Partners LLC, May 26, 2005,
Out of 1.8 million high school graduates who took the ACT in 2013, only 26 percent reached the college readiness
benchmarks in all four subjectsmeaning roughly only one in four was academically capable to take up college
coursework in the four key subject areas. Source: ACT, The condition of college and career readiness 2013, 2013,
<http://www.act.org/research/policymakers/cccr13/pdf/CCCR13-NationalReadinessRpt.pdf>; William D. Eggers
and John Hagel III, Brawn from brains: Talent, policy and the future of American competitiveness, Deloitte University
Press, September 27, 2012, <http://dupress.com/articles/brawn-from-brains-talent-policy-and-the-future-ofamerican-competitiveness/> Nancy Hellmich, Survey: More employers plan to hire new college grads, USA
Today, April 30,2014, <http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/personalfinance/2014/04/24/college-graduates-jobscareerbuilder/8017155/>.
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd., Massive open online courses (MOOCs): Not disruptive yet, but the future looks
bright, 2014, <http://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/global/Documents/Technology-Media-Telecommunications/gx-tmt-2014prediction-MOOCs.pdf>; Marie Bjerede, The dilemma of authentic learning: Do you
destroy what you measure?, OReilly Radar, March 7, 2012, <http://radar.oreilly.com/2012/03/education-makingtesting.html>.
National Center for Education Statistics June 2012 issue of Digest of Education Statistics noted that more than 1
million children drop out of US schools every year. The percentage of 1624-year-olds who were not enrolled in a
school and have not earned a high school credential was reported to be 7.1 percent in 2011.
Developed by education chiefs and governors in 48 states, Common Core State Standards were designed to help
students prepare for the demanding needs of colleges and businesses. These standards offer a set of clear guidelines
for K-12 math and English language proficiency requirements, as well as critical thinking, problem-solving, and
analytical skills needed for entry-level careers and corporate training programs. Using the standards, teachers can
more easily track and assess student progress throughout their school years and academic careers. Source: Common Core State Standards Initiative, What parents should know, <http://www.corestandards.org/what-parentsshould-know/>, accessed October 17, 2014.
Roberto M. Robledo, Test expert: Most schools not ready, Californian, May 7, 2014, <http://www.thecalifornian.
com/story/news/education/2014/05/14/not-ready-common-core/9085155/>, accessed June 3, 2014.
US higher education spending, as percentage of total spending, increased from 1 percent in 1962 to 3 percent in
2012, according to Not what it used to be: American universities represent declining value for money to their students, The Economist, December 1, 2012; Associated Press, U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows,
CBS News, June 25, 2013, <http://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-education-spending-tops-global-list-study-shows/>.
Lawlor Group, Ten trends for 2013: How marketplace conditions will influence private higher education enrollment
and how colleges can respond, 2013, <http://www.sumsem.com/testing/2013_trends.pdf>.
Darby Carr, Online school perspective: Student focused learning, AdvanceEd, October 7, 2013, <http://www.
Annie Lowrey, Recovery has created far more low-wage jobs than better-paid ones, The New York Times, April
27, 2014, <http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/28/business/economy/recovery-has-created-far-more-low-wage-jobsthan-better-paid-ones.html?_r=0>; MaryBeth Matzek, Fewer businesses get out of the starting gates, WisBusiness,
May 16, 2014, <http://bizopinion.wisbusiness.com/2014/05/marybeth-matzek-fewer-businesses-get.html>.
Ian Hathaway and Robert E. Litan, Entrepreneurship and job creation in the U.S. life sciences sector, Brookings
Institution, June 11, 2014, <http://www.brookings.edu/research/papers/2014/06/entrepreneurship-job-creation-lifesciences-sector-litan>.
For example, see Blue Valley School District's CAPS program, which helps high school students to become nextgeneration scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. Source: Blue Valley Schools, Blue Valleys CAPS program
announces new Executive Director, August 12, 2014, <http://www.bluevalleyk12schools.org/assets/files/2014/
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National Center for Education Statistics, Table 106.10. Expenditures of educational institutions related to the gross
domestic product, by level of institution: Selected years, 192930 through 201213, Digest of Education Statistics,
February 2014, <http://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d13/tables/dt13_106.10.asp>.
The segment includes educational devices, software, games, and apps; and related IT services, connectivity, and data
center solutions.
Rishi Sood, Rika Narisawa, Anurag Gupta, and Katell Thielemann, Forecast: Enterprise IT spending for the government and education markets, worldwide, 20122018, 2Q14 update, Gartner, July 18, 2014.
The Deloitte-Brandeis University joint survey conducted in November 2013 focused on understanding demographic preferences regarding learning: how students and professionals absorb, retain, and use knowledge. The survey
aimed to ascertain interest in prospects of individualized learning, experiential learning, online learning, collaborative learning spaces, and game-based learning. It covered a total of 130 students and working professionals globally.
Peter High, Salman Khan, the most influential person in education technology, Forbes, June 1, 2014, <http://www.
Phil Hill, Differentiated, personalized and adaptive learning: Some clarity for EDUCAUSE, e-Literate, October 15,
2013, <http://mfeldstein.com/differentiated-personalized-adaptive-learning-clarity-educause/>.
For example, in June 2013, President Obama launched the ConnectED initiative to provide high-speed broadband
and wireless connectivity to all schools within five years. Besides providing connectivity, he emphasized bringing
educational technology into classrooms, into the hands of teachers, and training them on using ed-tech solutions.
See White House, President Obama unveils ConnectED initiative to bring Americas students into digital age, June
6, 2013, <http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/06/06/president-obama-unveils-connected-initiativebring-america-s-students-di>.
edX, How it works, <https://www.edx.org/how-it-works>, accessed October 17, 2014; Udacity, The Udacity
course experience, <https://www.udacity.com/course-experience>, accessed October 17, 2014.
Ben Daley (chief academic officer and chief operating officer, High Tech High Graduate School of Education),
interview with the authors, August 15, 2014.
PathSource, What we do, <http://www.pathsource.com/about>, accessed October 17, 2014; Pathbrite, About us,
<http://pathbrite.com/about-us/>, accessed October 17, 2014.
David Berg (vice principal, The Met Sacramento High School), interview with the authors, August 21, 2014.
Elliot Washor (cofounder and codirector of Big Picture Learning), interview with the authors, August 19, 2014.
The Metropolitan Regional Career and Technical Center, College transition, <http://metcenter.org/about-us/onestudent-at-a-time/college-transition/>.
Elliot Washor (cofounder and codirector of Big Picture Learning), interview with the authors, August 19, 2014.
Antero Garcia (assistant professor at Colorado State University), interview with the authors, August 25, 2014.
J. Philipp Schmidt (MIT Media Lab directors fellow and cofounder of Peer 2 Peer University), interview with the
authors, August 19, 2014.
Pearson announced a partnership with GlassLab, a group of institutions focused on game- and simulation-based
learning and assessment. (Source: Pearson, Pearson and GlassLab: Game on! December 2012.) In March 2013,
McGraw-Hill Education launched the McGraw-Hill Practice, a suite of hands-on, experiential learning games that
provides digital and personalized learning experiences. Government in Action is one such game, which McGrawHill Education developed in conjunction with Muzzy Lane Software. (Source: McGraw Hill Education, McGrawHill Education enters higher education gaming market with launch of McGraw-Hill Practice line of simulations at
SXSWedu, March 2013.) Pearson collaborated with augmented reality provider Layar to allow parents, teachers,
and students to instantly launch interactive instructional content directly from a textbook page. (Source: Pearson,
New app makes print textbook pages come to life on a mobile device, October 2013.)
PRWeb, Blackboard and Pearson collaborate in effort to better support K-12 schools, February 12, 2014, <http://
D. Frank Smith, Samsungs first K12 tablet strikes the right balance for the classroom, EdTech, May 16, 2014,
Knewton, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and Knewton announce pioneering partnership to deliver adaptive learning
solutions to K12 students, June 6, 2013, <http://www.knewton.com/about/press/houghton-mifflin-harcourt-andknewton-announce-pioneering-partnership/>.
Canvas Network, Box builds ecosystem to modernize collaboration in education, August 8, 2013, <http://www.
Faulkes Telescope Project, Research-based learning, <http://www.faulkes-telescope.com/education/rbl_approaches> accessed October 17, 2014.
Based on our analysis of VentureSource data from 2010 to 2014 (July 2014 YTD) and next-generation ed-tech
companies that received venture capital funding.
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