Mold and Die Casting
Mold and Die Casting
Mold and Die Casting
page 1
Table of Contents
Forward ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Appendix B
page 2
The full version of the ZW3D documentation is available online by selecting Help Browser
from the ZW3D Help Menu.. You can also browse all ZW3D online documentation in HTML
format directly from the ZW3D CD. Go to the "\ZWSOFT\ZW3D 2010 Eng\doc"
directory on
the ZW3D CD using Windows Explorer and open the file ZW3D.chm.
This Mold & Die Training Guide is available as a printed manual and in PDF format. To view
or print the PDF version, install the Adobe Acrobat Reader (provided on the ZW3D CD in the
Acrobat directory) and open the corresponding files in the \ZWSOFT
directory on the CD. Refer to the On-line HELP for information relating to specific tasks (e.g.,
Creating and Editing Parts, Sketch Dimensions, Constraints, etc.).
1. For best results, view and print the PDF version of the documentation using the Adobe
Acrobat Reader.
Guide is only a portion of the complete documentation,
2. Since the Mold & Die Training
it is highly recommended that you utilize the On-line HELP.. You will find additional
topics, more information on command options, input options, additional command notes,
and cross-links
links to related tasks and topics.
3. It should be noted that the On-line HELP will always be more up-to-date
than any
printed or PDF material. If you find any discrepancies between the two, always refer to
the online documentation.
4. ZW3D's Help Interactive Mode allows you to view the online documentation
simultaneously while you are working. It will automatically load topics as you select new
page 3
Chapter 1
NOTE: This exercise is done in MM Units. It would simplify things if you were to edit the
configuration, set your default units to MM and add a default part template called
PartTemplate(MM). You should see this template on the Create new (Part) menu but you
wouldnt have to pick it each time we create a new part object.
Chapter 1 page 4
Now that we are in the part,, we can verify what units we will be working in.
in To do that, we will
select Edit on the Utilities toolbar and then the Preferences option.
The default system tolerance is 0.01 and we will keep that value for this exercise.
The Part settings menu allows us to configure:
Units Option that allows the user to define work units.
Show Back Facing Edges Option
Option that allows the user to see the hidden
edges of the model as dashed lines or continuing lines.
Alternate Display of Free Edges Option thatt allows visualization of
openings and Gaps in the 3D model.
Auto Sew On Face Creation Option that indicates if the new faces created
by the user are automatically sewn to the active model.
Chapter 1 page 5
Now, lets import an IGES file. To do that, select, File and go to Import.
This opens the IGES
Import dialog so that
you can definez
settings for the file that
you are importing. We
will select the IGES
option for importing.
In IGES Import
Settings it is possible
to define import
parameters by
choosing the Set IGES
Options button.
Auto Sew Geometry
Indicates if the
geometry is to be
automatically united.
Rename layer
collisions Renames
the layers if they
already exist with the
same name.
Remove duplicate surfaces If there are duplicate trimmed surfaces, the duplicate is thrown away.
Break trim edges - Will analyze the edges of the surface and break the edges on the tangent
points if needed.
Reset Dependencies - It is not uncommon for third party IGES files to contain incorrect
dependency flags causing entities to not import, or to import more than once. Use this option to
flushes the dependencies reported in the file, and recreate them based on the entity
references from the parameter section of the IGES file.
Drawings Import the 2D lay-outs included in the file for the 3D environment.
Bounded planes Import planes with limits.
Unbounded planes Import planes without limits.
*********NOTE: For this exercise, deactiveate the Auto Sew Geometry option and select
OK on the Options menu.
Chapter 1 page 6
This menu lets the user define the type of geometry to be imported.
Select OK.
Chapter 1 page 7
After you have finished importing the IGES file, the object should look like this:
Your model has all the edges of the surfaces dashed, because they were not sewn during the
The Quality of the imported geometry can be improved by healing.
Select the Heal Tool Tab. Select the command Heal Part Topology as shown in the figure
This command defines the tolerance for correction. Keep the tolerance at 0.01 for now.
Chapter 1 page 8
During the import we deactivated the auto sew command. Now lets join the faces using Sew.
To do this we need to display the Free Form Tool Tab as shown below
below. The icons on this tab
are the tools for the building and manipulation of individual surface
surfaces. Refer to the online help
for more about each command.
Chapter 1 page 9
Your model should have most of the edges sewn. Do you notice the difference in appearence
between the sewn edges and the open edges?
After sewing, the system will give you information about the largest Gap existing on the
geometry. The user can refer to that value to redefine the Sew command using it as the new
tolerance. You can use the Heal command again to correct the geometry with the intended
tolerance. W e will do this after we are finished repairing the model.
***********NOTE: Since the majority of faces have been joined by sewing, turn the Auto
Sew option back on under Edit > Preferences.
Chapter 1 page 10
Chapter 1 page 11
This menu also contains a command which helps us detect problems with the geometry.
Select the command Show Open Edges. This command lists the number of free edges. It
also displays a form, which allows you to Zoom To to better identify the problem area.
Now we will show you how to solve the problem. In this situation we can use the command
Trim to curves. To use this command, first select the surface to be trimmed. Next select the
edges/curves for that trim. (Use the edges shown in the image). Finally, indicate the side you
wish to keep.
Edges Pick 6
Chapter 1 page 12
Keep area
Use the Fill Gap command to create the next surface and select an edge.
This is shown in the image below.
A new surface should be created and automatically sewn per the Preferences setting.
Chapter 1 page 13
Find the problem area shown below. Select the Ruled command, for the construction of this
surface. Just select the two edges as shown in the image. Select both edges on the same end
to avoid creating a twisted surface. (generally referred to as a bow-tie effect)
The Ruled command will not only create flat surfaces, but will also create surfaces supported
by two curved edges. Select the arcs as shown in the image below. This type of surface
creates straight line rulings between each point on the two curves selected.
Chapter 1 page 14
After locating the problem, use the Fill Gap command. Activate
ctivate all of the available tangency
options as shown. Select
elect one of the edges. You will now see a new surface that is tangent to
the surfaces from which it originated.
Chapter 1 page 15
Now we are going to repair the surface shown in this image by using the Trim to Curves
Select the boundary edge (use <shiftpick> to chain select the edges).
Finally select the side of the face to keep.
Chapter 1 page 16
Now trim the surface to the edge which will be the boundary.
Guess what?
Chapter 1 page 17
If you verify the openings on the model again, you will see one of two possible results. If after
the initial sew command you sewed again with the tolerance equal to the largest gap, you will
have a solid with zero open edges......youre done.
If you did not select that command you will have two edges left that do not match.
To easily repair the fault in the geometry use the Extend faces to close gap between edges
command. Just select two of the edges that need repair. The software will only select open
edges so you dont have to be real accurate picking.
If you analyze the model again, you can verify that it is completely closed. However, the model
does not have to be completely closed to continue the project in ZW3D.
Chapter 1 page 18
Turn on Shade. Change the pick filter to Shape. Run the cursor over the edge of the part.
Attributes Change the Face color or select OK for the default.
Right-Click and select Attributes.
Run the cursor over the edge again. This will show us that we are still missing something.
Chapter 1 page 19
To complete the repair on the model we just need to heal by selecting Heal part topology
with a tolerance of 0.005.
Chapter 1 page 20
Chapter 1 page 21
Chapter 2
After finishing the repairs on the imported part, the next step is to the analyze for draft angle
violations and reposition the model.
Create a new Part at the object level and give it the name 02_Part_Scale_&_Position.
Use the Insert Component command found on the right mouse button menu.
The menu will present you with options that allow you to select a
part to be inserted on the activated part.
Choose the object 01_IGES_001
Check the box next to Anchor component
Position it at 0,0,0
Remember, you can type ,, or type one zero and hit <enter>
on the keyboard.
Chapter 2 page 22
You must use the Merge command available on the Shape tool tab and select the component
so that the object will become local. This way the surfaces also belong to this part. The
Component will become Real
Real Geometry.
Geometry The component itself is not deleted but the
instance of the component in the active part is
The Merge option is also found on the right mouse button menu when the component is
highlighted. (Pick filter should be set to All or Component)
Chapter 2 page 23
By using the Draft Checking mode of the Analyze faces command its possible to verify the
existing draft on the 3D model. It also allows us to more clearly see which faces belong to the
Core and those that belong to the Cavity.
Select the Draft Checking icon from the Required Inputs section and then select the
Direction option. Now right-click in the graphics window and select the option Face normal.
Select the face as shown in the image. Right-click again picking On Entity and then select
any point on the face.
The default direction is +Z but this part has not been oriented correctly yet.
Chapter 2 page 24
Based on this analysis, we will correct the draft angle of these faces. Select OK at the bottom
of the options form.
********NOTE: The display has been set to Analyze mode. You can correct the draft while still
in this mode. To change it back to Shade mode select View > Shade from the top menu.
Set the angle value to -2. Select the top of the ribs as a
reference plane.
Chapter 2 page 25
If you analyze the model again at 2, it will verify that the faces have been corrected.
Chapter 2 page 26
The first tool we are going to use is called Create extruded stock. This
his tool allows you to
create a block by the maximum boundaries (limits or edges) of the part.. It will be used to
create a datum needed to help in repositioning the part.
plan of orientation of the block.
bloc Select the same
Select the part and indicate the flat face as a plane
face used for the draft analysis
This menu shows the maximum dimensions of the block which envelopes your part.
Toggle the Side Increment to 1 and back to 0 to see the values shown. Side Increment is a
round off value. A value of 1 rounds the numbers to the nearest mm. This techniq
technique can be
used for estimating and ordering material.
Select OK or <middle-click>
> to finish.
Chapter 2 page 27
Lets now create a datum plane on the top face of the block. Later well use this as a reference
position of the part.
Select the option Insert Datum found on the right mouse button menu.
Select the face indicated in the image.
Change Z- angle to 180 to get the same orientation shown.
<middle-click> for offset of zero.
Chapter 2 page 28
to return to the
Chapter 2 page 29
Finish orienting your part by rotating it on the Y axis. To do this we will use the command
Move along direction. Use 0 for the distance value and 180 for the rotation value.
After rotating your part it should look like the following image.
You are only moving the Shape so make sure you dont window pick with the filter on All
Chapter 2 page 30
Dynamically rotate your view of the part so you can measure the distance between a point and
a point on the geometry (shape).
There is a group of tools found on the Inquire toolbar that you can
use to measure distances, angles, etc... .
For this exercise you should select the option Distance > Geometry
to point as shown in the image.
You will use the Z component of the distance in the next command. You can copy and paste
the number from the Measure Distance window or use the Variable A
A_Z that we created.
From the Tools pulldown, pick Variable Browser to see the format.
Chapter 2 page 31
After storing the value of the distance on Z lets move the part along the -Z axis where you
can copy the value used before.
For the Distance either type A_Z (We know this because we looked at the Variable Browser
on the previous page)
or Right-click >
Pick the Select Variable icon, then select the A_Z variable
Pick OK
Chapter 2 page 32
As shown in the image below, paste the value from memory into the Distance
Distance box. The part
will then move that far along the -Z
Chapter 2 page 33
In the next exercise you will scale the 3D model to compensate for shrinkage in the mold. A
scale of 0.6% is suggested. Scale the model using the command Scale entities that is found
in the Tools toolbar.
Select the Scale entities command. Select the geometry to be scaled.
Indicate that the scale is Uniform and then set the scale factor to 1.006.
Pick OK
Chapter 2 page 34
Chapter 2 page 35
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 page 36
After you have activated the new part, insert a component by using
the Insert Component command found on the right mouse menu as shown in the image.
Chapter 3 page 37
After you insert the component perform a Merge so the object can be locally edited. Now the
surfaces belong to this part.
Select the Merge command found on the Shape toolbar. Select the object to be converted.
Another way to do this is to select the component, then select the Merge option found on the
right mouse button menu.
Select the Attributes > Line menu and configure the thickness of the 3D lines that will be
created by the Parting Line command.
The color will have no affect here because the
color of Parting Lines is defined in the ZW3D
Configuration. The default is green.
Chapter 3 page 38
With the pick filter set to all, you will create the parting lines. Use the Parting line from
silhouettes command. Select the Z axis as the axis of extraction.
<middle-click> to accept all of the faces.
<middle-click> to finish the command.
Blank the part and the exterior parting lines only by using the Blank command.
command With the pick
filter set to All, select the part and <Shift-click> the outer parting line.
Chapter 3 page 39
Erase the leftover parting lines. We want to erase just the lines, and not the planes so be sure
to select the Parting Line filter and <right-click> pick all.
After erasing the unnecessary parting lines, select Unblank all entities.
Create a new parting line around the holes in your part by using the Parting lines from face
edges command.
Chapter 3 page 40
Using the command Parting lines from face edges indicate all the of the faces you wish to
calculate by picking the two large flat surfaces and the 5 vertical surfaces on the tab.
Flat surfaces
5 vertical surfaces
Select only the edges as shown in the image. If you get too many, <Ctrl
Ctrl-pick> to delete them.
Chapter 3 page 41
Repeat the previous command by <middle-clicking> and create Parting lines on the edges
shown in the image. Pick the two faces and <shift-pick> the two edge loops.
Again we should have two closed loops
To check for future problems in the Parting lines, select the Check for gaps in parting lines
There should be no gaps or overlaps in order for the part to split in the next step.
Chapter 3 page 42
The command Separate into core/cavity regions is used for a fast separation
separation. You
simply select the surfaces to be separated and indicate the dividing
You can define a layer for each of the parts.
Z axis Layer for the entities belonging to the cavity
-Z axis Layer for the entities belonging to the core.
In this exercise we will use the command Divide faces at parting lines.
Make sure the option to separate is checked. <right-click> pick all, <m
middle-click> twice
Chapter 3 page 43
Start the construction of a new Sketch using the Datum Plane XY. This sketch will serve
as the limit (border) for a parting plane. It will also be used to create the Mold Insert Block.
Your parting face boundary sketch does not have to be fully constrained because we dont
anticipate any changes being made, but just to get some practice we will constrain this sketch.
(Can you imagine an engineer saying he doesnt anticipate changes????) Changes to an
unconstrained sketch may cause unpredictable results.
All new sketches automatically have a point at 0,0 and an anchor constraint
Draw a rectangle
center, centered on the point. Use a width and height value of
552/2 or 276. (ZW3D will do the calculation in the text input window.)
The only thing left to fully constrain the sketch is to center the square on the point.
mid point constraint found under the anchor icon.
Select two diagonal corners of the rectangle.
Select the point at (0,0)
An Alternate method:
There are predefined fully constrained sketches located on the Ready Sketch toolbar.
Use the Square.
Middle-click to place at (0,0)
Edit the width.
Chapter 3 page 44
After defining your Sketch we can exit the sketch by using the
option Exit Sketch found on the right mouse button menu or by
using the command on the toolbar.
In the next step, we will create a parting plane using some of the commands available in
ZW3D. But first, lets define a new color for the new faces that will be created.
To create the new face color select the command Default surface color.
color Define a color as
suggested in
n the image and apply this as the color.
Chapter 3 page 45
With the Parting Face command ZW3D will automatically create parting surfaces. Select the
Sketch to which the parting faces will be limited. Next, <shift-pick> the exterior (outer) parting
lines. Lastly, <Middle-click> to skip the interior (inner) parting lines.
In the next step we will join all the surfaces that belong to the Parting plane.
Select the command Sew. This command recognizes all of the surfaces that belong to the
Feature parting plane. So we need to simply select one of the surface planes.
Chapter 3 page 46
To complete the parting faces you will need to create three inner shut off surfaces.
Select Create faces by inverting loops.
( It is behind the previous parting face command. )
This will create missing faces on the areas shown in the image.
Select one face and one of the edges. Repeat for the other shutoff. (NOTE: You
could <middle-click>
click> for the edge selection because there is only one
internal loop.
The last area to close off is the tab shown
Erase the two parting line segments that you had to pick
separately in the previous step.
See the two dotted edges below.
Select Create faces at angles to surface and select the parting lines on the raised tab.
Shift-pick the parting lines on the tab.
ndicate the value 10 for the size of the surfaces and 0 for the angle.
Chapter 3 page 47
Select Sew and pick once on the parting faces just created. Dont just pick OK.
Chapter 3 page 48
Select Create faces at angles to surface again and shift-pick the other parting line that lies
on the flat surface.
Change the angle to -10 degrees
Select Sew and pick once on the parting faces just created. OK.
Chapter 3 page 49
Use the Combine Shape > Remove operation as suggested in the image.
Chapter 3 page 50
Remember the sketch we created before our first set of parting faces?
We are now going to use that to create the mold block.
Select Extrude > Base
Chapter 3 page 51
.......Before finishing the command go back and change the filter to Curve, and select
everything related to parting lines.....
HINT: <Shift-pick> 5 times.
Chapter 3 page 52
Middle-click to repeat
epeat the command to create a Part for the core.
Give this Part the name 05_R
Chapter 3 page 53
Exit part
Chapter 3 page 54
Chapter 3 page 55
Or right-click Merge
Chapter 3 page 56
When you have finished the command your object should be identical to the image below.
At the ZW3D Objects Level, select the Part 06_Reference_Cavity to be edited. Now we will
apply the same techniques that were used to define the reference core.
Chapter 3 page 57
Chapter 3 page 58
The next part of the exercise will demonstrate how to associate parts together so if a change is
made to one it is propogated automatically to the others.
Select the 04_Parting_Faces
aces part to edit.
Chapter 3 page 59
Once you have erased the surfaces on the corners of the parting plane you can rebuild them
using the Drive curve loft command.
This next step will create a single face between the edges. Dont forget to activate the Smooth
option so the connection will be tangent to the ajoining faces.
Its necessary to extend the surfaces so they will exceed the limits of your block. To do that we
use the surface command, Extend, available on the Free Form toolbar as shown in the
image below. Use an extension value of 10.
Chapter 3 page 60
Select the Unblank command and apply Fillets with a radius of 30mm
mm on the edges shown
in the image.
We need a method
thod for automatically updating the Reference_Core and Reference_Cavity to
reflect these and any changes made to the Parting Faces object.
The next step will update
e all the parts that are associated to the parting planes.
Chapter 3 page 61
Link Manager
Select the ZW3D objects Link Manager found on the Tools menu.
Select Insert and select the objects to be updated. In this case, select the parts
05_Reference_Core and 06_Reference_Cavity.
If the user sets up the link manager to do an automatic regen of the Reference parts, each
time the 04_Parting_Faces part gets regened, so do the Reference_Core and
Select Dismiss
Chapter 3 page 62
reate a new object with the name shown below.. It will be used as a separator.
This separator is nothing more than a ZW3D object with a visually unique name.
name This helps us
visualize and separate the different steps of the project in the Objects window.
We suggest you follow this type of naming scheme. Since
ince each part is based on the previous
one, using numbers will help to organize your models in the object list.
Chapter 3 page 63
The next step will create a new Part/ Assembly object. This is where youre going to set up
your mold.
Create a new Part/Assembly object and name it 08_Mold_Assembly.
Chapter 3 page 64
Chapter 3 page 65
The core should be the first object you create in this group. To do that, Insert a new
component and name it 11_CORE. Anchor and Position at (0,0,0).
Once more the system creates a component and automatically activates it for editing because
it doesnt yet exist in this project.
Notice that activating the part changed the name of the new object in the title bar and inserted
it into the core group.
Chapter 3 page 66
Chapter 3 page 67
Use the same insert technique again to create the cavity group.
Insert the component 10_CAVITY_GROUP into the active object 08_MOLD_ASSEMBLY.
We will also be creating and activating a new component here. The following is an outline of
the steps for the cavity side. They are identical to what we just did on the core side.
Insert a new component called: 12_Cavity
Insert the 06_Reference_Cavity anchor and position it at 0,0,0 and Merge it.
The core and cavity groups will have more components added like inserts and slides but this
should give you a better feel for what we have done and where we are going.
Chapter 3 page 68
At the ZW3D Objects level you will see that new objects were added to the file.
Chapter 3 page 69
Chapter 4
********NOTE: At first glance, one may think we are done. We now have what looks like the
core and cavity in an assembly. However, there are more parts to create for this mold.
There are a couple of inserts and slides required as well as the geometry used to subtract
material from the core and cavity to accomodate the inserts and slides.
With the Assembly Manager, you can hide, erase, or select a part to edit. You can also double
click a part for editing by setting the filter selection to All or Component options.
For this exercise it doesnt matter so select an edit method for the component
Chapter 4 page 70
Insert a new component in the core that does not contain any geometry. You will be
creating one of the inserts.
Chapter 4 page 71
If you select the Show Target option again you will see the only things that exist are the three
default datum planes. You may have to pick this twice. The icon will toggle between Show All
and Show Target.
Since this object was created as an empty part, you must insert the component
When you are finished the construction of this insert, the above shape will be trimmed away
leaving you with the insert and the tool used to remove material in the core.
Chapter 4 page 72
Hint: Any time you are creating a sketch on the XY datum plane,
<middle-click> twice.
Chapter 4 page 73
Create a two point rectangle and dimension it from the point located at (0,0).
For this Sketch use the dimensions shown in the image below.
Chapter 4 page 74
The start value of your extrusion will be the point shown in the image below and an end value
of 50.
Chapter 4 page 75
Hide the core reference, by using the Blank Entities command icon.
Add an extrusion.
Reference curves should automatically be created if you set the option in the configuration file.
If not, use the following.
Chapter 4 page 76
Draw a 2 point rectangle on the reference plane with the dimensions shown below.
Exit Sketch and complete the extrusion form as shown. Give it a start value of 0 and an
end point at the point shown in the image.
Chapter 4 page 77
Chapter 4 page 78
When you have completed the command it should look like the image shown.
shown We now have
the insert and the subtraction
subtraction tool
As shown in the image above,, you should Blank the actual insert and create a clearance gap
on the subtraction tool that will be used on the core insert.
Use the command Face Offset
Offset. Select the face indicated in
n the image and give it a value of
Chapter 4 page 79
Chapter 4 page 80
Link Manager
You need to associate the insert with the core so that anytime the insert is altered the core
will be updated as well.
Activate the ZW3D objects Link Manager and insert the object 11_CORE
11_CORE into the
regeneration list.
Regen will regenerate the history of the active part as well as 11_core.
The part 11_Core is created from the 13_core_insert_01 part with the copy geometry to part
command. This does not create a history operation in the 13_Core_insert_01 part, but does
create a history operation in the 11_Core part. This means that if the 13_Core_insert_01 part
gets changed, the user has to manua
manually go into the 11_core part and perform a regen so that
the latest geometry gets read in to the 11_core.. If the user sets up the link manager to do an
automatic regen of the 11_Core part, each time the 13_Core_Insert_01 gets regened, so
does the 11_Core.
Reactivate Parent Object so you are in the 09_Core_Group.
Chapter 4 page 81
Set the filter to component and <double-click> the object 11_Core to activate it.
Use Combine Shapes > Remove, where the object base is the core and the subtraction tool
is the shape to be removed.
Chapter 4 page 82
Chapter 4 page 83
Right click on Trim1 as shown below and select the option Rollback
from the History Manager.
Chapter 4 page 84
Complete the history replay by clicking the Replay all operations button.
Chapter 4 page 85
To change the core according to the modification on the core insert, Edit the 11_Core and
select the Regen command.
When you analyze your core object you can verify that its updated according to the edits you
just made to the core insert.
Chapter 4 page 86
Dont forget, that when you create the second core insert, the core group
group 09_Core_Group
should be active.
Chapter 4 page 87
Chapter 5
For the next step of this exercise lets create another insert in the core. The core group
should be activated first.
Insert a new object component and name it 15_Jiggle_Pin_01. Anchor and position it at
the coordinate 0,0,0.
As on previous exercises, we have to insert the Reference core in the active part.
Chapter 5 page 88
Chapter 5 page 89
Exit the Sketch and complete the extrusion with the values shown in the image.
Now that we have created the geometry for the head of your insert, we need to add draft
angles on the lateral faces.
Use the command Draft and select the filter option Edge. Select the edges as suggested in
the image. For the reference plane, select the bottom face of the insert as indicated in the
image. Also indicate the value of the angle, in this case -1. Select Bottom for the Draft
side option.
*******NOTE: Because the angle is so small, one way to verify that you indeed do have the
draft applied is to toggle back and forth with the Undo and Redo commands.
Chapter 5 page 90
Draft again and apply a -4 degree angle to the bottom face as suggested in the image.
Chapter 5 page 91
Create the references suggested in the image and create a circle with the dimensions shown.
Chapter 5 page 92
Exit Sketch
Fillet with a radii of 3 as shown.
Chapter 5 page 93
Create a trim operation between two entities by using the Trim Shapes command.
In this command the object for the base will be the core reference
and the trimming object is the solid created previously.
The options Flip side to keep, Keep trimming shapes and Cap Trimmed
regions should be selected.
Chapter 5 page 94
Select the command Edit > Copy > Geometry to Part to export this to the core.
core Select the
solid and indicate the destination part (11_CORE).
Chapter 5 page 95
Link Manager
You can change the workzone by clicking Swap entity visibility. This will hide the
subtraction tool and make the insert visible.
Now, we just need to associate the files of the insert and the core. This way if any change is
made on the insert the core will be updated as well. Remember, this needs to be done when
you use the Copy Geometry to Part command.
Select the ZW3D objects Link Manager from the Tools Pulldown and insert the object
11_CORE into the regeneration list.
Chapter 5 page 96
Chapter 5 page 97
You need to do a Combine Shapes > Remove where the base shape is the core and the
subtraction tool is the shape to be removed.
Show Target
Your part should look like this.
After the final construction of the two inserts your core should look like this.
Chapter 5 page 98
Chapter 6
How to cr
create Sliders
To create slides that belongs to the core group we should edit the 09_CORE_GROUP.
Chapter 6 page 99
Create a shape just like the one shown in the image. Dimension it to the coordinate 0,0.
Use the Trim Shape command to create a trim operation between the 2 entities.
Lets export into the cavity the subtraction tool for your
slide. Select the command Edit > Copy > Geometry to
Part. Select the solid. Indicate the destination for the
export 12_Cavity.
Exit Sketch
Extrude using the Add option, with a start value of 0 and an end value of 60.
If your sketch was drawn correctly this seam will disappear.
Create a reference curve on the three edges in the upper left of the part.
(one horizontal and two vertical)
Create a line as shown. Use the suggested dimensions.
Use the command Trace Profile to create a curve. Select just the three entities that you want
to see.
Link Manager
Exit your sketch. Complete an extrude using the remove option with a start value of
0. End it on the point shown in the image.
Use the Link Manager again to force the 12_Cavity to automatically regen any time the slide
is regened.
Exit part to go to the 09_Core_Group
09_Core_Group object.
Here we can analyze all the objects that belong to this group.
Once you are in the main assembly of the mold, set the filter to component and <doubleclick> the object 10_CAVITY_GROUP to activate it.
<double-click> on the object 12_CAVITY to activate it.
Combine Shapes > Remove operation where the base shape is the cavity and the slide tool
is the shape to be removed.
Appendix A
2D Drawing Layout
See the Color tab and Display tab. Dont change anything yet. Review the
color settings for anything related to 2D geometry. The display tab defines
global settings for line thickness.
Now cancel.
Select the Attributes pulldown menu.
The first option we will look at on this menu is a line-type configuration.
Here the user can override the attributes set in the configuration of new lines
that will be created.
This will be in affect for any sheet created during the currect session.
If you wish to alter any existing entities select the Attributes option from the
middle or right mouse button menu. This option will activate the same menu as
shown above, but it will only affect the selected entities.
You can also keep these settings for later use by Saving a Bundle. See
the On-line HELP or try it yourself.
ther option available on the Attributes menu allows for
the configuration of the dimensions.
dimensions Here the user can
intuitively configure the aspect of dimensions to apply to the
Other menus are used to define the text style and the type of
Hatch pattern that should be applied to sections.
The last option available on this menu changes the properties of the 2D views that are created
from the 3D objects.
Here the user can define ways of representing the views: hidden line or shaded, scales,
aspects of lines, layers etc.
After creating the views its possible to change their position on the drawing.
drawing Just select the
desired views and right mouse click Move. Select the starting point and the destination point.
You can also use this menu to alter the attributes of the selected views. Select the isometric
view and change the hidden lines attribute from dashed to Ignore.
For the next exercise youre going to create different types of sections. You can choose
between simple sections showing the cross section only and sections showing a hidden line
view of the entire part with the sectioned volume removed.
In the Section command indicate if you want to create a simple Sect Curves or a
Trimmed Part section type.
Create the detail views. In ZW3D there are three types of details.
Create a circular detail from one of the sections shown in the previous image. Give this a
scale of 4.
Appendix B
The first time you pick this icon you will get the old Mold Base menu. This has been
discontinued but is here only temporarily while we transition to the new Mold Expert software
from Antares.
The messages above will be displayed in the message window and you will have to restart
Start ZW3D and open a file.
Click on the User pulldown and select MoldExpert
The bounding box option allows you to pick geometry which will be used to automatically
select the appropriate mold base size. You can think of it as an envelope.
You will have 3 options for defining the bounding box. You can pick the core and cavity
shapes, select two diagonal critical points, or enter values.
The Extra X and Y sizes are to give you space around the core and cavity for cooling lines,
You can accept this size or continue to edit the sizes that were selected.
Select OK
The plates are shapes and the other hardware are components. It is done this way so you
can work on the plates.
Typically the next step is to subtract material from the Plates to accomodate the core and
Extrude a Base Shape using the Right-click Insert Curve List option.
<Shift-pick> the entities that make up the top edge of the cavity.
Start at 0
End at <Right-click>
We are going to insert 4 identical screws so check the option, Retain last used values
While we have this menu open lets look at the Catalogs tab.
If you dont have access to all the moldbases listed you can subtract some from the visible list.
You can also select the catalog that you use the most. If it is the only one you use, check the
Pick the Standard Elements icon and we are going to insert 4 socket head cap
screws to hold the cavity to the top plate.
The point will be the critical center of the four radii on the cavity.
Repeat this for the other three.