Global Reason: Dr. Madhavarao Bheemarao Mahawarkar

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International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention

ISSN (Online): 2319 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 7714 Volume 4 Issue 1 January. 2015 PP.01-11

Global Reason

Dr. Madhavarao Bheemarao Mahawarkar,

Associate Professor and Coordinator, Post Graduate Political Science Department, Sahyadri College
Campus, SHIVAMOGGA-577203, Karnataka, India.

ABSTRACT : Any Time, Any Place, Any Danger, By Anybody To Anybody In And To The Globe.
Global Anarchy (Global Society without Global Reason (State)) is the Global History. This is neither a
World of Politicalism (States) nor Religionism (Religions) or Culture or Civilization or Agriculture or
Modern or Industrialization or Capitalist or socialist or Communist or Postmodern or Internationalism or
League of Nations or UN or Competitive or Fast or Global Village/City/Rural-Urban or Science and
Technology or Globalization or Transnational Companies* or Unipolar or Bipolar or Multipolar but of
Brute, Oppressor and Endangered to wipe out the human existence. After forty two thousand years of human
existence also neither human beings themselves nor their means of opinion has changed them into global
(social) beings.



Human society is one comparing to subhuman creatures. It is in existence without State. This has
been the World of the Divisives. There is no global criterion to decide right or wrong, good or bad, legal or
illegal, just or unjust, reason or anti-reason in the human globe. Domestic constitutions of the states,
International Law, Covenant of League of Nations and now United Nations Charter being antiGlobal are not
the criteria. Cause is not required to quarrel who have cause and victims do not clash. States and religions
are divisive, subdivisive and fragmented forces not powers, Global Reason is the Power and Power is the
Reason of the Universe. Humans and subhumans must live in the World Reason. Those who lived outside it
are brutes. Global Society has been in existence without Global Reason. Hence, humans are brutes. Beasts are
not human but humans are beasts. Human Society is in the Beast Society, Jungle Society is also in Human
Society. Human Society is in and a part of the Jungle not the Sole Jungle. Human Anarchy is the Human
Struggle between the Global Anarchy and Global Reason is the Global History. Force (Body) Language is the
compulsory natural language and monopoly of the Multi Divisiveism. Neither fear nor love led to One Political
Universe so far.



Human never lives in isolation. He lives in association with other men, in the midst of supporters and
opponents, friends and foes, dependents and interdependents, members of his family, relatives and others.
Because nature itself has made human a social animal with various needs. Aristotle correctly assessed human
nature, when he said that man is a social animal and w en man perfected by society is the best of animals. In
society man lives in law and justice, but he becomes the most terrible of all animals when he turns lawless and
unjust. Every man indispensably, needs society and only a god (religious) or a savage beast can do without it. All
people form society, and man and society invariably go together. In the modern world, we take it for granted that
all potent (men and women) and impotent (third sex) live as members of society with conflict and cooperation.
Aristotle says that the state is a natural and necessary institution.
Human being: Human beings are by nature reason beings, those not are jungle beings. Humans are by
nature animals of land or land like. Human Cruelty to the Human is the Human History. Human is always
the product of his environment. It is undoubtedly true that human is a reason, integrated, speaking, intelligent
and knowledgeable, interdependent, cultured and civilized, gregarious and latest animal. They are group and
isolated beings. Human nature is bipolarized into two antagonistic forces: global and antiglobal i.e. perverted.
Political Science is based on the human as political and quarrelsome. They are dissimilar, hostile and have
extremities to each other. Security, continuation of humanity, fulfillment of their wants, name, fame, power and
glory make them to act. Human life is most precious along with non human life. But, human life itself is on the
way to total destruction. Human Life is the Endangered Life. Humans have endangered humans. Thomas
Hobbes in his book Leviathan said: Life is uncertain, short, nasty, brutish and lonely. Human inherently is a
power being. He further wrote: There is a general inclination of all mankind, a perpetual and restless desire
for power that ceases in death.

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Global Reason
Power is the centre around which everything revolves. Struggle for power is universal in space and
time and is an undeniable fact of experience (Hans J. Morgenthau in his work Politics Among Nations), yet
never reached to the level of Power i.e. Global Reason. Whatever may be the ultimate aim of politics, power
is the immediate aim always. There are no permanent friends or foes in power struggle, only permanent
interests. Humans are responsible for the chaos. Human nature is the problem.
Human Relation: One: Human Animal, Human Society, Human Relation and Human Integration. Relation
is Global; Global is Relation, Global Relation. Relation is dynamic, vertical and horizontal. Relations are
between the individuals and voluntary and compulsory associations. Relation is bipolarized into Reasonable
(social, global, friendly) and Irresonable (antisocial, antiglobal, enemy). Mutually Antagonistic Bipolarized
Relation is the History of the Global Interdivisive Relation.



Globe being integrated, requires global integrated method. Globe is physical. Human is the ruler of
the human like Nature is the ruler of the Nature. Albert Einstein rightly said that Globe is infinite.
Continuous research is the necessity to understand and to reveal the mystery of the nature. Human is by
nature Global, Global is Human Nature, Global Human Nature. Political Universe is a fraction of the
Universe, not the Universe itself.



In 2014, it is 7.3 billion and continues to increase. It has degenerated into Population Bomb. It is
without political structure. Population of the Globe is the Global Force. This is bipolarized antagonistically into:
(1) Global and (2) antiGlobal i.e. Divisive. Further, Divisive Force is divided into Moderate Force and Perverted
Force. Further, Perverted Force is fragmented into Rightist Force and Leftist Force. All these are subfragmented
into smaller and subsmaller forces into like political parties, groups etc.
Force of the Political Universe is antagonistically divided into multi states i.e. political divisives. In August
and September 2014, it is divided into 194 nation states. In the development of the modern state system, the
first nation state is England, the serial number of India is 69 th (India has to celebrate its 69th national historical
position on the occasion of its 69th Celebration of National Independence Day on August 15, 2015), Pakistans
is 70th and latest i.e. 194th is South Sudan and still separatist forces are fighting to divide and fragment the
world further politically. Political beings are further divided and fragmented into religious versus rational. The
antiGlobal forces coexisted and are coexisting with conflict and cooperation.



Peace is Political, Political is Peace, Political Peace; Peace is Global, Global is Peace, Global Peace;
Zero Violence Zero Justification to Violence in and to the Globe is the Global Peace. Global Peace is the
Global Conscience; Global Conscience is the Global Peace. All states have their own militaries or dependent
on other state/states. (Nature of military includes military, police, body guards of Pope of the Vatican City.
There cannot a state without military or military without state/states). But, world is without military to protect
itself against divisive forces and to establish the world peace.
Global Reason: Reason is Political, Political is Reason, Political Reason; Reason is Global; Global is
Reason, Global Reason. Its units are: Global Reasoner (Ruler) and Global Reasoned (Ruled). Its elements are:
Global Population, Global Territory, Global Government, Global Sovereignty and Global Unity. Global
Reason is the Power and Power is the Global Reason. World government is the notion of a single common
political authority for all of humanity. Global Mainstream is different from International Mainstream. Global
Mainstream is for the Global Reason. One: Globe, Human Society, Reason.



It is social not political. World society is different from world state. Multistateism is a part of the world
society. In the known world, in the evolution of the animal society, human society is the latest society i.e. Latest
Jungle. Jungle Society is the World Society. Political Society is the Latest Jungle Society. In political
society, modern society is the Latest Jungle Society. In the evolution of the jungle beings, the latest and
problematic is human spacy.
Divisiveism: This has been the World of the Divisiveism. Physical Globe is older than the humans.
Divisiveism consist several divisives, fragments and sub-fragments. This is artificial not natural. In the
prehuman universe, natural law governed the globe. Humans, their divisives and interdivisives are mean
minded, greedy, fanatic, dangerous and imperfect.

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Global Reason



This world society is from A.D.1920 onwards. Internationalism is an ideology of the co-existence of
the social extremities i.e. violence versus nonviolence, war versus peace, strong versus weak social sections,
rich versus poor individuals and classes, rulerbrutes versus ruledbrutes, powerful versus weak nations,
religionism versus rationalism, global versus modern, superior versus inferior status, vertical versus horizontal
social stratification etc.
World of International Unification: LN and UN: National Unification theory extended to the International
Unification theory after retaining its existence. The nature of the International Unification is strange.
Internationalism is an ideology of the diverse and antagonistic divisives to each other to protect their mutual
interests to continue the Global Anarchy.The victorious nations of the IWW created the World of
International Unification through the League of Nations to eliminate the fascist forces. Its member states rose
to 62 by 1935. Yet, fascism continued. This led to the IIWW. In this war, moderate force won and replaced the
voluntary and weak LN by a new, strong, voluntary and a universal type LN i.e. the UN to root out fascism.
The UN is not a World State or Super-State, but a carrier of Moral Force. The United Nations-International
Organization which is the hope and conscience of the world.-(Manorama Year Book 2014, Malayala
Manorama Press, Kottayam-686001, India, 431). Nuclear Era commenced. This made the World of Nuclear
America. Yet, fascism continued. World was bipolarized into American led capitalist bloc and the USSR led
communist bloc. The Nuclear USA, soon after the end of the IIWW and the origin of the UN, to contain the
spread of communism, started Cold War to fight the IIIWW i.e. Nuclear War with the Non Nuclear Weapon
State USSR.
It became The World of Nuclear America. The World of the UN degenerated into the World of
Bipolarization. It became the World of the NWS USA and the NNWS USSR. From 1949 onwards it became
the World of the NWS USA and NWS USSR. In 1990, the American bloc through the Cold War contained
only the spread of communism, a fascist left wing, and divided the Undivided USSR into eleven nations.
Communism was confined to few nations. Consequently, moderate force became stronger by weakening the
fanatic forces. Yet, Fascist force never withered away. In the name of Reaganomics i.e. Madanomics, (Ronald
Reagan, former American President, also called the Mad Man of America advocated a Limited Nuclear War
in Europe. But, European States rejected this proposal as the American Mad Mans War) i.e. Liberalization,
Privatisation and Globalization, a fragmented global corrupt economic force continued and enhanced the area of
the already existing privatization by absorbing socialization models. Yet, in the post cold war era, all nations are
the UN members including Vatican (Observer status). Corrupt force continued through the rightist and leftist
and their fragmentations. All these divisives are in the World of International Mainstream. World of
Unipolarization led to Bipolarization and now to Multipolarisation. They are created to continue the Global
Anarchy. Originally 51 countries that met at San Francisco signed the UN Declaration in 1945. The UN
membership from 51 in 1945 has risen to 194 in 2014 and continues to increase. There is struggle for power in
the UN. Democratization of the UN is a demand of the emerging stronger countries. Modernism is the
International Mainstream is within Modernism. This is a World of the Nationalisms Internationalism. In
1965, the leading historian of civilizations, Professor Arnold Toynbee rightly said: Mans number one enemy is
nationalism, pluck its teeth. Yet, nationalism to save itself and to strengthen modernism further, through the
IWW created Internationalism, a new ideology, is unknown in human history. In 2014, all existing divisives are
in the international mainstream and newly emerging ever ready to join it. Today, both living and dead forces
have been fighting for international recognition. The International Mainstream Force rightly punishing and must
wipe out terrorism, a global problem.
Divisives and their earlier LN and present UN are within the International Mainstream. The birth of the
Internationalism through the League of Nations on January 10, 1920, started with 24 members. In 2014, the
internationalism is ninety three years old. There is no sign of its replacement by the Globalism. Neither LN nor
the UN is created as a stepping stone to replace Global Anarchy by the Global Reason. Internationalism and
its earlier LN and now UN are of Extremities. Endangered World is the Modern World. International Relation
is the continuation and latest and last stage of the Interstate Relation.
First World War created the Internationalism through the League of Nations, the Second World War replaced
the LN by the UN to strengthen the Internationalism further, the Cold War defended the irrelevance of the
Internationalism through the UN, the Post Cold War defending the existence of the of the Internationalism
through the UN to continue the Global Anarchy.

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Global Reason



An organized activity is not to rule but to rule is an organized activity. Rulers are organized.
Nations of the whole world are organized into an association called UN and earlier LN. But the practitioners of
political power i.e. politicians are unorganized. They are divided and fragmented into antagonistic forces.
These forces are divided and fragmented into different, varied and antagonistic political parties within and
among nations. Politicians of the whole world are not united. Even they have not organized into their own
voluntary association called Association of the Politicians of the whole World. Both, theorists i.e. professors
and practitioners i.e. politicians of power of the world have not united for Political Science or whole world.
Scope of the Global Reason: It is dynamic. It is the whole universe including the human and subhuman i.e.
animals and extraterrestrials (if in existence). Nothing above, nothing beyond but everything is in the Global
Force: Population of the Globe is a force not power. Since human origin, Force Language is the universally
followed language in the whole world. It is the monopoly of the states.
Kinds of Force: Global Force is one. But, it is politically unorganized. It is bipolarized antagonistically into:
Global Force and (ii) Perverted (antiGlobal) Force. Global Force is natural, antiGlobal Force is artificial.
Neither of them is organized in the whole world. But, their divisions are into states and earlier religions, are
compulsory. Further, Perverted Force is subdivided into Perverted Leftist Force and Perverted Rightist Force.
Since the human dawn there is Global Mainstream Force. But, Perverted Human is the Human History.
World of International Mainstream Force: The International Mainstream Force is in the perverted category.
In 2014, all the states and their UN are in the International Mainstream. But, not even a single state or
association of states is in the Global Mainstream Force. The International Mainstream is voluntary and
between the nations but Global Mainstream is true, compulsory, perfect and supreme to the Globe.
World of the Division of Ageism: Human History is divided into Global and antiGlobal. All the ages i.e.
primitive, ancient, medieval and modern are in the perverted category.
Classification of Governments: All governments are in the divisive category. In August-September 2014, on
the basis of One State One Legitimate Government there are 194 governments. These governments are
scientifically classified on the basis of Global Mainstream: 1. Global Mainstream: nil. There are neither
global mainstream states nor governments but struggles. 2. AntiGlobal Mainstream: (i) Moderate and (ii)
Perverted. Fascist is divided into (a) Rightist (Dark) (religious or religious based nationalism, commercial
economics, military rule, imperialism etc) and (b) Leftist (Marxist).
Moderate: 1. France 2. USA 3. Haiti 4. Columbia 5. Chile 6. Paraguay 7. Venezuela 8. Switzerland 9.
Argentina 10. Peru 11. Costa Rica 12. El Salvador 13. Guatemala 14. Honduras 15. Nicaragua 16. Mexico 17.
Ecuador 18. Brazil 19. Portugal 20. Bolivia 21. Uruguay 22. Greece 23. Dominican Republic 24. Liberia 25.
Italy 26. San Marino 27. Romania 28. Bulgaria 29. Philippines 30. Australia 31. Panama 32. South Africa 33.
Albania 34. Finland 35. Austria 36. Hungary 37. Poland 38. Mongolia 39. Ireland 40. Egypt 41. Iraq 42.
Lebanon 43. Iceland 44. South Korea 45. Indonesia 46. Syria 47. Sri Lanka 48. Libya 49. Sudan 50. Tunisia
51. Ghana 52. Guinea 53. Cameroon 54. Senegal 55. Togo 56. Madagascar 57. Benin 58. Cote D Ivoire 59.
Democratic Republic of Congo 60. Somalia 61. Niger 62. Burkina Faso 63. Chad 64. Central African Republic
65. Congo 66. Cyprus 67. Gabon 68. Mali 69. Nigeria 70. Nepal 71. Sierra Leone 72. Samoa 73. Rwanda 74.
Algeria 75. Burundi 76. Jamaica 77. Trinidad and Tobago 78. Uganda 79. Kenya 80. Tanzania 81. Malawi 82.
Malta 83. Zambia 84. Gambia 85. Maldives 86. Singapore 87. Guyana 88. Botswana 89. Nauru 90. Mauritius
91. Equatorial Guinea 92. Fiji 93. Bangladesh 94. Guinea-Bisseau 95. Ethiopia 96. Grenada 97. Mozambique
98. Cape Verde 99. Comoros 100. Sao Tome and Principe 101. Papua New Guinea 102. Angola 103. Suriname
104. Seychelles 105. Djibouti 106. Solomon Islands 107. Tuvalu 108. Dominica 109. St. Lucia 110. Kiribati
111. St. Vincent and Grenadines 112. Zimbabwe 113. Vanuatu 114. Belize 115. St. Kitts and Navis 116.
Marshall Islands 117. Micronesia 118. Lithuania 119. Namibia 120. Yemen 121. Germany 122. Georgia 123.
Republic of Croatia 124. Slovenia 125. Estonia 126. Latvia 127. Ukraine 128. Russia 129. Moldova 130.
Azerbaijan 131. Kyrgyzstan 132. Uzbekistan 133. Macedonia 134. Tajikistan 135. Armenia 136. Turkmenistan
137. Kazakhstan 138. Bosnia-Herzegovina 139. Serbia 140. Czech Republic 141. Slovakia 142. Palau 143.
East Timor 144. Montenegro and 145. South Sudan.

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Global Reason
Perverted: It is subcorrupted into Leftist and Rightist. (a) Leftist: 1. China (including Taiwan)-Communist
Republic 2. North Korea-Communist Republic 3. Cuba-Communist Republic 4. Vietnam-Communist Republic
and 5. Laos-Communist Republic.
(b) Rightist: In the world population, nonreligious are 16% and the remaining 84% are religious. Religionism
is divided into nine religions (dark associations). They are: (i) Hindu (Article 25 (2) b of the Republican
Constitution of India 1950. In 2014, The Central Government of India legalized Jainism as a minority religion
without amending the above article) (ii) Yahudi (iii) Parsee (on the verge of extinction-Guinness Book of
World Records) (iv) Buddhist (v) Tao (vi) Confucian (vii) Shinto (viii) Christianity, in 380 A.D. The Roman
Emperor Theodosius declared Christianity to be the official and the only lawful religion of the Empire and (ix)
Islam. Worldwide, more than eight-in-ten people identify with a religious group. There are 5.8 billion
religiously affiliated adults and children around the globe, representing 84% of the 2010 world population of
6.9 billion. There are 2.2 billion Christians (32% of the worlds population), 1.6 billion Muslims (23%), 1
billion Hindus (15%), nearly 50 crore Buddhists (7%) and 14 million Jews (0.2%) around the world as of 2010.
(Manorama Year Book 2014, Malayala Manorama Press, Kottayam-686 001, India, 446).
1. UK-Monarchy 2. Spain-Monarchy 3. Liechtenstein-Monarchy 4. Netherlands-Monarchy 5. BelgiumMonarchy 6. Luxemburg-Monarchy 7. Denmark-Monarchy 8. Monaco-Monarchy 9. Canada-Monarchy 10.
Japan-Monarchy 11. Norway-Monarchy, Pieces of Nobel Prize (monarchy is in existence in 33 countries) 12.
New Zealand-Monarchy 13. Afghanistan-Islamic Republic 14. Vatican-Catholic Christian Ecclesiastical 15.
Turkey (Islamic rooted government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan-The New Indian Express, a national
newspaper, 2-9-2014, Shivamogga, India, 11.) 16. Thailand-Monarchy 17. Saudi Arabia-Monarchy 18. JordanMonarchy 19. India-Rightist-Bharatiya Janata Party, a Hindu fascist political party, led National Destructive
(Democratic) Alliance I, a Hindu fascist national alliance-Vajpayee; again Bharatiya Janata Party, a Hindu
fascist political party, led National Destructive (Democratic) Alliance II, a Hindu fascist national allianceNarendra Modi-Hindu Nationalism; Pranab Mukharjee, The President and Hamid Ansari, The Vice President
of India are moderates but deviated to Hindu Fascism 20. Islamic Republic of Pakistan 21. Israel-The National
Homeland Government the Jewish People (Agence France-Presse in The New Indian Express, 24-11-2014,
Shivamogga, 10.) 22. Myanmar-Military 23. Bhutan-Monarchy 24. Cambodia-Monarchy 25. MoroccoMonarchy 26. Malaysia-Monarchy 27. Mauritania-Islamic Republic 28. Kuwait-Monarchy 29. SwedenMonarchy 30. Lesotho-Monarchy 31. Barbados-Monarchy 32. Swaziland-Monarchy 33. Tonga-Monarchy 34.
Oman-Monarchy 35. Bahrain-Monarchy 36. Qatar-Monarchy 37. United Arab Emirates-Federation of Emirates
38. Bahamas-Monarchy 39. Iran-Islamic Republic 40. Antigua and Barbuda-Monarchy 41. Brunei-Monarchy
42. Andorra-Monarchy 43. Eritrea-Transitional and 44. Belarus-Republic in name, although in fact a
dictatorship. [Neither Sovereign nor UN Members but Self Declared Nations: 1. Turkish Cyprus-Republic 2.
Kosovo-Republic 3. Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic-Republic and 4. Palestine].
Except Vatican City, all are partisan i.e. political party governments. Out of these, there are 145
Moderate and 49 Perverted. In the Perverted Force 5 Leftist and 44 Rightist are there. Perverted governments
may be for a short or long time. But, now it is temporary. On the basis of the nature of the people of the
divisives, governments may shift to Perverted (Leftist/Rightist)/Moderate or Global Mainstream. Along with the
legitimate, there are illegitimate, parallel, in exile governments. For example Tibetan government at Dharamsala
in India, its head is a Buddhist chief monk Dalai Lama (alive), Nobel Peace prize recipient. Kinds of
government change on the basis of the nature of the people of respective state, international environment and
global public opinion. There is no guarantee that governments move towards the Global Mainstream only. For
example India from 1947-1998 had moderate rule [(Mahatma Gandhi-Father of the Nation of India, Jawaharlal
Nehru-The Architect of Modern India, Ram Manohar Lohia also totally supported the UN, Internationalism and
favored Global State. India was made a member state of the LN and its successor UN (in 1945 itself before
Undivided India got national independence)]. The National Republican Constitution of India 1950 stood only
for the moderate not fascist rule. This was the will of the national freedom fighters of India including the Indian
National Congress 1885. But, from 1998-2004 and 2014-2019 (maximum) majority of Indians perverted, Atal
Bihari Vajpayee and Narendra Damodardas Modi** are made rulers respectively through the election, without
amending India-A Sovereign-Socialist-Secular-Democratic-Republic.
B. R. Ambedkar, Chairman, Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly of India said: I felt it is workable,
it is flexible and it is strong enough to hold the country together both in peace-time and in war-time. Indeed, if I
may say so, if things go wrong under the new Constitution, the reason will not be that we had a bad
Constitution. What we will have to say is that Man was vile.(Pylee M.V.: Indias Constitution, S. Chand, Ram
Nagar, New Delhi-110 055, 2006). Now majority Indians have become vile.

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Global Reason
The Moderate rule was from the Post National Independence of India i.e. A.D.1947-1998 i.e. 50 years and
2004-2014 i.e. 10 years, totally 50+10=60 years. During this time Indians came on the right path from rightist
to moderate. The National Moderate Force of India originated in the name of The Indian National Congress
A.D. 1885, the first national political party of India i.e. Grand Old Party of India; The Indian National
Congress is the originator, developer and leader of the National and International Moderate Force of India.
Under the leadership of the Indian National Congress, India won national freedom. Since Harappa Civilization
in B.C. 3000-A.D. 2014, the recorded history of India is totally 5014 years. Without Leftist rule (Jyotir Basu
rejected) except sixty years of Moderate Governance (A.D.1947-1998 and 2004-2014), Rightists Ruled India
4954 years. Rightist is the Thought of India without Leftist except Sixty years of Moderate.
The global trend is towards the abolition of fascism. Fascism violated the International Law, enemy of the
Internationalism, against the Covenant of the League of Nations and anti UN Charter and nonconformist to the
Global Public Opinion must be eradicated immediately forever.
Cause of Anarchy: Nature of the people of the whole world is the whole and sole criteria to determine
everything and all. Cause is not required for anarchy those have and victims hate anarchy. Human is by
nature an anarchist animal. Their nature of anarchy is the whole and sole cause for the global anarchy. Human
anarchy is confined to the human society.
Necessity of the Global Reason: Anarchy is Global; Global is Anarchy, Global anarchy. All religions and
states were and nations are at war with each other whenever and wherever it suits to protect their interests
according to their respective capacities. Multi Nationism replaced Multi Religionism as the most dangerous
antiGlobal Force. Priestly category exercised the supreme and vast power over the whole world for a long
time than the politician category, the religionism has continued even today.
Division of States on the basis of religionism is also common in the whole world including the Division of
Undivided India into India and Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Undivided Pakistan into Islamic Republic of
Pakistan and Bangladesh. In A.D. 622, Islam originated in Mecca. Since the penetration of Islam in India A.D.
622-1192 i.e. more than 550 years Muslims looted India, AD 1192 to 1757 i.e. 565 years ruled India i.e.
550+565=totally more than 1100 years, later on continued their rule in some small and princely states in
British India, fought The First War of National Independence of India 1857-1858 under a Muslim retired king
Bahaddurshah, divided Undivided India into India and Pakistan in A.D. 1947, again became ruler of Pakistan
from A.D. 1947 onwards, the Undivided Pakistan was divided in A.D. 1971 into Islamic Republic of Pakistan
and Bangladesh, ruling Bangladesh from 1971 onwards and further same separatist force is also engaged like
other separatists in dividing existing India into more sovereign states, it must be wiped out immediately
On September 18, 2014, to end the 307-year-old union with England, the division of Undivided UK into UK and
Scotland as two nation states in separatist referendum failed. Scottish rejected the separatism with 60% votes.
Meanwhile Catalonia region in Spain is fighting to secede from the Undivided Spain into Catalonia and Spain as
two nation states. On October 9, 2014, a referendum was held to decide Spains Catalonia region should be
independent defying Madrid.-(The New Indian Express, 10-9-2014, Shivamogga, 11). Similarly, fighting is
going on to divide the Undivided Ukraine into Ukraine and Donetsk.
Global natural necessity is Zero Anarchy Zero Justification to Anarchy in and to the Globe. Replacement of
the Multi Stateism by One State is the global necessity to rule, humanize and save the humans, subhumans and
the globe itself from destruction and for universal development. Power is in the unity of the world than in
bipolarization, division and fragmentation. Without discrimination on any ground in space and time, the
natural-complete-compulsory-final-necessity of human society is the Global Reason.
Nuclear Weapons: At the start of 2014 nine states-the USA, Russia, the UK, France, China, India, Pakistan,
Israel and North Korea-possessed approximately 4000 operational nuclear weapons. If all nuclear warheads are
counted, these states together possessed a total of approximately 16,300 nuclear weapons compared to 17,270 in
early 2013. Over the past five years there has been a steady decline in the overall number of nuclear warheads in
the world. The decrease is due mainly to Russia and the USA-which together still account for more than 93
percent of all nuclear weapons-further reducing their inventories of strategic nuclear weapons under the terms of
the Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (New START).At
the same time, all five internationally recognized nuclear weapon states-China, France, Russia, the UK and the
USA-are either deploying new nuclear weapon delivery systems or have announced programs to do so. India
and Pakistan continue to develop new systems capable of delivering nuclear weapons and are expanding their

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Global Reason
capacities to produce fissile material for military purposes. On April 14, 2014, world military expenditure
totaled $1.75 trillion in 2013. Per Person world military expenditure is $234.

North Korea

World Nuclear Forces, 2014

Year of first
Total 2014
nuclear test
12 350
16 300

Source: SIPRI Yearbook 2014. All estimates are approximate and are as of January 2014.
People have failed all struggles to replace the World of Anarchy by the World of Reason. They confined all the
Great Men to history. Globe is without Great of the Globe. Contemporary world has only small people. All
systems are irresonable.
War to end war failed. Benjamin Franklin once said, There was never a good war, or a bad peace.People of
the Globe failed the irresonable means to establish the World Peace. Global Anarchy is the global heinous
crime. Global Peace is natural, compulsory and supreme. Albert Einstein said: I firmly believe that the
majority of peoples in the world would prefer to live in peace and security, Mankinds desire for peace can be
realized only by the creation of a world government.
History of the Global State: In the ancient world, Sophists, Stoics etc advocated a Universal State based on
reason. The concept of Homonoia i.e. World State was advocated by Alexander The Great; Renunciation of
War by Ashoka The Great, The Roman World Empire; Aligheri Dante and others in the dark age; Napoleon,
H.J. Laski, Albert Einstein, Arnold Toynbee, Lohia etc in modern period are there. Perversion is an antisocial
force not civilization or culture.
Human history is from B.C. 40,000-A.D. 2014 i.e. 42,014 years. B.C. 40,000-B.C. 6500 i.e. 33,500 years
Moderates, BC 6500-A.D. 1648 Westphalia Treaty i.e. 8148 years rightists, A.D. 1648 Post Westphalia TreatyA.D. 2014 i.e. 366 years again Moderates controlled the World i.e. 33,500+366=33,866 years totally, yet, they
failed to establish the Global Reason.
The recorded human history from B.C. 6500-A.D. 2014 is 8514 years. B.C. 6500-A.D. 1648 Westphalia
Treaty i.e. 8148 years Rightists, A.D. 1648-2014 i.e. 366 years Moderates (including A.D.1917-1990 i.e. 73
years Leftists in Russia, China etc, 94 years Internationalism of LN and UN) controlled the world. Rightist is
the Thought of the Globe without Leftist except 366 years of Moderate.
Contemporary Global Scene: This is a Modernized World. There is clash between the Global Anarchy and
the Global Reason. In A.D. 2014, human nature is same since the human origin. In 2014, out of 730 crore
global population there are only 194 rulerbrutes, 9 religious heads and 100 billionaires in one UN. We also
belong to the Modern Slave Owning Civilization and Culture. There are Modern Slave Owners and Modern
Slaves. Slaves belong to the lowest social strata. 162 Countries Global Slavery Index 2013 says 30 million
people, 167 Countries Global Slavery Index 2014 says 35.8 million people are slaves globally. India
consecutively in 2013 and 2014 tops the list. In India, in 2013, almost half i.e. 13.9 million people were, in
2014, 14,285, 700 people are slaves. This is equivalent to 1.1409% of the entire population. A recent survey, the
biggest ever of its kind, has shown that more than one-fourth of Indians continue to practice caste
untouchability, which was abolished by the Constitution in 1950. The survey, carried out in over 12,000
households by the National Council of Applied Economic Research and the University of Maryland, asked the
respondents, Does anyone in your family practice untouchability? And would it be okay for a Scheduled Caste
person to enter your kitchen or use your utensils? Those admitting it represent nearly every religious and caste

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Global Reason
group. The practice is more widespread among Brahmins (52%) and the Hindu religion (35%). The findings do
not come as a surprise, released close on the heels of the 2014 Global Slavery Report in which India topped the
ignominious list with over 14 million people-enslaved-a reflection of the prevalence of casteism that consigns
certain sections, most notably the Dalits, to the worst living conditions and exploitation. Caste system is a reality
that cannot be wished away. But it is also true that its prejudices-founded on an archaic system of allotting
division of labor or specific jobs based on ones birth.
The fruits of economic growth for all sections could be the best bet at undermining the centuries-old
social stratification that has no place in todays world. This, combined with a change in the pervasive
Brahmanical mindset among the upper castes in order to recognize that absolutely no one has a right to
privileges or entitlement based on ones birth alone, would go a long way in casting off caste untouchability.(Editorial in The New Indian Express, 2-12-2014. Shivamogga, 8). Neither there is security to the globe nor to
the states or to the individuals. As the International Global Peace Index Chart reveals, massive military spending
has not ended neither in the Global Peace nor in the Global State but fragmentation of the world further into new
states. Power is in the visible human society and is political not physical or unknown and invisible world or
Hobsons Particle or inanimate object. Global Population is the Power; Power is the Global Population.
III World War: Now, the world is heading towards the III World War. On 28 July, 2014, one hundred years
are over after the beginning of the I World War. Otto van Bismarck of Germany expanded the concept of
National Imperial War to the World War. In 1870, preparations commenced to fight the I World War. But, it
began in 1914 after a gap of 44 years. The gap between I and II World Wars was 21 years, about half of the I
World War time preparation. Soon after the end of the II World War, Cold War commenced to fight the III
World War. In the end of the II World War, USA added the Theory of Nuclear War. Old Cold War was replaced
by the New Cold War. In 2014, the gap between the II and III World War is 69 years. War of Forces is the
Human History. It occurs between the two antagonistic bipolarized forces i.e. Global Moderate Force
consisting Forces of the Global Peace, Global Reason, UN International and Moderate in one camp and in the
opposite camp Fascist Force.
First World War was between the aggressive and liberal nationalism in which liberal nationalism won, yet
aggressive nationalism continued in the name of fascism. The II World War was fought again between the
Global Moderate Force and Fascist force in which the Global Moderate Force won. But, Fascism continued.
Soon preparations continued to fight the III World War through Cold War to contain the spread of Communism.
Cold War ended. But, Fascism continued in the Post Cold War era. In 2014, the Global Moderate Force consist
145 moderate nations, the UN and its headquarters New York and second headquarters Geneva, the
International Law, the USA, Russia and France Nuclear Weapon States i.e. put together more than 97 percent
of old and 100 percent latest model nuclear weapons possess and the Global Political Will. In the enemy camp
49 Fascist states are there. It consist 44 Rightist and 5 Leftist nations. The Fascist Camp has Monarchic UK,
Communist China, Rightist India, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Communist North Korea and Jewish Israel as
Nuclear Weapon States i.e. totally put together less than 3 percent old model nuclear weapons possess. The
quantity of population of the Fascists does not help to win the war to change the globe into a Fascist World. In
this Nuclear or Threat of Nuclear War, the Global Moderate Force will and must win as it won in the previous
two world wars. This war eradicates the Evil Forces forever from the globe itself and in future Fanaticism
becomes and must be made a part of the global museum.
Future: (i) Divisives: Rule of the Divisives has been unpredictable. Divisive and fragmented people may shift
their loyalty anytime to any side. It may be moderate or perverted. The Pre Independent America was rightist
but the Post Independent America has been moderate. The Pre Communist Russia was rightist, Communist
Russia was leftist and the Post Communist Russia is moderate. From 1990 onwards, on one side moderate forces
replaced the leftist governments; on the other side rightist forces replaced the moderate forces also.
Global Reason: Reason is Global; Global is Reason, Global Reason. Global Reason and Global Anarchy are
deadly enemies. Without discrimination on any ground in the whole Universe the natural, complete, compulsory
and final necessity of human society including subhuman and extraterrestrial societies is Global Reason.
Conclusion: Future Political Organization of Mankind: Global Reason is the only alternative future political
organization of mankind. People of the whole world as the Global Sovereign have to replace Global Anarchy by
the Global Reason.

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Global Reason

Insecurity on any ground is and must be rooted out forever. Humans are the whole and sole remedies for
their problems. An eloquent statement for a world state embracing the whole of society, which would by
definition make international law an impossibility, was made in 1965 by the leading historian of
civilizations, Professor Arnold Toynbee: Since civilization has become global now and since the whole
surface of our planet has become a single arena for war making purposes, the world state that we have to
build must be on a literally worldwide scaleThe obstacle is not organizational or technological; it is
psychological.-Toynbee, What Is Not the Normal Condition of Man, p.4.-Quoted in Palmer and Perkins:
International Relations, Third Revised Ed, A.I.T.B.S., J-5/6, Krishan Nagar, Delhi-110051.
As the preamble to the constitution of the UNESCO says, Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in
the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.
III World War must be the Last World War to establish the Zero Evil Globe. IV World or Local War is
not reasonable to eradicate the fascism. To prevent the occurrence of the III World War i.e. Nuclear or
Threat of Nuclear War, the Global Moderate Force must immediately declare Global Emergency to
reach the Zero Fascism Globe.

Professors and Politicians of Political Science must immediately organize into an association called Political
Sciencers of the Globe to eradicate Fascism and to establish Global Reason. Whoever organizes the whole
world and establishes the Global Reason becomes the Father of the Globe, the highest and supreme office in the
whole universe.

The Contemporary Global Political Will is towards the: moderate, zero fascism, eradication of terrorism,
security, peace, zero violence, zero modern slavery, total literacy, human basic needs, knowledge,
transparency, rationalism, social, gender equality, world without hunger and poverty, healthy, happy, fair
and lovely people, replacement of pilgrimage by the global tourism, human movement to planets, sun,
super sun, inner and outer ocean etc.

Zero Illiterate World. Zero Education Zero Activity. Population of the Globe being the Global
Sovereign must be politically educated and trained to rule and get ruled. Prescribe General and Special
Formal Education Qualification to all activities in all fields to achieve hundred percent lower education and
increase high percent of higher in a time-bound action plan in the whole world. Reasonable education
including global political tourism leads to the global political unification. Qualification of Minimum
Education and Training of Political Science should be a precondition to enter political field and holders of
power on the basis of level of power: Degree to Member of Legislature of a province; Post Degree to Member
of Parliament; Doctor of Philosophy to Minister; Doctor of Literature to Prime Minister, Vice President and
President (present India) i.e. Head of the Government and State and the UN Secretary General.

Nationalism was not created (Machiavelli) to extend it to internationalism; nationalism and

internationalism and its UN (Roosevelt and Truman, Churchill and Stalin) earlier LN (Wilson) was not
continued to replace it by the Global Reason. Global Reason is the step. Global Mainstream is the way.
Albert Einstein in 1946 said: Anything that is done in international relations should be done whether it
leads to the World Government or not.

Global Reason is the Global Peace Global Peace is the Global Reason. Zero Violence Zero Justification to
Violence in and to the Globe is the Global Peace. It is the Lasting and Positive which leads to Zero Violent
Globe. Construction is Global Destruction is Divisive.

Global Reason is the global criterion to decide legal or illegal, right or wrong, good or bad, just or
unjust, reasonable or irreasonable.
Replace the multi sovereignties by the Global Sovereignty.
Supremacy of the Rule of Law along with the Administrative Law. World Without Lawyer leads to
reasonable justice.
The Anarchists and their associations change themselves into Global Beings. Global Population being the
Global Sovereign replaces all the antiGlobal Forces by the Global Reason.
India secured National Freedom without Equality and Fraternity in the international world from the
Imperial Britain as the 69th Nation State and a UN Member State to join the Global Mainstream to establish
the Global Reason. The Free People of Free India become Free, Equal and Fraternity People of the Globe
i.e. Global beings not Promiscuous.

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Global Reason
National Government is the best. Yet, in the contemporary situation is not feasible. The divided moderate forces
must come together under the Indian National Congress, to wipe out fascism in India immediately forever. Only
The Indian National Congress has the capacity to lead the moderate force to prevent the heading of India
towards the III World War. The Global Moderate Force including India, pressurize the present President of
India Pranab Mukharjee to replace the fascist governments by the moderate immediately.
Global Time Bound Total and Complete Universal Disarmament.
Reasonable Means and Ends to all activities including transfer of power and exhibition of loyalty.
Election is the only means to capture and share power.
Structure of the Global Government: For the administrative convenience reasonable Two-Tier i.e. global
and provincial, Bi-organ i.e. Legislature and Executive and Sub-Bi-organ i.e. Bicameral Legislature and
Bicollegiate Executive. Separation of powers of Montesquieu being a remedy worse than disease is
Administrative District Model replaces Local Self Government Model to end its menace. There is no
relation between Local Self Governamentism and Decentralization of Power. Administrative District Model is
the best with nearly equal distribution of population within the revenue district. It is a changer of mindset of
the people. Reasonable freedom of movement and to settle any where any time allowed. Deputy
Commissioner should head it. Government becomes the Direct Representative of the Administrative District.

Israel, Namibia etc. are creations of the UN. It should immediately stop further division and fragmentation
of the political world into more nation states.
Replace The UN International Bill of Right (there is no UN International Bill of Duty; Right without
Duty is Promiscuity and Duty without Right is Slavery; Right and Duty being two sides of the same coin
balance between the two) by the Global Bill of Right and Duty.
Shift totally Nobel Prizes and other international awards to the UN immediately.
To replace the World of The Social Extremities into World of Equality replace privatization in all
fields by the state and cooperative sector. Prescribe Simple Living Global Thinking, World Standard of
Life In Horizontal Social Structure.

Global Anarchy is the contemporary political world not Postmodernism or Transnational Companies
(being voluntary and private there are only 100 billionaires out of 730 crore population) Control i.e.
Governance*. Human Cruelty to end Human Cruelty, Promiscuity to end Promiscuity, antisocial activity
to end antisocial activity, Domination to end Domination, Exploitation to end Exploitation, War to end
War, Imperialism to end Imperialism, Divisiveness and Fragmentation to end Divisiveness and
Fragmentation, Fanaticism to end Fanaticism, Ageism to end Ageism, Perversion to end Perversion,
Danger to end Danger and Anarchy to end Anarchy being failed all these must be replaced by the Global

Neither there will be domination of the North over the South or South over the North; West over the East
or East over the West; Strong over the Weak or Weak over the Strong; Developed over the Undeveloped or
Undeveloped over the Developed; NWS over the NNWS or NNWS over the NWS; Moderate over the
Fascist or Fascist over the Moderate; Potent over the Impotent or Impotent over the Potent but Global

The struggle between: the Primitive Age and Global Reason created the Ancient Age; the Ancient Age
and Global Reason created the Dark Age; Medieval Age and Global Reason created Modern Age and in
the last struggle the Modern Age and Global Reason ends and must end in the victory of the Reason of the
Universe only.

One Globe, One Human Society, One Reason, One Constitution, One Government, One Administration,
One Culture and Civilization, One Language, One Standard of Living and Thinking and Life.

Lawrence S. Finkelstein in Global Governance, Volume I, No.3 (Sept.-Dec. 1995), 367-372 said:
Since the international system notoriously lacks hierarchy and government, the fuzzier with word governance
is used. Global Governance is not World Government, and even less democratic globalization. In fact, Global
Governance would not be necessary, were there a World Government. Global Governance or World
Governance is a movement towards political integration of transnational actors aimed at negotiating responses
to problems that affect more than one state or region.-Global Governance-Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia.

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Global Reason
** Negative Global Intellectuality: Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India has been named as the First Global
Thinker in 100 Global Thinkers 2014:
Mahawarkar M. B.: Prison Management-Problems and Solutions, Kalpaz, C-30, Satyavati Nagar, Delhi, 2006.


Austin Ranney: The Governing of Men, Henry Holt, New York, USA, 1958.
Chandradeo Prasad: Political Ideas of Ram Manohar Lohia, Janaki, Patna (India), 1989.
Chitkara M.G.: World Government and Thakursen Negi, APH, 5 Ansari Road, Daryagnj, New Delhi-110 002, 1999.
George Monbiot: Manifesto for a New World Order, proposes a road map towards global democracy.
Goodman R. Elliot: Soviet Design for a World State, Studies of the Russian Institute, Columbia University, New York, 1960.
Keith Faulks: Political Sociology-A Critical Introduction, Rawat, Satyam Apts., Sector 3, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur-302 004, Indian
Reprint, 2011.
Margenthau Hans J.: Politics Among Nations, Scientific Book, Calcutta, 1996. Krishan Nagar, Delhi-110051.
Meenakshi Singh: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Omega, 4378/4-B JMD, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110 002, 2014.
Palmer and Perkins: International Relations, Third Revised Ed, A.I.T.B.S., J-5/6, Krishan Nagar, Delhi-110051, ISBN: 81-7473069-9.
Ramji Lal: Bertrand Russel-Unpopular Essays, Seventh ed., Rama Brothers, New Delhi. 1999.
Revel Francois Jean: Without Marx or Jesus, 1972.
Robert Muller: World Peace Plan 2010, http.//
Scheweltzer Albert: Peace or Atom War?, Asia, Bombay, 1958.
Sharma L.P.: Medieval History of India 1000-1707 A.D., Vikas, 5 Ansari Road, New Delhi-110002, 1981.
Srivastava A.L.: History of India: 1000-1707, Shiva Lal Agarwala, Hospital Road, Agra-3, 1985.
Toynbee Arnold: One World and India, Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi, 1960.
Varma V.P.: Ancient and Medieval Indian Political Thought, First Ed. 1986; Modern Indian Political Thought, Ninth Ed 1987,
Lakshmi Narayan Agarwal, Hospital Road, Agra-3, India.
World Peace; World Government Websites.

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