The Path To Innovation

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The Path to Innovation

An InnovationLabs White Paper

By Langdon Morris

The Problem of Innovation
The “Value Call”
The Path to Innovation
Conclusion: Emergent Strategy

InnovationLabs LLC

257 Castle Glen Road

Walnut Creek, CA 94595
email: [email protected]
phone: (925) 934-1786
Introduction Innovation is one of those words that means many things to many people.
What it means to InnovationLabs is fundamental change in the value that
a company offers to its customers and other stakeholders, or fundamental
reductions in the cost of creating and providing that value.

By choosing the word “fundamental,” we make a distinction between

improvement and innovation. While improvement is necessary, it is gen-
erally incremental and based on an existing concept or approach. An inno-
vation, in contrast, addresses a problem in new and perhaps previously
unseen ways.

Innovation is well recognized as a compelling source of competitive dif-

ferentiation, and in fact we would go so far as to say that a constant flow
of innovation is the only source of sustainable competitive advantage.
That makes it a necessary and important topic. It is also important to note
that achieving consistent, effective and innovative behavior is a tremen-
dously difficult challenge for most organizations.

The purpose of this white paper, then, is to examine some key aspects of
innovation as it pertains to the challenges and opportunities that many of
today’s organizations face. In particular, we describe what we call The
Path to Innovation, a set of core processes that we have found to invoke
innovative behaviors, innovative activities, and most importantly innova-
tive results within organizations.

The Problem of Innovation It is evident that innovation is difficult to achieve, and it seems that the
larger an organization becomes, the more difficult it is for it to be a consis-
tent innovator. Why is this?

Over the course of many years we have observed numerous obstacles to

innovation that arise in areas such as organization design, performance,
and structure, facilities design, individual and collective behavior, and
management processes. At root, we see that the lack of innovation comes
down to two kinds of issues, one organizational and the other behavioral.

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The Organizational Question The underlying nature of today’s large organizations, and their basic
needs, structures and processes, are often significant innovation inhibitors.
As organizations grow, the number of people who must interact with one
another in order to accomplish basic activities typically increases, and rap-
idly. In reaction to the growing cost of these interactions, and in response
to competitive demands in the marketplace, there is an increasing need for
efficiency that crowds out innovative thinking in favor of staying within
the realm of the known world. Organizations are therefore structured to
capture as many efficiencies as possible and their core processes are rou-
tinized to remove waste.

This drive for operational efficiency discards options and flexibility in

exchange for increased value from reduced cost. This is natural and
required in order to pull organizations away from the chaos that results
from lack of focus or a tendency to chase every new idea under the sun.
But too much emphasis on standardization and efficiency can throw the
organization on the other side of the fence into stagnation. The game to
play is always a balance of innovation and improvement. Innovation tends
to create new systems and discover new marketspace, while improvement
tends to discover new efficiencies. And sometimes innovation does both
- a new idea that creates new marketspace with incredible efficiency.

The Behavioral Question People in organizations commonly develop behaviors that blind them to
innovation opportunities. This is a result not of any particular human
shortcomings, but of the innate cognitive process of the brain that is heav-
ily reliant on re-using existing knowledge structures. People tend to force
fit new information into existing stereotypes and mental models. They
create and recreate what they already know in spite of what the data might
be saying to them. These patterns of thought reinforce patterns of behav-
ior and relieve people from having to analyze and respond to every situ-
ation as if it were brand new. Particularly amid a frantic work schedule,
people rely on old concepts and have difficulty absorbing new ideas.

In most organizations, furthermore, acceptance of the status quo is contin-

ually reinforced in the drive for efficiency, making efficiency a behavioral
issue as well as an organizational one.

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This is compounded by structures and processes in most firms that are by
nature and necessity risk-averse, resulting in a further bias against innova-
tion that shows up in nearly every aspect of the organization’s products,
services, and administration. The tightest conformance control loop is
governed by compensation. Despite the change management mantra from
the 1990’s, no one is rewarded for failure. Yet the discovery of innovative
solutions depends upon experimentation and frequently involves - and
ought to involve - some risk of failure.

And yet another issue is the tendency toward “groupthink,” a natural

human pattern of conformist behavior that often results in suppressed
innovativeness and lost innovations. The ability to follow a norm holds
society together, yet it also excludes behavior and innovations that may be
found on the periphery of the norm. People also have a tendency to mimic
exemplars, and if the exemplars are focused on efficiency to the exclusion
of innovation, group behavior will trend with this focus.

All of these tendencies merge together when you hear the line that begins,
“We don’t do things that way here ….” which is generally offered as suf-
ficient reason not to do whatever it is that you happen to need at that par-
ticular moment. There may be a good reason why we don’t things that
way here, but often the reason is simply that, for better or worse, that’s the
way we’ve always done it, and the person in front of you is not about to
take the organizational risk of doing it differently.

When the marketplace was more stable, when competitors were not
changing particularly quickly, then it may have been perfectly adequate
for organizations to be dominated by status quo thinking tempered by
incremental improvement and diligent reduction of waste. Today, how-
ever, markets consistently devalue organizations that are not innovative.
This means that innovative behavior which leads to innovative results is
of greater importance than ever, so we need to find ways to enable people
to see the latent possibilities that have been hidden beneath their repetitive
everyday experiences.

Certainly there is a very close linkage between the organizational dimen-

sion and the behavioral one. Therefore, an approach that promises to
address innovation must deal with both, as well as numerous other dimen-
sions as well. But before we get to that discussion, let us first look at the
market-driven consequences of non-innovative behavior.

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The “Value Call” Organizations that consistently fail to innovate develop what we call
“Innovation Deficiency Syndrome,” and come sooner or later to experi-
ence a “Value Call.” A value call, like a margin call on a stock market
investment, occurs when a company’s value proposition becomes so
weakened in the marketplace that it must quickly and decisively boost the
market’s perception of its value proposition, or face a serious degradation
of its image and its prospects. Resources that should have been invested
into ongoing innovation are “called” into play by tapping resources that
have been focused relentlessly on improvement.

Two recent examples (both on the extreme side): General Motors

announced in early 2001 that due to declining sales, its Oldsmobile line,
the oldest surviving brand in the US auto industry, will be discontinued
after the 2003 model year. Similarly, between March 2000 and March
2001, the aggregate value of NASDAQ stock market index declined from
a high of 5500 to a low of less than 2000 as investors came to believe that
the companies listed on the NASDAQ just didn’t offer such high value as

GM determined that it simply could not meet the requirements of the

Value Call, and folded the tent, while the NASDAQ companies, or at least
those which survive, will see their values increase in line with more tradi-
tional performance measures.

Overall, innovation is one of only a hand full of the possible responses to

a Value Call. (Increasing efficiency can also be a valid response.) How-
ever, given that the preponderance of people are status-quo oriented, and
given that organizations unintentionally drive out innovative behaviors,
it quickly becomes apparent that companies may have difficulty starting
their innovation engines.
Hence, the Path to Innovation, as we call it, is a core approach supported
by a set of methods that enable individuals and organizations to select
and enhance innovative behaviors, and to create and support innovative
initiatives throughout a company. In a more profound way, these methods
embody the possibility of fundamental, long-term change because they
address the foundations of organizational behaviors, structures, and perfor-

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The Path to Innovation Let us begin by asking the question, If you wanted to become more inno-
vative, how would you go about doing it? At root we recognize that the
problem of innovation is organizational and systemic, and therefore a path
to innovation must likewise be organizational in scope and systemic in
approach. It is not a simple set of problems, and in fact it is a daunting
bundle of complexity involving many different aspects and elements. As
we noted above, observation reveals that innovativeness is tremendously
valuable, and tremendously difficult for organizations to achieve on a con-
sistent basis. So the ambition to which the path to innovation aspires is
not low hanging fruit, but a challenging goal that is far beyond easy grasp.
What follows are key aspects that we have found must be accomplished in
order for an organization to become innovative, to become recognized as
an innovator, and to reap the competitive advantages therefrom.

Our presentation of the path to innovation follows three steps. It begins

with awareness and shared understanding, proceeds through the develop-
ment of new organizational processes, and leads finally to the formation
of new organizational structures. Awareness, process, structure. This
progression recognizes that organizational processes are fluid, while orga-
nizational structures are more difficult to design, more difficult to imple-
ment, and most difficult of all to modify. Hence, the more fluid elements
fall earlier in the overall process, while the more rigid arrive later when
there is more experience on which to base the longer-term, more costly

Together, the interventions on this path are designed and implemented to

counteract the anti-innovative organizational and behavioral processes
noted above, and which support and promote innovative behaviors in
every aspect of the organization’s operations and culture.

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Step 1 The first step on the path must involve creating awareness through intro-
Generate Awareness and spection. Organizational leaders must understand themselves, and how
Shared Understanding of How they individually and collectively support or block innovation. They must
Innovation Works also grasp why organizational systems display innovative behavior, and
why they don’t. They must understand the broad scale, scope, and lan-
guage of the innovation problem in all its many dimensions, and explore
alternative possibilities and strategies for its solution. And they must
examine the profound challenges inherent in organizational change initia-
tives, and expose strategies to help managers anticipate and respond cor-
rectly to the uniquely human issues that inevitably emerge.
(Our hypothesis about this kind of organizational change is described in
a forthcoming White Paper, The Hero’s Journey: Innovation, Leadership
and Organizational Change.)

Developing a shared understanding provides the foundation upon which

new processes and structures can be introduced into an organization with
clarity as to the initiatives, commitment to seeing them through, and confi-
dence that they will achieve the intended results.

The initiation of this step can take anywhere from a single half-day con-
versation to a series of workshops taking place over a few months. But the
rate of flow of new people through an organization means that innovation
awareness must be built into hiring, training and advancement practices.
The creation of these practices is a part of the second step in the path.

Step 2 On a basis of emergent understanding, it becomes possible to implement

New Organizational new organizational processes to overcome innovation blockages. Two of
Processes these are the InnovationQuest™ approach to collaborative design and the
Strategic Modeling System™ for innovation targeting.

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InnovationQuest An important organizational and behavioral aspect of innovation is that
Collaborative Design innovation is rarely an output of isolated genius. Today’s significant inno-
vations, including those that confer competitive advantage, are developed
through effective collaboration between people in different parts of an
organization, or even from different organizations. This collaboration is
either routine, designed, or serendipitous. Routine collaboration is the type
used to process the work of the organization, whether along an assembly
line, or in the delivery of a service. Serendipitous collaboration is the type
that happens at the water cooler or during casual conversations. Designed
collaboration has been feebly attempted by most organizations in the way
they conduct meetings. But there is much more to designed collaboration
than is generally practiced.

Effective designed collaboration is both an art and a science that is neither

well understood nor widely practiced, but it is a critical organizational
process that must be developed. At the heart of collaborative design is
the need to compose a group in which each individual brings unique and
necessary insights and perspectives that may contribute in a useful way.
The group as a whole must progress through a shared experience, a shared
learning process, in which their distinct points of view can be explored,
tested, and combined into new insights and agreements.

The goal of effective collaboration is “creative combination,” the bringing

together of two or more ideas in unforeseen and often unexpected ways
to yield new insights and solutions. Creative combination is at the core
of most innovations in most fields, from the sciences to engineering and
organizations. The design of a collaborative event is therefore the design
of a “learning pathway” that provokes interesting and useful combinations
of previously disparate ideas. It relies heavily on an appreciation of indi-
vidual and collective cognitive behaviors and how to guide them forward.

We call our approach to collaborative design “InnovationQuest” in recog-

nition of the open-ended process of discovery that typically occurs. Inno-
vationQuest is a powerful tool for creating innovations in response to very
specific organizational issues, problems, and opportunities.

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When we begin Innovation Quest the leaders of an organization gener-
ally have challenges they wish to address or problems they wish to solve.
It is important to note that in defining an overview of the innovation
opportunities as they apply to today’s organizations,
we have identified more than 30 different possibilities
in the areas of business models, customer experience,
products, services, supply chain, administration, and
organization. Behind each possibility is a story or a case
study, or many of them, which describe how that partic-
ular innovation enabled some firm to achieve an advan-
tage in the marketplace. What that means to you is that
careful targeting is required to select the areas that offer
the greatest promise of value for the organization and its
customers. The Strategic Modeling System, described
below, is an effective targeting tool.

In practice, InnovationQuest gives participants a pro-

found personal and shared experience of success in
the innovation process, and achieves better results in
days than might otherwise be obtained in months. One
reason that time is so greatly compressed is that Inno-
vationQuest is a process of synthesis, drawing forth
insights and awarenesses from individuals, and driving
useful creative combinations. While analytical research
and decision making processes tend to be linear and
therefore take much longer, collaborative design is a
process of synthesis, in which many different aspects of
a simple problem can be examined and decided in paral-

InnovationQuest also exemplifies other important ele-

ments that will become embodied in the innovation
organization. For example, it is often tempting to go out-
side the organization for expertise, points of view, and
especially for expert advice. Frequently, however, the
same expertise already resides inside the organization,
Graphic 1: How InnovationQuest Works

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unrecognized and perhaps underdeveloped. InnovationQuest transforms
inside knowledge and experience into compelling authority that can be
broader, deeper, and more useful than any insights available from the out-
side. This process therefore empowers people within the organization to
experience themselves as experts and innovators, and encourages them to
carry innovative behaviors forward into others aspects of their work.

InnovationQuest engagements may extend for several months from incep-

tion through execution, and are punctuated by events that typically last
from 1 to 4 days, with additional time in advance for preparation and time
afterwards for follow-up and implementation management.

The Strategic Modeling Because innovation has so great an effect on organizations and the sys-
System tems used to operate and manage them, it has a great bearing on corporate
strategy, and vice versa. In fact, these two issues, along with the dynamics
of organizational performance, are completely and utterly interdependent.
Therefore, the process of creating innovations is at its core a process of
defining strategy and of defining critical organizational characteristics at
the same time.

Strategic Modeling is a systemic and systematic approach to the design

of corporate strategy, developed by going back to the roots of strategic
thinking. A strategic model is articulated using the concept of “fitness
landscapes” that describe the overall “terrain” of a competitive market-
place. Strategic modeling takes as its purpose the search for the most
advantageous positions in the terrain. Once these positions are identified,
it is possible to define a transition pathway from whatever position the
organization occupies today, to a new, better position. Passage along the
transition pathway usually requires significant innovation, and therefore
definition of the pathway creates both clear priorities and a compelling
context for innovation-seeking behavior throughout an organization.

Strategic Modeling therefore defines a process for innovating at the level

of corporate strategy. Hence, processes such as InnovationQuest support
and promote innovative behaviors and provide specific solutions, while
Strategic Modeling defines a strategic view of the competitive landscape
in order to help prioritize among many possible innovation targets.

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Strategic Modeling engagements span several months and include work-
shops that usually last 2 to 3 days. Depending upon the complexity of the
situation and the rate of change in the marketplace, two or three workshop
iterations may be required.

Step 3 Organizational structures tend not only to endure, but they both empower
New Organizational Tools and limit organizational performance. They empower it because the right
and Structures structures support effective behaviors by individuals and groups; they
limit it because they often do not allow for innovations that could provide
significant benefit. Therefore, the tools and structures that make up step
3 support the emergence of innovation by providing important structural
foundations for long term results.

The Innovation Refinery™ The Innovation Refinery™ is a comprehensive “bottom-up” process of

finding and supporting breakthrough ideas from within an organization. In
most organizations there are untold riches of unexposed talent and fresh
ideas inside a company that frequently lie dormant, unable to find expres-
sion. When brought forth with proper support and direction, they can sig-
nificantly impact the business.

The refinery consists of specific programs to help people with ideas

develop and test innovation concepts and business models, screen and
select the best ideas, and seed funding to develop and sustain these inter-
nal start-ups long enough to determine their ultimate value. The refinery
approach provides a disciplined structure to support the search for and
development of innovative ideas that bring significant business impact
based on knowledge and experiences that already exist inside the organi-

The Innovation Refinery can be developed in a pilot program and then

expanded as appropriate. Operation of the necessary organizational struc-
ture can be done within the organization, or its design and management
can be outsourced.

The Path to Innovation: An InnovationLabs White Paper • Page 10

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GX-OS GX-OS™ is an internet-based tool, under development, to support internal
communication and feedback to enable more effective implementation
of all kinds of organizational programs and initiatives, including those
focused on innovation, strategy, and organizational issues, and others as
The significance of GX-OS is that the fate of all innovation is dependent
on downstream organizational performance, the ability to execute. The
dynamics of execution are multi-dimensional, and one of the most critical
and often overlooked elements has to do with the feedback that individu-
als throughout the organization receive concerning their individual and
collective performance. GX-OS therefore provides the right kind of feed-
back to managers and teams at all level of an organization, enabling them
to make appropriate course corrections.

GX-OS also supports effective implementation of both new initiatives and

ongoing work through automated task management and reporting tools.
And it supports ongoing innovativeness through structured dialog and
communication tools focused on new creative combinations.

Conclusion: Together the application of these elements results in a systemic, indwell-

Emergent Strategy ing capacity for innovation as a core organizational process in support of
sustainable competitive advantage. Through the effective implementation
and integration of the three steps on the path to innovation, the ultimate
destination of a transformation of the organization’s entire way of operat-
ing comes within reach. At the end of the process, we anticipate that a
new state of organizational dynamics will emerge concerning innovation
and its critical relationship with strategy and organization.

Historically, corporate strategy has been defined a priori, and implemented

come what may. Minzberg, however, has pointed out that the term “strate-
gic planning” is a contradiction in terms, as “strategy” is necessarily a pro-
cess of integration and synthesis, while “planning” is inherently analytical
and fragmentary.

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The path to innovation described here goes beyond the limitations of plan-
ning, leads to a new set of conditions concerning strategy and its creation.
When an organization applies the processes and structures described here,
it becomes closely attuned to its market and the key factors that influence
market behavior. We anticipate that it may no longer have to devise strat-
egy in advance, and that instead it will be able to articulate, develop, and
implement strategy in conjunction with the evolution of the market. We
call this real time process “emergent strategy,” and we believe that it will
both express and confer a significant and sustainable competitive advan-

In pursuit of these goals, our role at InnovationLabs is to help you deter-

mine which innovations will make the greatest difference for your orga-
nization, and to provide the awareness, tools, and methods to enable your
organization to achieve them.


In addition to the concepts, tools, and methods described here, Innovation-

Labs has developed and offers detailed approaches concerning the man-
agement of R&D and innovation in both technical and non-technical set-
tings. Many of these are described in the recent book, Fourth Generation
R&D: Managing Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation (John Wiley &
Sons, 1999) co-authored by Langdon Morris.

Additional White Papers on related topics, and more information on our

services, may be found at our web site,

You may contact Langdon Morris at [email protected].

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