Anarchist's Economics
Anarchist's Economics
Anarchist's Economics
Zab a l a z a B o o ks
“Knowledge is the Key to be Free”
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Website: A braham G uillen
A n a r c h i s t Ec o n o m i cs - P a ge 2 0
Sp a i n
2. Harmony: Unite the whole and the parts in federalist socialism.
3. Federation: Socialism should not be chaotic but coherent, with unity between the
whole and the parts on a regional and national level.
4. Direct Action: Anti-capitalist, anti-bureaucratic, so that the people are the active
subjects through direct democracy.
8. All power to the assembly: No-one should decide on behalf of the people or
usurp their functions by means of professional politics. Delegation of powers should
not be permanent but should be given to delegates who are elected and recallable
by the assembly.
10. Socialisation and not rationalisation of wealth: The following must take the
most important roles: the syndicates, the co-operatives, local self-managed soci-
eties, popular organisations, all kinds of associations, local, regional, county, nation-
al, continental and world federal self-government...
A n a r c h i s t Ec o n o m i cs - P a ge 2 Ab r a h a m Gu i l l e n - P a ge 19
It is untrue to say that equality is in opposition to freedom. A self-managed soci-
ety should be able to accomplish both, as there is no freedom without equality.
Some people give orders, others obey, some live better, others worse. All this, which
takes place in private and state capitalism, can be abolished, not immediately and
absolutely, but in a near future, if all people are able to enjoy the same opportunities
! I NTRO DUCTI O N for political, moral and scientific education. For this reason, self-management, by
overcoming the alienation of the working class by the bosses and the state, frees all
people and not just the worker.
Spain has a particular historic significance for the world anarchist movement.
The extent and breadth of publications on the Spanish Civil War and the Revolution
of 1936-9 is ever expanding. This is wholly understandable since that period of time
represents one of the most fascinating of this century and one that is vital in the his-
tory of revolutions. That anarchists should have written extensively on this subject The libertarian economy, as an alternative to the national and international
is equally understandable since for anarchists and syndicalists Spain and 1936 rep- monopolies of the total state, proposes self-management and co-operation in the
resent the most coherent and far-reaching change carried out in history under the economic sphere. On the one hand, it envisages dynamic self-management in large
influence and guiding light of anti-authoritarian and anti-statist ideology. Spain, to a urban industries, and on the other, the creation of collective agro-industrial com-
large extent, has become the prime inspiration and vindication that anarchist ideals plexes in the countryside, in order to integrate and diversify the economies of differ-
can indeed be put into practice through the revolutionary action of syndicalist unions. ent areas in a co-operative manner. Natural and human resources would be har-
The Spanish experience, of two or three years' revolutionary society, where workers monised to reduce the rural exodus and to maintain full employment. In both cases
attempted to create a new life that was based on solidarity, mutual aid and freedom, the libertarian economy would be capable of creating a social, participatory econo-
overshadows other anarchist endeavours such as the anarchist-inspired slogans of my, where full employment would be guaranteed. This would be achieved not by
the 1917 Russian revolution calling for 'the land to the peasants and the factories to monetary or financial mechanisms as Keynes would have, but by different types of
the workers', the Factory Committee movement in Italy in 1920 or Kronstadt in 1921. firms which wholly integrate capital, technology and work by a kind of firm which has
Nevertheless, despite the fact that Spain and 1936 have produced a wide range the social interest at heart.
of debate and publications, little has been written on the economics of that revolu- In contrast to the Western and Eastern models, the libertarian economy human-
tion, in which hundreds of collectives were established by the revolutionary working ises and democratises the economy in the following ways:
class in city and country, acting on inspiration from the National Confederation of - all workers have equal rights and duties in the co-operative self-managed firm.
Labour (CNT), the syndicalist union. - all workers can be elected to and recalled from the councils of self-administration
The anarchists in Spain had maintained lively and complex debates on the future through assemblies, which are sovereign.
organisation of economic management of the society that was to rise from the ashes - all workers benefit from the economic surplus produced by their collectivised and
of the old. Eventually, and especially due to the strength of syndicalist ideas in Spain self-managed workplaces in accordance with quality and quantity of work done.
from the early 1900's onwards, the concept of the free municipality was espoused - all posts on the self-management or co-operative councils should be renewed after
and approved at anarchist conferences, in great similarity to Bakunin's original ideas a short time with re-election not possible for a certain period so that bureaucratisa-
on economic organisation tion does not develop.
In this pamphlet, which has been written from texts taken from Chapters Three
and Five of anarchist economist Abraham Guillen's 1988 ;book entitled Economia In substance, this is what the libertarian economy should be like. It should show
Libertaria, (Fundacion de Estudios Libertarios, Bilbao), the author examines the that it is capable of creating as much productive capacity, or even more, than the
adoption of these ideas and their approval at the 1936 CNT Congress prior to the regimes of state and private capitalism. It would make little sense to be socially
July uprising which left half of Spain under fascist control. By analysing these ideas advanced whilst economically backward.
in general and by looking at some of the anarchist collectives, created in 1936, he
assesses the success of these experiments, which constituted the lifestyle of thou-
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overlooked the fact that the state was still in existence above as supreme alienating sands of people for up to three years, and draws conclusions on the day-to-day
power and that while it existed the libertarian revolution was in danger. This is clear improvements that were produced.
from the May Days of 1937 when the communist divisions entered Aragon, not to Guillen illustrates that the collectives in Aragon, the North West of Spain, of which
fight Franco, but to destroy the libertarian collectives. there were approximately 500, were able to organise a new economic and social
It is time to make it clear that private or state capitalism do not guarantee the right order which was far more rational, egalitarian and democratically organised than the
to work for all, an increase in the standard of living and in productivity, an economy previous capitalist structures. The collectives were created in the aftermath of the
free of endemic or cyclical crises, a reduction in working hours, rational and frugal failure of the fascist uprising on 19 July 1936 and their success was rapidly trans-
consumption without wasting the products of labour, economic, ecological and social mitted over 'free' Spain, which Franco's nationalist forces had not managed to over-
balance and a regime of rights and freedom for all. run.
Libertarian ideas must be shown to be advantageous over bureaucratic and Although apparently 'spontaneous', their establishment and organisation was as
bourgeois ideologies. Everyone should be their own governor but all should be much due to the years of preparation that Spanish anarchists had undergone on an
involved in the process of collective production. 'Power' must belong to all, not to the ideological and practical level. As well as being a tribute to the tenacity and clarity
tyrannical state or to a class or a repressive, exploitative elite. Self-management of these ideas in the anarchist movement, they can also be taken as yet another con-
must be created as a new method of production in all economic activity and politics firmation that anarchist ideas are often taken up by workers outside of the unions in
must be based on the libertarian principle that all decide in a responsible way for times of upheaval and with the prospect of a more egalitarian society. The very fact
everything. No leader such as Hitler or Stalin is infallible; there must be freedom for that the anarchist ideology was the guiding light of this 1936 revolution enabled the
all. In summary, libertarian socialism represents real alternative popular social creation of one of the most, if not the most, extensive and profound revolutions ever
power because it comes from the people and not from outside, not from the bour- seen. The immediacy of gains and change effected prove again that revolutionary
geoisie or bureaucracy, or from the private or state capitalists. workers, and those not so revolutionary, can only carry out a revolutionary transfor-
mation of society when there is no all-embracing, all-dominating political party which
will only stifle debate and action. The revolutionary landworkers and industrial pro-
letariat knew what the defeat of the nationalist uprising meant and they did not wait
for any directives to take over the farms and the factories.
This activity and conception of the revolutionary situation clearly contrasted with
the role of the Spanish Communist Party which did its utmost to deprive the collec-
tives of prestige and resources, claiming that the time was not ripe for revolution.
The strict Marxists complained that the workers were not ready and that first it was
necessary that all the mechanistic stages towards 'socialism' had to be passed
through. These words were of course uttered while workers were taking their des-
tiny into their own hands, sidestepping the need for the revolutionary party.
Guillen illustrates the limitations of state socialism and Marxist-Leninism, which
puts the interests of the party and state before those they claim to represent. This
pamphlet does not, however, provide an entirely laudatory account of the syndical-
ists' activity in the Spanish revolution. Guillen does not limit himself to recounting the
positive side of the anarchist collectives. Towards the end of the chapter he dis-
cusses some of the mistakes made by the anarchists in their lack of appreciation of
the problems thrown up in a revolutionary situation by the question of political power.
While he admits that syndicalists have always understood the necessity of the
destruction of state power and its atomisation, he points out that the CNT had not
fully considered the question since few alternative structures were created to replace
the state and its political body. He points to the fact that although the CNT effectively
held power on an economic and social level it ignored the question of political power
and left the door open to counter-revolutionary elements which appropriated the
state apparatus and used it against the free collective structure created by the revo-
A n a r c h i s t Ec o n o m i cs - P a ge 4 Ab r a h a m Gu i l l e n - P a ge 17
lutionary working class. ple of self-government. The three branches of the textile industry elected a delegate
In order to remedy this tactical oversight, he proposes the creation of an atom- to the Works Committee, as did the office personnel and the warehouse staff. A
ised 'self-power' or structure of empowerment. This term 'auto-poder' has been Control Committee was named by the union committee. Also a Technical
translated throughout the text as 'social power'; a term that the translators thought Commission was created, which was formed by technicians from the five different
best expressed the ideas behind Guillen's original term. This 'power' is clearly dif- specialities of manufacturing, administration, buying and selling and insurance. In
ferent from the power of church, state or party. While the anarchists and syndical- turn, the self-administration section was divided into three sub-sections: general
ists wish for the destruction of power, they at the same time do not wish to be pow- manufacturing processes, technical organisation and machine maintenance, pro-
erless; in other words, they want the atomisation of power, its sharing, so that no-one duction control and statistics. All this, as a federative form of sell-government, pro-
has dominion over anyone else, but also so that all can maintain their freedom and vided work for more than 20,000 workers, corresponding to 103 firms of varying tex-
the freedom of others. This is their ultimate goal and this short pamphlet is dedicat- tile specialities, including other small firms and the agricultural sector. This did away
ed to that end. with the contradiction of egotistical capitalism that monopolised capital and reduced
The translators would like to thank the many people involved in the production of work to slavery. Libertarian socialism, in Alcoy and other parts of Spain, liberated
this pamphlet: the many members of the Direct Action Movement who have com- workers from wage slavery and transformed them into collectivists thus eliminating
mented upon the text and especially to Manchester and Norwich DAM-IWA. Our the proletariat, which remains under Marxist-Leninism in the pay of the state rulers,
hopes for the success of La Presa publications, the newly created Industrial producing profits for the communist bureaucracy and state capitalists.
Syndicalist Education League and the realisation of the objectives of the The marvellous experiment of self-management in Alcoy, however, did have one
International Workers' Association go with this pamphlet. defect. The financial and political power above was not libertarian social power, and
for this reason, in the end, the state, which existed above the workers, tried to return
Richard Cleminson & Ron Marsden them to their original wage slavery. Therefore, in the future, a social revolution
should not remain at a local or regional level and must reach the national level. One
July 1992. of the great mistakes of the CNT during the Spanish revolution was to collectivise the
land, services and firms below, but leave, above, the banks, credit systems, foreign
trade, gold and currency intact in the hands of the enemies of libertarian collectivism.
The same error of the Paris Commune of 1871 was committed: the social revolution
should not be made below alone, leaving many aspects of the counter-revolution
intact above such as the banks, currency, foreign trade and the repressive state
which crushed the collectives in time. The state became stronger day by day in the
hands of the communists. The libertarian social revolution suffers one dilemma:
either it is carried out immediately and totally, above and below, or it is lost to the
power of the state and to its bourgeois and bureaucratic supporters.
From below upwards, libertarian social power must substitute and destroy the
exploitative and oppressive state. In order to abolish the traditional power of the
state over society, alternative libertarian social power must be created based on the
self-management of the workplace and militia self-defence.
If industry, agriculture and the services are self-managed and federated in their
own specialised branches, they will unite to form an overall economic council. The
economic council along with the federated bodies of self-government and the militia
structure will form the three pillars of social power so forming a type of federated self-
government, whose task is to administer things not people.
The Spanish libertarian movement placed a great deal of emphasis on the task
of creating the infrastructure of libertarian socialism from below, but the anarchist
Note: As this text was written in 1988, and since the USSR was still in existence, superstructure, above, of social power was ignored. It is true to say that the CNT,
there are references to the Soviet Union in the present tense. The English transla- through its revolutionary unions, created marvellous forms of self-management,
tion reflects this. below, in the collectives, the railways, the telephones, gas and electric, etc., but it
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economic, social and political change effected and they did not wait for the govern-
ment to do everything, as the Marxists wish so that the government keeps everything
and everyone, as occurred in the USSR.
In Alcoy there were 16 CNT unions in the Local Federation before 19 July 1936.
This union power which was not institutionalised but active and revolutionary, did not
struggle for higher wages alone as the reformist unions do, but instead for the cre-
ation of libertarian communism. It was a unique union force; Marxist unionism had
become a cog in the petit bourgeois socialist party or bureaucratic communist party
machine, which used unionism as an instrument of the revolution-talking politicians
who in reality merely prop up reformism.
The unions in Alcoy, as in every locality all over Spain where the CNT was a
major force, did not wait for the government to nationalise the factories but socialised
them themselves instead, not as state property but social property. As an example
of this socialisation, the Alcoy unions proceeded immediately to self-manage the fol-
lowing industries: printing; paper and cardboard; construction, including architects
and surveyors; hygiene and health, including medicines, pharmacies, barbers, laun- Spanish anarcho-syndicalism from its inception had adopted an initial pro-
derettes and sweepers; transport, including buses, taxis and lorries; entertainment, gramme not only of wage demands, the right to work, improvements in conditions,
including theatres and cinemas; the chemical industry, soaps, laboratories, per- but also the realisation of Libertarian Communism. Before 19 July 1936 the anar-
fumes; leather, skins and shoes; traders and salesmen; industrial technicians; pri- chists had proclaimed the anarchist Social Revolution in many places in Spain such
mary and secondary teachers; artists; writers; clothing; the whole textile industry, of as Casas Viejas, Alto Llobregat and Gijon, all of which were areas that had a large
vital importance in Alcoy; wood and furniture; the liberal professions; and agriculture anarcho-syndicalist following. In all these villages or towns property registers were
and horticulture. Alcoy was, therefore, a model self-managed town, self-governed burned, money abolished and Libertarian Communism made reality.
by its direct producers, without professional politicians, bureaucracies or bour- In Spain, during the 1936-9 revolution, the libertarian collectives were in control
geoisie. of their own production and surplus, managed by their own committees of self-
Due to the socialisation of the means of production and the services, the law of administration, where assemblies guaranteed direct democracy. Committees were
the social division of labour achieved a balance that the previous system of produc- named and delegates appointed for each sector, acting independently from the state
tion never had, since if there were too many workers in one sector or in one firm, they in full freedom. No one was obliged to remain in a libertarian collective. Any indi-
would pass over to another sector and full employment would be maintained. In this vidual could leave when he or she wished to, whilst in the USSR, under Stalin, the
way, libertarian socialism was much more objective and scientific than capitalism or peasants could not leave their kolkhoz and were bound to it like new serfs. But the
administrative socialism where there is a large discrepancy between the productive most important aspect of the libertarian collectives of Spain is that they were not
workers and the techno-bureaucracy entrenched in the state apparatus. utopian, but very real, because they achieved, with no authoritarian structures,
Capitalism, with all its contradictions, which stem from the means of production increased production and improved infrastructure. This was despite the fact that in
being held in private hands, is very much inferior to libertarian collectivism in indus- many of them up to forty per cent of the labour force, the youngest sector, was
try, services and agriculture. Libertarian communism found a solution, without much mobilised to the Front, particularly in Aragon.
mathematical and technical theorisation, for unemployment, cyclical economic
crises, strikes as a result of the conflict between workers and capitalists, persecution
and ignorance. Libertarian communism provided education and thus eliminated the REVOLUTIONARY AIMS OF THE C.N.T.
need for emigration. The workers themselves self-managed things in the political,
The concepts of libertarian collectives, factory committees, self-management,
economic, social, technical and financial fields. This is the great merit of the CNT in
self-organisation of society without the oppressive and exploitative state, were all
the 33 months of the Spanish revolution. It was a revolution made not by the com-
clearly worked out by the C.N.T. These matters had been treated in its immediate
munists and socialists who defended the old regime and state, but by the anarchists
programme in the Saragossa Congress of May 1936.
who substituted the state in the countryside and cities by collectives and self-man-
For the Spanish anarcho-syndicalists the union was not an institutionalised enti-
ty like the social democratic or Christian democrat unions, but was seen as an insur-
The direct self-management of the Alcoy economy provided an excellent exam-
rectionary tool which would bring about the social revolution and establish libertari-
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an communism. On the organisation of the new society after the victory of the rev-
olution, the first measures, according to the 1936 Congress, would be:
'Once the violent phase of the revolution is over, private property, the
state, the principle of authority and therefore the classes that divide
people into exploited and exploiters, into oppressed and oppressors,
will be abolished.