Nakshatra Hasta

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Hasta Nakshatra - General Info, Characteristics & Compatibility

Hasta happens to be the thirteenth Nakshatra, in the zodiac consisting of twenty seven birth stars. Deriving its power from the glitteringly
powerful arena of 'Surya Deva'-the governing deity, Hasta Nakshatra is ruled by the planetary power of moon.
Basic information about Hasta Birth Star
Centering on the zodiac of Virgo, Hasta Nakshatra is demarcated by the powerful symbol of a fist. Reflecting the inherent power of its
planetary and divine lord, Hasta Nakshatra embodies the general characteristics of luster, luminosity, brilliance, strength, beauty and
knowledge. Symbolically upheld with the power of a fist, it also includes strength, togetherness and power in its general attributes.
Projecting the magical sway of hand, Hasta Nakshatra stands for conquest, knowledge, wisdom and control. Spirituality, close bonding and
inclination towards music also feature in the general characteristics of natives born under Hasta Nakshatra.
General characteristics of Hasta Nakshatra
Natives born under the luminous influence of Hasta Nakshatra are marked by the personality traits of sincerity, loyalty and kindness. They
are also appreciated for their charming vivacity, flamboyance and generosity. Tall, handsome and strongly built in their appearance, they
exude strength, calmness and poise in their personality traits. Intrinsically kind and helpful, orientation towards craftsmanship and action
are the other important attributes of their personality.
Their behavioral characteristics display the quintessence of firmness and constancy of purpose. With their generosity and action, they
reflect supreme potency to exercise control and power. It is uncharacteristic of Hasta natives to dominate by way of coercion. On the other
hand, they make use of wisdom, action and knowledge- the intrinsic constituents of their behavioral characteristics; to bring situations
under control. Thus they are exceptionally fine tuned in their behavior and dealing. Despite their politely calm composure, they exhibit
independence and firmness in their dealings.
Besides their close familial bonding, their ability to win people and situations over counts amongst the major positive traits. Exceptional
sharpness, self control, faithfulness and strength of intellect are their other positive qualities. It also includes their innate ability to inspire
and motivate people.
In their willingness to control people and situations, they may turn out to be outrageously dominating and cruel. Besides these
contributing to their grossly negative traits, natives born under the dominating influence of Hasta Nakshatra may be prone to rude
callousness and lack of sensitivity. At times, in order to punish evil doers, they resort to treacherously scheming ways. This also happens to
be one of their negative traits.
Career Options for Hasta Nakshatra Born People
Possessing leadership qualities, natives of Hasta Nakshatra shine exceptionally in careers related to entrepreneurship and business. With
their skill, craftsmanship and wisdom, they make their way up the ladders of competition to reach top notch ranks and designation. Career
opportunities centering on counseling and consultancy are also suitable for them. Displaying enormous skill and craftsmanship, careers
related to technical lines and art are also suitable for him. With their tendency towards reconciliation even opportunities based on
mediating and settlement of disputes are good enough for him.
Hasta Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility
Bearing in mind the instinctive norms of compatibility, Hasta Nakshatra is most compatible to Svati Nakshatra on account of its phallic
connection. While Hasta represents female buffalo, Svati is represented by a male buffalo. Besides being compatible to Revathi and
Bharani Nakshatras, it is also compatible to Uttara Phalguni and Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatras. Krittika and Pushyami Nakshatras are also
compatible to it. This is because of buffaloe's phallic compatibility to elephant, cow and sheep. Taking into account the theory of
obstruction, Hasta Nakshatra is not compatible to Satabhishak Nakshatra. Taking into account buffaloes' spontaneous hostility to horse,
both male and female stars represented by horse are not compatible to it. Besides Shatabhishak, Ashwini is also incompatible to Hasta

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