Sunday Outdoors - The Herald-Dispatch, April 12, 2009

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6D Sunday, April 12, 2009

Features: Robyn Rison 304-526-2799 Outdoors
So you
want to go all your
spend the
night outdoors
Camping and Cabins
n 15th annual Camp Good
Grief, Monday-Wednesday,
June 29-July 1. The camp is
a special bereavement camp
for children who have expe-
rienced the loss of a loved
one. Applications are currently
being accepted for children
ages 8-16. The camp is open
to Hospice of Huntington
families, as well as com-
munity families. Participants
are accepted on a first-come,
first-served basis. Registra-
tion required; call Hospice of
Huntington’s Bereavement
Department, 304-529-4217, or
visit www.hospiceofhuntington.
org. Asbury Woods Camp
& Retreat Center, near Salt
Rock, Barboursville. Free.
n Cabin Rentals. Cabins
for rent, sleeps four people.
Questions, call the Greater
Huntington Park and Recre-
ation District, 304-696-5954.
Camp Mad Anthony Wayne,
2125 Spring Valley Drive, Hun-
tington. $40; damage deposit
n Campground Season for
2009, Bakers Run: May 2-Oct.
20, $16-$18; Bee Run: April
1-Dec. 1, $8; and G.R. Free-
man: April 24-Dec. 1, $16-$22.
Reservations can be made at
G.R. Freeman by calling 877-
444-6777 or online at www. Reservation
period is May 20-Sept. 7. Sut-
ton Lake, Sutton.
n Cardinal District Spring
Camporee, Friday-Sunday,
April 17-19. Offered by the Tri-
State Area Council Boy Scouts
of America. Call 304-523-
3408. Virginia Point Park, west
on U.S. 60 to Kenova, north on
23rd Street, Kenova.
n Lodge Rental. Lodge
overnight visits. Sleeps 28
people, no linens provided.
Questions, call the Greater
Huntington Park and Recre-
ation District, 304-696-5954. Kentucky State Parks give a hats off to
patrons with Camper Appreciation Weekend
Camp Mad Anthony Wayne,
2125 Spring Valley Drive,
Huntington. Reservation
fee, $230 with $300 damage
Come and join in on all the fun. Call and offered on a first-come, first- swap meet. Campers are welcomed
For Fun Courtesy of Kentucky State Parks
FRANKFORT, Ky. — Celebrate the 606-473-7324 or 800-325-0083. served basis. Call 800-325-0063. to sell their wares. Selling areas are
return of spring at one of Kentucky’s Paintsville Lake State Park, Fort Boonesborough State Park, limited to one’s campsite for Saturday
W.Va. State Park campgrounds. With more from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The general pub-
n Remember the Titanic, than 30 campgrounds located through- Paintsville Richmond lic is invited with special parking. Also
Tuesday, April 14. Take a step out the Commonwealth, guests can Paintsville Lake State Park will cel- Join us for our official kick off to the weekend entertainment and activities
back in time, remembering the be assured of finding the perfect loca- ebrate the beginning of the season with 2009 camping season. We will have will be planned to highlight this week-
ill-fated voyage of the Titanic. tion to meet their adventure tourism a cookout in your honor and live enter- lots of scheduled activities through- end for campers. Call 866-462-8853.
The Titanic sank on April 14, needs. tainment. Also, if you camp with us on out the weekend including bingo, The Natural Bridge State Resort
1912, in the Atlantic Ocean Campgrounds are now open, and Friday night, you’ll receive Saturday Appalachian Troubadours singing
after striking an iceberg. Exec- all parks will be hosting the annual night free. Call 606-297-8488. group, arts and crafts, free historic Park, Slade
utive Chef Nemat Odeh will Camper Appreciation Weekend April tours, free putt-putt, a bonfire, a movie Two nights camping for the price of
prepare various items served Yatesville Lake State Park,
24-26, with two nights for the price and a whole lot more. In addition, when one. Come enjoy the beautiful spring
at the last dinner. The movie of one. Most parks will have special Louisa you pay for Friday night’s camping, we colors and sounds of Natural Bridge
“A Night to Remember” will events for campers. Campers pay for one night and get will give you Saturday night for free. State Resort Park while staying in one
be shown on the big screen. All campgrounds have sites with water the second night free during the week- For registered campers only. Call 859- of our two campgrounds. We’ll have
Canaan Valley Resort State and electric hookups. Campers with end of April 24-26. Saturday morning, 527-3131. activities for the whole family includ-
Park, Box 330, Davis. horses can be accommodated at Dale meet the park manager and staff for General Butler State Resort Park, ing canoeing on Mill Creek Lake, guid-
n Season Pass Discounts, Hollow Lake and Taylorsville Lake. coffee and doughnuts from 8 to 9:30 ed hikes and live animal programs.
Sunday, March 29-Thursday, Reservations can be made by visiting a.m., pontoon boat rides and nature Carrollton The famous Natural Bridge square
April 30. A 20 percent dis-, where walks follow during the afternoon and Pay the first night camping fees dance on Hoedown Island begins at
count is offered on its season there is a new feature this year. Guests a hot dog dinner with all the fixin’s at and stay the second night on us. Gen- 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Camp Friday night
passes. After April 30, a 10 reserving online can now view pic- 5:30 p.m. It’s all free for campers. Call eral Butler’s Campground will open its and get Saturday night for free. Call
percent discount taken until tures of the individual campsites avail- 606-673-1492 for details. gates to a campsite 800-325-1710.
May 22. Call 304-562-0518, able, allowing them to better select
ext. 3. Valley (Wave Pool) Jenny Wiley State Resort Park,
a site to suit their individual needs.
Park, 1 Valley Drive, Hurri- Guests also may call 888-4KYPARK Prestonsburg
cane. for reservations. Camp one night and get the second
Ohio For more information about Ken- night free. Planned nature and rec-
n Easter Brunch, 11:30 tucky State Parks, including camping reation activities for all ages. A free
a.m. and 1 p.m. Sunday, April information, events and other park cookout for all campers on Saturday
12. The Inn & Spa at Cedar details, visit night. Please bring a covered dish, as
Falls, 21190 Ohio 374, Logan. Listed below are some of the closest the park will supply the hot dogs and
n Shoot the Hills: Nature state park campgrounds and events buns. Call 800-325-0142.
Photo Weekend, Friday-Sun- planned for Camper Appreciation
day, April 17-19. Bring your Weekend April 24-26. Big Bone Lick State Park, Union
camera; meals and camp- Carter Caves State Resort Park, If you are a camping enthusiast, don’t
ing or cottage stays on your miss your chance to camp two nights
own. Pre-registration and fee Olive Hill for the price of one. While camping,
required. Call 740-385-6841, This weekend has been set aside as you can take part in guided hikes,
740-774-6243 or www.shoot- a special weekend for campers. Those crafts and naturalist programs at the Hocking Hills camping this weekend will get two park. Call 859-384-3522.
State Park, 13178 Ohio 664 nights camping for the price of one. Blue Licks Battlefield State
S., Hocking Hills. Special rates will apply to campers for
n Shoot the Hills: Nature mini-golf and cave tours. Some of the Resort Park, Mount Olivet
Photography, Friday-Sunday, recreation programs include a Smoky Campers pay for one night and get
April 17-19. For more informa- Lake canoe trip, crafts, homemade ice the second night free during this week-
tion, visit www.innatcedarfalls. cream and a magic show by David Cot- end where we say thank you to all our
com or call 800-653-2557. trell on Saturday night. For Wildflower campers. Special programs and enter-
The Inn & Spa at Cedar Falls, Weekend we will have several wildflow- tainment throughout the weekend.
21190 Ohio 374, Logan. er walks and programs to show guests Call 859-289-5507 for details.
the beautiful array of the wildflowers of Cumberland Falls State Resort
Carter Caves. Call 800-325-0059.
Park, Corbin
Greenbo Lake State Resort Park,
Camp Friday night and receive Sat-
Greenup urday night free. Activities include
Find more outdoors events Start the camping season off with Saturday lunch and selection of activi-
— from biking to kayaking, Greenbo Lake’s Camper Appreciation ties offered with the Family Spring
whitewater to wildlife — at Weekend. Camp on Friday night and Adventure. Canoeing, archery, bird get Saturday free. Friday night campers walks, wildflower walks, fire tower
Send your events to will be treated to a bean supper from 6 tours, astronomy, wildlife programs
to 7 p.m. Other weekend activities will and hikes to other waterfalls and
newshelpdesk@herald- include hayrides, crafts and games. arches. Some activities are limited

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