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The Kephalaia Of The Teacher: The

Edited Coptic Manichaean Texts In

Translation With Commentary



Parthians 5.25
(5) [] they are all in the [ / / u]niverse, and the fire blazes in it, and it is devo/[ured ]
all [] of the light al[s]o, and he bec[omes] 5 purifier, and goes up to his essence. Conversely,
the darkness [wh]ich is in / [] out, and it is gathered in to a bond [ 12 ] unveil [ / ]
and they go in to him and become [ / ... pe]rfume [s]15et up [ an]/d they reign for ever,
and a single God comes to be [ ov/er] the totality, being above [the to]tality. You (sg.) find no
opponent / from this time on again[st the Father], the King of the Light and the [ / ] which
they occur in, from the [beginning 20 ] they are mixed and joined with one another. / [
inv]eil in these three lessons*1 / [] in them. I have written [them in / my bo]oks of ligh[t: i]n
The Great Gospel and Trasu[ry] / of the Life; in The Treatise; in The One of the Mysteries; [in]
25 The Ep[ist/le]s; in The Psalms and The Prayers. For the[se three] / lessons are the measure of
all wisdom. Everything that has occ[ured], / an [th]at will oc[cu]r. is written in them! Have
strength to discrim[inate / ] and know it through them. [Every] wri[ter, 30 if he re]vea[l]s
these three great lessons: that on[e is / the writer of the truth]. Also, every [te]acher, if he gives
instruction and proclaims these th[r/ee lessons, is] the teacher of truth. I also, for my part, behold
[I] have / [revealed] these great lessons. I have give them to yo[u / ]

Persia 7.28.30
I did pay heed to each one. I spoke [in (wisdom) about them], / with person after person. Each
[one ] / I have given to him a conviction. The elec[t 30 ] I have given them psychi[c]
wisdom [] (7) psychi[c ] The suckling babe[s], according to their ability, [ / ] it, even
a[s] is fitting for them; so that they would lis[ten / ] like th[is]. Also, even the sects and the
he[resies / o]ut. I have open[ed] the eyes of each one of them [ its 5 wi]sdom and its
[scr]ipture, for the truth is this that I have unvei[led. / I have] revealed it [i]n the world. Also
the apostles have [ / ] and the earliest fathers past unveiled it in th[eir scriptures / ]

Concerning this I [} in haste, in that [ / eve]ry explanation and every wisdom, as I

proclaimed in e[ach pl10ace], in each c[it]y, in each land [ / ] and they [] as he may
form it in [ / ] and [] truth since [ / ] which they have [ / ] the church [15
/ / ] according to [] book. / [] you [ my] beloved ones: At the time that [Jesus
t/r]od [] the land of the west [ 20 proc]laimed his hope [ / ] his disciples [ / ]
which Jesus uttered [ / a]fter him they wrote [ / ] his parables [ 25 ] and the
signs and wonders [ / ] they wrote a book concerning his [/ The apostle of] light, the
splendrous enlightener [ / he came to] Persia, up to Hystaspes the king [ / he chose
d]isciples, righteous men of trut[h 30 he proclaimed hi]s hope in Persia; but [ / ]
Zarathustra (did not) write books. Rather, hi[s / disciples who came a]fter him, they
remembered; they wrote [ / ] that they read today [ / ]

Persia 12.18
35 The apostles are like [t]his [also]. N[o]w, (12) when the apostle will be raised up to the
heights, he / and his church, and they depart from the world; at t[h]at instant / another apostle
shall be sent to it, to another ch/u[rch] it [] Yet, first, 5 he shall make the forms of his
church free in the heights, / as I have told you. When []; / again, he too shall come down and
appear [ / ] and he releases his church and saves it from the flesh [of / sin ]
The advent of the apostle has occurred at the occasion 10 [ a]s I have told you: From Sethel
/ [the first] born son of Adam up to Enosh, together with / [Enoch]; fr[om] Enoch u[p] to Sem
[the] son of [Noah; / / ] church after it [ 15 Bu]ddha to the east, and Aurentes, and
the other [ / ] who were sent to the orient; from the adve[nt] / of Buddha and Aurentes up
to the advent of Z[a/ra]thustra to Persia, the occasion that he came to Hystaspes / [the k]ing;
from the advent of Zarathustra up to the advent of Jesus 20
[the Christ], the son of greatness. / [The advent] of Jesus the Christ our master: he came [ / ]
in a spiritual one, in a body [ / ] as I have told you about him. I [] him; / for he came
without body! Also his apostles have preached 25 in respect of him that he received a servants
form, an appearance as of / men*3. He came below. He manifested in the world in / the [s]ect of
the Jews. He chose his twelve / [and] his seventy-two. He did the will of his Father, who had /
sent him to the world. Afterwards, the evil one awoke 30 envy in the sect of the Jews. Satan
went / in to Judas the Iscariot, one am[ong the twe]lve / of Jesus. He accused him before the
sec[t of the J]ew / s, with his kiss. He gave [him] over [to the han]/ds of the Jews, and the cohort
of the soldie[rs. The Jew] (13)s themselves took hold of the son of Go[d.

Ardashir 14.29.31
Artabanus 14.28
Parthia 14.29

Persia 14.30
[A]t this same time also, in the last church, a righteous [m]an / of truth app[ea]red, belonging to
the kingdom. He reinforced [ / ] they cared for the church of our master according to [their
/ capacity; bu]t they too were raised up to the lan[d of / light. A]fter those ones again, little by
little, the ch35 [urch] perished. The world remained behind without (14) [c]hu[r]ch. Like a tree
will be plucked, and the fr/uits on it taken away. And it remains behind without fruit./
[Wh]e[n] the church of the saviour was raised to the heights, my apo/stolate began, which you
asked me about! From that time on 5 was sent the Paraclete, the Spirit of truth; the one who has
/ co[me] to you in this last generation. Just like the saviour sa/id: When I go, I will send to you
the Paraclete. / [Whe]n the Paraclete comes, he can upbraid the world concerni[ng / sin, and] he
can speak with you on behalf of right[eou]sness, and 10 [about] judgement, concerning the
sinners who believe / [me not; *5 he] can speak with you [ / / / 15 ] he can
s[p]eak with you and preach [ / ] that [], the one who will honour me and [ / ] he
gives to you. / [] preach on behalf of the Paraclete of truth, that he / [] he came to manifest
the one whom he had known [ 20 ] the appointed time of all these years, as they [ /
from] Jesus until now [ / / ] until he [ / ] and he makes them free. Yet, when the
church as25sumed the flesh, the season arrived to redeem the souls; like / [the mont]h of
Parmuthi that cereal shall ripen i[n], / to be harvested.

Ardashir 15.24.(27)
Persia 15.30
Persians 15.29
Shapur 15.28.31
Susiana 15.31
At that same season he [] / my image, I assuming it in the years of Arta[b]anus / the [ki]ng of
Parthia. Then, in the years of Ard[ashi]r, the ki30n[g] of Persia, I was tended and grew tall and
attained the ful[lne]ss of the sea/ [so]n. In that same year, when Ard[ashi]r the ki/[ng was
c]rowned, the living Paraclete came down t[o me. He sp]o(15)ke with me. He unveiled to me
the hidden mystery, / the one that is hidden from the worlds and the generations, the myster[y]
of the dep[ths] / and the heights. He unveiled to me the mystery of the light / and the darkness;
the mystery of the calamity of conflict, and the w[ar], 5 and the great [] the battle that the
darkness spread about. Aft[erwards], / he unveiled to me also: How the light [] / the darkness,
through their mingling this universe was set up [] / H[e o]pened my eyes also to the way that
the ships were constructed; [to enable the / go]ds of light to be in them, to purify the li[ght
from] 10 creation. Conversely, the dregs and the eff[lue]nt [ to the] / abyss. The mystery of
the fashioning of Adam, the fir[st ma]/n. He also informed me about the mystery of the tree of
knowledge, [wh]/ich Adam ate from; his eyes saw. [Also], the myste/ry of the apostles who
were sent to the wor[ld, to enable them] 15 to choose the churches. The mystery of the elect,

[with their] / commandments*6. / [The] mystery of the catechumens their helpers, with [their] /
commandments. The mystery of the sinners with their deeds; / and the punishing that lies
hidden for them.
This is how everything th[at] has ha[pp]20ened and that will happen was unveiled to me by the
Paraclete; [] / everything the eye shall see, and the ear hear, and the th/ought think, a[n]d the
[] I have understood by him e/verything. I have seen the totality through him! I have become
a single body, / with a single Spirit!
In the last years of Ardash[ir] 25 the king I came out to preach. I crossed to the country of the
Indians. [I] / preached to them the hope of life. I chose in that place / a good election.

Parthians 16.1
Persia 16.1
Yet, also, in the year [that Ar/da]shir the king died Shapur his son became king. He [] / I
crossed from the country of the Indians to the land of the Persians. Also, from 30 the land of
Persia I came [to] the land of Babylon, Mesen[e] / and Susiana. I a[pp]eared before Shapur the
king. He rece/I[v]ed me with great ho[nou]r. He gave me permission to journey in [ /
pr]eaching the word of life. I even spent some year[s / ] him in the retinue; many years in
(16) Pers[i]a, in the country of the Partians, up to Adiabene, and / the bor[de]rs of the provinces
of the kingdom of the Romans. /

Shapur 152.25.26
The living soul too is like this, / it is established in apparent silence. In 30 its apparent [s]ilence
it is grasped and receives b/lows from these five fleshes, which destroy 9the soul0 and str/[ike
it. It can] be likened to the mystery of the [corporeal] body, / as it can be grasped and mastered,
(152) can receive blows and wounds.
Also, thus / this tongue that speaks, proclaims, reprimands and reveals / about everything
happening in this body, in<side and outside, also the considerations[a]nd bod[ily] knowledges>.
/ The tongue, which is outside, makes it manifest. It also proclaims about 5 the honour and
shame of the body. And it speaks, / unveiling the pain of the body [th]at is [s]ick [from] / its
That is also what [Jesus] the Splend[our] / is l[i]ke, who shall be sent fr[o]m the greatness. / He
manifests and reveals about everything, both the external and 10 the internal, both what is
above and what is [bel]o[w]. / Be it about the outer aeons that are hidden and [not disp]l[ayed],
/ or the ships of light that are se[e]n. H[e is the on]/e who unveils about them. He is also the
one who reveals [about the]ir glo/ry, and the greatness that dwells in them. And regarding this
beating 15 and wounding of the living so[ul], Jesus is the one who reveals it. / he also preaches
ab[o]ut (the soul) and its peace. He revea/ls about its cleansing and healing. Behold, I have
shown / to you the power of revelation of these four fathers, and how / each one of them has

his appointed work, whether in 20 secret or visible.

Once again, at one of the times when the apostle entered [in] 25 to the presence of King Shapur.
He gave him a greet[ing], / turned, and went away from before King Shapur. He st[o]/od on a
quayside that was built upon the bank of the might river / Tigris. At that time it was the month of
Ph[ar]/mouthi. The river Tigris was engorged with many waters;30 it had {surged up}*84 and
swelled and {burst forth}*85 beneath the great / force of the flood, so that the waters flowed
do[wn and] / poured into the gates of the city, they [] (153) only, but the waters flowed into
the { }*86 of / the city until they submerged the marketplace of the city.

This creation also [] / this light product, that shall be generated from the holy church / and go
to [] is [a letter] 30 too; since all the [g]ood works tha[t the] holy ch/urch performs are
written down in i[t. Every / thing] that it may entreat its father for, so that [ e]/ase in the
world. And at the last [ r]/est before him. They are present in [ fa(183)s]ting and prayers
and good works that [ / ] them. It shall go up and be rev[eal]ed b/efore the blessed Christ.
He shall answer it [ / ] he [gives] power and makes it at ease [ 5 ] Indeed, [d]ue to
this, I say to you: / [] each [] and entreaty, since a [ / ] prayer. Everything that you
will ask [for / ] will be given to you*98, if [ / ] perfect. [Further, it] ha[pp]ened one time
while our master Manichaios, / [our] light [enl]ightener, was staying in the ci15ty] of ktesiphon.
Shapur, the king, enquired / after and summoned him. Our master stood / up and went to Shapur
the king. Afterwards / [he] returned and came back to his congregation. When he had been a /
[sh]ort while sitting down, before delay elapsed, King Sha20[p]ur enquired af[te]r him another
time. He sent, he called f/[o]r him. Again (Mani) returned, he retraced and went to King
Shapur. / He spoke with him and proclaimed to him the word of Go/[d]. Again he retu[r]ned
and came to the congregation. Also, a third / occasion, King Sh[ap]ur enquired after and called
for him; 25and [he] returned to him once more. / [T]hen one of his disci[pl]es made a retort,
Aurades by name, / [the] son of [Kap]elos. He says to our enlightener: Please, / our master
[Manich]aios, give to us two Manis resembling you; / [pass]ing for you! Good, peaceful, and 30
compassionate [] disciples in righteousness [like] you / [] one Mani will remain with us as
you; / [and the other to go to] King [Sha]pur, his [mind] at ease. / [and proclaiming it] to him.

Persia 185.(15).17.22 186.6

At the time when I sail[ed] / the sea in the ship, I went [] 25 I found it necessary [] / the
life that is with me in the world [ / ] I stirred the whole land of India [ / ] all the

people who dwell in it [ / ] all of them to me, so that they might bear 30 two to three times
[] / in their land according to their heart [ / ] and the wise man [] / they { }*100 [
(185) se]t them against me. At that moment I ceased finding l[i]/ght, I ceased speaking freely
with the voice that is / of truth, which is entrusted to me.
Now behold, [ / ] in India. It may act against me in its [ 5 and] accept the greater ones
and the counselor[s / and the] satraps and the governors who are found there [ / I was]
difficult [for] it, it stirred not [ / ] because they belong to it [ / ] from all the sinners
[ 10 ] to me. I was more difficult for it than [all] these / [did not ace]pt me, and it
persisted to [ / ] it. For the world loves [the] dark/ness; [bu]t [it hates] the light, because its
wo[rk]s / [are evil.
I crossed] the seas another time. I took [ 15 ] India. I went up to the land of pe[rsia. / I
le]apt from the sea and went [ / ] the land of Persia and its ci[ties ] / in this living truth
that is wit[th me ] to the [li]ght of [ / ] proclaim [ the] powers and the [au]thorities [
20 / ] and the holders of authority [ / en]lightener [] in the land of Persia [ / b]ody
[] because of this truth that I proclaimed, si/[tt]ing in their midst [] to one another. S[ee25
n]ow, [ / ] in their land [] to me the power. The Father [ / ] livi[ng ] all occasions.
The one who [/ to] it [ / 30 ] in the land [ / ] (186) how strong is it? (The land)
tolerates the kings and accepts [the / s]atraps and the governors who are ther[e. It] / stirred
[amon]g them, it was not defeated in theor midst [ / ] it was not able to accept [the truth
that I pro5claimed] there. It did not [I] / came [out] from the land of pers[ia]. I went up / [to
Me]sene, the city that [ / ] in this truth that is in me, in [... I / proc]laimed this knowledge; I
separated [the light from the darkness and] 10 d[iscriminat]ed life from death, what is go[od
from] / what is evil, the righteous person from the sin[ner. I proc]/la[imed] the path of life and
the command[ments / ] Yet, when they had heard the voice [of truth and life], / the
[rulin]g-power and the swarm of demons [ 15 ] and the race of mankind [ / ] under
wickedness and hatred, they [ / they did not] allow me, [nor] did they / [permit me] to
preach [the tr]uth in [tranquill]ity, the way that it / i[s]. See: In []20 for they tolerate the
kings, they ace[pt ] and the / caesars and the satraps a[nd the governors who] are f[ound] /
among them. Yet, the truth that I proc[laimed] among [them], / they did not accept it; and [
they did not listen] / to the voice of life that I cried out [among them], / they did not accept it;
and [ they did not listen] / to the voice of life that I cried out [among them].

25 Again, [fr]om that place I came to the land of Babylon, the [ci]/ty of the Assyrians, and
walked in [it]. I went in [to] / the [other] cities, and spoke in this truth [of the life that is with]
me. I / proclaimed there the word of [truth and life. / With [the voi]ce of the proclamation I
se[parated the light from the dark]30ness there, what is good from [what is evil / ] the
powers who aremaster [over ] (187) their envy to the heart of the kings and the leaders / there.
They and the sects of that place, they / [were s]et against me. Even as you yourselves see, they

have w[aged] / some great wars [wit]h me. The lawle[ss] judges 5 [took] me, they watched.
They and their rulers and the[ir / lea]ders took me in the midst of their land. If as / [] to me the
protection of the Father, who does [not] hel[p / the lawless]. Yet I, he helps me at [all] times /
against his [enemy]. Still, they would not permit me in B[a10bylon] a single day to journey in
their land. /
S[ee no]w: How great is the land of the Assyrians? / [It is abl]e to tolerate the kings and accept
the eparchs / [and the gen]erals and the caesars and the governors / [ i]n it. It did not stir, nor
was it [defe]ated before [them 15 ] but, on the other hand, to me, it stirred and was
disquieted [ / ] It waged against me a multitude of struggles. [Therefore, I] le[ft be/hind
me] the Assyrians.
I went to the land of the Medes and Par/thians. At that place I played the harp of wisdom; [I] /
spoke in this living truth [th]at is with me. The [whole] land 20 [of] the Medes and the Parthians
stirred, it shook [ / ], to accept the hope of the life that I [proclaimed]. Yet see: How great /
is the land of the Medes and the Parthians? Many / [ci]ties are found there. It was able to accept
the kings / [an]d the leaders who were there; but, on the other hand, it was not able to acc25[e]pt
the power of my truth. It stirred, it all shook just as / [] Then the apostle speaks to the disciple:
/ Indeed I, a single Mani, came to the world. / All the cities [of the] world stirred, they shook.
(The world) did not wi/[sh to] ace[pt m]e; unless I humbled its rebelliousness 30 [] I have
subdued its powers and brought / [] all that were there. I have planted in it / [] I have sown
this [s]eed of life.

Persia 189.1
Once again the apostle speaks: There are f[our great kingdoms] / in the world. [The first is the
kingdom (189) of] the land of Ba[by]lyon and of Persia. The s[ec/o]nd is the kingdom of the
Romans. The thir[d / is the k]ingdom of the Axumites. The fourth is the kin/[g]dom of Silis.
These four great kingdoms e[x5i]st in the world; there is none that surpasses them. /

Entered by James A. Hakeem, Jr.

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