10 Sumacad Et Al. vs. Province of Samar and PNB

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SUMACAD et al. vs.


G.R. No. L-8155; Oct. 23, 1956; Paras.
Digest by Ian.
Doctrine: There was implied acceptance and the drawee bank voluntarily assumed the
obligation of holding so much of the deposit of the province of Samar as would be sufficient to
cover the amount of the check when it requested to be furnished a photostatic copy of the check
and required the holder to secure the necessary certification from the provincial treasurer and
auditor per circular of the Department of Finance.
Facts: Check worth P25, 000.
Drawer: Province of Samar
Drawee: Philippine National Bank
Payee: Paulino Santos (postmaster of Borongan)
Indorsee/-er: James Mcguire
Indorsees/ Holders: Plaintiffs Violet Mcguire Sumacad et al.
1. In May 1942, the check was issued by the drawer. After the liberation in 1946, indorser
Mcguire presented the check to the Municipal treasurer of Borongan for payment but but
the latter (who merely noted it) was not able or did not choose to pay the same.
2. McGuire wrote letters to the Bureau of Posts dated May 28 and August 5, 1948, and March
30, 1950 seeking payment of the check, which were in turn referred by the Director of the
Bureau of Posts to the PNB on April 21, 1950.
3. On April 25, 1950, the PNB requested the Bureau of Posts to furnish it with
photostatic copies of the check which were duly received by the bank on May
12, 1950. As of this date the province of Samar still had a deposit of P84,287.47
with the drawee .
4. On May 14, 1950, the drawee requested James McGuire to present the check to
the provincial treasurer and the provincial auditor for certification in accordance
with the circular issued by the Secretary of Finance of July 3, 1947. Before the
check could be certified by the authorities concerned as being in order and entitled to
priority of payment, the province of Samar, on September 4, 1951, withdraw the
amount of P83,504.07, leaving a balance of only P743.43.
5. In the meantime, James McGuire transferred his rights to the check to the
herein Plaintiffs who, unable to cash it, filed in the Court of First Instance of Samar on July
27, 1953, the present complaint against the province of Samar and the Philippine National
6. Trial Court- ruled in favor of plaintiffs. Only PNB appealed.
7. Defense of PNB:
a. It did not issue the check and was merely called upon to pay the same upon being
presented for encashment if and when funds for the purpose were available; chan
b. rIt could not have paid said check because it was never presented to it with the
required certification under the circular of the Secretary of Finance of July 3, 1947;
c. That the relation between the Appellant bank and the province of Samar was that of
debtor and creditor, the debtor being without power to inquire into the obligation of
his creditor unless it had an interest in the same; ch
d. That there is nothing in the records to show that the holder of the check ever
requested the Appellant bank to withhold the amount of the check or ever filed,
before the exhaustion of the deposit of the province of Samar, any order from the
courts or proper authorities to withhold the amount covered by the check;
e. That in any event, the Appellant bank cannot be held solidarily liable, the province
of Samar being the drawee of the check and therefore primarily liable to pay the
Issue: WON PNB may be held liable under the check.

Held: Yes. There was implied acceptance on the part of drawee. Nevertheless, it was merely
subsidiarily liable, the drawer being primarily liable. Decision affirmed.
Ratio: In view of the fact that as early as May 12, 1950, upon its own request, it was furnished
with photo static copies of the check in question; and on May 14, 1950, it went to the trouble of
requiring James McGuire to present the check to the provincial treasurer and provincial auditor
for necessary certification, it voluntarily assumed the obligation of holding so much of the
deposit of the province of Samar as would be sufficient to cover the amount of the check, or
before allowing the withdrawal that exhausted said deposit, of making the necessary inquiry on
the matter. In our opinion, an implied acceptance of the check by the Appellant bank was
thereby created. The request by the Appellant bank from the Bureau of Posts for photo static
copies of the check and the subsequent requirement by it for its presentation by James McGuire
to the provincial treasurer and the provincial auditor for certification, would be an empty gesture
if the Appellant did not thereby mean to assume the obligation of paying the check and holding
sufficient deposit of the drawer for the purpose. Even so, Appellants resulting obligation is
merely subsidiary, the province of Samar being primarily liable to pay the check.
Padilla, dissenting: The only party liable for the payment of the check is the Province, the drawer.
The drawee cannot be held subsidiarily liable because the check was not presented to it for
payment hence it follows that it was not able to refuse payment. The requests for the photostatic
copies as well as the certifications did not create an obligation on the part of the drawee to pay
the amount of the check. The fact the PNB actually requested for these shows that the original
check had not been presented to the drawee.

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