Victoria Electoral
Victoria Electoral
Victoria Electoral
Research Center
Working Papers
WP 2008-8
April 2008
We study a two-party contest where candidates strategically allocate their campaign resources between two salient issues. We analyze
to what extent the following indicators of a partysuccess predict the
electoral victory: (1) the pre-campaign advantage, (2) the advantage
on every salient issue, and (3) the advantage on campaign resources.
We show that the electoral victory is guaranteed only when a party
has a su ciently large advantage on every salient issue. Otherwise
no combination of these indicators ensures the electoral victory.
Key-words: Election campaign, salient issues, majority voting.
JEL classication numbers: D72, C70
A previous version of this paper was entitled A model of political campaign manipulation. The authors thank Enriqueta Aragons, Carmen Bevi, and Luis Corchn for
their helpful comments. Financial assistance from Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia under project SEJ2005-04805, and Junta de Andaluca under project SEJ01645 is gratefully
Corresponding author: M. Socorro Puy, Dpto. Teora e Historia Econmica, Facultad
de Econmicas. Campus El Ejido, Universidad de Mlaga, 29013, Mlaga, Spain. Fax:
+34 95 213 1299. E-mail: [email protected]
Political parties success indicators measure the chances that a party has
of achieving a majority on election. Having more chances of winning the
elections is usually attributed to (1) the pre-campaign advantage, (2) the advantage on every salient issue, and (3) the advantage on campaign resources.
In this paper we analyze from a theoretical viewpoint whether any of these
indicators predicts the electoral victory of a political party. We consider
a two-party, two-dimensional spatial model of political competition. For
the duration of the political campaign, partiesplatforms have already been
decided. We follow the emphasis theory to describe partiescompetition in
the political campaign. The emphasis theory, as described by Page (1976),
argues that "political information is imperfect and there are limits on the
number of messages that candidates can transmit or that the average voter
can or will receive. Candidates must allocate their emphasis (in time, energy,
and money) among policy stands and other sorts of campaign appeals". As
proposed by Page and formalized by Simon (2002) and Amors and Puy
(2007), parties strategies for the duration of the political campaign aim
at emphasizing the feature (in terms of issues) of the political party that
attracts more votes.1 In our model, parties campaign strategies consist of
emphasizing some political aspects more than other.
According to our model, the electorate can be partitioned into three
groups: partisan voters (those who will vote for one of the parties irrespectively of the parties campaign strategies), issue voters (those whose vote
depend on the campaign strategies, and whom the parties aim at inuencing
via campaign expenditures), and abstention voters (those who are indierent
between both political parties).
We show that the only indicator that can be used to predict the electoral
victory is the advantage on the salient issues. A su ciently largeadvantage
on every salient issue guarantees the electoral victory as far as it guarantees
that a party has a majority of partisan voters. When no party has a majority
of partisan voters, the issue voters come into the scene and every kind of
mischief regarding the electoral results can occur. In particular, we nd
that a party may be majority-defeated in the elections even if it is the precampaign winner, has more campaign resources than its opponent, and has
Among others, Laver and Hunt (1992), Budge (1993), Riker (1993), Petrocik (1996),
Simon (2002), and Sigelman and Buell (2004) show that there is empirical evidence of
candidates emphasizing some issues more than others.
an advantage on every salient issue (as long as the sum of these advantages
is not too large).
The later result is related to the literature on the Ostrogorskis paradox
(Daudt and Rae 1976), originating from Ostrogorski (1902). This literature postulates that the candidate with a majority on every single issue can
be majority-defeated in a representative democracy.2 We depart from the
assumptions of this paradox in two main respects: voters preferences and
partiesbehavior. While the Ostrogorskis paradox assumes that voters vote
for the party with which they agree on more rather than fewer issues, we
assume that voterspreferences have intensities over issues and they vote for
the party that match their own ideal policy more accurately. Concerning the
political parties, while the Ostrogorskis paradox considers static parties, we
consider that parties behave strategically allocating emphasis across issues.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the
model. Section 3 analyzes the success indicators. Section 4 provides the
The model
There is a society with a nite set of voters, N = f1; :::; ng, which will select
by popular election a representative to serve in the legislature. There are two
political parties, A and B, that compete for winning a majority of the votes
by spending campaign resources. There are two political issues, 1 and 2.3
Each party j 2 fA; Bg has a political position xj = (xj1 ; xj2 ) 2 [0; 1]2 ;
where xjr 2 [0; 1] is the political position of party j on issue r 2 f1; 2g. We
assume that parties political positions are dierent on both issues: xA1 6=
xB1 and xA2 6= xB2 .4 Each party j is endowed with some xed campaign
funds cj
0. Campaign funds are devoted to the advertising campaign.
A campaign strategy of party j is a vector cj 2 Cj = f(cj1 ; cj2 ) 2 R2+ :
cj1 + cj2
cj g, which indicates how the party allocates its funds between
There are several posterior analyses that compare the results obtained in the elections
under representative democracy and those obtained by majority voting in issue-by-issue
elections (e.g., Bezembinder and Van Acker, 1985, Kelly, 1989, and Laond and Lain,
The results of this paper can be generalized to the case of m 2 issues. For simplicity
of exposition we focus on the case of two issues.
If the political positions of both parties on issue r are identical, then issue r becomes
innocuous according to the emphasis theory.
1 (c1 )[xj1
i1 ]
i2 ] :
2 (c2 )[xj2
T (c) [xj1
i1 ]
i2 ]
is the relative intensity of the preferences of voters over
where T (c) = 12 (c
(c2 )
issue 1 when the prole of campaign strategies is c. The greater T (c), the
more relevant is issue 1 compared to issue 2 in voterspreferences.
Voter i is indierent between the two parties (and then he abstains from
voting) when his ideal political position satises the following condition:
x2B2 ]
i1 :
The line dened by Equation (3) divides the policy space [0; 1]2 into two
regions based on the voters most preferred party. Since each party j can
+cB )
spend at most cj , we have 2 (c1A(0)
6 T (c) 6 1 (c2A(0)
for all c 2 C. We
+cB )
+cB )
denote Tmin = 2 (c1A(0)
and Tmax = 1 (c2A(0)
the minimum and maximum
+cB )
values of T (c).
Every voter i such that ui (j; c) > ui (k; c) (with j 6= k) for all c 2 C always
votes for party j, no matter what the prole of campaign strategies is. We
call these voters partisan voters of party j.
There can be voters such that ui (A; c) > ui (B; c) for some c 2 C and
ui (B; c0 ) > ui (A; c0 ) for some c0 2 C. These voters cast their ballots for one
or the other political party, depending on the campaign strategies. We call
these voters issue voters.5
Given any prole of campaign strategies c 2 C, party j wins the elections
if Vj (c) > Vk (c) (and therefore, party k is majority-defeated). For simplicity,
we assume that when parties are involved in a tie party A governs.
Issue 2
Issue 1
Interval [Tmin ; Tmax ] can be partitioned into dierent subintervals according to the party that wins the elections. We call it the winning partition of
[Tmin ; Tmax ]. Figure 1 provides an example to illustrate this concept. There
Some authors assume that the set of voters inuenced by campaign expenditures is a
xed fraction of uninformed voters (see, e.g., Baron, 1994, and Grossman and Helpman,
are three voters with ideal political positions 1 , 2 and 3 . The political
positions of the parties are represented by points A and B. Abusing notation we use Tmin (resp. Tmax ) to denote the line dened by Expression (3)
when T (c) = Tmin (resp. T (c) = Tmax ). The winning partition of [Tmin ; Tmax ]
consists of two subintervals: [Tmin ; T1 ) and [T1 ; Tmax ]. To see this note that
for all T (c) 2 [Tmin ; T1 ) the winning party is B (since voter 1 casts his ballot
for party A and voters 2 and 3 cast their ballots for party B). Similarly, for
all T (c) 2 [T1 ; Tmax ] the winning party is A (if T (c) = T1 there is a tie).
Political parties aim at winning the elections. Preferences of each party
j 6= k are represented by the following utility function:
1; if Vj (c) > Vk (c)
0; if Vj (c) < Vk (c)
and wA (c) = 1; wB (c) = 0 if VA (c) = VB (c):
wj (c) =
The concepts of dominant strategies and Nash equilibria are closely linked: (cj ; ck ) is a
Nash equilibrium of the campaign game where party j wins if and only if cj is a dominant
strategy that ensures js victory.
In particular, if the winning partition has two subintervals, then there is T1 2
[Tmin ; Tmax ] such that party j wins for all T (c) 2 [Tmin ; T1 ] and party k wins for all
T1 , cj = (0; cj ) is a dominant strategy for party
T (c) 2 (T1 ; Tmax ]. In this case, if 12(c
(cj )
1 (ck )
2 (cj )
Next, we analyze to what extent three success indicators ensure that a political party cannot be majority-defeated in the elections. These indicators
are: the advantage on campaign resources, the pre-campaign advantage, and
the advantage on every salient issue.
3.1 The advantage on campaign resources
Having more campaign funds than the opponent does not guarantee the
electoral victory, even if the dierence is extremely large. To see this note
that when a party has a majority of partisan voters, such party wins the
elections for all c 2 C, even if it has no campaign resources.
3.2 The pre-campaign advantage
The pre-campaign advantage measures the percentage of votes that a
party would obtain if there were no political campaign. We write c = 0 to
denote the situation where there is no campaign expenditures. Let T0 = 12 (0)
be the relative intensity of voterspreferences over issue 1 in this situation
(note that Tmin < T0 < Tmax ). The party that achieves a majority in this case
is the pre-campaign winner. The pre-campaign advantage does not guarantee
the electoral victory.
Proposition 1 There is no pre-campaign advantage that guarantees that a
political party wins the elections.
Proof: Suppose that all votersbliss points coincide, and that there is T1 2
[Tmin ; Tmax ] such that all voters vote for party j when T (c) 2 [Tmin ; T1 ), and
vote for party k when T (c) 2 (T1 ; Tmax ]. Suppose that T1 < T0 . Then party
k would obtain 100% of the votes if there where no political campaign (i.e.,
party k has the maximum pre-campaign advantage). However, there always
exist some inuence functions and amounts of campaign funds such that
1 (ck )
< T1 . In this case cj = (0; cj ) is a dominant strategy for party j that
2 (cj )
ensures its victory.
3.3 The advantage on every single issue
We say that party j has a majority on issue r when it wins the hypothetical election where individuals only care about that issue. Let njr be the
number of voters that, on issue r; strictly prefer party j to party k. Formally,
njr = # i 2 N : [xjr
ir ] > [xkr
ir ] . Party j has a majority on issue
r when njr > nkr (j 6= k).8
Having a majority on both issues does not guarantee the electoral victory.
The electoral victory is guaranteed only if a party holds a su ciently large
majority on both issues.
n +n
then party j wins the elections, no matter how much campaign funds the parties have.
Issue 2
Issue 1
(0:2; 0:9).12
In the previous example, two issue voters are crucial to win the elections.
As we have shown, there is a subinterval of the winning partition where
party B can win the elections. This subinterval can be achieved by slightly
inuencing preferences on both political issues. The key idea is that by
means of slightly inuencing preferences in this way, party B captures voter
2 without losing voter 3: If instead party B spends all its campaign funds
on issue 1 or on issue 2, then party A wins. It is important to note that a
necessary condition for the above result is that on one of the issues (issue 2),
Since 23 + 23 < 32 n; the su cient condition to win the elections does not hold.
While three issues and ve voters are the minimal requirements to prove the Ostrogorskis Paradox, when we account for voters intensities on political issues and for parties
strategically emphasizing issues, two issues and three voters are the minimal requirement
to prove this paradox.
the inuence function is more vulnerable than on the other issue (issue 1).13
Thus, although party A may try to compensate the strategy of party B, it
is unable to reach the pre-campaign result.
Issue 2
1(c*A1+ cB)
2(c*A2+ cB)
Issue 1
0.9 T0
In this paper we introduce a model that, in line with the emphasis theory,
considers that candidates in the political campaign can emphasize some issues more than others. We analyze to what extent the electoral victory can
We say that issue r is more vulnerable to campaign expenditures than issue s 6= r
when the growth rate of r when cr changes from 0 to cB is greater than the growth
rate of s when cs changes from 0 to cA (where cB < cA ), i.e., when rr(c(0)
> ss(c(0)
: In
Example 1,
2 (cB )
2 (0)
1 (cA )
1 (0)
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