Villar Summary of Charges

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Conflict of 1. SP Villar caused the diversion of C-5 Road Extension project to Art. VI, Sec. 14, Constitution prohibiting
interest pass through the properties owned by Villar’s corporations. any senator from, directly or indirectly,
(EVIDENCE: Project Profile) being interested financially in any
government contract during his term of
2. At least 12 properties of Villar’s corporations with an office.
aggregate area of more than two hectares were bought by the
government as roads right of way in the project Villar diverted. Art. VI, Sec. 12, Constitution requiring all
(EVIDENCE: List of affected lots) members of Congress to notify the House
concerned of a potential conflict of
3. Villar negotiated with the government for the sale of the interest that may arise from the filing of a
properties in the project he proposed. (EVIDENCE: Project Profile proposed legislation.
states “The city government of Las Piñas together with the Staff from
the Office of the proponent have negotiated the lot with owners affected Art. 7(a), Code of Conduct and Ethical
by the RROW.”) Standards of Public Officials and
Employees prohibits public officials from
4. Properties of Villar’s corporations were bought at a grossly having any financial or material interest
overpriced amount. For example, property of Brittany in any transaction requiring the approval
Corporation (a corporation controlled by Villar) was bought for of their office.
P15,000/square meter while adjacent property owned by the
Plaza family was bought for only P4,000/square meter.
(EVIDENCE: Deed of sale of Brittany and RP, Deed of sale of Plaza
and RP, BIR zonal valuation, tax declaration)

4. Villar’s PDAF/pork barrel was used to purchase roads right of

way (as shown by the DBM allocation to Villar’s PDAF for the
construction of the C-5 Road extension, including purchase of
right of way). (EVIDENCE: DBM PDAF release)

5. Villar connived with Masaito Development Corporation to

grossly overprice the sale of Masaito’s property to the

government for right of way also at a staggering amount

(P30,000/square meter) and demanded that he pocket the over-
price. Villar even had the guts to put the same in writing. In the
MOA between Villar’s company (Adelfa Properties, Inc.) and
Masaito, it is provided that the expropriation proceeds shall
pertain exclusively to Adelfa. (EVIDENCE: MOA, Deed of Sale,
acknowledgement receipt of P25M by Adelfa’s SVP)

6. Villar never notified the Senate of his conflict of interest in the

project he proposed.
Failure to divest 1. Villar never divested his interests in the corporations which Sec. 9, Code of Conduct and Ethical
interests properties will be affected by the project he proposed. Standards of Public Officials and
(EVIDENCE: General Information Sheets of corporations owned by Employees requires public officials to
Villar) avoid conflicts of interest at all times and,
when a conflict of interest arises, he shall
resign from his position and or divest
himself of his shareholdings.

Malicious, 1. Villar inserted additional P200M despite knowing that DPWH

deliberate, and already included P200M for the same project (based on 2008
fraudulent double GAB). That Villar caused the insertion was admitted by Enrile.
insertion (EVIDENCE: 2008 GAB, 2008 GAA, media statements of Enrile,
Transcript of Finance Committee hearing)

2. Villar inserted additional P200M knowing its release is subject

to his approval. Sen. Andaya admitted that Villar will be the one
to request for the release of the P200M. (EVIDENCE: Transcript
of Finance Committee hearing)

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