Prinsip Pendinginan Pasif: 1. Ventilative Cooling

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Passive cooling is the counterpart of passive space heating. While passive

solar heating is driven only by sun, passive cooling can utilize several heat
sinks and a variety of climatic influences to create thermal comfort in warm
regions. While passive heating has been widely adopted only recently,
passive cooling has a much longer history of theory and application in
indigenous buildings. However, few of these principles are widely found in
contemporary building design. Because a general goal of passive cooling is
not solar at all but is, instead, nonsolar. Even anti solar (Cook, 1990).
However, because passive heating and cooling both depend heavily on heat
flow by natural means (convection, conduction, radiation, and phase change)
they share many principles.


a. Exhausting warm building air and replacing it with cooler outside
air; b. directing moving air across occupants skin to cool by a
combination of convection and evaporation. In passive applications,
the required air movement is provided either by the wind or by the
stack effect. In hybrid applications, movement may be assisted by
The transfer of heat from warmer surface to a cooler surrounding
surface (or outer space). It may be used to cool the building (where
warm building surfaces radiate heat to the sky) or to cool people
(where the warm skin radiates heat to cooler surrounding room
surfaces, to the cool walls of an underground building, for example).
The exchange of sensible heat in the air for the latent heat of water
droplets of wetted surfaces. It may be used to cool the building (where
wetted surfaces are cooled by evaporation). building air (cooled either
directly by evaporation, or indirectly by contact with surface previously

cooled by evaporation), or the occupants (where evaporation of

perspiration cools the skin surface).
The removal of water vapor from room air dilution with drier air,
condensation, or desiccation. In the case of condensation and
desiccation, dehumidification is the exchange of latent heat in the air
for the sensible heat of water droplets on surfaces; both are the
reverse of evaporative cooling and, as such, are adiabatic heating
The use of thermal storage to absorb heat during the warmest part of a
periodic temperature cycle and release it later during a cooler part
Psychrometric chart showing extensions of comfort zone with various
passive cooling strategies : a. conventional dehumidification, b
ventilation, c. high thermal mass, d. comfort zone, e. evaporative
cooling, f. high mass with nighttime ventilation, g. humidification and
h. conventional air conditioning. (Based on Mine and Givoni, 1979;
modified for the ASHRAE, 1989, comfort zone.)

Ventilation is one of the most ancient of cooling strategies. In arid
climates where there is a wide variation in daily temperatures and
massive construction(particularly stone and adobe masonry), nightonly ventilation (night flushing) has been generally used. This takes
advantage of the cool night air temperatures while isolating the interior
from the extremely hot daytime conditions. However, hot arid climates
also have abundant other strategies (especially evaporation and
nocturnal radiation).
Gambar 15.1 People cooling; extending the comfort zone by
increasing air movement. (After Milne and Givoni, 1979)
Gambar 15.3 Air always flow from a region of high pressure to a region
of lower pressure.

Gambar 15.4 Air has mass (and thus momentum)and it will tend to
continue in its direction until altered by an obstruction or adjacent
Gambar 15.5 The overall effect of wind at a site is so large that locally
deflected airflow (by trees or buildings, for example) will tend to return
to the direction and speed of the site wind.
Gambar 15.9 The stack effect results when air in the building warms,
becomes more buoyant than outside air, and rises to escape out of
openings high in the building.
Gambar 15.10 Cross ventilation requires an outlet as well as inlet.
( Analogy :water cannot be put into a bottle that is already full unless
some old water is removed first-through a hole in the opposite end of
the bottle, for example).
Gambar 15.11 Low pressure zone occur along the sides parallel to the
wind and on the leeward side of building.
a. Windows placement
Cross ventilation in rooms where openings are on opposite
walls creates the best airflow.
b. Interior partitions
The location and orientation of interior partitions can effect
the velocity and direction of airflow within a building.
Gambar 15.17 Wing wall design patterns for two windows on the same
or adjacent walls showing probable airflow patterns and wing directions
for improved ventilation performance due to wing walls: a. excellent, b.
poor, c. good, poor, e. excellent, f. good, g. poor, and h. poor. (After
Chandra et al 1983).
Gambar 15.25 : The vertical position of the inlet window is
important in maximing the airflow through the lower, occupied
portion of the room; the low inlet is best for cooling. The outlet
location has little effect on flow within the room.
Gambar 15.26: An overhang above the inlet window directs the
interior airflow along the ceiling out of the occupied zone; the
addiction of a slot separating the overhang from the building
redirects the flow down in to the room, increasing the useful cooling
a. Wind ventilator caps

Wind ventilators can be used to enhance ventilative airflow in

buildings either in conjunction with the types of solar chimneys
described above, or alone, depending solely on the force of the
wind to induce a section.
Gambar 15.28: An interior partition added parallel to windflow
has a minimum effect on velocity and direction, while a similar
partition positioned perpendicular redirects the pattern and
reduces the velocity.
Gambar 15.29: Similarly, partitions placed outside of the main
flow path have little effect while those blocking the path create a
dam effect, creating stagnant areas.

Gambar 16.1: Frost- suppression strategies in agriculture: a.
using smog-producing smudge pots to create a. radiation blanket
and b. wind generators to induce convective warming. Because
the wind dissipates the smoke, the two strategies are not
Gambar 16.2: An ancient Iranian ice pond. These were several
hundred maters in length, and produced ice by radiative cooling
to clear night sky; high adobe walls provided shading and
deflected convective warming winds.
Gambar 16.3: Courtyard which combines radiantly cooled
convective air drainage with massive exterior walls to delay
conductive heat transfer.
Gambar 16.4: Skytherm diagrams: a. summer operation showing
insulation in place over water mass during the daytime and
retracted at night, and b. winter operation showing insulation
retracted during the daytime and place at night.

Gambar 16.7: Cool pool building : a. day, and b. night cooling


Gambar 17.1: Evaporation is a constant-enthalpy process (the
latent heat gained equals the sensible heat lost) and occurs
along the wet-bulb/enthalpy lines on the psych chart. The
comfort zone is shaded and the dotted line defines conditions
that can be made comfortable using direct evaporative cooling.
Gambar 17.2: Evaporative food cooler; dripping water keeps
open-wave, absorbent fabric wallswet, cooling dry breezes.
Gambar 17.7 Direct evaporative air cooler.
Gambar 17.8: Indirect evaporative air coolers: a. open-loop, and
b. closed-loop systems.

Gambar 18.9: Degrees of earth sheltering: a. underground construction
(large structural roof load; extensive, inaccessible waterproofing), vs.
b. bermed construction (wall are basement-type construction; roof is
wood frame construction with conventional insulation and roofing).
Conclution: given the special structural, waterproofing, and insulation
requirements for earth-covered roofs, it is unlikely that the added
construction cost can be justified solely on the basis of energy savings
(in comparison with, for example, well=insulated, conventional frame
roof construction above bermed wall construction)
Gambar 18.10: Relationship to surface of earth-sheltered design
alternatives: a. fully recessed, b. semirecessed (bermed), c. recessed
into hillside, and d. above-anbelow-grade rooms combined.
Gambar 18.11: Plan organizational strategies for earth-sheltered
buildings: a. elevational plan (all major rooms face toward south

Gambar 18.11: Plan organizational strategies for earth-sheltered

buildings: b. courtyard (open atrium) plan.
Gambar 18.12: Thermal breaks are required (at locations like those
labeledT.B) to prevent thermal nosebleed conductive losses in
underground structures
Gambar 18.13: Temperature profiles showing the generation of
condensation on cool, earth-contact surfaces: a. no insulation, b.
insulation outside wall, and c. insulation inside wall.

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