Abdominal Hernia: Jama Patient Page
Abdominal Hernia: Jama Patient Page
Abdominal Hernia: Jama Patient Page
Abdominal wall
Indirect inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia
Family history of hernia
Being male
The first symptom of a hernia is usually a small bulging under the
skin that is generally painless but may produce discomfort and get
larger during strenuous activities or coughing. At this stage, the
hernia is reducible because its contents (bowel) can be pushed
back into the abdomen. However, if the hernia grows, it may
become incarcerated (unable to be pushed back). If blood stops
flowing through an incarcerated bowel, this results in
strangulation, which is accompanied by pain, often with nausea,
vomiting, or constipation.
inguinal ring
Intestinal loop
A hernia may result in entrapment of other organs (such as the bladder or colon) or
nerves, producing constipation or problems with urination or sexual function.
A strangulated hernia is a surgical emergency because part of the bowel may become
necrotic (dead), resulting in life-threatening peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal
cavity) needing surgical removal of part of the bowel. If you have a hernia and
significant abdominal pain, pain over the hernia, or nausea or vomiting, you should
seek medical care immediately.
inguinal ring
Spermatic cord
Initial treatment of a minor hernia includes avoiding heavy lifting and strenuous
exercises and, sometimes, wearing a support (truss or girdle). It used to be thought that
all hernias should be repaired. However, recent evidence suggests that repair should be
performed only if significant discomfort or pain is associated with the hernia. The
operation to repair a hernia is called a herniorrhaphy (closing the gap in muscles).
When the gap is large, a plastic mesh may be used for reinforcement of muscles of the
abdominal wall. Use of mesh reduces the risk of the hernia recurring, but the mesh
material can become infected. In some cases, hernia repairs may be performed
laparoscopically (through small skin incisions using a fiberoptic tube with a camera
and small instruments), although this approach has not been shown to be better than
traditional open operations.
Sources: National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health
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